THE PAIL f EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JUNE 11 1869. It 13 W-Y OltKlSMS. From Our Own Correspondent, ' T t Hrsr Tom, June 11, vm. "Jeames-haabeon decidedly unfortunate In his attempt to got f to per month for his hotel lervlc. In otlior words, the waiters' strike has been a dead failure. It commenced about a wee ago, ana 'Joamcs" thought the hotels (ruests and proprietors alike would be desolated without him. Hitherto he had been getting respectably good wages, consider ing the number of "vales" extracted from boarders, and the hotcrogoncous pickings and stealings thrown In. In an evil moment he opined, like many another great man before him, that the economy of human, not to say hotel Ufo, would be seriously embarrassed If he chose It so to be. Three hundred and fifty of his brethren, therefore, oonjolntly did agree that their services were not attainable under the sum of thirty-five dollars per month per individual JeamcB, and that forty dollars was the figure to be aimed at and obtained If possible. In this thoy were sadly XnlHtokcn. The committee that presented themselves to the proprietor of tho Fifth Avenue Hotel were kicked in as many different directions as there wore members of the oommittco, and the proprietors of other hotels received them and their propositions with a frigid hauteur that must have struck awe to the soul of Jcames. Of the three hundred and fifty mutineers of the apron and napkin, about one-twentieth have been permitted to resume their old places on tho old terms, though the more liberal of the proprietors do not express any unwillingness to pay as much as eight dollars and a half per week. What they do object to Is to have any such minimum set them as thirty-five dollars per month. A good Jeamos Is worth his wait In three-cent postage currency any day, and a bad one is dear at any price. At 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon Mr. George Tea boby sailed for Boston. He does not go thither to attend the Peace Jubilee, with the practical inten tion of determining how many clam-crlers are pressed into the service of the twenty-thousand-voiced choniB. The Jubilee Mr. Peabodv is in auest f of is the Jubilee of health ; and after arriving in Bos- tuu, urn liniueuiuiu uuHunuuon was 10 do oaicm. Without Buffering from any special disease, ltwai too evident while he was In this city that he win Just 111 enough to be uncomfortable. Ills malady is probably nothing more than that general all-overishness of discomfort due to a temporary weakening of all the physical powers. Even during his brief Stay In this city, he was persecuted In the manner and almost to the extent described by Mr. Dickens In his last "New Uncommercial Samples." His tables were covered with notes, letters, addresses, pre scriptions, forms of bequest, terrifying religious appeals, quack medicines, and importunities for email loans of money. A heavy "bust" may soon bo expected in Wall Street. The speculation of late has been so fatally reckless as far to exceed anything of the kind ever before experienced. Look out for it. There Is very little or no talk about the anticipated arrival to-d ay of General Grant. "The harp that once through Tara's hall its soul of music shed, now hangs as mute on Tara's walls, as If that soul were dead." The annual regatta of the New York Yacht Club came off yesterday at 10 o'clock In the morning. The dreadful weather prevented the steamer Jose phine taking out other than a very small company of ladles and gentlemen. An equally small company, consisting of members of the club and their ladies, were on board the steamer Mlddlcton. A flag-boat was anchored abreast the club house, Staten Island, about three-quarters of a mile from the shore, and west of this the sloops anchored In line about forty yards apart, and the schooners in line two hundred yards north of the sloops, about fifty yards apart. In taking position In the