TIIE DAILY EVENING TELKGKAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JULY 10, 18GD. 5 i is xv. y on kihms. r"Vm Owr Own Correspondent, Nbw York, July 10. "The trcMiirer of tho Excise Board was busy all yesterday at police headquarters refunding to liquor dealers the excess of license money paid by them. It will take probably until the middle of next week to refund all this money, for the queues of people forming In front of the treasurer's desk are so long that thoso at the end of them stand no chance of getting up to the desk until the afternoon Is ended. Mr. D. D. Howard, of this city, who ten or eleven years ago achieved a great success In being a cham pion sufferer by what was then known as the Na tional Hotel disease, has Bulled for Europe. Mr. Howard has been an in vallil.su (Turing from the effects of that disease, ever since. The panic somo called , It poison broke out at the National Hotel, Washing, ton, and for some years quite destroyed the credit of that house. Ventilation, fumiga tion, deodorizatlon, choloride of lime, were all used In vain. The miasmatic fumes generated at that hotel were worse thau bed bugs, and all the guests who were not "taken"' fled at the earliest possible moment. Mr. D. D. Howard is believed to be the only survivor of thoso spectral guests, and after sulTering from the effects of the disease for ten long years, has gone to Europe with the hope of getting well. I hope be may do o. To-day the Harvard Four, who are this summer to row on the Henley Course against a four of Ox ford, the champlnns of England, will leave for Europe In tho City of Paris. They have boen stop ping at the Astor House. The crew consists of Messrs. Lorlng (captain and bow-oar), Si, unions (stroke), Bass, anil Rice. They have taken the pre caution to provide themselves with a cook who is presumed to possess accomplishments as culinary aa they are conscientious. His place is to see that the .young men eat and drink nothing that will Hurt them, and to exerciso a general supervision over their stomachs. One hears very little of the Midnight Mission Just now, but it has not fallen through, for all that. The managers of it, however, have to deal with one great difficulty. They say the fallen women whom it makes it its duty to look after complain that the wages of virtue Is very poor indeed. True, the wages of sin is death, but it is of (en a long time be fore sin pays Its wages In full, and meanwhile It grants a great deal of credit, which Is the next best thing to death. If you had vlsitc 1 the New York Midnight Mission, as I have done, and heard the despairing statements of half-lost women who have tried to be virtuous and found that virtue Is a ''dead beat," you would not be surprised that tho Mid night missionaries are so unsuccessful. The brands that arc plucked from the burning are very few Indeed. They wouldn't make a respectable-sized bonfire. Virtue Is a very liberal, good sort of person to those who have enough of this world's goods; but, to tell the truth, she is apt to snub and be menu to the hewers of wood and drawers of water. Virtue Is too often its own and its only reward. Integrity lias an appetite as well as dishonesty, and It Is no wonder the outcast prefers the Devil and prosperity to virtue and starvation. The routo of the underground railway Is now being surveyed by engineers. It is expected that their reports will bo submitted in October, and that the road will cost ten millions of dollars. A report was got up that work was commenced on the pneumatic railway, but this is not the case. The projectors of the pneumatic railway have other llsh to fry Just now. Strangers wandering along Broadway often won der where the nomerous flower-girls and florists pro cure their treasures from. They get them rrom Union Hill, which is florally one of the most proline Vicinities of Uoboken. The great floral emporium of New York find its nucleus in Hoboken, West Uo boken, and Union Hill. These three suburbs pro duce more largely than all the other suburbs of New York taken together. They are so extremely pro line that it seems a shame to be obliged to give the Broadway flower-boy ten cents for the tiniest of his