TUB DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1869.' 5 91USICAE, Altn DnAWATIC. OTl Pla-an Oaltoa m "Arllnn.' LMt eonln the Academy of Music wan dernclr packed from floor to cclllnfr, and the enthusiasm of the audience wan alwut In proportion to ltd aisse. The Bohemian Girl, which Mr. Behreng selected for hu benefit, In one of the most popular worka In the repertoire of the Rlchings troupe, and although It has by thia time be(run to pall somewhat upon the ears of our opera goers, it can generally be counted upon to attract a full house, if anything will. The interest which attached to the performance last evening, however, was due in a very large measure to the ap pearance or Miss Susan Gallon in the role of "Arline," and although Mr. Bohrcns Is to be congratulated upon the (pecuniary success of the entertainment, the honors of the evening were fairly carried off by the attractive young prima donna. Miss Galton has appeared hitherto under signal disadvantages In this city, and as she came here unheralded, her great popularity has been fairly won. Her appearance in grand Opera, therefore, at the Academy ,of Music, with such a support as would enable her to do herself Justice, was an event of much interest, although there wai no doubt of hor success, provided her voice should prove powerful enough for the large building, in the minds of those who witnessed her personation of "Amlna," in ha Sonnambula, last winter, at the Chesnut Street Theatre, under circumstances that were safflclcntly discouraging to dampen the ardor Of the most enthusiastic artist. Although The Bohemian Girl is a tolerably sure paying card, and a very suitable piece to introduce an artist-novice to the public, we cannot but regret that La Sonnambula, Linda di Chamounix, or some work of higher grade than it la, was not selected in order that Miss Oalton conld have a fair opportunity to display all her capabilities as aa actress and a singer. The Bohemian Oirl is simply a series of pret ty melodies, and as a musical composition, profesing tojwork oat a certain theme, It is but a mediocre per formance, not up even to Offenbach's standard. It scarcely admits of any genuine acting, and It Is a particular merit of Miss tialton's that she Is equally good as an actress or a singer. This is a point too often lost sight of by those who attempt the lyric drama, for unless the various parts in an opera are acted, in the most exact sense of the word, the performance Is little more than a concert in costume. The really first, rate lyric artists are few and far between, but when they do appear, as In the case of Madame Gazzanlga and Slgnor Ronconi, the dramatic power of their persona tions Is more than sufficient to extenuate any vocal deficiencies. Now, this dramatic talent Miss Susan Galton possesses In a high degree, and If she was no singer at all, she would still be a very charming and attractive actress. Miss Gallon's voice Is fresh, sweet, and sympathetic; In comparison with some of the best singers of the day, a slight ruggedness In some of her notes, and a lack of the highest vocal culture, will somewhat detract from the position which we would like to award her. But she sings with so much natural grace and expression, and she possesses other qualities rare on the lyric stage, which are so worthy of commendation, that her slight deficiencies in this respect appear of but minor moment. When Miss Galton made her appearance In the second act last evening, her reception was most flattering ; Indeed, so anxious was a portion of the audience to welcome her that Miss Mlschka, who