THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 18C9, OUR RELIGIOUS COLTJT.TII. Convernlnn In n Drrntn. A candidate for adinlxslon to church membor hlp under tho Rev. Rowland Hill, bcinjr. re quired to give eomo account of his first lmpros Rions as to the evil of sin and tho nocd of tho Rospel, related a dream by which ho had been affected and led to serious Inquiry, to tho hear ing of sermons, etc. When ho ended, Mr. Hill Bald, "We do not wish to despise a irood man's dreams, by any means; but wo will tell you what wo think of tho dream after wo sec how you go on now you are awake." rrorhlentlnl Ilellrrrnnrn. The following narration, which appears in a London journal, appears to bo authentic, and is interesting and valuable, showing us it does tho importance of yielding to the Impressions of duty, which are ofteu made upon the human mind quito Independently of any operation of Its own powers. Tho date of the occurrence Is not tflvon, but as It took place before the Island of Ascension had any Inhabitants, wo cannot con sider it very recent. Tho Island belongs to Great Britain, and is situated about "SO miles north west of St. Helena: "Admiral Sir Thomas Williams, a straightfor ward and excellent man, was In command of a ship crossing the Atlantic Ocean. His courso brought him in sight of tho Island of Ascension, at that time uninhabited, and never visited by any ship except for tho purpose of collecting turtles, which abound on tho coast. Tho island was barely descried on tho horizon, and was not to bo noticed at all; but as yir Thomas looked at It, he was seized by an accountable desire to steer towards It. "He felt how strange such a wish would ap pear to his crew, and tried to disregard it, but in vain. His desire became more and more urgent and distressing, nud foreseeing that it would soon be more dillicult to gratify it, he told his lieutenant to prepare to 'put about ship,' and steer for Ascension. The olllcer to whom Le Bpokc ventured to respectfully represent that changing their course would greatly delay them that just at that moment the men were going to their dinner that at least some delay might be allowed. "But these arguments seemed to increase Captain Williams' anxiety, aud the ship was eteered towards the, uninteresting little island. All eyes and spy-glasses were now fixed upon it, and soon something was perceived on tho 6hore. 'It Is white it is a flair it must bo a Eignal!' And when they nearod the shore It was ascertained that sixteen men, wrecked on that coast many days before, and suffering tho extremity of hunger, had set up a signal, though almost without a hope of relief." London Sf;eo iator. OF KNEltAT, CHLUCII NEWS. METHODIST. The Wesloyan church of Seneca Falls, N. Y., tlie largest ami oldest in its conference, has become the First Congregational church of that place. Mr. I.yle continues its pastor. The Wcsleyau church of Washington, Ohio, became Congregational last year. There is no appreciable practical (Inference between the two bodies. Both have the same polity; and, although the Wcsleyau Metho lists are more Ar niiuian, no one suspects but either are Orthodox enough. The- Methodists are now voting on lay delega tion. Five churches in Chicago voted an for to ft) against the plan. Two liruoklvn churches have pronounced against the plan. It is suggested that, us none under twenty-one vote, there will be no un married women's votes cost; for are there any un married women over twenty-one 1 The last General Conference of the Methodist Church South removed the penalty of exp-ilsion for neglecting to attend class-meetings. The attend ance Is very small, the great Uillleulty being tho want of siiltalilo leaders. Tho Wesleyan missions In Ireland have been In existence for one hundred and thirty years. They now have 82 missionaries, occupy 'il stations, and maintain 53 schools, in which lsu7 children are educated. In Italy the Weslcyaus have 14 stations, 2 English and 10 Italian ministers, To1.) church mem bers, with OBS children in 10 day schools. The statistics of Southern Methodism for ISM ore only Just now published. They report ftOS.fiut) white members, an increase of over 31,000, aud S-i,uss colored members, a decrease of over 22,000. Some, however, of these have Joined the separate colored connection which the bishops are organizing, whoso ptatistlcB have not been received ; while many have Joined the African Methodists. The New York Conference of tho African Metho dist Episcopal 'Mm Church met in Newburg re cently. Among other business, tho following was adopted: "That no person be admitted into this conference," either on trial or Into full connection, Who habitually uses tobacco in any form." The Maine Conference, at its late session, adopted the following In relation to the resolu tions of the last General Conference on lay delega tion : "Uennhed, That we cordially endorse said action, anil will see, so far as practicable, that the provi sions for taking tho