TflE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAFII PHIL ABEL nil A , SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1809. i'i bei'no t Vict for Montul O.VHprretle" A Snluil for Niunll Nnlurie-N, AMI A SALVE FOR CAD CUTS. Tkl tthcU earrfuUy Mtm)mimlrd and put up exprtttly for Family Ue. BY ITK KKKICS IIIMTOK. NUMBER CCXX.W. TIVUH.S YACKTIXU EXPERIENCE. Tie corniiii'iK'i'P to Imild hi- yai'lit. Struck with nn Wlru, lie hastens to the -hit-i-yard to inform the biildcr, when lie get struck in return, which Knocked tlx: idea mid two teeth coniplelely out f Lit) head. Tim yacht is however ln:lt. and he proceeds to nock it (or a hay trip. His joy and his pro vinionn art! equally inu'iUo-t. lie invite-? a few triemh t" s-hare liotli of them. Wr , : ,',iV They make the The eauraiie faIN lulls to the deck. X CiC .H i' lo '!' : -ml iol. for the trip. The demijohn 7 A 2 AVcdncsday A lUilt breeze on the water and a ' Rtifl" kIussiiii 'l'e vacht have made the crew ini U'tiefy em their feet the helmsman particularly. M 4 vttk SlI T . -ZX'i. n npfet sobers them cnout;h'to distinguish which side of the boat to et on when the oilier nide is in the water. Amom; their ltjr made iu provision for this. provisions j. They arc rescued and dragged inglorioiisly to ihorc by the lisheriucii on the beach, who notice their unseaman'.ike behavior. Their yacht is not dragged to shore, but goes on its way, "All the world before it where to choose." New JloitUx. Some writers seem to fancy there is something in a name, at any rate as far as regards a work of fiction. Perhaps they think that readers are attracted by a title, like plebeian millionaires. We shall not he surprised if, before the year be over, the following new works are announced as being "nearly ready" for the public: Corks or lUmlilurs. liy the Author of Sink or Fichu, The Harm-tit of a Jlusy 11. J!y the Author of The Jlarn-xt of a (jui. t J. Jlifj Jlores. liy the Authoress of l.ittlf Fojck. Crark it I'ji. A Sequel to Lin- it J)nrt. Sirnts to the Unite. A Tale of the Court; being h Companion work to Tonie llit'em. As ilueh Ayaiii an Half, liy the Author of thw too Many. Cop and .sW.s.sow. liy the Author of Snvr! tiif 1,'oirn. Wink tliroiojli a Wiiiibm: A Sensation Se juel to .( tltroitjlt a .attire. Uood-teni iired (ireenrjtufex. A Romantic Novel, written by the Author of Croxx Currantx. 'Mike, why don't you lire at those ducks? Don't you see you have got the whole lloek before your gun ?" "I know I have; hut, you see, when I get u rood aim at one, two or three others will swim right 'twixt him and me An intelligent Democrat recently said, in the obercst good faith, "'I like Johnson well enough, but why does he give a post-ollicc to that feol Jasby?" y -y A Til mL -1 r. " r 4 Wontnu'n AVrl-nook. Sag, lo The tiotlon by torture. A'aturi: A- p;Kl(leH whoso footctr p we pre tend to worship ami use every urt to defneu. jVar.i. The complement of the aea-son. , at. The spirit of order. A'ecA- or Nothing. The most fashionablo co tuinc for evening wear. Arr'Ji. An Koliun harp on whieh the liht eethrec.c produces idaintive. soundn. Mobility. A patent worth a hundred inven tioiiR. A"urnri.A nest the parent birds are seldom eecn near. Aynph. A l.ibh'd maiden who lived in cold water, and by the heip of the tfods wa seldom out of hot. Vols, iriid. Seed productive of chaff and had bred. Objrct. Any one to whom she hie on objec tion. Orrnnion. The by-path whieh leads just as often over the cliff as into the main road. Opt ra. The ladies' show-room. Oyntir.A ( hablis-treated bivalve. J'adiling. Sluil and nonsense. I'aiiit, for tin fare Contraband color hoisted by a privateer. j'air.'Yhf Iniit d the tree of knowledge ol fjooil and evil. l.nuuliiiic in tlir l'lilpil. Said Mr. C .a Presbyterian minister of some notoriety. "I never laughed in the jmlpit only on one occasion, and that came near pro curing my dismissal I rom the ministry. Atone of the fir-t discoiir-cs I was called to deliver, subseiiicnt to my ordination, after reading; my text and opening my subject, my attention was directed to a youni: man with a very foppish dress and a head of exceeding red hair. In a slip immediately behind this young gentleman eat an urchin, who must have been urged on in his deviltry by the. Kvil One himself, for I do not conceive the youngster thought of the jest he was playinir