cur codwiLs. The recular statAri r-odie. were hol.l - 01 these SELECT IlRANOH Mr. fltnlrl.., .. . in the chair. .'iuou, Connct,. to locate the "SnffiS ,, c"u r wan rcc Slnnl. ...... vJSk 1"w. Instead o? Independence. Jveferred to Committee. Vitw u"u'IU"n,can was received from the ti 7.i .lcit?r conveyinK the information V , ,aa granting the title to Hunting- . - v,v i'wuivi tuo net 1 17 ui ..juor opon ine premise. I An application from the Board of Health .. .vu..u aniiif. iur mo 11 ho 01 a tug uoat (during the quarantine season to ply between the city and the Lazaretto, Kefered to the (Committee on Health. Mr. Jones offered a written request from numerous forwarding firms, asking for a 'street to be set apart for their business with the assurance and guarantee that after hay ing erected warehouses and tracks, they may i not be forced to remove them. Laid on the ; table, A note from the Board of School Control lers was received asking for the purchase of ,two school lots In the Twenty-eighth "Ward; another one, from the name source, recom mending the creation of a permanent loan of .$831,700 for the erection of new school, louses. I Mr. Franciscns offered a resolution directing the removal of the sleepers and cross-ties in Broad street, from Olive to Vine, and the re paying of the disturbed area. Adoptod. I The Committee on Girard Estate reported n ordinance providing for the lease of lands of the Girard Kstates in Schuylkill and Co lumbia Counties to certain corporations for 'fifteen years, from the 1st of July. 181W. (Passed. I A report was received from the Committee ton Railroads. The charges against the Com Imittee that undue interference had been Drought to bear upon them to effect the Vtmoval. of the tracks from Broad street, thave been investigated and are found with- I out foundation. Mr. Franciscus prosented a communication from the President of the Bothwark Railroad Compnny, stating that, upon the payment of $10,0014, tue rails can be removed trom South street to Washington avenue. This sum is the amount lost to stockholders by the re moval. Referred to Committee on Rail roads. ' The Committee on Railroads reported that it Is inexpedient to legislate now upon the subject of setting apart any certain locality for the use exclusively of forwarding mer chants. Mr. Franciscus moved to recommit the re port, with an ordinance, providing that Washington avenue, Twenty-third street, Lehigh avenue, Swanson street from Wash ington avenue to Bomb, street, and Penn street from South to Pine shall be set apart for the use of the forwarding trade, and that the rails shall not be interfered with until the year 1900. Each merchant who desires to lay a turnout shall pay a license of one hundred dollars for the privilege, and an annual rent of fifty dollars for the use of the turnout. The motion to recommit was agreed to by a vote of 15 to 10. The Committee on Law reported a resolu tion directing the CommisBiener of City Property to lease Poplar-street wharf, Dela ware, for one or three years. A long dis cussion ensued, isot agreed to. Mr. Vox. from the Finance Committee, reported back the resignation of Mr. Fran- ciscus. with a request for its withdrawal. Mr. F. complied. The ordinance prohibiting the sale or mer chandise upon the sidewalks and the erec tion of fruit stands was indefinitely post poned. Common uouncus amendments to tne uui for the erection of a school-house in .the Twenty-first Ward was concurred in The resolution requesting the Mayor to return the bill disbanding the South Penn Hose Company was concurred in. Also, a resolution to extend tne nre aiarm telegraph to the depot of the Chestnut and Walnut street Railway Company. Also, a resolution relative to the suspen sion of the Mechanic Engine Company. Ad- journed. Common Cotjmcil. President Joseph F. Marcer, Esq., called the Chamber to order at a quarter past three o'clock. From Mr. Williams, President of the Citi zens Passenger Railway Line was received a communication requesting the location of a signal-box in the railway depot. Referred. Mr. M. Mooney sent to Councils a petition requesting the transfer of his contract for the building vt a sewer on JjOcubi street west. 01 iSIinth to Mr. E. 8. McGlue. Referred. Thomas J. Barger, Esq., City Solictor, pre sented the following: Law Depabtmbkt, April IS, 1869 T0CH7 Councils Gentlemen : I enclrse a copy of an act approved March 18, 1869, providing for the transfer of the control of the clean ing of the streets of the city from Councils to the Hoard 01 jieann; aiso, a communica tion from three of the present contractors for cleaning the streets to the Mayor, stating their intention to quit work on the 14th in stant, upon the alleged ground that their contracts are determined by the act men tioned. This act authorizes the Board of Health to enter into contracts tor cleaning the streets, and the third section thereof re quires said contracts to be submittted to and approved by the the City Solicitor. Under these circumstances auu exiuiuuuu ui ww contracts referred to and au approval or dis approval of the same by me, acting to the best of my judgement for the interests of the city, niifibt be deemed a full compliance with mv dntv. Uli vne utuur uaim, uvn.., position as law omuer 01 mo ui;, "t"' tude of the interests involved, and a desire to obtain redress from defaulting contractors, provided the health of the city be not thereby Jeoparded, have induced me to lay me belore the uounciis wuu mo ui iI1K Borne action which Bhall make my course J.,, Respectfully, T. J-jU- The City Solicitor also presented an opin ion to tho eliect h hi ,Wcd March 19, 1809, takes from Councils il , ,iil utn.. in ths ithe control 01 uwugeo, - frwenty-second Ward. Mr. Nichol onerea a resmuuuu ioi.f. the Mayor to return me wbuiumku banding the South Penn Hose Company Agreed to. . Mr, union, dj rouunuu, ---?.Vn from the Mayor of the ordinance wanting permission to Mr. Jame Master Em to elect an iron awning. Agreed to. r . A map of the city was preeutea Dy 11. o. Toudy & Co., and a resolution of thanks was PMr. Vaguer presented .tondlt. inw the Committee on un -ing tue ,""J. n-.