popular vote are faithfully ob served." Tho Massachusetts Legislature has increased the charter of the Doston Wesleyan Association to 9100,000, and It will immediately proceed to erect a handsome buildiug, costing, with the laud, nearly jaoo.ooe. The venerable Dr. George Peck, who has been In the Methodist ministry for nearly fifty-three years, and is now an elective Presiding Elder of the Wyoming Conference, celebrated his golden wed diug on Thursday, June 10, in Soranton, Pa. The Methodist General Conference recommends that efforts be made throughout Sunday schools to augment the "Children's Fund." The conference provides also that the Interest of the fund shall be divided among the Annual Conferences, in propor tion to the number of children under the cure of each, provided that annual collections for the fund "be taken by Sunday schools within the bounds of Bald conference." The MethudM says: Threo hundred and sixty nine have joined the Methodist Episcopal Church in Greenfield, O., during the four months of revival, under thej pastorate of Kev. S. 1). Clayton. Tho corner-stone of St. Faul'sChurch was laid In Cincinnati, May 1, Klshop Clark oinelatlng. It will be, it is Baid, the most Imposing church edifice in the city. The cost will be f l&o.otio. At a rucent meeting of Methodists in Newark, N. J., a speaker remarked that tho most troublesome men In every church are those who have a little jtioncy and uo religion. I.UTHKHAN. The Rov. Luther A. Gotwald has rooeived a unanimous call to the pastorship of the Evangelical Lutheran Church at Chambcrsburg, Pa., which he has formally accepted. UNITARIAN. During tho past year 09 Unitarian societies hnvo been aided by, tho funds of the association, and pleaching has been supplied mainly at its cost in 124 places where no Unitarian society exists. There lias been expended JnTtiS In New England, $12,70:! in the Western States, and 2010 In the Southern States In all tK4,!o. Tho Liberal Chrirtiaii says that tho Unitarian church In New Uedford lias voted to dispense with the bread aud wine m the celebration of the Lord's fciupper. The sacrament is not to be given up, but improved by puitable vocal exercises; while the time Spent in distributing the elements will be devoted to meditation and silent prayer. They think ''that tho memorial service can be made Just as effective aud real without the visible emblems of the body and m blood of Jesus; and that the change will lead to a jnoro general participation in the exercises, espe cially among the young." EPISCOPAL. he corner-atom copal Brool tlejoh Bishop to Liberia, Africa, is soon expected homo. He has resigned his bishopric. He has resided in Africa over thirty years, ills records show OH con firmations' and 2ft ordinations. Thirty years on the west coast of Africa must make a return to America seem almost like a foretaste of heaven. Tho young KituaJislie rector of St. James, Church, San Francisco, California, has been pro vented, by a suit at law, from selling the church, hlch, unfortunately, stands In his name, to the Koin all Catholics. The Episcopal Synod ami House of Bishops, after three days' balloting, have unanimously chosen tho Kev Ashley Oxendeii, of Kent, England, for Dishop Of Montreal and Metropolitan of Canada. Kev C. W. Andrews, Yi. D. (Episcopal), of Alex andria Va.. publishes a pamphlet on baptism, of which service he savs "some seveu Intelligible theo n..H have been propounded, and each contended for .... ' .. l... . trim tlii.nri' Mil i.hiln "heorv Tho Sued of Grace Theory. The Eecle iastloal Theory. The Charitable Hopo Theory. Tho The corner-stone of All Saints' Protestant Epis- Chapel, Seventh avenue, near rrospeci rark, ;yn, was luld on Sunday by Kight Kev. Dr. Liu n Ulshop of the uiocese oi imanu. ,.i i 1'uvne. I'roteslant Episcopal Missionary that noue need err, and this to the great scandal and ama.ement of tho advocates of the other six." The f. ,i..u urn crivell AM lolloWS I "i'llU Unit UlU-fatllia Prevenlrnt Grace Theory. Th Figurative Theory. The Hypothetical Theory. " Mr. Andrews a revision of the llnptlmiial service, and in closing his rsKay uses the following words: "How Is it pos sible to avoid the conclusion that this service ought to be changed, and that It Is the duty of every evan gelical nisii to Join In any lawful ami conservative effort to procure its alteration?" Archdeacon Cox, who recently tiled In England, hud received from revenues of the Established Church during the sixty years he had been In orders tint less than 4160,000 ( soo,ooo), besides occasional wlndfiills. An assistant of Dr. Ewer Is now getting up a new Episcopal church In New York, to bo called the Church of St, Mary the Virgin, an I which Is to follow a ritual far In advance even ol Si. Albans, going to the ex treme limits of the most notoi Ions churches of Lon don. The question is whether bishop Potter will consecrate II, The I'rtitextmit Churrhmnn has been merged Into Tlie Lil ian Cliurrh, a monthly