line, each yacht selected its own In the order of its arrival at the anchorage. The yachts proceeded from the anchorage to the buoy of the southwest spit, passing it to the west and south, and thence to the llght-slilp, rounding it to the northward and eastward. They returned over the same course, passing to the west of the flag boat off the club house, going and returning. One of the mlshapB of the day was a blowing over of a schooner-yacht, and the consequent capsizing of the crew. The Fourth of July has commenced, and the om nipotent small boy Is already at his shooting-crackers. One or two of the more desperate cases have al ready been disposed of at the police courts, and the question becomes a serious one. Why should the pin wheel be patriotism's midsummer method of express ing itself T Mr. Flak has gained nothing, If report speaks true, by his recent overtures to the New York press, In tendering them that trip to Fall river. The boat was flllod with English blondes, and I hope they all returned In time to fulfil their professional engage ments for Monday night. If the rallway-impressarlo-commodore-Erie-opera-6owe-Hansom-cab-propriotor had been more liberal with the bibulous and less liberal with the blondes, I am sure the press people (who have too good cause to be mysogonlsts) would think better of the entertainment. "Lady Isabel" and "Madame Vine" is In the city, stopping at the Metropolitan, and looking out for an engagement. Gossip says that Lucille is rather more Inclined to embonpoint than when she went to California a year ago. Since then her fortunes have been varied. The same veracious chronicler affirms that she greatly scandalized the Saints at Salt Lake City, to that extent Brigham Young had manifestoes placarded up warning the youths and maidens of the city not to go to witness her "Nancy Sikes." She will shortly appear at one of our theatres, probably the New York, for that barn of a house is de livered over to the rats and the owls at the present, and is the most nnreallzlng property of all that A. T. Stewart possesses. When Miss Western succeeds in finding that metropolitan engagement which may be called a sort of theatrical hot-buttered-blue-beans endeavor she will discover that the Lachry mose drama has two great rivals to combat, the Leg and the Legitimate. Mr. Augustln Daly, by-the-by, who has amassed quite a fortune for a young man from his plays, has assumed the lesseeshlp of the Fifth Avcnuo Theatre, the rent of which Is 2T,000. He has paid $10,000 down. Mr. Daly enjoys the repu tation among his confreres of being both a lucky and an unlucky man lucky In the mere accident of making money ; unlucky in the more disastrous acci dent of not making friends, or at least or makln enough enemies to neutralize them. He will proba bly run his own plays at his theatre. His success has been very rapid, like A Flash of Lightning, in fact, and a few short years ago, in common with other then Bohemians, he gathered experience of the Street of yew York, and knew what it was to Stand friendless Under the Gaslight. As last theatrical mention, let mo say that, while Society has gained Mrs. Edwin Booth, the stage has lost Miss Mary McVlckar. Little did we dream a few weeks ago that we were seeing her smothered in public by her "Othello" for tho last time. Lisa Weber, assuming that she has not gone down In the P sC'lly of Tarts, will return hither next autumn. Need ! I add she brings with her a troupe of Burlesque k British Bloudes? i Mr. A. L. Steadiuan is a gentleman who but re- i cently arrived here, making one of a party of gentle- men accompanying the ex-Mayor of Cork, Sir John Harrington. The party put up at the Brevoort House, which is situated on Fifth avenue, very near to Washington Parade Ground. These grounds huve, until very lately, been supposed to be of au in nocuous character; but for the past few months the police appear to have felt personally aggrieved lr a