-arv relative huire Tf; TV". brn by the to the passago vl H8,!?11 rretzell moved to refer to the Com. mittee on Law and City Solicitor. ao aBTlf resolution then passed. M, Wagner offered a resolution re urn ug 1&?uIm objected to the resolution, and wr. "l"""J . ,,., in the I. eels- WU that Mr. en, c-ua. TIIE DAILY EVENING- TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, Ai ell a card of thanks. He had d self -and the people he rnyresented. Messrs. Wagner and Uanna defended ths Senator, when Mr. Uetzell ralhul m. a. and nays on the passage of the resolution, resulting yeas 23, neys 11. 80 the resolution passed. Mr. Smith, from the Oommitw nn wi,. .nd.TJ.n',"i rePr'el resolution directing the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department to restore to service thn Mtanin tf ni. Company. Agreed to. Also, an Oldinannn lnnAt.!n o A. .i.. box in the depot of the Chestnut and Walnut Street Passencer Railwav Com nan v a nr..i to. 1 ' " Also, a resolution dirnp.t.lnir Mm nht.r pineer of the Fire Department to strike from the roll of the Department the name of the Independence Engine Company. Mr. Dillon moved to postpone for the pras- Mr. Hetzell moved to indefinitely post- pone. Mr. Nichol said that the statements of Mr. Smith. tO the effect that t.n tm.mhor nf Mia Committee were present and that they were unanimous in disbanding the company, were not true, xne evidence did not warrant the report from the Committee. Mr. Smith said he had made a mistake in reference to the number. There were only nine members present, and he believed the resolution was passed almost unanimously. .Dir. jieizell withdrew bis motion, and moved an amendment to the effect that the name of the South Penn Hose be added to the resolution. The amendment was not agreed to. aud the resolution passed by a vote of 'S2 yeas to 12 nays. Mr. Evans reported a resolution to re-ar range and fix the boundary lines of the Election J'lviBions in the tSeconu and Seventh Wards. The first resolution was recommitted to the committee, and the second agreed to. Mr. Evans also ottered resolutions to change the places of voting in the Seventh and Eighth Divisions of the Twentieth Ward. Seventh Division of the First Ward, and Fifth Division of the Eleventh Ward. Agreed to. The Committee on Claims reported an ordinance appropriating 8148 SO to the Spring Garden Hose and Hook and Ladder Company for damage sustained to their appa ratus at tne nre at Twentieth and Jeftron streets. Agreed to. The Finance Committee, through its chair man, Mr. Shoemaker, reported the following bills: Ordinance appropriating $71 for printing for the Supreme Court. Resolution instructing the City Controller to countersign certain warrants. Ordinance authorizing the Mayor to exe cute a deed for certain real estate at Vine and Albion streets. These were all agreed to. The Highway Committee reported the fol lowing bills, which were adopted: Resolution to pave Girard avenue and Har rison and Fairhill streets. Resolution to pave Hutchinson street from Jefferson street to Columbia avenue. Resolution to pave Cumberland street from Front to Jasper street, and Woodland street from Chestnut to Twenty first. Ordinance appropriating five hundrod dol lars for the paving of Long Lane. Ordinance granting the Lincoln Monument Association permission to erect a monument at Broad and Girard avenue. The Police Committee reported a resolu tion granting permission to Mr. John JUird to use the city telegraph poles. Agreed to. Also, an ordinance to build a bridge over Bread street to connect tho sugar manufac tories of Messrs. Frazier, Rogers & Company. Agreed to. Tha Select Council bill relative to coal land leasus was concurred in. The Law Committee reported an ordi nance appropriating $500 to the property owners in Woodbine avenue, for damages sustained by tho opening ot said avenue. Passed. An amended ordinance offered by Mr. Dil lon, authorizing Mr. Masterson to erect an iron awning, was agreed to. The selett Council bill relative to remov ing the cross-ties and sleepers from Broad street, and the repairing ot the street, was referred to the Highway Committee. The bill to open Fifteenth street from Car penter street to Washington avenue, was made the special order for five o'clock on Thursday next. The Select Council bill of Instructions to the City Controller was concurred in. A resolution, requesting the Mayor to fur nish Councils with tho names and location of the policemen on duty at the present time, was.agreed to. A communication from Broad st. Merchants, requesting Councils to name the street on which the city rails are to be laid, so that they can make arrangements for building warehouses, was referred, and the Chamber adjourned. RAILROAD LINES. NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. For BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, MAUCH CHUNK, EASTON, WILLI AMSPOKT. WILKESBARRE. MAHANOY CITY, MOUNT CAKMEL, P1TTSTON, TUNKHANNOOK, AND SCRAN TON. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. Passenger Trains leave the Depot, corner of BERKS and AMERICAN Streets, daily (Sun days excepted), as follows: At 7-45 A. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Allen town, Mauoh Chunk, Hatloton, Williamsport, Wilkesbarre, Mahanoy City, Pittston, and Tunk bannock. 0-4o A. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, Mauoh Chunk, Wilkesbarre, Pittston, and Scranton. At 1-45 P. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Mauoh Chunk, Wilkesbarre, Pittston, and Scranton. At 6-00 P. M. for Bothlehem, Easton, Allentown, and Maueh Chunk. For Doylestown at 8-45 A. M., 2 45 and 415 P. M. For Fort Washington at 10 4u A. M. and 1130 I'. M. For Lonsdale at 8-20 P. M. Filth aud Sixth Street, second and Third Streets, and Union City Paeseuger Railways run to tho now Depot. TRAINS ARRIVE IN PHILADELPHIA. From Bethlehem at 010 A. M., 210, 6-23, and 8 30 P. M. i roin Doylestown at 8-35 A. M., 4-66 and 7 P. M. From Lausdule at 7-30 A. M. From Furt Washington at 10-45 A. M. and 310 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 0-30 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2 P. M. Doylestown lor nmuuoipina at 7 A. 31. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4 P. M. Tlckots sold and Baggage cheoked through at Mann's North Pennsylvania Buggage Express i )ttiii. No. lub S. FIFTH Street. ' ELL1SCLARK, Agent. LEOAL NOTIOES. 7 N THK ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITT 1 AND COUNTY OV PHII.ADKLPHIA. The Auditor .ppoiuUKl by Mm ( jourt to audit .etUefid HiiiKttba final account of JOHN n. COL.AHAN, Km., f .uurdid ot ' (5 R! U'OKVILl.K (O. K. MoOaun). war U i "nC of so January 1, A. B.1H60. and to report ilirtrj hution of tho balance in the hands of the accountant, will ni" et the partie. interested, for the purpose ot bw aiipouit SSnt, on TUKKDAY. Aprifw A 1. t four U, ojo lock V M at the ottloe of John B. Oolahan, Ksq-. Wo. Ml W Air r6T' U" 0itWiuA'A"D."i?AKKR, Auditor. TN THE COURT OK COMMON PLEAS FOR 1 THK tTTY AND COUNTY OK PHILADKLPHIA. lK IHPKll vs. HOPPKK. June Term, 1S64. No. 43. William W. Hopier-iir:-Youwill pleaae notice a rule in li e above case, to show eaue. if anjr you have, why a hvo-2 a vinculo matrimonii should not be decreed, as . innal aerviue on you bavnia- failed on account of your JJS! j"turuble on HA i CllUAY. Apnl 17. lsU at 10 o'cIih A. m. JObKPH A. BONHAM, Attorney fur Libellaut. 4 10 17 30 81 4t RAILROAD LINES. Ittfttt JOK NKW YOHK. THK (1AMDKN J OUO. ANI AMJIOY AND I'lUIMIlKI-KHlA AM) TKKNTON H All.HOAH COMPANIES' I.1NKH FKOM fini,AlKI.lMIIA TO NKW "iOKK, AND WAY TLACKS. JMIOM WAI.JItlT HTRKKT WTTARr. At 630 A. JY1.. Via Inrrwlon nml Amhnv Aooom. Sfl 2.1 At H A. M.i- flftOura. and Jersov!ltT Kx.JYlail 3-00 At 2 I'. M.. Tin (Vmilnn anil Ambov KxnroHH... 8 00 At 8 1. JV1.. for A in boy and intermeillnte ntuMons. At 0-30 and RA.M, and 2 00 P. M. fr Trochoid. At land lo A. At., 2, 8-30, and 4-ns P. M. for 'Fronton. At 0'30, H. and 10 A. Al., 1, U, 3'80, 4 30, 0, and 11'30 P. M. fur liorduntown, Jiurliugtun, Uerorly, and liolanoo. At 0-30 and 10 A. M.. 1. 8 30. 4-30. II. and 1130 P. M. for 1'loronre, l'dcwutDr, KItomMo, KlTorlon, Palmyra, mid l lnh, and 'i i'.IVl. for i'lorouoo and lilverton. The 1 and 11-30 P. M. Linos leave from Market Street l orry (unur aldo). VHOM KKIH7NOT01t DITrOT. At 11 A. JV1.. ria Konsinitton and Jersey City, Now York Kinross Iino. i'nro, it3. At 730 and ll A. 2 30, !i-;io and 6 J . m. lor Trenton ond lirlxtol. And nt 1015 A. M. forHrlntol. At 7-30 nnd 11 A. M.. VM. and fi P. iu. for Morria- ville and Tullytown. At 7-30 and 10-16 A. M., and 2 30 and 6 P. M. for Schcnck'g and Kddinijton. At 7-30 and 1015 A. JU., 2 30, 4, 6, and 6 P. M. for Cornwoll's, Torrosdalo, Holmosliurir, Tacony, WIh vlnomlnK, lirldoHhurx, and 1 ranklnrd. nnd 8 P. M. for llolmeaburg and intcrmodiute stations. IKOM WKST PH1IA1)KT,PHIA DKPOT, Via Connecting linllwny. A.n.K A TLl t.ik A :.', .....1 I'l I AT Vni. Vn.l. xproR8 Linofi, via jrncy City. Fare, VZh. At ll-30i'. Ji., i-.iiii-raiit Jiino. i-uro, sf At 0-46 A. M.. 1-20. 1. 6-30. and 12 P. M.. for Trenton. At -40 A. M.. 8, 8-30, and 12 P. M., fr Bristol. At 12 P. W. (Niirlit), lor MorriHvillo. Tullytown, Solionck'H, EddiiiKton, (lornwoll'n, Torrendulo, HolmcHburg, Tacouy, WlsHiuouilng, Bridoiiburg;, and t'ranklord. The v-45 A. M., 6-.10 and 12 P. m. L,Ino8 will run daily. All others, Sundays cxcpptcd. or Lines leaTin Kensington dopot, take the ears on Third or l-llta streot, at Uhesnut, 30 minutes before departure. Tho ears of Market Mreot Hallway run direct to West Philadelphia l)epot, C'hesnut and Walnut within one square. On Sundays the Market streot oars will run to eonneot with the 0-46 A. M. 0 30 and 12 P. M. Lines. BELYIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD LINES, TnOM Km-fHIHOTOH DBPOT. At 7-80 A. M. for Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Dun kirk, Eluilra, lthaoa,Owcgo, Rochester, HI ugli a ni ton, Oswego, iSyraouse, Urout liend, Monlrose, Wilkesbarre, Soranton, Stroudsburg, Water Uap, Sohooley's Mountain, eta. At 7-30 A. M. and 3-30 P. M. for BoMderi, Easton, LambortTille. Flomington, eto. The 3-30 P. M. Line oonnects dlreot with tho train leaving Easton for Mauoh Chunk, Allentown, Bothle hem, eto. At 6 P. M. for Lauibertville and intermediate Stations. CAMDEN AND BURLINGTON COUNTY AND P EMBERTON AND HiOUTSTOWN RAIL ROADS. PKOM MARKKT 6TBBFT TBRBT (UPPBR SIRR). At 7 and 10 A. M., 1-30, 3-30, and 6-30 P. M., for Meruhantrllle, Moorestown, Hartford, Masonville, Hainesport, Mount Holly, Smith-rille, Ewansrllle, lncentown, Dinninghum, and Pemberton. At 7 A. M., 1-30 and 3 30 P. M., for Lowistown, Wrightstown, Cookstown, New Egypt, Hornors town, Cream Ridgo, lmlaystown, bharon, and Hightstown. 11 10 WILLIAM H. OATZMER, Agont. jpENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. FALL TIME, TAKINO EFFECT NOV. 22, 1868. The trains of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Depot, at THIRTY-FIRST and MAR KET Streets, which is reached directly by the Mar ket Street cars, the last car connecting with each train leaving Front and Market streets thirty minutes belore its departure. The Chesnut ana Walnut streets cars run within one square of the Depot. Sloeping-ear Tickets can be had on application at the Ticket Office, N. W. corner Ninth and Ches nut streets, and at the depot. Agonts of the Union Transfer Company will call for and deliver buggage at the depot. Ordors left at No. 001 Chesnat street, or No. 110 Market street, will receive attention. TRAINS LKAVE DEPOT, VIZ.