THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAM PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1801). naw rozmisnia. FVom Our 0m Cbrrsarwrufoat Nbw York, April IS, 1305. The agatlon which tho Germans are in, in regard to the question of boor or no beer, will sufficiently excuse my recurrence to tho subject. On Sunday afternoon about three thousand of these antl-Kcchafoites asHemblcd in the Bowery Theatre for the purposcjrf hearing the question dlscusHcd. Tho convocation was not numerous, you will say, considering tho occasion) but then you must remember that nearly every man pre sent was a representative of ,a ecoro of other men, to that tho real audience may bo said to nave numbered about fifty thouxand. Tho speakers were Supervisor Andreas Willmann, Dr. Hermann Muhr, Mr. Marcus Ottorburg, tho Rev. Gottfried Sehelbel, and Mr. Magnus Uross, all of whom of course were in favor of tho pro posed amendment. Mr. Otterburg Indignantly combated the idea that tho meeting was for tlio purpose of obtaining "freo lngor." Liberty, not lajjcr, be argued, wan the real question of tho hour, and Liu fellow-countrymen were quite ns willing to give eternal vigilance as tho price of the one, as five cents a glass for the other. And Why this bitter opposition to beer? Ginger, choctaw, spruce, and root beer, to say nothing of cider, were pronounced to bo innocent warmers Of tho heart-cockles. ' Why this ignorant hostility to lager r Cider, more particularly, contained quite as much alcohol as this harmless bevcrago which tho tyrannical minority were trying to shut down upon. Was it not, after all, a result of a bigoted attempt to retain intact the American idoa of a Sabbath r That Idea, if It were strictly carried out, would interdict the printing or selling of newspapers, tho running of cars and all travel ling conveyance, the keeping open of stores or stalh) for purposes of truillc, or the doing of a thousand and ono things which tho necessities of a higher plane of civilization have pronounced harmless. Tho impression golned from tho dis courses of the various ppcakers was that they hod come primed with the best lager the season could afford, and that the Germans, carrying out In a way most consonant to their temporameuts the old Puritan idea, demanded, not freedom to worship God as they pleased, but freedom to swal low as much beeras they desire on a Sunday. Tho beer movement occurs just in the nick of time, now that tho "bock" reason will so soon com mence. A few weeks will herald in the chango from the jung tier to the bock bier; and those who know what a joyous Mason that is in the Vatcrland will feci a twinge of charity for tho German artisan, who, through six weary work days, looks forward to enjoying one innocent Sabbatical "swill," surrounded by his family. Dr. R. L. Parsons has been publishing his re port in regard to the New York City Asylum on Blackwell's Island. It Is not to bo expected that any physician holding his position will father an unflattering account. That would be expecting too much from the candor of human nature, and, accordingly, we find that Dr. Parsons has drawn the picture very mild indeed. Ho is compelled to admit that the number of patients exceeds by several hundred the means of accommodation; but the "attendants" are represented as miracles of suavity and sweetness. It is they, ho says, and not the patients, who ore visited with blows and abusive language. I am afraid Dr. Parsons Is one of those "commonplace men" whom Mr. Reade so felicitously describes in his novel of "It Is Never Too . Late to Mend." From lunatic asylums all over