THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1800. NEwa'g. t ltT Affairs. Among the ninny gucHts expected to be pre sent on tho occasion of the banquet given in honor of ex-Governor A. G. Ourtin on Sutur dny evening next, are President (Iraut and hm Cabinet, Major-Generul Meade, of tho Army, and Admiral Porter, of tho Navy. Senator Oliver P. Morton, of Indiana, and ftouutor Puekinghani, of Connecticut, tho only two living War Governors contemporary with Governor Curtin, will hIho be proHont. The Russian CoiiHul-General at New York, Huron llodisco, ex-Governor William A. Newell, of New Jersey, and tho Judges of our rity and State courts, have Hi';nifioil their in tention of gracing tho festival by their pro uence. The Hon. Henry Willirtnis will respond to tho sentiment of the "Judiciary," and Sena tor Scott to that of "President, of tho United States. Messrs. W. V. Messick and 11. M. Natturs, examiners, held another session yesterday afternoon. Tho following persons, who had been at tacked by the contestants as unassessed voters, were called and testified that they voted the Democratic ticket in tho Fourth division, Twenty-tilth ward, at tho October election: Patrick Uoylo, Jr., No. 1 1:t0 Edgement street; Thomas Dutl'ey, No. 1-H'J East Thomp non street; Michael Fleming, No. l.Vl'.l Salmon street; Win. Gallagher, No. 1.VJ2 street; Edward Harkins, No. 1110 Somerset street; Maurieo Ahern, No. 10:11) TreMiont street; Francis McDonough, No. HL','1 Salmon street, (also proved the votes of James McDonough, No. H'W Salmon street, Anthony Tigh, No. 14:lt Kichmond street, and John McNamee, No. 1.V13 Thompson street); Vov nnrd McVaigh, No. I't'M Salmon street; Win, Mclntyre, No. 10'8 Somerset street; James O Donnell, No. 1":!." Uelgrado street; James D. McAran, No. 1115 Salmon street. Edward Uoyle testified Reside No. 1."1!) American street; voted tho Democratic ticket in the Seventh division, Seventeenth ward, at the October election. (Attacked by contest ants as Edward lioyles). The Grand 'Worthy Secretaiyof tho Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Good Templars of renusylvaniau m.ide the follow ing report at tho session of tho Grand Lodge, yesterday, in Scranton: Number of Lodges, f;53, of which 127 were organized during the past year; disbanded or suspended,' K."; num ber of members, about 40,0(10. Tho expendi tures during the year amounted to 17,S;5H,t) I, and the receipts to U(,:il'.;-.".7. The Ileformed Synod a ljonrned xltif le last evening, after having elected tho various committees, superintendents, and delegates to corresponding bodies. DomeMtlc A (fairs. Gold closed yesterday at l;J!). Tho Indians in Arizona are troublesonn. Tho alleged Cuban craft, Quaker City, is to be bonded. The lioston Metropolitan Police bill has been defeated'.' San Francisco has realized $300,000 from the side of tido lands. SfrTiVJlli in treasure arrived at New York from California yesterday. At the Episcopal Convent ion at Pittsburg, yesterday, the "All Saints" liitualistie Church was relusect representation. Tho President will visit tho Teace Jubilee whereat Boston is jubilant. Governor Geary was in Washington yes terday, and had an interview with the Presi dent. Colonel Manuel Freyer, new Minister from Peru, was introduced to President Grant Yesterday. llobert Talbot, a well-known merchant of Greenwich. Conn., was run over and killed vesterdav. Tho newspaper publishers of Michigan held their third annual convention at Adrian on Tuesday. General Halleck was last night presonte l with a gold badge by the Mexican veterans at ban i rancisco. Major A. 1$. Thompson (retired) has been appointed Sheriff of llichinond, Va., by General Canby. It is rumored that the Central cunan Junta is negotiating a charter for a swif steamer of seven hundred ton.4. Work will be resumed in the printing division of the United States Treasury De partment some time next week. General 1 Halleck yesterday left San Francisco for Louisville, Ky., his headquar ters as Commander of the Department of tho South $.100,000 in treasure was shipped from San Francisco yesterday. Unly .o,oio worth of the amount is consigned to tho Atlantic States. The match game between tho Philadel phia and St. George Cricket Clubs at Hobo ken commenced