THE DAILT EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1C, I8CD. MUSICAL. Ani IIIAMATI. At to Wat.vht Mr. Murk Brooka will have benefit this evening, when Married Lift, o'Ftaniian and the Fairies, and Jonathan Bradford will bo per formed. At Tfii Arch the la three nlshta of the imium arc annonnced. This evening A H That Utitters Is Sot Hold and Katharine and l'ttrwhin will he performed. The pantomime ot Humpty Dttmpty 18 In prepara tion an a anmmer plco. At tor Tiikathh coMtQrm Miss Sman Oalton will appear this evening In the opera of Jei Lea. Attiir Amkkioan the newbidletof The fithtmin fif Naples ha" proved a brilliant success. It will lo given this evening, with otlior attractions. Thh Chkhmut, Strkbt Tiikatrr Is now In proe.c of reconstruction. The whole Interior ha been torn out, and It will be rebuilt upon a plan which, It Ih ex pected, will make It one of the hamlHomost theatres In the country. Tho Inane of the establishment has been aeoured by Mrs. (liirrcttson, who will open It In the fall with a carefully selected company. Mr. George Vlnlnn Howcin, the popular comedian, has been engaged as stage manager. Tni Jni.T Magazines. From Turner Brothers A Co. we have received the following July maga zines: Oodey's Itady't Book Is Illustrated by a steel plate frontispiece entitled "The Wreck," a double page colored fashion plate, sovcral designs by Mr. J?. 1J. Dcnaell, pattern, diagrams, fashion cuts, etc The literary contents are up to the usual standard, aud present a variety of Interesting reading matter. The Lady's Friend has an attractive engraving en titled "My Native Land, farewell," and a large colored fashion plate displaying the latest modes of feminine attire. The stories, sketches, poetry, domestic re ceipts, and directions for needlework, embroidery, etc., combine the utile with the dulct In a manner that will gratify the lady readers. CITY ITEMS. STTLX. FIT A WD MAK of our Men's, ToMs', and Boy Clothing unequalled by any tock of Remly-mnde goods in Fhitadelptda. We have alto CHOICE ASSOBTincirr of selected styles of pise goods, te bs mads vp to ortlfr, in unsurjwsed ntyle. ALL Pjucr.S GUARANTEED loner than tht Unrest elssirhere, and full satisfwXimx guarantied stery purchaser, or ths sals cancelled and money refunded. Half wat bktwken ) Benxett a Co., Fifth and Towr.R Ham, Bialh Streets.) 818 Maukkt Hthf.kt, PHILADKLeHIA, And 000 B no AD was. Nkw You a. A Good tubk i dona our readers when we commend to them the American House, Boston. The tame judicious management it continued which has rondered it so popu lar in the part. . Haixct, Davis ft Co't Pianos possess the most snperb action, with unusual purity of tone, which is one of lovely softness and great brilliancy. The scents, No. 927 Cbeanut street, exhibit thirty-four premiums over all others. Bowr.n's Boda Wateh. Bower has already established a first-class reputation for the delicious soda water which be sells at bis new store on I'hesnut stroot, above Fourth. The carbonic acid gas is of the purest material, and the syrups are of the finest flavor. Loss or Appetite and Dkhilitt. Of all tho tonic preparations now in market we know of none equal to Spoor's "Standard Wine Bitters" for those who sutler either from over mental or physical exortion, resulting in loss of appetite and consequent debility. Sold by drug gists. , Tobk Tries a Spherical. In York's fair streets, where Rebel busies blew. When Lee marched North to find his Waterloo, Peace scatters blessings now with bounteous hand, And grateful plenty fills the smiling land. A trial, not of arms, together drey Her people lately, to a novel view ; To test with power in every way they could The huge Black