OVJl ItELIGIOXIS COLUMN. t tan Duties lift flhnson f TheBtorj is told that, when Mrs. Judson and Jlrs. Newell, the first f,.mi ,ii i. filled for India, oDie ladles, In conversation, , cxpreestd dicpust with thtlr decltJoo to throw away their lives among the heathen. It was (remarked. "They feel it their dutv." "But 1 would not feel it my duty," .was the prompt Response. We may theorize as we choose, but that anecdote preaches a sermon that cannot be gainsaid. People manage to believe about as they try to. The fact Is a terrible one for any but prayerful and teachable souls. Who dares ,to trust LlmseU with hlmscl tl-Advance. Rlanphti red by Knm. "Great slauetatcrl" AIhs, ho v true! Here Is the bill ol mortality for only oue year In our Jown ttost favored land: 3000 lives destroyed Sfor time and eternity 1 25.000 persons sent to brison 1 10,000 Innoceut children sent to the hioor houcel 1500 murders I 600 suicides I 10,000 orphans! 1000 widows! Add to this the lndi. rect effects of lntemperenco in the production f Inncmorable dlsemes that would other wlso lever have bi cn known;. and Hdd also tha thou ands born with physical and meutal deranae uenU; an 1 If yrur ear Is not sickfiicd at the j ippalling result for one year, go on and multi !ply it by all the aees past, and bj all the coun tries of the globe, and tell us if this graud Hotal of mi.icrt. degradation, anl death does not Justify us in exclaiming, "Great slaughtcrl" ' Urtat slaiiph'er !" Murrjing bj Lot. One of the most curious customs of tho Mo- iraviaii Church is marrying by lot. A little boot jwrltlen by a lady who was once a member of Ihe sect tells about It. The women live in an Jtstablishannt under the charge of an Elderes, lH the unmarried men In a like establishment. Vhen oue of the brethren wishes to marry, he announces his wish to the society, and tho itlderess eeleCs a lady whom she thinks suita ble. Then lots marked yea and no are thrown Into a box, and if the first drawn is in the E Urinative, the marriage takes place; but if cgative, a new choice is made, and the lot Dnce more appealed to. Missionaries la distant elds of labor frequently have wives 'selected y the society, the ceremony of marriage per formed with a proxy, and the bride sent on to heir station, where, peihap?, they meet for the jtirst time. jSUMMARY OF RELIGIOUS NEWS. BAPTIST. There arc in GreHt Britain 2411 Bantlst churches. comprisW 221,525 members. I ttev. w. k. com well, pastor at Lower Dublin, or "Old Pennepek,'' as it was lormetly Sine 7tn inst. ( The First German Baptist Church in this tountry was established in this city in 1843. In twen'.j.six years they have increased to 85 Marches, with 4518 members. A very precious work is In progress in tho 'rauktord church, ol which He v. T. P. Coulston i pastor. Ei?bt were bapMzed on the 21st ult., nd fourteen more last Kabbath. The work la itiit progressing. we v. u. r. jLscnes, panoroi inemicetown aptist Church, on last Sunday evening Dap. zed two persons. A erward3 Dr. Richards laptized two of bis children, a sou and a daugh ter. It was an impressive scene. I Eev. Mr. Heneon, ot the Memorial Church, f this city, was permitted to baptize live con certs on tne evenitg of the 10th Inst. God has Teatly blessed th s ciiurcn since they eutered heir new chapel. The house is already too mall to ac ommodate tne congregations. Tne t nial oi their pews amounts to U700. The increase of the Bantlst denomination in ibla countiv the last twentv-iive years has been 9 per cent. In churches, 77 per cent. In minis ters, and 98 per cent. In numbers.. And. better ct, the coulrloutions have increased in a much arger ratio: in twenty-five years tue coutribu Ions for Home and Foreign Missions have in- reaped 384 per cenu The vacancy in tne pastorate oi me uavei hnmh. m this citv. occasioned by tho removal t Bev. Mr. Wilder to Bridgeton, has been filled, y the choice or Key. J. a. uutenmson, pastor t the cnurcn at r nnceion, . j. air. uuvcu tson will enter upon his duties April 1, and ill be cordially wticomea 10 ruiiaueipaia. wo were baptized last Sunday evening by Mr, utch.it.sou at uuvet. . EPISCOPAL. The 'Rev. Oftavius Perinchief. rector of St. nhn's Chureh. Georgetown. D. C, has accepted hp nn-ltinn ot General Secretary of the Evan gelical Education Society, made vacant by tha lad death ot the Kev. B J. farvln. tjnod at 8t. Petersburg, which decided that iey should remain under the protection and in ;he pay ot the Bussian Government as before, Ind be subject to the jurisdiction of the Synod. This decision. It is stated, is objected to by the United States Government, since it is unwilling to tolerate any 4 'protection" by a foreign power f persons lesiatng in lis aominions, ana tne ournals of fcSL Petersburg aie already warmly pleading in favor of their distressed countrymen. I A combination