OUR HELIOIOT73 COLTJMIT. Tim Parable f ike Ten Tnlenl. The following lntrui-tive legend, Including Within Us liu-uninjr tho beautiful gohk'ii thread of thought conveyed In tho jmrulilo of the ton talents, Ih ut tho prcHc.nl tiiuo current In Oriental lumls. It is MiilpoHcd to bo of very undent ori,ln: There wont a limn from home; anil tu Ills neighbors twain IIo rhvc, to kcop for Mm. two Mirks of froldon ' (rriitii. , Peep in lilf f llnr one the pri-liusliarie rnnrenled, A.ud forth the other went and strewed It lu liln field. Tlic man return at last asks of the first his surk : 'Hew tuke it; "tin the name; llmu hast it ttutely hank." TJuharmeil it hows without; hut when he would cx)lore IIih suck's reresses, rorn there lie llnd no more; One half of what wiih there proves rotteu mid de cayed, I'pon the other half have worm anil mildew preyed. Tho putrid heap to him In Ire he doth return. Then he the other aHkH, "Where in my suck of coin?" Yhu aiiHwered, "Come Willi me anil see how II tun sped" Ami took and showed him fields with waving har vents spread. Then cheerfully the man laughed out and cried, "This one Had ltis!i?ht, to make up for the other that had none. The MU-t he oliservo.il, hut thou the prei-epf iiid thus to thee and me shall prollt grow from hence; In harvest thou shalt fill two sacks of corn for me, The residue of right remains for thee." Scripture (ilnllon. Correct and apt quotations from the l!ille arc Tory n-fret-hhig. When a sound, evangelical discourse, full of powerful arainncntation, is preached, the effect is durable, when appropriate texts arc cited; and the quotation are e.s "goad's and as nulls fastened by the masters of ass-etn-tlieb." To hear the sacred Scriptures grossly perverted 13 an unpardonable error. The word of God fchould be bo familiar as to prevent such gross Ocss. We are very strict in regard to secular Quotations. If a favorite author becomes mis represented, or, at least, is subjected to loss of beauty and charm, we feel very sensitive at once. The same thing applies with more force to tho JJible. There is not one word in the whole Scrip tures but what contains a power and relation to Its fellows. Every word and sentence abounds In import and life, but it they are wrested from these harmonious relations, they must suffer not only in loss of vigor, but also in beauty and fcweetness. We are too prone to become lax in the com initial and expression of Holy Writ. God's pre cious promises are too valuable to tritle with, His warnings are too fearful to mould into our pwn perverse interpretation. It requires much application, prudence, and prayer to infuse our Blinds witli the power and our souls with the vcii;ht of God's living counsels. Again, too many mingle their owu frail lan guage with the incomparable texts of God's word, and treat them as though they were the Words of human composition. Strict attention to their reading and study would remedy this evil. I have heard beautiful passages from the Bible misquoted lu the prayers of fervent and eminent Christians. At such a time one would think that the pure, native language of Scripture was the licit and the most powerful. The evil achieved through 6iich habits is very grout; the word is weakened, diluted, and becomes unpalatable to the saint as well as to the sinner. If we wish to keep the "well of English iindeliled," let us respect the language and its forms as wo iiud jlicin In the Hiblc. CITY ItEI.IGIOirs JIATTEUS. l'HKSBVTEUI AS. The new" United Presbyterian Church now lit f nurse of erection at Orthodox and Eruiiklni streets, I-'i ankford, will tic a most handsome eilillce, reflect ing credit on the generosity of its congregation. The audience chamber will lie 41 feet wide by GS feet long, the din. ensions of the building outside being as fol lows: Length, 123 feet; width, -IS feet; width front, including tower, tin feet; height of side walls, 21 feet. The roof is slated. The walls are if Jo feet tbiek In the cellar, allowing 0 inches for the joists to rest on, thus preventing decay In the wood. The materials used in the construction of the ediileo are of the best quality, anil every part of the work has been done in a substantial man ner. Tho cost of this building, if erected by con tract in most parts of tho city, would probably ho from 83i,ooo to f-H), Otw, hut the building committee sire of thu opinion that owing to the way they have managed tho work, and on account of other things favorable, they can finish for about 2n,0W. The lec ture room wiil he finished in a few weeks, and the expenses thus far will he about $111,11110, all of which has been paid i-xcupt some SA'iOii, which it is hoped will he raised at the opening. Tho lirst story Is de villed into four rooms, namely : a lecture-room, winch Is to have iieniiaaient pews, and one each for prayer lneetings, trustccH and pastor. These rooms can all he thrown Into one by sliding doors and sash, afford ing accommodation for four hundred persons. The tilings of these rooms will be about twelve feet liiuh. The second story is intended for Sabbat U- nchool purposes. A tower some l;l feet square rises jtt the southeast corner of the building In front; from the ground to the pinna -le the distance is about i feet. Jtev. .lames l'ri' e is the pastor of the congre gation, ami ho will h.ive reason to be gratilled with the completion of this neat new ediilce. At tjte (South Street Church -til persons have been received as members since the Rev. Dr. Par Uons took Charge, a short lime since. The reports of Increase in the city churches made to the Central l'resbj tery of Philadelphia t. fci.), for the past year, show that Cohocksink Clliuvh received bv profession of faith Tfi persons; Kensing ton, 41; Central, 44; Trinity, 4: Port ltichnioud, 2V ; Spring Garden, 24; North q'euth Street, 2a; Alex ander, lu; and Ilestonvllle, is. The liev. .1. (larland ilumncr has been