Ball that on the pavoinont stood. They first skilled men, with hardened drills, obtain. To penotrata its iron skull in v.iin ; The tempered steel snnps on its flinty form And feebly fails the sturdy shell to barm ; Now brawny arms aloft the sledges wield, Dealing stout blows, to force the sides to yield ; The powerful sinews tire at last to swing: The solid sledge, cracked like a worthless thing, No more assails the impenetrable ball, And Mabvin's Bdroi.ak Save defies them all. Of the above Chbomb Ibon Spherical Safes there are a few more left at Marvin ft Oo.'s, No. 721 Chesmit street, Masonio llalL First National Bank, York, Pa., June 14, 1869. Messrs. Murvin A Co.: Uentlomen : The Spherical Safe No. 4 was duly reoeived and subjected to such tests as we required, and we are glad to suy that it withstood all the assaults made upon it. Respectfully, D. K. Small, Presidont. General Debility is Nature's ArrnAi, for Help. Thousands of persons, without any specific ailmjnt, are the victims of languor and lassitude. Ths unthinking are apt to confound this species of inertion with laziness, whereas it usually arises from a want of organic energy, for which the subjects of it are no wore responsible than the near-sighted are for their defective vision. Such per sons, although they may be free from pain, are as truly in valids, and as much in need of medical aid, as if they were tormented with the pangs of acute disease. They re quire a tonic and alterative that will ronse and regu late their torpid organizations. In cases of this kind. JIostetter'b Stomach Bitters produce an iuiraodiate and most favorable effect. The debilitated and despond ing valetudinarian, who feels as if he were but half alive, who shuns company, and has no relish either for business or pleasnre, is metamorphosed by a brif course of tjtii mow potent vegetable inrigorant into a quite different being. The change eft'ooled by the Bitters, in his bodily and niontal Condition, is a surprise to himself and to his friends. lie mopes no longer; the active principle of life.which seemed to have died out of him, is reawakened, and he feels like a new man. Remembering that debility is not only an affliction itself, but an invitation to diteate, no time should be lost in recruiting the broken-down system with this choicest and most potent of all tonics and nervines. ttf bomb Peoplk Don't Kkow Stf Home people don't knots B If Home pevple. dtm't knom I W Some people dont kiuno 1T Home people don't know How cheap we sell How cheap we sell How cheap we sell llow cheap we hell how cheap we sell rtr Me'ns and Boy' Clothing I if Men's and Jiots' C'lothimj er Urn' and Jtoim' Clothimj I " Men' and Boy1 Vlothina J a- Hen and Boy' Clot himj Of Kxcellent Make Of Kxce'lent Make Of KxeeUent Make Of htieelh-nt Make Of Excellent Hake tV A nd Beautiful Style, I IT And Beautiful Style. If" And Beautiful Wylc. Itr And Beautiful Style. tar' Ami llrrul it lit stole. Come and see it I Come and see it I Coins and see it ! Come and see it .' Corn and see it ! tr XOTE THE FACTS We take pride in tunning the largest assortment U- select from that can be fon.ul in Philade.lphiti and the vublia matt rest ' amed that our goods are so lienor to tit orat- tutry class of Jleady-Mutti Ctothina. ami eoeru articli vx sell is HKL1ABLH in eeery respect. WA XA MA KKll ,0 BHOW.V, povvLAu a.oriirsu house, OAK HALL, The Corner of ftlXVU and M i IIKKT Streets, ' ir soTicn to rut: churn io mkx or Tim CiTV AM) XEltillBuhlSti TOWSS. We are just opening Linen Sacks, Dusters, and Alcana Coats by tlte thousand, atui have had them mads up in beautiful MtuU. rxttresshi for our own sales. By reason of tlie large quantities we manufacture, we belu-ee Tailors can do better in buying them of us tluin in making them up. Tlu'V can always have tlusm fresh, and, just such sizes us sales reanire. yjJMJrM fe nR0W'y roruLAH cLOTiiisa house, OAK II ALL, Tht Cvnxr v SIXTU and 31AHKLT Strttls,, Olive, 19b a a, Black. diagonal worsted for summer strrra. new in style and very beautiful, joat the thing to wear at the f.a shori. Also, a full assortment of Side band Drillings t it PANTALOONS, ' At Chaiuj.S Rtokes', No. F34 Ohoinut street. NO. 8 DKOATCR STRKKT.