THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPII PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, MAJtCII 29, 18G9. NEWS NUMMARY. I.o-itl Atr.ilrn. The Coroner vriiK nont (or yrtcr1ay to bold u rmiiif.t on ixuiyof J hn Omni', who was k .11. ,1 bv taiLug ,iuWn bm.r Ht a0. v0 warioti strn t. -Yi-'ten'ay. nt hhlf-jnstl P. M.. Ilie funeral or Joseph w-. uoiith tlie person found dead on WfaneBdHy r-vcriirit; last, took pince troruOlnrd Hall. A crown of or.vrrnk hundred people kerubled In the vktuky oi tho hall, indepen Ut'iitof tlie lontr procctgiou of poddies formtnir tbe luncrtil encur,-. In th latter were noticed many !enml. g. JjuiIhk the moniinir the body, ei.cloood in a rosewood oiisttet, lay In the hall, jrheie It tvns visited bv mativ at' the decease-'! friend", and also a mi in her of Mrmicers. A tiffht occurred jcuenlitv Hltertioon t No. 630 UeiHoid strr-i t, in which John Phillip win 'nt to both legs, by a razor in tbe hand of John Jackon, wtio tt'n cut throiiL'h the check and lip Willi u pocket -knile by I'hilli'P. The wounds inflicted Hie tonous, and not dangerous. The parties are eo'pred. unci t'lmlins who ha-i lately pot out of prison, it was nllraed, was jealous of Jackton, which culmin itfd ns tibnve. Phillip was airrsted oid taken to tip! Union Street .Station House, whero Im wounds were dresi-ed. Jackson was taken to the rennsylvuiiiu Hos pital. About 1 o'clock yrsterdiiy iijornint; a Are ecruired in the c"nutincr room on th first iloor of the Ktore ot Mu-oti A liotb, liquor dealers, 108 V11M1ut, street. The fir; ot it;;iiiiU'J under the counter, and th? Haines wire, soon extlu-pul-ihi'd. Dauuire to butldiiiu' and stock about $500; fully insured. Au old frame cooptr hIioo at Front nnd Iheker-mn streets, occupied by Wil Hum ISothH, took tire about 2J o'clock yos temny niornii.e:, but the tituiiHtre done was The furniture store ot Mr. Gale, at Second and Queen street, nlso took tire about t o'clock vtteidny moiniiiir, but the flaup-s were txtinguibhud beloie much damage was done. A nieetlecof the frieuds of the New flope ard Philadelphia. Uailroad was held a few days eirne, and It whs resolved that the amount of stock reported subscribed should locate tbe road. It the upper route had thelarirest number ot shares, then the road .sliould be built on the route purvejed Irom Forks ot the. Nesbmionv Tia liatborough and Willow Grove, to Kilns Hill Station, N. 1. K. U. If the lower or through route had the majority, thcu it would be built on the route tom f orks of the Nesharuony, via Huntingdon Valley, to l'hiladelpuia, both par ties acreeinp to the survey trum tbe ltdaare river to the Forks of the Nisunmou). The sub ticriptlutis in favor ot tiie upper route amouuted to $80,000 ut the time ot the meeting, only $111,000 being necessary to commence to build the road. The joint committee of the Grand Lojle, Grand Encampment, "tc.. to make arrauee incuts for the Seiul-ceuteLuial(jlebration of the Order, he'd au adjourned mt eiti.p on Saturday evening, P. (i. Master John W. Stokes presiding The Cummittee on Prouracnme made a report, and tney were authorized to engage Cfirriusen and have a programme printed. The resolution, submitted at a previous meetinp. to recall all books issued by tbe C'oinmr.tee of Ways and lleaiif- askine contribution' from business men and otbfr.-5, was adopted. The resolution, passed at a previous meenrip, providing for eariiaees foraged and infirm member-, was rescinded. A resolution was adopted to the etlect that the niornini e.xerciees thall comnienee at the Aca demy of Mubic at 9 o'clock, the line of parade to torm at 11 o'cIock, aad the procession to move at 12 o'clock. The eveninp exercises to commence at the Academy at 8 o'clock. since Friday last, when testiaiouy was benrd by the Coroner's jury in relation to the mv-teri-ous death of Joseph V. smith, janitor of Guard Hall, no developments have been made calcu lated to throw liaht upon the affair. It was ascertained that the pistol which was found at the side of the deceased was purchased by him. a few (lavs previous to the kill'iig, at a shop in the lower part of the city. He ha J first bought a Derringer, but concluded afterwards to ex change it for a small-sized four-barrelled Sharp's pistol. We learn that some important witnesses have been withheld ror a future examination belore the Coroner, who will show that Snnih had reason to tear an attack, and that ho bad the pistol in his pocket on the afternoon of tho murder. The la-it theory ia respect to the uso ot tue pistol is, that after Smith bad been tied, be succeeded in freeing bis hands sutticiently to get the pistol from tiis pocket, and that tbeu It was Mia'ehed from him and discharged at his head. Ou Saturday, while wacblng the top of a pedestal in the hall where the deceased met his death, large spots of blood were discovered on the pedestal. Domestic AHiklrs Oold closed ou Saturday at i:tl. Deaths ia the city last week, '2bl. f, The St. Croix river is clear ot ice. General Uadeau hasj recovered from Mb late illness. There is a prospect of navigation soon opening to Albany ironi New York. HC Marshall O. Roberts has pretented the Cen tral Park. New York, with a statue of Columbus. The first shad of the