solitary mole were discovered ticcupylng a pensive toadHtool for any considerable length of time, or making the tour of the grounds. At any rate, Mr. (Headman disappeared from the, Brevoort limitm lust Sunday morning, and has not .ui i-oniinem-nil. Whether he has fallen a f i..ti... inv nt these mysterious dodurcre of tho VhVimIh Ground who make tlrfselves so Inimical to .., ..,.n,, Iiiim become a mutu l serious suspicion, It maybe true that there is v fcood deal of violent .,.! ufeaithv crime commltteiJy these midnight lit Hi ft ilurk mirlieus of the park, but Mr. kteadnian is known to have been not ouly a man of the world, but au extremely cautious and wary one, euuallv unllKeiy to u iurcu w "j uuu, J.JL Linweir as ultimately to become one of the ciwt f ... xii.rmm. He went out early on Saturday morning for a lelore-breakfost stroll, to taste the nearest New Yorklaws ill hi path, uud very likely he Lw had Uia uli. l MUSICJX AWP PBAJIATIC. The City Aumwemrars. At ran TnsATRH Comiqwb Miss Susan Gallon will have a farewell benefit this evening, when the oprrrttfls of "" and Us Deux Aveugles will be performed. VTe hope that Miss Galton will have a full house on this occasion. There will be a matinee to-morrow, and to-morrow evening Mr. Kelleher will have a benefit, when the Galton troupe will appear for the last time. ATTbr W alnl'T Mr. .Towph Jefferson will appear for the last times as "Rip Van Winkle," this evening, to-morrow afternoon, and to-morrow evening. Next week will be devoted to benefits, as follows: On Monday, Miss Annie Graham, when Iw and Ruy Ilia will bo performed; on Tuesday, Mr. W. 1L Bailey; on Wednesday, Mr. Mark Brooke: on Thurs day, Mr. Simon Hassler ; on Friday, Mr. Thomas J. Hemphill; and on Saturday, Mr. Charles Walcot At tub A urn the new drama of Black and Whit win ne pcrrormra this evening. At tub Amrkican the I)e Lave sisters will appear In their wonderful acrobatlo feats this evening, to morrow altcrnoon, and to-morrow evening, CITY ITKHS. Mkn's, Youth's, ahd Bots' Bpriho Ouynmtn.AAne mmrtmnt qf chalet new ffoade, note in More and receiving daily; aim, a choice eeUciirm of goods in the piece, to be made Hp to order in the beet etyte. Halt wat ncTwuM 1 BunritTT A Co., tVthand ) Towkr HALT., BUIh Street.) 18 Mabkkt Hrnnrf, PHiLAnr.i,pmA, awp yo Bkqadwat, Maw Your. Tint HrnAWnr.nnT Fbhtival At the Church of the Mm siah. Locust and Juniper street, will be continuod this evening. Binokr's Skwtno Ma chink On easiest terms, bj O. F. Davis, No. 810 Ohecnnt street. Hrcxkh's Fabina forms very agreeable light nntriMv food, a superior article for paddings and jellies, and is highly reoommended by physicians for invalids and ohil dren. Bold bj all grocers. Bower's New Dnro Stork. A good glass of soda wator in these hot times is a docidedly refreshing beTerage. The place where to get the finest article is at Bowor's new store, on Chesnut street, above Fourth. The finest and best drugs are also obtained at this palatial establishment. Lous or AprETint and DEniHTT. Of all the tonio preparations now in market we know of none equal to Speer's "Standard Wine Bitters" for those who suffer either from over mental or physical exertion, resulting in loss of appetite and consequent debility. Sold by drug- JrwxLBTy Mr. William W. Oassidy, No. 13 South Second street, has the largest and most attractive assortment of fine Jewelry and Silverware in the city. Purchasers ean rely upon obtaining a real, pure article furnished at a prioe whioh cannot be equalled. He also haa a large stock of American Western Watches in all varieties and at ail prices. A visit to his store is sure to result in pleasure and profit. Assist Digestion. The "Standard Wine Bitters," which acts npon the Liver and Kidneys, being sudorific, diuretic, and mildly stimulating, cannot fail of being benefioial to those who are laboring under physical de rangements. The base of his Bitters is his far-famed and pure Wine, with