THE DAILY- m-jr NQ TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1869. rwin - r- iSkZA p BEIWQ A PUt for Mental lylltlci A Salad for Nintull Nnlsurles. AND A SALVE FOR BAD CUTS. Th whole carpfuliy compounded and pot up expressly for Family Use. SI OCIl MItlES EDIT011 NUMBER CCXV. Brown desiring to take part in the Veloci pede Tournament at the Rink next week, goes out to Manayunk to praotise. He secures "tricyole," as being less liable to upset. lie says "a child can manage it. PraotiBing on the "Ridge," he turns off to go down towards the Wiasahickon. The hill was steeper than be supposed. Farmer Gilling ham's dogs assail him, but are ignominiouslj defeated. Brown thinks it ought to have a brake for oooasions like this. He gets a "break," but not so well arranged as the one the machinist would make. It, lias, however, the effect of stopping him. Brown says he was never so much put out in his life. He believes that velocipede travelling wants a good deal of practice. m Brown gathers tip the "wreck" to return to liia hotel. He is ashamed to return by the ' road, so takes to the fields. An open winter and a mild spring, though favorable to navi gation on the river, are not bo favorable to velo cipede travelling. Brown's opinion was, when last heard from, that "the velocipede, as a vehicle of general travel, is a failure." Carte of a Lunatic Dinner. Odd flbb, in eluding pike and sword fish. Broth of a boy jnoektail, and P soup. H bone and cold shoul der. Chops and changes. Ducks and drakes and March hare. Boiled owls, gammon, and and fehanklln Chine. Larks, coxcombs, and iairgame. Maeple. piebald, and madcap pul dinir. Hot codling, gooseberry, and April fool iuffs and flummery. Sweets of office. Vege table ivory aud evergreens. Bi-awn and muscles. Greenwich rolls and Pccljham Bye ttrpad. Sauce of tbe Nile. Cakes and ale Pippins and cheese. Deesert: Fruits of the tbe Dead Bea, cherry ripe, orauges, and lemons, I City plums, regular Jam, and game preserves. Wines from tne wood, anu spirits irom meueep. i Tbe wboje to conclude with X, sober-water,and weeds in the garden. . There are two periods in the life of man at which be is too wise to tell woman the exact troth when he is in love, and when he isn't. Am Abvkbtisbiient. An individual who wanted a person to take care of his children sdverlited tn an Eastern paper "for one whose Datienoe Is inexhaustible, whose temper U tire, less, whose vigilance Is unwinking, whose power of pleasing is boundless, whose industry U matchless, and whose neatness Is unparal- -.,.-xrv vs. 'r --. - o-- - - m '' A .eTt. mmSTr iii la L--tf,.ZS S'M The Chant of the Hypocrite. FOR MUSIC. Humility Is my game ! Few Guess at my little aim. r I am bo oily, coil-y, holy, lowly, sleek, and roetk That there's always a little blash of shame On my modest, downoaat cheek. I'm such a perfect sneak 1 When Nobody else is by, Then Boldly I lift my eye; so very marry, Utiffhine. chiffiaor. I am bright, and light; I enjoy myself always on the Bly, "When there's nobody in sight, I am a humbug quite 1 Do, Look at my gentle smiles I You Notice my baok-set tile I Ilooksomildlike. ohildlike, creepy, Heep-y cram and bam 1 I'm a grovelling creature, full of guile What a thorough-paced soamp I am I Oh, I am a downright sham. A cerlaiu Sunday School teacher was in the habit of making a collection in his juvenile class for missionary objects. Ho was not a littlo sur prised one day to find a counterfeit shilling among the copper?, and ou asking the class who put it there, the donor was pointed out to him by one who had seen him deposit it. "Didn't you know that this was good for nothing ?" said the teacher. "Yts," answered the boy. "Then what did you put it in the bos for ?" Tbe boy coolly replied, "I didurt s'posc the little heathens would