com pelled, bv need of rest, to resign the pastorate of the Wharton Street Church, which was lirst built up, and has since been greatly enlarged uducr his labors. Until the Philadelphia Presbytery and Second Philadelphia Presbytery have requested the (1 ni-riil Assembly to-seml down to the Presbyteries any basis of union that may bu adopted by the next Assem blies. The following Items will be read with interest, from the lin t of thu respective Philadelphia clergy men named being connected wl; h it :l'or several months the coiiuregtMinu of the Second Presbyterian Church at Uridgeton, N. .1., have been compelled to meet In their lecture-room, but they have now re-i-litered their church, which in the meantime lias heen enlarged, improved, hvscocil, und fumWhi anew, until it Is all thai could be wished for comfort and beauty. Dr. Headlu preached on Wednesday night, April 2S. tho Rev. David Cunningham oil Thursilav night, and the Key. Mr. Witln-r.nv on i'mluy night. On Sabbath a. persons were ai led to the church on confession, aud Ij by crlUle.aU'. mnisT, A home for tiro aged und liiiirin of the ll.iptist Churches in Philadelphia Is about to be established. The i.ecessitv fur such an Institution has long been f.-li. ii i nl a few brethren have for years been calling the attention of the churches t; the matter, but no thing has been done eiiieieiitiy nil now. A il estate to he niin haseil lu West Philadelphia, anil the house Immediately prepared for the reception of the most needy cases. A Ministers' Institute will be held i't Upland, f bekter counl v. the seat, of the Cro.er Theologlca' ISetirlmiry, on the loth of .lane proximo. Tho Itev. Drs. W. It. Ituiiins, a. iinvey, . c. i leuuricK, i. .-s, Arnold. George K. Miss, and William Untrue are ex lecteii to deliver lectures on topics of Interest tu imsfors and others. ItaptisinH have recently taken place as follows in . I. l:...! it. L . '. IIKHHKW. T'i ' Oornian Hebrew Conj-'rcsrittiou "Itodef fJholein" intend building alllue new . synagogue at the loulheast corner of Hroad and Mount Vernon Hreetsot wUiidi the following is an authentic de fccr'pln.ii: "The bllldlng will be or the Saracenic Htvleof architecture, und will have a front of sa et mi Uroud street, and laiieeton Mourn Vernon street, Wltlia tower at thu corner of Mount Vernon street, fcti led square, und lr Ivvl l'tr- The amlleui - THE DAILY room will be 100 bv 09 feet, exobinlve of the organ I gollerv, and will seat, comlortahly IW8 persons, 1 Hint In the galleries HAS, leaking a titl of U iS sittings, exclusive of those In tho organ gallery. Thu reei'Md in which the llolv Ark pulpit and M uiiltiw ilcMk Hri to IWiJUiteeil Is Hfl bv ts feet. Til" parlor In the rear of this recess is 118 by 19 feet, com iiiiinlcaMng Willi two robing rooms lit feet square. The front vestibule will be ill by lit feet. Ther,i are to tie four additional vestibules, from which the sttiir ( use will run. There will be three doors of entrance on llroud street, one on Mount Vernon street, and one on the south side of the building. The st ilr wiiys to the galleries are so at ranged Hi lt persons ilescenilli.g frein them do not Intercept those pass- lug out Iruiii the sid.? passages of the church. The galb iies will be self-suppoi ling, and are to rest on brackets built Into tho walls, und securely anchor 'd with large bars of iron. The p;'vs, puipiM, reading desks, wninsentting, railing Inclosing pbiUorin for holy ark, etc., arc to he of black walnut. 'I'd w.dls of the church are to lie built or Trent m brown sand stone. Tin. rai lug stun 's lo be of bunt and dark shinies. '1 he arch stones to hi alternately id light Ohio sanil sluno and red Seneiu stone from the Potomac. The line cut work to be ot light Ohio slniie. Tlie door columns and Hli ills of windows to be of red nollshed Ah rdcen grani e. The five vestibules are to be laid In encuust'o tiles on Iron beams ami brick arches. The tools are to be open timbered, worked and chanilcred, and stained walnut color. All the windows are to he of sliined glass wilh lead sashes let Into the slone wor' , no wooden frames being used. The excavation for the ccliar has already been commenced, and the build ing Is to be completed by the 151 h of August. IsTu, The cost of the building, exclusive of the lot, oirfan, liiiiiihluiig, etc., will he ubout f lr,o, m. CATUOI.Il!. The following changes of Catholic clergy have been ottlclally aunoiinceil by lilght Itev. Illslmp Wood : liev." Charles McMoiiigle, transferred from St. Patrick's to St. Mary's, Plnenlxvllle ; nv. Mlrhael Mullih lo St. 1 hlllti's; Itev. .lames ,1. Sheridan, Ironi St. Philips to st, .loscph's, Tarrytown, Pa.; !ev. P. C. Mi Knree, from the church of the Ascension to Munch C hunk ; Kev. .1. V. Sliaiialiau has been ap pointed assistant at the Church ol St. .101111 the II ip tist, at Manayunk; Kev. M. P. O'lirien, chaplain to Philadelphia Almshouse; Hev. .!. .1. Kelley, assistant at st. .loachlm's, 1'rnnkford; 1'ev. Dr. Ki'imedv, as sisiant at st: Patric k's; Kev. Bernard Domhege to St. Honifaeius', St. Clair, Pa. ; an I Kev. Hubert .Slin k to St. llonilueius", Philadelphia. On Tuesday evening next a meeting of the board of managers or directors of the l.a Salle College, corner of .luniper ami filbert streets, will be held for business purposes, at the College. The institution is under the charge ol the religious ciiiinuiinity of the t hristiau llmthcrhonil, lirother Oliver, director, and it has been shown by the recent public, examination of the pupils that they are making a progress aud educational advancement of the most astonishing character. The members of the brotherhood receive 110 compensation for their service, but labor for the love of religion and their holy calling with thu mosl commendable assiduity and attention. The enns-. quence, therefore, is the marked proficiency and emi nent ability of many of their scholars. The festival of Pentecost will be celebrated with much solemnity in all tho Catholic churches tomor row. The concert of Thursday evening next til Con cert Hall, in uid ol St. .loscph's new church. Seven teenth aud Stiles streets, will he one of the very best of the present season. .Mine. Mozart and Mr. Simp son, of New ork. Miss McCaffrey.