THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MAY 1, 18GrJ. 5 . FRKH CUBA. IMer from Hon. Jnmns nr. Mrovel. To the Editor 0 The Earning Telegraph. CAMUKN, N. J.. SATURDAY, May 1. Thank. IT) warmest thanks, for my friends who "railed me out" last night, at tlie meeting for freedom In C uba. I yielded my right to be heard to another whose name f(M on Urn programme. While for me, a Rachel Mid, there were "no big letters" I was not on the bills 1 wont to hear, not to be heard, actuated by the common impulse which lives and burns In the heart of every American man and woman the noble sentiment of sympathy with every nationality struggling for lifo. Nature has done mnch but man nothing, for Cuba. Just within the torrid zone, Cuba has a matchless climate, where the cool northeast wind makes a Pa radise of the summer months. Snow never fell there wive once, In isr. From IT to 17! this Island was the nursery of the Spanish Armada. Spain's stand ing army was o,000 soldiers; a handful against the patriotic, soldiery who now hold, with a grasp like that In which (irant held the Rebellion, 8Mi0 out of 85,000 square miles of Cuban territory. The man of lec.ember, Napoleon, like a tiger, looks one way aud leaps another. He extends the eaijle of France in a shield for expiring royalty In Spain. lie thought that the Interest and honor of France taught him to carry the French standard up to the walls of Mexico. Hut American patriotism, strong Btid stubborn, was too much for the conspirators of France. And Napoleon the Third will yet learn that the only Insanity incurable In Cuba, In Ireland, or in America, ts a love of Ulierty. The spirit that clasped the Bible In handcuffs and festooned the Cross of Christ with chains waxed powerful In 1884 In America and. in Cuba, for In that year the King of Spain was asked for seven thou sand negroes that they might be inured to labor be fore the Indians tn Cnba ceased to exist. To the car 1842 BN),000 slaves were Imported In that single island 13,000 year. Hut now the memory of Abraham Lincoln Is stronger than the crowns of France and England and Hpaln. That grave at Springfield overshadows the Tulleries. We need not give 1100,000,000 for this Queen of the Sea, as President Folk desired to do; not 130,000,000, as Sll dell wished ns to do in Young America ay and the sober second thought of America every wheresays "Cuba will come to us because she U Free." Then let our hearts go out In this great cause. Reason pleads forever for the oppressed and the unwritten laws of humanity bid us lift up that Flag ever-victorious ; a shelter and an inspira tion to all of Ood's creatnres, and I believe 1 express the sentiment deep In the heart of the head of the nation, and deep (u the heart of his people, when I say the nation's war cry is "Down with the Spanish Flag and up with the Flag of the Free." Yours, Jambs M. Scotku MUSICAL. AK1 DRAMATIC, The City Amusements. At thk Acapkjjt OF Music the Rlchlngs Eng lish Opera Troupe will commence a season on Monday evening with Th Crown lHanumdH. At tub Arch Lotta will appear this afternoon and evening as the "Fire Fly." On Monday the new drama of Frpina will be pro duced. At thk Chkstnut the last 'performances of The Field of the Cloth of Gold will be given this afternoon and evening. At thb Walnut the Misses Wlllmore and Mr. Fe lix Rogers will conclude their engagement this evening, in the same bill as was given last night The comedy of The Heir at Law; the burlesque of The Hunchback Jieeonntructed, and the drama of The Octoroon. On Monday Mr. John Brougham will ap pear In The liotUry of Lift, At thb Thratkk Comiqub Miss Susan Gal ton and troupe will appear this evening In the operettas of Javottf and La Root de St. Fetter. At thb Amkrican attractive performances will be given this afternoon and evening, Thb SKNTZ-HArWi.KB Ohoiikhtba will perform at Musical Fund Hall this afternoon. John B. Gouoh, Eh This great champion of Temperance Is announced for the Philadelphia Rink, Twenty-third and Chesnnt streets, In consequence of the burning of the Race street rink. We are in formed that there will be no change in the tickets: those Issued for the other rink will be used. When we compare the price of admission and the great attrac tion offered, we doubt not it will be so well appre ciated as to crowil that Immense edifice on Friday evening. Tickets should be secured In advance. CITY ITEMS. Style, Fit and Make of our Men's, youths', and Boy I Clothing unequalled by any Hock of Heady-mad goods . I in Philadelphia. We have al4 K CHOICE AbhobtMENT of selected stylet of piece goodt, to be made tip to order, in unsurpassed style. AIXPbicesGUABAMTEBD lower than the loireet elsewhere, and full satisfaction guaranteed every purchaser, or the tale eaneelled and money refunded. Half way hktweeh ) Bennett A Co., Sixth Street:) 618 Market Stbeet, Philaiiki.phta, and 600 Broadway, New