THE DAILY EVENING TK L KO It Al 'II VI 1 1 L AD K L PI HA, FRIDAY, APIUL 10, 1809. 5 ItlUHICAL, AWP IKAMA.T1. Th C-'ltr Amunemrnt. L'mKMr.?r Mcf" Hev,',,' "P"' bun'ven fyeniiiR fr tin, first time in Mirt.i?i yK-1,hBCRHt.!"" """'U'lf Madame Row Boll, nifnR Tlauz' M- Vmlfr, M. Beckers, ami all the principal members of the troupe. To-morrow afternoon (Jewviete de Brabant will bp repeated, am) to-morrow evening l'lcur de The will be performed for the first time. AT Tint Chkhnut the last nights of The Field of thn Uoth o (JoM lire announced. The entertainment to pne-of the most attractive that has ever been given iu this theatre. At tub Walnut the burlesque of The Female Forty Thieve and the farce of That Htcat Jack will be lUTl fimn u I hlu ........ I .. ... i . t. . . I ..,.... L' I M in r.rn . .... ...i nun welling, Willi UH.- niinr.y.n Ttiiiinwiw and Mr. Felix Rogers in the leading rob. a matinee to-morrow, when Mr. Rogers win ap pear m "The Artful Dodger" In the drama of OUcer 'J 'unit. At thk Akph but three more performances of the pleasing comedy of School will be Riven, this evening, to-morrow afternoon, and to-morrow evening. On Monday Lotta will appear as "Little Noll" and the "Marchioness,'' In John Brougham's dramatl.a tlon Of The Old Curioirity Shop. Atthb Tiikatkb t'OMiquB the Breban Swiss Bell Ringers will make their last appearances this even ing, to-morrow afternoon, and to-morrow evening. The price of admission to tlio matluco will be 145 cents. Miss Susan Oalton and her comic opera troupe will positively appear on Tuesday evening next. At tub Amkhioan a variety entertainment will be given this evening. A matinee to-niorrow. TUB 8KNT7-HAHHLKR OBCHKHTKA Will perform the following program mo at Musical Fund Hall to-morrow afternoon : Hymphony No. 8, 1) major, Haydn 1, Adagio-Allegro; 3, Andante; 8, Minuetto allegro; 4, Allegro splritoso; l'lano Solo, Bacchanale. Wehll, Mr. Carl Rocse; Cornet Solo, Weep Well. Abt, Mr. .William Kwers; Waltz, Hound from the heart, i'lclke ; Ualop, Lclcht Gepaek. CITY ITEMS. 8tTTJ, Vrr AHT MakB of our Men', 1'outh' and noun' Clothing unequalled by any eioek of Heady-mad good in I'hilatlelphia. H' hat aim A CHOICE Absoktmf.NT of teleeted ftylr tf piece good, to be made np to order, in tmevrpamed !lc. AU. Pbicks UDABANTKKD Umtr than the loieett eUetch're, and full noli faction guaranteed every pttrehaner, or the Hale cancelled and money refunded. UAJ.r WAT HKTWKKM I BKNNKTT A Co., fifth and TOWEB HaI.I,, .sixth Street.) 618 Makkkt Htbekt, PuiladkIjI'Hta, a hp 1)00 Bbqatiwat, Nkw Yon. Wo maw amd Hkb Nkhdb. Subject by the law of nature to many physio! afflictiooa from which man is eiompt, woman U peculiarly entitled to the best efforta of medical cieooe in her behalf. Fox a majority of the ailment to which her eex ia eiclu&lTale fiabtr, Hobtetteb's Stomach BrmtHS are warmly recommended ea the authority of wives, mother, and nurses, who hare tented their general tonio and regulating properties, and "know whereof they peak ;" and also with the sanetiea of able physician, who hare administered the preparation to their female patients, in obstinate ease of functional derangement, with the happiest result. Almost all female complaints of a special character, are complicated with mental gloom and de spondency and the gentle and hnting exhilarating effects of this wholesome medicated stimulant adapt admirably for case of this complex natnre. As a remedy for the hys teria and mental hallucination which sometimes mark both the earlier and the later crisis in the life of woman, it ha no equal in the repertory of the healing art, and as a means of relieving the nausea and other unpleasant feel ings which precede maternity, it is equally efficacious. kh1ii. .