Peruvian Bark, Wild Cherry Bark, Chamomile Flowers, Snuke Root, and such other herbs and roots as will assist digestion. Bold by Druggists. Tnis Parham Sewino Machine. All Sewing Ma chines that tax the strength in operating should be discarded. The most serious results frequently arise from their nse by female operators. Not so, however, with the Parham a machine that Is constructed'wlth a special view to such ease In moving as to make it the most pleasant to operate on in the country. Its other good qualities are many and peculiar. It in noiseless in running a desideratum to the household especially, where 'the click and clatter of a noisy, hard, unyielding sewing machine becomes simply a nuisance. It makes the beet work on all kinds of mate rial, a gratifying feature that of Itself should com mend It to all who are in queBt of a good machine. ( is adapted to a greater ranqe of work than any other sewing viachine in the market, Is simply but substan tially constructed, Is elegant in style and finish, and every way the most perfect and reliable machine obtainable. An Inspection of them at the Parham Kstabllshment, No. 704 Chesnnt street, will prove that they are deserving of all the commendation bestowed upon them, and even more. Home Questions for the Sickly, and Debilitated. In it worth white to endure penal torture after every meal, when indigestion can be immediately relieved and perma nently cured by so agreeable a remedy as Hostktteb'S Stomach Bitters T Poet it pay to be compelled by debility and languor to abandon active business, when brain, nerve and muscle can be braced up, and the whole system restored to a healthy condition, by a course of Hobtettkb's Bitters ? Why approach the dinner -table daily with a positive dis gust for all that is savory and delicious, when a vigorous appetite for even the plainest fare is created by the use of IIostetter's Bitters 1 Is it wise to live in this bright world as if it were a dungeon, gloomy, discontented, and miserable, when the worst ease of hypochondria can be cured in a week by such a plea sant and wholesome exhilarant as IIostetter's Bitters f Can it be possible that any person of bilious habit will run the risk of remittent fover or bilious colic, when ha can tons and regulate the great seoretive organ with Uo steter's Bitters? Is it not a species of moral insanity for any merchant, farmer, meohanio, or traveller to be without the best known antidote to the effeots of poisoned air and impure water, Hobtetter's Bitters f Considering the harassing and depressing nature of the functional derangements to which woman is subject, is it not astonishing that any invalid of the feobler sex should hesitate to seek the cortain relief afforded in such cases by the genial operation of IIostetter's Bitters f These are quostions of deeper interest than any of the political dogmas of the day, and those whom they concern are invited to give them something more than a passing thought. NO. 8 DECATUR STREET. HOWELL ft BROTHERS, . Pai-eh Hanging Manufacturers, Are prepared to furnish at nbolosale all styles of Paper Hangings, at their store, NO. S DECATUR STREET, until the completion of their new store on SIXTH BTREET, BELOW MARKET TUB AW SUMMER RESORT! Kear at JIandEasy of Aocess. Comfort for the Millions, Defiance to the Ilot Weather. batuixo, fisnixa, nuxrrxa, axd ridixo SUITS. SOW OPES FOR TUB SUMMER, and offering to the people, the BEST OF ACCOMMODATIOSS at a LOWEST OF CHARGES, ( ORE AT OAK II ALL, THE SUMMER RESORT, most popular with FhiladtlphianH, visited by more than either CAPE MAY OR ATLASTIC CITY. Be sure you take "OAK HALL" in your trip thU aeason, WAXAUAKER is BROWS. Proprietors, nANDMin Cmoi RwrtDBwrm, with Prowh Mnb Oappikob, AT PrmlJO Bai.b. T. A. MoOlelUnd, auc tioneer, No. Hit Chesnut street, will sell on the premise, without reserve or limitation, on Monday morning next, June 14,'at 10 o'clock, the elegant residenoe and entire