know tbe difference; so I would be jupt as pood for them." A boy on board a 6teainer got up quite a panic among the passengers recently. He bolted sud denly into the cabin one morning, before the passengers had fairly rubbed their eyes open, exclaiming, "We are lost!" "Lost!" exclaimed another. "Lost!" screamed out the whole crew. "Yes, lost," said the lad, astonished at the alarm he had created. "I know we are lost, because the captain's on top o' the house, and another man's upon the mast, looking to .see where we are !" In one of the English colonies, a competitive examination was lately held for the purpose of appointing fit persons to some of the Government offices. One of the candidates inadvertently spelled the word Venice with two n's, thus Yennice. The examiner, a clever man, but not alwajs a correct speaker, sternly inquired: Do you know, sir, that thero is but oue hen in Venice?" "Then eggs must be very scarco there," was the ready reply. The candidato passed. "Bob Key" Eends us tuo following conun drums: What blossom, deprived of one of its letters, becomes v. hat all young misses desire to pos sess? A (c)lover. What blossom, deprived of oue of its letters, Is oftenc st sent by lovers? (P)ink. What flowers 6peak the sweetest words to friends, and the bitterest to enemies ? Tu-lips. A man was found in an up town gutter the other day, and on being roused to consciousness and asked to explain how he came there, got off the following by way of explanation: "Leaves have their time to fall, And so likewise do I; The reason, too, 's the same, It comes of getting dry I But there's tbe difference 'twixt leaves and me, 1 tall more harder and more lreqneutly." An old lady was asked what she thought of one of her neighbors by the name of Jones, and with a very knowing look she replied: "Wby, I don't like to Bay anything about my neigh bore; but as to Mr. Jcrces sometimes 1 think and then again I don't know but, after all, I rather guess he'll turn out a good deal such a sort ot a man as I take him to be." Among the carious tombstone Inscriptions which have come to our ears lately are the fol lowing: Here lies Betsr: Where she goue, and bow she fares, NobJdy knows and nobody oares. A happy pendant to this is the following: In memory of Jane Beat. WUo kicked up her bee's, and away the weut, A clergyman s&ja It is curious to note how many people attend a circus "only because they want to please their children; but still more curious to ob:erve that in many iustances It takes two or three able-bodied men, with as many women, to look alter oue little boy or girl." Might and Main. Hood, In describing the meeting of a man and a lion, said tbe man ran off with all his migu, and the lion with all his mane. Tbe Height of Modesty. The most bathful girl we ever knew was one who blushed when she was a?ked If she had not been courting sleep, Zoological. Naturalists tell us that such a thing as a mouse is not now to be fouud ou the Cattkill Monntalns. A man recently killed himself on the novel ground that bis wife wished to get a divorce from him, and he wanted to spite her. If brooks are, as poets call them, the most Jojous things In nature, what are they always murmuring about ? Wby Is wheat like a bauj ? because It is first cradled, then thrashed, aud then becomes the four of the family. If you want to get more than one hundred cents for a dollar, Invest It In a .bottle of per fumery. Wby is America like theactof reflection? Because it Is a roomy nation. Fond of Misfortune The lovers of Burns. A Pos which carries moot ot our letters The lamppost. - Abiding Filendsblp -That of shoemakers, they are true to the lost. - Loxo Division Divorce, 4 REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. BALE BY OKDKR OP HISIit-J-E'irA.TE I..'