paper edited by Dr. Muhlenberg. It seems to be a little more churchly and non-comiulttal than Its predecessor, whose demise we deplore, but will do good, though far less bold anil earnest than the KjiiMnimliitn, of this city. Another victory to the High Church Episcopa lians was their success In pushing through the Maryland Convention a plan for Inaugurating a federate count 11 of dioceses In that State. It was bit terly opposed, but passed by a close vote. A curious episode In I lie discussion was the decision of the presiding olllcer that it was not In order to mention byname Bishops ondordoiik ami Ives, who have been deposed for conduct unworthy their position. The laymen were most opposed to the plan, ami adopted it only by a vote of 'li to 22, while the cleri cal vote was nearly 3 to 1. CONtiRKtJATION AL. The Illinois State Congregational Association, which has been in session lor several days at. Far inlngton, In that State, adjourned on SiituM iv. The closing sermon was delivered by Kev. Dr. Iteeclier. Kev. Dr. Wlsner, of Lockport, received Into his church on Sunday hist 210 members. Tim Congre gational church at the same time received l.M mem bers. These are lrults of the lale revival In that place. The fence In front of the First Congregational Church at F.xeter. N. H., having become sadly out of repair, was lately removed. A subscription paper was drawn up to defray the expenses of a new one, but lis circulation was very brief, as the llrst man to whom it was presented wrote substantially its fol lows: "I will tlelrny the entire expense, W. odliu." The fence Is to lie of Iron, ami will cost about f looit. Duringthe past year the agents of the American Home Missionary Society have organized forty-eight churches. Of the churches aided, twenty-two liavo become self-supporting. It hns had under appoint ment nine hundred and eight missionaries, or whom live hundred and sixty-live labored with a single congregation, while the others ministered to two or more. The late Mrs. Charles ITosmer bequeathed to the Park Church, ilartiord, Connecticut, the sum of 110,000, with a promise that the church debt should bo entirely liquidated by the first of June, .vhieh left $2,600 to bo raised by private subscription. Some of the leading members of the church have, within the past ten days, moved actively in the matter, ami have been rewarded for their efforts by obtaining pledges for the entire amount needed ; no that tho 1'iirk Church will start oil', June 1st, entirely free from debt, ami have a balance of about lOOJ, collected for pew rents, In the treasury. BAPTIST. The Southern Baptists have held a successful convention in Macon, tin., but without any im portant business being doue. Dr. Armltage, of New York, was present to represent Northern Baptists. The Kev. John Sheridan, a convert from Romanism, who lor the past ten years lias been employed as a missionary by the ISrooklyn city Mis sion Society, was ordained on Sunday as a minister of the, in tuu Strong 1'lace Baptist Church. "The American Baptist Year-book" Is just issued. The reports are quite incomplete lor the South, as where Missouri, which last year hail 719 churches, is now credited with but loo; and .Mississippi shows only Til, against film a year ago. This gives a total apparent loss of 1344 churches during the vear. There are reported r,M associations, l,oil churches, 8i;ii5 ordained ministers, (iO,7s7 baptisms, ami 1,121, 9s8 present members, making the denomination numerically second only to the .Methodist Episcopal. The baptist papers generally are very severe on the action of the members of the Doston Tract So ciety, at Its lute annual meeting, in attempting to cast oil' all its friends who ure not Co.igrcgutiimal ists. One of the directors wrote a long article, signed "I'alr Play," for the TrareWr, full of misre presentations, as is charged; and when a Baptist re plied to it the paper refused to print It, for the good reason that "Fair Play's"' communication had been paid for as an advertisement. The assets of Mercer University are (lso,i00. The Georgia State Convention appoints an agent to secure f 100.000 more. 'J he institution now has eighty four students. The two llaptist churches of Fredcrlekton, New Brunswick, tune united, elected new officers and a pastor, and adopted the free seat rule. Kev. G. V. Harris, formerly editor of the Michi gan ChrMian lh-rnUl, has removed to Detroit, and is now connected with the l'ot. There are 270 baptist churches In London, Eng land, with a membership of 30,000. J'KKSilYTEKIAX. The Old School Assembly overruled the action of a church In establishing u rotary eldership. The practice is becoming quite common In tho more pro gressive branch. Tho United Presbyterians are now holding their Annual Assembly. YA e notice an effort making to discontinue the China mission, and to incorporate the Syrian with the Egyptian mission, on the ground of the superior advantage of concentrating ull their power in two