THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JUNE 14, 18G9. NEWS 3UIVir,IAn.Y. CiMv Affair. On Saturday hint, the annual rogattn of (ha Schuylkill Nitvy was opened with a contest for the champion ilurr. and medals of the third class LobIh. The boats entered for the contest were the Minncbnhn, of the Malta Club, Isaac IJedichnior, coxHwain; the Falcon, of the lVniiNylvanift Cluli, John Culin, coxswain; find the Iono, of the Orescent (Jlii'i, Hiiniiiol Stokes, coxswain. At the firing of a cannon from the Rtoamer May (Jinien, they arrangod theiiiselvcs in lino below Turtle Honk. At half-past r o'clock a pislol-shot waH fired by the Commodore, the sirfmil for the start, and the boats started on their race. Notwithstand ing that the Minnehaha had the first choice of position and the Falcon the second, the lone took the lead by half n length, and when at the (tirard avenue bridge increased it by a strong effort to two lengths. When the (toosepen was reached, about a quarter of a mile from the stake boat, the Minnehaha closed with the lone, and with a steady, long stroko took the lead; and, turning tho stako boat lirnt, maintained it with ease and passed the Commodore's, barge, the winner of tho race in lit minutes nn-1 l.r seconds. The Fal con camo in second, in 1!l minutes and 4 7 Keeonds, and tho lone last, in 20 minutes and VI seconds. Tho whole distanco rowed was three miles. A lurge meeting of garment cutters of the city was held on Saturday evening, at their hall, Fourth street, near Citllowhill. David "Westcott was appointed Chairman, and 11. C. Maenuley Secretary. The meeting was called for the purpose of considering tho pro priety of asking for nn increase of wages in excess of tho present rates, $20 per week. Reports were received from a number of shops through their delegates, a majority of whom signified tho willingness of their em ployers to pay the advance, fixing the wages of their cutters at $24 per week. After con siderable discussion, a resolution was adopted declaring $4 per day the wagea of garment cutters from this date. A conductor on a Union rassonger car, named McDermott, fell from the front plat form of his car yesterday afternoon, at Frank lin and Thompson streets, and had his arm badly crushed by the wheel passing over it. He was taken to his home at Fourth and Master streets, lie subsequently died. Bridget Donahue, residence unknown, jumped overboard at South street wharf, on Saturday evening, and she was rescued by Custom House officers aud one of the Fifth ward police. She had previously attempted to throw herself under tho wheel of a loaded cart. Her conduct showed unmistakable signs of insanity, and she was sent to the Almshouse. She is middle-aged, and says that she had lived at Media, in Delaware county, and in dill'erent parts of New Jersey. DoniOHtic Allnlrit. Gold closed on Saturday at 1.10. The existence of yellow fever at St. Marys, Ga., is denied. The military and naval service of Canada is to be reduced. Alexander II. Stephens has recovered from his recent illness. On Saturday General Fremont sailed from New York for Europe. Military force is to be used in North Caro lina to aid in collecting tho revenue. Nova Scotia is to make no appeal to Eng lish law courts as to Confederation. President Grant is to have a grand public reception in Boston on Y eilnesday. Bids for the purchase of a number of monitors will be opened at AVashington to-day. Iluggles & Baldwin's saw-mill, at Cincin nati, was burned on Saturday. Loss, $20,000. Indians havo captured and destroyed a $20,000 Government train, making good their escape. Enlisted men detailed for duty as clerks in tho "War Department, not authorized by law, are to be discharged. Brevet Major-General S. S. Carroll has been placed on tho retire! list, with the full rank of Major-General. All Indians found outside tho four great reservations are to be treated as hostile, and proceeded against accordingly. i. Farepa-ltosa and several hundred musi cians left New York last night for Boston. Tho latter city is already full of visitors. Canadians are agitating the question of demanding compensation from the United States for losses by the Fenian raid. John Dunton threw himself under a pass ing railroad train, on Saturday, at Augusta, Me., and was instantly killed. Ho was doubt less insane. Commissioner Delano lias ruled that tho New York cotton brokers are liable to a tax of oue-twentiaih of ouo per cent, for negotiating sales. The life sentence of John Ford, a private of the Twentieth Illinois Volunteers, for kill ing a comrado in 1K!4, has been remitted by the President. Should the regular troops in the West prove unequal to the