bouquets. There is a Just prejudice against Coney Island as a pleasure resort. Those parts of It approached by the steamers are Infested by roughs and thieves, and If you are Imprudent enough to go there on Sunday afternoon, you are to be congratulated if you return with your watch and pocket-book. For the informa tion of such of the readers or Tim Evening Tele graph as may possibly stray thither, I might remark that those portions of the island accessible by rail road are much less open to this objection. Though the rough element may obtain, It is to a compara tively small extent. The steamboat landings and the railroad depots are separated from one another by an impassable morass, and hence the class of people who infest the one are not found at the other. Messrs. Cassidy and Sherry have taken tne Park Theatre, Brooklyn, and Intend bringing out Miss ' Ada Webb there, who is chubby, saucy, and other wise suited for soubrette business. Augustin Daly has taken the Firth Avenue Theatre for three years, at $28,000 per year. Think or It! He will have to, I fear, ere the three years are up. Au B aba. CITY ITIiJIS. ALPACA, DRAP D'EtE, AWD LlNKN BACK COATS. Black and Fancy Color ('loth Sack, light weight. Black and fancy Color Cloth ChesterJieUl, light weight. Linen and Duck I'ant and Vest. Linen Dusters, for Travelling. Everything in the way nf Clothing suited to the Scisan. A targe assortment, selling rapidly, but replenished daily; .new. fresh, and fashionaltle; superior to arty reatiy-mnite stock in I'hilaiielphia. Sold at price guaranteed lover than the loieest clsevthvre, or the sale cancelled and money re funded. Half wat Between ) Bennett A Oo., fifth and Tower Hai.L, Sixth Street; ) No. 618 Market St., Philadelphia, And 600 Broadway, New York Grover A Baker's Highest Premium Sewing Machines, "No. 780 Chesnut street. Sinokb's Sewtjto Machine! Ob easiest possible terms, by O. V. Davis, No. 810 Ohesnut street. Halle tt, Davis A Co.'g Piano, No. 937 Chesnut street, re unequalled in durability, brilliancy, tone, and power. Distinguished pianists aay they are the best. We never listened to any Piano ao enchanting. jEWItBT. Mr. William W. Oassidy, No. 13 South Seoond street, hu the largost and moat attractive assortment of line Jewelry and Silverware in the city. Purchasers can rely upon obtaining a real, pure article furnished at a .price which cannot be equalled. lie also haa a large stock of American Western Watches in all varieties and at all .prices. A visit to hia store is sure to result in pleasure and profit. Ovjt or Town. It is sultry July, With the mercury high, And fashion's folks ily From the dusty and dry, Scorching streets of the swoltoring city; '1 hoy hie them away To Long Brunch, Cape May, Saratoga, or stay Where Newport is gay, An J dresby dears dance and look pretty. But while they are there, The brown and the fair, Unoonscious of care, With money to spare, i'ellows feel for the funds loft in town. Thoy prowl day and night, Oblivious quite Of owners' best right To goods left in sight, And steal, right or left, up or down. Such oarryings on, (Or off, it's all one; ' 'Tia worldly wealth gone For a miserable paten;) I'll toll bow they can be preventod. For Marvin has made A success in his trade, With chroms fron'f aid, To atop burglara' raid, Whioh candidly weighed Will prove what I've said, And throw in the shade Tiie merit displayed In all other Hates men have invonted. Superior socuro Spherical Safes sold by Marvin A Co., fi ii CUuu4 UxjU Fnr Ready Made Clothing. r5-lSOrUBI IN TKXTtlRI, REASONABLE r PBIOK, FaSIIIONARLK in 8TTLB, AT Charles Stokes', No. 834 Oheanut atreet. IWWH HAVE SOLD SO PAST lWl RAVE SOLD SO PAST I O'l HAVE SOLD SO PAST I "Wl HAVE SOLD SO PART Our Spring and Hummer Clothing Our Spring and Summer CinOiing Our Spring and Summer Clothing Our Spring and Summer Clothing IWWK ARC KOW RECEIVING P"We ARK NOW REC'EIVINO IfWl ARB NOW RECEIVING I YWE ARE NOW RECEIVINO The Second Instalment The Second Instalment The Second Instalment The Second Instalment Jfr-BEAtTTipta presr ooons. C ryHEACTlPUL PREHH GOODS. P"BEAUTirtJL PREHH GOODS. I rHr.ABTiruL fresh ooons. CARDS. Our sales haee never been so targe, but