off on the spruced dandy in front of him. The boy held his forefinger in the red hair of the young man about as long as a blacksmith would a nail rod in the fire to heat, and then on his knee, commenced pounding his finger in imitation of a smith in making a nail. The whole thing was mi ludicrous that I laughed, the only time that 1 ever disgraced the pulpit with anything like mirth." F.xtrcine I'olilciicxN. KliiUCtte rciiiiies. in the Chinese conversa tion, that each should compliment the other and everybody belonging lo him in the most lauda tory style, and deprecate himself, with all per taining to him. to the lowest possible point. The fo owing is no exaggeration. though in t the precise words: Whai is your honorable name 't My insignilieant appellation is Chang. Where is your magnificent palace t My contemptible h it is at Liichan. How many are your illustrious children Mv vile, worthless brats are five. How is the health of inguished spouse '! My mean, good-for-nothing old woman is w ell. A good man. but ili instructed, out West, had a eall to preach. Uc'mg unable to read, he em ployed a Iricnd to l ead the selection I rom the !Sci iptures. On one occasion the chapter wa the twenty-second of Ocuesis, which contains these words: '"These eight did Mileahbear to Nahor, Abram's brother." From these words he pro ceeded as follows: "lirethren and sisters, let us consider our blessings. We have all the com forts of life. We have flocks and herds, and gladness. Morning and evening our wives and daughters milk the cows, and our wants are all supplied. In the days of old Abram the case was different: for then, as you have heard, it took eight to milk a bear, and they didn't get much at that. ' " iVhal are you doing there, .lane r" "Why. pa, I'm going to dye my doll - piu.ilore rial." "lint what have you got to dye it 'llecr." "Who on earth toid you that beer would dye red "Why, ma said it was beer that made your nose so red, and " "Here, ISiuaii, lake this child." The latest pu..le, has relation to a very lamentable fact in regard to the present spring. It. is, CC SI which a long-b' ided friend interprets to mean "the Cs on in backward," and so it is. Among the obituary notices of a country paper we recently noticed the following: "Mr , of Malvern, aged eighty-three, passed peacefully away, on Tuesday evening last, I rom single blessedness to matrimonial bliss, after a short but sudden attack by Mrs. , a blooming widow of thirty-live.'' A foppish nobleman, who saw Descartes en joying hiinsell at the table, having expressed surprise that a philosopher should exhibit such fondness for good dicer, got this answer for his pains: "And pray, my lord, did you think that good things were only made for fools V A Minnesota editor says that a man came into his olliee to uilvcili-c lor a lost dog. and that such was the wouderlul power of advertising, the dog walked into hi.- olliee while he was writing out the advertisement ! "Father, why don't, we ever see any laces at the window :" a-ked a son of his parent, as tlvy were passing an Insane asylum, "lieeause their heads are turned." was the alicelionate father's reply." The following is Aunt liclsy's description of her milkman:- "Me is the meanest man in the world," she eclaiin. d. '"lie skims his milk on the top, then turns it over and skints tue bottom." "Any seals in the next car :" asked a passen ger in a crowded car of a waggish conduct. r. 'Plenty of Yin." wa- the reply; "but" (.as the passenger gathered nil his effects preparatory lo emigrating) "they aiv all full !" A little boy, ret liming from the Sunday School, wild to' his mother, "Ma, ain't then- a kit ten-ehism foi litih-. boys? The catechism is too hard!" The attempt to siart an asylum for useless young men failed, us no buil could be eoii- Btructcd large enough. An aged hacnclor being asked if he ever wit nessed a public execution, replied: -"No; but I once saw a marriage." Those who go to la .v lor damages are pretty sure to get them. Woman' crowning small ulory uowiuta.vs. H'lory- her Lemuel. A young woman's eejiiiiiulnitn. WLo Is out favorite Roman buro? Marlue, Inxrd Vliipneti l th I'pper Amu.oiif. From Chambcra' Journal. .' . None Imt those who have travelled on the Upper Amazons can have any idea of the number and voracity of the insect torments which work their wicked will on the bodies of