household furniture, No. I10A Spring Garden street, in eluding Axmister and Brussels oarpets, piano, paintings, to. For particulars Inquire at the auction rooms. The Boston Pkae Jubilee. By reference to an ad vertisement elsewhere, It will be seen that the enmms dlous steamer "Fire Fly" will receive a limited number of passengers who wish to be present at the Boston Peaee Jubilee. The steamer sails on Monday next, and those who wish to secure passage should make application at ones. The prioe for the round trip has been plaoed at $10, which is muoh less than by railroad, without the annoy anoe of overcrowded oars. IflAKKIKIf. PT.UCK-COSDKN. On thth instant, by Rw. H. . Hoffman, at Second Moravian Church, Mr. L. WAYftK Fl.L'CK to Mim LIZ IK OOSDKN, all of this city. LON)8TRKTH-JONKS.-On Sixth month 10th, lfM, by Friends' ceremony, at the rosidenoe of ThomJis B. Su pine, HAMUKL T. LONCJHTKK.TH to JKNNIK U. dnnghter of Elizabeth L. and the lata William Jones, all of Philadelphia. LLOYI-HOWKT,L.-On the 10th instant, by the Rev. Dr. (isrrison, M AlAJOI.M LLOYD to ANNA, daughter of the late Kiohard Howell, of Camden, N. J. MoNEF.LY HUMMEL On the Pth Instant, at the Church of the Rev. J. W. Claxton, WILLIAM T. MoNKKLY to KATK, daughter of Oeorge W. Hum mel, Ksq. mi:i. ALLEN. On the lnth instant, ELIZABETH HESTER, daughter of William N. and Elizabeth Alton, aged i& months. The relatives and friends of the famibr are reenectfullv Invitod to attend bnr funeral, front the residenoe of her grandfather, Mr. (ieorge H. Kindle, No. 46 Catharine street, on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. DALY.-Oathe 11 th instant, ANNA DALY, wife of John Daly, aged 29 years. Ilie relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her bmther, Edward Kelly, No. 2.'3) Biddle street, on Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Funeral services at St. Francis' Church. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. H ADDF.N. On the loth Instant, SALLIR A., wifeof John L. Hadden, in the 66th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to accompany the rnmains from Broad and Prime strents, on Monday, the 14th instant, at So'olouk A. M. Interment at Wilmington, Del. Services at Hanover Street Church. PARKER. On the 8th instant, THOMAS MURDOCH PARKER, aged 31 vearv The relatives and Ifriends of the family, also, Integrity Iodge, No. 4H, and Star of Bethlehem Lodge, No. 6, K. of P., are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from the rratidnnce of his father-in-law. Mr. Charles Powell. No. Tib Federal street, on Sunday afternoon at 8 o'clock. To proceed to the Union Uemetery Vault. INSURANOt. NO ItlATtT Is Folly Prepared to Insure until he has considered The Rates and Flans OF TUB AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA, F0TTBTH AND WALNUT STREETS, e 10 PHILADELPHIA. JONES' One-Prico Clothing House, No. 004 MARKET Street. Our Garments are well made. Our Cutters are men of talent. BUT ONE PRICK IS ASKED. Satisfaction Guaranteed Every Purchaser. GEO. W. NIEMANN, Proprietor, S IT wfmtf No. 604 MARKET St, above Sixth. G BEAT NOVELTIES TJf LOOKING GLASSES, PICTUltE FRAMES, ETC. ETC. NEW CIIROMOS, NEW ENGRAVINGS. JAMES S. EAELE & SONS, NO. 816 CHESNUT STREET, 6 mwfrp PHILADELPHIA. THE LATEST AND BEST! THE PARHAM KEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. Combining all the good qualities of the beBt machines In the market, with many new and admirable features not found in any other. Is adapted for every description of family sewing and for light manufacturing purposes ; is decidedly the most perfect, simple, and reliable FAMILY SEWING MACHINE ever invented. It is elegant in style and finish; simple in construction; noiseless in operation ; makes perfeot work on every description of material; is perfectly free in all -its movements; is very light running, and is a pleasure for the operator to use it, Call and examine it at the office of TI1K PAKIIAItl NKW'IMl MACHINE CO. NO. 704 CHESNUT STREET, 6 10 Ira PHILADKLPHIA, FOR CAPE MAY. SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN, Via West Jersey ICailroutl. Commencing Sunday, June 13, 1869, Leave Philadelphia, Market Street, (Upper Ferry), at T-15 A. M. Returning, leave Cape May at B-10 P. M. EXCURSION TICKETS, 3-00. 