5 THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1869. WUBlCAl, Altn DRAMATIC. Th City Amuwrmentn. Jt.l2rZ.yrk,,,,vT1AT' K u davenport will have a tieneflt this evening, when Bonoioaiili's comedy of Xomftm. A"Mranr will he nresentnd. with Mr. liavmi- port as "Iv,!sle, MIhs Joslo Orton ''I.clvOv PpanKcr "MiBS Fanny Davennort n "Grace IH rk- yay, Mr, Ylnlng Bower an "Mark Medilln." and nor. Mr. Fred u. Maeder as "Dolly Hrmnknr." The pcr- formance will conclude with the drama of the Scalp iiunuTK, in wmcn Mr. Davenport will appear an '.sequin." This in a very attractive programme, and It ought to attract a crowded tiouKc. On Monday Mr. Joseph Jefferson will appear In JJ Van WinkU. At tiir Arch Mr. John Collins will have a lirnWlt this evening, when he will nppe;ira "Captain O'N ell" Jn the drama of Kinn O'.vwf. as 'oCiillutfriiiu" In Ili Java, Jjfot. The Sfritdre will conrlude the perform ance We hope that Mr. Collins will have a full tonne.. AT THK CTrsnct the burlesque of Pari, or The, Jvdijmmt. will be performed tills evening for the benefit or MIhh WoatheMhy. Tills ludy Is the most, attractive member of the troupe, and we hope that her benefit will be a success. Attiir Thkathk Comihi b Miss Kunn Ualton will appear this evening in Florettt the Cricket. A matinee to-morrow. On Monday MNs fJiilton will have a complimentary tienellt, when Messrs. Castlo and Campbell will appear. At tub Amkkican a matinee will be given to morrow, when all the talented artists will appear in ft first-class programme. Mrs. F. Mordaunt'b benefit will tnke place to morrow afternoon ut the Academy of Music. Mr. t'ralg'S burlesque of Barb Lletu; Tin Day After the Wedding, and Family Jar will be presented, with Other attractions. The Arch Street company ami orchestra, with other performers of eminence, will appear on this occasion, and a first-class entertain ment may be expected. Mihh Anna K. Dickinson wtll lecture on womn-s Suffrage, under the title of "Nothing Unreasonable, " at the Academy of Music, on Monday evening, honts can now be secured at Gould's, N , 9i C'hos But street. CITY ITUJIS. Men's, Tooth's, and Bovs1 Sprino Cmthino.-a fine meaortment of choice new good, now in More and receiving Saily; alo, a choice telection of good in the piece, to be nuvle up to order in the heM style, Hai.f way HKTWKKN ) BENintTT A Co., Fifth and Towkh HAl.r, Sixth Street.) 618 Mabkkt Htkrrt, - PHiI.AIIKI.PnTA, and too Broadway, Nkw Voits. Grovkb A Bakkr's Highest Premium Sewinj Machines, Bo. 780 Oheanut street. LtDIA SEP.R8UCKER for Hummer Suits, French Sideiiand Drim.ino for Pantaloons, ""vfkrrr. Turkish Towei-mno for Vests, Bannockburns, Light Colorb, for Suite, Light Diagonal Cht.viots, Dark Colors, for Suits, Alpaca Lustre, Black, for Coat and Vest, nd a splendid assortment of light French cassiincvo pan taloona goods, all new in style and of choice pattern, at Charles Stokes', No. Ki Cbcsnut street. Singer's Sewtno Machines On easiest torms, by IO. F. Davis, No. 810 Cbcsnut street. Heckkr's Farina forms a very agreeable licht nutritive food, a superior article for puddings and jellies, and is highly recommended by physicians for invalids and cliil dren. gold by all grocers. "Wonderful "Standard Bitters." S. A. H'McKim, M. D., of Washington City, speaking of Spoor's wine, says : "So much pleased have I been with it, that I have intro duced it into the Washington Asylum, to which I am the physician." His wine is the base of his Bitters, made bit ter by what are in daily use by the Medical Faculty. They only need a trial to rocommend them. Sold by druggists. We notice that T. I. O'Conner, the well-known Deco rator, has accepted the position of Superintendent of the Hanging Department in the store of John II. Iongstret h. Mr. O'Conner