The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, June 21, 1869, FIFTH EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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g Trial Trip f the Httles;ake.
The Pennsylvania, New York, and New Kngland
Mtam NaviaMoa Company ha?e Buccesntully in
Miirurated a nev movement In the coal-oarrytn
trade which promises to lead to results of the first
importance. The facilities Tor the transportation of
coal to various points on the seaboard have for a
ion time been notoriously Inadequate, and the eg.
tabllshment of a new line of fast and reliable colliers
In an ernt that will be appreciated by onr coal-shlp-ning
mcrctianis, as well as by the Kastern manufac
turers and others who have to depend upon the
Pennsylvania mines for their supply of el.
The Tproducttoa and consumption of coal In the
United States during WUTni lJlrIlm
Pennsylvania and Maryland alone, was over 10,000,.
tons ana ih increasing at the rate of about fifteen
ITr centrMnum (or.Tn round numbers, 8,500,000
ms) andwe must therefore look with favor to a
vstefn which proposes to carry this tonnage direct
to tiie manufacturer and consumer in a reliable
nianner. or, at least, that portion of it which requires
transportation by sea; and experience lias taught
that railroads cannot successfully compete with
water transportation in carrying coal and iron. We
must, therefore, avail ourselves of the most desirable
IniMieof transit on the great maritime highway, and
call to our aid the power or steam.
It has been the experience of many large manu
facturers that they must necessarily contract for
their coal early In the season to enable them to get
tt forward, owing to the Inadequate transportation,
frequently obligfng the manufacturer to buy at a
time when the price for coal wan high; and again,
when the price did decline, freights would be
largely advanced, from no upparent reason save ttie
oft-repeated one, scarcity of vessels, or else none of
proper draft of water; and shippers of coal from the
mines to Port Klchmond on the Delaware, as tvcll as
all other shipping points, have been put to great In
convenience on account of the uncertainty In pro
curing vessels for the Hast, frequently obliging them
to withhold tneir shipments, or suspend, tor a time,
operation?. To avoid, in a measure, some of these
contingencies, the manufacturers have been obliged
to keep large stocks of fuel on hand, Involving loss
of Interest on capital so locked up.
The coal, where lurge quantities are used. Is pur
chased early in the season, ut a fixed contract price,
free on imurd at the point of shipment. Tims far the
manufacturers are safe : but now comes the question
of marine transportation. No one schooner, or live
schooners, can or will : gree to transport the coal at
a stated time, and at u fair fixed rate of freight;
neither will any shipping house undertake the trans
portation except ut uu enormous charge for freight,
to cover the risks.
Thus the buyer is left at their mercy, and must
take his coal whenever he can get it, and at almost
any rate of freight he may choose to charge, and
accumulate a stock of coal.which, in many instances,
nroves an Inconvenience; whereas under the new
system he can be supplied at any time when it suits
Ills convenience 10 nuj, ami cuu eoiuruui lur me
delivery of his coal and iron at his mill (if on the
line of 'railroad) at a regular ami uniform rate, as
clung as navigation remains open.
The iron screw steamers currying uu1 iiuuui en ions
of coal can be bulit and equipped at a compara
tively small cost, and these vessels can make four
trips to one of the schooners, on an average. A fleet
of thirty of these iron steamers, of from live hundred
to one thousand tons capacity each, with iron barges
as auxiliaries, will be immediately put upon the line,
built in the most substantial and economical man
ner the entire hold devoted to coal, and motive
liower sufficiently stronir to tow the barges to the
ound ports, with iieciuiimodutloiis on deck for only
olllcers and crew, mid solely Intended for freighting
iron and coal, without regard to return freights to
8tcam at an average speed of from ten to eleven
know per hour, ami with a draft of water six and a
half to nine and a hulf feet ; and It Is confidently ex
pected that a cheap and unilorni system ol paying
freights can be maintained, - remunerative and
prolltuMe to all concerned.
The economical manner in which they can be
coaled is also an Important feature to be taken into
consideration. The furnaces will b constructed to
burn pea or small coal, which can be purchased at
the shipping-ports at very small first cost.
These vessels will carry their cargoes under locked
hatches; and the coinpsny will be responsible for all
the coal put on board, the dangers of the seas only
Owing to the peculiarity of their construction, the
screw steamers arc enabled to transport cargoes of
fiOO to 600 tons Into harbors which can only admit
schooners carrying 160 to Ko tons, and then not
always to be obtained when wanted. The new line
of steam colliers will transport coal cheaply, quickly,
and elllciently, ami will enable consumers to cal
culate always on having their coal delivered exactly
on time under all circumstances.
The Iron screw steamer Rattlesnake, which made a
trial trip on Saturday, is u specimen vessel of the new
line of colliers, ami her performances were in every
way satisfactory to tine large company of gentle
men who were invited by Messrs. V. D. Crane Co.,
the projectors, to inaugurate the new enterprise.
The Rattlesnake was imilt by Messrs. Keauey, Son &
Archbold, at Chester, and her const ruction was
superintended by Captain Alexander Shaw, an ex
perienced ottlcerj who will also give his attention to
the other vessels of the line.
Her dimensions are 160 feet In length, nearly 29
feet In breadth, 12 feet in depth from baseline;
area, 277 square feet, midship section ; displacement,
light, 816, and laden, lft tons ; her draft is only 11
feet; her engine with 84-inch cylinder; her stroke 28
Inches; one tubular boiler; urea of grate, 50 square
feet; diameter of screw, 9 feet; pitch, 1 feet; at
sea, and fully laden, she will make so revolutions per
minute: pressure of steam, 35 pounds; average
speed, fully laden, 9 knots per hour ; weight of Iron
in hull, 163-89 tons; surface of hull. 6506 square feet;
average weight per square foot of hull. f2!. pounds;
weight of machinery, carpenter-work, and outfit,
161 tons. She has 7 iron kelsons, and water-bottom
over them. Her cargo will be distributed in three
compartments, viz., tons aft, 200 tons midships,
and 176 tons forward. Her coal bunkers will carry
no tons. She will be commanded by Captain V. li.
