;TIE DAILY EVENING tpt.tow k pttptttt. ; ELPmA, MONDAY, MARCH 22, 18C9. BCS1C1L AND DRAMATIC; Mr. I P. M aekay m "Falatnfl." Mr. Mack&j's benefit at the Arch, on Saturday night, was a brilliant success, whether con. eldered from an artlattc or a pecuniar1 y point of View. An enthusiastic audience that filled evert nook and corner of the auditorium waa a proper compliment to one of the most decidedly pupa, lar of onr actors. Mr. Mackay, for Lis part, provided such an entertainment as enhanced bis reputation as an artist and afforded much gratification to hi3 admirer. The Merry Wivs of Windsor, one of Shakespeare's most lively And amusing comedies, was selected for the purpose of allowing the beneficiary to appear as "Sir John Falstaff," by way of experiment. Tradition eajs that this comedy was written In the abort space of twenty days, at the command of Queen Elizabeth, who was desirous of seeing "FalatafT'in love. Shakeppeare was only able to give her Majesty a partial gratification, as it was Impossible forblmto make "fat Jack" in love with anybody bat hid own dear self, lie overcame the difficulties of the situation, how ever, with much ingenuity, and as a sort of compromise with his conscience for even at tempting to represent "FalstafI" as a servitor to Cnpld, ho caused him to make love at the tamo time to two married women, who have him well punished for his presumption. The Merry Wives of Windsor is almost tbe only play of Shakespeare which is entirely his own inven tion: it U a genuine comedy, and it is particu larly rich iu comedy characters. Unlike any of his other werks of the same class, It is a picture of English life in the sixteenth century, and the characters are one and all racy sketches from cature, such as no hand but Shakespeare's could draw. Thus we have in the goodly company "Sir John Falstafi" and his ragged followers "Hjm," Pistol," and "Bar dolph;" "Pago," the even-tempered, good natured, and unsuspicious man, "Ford," tho jealous man, and their merry wives; "Justice Bhallow" and his weak chested cousin "Abra ham Slender, Esq.;" "Mine Host of tho Garter;" "Dr. Cams," the French physician, and "Sir Hugh Evans," the Welsh parson, a comical pair of antagonists; "Mistress Qaickley," and last, but not least, "Sweet Anne Puce," whosa name "Matter Slender" echoes as a refrain through tho scenes of th comedy. These characters fit the Arch, street company better than those of either of the comedies that have boen attempted at that theatre this winter; and the performance on Saturday evening was unusually good, although ' on exceptional occasions like this It la scarcely to be expected that the actors will be up to the highest mark, and benefit nights are commonly exempted from the ordi nary rules of criticism. 'Sir John Falstaff" is rather under a cloud In The Merry Wives of Wtndsor, and he scarcely shines with the same light that he does in the more congenial scenes of Henry the Fourth, He Is the same aruusiog "mountain of sin," how ever, and this comedy was probably the most j udicious selection lor an actor venturing to represent the part for the first time. Mr. Mackay's personation of "Sir John," like all his efforts, gave evidence of careful and intelligent study. His somewhat slight physique would seem to be an objection not easily overcome, but it was.overcome very successfully by an Inge nious "make-up," and Mr. Mackay's renderlngof the part was so excellent that a deficiency of a few inches in girth or stature could easily be excused. Hackctt and John Gilbert are the only two actors now upon the American stags who have achieved reputations as representa tives of "Mat all," and Mr. Mackay will com pare favorably