-1 nt IlkDrtab tJnruiell, oeoeiuttcl room A t-i.u, Aiiol toiera. Twu-Hlory finina dwelling, KiUK'-fK-lnK. Twf nly-fevnit i ward. On N.iur vuy afternoon, March 'il 1M.H, at i o'clock, wilt tec old at pubilo ale, at Itie Blue Una Hotel, Ds I by road, all ihtt lot of ground, wttli i wo rn oiy frame Dwelling houwe ttiereon erected, tHonte In tle towiiHutp of KlngHt-HHloK, a for ti mid; l glnnlrg at a point In ibe line of Is runt "WrigbtV frorjtid. aald point being at the cIIh laLce i t IS 63 IjO pei cnes eoul b wcHlwanlly fiotn the aide ol ii cerlaiu nw lreet cullwd Ana Mrret. ruuniOR Irom the Ford rod tn Mie urent Honthern pom rond; tlitnce bIouk said Wright's ground north 81 dfgreea., w-t ii 62-100 pel cues Irt the side of LowIr I'aBsnrmre'H mill ruor; tfceire along tne KHmn about 3 81-100 percuen to a corner of Dr. P, J. Hoops' land; ibeuca uiong me HHino imnn 01 nfgre', i-hhi i(j peraheH, croshiDK a wblLq oalt 10 a point, aaid point btliiK at tbe dlMaucti of 10 pi rones anuthwest wnrcliy fiom ihe Mile of snli add aireei; thence aloi'g ground c f Clmrlm 1. Campbell north 9 degiera, east 3 81 Kill pprnbeg 10 tne place of lif-g'linlliR, containing Ho gqunre pe roil en of lnd. woie or lenn Together with the privilege of a ttn Icet wide alley, extending along the southerly side of I be above described lot lulo Ann amet, In common wliu the oxruera of enjoining property, nd to open anil abut a gate Bt pnd of same. C!lenr of all Inoumnrauoe, TVrmH.eaxh. Immediate possession. 8100 to bo paid at ' line of aale. M 1HOMAH fc SONS, Auctioneers. 3 11 13 20 Nog, liltf and ill B. FOUR I'll at. OPUBLIO BALK. THO VI AH & SON3. Anclloutera. JlaudHoiuo Modem lit me. Httlueure. with Stable aud Ooacu-houso 0lt Mrtel, Halem. Mew Jersey, 192 feet front, 270 feet deep. On Tuesday, Aorll 6, ISbO, at 12o'(loo, noon, will be sold at public sale, at tbe 1'blla delpbia Kxchnnge, all that handsome modern two-ttory alone residence and lot of ground, sltnaie on tbe east side of Oalt street (tne iuo-t dmlrable one), Halem, N. J.; tbe lot containing In fiont 192 leel, and extending in depth aontit 270 feet, more or less The residence is not fin htbed Inside; it is two fctories high, with cupola; atone, grey granite from Lelpervllle quarrie, Pennsylvania; windows, doors, and coraeru finished in sandstone; has eleven cornets, gtv lng great beamy to tbe building; style of work called worm-work, executed byoneof the best Philadelphia masons. l'ht basement could be used, and by slight change In roof auotherstory could be added. It was built under tbe imme diate supervision of tbe owner. The house stands back (K) fcet from tbe fence; also, a very conveniently arranged stone stable and car-riage-botise; has stalls for four horses and two cows. Tbe grounds are beautifully graded. Terms 111,000 may remain on mortgage. May be examined on application to William M. Roberts, Esq., Broadway, Salem, New Jersey, bee plan and view at the anctlou rooms. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auotloneers, 8 17 20 27 JSos. 1HD and 141 B, FPU It Tlx 8L ! REAL E8T ATE THOMAS & SONS' fcaSale. Three story Brick Dwelllug, No 1316 Bch street, above Hanover street. On Tues day, March Zi. Ifc69, at 12 o'clock, noon, will -be sl id at public vale, at the Philadelphia Ex. ebange, all that three-story brick messuage, with two-story back buildings and lot of ? round, situate on tbe northwesterly side of '.each street, 119 feet 4 Inches northeast of Han over street, No. 1310; the lot containing in fi'out on Beach street 20 leet. aim extending in dent' on tbe northenst line 92 feet 2'i locoes, and on the southwest line 95 feet 7 Inches, more or less. Tbe bouse contains ten rooms, baa the gas intioduced, bath, hoi and cold water, cooking range, beater, etc. Clear of all incumbrance. Immediate posees'-lon. Keys at No. 1310 Ujacti street. Terms $2500 may remain on mortgage, j M. THOU A8& SONS, Auctioneers, 841320 Nok. 1K3 unci HIS. FOUR I'll Street. REATi ESTATE. THOMAS A SOVS' Sale. Neat Modern Three Blory Hrlck U. vei ling, No. 531 Wbartou sirem, east of Sixth street, with a tbree story B'lck Building lu the rear, on Mcllwatn street, No. 528. Ou Tuesday, March 80. 