THE DAILY EV13NIN0 TEL EG R A l?l 1 P 1 1 1 L A I) R L P 1 1 F A , TUESDAY, APRIL G, 180 gnaws aurassARY. City Aftitir. Eliza Cmtor, recently decotwed, beqirfatlicd tlOOO to the Presbyterian church at Frankfort. Last evening a woman named Thompson walked overboard at Queen street wharf. 8I10 was rescued by a private watchman. A barn at Frankrotul road and Junction Railroad, owned and occupied by Hcury Qwule, was nightly damaged by lire yesterday morning about half-paHt 10 o'clock. Charles Shavcly, eighteen years of age, re siding at No. 1417 Cadwaladcr street, wjin run over yesterday afternoon, at Front and Poplar Directs, by three coal car, and seriously injured. e was taken to St. Mitry's Hospital. Mr. P. H. Pclaucy, salesman for Mellor, Baina & Mellor, No. 40 N.. Third street, fell yes terday afternoon from the first floor of the store into the sub-cellar, Injuring himself severely. He was removed to his home, in Twentieth street, near Parrisli. At a meeting of the Board of Wardens, held yesterday afternoon, the following licenses were granted: To Moro Phillips, Esq., to widen and extend Lis whurf into the Delaware river to tho War den's line, south of Almond street. C. J. Wol bert, Esq., to extend his wharf into the Schuyl kill river, north of Spruce street, to the Wardens line. Joim J. Kldgway, Esq., to extend his wharf at Callowhill street, Schuylkill river. -Charles H. Crawford had a hearing before Recorder Givln, yesterday, charged on tho oath of Mary Devlin witli obtaining Ti'M from her Tinder false pretenses. Tho ' allegation of the prosecutrix is that she was induced to invest her money some months ago in the stock of a com pany formed to run n distillery at Twenty-first and Federal streets, upon the false representa tion that Crawford was the owner of tho distil lery, and that operations were going to bo at once commenced. . The accused was bound over lor trial. Charles Spicer and Franklin MeNamec were charged before Alderman Kerr yesterday with the commission of a series of offenses. There was ( testimony to show that two places in the State House Row, used by persons connected with the building, had been broken Into recently and wihLtAri. flint tlin otArn ff (itttrtrf W Af irlmotf in No. 109 Market street, had been robbed of wino and other property; that tho store No. 900 Mar ket street had also beeu robbed, and the store No. 902 Market street, besides the cigar shop of G. W. Eckert, No. Ill S. Fifth street. Some goods stolen from nil theso places were re covered, and the prisoners were committed for a further investigation. On Saturday night Detective Callanan was ecnt to tho Acndcmy of Music to look out for pickpockets, and in the rush upon the opening of the door discovered a man ho had for years known ns a professional thief. He at onco se cured him, and yesterday had him before Alder man KeiT for a hearing. The prisoner gave the name of rhilip Thomas, and said that ho had not been in Philadelphia, until recently, for some time. Detective Callanan stated the circum- . i. i it ' .. ... .1 ; .... DmUtUD Ul LI1U UUUBl, IlllU JJ.. -UIIllCl, II puiH.U oflicer at the Academy, testified that he saw Thomas and another man in the "push," and heard Thomas say to his companion, "Let us go through the old man," which was followed by an attempt to pick nn old man's pocket. Witness said that he intcrfcrred, and was assaulted by Thomas. Alderman Kerr committed the accused under the niiM)ty-day law. PpiiiCHtic AHiiim. Gold closed yesterday nt 131. , Lake Ontario Is open for navigation. Navigation is open between Lakes Huron and Erie. . Topeka, Kansas, had a $92,000 fire last Saturday. The Reading (Pa.) Daily Tinws has como out as a Republican journal. Ex-President A. J. will "speak his piece" iu Nashville on Thursday. "I" still live. General Burton, United States Army, died at Fort Adams, on the 4th iust., of apoplexy, ' According to the Associated 1'ress reports the Republicans of Connecticut have carried the day and won a handsome victory. A Massachusetts man, indicted as a non-rcsi-flent peddler in Baltimore, was yesterday fined four hundred dollars. Ho had no license. , Hon. Aubrey II. Smith was yesterday con firmed by the Senate as United States District Attorney for the Eastern District of Pcnusyl auia. Colonel Garrick Mallery, a gallant soldier, and a native of Philadelphia, has been appointed Secretary of State for Virginia, by Webb. Foreign AII'airM. London, April 5 In the House of Common the bill for the abolition of imprisonment for debt passed on second reading. Madrid, April 5 The La I'oUtica, Sorrano's organ, declares that it knows facts relative to Mr. Halo's smuggling, which it describes as fla gitious, and insists on having the documents. Madrid, April 5. Informal meetings of a inn' jority of tho Constituent Cortes have resulted in n resolution to support ex-King Fernando, o', Portugal, for the throne of Spain. Tho Counci of Ministers have also decided to second the ma jority of the Cortes in this determination, and a deputation, with Don Salustiano Dela.aga at its head, has gone to Lisbon to invito King Fer nando to accept the candidature. Havana, April 5 ihe Spanish man-oi-war Quintin arrived in the harbor this morning, with the steamer Comanditario. The steamer was re captured at Stirrup Key. Tho Cubans had left the vessel and taken refuge on shore. Of the crew four firemen have beeu brought here pri soners, and a Spanish war steamer has two other prisoners. It Is stated that two Cubans were drowned while attempting to escape from the Comanditario. A steamer from Vera Cruz lias arrived with telegrams from the City of Mexico to April 1. It was reported