task of conquering tho Indians, General Scholield will be authorized to raise volunteers. Captain Cameron, editor of the Peters burg Judex, on Saturday was wounded in a duel with Mr. II. AY. Hughes, a contributor to a Republican iaper in Richmond, Va. Alievenue officers is to bo released by a Com missioner until tho tacts of tho case have lien reported to the Internal Revenue office. General Granger having expressed an opinion in the case of Verger, the murderer of Colonel Crane, has withdrawn from tho Military Commission, and General Swift is ariw President. Postmaster-General Creswell has sent a letter to a Georgia postmaster, regarding tho sanctity of postal matter, sealed letters espe cially, and announcing a determination to frocure tho severe punishment of violators of mo law in wis respum. LVorviita Allium. London, Juno VI. A large number of ar sts wero made in Paris yesterday, but tho I )a.. n. ..f At..-, l.,u, am t ..I i m vuouun ei n ir Kind state that confidence is returning. Up to midnight last night, public order remained undisturbed, and the troops patrolling tho streets were frequently cheered by tho cm tens. London. June K5 Evening. Jelegrams from Paris report tho city us being tranquil tlirontrhout tho day. London. June 12. J esputcnos irom cm- it to. dated Juno !, state that a severe cyclone htd occurred there and in the vicinity, doing ptat duniage to the buildings in the city and M shipping in the nvr below. J. no damage to the shirring in the harbor was vory slight. the last accounts tno cyclone was sun kiemg. aphid. June 1.1. Tho army and navy and til mncistrates throughout Spain are tuking 5 oath to respect and obey the new consti hion. During tho debate on Mexico yestor ''V a denutv Htiu'inatized tho Mexicans as J wards. Prim replied that the people who tte nun to sustain themselves against iuva- ju were not cowards. He eulogized the liicim republic and culled Juurea the "great republican." It was received with loud cheering. Madrid, June 13. In the Cortes, yester day, Navarre advocated tho election of Mont pensier to the throne, and declared his pre ference for immediato and final action on tho pnrt of tho Cortes to that effect. Prim de fended tho present Government of Mexico, and announced that diplomatic relations would soon be renewed with President Juarez. Montpensier has entered Spain, and is no,v in Andalusia. BtKLiN, June 11. The King of Truisia, Attended by Hismark, has l,.ft Berlin on a t jur through Hanover. London, June 12. The Tlm( to-day, Kpcnking of tho position of tho Housn of Lords on the Irish Church bill, says the Mar quis of Salisbury's anticipation of tho situa tion of tho Peers is now realized. Wo are in a crisis ono of those rare great occurrences when the national mind has been fully de clared and tho Lords must defer to the will of the country, or otherwise tho machinery of the Government cannot be carried on. Owing to the fixed and unalterable constitu tion, the House of Peers must yield. London, June 12 Evening. Immense Tory demonstrations were hold to-day in various parts of the kingdom. At Manchester over 200,0(10 persons wero present. Resolutions protesting against tho passage of the Irish Church bill were passed, and a monster peti tion embodying the substance of tho resolu tions was sent to Earl Derby for presentation to the House of Lords. At Liverpool .10,0(10 people were present. Speeches were mode by distinguished persons, and tho usual reso lutions against tlio disestablishment of the Iri h Church wero unanimously adopted. Havana, June 12. Reports havo been re ceived here of a very severe engagement be tween tho Government troops and the rebels at Puerto I'adre. Tho losses are given fit hundreds. Among those reported killed is General Marmol. Reliable information, however, is wanting of this engagement. Captain Pforf, of tho Holland war vessel Soembing, was drowned at Kingsland, Jamaica, on June 1. Havana, Juno 11. The reports of a heavy engagement at Puerto Tadre are confirmed. Tho Spaniards admit a loss of sixty killed, and estimate that of tho Cubans nt twelve hun dred killed and wounded. Tho insurgent General Marmol was killed. Tho following news from Santiago conies from Spanish sources: A schooner recently landed a party of one hundred filibusters at Port Battiqueri, six miles east of Santiago. The party was betrayed by its guide, who gave information of their landing to the officer in command at Baracou. The troops of the garrison inarched out, and coming up with the filibusters attacked them, and in tho fight fifty of the latter were killed and tho others captured. The leader of tho party was shot on the spot, and the prisoners wero taken