the unfortunates exposed to their attacks. There is a liy which burrows in the skin and deposits an egg, both in human beings and animals. This produces a maggot, similar in shape to that of the common blow fly, but much larger. Of course, inflamma tion in the part, followed by suppuration and discharge or extraction of the foreign body, take place. Although the maggot is probably analogous to tho Guinea worm, it differs from it in being always discharged entire, whereas tho Guinea worm requires very careful ami gradual extraction. Then there are 'chigos, which burrow mostly in tlie soles of tho feet. You feel an intense itching, and on examination, liiul a little thing like a pea just under tho epider mis; this is tho bag containing the young chigos, whieh must bo carefully picked out with the point of a knife, and the cavity left tilled with tobacco. ash. It is said that if tho l ag is broken, and tho young chigos escape, serious consequences will result. This, how ever, we do not believe, as we have broken many in the act of extracting them from our own feet; but always using plenty of obaeeo-ash, we never experienced any in convenience. Huge Kpiders abound, whose very appearance inspires a wholesome dread of a nearer Hcijuuintancc, but whieh are harmless enough if let alone. In fact, on board our steamers, almost every cabin was tenanted by one lnrgo spider, whose presence was tolerated on account of his being a deadly foe to cockroaches, which abominable crea tines used to swarm on board. Sometimes he would not bo visible for a fortnight or more at a time; but ho would leave tokens that he was "all there," in tho shape of the empty husks of cockroaches, from which he had care fully abstracted the interior. Those spiders have the power of springing upon their prey from a distance, and some of them are so large and powerful as to kill and devour small birds. In passing through the narrow forest paths, it is necessary to be on the lookout for tho wood-licks, which are very ditlienlt to get rid of, if once firmly attached; also for the. huge black ants, an inch and a half in length, with stings like a hornet's; and the scuba ant. without sting, but armed with nippers like a pair ol surgical bone-loreeps, winch are run ning about everywhere. One may sometimes chance upon a column of the dreaded 'lire ants,' marching in regular military order; and if you do, 'the only tiling is to bolt at. once, for neither man nor beast may withstand the lire ant and live. Occasionally one reionrkt the slender form of a tree-snake 'liding nwav, or tho deadly 'tueu-riju' basking in a sunny spot: while from out the mossy root-, of the, great trees, ipinint little horned frogs peer at you and startled lizards patter away over tho dead leaves. When at length you stop to rest, take care to examine your camping ground, lest yon lind thai centipede or scor pion may fancy the same locality. I reipuntly on board our st anier both cen tipedes and scorpions would be killed, inu'o dueed no doubt in the wood used for fuel. One day, us we were watching the hands taking wood from canoes alongside, from one of the logs pitched on board was dislodged a scorpion, which fell on the naked left a in of a limn keeping tally at the gangway. Aston ished by his sudden flight through the air, tho animal remained perfectly still. The man never moved a muscle, and quietly raisin;,' his right hand dipped it away with his fingers and thumb. It was very neatly and coolly done: and he thus escaped a sting which he no doubt would have re ceived had he tried to brush it hastily away. Ants are a horrid plague, both afloat and ashore. Jt is amusing to see a host of unall ants carrying off the body of a defunct cockroach, giving one the idea of mice depart ing' with a dead elephant, lint they are a great nuisance. They will nor, however, walk over cotton wool: and anything placed on or enclosed by it is safe from them. The saubii unls arc, we think, tho greatest depre dators of any. They form regular communi ties, where each individual, workers, sol diers, etc., has his own especial line of duty, and are great excavators. Mr. Hates, in his work the "Naturalist on tho Amazon," has given a very capital de scription of these ants; but wo fancy he has omitted to mention fhe extremely pungent aromatic smell they, or at least their nests, possess. Tho ants