Yobk. SONG. THE happy dabkey. Air "Not for Joncph." Oh, golly! but dis darker feels So berry glad to-day, In di. new auit, from head to heels ; From Stokes', o'er de way. Oh, wont I out a heavy swell, Wid Seraphine? you bet ; And all de odder chaps I'll t ell Stokes' clothes axe cheapest yet. rhorw. Dt jist so, dat ji.t so. Oh, by golly! I feel jolly! Eat jist so, dat jist so! I feel jolly! Dat jist so! 1 If you want to buy a coat I'll tell you whar to go, , Oi pants and vest to make de suit You'll find de prices low In Uhesnot street, eight twenty-four. Is whar de well-dressed folks Bat been a goin' eight years and more, To buy of Charles Stokes. f . Dat jist so, dat jist so! Oh, by golly! I feel jolly, etc. TO-DAY. Ned we 'remind our lady readers that this is the day fixed by Mr. Wanamaker for the display of his new stock of elegant clothing for boys snd children f Jbtkxbt. Mr. William W. Caesidy, No. 13 B. Second street has the largest and most attractive assortment of fine Jbwelry and Silverware in the city. Purchasers oan rely tpon obtaining a real, pure article furnished at prioewhioh cannot be equalled. Ha also has a Urge stook of Anericaa Western Watches In all varieties and at all prion. visit to his (tors is sure to result in pleasure and profit A Ion net. The wlocipedestrians are rolling around Witttueir feats, with their feet lifted up from the ground, But e something to tell you about that is stranger, Andi safe thing to put your loose change out of danger. The eople who run on velocipedes so Will s bored by -and by with the circular show ; But he circular tee show oan never be bored, Thes's the place for your money and bonds to be stored. The Ipherioal Safe made by Marvin A Co. Is to) best thing yet ottered, as far as we know ; Andwe ask you to call and examine its points, Thosjh as round as the moon, and is made without joints, TheMirglar will find it a very large pill, Tooiard to be taken with powder or drill. Fr sale by Marvik A Co., I No. 731 Chesnut street ( Masonic Hall. ) Ned we remind our lady readers that this is the day ttxw by Mr. Wanamaker for the display of his new stock of .egant clothing for boys ana cnuaren i Omino IN and Going OuT.-Tnere are many doors by -k i. ....,m O.V Hill, but onhr one. the large onem Market street, by which they go out. Malicious perons have intimated that this is symbolio of the ease witl which people get in, and the difficulty with which that get out of the grasp of the gToat clot hing men. Very .i ;, . . .nn nie about it. Any one of WW, .uwwuii a - thetensof thousands of regular customers of Oak Hall will testify that it is not only easy to get in, but impossible to stay out, in view of the low prices and excellent clothing found thsre; and that it is not only diffloult to got out, but actually Impossible ever to cease buying all their clothes there, after tney nave once maun ww unparallehd advantages of dealing with Wanamaker 4 Brown. . ' Coi.ton Dental Association originated the use of Nitrous tkide lias lortne painieas eii.raci.ion ui n MULannH.Hminifiiiin the iraa himself. Dr. UT. IUll-i" I,," w- Haubrouck devotes his whole attention to extracting teeth. Pitients wno nut laueu to got. muir toon. . ' j i ... nb.uui where the sas is not under- stood, wi do well to go tc headquarters, where thoy never Office. Walnut street, beiw Eighth. t.lmt this is the day fixed by Mr. Wanamaker forhe display of his new stock f l.,ujit clothing tor ooj . Trnt bki.T hil-UAl'B UAlXli ahotel In Boston is that it...,. . ...Ilk 11 J irlrU cf the-SMKIitOAN HOUSE. uuwilim.u w... y. vision 1-sbeoun.sde for thairnls and pleasures while Mourning in this lavurite u.- Gbovfb A Bakkb's UiuUtfot Fttaiiuifl Sowu Machines. Jfo, TM 1,'UmUUV Uuti f Keub's Furnixhlng China and Glass Kstabliahment, Ohina Hall, No. 1U1B Cheraut street. Families in want of any article in China, Class, or Stone Ware, will find at this establishment the Urgent stock In the city, from common rod Rarthen. ware, for the kitchen, to the finest China and Glass made White Stone China Tea Sets, 46 pieces, Oupt with Handlos, $S, at Kerb's China Hall, Wo, 1218 Ohosnut street. White Stone China Dinner Sets,7 pieces, IMS pioces, WV, at Kerr's China Hall, No, Big Chesnnt street. WHrre French China Dinner Sets. 126 pieces, $35; SfJ6 pieces, $75, at Kerr's China Ilall, Wo, 1218 Chesnut street. Goi.n Band Dinner Shts, l.W pieces, $55, at Kerr's China Hall, No. 1218 Chesnut street. All the above roods best quality. K Kim's China Hall. We have arranged one portion of onr store exclusively for cheap Goods, and intend in future to place In this department any article which may be in the leaHt old style or Imperfect, and will soli thom regard less of coBt. No. 1218 Chesnut street. One thousand odd Castor Bottles, cut glass, 89o. eaoh. Kerr's China Hall, No, 1218 Choimut street. GlabrWahf.. At Kerr's China Hall, No. 1218Chenu' street. The Urgent stock