has now the control and entire supervision of the decorating and paper hanging department, and invites the attention of the pnblie to the store of J. H. Longstroth for their selection whose variety of designs and experience in catering to the wants of tho public in this speciality are a sufficient guarantee for a proper job at fight prices, at the old stand, No. 12 North Third street. The Vital Statistics or the United States show that periodical fevers and acute and chronic disorders of the stomach and bowels are among the most prominent and fatal diseasos In this country. Disobedience to the I laws of health, aa regards diet -, the use of pernicious stim ulants ; and the wear and tear of business excitement, and of "fast life" generally, have mnh to do with the preva lence 'of these maladies In our cities; while in the West, and especially in the newly-opened districts, they are chiefly due to malaria, unwholesome water, and the expo sure and privation incident to life in new settlements. Now, it is a fact that it is as possible to protect the human system against these maladies as to guard life and property against the incursions of assassins and thieves. Strengthen the vital organization with HOKTETTElt'8 STO MACH Bitters, and it becomes as capable of resisting the active principle of epidemic or endemic disease aa a fire proof safe is of resisting tho action of combustion. This is the experience of thousands who have remained un scathed by malarious disorders in the sickliest seasons, while their neighbors, who neglected to tone and regulate their systems with this unequalled medicinal stimulant, have fallen thick and fast around them. Weakness invites disease. Vigor repels it. Help nature to fight the good fight with infeotion, whether it bs in the air, the water, or the soil, with this matchless preparation a compound of the rarest vegetable extracts with the purest of all diffu 've stimulants. Oakd from Wanamaker a Brown. BOW TBK rAVTS TELL. HEAD, AKD Sf EAK OF 11. COME, SEE, ANU BE COXVIXCED, T XHE DEMAND ha never been o ureal for ourii)e of Wr7i' and ttoyn' Clothing, no that yiFTY men art keul buu etMna tome from five in the morning until nine at ntoht. WAN A HAKEK ct BROWN. THE lAhtiEST CLOTHING HOUSE, OAK HALL, E.E. CORNER OF SIXTH AND MARKET STI1EETS. ONE thousand hands are eonetanOy -P''' in filling up our eork: J hu give our customer r Rr.Sli fiwii ecery any. WANAMAKER d- BROWN, TEE I. ARGENT CLtiTHIXO HOVftE, S.E. CORNEH OF SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. MILLS HAVE BEEN KCXXIXO FOlt WEEKS, upecially on goo 1 Jor our nl". 1 A t th way irs Vl enoic ana ura lting for our ruwunrre, WANAMAKER .f HROWN THE 1'OrULAU CLOTHIXti HOlsE, OAK HALL, TBE CORNER OF SIXTH AND MARKET STREET. tV XNORMOUS HALES eauet u to make Knormau furcluuee, and thin give u yrU l vantage in baying, and ve can ajord to tell ixeru Mir. WANAMAKER A BROWS THE CHEAI'EST Cl.tiTlll S'(i HOUSE, OAK HALL, THE CORNER OF SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. ftw .... t. l- .. . - . f.rs,iiu ..- rtil)i l,m ie our VNAL- " '"rWHABLE Iti'LE, not how much ice can get, but how CHE A J u-e fun til tne article. WANAMAKER J- BROWN, OAK HALL THE CHEA PEST CLOTH IXO HOI'sr, THE CORNEH OF SIXTH A Nl IND MARKET STRr.t. I.". tW OUR El'HINQ STOCK, though curtate hare been very v vun o (d eri COMPLETE. WANAMAKER it HROWN, THE LARQ EST i'Ltf THl U HO USE, ' d. d L' II A I W THE CORNER OF SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. tw ntru BOYS' AND YOUTHS' STOCK i vomier fully fl.OIIH. WANAMAKER if BROWN, THE VOVULAR CI.OTHINQ HOUSE, OAK HALL. THE CORNER OF SIXTH AtD MARKET STREETS. tTALL OUU I' RICES art lower V 28 P" cnt. than ALL uuni" y,MxU are told eUevhere. WA NA MAKe.n it Hliltrrn, LARGEST