season in New York was enjoyed Friday at the Manhattan Club rooms. Jesse R. Grant, father of the President, ar rived in Cincinnati from Washington on Friday night. Four villains who robbed Graham, on Fri day nigh', in New York, were committed lor trial on Saturdav. John Huertas, purser of the stesmship Eagle, dropped dead on Saturday, in New York, of heart disease. The steamship City of Paris, for Liverpool, on Saturday, took out $25,900 in specie, and the Kapidan, for Havana, $26,000. Antonio Carroll, ol Chicago, has been sent to jail for purchasing a saloon in New York, and paying for it with a forged check. Wiiliaui Koblnson, one ot the oldest era ployes of the Methouist Book Concern, died fcudcleuly on Saturday night iu Nuw York. General Sheridan has issued a general order asumlng command of the Military Divl nion ot Missouri, with headquarters at Chicago. Thi trie Railroad Company has entered into a contract with the Mirhigau Southern Hailroad Company to build a road from Akron, uhlo, to Toledo. A Detroit tock -broker wa fobbed of $8003 in bonds on Saturday by a couddencemau. Hon. Benjamin Kirn lee ton has commenced taking testimony in CinciLua'i. in the coutest for the seat now held by P. V. Strador, of the Firet Congressional district. Jndae Wosecraus. of the New York Supreme Couit, last Saturday issued au order reiuovine to the United States Circuit CYdirt the case of James Kisk, Jr., against the Lnion I'aciac null' road Company. , , Prrident Grant is Mill petered by office. hunters, who produce and hand him their for midable bundles of applications and recom rannrinrinim not witiistaiidiu.' his rule that ail such documents must be hied with the heads of departments. . , , , . Lock wood, the dead Sing 9'ng convict, was compelled to walk a longutsiance oyuis Keeper, Fulfivan, atter the latter uad fatally shot him. Lockwood fell Irom exhaustion by loss of blood, when lio wnn thrown into a dirt cart and lolted over a rough road until he reached Sing Sing Prison. l'oria:n A Hair. San Francisco, March 27. The steamship Great Bepunlic arrived to-uighr, with advices from Iloug Kong to February 1!, and Yoko hama March 14. She spoke- the steamship Japan on March 4 and signalled the Chlua ou March 17 all well. The passencers for New Vnrlr nrn Air, A Tl Mitoltnll If Mf.Cln.ioti V 1 W J ! 4. . W. 1UIIV IU II, A,. U.VVUVI II, Alexander Buchanan, Captain Dammar, U. 8 N. ; LbMit.-Com. A. K. Brown. U.S. N.; Albert vVitle, (i. Vouiderstein, E. I. limner, V. S. N.; II. K lih,lUJ f U XT . 1 IT IM . TT IT . A. Beden, M. J. Braudier, s. Hicke, S. J. She bring3 for New Yorh 91 pacVage9 of tea, 80 ot silk. 4 of curiosities, 6 of opium, and 67 of merchandlbc. I'ha ttpd rimVtln TIprmn.Tin woa mnw.lw A February 13, on an unnnown reef outside the harbor of Yokohama. Two hundred and seventy lives were lost. The vessel is a total loss, nothlu whatever beiua ved. Mr. Chase. 41 . AlliDAk (11 lilt V HUM IV U1fl tiinJ.H ... araontr the lost. The Hermann whh under JLiUiCtt i Uiii tcT, bUa UuU 4uV VaoetugVi M a. ... IfuL-rxiluftl Th" ship Zealatid, trom M ddleburg for Data via, wi.h coal, was burii"l at fca The pa-sen-frtTs aud crew were rescued by the Dutch ship KtliFl. Artancements have I.reu made betwen Mr. Hurlinuntne and Lord Clarendon that herea'ier all liepotiatlons will bn conducted with th" cCLtral goveinmeni, In tind ol the local an horl ties, and belore war is Inaugurated disuate ttiti.'l be referred to the h"ni3 govcrn:nr,ot. This gives grea'. di'sati'laclcn. and the Honi? Kong pre.-s cites the Hv.,'oiv at!a:r a a s ifli cient cotumen'nty v ti the first pari of the tdlpulniion. The I) lti-b gur.b a'. lgcvinr bus relume 1 to Hong Kong from an tiii-.iicees.-f il penrcli lor the mlFSine Irtnch n nn-of-wnr Le Mnne, which lcftSa'gon on Nov .-tiner 1, and the lo-s of which is now looked upon a- ctrtam. Yokohama, March 4. Exchange on Liudon, 4s. 6.J d. Ou Pans. 61. Glo, The United Sta'es htcainer Ahuelotis in port. The ship John .ori an Iris haded for New i'ork with .'112,(100 po:inds of t a. nnd the b.irquc Brilliant lor 15otnn, with 2 154 poui.d-'. Tbe Mikado a-r'.ved at Kiot on Febi miry 3, and w as n atric 1 on FcbnmrT ). A difliculty occun d at Kioto, between the fol'oweis ol Sa'suma Mid Clioiu, and it is re ported that seveial sin eis were set on lire. The flames readied the palace of toe Mikado, who Hi d to Usakn. Ti e rep. Tied anamination of tin: Governor of On.ka oiiginatcd in the fact, tuat u high ollicial was niuroered lucre. hdtniral Eiiiir tnoto celebrated the event of bis takms euine pm-session of tho island ot Yes o by tiling a tnlute ot 101 guns trom the fleet and batteries on shore. He also notloed all the consuls of the formation of a provisional government, and the appointment of the neces sary permanent officers. His forces re rapidly increasing, and it will b uoensy matter for the M'kado to subdue him and retake th isian 1. The United States steamer Matimee is at Tliogo; tbe Aroostook was hourly expected there; the Oneida has saUed tor Hong Kong. The Chinese Catholic priests from the North leport the Mahometan rebels in strong force on tbe read to I'ekin, and predict tbe fall of the celestial cm pile within the year. Mi nop at Che too is stagnant. Another mis sionary difficulty oceuired at F;ochow. and the assistance of a British gunooat was called in. Placards were posted about the city, calling on the people to rise and exterminate all tne foreieners. Au Enclish fleet of three gunboats destrojed two villages near Swatow, became of an oulraee by the Chinese ou the. gunboiit Cockcbaler. Tbe Washington treaty of lstiR between the United States and China has been received at Sham; hae, aud will be delivered to Prmce Rung at Pekin. A meeting ot merchants was held at Foonhow in regard to tea nifllcultles, and resulted in the Yicetoy, in concert with the trade committee, i.