yesterday and continues to-day. -A party ot thieves on 1 nosuay nignt were surprised at work on the safe of the Sandy I luver .National Dauli at ianuington. xney i escaped. General Sherman endorses tho proposi tion of the Arizona Legislature to arm the border settlers to .co-operate with troops against hostile Indians. Fort-Inn Affair. LramERO, June i). A ministerial order has been promulgated here authorizing tho use of the Polish language in tlm administration of the internal service of Galieia. Lovdon. Juno 'J. Advices from Melbourne renort that several members have been ex pelled from tho Parliament of Victoria for bribery, and that proceedings- against others were pending. Pahis. Juno 0. Marquis do La Valletto, Minister of Foreign Affairs, at his official reception to-dny, thanked the Prussian Cltunje tlAjjairts for tho lavoraiue io:io oi mo joniu journals in regard to the elections in Franco. Pahis, Juno ! Evening. lho Emperor has issued a decree convening tho Corps T.pifiklntif on the L'Sth instant. u.vun.v .Inuft !. Advices from Cabool report nil opposition to Shero Ali ended. Kb.-i-A Ali hud introduced many rot onus in l.iu r,r.nnriit. Ha had remodelled his army, established a police force, and forbid .1fn citizens from carrying arms. Mi r.i.i i .Tniifi .(. General lloda sails for to-morrow, on the steamer San An- ill Hton at Porto Hieo on tho WAV. ! 'I li want of harmony in the present Minis - u trv is lincomirif? more and more apparent, an 1 , . j ... - d A a chanL'O is exnectod., June !. Cardinal Itanscher, Arch bishop of Vienna, has intervened to protect Uishop Linse from the secular power, but tho Ministry assort that tney are unauie to inter fere with the course ot justice, in conso ..noiicA of the affair, coldness is manifesting itself in the relation between the Cardinal and the Imperial Government. TsiwiioN. June 1) Midnight. The election riots at Nantes were more serious than first rilymH. Despatches from Paris to-day re- l.ilieiit that troops were called out, an I were obliged to use the bayonet in , disperanig tmj mob. Many rioters wore wounded and a largo number arrested. At last advices order had been restored, and the city was quiet. A telegram troni Pans to-nitrht states tint large and tumnltnous crowds assembled ai tin in the Montmartro district to-day, and tro pi were called out to suppress the disturbances. Jjonpon, June !). The Archbishop of Can terbury hns counselled tho Hishops in tho House of Lords to oppose tho Irish Church inn. A banquet was given to-night to deputa tions from Ireland now in this city, bearing petitions against tho Irish Church bill. The Tory Peers and clergymen of tho Established Church wero present. It is said that twenty-five Conserv.u iva Teers will decline to follow tho policy of re jection announced by the majority at their meeting last Saturday, and tho detection of others is probalilo. I tie Post Ofiieo Department has completed arrangements for the purchase of lines of telegraph in the United Kingdom, in accord ance with the bill passed by Parliament last year. Havana, Juno !t. Tho emigration of Cubans from the island has again comiuoncod, and large numbers are leaving. Ihc Commission of olunteers met yester day and adjourned without taking any action. It is reported that Minister Huberts telo- grnphed trom aslnngton to the authorities ot Havana, warning them of tho precarious posntion. Advices from Innidad have been received that a revolutionary movement was on foot. lho volunteers hail attempted to depose tho Governor, who resisted, and was killed. General Lesca, with the Hasque volunteers, has gone to Cinco Villas. J he Isuevitas Hull road has again been cut. The Government has received information that two slave ships are expected here. Havana, June '.. lho fact is now estab lished beyond doubt that tho filibusters who landed in tho Hay of Nipo havo effected a junction with the forces of Quesada. The troops havo had several skirmishes with tho insurgents near Trinidad. Havana is quiet. THE INDIANS. The I.nst Itnt Me Content on the MiiihpNIioH llivcr A l-'irrre JKiiKnBouieiit tfiiviitfo War. lure by the Whiten. On the eighth day of May tho town of Musselshell was attacked by a party of one hundred and fifty Santee Sioux, armed with guns and