Such an iron screw-steamer as the Rattlesnake,
tarrying 600 tons of coal, can be built and equipped
for a sum considerably under Joii.ooO. A schooner
of 600 tons would coot 40,ouo. The screw-steamer,
however, can make four trips to the wooden
schooner's one. Say that a schooner carries a cargo
of 250 tons of coal at tiW per tos, and averages
twenty-two days for each trip, her clear earnings
will be about 1 192, her performance at the rate of
1)4 trips per month, ami her average monthly earn
ings will be (261. The iron screw collier will carry
600 tons per voyage, at $1-70 per ton, will make four
voyages, have a clear gain of $2210 per month, aud
carry In that time eight times the quantity or cool
borne by the schooner.
The construction of the vessel herself, her move
ments through the water, the ease with which she
can be manoeuvred, and other good qualities, ejceited
ranch favorable comment from those who were best
able to Judge on Saturday, and Mr. V. 1). Crane, who
was In attendance, and to whom the various guests
are indebted for many courteHles, found his highest
expectations more than gratllled.
The Reading Railroad Company, fully appreciating
the advantages of this enterprise, have given it their
hearty co-operation and support. Indeed, the Influ
ence of the new line of steamers on the coal trade of
Philadelphia can scarcely be estimated, and they can
scarcely fall to realize the most suugulue expecta
tions of the projectors.
The Rattlesnake has been chartered by Lewis
Audenreld A Co., who loaded the first coal schooner
at Port Richmond, and site will sail next Wednesday
with a full cargo of coal.
Dirty Streets. The special policemen who have
leeu detailed to inspect the streets throughout the
city, this morning reported the following thorough
fares as being in a filthy condition, and needing the
broom and scraper immediately. : Essex street,
Cadwalader street, Montgomery avenue, Marseilles
Btreet, between Broad and Fifteenth ; a small street
lielow Master, between Ninth and Tenth; Alder
street, north of Master; American street, north and
south of Columbia avenue; Prospect allev, between
Ninth and Tenth, and Mervine street, above Thomp
Hon. The policemen also cull attention to the con
dition of a number of choked Inlets, and to the'Ulthv
state of the gutters over which the iron coveriniM
have been placed by passenger railway companies.
Inciting to Riot Henry Cornell, David Barclay
and Albert Gaw have been held by Alderman Carl
penter for inciting to riot, on the wharf above Wal
nut street, last evening. John G. Smith, the pro-
Erietor of a tavern in that locullty, testified on the
earing that this crowd were engaged in battering
ilown his door, when he requested them to desist.
They then threatened him, aud he was compelled to
tall in a policemn, who took them into custody,
Thb Bride's Fate, by Mrs. Emma D. E. N. Sonth
worth, a sequel to "The Changed Brides," 1b In press
and will be published on Saturday next, by T. It.
Peterson A Brothers, Philadelphia. It will command
a very large sale, as it is fully equal to "The Changed
Brides' ''Fair Play," and "How He Won Her,"
which have proved to be three of the best novels
ever published;
A Wipk-bkatkr, John Fluherty was arrested at
Mantuavllle for lieating his wife on Sunday morn
ing. It is alleged that he whipped her so badly that
tike la at present confined to her bed. The brute
was taken before Alderman Maule, who beld hiin!for
further hearing.
Tim Bali, Match This Afternoon The Athletic
jays the Cincinnati this afternoon, on the grounds
Seventeenth street and Columbia avenue. Mo
nde, the pitcher of the Athletic, will not play, his
Jftysician having issued an injunction ogalusl his
jawing t,B the ball Held.
The nnrln Tuttle I tuft Float In the Delaware.
on the 4th day of ,lnne, l67, more than two years
Since, a tiny raft, named the Nonpareil, worked Its
way out of New York harbor to the broad ocean be
yond, and, hoisting sail, dilfled away towards Ea
rope. The people of Southampton, England, were
astonished on the 25th of the following month to see
a novel crart nearlng their wharves upon the tide. It
was the Nonpareil, and from that day she was
famous. When Captain John Mlckcs, her builder,
stepped upon her for the long voyage, many deemed
him more than bold, and expected to hear or see
nothing again of either him or his raft. The success
of the enterprise, however, proved that he well
knew the capacity of his tiny vessel, and demon
strated that even the raging deep might be dared
almost npon a plank. The Nonpareil now lies at
Smith's Island, opposite Chesnnt street wharf. She
is made of three air-tight cylinders 2a feet in length
and 20 Inches diameter. The cylinder are made of
gutta percha, encased In heavy duck covers, and
connected by means of heavy duck flanges, which
form a deck surface iy, leet wide. On the top ami
across thtse cylinders arc placed a series of thwarts
or planks, which keep the cylinders apart, and also
afford seats for passengers. An air-valve is attached
to each cylinder, and in elRht mlnhtes the rart can
be put in readiness for service. The raft, it Is said,
lias a buoTs nt capacity of ln,oH) pounds, and a deck
surface of 204 square feet, she Is now rigged aud
equipped as she was at the time of making her cele
brated voyage the same water casks, beds, binnacle
and tackling being on board. Captain Mlckcs, who
is with the boat at Smith's Island, says that during
his voyage across the ocean, the bcddiiig, which was
elevated about two feet above the deck, was never
wet. He also states that the raft cannot beswamped
or capsized by surf or sea.
