The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, April 02, 1869, FOURTH EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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TYom Our Oum CorretpondenL
New Yobk, April 2, 1869.
If with in the floating population of New York
there Is drifting a ma a who possesses more
claims to bard-heart edndss than any other, that
man's name Is Dodd, as will toe Immediately
seen by referenoe to the following paragraph!
quoted from the "personal" column of the New
York Herald. The paragraph runs thus:
"Dodd. I am well, but we are In ainiotlon, and
I long for you, that we may comfort one another
There Is a letter for Podd at the Post Office, New
This touohlng advertisement has appeared In
tbe same place, among the personals, four times
week for the last three months. Dodd must
be a monstrous hard-hearted fellow; that's the
best I oan say about him. Various have been
the speculations as to whom and what he la.
At one time it was thought he was ldentloa
with "Tommy Dodd," at another that he was a
scion ot Dodd's Express, but, considering his
long failure to put In an appearonce, I am in
clined to believe that be Is a poor relation of the
"Dodd Family Abroad," tor whose doings and
sayings Mr. Charles Lever Is responsible
"Ma's" Intentions, on tbe other hand, appear
to be highly commendable. It Is Interesting to
learn that her tfUlcllon does not interfere with
Iter health, and tbe fact that she longs for Dodd.
that they may "comfort" one another, certainly
places her character In a highly virtuous light,
'lis a pity about Dodd; I am afraid they will
grow tired of keeping that letter at the Post
For all I know, the Davenport Brothers
may have tied and untied themselves
as far as Philadelphia by the present. They
and Mr. Fay, their agent and accomplice, are
popularly believed to be tbe moat succesful
frauds of the day. They made nearly seventy
thousand dollars during the few years they
were abroad, and were shown up on several
oooaslons. I do not deny the exceeding clever-
Bess of their performances. The spiritualistic
pretenses connected with them are all I object
to. Alter many sears Incessant practice, It
would be a pity If they bad not reached a high
degree of dexterity, and It certainly
la a pity that their musical eduoa.
tlon was not attended to ' sooner, for
the ghost of a tune is a 11 that their unearthly
tintinnabulation results In. When they 11 rat
came out I believe 11 was Palmer, at present
of Nlblo's Garden, who supervised their debut
they had to work mucn carder than they now
do to obtain tbe same results. Those knots
-would not come undone, and when Anally
they did, tse brothers would be discovered with
abraded wrists, and la a distressing state of
perspiration and palpitation. Neither were
they so elaborately frilled, diamonded, patent
leathered, shaved, shorn, and soented as they
now are during tbe course of their publioand
-private seance; and neither was their own or
their agent's manner ol so decidedly a "bully
lab" deHcrlptlon. But such Is success.
An effort is being made to have tho publlo
libraries here open on Sunday. This will be a
Sood offset to having thedrluklng-plaoesclosed.
cannot think there will be much reading
done, but the libraries will form a pleasant and
harmless gossiping plaoe for the poorer people
who work too hard ail week to care much about
going to church on Sundays. The directors of
tbe Mercantile Library were the first to seri
ously contemplate this Innovation. Cooper
Institute may follow, but the Astor, whloh Is
the prototype of the old Philadelphia Library
In your city, will remain aristocratically ex
elusive, and confer Its full benefits only upon
the elect few who happen to be stocK holders.
Without doubt, the first of May will do more
towards peopling the snburos tba.n any first of
May that has been celebrated for many a year.
People who have lived for many years in dear
old localities that they are loth to move from,
are preparing to say lxrewell now. Landlords
won't come down with the rents, and tenants
are equally Inflexible about not coming down
with the stamps. A bouse of very moderate
Blue, of eight rooms, certainly not more, and in
a location fair and decent, but certainly not
tyllsh, will brin, or, at any rate, has brought
hitherto $4500or ft WO; and wherestyleandluxury
are sought after, rents are "proportionately dla
proportionate." Long-suffering tenants have
decreed, therefore, that the end has come. The
green fields of Hobokenand twenty other glit
tering little suburbs exist: and when you cin
have new cream and freslalald eggs for break
fast every morning, and yet reach your place of
business within three-quarters of an hour, lite
In the suburbs seems endurable after all.
Ali Baba.
Arrival or a Lot of Sparrows In the City,
Determined,, if possible, to avoid a relura of
that nuisance the plague of worms which
baa visited tbe city each spring for many years,
our authorities some mouths since took the
matter earnestly In baud aud set themselves
to work to devise ways and means to accom
plish their desire. The worms have been fought
with every conceivable and known expedient
supposed to have any avail In destroying them.
Trees have been smeared and scouted and
rimmed with tar and molasses cups. To no
effect. Wheu they bloomed forth In tbe spring
time, together with the leaves appeared the
daugliDg Insects. We all know how disastrous,
too, in addition to the damage they worked
among our shade trees, they were to our
patience not to say our piety. Who has not
anathematized them as they swung into hi
face or crawled arouud the regions of his
earT It was known all this while, however,
that In England the trees were never troubled
with them. And why? Bimply because on the
Isles girt by -the seas ol Britain, swallows.
tretty birds, warbling buds, insectivorous
birds, in countless myriads. Hew, sang, and ate
Now at length the happy idea struck our City
Fathers that perhaps those same birds could be
imported. No sooner thought on than acted
upon. Iiwas determined to send to Enirlund
lor a number of them, to be used as an expert,
ment In our publio squares. Appended will be
found an Interesting account of their procure
ment In that country aud exportation thenoe
of MewoVwSk- ASUln tKnslna Porter
"Many years ago, Mr. John Bardaley, of Port
land street, left the land of his birth for tha
United Btates, in order to Improve his poVltlon
la life. He was a teacher at wt. Peter's Hundav
Mchool, and was very well known in the town
especially at the West End. Btnce that period
he has been to America several times and
finally settled down as a master painter in
Oermanto wn, Philadelphia. About lastOhrinr
mas be arrived in Asuion on a visit to hf
relatives and friends, and while here he has
reeelved a commission from the munlcloal
government of Philadelphia to take with htrn
unon his return a large number of snarrno,.
