THE DA iL! EVENING TELE GR API 1- PHIL ADELP1I I A , SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 1801). 3 NEWS QUXVllyXAXUr. DonirMlc Atlnlr. Hold closed yeeteriUy at l:4 Tbo United States is to have a regular sys tem of postal exchange with Rrilfch Honduras. The SiiH(iiehaima Ruilrti.ul has resumed ImsincsB. The road lias been repaired and trains are running. A convention Is to lie held in San Francisco to nominate candidates for municipal otllces. and to stay the course of corruption in local political affairs. Commodore Jarvis, of the United States Navy, died at Geneva. Mo., on Thursday, at the ikc of 14 years. He had been for several years on the retired list. The work inmen of Baltimore are organizing in favor of an Independent candidate' for the Presidency. Judge Chase, it is said, will be their candidate. On Wednesday Ut a dilliculty occurred at lleathville, Northumberland county, Virginia, in which one colored man was killed and several were wounded. Governor Mitchell, of New Mexico, has, it is said, issued a decree of outlawry against the Navajo and Gila-Apache Indians, on account of their depredations. Documents have been sent to the State De partment by the I'nited States Minister in China, relative to the treatment of coolies in 1'eru. They will soon be made public. At 1 larrWburg lat evening Miriam Deirrcc Lodge of I. O. of (). 1'. was organized. Another Hebekah Decree I.ihIlc was also organized at Fairvicw, Cumberland county, in the afternoon. A New York Sheriff is searching through Albany for Messrs. I'ruyn, Van Yalkcnburg. and lianisev, and is unable to find them. Their arrest fs sought for contempt of Judge JIarnard's orders, Fnrriun Afliili'N. Napoleon is conciliating the people by am nesty decrees. The latest pardons many political and press offenses. The capture of Dcrry wn celebrated by the Orangemen in Dublin yesterday, aud it is re ported that no disturbances occurred. Another Carlist movement has taken places in Spain. Five hundred Carlists, under Estartu.s, have entered the kingdom from France. Lishon, Aug. 13. The new Ministry lias been formed as follows: President of Council and Minister of Interior, Duke of Loreute: War, Mal donado: Finance, JSraameamb; Public Works, Lobrouvila: Foreign Affairs, Mendezzal; Marine, Kibelle de Silvu; Justice, Lucian de Castro. MISSISSIPPI. KcKitinnttoii of nn Indignant District Attornry- The following letter of resignation has been forwarded to the President: Washington, D. C, Aug. 10, 18tii To his Excellency U. S. Grant. President of the United States. Sir: I respectfully tender my resigna tion of the ollice of Attorney of the United States for the Southern District of Mississippi. Though the ollice is not one of much import ance, 1 cannot retain it without being identitied, to some extent, with an administration whose acts, so far as they relate to my own State, 1 cannot approve. Major Wofford, an ollicer of the late Rebel army, who. in defiance of the con tumely aud reproach heaped upon him by the Southern people, supported bravely and almost alone in his district the reconstruction policy of Congress, has been removed from ollice. From the late approved published statement of your views,!, am justified in the belief that this is done in accordance with the established policy of your administration. From the same sources I learn your confidence in and support of General Ames, an officer who has degraded his position as military commander of the Fourth Military Dis trict by exercising its functions solely in fur therance of his own personal aud partisan ends, unhesitatingly avowing that he desired to use the high ollice of Senator from my State as a stepping-stone to the appointment of brigadier general m the regular army, and whose whole course in that State has been marked by a tyran nical exercise of power utterly antagonistic to the spirit of the reconstruction laws. As a resident of Mississippi, and one of the founders of the Republican party of the State, though never apolitical aspirant, I would be false to my State and the Republican principles which I have always maintained, if I longer retained the office to which your kind preference has assigned me. 1 am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, G. GounoN Adams. Sera ins;s. St. Louis is a Gretna Green for Illinois. Kust is spreading in tke Georgia cotton fields. An Ohio man lias eloped with Lis mother-in-law. Georgia is called the "Yankee State of the South." Nine nephews and nieces now own the Mammoth Cave. The manufactories in Lawrence pay the city 1L'0,)()0 tax. A rattlesnake with forty-five rattles was lately killed in Tennessee. Last - week the Union Pacific liailroad sold 80,000 worth of land. Chicago has subscribed $20,000 for a Lase-ball