A Pnlr of llelligrreut Female Make the Fur
At an early hour In the morning, a few days ago,
on North Second street, In the vicinity of Callow
hill, an amusing occurrence, In the shape of a melee
among the hucksters of the said street, took place.
The main participants two brawny females of the
truck-vending vocation, both of rather Irascible
temperament becoming Incensed at what each
thought an Infringement or the other upon her espe
cial rights, In order to solve the question n to who
was to have the mastery, engaged lu a hand-to-hand
For the space of some moments, the contest waxed
warm, the two being well matched. At length,
however, In desperation, one of the combatants, the
smaller of the two, endeavored by a seientllle move
ment to lay hold of the other by her long, unkempt
hair. The attempt proved a failure, f sr that other,
a native of "Ould Ireland," skilled from many pre
vious engagements of the kind, succeeded well In
keeping the perilled locks out of reach, and for a
while had the best of her opponent. Presently the
smaller, who had appeared almost vanquished, re
gaining her self-possession, dashed boldly In, and the
warfare again grew hot. Strawberries, cabbages,
nnd potatoes, all were trampled In the dust ; baskets,
barrels, and buckets rolled around promiscuously.
ai lengin, just wnen our pugilists were
preparing for the fourth round, one of the
most corpulent of the Second street storekeepers
proceeded to the scene of conflict and Interfered.
With great exertions he succeeded in partially pro
ducing a cessation of hostilities, when a brace of
policemen made their appearance and ordered the
curb vacated.
Suggestions for tin Jloriiflrntlon nnd Improve
ment Dodred.
Some time since, as has not been forgotten, the
Congressional Committee of Ways and Means met iu
this city for the purpose of Investigating the work
ing of the various manufactories iu our midst, ami
collecting from this source, as well as from others,
such information as might prove valuable in the
proposed revision of the tarill'. Before the sittings
of the committee were closed, the "Industrial
League" was requested to draft such a schedule of
taritr rates, to be accompanied by documents as
proof of its feasibility, as could bo approved by the
dillcrcnt industries represented by the League, and
to present the same to the committee for considera
tion: Tho oPRoers of the League wish to respond to this Invl
tatinn by submitting to the coinm.ttoe, upon their return
to Philadelphia in August or September, a schedule
worked up with nch care nnd thoroughness, so carefully
adjusted to the wanis of both producer and consumer, ana
wilhul so moderate and practical, as to challenge the
favorablo attention of the committee and to uiuke pro
bable t lie adopt ion of its provisions.
All persons or corporations belonging to trftde associa
tions represented in the Industrial Loaguo are, therefore,
invited to forward their suggestions concerning tariff
modifications to the secretaries of their respective bodies
lor transmission to the League.
It is desirable that tho taritf schedule prepared by the
Industrial league in lsiH should ho adhered in as far as
puf..i.i. Ki-4.tiua.iu arguments intended to elucidate
any special point must be concise and clear in order to
insure attention on the part of the committee.
,1ohf.ih Wharton, Chairman,
Morton Mi-Michael,
Hknhy O. Lea,
William Skllkrh,
Exeoutive Committee.
Fire Last Nioiit A Hose Carriaoe Thrown
Into the Schuylkill. About 10 o'clock last night
the carpenter shop of Stanton ft McGarvey, situ
ated in the middle of a lumber yard, in the rear of
Twenty-third und Market streets, was totally de
stroyed by fire. The building contained a lurge
amount of tools, valuable fixtures, and work in a
finished and unfinished state, all of which was con
sumed. The loss Is about f Mioo, on whicti there is an
Insurance of 1400 in the Aitna Insurance Company.
The lire was the work of an Incendiary, and was
evidently by a crowd of loafers who infest thst lo
cality. It seems that the firm has had considerable
trouble with these fellows of late, and have been
compelled to eject some of them from the place.
This same crowd has had some ditllculty with the
West Philadelphia Hose Company, against whom
threats have been made. The rain storm
of last night gave a splendid
opportunity for these villains to carry out their
design. They at first broke the fire-alarm box at
the corner f Twenty-third and Market streets, In
order to prevent an alarm being given over the
wires, and to prevent too many llreiuen getting on
the ground und interfering with their preconcerted
plan of attacking the West Philadelphia Hose, which
Is only a few blocks distant. The building was then
touched oil, and the West Philadelphia Hose ami
the Philadelphia Engine arrived on the ground at
about the suine time. A portion of the hose was ran
off the carriage, and the firemen proceeded to run
a line from the Philadelphia steamer. During their
absence the villains manned the rope of the car
riage and ran her down along the wharves to San
som street, where it was run overboard. The car
riage was recovered at a late hour by the police
of the Fifteenth ward, under Lieutenant Campbell.
Tire MarsluU Blackburn is investigating the whole
Board op Surveys The regular stated meeting
of the Board of City Surveyors was held this morn
ing, at their rooms on South Fifth street.
The following sewers were ordered to be con
structed : Three feet sewer on Tudor street, be
tween Tasker and Dicerkson ; 10-inch pipe on Juniper
street, between Locust and Spruce; 8 feet sewer on
Hunter street, between Tenth and Eleventh ; a feet
sewer on Sansom street, between Seveuti and
Eighth; 10-lnch pipe on Sixteenth street, between
Ridge avenue aud Parrlsh street; 12-lnch pipe on
Fifth street, between Noble and fiuttonwood ; 3 eet
sewer on Thirty-ninth street, between Huverford and
Bridge; 8 feet sewer on Lancaster avenue, from
Miller street to 158 feet west; 10-inch pipe on Taylor
street, between coral and Amber streets.
A resolution to place Sheridan street upon tho city
plan was ngreed to.
Van Pelt und Crosky streets, in the Twenth-clghth
ward, were also ordered placed upon the plan of
the city.