that Senor Romero would go to Washington, on a special mission for tho Mexi can Government. Tho pronunciamento of Palacio, in favor of Vega, was gaining ad herents. Counsellor Jarray has beeu dismissed from the service of the Government, for giving ' ni opinion in tho shooting of certain rebel pri soners. , There was no official demonstration on the occasion of the birthday of President Juarez, but a number of citizens visited him and offered congratulations, and in the evening he was serenaded by fifteen bands, and crowds of people assembled in tne streets arouuu nia resilience-. THE ZIZZiXi XtUXDER. Hluteinent of Uv.orne X. Twllclicll, Jr. . V... -f,ii..,r,',n (wit friltllfls. OllH IL Wit ness for tho defense on tho trial, visited Twltchell Iu his cell at tne jounty riison, aim had a conversation with him in regard to his ' conlcssion. ine loiuiwmi; w iuuiuouumu. Question. Is the statement made on Saturday . mw! wit limit. H11V ill- oi your own coiiipuoimn, - i.. i. a incwor ft. was mv own on tirely; and on Saturday I asked Mr. Perkins to 1 .1 11. f UMiwrlit, tit tltrt be present, aioug witu mi. uwuSu.. . - reading of it. , , , O Did you on any occasion ever before know w...if.i...n iij.r burl lifter retirinir ? jiis. iwivuwu w 'ftiii- ; r r it. A. Yes; I have kuown Mrs. Twitehell frequently ' 11 . 1....... Imnlllll tis to leave the room, auu niso jiuu v. J . . .!..,;, nuOT nn hour, and COll- verse with Mrs. Hill. But on this evening in question, I fell asleep on the lounge, and euuuot my whether she left the room or not. 6 How do you account for tho blood on your fchiitnnd person? A. All I can say to that s, that iu lifting up tho body to throw it out of the . r ...?.,l. i,f tliH head and shoui- ' ders. tne Heaviest iuiii", v -----O Wo? Mrs. Hill dead when you throw her out of tho window ? A. As far us I am able to jHdge, Mrs. Hill was dead when I lifted up the tody, for I heard no groaus and could uot detect "Z bWherenwa8 Mrs. Twitclic.U when she callcl vou ? A. She was in the entry, at the end of J. . i i ii. im Intii jinr room. Uie siaircaso il-uuiuh f - , .i 5 O Cau you account for tho poker ki the yard ? J - .il.l.i,i itf ,i rinLiT UllLll A. 1 cannot, i nucw """""o - i for h"w "brnit the nshes oo the window-sill t S.i wa smoking after tM, a It was my usual Twltchell here added:. I did not entertain the slightest idea that my statement would alter my situatkin as far as the law went, but mado It to have entire peace with my God, and did not thltik it would be published until after my exe cution. My reasons for not stating it sooner are simply these that I fully expected my wife to come forward and state all, and not leave mo to perform the unpleasant duty: but her absenting herself from tne, and her actions so unnataral to me, and In such a position, have compelled mo to come forward and state a I know, which I did on Saturday. I would state, also, gentlemen, that if these statement can be said by my wife to want foundation, and are incorrect, let her come forward and deny them. : Contested Election Cn. Testimony in the above case was resumed yes terday before the examiners, Messrs. Messick and Batturs. Simon Getty testified that ho was one of tho garrison of tllo Frank ford Arsenal at this elec tion; his home previous to his enlistment was in the Sixth precinct of the Twenty-third ward; voted the Democratic ticket in the Eighth divi sion of tills ward; his family lived In this divi sion. Michael Farrcll testified that he was one of the farrison of the Frank ford Arsenal, and voted the emocratle. ticket. Had lived in tho city before his enlistment; his family lived in tho arsenal. Michael O'Connor testified that he did not live at 17 North Twenty-first street at this election, and did not vote from there. (He was assessed there, and on the voters' list.) Mrs. Mary M. Dowd, 2114 Fairfield street, tes tified that she did not know where Levi Vano inan lived at this election; left her house In May. (lie was assessed there, and on the voters' list.) Mrs. Hannah Mvers, 2J05 Simes street, testi fied that James Kelly moved from &M) Simes "street about the first of September, to West Phi ladelphia, (lie was assessed there, and on the voters' list.) Mrs. Mary Flanagan, 7 North Twenty-first street, testified that Thomas McClosky moved from there iu June last. (He was assessed there, and on the voters' list.) Martin Vowcs testified that he formerly lived at No. 2023 Filbert strcet. 'and did not vote In the Eighth division of the Ninth ward. (Ho was assessed there and on the voters' list.) Johanna Manning, No. 2054 Jones street, tes tified that Thomas McDcrmott had not lived at her house since March, 1808. (He was assessed there and on the voters' list.) Edward McLaughlin testified that ho moved from No. 81 Shock street last September, and never voted. (He was on the voters' list and assessed there,) Mrs. Ann Farrcll, No. SO Shock street, testified that Patrick Gorman has beeu living in West Philadelphia for six months past, (lie was as sessed at the above number, and ou tho voters' list). Mrs. Rose McLaughlin, No. 2109 Filbert street, testified that Abrani Stevenson left her house to live iu West Philadelphia before this election. (He was assessed there, and ou the list of voters.) John Pike, Edward Clark, and James Boyle moved from the boarding-house. No. 2107 Shock street, before the election. (They were all as sessed there, and on the voters' list). Richard Mansfield testified that he formerly lived at No. 21411 Cuthbert street, but moved fpom there iuto the Tenth ward, where ho voted. (He was assessed in Cuthbert street, aud on tho voters' list.) William Toland, No. 2124 Cuthbert