-suinor a proclamation against tbe fraudulent conduct of teamen in false packing of cargoes. The intelliaence from .'apau is meagre. Ad miral Knuomoto is strongly fortifying his posi tion rear Volcano bay, mending to fight it out unless the Mikado complies with tbe demands of the exikd Kerns that ihcy shall return to tho island of Vesso, nnd the liito Tycoon bij sent aj their ruler. The ram Stonewall loft Yokohama on March 3 tor Vcddo, and will be immediately traiisfirred to the Japanese Government. Athens, March 27. Photiadcs Bey, Turkish Fnvoy and Minister Plenipotentiary, has arrived from Constantinople, and resumed amicable rela.ious, in behalf of his Government, with '.he Grician Government. London, March 28. Advices received from Madrid announce it as almost certain thir. the Duke of Montpensier will be proclaimed King of Spain. Itisturiher stated that he will arrive in Madrid within a fortnmht, in tbe iron clad victoria, now Ijmp in the harbor ot iiisooo. Paris. Marcii 27. The Gan'ois says that Napoleon has deniauded an explanation of the King of Prussia in regard to the receut mobili zation ot ttoops in the western proviuces. Havana, March 27. Dulce has appointed .Mir alio Governor of Trinidad, iu place of Pa I mo. Intelligence received from Sagua states that a party of young Cubans dad organized them selves into a military company, intending to join the insureents. Tney were betraved by one of their number, and all, including Meduro, me reputed lender, were imprisoned. The Havana journals oublish despatches from all parts ot the island. The news is generally avoraoie to the Government. Itrports of several skirmishes between the troops aud the rebels have been received. Havana. March 27. I he report published here a lew days aeo that a heavy battle had been loueht Dttwteu the troops under Pueiio and tue insurgents, m the Eastern Department at some point ou the road irom Uemedtoa to fllororo, is untrue. The engagement was only a sliirht skirmish between the troops and eight bundled re Dei. The United States flagshipContoocook.Adini- rsl Hot! commanding, has arrived ir jm. Key West. Tbe steamer Comercio has been armed and fitted out as a gunboat, and to day sailed lor Cardenas to intercept au expedition expected irom Nassau. The Peruvian monitors remaiued four days at Puerto Naraujo, four leagues from Gibara, during which time their crews were eneagd iu cutting wood for the purpose of supplying eteam. Havana. March 28. The remainder of tbe passengers and crew of the steamship Com mauditario have arrived at Cardenas, Tuey denounce the purser and engineer as the leaders of tbe plot lor securing the vessel. Two men were killed and six were ar rested in the streets of Havana for uttering seditious cries. E. R. Codnngton, American Consular Agent at Gibara, has been brought a prisoner to iiavana. Little business has been done during the past week, on account ol the holidays. MARINE TELEGRAPH. For additional Marin New tea Pint Pagt. ALKANAO TOB i"HILADKLPHIA-TH18 DAT. Bom Knots... ..6 4 Ilooa Kis ....,... a m Hum bbtb.. 6 21 , Uiaa watch. s u PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TBADB, OKonem N. Tatbah, ") W 111.111 O. K KMT, f OOMMITTIJt or TBI MONTH. 1. O. JUCCAMMuN, ) KtOVKMLUHTS OK UCKAH 8TKAMKR8. FOH AMilKIOA. Atalauta.. Londou -New York., Mar. I Ublo 8outuaipton... HaltltiiOre- Mar. 11 (Jlly ol tXirk l.lverpol...Nt)W Vork..P ......Mr. U ht. I.aureit-.....Btest Hew York Mar. 13 W uj. 1'eun ixjiiuon rew ri rM Mar. 1.1 HnuEk Soutliami)tou...Kew V ork... .Mar. 1U Nevada....... Llvei pool...Nev York .Mr. is Cuba J lver)ool...New York -...Mar. IS 'I be tiueen..M....Liverpoil..ew York aar. If Austrian Liverpool...Poriiaad....M Mar, is Wpsltballa.......New York...Hambiirs Mar. fli blberla New York...Liverpuol Mnr. ;il NuaitwU. New Yora...Uvuriool. Mur. hi 11. nl A niwe...Nw York...I.iveruool ....April 8 Atularila ..New York... London April 8 Wui. Petu ..New York... Loudon April 1(1 tXJAbTWlhhi. LUUJLsTIC. ItTC. City CjI Mexlco..N'ew York... Vera UruE,tc Mar. so i-roiurirjeuti rioibnn UbarleMou april 1 Arlcoi a New Y ork... AbUluwall April 1 WyouiDK........Pbllada...B.'SMvacnHb .Aoril a Plomer -i'iilludH Wlln.dngton April B in ana aio lorwaraeu ny tvery sieaiuflr in tue rcvuiat ltne. '1 bn aioaiunra ror or from Liverpool call t Quei'DnKm n, ezoept tue Gauadlau Una, which call at, Ajonnomierrr, a n aieaniera lor ot irom lueooul! nent call at HniiUiarapuiu. CLKAKKl) BATDKDAY. Brig KttbbODl.'tJouuiba. Lauuyra and Porto Cabello. J, bo 1 ulivtA to. ' Belli bllberi lireen, weacon, Lyna, J, Bommel, Jr. a Arii Bcbr Jos. Porfr, Burroughs Newport. do. fcclir Keadlug Hit No ". llwd. Mlddletown, do, Hcur Joiiaibau Way Keal. Portland, do. Hehr KuadluK HH. No. M, Coraon, Nurwalk, do. Bi'lirK n. ti'iiaui, Otrilsb. sco. an. Stenr r obin Hoi d Adauja. Nuw Haven, do, Hchr W, Carroll MtHn, Waco, do, Helir I.ltrlB J..vaua Kvaiia. Providence, do, Hcbr N. H. Hklunur. Tliraaber. UlKidoa, ao. u..,. inii.rlf..n h:uBl Hhaw. KrlsLal An Hrbr ii.iulllHod Jenule, Hew ill, Cireat Fgg Harbor, it u uimimiiii A Cn. Sciirtteadli.g.RB.tfo.70, Carroll. Now Haven, Day, Bt Jaiia H. (frnen, Vance, Richmond and Norfolk, 1 1 r u i ! ...I u A (In iSl'r New York. Jonea. Georgetown, Washington, and Bl'rP. Frauk'lln, P leraon, Baltirarjre, A. Grovea, Jr. ARRIVED YKSTKRIAY. Br. barqaeotlne Arnlrona, Taylor. 