rv HMGr A IP W J; A .1 VOL. X. NO. 30. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 18G9. DOUBLE SHEET THREE CENTS. EGL1P OK THE 8 U IU The Great Event of August 7. IIo7 it will Occur, and How it will be Observed. The Theory of Solar Ecllpscs Their Peculiar Phenomena . i rm urn. tiio uorona The Flame. Eclipses of the Past Darkness Noonday Consternation and Awe Science Pierces the Shadow, and Light is Revealed at Last. at Am when the min, now risen, l ooks through the horizontal, niln v nlr Hliorn of his bcRnist or, from behind the .Moon, Id dim erllpne, tllNiiNtroiiit twllluht sheds (Id hull the nation, and with tear of chanKn Perplexes tnonnrrliH. iMIl.TON. OUR ECLIPSE. On the afternoon of Saturday next, August 7, n eclipse of the sun will occur, noteworthy and important. It will be visible as a partial eclipse from the barren eteppes of "Western Siberia, across the whole breadth of Alaska, British America, the United States, and the West Indies. This will be the most interesting eclipse that has occurred, k s A llliiiiliiiijiiii SSjiiii ; 5 , i llllillllljlflllliillllllllllllll; v. ' Y iiiiiiiiiti: l!l!l5K4l!jr !j!!!!!S; tamg& k "1 h mm ImM. 1 ii-riiii!' F".st if. !!!!!!;::;: .TTV . .J;JH.ii;iiiiii!i!iir!L immmmmz FlorPE 1. S represent the Sun : M the Moon ; E the Earth ; r the Penumbra; and H the shadow. or will occur, in the United States for many years. The sun will rise eclipsed as far west ward as the islands of Japan, but to the inhabi tants of Sitka, in Alaska, the observation will begin at 1140 A. M. The people of San Fran cisco will need their glasses at V22 P.M.; and they had better have them well smoked, as they are so far to the south west ward as to see only one-half of the sun's disc darkened. The little town of Logan, in Nebraska, is the first point in the United States on the line of total obscura tion; the time of "totality" will be 4-31 P. M., lasting 24 minutes. Lincoln, O'Brian, and Booricsboro, iif Iowa, will rejoice in a three-minut-es' totality, greater than any other by six seconds; while Bowling Orecn, in Kentucky, and Knoxville, in Tennessee, must be content with the fact that they are permitted an obscuration, even though it should be so short as to defy eye eight, and require to bo mathematically repre sented by -0 minutes. May the Parson be a'tdc to preserve his equilibrium of spirits under these trying circumstance; and may the Presi dent that was and is to be no more, bo duly toothed by his customary spirits copiously im bibed ! Newborn, North Carolina, will be the last point in the United States participating in the total phase of the eclipse. Its beginning (shadow) will bo 0-58 P. M., and its ending 0-8 P. M., giving 22 minutes' duration. This thinker Cltv will witness if a cloudless sky nermit. 1 1 d'urlts out of 13 of the sun's disc eclipsed. The penumbral phases hero willlbe: Beginning, 5-8 P. M.; middle, 00 P. M.; end, iv.w P. M.: shortly before sunset. St. Louis, Chicago, and Cincinnati will slightly exceed this observation, while New York und Boston ,..;n ih,v nn inferior decree. Eclipses, more than any other celestial phe nomena, prove the perfect regularity of the motions of the heavenly bodies, demonstrating so legibly the unerring workings of the simple laws that govern their mighty revolutions in spaco upon the diagram of the sky, that the little child can understand, iruiy, The undevout astronomer Is mad." And as the wondrous accompaniments of the total eclipse culminate in darkness on the earth, "and in a flashing, blazing crown of glory alone left to mark the blotteu-oui ngut 01 mu DU... ...... .,ivpn fazer. be be savani or wvu. . ,.r,ih then in his heart the sentiment Tim teaveiiB declare the glory of God, and ttie firmament showcth his handiwork !" Thus pre eminently does its magnificent phenomena pro claim the marvellous order of the heavenly tost. Every heart must beat a startled throb when the watchful eye notes the first sweep of blackness, like the overhanging monster wings, or the thndow of a dark cloud, obedient to the very Mving of the pendulum, Die very tick of the watch, that the astronomer has predicted months or years before. In view of the rarity of such a total eclipse of the sun in our own land; the popular interest that now centres in its occurrence, causes, and effects- the excellent and comprehensive prepa rations made by our professional astronomers to obf erve and record its phenomena, we present the readers of Tin: Evf.nino Tbi.ehiiaph with nn article os exact and exhaustive of the sub ject as our columns