THE DAILF' EVENING TELEGRAPH PlIlLADELPlilA. FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 18C9. MUSICAL AItl lUtABlATIC. "II Ttnrblr-re tl NTiarlla. The llgrht, "parkllng, and florid music of Rossini', opera of IlBarbirrt fi Striglia will always make it a favorite, and, U even moderately well performed, It la mire of beinjr received with applause, A rery Rood-nlzed audience was In attendance at the Aca deray of Music last erenlnj?, on the occasion of Miss Kellogg's last appearance, and the prima donna was greeted with the usual number Of floral tributes and other evidences of popular favor. The performance was tolerably flood, but certainly not flrst-rato. Mlsi KellOKjr sang In the rote of "Kosina" with taste, elegance, and fine expression, but she was unsympathetic, and ap peared to think that any display of dramatic ability was entirely, unnecessary. In the singing lesson scene a waltz, written by Plgnor Ardltt for Miss Kellogg, was Introduced and was encored. Hlgnrcr Iteina performed creditably the part of "Klgaro," but he was by no means equal to many other singer who have attempted It. Slgnor Boetti appeared as "Count Almaviva;" Slgnor Snslnl as "Dr. Bartolo:'' and Signer Barlll as "Don BaslHo." The City AmunrmcnM, AT TUB CnKSNVT the burlesque of LnnrcUn flora) will he performed this evening for the farewell bene fit of Miss Klise Holt. Mr. Craig will assist on the occasion by appearing in the farce of Lore made bit Mimicry, and giving Imitations of prominent actors; and Messrs. Donaldson and Gilbert will make a velocipede ascension from the stage to the gallery on a tight rope. There will be a matinee to-morrow, and the last performance will take place to-morrow evening. At Tim Arch Mr. Collins will have a farewell benefit this evening, whi.h will conclude his engage ment. The comedy of The IrUh Ainbaador and The Krrvou Man, and Mr. Craig's burlesque of he Oladialevr, will lie given. We hope that Mr. Collins will have a full house. To-morrow evening the drama of The Marble Heart will be performed by the stock company, including Mrs. Drew, and assisted by Mr. Charles Vvalcot. On Monday the new drama by Wllkie Collins and Charles Fecutcr, entitled lilack ami White, will be pro duced. At nut Walnut Mr. Joseph Jefferson will appear this evening in his great nMe of "Hip Van Winkle." AT THR Thratkk ComiquR Florette The Cricket will be performed this evening. A matinee to-morrow. Miss Susan Ualton will conclude her engage ment next week. At thr American a grand matinee performance will be given to-morrow, when all the popular artists of the establishment will appear. A Pkivatr Classical Soikkr by Carl Gaertner's Tocal and Instrumental Society will be given at the Seventeenth Street Drawing Koom, between Chesnut and Market, to-morrow evening. Tickets can be procured at Mr. Gaertner's olllue, S. K. corner of Tenth and Walnut streets. Mr. John 8. Clark k Is now plavlng a very suc cessful engagement at the Strand Theatre, London, where he has established himself as a favorite with a public not over-eager to recognize dramatic talent that comes from this side of the Atlantic. Mr. Clarke's "Mayor Wellington de Boots" made a great hit, and he played the part to crowded houses for a number of months without Interruption. Ho has been equally succesnful in a new piece, entitled Fox vk. ironne, by Mr. John D. Stockton, of this city, which has recently been produced. Mr. Clarke's acting is warmly praised by all the London critics, and the piece is described as a lively and laughable farce of more than usual merit. We are glad to record this success, In the uncongenial atmosphere of London, of two Philadelphlans. CITY ITEMS. Custom Department with choir atnortmmt of Iceted atyle of Piece Good, to be mailt up to oriler by competent and experienced Cutters and Workmen into Men', Youth', Boy' and Children! garment of every elyle. Half wat between ) Bknnett A Co., Fifth and tower Hai.l, Sixth etreet.) No. 618 MARKET ST., Philaufxphia, and No. 600 Broadway, New Yoiik. Singer's Sewtno Machines On easiest terms, by O. F. Davm. Wo. 810 Oheanat street. Hecker'S Farina forms a very agreeable light nutritive food, a superior article for paddings and jellies, and is highly reoommended by physicians for invalids and chil dren. Sold by all grocers. Jewelry, Mr. William W. Cassidy, No. 13 South Second street, ha the largest and most attractive assortment of fine Jewelry and Silverware in the city. Purchasers can rely npon obtaining a real, pure article tarnished at a price which cannot be equalled. He also has a large stock of American Western Watches in all varieties and at