club to beat Cincinnati next year. A negress one hundred and nineteen years old is Kentucky s latest claim to pre eminence. A call is issued for a State Convention of "those known as Copperheads during the war. An Illinois woman had her husband fined $11 for whipping her, and then claimed half for informing. Michigan burglars get considerable plun der by fishing out of bed-rooms by means of a Dole and a hook. In JSijO there were over 102 miles of horse railroad in the United States. There are now over 'iooo miles. In the Jersey horso-watoring apparatus, by pulling a line, water flows from a tank on the wagon into the animal's mouth. The proprietor of a bone-mill advertises that "persons sending their own bones to be ground will be attended to with, punctuality und despatch. Flying; SliK-Iciiies. At a meeting of the Aerial Navigation Com pany held on Friday, July 24, In San Francisco, !i Lv..i v. .! to raise, the necessary funds to cou- ed Avitor of large size. The .ni..tnn i.f ttm engineers of the company was unanimous as to success so lar, and the feasi- biliiv and success of the projected tlylug-stiip. It will be about 150 feet in length, 20 to 40 leet diameter of the gasometer, with propelling blades on each ido of the centre, describing a raflins of nbout 111 feet. The propellers are hhaped like a steauir-hip'a, with two blades each, verv 1 ir it. i hov Will oo unveii bv a steam enirino of five horse-power wciirhintr. with boiler, connections, and water, 4;10 pounds. The planes on each side for floating the mchlne will be about 20 feet wide at the centre of the machine, and made in teetions, bo they can bo depressed or elevated at pleasure with the rudder or tall, ino irauie- work will'bo made by Kimball iSc Co., the carriage-makers: the gasometer will bo made in sections, so that in the event of accident to one section the remainder will bo sullielent for till practical purposes; Indeed, it is claimed that the thip can fly through the air with such speed that the sustaining power of the planes alone will bo tufllcient to maintain the Avitor in mid-air. Tho gasometer will be made, probably, of thin muslin or Bilk, saturated with gutta-percha. It is to curry four pe.rsons.f and will be readv for trial In W to HO days. The result of ihl experiment will be looked for with great Interest all over the Foreign Items. It has been very hot in Paris. A Seville orange tree bears about 80.X) a year. Fare through the Suez Canal will be two dollars. Great Britain imports X10,000,000 worth of tea a year. China spends forty million dollars per an num for opium. A sparrow with three legs was caught in England lately. Twenty-four trains ruu daily between Glas gow and Edinburgh. liolled seaweed is extensively used in France for clarifying beer. A line of tugs Is about to be established In the Stiaits of Magellan. In the Serpentine river, Hyde Park, l'.O lives have been lost since 18-14. Six thousand working masons have just struck at lierlin for higher wages. Interesting excavations are being made at the Temple of Jlacchus. Athens. AY omen wen; employed and commended as compositors in Italy as early as 14S1. Gas was first used in London in 107, Tall Mall being the street earliest illuminated. The lirst public drinking fountain Loudon had was erected at private expense in H'S. It is becoming common in Ireland to steal the crucifixes and images troin the graveyards. Cigar-smoking wa almo-t unknown in England at the outbreak of the lirst French Revolution. The Wenliam Lake Ice Company of London now procures its supplies from the north of Europe. Nearly IIO.OOO persons left Glasgow on a late Saturday for excursions by rail wuv and down the Clyde. ' The Czar decrees that liareuts forcing their childre n to marry or to enter convents shall be imprisoned. About a third ol the prizes at ttie n lmoie- don rille match have this year lallen to repre sentatives ol f cotlaml. -The Grand Duke Lieutenant of the Caucasus has organized a llotilla of rouboats on the Black Sea tor communication. The cupola of St. Peter's needs repairs to its lead covering, and is to be partly gilt, as in the time of Sixtus the Fifth. -The Sultan and his Yicerovhave had a fiuar- rel overthesign of 'lioyal Egyptian Post Ollice," which the latter had put lip. On the Rois. Paris, lately, a horse was seen :iiaw ing a ladvs straw-c olored cuignou as she sat in a vehicle in front of him. -A well-kuo'vn English tailor has orders from the Sultan to supply European livery to the ser vants who are to wait upon Eugenie. A pharmacy lias nust been opened at Yiont- pelier, France, by Madame Dcumergue, U. S., the lirst in France under direction of a woman. A Scotchman has lost two suits for breach of promise brought against him by the same girl, and now gets lus damages hack by marrying tier. An English cheesemonger has lett I.jU.OUU for the purpose of opening Crystal Palace on Sundays, and -j.Ml.lKlO to the Society against State bCllgloll, Charing Cross Hosp:tal. London, threatens the theatre with an injunction, alleging that the noise in the orchestra is detrimental to its pa tient. -The Hank of England has a system of mys terious and almost imperceptible dots, varying upon each note, and known only to the olliccrs of the bank. I'uu. MiiliM icti. France produces from 7.000,000.000 to 8,000.