the country have proceeded flat contradic tions of his assertions that in nine hundred and ninety-nine coses out of a thousand, the horrible deeds perpetrated in insane hospitals by .keepers upon patients exist only in the diseased imagi nations of the lunatics. In tho asylum on Blackwell's Island the Inmates are so crowded as to be in constant peril one from another; and only a few weeks ugo one female patient nat tered the scull in and scooped the brains out of another one. In spite of this report, the asylum is in aJou'. as bud a state utt it can be. The visits of leguJutit'e committees are always known be iorehandan.S th Superintendents have plenty of time to" hustle their torture-implements out of the way and put on their "company" manners. At the recent convention of Spiritualists at Cooper Institute, J udge Edmonds was not pre sent, and his absence gave occasion to much candal. In a letter. three-quarters of a column long, addressed to one of tho dully papers, he has quietly Insinuated how obliged ho should feel if people would hold their tongues about Vif ml ami whar rtn ilstAA ArtAa ni TTIa nvivn V 1U1U TV UUV UV rt MWUa aVAia HlgU 1 ment seems to be that the spiritualism of to-day f la only a continuation of the history of the spl ( ritualism of the past, and that the manifestation will grow brighter and more trustworthy with times' flight. I hope so or that it will speedily die out altogether. The tipping of tables, and the calligraphy of Plonehctte, and blood-colored initials are interesting phenomena, but they prove no more spiritually than the rope-tying of the Davenports. , A T YivwvAaat ATI A l9 irtjk rrhwA aAmrt1tutia1 teachers " of horsemanship in New York, is in cuch despair at the ravages and incursions of the velocipedes, that he has established a "Riding Club," as the only rival amusement of the kind ' likely to stand the least chance. The city and (7 suburbs are profusely sprinkled just now with velocipedromes, gymnacyclidiums, bicyclocur ricullums, ' and amphicyclotheatrons, and tho two-wheelod "Ilouyhnhnms" may bo seen going in every direction, while the horse champs and paws uselessly in his stable. Central Park bids fair to be deprived of the most dashing and pic turesque amusement of the season, viz., that of horseback-riding. Meanwhile the Black Crook element has been Introduced at these place of Dubllc entertainment, where velocipede-dramatic performances are given, and Jxion, the Man at the Wheel, has been iuperacd)d by woman upon two wheels. ' Last niirht Henry Ward Beeeher, who has not -jyet died of softening of tho brain or throat I disease (from both of which he was suffering at llast fabrications), appeared in a new role at the Brooklyn Athenaeum that of chairman 01 a free trade meeting, under the auspices of the Brooklyn Free Trade League. Somehow or other, he finds time, apart from his sermons and hi rational amusements and his articles in tho N.Y. Ledger, to think about trade and finance, and to say something In regard to them that is worth other ueoule'a thinking about. He never plods subiect. lie treat his mind like hla Btmnnch. uud letd thought digest the food he irtves it without sickly self-consciousness. HU constant aim Is to round hinwelf so as to be all Mno-a to all men. and thin rolling stone, which Is constantly on the move, hat gathered moss from almost every conceivable suojecu Assessor Webb's raid upon the brokers in Wall win. for Its obiect the coloctlon of one I twenty-fourth of one per cent upon all capital V.,A hv them in UielT UlkSinotm, um. Kwt, " a.BfiiL The brokers banded to- t,.i.u-r ,wi formed square