will allow. For the benefit of our younger readers, we introduce an expla nation of the reason of the coming eclipse, pur jioFcly given In as plain language as the subject vtill allow; if they cannot understand any point, they Miould ask au elder friend for assistance. TJIE NATURE OF AX ECLIPSE. As seen by the accompanying illustration (Figure 1), an eclipse of the sun is caused by the shadow of the moon falling on certain parts of the earth like the passing shadow of a wind drifted cloud on a river and hiding the face, or disc, of the sun at those districts. In exact lan guage, it is the earth, not the. 6un, that is eclipsed; and should the much-looked for Man in the Moon take a celestial observation on the coming Snturdny, he will see the great sun shining with all its dazzling splendor, while part of our big globe will bo enveloped in unusual darkness. And this is how our light will be taken away from us. How Solar Kcllimes Occur. The earth and moon are two spherical and opaque bodies, and the halves of both are con stantly illuminated by the sun, while the other halves are in the shade. While the moon's dia meter is 21(0 miles and the earth's 7925, the sun's diameter is 852,584 miles. Thus, as above re presented, each of the two former throws behind itself, of course in the direction opposite from the sun, a shadow conical in its form, and deter mined as to its magnitude, shape, etc., by iuua riable mathematical principles. This cone of shade extends over all the parte of space from which the rays of sunlight are excluded by the interposition of the opaque body. It has two degrees of intensity. The inner portion, s, is called the shadow or umbra, and if within its bounds, a spectator beholds a total eclipse. The outer section, r, on either 6ide, is culled penumbra, and the section of the earth over which it extends experiences a par lial eclipse. The changing from the penumbra to the umbra is quite insensible, owing to the gradual Mendings of the shadings; but at the outer extremities the eclipse is bnt slight. The moon and the earth carry with them in their revolutions these cones of shades, and it Is by the projecting of these partial or total shadows upon each other that the phenomena of eclipses are caused. The calculation has been made and verified that the greatest length of the moon's shadow is 59-73 semi-diamctcrs of the earth, at the same time that we know that the least distance of the moon from the earth is 55-95 semi-diameters. It is thus plain that when a conjunction of the sun and moon happens at a time wnen the length of the shadow and the distance of the moon from the earth are identical, or nearly so, with the foregoing values, the moon's shadow extends beyond the earth. Fig. 1 explains, by its central bodies, the reason ot the approaching onseuration, ana shows that an eclipse of the sun can only hap pen at the time of new moon, for then alone occurs the conjunction of her interposition be tween the earth and the sun, with the projection of her cone of shade upon the earth. The lower figure of the moon exhibits the phase of its eclipse by the projection of the earth's shadow directly upon it at the time of full moon. In brief, eclipses may be defined as a short in terruption in the passage of light to the earth, which is either real, as in the case of the intru sion of the moon between the earth and the sun, or apparent, as occurs when the earth itself passes between the sun and the m,oou. The former comprises all phases of solar eclipses and the latter the lunar eclipses. Solar eclipses always begin on the west side of the sun and terminate on the east side; that is, the moon moves over tho sun from west to east. The whole duration of a total eclipse is about two hours, and that of the total phase two or three minutes, more or less, lhere Is no promonltion of a solar eclipse, the moon (whose dark side is towards us) being invisible in the intensely bril liant beams of the adjacent sun, until her eastern limb (or rim) actually touches his western limb. Different Kinds of Nolar KcllimeN. There are three classes of eclipses of the sun. It is total when tho dark disc of the moon en tirely covers the sun; partial, when only a por tion of one side of the sun is covered; and annular, when the moon is at her furthest dis tance from the earth, so that her coue of sha dow blot out only the centre of tho sun, leaving the rirg-likc border uuobscured. The visibility or invisibility of tho eclipse at any point de pends wholly upon the fact whether the cone like shadow is