It appears that there are no American iiir-iJ
wblch will eat inseots, and It is thought that
If sparrows can be Imported aud aoollwatlzad
they will do much towards removing one of
the great pests of American agriculturalists
ana garueuers. Tney leea upon
fruits. Kralns, and Insects. and it
Is calculated that a pair of sparrows during tbe
time they have to feed their young will destroy
on an average 8260 caterpillars a week. The
government of Philadelphia having taken the
question up In a true American spirit, tele
grams were sent through the Atlantlo oable to
Mr. Barilsley toobialn as many sparrows as he
could, regardless of cost. Accordingly he went
to worn-, anu lnaiewuays nine ne obtained
more than a thousand birds, the principal dot-
tlon having been caught in the neighborhood
of the Royal Oak, Newton Heath, wherea depot
was opened. Lads have also been at work lu
Ash top, and the prices have run from iijd. to
4d. each sparrow. Last Tuesday forenoon Mr,
ilardsley and his brother Frauk were two of
twenty-three emigrants who left Ashton for
Liverpool and the United Btates, under the
auspices of Mr. Samuel Yemen. The sparrows
were In 18 cages, each of tbe latter being about
two feet long, eight inches broad, and one foot
deep. There would thus be a little over W) birds
In eaoh cage. Great Interest was manifested by
the passengers who happened to be at the sta
tion, and many speculations were afloat as to
the number of sparrows which would arrive at
their destination. Tbe weight of cages and
birds was ewt. When the train arrived at
Manchester It was found that a considerable
number of sparrows were dead or dying,
through the motion of the train having spilled
the water they had to drink, The birds Thus get
wet and starved, and this led to the death of
many. At Victoria Station there was even a
greater Interna fell In tbe cages than at Ashton,
and ladles and gentlemen were anxious to get
a peep at them. Thirty birds had died during
tbe night, and upon arriving at Liverpool It
was found that even more had died on the
way. Ob Wednesday tbe remainder left Liver
pool for the Stales, by tbe City of Baltimore.
The sailors on board the steamer took a deeper
Interest In that portion of tire cargo than they
did In any other, and no doubt they will do all
tbeycan to preserve tbe birds on the passage.
Among them were a few wblch were cans at
by some latin In Ashton about five weeks ago,
and since that time they have been kept In a
cellar. They were put separate from trie others
as an experiment, and we understand that they
were all alive at Liverpool."
We only have to add to the above that the
birds were preserved on the passage, and are
uuw uiNinuuieu mrongn our puoilo squares.
What will be their success T
Their extent, Capital. Debt. Expense,
Receipt, and Operations for 1HUS.
From the report of the Auditor-General lor
1868, on t he Railroads, Canals, etc., of the State,
we compile the following Interesting figures In
reierenoe to the Canal of the State for the year
S!S!s:ri'3fi COHORT -"-pi o
. n S PP 5 ffB "
d! si trni 2 1
p a
5 !
l rut
i i
p t
s c
i a i
i gSli
l'aid in.
k m .P bs ri ac tU 55
O9h909 . M bS
Funded and
Floating Debt.
0llh0 ilk
tfa a, d
Cost of Canal
and Fixture!.
-1 0 as ; os
VVow: V-
w uE go t oc S
is J
Length in Milct.
Boat Owned by
the Company.
- I 5!! S -5 2
oiii ij&h! StoCt S-
Moat Owned by
Nil gotsul m
Value of Real
Estate Exclu
Mivv of Canal,
q sfe 00
K1 ! 0
CC Q'CJtl Cl.-l -I 06-Gr.OO
!i Cii fii J. en rn
5 9 6s 4 5;
00 M OC OC Qi Co ."tC OS O
c? Si Cfc otpen Sec fe!c3 go P 35
leased to Lehigh Coal and Navigation Com-
P8D.y- . .
t exclusive oi ueiawaro ana iiuason, J-ieniga,
Mnncy. and Schuylkill Navigation Companies.
X Exclusive of Pennsylvania and West Jiranca
and Susquehanna Canals.
Ijumuer noi inuiuueu.
Barrels ol salt not included.
Getting Ready. Mr. Wanamaker verj
appropriately puts a new dress upon his grand
building itself, before starting It upon Its mis
sion of dressing bo many of the gentlemen and
boys or rnuuQfcjpnia as ne nopes to attraot to
this new enterprise. The brown-stone house,
aU ays a beautiful one and muoh admired, has
been in tbe hands of the painters and paper
hangers and upholsterers for a month past,
and for the last few days bales and boxes innu
merable, and cart-load afier car-load of new
goods to stock It wltb, have been pouring into
it, preparatory io opening lion monaay next.