-Mr. llarkins, Mr. A'lleckett, and oilier emuieii''. luleul will all take part In a line programme. The Sacrament ol Continuation will be adminis tered in St. Michael's Church on Trinity Sunday, by lJishop Wood. rMVF.HSAI.ISi'. To-morrow nicht Kev. Mr. i'allotl will repeat his sermon on "The Lord's Pi a;, er," 111 the Kighth Siroet Church. At the Church of the Messiah. Locust streut, below liroad, Kev. Dr. ISrooks lat Sunday spoke of spring as being the season of renewal and growth, and taking up the doctrine of growth, he referred to the great necessity of tunning spiritual us well as physical progress, and the obligation of all to lead good und vimmus lives. The anniversary of the I niversalist Sundnv Schools, at the Lombard Street Church, on Tne-.day evening, was largely attended. '1 he singing by the Rcholars was excellent. Addresses were made by Dr. Viske, President ol St. Laurens I'niversity, and lion. Henry D. Moore. MKTttoDisT Ki'iseor ib. The laving of the corncr-i-tone of the new Twen tieth street M. K. Church, corner of Twentieth and Jefferson streets, on Thursday afternoon, was quite tin impressive occasion, witnessed by a large multi tude ol persons. Kev. W. 11. I'.urrcll is the pastor of the Hock. The church is to be built on a lot of ground eighty-four leet. wide by one hundred and twenty one lect deep, on which wiil be elected a line' brown stone eilillce of the Gothic st.Wo of urehitocturu, lUty-six feet front by eighty-live feet deep. The exercises on the occasion commenced Willi the singing of a hymn by thu choir, niter which a Les son was read' by the Kev. ,1. Ituth. A congratula tory address was then made by llishp Simpson, urging those present to persevere in Ihe good work of building this new church, until its Hun! comple tion. He then laid the corner-stone in the usual manner, alter which all the clergy present united ill repeating the Lord's Prayer. Amongst other clergy present on the platform were itevs. Messrs. Man ship, McCuliough, Durrell, Mast, I-Mwards, and Prenor. of Iowa. -The Twentieth Street Church was organized by a sabbath School in Will, at Hie (turner of iiidge avenue and sharawood .street, under the superintendence of Kev. Mr. Tolaud, of tlu: Twell'lli Sircct Church. Mr. John stillwaii was subsequently elected superintendent of the school, anil trustees were soon inter appointed. They procured the "plank church" from the llinliliiig M. K. Church, and rebuilt 011 Masterstreet, a location, however, soon alter found unsuitable. The site of Old Calvary Church was then selected, the entire membership numbering; but twelve per sons. The charge was then given successively to the following pastors, all of whom labored with earnestness and zeal: Kev. V. U. K. Aguew, l!ev. K. -M. Greenbunk, Kev. P. Peterson. Kev. John ltuth, and liev. Andrew Manship, under whose charge the ouniiation was laid in the fall of IstiV. liev. W. H. Durrell, the present pastor, succeeded Itev. Mr. Manship, and is making good progress with the furtherance and progress of the work. In the absence 01 Dr. Alday, in Kurope, the pul pit of Kbenezer M. K. Church will he filled regularly by Kev. J. C. Lucas not Itev. S. Lucas, who is a member of the Conference, and pastor of Fortieth Street M. K. Church but his brother, a talented local preacher of tills city. Kev. .lames Neill assumes, by request, the morning services at the Arch Street M. i Church. A series of concerts have been held by the M. K Sabbath School of North Kast, Mil., Kev. T. L. Poulson, pastor, during the present week. q'he Indus of Flout Street Methodist Church have resolved to place their house of worship in a solvent condition in other words, to pay off its pre sent rather heavy Indebtedness. They hope uot only to do this, but to secure something as u nest-egg for the future treusery. For this purpose they are about to give a lair at American Mechanics' Hall. Many of the ladies of Front Street Church have heen bereaved by the Kebebioii, and, without exception, all are imbued w ilh a hearty l.'iiion spirit, A committee of them, ii.ciuiling one lady whose only son and sup port spilled his blood in delensa of his country, have procured for the fair a large and very handsome ffag. They desire It to pass Into the possession of one of the Posts of the Grand Army of the Kepubllc. To do this they ask the friends to come und vote for their favorite Post, and the Hag will be given to tile one receiving the highest nuiuhcr of ballots. The flag is handsome enough for any purpose whatever. The members a. id friends ol Milestown charge gave their pastor, Itev. C. W. isickley, a pleasant sur prise on the ( Veiling of Hie loth insl. Ni arty one iiuiidied gathered in the roouis of his residence, und s eut the evening discoursing sweetest music, and iniiijjhng tu social conver.-ia'ion, during which they luailo the pastor the I vcipent ol .some beautiful and highly urpreciutcd gins. Thclirniol a series of meeliiigs under the aus pices of ttj,. Conference Historical Society will he held ut Hie Metliouisl Fpis.-.p.d liook Kooiu. on 1 uisihiy evei l;, next. May ut which aiilubi igra pldes of s, verul aired luiuUb-rs will he presented, i he inciting will be one ol great intercut. ItOTCSTANT Kl'ISl Ol" ji str,, . . !'"( Vl "leslant episcopal Churl! of oLv. ', ' ,',1!t I "1""'"":-'', has : , much im- s v l d o ' ', V.! lvil"W'uch Is of open timber, s iili 1 1'liiii-eii' t h 1 co' n part no nts. lu vv-h of which i-m, V , ' !!:. . Mission of the The Treasurer ol the ltoor.l of Missions of the 1111(1 IIIIIO a 111 1 , r::V rKt "f t"""'1 me.