all prices. A visit to his store ia sure to result in pleasure and profit. Assist Dioestion. The "Standard Wine Bitters," which acts upon the Liver and Kidneys, being sudoritic, diuretic and mildly stimulating, cannot fail of being beneBcial to those who are laboring under physical de rangements. The base of his Bitters is his far-famed and pare Wine, with Peruvian Bark, Wild Cherry Bark, Chamomile Flowers, Snake Root, and such other herbs and roots as will assist digestion. Sold by Druggists. Use Speeb's "Standard Wine Bitters." The char acter of Speer's "Standard Wine Bitters" is such that all may nse It to maintain the stamina of their system, or to invigorate it when they become debilitated, being mildly stimulating, diuretio, sudorific, and tonic ; beneficial in affections of the kidneys snd ehronio diseases with general debidty. Give them a trial and they will recommend themselves. Sold by Druggists. Boardman's Second Anntjai. Exctfrsion will leave Vine street wharf on Saturday, June So, 159, at 3'3'J P. M., and returns again on Monday morning at 7 A. M. It will be the first Kzonrsion of the season. Everybody know Alexander Boardman, and everybody patronizes him. To the thousands who sreftired of business and need forty-eight hours' invigoration by the sounding sea, we say, "Here is yoar chance." The excursionists will enjoy an elegant and recherche hop on the evening of their arrival at the well and widely known hotel of Captain Hinkle (Congress Hall). Tuesday, placed in their vault one of Marvin & Co.' chased from their agent, Mr. Hervy Herman, formerly of this place. The safe was sold to the Bank subject to such t est as the Directors saw fit to put it to. They invited machinists and others to try their hands at safe breaking and boring. The Bank employed Major Epley, one of the best machinists in this section of the country, to "drill the safe if potitile." The Major, with the assistance of his son, spent several hours in preparing his drills and tools, and having secured a strong leverage, went to work, and after entirely using up bis drills, and hardly making an impression on the safe, gave his opinion that drilling through, inside of two weeks, was out of the question. The safe was then attacked with heavy sledge. Messrs. Small, Billmeyer A Co. were called upon for three of their best Blackmith Striker; who were furnished with heavy sledges. After placing the safe in the middle of the side walk, where they commenced whacking away in regular forpe style, dealing blows that were heard for squares, but with no effect on the safe. It maybe imagined with what strength they dealt their blows, when they were sufficient to orack the tledge and render it useless. The trial created quite an excitement, and all were satisfied that a Bur. glar-ISoof Snfe bad at last been found. 1'ort Democratic Pre. Science Advances. A soon as an article purporting to be of utility has been tested, and its merits endorsed by public opinion, unprincipled parties endeavor to replenish their depleted purses by counterfeiting, and substituting a spurious for the genuine article. Some time since, mer cury, ta the disguise of pills, powders, etc.. was given for -II rfiua of the atomach and liver, while quinine was freely administered for the chill. At length Hostet TER's Stomach Bittkbs made its advent, and an entire new system of healing was inaugurated. The boneticial ..... nf this valuable preparation were at onee acknow ledged, and mineral poisons suffered to sink Into that ob- .-t in which an enlightened age na consigned: toem. .wvw.-r rru k-.a haan many spurious Bitters palmed upon the 1 u... - - community, whioh, after trial, have been found perfectly worthless, while Hostetteb's has proved a blessing to .1 a. .hi mi to it their restoration to health : and UiU V.-M.UV- , for many year we have watched the teady progress of Hostetteb's 8tiach Bitters in puuno estimation, ana ... i a as a cure for all complaints arising 1 1 lytJiw - from the stomach of a morbid nature, and we are free to .... twitaan ha relied upon as a certain relief and remedy. Its proprietor have made the above preparation, .... ... r naraful study and sitting, and are now reap i. .... ,.rA claimed by this valuable specific, and which they so richly merit. It i the only preparation of the kind that is reliable in all eases, and it therefore demands the attention of the aiUicttxt JUDOIrtt FM THE OREAT DEMAND FOR OTTH fine cv8tomxr-mak oloto.ino, The Peopij( have become convinced that aot only Thr Letter Carrier could have saved .von had they ptirrhtued thrtr uniform, at th hnwe, but the dif ference in our