street, testi fied that Dennis McGuire moved from his house to the Fifteenth ward, where lie lived last Octo ber. (He was assessed there aud ou the voters' list.) Horace B. Gaw was recalled, and produced the list of voters of the Sixth division of the Fourth ward; Second of the Fifth; Eighth of the Ninth; and Seventh of the Eleventh. Daniel Tracy testified that at this election W. II. Wheaton was an inmate of the Sailors' Snug Harbor, on Staten Island; Charles Potter resided in Delaware; Frederick Gibson was in Moyameu sinir Prison. They formerly lived with witness. at No. 1221 8. Front street. George Winkler ar rived here in September last; has been in the navy; was not a citizen of Pennsylvania. (The three former were assessed at No. 103 Lombard street, and the latter at No. 422 S. Front struct; they were all on the voters' list.) Blai-rislMirg. Both branches of the Legislature met last evening, the lollowing is a summary ol their proceedings: Senate. The Senate was invited to be pre sent at the dedication of the soldiers'. Dauphin county monument on Wednesday ucxt. Among the bills Introduced was one to adjourn on April 15. House. Among the bills introduced was a supplement to the General Jury bill. The Phila delphia Drug bill was made the special ordo for Wednesday next. A bill was passed making it unlawful for the sheriff to appoint eleetiou deputies. A resolution was passed authorizing the Governor to oiler a reward of $2000 for the Brodhead murderers. A bill was introduced relative to purchases at sheriffs' sale. The Insane bill was made the special order for Wednesday next. A motion to reconsider tho vote by which the General Registry bill was recommitted was agreed to. It was then discussed aud passed to a third reading. Adjourned. CONNECTICUT. A Republican Tictorry at I lie I'oIIm Elect Ion of a KciMiblii'un t.ovt-rnor. Hartfoud, April 5. Waterbury gives English (Dem.) for Governor, 1082; Jewell (Rep.), 940. Democratic gain, 250. Kellogg (Rep.), for Congress, has 1109, aud Babcock (Dem.), 845. Hahtfohd, April 59 P. M. The returns are coming in well for tho Republicans, indicating the election of the State ticket by about 1000 majority, and the election of Strong (Rep.) over Dixon (Dem.), for Congress, in the First district. Returns from forty towns gives 821 Republican gain over last spring's vote. The full vote for Hartford gives for Governor, Marshall Jewell (Rep.), 27tki; James English (Dem.), 3775; Democratic majority, 509. For Congress, Julian Strong (Rep.), 2957; James Dixon (Dem.), 8707. Dixon's majority, 510; Re publican gain of 147 over the vote for Governor last spring. Hahtfohd, April 5. Seventy-four towns show a Republican gam of 1351. The Democrats give tip the State. Dixon is surely defeated by Strong in the First district. Babcock, Demo crat, is elected in tho Second district; Stark weather, Republican, in tho Third district; and Beanmn, Democrat, iu tho Fourth Congressional district. Hie Times (Dem.) says tho voto of tho State will fall 10,000 behind that of last year. Hart ford falls off 400, and New Haven over 000. The result on the Governor is close, with tho chances in favor of Jewett. Tho Democrats elect Congressmen in the Second and Fourth, and the Republicans in the First and Third dis tricts. Tho Legislature shows considerable De mocratic gains, but will probably bo Republican in both branches by reduced majorities. Hahtfohd, Apm 5. There aro Republican gains in Hartford and New Haven counties, and Democratic gains in Windham, F'alrlield, and Litchfield counties. Strong's election, over Jiixon is considered sure. The Legislature is closely balanced. IIarifokd, April 5 10 P. M. Ten towns lu Hartford county give a net Republican gain of 141 over tho vote of last spring. Dixon (Demo crat), for Congress, runs behind his ticket so far. New Haven, April 5. William Fitch, Citi zens' candidate for Mayor, was. elected by 85 ...titni liv over Gallairher. Democratic candidate. The city of New Haven gives Jewell 3331, and English 5010. Hahtfohd, April 6 3 A. M. Hartford ,.,.. ,t fives Jewell 8180, English 820,. New liavcn county, with four towns missing, L'lvcs Jewell 8903, and English 10,740. New London county, with two towns to hear from, foots up-Jewell, 533; English, 4570. Fairfield county complete gives Jewell 6710 and English 7102. Litchfield county, with nine towns missing, gives Jewell 8399 and English 8297 Windham countv, with four town to hoar from, shows the vou lor Uoveruor W l0 -Jewell, 2Mj English, 17S2. Tolland county complete, foots up Jewell, 3t49; English 1853. Middlesex county, with one town missing, gives Jewell 2929, and English 2807. The total vote of tho State Is 40,942 for Jewell and 40,670 for English. The twenty towns to be heard from srave ma jorities last vcar as follows: Jewell, 450; Eng lish, 530. Total. 