projected upon that particular surface of tho earth or not. Theory and obsrvation alike prove that in the period of eighteen years and eleven days in which the moon passes to the same position in reference to the sun and its nodes i. e., one of the two points in which the orbit of the satellite intersects that of its primary thero are in general seventy eclipses, of which forty one are of tho sun and twenty-nine of tko moon. There cannot be more than seven eclipses in one year, nor less than two; and if tho latter, they must both be eclipses of the sun. Eclipses of the sun can only be seen at one zone of tho earth, and that a very narrow one; for tho dimensions of tho shadow of tho moon are small as compared with tho earth. Out of tho forty-biio solar eclipses which may occur in eighteen years, there are in general twenty-eight of those which may become central according tociicumstanceg that is, either total or annu lar. It results from Du Sojour's calculations . that the greatest possib e duration of an eclipse of the sun cannot bo more than 4 hours 29 miu. 44 sec. at tho equator, or 3 hours 26 min. 32 sec. for the latitude of Paris. In total eclipses tho greatest possible duration of total obscuration may only bo 7 min. 58 sec. at the equator aud 0 min. 10 sec. at the latitude of Paris. Such com binations are, of csurgc, very rar Fiouiie 2. THE GREAT SOUR ECLIPSE OF AUGUST 7, 1869. I l EQUATOR ' V3j 13(1 tin 80 Jo 40 it) L. I triif iM wwn mi urn in in ii maamwiiHiii m m m Mill I il. iltTiTI In oil the dark part of the engraving the eclipse will be visible and partial, except along tho heavy black line, where it will be total. Along the Hue described above, tho eclipso will bo total, and at nil other places in the United States it will be partial. The partial eclipso ends on the earth at sunset, In hit. 14 dcg. 48 min. 54 sec. N.. Ion. 13 dcg. 10 min. W., being near the city of (iiintcmala. Along the Atlantic const in the United States ti e eclipse ends at about sunset. This eclipse occurred last in 1851, July 28, and the total phase was visible in the arctic regions of America, and in Sweden, Norway, and Russia. rilEAOMJSJVA OF A TOTAL ECLIPSE. The chance of beholding a total solar eclipse in one's life-time is very small. On the 13 .li of July, 1800, this opportunity occurred in Eng land, and the one previously observed at Green wich was in 1715, while an interval of 375 years had elapsed between that and its forerunner. Those who have enjoyed this rare spectacle say that no more startling novelty can be wit nessed or conceived of by mortal mind, and that the discomforts of a trip of hundreds of miles would bo amply repaid by the spectacle. No approach to totality can give the slightest con ception of the effect produced the instant that the last ray of light is extinguished. The light of the sun is so intense, that while the slightest part of the disc is visible, the darkness is by no means alarming. In partial eclipses the dark ness is oftentimes not greater than that made by a passing cloud, and sometimes the obscuration is not noticed at all. Partial and annular eclipses are matter of simple curiosity; but the reverse is the case with tho totality. The Durhncs. The gradual creeping of tho moon over the disc of the sun gives no warning of the instan taneous extinguishment of all light. It is not a matter of gradation, so startling' sudden is the blackness of darkness. All living nature thrills with awo and mysterious appreheusion, ond the human heart quakes as if the horrors of the Great Assizes were about to dawn. The earth, sea, and skies assume a lurid, unearthly hue. An unearthly silence reigns at the moment of totality. Every earthly being acknowledges the influence, and cowers under the strange blackness of the heavens. Beasts of burden lie down with their loads on the road, and refuse to move. Swallows in their bewilderment dash against the walls of houses, and fall down dead. The dog drops the bone in his mouth, aud does not venture to seize it again until light returns. Little chicks huddle under the motherly wings of the hen; and even tho nuts halt in their tracks with their loads, and remain immovable until the shadow is past. The learned professor, as well as the unsophisti cated pcusant, acknowledges the feeling of mys terious awe. The bright stars and planets will then be seen at noonday while the black pall en shrouds that surface of our glober The birds hush their songs and seek their nests, flowers fold their petals, tho temperature falls, and the moisture of the