CoKNEK-LorNGEHH A gang of roughs are In the
habit of loafing at Thirty-first ami Market streets
on Sundays. Yesterday Policeman Creen and two
of the Schuylkill Harbor Police arrested seven of
these fellows, who were using Indecent language,
end were considerably boisterous, o" the way to
the station one of the prisoners escaped. Tho re
mainder were held to keep the peace by Alderruun
Capttbed in TnE Act Charles Adams resides in
New Jersey. Yesterday he saw the front door of a
house oh Catharine street, above Seventh, open. He
went Into the hall and stole a coat, a hat, and a silver
goblet. On leaving the house a policeman noticed
lilm, and chased him some distance before he cap
tured him. Alderman Bonsall held him for trial.
A Stable Robbed. Mr. Burk has a stable on
KHige avenue, above the Wissahlckon. A few nights
Si-il .Wa".uroken l,lt0 bv Krwd of roughs, who
stole two uvery coats and one dress coat. The
thieves were not rnolested.and succeeded in escaping.
Look to Yom doohh In the Fifth district durimr
the past week the ,i(,rs of flrty , re rent dwe 1 1 mrs
were found open i the nlKht tiZ Las nlK
number on South Second street were fouud in the
same condition. lu l"
Mad Doo Shot. A mud dog was shot this momma
by a policeman of the Eighteenth diHtrlct.
f T the newest and'best nianner.
LOUIS DHKKA, Stationer and Fngraver,
No. 1033 CHKHNUT 8tret.
JUMJt,K,ajJflCUJNrjTBtrt. 1 lawful
Prore f the Kevoliition-Prixnert of Ho
I eriiilnatioii-Brutality f the Mpanlardt.
We have intelligence from Havana, relative t 1
the progress of the revolution, to June 12tu.
TnE diario terociow.
The Liario de la Marino prints a ferocton
articlo on the recognition of bclllpcrent rights to
tho Cubans. It suys it would be a matter of
small importance to Spain if all the American
Republics should recognize the Cubans as
belligerents. '
One other Incident to relate, nnd I will have
finished. A gentleman well Informed comes to
tell me at this point that lust night lu the Junta
the Oovcrnor-Ucncral, Espinnr, proposed that
100 of the marines from the Victoria, tho war
6tcnnicr,fshould go into the Cabanas to aid in
guarding it. He s.ild that 100 of the volunteers
there now were sick, and that these men who
had so faithfully served the country ought to
rest awhile. He proposed to retire a few others
each day, until they could have time for a little
repose. Rnmon tie Hcrrera, Colonel of tho 5th
Hattnlion, opposed the request of tho Captain
General, and was sustained by the members of
the Junta.
La Vox de Cuha Is the organ of the Ppnnlsli
volunteers. Its editor bewails the situation a
"The situation Is grave, nay, Is of the gravest
character. No situation heretofore offered pre
sented such dangers. If, for a moment, the vo
lunteers should be wanting In prudence, all will
be lost. If they should continue of one accord,
and be only moved by prudential considerations;
should their passions give way to the feeling of
snlvution of country, then all will be well.
Without unity our ruin is certain."
ENTHUSIASM of the patriots.
The following Is an extract from a private
letter l eceivcd by a gentlemen iu this city, and
dnted Havana, Juno 12:
"You have no Idea of the enthusiasm which
Is noticed among the Cubans with refercuco to
the opinion emitted by the North American
press. The poor OorriowK are apparently
united upon one point, and that is to get to
gether all tho money they can and sail away
afterward. Yes, mauy of thom are getting up
nil their means, and it would seem incredible
were I to tell you of tho great numbers of
J'eniuftularrs that have left, and who are now
preparing to leave for their country. The mobi
lized troops In Sngua la Chica have raised the
devil, as well whites as blacks. They turned
against the Government; there .was a big row,
but the disaffected, it is said, remained masters
of the situation."
Espinar, the Governor-General, attempts by
every means to make himself popular, and some
times is met clothed in volunteer garb, without
adjutant, promenading In the Purso de Taeou.
It tickles me each time that I look upon his
lordship, but, knowing his thoughts as I do, I
force myself to contemplate calmly the farce.
Espinnr lias himself often said aloud, and In dif
ferent places, that Cuba was lost to Spain, and
lias counselled all his friends who could to leave,
inasmuch as one day, when least expected, the
river of discontent would flow over Its banks aud
the current would sweep all before It..
The rebel account of the fight at Rio Blanco
lias been confirmed by several Spanish olllcers,
who confess that their roar guard, consisting of
107 men nnd seven olllcers, was entirely cut off
and captured, together with one cannon. The
olllcers sent to Las Tunas for their clothing,
which was sent to them. So it seems the insur
gents do not shoot down their prisoners in cold
blood, as the Spaniards frequently have done.
On the 10th tilt., a day after the engagement
near the Bay ot Aipe, a ueruian, giving ills
name as John Jnger, presented himself or was
taken by the Spanish gunboat Africio. He stated
that he embarked on the steamer Perit, Captain
Fletcher; that he sailed from New York on the
7th ult. with thirty-nine Americans, twenty-niue
Germans, and one hundred Cubans. Her cargo
onnsiKtcd rf Iwn thousand rifles. rd'ht;cil cau
non, and other articles of war, with provisions.
Tlie steamer arrived at Nipe on the 14th, and,
after landing her cargo and passengers, sailed
away. He was shot in the net of jumping over
board to make his escape, as say the Spaniarde.
He was a native of Guttenburg, Germany,
twenty-six years of age, a citizen 6t the United
States, and served In the Federal army during
the late war.