personated the "Gipsy Queen," was overwhelmed by deafening applause. Although her friends were evidently predisposed In ber favor, so that all her airs were encored, the performance cannot be con sidered an entire success. Miss Galton sang with much feeling and expression, but her voice is not sufficiently powerful to fill so large a building as the Academy of Music Whether this Is an Inherent defect, we are of course unable to decide on the strength of a single performance. Miss Galton has hitherto been accustomed to sing in the smallest theatre In the city, and to be suddenly transferred from such a box as the Theatre Comlque to the largest opera house in the country is a severe trial of strength any singer might dread. Miss Galton, too, was evidently to a great "degree unfamiliar with the role, and the want of sufficient rehearsals was ap parent throughout. We believe that with a little training Miss Galton could adapt her voice to the Academy, as it seemed to improve in power as the performance progressed. The aria from Sonnambula, which was given Instead of the usual jinale, was de lightfully rendered, and as Miss Galton Is evidently more familiar with the music of that opera than with The Bohemian Girl, it Is to be regretted that she did not appear in it on this occasion. The remaining parts In the opera were filled by Messrs. Castle, Campbell, Seguin, Charles Drew, and Miss Anna Mlschka, with whose merits the public are familiar. The choruses were not well done, but otherwise the performance was up to the usual mark. The City Asnusnrnts. At mr Aoadrmy ok Music Flotow's opera of Martha will be given; to-morrow, MaxanieUo; on Thursday, Fra Diavolo. On Friday evening Mr. Cas tle will have a benefit, when Traviata will be pre svntcd. At thk Chksnut the Kale Holt English burlesque troupe will open on Wednesday evening, with a new burlesque by Byron entitled Lucre! ia Lurgia; or, La Grande Doetretute. At the Walnut Mr. John Brougham will appear this evening in his new burlesque of Muth Ado About a Merchant of Venice. The performance will con clude with the drama of The Peep .show Man. At tub Arch Lotta will appear this evening In her drama of J'epina. On Friday Mr. Barton BUI will have a farewell benefit previous to his departure for London, where ne will assume the management of Mrs. John Wood's Theatre. Mr. Hill Is an uooompUwued actor, and It will be no easy task to supply his place at the Arch. We hope that his benefit will be a success. Ronedalt will be performed. Mr. John Collins, the Irish comedian and vocalist, who has Just returned from a successful tour In Cali fornia and Australia, will commence an engagement at the Arch in a few weeks, and will appear in a round of his favorite characters. At thk Tbkatkb Comiqub Miss Susan Galton will appear this evening In yanehttu and A Rainy Day. At thb Ambrican an attractive variety entertain ment will be given this evening. Tub Nkw York Circus, under the management of I. B. Lent, commenced operations yesterday on Kighth street, above Race. This troupe contains a large number of fine performers In various special ties, together with a superb collection of well-trained horses, pontes, dogs, and mules. It will remain in this city only two weeks, and will doubtless attract crowded audiences. Two performances will be given every day at P. M. and 8 P. M. At thb Chksnut Htrbbt Rinb a grand velocipede contest will take place this evening, between Mr. W. H. P. Covert and Mr. Lewis Fabian, for the fifty dollar gold medal and the championship. After the contest there will be a grand priae exhibition, when various awards will be made to the most skilful riders, and the whole will conclude with a sack-rase between four boys. CITY ITEMS. MEM's, Youth's, amd Boys' Spring d-OTinwa. eutortment of choice naw ynodt, not n etore and reMag dally; alto, a choice election of food) in the piece, to be mailt up to order in the beet etyte. IlALr WAT BBTWKSX ) BSWWBTT A CO., nth and Towkh Hall, tkUh StreoU.) 