are extremely destructive to cacao plantations, stripping tho trees of their leaves; they will carry away a largo basket of grain in a single night, should any of them come across it. A migration takes place sometimes from the parent stock, some of tho ants becoming winged and flying oil'. Few, however, escape the Indians, who are alwayson the watch for these migrat ions, and by whom thescjwinged ants are considered rather ; a hmthi liouelti . They catch and stuff' them : into bottles, occasionally lightening the work by pulling fhe wings oil' one, and devouring him alive. We never had the. courage to taste one, although we have partaken of inii ny strange dishes. . '.Monkey' and -parrot' : are both good, 'tapir' and 'manatee' not bad, I and peccary A I: but we never ate a sun bit I ant: nor could we ever taste a drink much ' affected by the Indians, and called 'massato," of whieh there is generally a large jar stand j iug in tho corner of every Indian dwelling. They always offer it to visitors; but their j mode of so doing is not inviting, as it eou ! sists in a black or rather copper-colored paw j being thrust into tho aforesaid jar, which ; contains a sort of pulp, and bringing up a handful, whieh is squeezed into a ealabadi, and placed at your disposal. This pulp is, however, produced by means which, from ua ! willingness to disturb the stomachs of our t readers, wo refrain from relating. Those ants 1 which escapetheindiansfall a prey to Hocks of hawks and other birds, w hich make their ap pearance as soon as ever a migration coin- jnences. 1 The Upper Amazons are litilo known to F.nglisl men, and in this article we have en deavored to describe a few, and but a few, of the annoyances to whieh the resident theieou is subject, and which certainly do not aug ment tho charms of a life otherwise by no means luxurious. It will probably surprise niiiliy to hear that one gets very tired of turtle, lint, such is the fact when it. forms the basis of every meal; although (and for this hint we believe ourselves entitled to gastro nomic gratitude) a young turtle, roasted in its upper shell, is one of the greatest delica cies of an Amazonian dinner, and might bo introduced to civilized palates with much ad vantage. Vrohiitnm xt. T. EAHTON. J' ylil",' E ANTON Jfc I C n a "ii klKtn-IMi AND COMVIXSION HKUfUAaiiS, Jo. 3 CIIKNTIEN HOW Y or.. No. In HeiUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia, No. 46 W. PKATT Ku-m)t. Jiiiltnuure. We re prepared to liip :very deorintion ol ureigniio Philndelplim, New York. Wilmington, ud intermudiale ,oiuta V.UU pruuiptnens ud dep.lch. Cunal Jlit unil tttuui tuttslurni&lied l Uu utorteiiit nvlivet. 8 WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETO. tVlS LADOMUS & CO. DIAMOND DIALERS & JEWELERS. II WATCHM, JIWII.Rf ABII.YFR WAKK. VWATGHES nd JEWELS! REPAIRED. gQ2 Chestnnt St., Ph!v Ladies' and Gents' "Watches, AMERICAN AND IMPORTED, Of the most celebrated makera. FINE VEST CHAINS AND LEONTINES, In 14 and 18 karat. DIAMOND an other Jewelry of the latest designs. Engagement and Wedding Rings, In 13-fcarat and ootn. Bold Stiver-Ware for Bridal Presents, Table Cut. lery, Plated Wars, etc. 8 an ESTABLISHED 1S28. WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, and FANCY GOODS. O. W. RUSSELL, NO.W N. FIXTR STREET, PIIILADELrniA. WILLIAM B. WAKNE & CO., Wholesale Dealers In WATCHES AND JEWELRY. S. E. corner SEVENTH and CUESnut Streets, 8;i Bocund floor, and late of No. as 8. THIRD 8t PAPER HANGINGS, E I C. B E A N & WARD. PLAIN AND DECORATIVE PAPER HANGINGS, NO. 251 SOUTn THIRD STREET, BKTWKBN WALNUT AND 8PRUC1, PHILADELPHIA. COUNTRY WORK TO. PROMPTLY ATTENDED 3 1S5 T OOKl LOOK 1 1 LOOK III WALL PAPERS XJ and Linen Window Shades Msnafaotnred. tb ohmppRt in tho JOHNSTON'S Uopot. No. lo.'i.l KVKINO (UKDHS Street, below Kleventh, Bnuiob, No. 3117 K1IKKAA. blreet, tJaiule, Mew Jersey. it U&5 LOOKING CLASSES, ETO. E STABLISUED 179 5, A. S. KOBiHSON, FRENCH PLATE LOOKING-GLASSES, ENGRAVINGS, BEAUTIFUL C11KOMOS, PAINTINGS, Mann fact urer of all kluds of LOOIUNG-GLASS, PORTRAIT, AND PICTURE FRAMES. NO. 910 CI1ESNUT STREET, 315 Fifth door above the Continental, Plilla. HOKE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OK NEW YORK, WALTER S. GRIFFITH, President, A Botid,sate, and reliable Company. Assetn over two million dollura ($J,(iJU,(KXJ), most securely