- (100,000 of eggs annually. The c.-timated pro duction of eggs in Great Britain is "J. 000. 000,000 annually, and vet England pays about (5,000,000 in gold for importations from France, Belgium, and Holland. In Paris oflicials appointed by the city government inspect not only the number unci quality, but the size of the eggs. These in spectors are supplied with a ring, all eggs pass ing through which are thrown out, or, if taken. bring an interior price. MARINE TELEGRAPH. V'or mlditiimal Marine S'eim see Firnt 1'wn: ALMANAC IOR PHILADEf.PHI A-THIS DAY. Hi'nRiseh 6W Moon Nets Iran KIN SfcTS 7'uU I llKill Wateu PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. Jobn O. .James, j c B. Demioiiow, Committee or the Month. Thomas L. Uillkspie, ) CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship Tomiwiindii, Wakoley, ivivunnuli, Philadelphia ana ftomuurn man moamsnip uo. Steumur II. L. (law, llor, Baltimore, A. (iroves, Jr. Br. brig Elena, Mewnrt, Ivij-tut, J. K. liazioy X Co. Brig Nellie Mowe, Merrymun, Barbados, Warren A Cregg. linn 11. 11. Soavey, Leo, Bangor, Hammott, Neill &. (Jo. BriK L. btovons, Stevens, Huston, Audenrbtd, Norton Jc Co. Sclir Vernal, Sawyer, Salem, Knight A Sons. Scbr Wm. II. Tiers, tiittord, Salem, llauuuett, Neill A Co, Schr Lizzie Raymond, lord, Norwich, do. Scbr R. S. Corson, Corson, Providence, do. bchr L. A. Rurlingarae, Hurlingame, Cambridge, do. Scbr Lucy Church, Adams, Nantucket, do. Scbr O. S. Adams, Baker, Providence, do. Schr D. (i. Floyd, Weldon, Wiokford, do. Schr Ann 6. Cannon, Cobb, Providence, do. Scbr lraile Winn, uorson, csoston, an. Barge Reading KK. ivo. 14, (.mien, new vorK. do. Barge Reading RR No. ti:(, Thompson. New Barge Reading RR. No. 81, Ticker, New York, do. ARRIVKD YKSTFRDAY. Klfwimxhin Saxon. Soars. 4ti hours from Boston, with mdse. and passengers to Henry Winsor A Co. Olf Bombay Hook, passed one unusu oanjue; ueiow neeuy isiana, fourdeen scnooners: olf 1 ort Delaware, brigs Herald. from Cardenas, and Abstainer, from : off Wilmington. brig Oilmoro Mereditn. from bavannan; at (quarantine, brig Lizzie Wvman, from 7-aza. Steamship Brunette. Howe, 20 hours freia New York, with mase. to Jonn r. um. ..,,. Br. barque Maggie uamraniw, v una, as aays irom L,lv Antnnl. with salt to Wm. Rutum A Son. Sclir ftieiDourne, nnanain, irom dosioq, in uauasl lo Knight A Sons. Schr Kdward Lameyer, Gorman, 5 days from Boston, in tiMllHt. to Knii'ht A Sons. SchrKlla fish, TV llley, irom rortiana, in ballast to Knight A Sons. Scbr H. a.. moxBom, moxsom, i aayirom ienanon, Del.. with grain to Jas. ii. Bewley A Co. Schr Tycoon, Cooper, 1 day from Smyrna Creek, Dul Willi grain iu u. uuvtiwj a. Svetial Prnmtrh lo Thr Evruintl Ttlnirimh Havhe-dk-Gkace, August 14. The following boats left nere in i ow hub iuoi-uuik : J. Y. Haas, with lumber to order. Old Mike, with lumber to Honry Oroskey. (;, B. Moore, with lumber, for Chester. Nellie and ,Iobuiy, with lumber to Taylor A Bolts, i'.ary and Kluu, with coal to W. L. Lance. MKMORANDA. Steamship Aries, W iley. hence, at Boston yesterday. Baroue Pbilena. Davis, hence, at Boston vesterdav. Burtiue Acacia. Robinson, sailed from CardunuA nth iriHt.. lor a liort north of lluttoras. Utiroue Mary Pratt. KUburn, tor Philadelphia, cleared at Bosli.n I'Jih innt. Brig Bachelor, Carson, was at Kingston, Ja., 21th ult., for Philadelphia via Savanna-la-Mar. Brig Adelaide, W ilson, for Philadelphia, (ailed from raniui-tui jiiu iuni. Bnir Keoorter. ( oombs. henre. at Boston rJtb Irmt. Briir M. Lr-uise Milter. Leichton. sailed from Currinnna .0 lust., iora port norm oi uauerax. ling a iiMon, nauyer, uence lor baiem, at Holmes' Hole A.m. l-tu insi. Bnir l-.Mei. Sleeper, from Boston for PbiladnlnbU. sailed irom Holmes1 Hole Uth inst. Brig Rio Urando, Race, huuee, at Gardiner, ale.. 4th instant. Scbr Mary J. Adams, Billings, heme, at Port Soain 17th Ult.. via ni. wary s, ua. Si:br K. P. 1 ithiun. Rhodes, hence, at Norfolk ltlh dial Sciir Hoxanna, franks, suilod trom Kiciiinoud lUth iubt., for James Hiver, to load lumber for Philadelphia. Belle, Hnwes; St. Croix; aud C. O. Raymond, tienco, at Boston laih inst. Sclir Ida h. Buriress. IStlliiess: M.b. llatuawav. lno Schr Julia K. Pratt, Mckerson, tor I'hiiadelphia.olearsd at itonou iin insi. ticlir I ucceBs, Hiciiaros, irom new Lonuon tor ruiladol- t.hii. ul N'mv nrk -2th iust. Sclir I' . 