THE DAILY EVENING TELEQ R APH PHIL AD fiLPHl A, THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1869. 5 TOKJI Delivered Ilrfore the Alumni Aplntlon of Lafayette College, July 37, 18i9. BT JAMBS F. BOYD, CLASS OF '09. Greetings, my friends, In name of all That make these places loved ; What heart refuses to recall, And yet remains unmoved, Tho thousand Joys that once fmprcgnod The generous soul of youth, The myriad hopes that dawned and reigned As truth unfolded truth? A span seem all the rushing years: Twas yesterday wc stood, Strong in resolves, weak In our fears, Amid the wise and good, Who, heaven ordained, watched o'er our minds, Taught us, and with us hoped, Tore down from Thought the dark'nlng blinds, And Reason's portals oped. Beyond the realm of home and parent' care The palpitating students humbly dare A life unknown, but which Is guarded well By faithful, honest, upright sentinel Wen who by training early learn to know What to withhold for good, what to bestow, When to encourage thought, when to restrain, "How to expand that subtle substance brain. Their wisdom weighed, their qualities all told, The home now offered brighter than the old, The halls are entered, now the race begins Will It be run nnmarr'd by petty sins ? But witness now the mighty transformation, And see how tumbles every youth's creation : Grim as a confessor lie stalks to his task, Gapes at the professor As much as to ask : "Arc you he that stands 111 Uh'.o parentixt If so, then to mischief, My mind fully bent is; How pleasant to rutllo That face all suavity, With wild antic and shuttle I'pset all that gravity ! I can't bear to be chilled By example so frigid; I shan't hearken to precepts 80 threadbare and rigid." This doctrine announced, lie soon learns to be sly, And the battle that follows Is fought with the eye. Then feebly, firmly now, a line is drawn Around a science ancient as the dawn That woke on chaos. By it man is taught How worlds are formed, how lirmaments are wrought; The sun Is weighed, the planet llnds a place, The meteor's guarded In erratic race; Seasons are counted, waves recede and flow, Mountains are levelled, enterprises grow; Nothing too great it can the world unswlng; Nothing too small it builds the watch's spring. AU power, save what Omnipotence reserves, Obedienoe yields to man, his will observes. O blessed science, key to nature's plan, That opens all her mysteries to man 1 Thus Newton, junior, with nis heart elate, On mathematics wou.d expatiate. But when down with ennui, Or a fit of home sickness, Dimension soon loses Its length, breadth, and thickness. What cares he for the moon, How it wanes or how waxes, For its phases and hazes, And sharp parallaxes ? He prefers not to join In a solar flirtation; So, "by your leave, sir," Declines declination ; And though 'twere a delicate Subject to mention, He believes all Is wrong About right ascension. A heart broke In pieces Might enlist his airections, But not black-boarded fractures Called conical sections. How horribly dry and Unmeasured is the chant About axis and angle, Sign, tangent, and secant! Then what sense in correcting. With nice calculation, That orbital freak Yclept perturbation ! Will there ne'er be an end To these spheres and ellipses ? How imperfect the system That suiters eclipses ! Why flue theories spin On the matter of light, grow dull o'er a subject So cheerful and bright ? The once favored science That lllled him with rapture Loses much of Its glow In the strife for Its capture. Yet the difference Is co niuton So common, in fact, That without the (deal Men seldom would act. Without ultimate hope, Without object or aim, Life's heavy, cold logic Would be limitless pain. Dream on, then, O youth, And murmur and toll The blaze will grow steady. Let the lamp but have oil. ' Another view: As that, so this Its quarter stages hath; The first decade of manhood Is the year With freshmen spent, the period of essay, When thought's antenna;, ever busy, try Kmprlse's walls, aud cast about for points To pierce the weakest, salient most to mount. The second, sophomore, when habitude Of business settles o'er the man, drives him Within himself, and throws oblivion o'er The thousand sweets which give to life a zest, And make the prize