atmosphere condenses in a heavy dew. Orange, yellow, and copper tints singularly checker the sky, giving it a startling, sometimes livid hue. HiiIIt'm Iteiiiln. In some cases when the margin of the moon comes in contact with that of the sun, instead of the faint and regular thread of light which would be expected to ensue, the appearance pre sented is a broken glimmer of light a scries of bright spots interspersed witii dark spaces which was first noticed by the lato Mr. Baily, who compared it to beads of light. These were noticed in total as well as annular eclipses, and were seen by different observers in tho eclipse of 1851. They are generally regarded as being due to tho rough aud mountainous edges of the moon coming in contact with the margin of the sun, and the light proceeding from the latter shining through the chink or valleys. of the moon, tho effect being greatly increased "by irradiation. The Corona. Even during tho greatest obscuration, and when tho disc of tho sun Is completely hidden by that of the moon, its place Is still made appa rent by a halo stretching off an immense dis tance into space (Figure 3.) This light appears in tho remarkable form of a corona or lustrous ring, and it has sometimes been so bright as to be observed and mistaken for an annular eclipso. It has been compared to tho crown of glory encircling the heads of saints. It is irre gularly illuminated, giving tho appearance of rays, and has been observed of curious shapes, as that of a Greek cross in the eclipse of 1800, and an hour-glass in 1842. Iu 1507 this lu iiinoup ring was seen, and mistaken for the ii).ir;rin of the solar disc; it was equally visible in 1598. lis radiating appearance seems to have been first noticed in the eclipse of 1052, and appeared to be endowed with a sort of rotatory motion. In every subsequent eclipse, observed under any favorable circumstances, tho corona has been noted with equal plainness, generally 0f ai)OUt one-tenth or one-twelfth of the diameter of tho moon, and of a pearl-white, color; or, in tho words of an observer, of "that bluish tint which distinguishes the color of quicksilver from that of ft dead white." In the eclipses of 1842 and 1851, it was the principal circumstance to which the attention of the observer was directed; and M. Arago was able to perceive what might be termed two rings the inner one, or that which bordered on the moon's limb, being of a uniform brightness, whence it faded imperceptibly outward, and terminated irregularly. The inner ring was 3 or 4 ruins, in breadth; but the whole breadth of the corona was differently estimated by various observers as 8 miu., 10 min., aud 25 miu. in breadth. The appearance of this ring of light is now generally attributed to the effect of the atmo sphere of the sun, rather than to anything of the fame nature in tho case of tho moon. The latter was the supposition of Kepler, and before tho waut of an atmosphere was established by nu merous proofs, it was tho most natural theory; although the great breadth of the ring would go to prove that its height must be three or four hundred miles, or ten times the extent of the earth's atmosphere. No such difficulties exist in tho case of its being supposed to be the solar atmosphere, while its concentric form, iu regard to the sun at different periods of observation, tends still further to confirm this conjecture. iuo corona, However, cannot be identlaea as forming the zodiacal light; for it has mostly been observed of a circular form, whilst the latter is elliptical. Ilea I'lnmcH. In the eclipses of 1715 and 1733, when the sun was wholly eclipsed, and only the corona was visible, the margin of the moon was noticed to be marked with some red spots, which remained visible for some seconds. Whilst observing the corona in 1842 these appearances again became unexpectedly conspicuous to the different ob servers. They were first observed a few seconds after the time of total obscuration, and were of a fine crimson tint, being compared by one ob server to the peaks of the Alps illumined by the setting sun, and by another to beautiful sheaves of llames, which remained visible even after tho sun had emerged. The length of the most con siderable was, by actual measurement, found to be equal to minutes of arc. Only two or three isolated prominences were perceived by the observers stationed in the south of France; but to M. Struve and Schidlowsky those rose colored llames burst out at several parts of the lunar disc, a very large portion of the periphery being'garnished with the