It is handsomely carpeted from front to baob:,
has on a clean white faoe of new paint. Is skil
fully arranged for the convenience of customers
in the various department, is adorned with
the decorations of a beautiful assortment of
spring clothing, and, withal, promises to be
irresistibly attractive, If only as a place of
The publio generally are Invited to the "ex
position" on Monday next, and an opportunity
is io ue given at mat lime tor a inorougn in
spection of the establishment and its contents.
Ladles, who have long wished for a plaoe where
they might find clothing for their boys that
was "Just the thing," will be almost as Inte
rested as the men or the boys themselves, and
every attention has been given to suoh details
as shall contribute to their comfort and satis
faction. One of the beat parts of the house, on
tbe first floor, Is devoted to their department,
and several salesladies as well as salesmen will
be In attendance.
The Numismatic and Antiquarian Societt
of Philadelphia. A stated meeting of this
society was held last evening at its new hall,
Hon. W. l Chandler, Vlce-l'rtsldent, la the
Letters were read from various distinguished
individuals, thanking the society tor the honor
conferred upon them by election to member
Donations were received, among whloh were
the following:-
A iurauQ suver.ooin, worn Mr, Henry rail
11ns, Jr.
London Numismatic Chronicle, from tho
London Numlsmatio Society.
xeions oe Manege ana uuriosues jsumis
matlques, lrom th e author, R. Chalals, Brussels.
Memoir of Jared Sparks, by Hev, George K.
Ellis, from Mrs. Mary E. Sparks.
ju Huuquiiy oi tue name oi soott, irom the
author, Martin B.Scott, and many other valu
able aud Interesting relics, etc.
A. committee was appointed to revise the
order of business of the soolety, consisting of
lUnaDuafie" 1,uUlip8' Jr- c-H- uar'.n WU
infnlL,118. nsncted except routine
Journed!' U early hour the soolety ad-
the romm.A1 V metlng of the membera of
to", a member of that body' Mtudie-
v,-F.S.Jilow,lnF Prmble nd resolutions sub
Wltted by Mr.Stephen N. Wluilow wereuVmni
mously adopted. wiusiow.wereunanl-
Whereat.Tho inscrutable rulings of anall-wlse
Providence have again removed frorn i oVr mTdst
a tint liar momhar in tvuvn-an V, . V " r 1,1 1 u
tontbarefora i i.r. Middle-
Jteiolved, That In the decease of Mr. Mlddintnn
tbe Commercial Kxohange has lost a worth
murah.? anil tha hulnn.. - n ,u f
whose life has been characterized by enert-V
Industry, and unswervlna lntovritir
Jletoli ed, 1 hat a copy of tbe above preamble
and resolutions be presented to his aftlioted
relatives, and that a oommlleeof five be to.
i v f -wl tn mob. .rraMriiiriia ... r
ante at his funeral. aitena
Meter. P. B. Mingle, H. O. Kennedy. John P
Jiaekson, Jos. W. Miller, and A. J. Uatherwood
Found Opix. Last night nine houaea la the
nmva ronce vuntm were jouua open.
Toroaer's Investigation Into the dream-
fttancca Attending; tbe Death of Casper
This morning at 11 o'clock Coroner Daniels
held an lujuest upon the body of Casper Weiss,
who died on Wednesday last at tbe German
Hospital from Injuries received In an assault
upon him by other parties on the tilix ult. The
following evidence was elicited:
August Born sworn Live northeast corner
Twenty-first and Thompson streets; on Satur
day evening, March 6, Mr. George Droll came
Into my place and told me that he had got into
aright in Mr. Helck's house; he said he got a
stick and whipped tbe man he wasUgUtlng
Frederick Shelck sworn Live at Thirty
first and Thompson streets; was in Horn's
bouse that evening; one of my drivers, Fre
derlck Bower, came und told me that one of my
men bad got killed; that four persons brought
tbe man home, Casper Welsn; he sent for a
doctor; the doctor tola us to send the deceased
to tbe Hospital; when I went back to Born's
place I saw Droll there; be told me, "I havejnst
licked one of your men;" I asked nlm for wnat
reason; be said that the deceased had done
something to blm lie did not like; that ho tuea
got a piece of wood and licked him; that If he
did not kill him It was not his fault.
John Uorlaoher sworn Am working at
Waller's brewery, In Thompson between Zll
and 33d streets; came In to rapper In March on
a Saturday; myself and Droll came In togeihor;
after suppertwe throwed dice for something to
drink, and the deceased entered; Droll said
Whoeverentera the room shoula treat;" toe
deceased became excited against Droll and said
' I want to light you;" I Interfered In behalf of
Droll, and the deceased eald, "If you interfere I
will lick you;" tbe deceased took hold of Droll
and knocked his head against the
wall ; .Droll said, " I dou't want
to light; we have worked together at Bartol's
and don't want any dispute;'1 myself and Cor
nellusBowman placed . ourselves against the
bar, and I lighted my cigar, and Droll left the
tavern to go home: the deceased immediately
followed him out; I went out to get the de
ceased back, and told blm "he ought to be
ashamed of himself to try to get up a fight;" the
deceased said, "I'll show him something to
Cght a Swlsts" the deoeased went across to
James Keller's tavern, beoause Droll generally
went over there, and the deceased made the
expression, "I will fight him;" I saw a man
sitting at the window of Keller's tavern, but
could not distinguish who It wss; the deceased
went over; I went Into the house, and it was
only a few moments before my attention was
called to a fight; I.dld not go out; I did not see
whowas fighting; I helped to carry thedeoeasad
bowe; afterwards Droll and I went home to
gether; Droll said to me be hoped the man
would not die; he didn't say that he struck him,
Cornelius Bowman sworn Live at Thirty-
first and Master streets; I was at the tavern of
Jaoeb Helck on Saturday, theoth day of March;
Joseph Droll was In the same plaoe: tbe de
ceased came In. (Here tbe witness corroborated
the testimony or tbe foregoing witness.)