prices, compared teith thote of other hvuet in this city, is at leant jft-VflO In favor of Stokfs, No. RS4 Chmiaut street. Card from Wanamaikr a Ubown. bow trk facts tbil. HEAD, A Alt filKAK OF 17. COMJf, KEH, AMI HK CONVIXCBn. I V THE DEMASD hoe nprcr been en fireat fur our eftUs of .IfW and Roy' Clothing, nn thai FlYTY men are kept buv nutintf -etmie from Ire in the mommy until nine nt night, wah a VAKEn nnowy, THE IAKUEST Ct.OTHISa HOL'.SE, OA K HALL, S.E. COHSEH OF SIXTH AfiD UAHKET STREETS. IV OKK THOUSAND HA nSart cnnttantlu occupied in fitting up our etnek. Thie give our cutlnmer FHESH (JOODSerery day, WAKAKAKF.H & BKOWN, OAK HALL, THE T.A ItflEST Cl.OTHiya HOf'SK, S.E. CORKER OF SIXTH A Kit MARKET STREKTS. tW MILLS, HAVE BEES R VSKINQ FOR WEFK.9, epecinlly on good for our eatee. Tnie ie the iray tee get choice and durable thing for-emr cuntomcr, WA KA MAKER if HHO WK, THE rOVC LA R CLOTH ISO HOUSE, OAK HAI.L, THE CORKER OF SIXTH A KD MARKET STREETS. If JCNORMOUS SALES cauee u to make Fnnrmatf J'urchaMee. and thie give u great ttd. vantage in bufing, and ire can ajfvrd to eell eery tote. WAXAMAKFH tt BltOWK, THE CHE A VEST CLOTHIKtt HOUSE, OAK HAI.L, THE CORKER OF SIXTH AK1 MARKET STREETS. tV MODERATE PRICES for erenthlng I our US AL TERABLE RULE, not hmemnch tern can get, but hole CHE A I' ue can ecll the article. WAKAMAKER f BROWK, OA K HA LI., THE CHEA PEST CLOTHISG HOUSE, THE CORKER OF SIXTH AKO MARKET STREETS. tV OUR Sl'RIKQ STOCK, though our eale hare been very large, in etill eery COMPLETE. WASAMAKEH f BROWS, THE LARGEST CI.OTHI SO HOUSE, OAK HAI.L, THE CORKER OF SIXTH A KD MARKET STREETS. XT OUR BOYS' AKO YOUTHS' STOCK i vanderfulh veil atnorted, and i kept on the FlRSl FLOOR. WANAMAKER dt BROWS, THE FOVULAR CLOTHING HOUSE, UAIi HALL, THE CORKER OF SIXTH A KD MARKET STREETS. tV ALL OUR PRICES are loiter by 25 per cent, than the same gootl ar ohl elietrhere. WA KA MA KER fr HHO WS, THE LARGEST CI. O THING HO USE, OAK HALL, tHES. E. COR. OT SIXTH ASIt MARKET STHEETS. ItlAltRIGD. PATTISON KR AM F.R. On Wednesday, June 2. at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Thomas Murphy, of Frankforrt. WILUAM T. PATl'IHOX to KDITH A., damrhter of F. Kramer, Ksq., both of Iloliuos burg, Twenty-third ward, Philadelphia. No cards. PLUMB CAM P. On Wednesday evening, June 2, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Peter Strv ker, D. D., assisted by rtov. Edward if awes, Mr. CHARLKS K. PLUMB to Miss KMM A I,, daughter of William K. Camp, Ksq., all of Philadelphia. HODNKY REEVES. .June 8. lflfifl, at. Immanuel Church, New Castle, Del., by the Rev. John Rodney, luHN HENRVKOUNhr to ANNIE DORSES', daugh ter of the late ( aptam J. S. K. Ruuvos, U. S. A., both of New Castle, Del. TRAINER FOUG'HE. On the 31 tn-tant, by the Rov. .Toienh D. Newlin. HENRY C. TRAIN KR to LIZZIE S. iOUCHE, both of this city. (Delaware county papers please copy.) 1UI. ABBOTT. On the 1st instant, after a lingering illness, JAMES G. ABBOTT, aged 63 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 1(Ki8 N. Sixth street, on Saturday afternoon, June 6, at 3 o'olock. To proceed to Laurel Hill. BUB K.-On the 3d instant. ARTHUR MORTON, only son of W illiam K. and Caroline K. Burk, in the 8th year of bis sge. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to at tend the funeral, from the residence of his parents, S. W. onrner of Nineteenth and Cherry streets, on Saturday, at 4 o'clock P. M. Interment at Laurel Hill. CURRY. On the 2d instant. JOHN fUTRRV. in t.ha 76th year of his age. I ne relatives ana friends of t ne family are respeotfully invited to attend his funeral, from the resilience of his son, Benjamin C. Curry, on Allen's lane, Mt. Airy, on Sun. aay arternoon at 1 o uioca. lo proceed to fliaruet square Church. GRAY. On the morning of the 3d Instant, after a lin. goring illness, CLARA V., daughter of Eli.abeth and Wil liam IL Gray, in the ltitb year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her grandfather, William Aull, N. E. corner of Twentieth and Shippen streets, on Sunday afternoon, June 6, at 3 o'clock. To pro ceed to Philanthropic Cemetery. STIVERS. On the 1st instant. ANN. relict of the late Gideon V. Stivers, in the 7th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from her late residence, No. lull Green street, on Saturday, the 5th instant, at 10 o'olock. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery, Camden, IS. J. INSURANCE. no MAX? Is Fully Prepared to Insure until he has considered The Rates and Flans OF TBS AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA, rOTJETH AND WALNUT STREETS, 10 PHILADELPHIA. One-Price Clothing House, No. 004 aJJLlICISX Sti-eet. Our Garments are well made. Our Cutters are men of talent. BUT ONE PRICE IS ASKED. Satisfaction Guaranteed Every Purchaser. GEO. W. NIEMANN, Proprietor, 8 IT wfmtf No. 604 MARKET St., above Sixth, PIANOS, ETO. BRADBUKY'a PlANOiSaONIS A'f 'White House. Seven Firnt Preminmn Alan. Taylor ft Farley's Organs. WILLIAM O. liSUUKR, No. tail) A KCU Hueet. 4 la 2m -53 C 11 I O K E R I"NG Iffif n Grand Square and Upright PIANOS. DITTTON'R. 11 8tf No. 914 CHKKNUT btreet tzZIiA ALKKECHT. ifVln B1KKK8 A SCHMIDT.' M AJi I rACi IT1IK KH fir FIRST-CLASS PIANO FORTKSw Full guarantee and moderate prices. 9ii WAKKKOOMK, No. 10 AROH Rtreet -tTi'i Belli LtlACh it CO.'S erZ3a TTF-FH PHILADKLPHIA (IRANI), tZffl SQU ARK, AND UPKIOHT PIANOS are universally acknowledged to be the lt instruments made, and have been awarded the hiijhett premium at all the principal Kihibitions ever held in the country. Our extensive fuuilities lor manufacturing enable us to otter great inducement. Call at our beautiful warorooins, No.' Chesnut street, snd examine our extensive stock of Superior iiueuoi I'tow. y THK liURDKTT ORGAN. p. R.'We have secured the agency fur the sale of the Celebrated Burilnt thgau. It has no rival. The superiority of these instruments overall others is so great that we challenn contradiction. Call aud examine them before purchasing elsewhere. .... . , . .,,. The Grand Piano selected by Mrs. Lincoln for the White House eight years ago is now at our warerooins on exhibi tion, where it will be shown to any one having a desire to see this hi'tortc relic. . N B New snd secondhand Pianos to rent. Tuning snd moving promptly attended to. Send for Descriptive 'J Sl'liOM ACK KR PIANO MANUFACTURING CO., (j HI 1UU Cuenuut.tueet DRY QOOD3. Old front building to be torn dowa. New one erected In July and August. Selling goods cheap to collapse the stock. We invite you to call now while It ta fresh. During the work, will operate m the rer. COOPER & C0NARD, 8. E. COlt. NINTH AND 1YIAKKKT STS. ITfsoa PHII.ADKIPHIA. N JOHN V. THOMAS, 405 and 407 N. SECOND St., lias just received a Magnificent Assortment of LABIA AX7D INDS LACES, IN POINTS, ranging from 10 to lioo. ROTUNDS, ranging from $28 to rs. PALETOTS, ranging from $15 to 20. CORSAGES, ranging from $10 to $i ZOUAVE JACKETS, ranging from $10 to $2. 8 27 3mrp SACQUES, ranging from $20 to $.'0. 1869. "AT THORN LEY'S," DEMONSTRATION EXTRAORDINARY! ATTRACTION UNPARALLELED! PRICES PRESSED DOWN TO THE LOWEST POINT! We offer for the neit thirty days s STOCK OF DRY C.OODSl THK MOST VAKIKD, THR MOST COM PLKTK, THK MOST KXTKNSI VK, AND THK CHKAP EST it baa ever been our privilege to exhibit iu this com munity ; consisting in part of ULiAfsK SILKN, FROM l50 to Japanese Silks and Pongee Poplins, eto. Mottled Mohair Dress roods. llernanies. Organdies, Planes, Lawns. Ijunu Lace ana French Luce Shawls. Shetland Shawls, Thibet Shawls, Travelling Shawls, eto. Delaines, Calicoes, t.initliams, Tickings, eto. etc. Parasols, Sun Umbrellas, Cnrseta, Skirts, etc. etc. IHEN'M AM) HOYS' WE A It. Linen Drills, Ducks, Checks, Stripes, eto. Cassimeres, ClothB, Blouse Linens, Plaid Shirtings, eta. Housekeeping Linen Goods in evory variety. Muslins in all widths. Dress Linings, and Handkerchiefs. a general siocK 01 nmte i.oous, guilts, etc. etc. At JOSEPH II. THORNLEY'S, N. K. COR. EIGHTH AND SPRING GARDEN 8 1- PHILADELPHIA. JNDIA SHAWLS AND SCARFS. GEORGE FZiirsn, No. 916 CHESNUT Street, Invites attention to his elegant stock of INDIA SHAWLS AND SCARFS, BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, JAPANESE SILKS, MATERIALS FOR SUITS, DRESS and FANCY GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY, Purchased on the most advantageous terms for cohIi, and will be sold as cheap as at any store In the city. 3 Tim N. D. India Shawls alterdd, repaired, and cleaned. PARASOLS. PARASOLS ALL THE NEWEST London and Paris styles, whioh for novelty, va riety, and elegance are unequalled. A large as sortment of Lace Covers. Sea Side and Hun Urn. at the lowest Drioee. at H. DIXON'S fc'anuv Gnnria Store, Na 21 8. KIOHTH Street. 