CLOTHINU HOUSE, THE iAKbiESTCLOTHIMUHOUSB. OAK HALL, Itj wm:,, JrwRLBT, Mr. William W. Oassirt, No. tl South Seeon4 street, has the lara-eat and most attractive assortment of fine Jewelry and Silverware in the city. Purchaser can rely upon obtaining a real, pure arfiole furnished at a price which cannot be ennalled. He also has a large stock of American West -era Watches In all varieties and at all prices. A visit to his store is sure to result in ploasuro and profit. Use BerF.R's "Standarh Wimk Rittkim " -The char acter of Kpoor'a "Htnndard Wine Bitters" is such thai all may use it to maintain the stamina of their system, or t invigorate it when they become debilitated, Iming mildly stimulntlng, diuretic, sudorific and tonlo; beneHoial in aflnotions of the kidneys and chronlo disease with general debility. Give them a trial and they will recommend themselves. Sold by Druggist a. P From the establishment of Mr. A. Winch, at So. WIS Obesmit street, we receive to-day the latent copies of the St. Jame Magazine and the London Punch, fun, and Reynold' MUceltany. All the foreign and domestic peri odicals can bo obtained at his place. -The Parham Skwino Machines. - No better proof could be adduced of the superiority of tho Parham Sowing Machine than the unbounded success it has met with since its introduction to the public. Hut a few months have clnpred ainco the first machine made by the company was placed in tho market, nnd although tho facilities for manufacturing thorn arc very great, tho demand for them ia such that these facilities will have to be doubled, at least, to insure anything like promptness in tilling the orders that are constantly coming in for them from all parts of the country. All who soe the Parlintu are do lighted with its matchless mechanism, anil overy user of it hecomos at once ita warm and ardent advocate. This, to those who are familiar with tile excellence of the machine, is not surprising. Combining, as it does, all the armd jtirinte of the befit nncing machine in the country, with many entirely new and admirniile features not JO'tnd in any other, it presents a front of such plain and palpable perfection as to make all other dwindle into almost utter insignificance in comparison with it. Many who have for years been using other ma chines have relinquished their use for tho Parhum, and arj delighted with the change. The ease with which it works; ita noiselessness of operation ; the facility with which it does the best work on all kinds of materials; tho freedom and ease of all its movements : the great range of work tor which it is so admirably adapted ; its groat simplicity of construction, and its eleganco of Btyle and finish, make It unquestionably the nmet perfect, simple, and reliable teiciug machine in the world at the preeent ilay. Those who select a sewing machine without first inspecting the Parham cer tainly do themselves an injustice, for an examination into its morits will speedily dissolve any doubts that may cntor tained by the uninitiated, as to its inimenun tupnriority over all other sewing machines in the market. Those inte rested, then, whether they wish to buy or not, should call at the office of the Parham Company, No. 704 Cliesnut street, and judge for themselves. A number of the maohines are in constant operation thoro, the merits and working of which will be cheerfully elucidated to all visitors. MAKKli:i. BUCHANAN KLLIOTT. Of the 2nth instant, at the residence of the bride's parents, by tho Kev. William Sud dardu, D. D., AI.KX ANDKK S. BUCHANAN to Cl.A It A K., daughter of B. P. Klliott. F.sq., all of this city. RKIFNNYDKR MOHKLKY. At the residence of the bride's brother, W. B. Moseley, by Aev. William Camhle, of the Pittsburg M. F.. tlonfereme, Mr. CALVIN