Jacob Helck sworn Droll and tbe deceased
both boarded In my house: after supper the de
oeased wentout, and was away for half an honr;
we were playing dice; afterwards the deneasod
came In and SBked Droll to treat; Droll said,
"No, the man who came In last must treat;"
Droll sat down with his back towards the wail:
tbe deceased sat down facing him: the deceased
said, "Don't push my chair;" the deceased got
upend commenced the tight with Droll; he
pushed him against the wall several limes; Droll
said, "I don't want to fight;" the deoeased
then wanted to fight In tbe street; a short time
after this Droll went out, and the deceased
followed him: a short time afterwards I heard
striking; I opened tbe door and saw the de
oeased lying on tbe pavement; when I opened
mo aoor i saw urou run away; i am not see
him strike: the next mornins he found a stick
across the street: it was about three feet ions-
an inch and a half thick; saw no person else
Jacob Baltz sworn Live at Thirty-first and
Thompson streets. Witness here corroborated
tbe foregoing testimony as to the beginning of
ine Dent, ana saia mat anerwarus ne met Droll.
who told him: "I hit one of your men, Casper
Wei s, and if I did not kill aim it was not my
fault:" the deceased was afterwards Bent to the
hospital; afterwards be name to me and
asked me, "Is the man not dead yet?" he asked
the same question at ray brew-house the next
morning; the ueceaseu was a quiet, inoffensive
Charles Engei sworn corroborated the fore
going testimony, and said that Droll had told
him be bad done tbebeallog withastlok.
Dr. bhapieieh lesunea that ne made a post
mortem examination of the body of tbe de
oeased; that he fonnd three wounds on the
head; all partially healed; tbe boneof the skull
was fractured, greatly fractured; tbe mem
branes of the brain were much inflamed; ;tbe
deceasea came to nis tieam irom lnuimmatlon
of the brain produced by the blows.
The jury renaerea me ionowmg veraict;
That the said Casper Weiss oame to his death
from violence (blows on the bead) at thehan Is
of Joseph Droll, on tbeevenlngof March 8, 136D,
at Thirty-first and Jefferson streets.
Infliction of a Nerlous Wonutl
hy a
.Father upon ma Nun,
In the basement of a house at Third and
Spruce streets, In tbe South ward of Uamden,
has resided for some time past an old man,
Jobn Diebl by name, and seventy years or age,
who served bis country during the late war in
the ranks of the 4th Kegiment or new jersey
Volunteers, and since his dlsoharge has literally
picked up a precarious livelihood by gathering
rugs, bones, aad other refuse of the streets,
ekea out py a iriue oi a pensiuu iiuiu mo uuy-
ernment. Several years ago Ulehl parted from
his wife, and as ine cniiuren pronounced in
favor of tbelr motner, tney nave naa frequent
quarrels with their father on tbe subject,
(in Wednesday evenine. Ulehl and one of
his sons, named Christopher, enoountered eaoh
other in a lager beer saloon, which they left
In company. Walking together for some dis
tance. they finally reached the corner of Fourth
and Cherry streets, in Camden, when tbe old
man drew a murderous-looking pocket knife,
with a four lnoh blade, and with this Instru
ment be Inflicted in tbe aoaomen or nis son
a wonnd of such a serious obaraoter tbat tbe
bowels protruded, and a portion of them fell
to the ground. In this frightful condition the
unfortunate son was lounu uy buiub ptwncis
by, a few minutes after the occurrence, and ro
movpd to hu home, and medical aid called in.
After great difficulty, the bowels were replaced,
and life si ill hung by a slender thread, although
bis condition was extremely critical.
It Is probable that tbe two had been Indulging
In a quarrel about family matters, although
tbe son stated that he was assisting bis father
home, and tbat the stabbing was done without
provocation. The father, however, when
arrested, declared tbat his son was about to
stab blm, and that he was obliged to use the
knife as he did la self-defense.
Christopher jJieni. the wounueu mao, uo
fthnnt thirtv vears of aee. was reported to be
much better this morning, and It may be that
he win ytt recover.
nnnHTBYMAN Swindled. This morning, Mr.
wtniam it arrin of Rnnsez oountv. Del., arrived
in this city by the steamer Felton. and forth
with proceeded, to ineueieciives- vmoo, w"?
he made complaint of having been swindled
out of $70. On the boat he formed the acquaint
ance of a genteel-looking young man, who re
presented to him tbat he had a bill ol $70 to
pay, an u uesirea me ina oi m iuuuu., -he
bad nothing but geld In his possession. Mr.
Harris kindly handed him $70, receiving as
security what he believed to be seven $10 gold
pieces. On the landing of the boat the new
formed acquaintance suddenly disappeared,
and Mr. Hams discovered mat ne nau ut
swindled, tbe pieces in his possession being of
no value whatever, and only imitations.