to Santiago for execution. All tho stores of the expedition were captured, including $2,000,000 in unsigned revolutionary currency, several hundred rilles, and three or four pieces of artillery. Padis, June 12. About two hundred ar rests were made last night. The populace generally assisted the troops to preserve order, hnd the streets were clear by ten o'clock. No outrages were committed. Paris, June 12. The tumults in the streets continue. The cavalry paraded all night, but met with no resistance. Arrests continue to be made, and the streets were more tranquil after midnigut. btrong detachments of mili tary are posted in the city to prevent an out break. The Emperor and Empress drove through Moutmartre, yesterday, unattended. lhe following was othcially promulgated to day: ''The recent disorders approach a ter mination, owing to the strength and energy of public opinion." Paris, June 12 Evening. Ismael Pacha arrived here to-day. The 3lniiuct to diovernor Ciirtiu. On Saturday evening about .100 gentlemen sat down to the banquet which was given in honor of Governor Curtin. Judge Thayer presided and made the introductory speech. He was followed by the distinguished guest, Governor Curtin, who said: "I tun not insensible to the compliment of this ovation, and am deeply grateful for the warmth of your reception. Notwithstanding your nattering encouragement, deep and con flicting emotions perplex me in arising to address you. The occasion excites the live liest feelings of the heart, and the great mea sure of pride that I tun deemed worthy o such a demonstration by the people of my native State is saddened by the thought tha it is a farewell, and that I am now about to leave my friends and home for a foreign land. No matter how much flattered by fortune, or in what position of life, it is always sad to sever the ties which bind us to our private cir cles, to friends who have been faithful alike in sunshine and shadow, in prosperity and adversity, and who become closer aud more sacred as time chastens the attachment to the sincere and shortens the brief days al lotted for their enjoyment. With me the feelings excited by tho surroundings in which I stand to-night reach far beyond the circle of individuals, grateful as my memo ries must ever bo of them. I could not find language to express all I owe to this great city, and to our honored and mighty Com monwealth and her free people. In tho ine- niorablo struggle which associated my hum ble name was the imperishable honor of the State, Philadelphia was generous and stead fast in her attachment to me. Her voice was largely instrumental in making me a candi date for Governor, and throughout the six yeais of my service as Chief Exocutive, her people sustained me, and no sacrifice was deemed too great to vindicate her National Government when assailed; and who can for get, who can fail to remember forever with pride, that Pennsylvania was the first and tho grandest of all tho States in her offerings for her Government, und tho most heroic in her sufferings for humanity ? When others doubted or hesitated, her faithful peoplo were unlhltermg in their fidelity; and now tho satis faction to claim American citizenship all over the world is magnified by the title f Ponn sylvanian, wherever the martial virtues com mand homage and respect. The Governor then referred to his labors during the lato Rebellion, in preparing and putting in tho held IMMHIO Pennsylvania sol diers, and also to what had been done for the soldiersince the war ended, and he hoped that when he returned he would find this a nation of homogeneous people, with all the bitter ness of angry feeling which caused tho war and all its vicissitudes forgotten, and that we maybe in the enjoyment of that fraternal fool ing which alone can make a nation great aud respected, and a peoplo happy and prosperous. Tho Governor, in conclusion, said, "With tho ardent prayer that our Government may re muin an everlasting unit, and that this great Commonwealth may maintain her lofty posi tion in tho sisterhood of States, I bid you farewell; and as the hard word falls from my lips, I add my thanks to the people of Fhila deliJiia, to the people of the wliulo State, for their unvarying kindneRS, their unfaltering support, and for tho thousand cvi lences of affection tendered mo at this parling mo ment.'' The second toast, "Tho President," was re sponded to by Hon. John Scott. The third toast, "Russia," was reminded to by Mr. Bodisco, Charge d'Affaires at Wash ington. i Cyrus W. Field responded briefly to a toast of "The State of New York;" Hon. James Pollock responded for "Pennsylvania;" John Price Wetherill, Jr., for "Philadelphia;" Gen