41.892 for Jewell, and 41.20J for English. Jewell's majority, 192. Cubn. It Is reported at the capital to-day that a ion and daughter of Mr. Casanova, now lu prison lu Cuba, appeared before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, and asked the committee to recommend such action on the nart of Congress as will more effectually protect tho rights of .American citizens on that island. Tne commit ted appeared indisposed to do anything in the matter, whereupon tho parties repaired to the W liltc J louse to liavc an Interview with the Pres ident. The result thereof has not transpired at this writing. It is also reported that the Execu tive lias ordered two monitors to bo made ready for sea, and the presumption is that they aro destined for the Cuban coast. Another rumor is, that the order recently made, assigning the 12th Infantry to California. lias been countermanded. All this, if true, looks belligerent, and the general opinion outside official circles is, that Grant is only waiting a lavoraoio opportunity to send sucn a torco to Cuba as will give such moral support to the In surrectionists "as to secure their success. An evening paper says: "The Government has re ceived Information from New Orleans that an expedition is acout to sail for Cuba to join the insurrectionary army. 1 he expedition Is under stood to have been organized by General Stead man, who, it w ill be "remembered, visited Cuba about a month since, and, it is supposed, made all the necessary arrangements for the landing of American recruits. Ihe Navy Department has sent special instructions to Admiral Hoff to in tercept them." Aae's Washington correspond ence of yesterday. MARINE TELEGRAPH. For addiliimal Marine iN'eirn tee First Paije. ALMANAC FOR PHILADELPHIA-TUIS DAY. Stm Rises 6iW! Moon Rises 803 Bi'N Kktb eaulllioH Water 10-21 PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. Ofodge N. Tatbam, ) Wijjjam C. Kent, Committee of the Month. V. (J. McCammow, ) , MOVE3LENT.S OF OCEAN STEAMSHIf FOR AMh.RIHA. Aleppo Liverpool Now York Kngiund Liverpool New York. Moravian Liverpool Portland U. Kingdom ....UlasKOW New York.... ...Mar. 23 ...Mar. 21 ...Mar. 'ii ...Mar. 26 ...Mar. 27 ...Mar. 27 ...Mar. 27 ...Mar. 27 ...Mar. 31 ...Aoril 8 vuieae runs.. .lirent. rsow York fiumaria ... ..Liverpool New York.... Ktna Virginia.... America City of Cork Haxonia 8cotia Nevuda ...Liverpool Now York..., . . .Liverpool New York. . . . . ..Uremt'.n New York.... FOR KUHOPK. . .Now York. ...Liverpool . . .. New York. ...llniiiourg ...Liverpool ...Liverpool ...Iiondun April .April 7 .April 7 .April ll) .April IU .April 17 .April 20 .New York. .New York. .New York- Wm. Ponn. Citv of London. -New York. ..Liverpool C. of Brooklyn... New York.... Liverpool j'.iuu. . mrir x urn. ... Liverpool COASTWISE. DOMESTIC. KTO. J. W. Fvennan..Pliilada Charleston April 8 Morro Cast lo.... New York. ...Havana April 8 Juniata Pliilada N. Orleans and Hav. April 9 Tonawanda Pliilada Savannah April 1(1 Cleopatra New York. ...Havana April l Merrimack New York. ...Rio Janeiro April it I Alalia are forwarded by every steamer in the regular lines. The steamers for or from Liverpool call at Queenstown. ex cept the Canadian line, which call at Londonderry. Tho steamers for or from the Continent call at Southampton. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Brig Nigreta, Stowcrs, Barbados, Warren 4 Orogg. Brig Harry Stewart, Weeks, Matanzas, J. IS. Buzley A. Co. Brig Nellie Clifford, Littlelield, Alutanzas, do. Brig Thomas Walter, Robinson, Novis, Moro Phillips. Br. sclir Charlotte, Strachan, Malaga, L. Westergaard A Co. Schr Addie M. Bird, Merrill, Cardenas, Mershnn A Cloud. Schr W. B. llilles, Burgess, Swan Island, D. S. Stettton A t.'o. Schr Watauga, Lawrence, Charleston, Lathbury, Wicker sham A Co. Schr James Barrett, Barrett. Boston, L. Audenried A Co. Schr Lizzie, Frambes, Providence, do. Schr Scud, Harris, Bridgeport, Conn., do. Schr Lena Hume, Appleby, Boston, do. Schr Amsden, Riley, Boston, do. Schr Annie E. Martin, Buoll, Boston, do. Schr J. L. Maloy, Russell, Roxbury, Day, Huddell A Co: Sclir 11. O. Wiiilldin, Fenniinore, Boston, do. Schr M. D. Oranmur.Cranmer, ('ambridgo, do. Schr H. T. Hedges, Fraukliu, Providence, Caldwell, Gor don A Co. Steamer Mayflower, Fnltz, New York, W. P. Clyde ft Co. Steamer F. Franklin, Piorson,. Baltimore, A. tirovos, Jr. I Tug Tuns. Jefferson, Allen, for Uultimore, with a tow of barges, W. P. Clyde ft Co. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Saxon, Sears, 43 hours from Boston, with mdse. and passengers to Honry Winsorft Co. Parsed outside the Capes, one brig; insido the Capes, one brig; and at tllo Ledge, one brig, all bound up. Steamship J. W. Evermun, Snyder, 70 hours from Charles ton, with mdse, to E. A. Souder ft Co. Steamship Fanita, Freeman, 20 hours from New York, with mdse. to John r. Ohl. Barque Andaman, Otis, 7 days from Havana, with sugar to Thus. Wat twin 4 Sons. Ital. brig liiovauino, Luise, 62 days from Naples, with fruit to Isaac Jeanes ft Co. vessel to Paul Pohl, Jr. Schr W. E. Leggctt, Porter, from New York, with mdse. to E. A. Souder ft (Jo. Schr Ralph Souder, Crosby, 8 days from New York, with mdse. to K, A. Souder ft (Jo. Schr Four Sisters, Laws, 3 days from Milford, Del., with grain to Jas. Barrett. Schr Tycoon, Cooper, 1 day from Leipsie, Del., with grain to Jos. E. Palmer. Steamer Bristol, Wallace, 24 hours from New York, with mdse. to W. P. Clyde ft Co. Steamer Vulcan, Morrison, 24 hours from New York, with mdse. to W. M. Baird ft Co. Steamer W. C. Pierrepont, Shropshire, 24 hours from New York, with mdse. to Wm. M. Baird ft Co. Tug Thos. Jelferson, Allen, from Baltiuiure, with a tow of bulges to W. P. Clyde ft Co. MEMORANDA. Ship Eliza McLaughlin, Hibherb, from Ardrossan for Philadelphia, was spoken 12th ult. lat. 41, long. Hi. Ship Hannibal, Niemann, for Philadelphia, enterod out at lxmdon 23d ult. Ship John O. Boynton, Waycott, from Middlesborough for Philadelphia, was oft Penzance 22d ult. Steamship Brunette, Howe, hence, at New York 4th inst. Barque Woodland, Higgina, hence for Rotterdam, re mained at Deal 23d ult., and waa being supplied with an anchor in place of one lost. Barque Scottish Bride, Allen, hence for Elsinore, put into Portland 22d ult. Barque Snonii, Fredericksen, from Shields Jor Philadel phia, was off beaview 22d ult. Barque Diana, Michuvlis, for Philadelphia, sailed from Cardiff 22d ult. Barque Village Queen, Gray, for Philadelphia, cleared at London 