610 3t W. J. SEWELL, Superintendent. HOT OR COLD WARM WEATHER! GOOD ICE!! SUPPLIED BY THE CARPENTER ICE COMPANY, No. 717 WILLOW St., IMillada, EASTERN ICE exclusively at market rates. Large trade supplied on fair terms. Proprietors. 6 la INTERESTING TO THE D EAF, Grand Opening on Monday, June 7, OF Al.L KINDS OK Instruments to Assist the Hearing, In every variety, and of the most APPROVED lUKB'l'.KCCTlUJX! Ill I. MAIHIIKA'N EAR INSTRUMENT 1E PIO T, NO. 115 TENTH STREET, 8 7trp BKIXJW OHKBNUT, PHILADKLPHIA. HATS AKirt O APS. WW WARHITPiviwa luruurYviMl VRMTI. K l.H 1 W- . ' ' - lated and easy.fitting Dress Hats (patented), In all the Unproved fasiiRms of the aaaaon ULUioft U 1' Street, next duOf W Uia 1'gat Otttoa, UU16. CJIAS. L. CARPENTER, l JOHN OLEMJKNINtJ, f JOS. M. TKl'MAN, Jh., t lm JOHN R. CARPENTER, J DRY GOODS. J. III. HAFLEIGH, Jos. 1012 and 1014 CHESNUT St., WILL OPEN WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 80,000 YARDS BLACK IIEHrJATJIS, Reduced from $1'00 to 62i Cent. pOPULAR PRICES FOR DRY GOODS RICKEY, SHARP & CO., XTo. 727 CHESNUT Street. REDUCTION IN DRESS GOODS. Foplinettes. Japanese Silks. Grey Goods for Suits. Embroidered Grenadines. Lawns. Ginghams. Chintzes. Ohocolate Colored Linens. Chocolate Colored Percales. White Goods. IVTonrning Goods. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., NO. 727 CHESNUT STREET, 4 9tfrp PHILADELPHIA. LINED STORE, Ho. 828 ARCH STREET. AND KEW STORE, No. I 128 CHESNUT Street. NEW BARNSLEY LINENS. BEST BARNSLEY SHEETINGS, all wiUtha, at bar gain prices. TAYLOR A CO. '8 BARNSLEY DAMA8KS, 7-4, 8-4, and 9-4 wide, from $1'37X up. SPECIAL NOTICE. TnE POWER-LOOM NAPKINS, Made specially for us, at $2-75 and $3-00 per dozen. Our customers who have been waiting for these very durable Napkins can now get them at either of our stores. 9 80 wfmt JULY I, 18 6 9. Or thereabouts, we propose to demolish the front building occupied by us, and to rebuild on its site one more attractive and better adapted to our growing wants. JYior to this we will dispose of our stock at and away below cost. We invite you to call early, as the assort ment, though large and very desirable, is rapidly beiitg broken by the army of buyers u'io have besieged us, and who have been happily suited. Men's and Roys' H ear, Sacques and Shawls. Linens and Domestics. J)rens Hoods, etc., reduced BOYS' CLOTHlXUt'IXE QUALITY FIRST CLASS FITTING. A Xo. 1, US USUALLY CUE A P. BOYS' CLOTH I XO. BOYS' CLOTH IXO. Linen Suits Woollen Suits. Linen Suits Woollen Suits. 'Linen Suits Wonotlen Suits. GARIBALDIS. GARIBALDIS. Xota Bone. The rrices are cheaper than ever, and so I me they fit every purse, as attested by our large daily sales. We invite ladies and the boys to call. Our object, to sell out tomake room for the improvement. COOPER & C0NAED, S. E. COR. NINTH AND MARKET STS., lTfsm PHILADKLPHIA. 1869. "AT THORNLEY'S," DEMONSTRATION EXTRAORDINARY 1 ATTRACTION UNPARALLELED! PRICES PRESSED DOWN TO THE LOWEST POINT I We offer for the next thirty days s STOCK OF DRY GOOItSj THK MOST VAKIKO. THIC MOST COM PI.KTK, THK MOST KXTKNSIVK, AND THIC UJIKAP. KhT it has ever been our privilege to exhibit in this com munity ; consisting in part of ltUACK hll.KK, FROM 8130 to S3. Japanese Silks and Pongee Poplins, eto. Mottled Mohair Droits liooda. liemanies. Organdies, Piques, Lawns. Jjiuia l.aue auu Froncn Laue Sliawla. Mint land ShawlB, Thibet Shawls, Travelling Shawls, eto. ItaUinett, (Jaliooes, Uinxhams, Tickings, etu. eto. Paraaols, bun Umbrellas, Corueta, Skirts, eto. eto. IMKN'H AN I HOYIS WKAU. Linen Drills, Ducks, Checks, Stripes, eto. Canxiiuores, Clot