thsvawx-dt-friu, 0, Invincible tfct originated by UiQ iltuuc- Inkce of the First Napoleon. Ho dashed himself against it, and was not bcttored by tho collision. They appealed to the authorities at Washington, and Mr. Delano, the new Commissioner of Inter nal Revenue, telegraphed that all proceedings should bo stopped. Wall street is consequently as audacious as ever, and tho brokers coutlnuo to defraud the national treasury. Tho following paragraph from last Sunday's Now York Mercury gives an excellent synopsis of all that is known on a subject tho public in terest in which is being rapidly consigned to tho tomb: "James I,ogan No. 0 (of Hoboken) has gone West. James Logan No. 1 has engnwd counsel to look alter Mayor Hall's reward. James Iwan No. boards at the Putnam House, Fourth avenue James KoblriRon (the bummer) has gained thirty-two pounds on Captain Caffrey's generous diet. James ltlley, hl companion, does chores at tho Central Otllco; and lie Launoy, of the speckled coat and IJ hat, drives a ThlrrL,aveuun car. Tom No. 1 (Mciilbney) Is pegging away at brogans up tho river. Tom No. (Holt) hasn't turned up; and Torn No. 8 (tlin actual bearer of the James Logan letter) is serving scutcuee outside this State, and cant be had." As I am about to close this letter the startling rumor reaches me that the smallpox Is in this city. Three families in tho Sixteenth Ward are said to be stricken with it, and Inspectors from the Board of Iloalth aro hard at work vaccinat ing the entire ward. So the rumor goes, but I don't believe a word of it. If there tea any thing serious, the Board of Health would be the last to move in tho matter. Tho Dwarf Drama (27ie Seven Dwarf) Is flourishing at tho Bowory. Passlul's Mass is to bo produced at Stelnway Hall on the 801b. of the present month, with Miss Kellogg in tho principal part. Puntomlmo will soon put in an appearance at Wood's Museum, Wallack's, tho Tammany, and Tony Pastor's. "Poor old Robin son Crusoe" will figure at throo of theso placet, and something else, not yet .decided upon, will figure at the other. Au Baba. CITT ITKMN. Oovtmotai. Ln IxsruANca Compact of New York. It la with plaaeure thai we notice the growth and prosperity of substantial life liuuranc. companies. Among this number stands foremost In rapid progress the above Company. It hae achieved euoh uuparallolod buo ceee ae to surprise and antouisb the oldest life underwriter of this country. We call the attention of our readers to this Company's adrerUaemenl, which appears In another column. CrSTOM DwABTKUrv Wr?A cAofaw awnrtmon of ntletitd atyfa t SA eTood, to be tnai tip to ordr by comjMtutt and wxpm-iiwA Cutter and Workmen ttito Jfoi'A, Yotitf, Do-ftt and fhffcirsn' gtmmU every tiyl. 1LUJT WAT RjRWBHX BBXVKTT A Ov. VV l Tnrai IUu, jp fltrertt.) MS Markht K t, 1'HII.ADM.PHJA. amp te Broadwai, Nt-w YoW. TO BUT Rrally fashionable Clothing You must go where you Know, by experience, It is Bold, OR Yon may, as Dr. Franklin said, . Tty very dw for yovr KhMlr," ' You must NOT , Take for grouted all that Is said lajtavbp advertio&inwU. TO Do so without first examining The stock of "exmUrmer-made Clothing trt CBAKLBS 8TOKH3, No. 824 C'HfiSNUT HUVet, Would certainly result in your los BUY your Clothing or Charles Stokes, and You will never regret it. Priet at low em th loiceat, jKwmjtv.