-ti,,.-H of the Children's Am. ncau Church Missionary H,V,'r...i 1. .1, '"st Ni a elleinooii ill tlie Church of tho Fv ,1 gellsts, addresses were iniide by Jt.v ,ZZ i Anthoi), O. I. Pcrinehl r, II. Newlo'n, and iV Du ?inVr' anil I7T yenriy members received ccrtiilcutes The third annual meeting of (he -mnre-.n ( hnrcli .Missionary Soci"l wiil be h.4d tins ulier lloi'U ul a o'clock, in the- Church of m0 luiuroussur H.lliNH.s. The PhlUnlelphia Vcally Meeting has been well litlemled, and 011 Mind.iy in lining three lueeiiavs were held at the I'ai-e Street Meeting House two in the meeting house, and one In the central building, ill each ol these usseinhliiM acceptable services were In Id. Green Street und Spruce Street Meeting Holmes ue ie nUo well attended, as have been Die M-rvM-cof the cul.ie wcik, lu wliii li the lueinbci J ol Hie ileiiothlu-atieu have lukcua lively laterost. gVENING TELEGRAPH W MJM1IT OF IJKM'.ftAI, III ItCII MCtV-'. I'BKSOVTKKIAN. The Henrh Street Church of Host 111 Is proving that Prcshyteriunisin eau flourish In that city. It has been growing faster than any other church there. They have Just paid the J:tn,(i!U debt, with no aid from abroad. A correspondent tells us that the .itatetueiit tint the ( 'umbcrliiuil Presbyterians, Virlh and N011M1, bine reunited Is a mistnke, as they never dlvl leil. 'I H i 1 coiumunlcaiils number liio,imo, und uonls leis 'f00. Fat her Chlnloiiv Inn been since June, 1 iitn, . n inst rln full status or Hie Camuli Prcsbv ei ui'i CIiiiii It. W hy. after t). dug dropped by the local pivx byte V, he sliould he taken up n a distant one, needs (Xpliiiinllon. 'I lie great union movement nmoi g Ihe ine-Miao-llsheil Presbvlei lau chiin hes .if Se ol land and Kag linid Is likely this year 10 make more real lhau appa rent progK-ss. A very complete and s.cislaeiory rep ill will be pri'seli ed b. ihe coinnidlees ol Hie 1 nil il Presbyteihiu nod f tic l-';-ee Char -'i lo lln-ir respective Miprcnr" Courts; but the eporl of ca-li coinmlitec w ill lie on the ut ile lor a vear. and daring that 'line no in lion on the mmied will beexp ete.i in cnciairaged. The coiuinilhas of me lour i-nii-t.rai ting ehim lies h:iye arrived til a vcrv satisfn ton degree of unanimity. The Duke of Arg le, an el bT in the F.sluhllshcil Church of Scotland, urges the Pli sbvterlau chuichcA lo unite into one sirong .inilv. Ile also insists on u greater amount of liberty Ic ing given to individual churches to 1110 lily thep' form ol worship In consistency with the Pres.iyleriau form of church government fnfxui lent. The Old ami New School Prush.vterhin churches In I-11 1 1 0 11, Illinois, wi re nulled aiiottt a year ago, ami a blessing ha followed ihe union. At the last communion W were admitted, of whom Sil were by profession. The previous membership wns otily su. It appears probable that (here will be a scant tnaiorily of the New School Presbyteries in lavor of reunion on the plan last presented. They are ret ting a Idllc Del Lied al the continued nssiiiiipl loti of superior 1 rlhodovy by the Old School. The pros pects ol reunion this mouth are not very bright ow. I iKirpriiUtnt. A year ago the Central Presbyterian Church in Unche'stcr, .New York, dismissed' eighty-two ueiii hers ut one time, to form the Westminster Church ol that city, and now, en the 4th Inst., the uenher society receives sixty-three converts on profession of flu ir fal' It, and eleven persons by Idler. "There s find scntlereih ami yet Increase ih." The Western Presbyterian Publish!! g Company, under a charter grunted to the New Mchool Presby terians, lui been organized in Chicago, wlt'.i u capi tal ol i.MHi.WO. Oli the oc-'iision of the admini-drat'ion of the Lord's Supper at the First Presbyterian Church, Wilmington. N. C, Sahhath morning, Mav 2. sixteen persons Hindu a public profession of religion, and two others v ere received from other churchej. At the late hiecliug of the Presbytery or ChiM-i-peake, the Kev. s. II. Wiggins, I). I)., was dismissed, al his own request, to the Presbytery of llailiiiloro. At the recent ineel lug of the Presbytery of K 1st Hanover, the Kev. Dr. John Lc.yburn, of II illiuio.-e, Mil., was dismissed to the Presbytery of Clleja pcake. MI'.TIIODIST. Klder H"ttiun Hangs, a veteran of Connecticut and New York Methodism, has lately been placed oil the superannuated list, ut his own request, Ile has built some fort. or lilty chiirelici in Connecticut, and tiyeiity parsonages, though Ir- never lived in one. He claims to have been ihe lirst Methodist lu this country who preached 0.1 te;n,eranco; and says ten thousand souls have been converted under his min istry. He has never complained hut once about his salary; and then he objected lo an increase, on the ground that the example might have a bad influence upon Ills brethren. The old veteran was presented 8.HHM1 on retiring. The .lii'e(if- (Methodist) of San "ranel.ieo, speaking of tliechur h in San .lose, rli-i.-ifl bu'lliling was burned because they taught toe Chinese, says: "Anomalous us is the" seeming, it is nevertneless true thai those who claim to represent Christianity In its best type lire lie ,t hostile to tlils work of Chi nese evaiffizanon. ;me school i:i san Jose, though w ith good accommodations, Is the lurg ist In the State, having luu Chinese pupils. The niiper iuteuileiit has been compelled to keep 11 ni,;he watchman to prevent his house and barn from being burned down. The motion offered in the New York Conference uisapnrovlng of the action of the presiding elder and local conference in the Kllenvid district, who gave Mrs. Van Cott a license as local preacher, was laid over for consideration next year. CONUHKUATIONAT,. Since the Sprluglleld Street ConTren'lona' Church of Huston has adopted the syst 'in of free seats, the rate of giving haa beeu Increased oti9 per cent, over that of last year. Dr. Chaplin writes to tlie Keamiiu'r