ot priests in Mexico, who lave withdrawn from the Roman Catholic fburcb, applied some time ago to the plsco hillans of this country for aid in establishing a rotestant Episcopal Church. They ask tor the 'onsccratlou of Don Kslael Diaz Martinez as ikhop of this new Mexican church. There is a cpgiegatiou of one hundred and ninety-eight amllies among the Mexican residents of Brownsville, Texas. i The Bussian clergy in Alaska, it is reported, (re suffering serious inconveoieuce from toe S-ansler of that country to the United States. Under the Russian rule, the members ot the Jreek Chuich were obliged to pay a tax for Jic support of their pastors. The United States tutnorilles, on taking possesion, declined to polled taxes lor the Bossian clergy, and the jieople. not being disposed to make any volun tary offerings, the pastors were left entirely without resource. They then Appealed to the t The repairs of st.Cleujeni's Church have been Vomt'leted. Jt is announced that the Bev. II. G. Batten-on Las be;n called to the lectorabip. ind that be has accepted the call, aud has Intered upou his duties. Mr. Battenon is known as a High-Churchman, aud was the Viktor ot the Church Lhronio'e of P&lladelphla luring its brief career. In that paper he advo cated the most advanced principles of the tuallsts, aud the highest Sacramentariaa ,.etrtne9. We cannot say to what extent the overend gentleman will carry out aud practi cally apply Ms doctrines and principles, but we nope bat tor the good of tne souls ot the people ma lor toe weutire oi true spiritual tcmkiuu 4ts practice will be better than bis creed, and mat some usaees will be more honored in the breach thau in the observauce of them. atpnlion, -f The harsh names and bitter words which the Ritualists of 1be American Church are wont to 5e concerning the Beformers, and tne dutiu fiilebed men of that Chuich who have warmly ,rnou6ed the caune of the Keforraation, are sig nificant Tbey aie- the outward and visible luns of the Inward and deadly hatred which, ii felt bvtnet-e rneu for Ihe lieforaaatton, and i,,r the Protef-taut filth.' Tuui, Ur. Mttledala wils Bishop Burnet "a meuducious partisan." He speaks of "Fox's Book of Martyrs" as a maga nneoi "lying b'notry, a book which no educated ; now living, possessed of any sell respect or -jnestyTdoes otherwise thau repudiate with '.fntenipt and aversion." They are quite as tmslve ln their treatment of eminent persons .ll:Ll.. 4im. nd this amo Dr. Llttledale telvscared the very proper Bnglishmen out of thVoroprleites by avowing it as bis opinion aat the la e Lord Palmerstou was ' a frivolous ,ld heatu'c n-actnllj declaring that this cre- l or ot bloP ad dean Wtt Mv0l0UB' 1 THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, foppish old Pagan." Tbls art of detraollon s ems to have been well studied by these Bltual Iftic divines. J'reslry'eruin. rRBRBTTRRIAN. The Old School church uf Cbllllcothe, Mls HOiirl, has joined the New ticboot body, aud Is now supplied by the ltev. b. Kayer, formerly of East TennPheee. Iiiere cre added to the Kensington Churr h, Rev. Mr. Be-Ue. pastor, on a lale sab Mtb, one hundred and e.guteeu niemberg, seventy-six of tuem being baptized. A precious work of grace is golns od in tbls church. Forty-three persons united with the First Pmbyterlnn Cburch. in this citv, thirty tbree by pioleslou and ten bv letter, on Habba h w-ck. Both Mt. T.arLes and Dr. Johnson offi ciated at the Lord's tabic. The Pre?bvterian church of Ato, New Jertey. has just dedicated t's new charca bulld 'ng. Atco is ou tbe Camden and Atlantic Hailroad, at the point of lis junction with tbe Uarifan Railroad running to New i'oik city. Kightten membcis were ad lod to tbe stoulh Chuicb, of tbn city, on 8abbath week, and seventeen at t bo ' communion in January, making thirty-five since tho Bev. Dr. Parsons took chaigeol tins church a few months atro, Hiid there are ouite a number of others anxious about their eie'rnsl wcllarn. Tli e North Church, B'iflalo, N. Y.. under the faithful ministry of the Hev. W. Calkins, is n ovcu more pcruaph thiin at any previous time in Its btxtory. Meetings aie held every iuorn Ina at 8 o'clock, and again In the evening, con duced by the pastor, pervaded by deep aud 1 owerful reeling!). It is tliougbt that about one hutidrelhave passed from deatn unto life, aud s ill ti c "crk Is golnar on. A note from Lcwisbunr, Pa., says: "We had a most precious communion season In our church last t-abbath. Ninety t ersonswere rc; ceiyed into membtitbip; tbe result, In part, of the revival which was noticed in jour paper a few weeks auo. Of this number, between twenty Dtid thirty are beads of laiuilies. There are fctill otbers who propose to connect themselves wi'li the cburch in course of time. The Lord hnth dune great things for us, whereof wc are glad."' Another