nveeted, and rapidly increasing. A .lli:.1IRLUSlIM OF OVER 10,000. Persons contemplating awurunce on thoir lives lire vited to examine t lie literature ol the Company, wtiioi may be bad at tbe Philadelphia office, Southwest corner of FOURTH and LIBRARY StreeU fi3thtu3m R. K. EM.EIt. (ifiiprnl Aaent . WINDOW SCREEN. A C O O D s T H I N C. IMPORTANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS, HOTELS, BANKS, OFFICES, ETC. The Patent Adjustable Window Screen WILL FIT ANY WINDOW, Give ventilution and light, screen from view, and excluds FLIES, MOSQUITOES, AND OTHER INSECTS. For nule by Dealers in House-furnishing Goods. TUK ADJUSTABLE WINDOW SCREEN COMPANY, SOLE MANUFACTURERS. Jf) 12 BtutbSm No. (Si MARKET St.. Philadelphia. CARRIAGES. GARDNER & FLEMING, CARHIAGIJ BUILDERS, No. 214 South FIFTH Street. BELOW WALNUT. A Large Assortment of New and Second-hand C A 11 It I O K 5S, INCLUDING Rockaways, Pliwtons, Jenny Linda, Buggtet Depot Wagons, Kto. Etc., 3 23 tuthi For Sale at Reduced Prices. PATENTS. PATENT OFFICES N. W. Corner FOURTH and CRESNUT, (Em ranee on FOURTH utrner). rXlATCCZS D. FAS70R.XU3, SOLICITOR OF PATENTS. ratents procured for Inventions lu the United States and Foreign Countries, and all buslnesa re lating to the same promptly transacted. Call or send for circulars on Patents. Open till 9 o'clock every evening. 3 OjmthS A T N O F F I J E. PATENTS PROlTUKU IN TDK UNITED STATUS AND EUROPE. ! Inventors wishing to takeout Letters Patent fur New Invent iems are advised to e-iinsnlt with V. II. EVANS. N. W. corner ft FOURTH and WALNUT Strec'ts. I'liiladelplilu.whoHC fae-ilUle:9 for prosecuting i cases bclore the Pute-nt Olllce are unHurpiisscd by 1 any other agency. Circulars containing full lnlrma l lion to inventors can be had on application. Model? , uiade.secretly. . 3 4thstu5 N. W. Cor. FOURTH and WALNUT. UNITED STATF.S PATENT. OFFICE, W.vsitivii ion, 1). (!., May 2n, lniSi. On the petition of -M. 1UEHI., of I'liiluilolphiu, I'n., pruyinK for tliu eitennimi of a pittout Krannul to him on the l!Mli cbiyof Auk"i. lsiif, nd r i.(iiie(l on the 4i li iluy of May, ImjH, lor.u iiiiproveiuunt in Muuhiue for TriuiauuK It in'ordered tlmt wild jietition be heard at thin office on the lith duyuf AiiKUht next. Any ppi-win umy oppose tins eiliiou. Objociioii". dwpoHitimiH. unci other papers should be liled iu this otliue twxnty days before the day of bcuriiiK. SAMUEL H. E1S1IKK, 6l!ft ConiiuiBbiouor of Patents. STATE EIGHTS " FOR ' SALE." STATE HiKhtsof a valuable Invention JriHt patented, and foi the S1JUINU, CU'l TIN!, and CltfPPINU of dried beef, vahbaKe, etc., are hereby oilored for sale. It is an article of (treat value to proprietors of hotels and restaurants, anrl it should be Introduced into every family. NT ATM KllillTh for sale. Model cun be seen at TU.L.KOHAPH OM'ICK, COOPKK'tt POIWT, N. J. " i lltf MUNDY A HOFFMAN, INSURANCE. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU K ANC.K (tOMl'ANY. Incorporated bjr the Leffil Ulure of Pennsylvania, into. Office, B. K. comer of THIHO and WALNUT Btreot, i miHrieinhia. MARTNK. I Ns.t ; I) Vl'If On Veaneti, Cargo, anil Frpii'lit to nil imrU of the world. INLAND INKUKANOKH On goods by riTer, oannl, Inkn, and land carriage to all tmrtsni the Imion. n . x. "KK INHURANliKH On Merchandise uenerally; on Stores, Dwellings, Douses, Kto. ASKT.Tft. OF THE COMPART, .... . November I, lWx. $a0,000 United Statos Five Per cent. loan, 13U.U00 United Sutoa bis. Per Cent. Loan. ' lMhl t ijjj fttxj'OO 60,000 Uniod Staff Hi Vvr iiont' Loao ' ' forfnoilio lUilrnad) 60.00000 -. .v-s ... umufMSUI. UIA M III V,(llti atl,37ilW M.olHIUO ai.'jwuo 3J,(KH) 00 126,000 City eif Pbilotphia Kii Per Cent. IiOsn (exempt from tax) 6U,(XJ State of Hem Jersey bia Per Cent. J.oan ai.000 Penn. Kail. First Mortgago Six Per Cent. Itondn 36.1XX) Ponn. Hail. Heoond Mort. ii Por t'ont. Hon. In 26,1X10 Western Penn. Rail. MortgaRO Hii 75S I'url.ont. Itonds el'eun. Kullroad (tuaranteoi.. K).