tee still hare a splendid stock of the VERT NEWEST THINUS. Having an immense force of cutters and workmen, we keep up the supply for our counters. The new goods now receiving arc: A lHica Sacks, Cheviot Suits, Alpaca liusters. Drop d'F.te Sorts, Mhite and Colored Duck Suits, Flannel Suits, Boys' Dusters, Boys' White Vests, Boys' A Ipaca Jackets, Travelling Suits, Blue Chestcrfieltlt, Olive Chesterfield, Dahlia Chesterfields, Brown Chesterfields, 1'ouths' Chesterfiehls, Children's Suits. t& An extra large force of Salesmr to all either looking or buying. i to give good attention Wanamaker A Brown, The Largest Clothing Ilttuse, Oak Hall, TheC-yrner of Sixth and Market S'reett. iii;i. BTJTTF.Tt FIELD. On Saturday, June 3S, at his msi. dence, Woodlands, npnr ll.iwnrth, Yorkshire, England, RICHARD H. BUTTKHFIKLD, merchant, of this oity, in tho tiki year ol his age. PKWITT. On the morning of the sth instant, JAMES WILSON, son of Dr. J. Wilson and tannic F. De Witt, aged 6 months and 15 dsys. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to at tend the funeral, from his lather's residence, No. !Mil Kidge avenue, on Sunday, the 11th instant, at 4 o'clock P. M. ( Davenport, Iowa, aud Blooinsburg, Pa., papers please copy.) ISARD. Drowned, on the 8th instant, at Camden, JOHN 8., son of Almira and the lute Frederick laard, ana grandson of Eloazer and Amelia Xsard, aged 8 year and 9 months. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend bis funoral, from the residenoe of bis grandparents. No. 313 Unripe avenue, Camden, N. J., on Sunday afternoon, the 11th instant, at 3 o'clock. KAISER. At Superior City, Wisconsin, on the 30th June, Mr. JOHN DAVID KAISEll, Civil Engineer, in the 23d year of his age. M A HONY. On the evening of the 6th Instant. CHRIS TIAN HUB BERT, only son of James and the lata Jane Mahony, in the 23d year of his age. His mule friends and those of the family, also the Em ployes of King A Buird: the members of Typographical Union. No. 2, and Nevada Tribe, No. 7B, Improved Or Jer of Red Men, together with the Order in genoral, are re spectfully invited to attend his funeral, from the residence ot bis father. No. 415 Richmond street, on Sun day morn ing next at 10 o'clock, without further notioe. To proceed to Hanover Street Vault. OROOERIES, ETO. )LARETS I CLARETS! ONE THOUSAND CASES OF HIGH AND MEDIUM GRADE C I A 11 E T S, Imported In wood, and bottled here at a much lower price than the same Imported In cases. SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, IMPORTERS OF FINE WINES, S.W. CORNER BROAD AND WALNUT, 7 1 stuth PHILADELPHIA. FINE TEAS AT LOW I It I J 1 B. Ttaipii Blact's Son & Co, BROAD and CHESNUT Sts., 8 BtutMmrp PHILADELPHIA. ftEW SPICED SALMON, FIRST OF TITE SEASON. ALBERT C ROBERTS, Dealer In Fine Groceries, 11 T5 Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. THE AMERICAN COMBINATION BUTTON-HOLE AND SEWING MACHINE Is now universally admitted to he superior to al others as a Family Machine. THE SIMPLICITY EASE, AND CERTAINTY with which it operates as well' as the uniform excellence of its work, thronghout the entire range ef sewing, In Stitching, Hemming, Telling, Tucking, Cording, Braiding, Quilting, Gath ering, and Sewing on, Over seaming, Embroidering on the Edge, and its Beauti ful Button-Hole and Eyelet Hole Work, PLACE IT UNQUESTIONABLY FAR IN AD YANCB OF ANY OTHER SIMILAR INVENTION. OFFICE, S. W Cor. ELEVENTH and CHESNU 6 letuthsSmrp PHILADELPHIA. T II E LATEST AND BEST THE PARHAM NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. Combining all the good qualities of the best machines in the market, with many new and admirable featurea not found in any other. Ia adapted for every description of family sewing and for light manufacturing purposes; ia decidedly the moat porfeot, aimple, and reliable FAMILY SEWING MACHINE ever invented. It ia elegant in atyle and finish; aimple in oonatruotion; noiseless in operation; makea perfect work on every deaoriptlon of material; ia perfectly free in all Its movement s ia very light running, and ia a pleasure for the operator to uae it. Call and examine it at the office of THIS PAH1IAM MCHIN MACHINE CO., NO 704 ClIESNUT STREET, gjOlm PUILADELPHIA. QHOICE FAMILY FLOUR. For the Trade or at Retail. EVERY BARREL WARRANTED. Keystone JTlour Mills. 