Ileitis, those of India ami of Egypt. A gootl old colored preacher, Father Williams, was introduced to the New School Presbyterian Assembly, in New York, ami made a brief speech on the condition of the freedmeu of the South. Ho thought that Presbyterian theology was just what his people wanted, and regretted that it spread so tardily. He said that tho Presbyterians in their Southern work "made haste very slowly, while tho Methodists were bundling In on every side." The Southern Presbyterian Assembly is troubled with the "African." A report was adopted that the freedmen be "allowed a formative organization a Bort of gradually maturing progress, to be arrested at a cerlain point, until, under proper training, it is prepared to pass on towards completion." To the cretlit of Southern Christianity, opposition, though unsuccessful, was made to the plan, on the ground that It violated the rights ofcolored members, In re fusing to allow them to represent their churches In presbytery or synod. Tho Presbyteries of Guelph and Stamford, Canada, have decided that the revival work in Gait ami vaclnlty is at variance with the Westminster Catechisms. The Canada Presbyterians beem to be forty years behind the times, ami remind us by their action of the days when the New York Observer was fighting revivals with all Its miliht on the same grouiuL liy-and-by the Canada Presbyterians will learn, as their brethren have learned here, to patronize the institution, aud to believe that Methodists or Ply mouth brethren who support it are only stealing their thunder. Tho munificent gift of Mr. John C. Green, In-c-eased to $7(5,000, will allow Princeton College to put up one of the llnest college buildings ever erected in this country. On learning that the estimates for the new gymnasium would bo guft tioo, instead of 120,000, Mr. 'Jionner ami Mr. Murquuud generously Insisted that their donations should be Increased to that amount. The college now wants money for Its new dormitory, and to endow a professorship o f modern languages. The friends of the union of Presbyteriuns in Scotlund have hail another victory in the General Assembly of tho Free church. Two motions were presented, one by Dr. Fairbuirn, In favor of progress, the other by tho Kev. Dr. Nixon, in iavor of practi cally abandoning the whole project. The vote stood. In favor of Dr. Fuirbalru s motion, 429; in favor of Dr. Nixon's, b9. Majority, 340. It will be remembered that the missionaries of the Kelormcd Presbyterians in India sent a protest against the action of tlie synod which suspended George 11. Stuart. The synod, at its late meeting, voted to require tho mission presbytery to return within a yeur to lis allegiance, ami nolltlcd them thut, if they refused, a competent person will be sent out to take' possession of the schools ami of the pro perty; and a special committee was appointed to coinmu'.leate w 1th the pustorsof the native churches, tho '-converted native missionaries," to Induce them to break with Hut American missionaries, on the promise thut they should be recognized as the pres bytery. The synod is terribly consistent in Its jiei-tlita viriif, ami even a brother of one of the missionaries was roiemoHt in the effort to punish them. No won der thut the synod has lostj one-half of Its ministerial members tlui ing 4 years, dwindling from W to 27, lu hpile of 20 accessions. Imlrin'iulail. CATHOLIC. Ulshop McFiirlund, or the Koman Catholic, Church, administered the rile ol continuation to nearly sixteen hundred persons in Fairliold county, Conn., lust week. The colored people of Cincinnati lately becamo tllssatislled with one of their schools. Tho Komisli priests immediately opened a school in tho neighbor hood of the disaffected parties, ami bade tlioiu send t heir clilldreu free of expense. They have succeeded, in this way, in gal hering over one hundred colored children under thdr iiiniieuoe. Ills Lordship the Dishonor Liverpool began his visitation in North Lancashire on May 22d at St. Augustine's Church, Preston. Tho Kev. W. Goldstouo, M. A., Oxon, formerly curiile or St. Michael's, Wukeilcld, has been received into the Catholic Church. A nephew of Cardinal Antonelll has Just entered the Ponlilicul artillery us a simple soldier, lie U sou 01 the govuuor or tho Hoiuuu liauk. A new chnrch dedicated to St. Ignatius at Sun-hury-on-Thanies was opened on May is by the Arch bishop ot Westminster. Tho Cork Lxaminrr states that the Kev. W, n buck ley, a Catholic clergyman of that city, Is now iinienablo to arrest under process of the Court of Kxchetpier, fur contempt In not pnylng Income tax. Mr. Jiuckley holds, It Is stated, th. it as the profes sion to which he belongs Is not liy biw, and as ho did not enter It for profit, ami only receives voluntary offering to which ho has no legal claim, he ought not to pav the tax. A report Is current la London Catholic circles that Mr. Ffoulkes has been formally received back Into the Established Church, aud that hn