with either of them. Wherein he falls short is due more to his physical defl ciences than to any artistic disqualification. Hackett has made the part a special study, and he plays it according to rule and line. John Gilbert, who is the better artist of tho two, gives a freer, less constrained, and more satis factory personation. Gilbert's "Falstafl" has a wheeeiness in his voice, a stagger in his gait, and a shortness of breath which are the very essence of fatness, and which Mr. Mackay somewhat niises. In place of this we have the sort of dry but sprightly humor which is ob servable in Mr. Mackay's personation of the two Shakespearian characters that he has lately attempted at the Arch. Ta define the value of the performance, we may estimate it as a little better than "Sir Toby Belch," and not quite so good as "Dogberry." but taking it for what it was worth, it was such a representation of 'Falstafl" as few actors now before the public could equal, and Mr. Mackay Is entitled to sin cere congratulations on his success. Moet of the remaluing parts in The Merry 11 ices of Windsor were very well sustained, and the performance was one of the most eujoyable of the season, i'his is particularly worthy of note, as the success of the play depended en tirely upon the exertions of the actors, who wore sot aided by any of tbe haudsome scenic acce?orte which served to make Twelfth JfigM and Much Ado About Nothing attractive. Mr. Everly acted the part of "Ford," tho ealous husband, admirably. It afforded him some excellent opportunities to exercise- his talents, and the performance may be set down as one or tho most spirited he has given at this season. Mr. Craig's "Slender'' was if anything better thau hU "Sir Audrew Aguocheck" in Tuoff'h JS'ight, and Mr. Wallls than whom there are few more studious and painstaking actors -gave a capital delineation of "Justice Shallow." ft is doubtful whether any theatre in the country has two more efficient "old meu" than this gentlemau and Mr. Mackay, and we would be very much pleaoed to see Mr. Wallls In some parts of a b'sher grade thau he usually plays, in order that he may show the public what he is capable or. Mr. Barton Hill as "Dr. Caius" and Mr. Meagher as "Sir Huuhj Evaus" were very rood indeed, and tbe duel between these ludl croubly contrasted pcrcooacs was managed so as to rau.o an Infinite amount of amusement, Mr. Thayer plajcd the part of "Mrs. Quickly," which U an assurance that it was well done. Mis Price did veryell as Mistress Page," and Miss Ivenport not quite as well as "Mistress Ford." The other characters were creditably sustained a follows: "Page," Mr. James: "Hoft of tbe Garter," Mr. Hemple; "Bardolph," Mr. Snyder; "Nym," Mr. Creese; "Pistol," Mr. Osborne; "Annie Page," Mrs. Creese. This, peilormance ol The Merry Wives of Windsor was so gooJ and the characters so well suited to the Arch street com piny, that one or two repetitions at least usht to be given cfoxe tie tai of the season. Vtae City ImiMmeits, AT TUB ARCH ilueh Ado About Nothing will I porloruuMl tin. vaning, to-morrow, nd on ' ThuraWay fur tha lut Hum. On Wednesday Alia tuuy Davonport wtli Lave a bouoilt, when her father. Mr. K. U I?"1'" RP-ix-ar an "Hover'' m the CH. tn'.0,r WUHOau. On Frldny M ra. Creese will h. Vi11en and on Raturdny Mr. Hemple will p e??x h'sclalma to the favorable consideration ot lPe p,aIjJic On Monday next the new come. r,ot. " omen Jtn. by a member of the rtillad. 