revolvers, on foot. The first inti mation had of their presence was tho firing upon and driving in of a small party who were out bringing in firewood. On the first alarm being given, all sprang for their arms, and, leaving ten men inside the stockade to cover a retreat, if necessary, the remainder of tho party, about sixty in number, sallied forth, determined to give the Indians battle tin the open ground, after their own fashion. This was at seven o'clock in the morning, and although tho settlers were outnumbered more than two to one, and the Indians well armed, they determined to wipe the red devils out or luav their scalps to adorn tho wakiups of tho "noble" red m-Jii. Hostilities iirst commenced about L'OO yards back of the stockade, and extouded from thence to tho Musselshell river. Asm ill party, led on by a German named Jacob Leader, niado a charge upon a "coolie occu pied by about sixty warriors, under comm in 1 of a half-breed Sioux. Before they had pro ceeded far, however, the man Leader reaaive 1 a ItiulLt m tho head, which Utile I him in stantly, and another man of the parly, Green wood by name, was shoo through the shoul ders, a terrible wound, which brought him to the ground. Learning a lesson from thU, to proceed more cautiously against their toes, parties were immediately despatched to II, ink the coolie, which was accomplished, ihen, from all sides, the settlers poured in their leaden hail wan lean ill accuracy anil telling effect, killing, and wounding tho eopp:;r colored devils by the dozen, and soon eaiisiii' those v, ..o could to scatter precipitately an l in tho utmost contusion into the willow some jumping into the stream (Musselshol!) and endeavoring to escape to the other suit the settlers, meanwhile, giving them tu: compliments with their Henry and Sp in: rifles, shooting them in the water and wa'do they were creeping through the willow Thus, without intermission, the firing w.u kept up until after 1 o clock P.M. liy th' time the Indians that remained unhurt givo up the fight and left the settlers victors of t!i battle. Thirteen dead Indians were picked up where the battle raged the fiercest, but in all, asar I incto the information gleaned from the pirtie above-named, and others who participated in the fight, over thirty savages wero killod and wounded, lho engagement is described a one of the most exciting and hotly contested on both sides that has ever occurred on tho Missouri river. Some of tho same party of woodchoppcrs who were attacked near Milk river last fall, ot which party several were killed and some scalped alive, were engaged in this fig fight, and, it is scarcely necessary to add, visited a fearful retribution on their former foes. One of their number, who saw the scalp of his partner torn from his head i-i , i; a .i:a...i 1 r :... ,!. Willie yet living, reuuuueu oy pcriornuug mo same operation with Uie greatest delicacy tor one of Ins red prisoners: "An eye tor an eye, and a tooth lor a tooth. bmco this occurrence no Indians of any tribe havo como within sight of tho town. A careful watch is constantly kept, however, and should they again attack tho settlers, short work will be made with them. 1 he inhabit ants declare their ability to defend them selves against a thousand Indians, if they havo timely warning. On a long bench at tho steamboat landing at Musselshell aro now arranged in complete and imposing order tho Trophies of tho ISattlo oi Musselshell, on the 8th of May. lH(i')." First in order wero ten skulls, boiled and dressed clean, by the "dis secting surgeon, resident ot tho place, with various sarcastic inscriptions. Next to the skulls three bottles contain pickled Indian ears, which present quite a 'sonsy appear ance. Above, suspenueu on poios, ate nu merous scalps, war bonnets, coo-sticks, modi cine poles, hatchets, knives, bows and arrows, and various other trophies the whole form ing a very curious and horrible museum. Montana l'oxt. Tho AVhimI Convention. The following Is the result of tho ward con ventions, which met uki evening: FIRST WARD. Common Council William Calhoun. Alderman Jesse S. liousall. Bchool Directors John M. Carey, Henry M. Lawrence, llobert Jiethel. Countable ilathlas L,audln. BEOOND WARD. Select Couucil Oliver V. Glesnner. Alderman