I a'tout to resume his functions as a clergyman of that nlon. Wo give tho tale for whst. it is worth, and without vouching for the truth of It. The amount collected In Scotland for the Pope's lubllee Fond was, in the Western district, a'3)2 Hh. 0,'td. ; In the Eastern district, X'2'H rs. 6d. ; ami in the Northern dist.t lot. .CI7Z H-'. lod. ; Peter's Pence, A4H Ids. 7d. Total, X'74i lis. 4'jd. After deducting the expenses of advertising and collecting, tin? amount forwarded to Home was t'7B0 2s. Od. SPECIAL. NOTICES. Ifejy- FOK THR 8UMMEK. TO iREVKNT minlmrn and all tlmcolonit umn and IrritntioiiH of the nktn, Intoa of iunHitntoH or uttior iunnctn, uo Wright's AIont4'(i Ulyoerine Taltlnt. It 1ft dolioiously frutfrarit, trnnMimnt, and has do ntjunl as a toilet sonn. For &tle bj dniKKiM Kinnrlly. K. A O. A. W1UG11'!' Hi. Hji ClUuSMIT Mreet. 3 4 jfejy- U. S. OFFICE OF ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. An upprnpriHtion ($jU,lKiU) having boon made by Conffrent tor iiureliiittlnff autii iciai. j.imhs kor officers of the United SutU'H Army mid Nnvy mtitiliilnd In the ftervit'O, npplirntiniis mnv now ho lniiiltt, in iwtrHon or by letter, by titlu er entitled to the httnetU of the acl, and whu detere Hie best Artdii;iiil Limlm, tti i)T. B. FRANK I'AI.MKU, Surgeon ArtiH, Nn IStiMCHKSNUT Street, I'hilmlolnuia, No. 67S HIIOAIIWAY, New York, No. SI (.I(F.KN Street, Ktmton. 19? Otlleen fur Supplying Army nnd Navy Officers. rjv- K. (5. WHITMAN CO.'S CELE- I!HATKI MUMMER (ONFHC'riON'F.RY, for tomitttH, ftmtiviilt, and picnics. .SuleBrooius, No. ills (JhKSNUT Street. 6 10 12t jjf 1H. V. It. THOMAS, THE LATE OPE- nttor of tho t-'olton OonJitl Association, is now the only nut in Philadelphia who devotes Ins entire time and prsetico It, t xtriieting ttioth, absolutnly without pain, by frtthhjiitrmiBOiiiltiKiiH. Oltice, ltfJ7 WALNUT St. 16 US jyr "THE SOt 'I ET V O E Til E 1 1 NITF.oTlE- I'.RKW I'll Aid Tir.S," (II' I'llII.ADKI.l'UlA.-A mnrtiiiK ol thlx Society will bo helil on SUNDAY, 1:1th of dune, nt 10 o'clock A. M.. at t tin SYN .WKHiUIC, JULI ANA Street, for tlio purposo of orgnnlttion snrt electing olticers. LUUIKN MUSS, ti 1 1 '.it Suurtit-ary. r-.Y- THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOl KHOLPKKS of tho YoUtiKIOOHKNY COAL HOLLOW COAL COMPANY will be held at their Otlice. No. 4i'i WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, on MONDAY, Juno II, IStilt, at la o'clock M. F. H. HURBF.LL, tf4 5!t13 4lrp Secretary. J5f DK. AV Y.MAN, DENTIST, No. 257 North SIXTH Street, opposite Franklin Square, extracts teeth absolutely without pain with pure Nitrous Oxttie Oas, inxnrts the bst teetti, antl makes no charge for extracting, with or without pa, when artitici:il teeth are inserted at Or. WYMAN'S, No. 'il North SIXTH St rent, opposite Franklin Square. 6 15 lmlp CITY TllEASUUEIVS OFFICE. Pun aoki rut , June 1, Isil'l. NOTIOF.-The SKMI ANNUAL I N I'KKKS I' on tho Funded 1'ebt ol the City of Phtladelpliia, due July 1, IS'.', will be paid ou and alter date. JO.SKl'H N. PKIRSOL, fi 10 Hwr City Treasurer. jOf Cl'lT TKKASl'KF.K'S OFFICE. Piui.MiF.i.eniA, Juno 1, lstw. MATURKO CITY 7 OA NS. Tlie City Loans maturing Inly 1, IKS. will lie paid on nud after that tlato, at this Othee. by order oi the Commisfoonera of tho Sinking Fund. JOSF.P1I N. PKIRSOL, 6 10 3w City Treasurer. YEKY SUPERIOR OOLONGT E A S (lilack) in 5, 10, and 15 pound Handsome Caddies, at wholcsalo prices. FA1RTHORNK A CO.. No. 205 N. NINTH and 1 flOstuthtJm No. loUti MARK.KT .street. jfjj- DIVIDEND NOTICEAT A GENERAL mooting of the D FLAW ARK AND CUKSA PFAKK CANAL COMPANY, held Juno 7, 1SW, a cash dividend of THHFK. PICK CFNT. was doclarod on the capital stock of the Company, cloar of all tuxej, payublo to the Stockholders on and after the fth inst. 6 8 tit II KN UY V. LKSLKY, Secretary. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COM PANY. TREASURER'S DKPARTM KN'T. PiiiUDKLCHiA, May, 15, 18t59. NOTICE TO STOCKIIOLOKUS. Tho books are now open for subscription and payment of the new stock of this Company. THOMAS T. FIRTH, 6 IS !Wt Treasurer. figy- "A PENNY SAVED 13 EQUAL TO TWO Karned." The time to save money is when you earn it, and tlie way to save it is by depositing a portion of it weekly in the old FRANKLIN SAV IN'O FUND, No. l.JIJ S. FOURTH Street, below Ohesnut. Aloney in large or email amount received, and five per cent, interest ullowed. Uucn daihr from U to 3. and on Monday evenings from 7 Lo a O'clock. GYRUS UADVVA-LLADKR, a in Treasurer. rgy UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. (FACULTY OF ARTS.) THE ANNUAL PUliLIU EXAMINATIONS of the Junior. Sophomore, and Freshman classes at tho close of the College year, will be held daily (except Sunday) from 10 o'clock A. M. to a o'clock P. M., from June 4 to June 2d. EXAMINATIONS FOR ADMISSION to the CuIIoko will be held on June 2.'l, beginning at 10': o'clock. THE COMMENCEMENT wilfbe held June 24. FRANCIS A. JACKSON, ti 4 17t Secretary. fevr ELLIS' IRON HITTERS. "HAVING nsed your Iron Hitters in niy practice, I can testify to its superior tonio properties for invigorating tho appe tite and promoting digestion. I can unhesitatingly re commend it in cases of general debility and dyspepsia, an4 in conditions of the system requiring the use of a ferru ginous tonio. Its agreeable flavor must recommend it to all. Yours, respecttully, Ciias. S. Oaunt, M. i)., Pro fessor in the Philadelphia University of Medicine and Surgery." 