0 TnEKAIJil, EVENING TKLKQltAHI PIHLADELPI1IA., MONDAY, APKIL 2G, 1869. THE FIWW AKTH. The Oinln; of tho Nprln Exhibition M the Arademy. The Afty-slxth annual exhibition of the I'ennHjlm Bia ACBrtomy of the Fine Arts opens to-dajr. On Saturdaj erenlng a private viw was given for thn benefit of artlats, amateurs, anil critics and, as umuii on such occasions, the fraUorlea were so crowd imI that It was Impossible to tnako a vory doso examina tion of the works of art, or to (rain more than a frenn ral Idea of the character of the collection which is Bupposod to show something of the projrroHB of Aniu rlcan, and especially of Philadelphia, art during the past year. The exhibition Is rery nnsatlsfaotorr, whether compared with those of former years or whether considered as an expression of American art. There are, perhaps, fewer really Worthless pictures than on some former oocaslons, but the general average of the works is not up to the usual mark, and tho refusal nf a large number of the Philadelphia artists to contribute has obliged the Academy to Oil up the many vacant spaces with their wn property, which undoubtedly has a value of Its Awn, although It has not the claim to novelty, and at the annual exhibition the public expoct and bavo a right to see something new. Indeed, the works of art belonging to the Academy constitute nearly Uiree-flXtus of the exhibition, whllo the remainder la largely made up of pictures that have been ex hibited to the public at various times during the year, and the contents of private galleries. These uffloc to fill three of tho rooms, and although come Of our younger artists havo contributed works or merit and promise, the only . Important American picture Is ITofcesor Schusselc's "Ksthor Denouncing Hainan," No. 96, wbicn was painted for the Academy. Messrs. Rothermel, Edward Moran, George C. Lainb dln, Isaac L. Williams, W. II. WUIcox, John Faulk ner, George F. Bcnsell, E. B. Ucnsell, Peter Moran, and other prominent artists arc not represented at all, and others have sent elUier old works or but a picture or two. This state of affairs Is the result of the quarrel be tween the Academy and the artists, which culmi ated last year. This unfortunate difficulty has pro duced Its natural results In the poorest exhibition that we have had for many years, and In depriving the artists of the best possible means of putting their Works before the public That the Academy has not done Its duty In its relations with tho artists la certain, and there Is a general feeling that as the Institution is managed at present there is but little reason to hope for an Improvement. Both parties stand upon their dignity, and it seems that It Is almost hopeless, with the bitter feeling that pre vails, to expect for any movement towards a recon ciliation from either side. The Academy of Fine Arts, however, as the oldest institution of the kind In the country, and In support of Its pretensions as a school of art, owes It to itself and the public that both in its annual exhibitions and in Its general management It should do more for the advancement of art In Philadelphia than it has done hitherto. Pub lic opinion places the burden of the dlsagreemunt with the artists upon Its Bhoulders, and a new line of policy is therefore Imperatively necessary if It hopes to retain anything of its standing among the art in stitutions of the country. IX the Academy has failed to keep up with the Spirit of the age, and to carry out the purposes of its foundation, the artists themselves have acted un wisely in discarding H. The Interest of the majority of the publlo In art matters is not very great, and ex perience has proved it is almost Impossible to get up exhibitions outside of the Academy that will com mand general attention. By refusing to contribute, therefore, the artists deprive themselves of the best means of informing the public of what they are