618 Maakk r Htrsbt, and mo Broadway, Nkw York. Tub Parham Sewjno Machine Company. It hsbeen thought by nesrly everybody that the Sewing Machine hud been brought to uoh perfection that it was impossible for any further linprovomont to be mads. But recently a new machine haa been introduced which combine all the good qualitte of all other machine now in uae, and many new and invaluable feature which tend to make it the machine of the day. It i manufactured by the Parham Machine Company, an org-anizatiun which waa effected about a year ago, at their factory, in the fireproof Tathain Building, on Fifth itreet, above Looust, where the system of workmanship established by the American Watch Com pany and the United Statos Armory at SpringUeld, Mm, ha been adopted. A a consequence, everything 1 in i... nA urM.ka likA nlnt'k.work. It perievt 1 . coat some labor and money to introduce thi system, nd to permanently establisn K a nnraoer oi the workmen of the above celebrated establishment have been secured by the Parbani Company. The ma chine is the result of the labor of Charle Parham, a noted mechanic of thi city, who ha devoted many year of his life to the construction and perfection of these use ful iustrumonts. That this labor has resulted successfully is attested by the demand which ba already sprung up for it. not only in this city but in ail prominent cities of the UuiUtd States. Wherever it ha gone it baa been pro Ubunevd a success. It has been eiaiuiued, and critically sn, hj leading gwnlnsws, wne have sot aasrUsed la aoeerd. tng H the paint over all other thai have been predoeed. It simplicity of onnntraoUoa, its noiseless running, and specially its adaptability for doing the most Intricate and for making the most perfect work, en U kind of mate rial, are calculated to recommend it to every family. An other of it great feature is, that one machine is a perfect foe rtmiU, in Ha elans, of another, so that if a wheel or any portion whatever of tho machinery is broken, It can be immediately replaced on application at any of th offloea of the oompsny, by merely stating the class of the instrn mnnt. The capital of the company is $500,000, and Its eapaorty will be fire hundred machine per week. The salesrooms of the company are located in the splendid five story brown building Mo. 704 Cheenut street Hera, also, are the showrooms, the packing and the business departments, all under the dlreotion of competent assistant. The first floor of No. 704 Chesnut is in use as a sales and show room, and is splendidly fitted op, with marble floor and superbly frescoed coiling. The great length of the build ingsome 300 feet baa made a skylight dome in the rear necessary, which is In keeping with tho rest of the establishment, and is a modol of elegance and beanty, Beneath this dome a winding staircase asoends to the upper stories of the building, the (ocond floor being nsed for private offices and the wholesale dnpsrtment; the third as a stock room; the fourth, the cabinetmakers' apart ment, and the fifth the pattern and model room. A Urge building in the rear baa also been brought into requisi tion, and the edifice, altogether, forma one of the largest and most