enjoyable when gained. The third is Junior now fruition crowns The years well spent ; a moment's leisure here And there, remission argues from the toil Which now its freight of consequences brings, But woe to him who opportunity , Hath lost! The fourth decade, the senior year Of life, upon him rushes like a stream Whose waters, by obstruction angered, tour Along, and to the tumult ruin add, For lilm there Is no ease, no quiet step Into the tomb. The silver hair, the form Bowed down, two-handed clinging to Its stair, Are not premonltors of death, so much As Nemeses their vengeance glutting byj Ilecall of years that Idleness consumed ; Who hath contentment earned by guardianship Of self, by duties rigidly fultllled, By strict observance of the laws which God Imposes, full of honors glides along Towards the commencement of eternity. A folding of tho hands; a prayer, his speech The dread ordeal pusses; and he stands A graduate of the school of life. Let us Kesolve to so pursue our course that when, Alumni of the same great school, Each one's diploma, sealed with Heaven's seal, Shall bear In golden letters this: "Well done J" xraCT youths ni 3. From our Own Corrtttpondmt, Nsw York, July 29, 1809. That traditional poor author whose bruins have for so many years furnished food to re morseless publishers and very poor gourmands those publishers must be is now rejoicing. Ho laughcth and invlteth all his friends to drink. An association Is being gotten up for his especial behoof called The A 11 thorn' PubllMliIrm Anorlat1on. The design of it is to examine into the merits of all unpublished works written by Its mem bers, to decide which aro worth publishing, and to have them published forthwith. If the book so published succeeds, the author is to receive three-fourths of the profits; if it fails, ho bears no share in the loss. If this nrrangemcnt don't sutlsfy "Poor Author," he Is an ungrateful beast, and deserves to have his braius fed upon by re morseless publishers. All the Poor Authors of New York and their name is legion arc wish ing to join this association. Tho fee is only ten dollars, and those among the first to join will enjoy the blessed privilege of having their books first road and pronounced upon. How many mute, inglorious M.'s and village H.'s will shell out out their ten dollars, it would take the lightning calculator or the new patent adder to compute. Old White Nat (Ircc lcy is one of the trustees, or legatees, or as signeesat nny rate his position h one of raw connected with the movement; but the head and front of it I understand to be Mary Kyle Dallas. Mrs. Dallas is the widow of Dallas, the portrait painter (an artist of no mean merit), and is her self one of the pillars of the New York Ledger, where bhc is engaged at a salary of twenty dol lars per week. She writes admirable little sto ries and poems, possesses a truly French fer tility of invention, and considerable power in the individualization of character. These quali ties arc not apparent in her larger attempts at fiction, however. Knowing probably what it is to have her works refused by the remorseless pub lishers aforesaid, she is admirably qualified for the position which rumor as signs to her in connection with the Authors' Publishing Association. She is one of the noted literary isms of New York. Some years ago it was with infinite difliculty she could be prevailed upon to do such plain prose work as that neces sary in the fashion article of a weekly paper. 8I10 was sure she couldn't write prose. Expe rience has proved since then that her prose, like most people's, pays better than her poetry, aud she probably does not regret the hour when she was waited upon and importuned to become a fashion editress a department, however, which she dUdaincd in her flight to loftier levels. More About Mr. Stewart. Mr. Stewart, of whom I yesterday retailed a piece of characteristic scandal, has at length suc ceeded in purchasing the two 6tores which stand at the northeast corner of Ninth street and Broadway, and the possession of which by him was all that was necessary to make the bloek complete. When they have been torn down and built upon in a style uniform with the rest of his establishment, the latter will occupy tho entire square