Joseph C. Tittermary. Conetable Thomas Hartuian. Bchool Directors David It. Maxwell, Thomas A. Eugel, J. Bernard Appel, Thomas Nesbit. . THIRD VARD. School Directors-J. Leslie AndergOD, Henry Gladding, Juhtt II. BcoU, Jr, fourth: ward. School Directors John W. Heebi, E l ward Walker, John C. Allen, Charles F. Maus field. Adjourned until Friday. fifth ward. Common Council Edward S, Yard. Aldermen Thomas II. Falincr. Thomas Fitzgerald. School Directors John W.Donnelly, Wil liam Pierce, A.J, Tully, Joseph 11. Claw- son. SIXTH WARD. Common Council Owboru Conrad. Aldermen Henry Young, Isaac OMIra. School Directors Thomas Leeds, William A. Hunter, Charles Hidgway. Constable Job It. Btartt, Henry Smith, Jr. SEVENTH WARD. Common Council John JUrdsloy. Alderman George Pat.chel. Constables William WhitoBldes, William Koblnson, Isaac ISarr. School Directors James N. btone, Henry McCormick, Samuel ClilV. EIOHTU WARD. Select Council Alexander L. Hodgdon. Common Council John C. Martin. School Directors John N. Atwoiid, Samuel Hell, John F. Gayley, M. D., J. W. Woolston, George H. Sinn. Aldermen Captain llobert It. Sumh, Cer tain John Nichols. Constables George C. Mclntyre, Walter llinman. NINTH WARD. Select Council John Faruira. Common Couucil Geur&e L. Buzby. Constable W. Walton. School Directors Joseph Freeborn, S. B. W. Mitchell, John Hosier, John D. Lewis. TENTH WARD. Common Council William B. Harman. Constables John G. Uollock. Sr., George W. Taylor. School Directors F. Garrlgues, William H. Parker, Gavin II. Woodward. ELEVENTH WARD. Select Council Major James F. Brady. Common Council Nathan Barrett. Alderman Jaccb A. Swrn. Constable William Furman. School Directors James II. Taylor, ' A. F. Webster, William H. Ackloy. TWELFTH WARD. School Directors Thomas Grace, T. B. Scarborough, William Briuton. Constable William Myers. THIRTEENTH WARD. Select Couucil John L. Shoemaker. Common Couucil Abraham Kline. Alderman A. Atwood Grace. School Directors James W. Sayre, D. K. Reiff, W. C. Boyer. FOURTEENTH WARD. Common Council Hetiry Oram. Alderman Andrew Boswell. Constable Henry Jones. School Directors llobert Downing, Dr. J. McNicholl, General II. G. Sickels, David Creamer, Jr. FIFTEENTH WARD. Select Council Dr. W. W. Burnell. Common Couucil Colouel John F. Glenn. Constable Joseph Callahan. A portion of the Convention here withdrew, and the bolters will make a uotnina. ion during the week. V SIXTEENTH WARD. Common Council James Logan. Alderman A. II Shoemaker. School Directors Jacob Snare, George Polivtr, Thomas J. S:nith, W. J. GdliUij bnm. Constables J. Smith, Biujamln Gray. SEVENTEENTH WARD. Common Council Samuel II. Jones. School Dire ctors William Judge, William llooney, John B. Fergusjn. Alderman John Gibson. EIGHTEENTH WARD. Common Council Joseph Allen, D. W. Stockham. School Directors Joseph Paxon, Samuel Bowers, Ed ward Gorgas. Alderman Luke B. Sutphin. NINETEENTH WARD. Common Couucil Nicholas Hii mo. School Directors Ed. Lll":rts, Jo-iuks Miller, John Loughridgo. Constable 11. Myers. TWENTIETH WARD. Common Council Samuel Miller, William Baldwin. Constables Charles Coward, Joseph Grif fiths. TWENTY-FIRST WARD. School Directors J. li. Winpenny, Can- tain W. Dawson, Jacob L. Fry, Johu M. bchoneld. TWENTY-SECOND VyARD. Common Council Dr. J. C. Gilbert. School Directors C. J. Wister, Philip C. Garret, Roger Owen, W. D. Smith. Aldermen Benjamin biugerley, J. SI. Waterhouse. Supervisors J. T. Meat, William Nuu- maker. TWENTY FIFTH WARD. Felect Council Thomas C. Evans. Common Council Jphn C. Bess. Alderman Andrew B. Irons. Constable William Taylor. School Directors G. 11. Griffiths, Dr. J. K. Murphy, William Nester, Isaac Sleeker, Samuel H. Irvin, George Roberts, WillUin Newll, John Rothwell.' TWENTY SIXTH WARD. Alderman Samuel P. Hull. TWENTY-EIGHTH WARD. Select Council George A. Smith. Alderman Charles K. Sorber. School Directors Edwin Mclchuer, Joseph Biirnhurid, Joseph Shantz. MARINE TELEGRAPH. Fur additional Marine Newt see Firat Pcujt. ALMANAC FOR PHILADELPHIA THIS DAY. HlK KlHKH 4 J I .MOON Kkth Sun Sets. T.l I'-icia Water 257 PHILADKLP1IIA BOARD OF TRADK. HFNHY WlNKOlt, ) CKliltllK N. ALI.KH, V COMMITTSE OF THE MONTH. Geo. MoimihON COATlts,) AIOVK3IKNTM OK Ot'KAN WTKAJISH1PM. FOR AM F.RIO A. City of Cork . Belloua Idaho Delaware Notttoriun . ... Krin Nova Scotiun. .Liverpool New Vork via Hal.. .May 23 .,onlon New York Muy '-'J .LiverpcHil New York M.iy Sri .Liverpool ....Boston May 27 .Liverpool Ouehoo Muy 27 .Liverpool Sow York .May 27 .Liverpool Ouehoo May 2,.