of Glassware In this oountry. You cannot fail to make a solection from our immense assort ment. Tumblers, 38o. to $28 per dnren ; (Joblots, 1S0 to $100 per doxen: Decanters, $1 to $76 per pair. Common goods, suitable for the kitchen and culinary purposes, al ways on hand. The great extent and variety of our stock oan only be judged by a personal examination and com parison with other establishments, whioh we solicit. Whxlk Waiting fob a Gouoh to go as it cams yon are often Uylng the foundation for some Pulmonary or Bronchial Affection. It U better to get rid of a Cold at once by using that sure remedy, Da, D. J aym K's Kxpeo tobant, which will ours the most stubborn Cough and relieve you of sll anxiety as to dangerous consequences. Sold everywhere. Moth Pnoor Chests, At Farson & Co.'s Refrigerator Warehouse, - No. 222 Dock street.'s Pfreect Ventilating Refrigerators, At Fatuhn A Co.'s Old Stand, No. 222 Dock street. Boo Water Coolers, Assortment. Farson A Co.'s Refrigerator Store, No. &!? Dock street. Hallf.t, Datis A Co.'s "New Soalo" Grand and Square Pianos have great body of tone, and are as clear and musi cal as a beU. The Agency U at No. 127 Chesnut st- it. Every musician should have one. Wanamaker A Brown s. Boys' Suns, $3 Up. VTanamaker A Brotcn'e. Garibaldi and Blemarke. Bueinee Suit, $9 up. Cheetn leld. few Styles Walking Coatr. Dreee Sarke. tight Oeereoat. Spring Overeoat, $4 Black Suit, $17 up. Melton Suite, $16 up. VTanamaker A TJrovn', Wanamaker A Jirotm'i. Wanamaker A BrorrtiV. Wanamaker A Brown. Wanamaker A liroim'x. Wanamaker A Brown'. Wanamaker A Brotcn'e, Wanamaker A Brown', Wanamaker A Brown1, l'outh Chesterfield. youths' Metropolitan Sack. Block Dress Hants, $5 up. Block Dress Vests, $3 up. Clergymen's Suits. Silk Paced Chesterfields. JieyistAT Walking Coats. Ititetot Street Coats. Harris Caimere Suit. Aeie Styles Boys Jacket. Blue Suck Coats, $10 rip. Eeerylay I'ants, $3 up. Silk Mixed Suit. Boys' Department, Firt Floor. Custom Department, the largest in Philadelphia. K. Cob. Sixth and Market. K. Cob. Sixth and Market. E. Cob. Sixth and Market. lr-OAK Hall. I f Oak Hall. Is-Oak Hall. Wanamaker A Breicn'e, Wanamaker A Brown1. Wanamaker A Brownie. Wanamaker A Brown'. Wanamaker A Brown'. Wanamaker A Broun1. B'aHamaAw A Broten1, Wanamaker A Broten'1. Wanamaker A Brown. Wanamaker A BrownCe. Wanamaker A Broicn. Wanamaker A Brown. Wanamaker A Brown. Wanamaker A Broun, MARRIED. TOWS-H K ATON.-On the Ktth of Anrll. at the Church of the Holy Trinity, by the Rev. Phillips Brooks, COK. D. TOWS, of New York, to ROSALIE K daughter of Augus tus lleaion. " niEi). BILL8.-On the 27th instant. MARY MATILDA, onlv daughter of Jeremiah and the late Elizabeth bills, in the 21nt year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respeotfully invited to attend the funeral, from her fathor's residence, no. Zlk Marriott, street, on nunauy aiternoon at 4 0 clocK. To proceed to K.benezer M. K. Church Cemetery. COON AN. On the 21st instant, HANNAH, wife of John Coonan. aged 83 years. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to at tend the funeral, from the residenoe of ber husband, Darby road, below Forty-second street, on Sunday after noon at 1 o'clock. FKWSMITH.-Suddenly, on the 29th instant, MARY L, widow of theUte J. h ewainith, in the 8lst year of her le relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residenoe of her son, William Fewsmith, No. 609 Cooper street, Camden, on Monday, May 8, at 10 o'clock A. M. Interment at Coles town Cemetery. HARDY. At Chester, Pa., on the 29th Instant, JOHN HARDY, Ute of Philadelphia, aged 83 years. The friends of the family are renpoctfully invited to attend the funeral, at Ronaldson's Graveyard, Ninth and Nhippen streets, Philadelphia, on Monday, May 3, at 13 o'clock. HOtTOHTLIN.-At .Tersewllle, Illinois, Mrs. JKNNIR HOUGH TUN, wife of W. II. Houghtlin, and daughter of Samuel L. Mot etridge, of this city. Hi r0 SKCUKE YOUR FAMILY FROM WANT, To Relieve Your Mind of Anxiety, To Make a Good Investment, INSURE YOUR LIFE IN TUB OF PHILADELPHIA. ALEX. WniLLDIN, President. JOHN 8. WILSON, Secretary. s 10 CHINA, GLASSWARE, ETO. PRICES REDUCED. FRENCH CHINA, GLASS, PARISIAN GRANITE, AND GENERAL HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS IN OUR LINE IN IMMENSE VARIETY. BEST GOODS, CHEAPEST PRICES. TYNDALE & MITCHELL, No. 707 CHESNUT Street, 3 20 BtuthSmrp PHILADELPHIA. HATS AND OAPS. wi WARBURTON'S IMPROVED VENTI- sSilated and easy-titling Dress Hats(patented).inall ths improved fashions of the season. CliJiJsNU'i' Utreet, next door to tb l"osOmos. t U ID 6p " aTToTons Ftrr adtiithntal Auctvm Htm th Svmth tujt. BY li . SCOTT, J R SCOTT'S ART GAM.KRT, No. ltWO CHKSNUT Strnet i'hilailnljihia. SPKCIAL BAI.K Or ijKST tt'AI.ITY TRIPLE SIL VKK PLATKU WAKE. On Tuebday Morning, - 4th inst., at 10ty o'clock, at Scott's Art Gallery, !