crimson bordering. M. Littrow noticed that they changed their color as tho eclipso advanced, being at first white, then rose color, and finally violet, passing afterwards iu a reverse order through tho same tints. In the eclipse of 1851 these crimson projections were of rare beauty, and appeared in great num bers. Some seen in this instance were crooked, nnd resembled a flame bent aside by the wind (Figure 4). Those rose-colored prominences seen In the iuncrmost aud brighter zone present the most remarkable phenomena, baffling to science. They ure curiously shaped. In 1851 one observer com pared them to a boomerang, another to a bal loon. Some have been compared to flames bursting from tho housetop, others to tho teeth of a circular-saw. Airy aud Arago were tho first to conjecture that these belonged to the sun; and the former showed it to be probable that these llames did uot change during tho mo tions of the moon. In 1800 Mr. Do la Rue, by means of the Kew heliograph, set the matter completely at rest. From tho pictures that he obtained, Mr. Do la Rue was able to show that the flames only changed apparently, not really, owing to the moon in its motions covering one portion and disclosing another; so that when the clock of his instrument was adjusted to the sun's motion, that portion of tho flames not covered by the moon stood still. These results were verified by Father Secchi, and fact is now established that no change occurs Iu their form during tho interval of totality observations lu the solar eclipse. Thus, equally with the corona, the i resent theory is that theso ap pearances aro in tho atmosphere, of tho sun, r.ud ore in nowise connected with the sun. Their reddish color would seem to show that they wero of a cloudy nature, resembling our terrestrial clouds, and absorbing all tho rays of the spectrum except tho red. ECLIPSE OF AUGUST 7, 18(19. It l'aae. It will be remembered that our earth regularly rotates on its axis once in twenty-four hours, travelling at the rate of 1000 miles per hour to the cast; and though to eomo this may appear startling, yet how will their wonder be Intensl- ' fied when they comprehend that it hat an nddi- , tional motion In Its orbit of 08,0K) miles per . hour to the west! The moon is revolving nround the earth at tho rate of about 2903 miles ; per hour from west to cast. It is plain, there- J fore, that the cone-like shadow of the inowi, which at the coining eclipse will be 1 10 miles In i diameter, cannot and docs not remain long on ! the same part of the earth's surface. For the I moon is flying around the earth in her orbit from west to east with the velocity, on the 7th of ! August, of about 40 mile per minute; and the rhadow passes over the earth's curved surface with the increased velocity of about 44 miles per minute, or nearly three-quarters ot mile every second of time. Hence the wholo circular shadow, of one hundred and forty miles diameter, sweeps over the earth, In a ciicrnl direction from the west toward-) tho cast, forming a belt of Its own width, more than tlx thousand miles long, In the short time of about two hours and a half. The penumbra covers a circular spaecof 4900 miles in diameter, the eclipse happening exactly at tluiiiode. Thus, the axis of the shadow is Inclined to the piano of the ecliptic, the shadow will be cut obliquely, ami tlmt part of the earth in the shade will bo oval. Such a chart as the spectator would ob serve from outside of the earth, and the astrono mer compile by calculation, is presented in Figure 2. 1 f that cut be compared, as the parallels of lati tude and longitude allow, with a large map of the United States, it will be found that the cen tral lino of the path of the umbra enters tho territory of the United States about two hundred miles northwest of Fort Union, which is situated at the junction of the Ycllowstono and the Mis souri rivers. It sweeps southeast across the Territory of Dacotah, and enters the State of Iowa near Its northwestern boundary, near Lin coln, at 4-29 P. M. Tho gigantic wings of dark ness, 140inilc6bro"id, will sweep across the whole length of Iowa in less than thirty minutes. Springfield, Illinois, will be enshrouded at 5-05 P. M., Vincenncs, Indiana, at 5 15, Louisville, Kentucky, nt 5-25, Abingdon, Virginia, at 5'42, Morgantown, North Carolina, nt 5 44, and at 6 5 the corona of glory will be reflected in tho Jbil lows of the Atlantic dashing upon the islets of that State. Hh riinHPH in Philadelphia. Neither corona nor rosy-hued llames nor co ruscated rosaries of beads