1800, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at pujllo sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that lot of ground, with the three-story brick mes suage, and tbree story bock buildings thereon erected, situate on the nortn stde of Wharton ttreet, No. 531; containing In front on Wharton street 10 feet 8 inches, and extending in depth northward of that width 100 feet to Mellvaln slreet. The bouse has the modern improve, ments; gas, bath, hot and cold water, cooking range, eto. Also, a three-story Brick Building, No. 528 Mtllwntn street, In Ihe resr of the above used as a box manufactory. Subject to a yearly ground rent of 8J5. M. THOMAS fc SONS, AnoMon'-er. 2133t Nob 13! and 141 R. FOURTH St. jrq REAL ESTATE. THOMAS & SONS' EO Sale. Modern threc-stoiy brick resldenoe, No. 615 N. Eleventh street, above Greeu. On Tuesday, March 23. 1809, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at tbe Philadelphia Ex change, all that modern three-story brick mes suage, with three story back building and lot ol ground, situate ou tbe east sldeot Eleventh St-,125 feetnorlhof Ureen St., No. 615; contain ing in fronton Eleventh street 17 feet, and ex tei ding In depth on the south line 89 feet of an Inch, and on I ho norlh lln 88 feet 1 tncnea to a 3 feet wide alley; with the privilege thereof. It las parlor, dining-room, kitchen, and sura, rner kitchen on the first floor; 2 chambers, sit-tinp-room, bath and store-rooms on second florr; and 4chambeison third lloor; gas, bath, hot and cold water. 8 furnaces, cooking-range, etc. Terms Half cash. Immediate possession, Ki ya at the Auction Rooms. M.THOMAS & HONS. Anetloneers, 8 13 S2t No. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH St. TRUSTEES SALE. THOMAS fc SONS. i r. a nniinners. Modern three story Brick li..irience. No 550 North Slxteenti street, bell w Ureen street. On Tuetday, March 23, 1809, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at publlo sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern three sioiy Brick Messuage, with three-story back building and lot of ground, situate on the wast side of Sixteenth street, 160 feet 5 inches south of Green street, No. 650; tne lot containing in front on Sixteenth street 18 feet, and extending In depth 86 feet 10 Inches to a 3 feet wide alley leading Into Brandy wine street, with tbe free use and privilege of aaid alley. The house has tbe gas, bath, hot and cold water, cook tog range, furnace, eto. Subject to a yearly ground rent of 2io. M, THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, 8 18 20 Noa. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH St. REAL EST ATE. -THOMAS & SONS' asale. Thrce-B'ory BrScfc Dwelling. No. 2130 iMiiJtlln street, above Diamond street, Twen tieth ward. On Tuesday, MaroU 30, I8ijt), at 12 C'uiock, noon, will be sold, at public sale, at tbe Philadelphia Exchange, all that ttir-;e story brick: mef-suage, with two-story b;ioic buildings and lot ol ground, situate on the west aide of Franklin atieet. 215 feet 5 lnobes north of Diamond street, Twentieth ward, No. 2130: tbe lol containing in front on Franklin street u feet '4 Inches, and extending in depth 70 feet to a 4 leet wide alley, with tbe free use and privilege thereof. Has the bith, hot a id cold water, eto. Terms-$1600 may remain on mortgage. Clear of all Incumbrance, M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers, 318 20 27 Nos. 13 and 141 S. FOURTH Street REAL SALE. THOMAS & SOVS' lijPale Three-story Uriels Dwelling, NorrU stitet. fifth house wtbt of Almond street. Nine teem h ward. On Tuesday, March 21. 