( Atalanla. lionau . . . UmU Siberia.... 1-onclon jvuw V one ,vn butithampton. ...New York Juno 1 Liverpool New York June 1 ..Liverpool New Vork via Boa. ..June 1 Hi It KUKOI'K. Weser New York.. ..Bremen June 10 Tttrita Now York.. ..Liverpool June 10 Saxonia New York.... Hamburg June 11 xuisiuna N'mu, Varli ...l.ivoitiool June l't Britannia New York. ...(ilannow June 13 Peruvian I'ortUml I.ivtu-oool Jane U C. of Baltimore,. Now York. ...Liverpool lune li Ville de Paris... .Now York. ...Havre June 13 Bollona New Yoik....lmdon June 15 ). of Boston Now York. ...Liverpool June In Kcotia Nmu, Vrlf ..l.ivuriKMjl June lri Columbia New York....ilaKow June It Cuba Now York. ...Liverpool June 23 OOASTW1S1C, DOMF.STIU. KlU Promothetis I'hilada Charloston June 10 MorroCuatle New York. ...Havana June 10 Alaska V...U Asninwall June 11 Pioneer I'hilada WilinioKton lune 15 (ieo. Cromwell. .New York. ...New Orleans. June 15 Columbia New York.. ..Havana....... June 17 City of Mexico. .New York. ...Havana A V. Crui,..Jiine 1H TnnawamlM. lliil...l. KuvKmulh June 10 Juniata I'hilada N. Orleans and Uav.June 10 North America,. Now York. ... Rio Jaueiro.. June 23 Mails are forwarded by every steamer in the rexular linea. The stoamers tor or from Liverpool oall at UueeusUiwo. ex. eept the Canadian line, whioh oall at Londonderry. Th iteaiuurs for or from the Continent oaJl at Southampton. CLKARKD YK8TKRDAY. Steamshin Raven. Sears, Boston, II. Winaor 4 Co. Steamer K. WilliuK, Uundilf, Baltimore, A. Cmvoa, ,Tf. ItriK Altavela, i.ed. Vulmiugton, H. U Wurreo A Lire(. (ivUt Italta, Biu:tU, Alaymuta, Schr Gen. Conorer. Constat, Providence, O.C.J-orris A Co. Blir ,T. C. McSlmln, Giblm, Richmond, V., Diil Cooper. Bchr Millard Fillmore, Chmo, Dixbtwi, . do. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Rteomship Aries, Wilnjr, from llimton Ti Prorlncotown, mrise. to II. Vt innor A -'o. 'the Aries was axhnre (as pr i ul reported j, on Hiiunn Hnacli, N. J., hut whsiihuIoI iff ontheHth inst., at 4 P.M.. after hin dt:hnrtf,tl liout I '.UK i pks. milse. After enmlna off stnim "t on tier, and she prnoeertod to I'hiladnliihia, aeeompaniod by tho Htcamer A. Winants and Relief, The Aries is nut much damaged, and the oaruo Is now bnlnir discharged. Comignern are requested to call at the olliue, nun g ' iw-riifl bond, and take their iphhIs. Mesmer S. F. I'lielps, Hrown, 1M hours from Ne'T York, with mdco. to W. M. Ilnird A to. Schr Julia E. Prntt. Nirkuraun, 7 daj'S from Boston, with mdse. to Mursbon A Cloud. KAKTON A Mi MAllON'S tllTI.T.ETIN. NfwYohk Office, June 9. Five barges leave to-nUht In tow for llultiniorn. a. W. Pew, with rye, and G. 0. Gear, with guano, fur Philadelphia. Maii iMoiiK BitANCH Office, June 9. No report this morning. Piiii.AiiFt.riiiA RitANrn Office, Juno in. The burgo K. J. Vickery, with coal, loft for tlulliiiioro this morning. MKMORANDA. Pliip Stsdnenns, Cassidy, for Philadolphia, oloarod at Londonderry 2.'ilh tilt . Uliip Virginia, Caiupboll, for Philadelphia, oloared at Liverpool t h ult. Meamship Pioneer, Hnrrett, for Philadelphia, sailo! from Wilmington, N C, yesterday. Stemnsliip James 8. Creon, Vance, henco, at Richmond ft li innt. Steamer Now York, Jones, hence, at Gonrgotown, D. C, 8th innt. Hariun Peter., for Philadelphia,, sailed from Singapore SIM April. liurquo Kiiridrren, Poderson, for Philadelphia, sailiid from Liverpool 27tli lilt. limine llotlnung, Wullis, for Philadelphia, entirod oul at lyomlon ffl'th nit. liariiuc Sarah A. Staples, Staples, hence, at Bangor.Me., 7th innt., to loud tor Matanzas. ling Kfihin, Douglasa, hence for llnngor, at Holmos1 Ilo'e 'th int. J'.ng D. II. Doano, Von 'y, was loading at Surinum Itith ultimo. llripH Msry M.t Williams, and Abstiiner, F.ldorkin, at f'ml'Hrien 'Jiith ult .. for a port north of ILitteras. Srhrs ( 'ornelia. Noves; Pawnee, Weaver ; and Harry Loe, Lilt le, hi'tii o, at Noriolk "th tnat. Srhr Annie M. I'llwurds, lliuiun, for Philadelphia, siiilod from Hifhmond Hth iust. Si hr (-eorgle peeriut;. Willard.for