CUB10US RELIlUOas LX BOiSU. JNla HHllon or "AcblanisUica"-What The EnBHlan BobifliuatioB are dirHed Into two Beotions-the Bespopolfei, who do not ac knowledge a priesthood, and the ropoftsl, who hare preserved a kinl of clerical hler V Z. J.9 abilTlBlonB of thsse classes are deBorlbed by a Russian writer, whose nam de plumt is Bobfido-Ferrotl. Thia able writer dlTides the Beipopoftsl into at least thirty even distinot Beuta, and one of the principal divialona is that of the Kapitonea. v THE KAF1TONB8. The Kapi tones, bo oallod after the monk Kapiton, lire only on bread, fruit, vegeta blee, and wild berries, and are renowned throughout Russia for the austerity of their lives and the severity ef their voluntary pri vations. They consider suiolde as the most meritorious aotion that a true believer can commit. At their holiest oeremonies a young girl, dressed in the brightest colors, is oon oealed in the cellar of the house in which the meeting is held, and as Boon as all is ready and the faithful are assembled, she oomes out of her htdiog place, and enters into the cham ber Bet apart as a sanctuary, clothed in a white eheet and holdiDg a basket of raisins on her hesd. bhe then utters a kind of invocation, or rather pronounces a blessing three times, and distributes a raisin to each individual preBtnt, who, looking npon it as a viatloum that will insure salvation, have in numerous instances been known to kill themselves im mediately npon leaving the room. ANTICHRIST. Next oome the Siberian Cespopoftai, who maintain that Antichrist has already come, and reigns over the Russian Church. These also recommend suicide by fire, and Soh6do Ferroti relates how seventeen hundred of the sect, including men, women, and children, together with their leader, a priest named Domitian, shut themselves np in wooden huts, around whioh dry wood steeped in pitch ' bad been heped np, Bet fire to the whole mass, and perished miserably in the flames. How ever, the date and place of this frightful holo canst are not given. The Fomoraenie (i. ., dwellers on the 861 coast) originated in the country between Lakes Onega and Vyg, and on the desolate shore of the White Sea. They believe that though Antichrist reigns on earth, Jesus Christ will soon oome again; indeed, the pre cise day of his second appearing has been several times announced by their preaohers, whereupon the members of the seot dig out graves in the earth and lie in them awaiting the blast of the last trumpet, and though con tinually deceived are continually credulous. They do not refuse to pray for the sovereign as Czar, but rejeot the title of Imperator, whioh they say is an attiibute of Antichrist. They also are ready at any moment to pass through the "iuimaoalate baptism of fire." THE THEODOSIANS. The Tbeodosians form one of the wealthiest and moat numerous of all the subdivisions. Their founder established a oolony In Poland, but, driven thence, contrived to plant new as sociations In Yaroslawl, Riga, Mosoow, Nijhnl, Toula, Saratoff, Kazan, and elsewhere; and in 1771, Kaveline, one of their number, founded in the environs of Moscow the Freobrajensky Kladbishtohe (or, Transfiguration Cemetery), which in a short time frecame the central point- and metropolis of all the Bazpopoftsi. Kaveline ruled over this establishment thirty eight years, and when he died left behind him a rich and powerful settlement, oomposed of more than fifteen hundred persons, npon whom were dependent upwards of ten thou sand disoiples living in and around the anolent capital. The wide spread renown of the Influence, wealth, and strict discipline of this monastery speedily caused all other commu nities of the same persuasion to regard it as their centre: thence they procured their teachers, and thither every three years they Bent deputies to debate and determine ques- - tions of oommon interest. The tenets of this Beot do not greatly differ from those of the Fomoraenie with this trifling ezoeption, however, that the former hold that provisions pnrohased at a public market must be purifled before use. A hundred poklons, '. ., rever ences acoompanied by the sign of the cross, are Bsfiloient to effect this objeot, and then the grace of God descends npon the meat through holes made purposely in the lid of the cooking-pan. THE "BUBKEES" AND " WANDERERS." The Filipoftsi take their name from Philip, a fanatioal monk, who, with thirty-eight of hiB adherents, burnt Himself alive in presence of the Imperial commissioners sent to visit and report npon the seot. Similar examples of suicide are so common amongst them that the people call them tojigatdi, or burners. The wanderers (stranniki) pretend that Antichrist is Incarnate in the person of the Emperors of Russia, and therefore obedienoe to the seoular power is clearly the mark of the beast. To escape perdition one mast resist the Church, the Czar, and all authority emanating from him. As this opposition cannot be carried on openly, the only oourse that remains to the faithful is to flee before the servants of Anti christ, to break all family ties, uproot all re lationship with Booiety, and roam about in the lonely depths of the forests and deserts. The Siraunoprimtal (hospitable) are a kind of eomplement of the above sect, and have to pass through a noviciate. Their duty is to receive the wanderers, hide them from the