Abrebt op a Pickpocket. George W. Hall
was arrested at Tenth and Morgan streets yes
terday, for robbing Mr. Bainuel Keese or a
pocket-book containing $50. Tho latter dis
covered his loss while rldlDg In a Union car at
Ninth and Callowhlll streets, and suspected
Hall, who stood by, of the theft. Hall ran, and
being pursued by Officers Dautreohy and bare,
was captured at the locality above mentioned.
He was committed by Alderman Massey.
Paintings. The closing sale of paintings,
medallions, etc., from the Amerloan Art Oal
lery, New York, takes plaoe at Boolt'S Gallery.
No. 1020 Chesnut street, this evening at ?a
Pensions. W. II. Forbes, the reoently-ap-polnted
United Btates Invalid Pension Agent
naa located bis office at No. 718 Hansom street,
and proposes to commence paying pensions
about the 16lh Instant.
AiiAULTiNQ an Ofmcbr. Patrick Bhnrlook
attacked Oftlser Morrow at Tenth and Bhlppea
Bireeu last night. He was arrested oy in
M'i and couuuutttd by Aiderinaa Vojihau.
Conclusion of tho ftoroner'i Invention-
tlon into me niMsmoot i rag-cay.
At noon to-day Coroner Daniels resumed his
Investigation Into tbe oiroumstanoes attending
the death of the members of tbe Blackstoue
family. The following additional testimony
was elicited:
A. C FuDRton sworn Live at No. 1A4S ttepvlva
str el; was a purUier of a r. Htsokitone; saw blm the
last time on Balcrday evening about halt-pant six
o'clock; I next iw hlra at tUuortnrtket's; I had
do reason to iiwpsct him Insane; he was ruelanohul",
deprnxeo; tbers wat a little tionoie in Dusmnna, but
amounted to nothing; tbora was do tear of our brelc-
Inn; I never saw blm iciiea; oe was or a nervona
temperament, tbougb: lbs lait two woekn ha acted
uani)y; he tiard to follow me lots tbe work short.
nd sit on the brncb staribg wlld'y at Die; he won Id
take aehlnel and put It on hie band: I did not oon-
Ider'lt at in timavervsirancecooniici. Diit now
oppose tbat he meant to do wltb me what he did
with bis family; bewonld come down early In the
mornlnc. and Bland waiting tor me oa the cornar.
Mr. 1-on, ton bere reported the same olrcumstaueei
already publlnhed In Tui lei.inRAfH.
Henry Van Herat sworn Found tba coat and hat
of h r. BldcMione overboard; found tbe handker
chief wltb tha bams "Biackeione" In tbs corn r:
was told tbat a man was overboard by tbe enmueer
ola New York boat who eaw blm J imp In; I ran to
the place wltb a beat hook, hut before I couhftreach
him he bad goneutidt-r; tin d Id not come up; he'-onk
oil his bat aud coat first and threw them overboard
before he If aped In.
William Grimes sworn Am a Hsrhor Policeman;
was told by )lf ulenant that a man was drowned at
Cnernut street wharf; we got blm ont on Tuesday
afternoon; we got him ont wltb grapnel.
Hetnoel Denard aworn- Was one of the boat's crew
tbat got Mr. Blackstonn from tbewatnr.
(Corrnboreted tbe testimony ot Officer Crimea.)
Mr, McMnrray sworn i.le next door to the
Blartcstone houne: about f o'clock on Mondav morn
lnglfpdmy wife heard a notes like the chopping
ot wood next dnor, in tbe kltcbi-ii; we hoard no orloa
at a'l; never thought tbat Mr. Bltckstoae was ont of
hta mind, but be appeared to be a great datl worried:
tbe noise sounded like chopping with a batchet; we
board the plates on the range rattle; bad I suppled
wbat was going on I would have gone la, and might
have met the same fa'.
dt arbor Policemen William Neabltt was sworn and
corroborated tbe testimony of tbe preceding ndtcera.
Dr, bhaplelgb made a post-mortem examination of
tbe body of Mr. Blsokstone. and testlded that It pre
sented the appearance of other drowned bodies, ex
cept having a very distressed look.
The Jury rendered the following verdlc:
Tbat I be said Isabella E. Blackstoue, Lee
Blaokstone, and Catharine Biaokstone oame to
tbelr death from violence, viz , blows on the
head and wounds of the throat. In II lot ed at the
bands of James L. Blackstoue, the husband
and father, while laboring under temporary In
sanity, on Monday morning, March 29th, 1889,
at No. 815 Judson street. And that the said
James I. Blackstone came to his death from
suicide by drowning, March 29th, 1869, at Ches
nut street wharf, while laboring under tempo
rary Insanity.
Robbery. Last night an entrance waa
effected Into the store No. 109 Market street,
occupied on tbe first floor by Mr. John Middle
ton as a liquor store, and on the second as a
spice manufactory. The thieves oarrled off a
few bottles of wine and left behind a brace and
bit and chisel.
Implicated in a Thbft. Elizabeth Brown
was arrested yesterday for complicity with one
Deborah Mack in the theft of 8200 from a coun
tryman who found his way into the house of
the latter. ElWaboth was committed in default
of I20C0 ball by Alderman Carpenter.
Cigar Store Robbery. Last night the
cigar store of George Eckert, In Fifth street,
below Obasnut. was entered by thieves, who
had packed up a lot of cigars and tobaooo ready
for removal. They must have been frightened
on, as iney ieit me property peninu.