()J0 CIihs not struct, will Le sold an invoice of best quality triple Sliver l'luted Waru, coiiipribing the usual axuorliumit, viz. : Tea Sets, Urns, K.ilveix, (ioUeta, loe Pitchers, Ta and Imur Cantors, Syrup PitcheiK, Fruit and Cake baskets, Spoons, Knives aud I'orka, etc .etc. FRKNlJll CLOtJKS. Alho. on Tuesdny Morning, 4th int.. will be sold an in voice of i tuuvU D Uay t'lwlu, vl rvvoul lu;pwlUvu, 6 1 !l DRY CCOD8. G BEAT DEMONSTRATION Vf DRY GOODS. ITo. 727 CHE5WUT 3ircct. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., rrtor to the reorganization of their business on The First of May Next, WILL OFFER THE Most Extraordinary Concentration OF BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS EVER Exhibited in this Cit. Their took la unrivalled for extent and variety and general adaptation to the wants of their patrons, and will be found replete with the most approved staples and novelties in desirable fabrics of recent importation. 1 9tfrp ONE PRICE, NO DEVIATION, AND ALL GOODS Guaranteed as Represented. 1 869. SPECIALTIES AT THOENLEY'S, EIGHTH & SPRING GARDEN, PHILA. SUPERB BLACK SILKS. BEAUTIFUL JAPANESE SILKS. IRISH AND FRENCH POPLINS. RICH GLOSSY MOHAIRS, ALPACAS, ETC. We offer the most complete and varied Stock of Goods In oar Line "NORTH OF CUESNUT STREET," and at a BIG DISCOUNT off Chesnut Street Prlres, as everybody knows we can afford to sell CHE APKIi, as we WORK under a mere FRACTION OK THEIR EXPENSES, THORNLEY'S "CENTRALLY LOCATED OLD ESTABLISHED'' DRY GOODS HOUSE, N. E. COR. EIGHTH AND SPRING GARDEN, 8 19 PHILADELPHIA- ' pRICE & WOOD, N. W. CORNER EIGHTH AND FII.HEKT. HI.ACK 8II.KS! JH.AC'K HILKS ! Black Gros Grain Silks, J2, t-2-25, $2-35, $2-50, $3, 13-50. Mixed Poplins for suits at 33, 39, 8TX, 4,r, up to SO cents per yard. Plaid Mohairs, 25 cents per yard. French Lawns, neat styles, 25 cents per yard. Black Alpacas, good qualities, at 37, 45, 50, 02 vr, 75 and 90 cents. white tioons: white ;oods: Plaid and Stripe Nainsooks, Plaid and Stripe S wiss, soft finish Cambrics, Jaconets, Victoria Lawns, Naln. sooks. Swiss Muslins, and Piques. Handsome Marseilles Quilts, very cheap. Honeycomb and Jacquard Quilts. Table Linens, Napkins and Towels. Bargains In All-wool and Domet Flannels. Best makes Bleached and Unbleached Muslins. Sheeting and Pillow-case Linens. Ladles' and Gents' Hosiery and Gloves. Ladles' and Gents' Handkerchiefs. Gents' Neck Ties, Shirt Fronts and Suspenders. Ladies' and Gents' Gauze Merino Vests. Hamburg Edgings ami Inserting)). PRICE & WOOD, N. W. COKNEH EHJHTH AND FII.IJEItT. N. B. A new lot of Tarasols and Sun I'mbrellus. Jouvin's Kid Gloves, best quality. Kid Gloves at f 1 a pair. 4 3 swfS D RESS GOODS HOUSE RAMPANT. COOPER & C0NARD, S. E. COR. NINTH AND MARKET STS. BLACK SILKS. Drap de Lyons, Dran de France, Lyons Taffetas, Cachemire de France, All of the American Silks, Comprising, with others, a most magnificent stock of eli Kuut qualities and low grades, liuyers of Silks for suns or sacques are luvited to examine. SILK POPLINS. Silk Chain Grisailles. silk Chain Poplins. 1'lulu iiiid Figured, Japanese Silks. POPLIN MIXTURES. Friendly Mixtures, 31 to 75 cents. Dressy Designs of good rubric, loo pieces Striped, B7 to 75 cents. MOURNING GOODS. Uernatlies, 31 to $3-50. tirey Poplins; llluck Poplins. Black Alpacas; Mohair Tamise. DclalM-s; ,lct Black Good, etc. 1 "fsra PARASOLS. ffs PARASOLS ALL THE NEWEST vpfTIxindon and Paris stylas, whioh for novelty, va-.'-r' riety, and ulecauue are uuegualled. A large aa-mf- surtniint of I jic Covers, Shh riide and Hun Urn bi allas at tl'B lowest prions, at 11. DlXOM'tt t'anvy Oooda btors, Mo. itl H. KK.H i ll blraut. 4 W 8m ALL AT AYRE'S SHIRT DEPOT, NO. 58lN. SIXTH Biraot, below Arch, and net soma of his IMPKOVKD bliOULDKK KKAM PATTliRN SHIRTS, which surpass all other Kliirta for neatness of lit on ths bleiot, ouiulort in the ow'k, aud ease on the shoulder, A1m, U'ibs, hearts, Bvws, Uluves, Uwsiery. etc, etc, to. J 4uwsri DRY GOODS. 405 NOKTIIKEt'OND8TRE15T. Q JOHN W. TI.OrJ.A5, 405 and 407 N. SECOND St., Has nist received a large lot of Very Handsome BLACK SILKS. AT PRICKS RANGING FROM f 2 TO 7 rER YARD, To whtrh he invites esiipctnl Attention. 8T flmrp Stokes a wood. SEVENTH AND ARCH STRKKTK. OrKN TO-1UY, Green Plaid India Silks at H'yc. anil l (. Brown Plaid India Silks. Small striped India Silks. Plain Brown Summer Silks, 11-75 to 2"jn. A full line of Black Silks, from i rso to jwv-oo. A large assortment of Plaid Summer Silks, H)0, 1 -1 8X1 and 1 1 no. 3 8ws5 2 J 5 NORTH NINTH .STREET, ABOVE BACK. ELDER, WALTON & CO., JOBBKRS OK DRY GOOIH, Will open their Retail Establishment, NO. 215 NORTH NINTH STREET, MONDAY, MAT 3, WITH A FLNU ASSORTMENT OF SILKS, 1IKK.NN t.UOll., WHtTK GOOKH. Hi DOMKSTICS, CTC, To which they invite the attention of the Pullic. m R. L E E, NO. 4S NORTH EltJIITH STKEKT, WILL OI'KN THIS MOKMNG. S'rt pieces plain and neat Striped Mohairs, for suits, 2r, vs, it