Dolioe. skelter and feed them, for which pur pose every oottage is provided with a secret nndergronnd chamber, discoverable only to the initiated, bo that the homeless pilgrim may enter, rest, and depart unobserved even bv the owner. Any member of these seots taken suddenly ill has himself transported, if vossible. Into a field or wood, in order that be may die en fuite, and not under a roof. If the neophyte possesses a passport, , baptismal register, written charaoter, or certificate, or any paptr serving to establish his identity, he must destroy it, and he himself ba rebaptized aooordinir to the ritual of the Beot. Marritge Is Btriotly forbidden, and looked upon as an s nnpardonable ,Bin, but chit-fly, no doubt, be cause thev would fain differ from the est. bliahed laws and oastoms of the country. The number of this fleet is very considerable. OTHER SECTS. tha children-killers, whose nraiitie a are exDlained bv their name, the whn will not walk on naved roads. nor accept Russian money, because the figure on the coin, representing St. George killing iu Hvaonn fa nlA&rlv tliM fmaee of Autiohrlat: the Roti'zaii, or gaperf, who assemble on Holy pt,n..uir in unit nkh onttn inoutliB for an aneel to descend and deposit the eaored host therein; tne doddouhki, vi Diuruj umw., 4,.nn ih IuwIkIi nnatom mdfttent Satur- j iiia nf KnruU! tliM Iakateli Chrlsta. or Cbrist-seekers, who wander ceaselessly about . .). InhoBDitable aeaeria oi men- ui up of meeting Christ, who, they Bay, has already ei th Stranelers. who. lluving that the doori of Heaven are only j ?. u au a. vialant death, oon- aider it their lonnden duty to despatch their a! line friends, and occasionally perform the ame Under office on suoh s enjoy perfect health. The Bkoptsl were described in my THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, selves BoglaeBio Bojloh Lyoudei, or commu nity of the people of God were founded by one Daniel l'hllfppovitob; who gave out that he was God the Father. THE POPOFc'TCBRNA. The opposite division of flchiamatios Is known as the Popo'atohena. These possess fVveral distinct communities, but their antag onism is not bo clearly marked as that sub sisting between the brotherhoods of the Bsz popotbtchena, and their associations tend lather to union than to an infinity of petty subdivisions. Their most aaoient oolony is that of KerBhena, so called from the name of one. of the ailluents of the Volga, where an es tablishment waa fou luted by the dissenters, who were forced to flee before the persecution of the council of 1(JU. They were the first to depart from the creed of the mother Cauroh, by admitting a trinity oomposed of three hea venly powers, amongst whom Jesus Christ, horn they regarded as a fourth divinity, was not inoluded. But in 1(199 this heresy was condemned by the Kersheng community itself, and the dissidents returned to the ori ginal belief, and henceforward must be con sidered to be "ancient believers" in the same sense as those of Vetka. About this period a similar Beot was founded by a monk named Job, in the neighborhood of Tamboff, whioh spread to the Caucasus, tha banks of the Kuban, the Caspian and Azof! Seas, the Oaral, the Terek, end the Don. The Vetka oolony first came Into being In 1GG7. A great body of Bohismatios, flying from the rigorous treatment ..experienced in their own country, oroBsed over the frontier into Poland, and there obtained permission to establish themselves, and build villages on the little islet of Vetka, formed by affluents of the Dnieper, in the government of Mobile!!. They ereoted a church; and Boon their num bers iv creased to forty thousand, and the Isle of Vetka became a kind of mother city for all the scattered dependencies. A Russian correspondent of the London lcrald, who has gathered these facts, says: "M. Sch6do-Ferroti, to whose interesting works I am indebted for most of these details, puts the number of dissenters of all kinds in Russia at about nine millions." An English astronomer has discovered that the temperature of the moon varies alter nately from that of molten lead to that of frozen mercury. In Bulgaria, when a person dies, only tfie women wear mourning. They express their grief by wearing their clothes inside out. Young gentlemen may be pleased to learn that it is becoming fashionable for brides to live one year with their parents. Melbourne, Australia, has a newspaper printed in Chinese characters, edited by au Algerine and corrected by a native of Buenos Ayres. The Maine Legislature has passed a law impesing $110 fine, or one year's imprison ment, on any person who, by design or care lessness, injures baggage. It is estimated that the snow in Tucker man's Ravine, in the White Mountains, is 1000 feet deep. Hopes are entertained of a magnifloent snow arch next Bummer. INSURANCE. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY" INSUR ANCE COMPANY. Incorporated bv tlia l.mris. laturo of Pennsylvania, 1KIS. Office, S. E. corner ef THIKD and WALNUT Street. riiuitduiiiuin, MA RINK INSURANCES On Vessels, Caro, and Freight to nil purls of the world. INLAND INSURANCES Ou goods by river, canal, lake and land carriage to all parts 01.1110 union. I'lRK INSURANCKS On Merchandise generally; on btoree, Dwellings, Houses, iUC. ASSETS OF THE COMPAKV, November 1, tSB. 200,WIO United States i'ive Per Cent. Loan, 10-40S i8i)S,5UJ 0i) 120,000 United states hix Per Cent. Loan, las.soooo 60,000 Ufnted States Six Per Cent. Loan (.for Paciliu Kuilroud) (0,000 00 2C0.0C0 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent. Ian 211,376D 125,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per Cent. Loan (exempt from tax) 123,5'.'4'00 00,000 State of New Jersey Six Per Cent. lxan 51,500 00 10,000 Penn. Rail. First Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds 20,2'JO'OO 25,000 Penn. Rail. Second Mortgage Six Per Cent. Ronds 24,000'00 25,000 Western Penn. Rail. Mortgage Six Per Cent. Uonda (Penu. Ruilroad guarantee) 20,62500 30,000 State of Tennessee Five Per Cent Loan 21,00000 7,000 State of Tennessee Six Per Cent. Loan 6,031 '25 15,000 Germantown Gas Company, prin. cipal aud Interest guaranteed by City of Philadelphia, 300 shares Stock 15,000-00 10,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 2O0 shares Stock- ll,3W0O 5,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad Co., 100 shares Stock 8,500 00 20,000 Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Co., 80 Shares Stock 15,000'00 207,000 Loans on Komi aud Mortgage, tirst Liens on City Properties 207,fl00'00 1,1W,!00 Par. Market value, $l,130,325'2o fW. t.OP3 HiH :ii. Real Estate 8i.000'00 Kills receivable for insurauce made 3il,4Btj tH liulancos due at aguiicies, premiums on marine policies, accrueu interest, and oilier ueots aue liie cimiiiHiiv. . JO.ITh'AA Stock and scrip of sundry corporations, 4315)). K.Btiinutod value 1,813'UO Cush in bunk rtllti.lfrl otl Cush in drawer 413'tii 116,563 73 $1,647,367)0 IUItWTOiw. Kdinund A. Soulier, J Samuel K. Stokes, 1 Henry Sloan, Thomas O. Hand, John C. 1hvis, Jjillltts C. Hand, 'i'heophilus Paulding, Jrsinih 11. Seal, Hugh t 'rnig, John R. Penrose, Vt lllllllU Kj. LiUllWIg, tieorge 1. IjOiper, Henry C. liallett, Jr., John I). Taylor, tieorge W. iiernadou, William (1. Kuultou, Jacob Riege), , tJacoo I'. Jones, James Traiiuair, Kdward ltirlington, H. Jonos liroiko, James H. Mcb'arland I'.Owurd Ijtfourcado, Joshua P. fcyre, .Silencer Aicllvame, 1 , ! U. '1'. Morgan, Pittsburg, John H. Seiuple, M I A. li. Merger, THOMAS U. HANI), President. JOHN C. UAV1.S. Vice-President. fc HI'.NRY LYI.RURN, Secretary. HI .NRY HALL, AhHiMHiit Secietary. 10 6 I K S U It E AT HO M E, Ji tS TUK Penn Mutual Life Insurants COMPANY. No. CHESNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ASSUTS, 8 OOO.OOI). ( IIAItTKKKU 1Y OI'U OWN STATU. DIANAJH HY OI'U OWN (.'ITIXU.NS. I.O.-SF.K I'UO.nPTl.Y I'AIII. J'OI.K'IES lOO ON VARIOUS PLANS. Aplleutioii8 may be made at the Home OMlee, and at tlte Agi'iieU's throughout the Statu. 12 tsj .1 M1'H THAOI'AIH PRESIDENT KAAH'JCIj HTOlilCS VICK PRKSIDUNT JOHN W. IIOUNOK A. V. P. ond ACTUARY IIOItATIOM. hTi:Plli:NS..,. ........ SECRETARY OFFICE OF THE INSL'UANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, No. UAi WALNUT blrett, Philudulphia. Incorporated J71I I. Charter Perpetual. AMe ? : .3.0.0,00.0.. . . i,:i.V),oo WARi'NF.; INLAND. AND FIRE INSLRANCK. OYER OOaVA.D SINCE ITS lUltEO'I'OltH. .... Arthur C. Coffin, Samut I VS . Jones, John I. brown, I ha rl Taylor, Auihr hb W hite, Kiel ad I). Wood, Will Mii WitlKh, H. Morris Wain, tieorge 1,. Harrison, Francis R. Cope, Fiiward H., Edward S. Clarke, T. iJharlton Henry, Alfred D. Jossiip, John P. While, lxmia O. Madeira, t !tlrl.ta W; t)HHllUllin. John Masou, an'i'UITh li COFFIN. President. CHAKl.ES PLAIT, Vio President. INSURANCE. 1821) -C',lAllTEU I'EKPETUAL. Franllia Fire Insurance Company OF rillt.ADKI.l'HIA. 1 Office, Nos. 435 aruf437 CHESNUT St. Assets on Jan. 1, 1889, $2,677,37213 CAPITAL ACt Itl'Kli SURPLUS.., PKKMIUMS UNSKTTI Fl) CLAIMS, , moo.ooivno ,OH.i,.VH70 INCOMK FOR 1.M00, Losses paid sii Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Torm. The tympany also issues Policies on Routs of buildings of ail kinds, Ground Rents, and Mortgage. niniT.'i'nns Alfrn.l li Itnknr. j iirfu r it mr. Thomas Sparks, William S. (irant, Thomas H, Kllin, i a l j . . .. . Samuel tirant, ;enrgn W. Richards, George Fates, (iHOIttJK FALKS, Vice-President. JAS. W. MrALLlSTKR, Secretary. WM. GRKKN, Assistant Secretary. 8 9 gTRYcT-LY MUTUaIT. Provident Life and Trust Co. OF l'HILADKLPHIA. OFFK K, No. Ill 8. I OI HTII STHKKT. OrsiinlzeO to promote LIFK 1NSUKANCE umong IiiimiiIhth of tlui .Society of Frloinls. Gooil rinks of any class av,i!itor. Politics isHtiotl ou uiiruvvil plans, at the lowest ratus. rrcsl.lont, SAMUEL R. SIIIPLKY, Vlce-Prcsliluut, WILLIAM t:. LONUNTKKTIi, A(!tunry, ROWLAND PAKKV. The advantages onered by this Company are tm pxeelleil. 2 1 27 piICENIX INSURAN'CE COMPANY OF X PHILADELPHIA. IN(;OKPOKATKI 1S04 CHARTER PERPETUAL. No. 'i'i I WALNUT Streot, opposite the Kxcliwnge. This Company iusuros from loss oi damage by on liberal terms, cn buildings, morchandisD, furnituro, etc, for limited periods, and permanently on buildings by deposit of premiums. 'J ho Company has been in active operation for more than SIXTY YF.AKS. during which all lossos have been promptly adjusted and paid. John I,. Hodge, David Lewis. M. K. Maliony, John T. Lewis, William S. Grant, Robert W. Learning, -1 . 4,1 I. 17l . Unnjamin Ktting, Thomas If. Powers, A. R. Mc Henry, Edmund Castillon, Samuel Wilcox, . 11, lmm it urn iuii, Lawreuco Lewis, Jr., Jjewis o. in orris. JOHN R. W UCHERKR. President. SaMI'F.L Wnx'OX, Secretary. 