doing and the progress they are malting, and they lose the incentive of competition. A large ma jority of. the people of this city, derive thi;lr only knowledge of art matters from the spring exhibition of the Academy, and this exhibition is the only one that receives general notice from tho press. For these reasons the artists do themselves a positive Injury by refusing to contribute ; and looking at the matter from a merely business point of view, It seems scarcely worth while to discard a positive advantage which is worth something In dollars and cents, as well as reputation, merely to gratify a lit of spleen, and without some hope of accomplishing bcncticial results. If the works which are now in the various studios, and which have recently been exhibited in the pic ture stores and other places where but a compara tively small number of persons see them, had been sent to the Academy, the vacancies which that In stitution has been obliged to nil from its own stock would have presented a more attractive appearance, and the general character of the exhibition would be much Improved. During the past year the artldts have not been idle, but many works of decided merit have been pro duced, which for the credit of Philadelphia art ought to be placed before the public In the most prominent manner. There is no good reason why this city should be behind New York In art matters, and it rests In a great measure with the artists them selves whether we are to retain our ancient reputa tion or not. As an expression of our art standing the the spring exhibition at the Academy is worth all the others put together; it is by this that strangers, as well as our own citizens, Judge of the art progress of Philadelphia, and on this accoant the collection now open to the public Is discouraging in the extreme. We hope sincerely that an Improvement will take place before another year passes round, and that some effort will be nuule to bring the artists aud the authorities ot the Academy to an understanding satisfactory to both parties. A display of liberality and a disposition to do something practical for the encouragement of art, on the part of the directors, would probably nave the effect of winning back most if not all of the seceding artists, and would advance the char acter of the institution and make it really worthy of the regards and support of the public A system of management that might have answered half a century ago will not do at this day, and the sooner the spirit of old fogyism is banished the better it will be for all parties concerned, and the Academy will become what It ought to have been long ago, a genuine school of American art, entitled to the re spect of the artists and the confluence of all who are interested in art matters. CITY ITEMS. To the I. O. or O. F. We have a full aneortmmd of Black Coala, to.i'i, ami While VcfU, mi led to Iho Anuivenwtt, and eem jWulik emiire tvitt from $15 upwriii. ALL OTHU ABTIOLKM OK Uemtk' Youths' and Bois' Clothino at uo juw prum STYLE, FIT AKD MaXB of our (hmurnt uneuaUed by any Keadu-madt good in IttHadeephia.. AlX PniCKS GUARAjmtRD totcer than the loieeM eltichsret and full eatUy action guaranteed every punhater, or the tale cancelled and money reuntied. Half wax uetwezm ) Bkhkktv A Co., ttlh and Towkh Hall, Sixth Street:) US ALuMUrr HiWiEf, Philadelphia. AMP 600 BltOAPWAI, Mkw Yoh. Wmu: Waiting fob a Coveu to go a It oam you ars often laying the foundation for soma Pulmonary or Bronchial Affection. It ia better to get rid of a Cold it nee br using that tore remedy, Dn. D. Jaywe Hxpkc- TOBAMT, which will eore toe nawt stubborn Cough and relieve yon of all anxiety ae to dangerous conaequenoe. tfold everywhere. KoonomY or Icb. Why ute half bushel of kie in twenty-fonr hours when half toe quantity can be made to do the aauie amount of aenrieey To accomplish Uiia grea saving use one of tUBTUmr's Polab