(Ki0 State of TnnnnHnnA Five Per Cent. loan ai.OOO'OOO 7,0(10 State of Tennesaoe Six Per Cent. loan 6.031-26 lo.Ultl tierntantown tias Company, priu cipal and Interest Kuuntntond by Oily of Philadelphia, K) shares Sto. k bVMi iKI Ki.OiiO Pennsylvania Hailroud Company, 'JiJ sliari !. tstoi k 11.:? lf0 D.0H0 North IVrnsylvania Railroad Co., h slunvs Sto. k S.rv'll l'O M'flO Phils. h lpliiii nnd Southern Mail a StesniKbip Co., HOrliarc'-Moi-k I5,nnni0 ri,.JU Loans on Hiar l anil MortgaKo, hrst Liens on City Properties 27.!U) l,lo!VJ0 Par. Market vuluo,$t,l;iiia-2S Pesl Fstste 3;,iNHn0 hills receivable for nia.i'o.' J2,l- hsluneen due at acpneies, premiums on marine policies, accrued intercut, aud other debts due the company 40,17R'Me. Block and scrip of sundry corpora tionx, ilJKiii. Kstimated value 1.H13 0 CsbIi in bank iri m Cash in drawer 413 06 lIiiW73 $l,o47,3t-HO BUIKC'TOKS. , Kdmnnd A. Rondor, Snnmel K. Stokes, j Henry iSlnan, 'William C. Ludwig, (ieorxe Leiper, llenry C. Ilallott, Jr., idtiii L. 'I'.iylor, itieorcoW. Ltornndou, i William (. liiiultou, 'Jacob Kiecet, Spencer Mellvalnn, 1. T. Mortran, I'lttsbaVft, Thomas O. Intnd, John C. Davis, James C. Hand. 1 heophilus I'ii Hiding, Joseph H. tSeal, Hnull Craig, John K. Penrose. Jacob P. Jones, James Traipiair, Fdward DarliiiKton, 11. Jones Hrcokn. James H. Mi l arland, Kdward Iifourcade, dolin li. .temple, A. H. Iteruer, " THOMAS ). HANI). President. Joshua f. F.yre, JOHN C. DAVIS, Vioe-Presidout. HFNY LTI.BURN, hecretary. 1IK.NRY BAM,, AssiHtant .Secrotary. lort 21). C II ARTE It PEHPET UAL FraEklm Fire Insurance Company OK PHILAOKLPIIIA. Office, Nos. 435 and 437 CLTESHUT Assets Jan. 1, 69, $2,677.372' i 3 CAPITA! At t ld fil) SURPLUS PJtLMIUMS I'NSKTTLED CLALVS, i'2:t,7h8-P2. SlOD.O'llMII) l,iK(,.V.!s-7d l,r.i:i,M3-4:i INCOME VOll lufl, Lcsses paid since 1329,0 ver .1 J I' ' Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Term. 'I he Company also ihsuch Hobcies on K.'iiis ) lilies of all kmuK.Crouud licntH, unit Mortices. OIRKCTOnS. Alfred t3. Rukor, Allied Fitter. Skinned Crant, I Th as Sparks, Hi oikc V. liicharcls. I A .S. (.r.itll, Is, uc Lea, I TliniiiaH h. Kllis, Ciorttu t ales, Custaviis N. Hi'iison. ALI RFI) (i. iiAKKIt, President. . . .,,.i,';,,Klil'; I'ALI'.S, Vice-Preidout. .IAS. W. Mr A LLlS I Secretary. 'J'HKODOHK M. UKOKIt, Assistant Socreturv. S B U R Y LIFK INSURANOK COMPANY. No. K'l BROADWAY, corner F.KADF. St root. Now York CASH CAPITAL self, ),., $lili,ou0 deposited with tho State of New York as security tor policy holders. IjKMUKL llANliS, Prenident. GKOROK FLLIOIT, Vice -President and Secretary. KV.OKY Me CLINTOChl, Actual. A. K. M. PURDY, M. D., Medical l.xuininor. 11KI EHKNOKK 1IY PKllMlbSION. Thomas T. Taskor,, John M. Mans, J. H. Lippincott, Charles Spencer, William Oivinj, James Ixmik, John A. WriKht, S. Morris Wain, .lames tlunior, Arthur G. Coihn, John 1. .McCrear', IC. 11. W'orno. In the character of its Directors, economy of iiianaito mcnt, roaKonahlenex; of ratoM, PAKT'NKKmIIIP Plj.v.V OF OKCLAK1NU D1V1DKNDS, no restriction in femalo lives, and absolute non forfeiture of all policies, and no restriction of travel alter the first year, the ASUUKY p re lents a conibiuatiou of advantages oilored by no oiuer company. Policies iasued iu every form, and I loan of one-third made when desired. Special advantages ottered to clergymen. For ail further information address JAM i'.S M. LONQAOUF, Manairor for Pennsylvania and Delaware. Office, No. '2 VVA LNIJT Streot, Philadelphia. FORMAN P. UOLLINSUKAD, Spoeial Ageut. 4 li!5 T R ICTLY MUTUAL. Provident Life and Trust Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, No. lit H. FOUltTII STKEET. Organized to promote LIFE INSURANCE among members of the Society of Friends. Good rlBks of any cliiHb ace;epteiL Policies luHued on approved plans, at the lowest rates. President, SAMUEL IL SITIPLEY, Vice-President, WILLIAM C. LOMGSTltETH, Actuary, UOWLAN0 PARKY. The advantages offered by this Company are un excelled, l iiJ5 I N SU11 E AT Df TUB HOME, Penn Mutual Life Insurance COMPANY. NO. 931 CUE8NUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS, $4,000,000. CHARTERED KY OL'lt OH'N STATE. JILANAC.ED Y OVll OWN CITIZENS. LOSS KM PUO.HI'Tr.Y PA ID. POIJC'IElS ISSUED ON YAUIOIS FfJMH. Applications may bo made nt the Home omce, and at the Agencies throughout the Statu. 2 18 JAMES THAOI Allt FRrCSrDKNT MAiUt'EI. Km NTOKKM VIOK-PRKSIDKN'T JOHN W. HOKNOIf A. V. P. and ACTUARY HOKATIO H. STEPHENS .8 KUltrrAUY rjli: KNTEKPKISK INSlUiANUE COMPANT X OK PHILAUKLPIIIA. 