(l,M .lM a. J it .1 1. v, l i : . T. is highly satisfactory that a preparation which embraces in its remedial range so many of the complaints common to both sexes, should prove so eminently beneficial to the weaker one. THAT The Clothing Hold by Chablus SrotMi, No. 824 Chesnut treett 18 More fashionably cut, better made and trimmed than any other in the city, THE People well know, and this fact aecounte for the prefer ence always shown for our Cuetviner-utade GarmejU, It is beyond QUESTION That the prioes anked by Cbaklkb Stokes for his tebt Kuperior Heady-made Clothing will compure with the lowest asked by parties who vainly endeavor to imitate hie style, but for vani q' tatperien ee in the manufacture of really fashion, able Clothing, fail to oonvince the people that C'habljss I TOKEN does not take the lead, and it beyond their reach, MORAL. "Soar not too high on vanity' uak uring, tor ambition1 eloak eon a) a mortal Hing.v Spkkr's Wine Brrntus. K. JL Sisaon, M. D of New Bedford, Mans., says of Mr. Bpeer's Wines, "I hare used Hpeer's Wine to my entire satisfaction, and believe it to be superior to all wines which have been so much need by the profession." His Bitters are made of the wine made bit ter by Peruvian Bark, Wild Cherry Bark, Calam is, Ginger, Snake Boot, etc., in daily use by the medical faculty. Their base is his pure wine. Bold by druggists. jEWEUtT. Mr. William W. Cassidy, No. 12 S. Second street, has the largest and most attractive assortment of fine Jewelry and Silverware ia the city. Purchasers can rely upon obtaining a real, pure article furnished at prioe which cannot be equalled. He also has a large stock of American Western Watches in all varieties and at all prices. A visit to his store i sure to result in pleasure and profit. ' Kbom Mb. A. Winch we have just received the latest numbers of several London periodicals, including imcA, Fun, Jieynoldrf Mweellany, and Bote Bell. Mr. Winch has, at No. 606 Chesnut street, a large and varied assortment of periodical literature, both foreign and domestic THK Attractions ok Oak Hau, OR Whv tub Great Mass ok thk People Win, But Clothes AT Wanamakkk a Brown's. CrjKAPKsT. For a given amount of money they can get tnort and better Clothing at Dale Hall than any where eUe In the city. Most Kbliablb. No misrepresentations a to price or materia The people are told "the trutli, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth," at Oak UulU Most Popular. People go there because their friends and neighbors, who aro shrewd peoplo, go there. They know that Oak Hall could not maintain its Immense and acknowledged and Increasing rorc LAarrv, unless It really did better than other houses. Larokst Largest Buildings 1 Largest Stock I Largest Variety I Largest Jleauctlons J Largest Trade! Largest Facilities! TO THESE "STANBINO AHUACTIONS" Is now added the Special Attkaction of the Most Magnificent Stock ok Sprino Clothino, Kkady-madk or Mapf. to Order, Vert, Very Cheap tor Cash. N. B. Nothing can or shall deter Wanamaker & Brown from constantly increasing the advantages of oiini with them, and the people may confidently rely upon obtaining the fullest satisfaction as to price and In every otner respect, Wanamaker & Browh, Oak Hall, Thb Largest clothing Uouhe, 8. K. Cor. Sixth and Market Htbebth. Tf A It It 1 1? U. rAVIH CAHSIN.