Rebcukd. Henry Richards was resorted
from drowning at 2 o'clock tfiis mornins:. He
wbb taken out of Fine street dock by Harbor
roiioeman jjennaru.
Found. The boy named J. R. Pfouts, who
has been missing from his home at Jersey Shore
for some time past, was yesterday found in this
V tbe ueweat ana oeat manner.
UiOSB DRJiA, HtaMoner and Kngraver,
No. 729 CHESNUT Street.
SPRING-. 869.
No. 910 ARCH Street.
We are now receiving a very large stock of
Embracing all the new styles of
8 11 wfm8m
Carpet Warehouse.
i 1 lmrp
No. 832 ARCH Street.
No. 119 South 10UKTU St., rjiiLiaclphLi,
No. 400 8J.VENTH Street, opposite V. 8. Patent
Ollloe, Washington, D. 0.
Solicitor of Patents,
Attorney at Law,
Communications lo be addressed to the Principal
0 ffloe, Philadelphia. 1 la
tiillell-bulli and coovonteat COrTAUtt, floUtied
lu Mood style: Willi all modern, oa
lli hers lane, (ierwaniowo, three in tomes' walk
from station. WM. h. BAOON,
4 1 l No. 317 WALK U f (Street.
f FOB REM T.-PREM1SES, No. 809
CHESNUT Btreet, for Store or Offloe.
suitable for a Commercial College. Apply at
A large nioaorrj nam nouse. tenant-house, ooach
and flva ecrei of land. nudomii nni
walks and caiden; wllbln two minutes' walk ol Duv's
Laue btatlou. Apply U) J. AKMSIKUNO. g 1 Ui .
1 physician r a lawyer, with or wlkaeal boara,
Tne Whisky Tax IMl-Discassion
on the Ueasuro Redisiribatiog
the National Currency.
The C omnia ml of the FirRt Mill-
lnry DiMrlc't-InlercHting In
telligence from Cuba
Special Despatch to The Burning Tie graph.
Whisky In Bond.
Commissioner Dtlano was before the Senate
FinHDce Committee to day, and tnado a long
argument In favor of extending the time one
jear for the payment cf the tax on whisky In
bond. ILe committee, without coming to any
conclusion, adloamed until this afternoon, when
they will resume its consideration.
The Cnrrency Kedtstribntlon,
Comptroller of the Currency liabbard ap
peared before the Banking Committee to-day
and submitted an exhibit of the workings of
tbe fourth section of toe bill redistributing the
circulation among the Btates. Ooly tnree (States
will be BllecUd by it, Masxacbuselts. Coaneoll
cut, and Kbocle Island. Tbe Hrat-uamed Htate
ioes nearly nineteen minions or circulation,
the second three millions, end tbe third four
millions. The cities of Boston, New York, and
Baltimore will lose a total of three and a Quar
ter mUllons circulation. The aommlttee post
poned further consideration of the subject till
to morrow.
Pacific Railroad Honda.
Tbe House Paolflo Railroad Committee had
a short session to day, relative to the Issue of
bonus to tne (jenirai facino, ana postponed
the meetlDK until Tuesday next. In order to
have all the evidence printed.
Detpatch to the Auociated Freu.
Army Paymasters!
Washington. Anrll a. Paymaster Edward
May has been ordersc to duty as Paymaster at
New York, relieving Paymaster J. C, Eldrldge.
Paymaster Edwin btewart has been ordered to
duty st Washington, D. C, relieving C. C. Jaok
son. Paymaster Thomas H. Looker has been
ordered to duty at Baltimore, relieving B. T.
Dunn, Paymaster Francis H. Bwann has been
ordered to duty as storekeeper at the Naval
Aoademy , relieving (i. E. Thornton. The above
orders take efleot on tbe first of May next.
Tbe paymasters relieved will settle their ac
counts with the Government preparatory to
being ordered on other service.
The following officers are relieved from duty
In tbe Freedmen's Bureau, and ordered to join
tbe 43d U. 8. Infantry Veteran Reserves:
Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel R. E. Johnson, and
Brevet Cantaln A. BenBon Brown.
The resignation of Hecond Lieutenant Lean
der Hawes, 1st Artillery, has been acoepted.
Commander of the 1st Military District,
By direction of tbe President. Brevet Major-
General A. T. Webb has been assigned to the
command of tbe First Military Dlslrlot, accord
ing to his brevet rank of Major-Ueneral, until
the arrival of Oeneral Oanby to relieve him.
General Webb will repair to. Richmond without
Naval Order.
Commander O. O. Carpenter has been de
tached from duty at Portsmouth, N. H., Navy
x ara, ana j-iieuienanvcommanuer a. a . uross
man orueieu to that station.
The Pacific Railroad.
Tbe House Committee on the Pad Do Rail
road, at tnelr session this morning, received
ine rest oi ine papers requirea irom the rrea
sury Department as relating to the recen
Issuance of bonds to the Central Paclflo Rail
road Company. Beveral documents were read
in evidence on both sides, and tbe committee
then adjourned until next Tuesday to allow
time for printing all the voluminous evidence
for their use.
Tbe session of the Committee on Banking
and Currency was mainly occupied In listening
to the statements of the Comptroller of the
Currency, and no action was readied.
Tbe Committee on Elections bud under con
sideration the contested South Carolina election
Advices from Admiral Iloff.