-Ms. William W. Caasidy, No. 12 8. Second street, has the largos and most attractive aaeortment of fine Jewelry and Silverware in the city. Purchasers eaa rely npon obtaining a real, pore article fumluhed at a price which cannot be equalled. lie also has a larire stock of American Western Watches in all varieties and at all prices. A visit to his store is sure to result in pleasure and profit. THB Ottos ov Gold, by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, now running throngh the columns of the A'ea York H'xAfy, wiU be pnblished in book form, on Saturday next, by T. B. Peterson A Brothers, of this city. Gbovzb A Baker's Highest Premium Sewing Machines, No. 738 Cbeenu street. To Buy, OK Not to But, That's tub Question! WnmiHH it is Better to Tat BlB PBICBS tVK CHOTUINOf . , ob to oo to Famous Oak Hall , TB LaHOSST CLOTUINO IlOmS IN PuiLADBi-PHIA, AM ' TuuBkst, : ajji bc KUiOAAT BPHIMO CfiOTUINO AT l'KBW KAflILT COMMAMDKD BY Ant Man's PxnttrB. Wamamakkr & Brown, Wanamakkr & Ukown, Wanamakkk & Brown, Oak Ball, Oak Hall, Oak Ball, S, B. Cor. Sixth and Makkkt Stkbkiw, H It Cor. Kixth and Makkkt HutKna & ft Com. Sixth and Mahkkt Stukkts. lUAUiei Kl. TXTKET-KKUMAN.- On April, 11, 189, at St. Mark's Church, KranXford, by the Kr. S. TwhmU1h, Mr. LS KAKLTtJCHKY toMra.MAKy O. MKUMAN, both of Frankford. WILKINSON HOORR-On tha 11th iiutant, by the Rev. Kantuol K. Applelon. at No. lsot Ito nlacn. Mr. CHAHLKS WIUCLNSUN to Mtas J ANK MOUUKL both ui Uus city. VIUD. BARTON.-On the night of Bumtay. the Uth tnxtant. In bis Sfclh year, Wllil.l AM U. BArlTUN, ma of Itemuel aud Mnna liarton. The relative and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend bis funeral, from the roauleiioe of his father, No. &i N. r ourtU street, on ThunUy afternoon, the loth instant, at J o'clock. Interment at South Laurel Uill. BLACKMAN -On the Uth Instant, Mrs. PUKBR BIACKM AN, In the 8Sth rear of her aire. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend her funeral, from her late rmicWiioe, No. S3 N. Third street, Camden, N. J., on ThunxUy, the lAth iiutant. at 7 o'clock A. M. To proceed to DeeiUeld by the Vest Jersey 8 A. M. train. DOl'OUKRTY. On the 13th Instant, HARRY DAILY, son of Margaret Dougherty, aged years and days. The relaurea and fnnnda of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from the rnrddonoe of hie uncie. No. tb ItrangeUst street, ua Thursday afteruoon, the ikih instant, a 1 o'clock. OOLDBMrTH. Suddenly, on the loth Instant, of heart diisflATilAN trUUto'MITU. lu the Mih yea of hia il,reljitiT4WIVt UW fAttilb n rvpetllr InTtted to aMond bis tnneral, front hts Into reeldewea, We, h rinm afreet, t!anvln. It. J., ou Thursday afternoon, the 1Mb tnirtont, at 1 o'clock. HAtmilllf. On the Oth instant. Mr. LHVTI3 B AUm IN, aard H7 yemrs. The rnlativne and fnenita of the family are Invited te at tend the funeral, from bi lata reeiilonre. No. Uii Weriaaa town aTonue, on Wwlneeday morning at o'olook. Sec vinee and interment at tit. Miohael'a. I.KMiKT.-On tha Uth InnUnt, JOUN I.IOUKT, in the Mth year of bis age. . 'I be male friends of the family are Invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence. No. MM. Fifteenth atreet, on Wednmuiay aftemoon, the Uth intnt, at I o'olook. M KRR1TT.-DANIKL 8. M KKHITT, M. I., on the itth Inntaut. . liia male relatives and friend are invited to attend the funeral, from his late reeidenoe. No. lulB t 'baton stieet, on Wednesday, the 14th iiutant, at f o'olook P. M. To proceed to laurel itilL WKA1 IIKRRY.- In Cnmden, Pf. J., on the 11th Inatant, I'll A V., eldest daughter of Joeeph P. and Klizabeth Weathorby, in the l.tiii year of her age. ... The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her parents. No. S10 N. Second street, on 1 bumUay afternoon at 3 u'olook. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. 