eral Joshua T. Owen "Tho Practical Is Hiies of tho Future:" Hon. A. K. McClure to the sentiment, "The Young Republic in Lenders of IMiO;" Colonel Jordan to ono com plimentary to Governor Geary; and tho fentiment to "Tho Judiciary" was responded to by William H. Rawle, Esq. Major Calhoun responded for "The Army." MARINE TELEGRAPH. For atUlitiinal ilariitt Hewn urs Firxl Fatte. A I.MAN AO FOR FUILA DELPHI A-THIS DAY. Sn Rihfb 4'2s Moos H"rs H IS Suw Kktk 7M!Hmu Water (io9 PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADK. Henry Wihxor, ) .K.oiioK N., Committer of the Month. IJKO. MoMUHON COATT.8.) MOVEMEXT OK CK'KAN STEA.1I.SIII PS. FOR AMERICA. Idaho Livttrpuol Now York M.iy Nestorian Liverpool Ouolieo May Nova Scotian... .Liverpool tuebec May Atalanta London Nhw York Mav Siberia Liverpool... ..Now York via Bos.. .Juno Knrcipa GIiikkow Now York June I'pniifiylvania.. . Liverpool Now York June Minnpm tA Liverpool Now York June l.'ify of London. .Liverpool ....Now York Inno Cuba Liverpool. ... New York June J'dlt KUKOPK. Fellnna New York....lxmilon Juno 15 C. of Huston Now York.. ..Liverpool June 15 (iorniania Now York. ...Hamburg June 15 Llano New York. ...LivorpooT June It. (lino Haltimoro....)!remti Tnne lit Scotia New York.. ..Liverpool June lrt City of I ondou. .Now York.. ..Liverpool June lit Columbia New York....(jla(row June 19 Atalanta New York. ...l.onlon June 23 Cuba New York.. ..Liverpool June 2:1 Caledonia Now York . ...Glawtow June 23 1'uropc New York. ...(.lanitow June S'l l-alRvntte New York.. ..Havre June M V. of Brooklyn. ..Now York. ...Liverpool June F.tna New York. ...Liverpool June Sit COAKTWISK, DOMKhTIU, KTO. Pioneer Philada Wilmington .Tune 15 ieo. Cromwell.. New York. ...New Orleans June 15 J. W'. Kvemian..Pbilad& Charleston June 17 Columbia New York. ...Havana June 17 City of Mexico.. New York.. ..Havana A V. Cruz.. .June W Tonawanda Philada Savannah June 19 Juniata Philada N. Orloansand Hav.June 19 North America. .New York. ...Rio Janeiro lune S3 Mails are forwarded by everv steamer in the reiruinr linn. The steamers for or from Liverpool call at eept the Canadian line, which call at Londonderry. The stearaeni for or from the Continent call at Southampton. CLEARED SATURDAY. Steamship Normnn, Crowoll, Bmttnn, H. Winsor 4 Co. Steamer J. 8. Khmer, ltiiririuis, Baltimore, A. Crovei, Jr. unniue lejuca, Mowell, Uluraltar lor orders, Warren fe (ire(r(r. Ur. brijt Elizi, Clark, Pictou. C. C. Van Horn. Sehr J. S Rraerion. Newcomb, Boston, .1. K. Banley A Co. Schr J. Price. Nickerson, Boston, David Cooper. Hohr C. H. Moller, Brown, Boston, do. hcur Isaac Bakor, Purvere, Boston, Ponn Gas Coal Co. ARRIVED' YESTERDAY. Steamship Juninta, Hoxie, from New Orleans via Ha vana 8tli inst., with cotton, cigars, etc., to Philadelphia and Southern Miiil Steamship Co. Passengers from New Orleans-Mrs. Horter, three daughters, and son; Alice Csry; Annie Keefe; Wm. Taylor; Mrs. Mills; Mrs. Roeue nd child; Miss Roche. From Havana Mr. and Mrs. Chrhack and six children; Juana Josefa Cowan; Ambrosia Y. Beipiir. two children, and servant; Mrs. T. Sauvulle and two children ; J. A. Lamar and wito; G. Fuortes, wito, au I five children ; B. L. Perer; It. Ordmer; G. iSior; N. Ker ney; S. M. Ferer: Henry Somiuer; G. Langenshiodt ; Rafael Estrada ; F. Viena ; Robert Smith ; Jo in Foster. Barque J. H. McLarren, Corning, 14 days fioin Som brero, with gnann to Moro Phillips. Haniue Hannibal, Nieman, 40 day from London, with mdse. to C. F. A G. G. Lennig. ARRIVFDSATURDAY. Steamer Anthracite, Green, 21 hours from New York, with mdse. to W. M. ltnirrt & (jo. Steamer D. Utley, Davis, 'U hours from New York, with mdse. to W. M. Buird A Co. Schr Jos. N. Bittinc Waters, 5 days from Newtown, Md., with lumber to J. W. Bacon. ftptrial ftetpatrh to The Evrninq T' Uaraph. Havkk-hk-Gkack, June 14. The following boats left here for Philadelphia this morning : W. Middle towu aud Orlando, with lumber to Taylor A Betts. orina, with bark to order. Linnie and Fuiily, with lumber to Pattirron A Lippia-. cott., with machinery for Wilmington. J. P. Packer, with lumber. John McFndden, with lumber for Chester. Prairie, with lumber for Wilmington. Homeward, wit h lumbor to Craig t Blanchard. John Kowe, with bark to Lurge A Wilson. Golden Katjle, with lumber to Taylor, Duy A Moore. Currtrpnntl'i' of the PhiUulfljihta Kxrhanqe. Lkwes, Del., June 11. The following vessels went to sea to-diiy : Ship F.liza Mclaughlin, for Antwerp; barques Haabet (Norw.) for CronNtadt; Ada Carter, for Mutan.ait; hops Sportsman, for Trinidad ; Altavela, for Wilmington, N. (J. : lHola. fur Cardenas; Klilubeth. for do. : schr l.etta. for MayacrueK ; and two