KBnuuKHATOH, nd then even at the present hli priee of ioe you will find this luxury but a small addition to your household ex pense. lr. Hall, of HaWi Journal of UetiUK, pronounces the Polar the beet in use. Call and examine it aft the wareroom of the manufacturer, John 8. Clark, Mo. Me Market street. Sold wholesale and re taxi. House Oueaswo. The present being noose eleaning time, we would eordlaily reeommend to the notice of housekeepers the advertisement in another part of our paper to-day, of Wincuer, Uartman A Co.'i Washing and Cleansing Powder. This powder acts like a charm in cleansing paints, window gUtse, and household article generally, and all should have supply of it. One trial will prove its etfioleuoy and power. It oan be had at the . grooerv store aud of Mr. W. U. Bowman, No. 11M Frank ord read. ODD FF.LLOWB PAItAIVW The bands of music all the time -riayed while the Lodam formed in line And oonntleM numbers from afar Cams on by steamboat, stage, and ear. The thousands filling up the street, Prensed in regalia Hob and neat And in the distenoe you could hear The bugles sounding loud and eloar. The line was formed, and soon the street He-mjboed sounds of many feet I While shout on sliout, and clapping hands Soon joined the musio of the bends. Rioh banners to th breexe were flung. As by this mighty boat moved on And many a widow standing by faxed on the sight with tearful eye. And said, God speed ye, noble men. Who to the widow's wants attend , Ood bless this Order, aU Mill say. And never will forget this dar. When brothers met, hands clasped they took. Wkf.hu Joink.d in Puiknxmihip, Lovk, anii Truth. In CBEsytrr Sthept, Kkht-TM!ntt-Fouk, To Cbamj-ji Stokhm' famous Clothing Ht-nre. Whore clothes of every cut youtl And, Of every shape, and make, and kind. The Unrm.t stock we always keep. And we'll sell it very cheap ; bo come and welcome, FeUowe ail. Both odd and even, on us call, Under CX)WTiwk.ntal Hm:.. I. O. O. F. Vrry Particularly Extraordinarily Important Announoe meet about the Route nf the Cdaxd Pajrade, MoemAT, April 36. Members of the Order, on arriving in the city, will pro ceed at ence to The Cheat Known Stoke IIall or nocKBTLL 4 Wilson, Nor. 0X1 and 6U6 CHKMNUT Street, and rct-c ire a copy of a beautifully printed "Order of K( eivietV for the evening, prepared by us, and by nobody elne. Then, after each man has supplied himself with a good suit of "Rockhill ft Wilson" Clothes, the procession will form on Broad street, countermarch to Christian, down Chrietian to Third, up Third to Walnut, up Walnut to Firth, up Fifth to Ulrard avenue, up Uirard avenue to Twelfth, down Twelfth to Cheonut, down Chesnut to the Grkat Brown Stoma Hall, Nos. 6U3 and 606, THHOCOH trh Hall, and out at the Sixth Street Door, affording each Brother an opportunity for another of our Ghxat Baboaiks in Spring Clothing; thence up Sixth to Franklin Square, where the procession will dismiss, and all will go home and brush up their "Rockhill ft Wilson's" for the festivities of the evening. Dont forget to call for the only authorized "Order of Kxvreiecs" at the Gnr.AT Brown Stone Hall or Rockhill A Wilson, NOS. JW AND 606 CftlKHKnT STREET. Common Sbnkh rules the mass of the people, whatever the mHnamed and misanthropic philosophers may sny to the contrary. Show them a good thing, let its merits be I'k-arly (remonstrated, and they will not hesitate to give it their meet eordisl patronage. The masses nave already ratified the judgment of a physician concerning the vir tuee of Hoktstteb's Bittkb.s, as may be seen In the im mense quantities of this medicine that are annually sold in every section of the land. It is now recognized as greatly superior to all other remedies yet devised for diseases of the digestive organs, such aa diarrhoea, dysentery, dys prpsi, asd for the various fevers that arise from derange ment of those portions of the system. Hostetter's