- Mall Train 8 00 A. M. Pnoli Acoommodat'n, 10 30 A. M., 110 and 9 00 P. M. aslLtie 11-50 A.M. Erie Express 11-50 A. M. llarrisburg Acoommodation ... 2-30 P. M. Lancaster Accommodation . . . 4-00 P.M. Purkcsburg Train 6-30 P.M. Cincinnati .express .... o-oo tr. in. Erie Mail and Butlalo Express . 10 45 P. M. J hiladelphia Express, VI Night. Erie Mail leaves daily, except Sunday, running on Saturday night to Williamsport only. On Sun day night passengers will leave Philadelphia at 12 o'clock. Philadelphia Express leaves daily. AH other trains daily, except Sunday. The W estern Acoommodation Train runs daily, except Sunday. For this train tickets must bo pro cured and bagguge delivered by 6 P. 11., at No. 110 Market street. TRAINS ABRITB AT DKPOT, VlZ.: Cincinnati Express .... 3'10 A. Philadelphia Express .... 810 A. M. M. Paoli Accommodut'n, 8 30 A. M., 3 40 and 710 P. Erie Mail and Butlalo Express 10 00 A. M. 910 A. M. 10 00 A. M. 12-30 P. M. 4-20 P. M. 4-20 P. M. 0-40 P. M. Parkesburg Train . Fast Line Lancaster Train .... Erie Express Day Express Hurrlsburg Accommodation For further information apply to JOHN VANLEER, Jr..Tl( leket A stent. No. 901 CHKSNUT Street. FRANCIS FUNK, Ticket Agent, No. 110 MARKET Street. SAMUEL 11. WALLACE, Ticket Agent at the Depot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not aesume any risk for Baggage, except for Wearing Apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Hun dred Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be al the risk of the owner, unless taken by special contract. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, 4 29 General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. VEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA It A 1 LKOA 1 . S L M M K it AUK A N OEM KN T On and utter MONDAY, April 12, lbov, Trains will leave us lollows: Leave Philadelphia from New Depot, THIRTY" FIRST nnd CHES.N UT Streets, 7 26 A. M.. 9 30 A. II., 2-30 1 . M., 414 P. M., 4'36 1'. Al., 715 and 1130 P.M. Leave West Chester from Depot, on East Mar. ket street, at 8 25 A. M., 7 26 A. Al., 7 0 A. M., 10-10 A. M.. 1 65 P. M., 4 &0 P. lL, and 6-45 P.M. Leave Philadelphia lor B. C. Junction and Inter mediate points at 12-30 1'. M. and 6 45 1'. M. Leave B. c. Junction lor Philadelphia, at 5-30 A. M. aud 1-45 P. M. Inline leaving West Chester at 7-40 A. M. will stop at B. C. Junction, Lenui, (Hen Riddle, and Media; leaving Philadelphia at 4 35 P. M. will stop at B. C. J unction aud Media only. Passen gers to or from stations between West Chester and B. C. Junction going Kast will take train leaving West Chester at 725 A.M., and car will be attached to Fxpress '1 ruin at B. C Junction, and going West passenger for stations above Media will take liiiiu leaving Philadelphia ut 4-36 P. M-, and our w ill I attuehed to Local train at Media. 'Shu Depot in Philadelphia is reached directly by the Chesuut and Walnut street ours. Those of the Market street line run within ono square. The ours of both lines connect with each train upon its arrival. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia for West Chester at 8'00 A. M. aud 2-30 P. M. Leave Philadelphia for B. C. Junction at 715 P. M.' Leave West Chester for Philadelphia at 7 45 A. M. and 4-45 P. M. Leave B. C. Junction for Philadelphia at 800 A.M. HEN It Y WOOD, 10v General Superintendent. 7EST JERSEY RAIllT(iADSFAIX AND T v WINTER ARRANGEMENT. From foot of MARKET Street (Upper Ferry). Commencing WEDNESDAY, Sept. Id, lb8. TRAINS LEAVK AS vol nlivs For Cape May aud stations below Millville,315 P. M. For Mlllvllle, Tlneland, and intermediate sta tions, n- iu a. m., avio 1'. 111. For Bridgoton, Salem, and way stations, 815 A M. and 8 30 P. M. ' or Woodbury at 816 A. M., 815, 8-30, and 8 00 Freight train leaves Camden dally at 12 o'clock, soon. Freight received at seoond covered wharf bolow Walnut street, dally. Freight delivered. No. T2S South Delaware sveu- e. WILLIAM J. SEWKLL, Supeiiatcudeut. . , RAILROAD LINES. K FADING RAILROAD. GREAT TRUNK LINK FROM I'HII.ADI. I.lll A Tl THK INTERIOR OF PENNSYLVANIA. THK SCHUYLKILL, PUStiUEHANN A. CUMBER LAND, AND WYOMING VALLEYS, NORTH, NORTHWEST, AND THE CANADAS. Spring arrangement op passenof.r TRAINS, April 12, 1069. Leaving the Company's Depot at Thirteenth and ;allowhill streets. l'hilailiihi t iii f,.ii,i. hours: r ' MORNING ACCOMMODATION. At 7-30 A. M. for Heading and all intermediate Stations and Allentown. Kotn rnlnir IfnvAfl WakiI. ing at 8-30 P. M.i arrives In Philadelphia at 915 p. JU. MORNING EXPRESS. At 811 A. M. for Reudl roitHvllle. 