correspondent says: "The vene ruble church at East Hampton, Long Island, planted more thau two centuries ao, aud watered oiteu by precious outpourings of tho frplrlt, has again beei refreshed by the preseuce ot the Lrrd. The prajers of God's people have been heard, and an answer of joy and peace granted to many hearts. At tbe comrauuion ou Sabbith week seventy pprsons were received on proteston of their faith, thirty six of whom received the ordinance ot baptism. It was a precious eight to see so many turning ther backs upon the world and setting tbeir faces towards Zion. May the Lord incline us all, by this earnest of His willingness to bless, to pray more lervently for the peace ol Jerusalem." CATHOLIC. The Bisters of Charity are about to found a hoepltal in Chicago. Sister Wallburga, so long aud favorably known in the bt. Louis UtBpiiR1, has gone to superintend tbe erection and be Superior of the Chicago Hospital. Theie are now 31 Catholic peeis of tue three kingdoms, 50 Catholic barone's, and 38 Catholic lu mbers of the House of Commons. During the past year there have been U3 priests ordained in England aud Wales, tbe total number being 148!'. Number ot churches and mission stations-, 1122; monasteries tor men, 67; monasteries for women, 214; colleges and academies, 18, In Scotland there are clergy, 201; chapels and stations, 207; convents for womeu, 18; colleges, 2. Tbere are 10 Catholic chaplains in the British armv. Many of our readers will remember the history of tbe Abbets Makrina, a Basillan nun, sorely persecuted and maltreated by the late Czar Nicholas, from wboe agents she contrived to escspe, to find a sure refuge at Borne. During twenty-live ears she governed the Basiiiau Convent in that city, attracting the veneratiou oi all who knew her. aLd offering all her suffer, ings and piajers for the deliverance of her nation from the oppressor. Tnis holy woman died on the eveulnu of Ash Wednesday, in tbe arms of the Prince s Odescalcht, one of her nioet devoted Irienos. Only two days intervened between her death and that ot her countryman. Count Plater. If Poland has it.nunierab!a vic tims on canh, whose suffering plead for the re GtorHtion'ot her national life, she has also saints in HeaveD, wbese praytrs will perhaps obtain it. l onOon Tablet. The llnimrs relates that the good Christians of Italy, admonished by a sign which has never deceived them, tbousrh the world will deride it as unworthy of notice, are expecting grave events. On tbe banks of tbe Fosco delta Career! dl 8. Francesco, near Assist, a ravine usual y without water, is a hermitage long in habited by the seraphic patriarch, St. Francis piedicted that whenever tbe mountain torrents should forsake other channels to fljw tbrouKh this lavine. aflllctions would be at hand for Italy. Tradition asserts that the word of the Batntbas been fulfilled on every occasion. From tbe day that Victor Emanuel tet foot on tbe Pontifical territory, at Monte Gualaudra, on tbe 30th ot January, tbe ravine has been filled by a menacing flood. Ibid. Tbe total number of Jesuits employed on mis sions throughout the world is 3429, of whom some have their own local mission which they carry on, while others are auxiliaries of the Church. Of the former class are the vicariates of Hindostan and Bombay, 28 fathers; of Ma dura, 60 fa the is; of China, 42 fathers; and of other places, including 8 vicars apostolic, 188 fathers, 46 scholastics not yet Introduced to full membership, and 62 other coadjutors. Of the second class there are 139 fathers in England, 15 in Constantinople and tbe vicinity, 46 in New York, 90 in Maryland, 84 In Missouri, 35 in New Orleans, 34 in California, and 14 in the Bocky Mountains. These places, we judge, are the names given to districts ot the United States, and include the whole country. Besides these, there are many more scholastics and "brothers coadjutors." We are glad to learn that Father Doane is succed.ng in his charitable undertaking. He has received five thousand from his Grace, five thousand from Mrs. Patterson, and live thousand from another lady, who is unwilling that her name be published. We have not learned if any other parties Lave founded burses, but fceiore Father Doane's departure, otbers, no doubt, will emulate tbe exumple of the above. The object ot this endowment is to secure a foothold for the American Church in the city ot Borne, and to found a college on lasting foundations, In which a certain number of candidates tor tbe American mission will be jeailv maintained and educated free. The success of the enterprise is already assured, and we hope the opportunity will not be neglected by the wealthy Catholics of this city to raise an eudnriug monument to themselves and their posterity more lasting than marble or brass, iu tbe heart ol the Eternal City. Si. Louis