- nOWKLL ft RROTUKPA Paper II ANorNtt Manotaotubkrs, Are prepared to furnish at wholesale all styles of Paper Hangings, at their store, NO. 8 DKOATUR STRF.KT, nntil the completion of their new store on 8IXTH STREET, BELOW MARKET It is ai.tooftrp.r wbono to trifle with a bad Uough or fold, when a remedy ss sure, prom (it, and thorough as Jatne'n Kxikctoham can be readily obtained, gold every hore. J EWTT.RT. Mr. William W. Cassidy, No. 13 South Second street, has the largest and most attractive assortment of fine Jewelry and Silverware in the oily. Purchasers can rely upon obtaining a real, pure artiole furnished at a price which cannot be equalled. lie also has a Urge stock of American Western Watches in all varieties and at all prices. A visit to his store is sura to result in pleasure and profit. NARUIEO. BEARDRTjKT 81MOI On tha 14th Instlnt. htr tho Rev. L. A. K. Francis, Mr. AMZY A. BKAHOSLKlf to Miss KM MA T. SIMON, both of this oity. RKULKH SHKPPARD. On .Tnne 7. in Rt. Andre-.1. Church, Wilmington, Del., by the Rt. Rev. Alfred Lee, a-nif-ted by the Kev. (ieorge A. Latimer, Rev. (J. A. bmii.m, now or Wilmington, to Mrs. lbALSELLA SUKPPARD, of Philadelphia. in:. CONROW.-On tha 14th instant, CHARLES CON ROW, in the 22d year of his agn. 1'he relatives and friends of the familv are resDectfullv invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his parents, at Lumberton, Burlington county, N. J., on Thursdny, the 17th instant, at 2 o'clock. Carriages will meet the 10 o'clock train from Philadelphia at llainesport. FOY. On the 14th instant. Mrs. MARGARET JOY. relict of the late Michael For, aged 85 years. '1'he relatives and friends are rei-pocUuIly invited to attend the funeral, from her lute residence. No. V.llb Pine street, on Thursday morning at o'clock. Funeral ser vice at St. John's Church. Interment at St. Mary's Churoh, roui tu street. HARRIS.-On the 14th Instant, Mrs. RACHEL HAR RIS, in the 76th year of her age. Her relatives and friends and the friends of the familv are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence. No. 8IH Buttenwood street, on Thursday morning, the 17tb instant, at 1 o'olook. Funeral to pro ceed to Baptist Church at Montgomery ville, at 8 o'clock A. M. MINSTER. On tha 15th Instsnt, LIZZIE 8., wife of Goorge D. Minster, and daughter of the lata Casper H. Horn, in the 22d y ar of her aice. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her husband. No. 148 Perkiouien street, on Friday afternoon at 8 o'olook. PURCELL.-AtLancaster.on the 14th instsnt, JAMES PlinCKLL, in the Kid yeur of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his brother, P. m . . i r ....... 