K. KKIFSNYDKK, of Akron, Uluo, and Miss CAR It IK C. MOSKLKY, of this city. iu:i. DK H AVFN. On the morning of the "rith instant, SOPHIA M., widow of the late Holstoin De Haven, in the 71st year of her age. The relatives and friends of tho family are invited to attend tho funeral, from her late residence. No. IKW .Arch street, on Saturday luoming at 1U o'clock. To proceed to North Laurel Hill. FITPATRICK. On theSith inst.. JAMF.S JOSF.PU FITPA 'I RICK, in the 2rith year of his ago. The relative and friends of tho family, and those of his brother-in-law, Mr. John Murley, also the members of St. Peter's Beneficial Society, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 70j Lom bard stroet, on Sunday afternoon ut 1 o'clock. McOOVF.RN. On the 2tith instant, MARY, wife of Patrick Mctiovern, and daughter of Joseph and Sarah Huntro, in the 20th year of her acn. The relatives and trionds of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her fatlier. No. i!S Belgrade street, on Sunday ulturnoon at 1 o'clock. Iu tennent at St. Anne's. WILLI KIN. On the 2iith instant, after a lingering ill ness, Mr. SAMUKL M1LL1KIN, in the 6!Uh year of his age. His friends and those of the family are respectfully in vited to attend his funeral, from his lute residence, No. !) Itidge avenue, on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. To proceeu 10 nonaiuson's iemoiery. WONDERLY. On the 2oih instant. GKOROK WON. DKRLY, aged 67 years. His relatives and friends of the family, alsi Paradise Lodge. No. 1:27. I. O. of O. F.. and the Order in ffeneral. are invited to attend his funeral, from his latft residence. rear of Pio. Ltw Huatu street, on Sunday afternoon ut3 ocioca. r INSURANCE. ISO B3ATJ Ig Fully Prepared tO IllSUre Until he has considered The Hates and Plans OF THK AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA, FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS, 6 10 PHILADELPHIA. .JONES' One-Price Clothing House, No. G04 MARKET Street. Oar Garments are well made. Our Cutters are men of talent. BUT ONE TRICE IS ASKED. Satisfaction Guaranteed Every Purchaser. GEO. W. NIEMANN, Proprietor, 2 17 wfrntf No. 804 MAEKET St, above Sixth. OICARS. fO CIGAR BUYERS. Fresh Importations of Havana Clears, In bond or duty paid. Large assortment, offered lu lots to suit purchasers. Also, cigars of onr own manufacture, viz. : ''MARIANA KITA." niirti trrade Vuelta Abalo leaf, fifteen stvlos. Low prices compared with Imported cigars. A fair trial I , w ui piuyu uiuti uiti ifcn. "r KA DIAVOLU." Lower priced tfiau the "Mariana Hita," three styles; excellent cIkuI. "KLEl'B DE LVS," "LOUIS D'OK," and other brands, all copyrighted ; eucli of highest ra de in its respective cIums. All of our Ilavaua leaf we imjmrt direct, and no better cigars can bo produced ia this market than those we now offer. Smokers should see that they obtain our genuine cigars, which are offered rep-ularly by mauy respecta ble dealers although some irregular parties put for ward Inferior cigars as of our make. We offer these cigars in lots to suit pnrchasors. They can be prolltubly retailed at prices forty per cent, less than Imported cigars, will give equal satis faction, and should be tried, without prejudice, by nil who desire a good cigar at moderate cost. 8. FUGUKT A SONS, Importers and Manufacturers, 6 13 8Clrp No. 229 South FRONT Street PIANOS, ETC m, BRADBURY'S FIAN09. ONE AT ihtS'nWhite House. Hnven First Premiums. Also, Taylor Farley's Organs. WILUAB u. iuuurj,n, 4 la am ,--rr (J 11 X u rt"t P tiraad Bquare and Upright r,A"u" mnroprs. No. 914 OIIK8NUT Klruat. li mf ALBRECHT, RIKKKH MJHMIDT.I liANII FACTO HK US W I FIRST 4J1.AKS F1ANO rUBI la. . riiiUMwiniiiu mwini.i.ii"1. .ns...c-. . . DRY GOODS. J A T E It I A L S FOU SUITS, In Stripes and Grey Mixtures. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT ON THIS MARKET. RICKEY, SHARP & CO.. NO. 727 CI I ESN UT STREET. SILKS! SILKS ! In Stripes, Checks and Shots, IN GREAT VARIETY. RICKEY, SHARP & CO.. NO. 727 CHESNUT STREET. LIU En FOFLZNBTTS, NEW AND DESIRABLE ARTICLE At 37,Vc- per yard. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., Ho. 727 CIIESUUT Street. JAPANESE SILKS AKD rorLirjETTEs, A FULL ASSORTMENT. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., NO. 727 CHESNUT STREET. LACE POINTS, IN NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., NO. 727 CHESNUT STREET, 4 9 tfrp PHILADELPHIA. jTEDUC'ED PRICES! IMPRO VHMENTs! IIKlll'tKI) PRICKS! KK1 l CKD l'l!l( DM! KKIH't I')l PRICKS! RKIK ( Kl) PltlCKS! l!KDi;Ci:i PRICKS! RKDlt'Kl) PRICKS! RKDLCKI) PRICKS! KKIH'CKD PRICKS! KKDIK'KI) PRICKS! KKIJCCKD PRICKS! RKDlt'Kl) PRICKS! RKDLCK1) PRICKS! We are slill making dally reductions in prices, to pet cheap lots to till the places of those llivt reduced and now dosed out. Wc ure selling many things at little more than half their real value. Our object is to so lessen ourstock that the balance can be condensed in the rear building during exten sive improvements we design making to our front. COOPER & CONARD, S. E. COR. NINTH AND MARKET STS., 1 T fsm PHILADKLPHIA. 215 NORTH KIN T II STREET, ABOVE RACE. ELDER, WALTON & CO., JOBBERS AND RETAILERS OF 13 it "V o o o r s, Offer To-Day Great Bargains In BLACK SILKS, ALPACAS AND MIXED GOODS, PIO.UE, WHITE GOODS, BONJOUK TOPLINS, and DRESS GOODS IN GENERAL Bought from first hands and auction. O T I 5 1 wfmlra O E JOHN W. THOMAS, 405 and 407 N. SECOND St., lias Just received a Magnificent Assortment of LATVIA AND INDE LACES, IN POINTS, ranging from 10 to $100. KOTlTsDS, ranging from 25 to $75. PALETOTS, ranging from $15 to 20. CORSAGES, ranging from f 10 to $25. ZOUAVE JACKETS, ranging from $10 to $25. 8 27 iimrp SACyUKS, ranging from $20 to $fl0. 1869. SPECIALTIES AT THOENLEY'S. ' EIGHTn & SPRING GARDEN, PHILA. SLTEIiB BLACK SILKS. BEAUTIFTj JAPANESE SILKS. IRISH AND FRENCH TOPUNS. RICH GLOSSY MOHAIRS, ALPACAS, ETC. We offer the most complete and varied Stock of Goods In our Line "NORTH OF CHESNUT STREET," and at a BIG DISCOUNT off Cliesnut Street Prices, as everybody knows we can afford to sell CHEAPER, as we WORK under a mere FRACTION OF TUEIK EXPENSES, TKORNLEY'S "CENTRALLY LOCATED OLD ESTABLISHED" DRY GOODS HOUSE, N. E. COR. EIGIITII AND SPRING GARDEN, 8 13 PniLADELPIHA. JNDIA SHAWLS AND SCARFS GEORGE rRY13R, No. 916 CHESNUT Street, Invites attentiou to his elegant stock of INDIA SHAWLS AND SCARFS, BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, JAPANESE SILKS, MATERIALS FOR SUITS, DRESS and-FANCY GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY, Purchased on the most advantageons terms for cshIi, and will be sold aa cheap aa at any store la the city. 8 Tim N. U India Shawls alterdd, repaired, aHd cleaned. PARASOLS. tv PARA80IJ3 ALL THE NEWEST vi'T' fondon and Paris atylaa, whioh for .overt r, va ' ril)f, and vlnganoa arc unequalled. A large es t&& sortiuent of ljto Uovsra, Ka Si. la and Sun Uin- broil tiaa ai uie iuwwi iinutia, ai n. uuLUa 0 raa7(vuuus it,ir- DRY GOODS. LINEN STORE, Uo 023 ARCH STREET. No. I 123 CHESNUT Street. NKW SUMMER LINENS. DRILLS AND DUCKS FOR BOT3' WEAR. COLORED LINENSi FOR LADIES' TRAVELLTNG SUITS. PRINTED SHIRTING LINENS, IN BEAUTIFUL STYLES. TRICES THE LOWEST. 9 30 v? fm 11 i c 11 11 l a c k si l;k s, $1-75, $1-37X, and $2-00, All purchased prior to the advance in gold, and aom at small prom ON IMPORTATION COST. A full line of SUPERIOR GRADES. $2-25, $2T.0. $:tixi, and $:io, and a line ol ELEGANT GOODS ut from $-CO0 to $0-00 per yard. CURWEN STODDART& BROTHER, Nos. 0, and 4T. North SECOND Street, IS 8(5 .It PHILADELPHIA. J) I C II STRIPED HOODS, ALL REDUCED. We are offering all the popular styles of DRESS GOODS for Ladies, Misses, and Children ut low prices. Our cheap location enables us to offer decided ad vantages. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 4W, 462, and 454 North SECOND Street, 6 20 3t PHILADELPHIA. c HEAP DRESS GOODS FROM AU(TION. Lots of Fine Ginghams at 10 and IS cents. 4-4 Chintzes at is cents. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 4f2, and 4M North SECOND Street, 0 20 3t PHILADELPHIA. CLOTHS. OASSIMERES. ETO. J X TR A 0 R D I N A K Y ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE SUMMER SEASON. RETAIL DEPARTMENT OF AY.T.SN0DGEASS&C0., No. 34 South SECOND Street, Announce a fresh Importation of Genuine Scotch Cheviots, For Gentlemen's Business and Summer Travelling Suits. Also, a lanre and varied assortrsynt of WILFORD S WHITE DUCKS. WILFORD'S FIGURED DUCKS AND DRILL8. BARNSLEY WHITE AND COLORED DRILLS. EXTRA QUALITY WHITE MARSEILLES, for Gentlemen's Vests. NEAT FIGURED LINENS AND DRILLS In great variety, for boys'jwaar.jjt low prlcea. 4 3 2mrp PAPER HANGINGS, ETO. yARD & McKEEVER, No. 1400 CHESNUT Street. HIRi:VGS- STYLES. THE FINEST STOCK, THE CHEAPEST PRICE, 8 IT mwl3m THE BESTJVORKMANSJIIP. OAR PET I NOS. 1000 Pieces Brussels, 2000 Pieces Fancy Matting, JUST RECEIVED PER ST.EAMER. E. H. G0DSHALK & CO., NO. 723 CHESNUT STREET, 8 19 fmwSmrp PHILADELPHIA. QREAT NOVELTIES IN LOOKING GLASSES, PICTURE FRAMES, ETC. ETO. NEW C1IROMOS, NEW ENGRAVINGS. JAMES S. EAELE & SONS, NO. 816 CHESNUT STREET, 4 B niwfrp PHILADELPHIA. FLOUR. QHOICE FAMILY FLOUR. For the Trade or at Retail. EVERY BARREL WARRANTED. f KoyMtouo Flour Willis, Nos. IB and 81 GIRARD Avenue, 6 1 Imrp East of Front street. TOnN FARNUM A CO., COMMISSION MER- ft chants and Mnnafaotarars of Oanenton Ticking, to. FURNITURE. FUENITURE. T. & J. A. HENEELS HAVENa REMOVED TO THEIR ELEGANT STOUE, No. 1002 ARCH Street, Are now selling FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE at tery Rcduccl Prices. 4 1 Smrp i. jZjrrK9 IURNJTURE, No. 121 S. ELEVENTH Street, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP FINE CLASS FURNITURE AT MODHRATK PRICKS. 4 83 fmw3mrp F U R N 1 URE. A. & H. LEJAMBRE HA REMOVED THEIR Mtire & UpMstsriiii Warerooi TO NO. 1127 CHESNUT STREET, 8 10 wfmcmrp GIRARD ROW. LEGAL. NOTICES. TN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY J ANI COUNTY OF PHILADKI.rHIA. ANN K. RYAN and MA11Y V. Y. SMITH. Tnistos nnrli-r tlio will of LEWIS RYAN, deceased, vs. PKfKR tOIVKAll. levari facias. March Term. 1H'i9. No. BBt. Tho auditor appointad to diHtrihiito the procncrls of sale liy the hberin, uniler tne alxive writ, ot tue lollowing de scribed real 'Htate. to wit : All that certain tlireentory brick raeMiiase or tenement and lot or piece of ground sittiaU) on tue east aide of KiKhtli street, at tho diHtano .if ono hundred feet from the south line of ('henut street, in the said city. Con taining in front or breadth on the Haid Kighth street eighteen feet, and in length or dept h sixty-three feot eiglit inciieH to a three loot wide alley running aoutliward into a ten feet wido alley lending from Seventh to Kiglith Htreet. hounded on the nrtii by the tail end of tho t'hesnut street lots, on ttie uttrh by a tiinruMiii'rt, anl lot ot ground allotted to John 1 . dark and r.mnieliiie hip wife, in the partition ot the reii edtatu of JohuKreis.de ceaned ; on the euftt by the ittid thre feet wide alley, and on the west by Eighth streot h foresaid. (Being tho hhoji lriuiHes wtucu AlordecHi I. Pawsun ana wite. by mien lure dated the eighteenth iliiy ol March, Anno Domini l(6ii, recorded in Deed Book X.. K. It., No. 87, pign 32i, granted and conveyed unto the mid Petr Cionrad in fee. Tonother with the common use and privilege of the mi. 1 three feet and ten feet wide alios respectively, at all times lierentter lor ever. ) W . 