included between Ninth and Tenth streets and Broadway and Fourth avenue. This is a consummation which this pious and pala tial philanthropist has been devoutly wishing for years. The sale has only been effected, however, within the last day or two. Mr. Stew art was 60 pleased that he immediately drew a check on his cashier for a ten cent postage cur rency, saved four cents by getting into a car instead of one of the Broadway stages, rode down to the Fulton street prayer-meeting and stood up to be prayed for. Central Park has become The Muli'ldPN' Iurndlip. The "rash." aud "determined" people who commit the "fatal" deed have begun to disco ver that its cool retreats and isolated grottoes are among the most charming spots in the world to Bhuflle otf the mortal coil in. Some weeks, ago I had occasion to mention a Central Park suicide. Another one occurred there yesterday at least it is believed to be a suicide. His body was found floating on the surface of the lake, and some sentimental poetry was discovered in his pocket-book. The idea of poetry iu a pocket-book ! Poetry aud pocket-books are the very lust things to have a connection with each other. The name and history of this last suicide remain unknown. WI13 don't the Park Com missioners enact a law forbidding such things? Mrs. Stanton, iu the last number of the Hern iation, 6ays that oue reason why women ought to wear a dress identical with that of men is the Perfect DiHKiiIxe of Hex that would ensue a sound (oris it an unsound?) woman's argument. Let Mrs. Stanton, if she returns to New York in time, go up to Pike's Opera House any evening aud determiue whether Miss Lucille Western disguises her sex or not as Satan in Paris. Did pantaloons and a frock-coat ever disguise Dr. Mary Walker ? Miss Anthony in clerical costume might; possiMy be taken for a dyspeptic divine; but then dys peptic divines are so like old maids that there is no telling the difference, excepting by the cut of their clothes. At Wiillaek's Tlienlre there has been a mess which has resulted In the withdrawal of the Sclwyn combination com pany. Report says that oue of the managers there and report don't specify whether there refers to Wallack's or Boston took his revenge upon certain of the players, who put on entirely too many airs, by striking them from the pay roll of the establishment. Some of the old 'members of Wallack's company aud Miss Ellie Gerinon have appeared iu tho place of these un fortunate strikists, over whom the inexorable waves of the Wallaekiau regime have closed, and New York knows 'cm no more. On Saturday ufteruoon The "tiiBiiiplon" Pn I are Cur, the Wahsatch, whic h last week made the llrst through trip from California, will commence the repetition of that performance. Until its depar ture, it is open to the inspection of the public from ten in the morning until six at night. A crowd is always there, and the observer goes awav feeling that he has been part of the way to San Francisco, and that he bears off with hiin a sniff of California climate. There is some talk of starting here a company similar to the one already started iu Chicago, which lias for its object The Jlmiiifiu'luro of Alcohol from the contents of the sewers. 1 hope the project will be abandoned. I have heard of whisky bringing a man to the gutter; but in this case tho whisky would bring the gutter to the man. Mr. llergh has gained a great victory, wUlcb. Is no other than The DUenlonibiiient of a Live Cat. As late as nine days ago some workmen, while constructing tho iron front of u new building at No. 4!) Walker street, a cat, for uo other reason than the satisfaction of feminine curiosity (it was not a tom-cat), crawled into thcjhollow part of the Iron girder at fonued tfic base ol tUo front. Once ensconced, she found It Impossible to get out again, and the workmen bullion, heedloss of her cries. The Berghlan dotectives, however, are ubiquitous. The news or rather the mews of the cat came to their cars; they t ok the matter to com t; and there it was de cided that the cat must be liberated even though it became necessary to tear down the entire front of the building. This alternative was not necessary, however. A small portion only was removed, and when puss was found her ninth life