'P"11 Bar, will be performed for the first time. . KoberUon'a new comodlea ot Wctooiarv.1 "Otne are HruioQiiced as In preparation. AT Tint Walnut Ormrles Keado's dram. " Foul Floy will be reproduced this evening, wi. a ail the original noonery and effect. lue lionuon Dnrieoque combination, consist leg ot Mr. Felix Hogem, MIhr Uzzte VVllltnore. and Minn Jennie WUlmore, will shortly appear , AT thb uhkhnut the burlesque of Z7i Meld Of the Cloth of Gold will commence lis second week . thla evening. A number of new features will be Introduced, and the performance nude more entertaining than ever. At thk Thkatbk Comiquh the Japanese troupe havo been re-engaged for this ween. The homie was crowded at each performance since the Japanese appeared at this entabllnri 111 en t, and as this is announced na "most posi tively" their lut weeic, those who have not seen them should make the most of the remain ing opportunities. At thk Amkkiuak a number of talented performers will appear thl evening. Italian Oi'KiiA The Max Mnretzplc Italian Opera Company, with Miss Clara Louise Kel logst as vrima donna, will commence a season at the Academy of Music on Wednesday, Marou. 31. The subHcrlptlon list will be opened on Thursday next. Johanna and Wilms; Hksh, the juvenile rerformers. will give a grand oonoert at Musi cal Fund Hall on Wednesday evening, asHlsted by Madame Henrietta liohrens, Mr. Kudo! ph. Hennig, and Mr. Julius Hess. An attractive programme wljl be presented. lUX UEKMAK1A OKOIIKSTKA Will glVA a pub- Ho rehearsal at Horticultural Hall on We Jnes day afernoon. John B. Ooitott, Esq., will deliver his lec ture on "Circumstances" at the Academy of Music this evening, under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association. This la oneoi thermos! popular and entertaining of Mr. (Sough's lectures, and tbe bouse will doubtless be crowded. CITY ITEMS. Epbins Ovebcoats. A fine anortmenl, vnequotled by any 1n Philadelphia, in ityU, make, and fit, at prices rangivg from G upward. Call and examine. Hail-way between "J Bkswktt A Oo., iViiond y TowBia ualIh tiixtn street.) No. 01 A Mabrmt or , PHILADELPHIA, Awn Wo. 60ft Bboadwat. Maw Yoax. AVs China Palacb. No. M22 C'hbsnut Stbht. htm rurtotr reduction In prices ol Roods. WHITE FRKNCH f'HINA Breakfast, Dining, Dei-Bert. and Tea Bets, fi'i I pieces, WHITJfi FRENCH CHINA Dluoex 8etl,130 pieces, 'WHITE 8T0NK CHINA Dinner Bets, 71 pieces, WHITE BTONE CHINA. Chamber 8et. :. 5 styles DECORATED DINNER SETS, or re reut Importation, all new designs, will be sold at price to astonish the Initiated. WHITE FRENCH CHINA Dinner Plates, ov; In.: per doz.. 4 Wli 1TE FRENCH CHINA Cufrs and Saucers, per set. 1! pieces. 91"S. WHITE HTOMK CHINA Dinner Plates, O i In.; per dc7., Jtl'SO. WHITE bTONE CHINA Cups and Baucers, enps with handles, per set 14 pieces. 7 c. CUT OLni-S COBLE T8, per don., '-!a.. Pressed and Blown " UI-jO. And all other Hoods at eqnally low rates. Thk Tbyiko okason. Tne searchiag winds, the cold, drizzling rains, the heavy fogs, and occtsloaal warm and moist da s of March, lender It, upon the whole, the most unhealthy month of the year. Its depreining Influences are especially unfavorable to Invalids, acd thousands of persons with feeble con stitutions, who have borne the winter bravely, breakx down In the Urst month of spring. The variations of temperature and coid eas winds are a serious trial to the dyspeptic and blllouB, whose symptoms they In variably aggravate. Intermittent f&ver is also rife wherever there is evolvable poison In the water or the soli. To enable the system to combat these evils, theie is nothing like a good vegetable tonic, and among this class of medicine Hostxttkb'b Stomach Bit Tuna stand supreme. Medical men prescribe it In preference to any of the tonlo preparations of the pharmacopeia. They are aware that the ordinary tinctures and extraols are all based npon cheap alco hol, which Is surcharged