-On the lfith of April, 1889, by the BSdle. T. O. DA V Ui to HACKL, daughter of tne late ioun v w . , , . PHTTIT-8TKW A RT.-On the 13th instant, at the -rest ALIDA K.. daughter of B. D. Btewart, tU.IU.U.,t. , LL.IDA n., Qftuvuiei " " ' ' " : , : . . MrA VlE fit ftffP"?. ViriUi..WMuN. in:i. . OOI.DKT. On the ISta Instant, at Norrlton, MonW gomery county, 8AMUKL UOLDFS, of tliU eitgr, aged 1 '"Th relstiree and friends of the fsmily. Montgnrnerf lodge, No. 10, A. V. M., and Mercantile Inlge, No. Hi, A. O. U. V; United HtnUm It. me o.,No, M.Uood Intrat linoe and !ork and Ladder Co., No. 8, end rnHmhern of the Police Force are mapectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his motiier-in law, No. 101S N. Siith street, on (Sunday next, the 18th instant, at 2 o'oluck. " HOKHKY. On the 14th Instant, RKBKOCA, widow of Jnaeph Hnrney, in the fXHh year of her age. Her relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invitrd to attend her funeral, from her Iste residence. No. 714 N. Kiglith street, on ttstnrday afternoon, the 17th in stant, at 8 o'clock, without further notioe. Interment at Monument ueinotnry. JAM K.H. On the 14th Instant. Mrs. MARY ANN JAMF.H, wife of John .lames, and rinuichter of Jacob and Wargiir.'i niinger, in tlio ViUtli yesr of her age. The relatives and friends of the fsmily are respectfully invited to attend thn funeral, from the residence of her parents, B. Second street, below Milllul, on Sunday after noon at a o clock, io prooeea to KonaUlMin's lpinntery. KIRK. On the 14th instant, after a lingering Illness, CHAM.KR, second son of S. W. and A. Kirk, late of Cnstesville. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his parents, No. IMi Race street, on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. To proceed to Mount Monali Cemetery. McKI.ROV.-On the 13th instant, Mr. WILLIAM Me K.I.ROY, in the 30th yesr of his age. The relative and friends of the family, also Mnllta Lodge, No. ', Jerusalem 11. R. A. Chapter, No. 8, A. Y. M.; American Star IkmIko, No. 406, and Ashland lir.eiimp. ment, No. 46, I. O. of (). ., are invited to attend his fune ral, from his late residence, on Monday, the IVth instant, at 3 o'clock P. M. RKMINOTON. On the 14th Instant, LTDIA If., widow of tiie late r. Isaac Remington, in thn Blst year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to at tend her funeral, f mm her late residence, No. t20 Wood street, on Seventh-day afternoon, the 17th instant, at 3 o'clock. Intermont at Vrionda' Southwestern Ground. 8UTCLIFFK.-On the 13th instant, SAMUKL BUT CL1 FFK, in the 44lh year of his age. lbs relatives and friends of the family, also Rox borough Lodge, No. 136, A. Y. M. ; 1 1 iirmony Chapter, No. 63, A. Y. M.i Falls of Schuylkill lodge, No. 467, 1. O. of O. F. ; Wyalusing 1'rilie, No. W, I. O. ol It. M. ; American Protestant t Association, No. 2U: Induiitr.v Lodge, No. 72, K. of P. ; the Manayunk Steom .Fire F'uginn Company; and thn employes of the Philadelphia lias Works, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his lute residence, No. 431 Jnckson street, Msnsyiiuk, on Saturday, the 17th instant, at 1 o'clock. rjO BECUltE YOUR FAMILY FROM WANT. To Relieve Your Mind of Anxiety, To Make a Good Investment, INSURE YOUR LIFE IN THK AMERICAN OF PHILADELPHIA. ALEX. WHILLDIN, President, JOHN S. WILSON, Secretary. 