was found all but ready to depart. She was at once taken to Mr. Bergh's headquarters, where, under proper restoratives she recovered, and subsequently gave birth to an Interesting family of kittens. Mr. Bergh could not restrain his tears. He has had a large quantity of fecu lent tirades poured upon him by a venal press, butl hope this act will Immortalize him, or at least save him from all further jjwv-ulnt abuse. Am Uaha. CITY ITlI.tlH. FTTMMKn f'tvrniNa ok am. Kinds. A large artm,i 'Ih,.,, miiiilhi, hut T'll'ti'hrl ,1-iih. AVir, Jrr-h, nwi fashinnnMe, WTPFMOHTO ANY IIFADV-MADK STOCK IS PHI I.APKM'lllA in stitr, fit, and mtke, and . ' ' ttnteed toirer th'trthe loirrsl elsewhere, or the sale dtncr. ted atot uinniirefnull. Half way hktwkkn ) Bf.nnrtt A Co., Fithand ToWF.II II M.T., Sixth Streets.) 613 M mk T-t T., I'HII.ADFI.I'HIA, ANOfilK) BllOAUWAY, NKMT YORK. OnOVTB A BAKKn'R Highost Proraium Sowing Machine, Bj. 73U Cbesnutstreot. Finkht Clotihnq in th8 oitjr at Uiivni.F.s Stokf.h' under Continental. SrNOFR'g Hfwtno Machines On easiest possible terms, br O. K. Da ma. No. 81U Ubn.nut street. JrwT.i.BT. Mr. William W. Uamiidy, No. VI Month Second street, has the Urgent and most attractive assortment of tine Jewelry and Bilvorware in the city. Purohnsors rely upon obtaining a real, pure article furnished a price which cannot be equalled. He also bus a large stock of American Western Watches in all varieties and at all prices. A visit to his store is sure to result in ploasare and profit. OaRiioi.ic Ann Soap.- CUmnsing and disinfecting. Ilnneliciitl in skin diseases. Prevents tiio attack nf ims qtiitoes. Keeps fleas from dogs and cures miinge. Is useful in all cases in which Carbolic Acid may be used. Made and sold, wholesale and retail, by PECK A Co., Apothecaries, No. 12-23 Chosnut stroot. Adirondack Spring Wateh prom Whitehall, N. Y Kxjierioneo has proved that this celebrated Cbalybo ite Water contains more active medicinal proporties for the speody rolief and cure of all diseases of tho Kidneys and Urinary Organs, Female Weakness and Nervous Prostra tion, than any known remedy. Nature's great Tonio and Diuretio for invigorating and building up tho system im paired by diseaso, dyspepsia, or general debility. See pumpblot. Depot, and for sale by Wyf.tii A BitrTni:R, Drugaits, No. 1412 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Owino TO TITT. LATENESS OF THE SKA SOX, THE ENORMOUS SI.F. OF OU.'t STOCK, and ALTERATIONS ABOUT TO BE COMMF.XCSD OX OUR BUILDINGS, tee trill reduce ALL OUU VltlVES, and sell out our SUMMER STOCK, SUITS, COATS, PANTS, YES1S, F.VER1TH1XG, " HEAVY DISCOUNT. tW Those trho know hoio very cheap tre have been telling this season trill be surjtrised at our being able to make a STILL FURTHER REDUCTION, but our object torlear eur thriven and tableau the stork with trhirh they are hiill lowled, nottcilhitandittg theact that our bale this spring have been 60 PER CENT. GREATER than ever before. WAXAMAKER ,t BROWN, THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE, OAK HALL, The Corner of SIXTH and MARKET Streets. MAKKIIID. ORIFKITH-JARVIS. On the 2h instant, by the Rev J. Wht-aton Smith, D. D., AI.l'KKD P. iUIKr'ITll to Miss 1.U1.I J AKV Itt, both of this city. No cards. .... k. .... & v. , ...irsv..a v.. u but. ui. mniiiiit. m tile Cathedral, by ilev. Francis P. O'Neill, .lAViKS McHKNKY to CKCILIA I,., daughterof Jamus Cave- M.iUl.'NRV I , Vli M , ITI:11 Ka OO.l J ...... .. . naugii, J.sq., ail 01 rmiaueipnia. DIED. APPLEGATK. On the 27th instant, DAVID O. AP- n r.iiA 1 1'., in me win year 01 ins ago. Ti... -,.1...;...,. ...1 f -i . . r ... T .. T j ... . w u . .... 1 1 1 i.t. nuv. 1. iiji.i.u ... l nu iniitii, niw, uiniffa 11 U S, A. Y. M., and Decatur Loiue, No. M, I. O. of O. b, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from bis late residence, no. Sll . iMgmeentn street, on f rulav, the ;i th inxtnnt, at 4 o'clock P. M. To proceed to Machpelah Vault. FOSTER. On the 27th instant, CiROLINK, wife of John Foster, in the 2tith year of her age. The relatives and friends or the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her iirotner-in-law, no. 214 McAlpine street, West rhiladul phia, on Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. GREEN. On the 2rith instant. ANNIE FITHIAN daughterof William R. and Frederica R. Green, aged 17 vnnrs and 6 miatbs. The relativos and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of hor parents, No 1520 S. F ifth street, on Friday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, interment at ADenezer ai. K. uuurcn vault.. 