8. E. Corner FOURTH and WALNUT. SKK TTH UATMH ASM TLANS BKVDltK nfUR IJSU KIjyKWUHHK. ALEX. WUILLDirf, President. JOHN K WlI,iOW, 8cretary. l OENTS AND HOLIOITOK8 FOR LIFE INSURANCE, And ell persons oonteni plating Insurance, will do well to see Mr. U. O. WILSON, at the ofllce of the PEF?N mutual LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 921 CHESNUT Street. 1 16 BtutbSm rniLADKLrHIA. AfrrYYVTTT I would rp.- XlVVVtV V llii spectfully inform Un dertakers that, in order to meet tho increased demand for my patent bUHlAL CASKKTS, 1 have takea the Urge Factory at No. itW RTDQR AVKNUK With my enlarged facilities, I am now prepared to supply promptly au oraers in city or country. 1UUVU) K. H. KARLRY. CLOTHING. T U E K K vr Cheenut Street Sstablishment K0 Finest Ready-Made Clothing AMI) . FASHIONABLE TAILORING. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. Head of Department Mr. K. T. TAYIAK. AJftfOVNCRM KNT. Mr. E. T. TAYLOR, late of the llrm of Charles Moki a A Co., No. 8iM CheMnut sirwt, announced to bin friendx and 1iiihIih'h ac quaintances' that ho liaa thin day (April i) uMaocinted hlniHelf with this new enterprino of Mr. JOHN WANAMAKER, at Nw. 818 and cVO CUKMNCT St, and that he will tuke gTcut pleauure in meetlun here all hla former patrons, huvUitf now at bbi command better facilities than ever before for Witltfl'jiug and plcaaliig them in the mutter of Clothing. FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENT. Mr. VTM. HUGHES, hue with KUward p. Kefir, aud formerly with Andriot, MuReoch A Co., in co operatlnp; In thin Deiinrtnient, and earnclly Hollcita the patronuge of hht friends and acquulntauceii, CORPS OP CUTTBRS. JRAN BERNARD, from Paris, recommended by Siinguinetta, of Crony A Lent, Broadway, N. Y. P. AJn'DKIOT, formerly Andrlot, Magooch A Ca J. ZAOKEY, fonnurly with Ehrllcher. G. E. AY RES, formerly with Brown & Powers, Broadway, N. x . P. KELLY, of Chesnut street, Philadelphia. The patronage and Influence of the people of Phila delphia and vicinity earnestly solicited, NOS. 818 AND 820 CHESNUT STREET, 4 18 tf PHILADELPHIA. WESTON & BROTHER, MERCHANT TAILORS, S. W. Corner NINTH and ARCH St., PHILADELPHIA, DAILY RECEIVING SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES OF THE LATEST IMPORTATIONS. A Superior Garment at a reasonable price. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 8 81 8uirp T n a p BINCIPAL DEPOT KR rUK SALB OK V B N V K 8 T A U E at p s, No. 804 CHESNUT STREET. CKNYRALfPFFICKS, No. 106 8. FIFTH STREET, CPwo doors below Chesnut btrjpeti. AND No, m WAJ.NUT STREET, (Penn Building), ESTABLISHED ltd The hule of Reveuue Stamps U tttlil continued at the CXd-EHtubllHlied Agency. The Htock comprlrten every denomliiiitlon printed by the Government, und lmving at all tlmex a large tmpply, we are enabled to nil and forward (hy Muil or ExprenNi, all ordivn Iminediatuly iixju recWpt, a matter of great Importance. United SUteH Notes, National Rank Notes, Iiraru on Philadelphia, and Po; l OiUce Orders received in payment. Any information regarding the decinioDH of the Commissioner or loternal lteveuue cheerfully aud grutultcurtly furnished. , Revenue Stamiw printed -upon DraftH, Checks, He eeipu, etc. The following rates of rnmniiwtlon ai-e allowed on Stumps and Stamped Papers Ou fa and upwards i jer eeut. " ioo M a " " 8l M 4 Adilrc all orders, itc, to STAMP AvjiKNCY, Na 804 CTJEHXUT BTOKKT, PHILAUW-PniA. VNITED STATKH PONTAGE ST AMI'S of aU kinds and STAMPED ENVE1X)1'KS couutanUy on hand. QIRARD TUDC WORKS. JOHN II. MURPHY & BROS. ' HUtnuiacturer) of Wrought Iron Pipe, Etr. PUILADKLPHIA. PA. WORKS, WENTV-TIIIRD and FILBERT HtreeU. OFFIOK, H 18 No. 43 North FIFTH Btroetl vf?rsv PARASOLS. ALL THE NRWE3T T tL. '""don and Paria stjlss, whioti for novslty, va UliVSW'rivty, and sluvauos ars unMiiitllt. A Ucaa-. "f.aa, Bortmsat of Laosltovwrs, Sna Kids and Sua Uua tTrHllaa at tha luwMt iirios, at 11. DIXON 'b i'sc Usud ttWtV, Rv, Hi , mCUTU tHWvW WrUl DRV GOODS. QRBAT DKM ON STRATI ON lie DRY GOODS. Wo, 727 CIZESIWT Street. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., Prl- to the rcori!uiz;iUon 0f thr business on The First of May 'Next, WILL OKKER THE Most Extraordinary Concentration OF BARGAINS Ilf D RY GOODS EVER Exbibitoa in thiw Cit.v- Their stock Is unrivalled for extent ami variety and general adaptation to the wants of their patrons, and will be found replete with tho most approved Btaplea and novelties In desirable, fabric of receut Importation. ONE PRICE. WO DEVIATION, AND ALL GOODS Guaranteed as Represented. pERPETUAL MOTION IN CHEAP ATJD GOOD GOODS AT IfltV PKICliS! IMPOSITION HATED t t ! OPPOSITION COURTED t t J COMPARISON INTITED I ! I COMPKTITION DBFLTTD J 1 1 THE VALUE ALWAYS GIVEN IN HXCHANtlB FOU YOUR MONEY. Ia?MTEIlY Ac HAINES, AT TUB OLD STAND, Wo. 1 7. WIWTII Street, ABOVE ARCH, (UNDER THEIR OLD MOTTO, NEVER TO BJB UNDERSOLD;, Are offering the greatest bargain in all kludt of DRY GOODS sinc the panic of 18M. Have oponed to-day, ln connection with a lurge bankrupt took or goods, a large assortment of MUBLINS, FLANNELS, LINENS, WHITE GOODS, PIQ.UE8, MARSKILIJIS, BLACK . AUACAS, DREtW GOODS, GINGHAMS, CAUCOErt, COUNTERPANKH, HO SIERY, SHIRT FRONTS, GLOVER AND NOTION ALL WILL BE SOLD AT RUINOUS LOW PRICES. All we ask la one call, as thouflanda have done and saved money by purchasing their goods at the cheap store of thc.well-known llrm of EPSTEIN" & HAXXTES, No. 123 N. NINTH Street, above Arch DaiJjireoclving Cooda from the Cosh Auction. 4 8 tbstuSt REGULATORS OK PRICE LINEN GOODS. A SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. PERKINS & CO., No. 9 South NINTH St., S 1C tdutiUSUp , PHILADELPHIA. JOHN W. THOMAS, 405 and 407 N. SECOND St., WILL OPEN ON MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 12. A large assortment of Fine Black Lama Lace Points. Also, Fine White Lama Lace Points, Lace Rotunda, Together with a handaotno stock of Paisley, Printed Cashmere, and Striped Shawls, SWSmrp W&R, COLLADAY & CO., . CHESNUT STREET , ABOVE BROAD AR14 NOW OFFERING THE LARGEST AN I) MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT 31" DRESS S I L K S Ever Import el itilo J liilivielphitv, liMMJAOIMJ EVERY NOVELTY IN STYLE AND SHADES, AND ALL THE MOST CELEBRATED MAKES OF J .LACK SILKS. THESE GOODS HAVE BEEN MADE EXPRESSLY FOR US, AND WITH !TIIE GREATEST CARE, AND WE HAVE DETERMINED TO SELL THEM AT PRICES THAT WILL DEFT COMPETITION. ALSO, EVERY NOVELTY IN TEXTURE AND STYLE DRESS DRY GOODS. EPSTEIN & HAINES, Wo. 1S3 H. .firmi Nret, ABOVf. AKCH. Hovtpcii, from t'ASlI AUCTIOrf, 80 'Hoccs; donble-wldih Poplin, ROc. ; sarat! gooda Belling on MKhth hu-pcI at. TGc.. aud they ay cheap. AIho, onntaxc of8lri)c Poplin, SO per cent, leas Uiau Kighth Htrevt prii'rx. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. 60 piece white Jilqnc, a2, 4a, 2, at, 8T, 45, 50c. W tl ; greatcHt bargaina c?t ollVrctt lOl'O yartlfl brat CaJIrnr;j, 12e. ; cheap. 600 yards pure Mohair, double width, '29c. ;oont 6ftc, gold. 20 pieces French ChluU, 07J'c, (KilUruf . oa Eighth street for eoc. 10 pieces 8-4 Bleached TU)le Mnen, fl5c ; selling on Eighth street for 11-16. 100 piece) Plaid Nuliu-.m, 18, 2ft, S8, ST.!;, 40, 45 60c. ; cheap. ... 200 doxen Linen Shirt Pronto, our ovm make, IS, 18, 22, 26 to 60c. 20 pieces tine Hhlrred Munlln, 75c. ; low. Large lot of Necktie, U',7, 16, 26, W, 45, 50c ; half price. 