1800, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at publlo salt), at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that three st ry brick messuage, with two-story back building and lot of ground, situate on the north side of Norrls street, nitn iionae wcki, oi imiuiiuuroij containing in front 15J4 leet, and extending in i depth U7J4 feet. The House eou'uum iv iooiu-s, ai'd has tlx modern Improvements. Terma 82000 may remain on mortgage. M. THOM AS & SONS. Auctioneer, 8 18 20 Nos, 130 and 141 S FPU RTH Street. REAL ESTATE. THOMAS & SONS' Ship ThrMi.nlnrv brick dwelling. NO. i3 Poplar street, west, of Tblrieentn street. On Tuesday, March 80 1800, at 13 o'clocir.. uoou, will be sold at public sale, at t tie Pnlla lelpaU Eichange.all that three-story briok messuage, with three-story back building, and lot ol gtound-, situate on tbe north side of Poplar atieet, west ot Thirteenth street. No. 1313, con taining lu fiont on Poplar street 18 feet, and extending In depth on tbe caat line lot feet, and on the west line 101 feet 4lS inches to Cuidwell slreet. It rta gas, eto. Babjucttoa yearly ground rent of 100 M. THOMAS & SONS. Ancttoneerm. 8 18 a 81 Nos. 139 and 141 H. FOURl'H Street. REAL ESTATE THOMAS & SONS' M BaleFrame Dwelling, No. 1242 N. Tulrd iTTtei. On Tuesday, April 0. Wfl'J. at 12 o'o ock, noon, will be sold at publlo sale, at tba 1 bila. delpbla Exchange, all that frame dwelling and lot of ground, aituate on the west aide of ihtjd street, above Ulrard Avenue Market, No, lUii coniainlcgln fronton Third street 20 feet, and extending la depth 100 fcet. Olearof all incum brance. M. THOMAS A BONB, An-Moneere, 13 81 No. auu 141 b. r UUUIU 6, REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. CrFRB.MI'TOllY BALR.-THO.M AS A. PONS,Aiictioneia. Threlbree-atory brlolc uv. tilings, Nia. t:i?iua, and 8)4 Al.noml atreet, rasi of Oils otrret. Eighteenth ward. On Toes da.v, Match 23. 18(9. at 12 o'clook, noon, will ne fold at v obllo aaln, mt.bont reaerve, at tbe Pblladelpbla Exchange, all those throe-Ktrrry brirk D'Ckeunges and contiguous lots of ground ihetenato btlnneli'g, annate on the aoatnely tlriof Almond street, east of Oils street, Nos. K!0. KI2. and h4; each eontalniog In rront on A itnond strop!. 14 feet, rtnd extending In depth 46 feet In a 4-teet wldealley, and communlniln wlih I WO other 8 leet wldealleya. with the privi lege thereof. Terms A inor'gageof l::00unon each bouse may remain. Iinmedla'e uosaoi Hon. Ke.TRSt ibe oflloe of Messrs. LwkensA Montgomery, No. 10c'5 Beach street. Sale abao loie. M. THOMAS A PONS: Anntloneerg, 8132t Nos. IH0amH41 S. FOUKrilS rtet. REAT. ESTATE. THOAS A SONS' Likle. Modern three-story brick stori ai d dwellinp, r.orthwes. corner of Slxteontti and Htllea streets. Ou Tuestay, Mrcli 3'), 18(0, at 12 o'clm k, roots, win be sold at publlo sale, at tbe Philadelphia ExchaDgo, all th-t irodern three-story brick messnHge, wltn two. storv back bnlldlngn and lot of ground, situate en the wist side of sixteenth street corner of Stiles slreet, No. 1230; cnntalulug in front ou Si Ilea atrei't 11 feel, end extending In iepih alot g Sixteenth strert, 56 feet to a 3-teet wide allej , wllh the privilege thereof. It is occupied as a store and dwelling; has gas, bath, hot and cold water, eto. Clear of all Incumbrance, Teiins, S2500 may remain on mortgage. Pos session Jsnuary 1. IS71. M. THOMAS & SONS. Annttoneers. 