lis, Blouse Linons, Plaid Shirtings, .to. liouiMikeeplng l.inon Oooda in every variety. AIubIiu. iu all widl lm, I H ess Linings, and ilandkorohiefs. A guuerai stock of V hite (ioods, Quilts, eto. eto. m At JOSEPH H. THORNLEY'S, N. E. COR. EIGHTH AND SPRING GARDEN 9 19 'PHILADELPHIA. PARASOLS. PARASOLS. ALL THE NEWEST London and Paris styles, whioh for novelty, va riety, and elegance are unequalled. A large as- ..... .. . ..I 1 . , a i LH.,I k... . .1 c.... IT ljrltu at IIih IowimI nrlcue. at li.DiXUA'H Funrv OikwI. Sum tie. IU & mulU'U buoeU 111 thn DRY GOODS gPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. JOHN W. THOMA3, 405 and 407 N. SECOND St., Odors hij entire stock of duivtmeu duess goods AT GRKATLT KKDUCED PIUCE& IlBRNANia, GRENADINES, LAWNS, OROAN DIES, POrLINETTKS, HUMMER POPLINS, MOHAIRS, ETCX ALSO, LAMA AND INDK LACES, In Points, PalctoU, Rotunda, Sncques, Marin An toinettes, ami Zouaves, U SI 3mrp IN BLACK AND WHITE. NEW PUBLICATIONS. ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO TUB NEW TECrAIVIEUT. A ascful and necessary help In the study of the Scriptures, and In the pn-pumtion of Sunday-school lewtoiiB. Prtws, f, 44), and M centn. JiiHt published by the AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, No. 112i Chesnut Street, Phila delphia. 5 81 inwfut LL THE NEW BOOKS FOR SALE AT WHOLESALE TRICES BY POUTER Sc OOATES, NO. 822 CHESNUT STREET, Marble Building, adjoining the Continental. Our new and elegant l3 22mwftr AltX jAI.Li:KV Now open, with the Oncst collection of PAINTINGS, cuKUMUs, and jsinukavijxus in me city. NEW MUSIO. Sl'25 or; new music albums, q. t or; f4p L MtS A FEW LEFT. Eeduced to One Dollar and Twenty' five Cents. SOLD AT J. E. GOULD'S PIANO ROOMS, No. 923 CHESNUT Street. Containing FIFTY PIECES OP MUSIC, Vocal and Instrumental, worth fifteen dollars, bonnd in mo rocco, and handsomely gilded, binding alone worth ten dollars, lteduced to $1 125. A few left only at J. E. GOULD'S, 6 7 mwffitrp No. 923 CHESNUT St., Phllada. CIGARS. T O CICAJ BUYERS. Fresh Importations of Ilavana Cigars, In bond or duty paid. Largo assortment, olfored In lots to suit purchasers. Also, cigars of our own manufacture, viz. : "MARIANA RITA." High grado Vnelta Abajo leaf, fifteen stylos. Low prices compared with Imported cigars. A fair trial will prove their merits. "ERA DIAVOLO." Lower priced than the "Mariana Rita," three styles; excellent cigars. "FLEirR DE LYS," "LOUIS D'OR," and other brands, all copyrighted ; each of highest Trade In Its respective class. AU of our Havana leaf wo import direct, and no better cigars can be produced In this market than those we now offer. Smokers should see that they obtain onr genuine cigars, which are offered regularly by many respecta ble dealers, although some Irregular parties put for ward inferior cigars as of our make. We offer theBe cigars in lots to suit purchasers. They can be profitably retailed at prices forty per cent, less than imported cigars, will give equal satis faction, and should be tried, without prejudice, by all who desire a good cigar at moderate cost. S. FUGUET A SONS, Importers and Manufacturers, B 18 26trp No. 829 South FRONT 8treet, BOOTS AND SHOES. gPRING STYLES BOOTS AND SHOES FOK GENTS1 WEAR BARTLETT, NO. 33 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, 10 16 fmw ABOVE CUESNUT. OARPETINQS. 1000 Pieces Brussels, Onnfl Piornc Canou Mittina JUST RECEIVED THR STEAMER, E. II. GODSHALX & CO., NO. 723 CHESNUT STREET, 8 19 finwsairp PHILADELPHIA. 