1 1 K..i. all u in. Vi . iri .1 it f 1 n i ... . . n m fl.n ..Id at his nrtice. No. South TIIIHU Streot. in the city of Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, the 8th of June next, wnon and wliere all persons interenie.1 are required to enter their claims or bo debarred from coming on sua fund. KDWAKD M. PAXSON, Auditor. May 28, 1869. 6 2 fmw 5t HEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES Are the Best, and are Sold on the Easiest Terms. PETERSON & CARPENTER GENERAL AGENTS, No. 014 CIIESrVlTT Street, 8 s fmw PIIILADELPniA. A IS Made from Water-Proof and Mildow-Proof Canvas (New Process). Call and see the material. Also Veranda Curtains and Tenta of all kinds. PITKLN & CO., 581 fmwfit No. 7 I N. SECOND Street. J E M O V A L D. MERSHON'S SONS' RUSSIAN HEATER TO N. W. Cor. TWELFTH and FILBERT. Rang ss. Orates, Slate Mantels, etc Orders received fot ail kinds of ttnea wors. A. B. ktKHHBON. f Trptf Oia B, MKR8H0H PRO PER I ES, ETO. pRBSn FRUIT IN CANS. PEACHES, PINEAPPLES. ETC., GREEN CORN, TOMATO E8. FRENCH PEA MTSUROOMS, aaraKAUUH, ETC ETC ALBERT C. ROBERTS. Dealer In Fine Groceries, Cor. ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. UT5rp TO RENT. TO LET, FURNISHED, THE CONTI NENTAL HOTEL AT LONG BRANCH, ti .1 commodates oight hundred. Anulv to V. A. VAN. tlVKH, No. fii BltUADWAY. New York. 6231' MGERMANTOWN PROPERTY TO LET A large, modern-built hoiiHe, tenant-house, ooach. , and five acres of land, handsomely laid out walks and garden ; within two minute' walk of Ihiy's Lone Hta. tiun. Apply to J. AKMSTKONt). 5 do Ut TO LET A NEW HOUSE. CONTAIN- :Sil inf II rooms, in (rood order, No. 6M N. Twenty-third street, lteut very low. Apply at No. 1716 (iltl'KN Ktrt et. & 26 :t TO RENT AN OFFICh SUITABLE FOR A physician or a lawyer, with or without board, at No liaiOlKARD Htreet. a 15 5 TO HIRE THK NKWfSTKA.M VAUHT aiaHSAHK.I Auily.2-i- UMKAUt.St. i L'l finwlm FOR RALE. bevfrly, n. j.-fj;: SALE, r()0, llj!. or reut lor tne siiuinier. it 1 ni, one ot tiirun einij-in, othio (Jotiauti KeHidenee. i'it liithed. in CHUKt.'H htreet, ven' ennveiiient to rilrou 1. L iral and State taxes nominal. Will repay s visit. .4 ij ly to owner, on tlio preinises. 5 :tt 3 FOR SALW V r.i'. t e i.Shl.i' SITUATED il Ruildimr Kite nil Seh .l IfoiMe Iine. within lira minutes1 walk of the 11. R. fu'i 'ii, IH, l:i or 6 aerex, to suit purol asers. These propert'e 'nnuuiind a line view, and are homered hy tlio lands of til i P ick Kxtenxion and by lieimti uloountry seats. I). WMSNKK, Jr., OSSJtt Kl South Till KU Htreet. FOR SALE FOIt A MODERATE nriced Property, 0110 of tii.t nrettient vilUw in 1 uiuutown. douhle stone house. irronn lH beantitullv tMr. raoed, shade, Krapea in icrapery and outnide frrupes, pe.trs, clierrios, plums, HtrawberrieH, rai-oherrieH, uurriintH, irormn l.errie" et" . nd garden p'a-r ei ; situation JDH VSON below Grsen stre.it. Applv o Messrs. THOMAS it HONS To be sold JUNK 1, proximo. It," ' FOU SALE THE LARGE AND ELE- gaut Kesidence, KO. 2330 l.roeo street. The house is 90 feet front, with side yard of 3u feet. Ths lot 147 feet deep to Pennsylvania avenue. It is in close vicinity to ths Park, nd ths neighborhood is pleasant and good, Will bs sold upon sooonuuodating tonus. OOLLADAY et 8HKPHKRD, MI No. 603 WALNUT Street. QALIFORNIA WINE GUOWERS'a nniKJUApi: iiicmv. TORT, BUERRV, ANGELICA HOCK, ORANGE BLOSSOM WINE TON C, Far the Sick and Cuimnuniou Purposes. ' Fur sale by CARMICK A CO., AGENTS, li Imt.i'H' fio. 113 (J HESNVT Streel. 