6 19 OLOTHINC. JONES' One-Price Clothing House, No. IO J. 3XVRItlOT Street. Otur Gtumccta are well made. Our Cutters are men of talent. BUT ONE PKICK IS ASKED. Satisfaction Guaranteed Every Purchaser. GEO. W. NIEMANN, Proprietor, 2 IT wfmtf No. 604 MARKET St, above Sixth. WESTON & BROTHER, MERCHANT TAILORS, S. W. Corner NINTH and ARCH Sts., PHILADELPHIA. DAILY RECEIVING SPRLNG AND SUMMER STYLES OF THE LATEST IMPORTATIONS. A Superior Garment at a reasonable price. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 8 81 8mrp CLOTHS, OASSIMERES, ETO. "VP. T. SN0DGKASS & CO.'S EXTENSIVE 2UQTAZL AND WHOLESALE CLOTH HOUSE. No. 34 South . SECOND Street, and No. 23 STRAWBERRY Street. Constantly on band a large and well-assorted stock of CTLOTIIW, CAHSlMKltl?., VliSTlCJS, ETC. ETC. ADAPTED TO MEN;S AND BOYS' WEAR, AT LOW PKIOES. 4 8 8mrp -. R E F RiQ E Ft A TORS. pm P. K E A R N S, REKRIOERATOK MANUFACTURER, No. 39 N. NINTH St., Philadelphia. An elegant assortment of my own make of Chest and Upright Refrigerators, Kuildhcd in the bext manner and LOWER THAN ELSEWHERE. OLD REFRIGERATORS REPAIRED and made aa good aa new, at a umiill cottt, at the factory, NO. 39 NORTH NINTH STREET, 4 18 lrarp BELOW ARCH HTRKUT. MUSIOAL INSTRUCTION. AMERICAN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, 8. K. Corner TKNT1I and WALNUT Street. Hocond half of Hprin Turtu will bcxiii un MONDAY, April 2H. Name of now pupils may lie entered at. anr time pro viou toJTIlUKhDA VjApril !N. 4 l(i 17 21 24 2U PARASOLS. r$r PARASOIS. ALL THE NEWEST yjAr Ixtndon and Paria atyloa, whroh for novelty, va jki riety, and elesanoe are unetiualled. A large aa ?fk aortment of Lace Uovera, Hea hictH and Bun Um Urellaa at the lowest prinea, at H. DIXON'S i'aney (Jeoda Htore, Mo. 21 8. KHiHTH StreeL 4 10 8m Fob Motih. Cneap, Reliable, Durable, Fragrant. Every druggUt Bella it. TUKOD. a HARRIS, Bostoa It TODOEIlS, ANDWOSTENIIOLWS POCKET JVkNIVKH, Pearl and Stag Handlea, of beautiful flaian. KOUUKRS' and WADK 4BUTUHKk'8 RAZOItS, and the eelebraUd LlwUOLTUK RAZOR bUIbbOKil of Ua ,RaorfcKn'ive, Soimiora, and Table Cutlery Ground and Fobbed! at P. ilADELHAU N. 115 . TEWX tt (jttwt o ii ti noic: rux.ivXOXTXc sniur, SEAWXED TOrilC, and . ioaitoraxix: FIX, I. a WILL CUKK corcsuiKirTiorc, A77I DYSPEPSIA, If tnkeii aooonHnjf to the direction. They sre uU three to be take u at tlie ruine time. Tbcy cleaiice the stomuclt, relux the Uver, and put it to work; then the appetite bi-comoa tn? food diKtwtH and inakea ffowl blood; tho jntk'it bei;liit to prow in fleah; the dienaod uintn-r riionB in the luns, und the patient outgrow tlie dlfeaw and i;ett well. This is the only way. to cure I'onMiuiption. To thew three medicine. Dr. J. H. SCHHNCK, of 1'hiladclphla, owen bin VNU1VA LLKD 8U CCESS In the trcatmeiit of 1'ulMiotiury Conwinptioii. The I'uLmonie hyrup ripens the morbid malter in tl! 1uiij(k, nature throws it oil by an cuhy ox lieetorution, for when the phlegm or mutter is ripe, a slight cough will throw it off, and the patient has rest, ajid the lungs begin to heal. To do tliLn, the Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake PlUs must be freely ued to cleanse, tlie atoinaeh and liver, so that the Pulmonic Syrup and food will make good blood. SCHKNOK'S MANDRAKE PILLS Act upon the liver, removing all obstructions; relax the ducts of tlie gall bladder, the bile starts freely, and the liver Is soon relieved; the stools will show what the pills can do; nothing has ever been invented except calomel (a deadly poison which Is very dangerous to uso unlcsa w ith great care) tlmt will unlock the gall bladder and start the secretion of the liver like Sehenck's Maudrake Pills. Liver 'oniplniii is one of I he mot IroMilnenl ' of 4'on. sninpiion. 