11. Baker, Valley, hence, at Portsmouth, N. U., linn insi. u m. iTouver. t avior. uence. at norwicn n rn lnt Schr j. C. Thompson, Yanzaut, hence, at Wicktord 11th instant. , . , . . , . .... , . K..)i Hm-k-ni. nence. bl iiicuinono uiu insi Scbrs I'. N. Tower, Perry; .1. b. Hetwiler, Graee; and Maiy Haley, Haley, hence, at Newburvport 11th iust. Scbr H. A. Rogers, l rambes, for Philadelphia, sailed Scbrs Alabama, Vangilder; Ruth A. Baker, Loring ; A. 0. Page, Haley; and b. L. bimmons, Gaudy, bunco, at from JMowinirypon mu " balom iiuu m . . . w . ; Scbrs Kuttl bliaw, """ " , morns, for I'biladeipnia.auuou - WOODLANDS CEMETERY COMPANY Y The following Manager and Officer hTt be leviea ior tu. '-j,B10F PrMirtn,. Wil ham It. Moore, " -T" , hHinuel H. Moon. f,"rdT H,;,!'9 B.Uwm orauie, M '.Tiaiivn rt TOWNRRNTI TrManlier. have paed a reaointion requiring Koto I"bolnSnd Viaitori to P"W"t ,,U"U VSS! for aduiiD to the Uemetory. .Tick jU may be had at the Ofhre of the UowWM, tsV W A1VUU ijUttOt. OT ' FINANCIAL. A RELIABLE HOME INVESTMENT. THE FIUST H0RTGAGE BONDS of nil Wilmington and Reading Railroad, BEARING INTKHENT At SEVEN PER CENT, in Currency Pnynble April nnd Oriober, free of MTATE nnd I'NITED NTATEM TAXES. This road rani tbrongh a thickty populated and rioD agricnltaral and manufacturing district. For the present, we are offering a limited amount of the above Bondi at 85 Cents and Interest. The connection of this road with the Pennsylvania and Reading Railroad! insures' It a large and remunerative trade. We recommend the bondi a the eheanest Brat class investment in the market. win. riizrivzixi & co., UANKEKS AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENTS, NO. 36 S. T1II11D STREET, am PHILADELPHIA. DE 1UYEN & BRO., A N 1C E It 8 AND Dealers in Government Securities, UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD First mortgage Eonds, Gold, Etc., No. 40 South THIRD Street, 115 PHILADELPHIA. Z3. zx. JAraisori & co., SUCCESSORS TO P. P. KELLY & CO., Hankers and Healers in Gi, Silver, ana Government Bonfls, AT CLOSEST MAKKET RATES, N.W. Corner THIRD and CHESNUT Sts. Special attention given to COMMISSION ORDERS In New Yort and P iladelphla Stock Boards, etc. etc 8 tia 31 QLENDINNING, DAVIS & CO., KO. 48 SOUTH TIIIIID STREET, I'HILADELPHIA. GLEN'DI'JNIHG, DAVIS S AMORY, NO. 2 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK, BANKERS AND BROKERS. Direct telegraphic communication with the New York Stock Boards from the Philadelphia Office. 122 LLIOTT & DUNN HAVING REMOVED TO THEIR NEW BUILDING, NO. 100 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Are now prepared to transact a GENERAL BANK ING BUSINESS, and deal in GOVERNMENT and other Securities, GOLD, BILLS, Etc. Receive MONEY ON DEPOSIT, allowing Interest. NEGOTIATE LOANS, giving special attention to MERCANTILE PAPER. Will execute orders for Stocks, Bonds, etc., ON COMMISSION, at the Stock Exchanges of PUiladel. phla, New York, Boston, and Baltimore. 4 20 gMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., BANKERS, PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK. DEALERS IN UNITED STATES BONDS, and MEM BERS OF STOCK AND GOLD EXCHANGE, Receive Acounts of Banks and Bankers on Liberal Terms. ISSUE BILLS OF EXCHANGE ON C. J. HAM BRO 4 SON, London. B. METZLER, S. SOHN 4 CO., Frankfort. JAMES W. TUCKER & CO., Paris. And Other Principal Cities, and Letters of Credit 1 2 tf Available Throughout JIurope. CITY WARRANTS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. T. YERKESf Jr., & CO., NO. 20 SOUTH THIRD STREET, 2 4 PHILADELPHIA. pm S. PETERSON & CO., Stock and Exchange Brokers, NO. 39 BOUT1I THIRD STREET, Members of the New York and Pklladelphla Stock and Oold Boards. STOCKS, bonds, Et bought and sold on cem- FINANOIAU. B A N K INO HOUSE JAY COOKE & CO., Nos. 112-snd 114 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA, Dealers in all Government Secnr?tlei. Old 6-20B Wanted in Exchange ior New. A Liberal Difference aJlowed. Ccrnponnd Interest Notes' Wanted. Interest Allowed on Deposits. COLLECTIONS MADE. STOCKS bought iirt Bold on Commission. Special business accommodations reserved foi indies. We will receive applications for Policies of Life Insurance in the Nn tlonal Life Insurance Corupauj of the United States. Full information given at onr omce. 7 i iffl CHAMPION SAFES GK EAT TIKE AT CAMDE2T. Camdkv, June , AlBSSIlS FAHRKI-, IlF.RRINa & CO., No. 6:9 C!iesnnt Street, riilladti'.pMa. Pear Sirs: At the very destructive tire of Messrs. McKeen A Uiliglinm's baw .V.U1, which oocnrre.1 on the evening of the tith instant In this pla. e, the Safo