8 8 7IRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY THE L" PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY-1 ncorporat od l25-Chin-ter Perpetual No. 310 WALNUT Streot, opposite Independence Square. This Comnunv. favorably known to the community for over forty years, continues to insure against loss or damage by lire on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also on Furniture, Stocks of Goods, and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their Uapltal, together witn a large surplus r unci, is in vested in the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of loss. DIHKCTORfl. Daniel Smith, Jr., John Devereut, Alexander hensou, Thomas Smith, Isaac Hazlehurst, ' Henry Lewis, Thomas Robins, J. Uillingham. Fell, Daniel Haddock, Jr. DANIEL SMITH, JB., President. WM. O. CROWELL, Secretory. a 3Ji THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE CO. OF .1 PHILADELPHIA. Ottice Southwest Cor. FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. HKK IKSUKAIHtJK KAOliUHIVMiI. PERPETUAL AND TERM POLICIES ISSUED. Caxh Capital 2(iO,iK)0-00 Cash Assets, January 1, 1W8 4(8,2ti3 30 Ulttftuioun. F. Ratchford Starr, J. Livingston Erringer, INalbro 1 ra.ier, John M. Atwood, Uenj. T. Tredick, George H. Stuart, James L. Claguorn, Wm. G. Houlton, Charles Wheoler, Tbos. H. Montgomery, John II. nrown, James Aertsen, 'this Company insures only nrst-clasa risks, taking no Rpciually hazardous risks wnatever, sucn as lautorius, uitiis eto. . RATCHFORD STARR, President. THOS. H. MONTGOMERY, Vice-President. ALKX. W. WlhTEll, Secretury. 'i W 1 MPEllIALi FIRE INSURANCE CO. LONDON. KSTABI-ISIIEJ 1S03. Paid-up Capital ami Aceumtilatea Funds, J8,000,000 I IN" GOLD. PREV0ST & HERRING, Agents, 2 No. 10T 8. THIRD Street, Philadelphia. CHAS. M. PREVOST. CnAS. P. HERR 1NQ CURTAINS AND SHADES. E W STYLES IK NOTTINGHAM AND Swiss Lace Curtains. JUST OPENED, EMBROIDERED TIAXO AND TABLE COVERS. WINDOW CORNICES, IN GILT, WALNUT, AND ROSEWOOD AND GILT. WINDOW DRAPERIES FROM LATEST FRENCH DESIGNS. FINE WINDOW SHADES, ETC. Api'iita for BRAY'S PATENT SPRING BALANCE SHADE FIXTURE, which requires no Cord, CAER1KGT0H, DE ZOUCHE & CO, S. E. Cor. THIRTEENTH & CHESNUT, 3 19 tlistllSlil PHILADELPHIA E.NT''SFSiR!iISJlLQOOD-'L. p A T E NT SIIOULDE R-S E A M &1I111T MANVFACTOIIY, AND GENTLEMEN, FURNISHING STORE. PKIHT'XT FITTING SHIRTS AND DRAWKRS triiin iiioiiMircincut lit very Mliort notiffl. All i.tlim aitiulfsol tiENTLKMlCN'fci DRESS GOODS in mil vuriuty. WINCHESTER & CO., 112 No. TOM CHKSNUTJSIieet H. S. K. C. Karris' Seamless Kid Gloves. liViatY PAllt VA Kit ANTED. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR GENTS' GLOVES. J. W. SCOTT & CO., fi 27;i ) NO. 814 CIIKSNt'T STREET.' STOVES, RANGES, ETO. NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED would cull tliR attention of the imblio to Inn NKW ;OJ.IKN KAUl.K KUUNAtJK. ThiH in tin entirely nw boater. It in o uoimtruoted Ba to onus coiiiinenil llaull to (itmerul fuvor, boniK a combi nation of wruuKlit and cut iron. It in very Biuinle in in construction, ami in perioctly air-Mxht ; aelf-uluaning, hav ing no pipea or drums to be taken out and cleaned. It la bo urruiiKed with upright flue ai to produce a larirer 'amount ot heut from the name Weight of coal than any fur nace now in use. The ti.VKrometrio condition of the air an produced by my new arraiiKiuent of evaporation will at once deinonatrate that it ia the only Hot Air furnace that will produce a perfectly healthy atmosphere. ThoKe in want of a complete Heating Apparatus would do Vrcll to cull aud eaaiume the Golden Eagle. CHARLES WILLIAMS, No. 113-iand 1 1 it 1 MARK KT Hi rent, Philadelphia. A lurse assortment of Cooking Range, 1' iro Hoard hiuvoM, lxiw towu Gratea, Venliuttore, etc., alwaya on "fi, JJ, Jobbing of all jiint promptly doUD,' HoJ PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS FOR COLLECTING RDd rtmoviDgtheftBhen from Rli tbe itreetg, alleys, courts, and other pnbllo h'ghwy em. braced wlthm the following areas In tbe city of Philadelphia, fiom dale of oontraot totbelat day of January, 1870. ' Scaled Proposal a will be reoelved at the office of tbe BOARD OF HEALTH, aoalbwest oorner of SIXTH una SANSOM Streets, anlll . 12 o'clock, noon, on tbe fifteenth, day of April, 1809, for collecting an removing, onoe a week, all ashes which have beenplaoed npon the side walks by residents or occupants of houses, stores, dwellings, eto., to be removed In tight oart, securely roofed over, with an adj istable door In the roof, in such manner as shall be ap pioved by tbe Board embraced In the area of eaobof the following dlstrlots named and de scribed In this advertisement, all to be done under the supervision and to the entire satis faction of the Board. Bids must be for separate districts, naming tte number of the district; and each bid niaBt be accompanied with a certificate from the Cliy Solicitor, stating thai security has been entered at the Law Department in the sum of five hundred dollars (J500), In compliance with an ordinance of Councils approved May 23, 1800. The Board reserve tbe right to rejeot any and all bide; also, the right to award contract for oce district only. Warrants for the payment of said contracts Will be drawn In conformity with seoilon 5 of the Act of Assembly approved Maroh 13, 1869. The Envelopes enclosing tne