4 10 3m QHAMPION SAFES. UNSUCCESSFUL BU11GLAKY. LETTER OF MESSRS. DAVTD DOWS 4 CO. Nbw York, April w, 1S6. Eerbiko, Farkel 4 Sherman, No. 261 Broadway. Gent: On the night of the 22d ultimo, oar store, No. 20 South street, was entered, and a desperate at tempt made by burglars upon one of your safes In our conntlng-room. The key to the safe n which we kept our securities was locked Inside of our fire-proof book safe, the doors of which were literally cnt to pieces ; from this they obtained the key to the other safe and opened it. Fortunately we had one of your Burglar-Proof Banker's Chests Inside, In which our valuables were deposited. This they went to work at with a will, and evidently used np all their time and tools In vain attempts to force it. The night was dark and stormy, and the fact of their knowing where our key was kept shows that their plans were well matured. They tried wedging tho door and body of the Chest, ami the faithful safe bears evidence of the labor and skill devoted to the work. All was useless, and It Is with great satisfaction we report that upon opening It we found our securities ali sae, and can therefore cheer fully Indorse the Burglar-Proof work recommended by you. You will please send the new safe purchased by us to our counting-house, and take the old one, to show that some safes are still manufactured woithy of the name. David Dow a i Co. FARREL, HERRING & CO., CHAiaPION SAFES, NO. 629 CHESNUT STltEKT, IT 4ptf PHILADELPHIA. OARPETINQS. 1000 Pieces Brussels, 2000 Pieces Fancy Matting, JUST RECEIVED PER STEAMER. E. H. GODSHALK & CO., NO. 723 CHESNUT STREET, 8 19 fmwSmrp PHILADELPHIA. HATS AND OAPS. n" WARBURT0N'8IMPR6VEDVNTI lated and easy fitting Drew HaU (patented), in all the improved fashion of tut season UUsasMUT btreet, neat brellaa SUMMER RESORTS. SUMMER RESORTS on mi mm it or PHILADELPHIA AND HEADING RAIL ROAD AND BRANCHES. MAKHIOK HOUSE. MOUKT CARBON, Mrs. Caroline Wunder, PotUville P. O., Bohuf lkill county. TVHCARORA HOTEL Mrs. M. L. Miller. Tusoarora P. O., BohujlkiU oountj. MAhSTOK HOUSE, W. F. Smith, Mahsnov Oitj P. (., ScUnrlklll oount MOUNT CAN MEL HOUSE, Charles Oolp, Mount Oarniel P , NoriouBrlterland c. WHITE HOUSE, K. A. Mow, Reading P. O ANhALUHIA, Henry Weaver, Roadine P O. LIVIKO SPRINGS HOTEL, Dr. A. Smith, Wernereville P. ( , nHrtin r-ranlr COLD SPRINGS HOTEL. LRHAKOK COUNTr, William I.ercU, Pine drove P. O., Schuylkill ooualf YFRTO WN SEMIS A R Y. V. B Htatitfer, Iiojertowa P. O , Rorks count r. LITI. SPRING, George I'. Oreider, Lit i P. O , oonnl KPHRATA SPRINGS. John Fredarirk, Fphrata P. O., Lancaster oonnif PERKIOMEN BRIDGE HOTEL, Dans Longaker, Freeland P. O., MontRomnrf oonn'r PROSPECT TERRACE, Dr. Jama Palmer, Freeland P. O., Montgomery oonnfx SPRING MILL HEIGHTS. Jacob H. Rreish, Conahohookeo P. O., Montgomery oo. UOUTY HOUSE, Theodora Howell, Hhamokin. Northnmherland Co 6 4 'Jtnro OCEAN HOUSE. CAFE MAY, NEW JERSEY. Mat5, 15. This well-known and favorife Houso having benn thoroughly rnnovafied and improved, will be re-opened by the undersigned, as a first-class Family Hotel, on the twenty-fourth of June net. The OCKAN HOUSK is Bituated within fifty yards of the bench. It offers superior advantages to Families on acoount of quiot and the high character of its guesta; and it will be kept strictly home like in every respect. Seventy five New Bathing Itooms have been added, und many other important improvements, which will contribute greatly to the comfort of visitors. The Proprietors have had several years' expnrience in Cape May Hotel business, and have secured help which will equal that of any other House on the Island. Kvery effort will be made to give satisfaction to all who may favor the OCF.AN HOUSK with their patronage. For Kooms, etc., address 0 HI mwt'4plui LYCETT & SAWYER. JOHN W. LYCETT. HENRY W. SAWYER. STOCKTON HOTEL, CAPE ISLAND, N. J., WILL OPEN ON THE SUtli OF JCNB, 1-W9. Tip's Hotel has been erected within the past year; alforils iimple iicfotiimodatloiis for nearly one tliou wind jrucstH, and Is rurnishHd etmal to' anv of the leiulinir hotels In the I'tilted States. For terms, etc., until then, uddress ii;tb:i: 4.a.;g.:k, PROPRIETOR, NO. :!07 WALNUT STREET, 6 21m PHILADELPHIA. PA. s U R F HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., WIIjI. 15E OPEN I'Olt U."KSTS .JI NF. Tho plun of tho House may ho senn. and ro-ims socured, until Junoai, nt the LA F1KKKK HOL'.SF., I'hiladelphia. TKKMS MODKKATK THOMAS FARLEY. Proprietor. Carl Sontz' Parlor Orchestra has been enagil for the season. 6 1 Ini P II R A T A MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, LANCASTER COUNTY. PA. Thispopnlar and well-known SUMMER RESORT will be opened for the reception of sunsts on thri luth of Juue, under the auspices of J. W. I KKUiiKIUK, the former prdpriotor. The entire establishment has been renovated and refitted with now ami elegant furniture. 