'T' i. . . . j .. .. . v. 1 -. K t, o'clock A.M. RHERRERD. -On the 13th Instant, WILLIAM D. SH KRRKRD, in the 61th year of bis age. Funeral from bis late residence No. 278 S. Third street. on Thursday afternoon next at 4 o'clock, to which his rela tives and friends are invited. Interment at the Wood lands. .IONES' One-Price Clothing House, No. 004 MARKET Street. Our Garments are well made. Our Cutters are men of talent. BUT ONE PRICE IS ASKED. Satisfaction Guaranteed Every Purchaser. GEO. W. NIEMANN, Proprietor, 8 IT wfmtf No. 04 MARKET St., above Sixth. NEW MUSIC. $1'25 NEW MUSIC ALBUMS, dfc f $125 A FEW LEFT. Reduced to One Dollar and Twenty five Cents. SOLD AT J. E. GOULD'S PIANO ROOMS, No. 923 CHESNUT Street. Containing FIFTr PIECES OF MUSIC, Vocal and Instrumental, worth fifteen dollars, bound In mo rocco, and handsomely gilded, binding alone worth ten dollars. Ketluced to $1-25. A few left only at J. K. GOULD'S, 6 7 mwfetrp No. 023 CHESNUT St., Phllada. Tin: AMERICAN COMBINATION BUTTON-HOLE AND SEWING MACHINE Is unquestionably superior to all others as a Family Machine. TUB SIMPLICITY, EASE, AND CER TAINTY with which it operates, as well as the uni form excellence of Its work, throughout the entire range ef sewing, In Stitching, Hemming, Felling, Tucking, Cording, Sraiding, Quilting, Gath ering, and Sewing on, Over seaming, Embroidering on the Edge, and its Beauti ful Button-Hole and Eyelet Hole Work, PLACE IT UNQUESTIONABLY FAR IS AD VANCE OF ANY OTHER SIMILAR INVENTION. OFFICE, S. W Cor. ELEVENTH and CHESNUT, 6 la wfm3mrp PHILADELPHIA. G HEAT NOVELTIES i IN LO'OKING GLASSES, , riCTURE FRAMES, ETC. ETC. NEW CHROMOS, NEW ENGRAVINGS. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, I NO. 816 CHESNUT STREET, 4 6 wwfrp PHILADELPHIA. DRY QOOD8. pRICE & WOOD. N. Y. C ORNER EIGHTH AND FlLREttT. w iutk eioons: WHITE OOIS! Plaid and Stripe Nainsook Muslins. Plaid Swiss Muslins and Plaid Organdies. Shirred Muslins and Tucked Muslins. Soft-DniRh Cambrics, Jaconets, Nainsooks, Vic toria Lawns. Swiss Muslins and India Twilled Long Cloths. Piques, Piques, rery cheap. , i.inkn tjoons: I.INEN OOOU.H! Linen Towels, Napkins, and Doylies. Bleached and Unbleached Table Linens. Kusala and American Crash, etc Colored Tarlctans for covering. Mosquito Bar Netting, by tho piece or yard. BlJiCK SILKS! BLACK MILKS! Black Gros Grain Silk, cheap. Cheap lot of mixed Dress Goods, 25, SIX, 45c. French Lawns, SO cents a yard. Shirting Percales, yard wide, en cents a yard. Bargains in Ladies' and Gents' Hosiery and Gloves Gents' Summer Underwear, very cheap. FAN! FAN! FANS! Linen Fans, Japanese Fans, Autograph Fans, and 811k Fans. Hamburg Edgings and Inserting, etc. etc. Maglo Kuftllngs, Coventry RutlMugs, and Mar seilles Trimmings. 4 3swi PRICE & WOOD, N.W. C'OJtNEREIGIITn AND FILBERT. 1869. "AT THORN LEY'S," DEMONSTRATION EXTRAORDINARY t ATTRACTION UNPARALLELED! PRICES PRESSED DOWN TO THE LOWEST POINT J Wa offer for tho noxt thirty days a RTOOK OF DRV 0001)8 1 THK MONT VAH1K1). THK MOST OOM PLKTK, THK MOST KXTKN8I VIC, AND THK OHKAP KKT it baa ever been our privilege to exhibit in thia com munity ; oonsietina in part of HIJACK WU.KM, FROM 8150 to 83. Japfinene Bilka and Ponaee Poplina, eto. Mottled Mohair Dreaa Goods. Hernanies, Organdies. Piques, Lawns. I.ama l.ace and French Lace Shawls. (Shetland Hbawls, Thibet Shawls, Travelling Shawls, etc Delaines, Calicoes, Ginghams, Tickings, eto. eto. Paraaola, Sun Umbrellas, Corset, Skirts, eto. eto. 'MEN'S AND MOY8 WEAK. Linen Drills, Pncks, Checks. Stripes, eto. Caraimeres, Cloths, Blouse Linens, Plaid Shirtings, eto. Housekeeping Linen Goods in every variety. Muslins in allwidtbs. Dress Linings, and llandkerohiefa. A general stock of White Goods, Quilta, eto. eto. At JOSEPH H. THORNLEY'S, N. E. COR. EIGHTH AND SPRING GARDEN a 19 PHILADELPHIA. LIHEH STORE, No. 828 ARCH eTREET. AND NEW STORE, No. I 128 CHESNUT Street. NEW BARNSLEY LINENS. BEST BARNSLEY SHEETINGS, all widths, at bar gain prices. . TAYLOR A CO. '8 BARNSLEY DAMASKS, T-4, 3-4, and 9-4 wide, from up. SPECIAL NOTICE. TJIE POWER-LOOM NAPKINS, Made specially for us, at $2-75 and $3-00 pur dozen. Our customers who have been waiting for these very durable Napkins can now got them at either of our stores. 