name is rapidly becoming a household word, from Maine to Texas, from the shores of the Atlantic to the Paoiiic. These cele brated BiosurH BrriHith have doubtless created as muoh sensation in tho community for their remarkable cures as any other medicine extant. It is a fact that in the minds of many persons a prejudice exists against what are culled patent medicines ; but why should this prevent you resort ing to an article that has such an array of testimony to support it as Hohtrtteh's Stomach Bittehs? Physi cians prescribe It; why should you discard It? Judges, usually considered men of tulonk, have and do use it in their families ; why rhould you reject it 1 Let not your prejudice usurp your reason, to the everlasting injury of your health. It is the only preparation of the kind that is reliable in all cases, and it ia therefore worthy of the con sideration of the afflicted. The Bitters are pleasant to the tat, agreeable in their effects, and altogether v&la able ae a tonic or remedy for indigestion. Coltox Dental Association. Originators of the Nitrous Gas, for the painless extraction of teeth. One hundred thousand persons liave inhaled tho gas at our various offices, without an accident or failure. The names and residences can be seen at our offices in Philadelphia, Boston, New York, Baltimore, St. Louis, Chicago, Cincin nati, and Louixvilla. Philadelphia Office, No. 7.17 Walnut btreet, blow Klghth. Come to the headqaurters. We never fail. JbwALKI. Bit. WUliam W. Cassidy, No. 13 S. Sooond street, has the largest and most attractive assortment of tine Jewelry and Silverware in the city. Purchasers oan rely upon obtaining a real, pure article furnished at a price which cannot be equalled. He also has a large stook of American Western Watches in all varieties and at all prices. A visit to his store ia sure to result n pleasure and protiU A SoiTJU E cv Fixakchk. It is a souiceof pleasure when we on recommend a bona pie article Speer's "Sumdard Wine Bitters" is a credit to its maker, and will be of incalculable benefit to suffering humanity. It is particularly good in eases of general debility. Pleaunt and agreeable to the Uxte. It is simply the pure juice of the grope made bitter by hevbs and roots. Sold by Drug gist. IF icrs bneinebs is dull, and ynu think that therefore you cant insure your lite just now, think also of what will be come of your family when you are no longer able to do any business. Take out a small policy in the Amhhioan Life or Philapmltbta now, and increase it when you're able. Great Sals or Hochkjjiupixo Liken Gooiw. -The sale of the Stock of Fine Linen Housekeeping Goods at Messrs. Birch ft Son's Auction Store. No. 1110 Chesnut street, will commence to-morrow (Tuesday) morning, at 10 o'clock. ,The goods will be sold in lots to suit purchasers. Hallett, Davis ft Co. 'a Pianos, No. VH Chesnut street, are unequalled in durability, brilliancy, tone, and power. Distinguished pianista say they are the bett. We never listened to any Piano so enchanting. To the I. O. or O. F. WK HATH ON' HAND a full assortment of sir.es and qualitios WHrm Vkts, from 'J to ifiS. WRini Vests, kom $2 to $i. White Vhwim, vbom 'J to White Vests, yhom $1 to 5. Black Pamth, kbom $5 to l.ri. Black Pamth, i hom 5 to ijtic. Black Panth, uom $5 to $Uh Black Pants, ritoM $5 to li. Black Coats, num & ta fcw. Black Coats, phom ( to Black Coats, fhom $9 to . Black Coats, ruosc $9 to Jktni mH oiTicr rfylra of d'enttrmen' Clothing vntd GeiJit yrrruitohup fjooil. W hate tutitrttcud our Nnleinwn to hf.ike a pecla rf'tfNe llon to Hithebt-ra of the Ordrr. J'er, Vra'erital!it Wanamakkk ft Brown's Oak Hall, Tin: Larokmt Clothing Houst:, Tmh Ovuwkh ok Sixth and M ihket Strkkth. AMUSEMENTS. br mtbiftioMoi Anuutemeuto tee th Third I'uge.) CMIE8NUT STREET THEATRE. J Located on Chesnut street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets. O. D. HK.SH ft CO