10 dozen black and white BalinoralA, 60 Bankrupt stock drexri rvkxU will be cloned out at ruinous lotta. OPEN TO-DAT, BOO0 pairs of the eelebrHtod St, I.orafl Kid Olovea, all tho new shades ami hie, the same make we have sold so many lhotLiuid pairs of, every pulr guaranteed, at tl'15, l -ift. All we auk id one cLL El'KTKEV A. IIAI'i:.v, io. ia I. ?VI.T11 Hlreet, ABOVK ARGIL Keri.iiutoM of Retail Prices. ' N. B. 26 pieces Wack Alpaca, 3T;,4rs 60, 64, Vi(, T6c. to fl ; all 26 per ceiit. lMt Uuia KJgbth street prices; guaranteed. SMALL PROFITS! QUICK 8ALK1! And turn the ulruble slipcuce ofteu hi the true raotto. 4 8thshl3t KPEJN HALN13. 1869. (OPEI LN isr-ii, MAItCH 10). CENTRAL LOCATION'. LAKtVK IIJ.L LIGUTED 6TORK. A GOOD CLASS OV t.OODS, TUB LOW 1ST POtOTBLK PRIORS. E8TABLISIIED ON PAIR Hl'fclNEas PRINCIPLRS. POUTR AND ATTENTIVE ASSISTANTS. Where the qJjot cardinal pnlntt are true and strictly observed, ln uiieiy-nit! coxes out of every hundred, success and prosperity aro certain. SttCH IS OLJt KXl'KKIENCU. We have now open a niatiUiccut stock of fceason able aud Dcblrable 6ILK AND DRF-SS GM nM, CAHS1MKKKS AXP I OTHS, LINK. -, W IMTK (KODS, 1)(J.1IITICH, rH'a ETC. JOSEPH H. THORNLEY, L. E. COIL KIGIITI1 AND .SPRING GARDEN, 8 19 1'inLADKLPlUA. CLOTHS, OASSIMERES, ETO. 7M. T. SNODGRASS & CO.'S EXTJl-NSIVE retail Aiarr whole sals CLOTH HOUSE. No. 34 South SECOND Street, aud No. 23 STRAWBERRY Street Constantly on band a large aud well-assorted stock of CliOTIIS, CASNIMIJIIIIM, W, KTC. I2TC. AlfAPTED TO MSN'S AND BOYS' WEAR, A. T 1a O "W P1UOBS. aWp .1 OF (4 l It GOODS. DRY QOOD8. DWIN HALL & CO., NO. 28 SOUTH SECONft STBEBT. Are now prepared to offer one of the largest and beat selected stocks of E1XIIS, DZIESS GOODS, To be fonnd In thto ctty, which will be sold at tke) ' !C"Tft price, NJir GOOD opening dally, of tte latest Btyleu. . . 4 It tt ' t' TOADIES' MANTLES, WALKING AND ' DRESS SUITS. EDWIN HALL & CO. ' NO. 28 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Open to-day, SPIIINQ STYLES of ! SILK, MANTLES, WALKING AND DRESS SUITS. MANTLKS and SVITS made np to order In the newest aud nicwt farihionablo styles, at the shortest notice. 4 12 2 OHINA, GLASSWARE, ETO. rUiS LARGEST STOCK OF Decorated Toilet Ware IN TIfE CITY At Great Reductions. . '-SO, FINE INDIA CHINA VERY CUEA1 TYNDALE & MITCHELL No. 707 CHESNUT Street, 8 80 stwhilrorp PHILADELPHIA. WINES. RARE WINES. VERY OLD PORT WITJ23S. VINTAGES OP 1830 AND 1847. These ports are acknowledged by tho finest ertoe tobefarKupi'rtor to art) thing oi the kind ever Im ported into tUe Uniwvi huikm. Thin was a special etfoit toronrowo local trade. Nunplofl in stor.', and pt'rmit.s given to any buyer t take It from bond himself. PhyHiciuus and wuio criUcs, pleurje take notice of thl oircr. ul by the cask, demijohn, gallon, dtfzen, r SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, iMPoirrKiw. S. W". CH)li. BROAD AND WALNUT STS. t,,Uj" PUILADRI.PHU. HEATERS. rpilE KCSSIAX' AIR-TIGHT HEATEK. Daniel AZershon's Sons' IIEATLNU AND VKNTIL.VTTNQ WAItiUIOUSB KIOIOVKD TO TIIK N. W. WHNKR TWELKTII AND FII3KRT, 8T8., Opposite the Panuetn' Market. Briuk Work of all descriptions and Fire Wort promptly attended to. A. K. I1KUAUON. 4 Trptf QUO. B. HKHaUOK. MEDALS. o DD FELLOWS' PARADE MEDALTHE uudnuaeU hava publiahad a BKAUTLVUL Mf.DAL to b. worn nrt fiw day of the eoroliur annivornarv i Myniwa thshead of rWa. J WUd. UlouadwTi ths Ora? and airm.r.U loiteriog uid dsvioM on Uis " I jWvJ lijjunt U ad doalnrs. 1 A4droa VTLUlAM U. AHN MR ft FRO , m PUiMuU.