with an acrid essential oil, and absolutely poisonous. They know, on the other hand, that the rectlUed essence of the finest rye grown In this country Is tbe sole spirituous Ingredient of Hostettkb's Uittkbs, and that the vegetable me dicinal elements of which It Is composed are ot rare eillcacy. Hence It has the confidence of physlolans, and finds Us way Into hospitals where no other pro Piletary medicine Is sanctioned. A course of the Bitters Is especially recommended to persons of delicate habit, of bath sexes, at this season. In the fever and ague dlBtilcts of the West ndKouth, quinine has been a. most universally dis carded as a ohologogre, and this Invaluable antidote to malailoui disorders adopted In Its stead. Adouble gain is realized by the change, for the Bitters, u alike hat dangerons alkaloid, are agreeable to the palate, and their curative etr ct l much more permanent. HxAUACHa, Lang cob, and Melancholy gene rally spring from a Bltordered Stomach, Coitlveneas, or a Torpid Liver. Each may readily be removsd by Dr. D. Jatnk s Sanative Pills, a fair doses Of which will be found to stimulate the Liver and Btcmach to healthy action, removing all biliousness, and producing regular evacuations of the bowels. Sold by all DrugglstSj Not on Thcbsdat Only, but every day, the pub lic will be shown thxooga the immense and well- selected stock of f I'BINQ CL0TH1N0 at Chablbs Stoks8 4 Oo.'s, by polite and gentlemanly salesmen, who give tvsry attention to gentlemen, whether they wish to pur chase or to examine and compare our stock with ethers In the elty. ' J , , cordial invitation it extended to all. JawxLBT. Mr. William W. Caasldy, No. U South necond street, has the largest and most attractive assortment of fine Jewelry and silverware la the olty Purchasers can rely upon obtaining a real, pure arti cle tarnished at a price which cannot be equalled. He also.haa a large stock of American Western watches In all varieties and at all prices. A visit to his store Is sure to result in pleasure and profit. Hallktt, Davis & Oo.'s Pianos, No, 927 Chesnut street, are unequalled in durability, brilliancy, tone, and power. Distinguished pianists say they are tbe best. We never lliteued to any Piano so en chanting. Wink BiTTB8.-bpeer's "Standard Wine Bitters," wine, herbs, and roots, the best bitters known; a tonlo and appetiser: gives health, strength, vigor, and beauty. Try It. Bold by Druggists. Announcement I If TITVRKDA Y Of JfKXT WEEK' Z-THI HVIAV OF A'KXT W A'A'AT-fc 2'ii VJitiJJA Yj OJNKXT rKA'AA'-fc 1H THE JSTDAY IXEn m -ja y yi.ED- 0JTDA Y 7A'A-4l Fur the For the TOBAUD fcPRIMi OPENINfl.-Jl )-t.KAKl) bPRINU OPENING ArOllAHU t-PKlNQ OPENING.-h M-URAM) SPRING OfKNINU.-uA Meir. WANAMA iiEK ife BROWN Tuvlte all iht'irtusloiutrs and the General Public to asusmble l XU OAK HALL BUILDING, For a thorough 1 INSPECTION 01 Hrrlcg and Summer Cloitnug. The whole day, iron A. M. to P. M ,wlll baglven nu for the display ot the new Hprlug Stylo, the uo veltles in Materials aud Pattern , and the heutliai uiade-up Garments, which In lutlulie variety com prise their new STOCK. The largMt and mAKLfjlN'I?er ,otteB a0. Not Not Ami Hrst floor. Entrance on Market. WANA MAKER A BROWN, Popular Clothiers B. K. corner Bixth and Mabkbt StreeW, Entire Block to Minor street. MA.BBIED. OAT-TRODl. On the lsth insUnt, by the Rev. William E. Moore, at the resldenoeor the brides parent. D. liKal'MOST OAT. of Philadelphia, to M AMY B. HTltODE, daughter of francls BlroUe, Lfi ot Waauowu township, UieoWr county, Pa., ne asked or expected to maae purcnaaee, I For the convenience oi i,uie, m i wwr ,.i and Children's Departments are oq tut? Sixth sueei, as wen as DIED. COrK -Rnddonty. on Ibe mornlnir of the uh la tarii. lURMAN COPE, In the ROth ear ot hi ao. "'alves and frlemls of the family are Invited KLJ?n1 hl" r"nr' from his late realdenoe, No. ifSl. .,!!,rt' n Wednesday morning, IheHth in stant, at 10 ooiook. t)yf,OPB-7,n hs morning ol IheSmh Instant, COB HF.UU8 KDROhS, In the 8Wih year of his age. 1 he relatives and friends of the fiunliy are Invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, N. H, corner of Fifth and Vine streets, on Wednesday morn ing at sx o'clock. i EVANh. On the morning of the Kd Instant, at Moorestown, N. J.. ALICE, relict of Joseph Evaus, U.1 the 5th year of her age. Iue notice of tbe funeral will be given. . KP.SHW1E-OBBundav, the Zist Instant, MART ANN, wire of William C Kephmle. Ilr male relatives and mends are respectfully In vited to attend her funeral, from her late residence. No. Arch street, on Wednesdav. the 2Ub Ins'ant, at 10 o'clock A. M. Jntermentat North Laurel Hill. McCANN. On the 21st instant, JOHN MoOANN, aired 75 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fliily Invited to attend the funeral, from his late reel dence, No. SB Garden street, below Uallowhlll, on Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock, MKARH.-On the Kith Instant, MiRY W. ME A US, wueof Captain Jonathan W. Wears, Br,, agod 80 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend her funeral, rrotu the residence tit her husband, No. 842 H. Front street, on Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock, interment at Kuenexer Vault. WH1TALL. On the 18th instant, RICHARD Whilall. funeral services at his late residence. No. 2014 Race street, on Monday afternoon at 8 o'clock. Burial on Tuesday morning, at oliuuibiowu, ueiaware county, AMERICAN LITE I1VSURANCE COMPANY, OF nilLADELPniA, B. li. Corner FOUliTU-&nd WAL5UI Sts. SEE ITS BATES AND PLANS BEFORE LN3UR ING ELSEWHERE. ALEX. WHILLDIN, President. JOHN 8. WILSON. Secretary. - 110 CLOTHING. JONES' 0NE-P1UCE CLOTHING HOUSE, No. 604 MARKET 8troot. Our Garments are well made. Oar Cutters are men of talent. DDT OWE ritlCE LS A.8KEU. Satisfaction Guaranteed Every Purchaser. GEO. IV. NIEMANN, No. 604 MARKET Street, 1 17 wfm tf ABOVE SIXTH. CIGARS. HAVANA CIGARS. FreBh lots Imported by every teamer, vli.s Fartagas; Cabanas; Cabarga3; Comeroiante; Marias; Upminn; Eamilleter; Eapanola; Fi garo, etc., comprising a splendid assortment of sizes, offered at low prices. Also, continue manufacturing the cigara so well and favorably known under our copy righted, standard brands of "Mabiasa Rita." "Fba Diavolo." "Fledb db Lts." "Lonia D'Oh." Great variety of sizes, good quality at low cost. Call and examine or send for samples. 8. FUCUET & SONS, IMPORTERS and MANUFACTURERS, 2 a; tfrp No. 229 S. FaosT St3sbt. WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETC. ILARK SkBlDPlE BRIDAL SILVER. CLARK & BIDDLE, No. 712 CHESNUT Street, 1 11 U in J PHILADELPHIA. C. & A. PEQUIGNOT, MANUFACTUBEilS OF WATCH CAGE 8, And Dealers la American and Foreign WATCHES. No. 13 South SIXTH Street, MANUFACTORY, No, '4 8. FIFTH BtreeU ESTADLI8HEO 1823. HOLIDAT rBESENTS. WATCHES. jaWKLKT, OLOOKd, BLLVZaWAal. and FANCY OOOIXJ. a. TT. It US32BLL, KO. 22 KOSIU SIXTH 8TKKKT, im PHILADgLTHXA. WM. B. WARNS A CO., VholeUe Healer lo wr a rri 1 1 1 l. 4 &i n ia. J tv t D v B.;K. eorner hkVKN'I'H and ClIKSNlt BtreeU, & ti Becoua poor, ua iwt. an,in, ibikum, ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING RINGS. A LABOX A880BTMJCNT OF OOIPI ANO II KABAT ALWAYS ON HAND. LEWIS LADOMUS ft CO , JeweUen, TV KO, g CMKSXUT WB8CT. WANTS. TTTAKTED LOCAL AND TBATKLLISQ VV AkdU In every city and town U the UntM4 Btaies. Ureat Induoeiutnb oifnd to ecUre