In looking at the situation here, it Is evident
that the struggle will continue a long time. 1
do not see any advantages on either side which
promise an early restoration of peace. Many of
the Spanish oilicers are disheartened; they speak
in very disparaging terms of their commanders,
seeming to have no faith in them. As an otlicer
remarked tome not long since. "It is nothing
but marching and countermarching, conducting
a convoy from one place to another, never stop
ping to light ana trout the enemy. All we ac'
eoniplish is to relieve Las Tunas, Puerto
Principe, or some other city, from starving,
Much hard work and no glory; a good deal of
noise and nothing more. Pompous and exag
gerated reports are given y our colonels and
brigadiers to gratify their ambition aud advauce
their career."
A Man Charged with the Murder of bin Mother.
From the Mmcatim (Iowa) Courier, June 15.
We are Indebted to John D. Sheare, Sheriff of
Cedar county, who passed through tho city, for
a few of the details of a most horrible affair
which occurred last week on Rock creek, Cedar
county, three miles southwest ot Tipton. Mary
Boyle, a decrepld old woman, eighty-five years
of age, was cast off by her two sons, Daniel and
Patrick Boyle, both married men, and compelled
to seek support from the county. The County
Superintendent, flndiug that her two sons were
able to support her, compelled them to take her
aud keep her, but soon ascertaining that they
treated her Inhumanly, she was taken away and
placed in the poor-house, to be kept at her sons1
expense. They refusing to pay for her keeping,
suit was brought against them for the amount of
the same.
After this, It appears, Patrick Boyle, who lived
three miles Bouthwest of Tipton, on Rock creek,
while Daniel lives in Tipton, got his mother to
come to his residence on yesterday two weeks
ngo; and, after remaining there a week, it was
given out that she had died. On last Tuesday,
when the corpse was prepared for burial, a lady
living near discovered a cut or bruise behind the
left ear, and marks on the throat, and also dis
covered staius of blood on tho floor of the house.
On Tuesday the remains of the old lady were
Interred, and on that day or tho next the lady
who discovered the murks on the dead body and
the blood on the floor sent her son to Tipton to
inform the authorities, when a justice of the
peace, acting as coroner, a jury, and Drs. May
nurd and Kennedy repaired to the place where
the body was interred and exhumed it, finding
the marks on the head and throat as described,
the face presenting the appearance of one whose
death had been caused by strangulation.
Patrick Boyle, when questioned lu relation to
the cause of his mother's death, said that she
bad fallen out of bed, which had caused her
death. But as It was ascertained that she slept
iu a trundle bed, and that a tlat-iron was found
in the house with blood on It, aud that on the
evening of her death she was seen by some of
the neighbors at the door weeping, and when
asked what caused her to weep, replied that she
was very much abused, but that things would be
different if her youngest son was alive, and
Patrick then making his appearance and calling
her a , ordered her in, telling her that she
had only one more day to live, all fastened tho
guilt upon him, aud he was arrested and taken
to Tipton and committed to jail to await trial at
the next term ot tho District Court for Cedar
The Grand Council of the "Kftiytita of the Silver
legiiautroi11" iuyororated Connecticut
Minister Webb's Conduct in Brazil
He is not Sustained Return
of the President To-night-Tnrchase
of Monitors.
Disturbances in Milan-The
New French Corps
Etc., i:tc. Etc., Etc., Etc.
Special Dmpatch to Tlie Evening TclefjrapK
Washington, Juno 21.
The Conduct of Our MinlHter to
It is ascertained that the conduct of J. Watson
Webb, our Minister to Brazil, In demanding his
passports, is not sustained by the State Depart
ment. Webb, it appears, has not been on good
terms personally with the Brazilian officials,
and the business of bis (our) Government has
suffered to some extent In consequence. As his
successor has already been appointed, no notice
will be taken of his conduct by our Government.
The Brazilian Minister here asserts that what
ever misunderstanding has arisen between our
Government and that of Brazil is entirely
owing to the conduct of Miuister WebB, and will
disappear with him.
Fhtladelphlnin. Trying to Purchnne Monitor.
It li understood that Benjamin Berry, of your
city, and D. C. Forney are endeavoring to make
contracts with the Navy Department for the
purchase of several monitors advertised for sale,
with a view of selling them again to the Cubans
and certain of tho South American States.
Berry and Forney were at the Navy Department
to-day, but they could not come to an under
standing with Admiral Porter, owing to the fact
that the price they offer is much below the ap
praised value of the monitors.
Expected Arrival or the President and Cabinet
The President and Secretary of tho Navy will
arrive this evening. Secretary Boutwell Is ex
pected to-morrow. Secretary Cox, who is In
Ohio, will return lu about a week.
Secretary Mnh.
It is the intention of Secretary Fish to leave
the city next month for his summer vacation.
The Centum Committee,
which adjourned 8aturday,hnd under discussion
the question of tho basis of representation in
Congress under the next census. It Is under
stood that the conclusion reached was that if the
fifteenth amendment falls of ratification before
the census is taken, eevcral of the large Northern
States where negroes are not allowed to vote
will, uudcr the operations of the fourteenth
amendment to the Constltutioir,have the number
of their Representatives reduced.
Tho Southern States will not be affected In
their representation by this amendment, as
those disfranchised for participation in tho Re
bellion are not counted out in tho apportion
ment. Naval Orders.
Despatch to the Associated Pre.
Washington, Juno 21. Lieutenant-Commander
Thomas II. Eastman is detached from
command of the Penobscot, and placed on wait
ing orders. Tho following are also detatched
from the Penobscot and placed on waiting or
ders : Lieutenant-Commander F. J. Maull,
Lieutenant Thomas Nelson, Ensign George G.
Clay, Midshipmen F. J. Drake, J. J. House, A.
II. Parsons and W. C. Strong.
Flht with the Indians.