11 A G F.RT Y. On theSSth instant. KIXKN H AUKllTY". daughter of Patrick and the late Hannah Uugorty, aged 3 VAHra. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited 10 attend tne lunerai, irom tue residence ; tier parents, No. 3414 Market street, on Saturday morning at 8 O'CIOCK. ROCK.-On the 27th instant, Mrs. EMNOR, wife of William H. Kock, Kai., in the 4mh year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited tonttend the funeral, from the residence of hor husband, no. 'mm N. r rent street, above Noms. on Sun day afternoon at 2 o'olock, without further notice. To pro ceea to iiionwooa uemetery. HAT8 AND OAPS. HWARBURTONS IMPROVED VENTI lfttod and easy -fitting Dress Hats (patented), in all the improved faanions ef toe season. uuaaflUi street. BAit nnor to Lm rami imoa 11 iv pODOERS' AND WOSTENHOLM'S POCKET X j KNIVES, Pearl and Stag beautiful finish. KODGKRS' and WADE ABUTOHKK'8 RAZORS, and the celebrated LECOLTKK RAZOR BUIbbORS of to finest qnality.- Kazors, Knives, Scissors, and Table Ontlery Gronnd and roliabed at r. MADEIRA b. No. 116 b. TKNTtt Htraat bolow tlhesnnt. 2 8 op THE A M E R I CAN COMBINATION BUTTON-HOLE AND SEWING MACHINE Is now universally odmitted to be superior to others as a Family Machine. TUB SIMPLICITY EASE, AND CERTAINTY with which it operates as well fas the uniform excellence of Its wwk, throughout the entire range of sewing, in Stitching, Hemming. Felling, Tucking, Cording, Braiding, Quilting, Gath ering, and Sewing on, Over seaming, Embroidering on the Edge, and its Beauti ful Button-Hole and Eyelet Hole Work, FLACE IT UNQUESTIONABLY FAR IN AD VANCE OF ANY OTHER SIMILAR INVENTION. OFFICE, S. W Cor. ELEVENTH and CHESNUT, 16tuths3mrp PniLADKLPniA. A T P P VY A7" T I T -1 WOULD RE- lHvVJ.A-.A- V J-Hs spectfully inform Un dertakers that, in order to meet the increased demand for my patent BURIAL UASKHT8, 1 have taken the large fcactoryat RIDGK AVKNUK. With my enlarged facilities, I am now prepared to fup. ply iiromptly all orders in city or country. o Wbiurp) K. S. KARLEY. DEAFNESS EVERY INSTRUMENT THAT soiencs and skill hsvs invented to assist the hesrin in eTiiry decree of duainess i also, Kospiralors ; also, Uran. dall's PsUnt Umtoues, suuoriur la n; others in use, at P. MA UK IRA'S, ho. 116 KoaUt IJUViU Dtrmtf below fllOUlUU INSURANCE.. rpUJS MOST BUUOKBSFUIi LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF TIIE WOULD. THE NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF Tltg UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. CHARTERED BY SPECIAL ACT OF CONORE33. CASH CAPITAL, SI, OOO, OOO BltANCII OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA. OFFICERS: CLARENCE H. CLARK, Philadelphia, Prcsldont. JAY COOKE, Philadelphia, Chairman Fluauce and Executive Coraminee. HENRY D. COOKE, Washington, Vice-President, EMERSON W. PEET, Philadelphia, Secretary and Actuary. FRANCIS O. SMITH, M. D., Philadelphia, Medical Director. J. EWING MEAR3, M. D., Philadelphia, Assistant Medical Director. This Company Issued In tho first TEN MONTIIS of Its existence 5395 POLICIES. INSURING $15,112,800. This Company affords to Its Policy-Holders PERFECT SECURITY By Its Cash paid-up Capital of One Million Dollars, . aud guarantees to the Insured, by Its LOW RATES OF PREMIUM LARGE DIVIDENDS IN ARVANCE, OR A REVERSIONARY DIVIDEND OF 100 TER CENT. BY ITS KETUUN PREMIUM TLAN. E. W. CLARK & CO., BANKERS, No. .15 Sou Hi TIZIKI Street, PHILADELPHIA, General Agents for Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. 