mannfactnred by yon, lielongtiitf to tho Into lirm of F. M. Blnghura & Garrison, was In the bulldingr, and subjected to a very severe test, as the lire raged fiercely for severul hours; and so was tho heat that the brass plates were melted oif, and to our great surprise, when the Safo was opeued, we found all the books and rapers uninjured. Yours respectfully, SAMt'EF. B. GARTCIPOV, Late of F. M. Ulngham A Garrison. HERRING'S PATENT CHAM HON SATES, MOST RELIABLE SECURITY FROM FIRE NOW KNOWN,'' Manufactured and sold by FARREL, HERRING & CO., NO. C29 CIIESNUX STREET, rillLADELPIIIA. HERRING, FARREL SHERMAN, No. SM BROADWAY, New York. II ERRING A- CO., Chicago. HERRING, FARREL A SHERMAN, New Orleans. More than 30,000 Herring's Safes have been and are now in use, and over SIX HUNDRED have passed through accidental tires, preserving their con. tents in some instances where many others failed. Second-hand Safes of our own and other makers having been received In part pay for the IMPROTED HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION, for sale at prices. 417 4ptf PIANOS. STEINWAY & SON'S UPRIGHT PI ANOS. It will be wolcomo news to tha mni. ciil public that Stninwiiys hnve aucceetlod, by the mot piltantiu improTemonts, in raising the UpriRUt Piano from llB wuii-iiinjw ii mum ui iiii,tunvu mu 10 liutL or lue most pprfci't amongst the t'ifferont shapes of pitinns. The Upright Piuno of Stoinway & Sons now is more durable, keeps better in tune and in order, has more power, a purer and more musical tone, and a better touch than the gquaro piano, and rivals in most of these points even the Grand Piano. Its advantages are so plain and striking that the most prejudiced against this shape of a piano are converted by examining them: and out of twenty who want to imy a riuuare riano, ninoteon prefer now already n t'priglit one of S. AS. Purchasers will do .well to ciuunne them, at the wareroom of ET.ASIITS RTtns . 27 wstf No. ItlW CHKSNUT Street. -5--, STEC'K CO.'S it HAINES BROS'. AND MASON A HAMLIN'S CABINET AND AiK.TTtoPor.n'AiM iiuiuns with tee new anu uoamuui VUA IlUIVlAftA. Every inducement offered to purchasers. .1. K. GOULD, 7 24stuth3m No. 923 CHKSNUT Streot. Ii E M O V A L. DUTTON'S PIANO ROOMS. CHICKERINU GRAND, St,UARK AND UPRIGHT REMOVKD lO Nos. 1126 and 112o OHKSNUT STREET. 8 91m WILLIAM H. DUTTQN, ifrFi R1EKK8 BOHMIDTJ WVFl MANUrACTUBERS OF FIRST-GLASS PIANO.KORTFS. Fall guarantee and moderate prices. 825 WAKKHOOMS. No. 10 AROH Street. PATENTS. PATENT OFFICES N. W. Corner FOURTn and CHESNUT, . (Entrance on FOURTH street). FRANCIS D. FASXOHZUS, SOLICITOR OF PATENTS. Patents procured for Inventions in the United States and Foreign Countries, and all business re lating to the same promptly transacted. Call or send for circulars on Patents. Open ttlI9 o'clock every evening. S 6 smth.? T A T E N T OFFICE. PATENTS PROCURED IN THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE. tnvptitnrs wlshlnot to take out Letters Patent for New Inventions aro advised to consnlt with C. II. rvank. N. W. corner !of FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia, whose facilities for prosecuting cases before the I'atent Ollice are uriHiirpasHed by anv other agency. Gircuiars containing iuu lniorma- tloll tO lnVClUOia uuu uc uuu uu uJiiwatiuu. iuuucir made secretly. urn, 3 4thstu8 N. W. Cor. FOURTH and WALNUT. OTATE KlUltia fUK BALK. BTATJi nicVita nf a valuable Invention iust Datented. and foi .h- ki ll 11 N(i. CUTTING, and GHIPP1NU of dned beef. cabbage, etc, are hereby offered for sale. It is an article of Kreat value w yiuiirmwiB ui uoieia anu resufcarnuis, and it should be introduced into every family. HTATK RIGHTS for aale. Model can be seen at TKLEORAPU OKr 1G1. UOUrn.n o vjlli i , ii. o. Q y( w u v s ii l ft. a. a.,, FOR SALE. FOR BALE OR TO RENT. UERMANTOWN, five mlnutea walk from Wayne Station, two neat ad comfortable Housei on WAYNE Street, below Manheim, suitable for a small and genteel family, with all the modern conveniences, gas, water, range, beater, eto. Rent, $500 per annum. Apply to JACOB KAUPP. No. 77 WISTER Street. Germantown Poeseasion at once. 18 tf FOR SALE IIANDSOME THREE inn Hrii k Dwelling, three-atorv donhla hnb hniM rrfnrKn. tU tilX'lTl Street, above Groen; mnilw. In 1 .1 In a.K.IUnt ,1' 1 . ... provemenwi, ..,.m,.,MW, nMuvwu ami nuiq by the late Ueury Derringer, doceased. of the very beet materials and workmanship. Immediate Dosaesaion Aaent at now nwu w o owoa anuy. o 7 tl TO RENT. TO RENT A NEAT AND COM MO- iini. HollM. Nn 11 . , ' Apply at. i lie corner oi utiuiAN lUW.V Avenue aud LIBi"" oiree j Hiathstu:if fm, GERMANTOWN PROPERTY TO LET. A Unre, saodern-built boose, tenant-honse, ooaeb. guuTe, and live aores of land, handsomely laid out walks ...l xni ha : within two minatea1 walk o itn.'H 1 An. Na. EDUCATIONAL. klX;EST TENN SQUARK AV.s-ot.Mi, ' ' 8. W. of MARKKT Street and WKST FENNflQUARK. T. BRANTLY LANGTON. bavin leaned the upper pan of the Third National Baak Kuilding, will roupen uia School on MONDAY, September 13. The facilities of this building for school purposes will be apparent upon inspection. The (Symnwium will be under the immedial supervisl of Dr. .