6EWINO MAOHHSES. JHE.PARHAM NEW FAMILY SEWING tUCHIRE, DESIGNED TOR EVERY DESClUPTTOIt OF FAMILY SKWINO. AND PO LIGHT MANUFACTURING PURPOSES Is sdnrttod to a much invater RANGE OP WORK Uiaji anj MaohJne EVER OFFERED TO TUB PUBLIC. IT IS ELEGANT IN 8TYLS AND FINISH, SIMPLE IN CONSTRUCTION, NOISELESS IN OPERATION. MAKES PERFECT WORK ON EVERT DBSOBIT- TION OP MATERIAL, IS PERFECTLY FREE IN ALL ITS MOVEMENTS, VERY LIGHT RUNNING, And a pleasure (or the operator to use It We olsiat fortius NEW MACHINE, THE MOST PERFECT, SIMPLE, AND RELIABLE Family Sewing Machine EVER INVENTED, And an examination will convince the moat akeptlo OFFICE AND SALESROOM, No. 704 CHESNUT Street. The Parham Sewin? Machine Co. 6 lmrp CHAMPION SAFES. UNSUCCESSFUL. BURGLARY. LETTER OF MESSRS. DAVID DOW3 A CO. Nkw York, April 10, 1S6. HEftRrKQ, FaRRKL A SlIKKVAN, No. 251 Broadway. Gents: On the night of the 83d ultimo, our store, No. 80 South street, was entered, and a desperate at tempt made by burglars upon one of your safes In our counting-room. The key to the safe n which we kept our securities was locked Inside of our fire-proof book safe, the doors of which were literally cut to pieces ; from this they obtained the key to the other safe and opened It. Fortunately we had one of your Burglar-Proof Banker's ClieBts Inside, In which our valuables were deposited. This they went to work at wltlt a will, and evidently used up all their time and tools irVala attempts to force it. The night was dark and stormy, and the fact of their knowing where our key was) kept shows that their plans were well matured. The tried wedging the door and body of the Chest, aad the faithful safe bean evidence of the labor and akin devoted to the work. All was useless, and it is with great satisfaction we report that upon opening It w found our securities aii tafe, and can therefore cheer fully indorse the Burglar-Proof work recommended by you. You will please send, the new safe purchased by tu to our counting-house, and take the old one, to show that some safes are still manufactured wotthy of the name. David Dowa&Ca FARREL, HERRING S CO., CHAMPION SAFES, NO. 629 CHESNUT STREET, 4 17 4pt.f PHILADELPHIA. A. PROSKAUER. 3XAJKOIV DORE, RESTAURANT A LA CARTE, CORNKR OF WASHINGTON AND JACKSON STS.. CAPE ISLAM), N. J. MR. PROSKAUKRtakBB this opportunity toannonnc to tue pleasure seekiiiK imtilio to this favorite sa-aida rMrt, t hat be lias leaned anil fitted up In elvirant style tu. commodious cottaje lately oooupied by Mrs. Newell. It is the most eliKible location on the Island, and ia sur rounded by Cue grounds. MAGNIFICENTLY FURNISHED LODGING-ROOMS to Rrnt by the Dor or Week. THK KKSTALKANT will be furnished with all th. Delmucies that oan be procured in the Philadelphia and otliHr markets. THK SALOON will be supplied with all the various brands of tine Wines, Brandies, Whiskies, Ales, aud Ciars that can be purchased. The Ikliilii Saloon shall not be excelled by any hotel on the Islund. aa Mr. rKtlhhAUr.lt pniles 1 iiusi-lf upon Ilia catering. All persons desiriutf to Rent Apartments will pleaaa vMoa UiMwruiat A. lMCOSKAl I?IB, I'oi voyeur, No. 823 8. THIRD Street, Philadelphia, or at the corner of WASHINGTON and JACKSON ....vu.o, yi Fd laiiAi u, n. o., alter me 1st 01 June. Families and Restaurateurs pronouuee them stipe, rlor 111 flavor, solidity aud quantity to any heretofore produced. For sale by all First-class Grocers. Deulers In Canned Fruits are requested to enter their orders early, lor the coming seasou's supply, at Sole Agency, ! No. S N. WATER Street, Philadelphia. QUINTON PACKING COMPANY, EXCLUSIVE! PACKERS OF OJJ1NTON TOMATOES, factory, Cumberland co., New Jersey. r 21 lmrp HAT8 AND OAP8. ' KWARBURTONS IMPROVED VENTI lated and aaay Bttius Ureas Hatsluatentod), in all tss improved fashions of lu aaaaua. UUIlLnuT M rwu .UT