St. Louis, June 21. A special despatch to
the Republican, from Hayes City, Kansas, dated
June 19, says Colonel Sillwood's surveying
part', who are surveying the route of the Kan
sas Pacific Railroad, from Sheridan to Denver,
were attacked this morning beyond Sheridan,
by a band of Chcyennes. The surveyors were
well armed, and after a desperate fight, suc
ceeded In killing four Indians, wounding seve
ral, and putting the balance to. flight.
Two brothers, named Schuyler, in Sillwood's
party, were wounded, one of them severely.
The Indians report that Spotted Tail, with two
hundred lodges, has left the reservation and is
coming down, with what intention is not known.
Army officers who came down on the steamer
Cora report a fight between the Sioux and the
Rels, below Fort Buford, in which the Sioux lost
ten killed and ten wounded, and the Rels one
killed and thirty wounded.
The Sioux have gone for reinforcements and
intend to renew the fight.
The CorpM I.eKltlatir.
By Atlantic Cable.
Pakis, June 21. M. Schneider has been reap
pointed President of the Corps Legislatif, and
Leroux, David, and Dunural (?) Vice-Presidents.
The French Cable.
The Great Eastern has arrived off Brest. The
splice with the shore end of the cable will soon
be made, and the new cable put under way.
IniuacI'M PrhIir'h Tour.
Iriinael Pasha leaves for London to-morrow.
PiMturbnnce In Milan.
Milan, June 21 Slight disturbances occurred
hero yesterday. The military were called out,
but no resistance was mado. Tho Prefect has
issued a i reclamation, threatening to take
severe measures to repress outbreaks, If re
Reported by De Haven Bro. No. 40 8. Third street.
10 sh Cam A Am K.m
81)0 sW ltead
4 do 1'29
6 Bh Penna Hrec. M5jtf
IS doallotm's. wX
OO 18. 48V
do. 1)80. 4
do b30. 49 V
do U. 48'
do ls.4894
do.. BHOwn. 4881
dO...b0.49 1-10
do.. ..rg&l. 48-81
do 48-81
dO...b30.4 1-16
18 do 2d. ro
do 65?i 1000
63 all Manufao Bk. itt'i
100 sli ltead U..bl6. 48'4'
100 do. HH
100 do b30.4'8l
100 do 48 K
.MW Lett Gold 1.... Vi
tiooo do 9
100 Bh Reading RR.. 48-81
800 do Is. 48V
1100 do b6. 48V
100 do bO. 48 v4
lOshCA Am R...
40 d0....1s.9d.l29
100 h Lett Val..bi5. W4
loo Bh Penna I(.uo. w,
loo sU Penna R...c.
4 . ..II... , . .
100 do 68 1;
18 IO...S0vvn. (HIV
100 do 1)18. 66,'
100 do b0. 6W
88 do. M3
lo do bis. biii
100 do....rifAi. 6w-
100 do bis. bitl
IS do receipts,
Th Athletic Aaalnnt the"Hcd Stocking," of
Cincinnati Pil'inea Thonxnad Peopto
(Jrounrin nt Fifteenth Htreet and Columbia
Arm no- liiniiKm In the Athletic Nine. '
Kpecial Jleport by Ttti araph.
Athlktio Basb Ball Quocnds, 2 P.M. Tho
day opened clear and Intensely hot. Tho rain
which fell daring last night rendered the condi
tion of tho ground all that could be desired for
the great base ball contest between tho famous
Athletics of this city and the renowned "Red
Stockings" of Cincinnati.
From early morning the avenues ana horse-
cars leading In the direction of, the grouud at
Seventeenth street nnd Columbia avenue were
crowded with spectators, all anxious to witness
the national game. All tho housc-tops.trecs, nnd
other points of elevation in the vicinity of the
grounds are filled with people. It Is cstlmaterl
that not less than 15,000 people are present, nnd
the excitement surpasses anything ever displayed
heretofore on a similar occasion.
Up to within a few hours of tho time an
nounced for the game to commence, It w-as ex-J
pected that Dick McBrlde, the champion pitcher
of the United States, would participate iu the
game, but his late illness rendered him totally
unfit to do so.
Tho Athletics decided to take John MeMullen
from tho right field, and substitute lilm for
McBrlde. Ileubcl fills McMullon's place In the
right field. Ileubcl Is of the second nine. Cuth
bert, of the left field, against the protestations
of tho rest of the nine, determined to play, not
withstanding ho has a broken thumb.
The Athletic nine are as follows: Reach,
second base; Wilkins, short stop; Cnthbert, left
field; Fisler, first base; Sensenderfer, centre field:
MeMullen, pitcher; neubel, right field; Mcycrlc,
catcher; Berry, third base.
The Red Stockings play their original niue.
George Wright, -hort stop; Gould, first base:
Waterman, third base; Allison, catcher; Harry
Wright, centre-Held; Leonard, left-field;' Brain
urd, pitcher; Sweezcr, second base; MeVey,
Arrival of the Red Ptochln(t.
215 P. M. The Red Stockings have just ar
rived nt the grounds, nnd were received with
great applause bv the assembled crowd. The
Athletics have been on the ground for two
hours, arranging matters for the commencement
of the game.
Inteit IIarlil ly Teles :rnpli.
Nkw Tonic, June 21. Cotton unlet ; l.oo bales sold
at S3VC. Flour firmer, but without decided change:
sales ofl6,000 bis. licnt active and firm ; sales cf
11,000 bushels No. 1 at Jl -now. 1-62, and No. i at $1-15
(l-46. Corn firmer and one cent higher: sales of
44.non bnshels mixed Western at lS5c. by cannl.
and srw&fte. by railroad. Oats quiet; sales of 1S,omi
bushels. Beef quiet. 1'orK linn; new mess, bjs.