barques, names not ascertained, all from Philadelphia. The vessels before reported at the Breakwater have all left. Wind W. L, U LYON'S. MEMORANDA. Ship Virginia, Campbell, from Liverpool for Philadel phia, was oil tho Skerries 1 P. M. 30th uit. Steamship J. W. F.vurman. Snydor, from Charleston loth insU, for Philadelphia, has on board t73 bales cot ton, 37 tcs. rice, 1 111 bales yarns, 40 do. domestics, 2 tcs. beeswax, 8 bags poauuts, 50 bbls. spirits turpentine, 1H9 do. rosin, 408 bbls. and 2-14 crates vegetables, and sundry pkgs. SteaniBhip Tonawanda, Jennings, for Philadelphia, cleared at Savannah 12tn inst. Steamship James S. Green, Vance, for Philadelphia, sailed from Richmond 11th iust. Steamer Fannie, i'entoo, for Philadelphia, cleared at New York 11th inst . Barque Julie Nichols, Dade, from London for Philadel phia, sailed from Gravusend 31st ult. bulore reported sailed 27th. Barque Desiah, Gilkey, from Newport, Wales, was going up to New Orleans 7th inst. Barque Melbourue, Horton, from Liverpool 81th April for Philadelphia, was spoken titli ult. lut. 6il 2o, lung. 14 '.'U. Barque Sarah B. Hale, White, nonce for Matangas, was passed tit b inst. lat. 35, long. 70 60. Brig Hyperion, Woodbury, was loading at Matanzas 4th inat., for a port north of Hattoras. Brigs Alice M. Putnam, Atwoori, and Merriwa. Water house, for Philadelphia, were loading at Matauus4th inst. Selir L. A. Dnnenliower (of Greenwich, N. J.), Shupirl, from Gardiner for Philadelphia, at Holmes Hole lltti inst. reports beiug run into the previous uight, oft West Chop, by an unknown schooner; had stern builly stove, lost bout and split inaiusail badly ; damage to tiie other vossil un known. Schr R. K. Vaughn, heuce for Boston, passed Hell Gate 11th inst. Schr Win. S. SquireB. C'uinmings, from Boston fur Phil i delphia, at New York llth iust. Schr F.. Sinniclison, Winsinoro, from Quincy Point for Philadelphia, at Holmes1 Hole ltith iust. Si lirs 1 B. Kverett, Jones, hence for Boston, and T. T. Tnt-kur. Allen, from HoMon fur Georgetown, D. C., at Helmet,' Hole P. M. 10th inst. Sehr Mary K. Coyne, Facomire, bunco, at Providence llth street. Schr K. II. Shannon, Dilks, for Philadelphia, sailed from Providence llth intit. Sehr lavis Cuniu, Reed, hence for Portland, at New Yi rk llth inst. Schr Richard Vaux, Whitaker, cleared at Wilmington, N. C, loth inst. for Boston. Si'br Sophia Wilson, Ni.well, for Philadelphia, was load ing at Wilmington, N. C, loth inst. Sehr Win. B. Thomas, hence, at Alexandria llth inst. Srhrw Sehih B. Strong, Murray, and Sarah Cullin. Avis, for Philadelphia, were loading ut Charleston loth inst. PROPOSALS. 1 )lll)P08AL8 FOR 8 T It A W. Deputy Qi'artkkmastkk-Genbrai.'s Office,) riiii.APKi.rniA, pa., juuo 11, isou. j TropoKnls ure hereby Invited (to be opened at 12 M. on TUESDAY, tho 15th Instant) for furulHhlug the OjjurtermaHter'B Department lu. this city with FORTY (40) TON'S OK It YE STKAW" In link's, Bubjt'Ct to Inspection as usual. The umittl conditions imposed upon bidders and contractors will bo observed. The rlRht la also re served to reject any and all bids, If to the Interest of the Government to do so. Proposals should be sealed anil endorsed "Propo sals for Straw," and addressed to the undersigned. 8TEWAKT VAN VL1ET, Deputy tjuarttinaster-General and 6 11 St Brevet MajoMienera! VB. A. COAL OIL, ETC, ETO. yiLLIAM BALDWIN & CO., Manufacturers and Dealer in Coal Gil, inenar, Benzine, ALCOnOL, TURPENTINE LUBRICATING, W1IALE, LARB, and OTHER OILS No. 129 ARCH Street and Nos. 1440 and 1443 WARNOCK Btroet DRY GOODS. POPULAR PRICES FOR DRY GOODS RICKEY, SHARP & CO., no. 727 CXXESXiUT Street. REDUCTION IN DRESS GOODS. Poplinettcs. Japanese Silks. Grey Goods forlSuits. Embroidered Grenadines. Lawns. Ginghams. Chintzes. Chocolate Colored Linens. Chocolate Colored Tercales. White Goods. XVIourning- Goods. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., NO. 727 CIIESNUT STREET, 4 9tfrp PHILADELPHIA. CENT.'S FURNISHING GOODS. pATENT 8IIOULDER-SEAM BITIJiT MANUFACTORY, AND GENTLEMEN, FURNISHING STORE. PERFECT FITTING SHIRTS AND DRAWERS made from measurement at Tory short, notice. All other article, of UKNTLKMKN'S DHKS3 GOODS in fall WINCHESTER fe CO., 118 No. 7ti OHKSNUT Btreet H. S. K. C. Harris' Seamless Kid Gloves. EVERY PAIU WARRANTED. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR GENTS GLOVES. J. W. SCOTT & CO., B8Trp NO. 814 CnESNUT STREET. TIIE IMPROVED SIIOULDER-SEAM PAT tern Shirt, manufactory of RKJIIAKI) EAYRE, No, 6tS N. KIXT11 Strent, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Uuod. la large vnriety. bpring Undershirts and Drawer.; als Scarfs, Bows, Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Suspend era, etc, 4 3 mws OT OR COLD! WAHM WEATHER! GOOD ICEM SUPPLIED BY THE CARPENTER ICE COMPANY, IVo. 717 WILLOW St., lMiIIada. EASTERN ICE exclusively at market rates. Large trade supplied on fair terms. CTI AS. L. CARPENTER,1 JOHN GLENDENING, f Proprletorp. JOS, S. M. Tit I; MAN, JR., t HN R. CAKl'ENTKIt, 1 BlBlm JOHN FURNITURE. FOR BARGAINS IN FURNITURE 00 TO RICHMOND & CO.. No. 45 South SECOND Street, 6 B lm ABOVE CUEfcNUT, EAST SIDE. WINDOW CLASS The euhscrthers are manufacturing daily. 10,000 feet best quality of AMERICAN WINDOW GL AS Tliey are also constantly receiving importations of FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. Rough Piute and Bibbed Glass, Krmmolled, Stainod Rniriaved, mid Ground Glass, which thoy oiler at lowest market rates. EVANS, S1IAHP & WESTCOATT. 6 29 8m No. 618 MARKET Street, Ptilhida. ICE CREAM AND WATER ICE. THE NEAPOLITAN ICE CREAM AND WATER ICES. THE PUREST AND BEST IN THE WORLD. This o slebrated Brick Ioe Oreara and Water Ioe can be carried in a paper to any part of the oity, aa you ould candy. Fifteen or twenty different kind of thoin are knp constantly on bund, and ONE HUNDUKD DIFFF.KKNT FLAVORS can be made to order fur those who desire to have something never before seen in the United States, and superior to sny 'a -ri'in insde in F.urope. Principal Depot No. 1334 WALNUT Ktreet. Branch BtorB-No. llfJU BPK1NU UAKDK.V Street. tli V. J. ALLKUKKITI. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. pa R. THOMAS & CO. DEALERS IN Doors, Blinds, Sash, Shutters WINDOW FRAMES, ETC., N. V. CORKER OF EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets b 26 Bill PHILADELPHIA. QEORCE PLOWMAN, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, 8 B$ No. 134 DOCK Street, PhiladelnHJU BOARDING. AT NO. liai G1KAKD BTREET MAY BE obtained furnished and Ulifuraiaud loomi for lwtg. Bt. board alej, U desued. 1 K WATOHE8, JEWELRY, ETO. -tV.lS LADOMUS&CO. DIAMOND DEALERS & .TEWKLKUS.V, WATCH Rd, JRWEIjRY A BII.TKH WAHk. vWAT0HE3 Md JEWELRY REPAIRED, J02hetntit St., rhllft- Ladies' and Gents' Watches, AMERICAN AND IMPORTED, Of the moat celebrated makers. FINE VEST CHAINS AND LEONTINES, In 14 ami 19 karat. DIAMOND an other Jewelry of the latest doslgns. Engagement and Wedding Kings, In 13-karat and Coin. Sold Silver-Ware for Bridal Presents, Table Ont lery, Plated Ware, etc S 87 ESTABLISHED 1823. WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, and FANCY GOODS. O. W. RUSSELL, NO. n N, SIXTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. WILLIAM Yl. WARNK & CO., Wholonale Dealers In WATCH KS AND JKWKLRY. a E. corner SEVENTH and CHESNUT Streets, B 2? Second floor, and late of No. 83 S. THIRD St. NEW PUBLICATIONS. ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO THE NEW TESTAXVXXSrjT. A useful and necessary help In the study of the Scriptures, and In the preparation of SuuUa-school lessons. Prices, 2fi, 40, anil 60 cents. . Just pnbllNhed by tho AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, No. 1128 Chesuut Street, Phila delphia. 6 ai liiwiiit LL TIIE NEW BOOKS FOR SALE AT WHOLESALE PRICES BY l'OKT K IS Ac COATES, NO. 822 CHESNUT STREET, Marble Building, adjoining the Continental. Our new and elegant T3 22mwf r AKT CJAL.I.F.UV Now open, with the finest collection of PAINTINGS, CHROMOS, aud ENGRAVINGS In tho city. FURNITURE, ETO. F URN TUBE. A. & H. LEJAMBRE HAVE REMOVED THEIR Fnmiture & UpMsterii farerooi TO NO. 1127 CHESNUT STREET, 8 10 wfmemrp GIRARD ROW. FURNITURE. T. & J. A. HENKEILS HAVING REMOVED TO THEIR ELEGANT STORE, No. 1002 ARCH Street, Are now gelling FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE at very Reduced Prices. 4 1 Smrp FOR SALE. 0j 10 R SALE, ON EASY TERMS, A NINE-ROOM HOUSE, No. 1116 CARPENTER Street, with bath and (ra. hot and cold water. Apply on the Premises. FOR SALE THREE STORY FRONT, Ijvjl Two-story back ; front and aido Oardona; Lot ID by rii; llnuse IK, and has alt conveniences; was arranirnil for convenience of small family, and many improvements added which appearance does not indicate. Must lie examined to be appreciated. Inquire on promises. No. 318 N. TIllUTY-SKVKNTIl Street, tirst house below Baring, went side, Mantua; or of JOHN A. BELL, No. :iJU CHF.SNUT btieol. 