1 Km itnjii nTRATJTJ Avennfl. OLOTH8, OASSIMERgS, eTQ. CHEVIOTS ! CHEVIOTS I FANCY AND LAIN, For Gentlemen's Travelling Suits. DUCES AX7D DITX,3 IN GllEAT VARIETY. C OMrLKTE STOCK or BATISTES. COATINGS, KEPELLANTS, ALL 8IIADES, For Ladies Walking Suits. FANCY, TLAIN WHITE, and SCARLET CLOTHS, DELICATE AND BEAUTIFUL TLAIN COLORS, FOR FRIENDS' WEAR. W. T. SNODGRASS & CO., No. 34 South SECOND Street, T710trp PI 1 1 LA I)K LP AI A. QASSIMEltES AND DOESK NS. JAMES &. LZZ, No. 11 NORTH SECOND STREET SIGN OF TIIE GOLDEN LAMB, Are now reerlvlnpr a largo and CHOICE ASSORT MENT of all the celebrated makes of Slack Doeskins and Cassimeres That come to the country, 3 23 a AT WHOLESALE AND RRTAI-L. DRY GOODS. JINENS, LINENS, LINENS. LINENS FOR MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR AND LADIES' SUITS LOWER THAN EVER. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES OF ALL KINDS AT A TREMENDOUS REDUC TION FROM THE LOWEST PRICE OF THIS OR ANY OTHER SEASON. SEE TnEM. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CASSELtERRY & CADWALLADER, NO. 830 ARCH STREET. T 8 th82t4p PHILADELPHIA. JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. QIIESNUT AND TWELFTH STREETS. NOTICE ! FROM THE 6th OF JULY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, WE WILL CLOSE OUR STORE AT 5 P. M. BAILEY & CO.. JEWELLERS. 7 1 thstulOtrp J E M O V A Li. 15. "WV RDEN, IMPORTER OF Watches, Diamonds, and Jewelry, Eaa Removed from the S. E. corner of Fifth an Chesnut Streets to No. 1029 CHESNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. N. B. WATCHES REPAIRED IN THE BEST MANNER. 811thstu5 C. & A. PEQUIGNOT, MANUFACTURERS OF WATCH CASES, AND DEALERS IN AMERICAN AND FOREIGN WATCHES, No. 13 South SIXTH Stree 1 1 mwagrp MANUFACTORY, No. 82 S. FIFTn Street. I E. DURING JULY AND AUGUST, OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSED SATURDAYS AT 3 O'CLOCK. JAS. E. CALDWELL & CO., 7 8 thstulmrp JEWELLERS. RICH JEWELRY. JOHN BKENNAIS DIAMOND DEALER AND JEWELLER, NO. 13 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET, 4 29 thstuSmrp PHILADELPHIA. INSTRUCTION. rpiIE LEHIGH UNIVERSITY, SOUTH BKTHLKHE44, PENNSYLVANIA. Applicanta for adtniaeion on SEPTEMBER 1, 1869, will be examined on MONDAY, June 21, or on FBI JAY, Auguat 37. Apply to HENRY COPPEE, LL. P., 617 lm ' Prooldonr qVII E EDGE II ILL S C II O O L, a Boarding and Day School for Itoya, will begin 1U next aession In tbe new Academy Building at MEKOUANTVILLE, NEW JERSEY, MONDAY, September 6, 18iit. Foi circulara apply to Rev. T. W. OATTEIJ 2Htf Principal. CURTAINS AND SHADES. TMFORTANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS. 1 HE PATENT ADJUSTABLE! WINDOW SCREENS fit any window, and keep out FLIES, MOSQUITOES. AND ALL OTHER INSECTS, rut emu O lift, id .uriij hia i. n crow WINDOW BLINDS AND SHACKS Ol all kutdc UKPAIKINU, HJ'O. D. J. WILLIAMS & SONS, WO. IG HOIU'U 151 A i ll HTRKKT, I U Ut ' PUiiO. :nxs SUMMER RESORT S. ATLANTIC CITY. UNITED STATES HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Ia Now Oprn Tor the Reception of fJueato. HASSPER'S BAND, under the direction of Simon Itaaaler, U engaged for the eeason. Person wiabing to engage room will apply to OEOROE FREEMAN, Bapertatenrtent, ATLANTIC CITY, of BROWN & WOELPrER, 9 1 m ffo, 827 RIOHMOND Street. Philadelphia, SURF HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., IS NOW OPEN FOR GI'KHTM. TERMS MODERATE. For room, terms, Ao., addrets THOMAS FA RUE Y, Proprietor. Oarl Sentc'.Parlor Oroheatr, ha been engaged for tha (eaeon. e 1 2m JHONGRESS I FALL, ATLATTCCTfY7Nrj7 KJ GKUKdK W. HINKLK. Prnnriulnr. Nm. nnnn f .