elegant establishments for the transaction of a sewing machine business in the country. "Tub Pacific Railroad." Banning through the mountains. Flying o'er the plains, From the golden fountain Com the loadod trams. Load the bell are ringing. Hear the people shout ; California' bringing Her treasure hereabout. The road to China's open. Hurrah for Uncle Sam ; John Bull anitt HHp. stand moping, Ha I bee as it you can. Our glorious Yankee nation Has astonished all the folks ; And the great Pacifio station Is tho store of Chariot 8 tokos. Where clothing, made in tyle so nice, la wold at the very lowest price. No. 834 Ohksntjt Stbbbt. Jtbwbtjw. Mr. William W. Oaasidy, Wo. 13 S. Second street, ha tho largest and most attractive assortment of fine Jewelry and Silverware in. tho oity. Purchaser oaa rely upon obtaining a real, pure artlolo furnished at a price which cannot bo equalled. Ho also haa a large stock of American Western Watoha in all varieties and at all price. A visit to hi store is sure to result is pleasure and profit. Bora' Butts, $3 Up. Our Garibaldie and Bittmarkt, WANAMAKXB k BROWN. Wanamaker A Brown. Wanamatot A Brown. WanatnaMewA Brown. Wanamttkvm e Brown. Wanamakew ,o Brown Wanamakew f Brawn Wanamaker tt Brmtmm Wanamaker Brawn. Wanamaker it. Brown. Wanamaker ct Brown. Wanamaker A Brown. Wanamaker tt Brown Wanamaker tt Brown. Wanamaker tt Brown. Wanamaker f Brown. Wanamaker tt Brown. Wanamaker A Brown. Wanamaker A Brown. Wanamaker A Brown. Wanamaker A Brown. Wanamaker A Brown. Wanamaker A Brown. Oht huHUiem Suite, $9 up. Our Cheeierfieldt. Our fere Stylet Walking Coalt. Our Dree Sock. , Our Light Overcoate. Our Spring Overeoate, $. Our Black Suite, (17 up. Our Melton Sultt, $16 up. Our Youthe' Chettericldtt. Our Youthe' Metropolitan .lark. Our Black Drete arils, ifui up. Our Black Dreet Vettt, $3 up. Our (Vwmn'i Suite. Our Silk faced Cheeterfieldt, Our Hevirter Walkrnq Coate. Our fwetot Street Coate. Our Harrie Catermere Suite, Our few Stylet Boye' Jaekete, Our Blue Hack Coatt, $10 ufi. Our rery-dau fantt, $3 up. Our Silk Mixed Suite. Our Boy' department, first floor. Our Vummn Department, the largeet Wanamaker A Brown, in rnnaujetphta. Wanamaker A Brown. 8. K. COR. 8IXTH AND MARKRT. 8. K. COR. HlXTH AND MARKRT. 8. E. Oos, Sixth and Markrt. -Oak Hall. I W Oak Hall. If Oak Hall. FERGUSON SCOTT. May 9, at the residence of tho bride's mother, Mnnayunk, by Rev. Jabes Ferris, Mr. WILLIAM A. FERGUSON and Miss EMMA. L. 8c6tT, both of the above named place. TAYLOR RAMSEY. On the morning of the 6th In stant, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Kev. P. 8. Talroage, GEORGE R. TAYLOR, of Churminir Forge, Berks county, to SALL1E J., daughter of James M. Ramsey, Esq., of Philadelphia. iii:i. BEAN. On the 10th instant, ELM IRA ABEL BRAN, aged 3 years. The relatives and friends are Invited to attend the fune ral, from the residence of her parents. No. 1074 East Dau phin street, on Thursday at IS o'clock. To proceed to Monument Cemetery. BISPHAM.-On MsylO. 169. at Warronton, Va., WIL LIAM NEWBOLD BI8PUAM, formerly of this oity, in tuv Dui.ii year 01 ui ajre. - BOYER, On th 9th instant, at the residence of her son-in-law, Joseph Fronfinld, Esq., No. 8J9 Race street, Mrs. CATHERINE BOYER, in tbe SOth year of her age, formerly of Eransburg, Pa. The relatives and lriend of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the Evansburg Epis copal Church, on Thursday next, the 13th instant, at 10 o'clock. Friends from tho oity will take the 7 ) A. M. train from - the Beading Railroad Depot for Perkiomen Station. 1!