24tuthfs For sale by JOHNSTON. IIOLLOWAY 4 COWDEN. No. 602 A KCH Street, and by Druggists generally Bgy IMPORTANTTOBUYERS OF HOSIERY. Messrs. COOK I1ROTHER, Im porters of Hosiery, No. Hi North EIGHTH Street, claim to be the only firm in Philadelphia, keeping all grades of Hosiery at retail, who import their owu goods. They fool assured First. That by avoiding the profits and commissions im posed m tho ordinary courso of trade thoy save their cus tomers at least 26 per cent. Second. That they have the quality of their goods under complete control, using the host yarns aud employing tlie best workmen in their manufacture. Third. That having direct access to European markets, they can keep a more complete utock than if dependent upon purchases made here of foreign goods. A call from tlie reader is solicited at their store, No. 63 North EltiHTH Street. 6 6 Wn4pjiu ggy- PENNSYLVANIA RAILKOAl) COMPANY, TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. l'liiLADKi.PiiiA, Pa., May 3d, 1SC9. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Beml-nnnual dividend of FIVE PER CENT, on tho capital stock of tho Company, clear or National and St;it a tuies, payable lu ca.sU ou aud after May 80, is;. Blank powers or attorney ror collecting dividends can be had at the OlUce or the Company, No. 'm S. Third street. The Oillce will be opened at 8 A. M. and closed at 4 P. M. rrom May 88 to June 5, for the payment of dividends, and after that date from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. THOMAS T. FIRTH, 6 8 S0t Treasurer. Note. The Third Instalment on New Stock of 1S6S 1b duo and payable on o before Juno is. jf- PENNSYLVANIA AND NEW YORK CANAL AND RAILROAD COMPANY'S SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS. A limited amount of these Bonds, guaranteed by tho LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD COMPANY, hi ollerod at NINETY PER CENT. The Canal of the Company is 105 mtleB Ion;?. Their Railroad, of the same length, is rast approaching completion, and being principally owuod by the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, will open in con nection therewith an liiinicnao aud proiltable trade Northward from the Coal Regions to Western and Southern New York and tho great Lakes. Apply at LEI1IGII VALLEY RAILROAD COM PANY'S OFFICE, No. 803 WALNUT Street, Phila delphia. CHARLES C. LONGSTRETU, Treasurer L. V. R. R. Co. 6 9 19t SPECIAL. NOTIOES. Hj- A FLORAL AND STRAWBERRY FES- tivsl will be held on THURSDAY and FRIDAY Afternoon and Evening, June 10 and II, at the (JEN r II A L. CONOKHlATIONAL Chapel, cornor of EIUHI'EKN Til and (iKEEN Streets. Admission, 10 cent. 6ut jrjy " OFFICE OF THE LEIUGII COAL AND NAVIGATION COMPANY. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. I'HiLADr.t.riiiA, June , XffiX Coupons due on the 15th instant, on the Gold Loao of this Company, will be paid in coin at their OfBoe on and after that date. Holders of ten or more Coupons are requested to pre sent them before the 15th, and receive thorefor reoeipla payable on the Kith. 6 HRt SOLOMON SHEPHERD, Treasurer. OLD OAKS CEMETERV COMl'ANX OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, No. SIM WALNUT STREET. Tbia Company la now prepared to dispose of Lots, clear of all Incumbrance, on REASONABLE TERMS. The ad vantages offered by tbia Cemetery are well known to be equal if not superior to those possessed by any othor Ceme tery. We invite all who desire to purchase Burial Lots to call at the office, whore plana can be seen and all partioalan will he given. To societios desiring large tracts ofXland a liberal reduc tion will be made. ALFREDO. HARMER, President. MARTIN LAWDENBERUKR, Treasurer. MtrHAFLNiNiiKT, Secretary. 1 11 lira " OARRI ACES. CARRIAGES! CARRIAGES! WILLIAM 13. ROGEUS, CARRIAGE BUILDER, 1009 and 1011 CHESNTJT STREET. Superior Carriages of my own manufacture Jbullt for tho EIUVmG SEASOIJ OP 1 8 O O, COMBININO STYLE, DURABILITY, AND ELEGANCE OF FINISH Attention given to repairing. 41 T stuth 3m Carrlapes Stored ami Insurance effecter!. GARDNER & FLEMING, CARRIAGE BUILDERS, No. 214 South FIFTH Street, BELOW WALNUT. A Large Assortment of New and Second-hand CARRIAGES, DJCLCDINO Coupe Kockaways, Phaetons, Jenny Linda, Buggies Depot Wagons, Etc. Etc., 3 23 tuths For Sale at Reduced Prices. Q A 14 l i I A G IS a I 1 1 nici, ki:.-iai,i,, CWlJlJI.YOi: BUILDERS, No. 712 SANSOM Street, Philadelphia, Invite all In need or any kind or CARRIAGES to call and see their large assortment before purchasing, as they Intend selling at REASONABLE RATES. 