Philadelphia, cleared a' Portland 7th int. Schrs Abbott PeveretiT, Rich, and M. IC. Staples, Dins more, bencn. at, Huston 8th int,t. Schrs T. T. n'aBker. Allen: Annio Magee. Young: and .1. R. Austin. Kialcy, cleurod at Boston 8lu inst., for (iuorgo town. P. C. Schr S. R. Thomas, Arnold, hence for Boston, at town tith inst. Schrs Wnr Steed, Niokerson, from Boston for Philudol- Iihin, and Helen .Mar, Ward, hence for Providence, passod loll Cute Hth inst. Schrs Anna Barton, Frink, and Northorn Light, Irelund, bence, at Bultimore 8tb inst. NOTICK TtJMARINF.RS. Silas Dnggott, branch pilot, of Holmes' Hole, Mass., has, nt a considei ubln nxense, erected a Itglithouso on the Fnst (y'hop of Holmes' Hole harbor, to he known asttie 'CoastiTs' Light." Tho height of the lantern above tin level of the sea is about sixty feet, from which a fixed rod light will be exhibited cm and alter June 5. Captnins, owners, and underwriters of vessels cannot fail to appre ciate the convenience of this light, aud should theroiore be willing to contribute to its support. WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETO. VtYlS LAD0HUS & CO, & .TEWELKlIs3 ll,F.a WAItF. ijf iT EEPAIREDy 'DIAMOND DEALERS WATCH KS, JRURI.KV till WATCHES and JEWELRY JLP2 Chestnut St., Phila Ladies' and Gents' 7atches, AJMEItlCAN AND IMPORTED, OI the most celebrated makers. FINE VEST CHAINS AND LEONTINE3, In 14 and 13 karat. DIAMOND an other Jewelry of the latest designs. Engagement and Wedding Kings, lu lS-karat aud coin. Sold Silver-Ware for Bridal Presents, Table Cntr lery, Plated Waru, etc 3 278 ESTABLISHED 1828. WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVEKWAKE, and FANCY GOODS. NO. 22 N. PIXTn STKKET, PITILVpULPiriA. WILLIAM 15. WAHN15 & CO., IIOII'HUU' llcattTH in WATCH KH AND JK W KLKY, SHVENT1I ami ClIKSNUT Slra, id Moor, and late of No. 3,- S. THIItl) si.. S. E. cornor 3 ii 1 St-cdll BLANK BOOKS. BLANK BOOKS. The Largest Stock and Greatest Variety OP FULL A2MD IIALr-SOajriD BLANK HOOKS, ME.MOItANDTJM, TASS, COFY-BOOKS, ETC. ETC., To be found In tills city, is at tlie OLD ESTABLISHED Blank Book Manufactory OF JAS. B. SMITH & CO., No. 27 South SEVENTH St., 8 is thstuSm PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE AND SALESROOM, FIRST FLOOR ; WAKE- --KOOMS, Vr OTA I KM. SOFA BED. TTOVEK'S PATENT COMBINATION SOFA BED Is decidedly the beet Sofa Bed ever Invented. It can be extended from a Sofa Into a hanilsome French Bedstead, with hair spring mattress, In ten seconds of time. It reaulres no unscrewing or detaching, has no separation between back and seat, no cords to break, and no hinged foot attached to tho top of the back te support It when down, which Is unsafe and liable to get out of repair. It has the conveniences of a bnreau for holding clothing, Is easily managed aud It Is Impossible for It to get out oi oruer. Friou about the same as an ordinary sofa. II. F. HOVER, OWOTIt AND SOLE MANUFACTURER, lMtuthsGm No 0 South SECOND Street. DYEINQ AND PRINTING. I STABLIS1IED 1819 The New York Dyeing and Printing Establishment, STAT li N 1 HI. AND, No. 40 North EIGHTH Street (West Side), Philadel- phla; No. 8 DUANE Street, and 1M ajuoaliwax, New York. This old and well-known Company are prepared, as usual, with the highest degree of skill and the most nnnroved machinery. TO DYE. CLEANSE, and FINISH every variety of LADIES' aud GENTLE MEN'S GARMENTS, and PIECE GOODS, la their usual superior manner. GARMENTS CLEANSED WnOLK T3 11 thstu NOTE Thin Is our only office lu Philadelphia. REFRICERATORS. 1?EF11I(.E11AT0KH k WATEK COOLERS 1 1' liuiahed in the beat manner, aud lower than elsewhere J. W. WKY.HKIl, No. 63 N. SIXTH Street. OLD ONES REPAIR KD. t6 l.u BOARDING. T NO. 1131 G I HARD STREET MAY BE L obtained furnished and unfurniauM rooms for lod(, lioara aiao, it aaairna. s I tr I Oil A Eli MEAQHEll & CO, Ko. 828 Boutn SIXTEENTH Street, Wholesale and Retail Dealers la PROVISIONS. O bTERS, AND SAND CLAMS, FOR. FAMILY USB TERRA OOTTA WORKS. G LOIXTSTER TERKl C0TTA AVOltKS DIXEY & CO. STORE AND OFFICE NO. m NORTH SIXTH STREET, ABOTB AKCn, rillLADEl.PHIA, MANUFACTURERS OF DOUBLE GLAZED VITRIFIED DRAIN I'U'ES, With Branches, Bunds, Sleeves, T&ipn, etc. DRAINING TILE, TAVEMKNT TILK, rLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL CHIMNEY TOPS, 110T-AIR FLUES, Hon'ERS, GARDEN VASES, STATUARY, ETC. OWNERS, BUILDERS AND CONTK.CT01t!! Will consult their Interests by giving us a call. Having a largo supply of all kinds cunstautly hand, ami delivered at the shortest notice. Respectfully soliciting your orders, we aro, yonr 6 3tf DIXEY A CO. GOVERNMENT SALES. J ALE OF UNITED STATES VESSELS. Navy Department, ) BCUPAf OP CONSTIIt l'TION AMI RKPAIR, Washington, D. C, June it, lo'.. ) The Navy Department will oiler for sale, at Public Auction, at the United States Navy Yard, Washing ton, 1). C, on the l'.uh day of June, nt 12 o'clock M., tilt; Iron side-wheel Steamer SlIA.MulilN, of 1030 tons, old measurement. At the United States Navy Yard, Philadelphia, on the 121st tiny of June, at 12 o'clock M., the Iron slile whecl Steamer HORNET, of 820 tons, old measure ment. The vepsels and their Inventories enn bo examined at any time, on application to tho Commandants of the respective Navy Yards. The whole amount of the purchase money must be deposited at the time of adju dication, and the vessels must be 'removed from the navy yards within two weeks from tho day of sale. The Government reserves the right to withdraw the vessels from sale for any purchaser who will pay the appraised value with an increase of ten (10) per centum thereto. 6 athstufit ICE CREAM AND WATER ICE. j-" HErJ EAPOLI 'TAN ICE CltEAM AND AVATEIt ICES. THE PUREST AND BF.ST IN THE WORLD. This celebrated Brick Ice Cream and Water fee can be carried in a paiier til any part of the city, aa you oiihl niinilv. l-'ilt,','ti (,r twenty tilfu-rint kintpnf tht'Mi urn kim constiintlyouhiind.anil ( ) X K IIUXDKKD IXKl'KKKN T I' 1,A tJlir, on io inano to orur for i rioso wno ui'ire ti hnvn nm, .thine npviT bt'tore ie,n in the Unitnti Ktat.Aa. an'! .iiimriortn any b'O Cream tnnde in Knrnpe. Principal Depot no. I ivi,sii Mnt, Branch Store No. luiu aPKIN'C GAKUK.V Street, tli F. J. ALLK'iHKl'TI. COAL. OIL, ETC., ETO. yiLLIAM BALDWIN & CO., Manufacturers and Dealers in Ceal Oil, ' Vinecar, Beozine, ALCOHOL, TURPENTINE. LUBRICATING, WHALE, LARD, aud OTHER OILS No. 129 ARCH Street and Nos. 1440 and 1442 WALNOCK Stre et rHit,AiKt.pniA. 61m LUMBER. "ST'KilK.IorsT. BPUt'CK JOIST. II KM LOCK. 1IKMI.OCK. 1801) 1801) tOl'O SEASON EI) LLKAIi I INK. IOjn 10U) SK ASONKD CI.K Vit I'l.N'K. lOO. IIIIIIICI': IWTI'KKM I'l.VK. SPANISH CKDAIt. ft HI PATl'HRNS. H KIK'fllAIi. 18G9 FLORIDA FLOORING. i i.okiiiv f Looi.vt;. caudi.iva 1 1, innt i. vi ;. V IRC INI A ! I.OOUIN'U. Df.LA W A It f. 1 l. IKLVti. ASH fl.OOKIN'ti. WALNUT I'l,t)t)i;i.V(l. FLORIDA STf l HOAKDS. RAIL PLANK. 18159 1 UiO W ALNUT I4DS. AND f LANK.. 1 Q?f JOUJ WALNUT HDS. AND PLANK. lOUj WALNUT HOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. 18G9 L N DF.KTAK KKS LUMUF.i:. Ot'i UNDKRTA K I'RS' lOUtJ RKD CEDAR. WALNUT A5,'D PIVK. 1809 SF.ASONF.l) I'Ol'LAU. SKAKONKD (;1IKKUY. 1809 AStl. WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS HICKORY. 1 Gf'O C ICS All liOX MAKERS' lOVM CICAK HOX MA KICKS' SPANISH Cf.DAK HOX BOARDS, FOR SALE LOW. 1809 1 GftO CAROLINA SCANTLING. 1 Qf'O JOUJ CAROLINA II. T. SILLS. lOUiI NORWAY SCANTLING. 1809 CEDAIl SHINGLES. CYPRESS SHINOL1CS. 1809 A1AULE. HKOI HKH CO., No. 2W0 SOUTH Street. 115 CSLER & BROTHER'S U. S. BUILDERS' MILL, Nos. 24, 26 and 28 S. FIFTEENTH St, We offer this season to the trade a larger and more anperior stock of Wood Mouldings, Brackets, Balusters, Newell Posts, Etc. The stock is made from a oarofnl selection of Michigan Lumber, from the mills direct, and we Invite builders and contracture toeiamine it before purchasing elsewhere. Turning and ticroll Work in all ita varieties. 56 2m T U MB Ell UN D Ell COVER ALWAYS DRY. WATSON 3!9 & CILLirJCHAM No. 924 KICHMOND Street. PANEL PLANK, ALL TIHCKXESSES. -a. 1 COMMON PLANK, A LI. TH IOKNKSSKS. 