-l?7?uiAenlT on the 8th instant, A. HAMIL TON HAMELL, sged 38 years. The relatives and friends of the family, also Camden Lodge, No. 15. F. A. M. ; also Talaca Lodge, No. 4, 8. of M., are recpectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Thurs day, the 13th instant, at 3 o'clock, from hi lata residence, No. 421 Stevens streetJCamden, N. J. GOLDHBOROUGIL-On Saturday, the 8th instant, MARY LAWRENCE, wife of Commodore J. R. Golds? borough, U. 8. N..and daughter of the late JohnlPoningtnn. The funeral will take place from ber late residence. No. M) 8. Sixteenth street, on Wednesday, the 13th instant, at 9 o'clock A. M. To proceed to St. James the Less. STKIN.-On the 9th Inst, EDWIN K., son of Frank L. and Emma Stein, aged 3 yours. Funeral on Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock, from residence, No. 1713 Master street. INSURANCE. rjX) SECURE YOUR FAMILY FROM WANT, To Relieve Your Mind of Anxiety, To Hake a Good Investment, INSURE YOUR LIFE IN THK AMERICAN OF PHILADELPHIA. ALEX. WniLLDIN, President. JOHN 3. WILSON. Secretary. io UNION AND CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD BONDS I JO UG I IT JLIVi: SOLD. WILLIAM PAINTER & CO., BANKKHS, NO. 36 SOUTH THIRD STREET, ft lllm PHILADELPHIA. FERTILIZERS. TfOR LAWNS, GARDENS, GREEN- X1 HOUSES AND FARMS, S ATJOII'S RAW-BONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME will le found a powerful MANURE. It IB prompt In Its action; It contains the averts or no pestiferous weeds, and will produce luxuriant growth of UraHS, Flowers, Strawberries, and all Gar den Vegetables and Plants. Dealers supplied by the cargo, direct from the wharf or the manufactory, on liberal terms. Send your address and procure free "Journal of the Farm." HAITCJII Ac NOIN, No. 26 S. DELAWARE AVENUE. This Fertilizer can be bad of all Agricultural Deal ers in city or country. 8 tutli3m JOW IS THE TIME TO CLEANSE YOUR HOUSE. M lC lir.It, IIAKX.tlAIX Ac CO.'S WASI1IM1 AND CXKANHINU POWUEK I unrualld for aorullin hulij M Am1( Iiuf it an) Ij, inr faints. Moors, ana ii oouaa. Aak for II and take no oinnr. 4 tin. llui FRANKF011D Uwad. DRV QOObB. EDWIN HALL & CO., NO. 28 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Would mil the attention of the I-iuiM to their Stock; of DHES8 GOODS, for tale at the LOWKtfT CASH PRICKS. MATKRIMH FOR 8TTTT3 IN STRIPR8 AND URKY MIXTURES, 8-4and84 BLACK IRON RAKKOK.H, H-4 and 8-4 HIJACK HKRNAN1KS, REAL BLACK SILK GRENADINES, RICH F1UURKD UKKHADINEH, FIGURED GRENADINE BAREGES, RICH FIGURED ORGANDIES, NEAT STYLES LAWNS, BLACK TAMISB CI-OTIT, FRENCH BLACK ALPACAS, PURE MOHAIRS, WH h a (treat variety of NKW DRRS8 GOODS adapted to the wanM of the PLAIN TRADK. N. B One cbh of NEAT PLAID JAPANESE SILKS or POFLINETTEh at $1. joat opened. EDWIN HALL & CO., NO. 28 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Would invite the iAdlea to aa examination of the following: NEW 8TRITR SILKS, CHECK SILKS, CHERRY AND OREKN SILKS, BLUES AND STKFJ.S DO., MODES AND OTHER COLORS, PLAIN JAPANESE SILKS, PLAIDS AND STRIPES DO., CUENE and FIGURES DO. BLACK SILKS, ffl. BLACK SILKS. $'2-. BLACK SILKS, 13 m BLACK SILKS, tti'TS. BLACK SILKS, $3. BLACK SILKS from S to 3 per yard, of the beet maltea. 5 11 turn EYItE & LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH Keep the Heaviest Mesh BLACK IRON BAEEGE there is Imported. 