11 OUice H. W. Corner I tH'KTTI and WALNUT Sirool. KIHK INbUHANCK KXCLUNfVKLY Btreet VKKPM'I i UAL ANJJ TEKM POLlCllCS 1SSUKD Casti Capital st ino ikveivi Cash Aaaeta. May, 1H9. OVKK UAlJi 'a ' MILLION le)LLA Its. DIRHll'IIIIM F. Fatchford Marr, Nalhro i ra.ier. J. LivlnffSton Rrrln... James L. Cluxhorn, William i. Koulton. Charles Wheeler, Thomas 11. Moutgomory, James Aertseu. ftrst-oliuis rinkM. tjikinv nn John M. Atwooel, lSeninliiiu T. Tredick, tieorKO 11. Stuart, .lulin 11. lirovvn. Tliis Company insures only specially hazardous whatever, such u facUirios nulls, etc. F. RATCHKOTtD STARR, President. THOMAS 11. AlONTOO.M KItV, Vice Prosidoot. Al FIAM'tB W. WlKTKU, Secretury. a5 DIMKNIX "INSURANCE COMPANY OF X PHILADF.LPHIA. 1NCOKPOHATI '.D 14 OH ARTKR PKRPKTUAL. No. i-M WALNUT Street, opposite the Kxoham;, This Company insures '"'"j ur elaiuuKS by on 'liberal terms, on buildiUKS,' merchandise, furniture, etc., for limited periods, and permanently on buildiUKS by deposit of premiums. The Company hud been In active operation for more than SIXTY YKAKS, during which oil kxuea have been promptly adjusted J '"':,,TOR8. John L. IIodKl, i;avm iewrs. At. k. miuiony, John T. Ivm, William S. fiisnt, Kobert W. Iaminc lieniamin Kttlnjf. Thomas II. Powers, A. K. Mcllenry, Kdmund 'ast illon, . Samuel Wilcox, V. Clarki w uariou. lAwrano Lewis, Jr., i.wie j. n orris. JOUN R. WLiUUKltilrL President. Bavcu. Wilcox, Suciotary. INSURANCE. ; AME IlT i V K AN C E COMPANY', No. (KKJ CHKSNUT Stroet, INCORPORATF.D lWfl. CHARTK.R PKRrKTOAL. I CAPITAL, maetei.neio. V FIRK INHURANCK EXCLUSIVELY. f Insures against Lessor Dnm.iKe by Fire eithoY by Perps. tual or Temporary foiiclos. OIRKCTORS: $ Charles Richardson, ie.or.em fearoe, AVillnmi li. Hhawn, John Knssler, Jr., Francis N. Huck, F'.dward H. )rne, lli'tiry Lewis, Charles Ktokos. Nathan HiHcs, John W. F.vennan, Ccorns A. We-it. Mordecai llur.hy. CHARLKS RICHARDSON, President. WILLIAM H. UI1AWN, Vice President, Williams I. m.ANi HAnn, decretory. jgj T'lIE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. u Incorporated ltt!5 Charter PerpetnaL ! No. BIOWAI.NC 1' ritreet, opportite Independence Rqnar This Company, favoralily known to the oommnnity fo, over forty yearn, cent union to m mrn oieainst low or damainr by Bre on Publiu or Private lluililinKs, either permanent li or for a limited time. A If o on 1 nrniture, H locks of Uooda. and Mnrehandiso uenerally, on liberal terms. i neir i apitai, totfetner with a lareo Knrplna Fund, ills. . nut" iii'.vui.mi iiiumier, wuiuo enKniee uieni fitter to the insured an undoubted security in taeoase loss. DIKECTOIlH. Pnniel Smith. Jr.. John Duviminv Alexander lletison, Isaac Hnlelnust. Thomas Smith. Monrv imwis. i nomas nonius Daniel Haddock, Jr. DA N il l, .11111, Jb., President WM. O. CROWKLL, Secretary. (OFFICE OF THE IN.srUANCB C()MPNY P,J,:.RTU AMWRIUA- No' S WALNUT Street Incorporated 11. ., ... Charter PerpetnaL Assets MARINK, INLAND, iM) HRK IN8URAN0K.,i fiWR it'Jn l.k: ikMl f newt'u rj i l-rwnn n f . , " v;. ; - , .1 i in. DL.1UHI 11U UHOl SJ DlniCTOB" Arthnr O. Coffin, Samuel W. Jones, Jolin A. Ilrown, Charles Taylor, Ambrose V bite, Y illiam Welsh, S. Morris Y aln, Francis R Oon, Kdward II. Trotter, r. Charlton Henry. A Ifrod D. Jeesup. John P. Whil, 1, iiim el U mA . uonn Aiaiwin, Ueoerilarrin. I VV. Ca.maa. I Charles W. Onahmaa. ,ii N; 'wirea.aent. t CHAKIKSI TMPKIMAT. VT1!W "tvuttiTxt " kj j xwivn jjoi UU LONDON. I ESTAHIJsilEO ison. Pald-np Cnpltal and Accumulated Panels, I 18.000.000 T TV nnT J PREVOST & HERRINQ, AgenU, 2 45 No. 107 S. THIRD Street PhiiH,inhe. CHA8. M. PREVOST. CHAS. P. HSRRTNtf SHIPPINQ. T 11 L 1 v E 11 POOL ANCj , appoiniuu to sail as full - -i- . j . lows- 1 i;ii ol Aiitwerp, Saturday, Auuiist 11, at 11 A M I l.ityot lioxfon. Saturday. Auirust 21. hi, 1 ! ' ' t i'.tna, via ilahlax, ru..'.dav, j.ukuhI 21, at 1 P M 1 froupi!;rt:N;'';u;i,;?;:u,nlay utd 'aita' 4 li ATI S t)K PASSACK. J IIY Tip? MAir, STKA.MKU HAILINII KVI1IY RTPttlAT i vp: $,,,;RT!.n-J o London M,-, To London. .. Jo 1 11:I To Paris I'AhsAiiK iiy hit: xl:biay stkameu, via Htut-'tV I FlltKT I'AIUN. HI'l-FIHilI.