proposals should be endorsed "Proposals for col leoilng and re moving the," naming the number of the district bid for. First District From the north line of South street soutb, and from the Delaware river to tbe west line of Broad street, all Improved streets. Second . District From the north line of South street to the north line of Vine street, acd from the Dolaware river to tbe wost line of Broad street Third District From the north line of Vine 6treetlo tbe north line of Poplar street, and from the Delaware river to the west line of Broad street. Fourth District From the north line of Pop lar street to the north line of Lehigh avenue, and from tbe Delaware river to the west line of Front street. Fifth District From the north line of Poplar street to the north line of Lehigh avenue, and from the west line of Front street to the west line of Broad street. Sixth District From the north line of Vine street to tbe north line of Columbia avenue, and from the west line of Broad street to the Schuylkill river.. Seventh District From the north line of South street to the north line of Vine street, and from the west line of Broad street to the Schuyl kill river. Eighth District From the north line of South street south, and from the west line of Broad street to the Schuylkill river, all improved streets. Ninth District AU thai part of the elty of Philadelphia lying west of the BohuylkiU river. E. WARD, M. D., President. CHARLES B. BARRETT, 1 1 Secretary. CJEALED FROFOSALS FOU COLLECTING k- and removing all dead animals from date of contract to January 1. 1870.. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Board of Health, southwest corner of Sixth and Sansom streets, until 12 o'clock, noon, on the fifteenth day of April, 1860, tor the right to collect and remove all dead adlmals in all that part of tbe city of Philadelphia over which the Board of Health have Jurisdiction, and a contract will be awarded to the highest and best bidder. Each bid must be acoompa nied with a certificate from the City Solicitor ttaliDg that security has been entered at tbe Law Department in the sum of five hundred dollais (8100), in compliance with an ordinance of Councils approved May 2a, 1860. Tbe Board reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Contractors required, in the removal and disposal of dead animals, to remove them so far and dispose of them in suoh manner that no nuisance can possibly arise therefrom. All to be done under the supervision and to the entire satisfaction of the Board. The envelopes enclosing the proposals shall be Indorsed "Proposals for collecting and re moving dead animals." E. WARD, M. D , President. It CHAB. B. BARRETT, Becretary CITY ORDINANCES. a K ORDINANCE l To Authorize the Purchase of a Lot of Ground in thn Tweiitv-Bocond ward. Section 1. 'i'he HWeot and Common CoumMls of the City of Philadelphia do ordain, That tho City Solici tor ) unii Iw Ih liiridiv authorized to exainlnu the title to all that certain lot or piece of ground, ultuated on the southeast side of Highland avenue, in tho Twi-ntv.HHcnnd ward Of the city of Philadclnhia lii-L'liin'iiiir at the distance of one hundred and twenty feet Houthwentward front the southwest side of Twenty-eighth street, thence extending along tho southeast Bldo of Highland avenue southwcHtward one hundred and eighty feet to land of the estate of Cliaties llelliner, deceaneil; tlieuce along tnu same uniitiieuutwHTil 'mid nurullel with said Twentv-eiuhth street two hundred feet to the northwest side of a certain thirty feet wide street called .Meaue street thence liing the said side of the said Meade street iwirthcnHtwurd and parallel with said Highland ave nue, one hundred and eighty feet to other land of tho estate of Charles llelimer, deceased ; thence by the same north west ward and parallel with Twenty-eighth street, two hundred feet to the place of beginning; and If he approve of the same, that a conveyance be made of said lot of ground to the city of Philadelphia, in fee, the consideration therefor to be the payment of tin annual ground rent or sunt of one hundred and eighty dollars, payable semi-annually, to bo charged thereon. ricction a. '1 he Mavor is hereby authorized to afllx the coi borate seal of the city of Philadelphia to such iIoimIh as muv be necessary to reserve the groiui rent aforesaid to the grantor or grantors of said lot JOSEPH P. MAKcEIt, President ol Common Council, Attest KOliKUT liKTIiKI,, Assistant Clerk of Select Council. WILLIAM S. STOKLEY, President of Select Council, Approved this llfth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine (A. D. iMill). It DANIEL M. FOX, Mavor of Philadelphia. I) EH O L U T I O N , I k K..i.,tivu tn Pimm for Fairmount Bridge. Whereas, An ordinance approved October ninth. Istl8, calling lor plans ior a ". kill at Fail mount, requires that the approval of sal ii,u mi.ii ), made bv threo civil engineers, ii conjunction with the Chief Engineer aud Surveyor .lw.t...l.v. Resolved By tho Select and Common Councils of the City of 'Philadelphia, That the Chief Ktigineer Ulld Surveyor be and 1 liereny auumiiAcu io iiivho 1( .1. Lombiiert. J-jlwaru miner, aim noioiuou , Roberts to act with him as specilled in said ordi nance: Provided, That tho city shall Ue at no expense therefor. JOSEPH F. MATiCEH, President of Common Council. Attest ItOBKllT BETHEL, Assistant Clerk of Select Council. WILLIAM S. STOKLEY, President of Select Council. Approved this llrst day or April. Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred aud suty-uiue (A. 1). ItiO'.l). ' DANIEL M. FOX, 4 0 It . Mayor gf Philadelphia, APRIL G, 18GD. PROPOSALS. S1 EALKD PROPOSALS FOR OLHAN3INU and keeping clean all Hie street, alleys, courts, or otner pnblio nigh ways, with tbe ln-r lets ond gutters therein, embraced wllkln the following areas in the city of Philadelphia, from date of contract to the first day of January, 1870: Sealed Proposals will be received at the OfBce OflheBOAIlD OF" HEALTH, southwest corner of B1XTI1 end SANSOM Htreets. until 12 o'clock, noon, on tbe fifteenth day of April, 1809, for cleaning and keeping thoroughly cleaned nil tne streets, alleys, courts, or other publio high way?, with the Inlets and gutters, together with tbe Immediate removal from the highways of all the filth and dirt, after the same has been collected together, embraced In the areaofeaoli of tbe several dlslriots named and desorlbed In this advertisement. All to be done under the supervision and to the entire satisfaction of the Board. Bldsmuitbe for separate dlstrlois. naming. the number of the district, and each bid must be accompanied with a certificate from the City Solicitor, that security has been entered at the Law Departmett In the sum of five nun. dred (1500), in compliance with an ordinance of Councils, approved Maroh 25, 1809. Contractors will be required to clean and remove the dirt from all the principal streets from the south line of South street to tbe north line ;of Vine street, and from the Delaware river to the weBt line of Broad street, between unset and sunrise. The Board reserve the right to rejeot any and all bids, also the right to award contracts for one district only. Warrants for the payment of said contrasts will be drawn In conformity to Section S of the Act of Assembly, approved March 18, 1809. The envelopes enclosing the proposals should be Indorsed. "Proposals for Street Cleaning," naming the number of the dlstrlot bid for. First District From the north line of Prime street south, all the streets, lanes, alleys, eto., from the Delaware river to the west line of Broad street. Second District From the north line of Prime street to the north line of South street. and lrom the Delaware river to the west line of Blxth street. Third Dlstrlot From the north line of Prims street to the north line of South street, and from the west line of Sixth street to the west line of Broad street. Fourth Dlstrlot From the north line of South street, south, and from tbe west line of Broad street to the Schuylkill river, all streets, lanes, alleys, etc. Fifth District From the north Una of South street to the north line of Chesnut street, and from the Delaware river to the west line of Sixth street. Sixth District From the north line of Soutb street to the north line of Chesnut street, and from the west line of Sixth street to the west line of Broad street. Seventh District From the north Una of South street to tbe north line of Chesnut street; and from the west line of Broad street to the Schuylkill river. Eighth District From the north line of Ches nut street to the north line of Vine street, and irom the Delaware river to the west line of Sixth street. Ninth District From the north line of Ches nnt treet to the north line of Vlne.Street, and from the west line oi Sixth street to the west line of Broad street. Tenth Dlstrlot From the north line of Ches nut street to the north line of Vine street, and from tbe west line of Broad street to the Schuylkill river. Eleventh District From the north line of Vine street to tbe north line of Poplar street and from the Delaware river to the west line of Sixth street. Twelfth District From the north line of Vine stree to the north line of Poplar street, and from the west line of Sixth street to the west line of Broad street. Thirteenth District From the north line o1 Vine street to tbe north line of Poplar street' and from tbe west line of Broad street to tne echuylkill river. Fourteenth District From the north line of Poplar street to the north line of Oxford street, and from the west line of Frankford road along the 6ald Frankford road to the south line of Laurel Btreet to the Dolaware river, and from the Delaware river to the west line of Sixth street. Fllteenth District Beginning at the Delaware river on the south line of Laurel street, along said street to the west line of Frankford road along tbe west line of Frankford road to the north line of Oxford street, and from the north line of Oxford street to tbe north line of Norrls street, and from the Delaware river to tbe west line of Sixth street. Sixteenth District From the north line of Norrls street to tbe north line of Lehigh avenue, and from the Delaware river to the west line of Sixth street, all streets, lanes, alleys, eto. Seventeenth District From the north line of Poplar street to the north Hue of Lehigh ava nne, and from the west side of Sixth street to the Schuylkill river, all streets, lanes, alleys, etc. Eighteenth District That part of the city of Philadelphia lying west of the Sohuylklll river. E. WARD, M.D., President. CHAULE3 B. BARRETI, It Secretary, AUCTION SALES, TY PAXCOAST & LARtiK, AUCTIONEERS, No. -i.iM MARKKT Street. C'ONKTCNMENTS of Americiin nnd Tiuported Dry (iooils, Notions, Millinery Goods, and blocks of floods solicited. l3'J' tf CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ETC. L O T H HOUSE, G T AMES .Jk i: i: , No. 11 NORTH SKCOX1) STUKKT, ,sw. ot' run aoi.hiis la mu, Are uow roctlving a SPI.KXDID LIXE of I Spring Fancy Cassimeres, comprising nil the best makes in tho market, AT WHOLESALE AXI) RETAIL. 