8 8 B. S. RUSSELL, Manager. JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. SPECIAL NOTICE. On and After Monday, JULY 5, WE WILL CLOSE OUlt STOKE AT 9 F. IMC. UNTIL FUltTHElt NOTICE. CLARK & BIDDLE, No. 1 112 L Cliesnut Street, 3 II thm? PHILADELPHIA. SOFA BED. JJOVEK'S PAT E N 1 COMBINATION SOFA BED la decidedly the best Sofa Bed ever Invented. It can be extended from a Sofa Into a handsome French Bedstead, with hair spring mattress, In ten seconds of time. It requires no unscrewing or detaching, has no separation between back and seat, no cords to break, and no hinged foot attached to the top of the back te support It when down, which Is unsafe and liable to get out of repair. It has the conveniences of a bureau for holding clothing, is easily managed and It Is impossible for it to get out of order. Price about the same as an ordinary sofa. H. F. HOVER, OWNER AND SOLE MANUFACTURER, 1 M tnths6m No. 230 South SECOND 8tre NEW PUBLICATIONS. ALL THE NEW DOOKS FOR SALE AT WHOLESALE PRICES BY POKTIJB & COITUS, Pablishevs and Booksellers, NO. 822 CHESNUT STREET, Marble Building, Adjoining the Contiaontu!. Our New nod Elegant ART GALLERY. Is nor, open with the finest collection of PAINTINGS, C11V.O.MOS and KNGRAVINtiS in the city. U 22 uiwflrp PAPER HANOINOS, E I O. WARD & McKEEVER, No. 1400 CHESNUT Street. HXMfcllVC STYLES. THE FINEST STOCK, THE CHEAPEST PRICE, Bl7mw3mrp TIIE BEST WORKMANSHIP jfHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES Are the Best, and are Sold on the Easiest Term, PETERSON & CARPENTER, GENERAL AGENTS, Ho. 914 CUESXITT Street, 8 B fmw PHILADELPHIA. FINANCIALS A RELIABLE HOME INVESTMENT. TEE FIEST MORTGAGE BONDS OF TBS Wilmington and Reading Railroad, BEARING INTEREST At SEVEN PER CENT. In Currency Payable April and Ortabor, free of STATE and UNITED STATES TAXES. This road ran. thronjcb. a thickly populated and riota acrlcultnral and manufacturing distriot. For the present, w. are oDorinji a limited amount of th above Bond, at 85 Cents and Interest. The connection of this road with the Pennsylvania and Beadinx Railroad, insure, it a large and remunerative trade. We recommend the bond. a. th cheapest first olaa. investment in the market. wxti. rAixcTxm & co., BANKERS AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENTS, NO. 36 S. TIII11D STREET, 6 4 3m PHILADELPHIA. UNITED STATES COUPONS DUE JULY I, WANTED. COUPONS OF UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD DUE JULY I , Taken Same as Government Coupons DE HAVEN & BRO., BANKERS AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENTS, NO. 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, 6 11 PHILADELPHIA. IS. ZE. JAXvUSOXtT & CO., SUCCESSORS TO P. F. KELLY & CO., Hankers anil Dealers in Gi, Silver, an J Gmnnat Bonis, AT CL0SS8T MARKET RATES', N. W. Corner THIED and CHESNUT Sts. Special attention given to COMMISSION ORDERS n New Yorlt and Philadelphia Stock Boards, etc etc. 6 8 tM 31 QLEK DINNING, DAVIS & CO., NO. 48 SOUTH TniRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. GLENDINNING, DAVIS & AMORY, NO. 2 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK, BANKERS AND BROKERS. Direct telegraphic communication with the New York Stock Boards from the Philadelphia Otllce. 12 2 ELLIOTT & DUNN HAVING REMOVED TO THEIR NEW BUILDING, NO. 109 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Are now prepared to transact a GENERAL BAN ING BUSINESS, and deal In GOVERNMENT a other Becurities, GOLD, BILLS, Etc Receive MONEY ON DEPOSIT, allowing Interest. NEGOTIATE LOANS, giving special attention to MERCANTILE PAPER. Will execute orders for Stocks, Bonds, etc., ON COMMISSION, at the Stock Exchanges of Phlladel phla, New York, Boston, ami Baltimore. 4 205 gMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., BANKERS, PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK. DEALER SJN UNITED STATES BONDS, and MEM BERS OF STOCK AND GOLD EXCHANGE, Receive Accounts of Banks and Bankets on Liberal Terms. ISSUE BILLS OK EXCHANGE ON C. J. HAM BRO 4 SON, London. B. METZLER, S. S01IN & CO., Frankfort. JAMES W. TUCKER & CO., Paris. And Oth er Principal Cities, and Letters ol Credit 1 2 tf Available Throughout Europe. QITY W A RRANTS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. T. YERKES, Jr., & CO., NO. 20 SOUTH THIRD STREET, 4 2 PHILADELPHIA. p, S. PETERSON & CO., Stock and Exchange Brokers, NO. 39 SOUTH THIRD . STREET, Members of the Now York and Pulladelplii;Stock and Gold Boards. vyf '"-D. uujMn, t.w., uougnt and. sold on com mission, oulj ut t'Hucr city. j i0S riNANOIAL.. A Seven Per Cent, b'o'l Lta 56,500,000. THK KANSAS PAOIFIO RAILWAY, now iniucoo't ful operation from Kansas