till Chr:ii,'U: explaining how Mr. Ilcaly had been so succcrki'uI in organizing in New Orleans two C'lnifrreg iflonal churches, 'of 2110 members each. It i-eoms that these hud been Free-S'lll Itaptlst cliurehes, and were com posed of colored members. They were told that., if at Hie cud of six mouths they were dlf.satislleil, f Hey could w ithdraw from the new connection by paving back the money advanced to aid them In churcli huilding. There is no essential dilt'en nee between the two denominations whi"h should prevent them from uniting all over the country. Since March, lsos, 0 Congregational churches have been organized in California. Nine church edi fices have been built. Daring the last ,S years 2S cliurehes have been organized, of which nine are seir-suppoiling; Sit church edifices built and three parsonages, at a cost of over $Si,imm; " young tii'-n licensed to preai h, 4 ordained, s. installed, or the 4ft Congregational churches in California, 8(1 were or ganized under the auspices of the American Home Missionary society, only or tne 43 nave worked on without Home Missionary help. Of these oiuse missionary churches 2ft have eUillces of worship, and 6 luiee parsonages. Tlie ivisior s (Appieion; i.orary, ceunecieii won the First Congregational Church, North llrookdeld, has lately received from the family of tho founder the late Hon. William Appleton, of Horton a dona tion of some (500 volumes. Willi tins addition tne library now comprises 8200 hound volumes, and about 1000 pamphlets, some of which are raro and valuable. The Interest of tne permanent iiiuu con nected with the library permits th'! purchase of from W) to 100 volumes yearly. The Old South church, Huston, will celebrate its two hundredth anniversary during thu present month. EPISCOPAL. An Kplscopal cl irgjnian of Indiana has heen found guilty, by the pro,K-r judicatory of that Church, of the offense of witnessing the 7;trfc ('ruck, and his bishop has reprimanded hiiu accordingly. The KpUcopulians in Kentucky have inaugurated a new system 1 church extension, employing two evangelists to build up churches in destitute places, and to do much o; tiie work of a Methodist travelling preacher. A missionary ei the Church Missionary Society has, during the last year, organized congre gation's in live tow us in Missouri, averaging tweuly conimunicaiits lu each. The Massachusetts Kplscopal Convention met May fth nnd 0th. The bishop reported S21 conllnna tioiis and T deacons and 2 prics:s ordained during the year. 'I he convention endorsed the voluntary basis of missionary operations. Instead of making contri butions a church requiiemeiit. hile others e wailing for an opening in Salt Lake City, an Kplscopal missionary, Mr. l-'oote, has begun a" successful work.' lie reports, within tlrs last sixteen months, "Conl'nuatlons, Ul ; communi cants, 44 ; Sunday-school scholars, lftil; teachers, 13; grammar-school scholars, loo; teachers, 0; contribu tions for church purposes, $;i;iT0 '.?. We nave built a einniuoilious rectory, in which all the clergy and their families are li lug. We are vigorously pushing 011 parochial ainl si hod wink." "The Kviingelieul branch of our Church appears to us lo he like liiinvaii's christian Pilgrim, when he set out lo get to the wicket gate. We have come to the conclusion that our Church Is rapidly becoming, ut least, uuprou. similized, if we avoid the offensive w ord Konumized. . . . The leaders a. e making progres s continually, and further resistance to the ntiiaiisiic lnovuineiit seems a wale of time and Kti'cugih. So we have resolved to arise and ll.'e, und having stin ted, the High-Church party show their satisfaction to be il ! of us. . . . ilolh thu F.vau gelieiil and the moderate parties are earnestly dis cussing Ike Hlluutlou and prupohidg cscup.i ami solu tions of dilllciillies. Hut tlie struggles of tiie lauer are towimls the Iligh-c luiivii branch, and th 'y are Irving despd atelv to get to theni and to identify tliemselxes with them, lint, on ill" other hand, Kvtuigclieal Men are trying to get out of their pel -plexities on the side furt'ie.-t from their former asso cinlioiis, with which they have in heart forever mined Me can nhiiniy see that pro gress has been made, and thai t ie distance is w iden ing lutween us. und the ooiut of departure. We think we feci Ihe ground getting llrmer, und thu foot occasionullv steps on u proinlso of God w hich helps the weary to rest. Let us never give up the struggle, never turn the laco towards the old city: but, wuli Ihe eve on Lhe wicket irate of liberty und freedom, and with the shining light of Gold s wul alone to pulde us, let (-very step tell in the direction of solid and endurable, peace. A goal awaits us more blessed, more satisfactory, more honorable and use lnl than any of which we now huve a full and clear conception." J-'jiifuj hi linn. BAPTIST. Thurlow Weed has presented the Aiken (S. C.) bi'pllul church with a liandsumo comtuuulou ser- lee. A correspondcl t of the Central Iiaitht Bays: "Hi-hides rcviwils ull tver the statu (Kuuseowe have entered upon an era r huildin j church edl i.ces. tk.iihibo! worship are going uo lu every dl 'eitioii. cine cliuri h iu ihis (Lmu) a isoclatiou has erected mid dedicated t.vo isiiod ill : lug-hoiisi w ilblu iu limits In lliile over a yjar. Tne ehun-h at Ci oar Indiidswas orguniy.ed a ss than nine years iiy", v, ith twenty.cight members. It now liuuibe-rs PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY,. MAY 15, 1809. nbrmt two hundred and seventy-five, and Is the la rest and need, etlleleut cliuielies In tho one ol Mm Ktutn and Inn a hiuistt surpassed by n oie, with perhaps 1,.,-. nie'iKM me eiiuicn at Keokuk." A correspondent ol the .StaminnJ says : "Th rlrt Church, Minneapolis. Minn., keep In the Held four miulslers, viz., tlmlr pastor. 