Manager. LAST WKKK. LAST WKKK POMITTVKLY. THLS (.Monilay) KVKNINO, April 3. LAST NIOHT BUT r'lVK Of the great Spectacular KxtravagaiiKu, TIIK FIKLD OF TUB CLOTH OF GOLD, THH FIKLD OF VtlK CLOTH Or GOLD, THK FIKLD OF THK CLOTH OF GOLD) With all it splendid music, dances, costumes, jewels, omie situations, wonderful and novel introductions, PRODUCKD AT A COST OF $10,1)00. THK BIUGKHT HUOOKSS F.VKR KNOWN m this city, now in its seventh week, and only withdrawn because the Company is obliged to leave the eity. To- Tue,YTATKepCTNAM. Wednesday, Benent of Fannie Stocktou. Thursday. Bfnelil of Mr. W. wkj. nday, Benerit ol Mrs. J. A ) A Th S. SATCklM V, LAST MATINKH Seats cau be secured from i.M.WK, raAitRii;i. IITNWl.KltrTRllTrtM T- h. -TtTJ8HTONir-On the gSd instant, by Rev J. ft If a ... 4 Mm rnllbi 11 and MM UI.AK HUMIiTON.'both of this city, y KAUNIKK8-WISIf!.On the 7tb Instant, by His Rev. J'?.' W'hiJOHN v- HAVtiDV.HH to MAKV V. A. t JSK. botn of this city. WhJTF-WARKKN.-On Fwu-Mi day, Fnnrth montta, lit h, at tv "etdence of the bride's pnrnnts, I 'pper Sprin r HeJd, N, J., J Mw Nanirfn, of Trenton. OliAltLKtt H. vviiifrV ia., V flizahkYh wabkfn. m !:. MOKRISON.-On finely, the VMi Instant, JAMKS STANT MORRISON, sged ' year 6 mint and 7 darn, mm ofthe late KllraiwXh Mtwrisorl. T)m reiaUvns and frtenils of th fsmlb are reapeetftrUy InrHed to attend the funeral, from the resrdenre ot bis fMher, Mark Morrison, No. HI8 Trout street, en Wednes day atlernooa at I o'clock. To proceed to the New Oahs dml Cemetery. PAIJWFK. On the morning of the B4th instant, at Gee mantown, HIUNKiV, son of H. Frank and Julia B. Palmer, agnl tti nxMiUm and da-s. . . , The reUUves and friends are invited to atteail Us funeral, at t o'clock P. M., on Tueed.yr. April 7, from his rn reals' residenoe. Church Uue. To proceed to Lwirel iUL W M ASONIO " NOTIOK-THF OFFIORRS- AND member of KKN8INOTON IX)DOK, No. 811, A. Y. M., Mid Mie Order generally, are fratemolly inrtted to meet at Kensington Masonic llstl, RICHMOND Street, on WKDrTtWDA Y. the tth instant, at 8 o'clock P M.. to at tend thehioeraiof our deceased Brother, JOHN RICH MOND. By order of the W. M. OHARLKS K. NFrlSSFR, Seoreterv. N. B. Masonic dress will be strictly observed. H rO SKCURK YOUR FAMILY FllOM WANT. To Relieve Your Hind of Anxiety, To Make a Good Investment, INSURE YOUR LIFE IM THK AMERICAN OF PHILADELPHIA. ALEX. WUILLDIN, President. -J0IIN S. WIIitON,S'rretary! 919 OLOTHINQ. .I01N'ISH One-Price Clething House, No. OO l MAltKET Sti-eet. Our Garments are rrcll made. Our Cutters are men of talent. BUT ONE PRICE IS ASKED, batisfuction Guaranteed Every Purchaser. GEO. W. NIEMANN, Proprietor, 917wfm No. 604 MARKET St., above Sixth. PAIN PAINT. M I WANTS. 1 want to show you where to go r or sorrow or ior run ; On Chatham square the people know At Hundred Eighty-one. A man with headache walks in there. Three minutes it is gone : Tis Wolcott's place, in Chatham squaie. At Hundred zughty-one. Here comes a lady with Catarrh ; AnnihUator goes I! ic'i t through obstructions which debar The passage through the nose. The place is crowdod, I admit. The aick are everywhere ; In private rooms I see tuera sit. Free omce, Chatham square. Some strip to Paint from bead to hec!. Ail ages, sexes there All sorrow flies, and joy they feel. Free office, Chatham square. Here comes a Bunion, there a Gout - Neuralgia leaves the face ; And Rheumatism goes right out At Wolcott's free cure place. Cancers and Ulcers, every kind. Moat frightful to behold, All inflammation quick resign The feverish place is cold. Pump Inflammation, out they say. The watohword evorywliere ; Don't suiter pain a single day, But go to Chatham square. By turns yon laugh, and then you ci', To see the sick folks there ; The thousands that Pain Falnt appi.v. That go to Chatham square ; Across the Bowels Paint apply ; Put on Pain Paint not spare, For Diarrhoaa has