(arisen, and is bHn abundantly supplied with apparatus for the practioo of cither lipht or heavy gvinnastics. The course of instruction embraces all that Is needort to fit boys for Collene, Polytechnic Schools, or Commercial Lite. Ci'culnm containing full information rospeotMia 1 rimar)' Department, Collrpe Classes, the study of Vocal Music, Art, etc., may be obtained by addressing the Pnnoipal as above. 7il.tuuisti N to A I, U S I A C O L L E (i E i RKOPF.JfS SKI'TKM HFR 13. W PRIMA KY AM) AdADKMIt) ni'.l A KT.'t KMo. A IIO.MK. UUAIiDINti SI KOOl, I OR HOYS. ( kirpes- jfiV) to rf:!Mi per year. , Addren Kov. Dr. W I I.I.H, Anilu'nsia, l'a. a u "n If Y. LAUD E K AC II 8 JI CLASSICAL, SCIKNTIFIl), AND COMMERCIAL- ACADKMY, ASSKMIJLY RUII.DINOS. Fall Term will commence MONDAY, Septombor l.f. Applicants for admission will be received, oxuinined, nnd I'lusi-itied on and aftnr Auirust Iti, from 111 A. M. to 5 P. M. Kntrame No. Iiw 8. TKNTII Htrnet. tlirciilurs nt Mr. . F. WARP.L'KTUN'S, No. OP CHKSNUT St. 8 6 2m 1 E C T O II Y 8 C it IIAMDKN. CONN. 11 O O L, kvv.C.Yr. KVhl:KSr. Rertor, aidod by five resident ss'tanls. 1 ne school is closing its twontv-sixth yiar. ftiid retcrs to its old pupils, found in all the pntosions( and every departnicut. of Imrtinn. 'l'lioKiuirt physiot.1 eiiucation, im'imnnR inuitjirv drill, uoatitif;. unit swim mins in their senfim. Ao of admission, irom nino to b'uiieen. Terms, .TiiO per minimi. The fall s.-eMon tMins Senti'inher 7. Releretice- III. K- v. ,). V illiaius, 1). I). Hi;miien,.Mily In, !?. 7 27 am 1 U F U S A D A M it KLOCUTIONIST, No. llej ;IRARD Street, between Klevcnth and Twelfth nnd Chesnut and Market. t7 1 1 AMILTON INSTITUTE, DAY AND Iloardinp; School for j-ounir ladies, No. 3sl( CHKS NUT Street, will re open MONDAY, September 6. For circulars, containing terms, etc. .apply at the school, which is iu'ceetihlo to all parts of the city tiy tho horse cars. JB9 P. A. CKKGAR, A. ), Principal. "TJELACOYE INSTITUTE, BEVERLY, NEW "JERSEY. A leadinRschool for Younn Ladies, promi nent for its select tone and superior appointments. por prospectus address the Principal, f 3 tilths t M. RACHKLLE O. HUNT. ( EKMANTOWN ACADEMY, ESTABLISHED KriO. English, Classical, and Scientific School for Prys. 1'or.rdinn and Day Pupils. Sussion befrins MON DAY, September ij. Korcircularsnpply to C. V. MAYS, A. M., Principal, 8 3 tilths tf Germantinvn, Philadnlphin. T ASEI.L FEMALE SEMINARY (AT AU- jLj llURNDALK, Mass.. ten miles from lioston. on hoston and Albuny Railroad). l''or soventoen voarH a lead- in)! New Kntrhtnd Seminary. Not excelled in thorough Ki:Lrlisli or artificial training, nor in highest, acoinnlisli- lm nts in Modern LanKuaves, Paint init, und Music, ixjea- ti on lor nrann noauty. ami reunion liilhumcos, nnsur- laj-eil. Neil year begins Sept. Hi'. Adilrcsa 7 2Tiw CIIAFtLKS W. !USHlNO. TEMAI.E COLLF.CE. BOKDENTOWN. N. -I J. "'his institution, so lung and so favorably knonn, continues to furn:h tho het educational advantages, in connection with n plnsant Ciiristian lionin. (Jiita- iogui.s, with terms, etc., ttirnistieu on application. Uol leg" cpeiis Septuinbcr lti. J7;n juiin it. iikak f.l.l'.Y , Fresiaent. AIISS ELIZA W. SMITH, HAVING KE- W moved fnm No. l:KJ-l to No. 1213 M'RIJIIK Street. will reoi'en linr Hoarding and Day .School for Younir Ltt' dies on WEDNESDAY, Sept. to. ircuiars may oe oouimeu irom j.ce a naiKer.james W. tjueeu i Co., and after Augut-t 2.", ai i ii r. riuu ij. i j ,im rpilE EDGE II ILL SCHOOL, a Boarding and Day School for Boys, will begin its neit session in the new Academy Ruilding at MERCHANT VILLE, NEW JKRSEY. MONDAY, September 6, lHrtfl. Fot circulars apply to Rev. T. W. CATTELL, 6 2tf Principal. OHEGARAY INSTITUTE, ENGLISH AND KJ FRENCH, for Young Ladios and Misses, hoarding and day pupils, Nos. 1527 aud SPKUCK Streot, Phil, dulphia, Pa., will Kivuri-.iM u.ti .iiuauav, noptembcr 'JU. French is the language of tho faniilv. ami is eon. stantly spoken in the institiake. 