4 SCHHNCK'S SEAWEED TONIC la a gentle stlmulaut and alterative, and the alkali in the seaweed, wliicu this preparation is made of, assists the stomach to throw out the gastric juice to dissolve the food with the Pul monic Syrup, and it is made into good blood without fermentation or souring tlie stomach. THE GREAT REASON Why physicians do not cure Consumption is, they try to do too much; they give medicines to Plop the cough, to stop chills, to stop night sweats, hectic fever, and by so doing they de rauge the whole digestive powers, locking up the secretions, and eventually this patient sinks and dies. Dr. SCHENCK, in his treatment, does not try to stop a cough, night sweats, chllLs, or lever. Remove the cause, and they will all stop of their own accord. No one can be cured of Consump tion, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Catarrh, Can ker, Ulcerated Throat. uules the livor and stomach are made healthy. If a person has consumption, of course the lunga are in some way diseased either tubercles, abscesses, bronchial irritation, pleural adhesion, or the lungs are a mass of inflammation and fast decaying. In such cases what most be done ? It is not only the lungs that are wasting, but it Is the whole body. The stomach and liver hare lost their power to make blood out of food. Now the only chance is to take Dr. SCIIENCK'S three medicines, which will bring up a tone to the stomach, the patient will want food, it will digest easily and make good blood; then the patient begins to gain In flesh, and as soon as the body begins to grow, the lungs commence to heal up, and the patient gets fleshy and well. This is the ouly way to cure Consumption. WHEN THERE IS NO LUNG DISEASE, And only Liver f'omplulnt und lypei!lu, Nelieiielt Sen weed Tonic uud Mundruke l'ill.x are wiilUclent, without the l'uliuonlc Njrup. Take the MuiMlruke 1111 freely In nil hlllouM ciincn, um they ure , PERFECTLY HARMLESS. Dr. iMCF.N'CK, who has enjoyed uninterrupted health, was wasted away to a more skeleton, in tho very hist stago of Pulmonary Consumption, hi physicians having pronounced his caoe Iiojhj lcss, and abandoned .him to his fate, lie was cured by the aforesaid medicines, and since his recovery many thousands similarly ntlllcted have ust d Dr. Schenck's preparations with the same remarkable success. Full directions accompany each, making it not absolutely necessary to per sonally see Dr. Hchenck, unless patients wish their luugs examined, and for thi purpose he is professionally at his Principal Office, PHILADELPHIA, EVERY SATURDAY, Where all letters for advice must be addressed. He is also professionally at No. 8!J Bond street, New York, every other Tuesday; and at No. 35 nanover street, Boston, every other Weduesday. lie gives advice free, but for a thorough exami nation with his Resplroineter the price Is 5. Office hours at each city from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, each ll'50 per bottlo, or 7 a half dozen. Maudrake Pills, 25 cents a box. A full supply of Dr. SCIIENCK'S MEDICINES