Oitjr to Si eridan, propose. t build an extension to Denver, Colorado. The Oovernmpat ha. granted Three Million, of Aore. of the finest land, ia Kansas and Colorado, which are morUaced for tbeeecm rity of a loan of 0,500,000. This loan is secured In Ilia m rat aafTMtiat Minna. ft. represents a road In profitable operation, and will open th trade of the Rooky Mountain country and connect it wita the ureat markets of the K.ast. It is considered to be ona in inn (mm. inni in mo market. F.VKN BKTTFK IN BOM K RKSPF.CTS THAN Q9T r.nnmr.n t HKUUKITIK8. The loan has tbirtlf years to run. nrinin.i ..j i. . psyalile in (rnld, semi-annually, seven per csnt. ine coupons will lie payable semi-annnally In eitliee Frankfort. Ixindnn. or New York. mnA will i. - . "... w no. irum, Government tasation. Th. bonds for the present are sold in currency at WJ, with accrued interest. circulars, maps, and pamphlet, sent on application. 1A15.M:Y, MOItUA A. VAK, NO. 63 EXCHANGE PLACE, NEW YORK. JI. 1. .II'.NI I A; CO., No. 12 PINE STREET, NEW YORK. Wo are nuthorizeri to sell lh hnnrf. in riiiinnini.:. - - . . - ""'' .i.ia, anir oflur them as a reliable investment to our friends. Tow.siLiii viii:i.i. sc co., No. 309 WALNUT Street, 7a7tnthflm PHILADELPHIA. JJANKINO HOUS or JAY COOKE & CO., Nos. 112 and 114 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA, Dealers In all Government Securities. Old 6-20s Wanted in Exchange for New. A Liberal Difference allowed. Compound Interest Notes Wanted. Interest Allowed on Deposits. COLLECTIONS MADE. STOCKS bou gnt ftnQ 80ia on com mission. Special business accommodation', reserved for lailifs. We will receive applications fr,r Poiideg 0f Ufa Insurance In the National Lifo 'insurance Company ef the United States. Full Information given at oar olce. i , 8m SAMfKI. W'OKK. FKAM'13 V. MI I.N g. WOR2I & LSILNE, F.AKKERS, STOCK ANR, EXCHANGE BROKERS, BC JNV. 121 S. THIRD St., Philadelphia. CHAMPION SAFES. GREAT 1TRE AT CAMDEN. Camden, June 7, lsc. Mess its Fakrkl, Herring 4 co, No. 620 Chesnnt Street, Philadelphia. Dear Sirs: At the very destructive Are of Messra. McKcen 4 Bingham's Saw MM, which occurred on the evening of the 6th Instant in this place, the Sale manufactured by you, belonging to the late Arm of F. M. Bingham 4 Garrison, was in the building, and subjected to a very severe test, as the Are raged fiercely for several hours; and so great was the heat that the brass plates were melted off, and to our great surprise, when the Safe was opened, we found all the books and papers uninjured. Yours respectfully, Samcki, B. Garrison, Late of F. M. Bingham 4 Garrisott n ERRING 'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES, "THK MOST RELIABLE SECURITY FROM FIRE NOVf KNOWN," Manufactured and sold by FARREL, HERRING & CO., NO. G29 CHESNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. HERRING, FARREL 4 SHERMAN, No. 851 BROADWAY, New York. HERRING 4 CO., Chicago. HERRING, FARREL 4 SHERMAN, New Orleans. More than 30,000 Herring's Safes have been and are now in use, and over SIX HUNDRED have ' passed through accidental Arcs, preserving their con tents In some Instances where many others failed. Second-hand Safes of our own and other makers having been received In part pay for the IMPROTKD HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION, for sale at prices. 4 IT 4ptf SPRINGFIELD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CO. or SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. Cash Assets, - S90l,G07'OO The Agency of the above popular Company having been trunsfetrtd to us, we are prepared to Issue Its policies, insuring property against loss or damage by Are on favorable terms. JOHN WILSON, Jr., & BRO., AGENTS, Nos. 121 and 123 South fOUllTU St., 7 28 9trp PHILADELPHIA. HOME LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YOUK, WALTER S. GRIFFITH, President A solid, safe, and reliable Company. Assets over two million dollar! (2,O0O,(K)0). most Mtttral nvesled.aad rapidly increasing. w3tsi AjKEjUBERSIIIP OF OVER 10,000. ' Paraoni oontemplatinc assurance en thsir Uvea are vited to (lamina the literature oi the Ootuwur, wbid mar be had at the Philadelphia office, f Southwest corner of FOURTH and LIBRARY Btreett 6Stbstu3ca U.K. irumc, Central Aet.