tn I 31 cents; a great bargain. Kiegnitt l liene and ftatn Miks. 100 pieces White Pique, 31 cents; a jul lot. 50 fiieces Striped Mohair, for suits, reduced. GLOVKS f.LOVKS. (il.OVKS. The entire stock of a Ilrst'luss t'lieHtitit street house, purchased for cash, will lie sold less than &0 cents on the dollar, consisting of Gents' Driving Gloves. Ladies' Silk, Lisle, Kid, etc. I.ail'.es' lour-liutton .louvln Kid. Men's fine Lisle Thread Vests anil Drawers. Men's Gauze alxl Cotton Vents and Drawers. Also, 100 dozen Duchess Kid Gloves, (fl-30, cheapest Glove ever offered. Also, new BLACK SII.KS, at great Imrgains. luo pieces extra line Matting, a job. h I 2t c HOICK fJOODH POPULAR PRICES. PARIS FLOWKRS. Lf N KN-KA'.'K SATINS. LADIKS' AND MIsSKS' II ATS AND BONVKTS, In rnrivulled Assortment. S. A. & D. STEARN, NO. 724 ARCH STREET, 6 1 stuthitnrp PHILADELPHIA. CARPETINCS. CANTON IV.ATT1NCS Just Received, ex-Barque Louisa, SOOO KOLl.S Fresh Canton Mattings, WHITE AND RED CHECKED, Of Choice Brands, in all Widths, M'CALLUM, CREASE & SLOAN, No. 609 CHESW.UT Street, 4 18 thsturpj 11 Opposite Independence Ilall. NEW CARPET INGS! ARCH STREET Carpet Warehouse. JOSEPH BLACKWOOD, uimrp y0 832 ARCH Street. g P R I N G IMPORTATIONS. CARPETINCS OPENING DAILY. iii:i:vi: i,. kiuiit & so, IV o. CIIICSIVUX St., 4 8thstulin PHILADELPHIA. HOUR. QHOICE FAMILY FLOUR, For the Trade or at RetaU. EVERY BARREL WARRANTED. Ioystoiio Flour Mills, Nos. l aud SI GIRARD Avenue, IfliT fiut ot Trout HUeet. REAL. ESTATE AT AUOTION. UK AL RSTATK. THOM AS A SONS' SALE. i ftlx HantHoire Modern Three-Mor? Rrlck KohI- (Triieex. Noh. Sill. 2114. 81 1. 81 IH, and 8181 Vinentreet, hetwei-n Twenty-Unit and TwentT-neeond BtreeU. On Tuesdny, Miy 4, Wi, at 18 o'clock, noon, will be gold at puiiliu Hiilc, at the Philadelphia Ex change, the following dt Hcnbcd props rtlen, vl.: Noh. 1 and 8 All thone 8 three-ntjrr brick me nna(re, with three-atorr hack btilldlnira and lot of fri'oiinil, altimtrt 011 the noulh aide of Vine utreet, weHt of Twenty-first nr., Noh. 2112 and 2114, each con taining In front 80 feet, and extending in depth 99 feet to a 3 leet wide private alley. They are new and well built, haiidHomely papered and painted; have parlor, diniiiR-room, wlnti r uml aiimmer kitchens on the firHt floor: 8 chambers, bath-room flniahed with aolld walnut, and RlttlnR-room on the second floor, and 4 rhiimbrra above; gas Introduced, hot and cold water, water-cloRetH, wnh pave, furnace, cooking range, etc; frcnt door, veatibule door. Hash nnd bllnda of the llrnt atorv, aolld walnut. Term, 8'X) may re mnin on mortgage on ea li. Th"jwillbc sold sepa rately. Moa. S and 4 All thone 8 three-atory brick mes auaifea, with three-atorv back buildings of same de acription aa the above, being Noa. 8116 and 21la Vine atreet, corner of Albion at reel ; each lot 8a fect4tf IncheH front (having aide yards of 9 feeti, and extend ing in depth 99 feet to haul alley. Terms, $is;s may remain m mortgage on No. v7 10, and f,4H76 on ground rent on No. 2118. They w ill be Hold separately. Noa. e and 8 All those 8 three-storr brick mci aiiagea, with three-story back buildings, adjoining the atiove, of same description ; each lot 20 feet front, and In depth 99 feet to aald alley. Terms, $wtoo may remain on mortgage on No. 2126, and twoo on ground rent on No. 2122. Thev will be Hold separately. They will be open for examination dally previous to Bale. M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, 1 U Noa. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH Street. ffTi KXKCL'TOIW PKRK.MPTOKY SAI.R IC'lr Estate of Joshua I-ongstrctti-dcccased Thomas Sons, Auctloneera, Very Valuable Business Stands. Three three-story Brick Stores, Nos. 819, 221, aud 22S Church street, east of Third street. On Tuesday, May 25, ismt, nt 18 o'clock, noon, will be wild at public sale, without reserve, at the Philadel phia Exchange, the following described pro pery, viz. : No. 1 All that valuable three-storr brick store and lot of ground, situate on the north side of Church atreet, cast of Third street, No. 219, containing In front 15 feet 8 Inches, and extending In depth 6H feet 4 inches. No. 2 All that valuable three-story brick store and lot of ground, adjoining the atiove, lielng No. 221, containing In front 16 feet IS Inches, and In depth W feet 4 inches. No. ;t All that valuable three-story brick store and lot of ground, adjoining the above, being No. 223. containing In front 15 feet "V Inches, and extending in ueptn 2H ieet one-tiair men, tnen narrowing to 7 feet 4X inches, and extending still further in depth 14 feet, the entire depth being 40 feet. Terms, half cash. Sale absolute. Hy order of Ono. I). I'arkihh, ) W 1 t,i. 1 am Hcnt, Executors. Stkphkn S. Prick,) M. THOMAS A SONS. Auctioneers. 5 Kit Nos. 1HW and 141 S. FOl'KTH Street. TO CAPITALISTS, RUILDKHM, AM) OTHERS. Thomas A Sons, Auctioneers. Very valuable iiisiness location: liirge nnd desirable lot. church. and residence, Eighth - reef, above Race street, 100 feet front. 