3 2Sm PVEINQ AND PRINTINF. STABLISHED 18 19. 1 The New York Dyeing and Printing XiSiaoiisnmeni, HTATKN 1 IS li A N I), No. 4n North EIGHTH Street (Wert Side), r'hllailel plilu : No. US UUANE Strct't, uml 10 11 ROADWAY, New York. This old ami well-known Company are prepared, as usttul. with the lilKhest degree of skill ami the most approved machinerr, TO DYE. CLEANSE, and V1MSII everv varietv of LADIES' and UKNTLK- MEN'S (lAliMEN'i'S, and 1'IECK GOODS, lu their usual superior manner. (IAHMF.NT8 CLEANSED WHOLE. 13 11 tlistu2Ul KOTJi Tills to our vuif oJUce lu i'Uilaaulpluii. AVJO DON 8AIES. THOMAS PONH NOS no ivn H. tOCHl H bTRKKT. 3' AND M. Hi HA?.'.V?pMR HOUSKHtiliV'rUKNiTirn.. . . Oh KICK FUIWITUHK, II ANIsiM i im,P&EK MtUbbKLS. AMD OI IIH'.R V)AR PM'rt KTO KToKT OnThilrwlayMorninn. ' KTO April g, t o'clock, tit the auiitlon room., hy rilntlu, ' liirpc luwrtment of miporinr household (urnitura 5oL iriMiig iinniimirnn wainnt pnnnmuit, ooTprml willi nrlmwio ,ru-iin'iir , ., wiifiuti jmnor mum, roTorftd with hftip Inth ; iiirior library unci dining-room fiimiturn; 6 walnut hnmhor Hiita, ciittK chnnilmr pints; H linn French tUt lior inirmrH ; 2 wnlnut er.mlnry mid bookcnuns: hftnitmuna vnnlmbpH. niriohiMiidH. etJtitprofi : extoriKion. oontre.&nd hrm qiiettiiblfH; 1J wnlnut library cliHirn ; tinolmir irmUrenAmi tfutnor iiroa ana opaiiing; ruin arm ciaaa ware: nut oil piiiiitinn and eiifrrftvinirn: suiierior ottice furniture; jowi'llnm' tire proof wife, ninile by T. f)nlnn: stationary war-liHtanil, nmrhle top; pas nonHtiminjr and uooking stores; cahiiiot-niakdr's hnnrh ; oltice rnilniK anil (rate: UH0 Hund white load; chnniloliers; luiiidaonie volvot, iliuiwiila, and othor curpota, eto. elo. . 41 iNi, siiirrior niio nnu npaiuiun, in maiiiiKaiiy oaaBa turnip ,y Ci.nHtable. AUio, hurveyor 8 uomiiass. PIANOS. Superior rosewood 7-ootavo mano-forta. niado br Dnckar Itnittiors. Suprrior rosewood 7-octave piano forte, made by A. B. (tit) A Co. Hnporior rosewood 7-ootave niano forte, made b D. J. Cook. PAINTINtiH ANU KS(J R A VINC.S. AIho, a nuiiiliur of fine oil paiiit:ni(n and enirrarinirs. AIho. Hiuierior roHiiwiiod 7-octave niano-forto. luade hr Hviilutor. 4 6 2tJ MAKT1N lllfOTllKK.S, A UCT It) N E V. K3. (f.atoly Snlriiipn for M. Thnmiis A Hons.) Mo. 3'ill CllKbMJT 8treut, reur entrance from Minor. Rule No. !tl ClioKtuit fttrppt HANDSOMK WALMiT H(Hi!KHIII,l) FURNrTtTRFT. I r.l.r.l.ANT fKKMtlt I'l.A 1 K I'IK.R AN1 MAN- tkij .mihrors, 'I ri a no koutks. kanusomk KHUPhK.f.s ANI IMI'K.RIAI. ( Altl'KT.S, 11 UH ULAR I KOOK HAKK, WINDOW KHAUKS, KTO. , On WeiiiioHtbiy Morning, AnHl 7. at 10 o'clock. hI. ilm ntlon Ivuiml No KMm Ciipinut street, by catalogue, very excellent furniture, in- cluduiK -Handsiune walnut drawins room and parlor suit, covered in tine crimson and preen plush and hair cloth ; t suits hamlm, me walnut cliiinilipr furnituro, finished in oil and vaminh, yery dimirnblo styles; superior dinins-room furniture: 4 rotowood and iiimIioiiliiv nin no-fortes: vnrf superior buridar proof safe, made by Karrol A HerrinK; fin icaiiicr oeus; nair mnnrPHnes; cnanneiiprs; cimia ana 1 KlaxKware; handsoiuo lirusuela aud imperial carpets; (Jan. ton matting; stovos, etc. Also, uj oruvr ut Aasifrnees, SOU window aliades, late styles. Kljh.liANl MIKKOKn. Alvo. 4 large and uloKutit French plate mantel and pier mirrors. 4 6 it Sale In WUtiiiiurtnn. Delaware. KNTTRK MAt HINKKY tK A HOOT AND SHOR MANUFACTORY. 10 SUPKRIOR SKWINO MA- 1I1NK.8, KNOX SOI.K, 8P1.ITTKR. Ml KAY MACH1NK, LARUK LOT LASTS, ETO. Cn '1 hurt-oay Afternoon, April 8, at 2 o'clock precisely, on the premises. No. lift King street, Wilmington, Del., the entire maoliinory of s boot and rhoe inanutiictory, including 4 Singer sewing ma chines, 4 Howe machines, McKuy machine and channeller roller, splitter; Knox sole cutter, Levett cylindor, was: thread machine, lot iafts, patterns, eto. May be seen on the day previous to sale. 8 31 71 Ralo at No. 5 IS North Fortieth street, Mnntua. HANDSOMK WALNUT FUKNfTURK, KLKUANT STKINWAY CKANU UPRKilU' PIANO. FRKNCH PLATK MIRltOlt, HANDSOMK BRUSSELS CAB I'KTS, KTU. On Friday Morning. 9th instant, lit 10 o'clock, at No. .VIS North Fortieth fltreet, north of Jincaster avenno, Mantua, handsome fur niture, including elegant wulnut and brocatelie drawing- room suits, cetilre-taoip. superior suting-room anu uinuig- room furniture, superior walnut chamber furniture, ele gant rosewood otcinway upright graud piano, hne rrencu plate pier mirror, rrencu ciiina, nair mattresses, a lArga CaKO reliefs, "Seasons," handsome Brussels aud ingrain carpets, kitchen utensils, eto. ' May be seen early on the morning of sale. 4 2 6t BUNTING, DURBURROW& CO.. AUCTION F.KItS. Nos. and '2.1 1 MARKF.T Street. oorasT of Bank Btreet. buccessors to John B. Myers A Co, LARGE SALE OF BRITISH, FRENCH, GERMAN. AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. On Thursday Morning, April 8, at 10 o'clock, ou four months' credit. 