22d ult., and passed Deal next day. Barque George 11. Jenkins, Duikee, for Philadelphia, remained at Shields 2(ith ult. Barque Sauna, Eckhulm, for Philadelphia, remained at Shields lot ll ult . Barque Volant, Cast nor, for Philadelphia, cleared at Liv erpool 22d ult. Barque Waldo, Bakor, which pnt into Queenstown early in January from Ardrossan, in a leaky stute and rudder head injured, repaired and strengthened, and resumed her voyage 22d ult. tor Philadelphia ling Eunice, from Doboy Island for Philadelphia, was spoken 1st inst. off the Delaware. Sclir J. T. Alburger, Corson, for Philadelphia, cleared at New Yoik 3d inst. Schr barah Bruen, Fisher, honco, at Wilmington, N. C 2d inst. Schr Tennessee, Creed, hence for Kittery, at Kdgartown 1st inst. Schr H. M. Condon, Condon, for Philadelphia, cleared at Georgetown, S. C, 27th ult. i Schr Sea Lion, James, heuce, at Richmond 3 1 inst. : LEGAL NOTICES. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OV THE 1 UNITED STATES FOR THE EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. IN BANKRUPTCY. . , The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of CHARLES P. BARNARD, of the oity and county of Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a b,.ukrupt by the District Court of the I nited Ktates, upon uis own petition. To the creditors of said bankrupt. . . ALEXANDER P. COLESBERRY, Ass gneo, 4 6tu3t No. 307 CHEbNUi blreot LETTERS 1E8TAMESTARY TO TUB ES TATE OF KLI H. BURNH.TT, deceased, hav ing teen gikuted to the undersigned, all persons hav ligrlalii aagaliat the estate will iirsenl ihem for it euitut, ud nil pertouB indebted to the ea.ate will pkasfe ak-t,a mtnt to ' JOHN W. BKXTON. . I Wo. 114 8. TH I rtD street. lExecnton, HANNAH K, BURNETT, f"-uw' I g tiitti Philadelphia. T EITtPS OP ADMINISTRATION TO THE J tauteot MM LYIUA R.BAILEY, dece-ed. bavin bten granted to the undersigned, all Pfiop Indebted io said estate will mak payment, ana all hav Dg olslme against the same 111 Pfcaaal JiLLk N M, BAILKY. Administratrix, t u6t Ho. St6 M. FltPTH ytraet, Phlladelnhla, CORN EXCHANGE BAG MANUFACTORY. JOHN T. BAILEY, , 4 N. E. corner of MARKET and WATER Streets, Philadelphia, .,,..,, DEALERS IN BAGS AND BAGGING Of every description, for fUin 1-lim.r. bull. Kuir I'lioeuliat of Lime, lioiie- Lurge WU 'OUJmYfeAGH L""utl HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, g T . CLOUD 1IOTE L, THIS NEW AND COMMODIOUS HOUSE, LOCATED CORNER OF BROADWAY AND FORTY -SrX'OND STREET, PosM advantage over alt other hounea for the accom modation of It k (menu. It waa built eipreasly claH Family Boarding I loan tho rooms lining Urge and tn mUr, heated by ateara with hot and cold water, an I fnrninhed second to none ; while - the - culinary department is In the most eiperieneed bands, affording guests an un equalled table. One of At wood's Patent Elevators is also among the -"modern improvements," and at the service of guests at all hours. The Broadway and University Placo'Cars pass the door every four minutes, running from the City Hall to Central Park, while the Sixth and Seventh Avenue Lines are but a short block on either side, affording ample facilities for. communicating with all the Depots, Hteamlmat Lndintrs, places of Amusement and Business of the great metropolis. 8 24.1m MOKK & IIOM.KY, Proprietor. Mt. Vernon Hotel, 8 i Monument street, Baltimore. Elegantly Furnished, with unsurpassed Culaine On the European Plan, D. P. MORGAN. "VORTH PENN IIOTElTnO. 445 N. THIRD i- Street, Philadelphia, is NOW OPEN, on the Euro pean plan. A. STETSON, Superintendent. Rooms to rent, with or without board; boarding with or without rooms. 8 61m DUSENBERKY'S OYSTER BAY, S. E. corner of SECOND and MARKET Streets. Fami lies supplied at all prices. Largest Stows in the city. Open on Sunday. 8 31 bt' AGRICULTURAL, O PHILADELPHIA RASPBERRY, JUCUN Ji DA, Agriculturist, and other Strawberry; Lawtoi liiackberrv Plants: llurt.fttrri ( v,nnr,l nH ntt,.. n- Lawton Vines. For sale by T. S. 4 C. K. FLKTCHEIt, r 4 Inn ia s a it Deianco, N. J. HATS AND CAPS.1 ri WARBURTONS IMPROVED VENTI- -Slated and easy-titting Dress HstsCpatentedMnall the improved fashions of the season. CHESNUT Street, next door to the Post Office. 1 1 19 f,p ENGINES, MACHINERY, ETC. PENX STEAM ENGINE AND 2 BOILER WORKS. NEAFIE ft LEVY. J" PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL L' ENGINEERS. MACHINISTS. BOILKK. umiviiim, liLACKSMlTH.H, and FOUNDERS, having lor many years oeen in successiui operation, ana neen ex clusively engaged in building and repairing Marino and River Engines, high and low-pressure. Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, etc. etc., respectfully offer their sorvices to the public as being fully prepared to contract for en gines of all sizes. Marine, River, and Stationary ; having sets of patterns of different sizeS are prepared to execute ordeis with quick despatch. Every description of pattern making made at the Shortest notice. High and Low-pressure Fine Tubular and Cylinder Boilors of the host Penn sylvania Charcoal Iron. Forgings of all sizes and kinds. Iron and Brass Castings of all descriptions. Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work connected with tho above business. v Di swings and specifications for all work done at the esta blishment free of charge, and work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for repairs of boats, where they can he in perfect safety, anil are pro vided with shears, blocks, fulls, ete. etc., for raising heavy or light weights. JACOB O. NEAFIE, JOHN P. LEW. 815 BEACH and PALMER Streets. f. VAVUBM MICllllICK. 'W1LUAM H. MERRICK. JOHN K. COr-E. SOITTIHVARK FOUNDRY. FIFTH AND WASHINGTON Streets. l"HIt.AIKLPHIA. ME It RICK A SONS. ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. manufacture High and Ixiw Pressure Steam Engines for x.auu. xviver, auu murine oervico. - Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, etc. Castings of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron fcrume Roofs for Gas Works. Workshnns. and Tin IT. road Stations, eto. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most im proved construction. f-vory aescription or riantatlon Machinery, also, sugar. Saw. and Grist Mills. Vacuum Pans. Oil Steam TmitiH. i. fecatois, F'ilters, Pumping Eugines, etc. Sole Agents for N. Billenx's Patent Sugar Boiling Appa ratus, Neemyth's Patent Steam Hummer, and Aspinwall A Woolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Ma chines. 4 aii CHROMOLITHOGRAPHS. ICTU.RES FOlt PRESENTS. A. S. ROBIITSON, No. 910 CHESNUT Street, Has Just received exquisite specimens of ;AUT, SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS. FINE DRESDEN "ENAMELS" ON PORCELAIN, IN GREAT VARIETY. SPLENDID PAINTED PHOTOGRAPHS, Including a Number of Choice Gems. A SUPERB LINE OF t'HROMOS. A large assortment of NEW ENGRAVINGS, ETC. Also, RICH STYLES FRAMES, of elegant new patterns. . 8 1 BEDS, MATTRESSES, ETC. Tfl O V E K'S PATENT COMBINATION SOFA BED Is decidedly the best Sofa Bed ever Invented. It can be extended from u Sola into a litiinlsoiim French Bedstead, with hair Bprinp; mattress, in ten seconds of time. It rtqulres no unscrewing or detaching, has no separation between back and seat, no cords to break and no hinged foot attached to tho top of tho back to support it when down, which is unsafe and liable to get cut of repair. It has the conveniences of a bureau for holding clothing, is easily managed, aud it is impossible for It to get out of order. Price about the siuao as an ordinary sofa H. F. HOVER, OWNER AND SOLE MANUFACTURER, 1 20 tuthsOm No. 230 South SECOND Street. I F YOU WANT A DELIGHTFUL SPRING nv.n neat, healthy, and coinfortuhlo. use the Self- fastening Bed Springs, $l '2o por dozen. Satisfaction guar anteed. No. UU-t S. SECOND Street. 1 i am MEDICAL. piLES OR HEMORRHOIDAL TUMORS All kinds perfectly and permanently cured, without pain, danger, caustics, or Instruments, by W. A. McCANDLESS, M. 1)., NO. ltflio SPRING GARDEN Strict. We can refer you to over a thousand of the hest citizens of Philadelphia cured. Reference glyatjwiironico. 882ra DR. KINK ELI N, AFTER A RESIDENCE and practice of thirty years at the Northwest comer ot Third and Union Btreets, has lately removed to South ELEVENTH Street, between Muikot and Gheanut. His superiority in the prompt and perfect cure of all recent, chronic, local, and constitutional affections of a special nature, is provorbial. Diseases oi the skin, appearing in a hundred different forms, totally eradicated ; mental and physical weukneMs and all nervous debilities scientiticully and successfully treated. Cilice hours from 8 A. M. to H P. M. BRANDY, WHISKY, WINE, ETC. QARSTAIRS & McCALL, Nob. ViO WALNUT and 21 GRANITE Streets, IMP0BTEK8 OK BRANDIES, WINES, GIN, OLIVE OIL, ETC. ETC., wuoul'ka lk vka l t:ks is Pure Rye Whiskies, In Bond and Tax Paid 14 11 D 11 1 LO SOPHY OF MARRIAGE. L A New Course of Lectures, aa delivered at the New York Museum of Anatomy, embracing the subjects: How to Live, and What to Live for: Youth, Maturity, an Old Age; Mauhood Generally Reviewed ; The Cause or Indigestion; Flatuleuoe and Nervous Diseases Accounted lor; Marriage l'hilimophically Considered, eto. etc. l'ocket volumes containing these Lectures will be for. ruled. i.t i aid, en recei;it of it , by a'ldfi...!:, ,V. A. I KABY, JR..M. K, ccrcer oi tUTIH ul WALNUT vO-vaiv SHIPPING. f.-. LORILLARD'S STEAMSHIP Ltv-S&l NEW YORK. . Hailing Tuesdays, Thnrsdays, and Saturdays. REDUCTION OF RATES. Spring rates, commencing March 1ft. Stilling Tncadays. Thursdays, and Suturdiiys. On and alter loth of March freight by this line will be ta ken at 12 cents per 100 pounds, 4 cents per foot, or 1 cent per gallon, shin's option. Advance charges cashed at olllce on Pier. Freight received at all tlint'8 on covered wharf. JOHN F. OHL, 9 2H Pier 19 North Wharves. N. U. Extra rates on small packages Iron, metals, etc FOR LIVERPOOL AM ftvyUK.KNHTOWN. Ionian Line oT Mall UITa Steamers are annointed to sail as fol- UiXTVf T2& lows : V ia naiitai, luesday. City of London, Saturday, April 10, at 1 P. M. City of Brooklyn, Saturday. April 17, at 10 A. M. City of Etna, via Halilax, Tuesday. April 20, 12, nnon. And each succeeding Saturday and alternate Tuesday, from I'ier 46, North Kiver. RATIOS OF PASSAGE. BT TIT MAIL HTr.AMEtt BAII.LNll BVKHV SATrUWAY. . Payable in Cold. Payable In Currency. FIRST CABIN llfl0 8TEEKAI.E tt To London 106 To Uimion. 40 To Paris 116 1 To Paris 4 fAHKAUK IIY THR TUKMMX BTKAMEIt, VIA HAI.U'AX. KIHHTCAHIN, HTKF.nAOR. Payable in Gold. Payable in Currency. Liverpool $0 ! Liverpool 30 Halnaa , 2u:Hahlai 16 St. John's, N. F ..8t. John's, N. F., I , by Branch Steamer....) by Branch Steamer ( "J Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Hamburg, Bremen, etc., at reduced rates. Tn kets can be bought here at moderate rates by persons wishing to send for their friends. For further information apply at the Company's Offices, JOHN O. DALE, Agent, No. 15. BHOA U W A V, N. V. orto O'UONNELL A FAULK, Agents. 