1 iiieirrove. J L'lLitiAniiA Kiitilaiirtr Wii. llaniHiwrt, Elinira, Rochester, Niagara Falls, Buf falo, Wilkesbarre, Pit tston, York, CarlUtlo, Cham bersburg, lingers town, eto. no i oo a . m. train couneots a, READING with East Pennsylyania Railroad trains for Allentown. etc, and the H-lt A. M. train connoots with the Lebanon Valley train for llarrisburg, eto.t at PORT CLINTON with Catawissa Railroad trains for Wllllnmsport, lock Haven, Elmira, otc: at HARRISBL'RU With Northern Central. Cumfior. land Valloy, and Schuylkill and Susquehanna trains for Northumberland, Willlainsport, York, Chambcrsburg, Pincgrove, eto. AITERNOON EXPRESS. Leaves Philadelphia at 3-30 P. M. for Rearllnir. Pottsvllo, lurnsburg. etc., connecting with Reading and Columbia Railroad trains for Colum bia, eto. TOTTSTOWN ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Pottstown at 8-25 a. AL. stonnina-at In- taruiediate stations; arrives In Philadelphia at 8-40 A. M. Hoturning, leaves l'lilladolDhia at 4 30 P. M.; arrives in l'ottstown at o 40 P. M. READINO A CiCOM MOD ATION. Leaves heading at 7 30 A. M.. stonninor at all way stations; arrives in Philadelphia at 10-15 A. i". Returning, loaves Philadelphia at 5-15 P. M.t arrives in heading at 8-05 P. M. 1 rains lor Philadelphia leave llarrisburg at 8-10 A. M., and Pottsvillo at 8 46 A. M., arriving in Philadelphia at 1 P. M. Afternoon trains leave Harrlsburg at 8 05 P. M., and Pottsvillo at 2 44 P. M.t arriving at Philadelphia at 6-45 P. M. llarrisburg Accommodation leaves Reading at 7-15 A. M. aud llarrisburg at 410 P. M.. Connect ing at Reading with Alternoon Acoommodation south at 8-30 P. M., arriving in Philadelphia at 916 P. M. Market train, with a passenger ear attached, leaves Philadelphia at 12-46 noon, for Pottsvillo and all way stations; leaves Pottsvillo at 7'30 A. M. for Philadelphia and all way stations. All the above trains run daily, Sundays ex cepted. Sunday trains leave Pottsvillo at 8 A. M., and Philadelphia at b-15 P. M. Leaves Philadelphia for heading at 8 A. M.; returning from Reading at 4-26 P. M. CHESTER VALLKY RAILROAD. Passengers for Downingtown and Intermediate points take the 7-30 A. M., 12-45, aud 4-30 1'. Al. trains lrom Philadelphia. Returning from Downingtown at 610 A. Al., 100 and 5-45 P. Al. PERKIOMEN RAILROAD. Passengers for Skippack take 7-30 A. M. and 4-30 P.M. trains from Philadelphia, returning from Skl pack at 8-15 A. M. and 1-00 P.M. Stage liues tor the various points in Perkiomon Valley uonnect with train's at Collcgerille and Skippack. NEW YORK EXPRESS FOR PITTSBURG AND THK WEST. Leaves New York at 9 A. M. and 5 and 8 P. M., passing heading at 1-05 A. M., and 1-60 and 10-19 P. M., and connecting at Harrlsburg with pennsyl vani aud Northern Central Railroad Express trains for Pittsburg, Chicago, Williamsport, El mira, .Baltimore, eve. Returning Express train leaves Harrlsburg an arrival ui rennsylvania Express from Pittsburg at 8-60 and 6-60 A. M., and 10-u0 P. M., passing Read ing at o t ana riJi a. m... ana r. iu.. ana arriving at New York at 11 A. M. and 12-20 and 6 P. M. Sleeping cars accompany those trains through between Jersey City and Pittsburg with out chanire. A Mail Train for New York leaves Harrlsburg at 810 A. M. and 2 06 P. M. Mail Train for Harrls burg leaves New York at 12 M. SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pottsvillo ut 0-45 aud 11-30 A. M. and o-40 P. M., returning from 'i'amaqua at '3o A, ju., auu J ig auu -oe 1 . ju. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAIL- ROAD. Trains leave Auburn at 7-65 A. M. for Pinegrove and Harrlsburg, and at 12-15 noon for Pinegrove and 'i remont. neturning from llarrisburg at 8S0 P. M., and from Tremout at 7'40 A. M. aud 6 35 P. M. TICKETS. Through nrst-closs tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points in the Nouh and West and Cauaoas. Excursion Tickets from Fhlladoipaia to Reading. and intermedial) stations, gooa ior one aay only, are sold bv Morning Accommodation Market Train. heading and Potlstown Aecommouation xraiua, at reduccu rates. Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good Tor one day only, are gold at heading and intermediate sta tions by iteacung auu roiieiowu AvuuwiuouawoB Trains, at reduced rates. 'the lollowing tickets are ootainaoie omy at tne orhcu of S. Iliad lord, 'ireasurer. io. m s. courtn street, Philadelphia, or of li. A. Niuhohj, General buperinteuueui, iteauing. COMMUTATION TICKETS. At 25 ter cent, discount, between any points da- sieu, ior la mines auu nrms. MILEAGE TICKETS. Good for 2000 miles, between all points, at 152-50 euvh lor lamilics and nrms. SEASON TICKETS. For three, six, nine, or twelve months, for hold- eit only, to uil points atreaucca rues. CLERGYMEN Residing on the line of the road will be furnished with varus entitling themselves and wives to tickets at hall lare. EXCURSION TICKETS From Philadelphia to principal stations, good for Saturday, suuduy, and Mouduy, at reduced fares, tube hud only al the 'jfiukot Uliice, at Thirteenth and Callowhill streets. FREIGHT. Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above poiuts from the Company's new freight depot, Broad auu w mow streets. FREIGHT TRAINS Leave Philadelphia daily at 4'35 A. M., 12-45. noon. 3 and 6 P. M., for heading, Lebanon, Har rlsburg, Poltcvillu, Port Clinton, and all points be yond. MAILS Cloe at the Philadelphia Post Office for all places on the road and its branches at 6 A. iVl., and lor the pnncij al eutious oiiiy at - ia r. ju. BAGGAGE. Dnngan's Express will collect baggage for all trains leaving Philadelphia Depot. Orders can be left at No. 2-6 S. ourth street, or at the Depot Tbirtecntn auu tuiiowiuji streets. 11HILADELPHIA AND WINTER TIME TAB DIRECT ROUTE BETWi AND ERIK RAILROAD. ABLK. THROUGH AND KKN PHILADKLPHIA it I.'IIMORK. HARRlSBUhG, WILLIAMSPORT, A.ND lllii GRKAT OIL RiGlON OF FKNNSYL. u-uant Sleeoing Cars on all Night Trains. On and alter MONDAY, Nov. 23. 1868, tha trains on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad will run as lollows: W8RTWABD, MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia. . 10 44 P. M, ' Williamsport , 816 A. M " arrives at Krle . . ,9-60 P. M KRIE EXriliSS leaves Philadelphia . 11-60 A. M, " vfiiiiaiusport , e oo p. in, arrives at Krie . , 10 00 A. M. ELMIRA MAIL leaves Philadelphia . 8 00 A. M. " Williamsport . 8-30 P. M. I arrives at Lockhaveu , T P.M, KASTWABD. MAIL TRAIN leaves tie . . .10-66 A.M. " Williamsport . 12-66 A.M. arrives at Philadelphia . lo oo A. M. ERIE EXPRESS leaves Krie . . , 8-26 P, M. Williamsport . 