for sale at all times at his rooms; Also, for sale by Druggists aud Dealers. w Ww DRV GOODS. Q R K A T DEMONSTRATION tit DRY GOODS. Wo. 727 CIE3S2HOT? Street. RICKEY. SHARP i CO.. Pttot to the reorRantziition of thi'tr busmen on The First of May Next, WILL OFFER THK Most Extraordinary Concentration OF BARGAINS I IV D R Y GOOD S EVKtt l:.vhibitel in tliiw Oit.v. nieir stock Is unrivalled for extent and vnct and general adaptation to the wanU of their patron, and will le found replete with the most approved staples and novelties In deninil( taortc of recent importation. it Otfrp ONE PRICE, NO DEVIATION, AND ALL GOODS Guaranteed as Represented. LIIJEH STORE, No. 828 ARCH STREET, New Linen Dresses, HEW AND BEAUTIFUTi PHIZfTSD Xtxxraxr cambrics, Iteceived by last steamer from Kuropc. 1869. (OPKNKD IN 18&3, MAHCH 101. CKNTRAL LOCATION. LAKGK WELL LIGHT KD STORK. A GOOD CLASS OP GOODS. THE LOWEST rOSSIJILK PKICKS, F.STABLINHKD ON FADJ BUSINESS PRINCIPLES). POLITE AND ATTENTIVE ASSISTANTS, Wnere the above cardinal points are true ami Btfictly observed, in ninety-nine cases out of every hundred, success and prosperity are certain. SUCH IS OUK EXPERIENCE. We have now open a magnificent stock of Season able and Desirable SILK AND DRESS GOODS, CASSXMEKES AND CLOTHS, LINENS, WHITE GOODS, DOMESTICS, ETC. ETC. JOSEPH H. THORNLEY, L. E. COR. EIGUTII AND SPUING GARDEN, S 18 PHILADELPHIA. JOHN W. THOMAS, 405 and 407 N. SECOND St., WILL OPEN ON MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 12, A large assortment of - Fine Black Lama Lace Points. Also, rine White Lama Lace Points, Lace Rotunds, ' Togetner with a huudsome stock of Paisley, Printed Cashmere, and Striped Shawls. BT 3m rp OLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. WEDNESDAY, April 14 COOPER & C0NARD, S. K. COR. NINTH AND MARKKT ST.S., WILL HAVE THK1H 01 Cloaks and Mantillas. As this wlU he bj far the best Exposition the have ever made, thev extend a cordial invitation to their friends and patrons to visit the opening. 1 Tfsm BONNE J 8, TR I M MJ NO SE T 0. THOMPSON REYNOLDS. f Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. FRENCH FLOWKIW. FKAT1IFR8, ETC., ETC. N. W. Corner EIGHTH and VINE Su., It. F. 8. UKATU. l 9 Iw I'uUadvtik JUST RECEIVED, ! A 1 IS 1 ' II FRENCH, llNGLlSIf, J. C. FINN Southeast Corner TEN 4 16 12fcrp WATOHES, JEWELRY, ETO. JAS. E. CALDWELL & CO.. JKWKLLKHH, INo. BID CHESNUT Street, (Until t.hmr Ui. Store IS rlmllt), HAVK NOW An Entirely New Stock of Goods, To replace Uiat deiioyil tr Are, and are now otwning PARIS MAN I KIi CLOCKS, Slnstle and in sets, with SIDE OKNAMENTS. Uaniou 4 Son's newi-1 nid best (Trade of OPKlt V GLASSES, Bridal, Party, and Opera Fans, The laUt contributions of Art in RKAI. KRONZK. A Lutfely Increased supply of Diamonds, Fine Watches, Jewelry, AMI ARTISTlC'sI LVKR WARE. Also, a very full line of GOIUTAM MANF'G COMPANY'S FINE ELECTRO-PLATED WARES. PRICKS MODKKATK. 4 6 mwf lmrp vvns LADOMUS A CO? 'DIAMOND DKALKK8 & JEWELERS. WATCHRS, KWEI.KY Jh 8II.TKH nlKfc WATCHES and JEWELBT BEPAISED. 08 Chostnnt 8t.t PhK Ladies' and Gents' Watches, .'AMEBIC iN AND IMPORTED, Of the most celebrated makers. FINE VEST CHAINS AND LEONTINES. i f ' r . in 14 aud is karat. 