9 30 wfmj gPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. JOHN W. THOMAS, 405 and 407 N. SECOND St., Offers his entire stock: of CUIVirIEU DRESS COODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. HERNANIS, GRENADINES, LAWNS, ORGAN DIES, POPLINETTES, SUMMER POPLINS, MOHAIRS, ETC. ALSO, LAMA AND INDE LACES, In Points, Paletots, Rotunds, Sacques, Marie An toinettes, and Zouaves, 3 SI 3mrp IN BLACK AND WHITE. QltGANDlES! ORGANDIES I LAWNS! LAWNS I Fine French Organdies. Flue French Lawns. Fine Brown Lawns. Dark Urourtd Lawns. American Lawns, 1RV and in cents. American Lawns, Vt cunts. Light Ground Lawns with Blue Spot. Now lathe time to purchase Lawns. A full assortment at STOKES & WOO D'S. 8. W.COR. SEVENTH AND A11C1I STS., 8 8wb, PHILADELPHIA PARASOLS. PARASOLS. ALL THE NEWEST London and Paria styles, whioh for novelty, va riety, and elegance are uuequalled. A large aa nrt.mnnt. nf Ioi (lovers. Kea Side and Sun Unl it the lowest nricea. at H. DIXON'S fancy Goods Store. No. 81 B. KIGHTH Street W" BONNETS, TRIMMINGS, ETO. WOOD & CARy. 725 CI1ICSIVXJT St., - ' - LATEST I3TYIES - , of : FANCY BONNETS AND HATS. W A C ' " - -HAT AND BONNET MATKltmL. PRICKS LOW. No. Tio CUKSNUT Street 4 U tuwth&urn MAT8 AND OAPS. WARBlTRTONft IMPROVED VENTL la ted and aay-Uttina DrM UaU (patented), in all tha ink Droved faahiuu of tha aeasiM UUXfeNU 1 OK??? brellaa flWf te tha k oat OUvt. IN BUR AN OF. THE NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OP Tni United States of America, WASHINGTON, 1). 0. CHAPTERED BY SPECIAL ACT OP CONGRESS APPROVED JULY 85, 163. CASH CAPITAL, 1,000, 000 BRANCH OFFK Ki FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA, Where the Inislneas of the Company Is transacted, and to which all gcnoral correspondence should be addressed. DIRECTORS. OT.ARWKrV TT rimr R A. Itoi.i.iNH. J AT CO0KK, ' Hrnrt J. Cooks, 'Wll.l.lAW R. ClIANDLBB, John D. Dkfhhks, KlIWAKn DflllllH JODN W. KI.I.IB, W. 1. MOOKHRAD, Groro Y. Tyi-rk, J. llWCKLBT CLAKI-, 'II. C. Fahnbstock. OFFICERS. Clarkkcb H. Clark, Philadelphia, President a. vtoh, vuairui&o rinauce ana executive com mittee. Hknkt D. Cookr, Washington, Vloe-Presldnnt. ItMRRsow W. Pbbt, Philadelphia, Secretary and Actuary. E. 8. Tdrnrr, Washington. Assistant Secretary. Irancis . Hmi, M.l)., Medical Director. J. Kwuta Miars, M. D., Assistant Medical Dlrec i,tor. MEDICAL ADVISORY BOARD. J. K. Barkbs, Surgeon-General U. S. A.. Wash lngton. P. J. IloRwm, Chief Medical Department. V. S. N., W axhiiifrton. D. W. Bliss, M. D., Washington. SOLICITORS AND ATTORNEYS. non. William R Chanhlkr, Washington, D. C. Okoror IlAKDihO, PhUadelphla, Pa. THE ADVANTAGES Offered by this Company arc: It Is a Notional Company, charterea by special act of Congress, 1S68. It has a paid-up capital of 11,000,000. It oilers low rates of premium. It furnishes larger Insurance than other companies for the same money. It is definite and certain In Its terms. It Is a home company in everv tocalltv. Its policies are exempt from attachment. There are no unnecessary restrictions in the poli cies. Every policy Is non-forfeitahle. Policies may be taken which pay to the Insured their full amount and return all the premiums, so that the insurance costs only the Interest on the an nual payments. Policies may be taken that will pay to tho Insured, after a certain number of years, during life, an an nual income of one-tenth the amount named In the policy. No extra rate Is charged for risks upon the lives of females. It Insures not to pay dividends, but at so low a cost that dividends will bo Impossible. C8 8 wsrp FURNITURE, ETO. FURNITURE. T. & J. A. H E N K EIL S HAVING REMOVED TO THEIR ELEGANT STORE, No. 1002 ARCH Street, Are now selling FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE at very Reduced Prices. 