Wa'c'imati. Tbe Vaihouc tieguer (writes a London corrtHpondent) claims that considerably over two thousand persons in England have "re turned" to the bosom of their ecclesiastical "Mother" during the past year, a largo number bt whom are residents at the West End, and are tue converts oi Arcnoisnop Manning, whose success in winning patrician souls is represented to be something alarming. I have teen ana near a mm. rou never saw a finer neaa on man, or a more spiritual face on woman, or, altogether, a more angust and impressive figure in pulpit or pantheon. Ills intellectual ability is conceoeu. nis terraous are grand samples or English composition and Bomlsh sophistry. Tbe one I heard was without dogmatism. It was en love, and was inu.oi love. Tone, tnoueht, temper all was In keeping withthe theme. The man with bis thiu white locks, his translucent conip'evion, bis austere spirituality of expres sion, his mil l, kind, tranquil eyea, and bis paternal manner of delivery, transformed him into bt. John before raj eyes,- and forgetting the abominable.svBtem he represents, I was lost in admiration of the beautiful old man. No wonder tbey set such ft man to fishing for meu and women. bkfobmid. . The Lee Avenue Reformed (Dutch) Church of Brooklyn, New V oik, have called the Bev. Bjron Sunderland, of Washington. Twenty six young men are now in course of pifparatlon for the ministry, under tbe care of theliowd ot Education of tbe'Befortnud (Dutch) -Chuich J: '-3 L 4 . LtTTHEtiN. 7Bince last fall one buodrcrl and forty persons have been admitted to the Lutheran cuurcu in Lewistown, Pa. Tbe flfih annual session of tho Theological Seminary of too Lutheran Church In this city is now approaching tts conclusion. Twenty seven students have been in attendance during tbe year. Tbe class about to be graduated con sists of twelve. The Nettiotlifii says: "The 'New York Mln istenum,' one of the Sjuods connected with the new (High Church) General Council of tbo Lutheran Church, has dec'ared for close c ni mumon, and aeaiist interchange of puipits and membership In secret societies Tbo General Council, at lis Inst aunoal miction In Pi'tsbjra, arrived, alter tong and warm discussions, at very ambtgu'nus deed-ions on the abovo sub jects, and on Millenarianlgni, which by no means ratisiy the extreme Ilttrh Church Lutherans." jEwisn. A writer In the Nationt i Baptist siys: Tbo subjoined table may a-slst the reader iu forming an adequate idea of the relative proportion of Jews and. Gentiles. Iu round numbers wc reckon: Throughout the world, 1 Jew In 1"00 lnhsbit'ts, In Belgium, , . 1 Jew iu 3000 " In Greece, . . , 1 Jew in frbO " In Britain, . . . 1 Jew in 700 " In Italy, . . . 1 Jew In 700 " In France, . . . 1 Jew in COO " In Prussia. , , 1 Jew in HO ' In Holland, , , 1 Jew in 52 In Turkey, . . . 1 Jew iu 53 " In Austria, . . 1 Jew In 82 " In A 1 tier & N. Africa, 1 Jew iu 10 " Iu Hamburar, , , 1 Jew In 32 " In Frai.kfort, . , 1 Jew In 17 " In Amsterdam, . , 1 Jew in 12 " In Warsaw (about) , lJewiu 3 " In Jcrusnleui, . . 1 Jew iu 2 " Jemealeni has about 0000 Jews; Safed, 3000; Tiberius, 1500; Hebron,, 600; Joppa, 200, etc ; the total in the Holv Land amounting, as be fore stated, to between 15.010 and 16,000. Several pjnagogues have been opened In Madiid. Expelled in 1592, the Jews have never sirce that time celcbia.ci their worship in Spain. MErnODTST. The BoMon Weslejau Association have made arrangements for the purchase of the Krom fluid House for about 100,000. and intend to replace that edifice by a large aud handsome structure, which shall become the headquarters ot the Methodists in that city. This association is a corporate body, and publishes Zion's Hera'd. Becently the Bev. Thomas 8. Dunn, pastor of ihe Mttbodiet church In San Jote, Cal , was notified that any further attention to the Chi nese on bis part would be visited with mischief to the church. He paid no at.eution to the threat, but continued to invite them to the cburch. A few dajs after his church wat set on fire and totally consumed. It cost $20,000 in gold. A remarkable revival of religion is prevail ing iu Carbondale, 111. During tbe past eight weeks over two hundred persons have been received into tbe Methodlstchurch of that place on probation, General Johu A. Logan among the number. PROPOSALS. DEPARTMENT OK HIGHWAYS. BRIDGES. HEWEIIH, ETO OFFICE lOF CHIEF COMMlS5IOiNEK,ZSfo. 104 8. FIFTH STHEET. Philadklphia. March 18. ltttitf. NOTICK TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed Proposals will be received tit tbeoffloe ot the Chief Commlsstouer of Highways until Id o'clock M. on MONDAY, the 22 J Inst, lor tbe construction of the following Sewers: On tbe line of Market street, between For tieth aud Forty first streets, of three feet dia meter. Twenty-second street, between Race and Snmnier streets, of