8-4 DIAMOND MESH HERNANL 8-4 and 4-4 FINE MESH DO. REAL SILK GRENADINE. RICH FIGURED GRENADINES. MAGNIFICENT STRIPES DO. STRIPE FOPLINS FOR JUPES. SILK CHAIN POPLINS FOR DO. TINTED MOHAIR FOR SUITS. JAPANESE MIXTURES FOR DO. GRANITE MIXTURES FOR SUITS. GREEN, BLUE, AND MODE POPLINS. SPKINQ SHAWLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 4 8 Btnth3m QRENADINES! LAWNS! ORGANDIES! JOHN W. THOMAS, 405 and 407 N. SECOND St., Has now In Stock a LARGE and HANDSOME assortment of NEW G R EN ADIN ESgin Stripes and Figured, NEW STYLE LAWNS AND ORGANDIES, 3-4, 4-4, and 8-4 IRON MESH IIERNANI, Together with every variety of NEW aud ELEGANT DRESS GOODS. 8 27 Smrp NEW AND CHOICE GOODS are recolved dally from the New York aud Philadelphia markets. 1869. SPECIALTIES AT THORNLEY'S, EIGHTH & SPRING GARDEN, PHI LA, SUPERB BLACK SILKS. BEAUTIFUL JAPANESE SILKS. IRISH AND FRENCH roPLINS. RICH GLOSSY MOHAtRS, ALPACAS, ETC. We offer the moBt complete and varied Stock of Goods In our Line "NORTH OF CHESNUT STREET," and at a BIG DISCOUNT off Chesnut Street Prices, as everybody knows we can afford to sell CHEAPER, as we WORK under a mere FRACTION OF THEIR EXPENSES, THORNLEY'S "CENTRALLY LOCATED OLD ESTABLISHED- DRY GOODS HOUSE, N. E. COR. EIGHTH AND SPRING GARDEN, 18 PHILADELPHIA. JNDIA SHAWLS AND SCARFS. GEORGE FXtYEH, No. 916 CHESNUT Street, Invites attention to his elegant stock of INDIA SHAWLS AND SCARFS, BLACK AND FANCY SILKS JAPANESE SILKS, MATERIALS FOR SUITS DRESS and FANCY GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY Purchased on the most advantageous terms for cash, and will be sold as cheap as at any store In the city. 6 Tim N. B. India Shawls alterdd, repaired, aad cleaned. SPRING COLORS. Silk and Wool Rolled Poplins. riiiCKS shim. i.nvi:it. Our cheap location and active trade enables us to sell DRESS GOODS For Ladles, Misses, and Children, at less than usual prices. Curwen Stoddart & Brother, Nog. 450, 452, and 454 N. SECOND St. sn at PHILADELPHIA. )10. D. S. DORMON, 310, NO. 810 N. KIGHTH 8TREKT, ABOVE VINE ( Successor to Morris A llottiuao ). hpnn opening of Black 81 Iks. Drass Ooods. Cassiraerss, White Goods, Kid Gloves, Kmbroideries. Hosiery. Gloves, Trimmings, Notions. Corsets snd Hoop BUrts, eto. L,,!H'2&Jl'40- White Goodsin great variety. WW. Alpacas, Si H5, 400. Strip. Nainsook. !, 5o. Lustre Alpacas, to, 55. io. Ivhitl and Hull Pit u. a5fl. Mohair Lustres, 66. 76. 1. I Yard-wide CbiiiUei. UJ. Spring Dreas Goods, 23, 35, 2U, 31, 34, 87X. 40. 45, 60, 61)0. Wool Cassiineres, 45, 65. do, 75, f!l, SO, 1, Remember the number, 810, above Viu (Urge double frontUre)! 4 33 tuths tfra PARASOLS. 4$Sr PARASOLSALL THE NEWEST ri2k'If?-don Xnd, ParU r'. whioh' for D.oveK..va--aVJTriety, and elaganoe are unequalled. A Urge as ,T" f Laoe Covers. Sei hide and Sun Urn- bt alias at the low prices, at H. DIXON'ti Fancy (toods Store, No. al S. KlUllTll Hlreeu " 4 jo am AH8POKTS PROCDRF.I) BY JOHN P. A YOCNO. Notary Publio,WluiiK.!jNUT St. 6Ut!ilm BONNET8,'TRrMMINOS, ETC WOOD & CARY, yec OIIKHTXIJT St., XATEGT CTTTLEC or FANCY BONNETS AtiD HATS. W. ft o., HAT AND BONNET MATNRIAI. PRICKS LOW. No. T86 CHKHH WT fllreet. 4 82 tuwthSnirp RIBAND OPENING or SPRING DESIGNS SONNETS AND HATS, AT OUR NEW BONNET ROOMS, No. 806 ARCH Street. P. A. HARDING & CO. 4 1 thstoSm -t(V7 EIGHTH ST. RIBBON STORE. No. 107 Worth EIGHTH Street, (Four doors abore Arch). I hare now open a splendid assortment of SILKS, SATIN RIBBONS, SATINS, BONNET RIBBONS, CRAPES, STRAW HATS, FIGURED NETS, STRAW BONNETS, ILLUSIONS, FLOWERS, To which I would klndlf call the attention of tho JULIUS SICHEL, No. 107 North EIGHTH Street, FOUR DOORS ABOVE ARGIL P.S SILKS and SATINS CUT BIAS. 4 8Btuth2m QHOICE GOODS POPULAR PRICE'S. PARIS FLOWERS, LINEN-BACK SATINS, AND LADIES' AND MISSKS" HATS AND BONNETS, la Unrivalled Aaaortraent, S. A. & D. STERN. NO. 724 ARCH STP.EET, 5 1 8tuth2mrp PHILADELPHIA. JfRINGES, GIMPS, AND BUTTONS, w Style and moderate Price. GUIPURE LACES, HANDSOME PATTERNS; WHITE COTTON TRIMMINGS; AMERICAN ZEPHYR, ALL COLORS. It A I S O I H , 4 IT stuthlm N.W. Corner of EIGHTH and C'HKKKV Hta. CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. QLOAKSI CLOAKS! OUR STYLES are the newest OUR MATERIALS the most fashionable. OUR WORKMANSHIP the very best OUR 8TOOK the largest In the city. OUR PRICES defy competition. 