du. Ct.il or addreaa. wltk liup, WOOD t Oo.. iLooiu tl V,KK)tlUuUIBWt(rWt-Ula, StM HRY GOODS. EDWIN Hk'LL & CO, No. 36 SOUTH SECO.YD ST11EET OPENED THI3 MORNING, ROSE, GREEN AND CHERRY SILKS, LIGHT BLUE and OTHER COL'D SILKS, NEW STRIPE 8ILK8, BLACK SILKS AT $2, BLACK SILKS AT $2 25. BLACK SILKS OF TUB BRST GRADES. EDWIN HALL & CO., No. 28 South SECOND Street, Opened thla morning another lot of SILK FOFLINETTES, CHENE TOPLINETTES, STRIPE P0PLINETTE3, TLAID rorLINETTES, SOLID COLORS TOPLINETTES, Of ordered Styles and Shades, with a variety 01 nan uuuua for Salts and Dresses. EDWIN HALL & CO., No. 28 S. SECOND Stroot, Opened this morning two lots of STRIPE POPLINS, 50 cents. BLUE AND WHITE, 50 oents. GREEN AND WHITE, 50 oenU. , PINK AND WHITE, 50 oents. BLACK AND BROWN, 50o. NEW DRESS GOODS opening daily at LOW PRICES. s 12 mwrstrp 1869. CENTRAL 1869. CLOTH EMPORIUM. Men's Coatings, Kaucy (Jalmeres, Black Cloths, Black Doeskins, Boys' OooUh, Ladled' Cloaking. Mixed Olotlia, Plain Cloths, Fancy Cloths, Opera UloUus, Spring Weight Velveteens, Super quality. BTIt AWBRIDQE & CLOTHIER respectfully announce that during tuo tteaiton now opening they propone to ollor the largest stock and most attractive attoortmeui of all kinds of Cloths that they have ever oilered. Being de termined to make onr houtte tne Central Ktnpo rlum for this description of goods, we have col lected for the present season every desirable style and make of Cloths that the market pre sents for Ladles', Men's, ond Boys' Wear. Our stock of Ladles' Oloaklngs In particular is very extensive, and bought at tne manufac turers' lowest cash rates. It will be to the Inte rest of all who intend to buy this kind of goods during the coming season to call on us, as we oner by tar tne largest assortment to be round, and at prices that cannot be snrpassed any wh ore. We iavlte dealers, both oltyand country, to examine our stock, as oar prions are as low as the same goods can be sold In whole packages by any wholesale house, while we oiler many styles that are confined exclusively toourselve. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, (JtLMKAL CLOTH ESLTOBIUSI, Corner EIGHTH and MARKET, PHILADELPHIA. 1869. (OPENED IN 1353, MAKCH 10.) Central Location. Large Well Lighted Store. A Good Class or Hoods. The Lowest Possible Trices. Established ou Fair Business rrlnciples. l'olite and Attentive' Assibtants. Where the above cardinal points are true and strictly observed. In ninety-nine oases out of every hundred, success andrMprt7 are certain, SUCH IS OUR EXPERIENCE. We have now open a mag Din cent stook of Seasonable and Desirable Silks and Drebs Voods, Caseimeres and Cloths, Liueus, White ttoods, Domestics, Etc. Etc. JOSEPH H. THORNLEY, N. E. Cor. E1W11TH and Hl'KlNU OABDEN, 111 PHILADELPHIA. LINEN STORE, No. C28 ARCH STREET. NEW LINEN DRESSES, NKW AND BEAUTIFUL PRINTED LINEN CAMBRICS, Received by last Steamer from Europe. LOVE, BLACK A CO., !o iili CJHESXUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. BELKNAP COTTONADE3, DIAMOND BILK MIXED AND NKW BPIIINU CAB3I MERES, J.20w516p v'0ATINQ9. LINENS, tIC, HORIEE?, COLLADAY e C0.5S MOURNING BEPAUTMent Inoladea ererj Tariet7 ot Textnres for persona wearing CLACK, from, th DUKPR3T MOURNING to BLACK GOODS used as Walking Dresses. MACK CJI2EXADIK IlAlSECiE, nil widdm, CAIEIS HAIIl BAKUOES, lo. DEBSa!'1 BAREGES, do. MMISE nalflKS. !. 