three feet diameter. Montgomery avenue' between tiirard avenue and 250 feet northwest of Klctimond street, of two feet six Inches diameter. Twentieth street, from Coves to Brown street , of two feet six Inches diameter. CkfilowhlU street, between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-tutu streets, of two feet alx Inches diameter. Ash street, between Girard avenne and WU dey street, of two leet tlx inches diameter. Moiitsomery avenue, eoniinenolnfL at Broad street and extending, with a diameter ol four feet, to Sixteenth street, and along Sixteenth street to Columbia avenue; thence, wltn a dia meter of three leet, along Columbia avenue to tbe lntei section to Twenty -first St., wltn saoh inlets and manholes as may be dlreoted by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor. The under standing to be that tbe contractor shall take bills prepared against tbe property fronting on said sewer to the amount of one dollar and fifty cents for epoh lineal foot of front on each side of the street as so much enab paid: the balance, as limited by ordinance, to be paid by the oily. When tbe street is occupied by a city passen ger railroad track, the Sewer shall be con structed alongside of said track In such man ner as not to obstruct or interfere with the safe passage of tbe cars thereon; and no claim for remuneration shall be paid the contractor by tbe company using said track, as specified in act of Assembly approved May 8, 1868. All bidders are Invited to be present at the time and place of opening the said proposals Each proposal will be accompanied by a certi ficate that a bond has been filed in tbe Lw De partment as directed by ordinance of May .25, 1860. if the lowest bidder shall not exeoute a contract within five days after the work is awarded, be will be deemed as declining, and will be held liable on bis bond for the dl flerence between bis bid and tbe next highest bid. Specifications miy be had at the Department of Surveys, which will bestrlctly adhered to. 3 18 8t MAHLON H. DICKINSON, Chief Commissioner of Highways. US. ORDNANCE AGENCY, , Corner Houston and Grbenb Street, (Entrance on Greene; P. O. Box 811.) New Yokk, Feb. 18. 1889. Sealed Proposals, in duplicate, will be re celved.at tbls office until SATURDAY, March 27, 186U, at 12 M for purchasing, in quantities, tne following kinds of ORDNANCE STORED, now on band at the different arsenals -in the United Slates: CARTRIDGES For Spencer's carblne...Cal. 50 and 52 For Ballard's do. ... " For Henry's do. For Kenilngton'sdo. ... For Warner s do. ... lr Sharp's do. ... For HI art's do. ... U. H. musket cartridges, E ball TJ. 8. musket cartridges, E ball .... Rifle musket cartridges, E boll TJ. 8. tunbket cartridges, round TJ- b.xnnfket cartridges, buck aud ball Colt's plbtol cartridges.. Colt's piblol cartridKes- Smith's caiblne car tridges, rubber and melbl Bnrnsidb's carbine car trldcea. metal Metalllo 41 52 f 51 68 G9 and 71 69 60 44 41 primed. Linen. Paper. Vutiiu ami Hotchkiks nroieotlles lor all oa li tres of cannon; round snot, shellc, canister and spberiosl cai-e, lor all calibres. Also, fixed am- munition ior tne same. Mutket percussion caps from broken-np am munition. The Oidnanee Department reserves the right to Jfjtot all bids not deemed satu factory. Prior to trie acceptance of aoy bid It will have to be approved by the War Department. Terms cash. Ten per cent, payable on the day ot shie, and the remainder when the pro perty Is delivered. Twenty days will be al lowed for the removal ot stores. Bidders will state explloltly tbe point or points where they will accept stores. Delive ries will only be made at the arsenals. Samples can be seen at this office, or at any of the artenals in the United States. Prouosals will ba addriutked ta Lha nndai- stgned, and endorsed "Proposals for pnrohaulugj Ord ounce Stores." For further information apply to the undersigned. , S. CRISPIN, 1 - Brevet Colonel U. S. A., al ' Major of Ordnance. J3HILOS0PIiy OF MAURI-AG E. A-cD,w. tvJoun" 01 m dslWarad at th ew ToilMiwiiiia ol Aualouiy. emh.u.ln tha sebjecutl-uow to l.lve and wti to Llvi for; luuiu, jaiuiiij. . uiu ( MBbooI Oeneratly. . iikiim lMQlnca auS UlulDl IhOfS Lolurt( will -bs torwrJd. p.wumtd. on reoalplof 'I onulu, by atilrwiiiiK w. A. I.KAKY rv ..i...... rr rwmm volume son- FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOFSAFE8 BSABVIH'S Alum & Dry Plaster FIRE PROOF iJttM,-. n,i ,f Hi . -i,.... .a.. ........ Are most desirable for quality, finish and price. MARVIN'S SPHERICAL BURGLAR Cannot be Sledged! Cannot be Wedged ! Cannot be Drilled! BANK VAULTS, VAULT DOORS, EXPRESS BOXES, FAMILY PLATE SAFES, COMBINATION LOCKO Please send for a catalogue to Ev2i!B.VIItf & CO., 721 OHESNUT Street, (MASOMC HALL), miladelphla, 863 BBIODWAT, SEW TOBK, 108 BASK ST , . CLKVEI.AND, OHIO. SECOND-HAND SAFES or all makes tor sale low. sisswsm SAfES AND MACniSERY MOVED. NEW PUBLICATIONS. rpiIE BEST IIORSE BOOK THE HORSE In the Stable and the Field Ills Manage ment In Health and Disease. BY 6TOKHENE. McCLURB. AND HARVEY. W lib over Hisuiy KegrariukB irom Lira, and a full account ol ilis Trolling H )r. 1 vol orownsvo. Retail rlce, .'4'50, Tbls day pobllsbtd by PORTER & COATES, MARBLE BUILDING, No. 822 CHE8NUT Street. All Books Retailed at WbolssMt Prices. 8 Ilrp ENGINES, MACHINERY, ETC, PJCNH 6TAJi BNQINB JAND BOILUJI WGKia.-NKAJflK A f.Vov UAL AND THiXiitlLTlUAJL KMHINlrani BM1THJS, and FOCNDH1KH, bavlua tor many jtt been In sacoeasAil eperatloa, and bean exoloalvelj eo(ged In bulldlDg and repairing. Marine and iuvei Kng Lues, high aud low-nrewnre. Iron Boilers, Watet Tanas, Propellers, etc etti., respeotfally oUar thli service to tbe public as being tails prepared to con- rui lur vnginea oi au sues, Marine. lUTer, antf B'.allouary; having sets of patterns of different aiae, r$ prepared to exeonte orders with quick despatch Kvery description of pattern-making mada at tht shortest notice. High and Low-prewura Situ Tabular and Cylinder Boilers, Ol the beat Peunitylva. nla charcoal Iron. Porglogs of all slxea and kind Iron and Bzaaa Caatlnga of all descriptions. Boll Turning, Screw Cuitlng, and all other work connaateS i-u ww wwih iiihiiiiw. Drawliitii Ktid .iiiu-illnatlona for all work Hun. theestabUsamenitresof obarga, and work.Kuaraa- . .K UDeiQDscriDera nave wuuv" """itiwa room 'as repairs of boat, where they can lie In perfect safety RUB W5 (iy IUCM biiw-i UM, VHJb B14 nr raiainc heavy or ilghl weikbta. JOHN P. Ep.VV. 1 11 Jjmnn anu ia K llTtirw. 1. vauos &ilJICbH a. ooXAIAM K' MMM SOCT11WAKK i'UUiSDBy FIFTH ASt WAJSHIiiUTOM Ptreeia. PE ILiniOI'I IA. M.KK1CK. A HOSB. annum tjHH ani machinists, uacuraoiore illgh aud Low nauaine Steam Knglast for Land, Hlvt-r, and Marine borvlce. Boilers, (taaoiueiejm, Taoki, Iron Boats, eta, Jesting, of all kiuds, uither Iron or braM. -Iron lTrui9 xtoonj for bas Wait, WotJuhops, aat Railroad Mtattona, etc. betorla aud Uaa MaohlnerT. ot thS latest and BUM Improved construction. , , itvery ueecripnun uv.w , m'm Sugar, Saw, aud Srlal Mill, Vaooum Pans, Oil taui Trains. Defecators, filters, i'urapLng, Xj Apparatos, Hesmyth's Paten Btearn Hammer, aJ Asplnwail niri --!.-- Iiralnlna Macnmea. 4 MISCELLANEOUS. THK ADAMS EXPBESJ COMPAQ?, OVt'iCB Mo 30 CHKBNUT Btreet, lor wards ParoeU, Packages. Merchandise. Bank Noies. and bpeule. fuu"r bV Its own Uuee or lu coaueoilon with other iiur " ,n .11 tho nrlnuloal town, and J:xpena iiuj""i --- - r Wile, in the Chlted States. BINOHAM. , j Superintendent. GOTION SAIL' 1)L'CK AND CANVAB, OF all number, and kwanda, Tent, Awning, aud WAfk0oSaMaoJacttirers' Drier Felta, from la P1 WMnaSrtOS CTM TI Him atoraa SttafESS EVERY INSTRUMENT THAI ..fTaBd .kill bars invented to aasUt tne Hlnevery d reS ofdeafneaai also, Kwiplra. . rZtwAS Patent Crutches, superior to t isl'H WMtMw BUM M TFYOU WANT A DELIOHTFUT, SPRING T bkd nsiu healthy, and oomfortaole, use iirvrvnrc rtamph np Tf JikiliilB Trao bene at No. 101 a KIFra Wret f aVstoor to Ud Othoe), and l KO. VM MllMQt I ff .". m-S 1-3 btieet, reua "'- MAIlCH 20, 1860. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFE CHAMPION SAFES! PhtladklphiA, January 18,1889. Hewn. FARltEL, HERRINO A CO., Ma 629 Cbesnat street. GenUemen: on tbe night of tho 13th inst,! la well known to the elllaena of Philadelphia, onr large and extensive store and valuable stock of merchandise, Mo. 902 Chesnut street waa bnrned. The Are waa one of the most extensive and destructive that baa visited our city for many years, the beat being so Intense that even the marble cornice waa almost obliterated. We bad, as you are aware, two of yonr valu able and well-known CHAMPION FIRE PROOF 8A.FE3; and nobly have they vlndl oated yonr well-known reputation as manufac turers of FIKE-PROOF SAFES, If anyforthor proof bad been required. They were subjected to the most Intense heat, and It aflords us much pleasure to Inform you that after recovering them from the ruins, we found upon examination that our books, papers, and other valuables, were all In perfect condi tion. Toots, very respeotfally, JAB, K CALDWELL A CO, THE ONLY SAFES EXPOSED TO TII FIRE IN CALDWELL'S STOKE WEKE FA&UEL, UBBlKa dc (JO. Philadklphia, Jan. 18, 1389. Messrs. FARKEL, HIiKKINU A CO., Ho, 629 Cnesnut street. Gentlemen: On the night of the 13th instant our large store, 8. W. oorner.of Ninth and Ches nut streets, was, together with oar heavy stock of wall papers, entirely destroyed by fire. We bad one of yonr PATENT CHAMPION FIRE-PROOF SAFES, whloh contained our principal books and papers, and although It was exposed to. the most Intense heat for over 60 hours, we are happy to say It proved Itself worthy of onr