- I PayuMo int.eld. Payable in Ourrenc. f I.iv..riool f Liver, ool... ... X w llalila x. . li.1 Ilali. ax "a St. John s, V I ., t M. John's N K ') l5 by Punch Steamer.. ( by ISraiie'h Steamer . ( 'I Pasveie'ers tomardnd in lluvr., ' ' S rclll. ed i:.,e. .u.m.K, uremett. Ticket-can be bouebt hero at modcrato rates bv neJ sons wish nir lo-.iwi in,, iii.iiv f.inn.t ruies oy pee TilnTv""T,r,'V,i"r""'"? "Pl' ih'o Company's OfHco JOHN O. OALI'., At-enf, No. 16 liKOA IHVaV. N V i M .li t OlIliSNUT St roet, Ph iladolphia. n, C U A R L E 3 TO ft , S . C Tllli SOI'TII AND SOUTHWEST. EVKUY TIIVKSDAY. The Stcnmshlim PKOMKTIIEUS, Captnln (Jrav J. W. KVEl;.lN, Cupluili Snvele-r, WILL lliK.M A KKCl l.Ak WKKKLY LINE. The; Hletimslnp I'HO.MKTll LI S will Hull n Tl t r.SDAY, Auirust Id, ut 4 P. M. Tluoiie;h bills id lading jiiveu In riinricrtion wit S. t . L. it. to points tn the South and Southwest. IiiMirance' at. lowi M rati!S. Kates of freight us lov u j oiij uuii;i luuif, rur Helmut, itiily 10 i E. A. MM'DKIt A- CO.. I . y 22tr dock sruKin- whakp. j -- ONLY MHIXTUNE TO FRANCE llt-Jr" TUK OKXKRA1. Til lMti sj-rrrl btiXi i-yj - COMPA.VY'S ,M.MI, M'K-t VLSHIP8 !...; VV ll.N AEW YOttli AND IU V1U'., UAlilNU a lilt r.. 1 . The splendid new vessels on tliis faverito route for thl Continent will sail from Piur No. 6U, North river, ever bulurday. f , ,. PRIOK OP PASSA(iH I in gold (lncludins vmioi, J TO LKl'.ST OR IlAVff If I First Cubin ifcUil Suciind Cabin.. .. TO PAULS, ' " (IncludinK railway tickets, furnished on board ) l irst Cabin $U5 .Second Cabin i liexe at outliers do not carry steerauo possciiKers iumiiL.1 aiiuuunui;v n w, oi CUlire. I iioerirnu iraveners Koing 10 or returning from the eon tinont of p.nropo, by takinst tho steamers of this line avoid nnnecesMiiy ri-ks from tnin.-it liy Km-linb railways anel croshinn the channel, besides an vim; time, trouble, and e ponse. bl.OUI.H MACK KNZ1K, Agent, t . , ., V,6? HlieJ A DWA Y, Now York. I hor pas-uiRe in Philadelphia, apply at Adams' Kxpresi Company, to II. L. LKAF, I 1 No. 320 CHKSNUT Street j . PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND -t-.l ne'iire'l.K. IS I KAMSHIP LINK ITXtT'Tlleii e;il lui.iour A I It LINK TU T-f'-'Z THK SOUTH AND WK6T. T F.VKKY SATURDAY, 1 At noon, from l'lUSl' WUAUb' ubovo MARKKI Street. 1 THROUCII RATKS to all points in North and Soutlf Carolina, via Seaboard Air Lino Railroad, connecting a Portsmouth and to Lynchburg, Va., Tennessee, and tui V est, via Virginia and Tonnosaeo Air Line and Kiuumontf anel Danvillo Railroad. j Freight HANDLKD HUT ONCK, and taken at LOWF.E RATKS THAN ANY OTHKR LINK. Ttie regularity, safety, anil cheapness of this route com: menu ie. 10 me puone us 1 lie most desirable medium currying every diucription ol freiglit. No charge lor commission, drayngo, or any expense transfer. Steamships insured nt tho lowest rates. Freight received unily. WILLIAM P. CLYDK A CO.. No. 12S. WHARVKSaud Pier 1 N. WUARVKS. W. P. POKTKIt. Agi-nt at Richmond and City Point T. P. CROWKl.L A CO., Agents at Nonolk. 6 i til Jr-riV. LORILLAKD'S 8TEAMSHI s-z&F-k: rJEW YORK. Sailing on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. REDUCTION OF RATKS. r FreiRht by this lino taken at IU cents por 1(K1 pounds, cents por foot, or 1 cout per gallon, ship's option. Ad vii nee charges cashed at office on Pier. Freight received at all times on covered wharf. JOHN V, OIIL, f 2 2H Pier 1" North Whurvea. i N. B. Fxtra rates on small packages Iron, metal, etc j NEW EXPRESS LINE T0 j. 1 ' ' """"""", nnq Washington, I c..mi. nous at Alexandria I rmn Hie most direct route fon Inchburg, liiibtol, Kuoxville, Nashville, Oalton, aniLthes SouihweHt. 1 H . Steamers leave regularly every Saturday ut noon from th '. first wharf above Market street. nj Freight received dully. r. WILLIAM P. CLYDK & CO livnif TVIwP'i4N'!r",,",J!1Vu'h Wharves. 1.1 CR ill in, a",""."! 'oerotown; M. I l.l illlil.K , I o., At'cuisat Alexandria, 1 , ...........i.n,iunu i'umw,n 1 a in . w, r IT II 'T.1 I'AII V'Peil V',,, trw. axLK7 i-L l'vi'" J.;..-. i:,.K? 1 Ay canal. n ' 1 iv'..-i.s oir.s.11 ion' I IIMPANV , 1 'II IT A i. -:-e 1 i.iTiiii.-L'cii . w-lrAx. , ..... . ....... . ... ,, , vi water oouunuuioar tion between Philadelphia and New York , Steamers leave daily from lirst wharf below Marks street. Philadelphia, and toot of Wall street. New Veil 1 Couds forwarded by all the linos running out of No, ' ' . - ; yo. . s.-o w, UtllJIIIllHMlOIl, k'lUiU ric.Mvi.jl uml ''rwant on acciimuodtttia No. 13 S. Dl .LA W A It K A veil 1, Phlud(ifpha son . JAMKS II AND, Agent No. UH WALL Streot. Now York T, 1 . 'K.-FOU NEW YOltK. VIA .'i.'iVil,u'i?r'B Vy tll'"ie '"'"""'il ho'resumed on and after the sth of March, l or freights, which will bo taken ou ' W. M. I5AIRD A CO., -5 No. Ul bouth Wharves,