3 2flsw2Ctrp PATENTS. QFFICK FOR rROCUllING PATENTS, FORREST BUILDINGS, NO. ,119 S. FOURTH STREET, PIIILA., And Marble Buildings, No. 460 SEVENTH Street, opposite TJ. 8. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. H. HOWSON, Solicitor of Patents. O. HOWSON, Attorney at Law. Communications to bo addressod to the Principal Oillce, Philadelphia. e 1 lin P AT E"pTf OFFICES. N. W. Corner FOURTH and CHESNUT, (Entrance on FOURTH Street). FRANCIS D. FASTORIT7S, SOLICITOR OF PATENTS. Patents procured ror Inventions lu tho United States and Foreign Countries, and all business relating to the same promptly transacted. Call or scud ror cir culars on Patents. Open till 9 o'clock every evening. 8 6 smthS p A T E N T OFFICE. PATENTS PROCURED IN THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE. Inventors wishing to take out Letters Patent for New inventions ate advised to consult with c II EVANS, N. W. corner Ful'KTH and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia, whose facilities for prosecuting oiises before the Patent Oillce are unsurpassed by any other agency. Circulars containing full Informal tiuii to iuveiitor8 can be had on application. Models niado secretly. V. II. HVArVN, 8 4thstut N. W. Cor. FOURTH aud WALNUT. "pATENTS PROCURED IN THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE. HDVVJir BUOWN, SOLICITOR OF PATENTS, 8 IS stuthStn No. 811 WALNUT Street. UECAL NOTICES. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOlTIIK 1 UNI'l'K.n STATKS T1IK EASTERN' DISTRICT UP PENNSYLVANIA, ""w EAM KHN D1STKICT OF PENNSYLVANIA Tho undurwKned Iii-n-liy Kivea n'.li. e of liia Hi.puiiitmunt h iiHiunce ot J. K1.M'.Y UIMIII, in tllu comity of l'liildilulihia and hluteof Peniiaylvania, wiihm anid dis trict, who bun Iimmii ail judged a bankrupt upuu a vrudiloi'a Hioaby.uidjv A. WOODWARD, A.,iKne No. 47 S. WATEK Struut. Pu'ia S. H. AUSTIN, Attorney. h No. 1--H S. hKVKNTil Ptroflt, Thila. i 6 29 silt" TTNITED STAT ES PATENT 6 FFICE IJ Wahhiniiton, I). (!., Mny 2it liWI On the potltion of M. KlICHL, of I'liiluiloliilu'u, pii praying fr tlie extuiiHion of a ixttunt uruntod mil 0JJ tho 2m h ibi y of AiiRUMt, lvo, and ruiMturt on tlie 4i h duy of JMny, loH, lorau improvement in Alucuinu lor Xriuiimmr liiMikn. it ia ordered that aaid petition be heard at thin office on tlie Hill duy of AunUHt next. Any person may oppoaa till. intention. uDjenui'iia, u.-ioi.'", aim oilior onportf liould be Bled iu tliia office twenty day. boforH fhn ily of iiannif. SAMUELS. USHKH, 6 2t M't ;iuuroi futon H. LE X AN DER O. CATTELL CO a PKOUl'OKOOMMISSION MKRIIII4NTH. Nil KaSr NORTH WATKR STREET. . ' I'lULADKLmU. ' sgjj AJJCXUTDKB Q. UtrcJOJ. JEUJAH OATTCU. FINANOIAL. A RELIABLE HOME INVESTMENT. THE FIEST MORTGAGE BONDS OF TD1 Wilmington and Reading Railroad, IlKAIMMl INTEREST At SEVEN FEE CENT, in Currency, Pnyuble April nnd Ortoltrr, froo of STATE and IMTKI) STATKS TAXES. This road rnna through a thickly pnpnlatod and rloh agricultural and manufacturing district. For the preaont, we are offering a limited amount of the aboTe Honda at 85 Cents and Interest. The connection of this road with the Pennsylvania and Reading Railroads insures it a largo and remunerative trade. We recommend the bonds aa the cheapest first class investment in the market. TOZV1. rAITJTER 5i CO., BANKERS AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENTS, NO. 3G S. THIRD STItEET, 6 4 PII1LADKLPIIIA. QLENDINNING, DAVIS &CO NO. 48 SOUTH TIIIItD STItEET, PHILADELPHIA. GLEND1NNING, DAVIS & AMORY, NO. 2 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK BANKERS AND BROKERS. Direct telegraphic commnnlcatlon with tho New York Stock Hoards from the Philadelphia Office, 1329 CITY WARRANTS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. T. YERKES, Jr., & CO., No. 20 South THIRD Street, 41 PHILADKLPUIA. CIGARS. fO CIGAR BUYERS. Fresh Importations of riavana Cigars, In bond or duty paid. Large assortment, offered in lota to suit purchasers. Also, cigars of onr own manufacture, viz. : "MARIANA RITA." High gra1e Vuelta Abajo leaf, Ilfteen styles. Low prices compared with imported clgura. A fair trial will prove their merits. "FRA DIAVOI.O." Lower priced than the "Mariana Rita," three styles; excellent cigars. "FLEI R DE LYS," "LOUTS D OR," nnd other brands, all copyrighted ; each of highest ra Je In Ila respective class. AH or our Havana leaf we import direct, and no better cigars can be produced in this market than those we now offer. Smokers should see that they obtain onr genuine cigars, which are offered regularly by many respecta ble dealers, although some irregular parties put for ward inferior cigars as of our make. We offer these cigars In lots to suit purchasers. They can be protltably retailed at prices forty per cent, less than Imported cigars, will give equal satis faction, and should be tried, without prejudice, by all who desire a good cigar at moderate cost. S. FCGUET & SONS, Importers and Manufacturers, B 13 2fitrp No. 229 South FRONT Street. LUMBER. 