- the nnAon. It baa bftn thoroughly rnovatod nnd put into complete order. In ootiiioctiou with the bathing there ere new lmth-hofto, and Oaptuin W. Tell Nt root's lfe line and buoys introduced tor the special use of the uoaruern. q &j itQ TAVERLY HOUSE. ATLANTIC CITY, N. 1 J., comer ATI.ANTIO and DELAWARK A- nup, opposite the United Stntoa Hotol. To thox noxktns comfort and plcaxure this bouse bin, In He dnltRlitful shade and eligible location, advantage eoldom found on the .onshore. M. J. JOV, b 25 lm 1'ropriot reus. rpiTE NEPTUNE HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, -I N. J..ia NOW OPEN. The locution of thia bniu only one hundred fnet from porf(ctly aafe and excollmit ba tiling, toRetber with iis comiorta n a Kiwt-olasa Hotel, make it a mont desirable Mopping place. For tcrmn, apply at the Hotel, or at No. 707 Wood street, Philnrtolphia. bki J in itutir.it i- i rUHKi, Lessee. EED HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., (Next door to United State? Hotel). CHARLES SOUDER, M. D , 6231m proprietor. M ACY HOUSE, MASSACHUSETTS AVE NUE. ATLANTIC CITY. N. .1. keens onon thn nn. tiro Tear. Situated near tbe H EST l(A IIJI(l- Uu. airr looms: furnished throughout with spring bods. 1 1 1 ma, to wio per wock. tiw GKOKOK II. MAOY, Proprietor. o II N M E T Z'S INLET HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY. Tutest brands of Icjuon. 7 21m If E N T U C K Y HOUSE, IV ITMNTIII fllTV V I ' is now open for tbe reception of visitors. jiirtcj. At. wiJiiijn.i. 63 Ira Proprietress. Columbia' house, Atlantic city, N. J., opposite the Surf House, IS NOW OPEN. Tonus to suit tbe times. 613 1m EDWARD DOYLE, Proprietor. HMl E SCII AUFLEU HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, X. N.J. The best location on the ialnnd, with an A No. 1 tab'e, and the best attention paid to its guests. Eighty tine sleeping ohambers, with bods, etc.. uusurpaHsed. Pnn AlAJIn oUHAUr Lr.K. Proprietor. DENNIS COTTAGE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. (MICHIGAN AVKNUIC), Knlarged to double its former capacity, is now open fcr tbe recei tion of guest. M, JOSKPU H. BORTON. 6 23 lm Proprietor. COTTAGE RETREAT, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., is Now Open, enlarged and improved. Spring hods throughout tbe establishment. Kooms for invalids. Terms moderate. 6 Ira MRS.JMcCLF.E8, J'roprletresa. CEA VIEW HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITyTn! k J J corner of PACIFK) and KENTUCKY Avenues, is Now Open for reception of guests. , LEEDS A DAVIS, 6 23 lm Proprietors. SANK HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. corner of ATLANTIC and CONNKOTrUOT Ave nuea, is now open, enlargod and improved. One of tne pleasanteat locations on tbe island. 6 241m LKWIS REPP, Proprietor. n ADDON HOUSE. ATLANTIC CITY, FOOT of NORTH CAROLINA Avenue, near the beach, a new bouse just finished, is now open. 7Slm BAMUICL P. HUNT, Proprietor. pVARD HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITyTnTJ.", A J (Pennsylvania Avenue, between Atlantic and Aro tic) is now open for the reception of guests. 6 24 lm T. F. WATSON, Proprietor. TAMMANY HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.. JL delightfully located on NORTH CAROLINA. Ave- nue, is now open. 0 tm ELIAS CLKAVKH, Proprietor- M ONROE COTTAGE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.. ATLANTIC Avenue, first block abovnlTnitait States Hotel. Terms, $12 per week. 6 23 lm WILLIAM MONROE, Proprietor. TIIE "CHALEONTE," ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., IS NOW OPEN for the reception of guests. 6 lm LIS HA ROBERTS, Proprietor. HEWIT HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY. N. j will open July 1, and will be kept as formerly. . 1. uuiuimiaux, Proprieties. 6231m MAGNOLIA COTTAGE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., a First-class Private Boarding-house (Penn sylvania avenue), is now open for tbe reception of boarders. 6 2a lm A. P. COOK, Proprietress. M ANN'S COTTAGE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. (Pennsylvania avenue), unexcelled as to location. comforts, conveniences, and the furnishing of the house, ia now open tor visitors. ioj kj. u. t t-njitix, ropriotrons. 'pH- "CLARENDON" HOUSE, VIRGINIA X Avenue, Atlantic City, N. J., is now open. 6 231m JOSEPH JONES, Proprietor. T HE A L II A M B R A, ATLANTIC CPI Y. N. J.. is now open for the reception of guests. 6 23 lm R. B. LEEDS, Proprietor. CENTRAL HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J is now open for the rocention of guusts. 6 231m LAWLOR A TKILLY, Proprietor. CHESTER COUNTY ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. 