4 2 Bt LARGE SALE OF CARPKTINOS, OIL-CLOTHS, OAK TON MATTINGS, ETC. On Friday Morning, ' April 9, nt 11 o'clock, on four months' credit, about SOD' pieces of ingrain, Venetian, list, hemp, cottage, and rag carpetiugs, lloor oil-cloths, mattings, eto. , 4 3 8t Included in this sale will be found : 61,0 pieces white piques, from medium to Tory high coat. 1MH pieces winte sturting linens oi a well-Known oieaon. 700 dozen woven shirts, fancy plaits, in all quulitiea. iKjtfk .4 V. . . A llnnn ......1. ... U....U,.H . K ,, I" ,11,., . , .i v ii io ,iiu-.,,i,i,i, iv. n .i,,, ii. muotuw. OlUI .ii.ii-nu n . A u .wi M. A I, mm t.l.ln il , ,. .,- 'M piooes 9-4 and 14 bleached liueu sheetings, trt) pieces huck and diaper towels. . 20 pieces bleached tablo damask. 2U pieces bleached linen doylies. :tS0 PIECES WHITE GOODS. 3O0 pieces India striped twills. 500 pieces brocaded liriiliuuts. 5li pieces Swiss checks. ttiO piecoB Swiss Satin stripes. 4!0 piecos plain nainsooks. , 6110 pieces Victoria lawns. 2O0 pieces Swiss mulls. HiK) pieces white jaconets. 2U0 pieces tape stripes. 4IOO DOZEN I j. C. HANDKERCHIEFS. 2iW0 dozen 3-4 hemmed linen cambric handkerchiefs, a no ' B-8 nluin " " " 1U0 " 8-4 hem-stitched " " N. ii. We invite your particular attention to the above; line of white goods, handkerchiefs, niuues. goods. Ao.. of a, woll-known and popular make. From the complete assort ment of finalities, and the superior tinish of the goods, the) pale will oe a prominent feature in this season's ottering. -The goods are all fresh, and are presented with the full arsunince of meeting your special consideration and ap proval. I 4 BSC . LARGE SALE OF FRENCH AND OTHER EURO PEAN DRY GOODS, ETO. On Monday Morning, A pi ii 12, at 10 o'clock, on lour months' credit! 4 6 5t 13 Y H . SCOTT, JR. SCOTT'S AKT GALLERY, No. 1020 CHESNUT btreet, f luladelpuia. CARD. The undersigned will give particular attention . tn Sales at Dwellings of parties removing. Having no place for storage of furniture, it will be to my interest to) make clean sales. Other consignments of tnerclutndia) respectfully solicited. SS SPF.f'IAL SALE OF ELEGANT BLACK MARBLK AND BRONZE ('LOCKS, GILT GROUPS AND VASES, BRONZES, AMARMO VASES AND AN TKjUK ORNAMENTS, ALABASTER STATUARY. ETC., Imported from Franoe and Italy by Messrs Viti Bro. thers (late Vito Viti A Sons). To take place at Scott's) Art Gallery, No. 1 0MO Chesnut street, On T hursday Morning, April 8, at 10j o'clock, and to bo continued in the) evening at 1'4 o'clock. The collection will be arranged for examination on Wednesday, 7th instant, and will con sist in part of elegant French bronze and marble clocks) surmounted with bronze groups and figures; gilt figures, representing humors, painting, music, etc.; bronze sta, tuiiry, Willi subjects of game, vertu, agriculture, Alexan der of Alacecli.ii, Pandora, Art, Kubuus, eto. ; alabaster statuettes, representing hoboli, Vintage, Night and Day, Three (traces, Dance oi Venus. Esmeralda, Tragedy and Comedy, eto. ; elegantly carved Etruscan, Grecian, and Roman vases, on square and round columns', agate Hoba vases, Siena urns, tiizztis, and iluted Pompeii vases, eto. Also one italiun marble fountain; two large Italian mar ble vases for gardens, on pedestals. 'I 1. a - l.i.m.o ....1 In,,, i, ... I,,.u inu, l,,,n rwalvml from KrsnAA and Italy by Messrs. Viti Brothers, and will be found, upon examination, to be well worthy of particular atten tion. 4 6 4t 1Y I.IPPJNCOTT. SON & CO., AUCTION--I FFltS, ASHHUIIST BUILDING, No. 210 MAR KET btreet. On Wednesday Morning, April 7, at 10 o'clock, on four mom lis' credit. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF I'OKEIliN AND DO. M EST 1C GOODS, White Linen Goods, Hosiery Goods. Millinviy Goods, Kid Gloves, Hoop Skirts, etc. etc Also, On Wednesday Morning, April 7, on four months' credit, LARGE IMPORTANT NALK OK FRENCH, RNGLISrT, and German Dress and Mantilla Trimmings, Buttons. Fancy Goods, etc.; comprising in part some ot the nnent good ever offered at auction m this city. Also, a stock of goods. . Also, On Wednesday Mnrnlnjr, April 7. at 10 o'clock, FIRST LARGE POSITIVE SPECIAL BALK Off STRAW GOODS FOR THE SPRING OF 1N0. Included will he found about 40 cases men's, boys', ladies', and mieses' goods, comprising a full and oomplete) assortment of fashionable goods, well wortliy the attentioa of the trade. ' J4 6 rpilOMAS T5IKCU & SON, AUCTIONEERS 1 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1IIU CHESN UT Street ; rear entrance No. 1 107 Banaoiu OU Kale at No. 1-21 S Toplar street. )b- A TRIMMINGS STORK. tTUf'V iN'll F1XTI1RKS OF A ' MUlHII UHa, j On Wednesday Morning, At 10 o'olock, at No. IvJ IN, Poplar street, will f'd stock of trimmings, hosiery, knit goods, fancy goods, eW. Also, counters, show-cases, lixturos, eto. ... Alt-o, a lot of household furniture. LA1?K & EVANS, AUCTIONEERS, NO. c CHESNUT Stroet. '!fn .ml m'llnf't loods. Will sell THIS DAY, 1 x l.....,u ittvoioMof lllutikets "Si '.S,Vi. Tshle and Pocket Cloths. Csssimeres, Hosiery, Stationery. Cutlery, Notions, etc. iU flnd bargaiua. Cily aud country merohants wi" Terms cash. . , . Goods packed free oi cnai- CO., AUCTIONEERS, . -i MrT.V.ES & (J. MARKET Street. 6ALK OE 1200 OABKSBOOW. SHOES, BROGANS. On Tliursuay Morning. ' TEENAN, SON & CO., AUCTIONEERS, NO. IS. U , tiiVKT BU-nrt. . ... ,UU last letter. The Tgnuw