11 native Hindoo preacher, and two missionaries In Minneapolis. The parent society adds f-iNi to the joo whleli thev have rercidiv raised lor home missions, making Jlnu. our mi hioniuie.s receive on an average $200 eaeii rrom III" unci) tv. This fund keens t ivii men In the II9I1I, who are pastors of four or live churches. How much II bitle inoni-y wisely spent will accomplish;" - -The " rjirn 'riit repr -seats Ihe thill l irst Itaptlst Church of Now oi l;, now In course ol erection, will be one id Ihe ilu'-sl. lu the country. The baptistery will be of whllii marble, and hull the front ma le r pinte irhi-s, mi that the ordinance Itself and nor 1111 rely lhe standing In water or the candidate and lidiinuial liifor. can 0 seen. The Kev. W. II. Pendli Ion, pallor of the Fifty, third St'eet Church, gave lie1 Hand of fellowship, hisf Sunday, lo 20 persons, received during the niolllll pasl. or these. 2 ! Were received bv baptism, and 1 1 were Muing people, member-, of the Snbti-itli S11100I. Durlni; the lliiee years that Mr. Pendleton ha 'i Si Ued Ihe church In their p'csellt house, 27" pe.sons have been bailized. --A specli.l meetliiK of the Itaptlst Ministerial Con ference of this city wart held 011 Mond iv, Mav 10, at No. Mil) Arch street, itev. William Caihearl' tntro deeed Id v. Dr. Thomas Price, of Wales, and Kev. K. M. Henry, of Ireland 11 deputation from the Irish I'.linllst Home .Mission Society. The President. Kev. J. S. Keniuird, welcomed them lu a few well-chosen renin: ks. Dr. Price state. 1 Ihe object, or Ihlr visit to this country, and gave an Interesting account or tin bapllsls In W ales and I rcl.uid -pleading, lu strong terms, for aid hir the latter country, from the P.ap tislsln America. Mr. Ilenrv presented a concise and liileiestlng statement on tiie hlslorv, present eondl I' 11, and prospects of the Itaptlst cause 111 Irebind. Alter listening to their representations, a commit tee, conni.ting of Kev. Drs. Hoardnnin, Winter, and llen- son, was appointed lo prepare a resolution expres sive ot the sentiments of the Conference. The reso lution tiny reported, which a l"i ted, was at follows: was unanimously ,-.i'r , Th.it, in tlie lame nso Inilux of Irish eniirnnt to our eeiiin iy, 111 I ho inipi ndinx UiHiiHtnblihiiient of Hie I.tHh IV"t "stiinr 1 'liurcli, an.1 in the visit of imr mmI'mmii" I ttrei Ineii, .b-v. Dr. L'i-ico Hii-I Kov. Mr. Henry, am a deini-t.-itioM troln the llntntil nnd 1 risii Ititpli-,1 lionet Mix. 1011 S, eii ly, " reeiutn.n rl 1011I tai-M, 10 l interpmti) I into 11 pruvidelit ial .tninnon" to oar Hynipiil hy ft'el praiTlleiil c. opeial ien ; and llui-oir) wb hourlily commend them to tlie ("Ulidfllee of mil- el-nrellim. Al the recent uniiual meeting In th" Interest of the Pastor's College, til the Metropolitan Tabernacle, l.oi don, Mr. Spurgcon said that all the needs of the college had heen M.ppUed more liberally than lu uny loiiner year, since the college commenced, 2so in-ii have been r. ceived for training In Us regular classes, und ut leusi Win had had Instruct on In the evening classes. One hundred und eighty-six stu dents Iiud settled in the ministry, or whom Ko still remained lu the work; 41 new churches had been formed by the agency ot the college, and an new chapels had been erected In the service of their agency. The Vice-President (the Key. J. A. Spur gel 11) re orted upon the college studies, ami slated that In visiting lua!i id the students hi their places or settlement, ho had been struck with the fact that many of them were in rural districts, and W( I' able to Mtslaiu themselves by means of the voluntary principle. Most of them' had succeeded in laying hold ol the working classes, and this not hy novel mel hods, but bvthe preaching of the old evangelical ilccli ines. '1 he result of the year s sta tistics the said) show s a less percentage of Increase per church, hut it Is owing to the better regulation or church vol's. The Kev. . I. lingers (the theological I liter tes'ilU'd to the general esteem in which the students were held In many important provinces. As their one doire was lo proclaim the Gospel in its simplicity, so had their success been. Cuuli'ui A'djfi'.-.'. CATllOl.tC. Catholic papers report loo confirmed at Newport, Ky., of whom 10 were conerts; and fiat in Cincin nati, of whom 27 were converts. In Portsmouth, N. 11., tee Htiitihr ntuimtti-it reports the conversion of Id "respect a-hlc people" within three years, among whom are Komasti Chase, Kdwin K.vder, and Charles Williams, Ksqs. In St. Louis, the Arch bishop recently comiriued over looo persons at the ingathering for the year mainly, of course, chil dren. The lirst Catholic church In' Chicago was built in ls-ja. Now there are in that city 13 convents, 20 churches, a Catholic population of loa.fioo, and IB, 2i0 paroc h 11 I scholars. Very Kev.Jaine.-. Madison Lancaster, who has been very lli wlih typh ld fever and pulmonary affection for neatly three months, but who was thought convalescent, died ut 9, P. M. ou Monday, Feast of the Inve'tlonof thu Holy Cross, lu the 'Kplscopal residence, Covington. Ky. Tne deceased was born October, isiis, In Washington, now Marion county, K. He exercised th" holy ministry for many years in his native Slate, und for some time iu Pittsburg, Peilini dm im.ati VW'-ocot, Mn;i .Vi. It Is reported that three Catliolie missionaries In the province of Se-clmen. China, with several hun dred converts, have heen massacred by the natives. An address was delivered on April 11 at Moor llelds, I j Archbishop Manning, In celebration of the Jubilee of Pope Plus the Ninth. The Vntk.i)mi', of Altkirk. publishes a vigorous appeal to the catholics of Alsace, who have already sent 11 contingent to the Human Legion equal to a twelfth of its whole number, not to relax iu their de votion to the cause of the Holy Sec. Lieutenant Hingiird, of the Legion, has been authorized by Mar shal Niel, Marshal of War, to enrol recruits aud for ward theni to Koine. On