40 dava from Mm lli'. rto r,,ii. eio hi Isatc Jeanei A Br. brig Iterici, Blackert, from Porto CabCllO, Hk uiBt., wiin cffc t J una iaiiu Co, PcUr Ruth Sha, staw, 8 daya from Cardenas, with D olafuii-ft in rni.inlD. wi, r Waiauiia. i,nwret.ce R dnyi from JaekoiiUl,i. Willi lumber lo l.atltbiirv VV ioenham l. Kxpe rienred heavy weothi r lr-e entire pannaKe. hieRnilnif America, Vlrilen, 12 bnurs from 'ri' IleiiKpen hnvli,K In tow lit la- MermeH. from Porto Ciheiln Minrclir Kntn Hhaw, from Cardenai. K-poria bsvlng paned In the bay I wo brim, name uoao'iwn' bil ii . from (.brOmaf , ami ttbr W. H, Tien, trom Cbarlesion, AnP.tVKb"sATUKDAY. Bnrqna Robert Porter, urii. frnoi L'verpnol Jan. 2. via Holyhead Feb. 14. with mdae. to Jobu K. Pen- rBB' . .. Br, scbr R. A. Ford. Carpenter, from Calbarlen lltn Init.. wlili mniaHKia to laaao Hointb tt Mnnla. Lett biig Nellie Mitchell, to nail I4ih for Philadelphia Hcbr Lena IIuuih. Appleby. 9 duva from Cardenai, Wlih niolHHni" to I bon. vVauann & rlnui. HteamerM MaBKey.nilih.M liomo Irom New York, wltb unlBe., Balrd A Co. MKMORANDA. . Khlp Othello, Plnkhaui, for Pblladelpbla, sailed from Liverpool llln lout. . bblp N. Mi nlier W usher, for Pblladelpbla, sailed from Liverpool 12th iiint. s-cbr F. B ( nil I m;. Tyain. nt Hnvarinnb fltn Inst., f om Llverrool. wamuoii sack suit, and sailed eauie day for Phllaoelpnia, .,., , HblpJnbu Harbour, Cbapman at Cardlfl -h Inst., mm Antwerp . , , . . Kieauiab'p Wyoming, l'.nrrelt, for I'hIUdelpnia, C eared at Havannah njiii Ins . t-teaamblp Pioneer, Wnti.aiik. from Wllmlnttton. N. C.i lor Philadelphia! bat mi board bins, r win. Hs:i no. Hi'lr tH turpeiillne, IM bl' C itlou, 13 do. rnKi 1 do. nheepekli a. 1 do wo d, 1- '"' feet piti'h pIiih In ii. her. 4iii 0 sbliiKlen. 61 empty aie casks, b bbls. llax-B-ert. ana s pKkm. ludse. ,, . s-ienrusnlii Norfiilk, Piatt, for Philadelphia, sailed frc ni Kii bmobd 2 th lnnl. . bleaiihlilp Pr.imeiheiiH, Oray. for Philadelphia BHiled liooi ( barleaton '.Bill ln-t.. with HI io. ru, -.4 hales ppiand c tion. 7 bans ras. M bales doniestlej. :6(i b'i;a roslu, 4 boxes wine, 1 box guua, i horses, ami ltprque J liana. Tlchaelii, for Philadelphia, was loading at Cardiff 1Mb. liiHt. tiu . un,.ruu Jnnlrliin. for Philadelphia. enteri-d c ut at Liverpool llth Inst. Ilarqne Kvellna Hcnroeder. Prnnti, from Clyde for rhliRoeiphla. at l.mlh 11th Inst. ParqueKcandia. Boekell. for Philadelphia, sallad from LlverpooHitn inst. . BarqneCnra Henderson, from London for Pblla delpbla. sailed from Deal luh Inst. Unique Blair Athol. Haynes, for Philadelphia, r ailed from Newport. Km.. H'b lnt. u.ii. i.iuii.tiiiiii. at Lucca 27th ult. for Philadelphia In 5d,s J. w. wurnmir. jjaJiKBii. Pblledi Iphla. sailed Irom Newport .th lnut i. .. - n'l..... n.,rH. Wnrl llniflOU. aUU AtlDlO Mny, henre. at Fall Klvertoth Inat bebrs Beta, Drown; ana a n. oi. ......-. -. were lotdlug ut Charleaion, 25th Inst., for l u la delphlu ... . w, ,,. HchrCbattanooga, uinra was nmmut a ton, N C .2.MH Inst., lor Philadelphia. ,. bcbr Itiehuni Vaux, V hltaker,ai iw""" 17?hrlihe"r't'e'haro.Hl1ourdS nnd Daniel Brlttnln, BHiiorlerB. benre. at Providence 2-ith lust. Brhr Lottie isenru, i-erry, aancu 'tcirF oydVI.eor'en. Sailed for rulladelphla X?r bene. atGloncester 2(thlDBt . . ' ..... ,r r.w.. i-hrs J. B. Austin. Austin; ah. ' . J. K. Halt, N'ckeraon: J. M. Vance. a irse . r. Averv. Bran: Lena liniuer, rrrrj n. .. Joy; W. L. H.aluht, sjIhIkIiI: J. . tsai.c." :k. ii. . B. Loverinir. Carson J. r. ji J Tf Blley-L. & A Babmrk, Babcoek; 1 . a Small. Hruiih; ndlaary G. Farr. Maloy. n.l :B"" 'J' ,"" iscbr Jt. ri. orraiiuuu, u imn - 28(scbr William V. Oarrlson, Morris, hence lor Bos ton, at Ho'uics' Hole 2ith Inst. LUMBER. 10(lft bPKUCE JOIST lfiiiQ H IcMlAiCK. 1 8bii SlA SOW h-A CLKiiK PINK. jLOOfJ 1UUW CHtJJCF. PAX'IKltAX PINK. "r pt,J ClKbAtt, i ' t FLOKJDA FLOORING. "1 Q-f I 18t)9 FLOKAJJA FLOOlUNul. lOUU itUy i.jalvOLiNA FLOOK.INO. VlilUlNJA FLOORING. Di-LAWAPK FLOOKiiO. ASH F LOOKING. WALNUT FLOORING. FLGaUaJA d'1'K.P BOAKL8. MiLFLAKK, UiQ WALNUT BD3 AMD PLANS. Qt'Q lOUy WAiJNlii' Blb. Aisl PiiAiiii. lOUt; A y ALN V T LO<ia. WALNUT f LAJIK. iren (JNDARTAKKR8 LUMBBS. 1C;Q lbOt7 DNUARTAKiiKBJyjllBl'iU. lOVO WALIuT ANJU e'lSK. H'.-fi SKASONKD FOPbAR. 1 RrJQ AbH. WJtUTK OAK PLalSK AND liOABDO. HIOKORV. n.V.n c-IHAR BOX MAKKHH' 1 Ol'Q lotjU CIGAR BOX MAKKUtf LOOJ BPANlbH CKUAB , BOXBOAKDH. FOK BALE LOW, lCr CAROLINA il. T.HILL'S, lOOO X MORWAY BCAN'ILING. lOUy CYPBJS-Bfs bHINGLF.3, LOU) M-AtLiC, BkOTHFR A CO., IU o. ttbuu BOUTH Bureai. PANEL PLANK ALL THICKNESSES. 