7 HEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES Are the Best, and are Sold on the Easiest Terms. PETERSON & CARPENTER, GENERAL AGENTS, No. 014 CIIi:.SLr Street, 8 B fmwt PHILADELPHIA. I?MPIRE SLATE MANTEL WORKS J. B. FJtFjPII EDITION THE LATEST NEWS. The Quaker City Released from Dond. FROM HE W YORK. Tke Onnker City Jlrlrased. Despatch to The Evening Telegraph, New York, June 11. The appraisers of th value o tho stcAiner Quaker City made a report. Judge Blatchford, of the United States Circuit. Court, ordered her release Tho United State Marshal then relinquished possession, and h U at lib erty to leave as soou as pleases her. The IrTonry and Stock Marknta. Nkw Yohk, June 11. Money markot active: cur rency, v per cent. ; gold, per cent. ; commlHSlon, V. with Interest. In many caxMS gold opened at fl -3, sold down to 138. and Is now quoted at 13 V Tho fall from yesterday Is attributed to the clearing np of the canard respecting disturbances in the French marKcu ii is, nowever, orm, exchange being within Wrt. of Bhliiplncr price. Commercial naucr and foreleit exchange dull. Government bonds are Inactive at yesterday's quotations. Tho Stock market has Im proved and rallying. St. Paul preferred has fallon to tS. and Pacific Mail Is quoted at 84V- The follow ing nave improved: jxew ror central, hsv; Nortn western, t ; Hudson River, 16T ; Pittsburg, 96; Mariposa, is: rort vayne, irw.; kock island, 119X5 Adams' Express, B9' ; Toledo and Wabash, Ti. A great deal was done in Erie at to 30. Flour rind .rnln Quotation). Nkw Yokk. June 11. Tho Flour market Is lower: the sales are 7100 barrels at -90fl-20 for sii peril ne State; I.VHOtAB for extra State; a-OArA6'V4t for choice do. ; -lfti6-25 for fancy do. ; $T-10T-15 for do. Western; t.VMiiAB-SS for common to medium extra Western ; f).r-8&(rt'2 for choice do. ; (l-3iM7-3t) ror good to choice white wheat extra; tstMXa for common to good shipping brands extra round hoop Ohio; $t!-05t'tl-s5 for trade brands; $7(i1 for common to fair extra St. Louis: and i$ll for good 10 cnoico ao., me marKei closing quiet, southern, Flour dull ; sales of H.tO barrels at f H-2fi(46'75 for common to fair extra; -80A11-7B for "good to choice do. California flour heavy; sales of UN) bar- rels at 6-4m9. Rye flour quiet ; sales of 200 barrels at4-3ftiO-OS. The Wheat market Is quiet. Sales of 315,000 busheU at 1142X04143 for No. 2 spring. Rye Is a shsdo firmer. Sales of 1000 bushels Western at iriTX Corn Is scarce and about lc. better. Sales of 48,000 bushels at 72n'3c for new mixed Western, via canal, 9339c for do. via railroad, 86c. for kiln dried ; 9Bc. for Inferior new mixed Western In store; and 97c. for Western yellow. Oats are a shade (inner. Sales of 31,000 bushels at 81Xt$Stc. for Western, afloat. FINANOIAL. A RELIABLE HOME INVESTMENT. THE FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OP THK Wilmington and Reading Railroad. BEAIIINU INTEREST At SEVEN PER CENT, in Currency, Payable April and October, free of STATE and UNITED STATES TAXES. This road runs through a thickly populated and rioh agricultural and munnfuoturing district. For the present, we are offering a limited amount of th above Bonds at 85 Cents and Interest. The connection of this road with the Pennsylvania and Reading Railroads insures it a large and remunerative trade. We recommend the bonds as the cheapest first class investment in the market. TOBI. PAITITEIl & CO., BANKERS AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENTS, NO. 36 S. THIRD STREET, 64 PHILADELPHIA. UNITED STATES COUPONS DUE JULY I , WANTED. COUPONS OF UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD DUE JULY I, Taken Same as Government Coupons. DE HAVEN & BRO.v BANKERS AND DEALERS IK GOVERNMENTS, NO. 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Bliim PHILADELPHIA. D R E X C L ft CO,, KO. 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET, American and Foreign BANIER, ISSUE DRAFT8 AND CIRCULAR LETTERS CREDIT available ou presentation la any part Of Europe. Travellers can make all their financial areanire. menu through ub, and we will collect their lnterort and dividends without charge. Drbxbl.WikthropACo., Desxil, Habjis A Co.; NewYorfc. I Parla. 10p FURNITUR E, ETO. P U N I T U R E. A. & H. LEJAMBRE HAVE REMOVED THEIR MM k Uploisterinir Warerooms ro NO. 1127 CHESNUT STREET, 8 10 miCmrp OUUKD ROW.