18G9 SPRUCE JOIST. SPRl'CK JOIST. HKM LOCK. II KM LOOK. I860 IQfUi SEASONED CLEAR PINE. 1Q'n IOUJ SKASONKD f'LKAR PINK. lOOi CHOICK PATTKRN FINK. SPANISH CKDAR, KOR PATTERNS. RKDUKDAR. 181)1) FLORIDA FLOORING. FLORIDA FLOOI.VO. CAROLINA I'LOOKIMl. VIRGINIA FLOOKINO. DKLAWARK FLOORING. ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOOKINO. FLORIDA BTK.F HOARDS. HAIL PLAN K. 18G9 1 kt(i WALNUT UDS. AND PLANK. JOUt WALNUT HDS. AND PLANK. WALNUT HOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. 181)9 1809 ; UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER. 18G9 UNDKK I A K r. KS LUMBER. RK.I) CFDAR. WALNUT AND PINK. 18G9 SEASONED POPLAR. SEASONED CHERRY. 18G9 WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. HICKORY. 1 C(tO (JKiAH BOX MAKERS' lOUil CIOAR HOX MAKERS' SPANISH ('EDA R HOX HOARDS, FOR SALE LOW. 18G9 1SKli CAROLINA SCANTLING. IOUiI CAROLINA If, T. KILLS. NORWAY SCANTLING. 18G9 18G9 CFDAR SHINGLES. 1 Q'fl CYPRESS Sll (N'OLES. I OK) J MAULE, HROTHKR A CO., No. 'J5MJ SOUTH Stroot. 115 (7SLER & BROTHER'S U. 8. BUILDERS' MILL, Ncs. 24, 26 and 28 S. FIFTEENTH St. We offer this season to the trade a larger and mora superior stock of Wcod Mouldings, Brackets, Balusters, Newell Posts, Etc. The stork Is made from a careful selection of Michigan Lumber, from the mills direct, and we invite builders and contractors to eiamiu. it lief me purchasing elsawhore. TuruiDg aud Scroll Work in ull its varieties. 6 ti 3iu U M B E 11 UNDElt C O V E It. ALWAYS DRY. WATSON & CILLINGHAM, 8 29 No. 024 RICHMOND Street. "PANFL PLANK, ALL THICKNESSES X 1 COMMON PLANK, ALL THIOKNESSES. 1 COMMON HOARDS. 1 and 2 SIDE FKNCK HOARDS. WHITE PINE FMlOtUNM HOARDS. YELLOW AND SAP PINK FLOOR1NUS, IK and SPRUCE JOIST. ALL SIZES. HEMLOCK JOIST, ALL SIZES. PLASTERING LATH A SPECIALTY. Together with a general assortment of HuiMinv Lumber, for bmIh low for caah. T. W. KM A Li, tt tini rif 1 KENTH and Bi'lUi-.o Dirtraia. J i j nini rijiii.iLi, j"" ii.r largest assort mont of the latest style, ol Hoots, L.ii.r. kii.. ir,, Man and Hoys Can La MIMA at Idirge KHtahtishment, No. UUU W. MiMU tstreet. ttni ' FINANOIAL. A V K I N O UO US K Or JAY COOKE & CO., Not, 112 and 114 South TIHHD Street rniLADKLpniA. Dealen in all Government Sccurttloft. Old 6-20 Wanted In Exchange for New. A Liberal Difference allowed. Compound Interest Notes Wanted. Interest Allowed on Doposlts. COLLECTIONS MADS. STOCKS bonght and sold on CommlsHlon. Special bualnesa accommodations reserved for ladies. We will receive applications for Policies of Life Insurance in the National Life Insurance Company of the United States, FuU Information given at our oftlce. 418m UNITED STATES COUPONS DUE JULY 1 1 WANTED. COUPONS OF UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD DUE JULY I, Taken Same as Government Coupons. DE HAVEN & CI70., BANKERS AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENTS, NO. 40 SOUT1I THIRD STKEET, 611 lm PHILADELPHIA. LED YAR D & BARLOW HAVE REMOVED THEIR LAW AND COLLECTION OFFICE TO Wo. 19 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA, And will continue to ve careful attention to collect. Ing and securing CLAIMS throughout the United States, British Provinces, and Europe. Sight Drafts and Maturing Puper collected at Bankura'tRatea, 1 28 6m MITH, RANDOLPH & Co7, CANKERS. Philadelphia and New York, DEALERS IN UNITED STATES BONDS, and MEM BERS OP STOCK AND GOLD EXCHANGE, Receive Accounts of Banks and Bankers on Liberal Terms. ISSUE BILLS OF EXCHANGE ON C. J. nAMBRO A SON, Loudon, a METZLER, S. SOUN CO., Frankfort. JAMES W. TUCKER & CO., Paris. And Other Principal Cities, and Letters of Credl 1 2tf Available Throughout Europe. LB. II. JAMISOBJ & CO., SUCCESSORS TO T. F. KELLY & CO., ISauker aud Dealer iu GcW, Silver, ani GoYeinment Boa3s, AT CLOSEST MARKET RATES, N.W. Corner THIRD and CHESITUT Sts.. Special attention given to COMMISSION ORDERS In New Tork ami Philadelphia Stock Boards, etc. etc- 6 8 U2 81 UNION AND CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. WILLIAM PAINTER & CO., BANKERS, NO. 36 SOUTH TI1IIID STItEET, B " lm PHILADELPHIA. R E M O V A L. ELLIOTT & DUNN HAVING REMOVKU TO THEIR NKW BUILDING No. 109 S. THIRD Street. Ara now prepared to transacta GKNKHAL BANKING Bl'lSlNKhS, and dul in GO VKKNMKNT and othor Sa enrities, GOLD, Blf LS, Kto. RoCBivaMONKY ON DEPOSIT, allowing intoroat. NIC(;OTIaTH LOANS, giving special attention to MBB OANTILK PAPKlt Will eieoute orders for Stocks, Bonds, etc, ON OOM MISSION, at the Stock Kiohuniiea of Philadolphia, New York, Boston, and Baltimore. 4 35 Pt S. PETERSON &. cbT. Stock and Exchange Brokers No. 39 South THIRD Street. Members of the Now Tor and Philadelphia Stock 1 aud Gold Boards. STOCKS, BONDS, Etc., bought and Bold on com. mlSHlon only at either city. 1 vflj SAMUEL WORK. FRANCIS F. MILNE. BANKERS, STOCK AND EXCHANGE mtOKERS, A'o. LU & JUUiD St., VUUUDZLVBU