Tbe Navy Department to day received seve
ral despatches from Rear Admiral Hon", com.
mandlne tbe North Atlantio s luadron. They
ate dattd Key West, 2tth ult. He reports that
on Bunday, the 21st nit., Havana was the scene
of much excitement, caused by the departure
of 250 politlcul prisoners for Fernando Po. There
was a great concourse of persons witnessing
their departure, tbe volunteers having to keep
the crowds back. One of the soldiers ordered
a citizen to stand back, which he could not do
In consequence of the pressure behind him.
Words entued, and the soldier fired on him,
killing him lBstantly. A police officer de
manded why this was done. A discussion fol
lowed, and be was also killed Several arrests
were made, one for sboutlrjg "Viva Cespedes,"
and another for having a Cuban flag in his pos
session. Both were tried, condemned, and shot
the same day. The transports with tbe
prisoners sailed In the afternoon. Admiral
HotT encloses extracts from Nassau papurs
relative to the arrival of one of the Peruvian
monitors at Ragged Island wltn the survivors
of tbe wreck Of her convoy. The ram, while
on the way from Key West with a vessel In
tow, parted the hawser which oonneoted them,
and while endeavoring to make fast agalu,
steamed Into the vessel andasnkher. Haven
lives were lost. The whereabouts of the other
Pernvlanram was unknown.
A proclamation was (Issued on tbe 2ftb,by
the Captain Geneial of Cuba, relative to block
ade runners, or vessels seized In Hpanlsh wa
ters, ;or upon the free seas near the Island with
men, arms and ammunition, or materials that
may In any way contribute to promote or
ferment the insurrection in the Province,
whatever may be the point or their prooeedure
and destination, and after previous examina
tion of their papers and registers, they will, In
effect, be considered as enemies to our territory
and treated;as pirates. In accordance with
the ordinance of the Navy, all persons that
shall be apprehended tin .such vessels will be
immediately Bhot.
Ilonse of Representatives.
Harkibbubq, April 2.
Mr. Brown, of Huntingdon, Introduced an aot
to provide for the payment of tbe claim of a
certain George Tyler for damages sustained to
his property from onr own troops. Referred to
tbe Committee on Ways and Means.
The House bill lmpcslng a tax of one per cent,
upon the psr value of capital stook of State
and national banks, and directing the cashiers
to make the collections, came up. This of
course dispenses with the present bank as
sessors after 1870. . .
Mr. Nicholson moved to amend by also
placing the tax on capital stock and profits.
Agreed to.
It was held that under the existing laws the
bank assessors actually received seven per
cent, for collecting. The bill was paused.
Mr. Josephs, from the Railroad Committee,
reported negatively on an act compelling all
railroad companies whose Hues run through
Philadelphia to sell tlokets toand fromtheolty.
Tbe Camden and Amboy and Philadelphia,
Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Compa
nies, which this bill wps Intended to reach,
have already agreed to sell suoh tickets.
The following bills were also reported nega
tively; this la considered equivalent to a de
feat: Making a subsidy for a steamship line from
Philadelphia to Bremsn.
Limiting the Ilea of mortgages to three years.
Requiring all practitioners of metllolne to be
graduates of some meaioal college.
Mr. Btrang called up the Senate bill, making
the wrltof appeal to the Supreme Court, In case
of conviction of murder ilu the first degree, a
case of right, and not merely on the opinion
Of the Attorney General. Passed.
Sale of College taud Serlpi
Wilmington, Del., April a.-Nlnety thon
sand aeres ol college land scrip belonging to
the State of Delaware were sold yMnUjat
Dover, by publlo a notion, to CI. 1. Lewis, of
Cleveland, Ohio, for W,uQ0.
Redaction ofSjJJaryarJi' Port8mo,ltu
Portsmouth, N. H., April 2.-Ordera have
been received at the Navy Yard reducing the
waxes of all per diem, workmen and clerks, 20
per cent, trout last month's rate.
William i. Barries to be Collector,
or internal nevcnuo for the
First District or Penn
gylvania. Shocking Disaster in England.
Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph,
Tbe Internal ttevenne Collectorshlp of
Washington, April 2. William A. Barnes,
suggested by Senators Cameron aad Scott for
Collector of Internal Revenue for the First DIs
trlot of Pennsylvania, has signified his willing
ness to accept the place, and Mr. Delano has
accordingly sent bis name to the White House,
Tne Eigne Honr Law.
A deputation is here from the Philadelphia
Navy Yard to protest against the deolslonof
tbe Attorney-General that they shall only be
paid for eight hours' work. They have not yet
been able to see the Saoretary of the Navy.
A Train Rnnaoir an Embankment Nine
1'ersoiiM Killed.
Special Detpatch to The Evening Telegraph.
Hartford, conn., April 2. The New York
express train for Boston on the Hartford; New
Haven, and Boston road, whloh passed through
here this morning about 12 o'olook, heavily
loaded with Boston passengers, has met with a
serious aocldent about ten miles north of this
city, and an engine has Just arrived here from
the wreck for surgeons and nurses. The fall
extent of the dlsuster Is not yet fully known,
but, so far as reported, nine persons were killed
Instantly and a number badly braised. Three
ooacbes are down the embankment and badly
broken up.
8 F. M. The railroad accident proves to be
sot so serious as at first reported. Although
many passengers were seriously Injured, some
it Is feared fatally, none were killed outright.
Names of the passengers hurt not yet reported.
By Atlantic Cable.
Another Dreadfnl Colliery Explosion.
London, April 2. The political news to-day
la unimportant.