6231m HOUSE, J. KEIM, Proprietor. T I G II T-II OUSE COTTAGE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., conveniently located to good and safe bathing, is now open. Leave cars at U. 8. Hotel. 6 16 lm JONAH WOOTTON, Proprietor. CEA-SIDE"HOL SE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., O is now open It ill ereoeption of guests. 6 23 lm EVANS A HAINES. Proprietor!. QV I LFOn ' P8PR I N C WATER NATURE'S GREAT REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, KIDNEY COMPLAINTS KHEUMATISM, and NEURALGIA. This is tbe oldest and most powerful Medicinal Spring la Vermont, and has been endorsed and preaoribeu by th Medical Faculty since 1817. In diseasea requiring an alterative, its action is speedy and permanent. A descriptive pamphlet of tha Spring, Its enres, and th analysis of the water, can be procured gratia ot t WHOLESALE AGENTS, JOHN WYETII & BRO., No. 14 14 WALNUT Street Also for sal by CHAS. ELLIS, SON A CO., No, 1U00 M AKKET Ktreet. V. WA I.TEH MULLEN, Chesnnt HilL FREDERICK BROWN, FIFTH and CHESNUT 8ts. JAMES T. KHINN. BROAD and SPRUCE Street. O. H. HUBKEI.L, No. 141(1 CHESNUT Street. PECK A CO., No. LM CH KSNUT Street. A. B. TAALORJN WHOiycSNU JJARGH, FARRELL & WARREN DKALEKS IN PAPURS OP ALL KINDS, NO. 031 ClIESNUT STREET AND NO. C21 JAYNE STREET, 7 o 'im Philadelphia. TCE." "ICE." 'ICE." X THK PENN COAL AND IOK COMPANY, Ciisrtored in December, !H8. ICK FROM MAINE, BOSTON, AND CATS KILL always on band and tor sale by the earn", ton, or cur load, at the wharves of the company, Kl'KUuK SUeut, huhuyl kill river, PbiladHlpbia. ; o iou Cia;LXUi J, V VUW, PiUUlilsl, INSURANCE. REMOVAL ! REMOVAL ! THE AGENCY OFFICE OF TIIE HOME INSURANCE COMPANY! OF NEW CASH ASSETS SIA3 B222X? XlErfXOVXD TO LANCASTER'S INSURANCE AGENCY, N. AV. Corner of -FOUBTII and WALNUT Sts., T R St SUMMER RESORTS. CAPE MAY. SEWELLS POINT FISH HODSE, Cold Spring Inlet, Cape May, N. J. PLKASURK AND FISHINO BOATS TO HIRE. Meals and Refreshments served at short notice, an 1 the bost attention paid to the wants of ttshing j arties an 1 visitors to the Inlet generally. Wines, Liquors, Cigars, eto., of the choicest brands. n. W. FAWCETT, 7 l lm PROPRIETOR. w (Opposite the Stockton Hotel), CAPK MAY, N. J. A few npartments, with board, in these splendidly oon structcd Cottages; can be secured on immediate applica tion at the Cottages to H. W. FAWCKTT, 6 281m Proprietor. Q E A B A. T II I N G". O NATIONAL HALL, OAPK MAY CITY, N. J. This large and commodious Hotel, known ai the National Hall, is now roceiving visitors. bS12m AARON GARRETSON, Proprietor. pARR'S COTTAGE, JACKSON STREET, CAPK MAY, N. J an entirely new and handsome hotel, just completed aud newlj furnished throughout, is now oven for tbe seiison. 4 ood accommodations for board ers. Itfaalm FRANCIS OARR, Proprietor. MERCHANTS' HOTEL, CAPE MAY, N. J. This delightfully loouted hotel is NOW OPRN for the season, whore the undersigned, aa heretofore, will de vote bis whole energies to the comfort of bis guests. WILLIAM MASON. 6 28 2m Proprietor. PARKINSON HALL, HUGHES STREET"" Cape May. First-class Private Boarding House, commanding a full view of the Stockton House and ocean, lm Mrs. K. PARKINSON JONES. Proprietresa. McMAKIN'8 ATLANTIC HOTEL, CAPE May City, N. J., now ready for visitors, and to con tinue open tbe entire year hereafter. 6 3ti lm JOHN McMAKIN, Proprietor. PAPE MAY ADOLPn PROSKAUER, OF J No. 222 S. THIRD Street, Philadelphia, MAISON DORKE, Restaurant a la carte, and hotel on Kit ropoaxi plan, corner of WASHINGTON and JACKSON Streets, Cape May. g 2d lm PHILADELPHIA HOUSE, CAPE MAY. N. jT, is now open for the reception of r iests. Address K. tiRIKHTH.Oape May, 6 28 lm or No. 1004 OHKSNUT Street. Philadelphia. T A PIERRE HOUSE. CAPE MAY. N. J J A This delightfully located hotel is now open for the oiialm J. WIENER, Proprietor. pAPE ISLAND. PRIVATE BOARDING FOR I L'l Mil IL'U .. . .1.. I'll . ... - n.iAjjAi.o nv lug riiAniviil.l IIUUK8, 6 281m MRS. 11. W. GARDEN, Proprietress. O HERMAN HOUSE, CAPE MAY.N.j" KJ NOW OPEN. Largo airy single and oommunicat ng rooms. Spring Beds. Terms, Iftlo to 1H per week. 2)i lm CLIFFORD & CO., Proprietors. TREMONT HOUSE, CORNER FRANKLIN and WASHINGTON Streets, Cape May, N. J will open on the 8d of July. Turms, H1B to 1 per week 6 28 2m HUMPHREY HUGHES, Proprietor. PIANOS, ETO. BUiiU.MAl.AtUt iX UtJ. r.