April is, in St Joseph's Retreat, Ilighgale, the feas:t of the Pal '-image of St. Joseph was ob served with great solemnity and devotion. High Mass was sung by the Very Hev. the Provincial, deacon the Kev. Father Athanaslus, subdeaeon the Hev. Father Vincent. The Itev. Father Paul Mary preached a most Interesting discourse upon the Hie and virtues of Sr. Joseph. The liev. Father Corr, who, for the long period of about fifteen years, was connected with St. Igna tius' Church, Prest m, Kngland, 1ms Just been re moved, Instructions having been received that he has to proceed to Ilarbadoes, and there found u mission. Father Corr was highly respected. It is announced that the Imperial Government has given its consent to the attendance of the French hierarchy at the forthcoming General Coun cil of the Church, but that It has not yet decided upon being represented itself on the occasion. The Jews of Leghorn have sent the Holy Father some cloth lor his Soutanes. CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. QLOAKS! CLOAKS! OCR STYLES are the newest. CLR MATERIALS the most fashionable. OVR WORKMANSHIP the very best. OUR STOCK the largest In the city. OL'R PRICKS defy competition. llF.MtY ivir. 4 17 stuthlm No. H NINTH Ntleet. COLLARS, ETC ORE! PORE! DORE! bVMMF.R STYLE. BUST QUALITY. THK ONLY NARROW ROI ND-KNU COLLAR. FURNISHED 11 Y THE PRINCIPAL HEALERS. ONE UOLLAlt FOR FIFTY COLLARS. Put up In 111 w style live small boxes, containing ten collars each, In a beautiful fancy carton. All who prefer NAKKoW COLLARS ure requested to ghe Hiein a trial. Trade supplied by tho KEYSTONE COLLAR COMPANY, 6 12 wswBt No. fi'27 CilESN'l 1' Street. PIANOS, ETO. r!$-a bTKiNVYAY & HONS' GRANI) rrTr"iri'square and upriKlit Pianos, at ULAMUri HHPS. '.No- I Cllf;SNlJKiruui. s I tf jL-M LllADIil'lf Y'S PIANOS. ON 1VT rtri t'WInte House. Seven l-'irxt PrHmimim. Also, Tnvlir A Knrlcy'uOiiiana, W iLLlAAl li. FlbCUFU, No. lul's, ARCH bircBl. 4 ::m -ri.Ca U tT I C K E R 1 N G YrTPi-1 Gram! buuureand Upright PIANOS. ... DUTTON'8. II 3tf IM-t CHKSXIJT Sin.Bt. ALRREC11T, Z""t, Vhfin RIKKI-S A SCHMIDT,' WTB"r-fl MANUKAl 'TllllKIIH (Uf FIRST-CLASS PIANO-FO B.T K S. Knll iriuraute') and moiioiato pru-.ea. S3' WAKKHOUMS, No. () ARCH Street. r-"A 8TECK & CO.'S A HAINES BROS. frnH-T) PIANO FOKTF.S. ASP MASON A H A MLIN'S CA RINIT AND MIlitOPOl.lTAN UUUANd, wilh tho new and boiiutilul VOX II 17M AN A. Hvery inducement ottuiod to purchuserg. 4 3 stuth Sin No. )'; C1I KSNUT Ktruot. LEGAL NOTICES NTHF ORPHANS' COl'Ilf F(70THI'TCITY AN1 COUNTV Ol' PI,1II.AI)I'I.PHI. I llaleoi or.wm.c u. M r.r.SK, (IhuchmiI. The Auditor upp-niited by the Court l nudit. n,ttlo and lldjii.-t (lie awcc.iel aoeimnt (,r JAUOli U. UK.K.SK and WJl.OVON MIKFIUHI), tetnmtiiitrutoia ol CiKOlli.K 8. J'11M ueceased, and to -1111 lie diotrihution of ilm bulam e in tin) Iiiim'"'" the .'meoiiniiinl, will iimef ilin par lira inlen i-lisl for tho punioao of Ina aiin iiiitiiitnit. ou HKI'M SI'AY, Dm Hall day of Miiy, A. ). Is.it. ut II oMi t-k A. M . at the eftl -e of Cl.olji;! M. co.tARKOK, I-u , No. B. ill' 111 aiitjl, iu the city ut Pmliolni. pliia. LHaUlUbt, ' . DRY QOOOS. ATE RIALS l;on " siriTrt, In Stripes and Grey Mixtures. THE LAKGE-ST ASSORTMENT ON THIS MARKET. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., NO. 727 CHESNUT HTUKVjT. In Stripes, Checks .and Shots, IN CHEAT VARIETY. RICKEY. SHARP & CO., NO. 727 CIIESNUT STUKKT. 8-4 KLACIZ XZCZIITATJZ, HEAVY MESH, AT Cl-50 Ter TTard. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., Ho. 727 CimSTSXTT Street. JAPANESE SZLXI S AND rorLinzsTTES, A I'L'LL ASSOHTMENT. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., NO. 727 CIIESNUT STREET. LACE FOIUT3, IN NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., NO. 727 CIIESNUT STREET, 4 9 tfrp PHILADELPHIA. QEO. D. WISHAKi, Ko. 7 N. EIGHTH St., la now prepared to offer ono of the largest and best selected stocks of DRESS GOODS TO CE FOUND IN TIIE CITY, AND WILL BE BOLD AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. NEW GOODS OPENING DAILY. Black Silks! Black Silks I BLACK TAFFETA, only $10. BLACK GUOS GRAIN, HEAVY, $2 00. BLACK GROS GRAIN, WIDE, $2t)0. BLACK GROS GRAIN, RICH, $2-25, $20, $2'75, $3-00, $3-60, $1-011, $-t-W), $5-00. FOR BARGAINS CALL AT ICO. ID. 1VINH VU'S ONE PRICE STORE, No. 7 North EIGHTH Street. OUR MOTTO SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SA LEH. 4 15 tliatultmrp EYKE & LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH Keep the Heaviest Mesh BLACK IRON BAREGE there is Imported. 6-4 DIAMOND MESH HERNANI. 3-4 und 4-4 FINE MESH DO. JfEAL SILK GRENADINE. KTCII FIGURED GRENADINES. MAGNIFICENT STRIPES DO. STRIPE POPLINS FOR JUPES. SILK CHAIN POPLINS FOR DO. TINTED MOHAIR FOR SUITS. JAPANESE MIXTURES FOR DO. GRANITE MIXTURES FOR SUITS. GREEN, BLUE, AND MODE POPLINS. SPRING SHAWLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 4 8 stqtli3m JNDIA SHAWLS AND SCARFS. GEORGE FXIYEII, No. 916 CHESNUT Street, Invites attention to Ills elegant stock of INDIA SHAWLS AND SCARFS, BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, JAPANESE SILKS, MATERIALS FOR SUITS, DRESS and FANCY GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY, Puri'liased on the most advuntujreous terras for eiihli, uiul will bu sold us cheap us at uny store lu tliiM-ity. 15 71m N. 1. India Shawls alterdd, repalnjil, and denned. I 869. SPECIALTIES AT THORNLEY'S, EIGHTH & SPUING GARDEN, PHILA. SUI'EHB BLACK SILKS. BEAUTIFUL JAPANESE SILKS. IRISH AND FRENCH POPLINS. RICH GLOSSY MOHAIRS, ALPACAS, ETC. We offer the most complete and varied Stock of Goods In our Line "NORTH OK CIIESNUT STREET," nnd at a BIG DISCOUNT oir C'liesnut Street Prices, ua everybody knows we can afford to sell CHEAPER, as we WORK under a mere FRACTION OF TlltilR EXPANSES, THORNLEY'S "CENTRALLY LOCATED OLD ESTABLISHED" DRY GOODS HOUSE, N. E. COR. EIGHTH AND SPUING GARDEN, 8 12 PHILADELPHIA. 