41 8m rp pURNITUKE. A. & H. LEJAMBRE HAVE REMOVED THEIR Furniture & UjMsterii Wareroni TO NO. 1127 CHESNUT STREET, 10 wfmemrp GIRARD ROW. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ETO. JAMES & LEE, No.. 11 NORTH SECOND STREET, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LAMB, Are now receiving an ENTIRE NEW STOCK o Spring and Summer Coatings, To which they Invite the attention of the trade and others, 3 23 w AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. MEDICAL. QUILFORD SPRING WATER NATURE'S GREAT REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Mil UMATISM, and NEURALGIA. Thia is the oldost and most powerful Medicinal Spring In Veimont, and haa been endorsed and prescribed by tha ftlediciil Faculty mce 117. In disease! requiring an altorative, Ita action is speed and permanent. A descriptive pamphlet of ths Spring, ita euros, and the analysis ot the water, cuu be procured aralia ol tha WHOLESALE AGENTS, JOHN WYETH & BRO., No. 14 IH WALNUT Street. Also for sale br CUAS. ELLIS, SON A CO., No. 1000 M A It KKT street. W . W A LTKK MULLEN, Chosnnt HilL FREDERICK KliOWN, FIFTH and CHK8NUT Sta. JAW KB T. KHINN, BROAD and Kl'HUCK Streets. O. fc. I1UBBE1.L, No. Hill CHESNUT Street. PECK A CO.. No. 1228 CHESNUT Street. A. B. TAALOK, No. 1015 CHESNUT SU 4 aisvrSmrp OARPETINQS. 1000 Pieces Brussels, 2000 Pieces Fancy Mattin JUST RECEIVED PER STEAMER. E. H. 00DSHALK & CO., NO. 723 CHESNUT STREET, t W fmw8mrp PHILADELPHIA. SEWING MACHINES Are the Best, and are Sold on the Easiest Terms. PETERSON & CARPENTER, : GENERAL AGENTS, J ' Ho. 014 1III:N3iI T Street, 1 0 fvirl rniLADKT.l'IIIA. ICO ONOM.JOAL Mutual Life Insurance Co., X)f Providence, K. I. iHMON S. BUCKLIN, O. O. McKNIGIIT, WILLIAM Y. rOTTER, President Vice-President Secrotar HON. ELIZUR WRIGHT, ACTUAR V. Among the Directors, all of whom are men of tried ability as fln.,nclOT. are EX-GOVERNOR WILLtAM 8PRAGUE, EARL P. MASON, ESQ., MAJOR-GENEa1" A. P. BtJRNsu) JOHN CARTER BROWN, ESQ., ard MOSES D. LOCKWOOD, E9s Rates Lower than other Mutual Companies with E'ial Safety and Soundness. Premiums IMon-forfoitablo from tho First Payment ANNUAL CASH DIVIDENDS. Assets January ly 1069 - ' $503,03318 SI 02 of Assets for every SI OO of Liabilities. Every (rnarantec that Is essential to the honest adm'ntstratlon of a LIFE TNSirRAWCS TRUST and tha tends to promote economy, frugality, and integrity, w,U be found In the "ECONOMICAL." FRANCIS S.BELDEN, General Agent, ROOMS 26 AND 27, NO. 430 WALNUT ST XT! ST, PHIL 16 i FIN ANOI Al. B A N K I N O HOUSE or JAY COOKE & CO., Bos. 112 and 114 South THIRD Street PHILADELPHIA. Dealers In all Government Securities. Old D-SOs Wanted In Exchange for New. A Liberal Difference allowed. Compound Interest Notes Wanted. Interest Allowed on Deposits. COLLECTIONS MADE. STOCKS bought and sol 1 on Commission. Special business accommodations reserved for ladles. We will receive applications for Policies of Life Insurance In the National Life Insurance Company of the United States. Full Information given at oar office. 4 1 8m UNITED STATES COUPONS DUE JULY I, WANTED. COUPONS OF UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD DUE JULY I, Taken Sams as Government Coupons. DE HAVEN & DRO., BANKERS AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENTS, NO. 