4 '27 m c A M 1) E N A N I) A T L A NjT IU - RAILROAD. SUNDAY TRAINS FOR THK SEASHORE. On and after SUNDAY neit, June , tho Mail Train for ATLANTIC CITY Will lonve Vine Street Ferry at.,.. Leave Atlantic City at ..8 A. M. ..IP. M. Stopping at all Stations, 3 tf D. H. MUNDY, Agent. U M M E R R E S O R T. - The subscriber having purchased the Cold Spring property, on the lino of the Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, from the Philadelphia and Reading Railway Company, will reopen it for visitors and families on June 1, 1141)9. It is now undergoing thorough rapairs, and will be refitted and refurnished in the best manner. Persons can address the proprietor ut Harrishurg. Cold Springs, Box No. 170. 6 25 2m WILLIAM LERCH. p ENEVA, SWITZERLAND. HOTEL DF. LA METROPOLE, CHARLES ALDINGER, Proprietor, Formerly of the "Couronno." Tills hotel, the largest in Geneva, is situated in the most favorable portion of the city, commanding a splendid view over the Lake, the Jura, and the Mont Blanc; 800 rooms and saloons. Reading, coffee, smoking, and billiard rooms. English and American newspapers taken daily. 6 3 2m LD MORAVIAN "SUN HOTEL," BETHLEHEM, Pa. Established 1758, Two hours and a half from Philadelphia', via North Penn sylvania Railroad. Four trains daily ; one train on Sunday. Terms moderate. RIEGEL 4 SANDT, 6 81m Proprietors. T AKE HOL'SE, CALDWELL, LAKE - -'GEORGE, N. Y. Best of accommodations for Families and Gentlemen. Board, lr'3'50 per day ; 1(14 to $17'50 per week, according to rooms. Open from June 1 to Octobor 16. Address 2m H. J. ROCKWELL. COZZENS WEST POINT HOTEL. Terms for JUNE $3'M per day, or $21 per week. For JULY, $4 per day, or J1 to it-24 per week. 6 8 ait SYLVANUS T. COZZENS. Ja P. D A N K S O N, COMMISSION MERCHANT, TCo. 113 2JQCZI STUEET, Agent In Philadelphia rot the Celebrate! Potomac Mills Hydraulic Cement. This celebiuted Cement is used upon all the public buildings ut Washington, D. C, aud has been ana lyzed by Dr. Henry Ertit, late Consulting Chemist at the Department of Agriculture, who pronounces It equal to the best Romun Cement. It has been known end used at the South since lsso, and every lock on the Chesapeake aud Ohio Canal, lrora Cumberland to Alexandria bears testimony to Its merits. Builders and Contractors geuerally are invited to subject it to the severest teets. 6 1 6t wsctrp flour7 QHOICE FAMILY FLOUR. For the Trade or at Retail. EVERY BARREL WARRANTED, ICoj-Htoiao Flour Mills, Noa. 1 and 81 GIRARD Avenue, 5 19 Imrp fiadt ot Frcut street. Y O TOURISTS. E. R. LEE, NO. 43 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, WILL OPEN THIS DAY 300 Dozen Oriza Xtract, WARRANT!!) UBNUINK. Li: OltTVlVn XTHA.CT. Our customers will remember its qnslity, we hsv inghad a VERY LARGE quantity of it some year and a ha!f ago. The aHHortment conipri .es the NEWEST and most delicious ODOR.S. We are fcOLE" IMPORTER FOR Ll;l dllAJSiy XTltiVCT In the Cnited States, except New Orleans and Cali fornia, and guarantee Us quality equal if not bettor than I.ubin's, at half the price. Also, 100 dozen XTRAC T (French) in stone Jug. JJj Also, largest assortment of LINEN FANS In the market. 6 3 4t E. R. LEE. QEORCE C. BOWER, OF SIXTH AND VINE STREETS, Will Open his .'W Drug; Store, No. 406 CHESNUT Street. Under the Western Bank, ON SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 5, With a full and complete assortuiont of FXIX3SXI KEDICINES, English, French, and American Per fumery and Fancy Articles, Snitnble for Ladles' nnil Jcntlenirn's Toilet. Mr. BOWER will also miiko a specialty in nmnufactur inn SODA WAThH, on the latest improved principle, which insures to lovers of this refreshing and healthful beverage freedom from all apprehensions of impurity. SYRUPS manufactured from thejnf'e of the fruit only. The ArtiftVi'il Waters of Vichy, Kissingon, and Sara toga will bo kept on draught, drawn from ico cold foun tain!. Ho. 406 CHESNUT STREET, 63 Under the Western Bank. SEWING MACHINES. THE PARHAM NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, DESIGNED FOR EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FAMILY SEWING, AND FOR LIGHT MANUFACTURING PURPOSES Is adapted to a much greater RANGE OP WORK than any Machine EVER OFFERED TO TUB PUBLIC. IT IS ELEGANT IN STYLE AND FINISH, SIMPLE IN CONSTRUCTION, NOISELESS IN OPERATION, MAKES PERFECT WORK ON EVERY DESCRIP TION OF MATERIAL, 18 PERFECTLY FREE IN ALL ITS MOVEMENTS, VERY LIGHT RUNNING, And a pleasuro for the operator to use It. We claim for this NEW MACHINE, THE MOST PERFECT, SIMPLE, AND RELIABLE Family Sewing Machine EVER INVENTED, And an examination will convince the mOBt akeptlca , OFFICE AND SALESROOM, No. 704 CHESNUT Street. The Parham Sewing Machine Co, 6 lmrp DI1V II I iillivli v I FULL NATURAL FLAVOR RHAlNEfr vl Families and Restanrateurs pronounce them supe rior in flavor, sollUlty ami quantity to any heretofore produced. For sale by all First-claa Grocers. Dealers in Canned Fmlts are requested to enter their orders early, for the coming season's supply, at bole Agency, " " No. 46 N. WATER Street, Philadelphia. QUIN TON PACKING COMPANY. EXCLUSIVE PACKERS OF OU1NTON ToAlATOKS. Factory, Cumberlancf co New Jersey. 