7 60 A.M. u arrives at Philadelphia 4-20 P. M. Mail and F.xpre oonneot with Oil Creek aud Allegheny River Railroad. Buggage checked through. ALFRED L. TYLER, 1 1 Oeneral Superintendent. nfL 1G, 18G:. AUCTION SALES. BUNTING, DURIUmnoW CO., AUCTION I'.KIIH N... 11 -.,,1 11 l t It I.' 1. T Htrant. onraae of Bank street, Huceessur to .Mm U. Myers A Uv. LAHOK. BALK tyl' KKK.Ntit! AND OTUKR RUB- PKAN DRY OOODS, KTO. n Mundsv Morning. April Id, at M o'cimk, nn fiMir nionUui' orwdit. Hi rnenN Paris ffrnatliiiH, r.i, frfi iniiroe U-pn irniislinH, ra-. 40 pirnra I'i, i in jMv fnulnrl 20 liinn ohn ratin sirip M - pieces viUi-nciM, umr ami j-r 40 pirrpMfM rhonrmiiliaii miIiiih 40 pim-CH print wsrji nntur 40 (ilpveR neh Vieloiia nifin ,iy . : picecs Paris ciinKiu, nn; . 30 piiv e. Pnrineiunidiim, v 2b pieces Pri einilni, um.i v 4IP Iitkh print lie m. 40 ieen mini liliilmini, 4o pieces blark puni ninhain.. 40 pieeos lonrion eoluriHl lp:-.-. 6U pieced fine niaildxr lirillienl . HifHeS PariB UriM, t-lti.lMk tiii.i-lm .tliw ttr tr&nl. rolwiH. flifCOe rarill nllilll nnm.lini, niK.r nriMlif m tne l.r Vnl 1 i 11 robrs. llirnes PaHk rriM ninirl... tliin.irU miifclitv "irnlil liifM'OH PaHh Knltifrtlni. ttriM.nll. miporb quitlitj "gold niponi maKP Pieces P&nil Milk rhntni. Imtiirnin. tfTnftj.. "vnlil icdal'1 ninlcp. pieces Milled silk chi tntTi-tn (rriilll-.Super nuulitj. pieees black nnd while sntm i ripe J nkirtmx. LYONS Ml. KM, SA I I.NS, I'.nj. A full line superb quality tuille de Ijun and drap do yon. A lull line suncrb oualilv drrnt ,1' AIivmIium .ml HrAti A, Frsnee. A full une SIlDern nualltr cnclletuire a mile anil l.vnn tatfetsH. A lull line superb taffetas I'm Ub'ime auJ ima otto- lnnns. A (nil line Miipprb drab innter-itr-r'' and irros grains. A full lino fancy dress silkx. I.l.n k anil uolornd satins eto. 14 16 nt. BALK OK '2000 TASKS HutrTN, SHOKH. TRATKL- I.1NO MA(S, Ki-O., On IHiendaj- Mmninir, . . : ivi innii i. . .. . i. i i . jiiiii i, n, iipiiiriipt H.uii nfiii iiiniiiun riT'iii. Als A LAUOK 8 IOL K OP A W IIOhKSAI.R BOOT AND KHOK IIOt'MK, with the shelving, Uxturee, etc., of the same, by order of asnigiieo, for cash. (4 14t .A Rti K 8AT.K OP RUITISH, PRKNOH. (iKKMAN. AM J IIOMK.SI'l- I1I1V liOOUii. On i'liumilMy .Morning, April 22, at10jo'oliK:k, on 4 ui'mtlii' credit. 4 16 It JO WELL & WEST, AUCTIONEERS, No. !4S South FRONT St. and 5i LKTITIA St. F-Teontnr'a PerenmtrT Sale. TJNKXPIRED TKRM Of LP.ASK, OOODWTT.L, M'(i'K AND HXTUKKS OP THK OM KS'I'A KI.lSHKl) I.HiUOH bTOUKof the late K. P. Middle ton, deceased. On Tuesday Morning, Anril SO. at 11 o'clock, on the oreiuinee. No. li North Front street, will lie sold, by order of Kxnoulora, the un ejpired term of Lcbro, (ioodwill, vslnablo stock of tine old Luiuors, in casks, deinijnhns, and bottles, belonging to estate of the late R. P. Middleton, deceased. Uatalcguea tnrce nays previous to sale. 4 lb .ft B T B. SCOTT, JR. SCOTT'S ART GALLERY, No. 102 OUKSNOT btreet, Philadelphia. RAILROAD LINE3 PHILADELPHIA, WILUNOTON, AND BAIy L TIM Oh K RAILROAD TIME TABLE Com mencing MONDAY', April 12, 1800. Trains will leave uepot corner uroau street ana Washington avenue, as follows: War Mail Tralnjit 8-30 A. M.fSundaysexoepted). for Baltimore, stopping at all regular stations. Connecting with Lielawaro Railroad at Wilming ton for Crlsfield and intermediate stations. Express Train at 12 M. (Sundays excepted) for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilming ton. I'erryvnie, ana navro-ue-uraoe. uonneots at Wilmington with train for New Castle. Express Train at 4-00 P. M. (Sundays excepted). for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Thurlow, Llnwood, Ciaymont, Wilming ton, Newport, Stanton, jNewara, hiKton, xsortn last, Charlestown, Perryville, Havre-de-Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's, Edgewood, Magnolia, Chase's, and Stemmer's Run. iMgm nxpre.s at xi-au i . m. (tiauyj, ior Balti more and Washington, stopping at Chester, Thur low, . Llnwood, Ciaymont, Wilmington, Newark, Flkton, North-East, Perryville, aud Havre-de-Grace. Passengers for Fortress Monroe and Norfolk will take the 12-00 M. train. WILMINGTON TRAINS. Stopping at all Stations botweon Philadelphia and v ilnungton. I UhllnlnlnliU at 1 1 AA 4 TtT 0.A R.AA nn.l 7 00 P. M. The 6-00 P. M. Train connects with Dela ware Railroad for Harrington and intermediate stations. Leave Wilmington 8-46 and 8-10 A. M., I SO, 415, and 7-00 P.M. 'the 810 A. M. Train will not stop between Chester and Philadelphia. Tho 7 P. M. 'irain from Wilmington runs daily; all other Accommodation Trains Sundays exoeptod. From Baltimore to Philadelphia. Leave Bait! more 7-25 A. M., Way Mail; u-35 A. M., Express; 2'2a P. M., Express; 725 P. M., Express. SUNDAY TRAIN FROM BALTIMORE. Leaves Bultimore at 7'25 P. M., stopping at Mag nolia, Perryman's, Aberdeen, Havre-do-Orace, Perryville, Charlestown, North-East, Elkton, Newark. Stanton, Newport, Wilmington, Ciay mont, Llnwood, and Chester. 1 hrough tickets to all points West. South, and Southwest may be procured at Ticket Otlloe, No. 828 Chesnut street, under Continental Hotel, where also State Rooms and Berths in Sleeping Curs can be secured during the day. Persons pur chasing tickets at this office can have baggage checked at their residence by the Union Trausler Company. H. F. KENNEY, Superintendent. PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE CENTRAL RAILROAD TRAIN'S. Stopping at all stations on Choster Creek and Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad. Leave Philadelphia hu Port Deposit (Sundays excepted) at 7 00 a. M. and 4-30 P. M. '1 bo 7 A.M. train will stop at all stations be tween Philadelphia and Lauiokin. leave Philadelphia ior oxford (Sundays ex cepted) at 2-30 P. M. .Leave Port Deposit for Philadelphia (Sundays excepted) at 6-40 A. M., 9-2o A. M., and 4-20 P. M. Trains