recommendation. Our books and papers were all preserved. We cheerfully tender our testimonial to tbe many already published. In giving the HERRING SAFE the credit and oonfldenoe It Justly merits. Yours, very respectfully, HOWELL) A BROTHERS. BTILL ANOTHER. Philadelphia, Jan. 19, 1369. Meesrs. FARREL, HERRING A CO., No. 629 Chesnut street. Gentlemen: I had one of your make of safes In the basement of J. E. Caldwell A Oo.'s store at the time of the great fire on the night of the 18th instant It was removed from the ruins to-day, and on opening it I found all my books, papers, green backs, watches, and watch materials, eto all preserved. I feel glad that I had one of your truly valuable safesand shall want another of your make when I get located. Yours, very respectfully, F. L. KIRK PATRICK. With J. E. Caldwell A Co., Mo. 819 Chesnut street. FARREL, HERRIiVG & CO., CHAMPION SAFES, No. 629 CHESNUT Street, n tt- PHILADKLPHIA.' Q R BAT B A R C A I N 8 I1V SAFES. IN CONBEQUltNCE OF ILL HEALTH I WILT. BELL MY 8XO0K OF SAFES, ETC., TVilb Two Years' Unexpired Lease of Store, No. 639 ASCII Street. AND TWO VERY SUPERIOR DRAUGHT HOBSES, WAGON, ETC , lor cash or In ex- . change for desirable property. . Parties wlsbinc to make inch purchase will please call at my store between ten and tnree o'clock, BAFKS BiXLINU AT QRIiATLY &KDUCED PfS.im M. C SADLER, Agent. O. L . MAIBER ijl U luiirtrvaoTUBKa or FLRK and uurglak-pkoof safes, LOCKoMITH, BELL-HANGER. aKD SJEALKk ,g Bo. S4 RACK Btreet GROCERIES, ETC. P'llESn FRUIT IN CANS. PJCACB.ES, piNKAl'ri.ao. GBJCKN COKN, TOMATO KS. PELKMCH PSAS, MCSHKOOMS. ALBEBI C. JKOHEBTS, Dealer In Pine Groceries, 11 Hrp Oor. KLEYEJS TH and VIM JS Btreeta. PROVISIONS, ETC. JJIICHAEL MEAGIIEjU & CO., No. 223 Soutb SIXTEHMU Street, WHOLKBALB AITS RETAIL DEALERS UU PBOVUIOHS, OYSJtKIlS, AND BAND CLAMS, rou FAMILY CSB. TERBAPI WS 916 PER DOZES. S QBORGB PLOWMAN. , . CAEPENTBJl AND BUILDBB, 1 . . ' Ko. 131 DOCK Street, riULADELl'HlA. ODGEBH' AHD WOSTENUOLM'a PUCKE1 KJNl Vlt, Pearl and uim UandiM, of bantlrnl finish, KOOnkltM' and WaJM BUWH KH M RA. fccl- rt, ad tbe eeleurated LMXiCLTJM J&A&OJS JuOLBOlirfOl UiennaHualHy. -- , Jjmiip, Knlve.. Hi;loofj aud TablsOtrtlery Orodnl and poiitbed. at r. Mtmist' m. urn a. 11 n i;n trarti"-"" tlaessaei AUCTION SALTS M THOMAS A HONH. Nnn . e B. FOURTH BTRBlllX. 8, 1,9 AHD 141 jrxtsn.ive Pale at the Gunner's nn ri..i.i L 1003 Cunubeilanrt nt,o Nln.w.n.h ' 't!7' K VAl.Ua HLbi MAOHIWJCR Wr' ' w - . . On M-u ay Morning, ' March tt m at II o'clock, win oa oldatnwiw sale, byca.alo. ne, the eDtlre content., oumnTuiJ? Ble.m holler, about 7ft-horne pnwpr m.1el)f M .5 A On; 17 frm-nilti(r tub., bnldlns 7jO i Rtlltnseanh lart III. holding IS jri'i Saiiiin.; S iu-h lnl h i'i lug SAiOli.l'on. eachi S Brltilo A Heniersnn pomDi N 6 ad 6; low wine pumpi I tulu, wnb 4 eiioii. and el.Tntnr coiiiili-tt; yen.t tub; b-er (inmp't (arte rtreivli g trb- cbarRpr.-1 grain eltvat r, wi.li ooi. vnnci. ctippt-r roolern; copper condnsr; NbiUt Inp: puileyat b.itli g; oopper and iron water, itsata. and g.a pliwii: platii.rm .c.ies. lonl., mo, Pull particulars In catalogues, now ready. I lt4t BALE Ot BEAL JbrtT ATR AND BTOOKB, . On TuHdar, March 7ft. at 12 o'clock noon, at (he Kzcbange: lOUN1RY SCAT AM) FA H M 42 acres. On the P. and T. R R. in mllrx frenj PhllaDt-ipala. COUNTRY Mt4T-7C'i. Krit.t-K c iiintr. WaV I DR'crd Hi. ilon on ti p Wet ihe'r R.l road. r-h.Ve.NTH Olreet (Nona). No.401-RtslueiOiaBd l-Idf yard. THIRD Str.et (orih), No. 013-Brlok Dwel'l-g. . ltLAD ltUAU-ku acies, urazing and DaliF J arm PKA'-H Ptreet. No. 1310-Brlck Dwelling. WILLIAM H ii. f H- Igrkd.-Lot. WILLIAM B r.et. N. W. or A tnontl Lot. A BULUKAD H rert L"t. MONVuUT rt B rwt, N. W t BiKrn Lot. 1:11 8N U I' Btrpet. Westot Fonletb L it. OhOUNO HKMt lilUaear KLRVsNiu bireei (North), No. 015 - Brick LkpoUik. Al.KUND PI rep t, Nor. 830, H3'J. and 831 -Three 1 rick iw illi'g. -K11MANTOVVN Bead and VENANUO Street Ir.ru. Lot. bka'ON i and LIAMJND Streets, N. E. comer Lnrk llul clings B w KA U Birvvt. No. 136-Brlck Del.lng. ' MR-I -treet. wfat or A ruond- B-u-k Dwelling, B1XTERNT a Btreet Norm), No. 030-Three-etor Brlun lt.hlrlpnce. 70 ' dlirn W aiprhnry Qs Light Stock. .bare Arapniy ot M'iMC. Ijiiki l,ru Iiland iHt ii ortg.RS ( per cent. I ah.r. Aradi im ol Fine Arm. 20.1, .re. oil Urt-tk aud Caldwell Branob I'etrolenm t'onjianv. tt. litres Oor.olldatlon Natlona' Bark. )snarei Farmers' ani M.ou.uics' National Baak. Wl.uarts Meoi an cs' Na'lonal Hank. matures Manulactunrs' and Mechanics' National Bank. a'e. Franklin Fire Insurancn. 8 tbars K -nlnKioa Na Inn.i Bank, li .hBrei Third Nallona1 Hank 4U share. Am.rlran Lrfp Insurance and Trust Oo. S hbare. Chpaur Valley Ra lroad. 2 UBharps Americau Buiton bol Machine Oo. in share. 11 nk of North America. 