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, 611 lm PnTT.ATHTT.pHIA. LEDYARD & BARLOW HAVE REMOVED THEIR LAW AND COLLECTION OFFICE 10 No. 19 South THIRD Street. PHILADELPHIA, And will continue to give careful attention to collect, lngand securing CLAIMS throughout the United States, British Provinces, and Europe. Sight Drafts and Maturing .Paper collected at Bankers 'jKatca. " 123 8m M.TH, RANDOLPH & CO., BANKERS, riilladelplila and New York, DEALERS IN UNITED STATES BONDS, and MEM BERS OP STOCK AND GOLD EXCHANGE,, Receive Accounts of Bonks and Bankers on Liberal Terms. ISSUE BILLS OK EXCHANGE ON C. J. HAMBRO A SON, London, B. METZLER, 8. SOI1N A CO., Frankfort, JAMES W. TUCKER A CO., Tarts. And Other Principal Cities, and Letters of Credl 1 8tf Available Throughout Europe. B. XI. JAmiSOTX tl CO., 8UCCFSSOR3 TO P. P. " KLLLY & CO., UunKers uml Bcu1ci-m in Gclfl, Silver, ana Gowmmt BoaJs, AT CLOSEST M MJIIET RATES. N.W. Corner THII and CHESNUT Sts. special utit'iillOii .vtvcii '" ' O EMISSION ORDERb iiNew oik and 1'tili.ficlj.itiia UtocK Boards, eto. uU: 6tl3 81 QLENDINNING, DAVIS & CO NO. 18 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. GLENDINIiING, DAVIS & AMORY, NO. 2 . NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK BANKERS AND BROKER3. . , Direct telegraphlo commonlcatlon with the New York Stock BoardJ Irom the Philadelphia FJNANOI Al. A RELIABLE HOME INVESTMENT. THE FIRST MORTGAGE BOSTJS OP TH Wilmington and Reading Railroad, IlKAKINU INTEREST At SEVEN PER CENT, in Currency, Partible April and October, free of STATE and UNITED STATES TAXES. This road mn through a thickly populated and riou agricultural and manufucturius dlstriot. For the present, we are offering a limited amount of tha above Bonds at 85 Cents and Interest. 'In the PenmjrlvanU and Reading Railroads insures it a large and remunerative) trade. We rccommomt tho bonds as the cheapest first class investment in tho market. WK. FAXIlTEiXl L CO., BANKERS AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENTS, NO. 3G S. THIRD STREET, 64 PHILADELPHIA. UNION AND CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD BONDS BOUGHT AND SOMX WILLIAM PAINTER & CO., BANKERS, NO. 36 SOUTH THIRD STREET, 611 lm PHILADELPHIA. CITY WARRANTS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. T. YERKES, Jr., & CO., No. 20 South THIRD Street, J PHILADELPHIA. J E M O V A L. ELLIOTT & DUNN HAVING! REMOVED TO THEIR NEW BUILD LNQ No. 109 8. THIRD Street, Are now prepared to transacts GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, and deal in GOVERNMENT and other S enrities, GOLD, BILLS, Eto. Receive MONEY ON DKPOSIT, allowing interest. NEGOTIATE LOANS, airinc apeoiai attention to MEB CANT ILK PAPER. Will execute orders for Stocks, Bonds, eta., ON OOM MISSION, at the Ptook Ezohangea of Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and Baltimore. 4 get pt 8. PETERSON & CO.. Stock and Exchange Brokers No. 39 South THIRD Street. Members of the New York and Philadelphia Stock and Gold Boards, STOCKS, BONDS, Eta, bougkt and told on com mission only at either city. lwi SAMUEL WORK. 1 KRANOIS F. UILNK. WORK & BANKERS, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 121 8. THIRD St., PHILADELPHIA P. C A N K s 0 n, COMMISSION MERCHANT, I'Jo. 113 DOCZS STIU3ET, Agent in Phllailelphlafoi the Celebrated Potomac Wills Hydraulic Cenisnt. This eelebruted Cenivnt la uaed upon all the public buildings at Washington, D. C, and haa boen ana lyzed by Dr. Henry Erui, late Consulting Chemist at the Department of Agriculture, who pronounces It equal to the best Roman Cement. It has been known and used at the South alnce 1S30, and every lock oa the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, from Cumberland to Alexandria bears testimony to Ita merit. Builders and Contractors generally are Invited to subject It to the severest testa. 6 9 waBtrp MPIRE SLATE MANTEL WOKKS.jTb, E