leaving Wilmington at -0-45 A. M. and 4-16 P. M. will connect at Lamokin Junction with the 7-00 A. M. and 4-30 P. M. truius ior Baltimore Cen tral Railroad. PHILADELPHIA, GERM ANTOWN, L NORR1STOWN RAILROAD. AND TIME TABLE. FOR GERM AN TOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 0, 7, 8, 9-05, 10, 11, 12 A. M., 1, 2, 3J4, 3, 4, 6, byA, 6, 0'X 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 P. M. Leave Uermantown at o, 7, 8, 8-20, 9, 10, 11, 12 A. M., 1, 2, 3, 4, 4 6, 6, fl! . , 7, 8, U, 10, 11 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia at v-li A. M., 2, 7, and 10V P. M. Leave Germantown at 8-15 A. M., 1, 6, atad VH, P. M. CHESNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia at 0, 8, 10, 12 A. M., 2, 3 by., 7, 9, and 11 P. M. Leave Chesnut Hill at 7 10, 8, 9 40, 1140 A. M., 140, 3-40, 6 40, tl-40, 8 40, and 10wO 1. M. ON KUND.VVS. Leave Philadelphia at-915 A. 2, and 7 P. M. Leave Chesnut Hill at 7-50 A. M 12-40.6-40, and 9-26 P.M. . FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia at ti, 7 ; , o, and 1105 A.M., V, 8, Hj o'i i. o 0ft. ll' ' Leave Norristown at 6-4o, 7, 7-5o, .9, and 11 A. M.. IJii 3, i'A, tlA, -nl l. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia at 0 A. M., &A and VA P. M. Leave Norristown at 7 A. M., -l and 9 P. Al. , FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia at u, 1';,, 9. and 11-05 A, M . VA, 8, ty2, 6, tii, 8 05, and 11' I P. M. ' Leave Manayunk at 010, 7 U, 8 20, VV. and A. M., 2, VA, 6, 0V, and 9 P. Al. M v I ON SUNDAYS. , Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. M., 2X and 1i P M Leave Manayunk at V, A. M., 8 and 96V. H ' W. . WILSON, General Superintendent. " j ; Depot, NINTH and GREEN Streets. DRUGS, PAINTS, ETO. JOBEUT SHOEMAKKll & CO., N. E. Corner FOURTH and RACE Sts. PIHLADKLPH 1A. . WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Importers and Muuufucturerg of White Lead and Colored Paints, Putty, Varnishes, Eto. AGENTS FOR TUB CELEBRATED FRENCH ZINO PAINTS. Dealers aud cousuiuera supplied at lowest prices (or wish. U 4i AUO TION BALES. f THOMAS k RONiJ, M'6V''lMnfriai IVl B. FOURTH bTRKKT.' . ' ND 144 A PHIL it Superior Cckbinoi thmiii,. ." APRIL l-lImiwhold 1 Twenlr enventli wnnl. Pamtture,' a , franchalTlli-.' r APltlt, -il and fJoontry HMtam, , TtiM Wore. dmrble Dwtilluvr", Inrir Lutn, Oruuad Hmh.. ,r . , Ksnk andntluv Stock and Umh, U o'oiook. nwa, i2 tbe ricbsngo. ' ' APRIL SiHan1n Fnrnttnra, Ifij. IlllCrn. . ' ' J A PHIL It Pumlture, Noe. IMand 141 8. Pnnrth. ' " A VP 1 1. SS- Hsndnnm Knrniturn, No, 110 H. KightneaUk. ' APRIL i-Hiirod Imn. Hroad and Market. APRIL -Hellene and Garniture, No. 174S It. TnaMa. A I'M I L W PI -Rsnt Furnltum, No. I4ir2 N. Fifteenth, i APRIL se-Puntitare, Noe. 139 and 141 H. Knurth. Al'ltll. ill) HandmiiTie Kurnitiire, No. I'VU N. Hiith. MAY l-Klennt IVaintry Hesti, llonwx, ('arriagos, Oawa, te., fiorner old York road and Chnltnn avennn, MAY il-Klegant Rosnliinoe ' and Purniture, No. 10M spruce Htroet.. boll particulars In catalogue and handbills, and adver tiHotm nts under tbeirauotion lieail. (lift ' Pnntnpiry Sale t Hit, ITOT Phesmit. st.rmH. KI04 K OK bUPKKIOK (JAKINKT PUKN1TUBR. On Monilajr Morning, llHh in ant, at 1(1 o'clock, at No. 1 7117 ratal' uue, tlie entire stck of sniieiior furniiure, inolndia ebunnt roHcwuori and walnut parlor Buitn, various cover, lusru. eupirior ilininc-riMini, library, and hall furniture iMMikcasoM, elegant walnnt clianitmr suite, auperior ware lennui'e. cbnini. eto. rl lie entire Mock was iuale by Thomas MoOiiin exDr fur bu sale, and is of the nrat auabty. and to I sold without reeorve. . 41att Hale in Piwchalvilln, TwntynTenth ward. UOL!SK1IOIJ H'KNITfKK. tn Monday. April 19. at 1 o'clock P. M . al the rmirirnen of .lakm Peiil. Pmichslville. Twentr-iwiventh ward, tho bousnliaia ml kitcbun tunnture, stoves, eto. 4!klt Haln No. IOOO Rranrtywinentreot. HOUSKHOLll Fl'KNITL'KK, OARPMTS. BT. On Tuiwday Miirninn. 9 (til Instant, at 10 o'clock, at No. lftOO Rraadnrlna street, tbe niinilii furniture, walnut lounife, green rape; cliairs, oval mirror, whatnot, rentra table, cottaae furai- ture, feather bed, carpets, aquanum, kitobea utoaeta, etc., etc. 4114 SALK OF RKAL KKTATH AND 8TOOK8. On I'uewiay, April SO, at 11 o'clock, noon, at tbe P.iclianae. Altt'll Sirnot. No. 7;l-MiMlern ltmidence. M'.VKNUI.No. I 1 (North! -;entel Dwelling. I N ION. No. lO-Rrirk Dwelling. Kl.KVKM 11 (North). Noa. AllW anddl 1 Brink DanU. Ingii. YORK, west of Tnlfn Brick Dnellina. KK.II1 H AND OXFORD, N. W. oornor-Larga IM. NINTH, nlMiTft Oxford lrge lot. MANAVl ISK -htone Dwelling, 8 aeree. SKV KNTH AND V INK, H. VT. oorner-1 Jirge ReaideaCN. liACrl. e&nt of Twentiotn- -Trge and Valualile ljot. KIOHTH (South), No. UOH-Hriok Residence. HA K KRNV I LLK, Atlantic eounty, N. J. Truck Vmrm. JAU.OVH!I.INo. pi -Store. CAI.POWHII.L. No. l'i-Hotel. TULPKHOOKKN, Oerniantown Stone Resldnnoe. ( :ll K.STPR V ALI.KY- Rimidence, aores. ROPH KF.RRY ROAD-Vietoria Petroleum Oil Work. 11KOAI), Nos. ;tti 1 1 and 301:1 iNurthl-DwuJJinc aa Large Ixit. OK.RM ANTOWN ROAD-Frame Dwelling. MOUNT VF.RNON, No. 107 -Modern Reaidenee. CHRISTIAN, No. 1 Ui I (ienteel Dwelling. PL'LASKI AVKNUK. (ienoantown-MiMlorn Dwelling. KLI.SWORTH, No. 1 Modern Dwelling;. THIRD (South), No. 77 I -Store. MONRO K, No. 'jir-Hrick Dwollinit. OROITND RK NT, irredeenmbl--ii2ii i a year. KKiHTKKNTH AND UATHARINK tttore and DweM K'lfiHTKKNTH (South), No. 760-Rrick Dwelling. t.ROI.'ND RKNT -ifitioo a yenr. OA.sKII.L, .N.m. ,'ioi and ;K).I Rrirk Dwellings. .1K.KFF.R.SON AND SIT 1.1. MAN, N. K. corner-Brick Building. FKDKRAL, No. lOiO -Itrirk Dwelling. STOtKS, LOANS, KTU. 900 shares North f'arbondale ('oal Company. !10 shares Union Hank of Tennessee. 11 shares Oroonwich Iiuproveiuent Company. 