6 13 31 T FOR SALE HANDSOME THREE- :I' fltoiy Itrii'k DwftUinir. throe-story double Imt-k build- ma. Nu. tti4 iSlX'l 11 Sinmt. nbuTtf Groen : niudarn im- provt'nientH, and in eioelltntonltr. Wan owned and built by tbe late Henry l-vrnntfor, doieHud, of tue vary bwt materia ih ana worKinatiHinp. iimneaiato pouhoksioq, Ayptit at honno frotn 1'J to 'J o'clm-k daily. ti 7 tt' fP FOR SALE A TilKKESTORY BRrCIv Kr't house, with bai k buildinKS, in complete order. Will bu sold cheap for cash ; $ 'Julio can remain if the purchaser desires. Apply on the premises,nt No. I llii CA RPK.N Street, or ut O'NKILL & LI'.sLllC'S, No. 713 S. FOURTH Btreet. ti I J -It TO RENT. GERMANTOWN PROPEKTY TO LET lliiil A lare, modern-built house, tenant-house, coach house, and live acres of laud, huudsomely luid out walk, and garden ; within two minutes' walk of Duy's Lane Sta turn. Apply to J. ARMS i'RoNU. ti lit FOR SALE A HANDSOME TIIREE- storr Brick Dwollins. on V1NK Stroet. between ineteenth and Twentieth. Iit la by 117 feet to a street. Double back buildiuus. gas. bath, water-closet, hot and cold water, i-inished in i?ood Btyle.and in excellent repair Hood sized yard. Apply to U. It., No. Mi Huuth FOURTH Street. B a tiwfiut" fTj) FOR SALE GERMANTOWN COM- fnrtuble house and throe acres; shaile, small fruits, JiU'sant Kroumls, pointed stone stable and carriage hoiisn. tath, ramie, 'lieu tor. Apply on the premises, DUY'S Lane, above Church Lune, or to M.-. LICA No. 1H WAL UT btreet, between 10 aud l'J o'clock. 6 3 wfiuiX TO RENT. FOR THE YEAR OR ft season, a fino Country Place in i;nnni,i,.n "ir 'i Here is a lare liuinsion, 1H rooms, atablo, etc., with 6' acres or land, well Hoiked with fruits and vegetables Apply toDr. Kfc-YSKR, No. Ull ARCHKtrout. 6 tf ' TO RENT AN OFFICE SUITABLE FOR A , . P? 'S'? o iJi lV1' wiUl or without board, at No Wit GIRARD Street. g )j STORE TO RENT Nt). 1210 CHESNUT St. Apply in second-story of the building. ti9wfiii3t TO HIRE THE NEW STEAM YACHT BasISABKL. Apply. SEi LOM BARD St. SJliwi'". Q AN I EL M. FOX SO N, Conveyancers and Real Estate Agenti, OKFK'K, NO. 540 NORTH 'UTH STREET. 641m HKNRY K. FOX. PHILADELPHIA. IMNIKL M. KOX. TAR. KINKEL1N CAN BE CONSCLTED ON U all diseaaos of a certain speoialtf. OBUi hour.. 8 1 to tt, Fo. ab, KLUVhliTti Btr.ut . tt AMUSEMENTS. WALNUT ST. THEATRE. BEGINS AT THIS (Monday) KVF.NINrt, 'Jims 14. BHNKKIT OK MISS ANNIK GRAHAM. Fulwer'. splendid comody. in Hr. acU, Clnra DotiRlim .'.Miwi ANNIE GRAHAM To conclude with Victor Hhko'ii piny of KUY 1U.AS. Mnrinnne Ml. ANNIK OR A HAW Rnj lila. Mr. W. P. 11. (JOVKRi (Who hns kindly TnluntnerHd). TUKKnAY HKNKKIT IIP MR. W. H. IIAILRV. WKIiNKSDAY- BKNKKITof MR. MARK tmOOKEi Tlll'KKDAY- BKNKHV OK MMON HASSI.KR. FRIDAY-HKNKHT OP THOMAS J. HFMPHI I .ft r-A T UKDAY- IIKXK.HT OK 1)11 A Hl-iCS W A UJO T MR8. JOHN DREW'8 ARCH STREE1 THKATHK. Be(rlnM.8o'olork. LAST HVK Mt. II I S OK THE SKASON OF WHS. JOHN IUICW AN'II COM PANT. LAST NIOH I S OK HI.AC'K AND WHITK. Monday, Tuesday. Wodnday, Thursday, and Friday, Juiin 14, lh, lti, 17, anil 18, HI. AUK A Nil Willi K. New KoMiory, Mimio. Machinery, And a IVwt'rtul 'at. Including Mm. JOHN IMtKW. In prcpa ration HUMI'TV IH'MPTV. THEATRE COMIQUE, SEVENTH STREET below Arch. Oomnienop. at P o1clork. 1.AM wi tk, nmat positively, of Mina SUSAN OAI.TON and Comic Openi Company. MONDAY and 'I I KSDA Y KVK.VINtiS, Olfmitmclra "Hrt" Hnconalrncted, "Hi," nitli new muaio, and every inemiierof Company in caat. "HtS," with all ita mimical beauties. Pronounced the ereati st succeaa of tlie senaon. A Musical Arterpieoo. Iy Mr! honiaa Wlnthn and Aliaa Rlancho I. alien. 1? OX'S AM E R I CAN T II E A TRe", J WALNUT Stroet, atmro KiKhth. The return of (iua Williams. Continued Emaff ment of the Dashwonda. First week of the new bal let, Tli K. FI.KHKHMAN OK NAPLKS. Now attractioM lJJ Stars. Kvery Kvenin and SaturdayAfternoor CHESNUT ST HE E T R I N K. opf.n daily for vi'i.ociPFi ninma. TPFSDAY N Ii ; UT. (IIIKAT F.X II i.IT(ON. DONALDSON and (ilLBKRT, Tiiflit -rope and VelocU pcile Ascension. VAIR'S (LATE MILLER'S) WINTER T OARDFN Nos. rai, T. 1U, and 736 VI NK Street. TDK. R A N I) OUCH K.ST K ION. formerly the property of tho GRAND DI'KK OK BADKN, purchaaed at ireab eipensn by ,1 ACOR VALKH.of this city, in combination with KLA M K R'8 ORUH KS I'll A and Miss NKLLI K AN DKHSON will perform F.VKRY AKl'KRNOON and F KN1NU at the above-mentioned place. Admission free. 1 13tf RACES. moxda r, JUNK 8L Sweepstakes for llonteg that have never beaten S0 entrance. Wile heatu, 8 In 8, to harness. Association adding net receipts. Three or moro entries to nil. and two to start. Should only one horse appear he will, be entitled all the entrance money. Should three or more start the second horse to save his entrance. Entries to addressed to the Secretary, and In each Instances! cleslri? the entrance. Entries to be closed at o'clock, noon, on Monday, June 14. 