4 DIAMOND and other Jewelry of the latest designs. Kngagement and Wedding Kings, In 18-karat and coin. Wold fillver-War for Bridal Presents, Table Cut lery, Plated Ware, etc. 8 2T ESTABLISHED 1828. WAtCIUCS, JKWKLRY, l!IXCKS, SILVERWARE, and FANCY GOODS. Caf . IIUSWELL, NO. 82 8IXTII STRKKT, PHILADKLPHIA. WILLIAM B. WARNR ,fe nn K-f. Wholesale Dealers' In WATCIIKN AND JKWKLRY, HKVBNTIl and CHESNUT SI b. r.. corner HKvENTIl and CHESNUT Streets. J vuu uuui, tutu lllic ui nu. so o. LLlLnu au BOOTS AND SHOES. S p R I N ti STYLES BOOTS AND SHOES GEN T.S' W EAR bar rri Airvrr9 NO. 33 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, 10 16lmw ABOVE CIIKSiNUT. TO THE PUBLIC THE FINEST AND largest asaortnieul of the latest styles of Boots, t.uiters, and oboes lor Men and Boys can be had al F.KKKST SOPP'H large Kstablishment, No. -J;t N. NINTH Street. LOOKING CLASSES, ETO. JOW ON FREE EXHIBITION AT Earles' Galleries & Looking Glass Rooms NO. 816 CHKSNUT STREET. YOSKMITK VALM'.vril'b.nnaa Hill. HOD WORDS, by t.UK i,' t Alaver. TDK BOVUOOD OJ I.INt u.., by Kastman John- THE CROWN OF MiU I Vi.l.AND. bv fw. i - j -w - v V. jj. Drown. SUNSET IN CAI.IVdCM A. I.v A. Rlerstadt. "THIS RKKK OF Num. Wn'wok" i.vK Moran COAST lF N'ANTI't k I.'. I.v tl illiu... rfi ui-i... "."' and other very line An ri i'vui I'uiiitiujrK. AIho. a Biiecialexhll.'iioii hi ltu-rUidt'a ERUPTION OF VESUVIUS, (186S . Adniitisiou, Vo ccubi. 40mwrp J ami s s. KAUI.K 4 BON.S, J O II W SMI V II, I.OOKJM..(iI..KK .M IMCTllfi; Kit A UK IMAM FA I' 'J' I KICK, ItJBLK AND i'l T I'l.BLISHKK, And Whoh'Kih' Dealer in AMERICAN AND FRENCH CLOCKS AND HKOU- i.a ii uf ei:i;v DICSCHHTION. Alftfl. fant'fAl Arrnn - Patent, uXLnu&ZiZJ . H"JB ' ",e that every-farnlir-houid Eund SS? tan save ilfty per cent. ' ' i raue auppiied at a libend discount. 4 15 an No, H tt A uvli KTttKI'T. FLOUR. Q HOICK FAMILY FLOUR, For the Trade or at Retail EVERY BARREL WARRANTED. ICOHtOlaO l'loMir Mill, Noa. 19 aud 81 GIRARD Avenue, 1 19 tturp Kant of From tret, NEW STYLES OF A- IV I N q H, AND AMERICAN; tt SOWS', TH and WALNUT Sts., FHILADFLP1IIA. . INSURANCE. 'TATKMKNT OF THE CONDITIOIT OP THH Queen Insurance Company, Of t.ironxx'l and Ioiiru, oo the 1st dnjr of Jnnuar,, 1W FIRST." CapiUl atock $10,W,Oem Amount of aiwowuiinnta or tnatalmiMita no aUx k paid in caali 9M6m 8KOOND. The vnloo a nearly aa majr be of tho Real Ka- tate held by tho Coinpan. Oaah on hand , , ' (ksil in Hank ' 481's ' lUKim bl,TKtt Cash in handa of aftnnta and in course of trana- miaaion Amount of Ioana aeonred by bonda and mort- (taires, constituting the iirat lien on Real Km tate, on which there is loaa than one rear's intorent due and owing Amount of Ians on which interest has not been paid within one ear Amount of all other Iioans by the Compan, not included in preceding items Amount .f Ntoclu owned bj the Company, apocifying the numbor of aharoa and thoir par an'd market value Amount of Htocka held by the Company aa col lateral security for I,oan, with the amount loaned on each kind of stock, its par and market value Ieaaehold property hold by the Company. ..... Amount of Premiums in course of collection . . Interest on investments accrued, hut not due. Office furniture at chiof and branch offices. ... t7,T71a l(,ii'W mieo-s 7Tt,0O0t 9TI0 llaWM le.eacn THIRD. Amount of lonaes during the yog, adjusted but uot due, anil reioited to tho Company, but not acted upon r Amount of dividends due and unpaid Life and annuity reserve funds Amount of all other claims against Uie Com pany, contested or otherwise FOURTH. Amount of cash pDHUiiums received, including premiums in course of collection Interest received from