to fly Free tests at Chatham square. A Isdy having lost each bone Withie her NOSK, npplied To Wolcott's place, where she was ttonc It was too late she criod. She had Catahrh a score of years, And yet she never knew 'Twss this disease shed bitter tears When Wolcott told her true. A notkd doctor in New Yohk Has practiced thihtt vkakh; He had Catakkh, and bad a talk With Wolcott of his fears. Ten years had lost the sense of smell And nl'teen years Catarrh ; Hw sight and hearing hurt aa well. While ulcers thhoat did mar. Well-known he is: none stand more high : But yet to WoixioxT said : I never knew Catarrh was nigh Till I your statements read. And then one doxen pints he bought - A vnihllator pure Ol Wolcott, for Catarrh he sought And found a speedy cure. His smell was perfect in three weeks: In six his throat was healed : Fine voice returned, and now be speaks ; (rood singing power reveals. lie on Your Guard. Drive out these Demons from thy frame. Wait not another hour, But free thyself from all thv pain, Behove! Thou hast the power. The dread Catarrh Consumption breed, rihe flatters but to kill. Perhaps with silence sow s her socda, but works our ruin still. Dr. Wolcott is a man of buine. He has bven in the name nftice nearly six yeura, and folks know just where to lind him. He lias no time to visit race courses or base-hull matches hnrdly tims to i-natch a lunch. People of com mon sense know that he niniu juit what he says. He has too much honor to mnke a single tiih-e statement. It is needless for us tout his the success he has already achieved in the sale of his old stiindaid remedy, the An.ni mii ATOK, universally patronized for Cefctrih and Colds in the head, which is to day (he only leading and reliable remedy for that loathsome y t iiniveisal complaint. HUH more, he now puts up the A N'MJiii.a tob in pints instead q' ha'f 7infe, una makes it. one rimirler stronger and more efticiont. He has cured, by the use of this invaluable nil dicino, not only thuiiamb of almost hopeless cases of Ctttarrb, but hundreds of wenk m-nes. Many a man whose lis nds trembled to such a oVyn-e that it was impossible to read a newspupvr without, Ujiug it on a dusk, and who could scarcely wnto their mime orure a wt-ek, lind iiuma duts bent-tit Pint bottles hold tliree of tne 50-cent bot llet, and be sells fifty pint. botUus to one of tho amaller sir.e. Thousands holler who would be wholly restored In m the diguting divaw, C.M.UUiJi, which leads directly to lung imiplttiulv, drppru, -. ! n rves, pain in the i-ide and stuinach, snd livsr uompliiint. Doctors in general do not undiirxtsiid I 'atari ti, arul -iw are bold eunugh to di-iiy it. Nothing ' vi-i tiiln into the nimach csn cure it, for the disease is in the htsd. Yen miKhr aa w.dl put a plaster on the root to cure im ulc. v on toe hiuul. Catarrh is an ulceration in the lutul snd a running tore; the matter alls in the throat and clvpn i: ss uiithi. runs down to the stomach and undermines lite ubuls ouiietituiiou. tJaUnh Nuutt will srw.iys prolu.- ChUiitIi and agirra vate the disease. A Mire, is rut4Lrn's most emphatio No, and dust of any kind w UK-t po-n vely injurious. You luukt cure the Irntenng uV.- v in the head, and the ditbV.olty in the thixl. and .touwisii. from this load of phlegm constantly pniixiug from th lisd, is ri'moved. It xum.-X be cleaned out, iairvad ci nddwui, snitif and more lih h. Buy none of the Doctcr's iH'toedk's unless in pure white nrsppcrs. f TT THutOUT, post it irn, and w.vfr forget there is ONK l'L.