Lard quiet at 19Vj2ic. Whisky dull at ll3.
Baltimore, June 21. Cotton quiet but steady at
RR(S,S3X". Flour dull und prices favor buyers;
Howard street superfine, Jf,(i5-T6; do. extra, tft-lfti.t
7; do. family, S(o 9; City Mills an per line, $ftm0; do.
extra, 6aT'-25; do. famllv, il0-TS; Western super
fine, tfi6-l50; do. extra, .v7fr T ; do. family, ww
8-25. wheat dull but unchanged. Corn dull and
lower; white, 83(9ftc.; yellow, S4i.s;e. Onts ttn
chanircd. Mess Pork firm ut :;. Bacon firm:
rib sides, 18S18Xc; clear rib, lsitfirflS.e.; shoul
ders, 16&C.; hams, 2l(S;22c. Lard firm at 20s -20S;c.
Whisky firm aud scarce at l-03i;lDi.
I WANT each man should whisker wear.
Not be a Billy gome :
The Uod of Nature placed them tlit'i e
To wave all free and loose.
Why will you ape the fnrainlne!'
Or, if you oondofloend,
Vo tlx some riftpiiiff on behind
Go wear the Ureciau bend.
I feel ashamed whnn'er I ttoe
A man without a beard ;
Good bualth reiuiren of you and m.
Our face should not be pared.
Catarrh too often gets a hold
Upon the beardless mun ;
Bronchitis cracks your voice, and cold
Invited there will stand.
Man leaves his home and wanders f ir
To earn his daily bread,
Who know and feel thov hare Cutanh.
That's rotting out the head.
Undreams of future years of bliss.
Yet lost tho sense of smell.
From wife or baby steals a kiss,
His breath corrupt can tell.
He has dull, heavy, dizzy brainx.
His voioe now coarse or irrum.
Slime from his head in throat remain.
Or to the stomach come.
The vital organ fed with slima
From ulcers in the head.
Rot out the lungs in shortest time.
And leave her victim dead.
God's Providence! the preacher cries.
It's false! Catarrh's the cause ;
One-third of all the lives
Are subject to its laws.
If healthy lanes you would not lose,
Drive lrom the tiead Catarrh,
Before consumption mar.
When these sick folks to doctors went
They paid a heavy fee.
While WoiiCOTT'H place Jo'( cool a cen
(Sure health, no miter).
Where can you find so clran a sheet J
Almost ten years we know,
Woix.OTT'8yV! rare, in (Jhuthaiu strOiJt.
Where hundreds daily go.
No rival has a ' show.
Their cures trej'alr Jwe see.'
Tbey shut up shop and xhorthy go.
With Rain Paint don't agree.
l ong lepjted humbugs quickly run.
Or patients quickly rout.
The face of brass or slippery tonjrue.
Humbugs go up the spout.
Wolcott was the first to dare
A II doctor quacks assail,
The nil from druyt aud polmm tear.
And speciou8afAoM naif.
And every druggist sells Pain Paist ;
Two hundred yn were sold
In just ons day; folks are acquaint.
Yea, doctor vm it buld.
The weak, the sickly, the infirm.
Of Pain Paint have no duuht;
'Tis inflammation, and they lea in
Pain Faint will jui;' it out.
Annthtlator cures Catarrh ;
This healthful liquid goes
Right thuouuh obstructions that lobar
f roe passage through te nose.
Without om cent, no office fee,
For every daugber, son
On Chatham square etteh one can see
One Hundred Kiguty One.
8ix pints of Annihilator for Catarrh er Colds in the
Head, or one Pint of Pain Paint, double strength, sent
free of express ctutrges, on reoeipt of 45; or one gallon of
Pain Paint, double strength, for if'20. bins 11 bottles sold at
all liug Stores. K. U WOI.OOTT, Inventor and Sole
Proprietor. No. 181 CHATHAM ficmare, N. Y.
Test them, free of cost, at No. ti Arch street. Private
rooms for ladies. It
are universally acknowledged to be the bent instruments
made, and have been awarded the fiiyhmt premium at all
the principal Exhibitions ever held in the country. Our
extensive facilities for manufacturing enable ustoottur
urixu inducement: Call at our beautiful warerooins. No.
1108 Cbesnut street, and examine our extensive) stock of
Superior Jiosewool iow.
P. 8. We have secured the agency for the tale of the
Celebrated hunUU Otyan. It has no rival. The suporionty
of these instruments overall others is so groat that we
challenge cuntratlutiun. Call and exauiiua them before
purchasing elsewhere.
The Grand Piano selected by Mrs. Lincoln for the White
House eight years ago is now at our warerooins on exhibi
tion, whore it will be shown to any one having a desire to
see this hintorie relic.
N. B. New aud second hand Pianos to rent. Tuning
and moving promptly attended to. Sond for Descriptive
6 1 mwslm HUB Chosnut street.
i in un i'iiiii uit mini' i, 1
BIRKK8 k BCHsfrDT,' ftVV
MANcrAcrttiiKiis or
Full gnarantco and moderate prices.
H WAKKKUOMri. Nu.rJtO AROH Streei,
-5-23, CniCKKRING
inri P Grand Square and Upright
P 1 A N O b. rlrrTON.S
UStf No. 914 OlHtKNUT btreet.
The Base liall Contest-Tlirco In
nings rinyed Advices
from Cuba.
Tim CJrrnt Content Commence.
c"M Telegraphic Jirjwrt to Krening Tel&iraph.
At uetic Grounds, P. M. Ellas Cope,
of the Maryland Club, of Baltimore, was chosen
The Athletics won tho toss, and nmid tho
greatest excitement, ecnt the 'iuclnnatl bors to
the but.