investments, after de ducting proportion of Interest bolntiging to life and annuity funds FIFTH. Amount of losses paid during the year Amount paid and owing for reinsurance pre miums ,, Amount of dividends declared dur'jjff fmtr. . ,. Amount of dividends paid. . ............. SHS-M ' 4Sl,48TT va,mm t 712.WMU t,mu 2TS,Q126i 1M,W' f per cent. 83.8H-M 2U,6321g Amount of expenses p,a lult the year.l including eoraJssiuHj and fees paid to agent; a (;(flcprg 0f (, Compunjr AlflOtinl of losses due and unpaid Amount of tuxes paid by the Company I Amount of all other expenses and expend! SABINE & ALLEN, Agents, N. K. COR. IIKTH AND WALNUT STS. 4121416 Ot PUII.ADKLPAIA. A S B U R Y MFK INSURANCK COMPANY. No 291 BROADWAY Cor. RKADK St., New York. f iikIi ( upitui Mifto.noo 12&,UW Deposited with the State of New Vorkaa Secunt for Policy Holders. I'KMMKI, BAiV(i8, President. (ihOROK KM-IOTT, Vice-President and Secretary. . MtV,l'OUNT(M:K Actnary. A. K. M. PURDV, M. 1 Medical Kxaminer. m BKrKBKHCKN 11Y PK1IM1MHION. ' . Thomas T. Tasker, .lohn M. Maris, J. B. Uppiocott. Charles Kpenoer, W illiam Divine, Jamea tMng, John A. Wright, 8. Morris Wain, James Hunter. Arthur (.. Collin, John B.McCreary, K. H. Worne In the character of its Directors, economy of manure. m,1..,HOnHnl"I"w,, of rates, PARTNKKSHIP PJ.Ali OF DKCLAKINti DIVIDKNDH, no restriction in feinata lives, and absolute non forfeiture of all policies, and no ra stnotion of travel after the tirst year, the ASHUftY" prS aenta a combination of advantages offered by no otuer conipany. PoIiciob issued in every form, and a loan of one third made when desired. . Srwini, Any-ANTAOKs Ofpkukd to Clkbotmkh. tor all lurther iniormation, adress jAMKij M. RONOACRK, Manager for Pennsylvania and Delaware. Office, No. Kttt WALNUT Street, Philaaolpbia. JKORAI ANK110U,1SH KAD Speoialjf gent" 4 tfj NEW PUBLICATIONS. 1MEW rUBLICATIONS BT THK American Sunday-School Union. Oiled Feu t her ISookM. Second Series Paddle Your Own Canoe Tha Man who Ran Away from Himself The Maa wiio Kept Himself in Repair Ho's Overhead Tliix Day Month The Ue of a Child; six storiea. luily equal to those of the FlrHt Series In liveli ness of style and interest of detail. 18mo, cloth, l-80 per set; cheap edition, paper covers, til cents. ' A Voire from Olivet; Or. Thk Sign. By Rev. RICHARD MOWTON, I). D. 12mo, paper, 10 cents. American Sunday-School Union, ll&i Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. 4 limwftit PORTER & COATES, l'URLlSHERS AND BOOKSELLERS, 822 CHESNUT Street, MAR1JI.K 'BUILDING, Ali.lOIN'INi; CONTINENTAL HOTM, Books Retailed at Wholesale Prices. a S2mwflr HEATERS. 'pilK Jtl'NKIAX A1K-TI0HT IIEATEli. Daniel TEershon's Sons' HEATING AND VENTILATING WAREHOUSE RKMOVJ 1) TO THK N. W. CORNER TWELFTH AND FILBERT, STS., Opposite the Faruiei-s' Market. Brick Work of hII descilptious aud Fire Work promptly attended lo. . A. H. JiKHSHON. 4 Trptf) OKO. II. MKRfllTOH. MEDALS. o DD FELLOWS' PARADE MEDAL. TUB uadoi-bicued liars publuuitMi a BKAUTIFUL MKDAL to ba worn en tha da of tha eomios annivnraanr i obveraa. the bad of Thouia. W ''), tbo founder ot tha Order, and appropriate Uuuering and dencoa on the rererne. ' tiiUKla Wwial. 2& nt"i hy the quantity 414 par buadred. Ubeml dioout to avunta and dealrnn. No. 7'2fi CHKHtiVT Strait. Jf21L- r Philadluhla. TORN FARNLTM & CO.. COMMISSTfW mwo 1 1 phnnta and Mnnufacturera of Ooneatoea Ti..l, i.. . 0.WJtUE.yT)ivrVvt(ma4ajru,u '"tyjijjf-