1 COMMON PLANK. ALL THICK JltbaKd, 1 COiift ON BOARD:. 1 and 2 BIDK FF.NCK BUARDS. WHITE PINK FLOOHING BOARD3. Y1XLOW AM) SAP PiNK FLOOHlNvi, U ud 4V. WPBCC'K JOIST, ALLK1ZKS. H KM LOCK JOIST, AA-LSIZtS. PLAsTAiUlISO LATH A hPKCTALTY. Together with a genural aesorln eut of Building Inmber lor sale low tor cash. T. W. SMALTZ, 2bbm FIF i nKNTH and blTLUS b.reelS. ROOFING. BKADY BOOFIN G. This Hooting Is adapted to all building. It can be applied to bTlCCft OU FA, AC KOOFS at one-half tbe expunBe of tin. It In readily pot on old BhlriKle Koofs wituoat re naovlng tire snlngleR, thug avoiding tbedamag ing ef ceilings and furniture wBUe undergoiiig repairs. (IN o gravel used.) PBEBVBYB VOl'B TIN BOOM WITH nCLIUA'tl, JtliAMJIlC' PAINT, I am always prepared to Repair and Paint Roofs at abort notice. AIho, PAINT I'OK HA1.K by tbe barrel or gallon, tbe oeslaad cheapest in the market. W. A. WELT "J, 2 17 yp. 711 N. NINTH Bt.. above Coates. BOOFING. LITTLE & CO., "THE LIVE BOOFFRB." No. 1'fJH W ARKKT bireei. livery description of Old and Leaky Koofs made tight and warranted to keep in repair for live years, Old Tin Bonis made equal to new. A trial only reqnlred to liibure Stttlslactloa, Orders promptly at teuded to. 8m OLD GBAVEL ROOFS COVEltKD OVER wltb toiBllcblate and warrauie i lot ten yeiun. HAMILTON t COORKEK, 81a em No. 43 b. TKN'l 11 btreet. STOVES. RANGES. ETC NOTICE. THE UNDERESIdNED U would call the attention of tbe Dubllo to hia jn Ni.W GOLLlvN KAiiLK FUKNAC'At. Tbla Is an entirely new hbalier. It la an mn. atrucled aa teal once commend ltaeli to general favor being a combluailon cf wrought aud cant Iron, it U very ainiple in lla construction, aud la perfectly air tight; sell-cleaning, bav'iMttiio I Ipea or drums to bo taken not aud cleaned. It- e. B arranged wllu uprlgh, hues as lo prod nee a lark,,.'.' . juouni of heat from uitt ikiue weight of coal than any furnace now la use, The bvgiumeilo condition ot the air as produced by my liuw arrangement ol evaporatlou will at ouce d moiulrale that It is tue ouiy Hot Air Furnace thai will produce a pereiotly beanny atmnsiibere. lui'. In want ot a complete Healing Appnratut would do well lo call and examine the Golden iigle UH A KLKH WILLIAMS), Hos. 1182 aud 11M MARK It T btreel. Philadelphia. A large assoriment ot Cooking Ranges, Fire-boara btovtx, Low Down Grates, Venltlatois, etc., alwayt on bund N. il lobbing of all kinds promptly done. 6 IQf THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCHENER or FJUROPICAN RAaNGK, Air families, hotels, ty.'ll or public Institutions, lu TWKN i Y DIFFKIi-'i- tKT blZIui, Albo, Philadelphia Ranges, Hot-Atr F'urnacba. Portable Heaters, Low-down Grates, Flreboard btuves, Bath Boilers, ritew-bols piaten, Loners, Cooking btoves, eui wlioleaale and retail, oy the mauuiaciurers, BHARPK A THOMPSON, 11 tewfmfina 0;Jf tl.JikAjOOii) bureb ptOBB XOHAHOl BA BAflU if AUTO It x . JOHN T, HAILUTi N, K. ociruei ol MARKET aud WATEB BUTMM, Philadelphia. DJiJgLiCRb IN BAUb AND BAGGINU Of every description, 161 Uraln, Floor. Halt, bupex-phnaphal of LlmS, Box iarr ana nun huhut bags rwBSHuiuy oaVBMt FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFt 0HA1IPI0N SAFES ! rniLADKLpniA, Jautmry 18,1. Mcfjgrs. FAKUEL, H15HK1NU A CO., No. tftf Ctienuut street. eontlrmen:-On the nlm of the 1,'lth lnnL, iawell known to the clUeon of I'blladelpiiia our large and extonnlve more and valuabl' stock of mbrcbanoUe, No. 9ua cbeenut iuie' was burned. Tbe fire was one of the moot extensive ne doHtructlvethnt haa viHitod our city for mvuj years, the heat being no Intense that even th marble cornice V7M almoHt oblltoratwd. We had, as youareaware, two of yourva.n ble end well-known CHAMt'ION FliiX PROOF 8 A FEB; and uoHy have, they vlnOt oi:ted your well-known ropututlon m muMufw tnrersof FIUE-PKOOF fJAFKH, If auyfurtiis: proof bad been required. Tbey were subjected to the most Intense ben; and H affords us ranch pleasure lo Inform yoi that after reooverlnii them from the rulua, w found npoTj exsmlnailou tht our books, paiit rs and other valunblos. were all In perfect oojwjj Uon. Yours, very rospeclfully, JAH. E. CALDWI.LL A CO. TUSK OM.Y NAt'KS EXPOSED TO TIIK riKE 1 t'AI.IVVKH.N MIOKB 'iVEK&i FA Kit KIi, 1IKHIIINU dc CO. Philadelphia, Jan. 18, 1SS9. Messrs. FARREL, UEtlKINU & CO., No. 629 Cnesnut street. Gentlemen: On the night of tbe 13th inbtant our large store, 8. W. corner;of Ninth and Ches nut street, was, together with our neavy stock of wall papers, entirely destroyed by fire. We had one of your PATENT CHAMPION FIRE-PROOF SAFES, which contained o.u principal books and papers, and although ltwa exposed to tbe moBt Intense heat for over CO Lours, we are happy to say It proved ltsei; worthy of our reoomruendatlon. Our books and papers were all preserved. We cheerful ly tonder our testimonial to the many alretuly pcbllNhc-d, In giving the HERRING HAFE tu c.ellt and confidence It Justly merits. 