1 Cf'MMOX HOARDS, land a SIDE I fNCIC HOARDS. WHITE PINE FLOOR! NO HOARDS YELLOW AND SAP PINE H.OOUINGS, IV and 4.'i. bPHCCE JOIST, ALL SIZES. HEMLOCK .IOIST, ALL SIZES. PLASTEK1NW LAT H A hPEI'IALTY. ToBothor with a irenural assortment ot Huililiuir Lumhor, ior i,io iow ior vasu. -j . w . MiAI.IZ 3iuotu FItTKENTH and STILES htreots. TJODGERS'AND WOSTENIIOLM'8 POCKET IlKNlVKS Pll .nH Kt ll,ll... nf 1ia Ui orn:wriK. u?rvi v Rivrr, '"u"a the eelelirated LKOOLTKK KAZOH SOiSbORa of Kaiora, knives, Soiasors, and Table Cutlery Oronnd and PoliaiMHt, at P. MADEIRA'S, No. 1 13 8. TENTH htreoC TARAFNTTSH WVITH V IMdTQITXf U-MT Til AT U science and akill have invented tt uant t he hearina In everv flornA of .. f , .,. . .u, i , - . . ! i .run- dail's Patent Crutches, superior to any others in use, at P. l,atP. Wow y., lid .a, mnju diw. A LEXANDER G. CATTELL CO. FRODUCK COM MISSION MKH'"""1 tiUHin AORIOULTURAL. PI1TT itiELPniA RASPBERRY, JUCUN- FIIILADEL) 111 KtrawberVr: IjlwtOB Tl A A .'riuuiiu,,v, , . . ".. 1 . r.l. Couoord.snd other Orapa I Vines. OIJM LialailDO, N. J. AMUSEMENTS. . TONIOHT, AMARftiSSSYBiATiiTEM8 week JJJO. Last MISS K U H A N J i A L T i,sy-Mr. and Mrs. WIHKK Ji' q ni,,, r-Farewell M... J,5 pKKir XT. ne day- - .-jnuoaB UALTOM. WAJ.NUT8T.TIIEATUR. BEGINS AT R" rOMTIVKLY LAST WKKK worhl-rpnownrd CuTnilinn. HI LICL LIU I L." L'Lr"Tl nrt of the who will appear aa UID Vi W WIVITf IF n Ii 'H Ilowoicauir rrmt Oranin of KIP VAN I S K T-R t rT7 TltV ui Wit tw 'i' xr L" r vkr vtf i no BATUKUAY AKT KU.VOON, AT 2 O'CLOCK. KIP VAN WliN'KLK. ' M K8. JOHN DKEW'8 AKC1I STREET THEATRE. Beitnsat Xn'chv. II LACK AND WHITK. MONDAY, AND EVERY EVENING, H'hterand Wilkin Collins' irr,nt plnv, HLACK AND WHITK. ith Every Scene Now, New Machinery, Now Minic, .... . And a Poworful Cast, tnt lndintt Mrs. JOHN DREW. Rcata secured six days in advance. VOX'S AMERICAN THEATRE, A WALNTT Streot, above Eiphth. THE I.IIK.VI' DE LAVE SISTERS, Full SIX NKillTH UNLY. LAST WEh K OK J OK KM.MKTT. T1EAT SH ( ESS tif TDK DAS1IWUOM HISTRRV fALERS (LATE MILLER'S") WINTER .,ni-ri ,i. , . 1 i 1 . ant, , jt, n.xitsinwt. THE (ill A MXlHt'lll SI UIOM rrmnrl th. liAKDKN N of tho (illAMi HI KE Of HA DEN, purchased at greatj eI,rn-e hy.l ACUH V A If It, of thin oil v. in combination with I LA.MI H'SOLMMIESI'HA and tlii NELLIE AN. Li . Z,-;. ' )"""" r.rtti Al- IT.K.1INJN and rr.NINtr at tho ahove-nientioneil tilitf.n ArlmiMior fff'- 1 13tf POINT BREEZE PARK. p O I : T II B6 li II I. II I A It I. ItlAXClI FOR oo. SATURDAY, JUNK 12. Good Day anil Track. lk'St three In five to wagons,' John Turner enters steel roan JERSEY BOY. R. Malone enters bay horse MIKE. Admission, fl. 6 9 3t PHOTOGRAPHS. WENDEROTH, iff?. ' ipavt nn TT-raTic OLD ESTABLISHED . lliotog;rniliIc 1'ortrnit allery, Furnished with every convenience and facilit for nro. (lucins; the hest work. A new private paaaugo from the) lathes Dressing-room to tnooporatmn ICniiu. All the rennottienls ot I'UotOKrapny, sue 11 as IYORYTY PES, AUALATUKr.a Uit rUKUhWH, OPALOTTPES. The NEW CRAYONS oriRinntod with this establishment. WENDEROTH, TAYLOR & BROWN, 5 12 wfm 26t No. P14 CHESNUT 8treet. WIREWORK. W I R E FENCING, For Farms, Gardens, Lavas, Etc. ALSO, VJESX-ZH E23TAL WU13, FOR CLOTHES LINES. G. DE WITT, BROTHER & CO., No. G33 MARKET STREET, o19wfnilm PHILADELPHIA. -yy I 11 E G U A 11 d s" FOR STORE FRONTS, ASYLUMS, FAG TORIES, ETO. Patont Wire Railing, Iron Bedsteads, OrnaracntftV, Wire Work, Pdper-tuakers' Wires, and every varletj of Wire Werk, mauufactnred by M. WALKER h 80NS, S 8'mwv Na 11 N. SIXTII Street II E PRINCIPAL DEPOT FOR THE BALK OP REVENUE STAMPS," NO. 804 CIIESNTJT STREET. CENTRAL OFFICES, No. 108 S. FIFTO STREET,' (Two doors below Chesnut street), AND NO. 432 WALNUT STREET, (Penn Bunding) ESTABLISHED 1863. The salo of Revenne Stomps Is still continued &C the Old-Established Agency. The Rtock: comprises every denomination printed by the Government, and having at all times a large supply, we are enabled to fill anil forward (by Mail or Express), all orders Immediately upon receipt, a matter of great Importance. United States Notes, National Bank Notes, Drafts on Philadelphia, and Post Office Orders reoeived la payment. Any Information regarding the decisions or tha Commissioner of Internal Revenue cheerfully and gratuitously furnished. Revenue Stamps printed upon Drafts, Checks, ReW ccipts, etc. The following rates of commission are allowed on Stamps aud Stamped Paper : On f 25 and upwards 100 " "800 " Address all orders, etc., to ..2 per cent, ..8 STAMP AGENCY, No. 804 CHJ.SNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. UNITED STATES POSTAGE STAMPS Of alt kinds: BU-1 fiTAiLTEJ? raYELCTEJ, SonjjtftBU, oaj IlftAd,