87 shares Delaware Division Canal Company. 35 shares Oil Creek and Allegheny Valley Railroad. 8 shares Southern Mail PtteainHliip Company. . 10 shares National Hank of North Aineriua. 84 shares K.mpire Transportation Company. lrio shares Freedom Iron and Steel Company. 10 shares National Hunk of the Republic 1 share Philadelphia Library Company. Administratrix' Sale. A quantity of Oil, Mining, and Railroad Stocks. Par ticulars in catalogues. 14 16 t M ARTIN BROTHERS, AUCTIONEERS (lately Snlesmen for M. Thomas A Sons.) No. 59 ClllCSN U T Street, rear entrance from Minor. TO FLORISTS AND OTHERS. Kstateof Joshua Ijnngstrcth, deceased. Bxemtors' Sale Very Valuable and Choice Collection af HOT-llOLSK PLANTS, HOT-HOUhliS, SASH, KTO. On Saturday Morning, 17th Inst., at 11 o'clock, at Nineteenth street and Tnraero lane, by order of executors of estate of tbe late Joshua Longstreth, deceased, by catalogue, the entire large col lection of extra va'oiable hot-bouse plants, inolading 19 -Azaliaa, 260 Camillas, P.atralaya C acton, Cyous Revolution, luo Dahlias, and a very large number of very line and very valuable plants. GRKKN-HOUSES. SASH, WALKS, KTO. Largo quantity of green-house sash, walks, flower-standa. bricks, tanks, etc. comprising- the large and extensivw green-housea. May be seen two days previous to sale. 4 1 W - Rxeentors sale. Nineteenth and Turner's Lane, Fjitate of Joshua Ijongstreth, deceased. SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITUKK, LAROH FRKNCH PLATK MIKKORS, FINK KKUSSKI44 AND OTHF.R CARPK'I'S, HAIR M ATTRKSSKft, FKATHKll REDS, 4 HORSKS, 6 CARRIAUKa. A WAGONS, CARTS. HARNK.SS, KTO., KTO. On Tuesday Morning, 20th Inst., at 10 o'clock, on tbe premises, Nlneteeattt street and Turner's lane (adjoining the Cerma'n Hospital), by order of executors of the late Joshua Loagntreth, de ceased, by catalogue, the entire furniture, including aupa rior parlor, chamber, and dining-room furniture; largw tine French plate mirrors; tine hair mattresses; feather beds; table and bed linen ; line china and glassware; Hm plated ware; tine Brussels and iagrain carpets; garden rollers tools, eto. HORSKS, WAGONS, KTO. Alto, 4 horses, 4 carriages and coupe, i market sinm double and single harness, etc 4 s 104 Asnignees' Peremptory Sale at the Auction Rooms. EXTKNSIVK SALK OF UPHOLSTKKY OOODK, Lace and Heavy Window Curtains, Very Fine Windaq Shades, Reps, Terries, Cornioes, Tassels, Cords, Frtogwa. Cilnps, Ktc. On Friday Morning, 23d inst., at 10 o'clock, at the auction rooms. No. Chesnut street, by catalogue, by order of assignees, thn large and extensive stock of upholstery goods, including fine lace window curtains, reps, terry and obinta lambre quins, fine reps, terries, vory fine window curtains, ooroks, tassels, fringes, gimps, tacks, walnut and gilt oornioea. curtain bands, bell pulls, eto. 4 1 lit TO BANKERS, MERCHANTS, AND OTHERS. Peremptory Sale. No. W.'W Arch street. EXTENSIVE STOCK OF CHILLED IRON FIRK ANI MJRULAR-PROOF SAFES, MADE BY I.I 1. 1, IK. A. SON; SF:COND-HAND FIRK AND Bl'HOLAR PROOF SAFES, MADK BY EVANS A WATNOIC AND FARREL 4 HKRRINO, MONITOR AND DPODKCAOON COMBINATION LOCKS; TWO FINK LARGE HORSES. LARGK TRUCK, KTO. On Thursday Morning, April 29, at 10 o'clock, at No. Arch street, by eata- Ingue, to clc me the Philadelphia Agency of Messrs. Lillie U Si n, the entire stock of very superior Fire and Burglar Proof Sates, inuluding8 extra large chilled iron double door fire and burglar-proof aafes; 2 small burglar-proofs, im euch patent oombination locks ; 6 large double-door chilled iion hre and burglar-proof safes; 40 superior chilled iro tire-proof, burglar-proof, and tire and lmrglar proof safe, of various sisoa, with the oelebrated Monitor and Duoda csgen combination ba-ks. SECOND-HAND FIRK-PROOF SAFES. A number of superior second-hand fire and burglar-proof sates, made by Lillie A Son, F.raun & Watsou, aud Parrel "uEl.FBRATED COMBINATION LOCKS. Suitable for banks, vault-doors, etc., of the Monitor aad Duudecugnn make. FINK LARGK HORSKS, TRUCK, ETO. Large and very fine white stallion ; large white draft hone; large and superior heavy truuk; lieavy harnnaa; quantity of rope, rigging, eto. 4 16 IU THOMAS BIRCH & BON, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1119 CliESNUT Street ; rear entrance No. 1X07 Sansoin Sk. Sale at No. 4 i 411 North Eleventh street. 11 Am.-nj.iir. FURNITURE, LA Rti K MIRRORS, PIANO-FORTK, KTO. April 30. at 10 o'clock, at No. 4 f i North Rleventta street, will be sold tbe furniture of a family declining housekeeping, comprising elegant ebony aud gilt parlor suite in green terry ; large pier mirror, richly carved walnut frame; mantel mirror; rosewood piano-forte; walnut chamber suits: wardrobes; secretary; extension dining table; beils and lualtreasos; carpels; ohina, glass, au4 plated ware, etc. Alto, tbe kitchen furniture. Catalogues will be ready at the auotioa store om Monday. Tbe furniture was all manufactured by Messrs. w . a J. Allen, and is nearly new. 4 1 CLARK A EVANS, AUCTIONEERS, NO. 6 UllttSNUT Street. Will sell THIS DAY, Morning and Rvenlng, A large invoice of Blankets, Bed Spreads, Dry Ooodsk Cloths, Cassinieres, Hosiery, Stationery, Table aud PookeS Cutlery, Notions, eto. City and country merchant will find bargains. Terms cash. Goods packed free of charge. I In riiiiMiluv Mftnunir. D. McCLEES A CO., AUCTIONEER), No. SUtl MARKKT Street. c BALK OP l-OO CASKS BOOTS, 8HOKS, BROOANS. Oa Monday Morning. April 19, at 10 o'clock. ... Also, Urge line of fity-maae -v. N. It.-Salea every Monday and J""":, 14 U -r -f-t -f T)Y PANCOAST A IAKGE, AUCTIONEERS, X No. 23 MARKKT at.- aoliciied. r TTPPiNCOTT, SON A CO., AUCTION- J ItKltH. ASUUUKbT BUILDINO, No, 110 MAS, KKT Street tr fknaN, SON A CO., AUCTIONEERS, NO lV il -4 N- FRONT ' U latureUid not warr"v