--rrs, rrfi-W' PHILADELPHIA GRAND. Trl T3 SCJUARK. AND UPRIGHT PIANOS are universally acknowledged to be the best instm-neuta made, and have been awarded the higheet prmnimm at all the principal Exhibitions ever held in the country. Oi r extensive facilities for manufacturing enable us t otTn freat inducements. Gall at our beautiful waroroo ns, N. . 103 Chesnut street, and examine our extensive s 'Ookti Superior Joseutot IHano. THK BURDETT ORGAN. P. 8. We have secured the agenoy for the sals of the Celelirated Burdett Organ. It haa no rivaL The superiority of these instruments overall others is so great that we challenge, eontrasiictum. Call and examine them before purchasing elsewhere. The Grand Piano seleetnd by Mrs. Lincoln for the White House eight years ago is now at our ware rooms on exhibi tion, where it will be shown to any one having a desire to sue this historic relic. N. B. New and second hand Pianos to rent. Tonlnf and moving promptly attended to. Send for Desoriptiv( Circular. SCHOM ACKER PIANO MANUFACTURING CO., 6 1 mwBlm 11U3 Chesnut street. -i--f 8TEINWAY & SON'S UPRIGHT trirV-npiANOS. It will be welcome news to the musi cal pnblio that Hteinways have aucceeded. by tl most gigantic improvements, in raising tbe Uprignt Piano from its well-known stato of imperfection to that of the most porfect amongst the different sbapea of pianos. The I'prigbt Piano of Steinway A Rons now is more durable, keeps better in tune and in order, baa more power, a purer and more musical tone, and a better touch than the square piano, and rivals in most of these points even tbe Grand Piano. Its advantages are so plain and striking that the most prejudiced apriiinst this sliape of a pinno are converted by examiuing them; and out of twenty who want to liny a Square Piano, nineteen prefer now already an Upright one of S. A S. Purchasers will do well to examine them, at the waioioom of BLASrUS BROS., g 27 wat f No. lmW Cli KBN UT Street. -rr-3 BTECK & CO.'S A HAINES-BROS. Trtt-ff PIANO FORTES, AND MASON A HAMLIN'S CABINET AND METROPOLITAN ORGANS, with tbe new and beautiful VOX HUMANA. Every inducement offered to purchasers. J. F. GOULD, 8 stuth 3m No. fri3JHESNlJT 8treet. ALBRECHT, RIEKF8 A KCHMIDT.1 AfaNU rAi-TUKKHS OV FIRST-CLASS PIANO-FORTES. Full guarantee and moderate prices. 82 YVAKKl.ooMS, ii'o. OIO AROH Street. SOFA BED. H OVEK'3 PATEN COMEINATION SOFA BED Is decidedly the West fiofa Bed ever Invented;, It can be extended from a Sola Into a handsome French Eedstcad, with hulr Bprliig mattress, In ten Beconda of time. It requires no unscrewing or detaching, haa no separation between back and seat, no oorda to break, and no hinged foot attached to the top of the back to support it when down, which la nnsafe aud liable to get out of repair. It haa the conveniences of a bureau for holding clothing, Is easily managed and It Is Impossible for it to gut out of order. Price about the same as an ordinary sofa. II. F. HOVER, OWNER AND SOLB MANUFACTURER, 1 !fl tuthBom No 230 South SECOND Street. HATS AND OAP3. nWARBURTON'S IMPROVED VENTI lated and easy-fitting Dress Hats (patented), tn all the improved fashions of the season. ClIESNUT Si reei. mul. Ovw Iv. Uis 1'wnt.Vftyi, . - 11 tt 5 . REMOVAL I HAVEN, $1,700,000 PniLADELPITI A. SUMM-S TRAVEL. CATAWISSA RAILROAD TOURISTS' EXCURSION SUMMER TICKETS TO Niagara Falls, Montreal, Quebec, White mountains, Boston, Lake George, Saratoga, New York, Etc. Etc., ARE NOW READY FOR SALE AT THE TICKET OFFICE, NO. 811 ClIESNUT STREET. 