011 Tin- lay ih ls, nt 18 o'clock, noon, will be sold at ; at the 1'hiiuiL'lphia Ex change, all thntlar:;c .1 ery valuable lot of ground, with the improvenu i. .- thereon erected, situate on the east side of Eighth street, north of Race street; coi taining in fronton Eiglilti street loo feet, and ex tending in depth H7 feet. The improvements are a substantially built three-story brick residence, 18 feet front, and nt a small expense could be altered Into a store; also, u large mid well-built church, which could also Ik- altered into stores, and valuable for a bank or any business requiring space. It Is located on one of'tlie most improving sciiarcs on Eighth afreet, mid adjoining a lot on which they are now building hundsouie stores. Will be sold according to a survey, which may tie seen ut the auction rooms, subject to two yearly ground rents on the parsonage, one of S92-5U, lawful silver inonev. for 9il ve:irs. from Oct. 1, 1MB, and the other for SM-fio, and on the church property a ground rent of 8foo a year for 999 years from April 2K, 1841, ami on a strip of ground 4 feet wide by 110 feet deep adjoining the church on the north u mortgage for B15O0, April 23, ItKM. To- gellier S,;i2 a vear. M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, 5 1 B3t Nos. 1S19 anil 141 S. FOURTH Street REAL ESTATE. THOMAS SONS' SALE. aluuble Business Stund. Three-storv Brick tore, No. 815 Walnut street, west of Elzhth street. On Tuesday, May 11, lso:. at 12 o'clock, noon, will lie soiu at puoiic saie, at me rniiiiilcipma lixchnnge, all that three-story brick messuage, with double back buildings and lot of ground, situate on the north side of Walnut street, between Eighth and Ninth streets, No. sir.; containing In front 011 Wal nut street 16 feet 2 inches, and In depth 120 feet; together with thu free use, right, liberty, and prlvi lege of a strip of ground 2 feet 9 inches' In breadth by 70 feet ill depth, as and for a water-course, In common with the owners und occupiers of the other lots of ground hounding thereon, at all times forever. The front is improved for and occupied us a store, having large bulk window. In the rear of back building there is 11 llrst-class oven for a cako baker or confectioner. The property stands In one of the most desirable business localities. The In creasing value of property In this locality would warrant the purchase for an investment. Possession can be given on or before the 1st dayofJulv next. Clear of all incumbrance. Terms $4400 may re main on mortgage; the balance cash. M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, 5 is'it Nos. 1B9 and 141 S. FOURTH Street, ffip EXECUTORS PEREMPTORY SALE. ES- !"!' tate of Joshua Longstretli, deceased Thomas SSons. Auctioneers. Very valuable IsistuesM loca tion. Two Three-story Brick Stores, Nos. 2;l2 and 2H4 S. Second street, with Seven Three-story Brick Dwellings in the rear forming a court, fronting on Levant Htreet, 1': feet front, 2na feet deep, two fronts. On Tuesday, May 2ft, Ihoh, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all those bulldiiurs and the lot of ground thereunto belo.King, situate on the west side of Second atroet, v;uth of Dock; the lot containing In front o;, Second street 81 feet T inches, and extending m depth 80 feet to Le ant street, lhe imp'OVemcnta are a large and substan tially bunt th.Vec-storv brick building, occupied as two stores, n,nta on Second street, Nos. 232 and 234, wltn "e'en three-story brick dwellings In the rear, called Southampton court, running from No. 213 Le vant street, on which It is 32 feet front, Tenna, half rtiMii. fine uosouirc. By orderof Okokuk D. Pakrish, 11.UAM Hi nt, y Executors. OTKPIIKN S. I'KIOK, I M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, Nos. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH Stret 6 1 S4t et. EXECUTORS' PEREMPTORY SALE ES- 111 I P I f .T.tulllltl T Alicrut r,,l li ihumuu,,,! M'l, ....... Sons, Auctioneers. Ijirge and very Valuable Lot, 11 acres, known as "Bnrclay Hall," Turner's lane, Twenty-lirst ward, Intersected by Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Berks, Norrts, and Diamond street. On Tuesday. May 25, lt9, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that valuable country place, of between 10 and 11 acres, known as "Bar clay Ilall," situate on Turner's lane, and having fronts on six streets. The Improvements are a large, mansion house, tenant house, barn, aud "Ut-bnilil-inga. It adjoins and !s Borru'.lU'.le.d. by several very valuable properties Several rftws of handsome resU ileucis ure being built In the neighborhood. See plan. 'IcrniH-llalf cu.-'i. Sale absolute. By order of Gkokk 1). Pakkish,) William Hunt, Executors. Stkphkn s. Pkick. I M. THOMAS ,t sons, Auctioneers, 5 1 Mt Noa- m 141 FOURTH Street. REAL ESTATE THOMAS & SONS' SALE.