'Sours, very respectfully, HOWELL A EUOTHER'J. BTILL ANOTHEll. Philadaclphia. Jan. 13. ISaj. Moecra. FARREL, HEKKINQ A CO., No. bLKJ Chesnnt street. Uentlemen: I bud one of vour iie.lre nf kntn In the basement of J. E. Caldwell & Co.'s store at the time of tbe great fire on tbe night of the 13th instant. It was removed fron. the ruins to-uay. and on onenine it found all my books, naners. izre,r. backs, watches, and watch matcrlalq tn. an preserved. I feel glad that I had one of your truiy vaiuuuie eaies, anu snail want anotnsr ot your make when I get located. Yours, very respectfully, F. L. KIRKPATRICK, wltli J. K Caldwell & Co., No. 819 Chesnut streot. FAKHEl., IIEItUI'.O & CO., CILVMPION SAFE3, No. 629 CHESNUT Stroot, u ur PHILA UELPHIA. QREAT BARGAINS I IV SAFES. IN CONSEQUENCE OF ILL HEALTH I WILL BELL Uf STUCK oF 8 A F E 8, ETC., With Two Tears' Unexpired Lease of Store, Ko. C39 ARC1I Street, AND TWO VERY SUPERIOR DRAUGHT HOBbEtt, WAGON, ETC , lor cash or la ex change for desirable property, Parties wishing to make such purchase will please call at my store between ten and three o'clock. SAFES SELLING; AT GREATLY REDUCED F89mthim M. C. SADLEK, Agent. c . L. M 1 I 8 B PJl atAwinrAOTUBEB or FIRJi AND UURULAli-PBOOF SAFES, TDCKflMITH, BELL-HANGER, AND DKAI.Kr, in .. , IM Ma M RACK Rtrpst MEDICAL. plLLS OU UE3101UIU0IDAL TUJ101W. All kinds perfectly and permanently enred, with out pain, danger, caustics, or Instruments, W. A. McCAKDLEStJ. M. D., No. l'Jli BPRINQ GARDEN btreet. We can refer you to over a thousand of the best cltzens of Pull&delpula cured. Reference given at our olllce, 3 19 Im DRUGS, PAINTS, ETC. ROBERT SHOEMAKER A CO., H.E. turner or FOOITlUnd KACS Sts., PHILADELPHIA., , VVHOLE8ALE DRUCCI3TQ. IMPORTERS ANU MANUFACTURERS Of WuiU Lead and Colored Faints, Flit YarnlsiieB, Vic, AGESTS FOB THE CELEBRATED HUCIl ZINC TALM'S. TJEALKRH AKD OOKSUMER8 SUPPLIED A LOWEdX PRICES FOB OAKIL lJU BOARDING. T NO. 1121 OIRAHT) STREET MiY PE rt. obtained fornlshed and nafurnloliexl room for SHIPPING. . lilTIIt.l Alin'S HTHA VfSIllP LINK roR NEW YORK. Bal'lnt Tni1T. Thursdays. nd aturday. REDUCTION OP KATKA fprtni raim, c unnn'iiclriK MrcH ll. Balllnf Tuendavs. Thnrdf k, and Maiurdajs. On and after l .th of Mi-r i by Mil. I.tne will b tas.n at 1J cent. rr Iip pound. ceuii ki" " 1 ii r gallon, .bin's otitUiu Advance cHarjcH caatii-d at nfllea on Plor. Prrlbt rwolveU at a I -luir. ou tovrd wharf. JOHN P. OI1L. 2M Plor 111 Nurlb Wn.rvin. . II. Kitra rau-. nn m.l pa kiin Iron, njffia's. b'i . CHARLESTON, 8, C. The South and Sonthncst LAST FltEIOJlT LINli. r.Vt.ltV Till U-.IT. The Btan.hli PI'.OM Kl HIlI H. t aplaln Gray.'J, W. .V Avltat A.4, l-aulain Vault, WILL fOltll A Kk.HLI.AH WHEKLY LINK. Th aiHaumbln Pl.OM K T If EL 8 all! .nil on 1HL'R.MAY, April I, at P. M. liirtikh bins ot la.Ung given la conartlnn wltb H. t. it. K lo piiluis Iu tue Sioutb and s,jotue.u Insurai cai 1 iwoxt tn. lsaio ut fr '.gut m low as by any other tout. Pot Irelght apiny io K A, nOCi'Eit A IXX, tan Dock wikkkt whakp. -t,.un VLitPOOl. AM, vuhhNs.. AwAiskn ' AN. iui.iau l-.u. ol Mall dlatutP . , -,.i iui.l to .all , ..l,o.: " tlH oKAhl iOKiv.f.uiuni..y, April l.atUA.M HI A (via I latitat i, u,ij. April li. hi t i' I . i.V . A-yAjOiN. biuuro.y, April II. at, 1 I, at LKO ihl.i iN, H.lurilay, A prh 17, in In A. tit J..1JNA vvi. Haltlat). ,luwi,lay, Ami II Ai, at U noou a .! tKi u miciwnu.g hatnrdai audalwniai., Iri'tn Pier 4A. .onti ulTer. .iAiEO Oi PAstSAGK Itr THI MAIJ, ST I AM II UII.1SS HV1K I.TI'AMT, I 3 a Hi. In Gold, pavaul" iu Corrrncy. FIPJs'I' CAriUS......loti'8'I'AtEKAGE...-...... lo LoikI(ju. 1-1,1 tu lxiinloa. vi to Pnii,.. ii., to Prl....-. PAafauAi ur vhk TunuiAf litisAH via hauajaa. CAMIM, nUK.111 Payaulelu Gold. Payanis lu uurr.acy, rjverpiK)l..M.. fm Liverpool . itO Hallux.......... ill j Jnlll.i . lo Di'Jinu , s i , nk joiiu ., N . P. ur xtranuu aw nuier.... j iuy uraucb nldnniir, rinsoi'ji rs aiao torwarueu tu Havre, Hauuui men. eic. at redueel mm, jrg.lkrss T ekeiacaii be bought here at moderate rate by prn ou. seudlcg fo tuelr friends. i further Information app.y al the Company's JOJbN'G. DALE, Agent, No. 15 BROADWAY. N. T. Or 10 0'DOiNM;LL A JTALLK. Agents, No. til CHEmM OT btrett. Phliadel phi. , VULY DlttrXXUNB 10 r'UANCK. aajia!. (.m. ERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S &IA1L MEAMOilipr) Jjfc.1 w EH..N iKVV OUii aMA IiaV'KE, CaLLIMO Al' RlCK.'S'r. The hpleiiUnl uew vesmisou una lvoriie route for tho Ciiulntm will sail fruiu Pier iNo. (hi Worth river, aiS Iohowh: frT. liAtltr.NT Brooande Saturday, Oct, S VILLI-. 1K PAKxtl buruiom elalunlny, Clot, IV 1'EiUii KE. Ducbume jDa.uruaj , ocs. gl PRK'E OP PARAGE la gold ilncludiuu iue, AO m.Avtl' OR HAVRE, Elrsl Cabin ti4u ewcoiid Cablu AO P ARllS. M' (IiiCindlug railway tli keib, liirnialiPd on board) Firm cuiu... Ho becouu cuolu (8,i 'J'licue HttMuiers Uo i.oi carry tieerue passeuaora. iiita.u-l a.teuUnULe new oi chargu, Anient'HU travel. ers gulng lu r renirnlug froiii Lie cub ii in-ul ol .urupe, by taking Ibe steumrit ai tli'B lliie avoid uuncceaxary rl.