5 HI lmrp GROCERIES, ETO. TO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THK RURAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply Families at their Country Residences with EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FfNE GROCERIES, TEAS, ETC. ETC'. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, 11 75 Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Street. TOriN FARNUM A CO., COMMISSION MER fJ ohantsndMiiufotur.of Oonestos. Tttking, .to. lit, ijjj )tlXJ)lU't butoU I'liilaiUwIvlii 41w(iui sim rj reair i "LCT "8 HAVE PEACE.' ornciAL raoanAnran. GREAT NATIONAL (Projected by Mr. P. 8. GILMORE), ' To be held in tit CITY Or O0870I7, ' JUNE 15, 16, 17, 18, AND 19, 1869, To Oommrariorst. the Restoration of PKACK THROUGHOUT THK LAUD. This glorious event in our Nstinnsl History will b oi hrtad ly tii GRANDEST MUHIOAI. FRSTIVAL Kvnr kn'iwn in tho HiKtory of the World. THK I'RKHIDKN T OK THK UNITKD HT A 1'KS, Mnmhnnt of his t.'sbinnt, lloads of Dnpitrtmon's. iinwer norsof .11 th Htstmi, snd msny other riisUnnnrtMf pr. sons from sll psrfji of th country, tounthnr wil l tlis Rap rosontnf.iviw of Foreign Oovornnitints st Waahint.m, bar boon invitod ty tho Mayor and t!ity (Council of listoa booome tho guosf s of thn rity during thr Knstivsl. , , ANI.VMKN.SK (iOUSKUM, Tho Ut-st strncture in Amnrics, ospsbl of so coram dating FIFTY THOUSAND 7KRSONS, Has bean orm-Hd mnaoially for this occasion. Th lnt. nor of thbtiildinc will be uiaitnitlonnUy DocoraWd vriia .njbloiiis of NATIONAL PKAflK AND HARMOST. The extraordinary einnnae inourrnd in pripurin for this, (rrnat Festival has beon mot. with remarkable Kn- and the hxnniitiva Oomnutlee take freat pleasure in a- nouncins; tue foiioivinir OKKi;IA L PROGRAM MR Fur the l ie Days of tlw Festival. FIIl.MT J)AY. TDKSDAT, JUNK 15, 18t, oommenclni- at 3 o'olock P M INAIJCURAI. :KRKMO3l;" PHAYKR BY RKV. K. K. H A I. E, To be followed by an address by HIS HONOR MAYOR tSHUKTLKKF, Welcoming all guests and visitors to ItosUm and f Massa chusetts: also s (Joiurrntulatory Address br HON. A Idfx. H. RICH, ' Ou the RESTORATION OK PKAOti AND UNIOW , . shrouKhout the Ijind. The InaiiKurnl Ooreinonies will he followed by a ' fiiUIll) MUSIOAL PKRKORMANOK, in which the ORKATK.8T ORATORIO ntfORTTn ever assembled, romprisinir over RIOHT HUfDRKD VOOAl. OKOANIZATIONVS, whohav. been in rehearsil for many months, will take part accompanied by s (Irand Orchestra of ONK THOUSAND MU.SIUIANS. seleot-2 from the best Orchestras, Hands, sod Musical Associa tions in tho United ritatos. HKLKCTIONS TO BK PERFORM KD PAKT I. 1. Grand Choral, "A Rtron IJastle is our TAwd" T.nlhnr FULL CHORUS ORANDORt.'HHSTRA AND OUK AV ORtiAN. 3. Ovprturo, "Tannliauser" w SKLKOT ORCHK.STRA-(l0 PKRF6RMKR.H 3. Glory be to (iod on Iliirh "Twelfth Maas".... M' FULL CHORUS. WIT ft ORfMIKSTRAAND OKtiAil ACCOM PANIMKNT. 4. Prayer "Ave Maria" Ooanmi Sting by MADAME PARKPA ROSA.'" The Introductory Violin obligato usually rendered by on. performer will be played by two hundred violinists. 6. National Air "The IStar (Spangled Banner," with aa additional vHre by W. T. W. Bull. " Not a North or a Smith in the future irt'll utand But an Brother united throughout thi broad land;' And the Star ripnngled Banner forover shall wave O'er the hind nt tho froe and the home of the brave " Rung by the Full Chorus, with (irnnd Orchestra, Organ. Military Hand, Drum dorps, ('himingof Bella, and A.K. T1LLF.RY ACCOMPANIMENT. ln'crmieiion E'f'ccn Minute. PAHT II. . Invocation. A Hymn of Pence, written for thmoocHxiouby Dr. Oliver Wendell Holme, to the nuiHio of Keller's American Hymn. FULL CHORUS, GRAND ORGHKHl'KA. ORGAN AND MILITARY BAND. 7. Overture. "Willium Toll" Rossisat PERFORMED BY A S ELECT ORCHESTRA OF' 6W PER F'OKM KltS. 8. Inflammntiis. "RUibat Matr" Rossini Hung by MADAME PARKPA-ROSA, with full' chorus, organ and grand orchestral accompaniment. P. Coronation March, "II Prof eta." M-vorheer PERFORMED BY THK FULL BAND OF' ONK THOUSAND INSTRUMENTS. 