Both clubs at the outlet manifested extreme
cautlotif.nes. avoldlmr, as far as their skill would
lictlnlt, nil lnlsplays.
The First (tilling
resulted nc follow:
Cincinnati.. :
Athletic t"
Nccond Innlnir.
.2 runs
Ciui iunntl 5 rQng
Athletics i rua
Third Inning.
Cincinnati nothing .
Athletics nothing
Tho Cincinnati boys arc batting and catching
epjcud'idly. The game Is now growing Interest
ing. n the Athletics seem to be coming to a
realization of who they havo to contend with.
Fourth Inning.
Cincinnati none
Athletic one
McMullin put out on third base, while trying
to steal home.
Fopirnr nnd llie nliintrrrn-Cnpture of a
Mrlmonrr I .ml en v llli I'oiitrnuitnd Articles of
Bv Cuba Cable.
Havana, June 21. Espinar, actiug Captain
General, reviewed the volunteers ou Saturday.
The Spanish war steamer Fernaudo el Cattolica
sailed to-day with tlie captured schooner La
TTavA In tow fnr Kimrutdn. .Tumnlnn fnr rtio -
purpose of bringing her easo before the English
court there for carrying articles contraband of
war. The Spanish authorities refused to take
any action, as the schooner had been captured
on ihe high seas.
Prepn ration for the Interment or tlifi ItcuinJiiM
of the J.ntr? Henry J. Raymond.
Ti... f i , . f . I . .. l .. . . .1 : . . . . . xt .
j lie iiiuciiu l i c 1UL13 iruiLui ui liicil:w
York Tillies w ill take place at 5 P. M. to-day,
in the Presbyterian Church (tho Rev. A. II.
Kellogg pastor), corner of Tenth street and Uni
versity place, S'ew York.
The remains will be borne from his residence,
No. 13 West Ninth street, at 4J P. M. (after a
prayer for tlie family by the Ilev. Prof. Shedd),
in tlie following order:
1. Tlie Kevereud Clergy; tho Rev. Dr. Stephen
II. Tyng of St. George's'Church, who will con
duct the services for the dead; the Rev. Mr. Kel
logg, of the Tenth Street Church, who will be
invited to mnke the concluding prayer, and the
Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, of Plymouth, Brook
lyn, who will be invited to make the address.
" 2. The pall will be boruo by the following
gentlcmcu: The Mayor of the city, Admiral
Farrngut, Mujor-Goueral John A. Dix, Major-
fienei-nl I feli,well JnAtra fy. P T lol v rh
Hon. E. D. Morgan, Thurlow Weed, W. C.
Bryant, Horace Greeley, B. F. Tracy, A. T.
Stewart, M. H. Grinuell, George W. Curtis, C.
C. Norvell.
8. The chief mourners: Mr. Henry W. Ray
mond, onlv son of deceased; Mr. Samuel B. Ray
mond, of Rochester, and Mr. J. F. Raymond, of
Detroit, brothers of deceased; his brothers-in-law,
Mr. Benedict and Mr. Weaver; Mr. George
Jones, his partner and co-publisher; Judge C. L.
Benedict, of Brooklyn, and Mr. Gilbert E.
4. The physicians, Drs. Deweese, Richards,
Hubbard, und Douglass.
5. The representatives of the Associated Press
Mr. D. M. Stone, of Journal of Commerce,
chairman; Mr. Erastus Brooks, of New York
Express; Mr. James Gordon Bennett, Jr., of
New York Herald; Mr. Charles A. Dana, of the
New York Hun; Mr. Samuel Sinclair, of New
York Tribune; Mr. Mauton Marble, of New
York World.
6. The editorial associates of the deceased,
Messrs. Couant. Swiuton, Shepherd, Heunessy,
Coleman, aud Pond, and ,the reporters, clerks,
and foremen of the establishment.
Other newspaper aud political organizations
(including the acting airent and his deputies in
the ollice of tho Associated Press), who havo re
solved to attend the funeral In a body, can join
the above iu Ninth street, at 4-80 P. M., or meet
at the church in Tenth street punctually at 5 P.
Mj, as they may elect.
The public ceremonies will terminate at the
church; the final interment w ill be subsequcntlv
and privately made iu Greenwood Cemetery bV
tho family. "
Tho Governor of the State of New York, to
whom an Intimation was conveyed by tho friends
of Mr. Raymoud thnt thev would be gratified to
have him participate lu these ceremonies, tele
graphs as follows:
Aliiany, June 20. I rejrret much thatengage- k
mcnts to-morrow with persons coming from A.
distance, with whom I cannot now communlT
cate will detain me here. I am very sorry.
JOHS T. llni'paiv
A It D.
Stamped on r
color. FREE OF CIIAkfiK.
Monograms, etc., illuminated In the highest stylo
of art.
A monogram engraved to order wltliont charge to
those buying fo-00 worth of paper and envelopes.
Call and see our samples. Prices reasonable.
Engravers, Stationers, and Steam Power Printers
No. 013
61 mwssm
ARCH Street.
only fl-00.
8 IT wsm No. 921 PPIUNQ GARDEN Street.
Dealer in Fine Groceries,
11 T8 Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Streets.
A No. KM CH KSNUT Hireet, forwards Parcels, Paok.
aires, Meiuliandise, Bunk Notes, and Noeaie. n,r 1, iu
owu lines or in connection witli otlier Express Companies.
Ui all tho priuuipal towns aiU cities in tho United Btute
" Superintendent.
DuplioaU Certificate No. ISMS, nam. of "Porta
mouth Oi piiaus' Asylum," issued Muy 8U, lk7, for lVuo.
New Loan due.lanuui 1, Ida Original in dr.. Kititj.
Biond, Va., m 1Mb. H A 1 N A b RO..
lOftu I'uruiuouiu, V.