-ka irutu l.auait ny Eugiiuh rkiitvuys aud tue chaouoi, bekldt, ".iviu. lane, trouble, anu eipenne. UiiiORE MCEEriZlK, Agent, JNo. Im RKUAAjWA V, INew li oia:. For pais,;e In Phliauelpula, appiy at Adams' b xi rtt, CuAiipany, to II. L. LEaJi', 1 No. 820 CH KsN U 1' tUreel, .frc. PLULADBLiI'HlA, KICHS10NI' ewStMii. ANJt iSOREOLit ol'jAiHHii Hb k', tUtaAi ""InffitJf W XilS EVa:R1 SJaTLRLAY, .vt uucn. from i'lPJT W AdARJi' abovs atAiiKfr. clirveti tHAtOoGH HATEy and THRO UGju RkCEIPlt ail pomi. ii. iMOitu aua Suuiu Carolina, via ae ;i,;.Q Air Line Rallloait, oounuuun at PcrUtuiouiL and lo Lynchburg, V a., Tennessee, ai.U the W'l'oi, vir vural'a au'i ieuuuauee Air Llue and Klciiuouu anr i.iciv .Lie liKllroHil, iitlgiu iiAiSDLED BUT ONCK. auu taaen a I 'JKti,R-!.'ijTAiAN AJSV Ul'Hfe.iUJA A'u ri.ui.rily, uafeiy, and chtapueof ol turn rorii I ...nan -id It io the public as tne uiout u.n.irabK' ru uiom lor earning every description ol tA-clgl.t. INo chaitiu for couiluisnlcu, Urbage, or Auf xtBW Ot traiioior. f teuuiuipn insured at lowest raU.. Jfrcutut received daily. W AliLIAM P. CLY lUA'M, INO, 14 isotlh and bouiii WriAKVPS W. I. POiiiEii, Aguut ai Awubnibud aud CUo Point. T, p. CKOWELL A CO.. Agenia at KorfoiE. I Ii OXICE.-FOK iW X01i, Vii .tgt'sl, - IiS,l.,.Vi AUU, AM) JtAKiTAKvi.AjlAL. ..aPREcsH BTEAMHOAT COMA-AWY. TheCHEApAOsT auu UUACEiusi water couimunl cauon bciwutu PuliuUelpma at.u Ae ura. oitUuert leavedahy irotu Url wharf below Maraet siree.. Philuuelphia. aud loot ol Wall bireet, Aew Vv-ra. uuuUt Mrwardedby all the lines running oa.ui New Yr, Nurtb,, and West, free of cuuimuvtini., VrHifh-. received on and aftt-r the stu lustaut, and foiwaidcd on accomtuodatiug terms. W1UJAM P. CAjYDit, A CO., Agjnw. NO. l'i S. DELAWARE Aveau, PhtladMiphutt .AAjia jiaNI), Agent, Iff Wo, 110 WALL btreet, ANew Yor. NEW EAPliEBS L1NB TO ALESi ajkSkkifeiftndrla, Georgetown, And Waahingtoo Lt. via. Clteaapeake and Dolaware Oaaal. with son nec Hons at Alexandria from the most direct roat tor Lynchburg, Brlut-1, EnoxvUle, Nashville, Salic, and the bouthweal, bteaiuera leave regularly every Batorday at nooa from the first wharf awe Market street, x.lntreoelved dally. WM p CLYDE A CO., No, 14 North and Houlb WtAarvsa. J, B. DAVIDSON, Agent al Georgetown, M. JULDRIDGE A Co., Agenu m Al.xaudrta, vi. fc-lniaj it esme- NOTICE. FOR NEW vniM.- A.r-., -.--w. v i"" "u Avarnan Cauai, eSsaS-SBKiiriC. b W1ET kUKK Txt ANOPOB i'ATIoi COMPANY. DESPATCH AMD B vVlPTtfURE LIK, Tbe bubiueta by these lines will be resumed on ana alter the tfih of March. For Vreigbis, wniclA will im laaeu vu uiuuiiuoiuuuit teruu, appiy to W M. HAIKD. Ado.. w M. 8 21 No. 134 Uouui Wtiarvec AGRICULTURAL. PHir.ADELPIIIARABPBERKY.JUCUNDA, iAi;riculturuit, kuU otner blrawberry; Lawtoo A,iacab'rry Plants; Hartlord, Concord, and other Grapevines. For sale by T.B. ACE. FLErCHER, 83 tf Delauco. N J, MISCELLANEOUS. LARZELERE & OUCHEY, Custom Utilise brokers and Notaries I'ubllc, No. 405 LIBRARY Street. AU Custom Uonse Uuslneas transacted. PASSPORTS PROCURED T HE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY", OFFICE JL No. atfll CHUbJNUP nlreet, forwards ParcelH PHCkages, MeruhuudlMe, Bunk Motes, aud specie either by Its own Hues or In counecilon with other ExpreBs Companies, to all the principal towns and sylbiCt) AU a)AA7 VUllrcU OMIKrtl! JOHN BTNGTI AM, Snperluteudent 12 RJa?.-' NI? WOSTEKHOLM'S roCKEl ILNl VES, Pearl and lblag Handle of beautlm Culah. RODGA-UISJ' and WADE 4 BUT'HKp'b KA KOPS, and the celebrated LEXULTi BAZOB bClSOhof theUuestquaUty. ""ua Baton, Knives, Bclsori, and Ttble Cnttery Grnnnt nnd PoiUhed, MP. MADaCHU'S, No. Ua tt, 'uS TEAFNESS. EVERT INSTKUMKNT THAT XJ science and skill have Invented tu assUttli, bearing In every desree of dearneas: al.n. Rnaiilra. tors; also, Craudall's Patent CrutcbRa, superior lo any others In use, at P. If ADAIaaa b. bio. UI TAA'l H nivaas. Min IF TOU WANT A DELIGHTFUL BPRINQ BED, neat, healthy, and oomfortaole, nn the Helf-fastening Bel Bprlnea. $lMfi per dog. BaUkfanUou Knurtuiteed. ao B. itd ML1 la in E MPIRK HLATE 11 AN PiL WOKKS. J. B. KIbUDS, N 0, tXlt vliEswt V T CUeet, llawfail AfVUJSEiyENTS- A XlttilfAM in.TitM... . . - . . i, iii.nir.itii no HNH ITAL'AM OPF.ui "U6IC 5lTALf AaJ MWJ5 XML. A1AX MA I OG GUAM!. lil'KKA'Uo lV;MKWr,cM. ln.b';ee,'i;'t;:U "'-". MVli'Sf-KR RKf.T8A HIO Jl .UJ.MlAl U-rmn nora SfAItTHA tI""'"1" !ATlJRIV,?d ...,d i April. c:ne.ebV.dKJaVtl'eer;.WUl, M U9""un IL PltOPHKTE, ILPROPHKTK, . IL PiiOPHEThi, with U A DAME aMA 1E La ORANGE In ber nratest rofr. that of FIDES. InwfriU' Chorus, Aumnt(l Orciiistra, MUltxrv ilaui v, elr. nr., .nt,iri In New Vork. IsA lllHIiAY J(t APRIL, all P.M.. GRAND A I, .MATINEE, KIH1M . ON MONDAY, 6th April, lfii:9, ... . ','"ruce ol the rrnowtd Aunrlcn Prima t tiliiia. MISB CLARA .t.oriSK KELLOGG, In PALS p. FAL'ST. -1 "1 I'onf uclnr. MAX MAnEIKKK, ... , SIO. TOKRIAM. 