will be visible to tho good dwellers in Philadelphia. The ill-conditioned klne left to browse on the scanty herbage of commons will not chew the cud of wonder; the grunters left to run loose among piles of bricks and mortar, and half-built houses aud un savory garbage, will not homeward plod their weary way on a doubled trot; the roosters penned up in city cellars will not huzzah out their cock-a-doodlc-doos as the sun just sinks below tho horizon. None of these wondrous things will bo witnessed by our citizen, for Philadelphia will not be deprived of all her sun light on that occasion. Attention to the follow ing hints, however, will, If the weather permit, euable the partial eclipse to be enjoyed as It well deserves to be: Where nothing better eau be had, a bit of plain glass, smoked over n candle or lamp, in some parts more deeply shaded than in others, to suit the varying inteusity of tho sun's rays during the progress of tho eclipse, will enable tho observer to see most of the phe nomena. In the city it will be easy to procure pieces of the red or ruby-tinted glass, of dif ferent shades or depths, from most of tho gla ziers, which maybe used with advantage, in stead of the smoked irlass. Those who can command a good opera-glass, or small telescope of any kind, provided with a shade glass to screen the eye, will of course have a better view. To those whoso eyes require caution in using, nnd to others for variety sake, it will pay to take a large card with a small round hole in tho cen tre, aud hold it against the sun's rays, so that the shadow will fall on the floor, pavement, wall, or other dark and smooth surface. Iu the middle of the shadow there will be a true Image of the sun, and the eclipse can bo stu died in its progress without strain ing the cyeB, and without smutting face or hands with smoked glass. This simple process was suggested by the familiar circumstances that the light spots in the shadows during a solar eclipse take the shape of the luminous portions of the sun's disc, and the perforated card has been used with perfect success. Points of Observation. The exact astronomical figures of interest to this city are as follows: Tho eclipse begins at 5h. 8'6 P. M.j it is greatest at Oh. 51m.; it end at Oh. 57-0m. Its duration will be lh. 49in.; its magnitude 10 9 digits (a total eclipse being 12); and Its poiutof beginning 132 dcg. Thosouthsido will be eclipsed. Applied practically iu observation, all the above calculations are valuable, as they direct the attention to tho exact time and point of tho commcncenientof the partial obscuration. Let the spectator, while looking at tho du cliuing sun, imagine a straight line drawn through tho sun from top to bottom, and auothor through tho middle from right to left, as if it wero to bo sliced into quarUrs like an apple. Tho upper point of the line will be 0 deg., the right hand point of course, as tho person must bo faclug to tho west, his right hand will bo towards the north will be 90 deg., and thq lowermost point 180 dc. Midway between tho latter two points may bo Inserted 135 deg.; at this point practically the first obscuration will be Visible. Tho lino of shade will creep gra dually up over tho disc of tho sun, covering tho lower limb regularly in its progress. At its greatest obscuration, about eleven-twelfths of the sun's surface will bo darkened, and the small rim unobscured will be tho upper section of its disc. As tho sun sets on Saturday at 7-0 about ten minutes will elapse between the end ing of tho eclipso and the sinking of tho sun, giving time for gay tinted clouds and tho beau tiful twilight, should tho weather permit. IiitvrcHtluK Point of Tolalitv. For tho beuefit of thoso readers who may have tho privilege of witnessing the totality, the chief points of popular interest, and thoso also which can bo seen by the naked eye, are brletly recapi tulated as follows: 1. Tho changes in tho color of tho sky aud tho clouds, and iu tho colors and shades of tho dis tant landscape, and also of near objects. 2. Tho approach and retreat of the dark shadow, which may bo stated approximately to bo at the rato of amilo a second. 3. The degreo of darkness during the totality, its effect upou animals aud plants, and whether stars can be seen; and if so, how many, what stars, and of what color. 