7 loilisiuiu .MAUA.MI, P'HI.K 11, 1, Y frincipal. pUGBY ACADEMY FOR BOYS, No. 1415 "LOCUST Street, EDWARD CLARENCE SMITH, A. M., Principal. Young men prepared for"ft'n or htih nlamlinq in Col lege. Circulars at No. 122ti CHKSNUT Street 7 17 3m 7 YERS' SCIENTIFIC AND CLASSICAL IN- T V STITUTK, AT WKST CHKSTKK. PA. I he Scholastic ear of 10 months begins Wednesday. September 1, next. r or cutuiogues apply to vv.ii. r. wikks, a. m., I'M ow Principal and Proprietor. DICKINSON COLLEGE, CARLISLE. PA. The Fall Term of this Institution will begin Rentem. her 2. K. L. DASHIKLL, 7 31e4t' President. AMERICAN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. OFFICE No. 1024 WALNUT Street. CLASS ROOMS, 1(24 WALNUT and 57 N. BROAD. Instructions will begin MONIJAY. September . lrt. C IRCULARS AT THK MUSIC h TURKS. 7 2-lswUt WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETO. S LADOMUS & Co. ' DIAMOND DEALERS & JEWELERS.) WATCHES, JEWELRY A SILVER WAHK. vWATCHES and JEWELEY EEPAIEED. jOg. Chestnnt St., Watt Ladies' and Gents' Watches, AMERICAN AND IMPORTED, Of tne most celebrated makers. FINE VEST CHAINS AND LEONTINE3, In 14 and 18 karat. DIAMOND an other Jewelry ol the latest designs. Engagement and Wedding Rings, in 18-karat and coin. bold Silver-Ware for Bridal Presents, Table Cut lery, r latea w ar, etc avi) ESTABLISHED 1828. WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, and FANCY GOODS. Cc. "VV- RUSSELL, NO. S3 N. PIXTH STREET, PRILADELPniA, WILLIAM B. WARNE & CO., wnolesale Healers in WATI HI'S AND JKWKLRY. corner SKVKNTH and CHKSNIJT Streets, Second floor, anil late of No. ;to S. THIRD St. HOME LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. OF NEW YORK, WALTER S. GRIFFITH, President. A solid, sale, and reliable Company. Assets over two million dollars (42,000,000), moat securely inverted, and rapidly increasing. A OF OYER 10,000. Persons contemplating assurance on their lives are in vited to examine the literature of the Company, which may be bad at the Philadelphia office, Southwest corner of FOURTH and LIBRARY Streets, 6 8th.tu3m It. K. EHLEIl, ISeneral Agent. ICE CREAM AND WATER ICE. THE NEAPOLITAN ICE CREAM AND WATER ICES. THE PUREST AND REST IN THE WORLD. This celebrated Brick Ice Cream and Water Ice can be carried in a paper to any pwrt of the city, as you would randy rifteen or twenty ditlerent kinds of them are kept conitantly 'on bund, and ONK HUNDRED DIFFERENT FLAVORS eun be made to order foe those who desire to have something never before Keen in the United btates. And sutierior to any Ice ( 'renin made la Europe. Priucioul Depot-No. Y.Ui WALNUT Street. . RranJi StVJ-. IWtl fcPKLNli HARDEN Street. F,y, ALUltJhl 11, AMD8EMENTB. ALjNUT S'IRKBT THKATRE. n. corner NINTH and WAIJIUT Streets. OPENINfJ NIOUT, lit in r.v n.n jDfruHi i-., A NEW KKN.tATIUNAIj UKAMA, n n riroloctieendthrreaet by Henry Leslio, Fjh)., author of "1 he Orange tiirl," entitlerl DUTY, IHl'2:tt with new seenery. by Ceort;e Heihre; novel meebanual eftectB, he Arthur Wnariit; atMinimenis ny r owru Voi ; nmie selected snd arranged by Miinon Hnailer. s.u. t noioha.n . Air. t liarles wult Ruby Imyrell (first appearsJice) Lewis Morrieoa Tralalsardee W. H. Holler Auiiptus Hiown W. A. tiapman lonathan hrarioy "'"to Hetty Arnold Mrs. diaries Wnloot lrs. Knglotieart Mre. W. A. Chipnun KclfilJ Mr. nwea rawcett, J'o commence with the Imighahlo comedy of SKETCHES IN INDIA. CCOTTISH GAMES! SCOTTISH GAMES I ! O The Annual (iamen of the CA I.KIIDN I A N fll.Iin at OAKDALK PAKE, MONDAY, Aug. Irt. lW fiames Men io uu t oiii pel 1 1411 a. rimtana rtoconn I'rizes awardeo. I innie's two Hands of Mnaio ongagnd for the occai-m. Kxeursionn 1'rains overy hour from Kailrnad Depot, Ninth Rnd Creen streets. Also. Fourth and Kiuhth Streets Pas senger f 'his run direct to the Wrounds. AdiinsHion, i) eentH oniidron, m cents. J. W. AUULEM I NT. t hief. 8 IHt JOS. W. THOMPSON, Third Chicftln. V R C H ST R E K T THE A T R E. iV. FOR A SHORT SEASON. COMMKNC1NU .MONDAY F. V EN INO. Aug 9. MATIN KK ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON fat nmiminring the great t'hiet of Minstrelsy, DL PUKZ A HEN EDICT'S (iK.ANTlO MINSTRELS, composed of iM Famous Artistn, on their Sixteenth Triumphant Annual Tour, enlarged. improveo. reinooeileci lor ikw ok, intrmiueing nigntiymor vanetv. more brillinnev. niorff oriffinalitv. more real innnt. nnd giving grenter Hiitiataction than any two combined 1 lonpt's truvi'inng. Hoorx open at 7. uommnneing . ol 9 o olocR. Aitinibhion us usual at thin theatre. en CHAKI.ES H. DIIPREZ, Manager. VALER'S (LATE MILLER'S) WINTER GARDEN Nos. Tl, 722, TM, and 7Ai VINK Street, Till' ..' If A VM tllU'U I. i1U Il.V ih. n.nAid ol the GRAND DUKK )K BADEN, purchased at great expense by ,1Af 'OH VAI.F'R, of this city, in combination with I IiAMKR'8 ORCHESTRA and Miss NKLLIK AN- 1)1 HSWN will perform EVERY AFTERNOON and E EN1NU at the above-mentioned place. Admission freo. 1 13tl MKRK AN CONSERVATORY OF 1 V See Notice in Educational Column. MCSfC. 