- Jiinx-nsuii 1JJ 11 IV IJH flllllirU "VilU IfUiQ ou Spring (iardeii street, with Three-story Brick Dwellings in the rear, forming a court 8i feet fr.Vi.t 112 feet deeo to Nee.larhm utrt .l.Uroll Tuesday, Mav 11 , Iwml ot 12 otUoc'k, noo 1, will be sold at publfo sale, at the I'hiladelphja ExtTiuIure the following described property viz r,A-"uu(' tHhemfr!:ntZ,t U'K Afm th'e r?ar, one of ttSrK street, being No. 1003. No. 2 All that lot of ground, adjoinlnir the nhnva on the went, of same siw and rtmi.t in 1 . o M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, 8 1a 2t Nos. 139 and 141 ts. FOURTH street. REAL ESTATETHOMAS A SONS' SALE llHCtJ-BimV Uril'K tlW''Mltlu Vti Hilt kl..ntli W fifth Htri'lif. IH'IOW Ptlywf.rtl. uttsss.sf i... n',,..a- "j, jTiny inn, imi, at u o'clock, noon, will he sold at publio sale, st the Philadelphia Exchange, all that lot of ground, with the three-story brick iiiessuuge 1 nereon tweeted, situate on the east side of Twelfth street, below Ellsworth street. No. liui; containing ... inMiiun i weirm street is feet 2 Incites, aim en tending of that width eastward between parallel lines with Ellsworth street 68 feet on the north hue, and 81 feet 6 inches on the south line, to a a feet al ley leading southward into Anita street The house contains 1 rooms; has parlor, dining-room and kitchen on first floor; newly papered and painted, gas introduced, eto. Clear ol ail Incumbrance. Terms, cash. M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctloneera, , 01 Bat MwiwsaolMltf.J;VW;XUtiMet. 1. iM.i jUU M ground and mprovementa tliereon wct:d, situate on the south Bide of Spn ,g oaruen si reel, West of Tenth ; containing In front 011 ilfZ? 13 m WtenlnSmrtW, V f,e.tU ?he '""loveuients are a tliree-Htorv brick dwelling, front iil' on Rnrincr f:,.i..V. 17- . x!' REAL ESTATE AT AUOTION. EXECUTORS' P E It E MI'TO K r Estate of Joshua Longstretli, deceased. -Thomas' sons. Auctioneers Very Valuabio Knilness Loca tion. Two three-story Brick Residences, Nos. 613 aesl 515 Arch street, extending through to Cherry street, 47 feet front, 2hh feet deep, two fronts. On Tuesday, May 85, imv, at 12 o'clock, tioon.will be sold at pntillo sale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all those two three-story brirk messuages and lot of ground, situate on the north side of Arch atreet, west of Kifth street; the lot containing in front on Arch street 47 feet I Inch, slid extending tn depth til fet to Cherry aircet. on which is erected a stable tni coach-house. The houses are large, well and suit Btantialiy built, and could be easily altered I lit stores. Subject to an Irredeemable yearly ground rem. 01 fiiou. 'i ne aoove is siiiiaien in an improving business iieighiKirhood, Tel ins Half cash. Sale absolute. Hv order of Okoiiuk D. rAiiwai!,) W ii.i.t am llv nt, I Kxecutora. Stki-hkn H. l'HICB, ) M. THOMAS A SONS, Au-ttoneers, 6 ltt . Nos. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH Utreet EXECUTORS I'KRKMPTOUY 8AI.K. K8- 1 tate of Joshua LonirHtrcth. deceased Thomas Sons, . Auctioneers. Uarire and Valuabio Lot. Klghth street. Seventh street. Fitzwnter street. Three V aluable Fronts, H94)r feet by 88a V feet. On Tuuea ilay, May 8T). lw., at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public aale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Ex change, all that large and very valuable lot 01 ground, Bituate at the corner of Eighth, Seventh and Flia water streets; containing in fronton Eighth street 22a feet 5 inches, on Fltz water street, K4 feet It Inches, in Seventh street 22H feet 5 inches. A plan, showing how It could be divided Into smaller building mi, nmy op seen ai me Auction KOoniB. Terms Half cash. Kale absolute. By order of OKOnilN D. I'ARKIHH, I WM. IlTNT, V Executors. Stkphkn S. pkick. M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, Nos. 139 nnd 141 S. FOURTH Street ft 1 R4t EX EOli TORS' PEREMPTORY SALE r.suiie 01 osnua longstretli, deceased. lomas A Sons. Auctioneers. Elevpn Thmutun Brick Dwellings, forming a court, known as "North ampton," Nos. 420, 428, and 430 Dillwyn Btreet, nortts of Callowhlll street, 60 feet front. On Tuesday, May 85, 1869. at 18 o'clock, noon, will heboid at public, sale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all those eleven three-story brick dwellings, forming a court, and known as "Northampton," situate oa the west side of Dillwyn atreet, north of Callowhlll street, Noa. 428. 428, and 430; the lot containing in fronton Dillwyn street 60 feet, and extending in depth (SO feet. Terms, half cash. Sale Absolute. By order of Okobok 1). Parkish, William HrNT, l-Excoutors. Stkphkn S. Pates, I M. THOMAS A SONS. Auctioneers, ljtfl Nos. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH Street ffS EXECUTORS' PEREMPTORY8ALE.E8 Sffili tate of Joshua Iongstreth, deceased. Thomas ASons, auctioneers Business location. Two three story brick dwellings, Noa. 619 and 621 North street, between Fifth and Sixth and Market and Ares, streets. Forty feet front. On Tuesday, May 25, 1869, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, with out reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all those two three-story brick messuages and the lots of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the north side cf North street, west of Fifth street, Nos. 610 and 521 ; containing together in front on North street 40 feet, and extending in depth 0 feet The above is situate in an Improving business neighborhood. Tenns, half cash. Sale absolute. Bv order of CKOKtiK I). Pakkihh, ') . William Hi nt, y Executors. Stkphkn S. Pkick, J M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, 6 1 S4I Nos. 139 and 141 South FOURTH Street Vf! R EAL ESTATE THOMAS A SONS' SALE. Mil Modern t,Three-story Brick Dwelling, N. W. corner of Ninth and Rodman streets. On Tuesday, May 11, 1HK9, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be Bold at publio sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern three-story brick messuage, with two-story back buililli'i' und lot of ground, situate at the N. w. cor ner of Ninth and Rodman streets, between Lombard ami South streets, containing in front on Ninth Htreet 21) feet, and extending in depth 96 feet to a four-feet-wide alley. It has gas, bath, hot and colli water, range, etc. Terms (anno may remain on mortgage. M. THOMAS SONS, Auctioneers, r. 1 s2t . Noa. 139 and 141 a FOURTH Street FOR SALE. FOR SALE THE LARGE AND ELE- icunt Residence, No. 2330 Greon street. The house is M feet front, with side jard of 20 feet. The lot is 147 feet dees) to Pennsylvania avenue. It is in close vicinity to tbe Park, snd the neighborhood is pleasant and good. Will be sold upon accommodating terms, COLLADAY A SHEPHERD, 6 1 30t No. 6118 WALNUT Street. S FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITT property. (K10 acres of good coal and timber lands in WviuniiiK and Luzerne oounties, Peansylvania. Well timbered and fast increasing in value. 1 1 a nuiunuua 5 18t ... ... viinkiii,,...!,. Room 8, Bank of the Kepublie. TO LET, FURNISHED. THE RESI DENCE No. 4107 WALNUT Stroet, West Phlladel Apply at No. 4109 WALNUT Htreet. ( 1 Si pbia. TO RENT. TO RENT, IN GER.MANTOWN, VERT desirable Rnsidenoe. within three minutes' walk nt lurch lane and Shoemaker, lane stations, on German-' town Railroad ; has stabling for three horses and tws cows ; large pasture ground and vegetable garden, good spring water, and plenty of shade. Apply to GEOROE W. FfSS, 6 1 3f No. 24 8. FRONT Btreet. MEDICAL. QUILFORD SPRING WATER NATURE'S GREAT REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, KIDNEY COMPLAINTS, RHEUMATISM, and NEURALGIA. This is the oldest and most powerful Medicinal Spring lis Vermont, and has been endorsed and prescribed by th Medical Faculty since 117. In diseases requiring an alterative, its action is speedy snd pennsnent. A descriptive pamphlet of the Spring, its cures, snd ths) analysis of tbe water, can be procured gratis of ths WHOLESALE AGENTS, JOHN WYETH fc BRO., No, 1413 WALNUT Street Al for sale by CHA8. ELLM, No. W MARKET Street. Vf. WALTER MULLEN, Chesnnt Hill. FREDERICK H ROW N. FIFTH and (JHESNUTStS. JAMES T. SHINN, BROAD and SPRUOK Street. O. S. HUBHELL, No. Mill CHKSNUT Street. PKCK A CO., No. 122S CHESNUT Street. A. 13. T A A LOR, No. 1U15QHKBNUT St. 421 wsSinrp NEW MUSIC. HITCHCOCK'S HALF-DIM E '.' M L'SICl Seventy-two sheets of Music mailed for !3 do, or any ol the series at five crnls encti. LATEST NUMBERS. Nos. 61. WHY WANDERING HKKK? 52. PRETTY, PRETTY BIKI. 58. THOSE TASSELS ON THK BOOTS. vi. I'lVE O'fJ.OCK IN THE MORNING, f. I.APV MINE, Hi. IMIOTB LACK'S BONO, h". SWEETHEART, 1 5J- lt!fc I'AM'AHHIKK LAW. ? i,H,,,1"iK"iN COUNT. W. CHKSNUT SIRKKT BELLES. i7. RARNKY O'HKA. Jli. MY iiOTHKK DEAR. VhX ',V!,?,YrTHOUU11ToirT:- 71. MY ANGEL. 72. OH ! YOU PRETTY BLUE KYED WITCH, l or taut ft" snbjouts send fur a chihIukub. Address BENJAMIN W. HITCHCOCK, 1'iiblistior. R No. 21 BKKKMAN Street, N. Y. Ladicf, foti are cordially invited to come and 8ee this novel Institution, eXHiiuuo its Working urranire. nients, auil.see How me work is done. Therein notiiimr tike it m the country. The Arh srrr( cars puss the door; the Race snrt Vine come within a stone's throw. . 1 All onli-ia sent to this establishment will meet with prompt uttcutlou. . . whu Your carpets will be ent for, cleaned, and ..(.... the saint! day. Altio, any dcsiiod inloiumtion winT omiatiou will bo given ami orucis recclwit at JWm'HKI.I.'S SALOON, o. M3 CHESNUT Sim,, lUp vet y - OTKAM I'ASTE MANUFACTORY nTTa O KKTTK.R LANE. Papur box Makars ' i, , . 1(1 Tnihk maJ,,-, Paper .nH .ii" ' Buuk binder., will find thnTrnX Li hK; w'Vlioj" lu moJ"' 'Ah ''K uvesud f.rb-ttor ai,,l aI.., 7,' "u.1 .Iu" I'". " re adh v.,.v. iau aa ue iu.b. in 1 1 flWli'