'miral AdmNsinn, oiip Dcrtmr. ilpservfd Beats, ,xlr" "18 Kellogg" and 'T'rophete" AiKiiiH, Ki.erved tcais one Hollar exira. rhe . ' V.'"' r"T ?lli"r reorxiuation wul com norM hum (Monrim) MORNING, al tiip A-artoni "i'esi.'il'tVtreit A' lfU"'l",r' mimic store, No. 040 LS. J0LN DREW'S ARCH ST. THEATRE A. EVERLY RLBPKCTHLLY ASKOUNCE3 THAT HI9 BENEFIT On which will pre,e..,ed a Play ot iS&iSl Interest, lu lour acta, entitled STRATH MORE. bTRATHMORE x, KvaaLv And the Comlo Drama of HELPING HANDS; OR, LOVK AND MU8IO. Loreuts Hartmann, a Illlnd Musician... A. EVEBLY Ma'ch ? k " 6 open on aud 8,ter Saturday, U MK8. JOUN DREW'S ARCH STREET TftP A I'Kif. Begin, at it to g. alttK,i-r aE MONDAY, TUJvS.l)AY, AND WHDNESDAT Hrsi nn.eol an original Cotnetly, by a iaWer Vhi lad e'phuv, tailed w'w s. WOMEN RULE. an. JOHN DRRW a. Mrs. WJMsrvv IOe.l by me lull ( onjriy. V B TMirsduy-Benelitnr MIU, I1UYEK, Friday WOM N HULK. -An. h.i.turday-liHiielii.t AIR. A. EVERLY' M" nay next bqHqoU WAr.SDT ST. TUEATKK. UEUISS AT 7J TblrtiMnuday) EVENING. March 2 ' I irstnlubt of Hi. grHi ", LONj ON Ht hLK'iyCE COMBINATION JkNKiY Wl LLMOrlK.. L1IK WILLMOKK. and thecvlebraird and vc rsnine 'nniedlnii MR. FELIX BCKiERa. ' who will make ibelr Hint ai pearauce In Amerloat tins tntitie in Burnaru s Extravagaiisa of "",rlu,BI ,VI.VW: OR, TUE MAN AT rllKWIUEL V - M1SB JKXNV WrLLMORR . iv M lsh, lizzie willmokic M INEKVa M K. KWLIX BOG ERJ Io con,iueLce witi, u. T. Craven's Drama or M I Ilia M'ti CRIME. CIIKSN.UT 8 T Ii K E T THEATRE V C. I, MtoS A CU. MAnot (A iso hi rrtiHhy' opera HouseTchicaio l lie As"iilHl.tng, N ut. II Hiill'iil KxtraTaaaiiZA the pikld op th v. i i itu II.OIII OKUOLO. CKKATI'll. V..B iii.'..V'. I I 11 1 II I IP 1.1 ll 1 1 IN SPECIAL FEATURES I V ..til?, -rr i., . ,..r. " : O'l H OK GOLl. CLti'l ll OK GOLD. Cl.A'l 11 OP WOLD I Lt)'l H OK (K)Lll CLOT II OP GOLD C I I ITU Op MOLD CLOT 11 OK GOLD I LO'l H OK GOLD Addli ng! O It K A It I ION. aoi.TXKN. SVouderfui Ati K ISew Jananeaii Marvels. Desperate Pilnailon ueiween Uuj-eii Kaiherlne and rancSr H I- R N A N I ) I V.. '1' H K lS A 1SAA UL'f i u ii. . . tkuin or lUJl.l) AT..! ii,- IT., . ,7.: . ."- ' v uELLu. I.VEKV E V KN IN G Till -I V K K K A NO A I CKHAY APT KRNOON. rpilEATUK tuMigLE, SEVENTH KTKEfir JL beli-wrch. i uiuie.icea at B ocloclc MIL l'll MI.U . . . .7 . a- . I'm i in n,..,.'b,tKV'' OIIKKY'M r.2Qflf POPULAR AND PamHIoVARLF IIVMOhlil AND M C1CA L KnTkRI'INmENT vt lth 1 1 ew Jju-lcal D.surlpUeHolVl, l"r,..N,;,V.,""!-'","rtB " 'auerella ,I1'j,",re00. W AT KINS- KVENING PARTY." SlGHTLY Aoiulth.iii,, HA bi. and To rem., neat, at Trum plr's. "Ii-OA'S AIIERIUAN VARIETY THEATRP X1 CN P. H A I.LuLKD ATI llAl'tlONS .TH. OKNUINK ARaIW FkoM ARAUIA IbeGrrat Ilurit'Sgue IXION I IXIOM liou. h c pui at 7; lommei c. 7 au; Saturday, x V, at GK A N I) C O N C EBVZ A GRAND CONCERT wbl be given at CONCERT H LL ON TCE8DAV EVENING, Marrh 38 lftnq win lp,!t.,r'!LlollOWll'k' " KPUlar .rtlsl. M A DA St K HOPIUE M ".ART. nf New York Ml-B CAItOLINi; Mct'A KPKE V. TOrK MH, GKOIIUK hi A I'SUN, of Maw York MR. TIIOMAM h". HAhKINrt. MR. WILLIAM 11 A i,T M A N, l eader ot Him Ynurg at H uU.rtbor Boclat Mtt. RCUtiLPH ii en n iu. ooc'ety. The celebrated V loim cellist, aud Mr. THOMAb A'BtCKEl', J a.. Aict.n pAnylBt. 'IDE WHOLE PNDEtt THE DfREimON OF MR. T HUM A" K. II ARK INSi. W The prog rau, in. will be w nil varied and hlghlv InieresllOK lu character. Including lavorlui operatla 'on?' ,K'pllla, aBd ocpi0l !- ' TICK ETH. ONE DOLLAR. tor sal. at the Muilc Miores of Maura. W. H Bo ner A i.o., No. 1I4P4 I'lmnul street, aad C W A Irumpi.r, No. U4ti Chnnul street. IZtltutiUt MAMMOTH RINK.-FIN8 EXHIBITKON Of VK1AXTPKDK ItlDiMG THw aPfKlt, INlMiN.Bidan .soiling oiuleat '1 II Irs EVENING ou whiih oixanlou s hUTM Ktssl will b awarOd to i be i.sie.1 rldt-r. Admiaslon AiternooD . i cenis. " K.iiiig, o nl J.". V Ku (C1 PE I'i M a C aKA OK THURS f.A,. 1 NIsUl AP,U 1 "hen all th. bast riders ui the rity win appear lu lAiaska. 8 J, W, FOfrT. VAI.ER'S (LATE MlLLKli'S) WINTER 8Uh.UA Wo- ". Ti. TH, and TA VIA THE GRAND ORCHEHTHIUR, formerly th. pro ps., ly .1 tbe GltAfso DIKE op nADaN, I 'mini i grew epeu.e by J An H V A I.K t. of Owelty. lo t'oiimlnal on with LAM.K' OKlitrVll HA and i'.'i'J";' ANDe-RjN. will prloriu KVKKY fi I. i ."d eVEmK-w at in. abor.ui... tlonei n'ai e. Adinlln free. I U If Tl OUI Ki'llLKAL II A I, L. GMlM AMA J I 'Ri H KflrtA p U K 1,1 u K Ka Km a Lt EVERY tiKliM.sUAY, al P. M. T k aaa w4 a: tuedx.r and an pnuclpil MuaMi iore. Pace ages of bve l.r l: single. 14 ornta. I" Ill't.i.'-Dift'RLa L'ftll Im In ai A bf AlldrrAAt-li? IA. HAH. TE 111 , No. Il MONT t HtV Mireeti aud Aodra'g M ILI' Hli i Sin. tin t linuiil streot. I l Am t Ubl. Sr NTZ AND MARK HASM.LR'B OR AllE.-TRA MA'UN'k If. fCVr.RY A 1 1 RDA Y I P. 14., IN PIN DMA LL. Mlogl. Ad. in .inltiii. .' v ri'i.u, pai:Kae til 4 ticket., gl, at Itouer .a No llirj ( H tN lT si., ami at the lAior IlltU" MAMMOTH VELOCirK'HB SCIKlOlI T A EN T Y -1 1 RiT au I n.rn Htrcrw, opn Lay and Avvcnii k. All siyle, oi Velo. Leilr. built loi si,le and to rn.t, ll. ainiu.ri, r. ol Pa.iailpnia Y I'll. ..ptdB Clun, Ailobtiuu, ttieuta. H But J. W. PObT. DB. KINKEL1N, APT KB A KESIDESC1 and practlc of tblrty faui at Ui. Worth w corner of Third aud I n Ion atreeui, ba Utuiyrtx oiovtd toHuutb KLM.VJCNTH bwtwt. kHsau aLAJM KET ud t'U EHN0T. HIh superiority Id tht Proinpl and swrfert cor. oi 11 rfcCt nt, ulironlo, local, aud onu.uiu Joual iKM Hens ol a special nature, 1. provorblal. Disease, of tba akin, appeariuf la a bnndred t" ferenl forms, totally erauTi awd; mnittal aad pfivtUMl Weakneas, and all nervuu. deblliu ieotidoali and suonesaXtiUy kraaAaA. kMBog hour. Uom t A. at to ir.ut ATTTYAKDKR O. CATTELLA CO Pti't WM MINION MkKl HANT KhM Ho. H HUM W A IV As No. B WORTH VfATKR aT-UUTT, " ""fnll ip.l.PMIA. Wl 4(atArxan JA A TTNITED STATES RtVINrB PTAUP3 OP I I all kinds can be bad al No 1 8, FIFTH P'rt lien d-r toO'd omo radatN0. 14 WALNt J L7"Jl vun EuJUUugS. w