3 13t-2t Nos. m and HIS. FOURTH Street. eREAli ESTATE. THOMAS A SONS' 8nl. Bui. (line Lot, Dauphin street, west i t. oral atreet. On Tusdny, March 80, 1809. at 12 (.'clock, noon, will be sold at publlo sale, at the I'blledelpbla Exchange, all tbat valu iole lot of ground, altimteou the norlh aide of Dun rhln slteet. fi4 feet west of Ooral street, late lilstrlotof Kensington; containing In fronton Dsupbln st rtet 80 feet, and extending In deptli 154 leet 6 Inches to a 40 feet wide street called Price slreet. Clear ol all Incumbrance. Terms 8l2t'0 may remain on mortgnge. M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers. 813f8t Non. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH SU HF.AI. F.RTATP.. THOM AH ROV JtiiSale. Large aud Valuable Lot, oorner of On msnt own roaa anu venango street, Klstng Sun Village, 120 feet front, 203 feet deep to Alder street, three fronts. On Tuesday, March 2), 18(19. at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at pubilo sale, at tbe Philadelphia Exchaoge, all that large and valuable lot, situate on the east stde ot uei mantown roau, corner oi venaogo street, Rising Bun Village, Twenty -first ward; con taining In front on Germantowu road 120 feet, and extending In depth 203 feet to Alder street. Clear of all incumDrance, Plan at the Auction Rooms. M. THOMAS & HONS. Auctioneers, 8132t Nos. 139 and 141 8. FOURTH street. ROOFING. P EADY ROOFIN ii This Roofing is adapted to all bnliillotr It, can be applied to ST ICE I OK Fl.r HOOFS at one-half the expense or tin. It U readily pnt on old ShiugVe Roofs wlthoa' re moving the shingles, thus avoiding the damag ing ef ceilings aud turnitnre while undergoing FKISVRVK TflVR TIN KOOFS WITH W HilOH IK, tJiAhillC fAlM I, I am always prepared to Repair and Paint Roofs at short notice. Also, PAINT Ida piAl.K by tbe barrel or gallon, the best and ciieaptBi iu tee maraeu W. A. WELTOI, 2 17 No. 711 N. NINTH St., above Ooales. "DOOFING. LITTLE & CO., "THE LIVB J. I; liOOFEKS " Ho. MARKUP btrett. J-very descrlp ljn of Old aud Ltaky Boors made tight ana warranted fr five years. Old Tiu Koois made equal to new. A trial ouly reqmred to loure GaimiacuoD. uraera diodipi y atieuaea in. inaai OLD GBAVEL ROOFS COVERED OVER with hmailo c)at and warranted lor ten year a. 114M11 ION ffi I'UUHtCK, 815 Dm No 43 H, TENTH Street. CHHQIVIO-LITHOGRAPHS. I C T UK E 3 presents A. S. ROBINSON. No. 910 CHESNUT Street, Basjust received exquisite specimens of ART, SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS, FINE DRESDEN ''ENAMELS" N PORUE LAIN, IN GREAT VARIETY. SPLENDID PAINTED PHOTOGRAPHS Including a Number of Choice Genoa, A SUPERB LINE OF CHROMOS. A large assortment of NEW ENGRAVINGS, ETO. Awo, RICH STYLES FRAMES, of elegant new patterns: 3 1 TRUNKS. IMPROVEMENT IN TRUNKS. AU TKUNK3 NOW MADS AT The "Great Central" Trunk Depot, Have Him oris' Patent Hatetv Hasp and Bolt, which securely taatcna iheTrunic on boitaends with heavy Bolt, and in tbu centre wan the ordinary Iocs. Positively no extra charge. ORE AT CKNTKAL TRUNK DEPOT, K.W.Cor.SEVESrU and CIUS.NCT Sta. TRAVKLLERS, NOTICE. Pnrcbare your Ti UDks with BlmoDa' Triple Fasten BKi heavy Bull; no fear luck breaking, AT THIS GRKAT CKN1KA.L, iltam O. TOl CUJSAISCT Street. DHUGS, PAINTS, ETC. ROBERT BIlOEMAKJflJR & CO.. N. . Corner cri UCK111 and B1CB 8U.t FHIXASSXPHIA, WHOLE8ALEZ DRUGGISTS. L04FOBTEUS AND UANUVACTrUSICBH Ot White Lead and Colored Taints, Pott Varnishes, Etc AOENTS FOB THH OKLEBBATXS FB11NC11 ZLNC l'ALMK diulkbs and oopthumeha bditulhid av Lowest f&ic&s voh cabh. FERTILIZERS. Tf OK LAWNB, GARDENS, GREKN II0U3E3 AND FARMS. 