46 No. 411CHESNUT Street, Philadelphia. ONLY DIRECT LINE TO FRANCE THE GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC KSfVe-jSat-COMPANY'S MAIL STEAMSHIPS i.r. I ttfc.W YORK AND HAVRE, CALLING AT BREST. The splendid new vessels on this favorite route for the Continent will sail from Pier No. 60 North, river, as fol lows: ST. LAUBFNT Brooande Saturday, Oct. 8 VILLE I)E PARIS.. . . i.Snrmont Saturday, Oct. 17 PEKKIKE Duchesne Saturday, Out. 31 PRICE OF PASSAGE in gold (including wine). TO BREST OR HAVRE. First Cabin $140 1 Second Cabin 985 TO PARIS, (Including railway tickets, furnished on board.) First Cabin 4146 Second Cabin $86 These steamers do not carry steorage passengers. Medical attendance free of charge. . American travellers going to or returning from the con tinent of Europe, by taking the steamers of this line avoid unnecessary risks from transit by English railways and crossing the channel, besides saving time, trouble, and expense. GEORGE MACKENZIE, Agont, No. 5S BROADWAY, New York. For passage In Philadelphia, apply at Adams' Express Company, to H. L. LEAF, 1 27 ; No. 3'jQ CHESNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND, AND NORFOLK STEAMSHIP LINE, THROUGH FREIGHT AIR LINE TO THE SOUTH AND W EST, KVKKY SAIUKIJAX, At noon, from FIRST WHARF above MARKET Street. THROUGH RATES and THROUGH RECEIPTS to all points in North and South Carolina, via Seaboard Air Line Railroad, connecting at Portsmouth and to Ineh burg, Va., Tennessee, and the West, via Virginia and Ten nessee Air Line and Richmond and Danville Railroad. Freight HANDLED BLT ONCE, and taken at LOWER RATES THAN ANY OTHER LINE. The regularity, safety, and cheapness of this route com mend it tn the public as the most desirable medium for carrying every description of freight. , No charge for commission, drayage, or any expense of transfer. Steamships insured at the lowest rates. Freight received daily. WILLIAM P. CLYDE A CO., No. 14 North and South WHARVES. W. P. PORTER, Agent at Richmond and City Point. T. P. CROW ELL A CO., Agents at Norfolk. 6 1 vrtP. CHARLESTON, S. C. THE SOUTn AND SOUTHWEST FAST FltEIGIIT LINK, EVERY THURSDAY. The Steamships PROMETHEUS, Captain Gray, J. W. EVEKMAN, Captain Vunce, WILL FORM A REGULAR WEEKLY LINK. The steamship PROMETHEUS will sail ou THURS DAY, April 1, at 4 P. M. Through hills of lading given in connection with S. C. R. K to points in the South and Southwest. Insurance at lowest rutea, Kates of freight as low as by uuy other route. For freight, apply to K. A. SOL DER A CO., '2 22 tf DOCH STREET WHARF. NOTICE. FOR NEW YORK, VIA DELAWARE AND RA RITA N CANAL. EXPRESS STEAMBOAT EaS55iaiV UOMPANY. jiiu t.nivAi'j'.rii ana tjuioannr water communica tion between Philadelphia and New York. Steamers leave daily from first wharf below Markot street, Philadelphia, and foot of Wall street. New York. Goods forwarded by all the lines running outtif New York. North, East, and West, free of commission. Freight received on and after the 8th instant, and for warded on accommodating terms. WILLIAM P. CLYDE A CO., At-ents, No. 14 S. DELAWARE Avenue, Philadelphia. JAMES HAND, Agent, 80 No. 1 19 WALL Street, New York. p- NEW EXPRESS LINE TO iij-f Alexandria, Georgetown, and Washing Ts.lJr ton, D. C, via Chesapeake and Delaware &5S?vW""!il4 Canal, with connections at Alexandria iroiu tlie most direct route for Inchburg, Bristol, Knox ville, Nashville, Dalton, and the Southwest. Steamers leave regularly every Saturday at noon from the first wharf above Markot street. Freight received daily. WILLIAM P. CLYDE 4 CO., No. 1 4 North and South Wharves. T. B. DAVIDSON, Agent at Georgetown. M. ELDR1DGE A CO., Agents at Alexandria, Vir ginia. 61 w NOTICE. FOR NEW YORK. LBr Ti T via Delaware and Raritan Canal, SWIFf- MotSl'RE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, DESPATCH AND 8WIFTSURE LINE. The business by these lines will be resumed on and after the oth of March. For Freights, which will be taken on accommodating toiuiB, apply to W. M. BAIRD A CO., 8 2 No. i:l'2 Sout h Wharves. BLANK BOOKS. BLANK BOOKS. The Largest Stock and Greatest Variety OF FULL AND HALF-BOUND BLANK BOOKS, MEMORANDUM, PASS, COPY-BOOKS, ETC. ETC., To be found In this city, Is at the OLD ESTABLISHED Blank Book Manufactory OK JAS. B. SMITH & CO., Ko. 27 South SEVENTH St., 3 18 tlmtuSm PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE AND SALESROOM, FIRST FLOOR j WARE ROOMS, UP 8TAIKS. WOODLANDS CEMETERY COMPANY. The following Managers and Oillcers have been elected for the year lHTiit: , El.l K. PRICK, President. William H. Moore, Wiiliaiu W. keen, Ferdinand J. Dreor, George L. Buzby, B. A. Knia-ht. namuel n. Moon, Gillies Dallott, f owl n ijielile, Secretary and Treasurer. '.lOSEPH B. TOWNSEND. Tile Manager, have passed a resolution requiring both Lot-holders and Visitors to present tickets at the entrance for admission to the Cerneteiy. Tickets may be had at the Oftire of the Company, No. hill ARCH Street, or of any of the Managers. 1 1 L.ARZELERE & BUCHEY, C'UHtoin lloii Ilroker tud Notariea Public. No. 405 LIBRARY STREET. AI L CUSTOM HOUSE BUSINESS TRANSACTED. rASsroBTS wiocuhbd. AMUSEMENTS. A MERICAN AMhlTlXV r r !RT.UR (4) NIGHTS MUSIC THIS (TnVsdl EVEN :! ti? l'VXk n r R A DlAVOLtl ' O'clock, First joint apnearanee of UU, UARA LOTJIBB KELLOGG with Herr H.elnn biD?r!ii 7 -Berlins 'MA 1,aVol8?P ulrrel0 l'adynKocknuYg FraDi.volo..." .........V."ll HJ"h"l Ciacoino H"hlmr Hi ppo aif'.H- Milord Rockburg Wmn,nmni! Conductor.! M A X M AH$r TO MORROW (Wednesday) BY RF.QURRT LA GRANGE NIGHT. ""V I.E PHOPIIETK, LE PROPHETE, T A H T T 1 IVf V MADAME LA OHANGE IN HER GREAT ROLE 0 THURSDAY, Aprils, THIRD CJt KKLLOGU NIGHT. CRISPING E LA COM A RE, Second Joint appearance of MISS CLARA LOUISE KELLOGU GIORGIO ' RONCONI. SATURDAY. April 10, GRAND FAREWELL KELLOGG MATIN ER FAUST. Reserved Seats to the Matinee , fl'M ., wi'IV ,ho Acdni. and at Mr. C. W. Trumplox'e, No, Witt Chesnut