-K. you can go, or be tuniwl, atul have all physical pain removed, free of eien-s, at No. LH1 tlhatham iquare. New Vork, wiien ail crher doctors give yon up as hopeless. (Six pints of AnnihUator fViv CeUrrh or Colds in the Hi ad, or one Pint ot Pain Paint, double strength, sent tree of express charges, en receipt of 4d; or one gallon of Pain Paint, double strength, tor Huiall bottles sold a all Drug Htores. K. L. WOIX'tTT, Inventor aud Hole Proprietor, No. 1H1 CHATHAM Square. N. Y. It T)ARTIES IN THK MACHINK AND FOUN- I DRY business looking for a Superintendent or Part ner who is thoroughly skilled in Mechanical lrawing. Pat tern, and. Machine work, can address ONSVILI.K K. PitAY. Meciuinical F.ngiueer, Box 646, Portsmouth, N. H. Best of reference given Ht TOIIN FAKNTJM & CO., COMMISSION MER- tJ chants snd Manufacturers of Cooestoga Tickuig, etc., ha. 'i l l 0UKHNVT btreot. Pbiladaelplua. 4 1 wtwi J J. REYNOLDS & SON. NORTHWEST CO UN E It THIRTEENTH and FILBERT. Sole Manufacturers of the Celebrated WROUGIIT-IROX, AIR-TIGHT, GAS-CONSUMING HEATER, WITH PATENT DUST SCREEN, ORATE BAR KESTS, AND WROUGHT IRON RADIATOR These Ileal ci-n m e tntidc of Heavy Wrouglit-Iron, tc1I i-iv-etel together, tlie only win-e pre vention agruinist tlie escape ofiian or Dutit. They are easily man. aged, -without any dampers. The Patent Itadiator avoid the ue and annoyance or drums aud in permanently attached to the Heater. Thin 1m the most durable, simple, economical, and popular Heating Apparatus ever offered for Kale. They are all suiiranteed. COOKING RANGES, for Hotels uud r;imilios PORTABLE HEATERS, LATROBE HEATERS, LOW DOWN GRATES, SLATE MANTELS, REGISTERS, AKD VENTILATORS. We are also manufacturing a New Flat-Top Heating Range. Se&d fer our IUustTaitl Pgiunuiet. ENGLISH AND FEENCIl FABRICS MADE UP WITH INGENUITY AND ORIGIMUTY. CHEVIOT6, r,1ZLTO8, AWO DANNOCKOURN6, Wevr 9Ilxtnrei and Dcltuy PIQUE. GRANITE, AND DIAGONAL COATINC8. ELEGANT It are lU-Hufiew ofleaiIgn and olor. Tor Pantaloonr . WHITE AND DROWN DUCKS and WHITE MARSEILLES, 'or Vet, made up In Kew Style. DOUDLE-DREASTED FROCK COATS, Popular Tor Street Wear HALF-DRE88 MORNING COATS, Convenient for Ocneral Use, BUSINESS CO ATS. English Style. Jaunty Garments. SACK COATS, Tastefully Cut, coming into fashion again. AND Many Other Novelties of Material or Make, Together with an Immrnae UMorlmcut of everything appertaining TO THE CLOTHING TRADE, AT THK CHESNUT STREET CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT. JOHN W A 1! A IYi A K E R, 818 and 820 CHESNUT STREET. 5. B. This Is a new phtehlifiMiienf, just opcwHl in the large BUOWN-STONE BUILDING former Honor, Coilatlay & Co. w, gtrnaigcrs woll to look In at It, if only for curiosity's sake. . 4 it tptf WTXCTTVC; SUITS or Newest Materials and Latest Styles ARE: NOW OPENING DAILY AT HOMER, COLLADAY Cc CO.'S. In t7iis Department ive are prepared to furnish, READY-MAD S every variety of WALKING and TRAVELLING DRESSES, suitably for all tastes and of every quality. Orders filled with despatch. CHESNUT AB0YE BROAD, Nos. 1412 and 1414. HOMER, COXLADAY & CO. ARE NOW EXHIBITING Tlie Largest and 13ot Assorted Stool op SILKS AND DRESS GOODS EVER IMPORTED INTO THIS CITY, And at Ib ices as Low as any other establishment in the country, Chesnut above Broad, Nos. 1412 and 1414. NOW OPEPfEVG " LINENS AND HOUSEHOLD DRY. GOODS, GEORGE EV1 I L L I K E IV, (Successor to James XcMullaa), No. 1 128 CHESNUT STREET, Wso, No. 828 ARCH STREET FRESH STOCK, Lowest Prices at which LINEN GOODS have been sold for Several Years! BEST IRISH LINENS. DEST LINEN SHEETINGS. BEST TABLE DAMASKS. Linen Handkerchiefs, Shirt Bosoms, Towelings, Furniture Linens, Linen Drills, Bird-eye and Nursery Diapers, etc. We intend U maintain our reputation for First-class and Pura Linen. Goods. W"c also 4ntend to demonstrate to Linen Buyers that we can selZ such ood$t at cheaper rates than are usually charged for Auy Hon bargains. IIOUHlSIIOLl DRY GOODS, Every description of Dry Goods required to furnish a house itim variably at the lowest prices, and of best qualities. , . Flannels, Blankets, Quilts, Muslins, Sheetings, Furniture Chintzes. White Goods of every description.- ; . Hotels and Pnblie Institutions supplied at Wholesale and Pack .a-go Rates. AMtx 4 STRIPES. ! rim