10. National Air. Words written by Rev. 8. F. Smith, D. D. "My country 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty." Sung by the entire Chorus accompanied by the Grand Or chestra of 6HI, Military Band of 601), great organ full drum corps, chiming of bolls, infantry tiring and cannon, pealing in the dixtnnce in exact timo with the music W The audience are rospeotf ully invited to join in the last verse. RKrONIi BAY. WEDNESDAY, JUNK 1, Xnm. f Jommeooing at 8 P H GRAND CLASSICAL PROGRAM MX SYMPHONY AND ORAll'ORlO. PART L 1. Festival. Overture on Luther's Choral NiealaJ 2. o-Glory to God. 6 And the Glory of the Lord. From ths "Messiah" Handel 8. Recitation and Aria. Non put di Jiori. From "La t'lemenr.a di Tito" Moxat. Sung by MISS ADELAIDR PHILLIPS. 4. He Watching Over Israel. From "Elijah".. MendeIasoh & Air. Iet the bright Sera.. him. From tba oratorio "Saiuaon" Hamial SungbyMADAMK PARRPA-ROSA." 6. Sea the Comiuering Hero Comes. From "Ju das Mucuaatbiis" ..Handel JntermuuTion Fifteen Minute. PART II. 1. Symphony (in C Wlor)... Schubert 1. Andante allegro, a. Andante oon moto. 3. Scuoiio. 4. Finale. 9. n The Marvellous Work. 4 The Heavens are Telling. From the "Creation" Haydn THIKI OAY. THURSDAY, JUNK 17. m. Commencing at 8 P U ANNIVERSARY OF THE BATTLK OF BUNKHB HILL. mtrintic and Militari Programme POPTTLAH AND KAMTr.lAii Mnm. 1. OvArttirA. "Krfj. nin vitl. FULL CHORUS, ORA NLRCH KSTR A.' AND BAND S. Gran a Marcn. "Peao. Festival." Composed for this) occasion and arranged for GRAND ORCHESTRA snd MILITARY BAND oombined. 4. Aria. Rttbert, toi qui foime. nfavarKaaa Hung by MADAME PARRPA-ROSA. 5. Soena from II Trovatore, introducing th. Anvil Chorus Verdi Will be brought out with GRAND CHORUS, Full Bund of One Thousand, One Hundred Anvils, Sove ral Drum Corps, Artillery, Bells, eto. The Anvil part will be performed by One Hundred Members of the Boston Fire Department, tf. Overture Triomphule, on the Amerioan Na- ' '' tional Air, "Hail Columbia," introducing . ' the FULL CHORUS, accompanied by the GRAND ORCUFihTRA, MILITARY BAND, and other aeoompaniinents. ..O.O. Oonversej IntermiKinou Fif'teem Minute. 7. Marche Militaire. "Prince F'redoriok Carl" Bilae) BAND OK KKO PKRFORMKRS. a. National Air. "The Star Spangled Ban. ' ner." , Bung by Madame PARKPA-ROSA, with chorus and orchestral accompaniment. 9. The Harp That Once Thro' Tare's Halls Moor. Arranged for FULL CHORUS, GRAND ORCHES TRA, MILITARY BAND and ORGAN. 10. Aria for Trumpet, from "11 Bravo." Meroadante) Performed by M. ARBUCA.LE, with Orchestral Ac companiment. 11. Chorua. "Night Shades no Longer" . Rossini (HAND UHORUft. ORGAN and ORCHHSTRA. 13. Overture. "Strudella" Flotow REED BAND OK BID PERFORMERS. 13. Choral. One Hundredth Psjilm. CHORUS, ORGAN, ORCHESTRA, MILITARY BAND. ETC. The audience are respectfully invited to join in tha last veise. FOURTH lAV. F'RIDAY, JUNK 18, MV. Commencing at 3 o'clock P, M. ORATORIO AND hYAlPJiONY. ' PAKT I, 1. Overture. 2. Choral, "To God on High,'! ff,m "St j,,, 8. Rymphohy, No. S (ind'Minnri ff.mthovea 1. Allegro liiojU). -2. Andunte con moto. 3. Scherzo i. Aria, "Laxciuchis piangu" .Handel rmng uy jiiss AUK.J.AIDK PHILLIPS. t. "Achieved is the Glorious Work." From tba "Creon,' 6. 'TUaiiks be to Ood." From "Rliini, ' i,wl,.lJIol,i'i Wrrmtr-eiim- Fifteen Mtnutet. " "I f 1. u-"Kleepers Wiike, .1 Yoimi it Culling. " Ironi "St, Paul" Mendnlasohn ' -Piuytr. Fmiu ".Mosos iu Egypt" Roamnt 3. Intlaiuuiatus. From "Malat .timer" Rossini .H. na, rn.iu tho Twelfth .Maiu .....Moxart 4. Hallelujah, lium llio " Jla,mh'' .....Handel FIFTH WAV. KATIT.DAY, June IP, 1. donunencing at II A. M. CONC1.HT BY 'l'tlEHsS Ut' THE PUBLIC With full Orcheslral Accoiiii.uiiiiiiontr-beiiig the largest ( horns of dhililieil ever brought togethor. COKDI'l iKllS GAlll. ZKJIMAH.N, Jl IJIIS KlOHHKHO andl P. S. tiil.MOIIf. . , OHiMMais P. Jons H. Wiluox aud J. B. Sham Ulxv. The t cule upon which it is proposed to carry out this Vem. inns ""re MAGNITUDE AND SPLENDOR The greatest cw for National rejoicing that the Ameri. can people have ever ; bl eu culled uimiu to celotirate. V THE KFSTOHATION ul' PKACK AND UNION THROUGHOUT THK LAND. WION. It will bring together in fraternal irantin. IV,. 1, men ot the Aation, and peoida truiu all parts ot tha i.o.T and aside 1mm Hm Hignihcance as the Firnt i:u l un 'ii,.vi i , , , - , w. . v...., ir.umwft ' biuie the cltweot the War, it will be the i . , it': . i. "l"tt'" nuoiim. ana umpiring Harmony 1 hat baa ever been heuid in any part of the World, TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT MUSIO HALL. Single Aduiiasiun, with Secured Seat, $6 and A3, aonm-rf . . . . ing to fxication. Single Admiaaion. without Secured Seat. 3 Mil..- ' MJ,urt PrOrd.r. HENRY O. PARXEll, becroUry. . . nntw Arranged lor GKAfOJ ORCHESTRA of On. Thou sand Performers. F ifty Trumpeters performing tha solo parts UBUnlly played by one Immiai 2. Choral. "Judgment Hvmn'' t.v