stroet. . JTALIAN OPERA, ACADEMY OF MUSIC LAST LE PROPHETE NIGHT," WEDNESDAY EVENING, April 7, 1659. NO EXTRA CHARGE, FRONT SEATS PARQUETTE CIRCLE. ' SECTIONS B, C, D, F, O. H, AND PARQUET, uhanditai.UnY.p:- COVERTS OPERA AND TnEATRE TICKET OFFICE, CONTINENTAL HOTEL. CHOICE BEATS FOR THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS. 142 CHOICE BEATS FOR THE FRENCH OPERA. ACADEMY OF MUSIC OPERA BOUFFR DIRECTOR J GRAU M R J GRAU'B FRENCH OPERA COMPANY, From the Theatre Francais, New York, will give a seasonof FRENCH OPERA BoUFFB, ""T""01105 Commencing WEDNESDAY, April 14. and consisting Of TE NIGHTS AND TWO MATINEES, With the following new and eminont artistes, who will make their first appearance in Philadelphia: Mesdanics Rosa-Bell, Desclauzas, Risarelll, ftueretf.' Victoria Maurice, MM. Carrier, Beckers, GabeL Bourgoin Genot, Mussay, Doligne, Juignot, Rivenez. Powerful Choruses, Grand Orchestra, . Who will appear in an entirely new rejitrurirt, comprising the following operas : Genevieve de Brabant, I Vie Parisienne, Flenr de The. La Grande Duchesse, Barbe Bleue, lXEil Creve. Subscription for Twelve Representations, iuclnding Ra. served Seats, $12. Subscription books are now open at the Academy of Music, where soats can be selected. ; j 8 CHESNUT STREET T II EAT RE. . O. D. HESS 4 CO Managers FOURTH WEEK OF THE GREAT SUCCESS The Wonderful, Brilliant, Ludicrous Extravaganiut, THE FIELD GH EAT ATTRACTION? THIS 1 HE FIELD WEEK. Full of Now Introduction. OF THE CLOTH No Abatement in the OF GOLD. Popular Success of this OF GOLD. MAGNIFICENT PRODUCTION. CHANGE OF TIME. CURTAIN WILL RISE AT IJi O'CLOCK. ' A quarter of an hour earlier than formerly. . . i Box OfKce open from 9 A. M. to 6 P. H dailjr, MRS. JOlTNREWS ARCS STREET THEATRE. Begins quarter to 8. ' EVERY NIGHT AND SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Robertson's Greatest Success, SCHOOL, 'J With new scenery, muaio, unique effects, and great cast, including MRS. JOHN DREW " ' I AND FULL COMPANY, -: FIRST "SCHOOL" MATINEE, - BATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 2 o'clock. WALNUT ST. THEATRE, BEGIN 8AT 1. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING. April t, THE LONDON BUKLFSOUE COMBINATIOrJ, MISS JENNY WILLMORE, MISS LIZZIE WILL-" MORE, and the celebrated and versatile Comedian, MR. FELIX ROGERS, of the now Adelphi,' Royal and St. James Theatre, London, who will appear in Biirnard'a Ex travaganza of IXION; Or, THE MAN AT THE WHEEL. IX ION MISS JENNY WILLMORH JUNO MISS LIZZIE WILLMORM MINERVA MR. FELIX UOGERH To commenco with H. T. Craven's Dranfaof ' MIRIAM'S CHIME. i In Rehearsal THE FORTY THIEVES. rpiIEATRE COMIQUE, SEVENTH .STREET, Jflim auu. iiuuiit'iiCfsHl O VKICK. TO-NIGHT, IHE KINU OF MAGICIANS. rnil. pi. urnn, nI. Bl. dKAff, appears in his Inexplicable ' Sciences Magiques," astonish ing, confounding, and bewildering all, without confede rates, traps, mechanism, apparatus, or holes in the tablu. lies son. E. EMANUEL ST. JEAN, also appears. i'-'ASE,1? 'e'AT KATCRDAY. . Admission, 25 cent EVENING, 25, 60, and 75 cents. . Seats at Trumpler's. , t, T70X'S AMERICAN VARIETY THEATRE.. J? UN PARALLELED ATTRACTIONS. THE GENUINE ARABS FROM ARABIA. TWO NEW BALLETS. The Great Burlesque 1X.1UN! IXION! Doors open at 7 ; commence 7 80 ; Saturday, 9 P. M, n f urn iL'i u . . . . VALER'S (LATE MILLER'S) WINTER V GARDEN, Nos. 720, 72. 7'Jt l, and fit VINJt Street. THE GR AND ORCHESTRION, formerly the property of the GRAND DUKE OF BADEN, purchased at great expense by JACOB VALER, of this city, in combination with FLAMER'S ORCHESTRA and Miss NELLIE AN DERSON, will perform EVERY AFTERNOON and EVENING at the above-mentioned place. Admission free. .... 1 13 tf HORTICULTURAL HALL OERMANIA ORCHESTRA PUBLIC REHEARSALS EVERY W EDN ESDAY, at 8!4 P. M. Tickets sold at the door, and all principal Music Stores. Packages of live for 1(1 ; single, lb cents. Engagements can be made by addressing O. B ASTERT, No. 1231, MONTEREY Stroet ; anf Andre's Muaio Store, No. 110-1 CHESNUT Street. 1213m CENTZ AND IIASSL.ER'S O THIRTIETH AND LAST ORCHESTRA MATINEE will be given May . H4tf C GYMNASIUM, CORNER OF NINTH ANL T ARCH Streets, for Ladies, Gentlemen, and Chil dren, is now open DAY and EVENING. Lessons given ia Sparring and Fencing. Call in person or send for circular. a 6 stuthamo PROF L. LEWIS. MAMMOTH .VELOCIPEDE SCHOOL,' TWENTY-FIRST and RACE Streets, open Day and Evening. All styles of Velocipedes both for sale ana to rent. Headquarters of Philadelphia Velocipede Club, Admission, 10 cents. ' 88in J. W. POST. PATENTS. pATENT OFFICE. PATENTS PROCURED IN THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE. , i Invcntore wishing" to take ont Letters Patent for New Inventions; are advined to consult with C. H. KVANS, N. W. comer FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia, whose fucilltiea for proseoutlnp tasea before the Patent Ofilce are unsurpassed bj anv other agency. Circulars contuliiliiir full informa tion to Inventors cau be had on application. MoUcK made secretly. C. II. EVANS, 8 4thBtii5 N. W. Cor. FOURTH and WALNUT T)ATENsTltOCUltED IN THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE.; lSiyVAHT BKOWN, SOLICITOR OF PATENTS, No. 811 WALNUT Street. ' 8 18 stuthSin T 7 NIT ED STATES PATENT OFFICE. extensi on. Objections, de"""0! befo th. ,1 J khould be filed in tlu. office ";n,yLfb,1A FOOTE, " bearing- Onmniissionerof Patenus. oTcaTp l"owm a rf, CAErENTEB AND BUILDER, No. 13 DCK Street, Philadelphia. Tl-jTANrTEFT'oT cattell a, c67. A PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, PKul'lWo7a0 WORTH WHARVES AND Ko. '17 Nr RTH W ATKR STREET, Aij.PE U WaaJJ . . IP4BajzilX