Another dreadful colliery explosion occurred
yesterday at the Arley Colliery In Lancashire.
Twentyelght persons were killed outright, and
many othera were badly injured.
The Tronble ai Gettysbnrff.
Getttsburo, April 2 No action has yet been
taken by the Gettysburg Spring Company in
reply to tbe forotnle re-entry of the owner and
his pronunclamento announcing the abroga
tion of the lease for breach of con traot. The
premises are still held by the employes of the
owner during tbe day and by watchmen daring
the night.
Stock Quotations by Telegraph 3 P. H;
Glendinnlng, Davis A Co. report through their
New York house the following:
N. Y. Cent. K 160jClev. and Tol. R.R. m&
N. Y. and Erie R... b84 Toledo Wabash... 69
t a. ana nea. rt... vi mu. x uuraui com. liyi
.. ...... nu. uij ivx.
. Ul WH
Cbt and R. I. H....l2T4Tenn. 6s, new........
Pltta.4 F. W, ......... 1'23 Gold .131
Paclflo Mall B. Co.- 81 Market unsettled.
West. Union Tel, . 81) I
Reported by Se Haven fc Bro., No. 48 B. Third street
11(100 Leh 6S, O.I...1. 92;
Hcttofatis. 1 ser 103
100 ah Fenna BR
ttouo Leh V It old bs. S
9 nil Norrlst'D 67
8a BhBeaa R uf. ifH
27 do.... iiii
100 sb Read -b6(X. 46
ISnbMorUf.UoD. 61
3 do 123
uu , ...... oh;,
do to
do 6S7i
i to.
mo lli. bsJi
14 do. Ml
100 do...... t
i!!? w - sift. W
124 ih Jh V K lt
i oo an rmi ,03011
tSPOCIty m. New.....Ki0'i
leo th renna B...... 69V
80 do.MW... 69
loo - do......b. i Si
18 do .s&wu. 69
6 th Cant Si Am 123
10 bu Mecb file......... 30 'i
ldO th Jueh V K 51
Tbe Darlen Canal.
The Panama Cltronieie has the following: -
It will create no surprise to find that the
Darlen Canal treaty has been rejected by the
Senate of Bogota, and consequently the matter
stands precisely where It did before the treaty
was framed. The necessity for the canal, how
ever, Increases dally with the advance of time,
and, sooner or later, the mammoth work will
be entered upon despite diplomatic dltllcultlea
which for the moment may appear. Tne Senate
of Colombia considers that as the terri
tory through whloh It Is contemplated
to cut the canal la Columbian pro
perty, the advantages to result to this
republio should be greater than those which,
were promised by the rejected treaty. What
Colombia would desire It IsdlfBoult tosee. The
glory of the enterprise never can be hers she
possesses neither the talent, tbe energy, nor
the means of engaging In It. and therefore no
limited conslderatlens of selfishness and petty
nationalism will be allowed to Interfere withr
the prosecution of a project whloh tne exigen
cies of the world demand.
Raving rejected the propositions to whiot
tbe United btates of America became a party,
it is now fortbls republio to submit proposi
tions for.the consideration of that Government
A. Daring- Aeronaut
Mons. A, Chevalier, the distinguished aero
naut, who lately arrived in New York for the
urpose of making a balloon voyage hence to
urope, has leased Landmann's Prk, Sixty
seventh street and Third avenue, In that city;
wbere he will make several asoents during the
next two months, prior to his departure onbiif
freat transatlantic voyage, which will be oa
be 81st of July. More than one hundred ap-
fillcatlous have been reoelved by M. Cheva
lcr from persons desirous to aooompany him
on bis perilous trip. The price fixed lor the
passage is 8250, and not all who oiler themselves
at that price will be accepted by the professor
as compaynone de voyage, as he wishes to take
with him only suoh persons as are capable,
through mental and physical qualifications, of
assisting blm In his sclentlno observations, for
tbe sake of whloh, chiefly, the daring project In
undertaken. DIED.
For additional VtuUit tee Fifth Page,
TIDDY. At Stat' n Island, New York, on the 1st
Instant, DILL1E L wile of Klchats m. TldSy, ol
North Carolina, and youngest daughter Ot the late
Itlcbard l'enn fcinltli, Esq., ot this cliy,
Due notice of (he funeral will be given,
WEST. At Chester, on Fifth-day afternoon, 4th
mODlO.lBt, 1BBU, KfcZIAH WKb l', relict of the 11
Bamutl West, in tne7tfth year of her age.
Her relative and friends and those of the family
are ib eoifiilly invited to atleud the funeral, without
further notice, from the residence of her son. John U,
J yer. lo Cheater, on fcecoud-day next, the 6th Inatant.
To meat at the house at 2 o'clock P. tt. Interment ai
Chester Aural Cemetery.
X.NIVKS, Pearl and iHtag Handltw, Of beautiful
flnliih. KODttkUM' and WA-lk BUTOH BUt'B BA4
fcOKH, and the selebrated LEUOULl JU KAJtUal
bCIBHOKri of the flDrai quality.
Hor, Knives, BoWore.aod Table Ontlery Oreon
and roltahad, at P. M A IlaTI RA'B, fita.UA S TUMTtf
mas.Daun if an
GKON, treats all diseases of boraw and caj
la. and all snnrloal oimraUuiiB. with emuleni wwr
modaltona fur hona at ii InAraaacr.
U A tw lUAvI L Btosei, ajTeVVplaa. 4