4 17 stuthlm No. g:t H NIXTH Wtteet. OHINA, GLASSWARE, ETO. PRICES REDUCED. FRENCH CHINA, GLASS, PARISIAN GRANITE, AND GENERAL HOUSE-FURNISHING1 GOODS Ltf OUR LINE IN IMMENSE VARIETY. BEST GOODS. CHEAPEST PRICES. TYNDALE & MITCHELL, No. 707 CHESNUT Street, 8 SO stotMmrp PHILADELPHIA. OARPETINQS, ETO. CANTON MATTINGS Just Eeoeived, ex-Barque Louisa, 2000 ROLLS Fresh Canton Mattings, WHITE AND BED CHECKED, Of Choice Brands, in all Widths. H'CALLUM, CREASE & SLOAN, No. 509 CHESNUT Street, 4 18 ttaturpj 1 1 j Opposite Independent Uaii. .. OtlOTHINQ. ALL DEPARTMENTS NOW IN Full and Successful Operation. OCR CUHTOM DRPARTMENTU turning out the 1TNBST CLOTU1NU uifrle in Philadelphia thla spring. OCR READT-MADR DEPARTMENT ( being largely patronised and becoming very popular with man? who nerer before thought of wearing "Ready . Mate Clothing." . OUR FURNISHING DEPARTMENT ta. In receipt of a large lot of FINE VALISES. Those preparing for their summer trip, pirate take notice. OUR .YOUTHS' AND BOYS' DEPARTMENT U attracting much, attention and favorable comment on account of the eeao and sapertoritf of lt news nd complete stock. JOHN WANAMAKER, CIArTHIER, Chesntit Street Clothin g Establishment. Completion ok Twa Pacific Railroad. ROCHUILL &. WXLSOXTS Views of the Same. Sing to the Inne of "Yankee Doodle," The great Pacific Railroad's laid From ocean nnto ocean, And now complete connection's made, An enterprising notion. The mighty work at laxt la done, So speedily and brisk, oh t And now In ten days we can run From here to San Francisco. No more we take the ancient route, The stage, a horrid slow thing ; It banged the passengers alout, And wore out all their clothing. Choruxfor the end of each verse. The great Pacific Railroad's laid From ocean uiito ocean, And we buy clothes at GREAT BROWN HALL, A most delightful notion. Through passengers by the Pacific Railroad will call at the GREAT BROWN HALL before starting, and provide themselves with a complete outfit of the elegant and substantial Spring and Summer Clothing prepared by ROCKUILL A WILSON. People who travel by other routes, and also , people who, Instead of travelling by any route at all, prefer to stay at home, can And the most superior and sea sonable garments for every occasion, every variety, and at tne lowest prices, at the Great Brown Staaa Hall or ROCKHILL & WILSON, KOS. 603 AND 605 CHESNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. HICKS' TZ2XV2TZJ2 OF FASUIOH, SO CELEBRATED rou FINE FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, No. 902 MARKET Street, PBILADKU IIIA. ESTABLISHED AUGUST 1. 1840. 5 1 8tuthlm4p ESTON & BROTHER, MERCHANT TAILORS, S. W. Corner NINTH and ARCH Sts., PHILADELPHIA. DAILY RECEIVING SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES OP THE LATEST IMPORTATIONS. A Superior Garment at a reasonable price. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 8 81 Smrp THE STAR. THE LARGEST ONE-PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE. No advantage taken of a want of knowledge goods. FINE GOODS AT THE LOWEST RATES. STRICTLY ONE PEICE. PERRY & CO., 4 It thsta lit No. m CHF.SNUT St., above Sixth. OLOTHS, oX'sSrtMERES. ETO. gPEClAL AUXOi'icEMENTjj W.T.SN0DGRASS&C0., No. 34 South SECOND Street, Dave Just received a fresh Importation of Genuine Scotch Cheviots, Elegant French Coatings LATEST STYLES OF Fancy Cassimeres and Yestings, kok tukih 4 3 grorp R ETA I L DEPARTMENT. Q L O T 11 H 6 U S E. .1 I IS H L, 12 13 , No. 11 NORTH SECOND STREET, HIGH OVT11K G0LDK.Y LAtlB, Are now receiving a SPLENDID LINE of Sprjnef Fancy Cassimeres, Comprising all the best ruakesin the market, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, (J 8JU , GROCERIES, ETO. S1M0H . C01T0H A. . CURKE, AGENTS FOR 'EAK, FEE AN & CCVS LONDON FANCY BISCUITS. SIXTY DIFFERENT VARIETIES IX SMALL TIN PACKAGES. Having been appointed Agents for the anove nous the largest and most prominent one In Europa-we desire to call the attention of the Trade, as well M consumers generally, to thtae One goods, among which are the original Albert, Floral, Eugenia, Pearl. Mixed, Fruit, and a targe variety of the flnet quality of Biscuit for picnics, serenade, aad evening parties. The Trade will be suppliod at the prloes charged by the house In London, and will And thqra the moot desirable goods ever yet offered to the pubilo. . SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, AG ROTS FOR PEAK, FREAK ft CO., DOCKIIKAD AND DRUMMOND ROAD, LONDON. These Biscuits can be had of all First-class Grocer In the city. tuthsf THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE AT.TflaitT BISCUITS, Manufactured by Mackenzie A Mackenzie, Edinburgh. These RlAcuits are supplied regularly to the Qaeeo. the Royal Family, and the Nobility of England. FOR SALE TtODipsofl Ms Son & ft,- BROAD and CHESNUT Sts., 4 8 stuth3mrp PHILADELPHIA. pRESU FRUIT IN O A.N 8. PEACHES, PINEAPPLES, ETC., 'GREEN CORN, TOMATOES, FRENCH PEAS. MUSHROOMS ASPARAGUS, ETC ETC ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Dealer In Fine Groceries, llTJrp Cor. ELEVENTH and VTNK Street. WATOHES, JEWELRY, ETO. R E M O V A L. Y, Xi, WARREN, U POSTER or Watches, Diamonds, and Jewelry. Has Removod from the 8. E. corner of Ftfth and. Cbeinut Streets to rf3. 1029 CHESNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. N. B WATCHES REPAIRED IN THE BEST MANNER. 8 llthatu RICH JEWEL R Ym JO II TV 13 It IS IV IN" A. IV. DIAMOND DEALER AND JEWELLER, NO. 13 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET, 4 89 thstu.tmrp PHILADELPHIA. n 8r A "DfrtTTTrtftTrtm MANUFACTURERS OF WATCH OASES, AND DEALERS IN AMERICAN AND FOREIQH WATCHES, No. 13 goulU (SIXTH Street, MANUFACTORY, No. M S. FIFTH Street E W. CLARK & CO., BVIV1EIIS, No. 35 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. DEALERS IN Government Securities, Stock, Gold and Note Brokers. Account of Bunks, Firm, and Indiridusl rMflired. subject .to cheo at sight. Mrt'KRKST LOWED ON BALANCES. GENERAL a2ENT tor mwuarLVAuiA AtfD SOtTTHEIiN NEW JEESEY or tiik NATIONAL tIFE INSURANCE CO. 6f Tire UNITED BTAtfE'a OF AMERICA. the National life rlt'NCB company ia a corporation oh&rt.rod by i:dai Act of Oouaroaa, ap proved July Sit 1888, with a CASH CAPITALOF l,OOl)Mtl, FULL PAID. I , Liberal terms offend to' Afoul tad Solicitor, vrho meet invited to spplr at our office. Full particulars to b bade application at our offioe. located in the second story of our Banking House, woar Circulars snd PauipliloU, fully dssoribina; the, adrauta. offered b til. Company, may be had. i:. v. ( L vnu & co., No. aS Houth. THIRD' Street 8flui PERSONAL. rrucATiON has RB-1.-V u . ..- liuphoau OartiUcaU No. 1J4H. na.im a - i mou New - viaij win I urUUKwui, Va,