7 Jiswiat EXCURSIONS. "5 i- . iiiu.ii' jiiuuibiuiii r,.vVUlv i" I'sion up the Doltiwaro river. The commo. aju2;dious8tenmer EDWIN FORREST will mka nn vxciirsnin on SATURDAY Evoning, August 14, lHKt. lieave Arch street whnrt at 7 H0; Megnrgee s wharf at 8 o'clock I1. M. Fare for tho excursion, fill centH. A bmsix and string band will accompany the excursion. 8 13 Jt, JECK'S PHILADELPHIA BAND, NO. 1. SECOND GRAND EXCURSION AROUND NEW YORK BAY A YD STATEN ISLAND. Leaving Philadelphia, from WALKUT ST. WHARfr.oo Monday, August 16, 1869, at 7 30 A. M. FARE TOR THK EXOURSION-Sinirle Tickots. UtTim- Gentleman nnd Lady, ij-a (HI. Tickets can bo procure! at the Offices. Nos. Rll and fig Chesnut meet. Ollice of Heck's Rand. No, f jx Market at reet, und at the wharf on the morning of the Excur sion. piRST GRAND EXCURSION TO OAI'E MAY. Lodges and Encampments of the 1.0. 0.F, mef:ting at rroadway hall, FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, ON TUESDAY. AUGUST 17, 1WP. 8 6 pEAIUNG RAILROAD PARK ACCOMMO- DATION TRAIN- Hotwoon Philadolphia and Bel mont, commencing August 9, 1869. Starting from station. SEVENTEENTH 81 root and PENNSYLVANIA Avenue. and stopping at Coatee street (Park entrance). Brown street (Purk entrance), Thompson struct, Jlifllin Lane (Entrance to Engel A Wolf's F'arm), and east end of Co lumbia Bridge (Entrance to Washington Rotreat). (DAILY, BtlNDAVB EXCEPTED.) Trnins stnrt from Roven- Trains start from Bolmont- tcenth and Pennsylvania At t . a. fti. avenue : 8 tW A. M. ltruti A. w. 12 20 Noon. 3 10 P. M. 1K1 P. M. 6 35 P. M. 7 10 P. M. At 7'ln A. M. 1 M 10 A. M. 1 11'tKI A. M. 1 1 SO P. M. ' 3'OU P M. ' 4 io P. M. ' U-anP. M. 1 7 40 P. M. Arrangements have been made with the Groen and Coatee Streets, Soventoenth and Nineteenth Streets, and Union Passenger Railways to sell exchange tickets in connection with above trains, good either way, for cents. Single fnrcs, on Park Accommodation Train, lUconts. Ticket s in Packages-- 7 for 50 cents, 14 for $1'(KI. For sale at offices, Seventeenth street, Coutos stroe', and Belmont. J. LOWRIE BELL, 86 22t General Agent. RACES. IIVT It It E E Z U PARK. TUEHDA AUGUST IT. Match $1000. Mile Heats, best 3 In 5; good day and track. W. n. DOBLE nomes REGULATOR and Runnlnff Mate. JOHN LEVITT names IRONSIDES and Running Mate. Admission, 1. 8 12 4t STEAMBOAT LINES. SUNDAY TRIPS UP THE DELA WARE. The splondid and commodious steamer EDWIN VORREKT will learn A Ki ll Blreet wluirt at 8 o'clock, and M esariree's wharf. Keniiington. at 8)4 o'clock A. M, for Florence Heights and W hite Hill, touching each way at Bridesburg, Tacony. Andalusia, Beverly, Burlington, Bristol and Bobbins' whurf : returning, leaves White Hill at 4 45 P. M., and Bristol, 6 46. t are each way, 26 cents. Excursion tickets, 40 cents. 7 3 stf SUNDAY TRIPS. THE SPLEN- i-T,,id Steamboat JOHN A. WARNER will vtt leave Philadelphia (Ohesnut street wharf) ul. 1 ' and ti o'clock P. M. : Mevargee's wharf, Kensington, at 2 o'clock P. M. for Burlington and Brintol. Toncning at Riverton. Andalusia, and Beverly. Returning, leaves: Bristol at o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M. Fare, 2oo. Excursion, 40o. 7 3 9n FOR OA P E M A Y. ON TUESDAYS, Uu and alter SATURDAY, June 36, the new and splen. S'uowi5Se,MLA.PY OK iH .LAKE, Captain W. 1 HOMPSON, will commence running regularly to OAPH MAY, leaving ARCH STREET Wllf on uESDAY. THURSDAY, and SATURDAY MORNINGS atHo'clock. and returning Heave the landing at Cape May on MON. li a x p, r.uiir.iioa x o. ana Dai UxvLIAio at b 0 Clock. rare, luciuuiug carriage nire ChHdreo', " " Kervants " " Season Tickets 810 Darriage hire extra. $1-16 1 as 150 The LADY OE THK LARK is a tine sea boat, tuuv handsome state-room accommodations, and is fitted up with everything necessary for the safety and comfort of phhsengeis. 1 reight received until 8 o'clock. Tickets sold and bag. . page checked at the transfer ottice, No. MH CUES NUT; Street, under the Continental Hotel. Eorfurthor partien. lurs inquire at the OU.ce, No. 8H North DELAWARE! Avenue. O, H. HUDDELL, 34tf CALVIN TAOGART. . DAILY EXCURSIONS TO IiP:- L-lnVverlv UnrlinvtATI. anrl,! W ,V.A Iboat JOHN A. WARNER. Phil,ll. ptiiu, Chetnut street wharf, at and ti o'clock P. M. Rer turning, leaves Bristol at 6 50 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P.M. Stopping each way at Riverton, Tnrresdale. Anda. Insia. Beverly, and burling ton. Far 3a cent Exoni- sion, 4u cents. 7a .jn HT GLOUCESTER POINlvGO Y0m rT?!f-.d uka tlunil 10 cool, deligh. New steamers, with every eomfort, leave SOUTH Ntreaa PliD (iailv. ever fe'Sinnt.aa. k Ik xr. PJEW 8 P ICE D SALMON, FIRST OP THE SEASON. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Dealer In Pine Grooerle, II It Comer ELEVENTH ar O PHILADELflTiXRASP fJL. DA, Agriculturist, and other Blackberry Plants; ilartfoid, t'on . rib wMjS. pilbHloa a)y t cituer l