310. D. S. NO. !I10 N. E1CHTII STREET, ABOVE VINE (Siit-cCKKdi- tu Morriss & Hiiltniun). Spring opi-liiiiK of llluek Siika, Diuim (JooiU, Cimaliiiei-Bj, While Ouods, Kid CilovuB, KinliniidurioH, Hosiery, tluv, TiiuiniinK. Notioim, t'ortwU mid Hoop hkii tu, elv. lslk. Silkn, 2, 2 "25, 2 411. White (.'ikmIb in ifiwiit variety. Mk. tSilkH. 42 1M1, a'7f, a : Plunl -Minima. 2.1, 2."ki. Mk. Alpiu-UH, 81, X, 4lio. Stripe Nuiimook. 22, 2o. l.iislie Alimritk, fyi. iij, lii'c. Wliile ami Hii" l'eu-'. - Al.iliuir I.iibtrt-K, (ij, 7A, : Yard-wiilu UliiuUi'S, Sflo. Spi iiiR Urv CliKiiU. 25, SW. 81. X. ' Si. '. 6'-'. 0 WikiI C'iiiiier.b, 45, bi. v. ' ''25- Keuieinhrr tlie uumbor, SW, ulioire Vmu (liirge deiililu- front iituia). 4 22 tilth, tim CTKAM PASTE MAN U FACTO KV. No. 10 I-1 Ti l' K I. A NK.. Pallor Ikx Mukura, Itoi.k tiiiel, 1 1, Ti 1111k iiihIiiiw, Poller liaiii.'fis. uiul all wiu uj I'Ahl t, will find IliiN nuele l' Meal", wliliout lu'iiiia, more aJl:e ivKiind fnrlic-llul aud ullei pL'r llUU CjU bu iua(l in li e ordiuury wuy. '"' . JN3URANOE. y H E N AT I O N AL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF Ttll '. ' United States of America, WASHINGTON, I). C. CHARTERED BY SPECIAL ACT (W OONuitKS.4 Al PROVED JULY U. l-m. N Hit AM II IIIMI lii FIRST NATIONAL HANK IIUILDINU, PMII.AIiH PHIA, Where tho tumltivHH of t!ii Coinpnny Is trunnifcted, and to winch ull general ciirret4iimilenW should b aildu-ssed. DIltKGTOIW. Cl.ARFNrK H. f'l.AKK, E. A. ROf.f.tVH, IlKNHV I). CODKB, iWlU.tCM K. CIIANDLBR, lllltN 1). DSKKKKr), 1WAHI IhttmK, 11. Cl FlUNKSTUUC .1 AY ! OOKR, .flHIN W. hf.f.IH, W. O. MOOKIILAn, MKtll'OK V. 'i VI KK, J. HlMULEV C'l.AI'.K, OFFICERS. C'i.AKKM'K II. Cf,AiiK, Plilladeiiihla, President. Jav c ookk, CliAiMnau Finance uiul Executive Coitt niitteo. Hknkv D. Cookk, Wasliinirton, Vioe-Presiilent. Emkhson W. Pkkt, Plniiideljilua, Secretary and Actuary. E. ,s. Tit'kskk, Wtohliiirton, AsMlstant Hecretwj. Fkam ih Ci. Smith, M. I)., Medical nireetor. J. Ewinu Mkakjs, M. D., Amtlataiit Medical Direc tor. MEDICAL ADVISORY BOARD. J. K. Barnes Surgeon-General V. 8. A., Wash- lllKtotl. P. J. lioKwiTZ, Clilef Medical Department, U. S. N.. N HMllilti'll. D. W. Hi.lsM, M. D., Washlnirton. SOLICITORS AND ATTORNEYS. Hon. Wtu.iAM E. C'handi.kh, Wa-itiliiirtou. D C (JfaiouuK lUuoiNu, Pliiiadeiplila, Pa, THE V1V.VTVT.VC112S OiVereil ly this Company arcs It Is a National Company, chartered by special act of lonKress, lbi'xi. It tins a pnld-iip capital or $l,iWW,fHW). It, oilers low rates of premium. 11 fimii.slies linger Insurance than other compiiileii for the stiiue money. It Ih definite and certain in Its terms. It Is a liolne company in every locality. Its poUrles are exempt from attachment. There are no unin.-ces.sary restrictions la the poll. cles. Every policy Is non-forfeitable. Policies may be taken which pay to the Insure-! their full amount ami refini all the premiums so that Hie insurance costa only the interest ou tlia an nual 1 iiyiueiitH. Policies m:y be taken that will pay to the Insured, arter a certain number of years during; life, an an nual income of oue-teutti the amount named lu the policy. No'extra rate Is charged for risks upon the lives of females. It insures not to pay dividends, but at so low a cost that dividends will be Impossible. 3 4 wsrp BLANK BOOKS. BLANK BOOKS. The Largest Stock and Greatest Variety OP rUZ.Ii AND IIAir-30U:J2 BLANK BOOKS, MEMORANDUM, PASS, COPY-BOOKS, ETC. ETC., To lie found lu this city, is at the OLD ESTABLISHED Blank Cook Manufactory OF JAS. B. SMITH & CO., No. 27 South SEVENTH St., 3 19 thstuSin PHILADELPHIA. OFFIC E AND SALESROOM, FIRST FLOOR ; WAU3- ROOMS, UP STAIRS. NEW PUBLICATIONS. BUREAU VERITAS . (FKENCII LLOYDS). INTERNATIONAL REGISTER FOR CLASSIFICATION OF VESSELS. THK REGISTER VERITA8, containing the Olaml Heat ion of Vessel. mirTeyed in tha (JontinonWl, BriliHh and Amerioun porta, for tlia year lHoU, i. FOIt SALK by the AgouUi in New York. ALF MFRIAN 4 OO., 2i No. 4 KXCHANliK PLAUE. z ELL'S rorTHLAK EZJcircLorsazA, A DICTIONAKV OF UNIVERSAL KNO'.V LEDGE, T. ELLWOOD ZELL, Publisher, Nos. 17 ami 19 South SIXTH Street, 3 2Tcnni PHILADELPHIA. npilK FAMILV DOtJTOH. A DlCTRlNAIiY- X OF DOMKSTKl MKUfCl.VE ANi SUBUKKV, Kttpoeiully ailiiplPil 'or fiituily itne. BY A UlSl'liN.SAItY NUROKON. Illustrated wilh upwuriUuf One Tlmuaand lllUHtratioon crown Hvo., ololb, T5U psxiw anil an Appendix, 1W5,); Uil' lnurocco, 44. AkuuU wuutud. Apply to CKDItOK r.FHUIK. 4 2) lin Na.Jiaud AN. SUM ri iret . 1 ) II I L O S O P II Y O F M A H u iA O K.-I L A New Uourso of l.notures, an doliverod at tho New York Muwiini til Anutomy, eiubrauinx tlia .aljjeoU: How to I.iv, nnd What to Lire Inr; Youth, Muturity, and Old A(?e; iiLmliumt Cioiierully Hovievvod ; The Ouuse ol IiHlilier-lu.n; l-ldlulom-e und .Norvous Dinoaisea AueounlHil l-'or. Marri'itte I'hilobopiiiculv Consiileri)d, etc. eto Voil fit r.iluuics roieKininx thoae l.ei:turei will lie tori wauled, pobt-pnid, on ri-uipl of aj cen., hy atidrexiinir W A. l.KAhY, Jn.,S. K. corner o iFIb l'li and WaIaut Sirata, I'hiiiutiilphiK ;i; CEN TS' FURNISHI NQ G O 6 D S p A T E N T 8 II O U L fi E U-a E AM SiniiT MA A' UFA C TO It Y, AND (JKNTLF.MEN, FURNISHING STOJIE. PK.Iif KI T FITTIPTO SHIRTS AND DRAWEE inalu linin nipiiHiirciii lit ut rerv nlioit limine All ottur articles of CiKNTLK.MKiV'S DHKHS (lOUIlS iu full vuriuiy. VICIIF,STEU & Co., 12 , ?o. 7 WMJll KS.VLTT Sbraet. H. S. K. C. Harris' Seamless Kid Glovoa. tVl'UV PA Ml WAKIMNTKII. EXCI.USD E AGENTS FOR CJENTS' CJLoVKS. J. V. SCOTT & CO,, BSTii-p N. 814 CIIESNUT STREW. CMh AT.AY':F-'S t hepot, NO.M N v; h,x',lfn,,eBi,l., Ar.di, i.nddolH imeof hla IMl'l C. 1 11 MIOl 1.1KH KK AM 1'Al i KU.S StIIUl j, wlii.li 1 an -puss, ml ii;.r Sinn, ir mvtl m.n of lit ou Inl ble.l, e-euK U ,a tu . um.k, u,l eua, on I U .liouldur Alau l.s lK..t.-,. v.tf U,v.-y. u-.; 3 ui warp;