11 ATT I ST E EAlE, V . MOIIAIIt TAMISE, n Artkl, UAZ DE ST. CY, AND A VARIETY OK OTHER ARTICLES Sc'IfABLE FOR THE PRESENT SEASON". ' All these Goods have been seleoted vritli the gTtxUert care from the most oelebratei anl reliable makers, and we have markod thein at the LOWEST REMUNERATIVE PRICES. Nos. 1412 and 1414 CHESNUT Street, ABOVE BROAD DUESS GOODS. WK KOW OFFER THE LARGEST IMPORTATION WE IIAV15 EVER MADE, AND EMBRACING All the Novelties for the Season. THE FINEST TEXTURES TRODUCED BY THE BEST LOOtMS OF EUROPE DOWN TO Goods for the Popular Trade, AND AT POPULAR PRICED Nose 1412 and 1414 ABOVE DAY GOODS. gPRINC OPENING. H. STEEL & SON, KOI). 7 1 AND 71 BfOTtt TENTH ST., OPENED TUI3 DAY, A Large nait Choke Assortment of Spiiu and Summer Goods, Dress Selected wltu great care from tbe stocks of ttie largest Mew York a ad Philadelphia Importers. Black Ljons Gros Urala Silks. Colored Dress Silks. Fancy Dress Silks. Silk and Linen Topliaettcs. Elcn Stjles or Silk Muslins, gatin Si ripe Silk grenadines. Plaid Corded.and Worsted Silk Poplins, Tor Suits Poplins orerery Tariet j, for Suits. French Percale Iiobcg. Plain and Figured French Percales. Printed French Piques. White Piques. French Organdjaud Jaconet Luwn. Dlue, tJretn, and Pink French Lawns. 4.4 and H-4 Itlack Silk licrnanics. 84 YkIte and Illack Crepe Uaretz. KewStjlcsorSpiiugSliattLs. We solicit au early examination of oar vtook of DRESS COOD8, As It Contains the Latest .Novelllei or Hie Season. AU ef which we are prepared to oiler it AT MODEKATE PKICES. JLACK SILKS 1 BLACK SILKS! COOPER & CONAKD, Si Corner or MM1I and MAKKET. Uros Brain, l'rap de Lyons, Drap de France, Lyons Taffetas, Cacti nieire Ce France, American Uros Drain, Amet lean Foulards. Au tlegaut Line oflUcb Black SlUs, rrotu to 5-0ff, Bought at auction and of importers direct. frloeaaratnaobnnderiuaaTeraso. 17foni COLLADAY & CO., CHESNUT Street, BROAD. tott FOR THE LADIES. QPENINC DAY FOB Ladies' Suits, Sacques, Etc. Etc., Wednesday, March 24 1869. CURWEX ST0"D1)ART & BRO. Announce their display of sample; SUITSr SACQUES, etc., At tiie ai)ve date. The stook of material oomprlte tbe moat aoslraole styles In tne mrket, from whioii orders will be Immediately executed. Iheclioap Joca ion we coenpy. combined with ad vantages ia putobase, enaole u to ollor great Indue. tueota In tills Departmrot. MVS. 450, 43li,AXl 13 W. NEt'O SI D HTBBET 3 20 ABOVE WIIXOW. 1115. T- HOPKINS' 1H5 LADIES' EMPORIUM. Ao. 1115 CilESUT St. (Girard Bow)a largest asHortment and Best and Cbeaoeat Oaaam In theclty, in all tbe lollowmn Hues:- P uooa Manutacturer ol Hopkins Celeb ratnd Ohamploa Hoop Bklrla. for Ladleu, Mlases, and Cblldreu to over four hundred styles, shspes. lengibs. and sluea. Cuttll, Batine, and Jants Corsets, In eight different hlmio eXPr"U"y 104 0ur own "' 33 dlrternt styles of superior fitting Franafc woven Whaif bone UOaaKTa. from $1 to It. li varieties ol extra handsome Wnalebon Oor sets, from 73 cents to fc-jO. -Bboulder Braces, Madam Foy'a Corset Bklrt Soo porteis, etc Mrs. Moody's Patent Beir-adJustlnK Abdominal Corset. Ulgbly recommended by physician, froiat lAjll'iaSiES OF I.4DIES UHDEJttlaA. OIKNTM. 64 Bartram A Fan lorn B Family Sewing Uachlnea, being gratuitously distributed to our cuatomera tsc tbe purpose of getting tbem Introduced. 'm Boa CAKPETINGS. OPEN ING OF SriUXG CARPETINOS, No. 729 CHESNUT Street. E. II, GODSIIALK & CO. BOOTS AND SHOES. BARTLETT, K. S3 S0UT1I SIXTU STREET, Begs to Announce Jus New Stylet f Oenti Boots and Shoes, for Sprt'np Wear, and is noiv ready to receive and fulfil all orders which the public may favor him with. u it fmwl AGRICULTURAL. gS&PHILA DELPHI A BASPBEBBT.JUCUNDA, TAitrlnulturtt. and other Htrawberry; Lawloai Ciackbt-rry 1'IdU; ilarllord, Oouoord, ana Otbc OraMVmea. X?S. ft FLmOHM, IIU ; Dinoo,M j; HATS AND CAPS. WABBUUION'8 IMPROVED VEHTI Uted, and eaay-tlulng Dm HaU (patantdtJai fivi turn, bm w ui ftNi yjau U u taT ail lii. improved raahlona ol the eaaun, tin uJL