8. KILPATRICK, Secretary, 611 No. 144 South FOURTH Street. ENGINES, MACHINERY, ETO. - ff rENN STEAM ENGINE AND r "2L,Vil BOILK.R WORKS. NK.AFIK A t.w.vv -JLLLr PRACTICAL AND THKORKTIOAI. ItS!TT5e KNOINKF.RS.MACHIM.ST.S. BOILKR. toAKK.RS, BLACKSMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having for many years bcon in successtul operation, and been ex clusively enicaged in building and repairing Marine and Kiver KiiKines, high and low-pressure. Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, etc., etc. respectfully otfer their ser vices to the public as being tolly prepared to contract for engines of all sizes, Marine, River, and Stationary; having; ' sets of patterns ot ditferent sizes, are prepared to execute orders with quick Jesnatch. Kvery description of pattern making made at tne shortest notice. Higtl and Low-pressure Fine Tubular and Cylinder Boilers of the best Penn sylvania Charcoal Iron. Forgings of all sizes and kinds. ' Iron and Brass Castings of all descriptions. Roll I'urning, Screw Cutting, and all other work connected with tha above business. Drawings and specification, for all work done at tha ' establishment froe of charge, and work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf dock-room for repairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, and are pro vided with shears, block., falls, etc. etc., for raisins heavy or light weighta. JACOB O. NEAFIE. JOHN P. LF.VY, 818 BKACH and PALM F.R Street M ERRICK & SON 8' SOTJTnWARK FOUNDRY, No. 430 WASHINGTON AVENUE, Philadelphia. W ILLIAM WRIGHT'S PATENT VA1UABLB CUT-OFF STEAM ENGINE, Regulated by the Governor. MKRRICKS SAFETY HOISTING MACHTNB, Patented June, lSoVi. DAVID JOY'S PATENT VALVELESS STEAM HAMMER. D. M. WESTON'S PATENT SELF-CENTRING, KELF-BALANCTW CENTRIFUGAL SUGAR-DRAINING MACILLNS. ANl HYDRO EXTRACTOR. For Cotton or Woollen Manufacturers. T 10 rawl J. VAUGHN MEKBICK. WILLIAM H. MERRICK. JOHN M. OOPE. SOUTIIWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AN1 WASHINGTON Streets. PHII.A1IKI.PB1A. MKRRICK A SONS. ENOINF.F.RS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and lxw Pressure Steam Engines tot Land. Kiver, and Marine Service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boat, eto. Castings of all kinds, either Iron or Braaa. Iron Frame Roots for Gas Works, Workshop., and Bail, road Stations, etc. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most im proved construction. Kvery description of Plantation Machinery, also, Sugar, Saw, and Grist M ills. Vacuum Pan., Oil Steam TnunsTl). feoators, Filters, Pumping F.ugine., eto. Sole Agents for N. Billeux's Patent Sugar Boiling Appa ratus, Nesniyth'a Patent Steam Hammer, and Aspinwail A Woolsey' Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Ma chines. 4 80 QIRARD TUBE WORKS. JOHN II. MURPHY & BROS, fflanufucturerii of Wrought Iron Pipe, Eto PHILADELPHIA, PA. WORKS, TWENTY-TIIIKD and FII.BKUT Streets. OFFIOK, H I No. 41 North FIFTH 8tret. STOVES, RANGES, ETO. NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNS would call the attention of the publio to his NKW UOI.DKN KAGLK FURNACK. This is an entirely new heater. It is so oonatranta as to once commend itself to geueral favor, being a oomo nation of wrought and cast iron. It is very simple in ito construction, and is perfectly air-tight; self-cleaning, hav. lng no pipes or drums to lie taken out and cleaned, iti. so arranged with upright flue, as to produce a target amount of beat from tha same weight of coal than any fur nace now in use. 'The hygroruolrio condition of the airal produced by my new arrangement of evaporation will ai once e'emonatrate that it is the only Hot Air Furaaoe thai will pnKiuce a perfectly healthy atmosphere. Those in want of a complete Heating Apparatus woolt do well to call and examine t he Golden Ragle. CHARLF.S WILLIAMS, Nos. 1134 and 1134 MARK K I' Street, Philadelphia.' A large assortment of Cooking Ranges, Fire-Boaru Stoves, Low Down Grates, Ventilators, eto., always it hand. N. B. Jobbing of all kinds promptly done. ( 108 THOMSON'S LONDON KITCHENER or FUROPKAN RANUK. for families hoUils, or puliho institutions, in Tfflirn Ikl'l.M a 1m.. i'),,u,tuloliia Ranges. Hot-Air fur naces. Portable Heaters, lxiw-down Urates, Fireboard Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stew-hole Platos, Boilers, Cookinet Su,ve.,eto.. wholesale and reuj. tlj. nufrjjy. 527wfmrtm NoifOI N. SKOOND Street. REFRIGERATORS. JEFKK.'KKATOKS & WATEIt-COOLERST & finished in the best manner, and lower than elsswhe& Q .1. W. U'KVIIVH. 4. V No. 63 N. SIXTH Street. o M.urA vf xf tv OLD ONF.8 REPAIRED. --. . T77TT. .J .irr. r " J largest assortment of the latest style, fit Isiyit. O cA d e' Gaiters, and ShoM (or Mea end lis be n I AR2CLERE & AUCHkYmX Cuetom House Broker aaiUNoCarJt PJ,ilUrV- o. No. 405 ALL CUSTOM HOUSK . PASBT0KT3 la,2 V V O V A -r . V. NeWa.