7 9Tt PHILADELPHIA. SUMMER T R A V EL VIA NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. The most popular route to Wilkesbarre, Fcranton, Mauch Chunk Easton, Hazleton, Mount Carmel, Allentown, Bethlehem, And all points In the LEHIGH AND WYOMING VALLEYS. Four Through Trains In connection with Lehtgfc Valley and Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroads. COMMODIOUS CARS, SMOOTH TRACK, FINK SCENERY, EXCELLENT HOTELS, Are the specialties of this route. Through Trains leave the Depot, BERKS AND AMERICAN STREETS, At 7-45 A. M., 9-48 A. M., 1-45 and 5 P. M. ELLIS CLARK, 6 30 lm General Agent. Tickets sold and baprgage checked through at Mann'Ex press Olllce, No. 10G S. FIFTH Street. UK LONG BRANC n, WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. On and after THURSDAY, July 1, 1869, LEAVE PHILADELPHIA FROM WALNUT STREET WUARF, 8-00 A. M. I DUK ( 1319 p M 2 IH) P. M. I LONG BRANCH AT 6 12 P. M. Fare: Philadelphia to Long Branch $-o 1 iADta,,. .... W. II. GATZMRR. 721m Agent. QLIFTON SPRINGS HOTEL AND AIR CURE combined with Water Treatment. This extensiva and mairniflceiit establishment, located on the Aubnrm branch of the (reat New York Central Railroad, midway between Syracuse and Rochester, is now opened for tha reception of pleasure seekers and invalids. A Uthoffraph of this spacious and elegant building, surrounded with a natural grove and beautiful drives, can be seen at tha most important hotels and watering places after August L Terms for board, S3 per day ; $12 to $18 per week ; children and servants half prioe, subject to contract for fouf months at reduced rates. N. B. Circulars sent on appli cation. ALBERT CLEVELAND. 8 24 . Proprietor. CUMMER R E 8 O R T. The subscriber having purchased tha Cold Spring property, on the line of the Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, from the Philadelphia and Reading Railway Company, will reopen it for visitors and families on June 1, 1HX. It is now undergoing thorough repairs, and will be refitted and refurnished in the best manner. Persona can address the proprietor at ilarrisburg. Cold Springs. Box No. 170. S 25 2m WILLIAM LEROH. GENEVA, 8 W I T Z E R L AN D. HOTEL DK LA MF.TROPOLK, CHARLES ALDINGKR. Proprietor, Formerly of the "Couronne." This hotel, the largest in Geneva, Is situated in th moat favorable portion of the oity, commanding a splendid view over the Lake, the Jura, and the Mont Blano; 800 room and saloons. Reading, coffee, smoking, and billiard rooms. English and American newspapers taken daily. 8 8 Ins STEAMBOAT UINES. L, OR C. A P E MA Y. ON TUK8DU.?h!IiuvDAY8. on .ii.l sltor RATTTTJn V .lo .i.? j !!-f LA,VY F " .LAKK, Captain W i Htl.MI'hUN, will commence running regularly to OAPM M AY. leaving ARCH ri'l'KK KT WH AK b on TUESDAY THURSDAY, and SATURDAY MUHNINGS atao'cl!' and returning llvave tbe lamiing at Cape Mayon HON. DAYS, WEDNESDAYS, snd SATURDAYS at 8 o'clock. rare, including Carriage hire ! ( bildren: " " f 35 Servants " " I..."".. ! S Season Tickets 910 Carriage hire extra. The LADY OF THE LAKE is a tine sea boat, haa handsome state-room accommodations, and is fitted ur with everything neoeasary for the safety and ooinfort of passengers. r reiubt received until 8! o'clock. For further particu lars luquue at tbe O ue, No. 88 North DEI, AW AUK Avenue. U, H. II UDDKLL 24 tf CA LV1N TAGG ART. h SUNDAY TRIPS UP TIIE DELA- i W A Tl V Th li.l i i steamer EI)Wf N ioHnh's'P AKOtisiiwatwIiHrfat 8 o'clock, and Metcargee's wharf. K1nn.u,n.-:A o'clock A. M, for Florence Height and White H ill, touching each way at Brideaburg, Tacony. Andalusia, Beverly, BurltiiKtou, Bristol and hobbiiia' bart:retuining, leaves White Hill at 4 46 P. M . and linstol, 6 4e. tare each way, cents. Excursion ticket. Uwul. 7 8 atf i FSfLlN,,?VN1)A TRIPS.THE 8PLEN- UW ViT'11' Steamboat JOHN A. WARNER will f""-"'1.1 eave Philadelphia (Chesnut street wharf) ab 1 4 and ft o clock P, M. : Mearge's wliarf, KensinKtun, at 2 o clock P. M. for Burlington and Bristol. Touching at II iverton. Andalusia, and Beverly. Returning, leavea Bristol at 8'( o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M. Fare, 2fo. r xcursion, 40o. 7 y ,if DAILY excursions to bk. ;5 TTerI' Burlington, and Bristol, ky the steam boat JOHN X. WARNER. Leaves lhiU.1..l- )).,.., k bt snut street wharf, at 2 and tf o'clock P. M. Re turning, leaves Bristol at 6 6U o'clock A.M. and 4 o'clock P. M. t topping each way ut Riverton, Torrewlale, Anda lus a, everly, and Burbugton. Fare 26 cents. Kiuur tio ' "' cents. 7 Sin . fTTP GLOUCESTER 'POINtTGOYOWR- LfW Tj-1 elf and lake the family to this oool. delight, a in 1 till split New atuameni. with every comfort, leave I30UTH rjtreee,