27 i liarpf First ft at oual Buk ol Camden, N.J. 208harei Empire Trauspor allon Companr. 5uti shares McKean aud Ela Laud and ImprOTe-rm-nt Conn any. 1 i-bare P- lut Breese Part-. 1 share Pnllade4ihia and southern Mall Steamship C60e?i?. Old Townhlp Line Turnpike. 40ti0 Woinin Valley fanal 64. lualiar'S Chpsapake and De aware Canal V. A sjlgppe's bale Estate ol P.ter Conrad, Bankrnnt, SH 0 0 lire policy iu manuaifcan ilb.wi.. a. s ni'O Iip pwllcy in p'.tnn insurance Co.. Uartrord, S'OOO life policy to New England Mutual. Boston. S5(kiu llf pulley In Ual.io Mutual, of Maine. Catalogues now ready, 1 20 It CHOICE ENOLIS1 ANU AMERICAN BOOKS. On Tueiaay, WedDP.dav, Thursday, and Balurdar Attprnoons. March J8. J4, 2S. and 7, at 4 o'clock, loo'udlng Brl'lnn poets lPf volumes: 1 calf Waverley Nov.... tu oIubips: Dickens' works. 27 Tolume.; Bulwark novels. 2'i volnmet: Marryatt's novel; Jameson', wi rs: Imperlel Dictionary. S volume.; Dore'a Tennypen: Don Qulxoip; La Fontaine, eioi Fro a sarf. Chronicles, wlib lllumlnatieas. 2 volume.: Hue edlllonsof Bhakespeare. paeis, theology, etc. i2)tt - BUNTING, DUKBOBOW & CO.. AUCTIOB EKK1, No. 2K2nd 1U4 MAKKHiT Btreet, eoraw of Bank street. Bnocessors to John a. Myers Wo. LARGE BALE O' FRENCH AND OTHXB KU ROPE AN LBY GOODS, Ou Monday Morning, S 18 CI March 22, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit e ALB. OF 8000 C 8 EH BOO TP BHOES, TJ AVBL- 1NU BAUH KTO. , On Tocm ay MornlDg. ft 17 H March S3, at 10 o'clock, ou four mouths' credit. LARGE BALE OF CARPKTINQ8 OTL CLOTHS. CANTON MATTINGS, Km Ou Frhlav Morulug 120 tt March ts, at 11 o'clock on four months' crrdil.auont 20( pl.ee. ol Ingrain, Venetian, list, bemp, cottagei ai d rag carpeting., Uoor oll-olotha. matting., eto. MARTIN BROTHERS, AUCIIONEEBS. ( iiHttiy Balei-nieu ftir M. Thomas A Hon. ) No. 2W CHabNCT Bt.. fear eatraaoe trim MiaOfl Bale No. 0 Vine street. HANDHOME WALNUi FURNITURE. FINK, PKKJSCU PLA IJv MXRROK, FINK BHUaSELfi AKD INbUAIN C.KPalS. ETd, On Tnurrday Mornl"r. 25th Inst., at iu o'clock, at No. !403 Vine street, by cat.li gue, bat dRome walnut and nalr olotb parlor lurnlture; baudsouie walnut obamber urniiure; cot Ugecbamb.r ui; .uperlor dlulug-ronm and .IHlog room Ihruiturp; flue French plate mantel mirror, . bai.daomeiy framed, fine Brna.eis, Venetian, aa Ingrain carpel: s hue eprlag mattresses; oil palnt ians; cooking ntensils. eto. May besem early on morning of sale. IS St B V B. SCOTT, J ft I BCOTT'B AET GALLAR7. No. lOSJO CBUfiS NUTBireet, i-niiadeipma, CARD The nnderslgned will give partloclaraW tent Ion to Bales at Dwellings ol parties removing ", BavlDg ro place lor .10-age of lumuure. It will be to my lnierenl te make clean .alee. tbr consignments of Merchandise rt-soeotlully aollolted. IS . v mUOMAB BIRCH dc bON, AUCTIONEEBI J. AND COMMIB8IOM MERCHANTS, No. LUI CHEtiaCT btoisu rear entrance Mo. HOT Bam oat ati , BALE OF ITALIAN VASK8 TA7.ZA8, BTATTJ. AttY OROUfB AND PluCRKS. CARD RE- CE1VERS, ETO. On Tuesday Morning, At 10 o'e'ock. at ihe auction .tore, No. 1110 Oheennt street, will be sold, a laige aHSortment of elegant Lallan gondi.lnipoited by sleoor Topi, conslsilng of . Ri man, Etroscan, aud Qrrolan mantel vases, tazzas, . card receivers, groups and flgu es, mantel oraa- J mmis.eto. iiwn The gocds will ba open lor exhibition on Monday. LABK A EVASB, AUCTIONEERS, KO. 63 CMEBN OT Street. . , . - Will sell THIS DAT, Morning and Evening, A large In voloe ot BlaukeU, Bed bpreada, Dry Uoottj , . Cloths, Casslmeres, Hosiery , Stationery, Table aa Pocket Cutlery, Notions, eto. . . City and country merchants will find bargains. Terms cash. . , . eootis packed free of charge o D. McCLEES & CO.. AUCTIONEERS. SO . 60S MARKET Surest, BALE OF lOOO CASES BOOTS, BHOES, BR03AN9, KTO On Monday Morning, .. . March 22. at lo o'clock, Also,. a large line Ot Citv- made goods. . .'.. JS, B. Bales Mondays and Thursdays. 8 IS it By LIPPINCOTT, 80I & CO., AUC TIONEER). AHIinURBT BUILDING, NO. jjlO MABKtET Btreet. T7"EENAN, r?ON A CO., AUCTIONEB h 8. j No. IU . tRONT BtreeU II H BRANDY, WHISKY, WINE, ETC. Q A IS GTA 1 17 8 & McOALL, Hob. 128 TYALKUT and 21 HRAJVITE 8tfc i ZMPORTXRS OF , Brandies, WlneB, In, OUre Oil Etc Els WHOLESALE DEALERS ISt " ' PUltE RYE WHISKIES,: IN BOND AND TAX PAID. g 11 l , ylLLIAM CROVB 8, N. 838 SANSOM Street, AGENT FOB ' TEAT MAN A GRAHAM'S lit laa PUKE UNCINKATI CATAWBA WIKK3 . - m 1 , hotels apsd restaurants. : Mt. Vernon Hotel, 81 Monument street,. Baltimore XT Elegantly rurnlubod, with nnsurpassed CuUIn. 1 ' 1 , On tha European Flan, . .,x D. P. MORQATf. NCKTI! PENN HOTEL, NO. 445 N. THIRD frtrel. Philadelphia, I. NOW OPJGN, on IU auropean plan, A. bTfiVTBON, Buiierlnlcndent. IUioui. lo rent, with OK wllbout boatd; boarcllngj '' wliaer without loouia. . . , . , iaa Hi . .. i ; 4 :ti '. r-i i' .1. .a ! ;-.. I'J "4 . i .., 1 j H ' P -I te I Hi 4 -'