4. The corona, or halo o." Ujjtat, which surround I the moon, nnd which usually nppunrs three or lour seconds previous to the total extinction of the Min's lijrht and continues visible for about the mine interval nfter lis reappearance. In general, It may be compared to the nimbus commonly painted around the heads of the saints. To the naked eye, the corona appears to start out from tho dark body of the moon jun at tho moment of total eclipse. It Is the most startling and impressive Incident of the ccllpsc-tlic climax of the whole phenomenon nnd perhaps tho most thrilling effect in nature. 5. The mm-mlorvd projections which appear around the margin of the moon's di -k, arc often (though not always) visible to the naked eye. 0. 1 he sphericity of tho moon, which has sometimes been seen projected upou the bright sky; also the effect of tho moon's hanging out in the sky between the earth and tho sun, and sometimes apparently very near tho former. 7. The moments of the four contacts should be noted bv all who have even small lasses and who can obtain the correct time, and should be communicated to Professor Stephen Alexander of Princeton, N. J., who is the chair man of tho committee on this eclipse, appointed by the National Academy of Sciences. FiorKK 3. Appearance of tho corona nt Beaufort, Pouth Carolina, during the total eclipso ot November 80, 1834. The ProRrenit of the Eclipae is given in the following table, which presents the time of beginning, tho middle, and the end, at various points in the United States, together with the number of digits obscured: TRACES. II ft New York Philadelphia ltuhiinore Boston New Orleans Cincinnati St. Loniu nhienffo Buffalo Newark, N. J LouiRTillo, Ky Albany, N Y Waahinston San Kranciauo Providence Pittaburif Rochester lotroit Milwaukee ('loTeland Charlt'Btnn New Havtn Richmond Ijowell Mobile Hnrtfora Syracuse... fortland, Utica Savannah Wilmington, Pol. Indianapolis Trenton Nashvillo OsweRo Banner, Me Dubuque Auputtta, Uti Si. Paul, Minn. . . Juebeo Mimirpal Raleigh Toronto Havana. Cuba Little Rock Portland, OreKon, . 5 1 6 I? Me S 3 24 24 80 6 7 4h 11 24 12' 2: 2rt! 47 ! 4H, iii! ll 84, Iri' 1 21: 2?l t 23: fin! l II 5 6 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 G 5 1 6 4 4 4 4 4 5 A 5 6 4 5 4 6 6 4 5 4 5 4 4 5 3 W) 5 23 h. m. I h. m. H 11 Sun-sot 6 Ii 6 B7i M o 53 IS Sun-ant, W 6 13 23 4, 7 4l 24 4 57 6 Bit 6 M 10 11 H 9 IVi 11! N. J 1.4! . B. 8. 8. 8. N. 8. 2 i 3 3S 6 1 Sun set 41 B 35: 421 2d 48 1 13 Sun-set ftt 6 51 17 Sun set 20 6 30 1 1 Sun set 53 A J7 8 21 Sun-set 5 tf 6 .VI 52 6 4t tt 51 6 141 6 Mi 6 2ll 2.1 Sun-snt 52 6 53i 7 Sun set; 36, 6 3rti la 10 12 if 11 8' 9',, S 9 lu s lira 1' ll'.i' 9! 8. 8. S. 8. N. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. N. 8. 8. 8. N. 8. 8. 8. 8. N. 8. 8. 8. N. 8. 40 6 59 6 54 1 6 5H 6 3d 7'ii 8. 11 S. 11 N. 11' H. 1(1 Invis. 1 6 1 2 3 28 7 U'ai 8 111'.,' 8. 8. 8. 8. N. N. N. SCIENIIFIC OBSERVATIONS. Important scientific expeditions havo been organized by tho National Observatory, the !Jantical Almanac Office, the United States .Coast Survey, by many of the leading universities, and by liberal citizens, to view the totality phe nomena, with all the facilities for scientific in vestigation. The sun in various stages of eclipse, will be photographed; the time and incidents of the phases noted, nnd material secured for a special and exhaustive analysis of the spectro scopic phenomena. Fiuuke 4. Appearance of the corona aud of tho rose-colored names lu tho total eclipse of July 28, lsM, iu Sweden, and of that of August 18, lbtks, iu India. " ' The Alaska Corps. . The naval appropriation act of March 3d last having appropriated $5000 for the observation of the eclipse, to be under tho direction of Pro fessor Collin, tho superintendent of tho "Nauti cal Almanac," that gentleman at first decided to 6dect either Ochotsk or Pensjinsk in Siberia, and Norton Sound in Alaska, as tho most favor able positions for observing tho eclipso. lie applied to the Secretary of tho Navy to send a ship to either or both of thoso regions in season for tho observation, and Mr. Borio directed Rear Admiral Rowan, commanding the Asiatic Squadron, to meet the observers at Yokohama by the first of July. Instructions were also sent to Rear-Admiral Turner, commanding tho Pacific Squadron, to allow the party the uso of tho vessel stationed in the waters of Alaska for tho purpose of making tholr observations. Two parties were organized for this Territory, which is by far tho best point of observation. With ' reference to the duration of tho total phase, there will be a maximum of about threo minutes and forty-seven seconds at a point north of Now Archangel, lu Alaska, to a mini Jflumof. two minutes aud twonty-eighj Recori Cvntviuvi h th Skcotul ruyt.)