13 A U irl ' S BAW-BCNK kVVam PHO PH11E OF LIMB will Uf fuuod iiiiwvrliil MANDKK. It Is rrrupt lu U action; It ouiiUImi me aaedn ot no ptifroo wta, and will prudnoa luzuriaal growth o O'KMi, F oHr,H rawbtiriUa, aud aU Ur Uen Vnyetablt anu f Inula. Seal r kuptl'd by n cargo, direct ffi m tbe wbarl Or ill" niauu'ant ou Urail. Bend yo rauUieM aud procure free "Jaarual of the 1'arm." T3AUQH & SONS, I?0. Hi) Bootb D1LA.WARK Aveuae. ThU Tertll'ter can be bad of all Agrrinulmr Dealers la city or couutiy. i luUiula LEGAL NOTICES. IN THE ORPHANS CuURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA luital Ol tbe nilLor children ot JOfcIN F. BURKS, deoeateit, Tbe Auditor appoloied by iue Court to audit, settle, end adjust tbe Uual accounl olJOH N U1M4N, M. I)., (uatota'i ol ibe miuor iblidiea nf JOHN K BUKK W, tecstid, and to report d airlbutiuu 1 f tbe batauo la tbe baade of tbe aocoouiaut. will net tbe parties luurrmad. for ibe 1 urooe o bis app ilui mem, on TMUKHDAY, W'Ch 16 IM9, at o'oluc P. - at., al bis ettlre. No. 33 WAI.NUI' fMrrft. in Uecliyof riilladelpfela. THOMAS J. WOHRKLL, IMIutbaU AuUiwr, INSURANCE. xfvntTT AT. fB A Wiiwaiy ViranD ) ANCE I OMPAN Y. Incorporated by tM glalatore ol Pennsylvania, UW6. Offioe 8. E. oorner of THIRD and WALNUT Bueeta, raiiauvipina. , willll 1 MHTTHA NflKS OnVeasela, Oaiao. and ! relent to allparU of iue wuriu. IlfLAND ISHnRiKCM On goods by river, canal, lake and land carriage to an parts 01 ine union, nasi iNsuBANcKS On Merchandise generally; on stores, Dwellings, llonaea, eta. AfKttTfl Or TUB COMPANY, , November 1. United 8tats Five Per Cent. Loan, 10-40a United Btaies Hlx Per Ueut. Loan, 1881 United Btaies Hlx Per Ceat. Loan (tor Pacific K). Btate of Pennsylvania Bjls Per Cent. Loan City of Pblla. six Percent. Loan (exempt Irom tax). Btate of New Jersey Biz Per Cent. Loan Penn. Hail. First Mortgage Blx Per Cent. Hotids .. Penn. K. Seoond Mortgage Hlx Per Cent.honds Western Penn. 11. Mort. Blx Per Cent Bonds, (P. H. K. guarantee) Btate of Tennessee Five Per Cent. Loan... Btate of Tennessee Blx Per Cent. Loan Gerninntown Gas Co., prin cipal and interest guaran teed by City of Phllad'a, 800 shares Htoctt Penn'a Kailroad Company, 200 snares HUck North Penn'a Kailroad Co., 1200,000 120,000 60,000 800,000 135,000 60,00 30,000 25,000 25,000 80,000 7,000 15,000 10,000 6,000 208,600,00 136,800-00 60.000-00 211,875 06 128,50100 61,600 00 20,200 00 24,000'00 20,625 00 ai.ooooo 6,03125 15,000 00 U.800 00 8,500 00 15,000 00 207,900-00 iuu snares Mtoca Phlla and Boutnern Mall Bieam.Co..H0sbaresStocB: Loans on Bond and Mort page, first liens on City 20,000 207,900 rroperues. ll,l(,000 Par. Market value, 81,130,3-25 Renl Estate...... ... . 88,000 00 Bills receivable for lnauranco made 822,466'" Balances due at agenelts, premiums on marine policies, acctued inter Ant. und nLhnr Hci,ia rtn. HiBAnm. pany 40.178-88 Btock and Rprln nf Bunrirv i-nr mira tions, 83168. Estimated value 1,813-00 Cash In bank.... $116 160-08 Cash In drawer, 418-65 M.MMM ..... 116,603 73 81,647,807-80 BIBKCfOBa. Thomas C. Hand, Edmund A. Bonder. Samuel E. Stokes. Henry Sloan, WUilum o. Ludwig, Ueotge ii. Lelper, Keniy C. Dalietl, Jr., Jonn I. Taylor, uieorge W. Bernadoa, Wllllum ii. Boulton, laoob Klegel, Jpencer Mcilvplne. J Oil 11 KJ, UV VIM, James O. Hand, Tbeopbilus Paulding, Joseph H. Seal, Ungb Craig, John K. Penrose, Jacob P. Jones, James Traqualr, Edward Islington, 11. Jones Brooae, James B. McFarland, Edward Lafouroude, Joshna P. E re. o. T. Morgan, Pilisbnrg iuuii n. cjompie, V. B. Berber, .HAND. Hrealdent. THOMAS O JOHN O. DAVIS. Vlce.Prcuildent. HENKT LYLBURN.Becretary. HENKY BALL. Assistant Beoretary. 10 6 "vFFICE OK THE INBUKANCE COMPANY OF KOBm AME1UOA, JSo. 22 W AlLN UX Bireeii, xuiiueip"i. Incorporated 174. Chnrter PerpetuaL Capital. $ Assets 62.330,000 At Altin ii, i Si UAJX v, jxjaupi. isi a u UAW CE. OVER 202AmZAXIOWAII) SLNCB DlitKCTOKfl. Anbur O. Coffln, Ueorge L. Harrison. Francis K. txiDe. Jobn A. Brown, Cbaries Taylor, Aninrose While, Richard I). Wood, William Welub, B. Moiils Wain. Euwai d H. Trotter. Edward B. Clarke, X. Cbai-iton Heury, Ailreu I). Jessup, Jolin P. Wnlte. Louis C. Mauelra, John Alabon. Charles W. Cusuinan. AKIBUH . COFFIN, PreHldeut. CHA.RLEB PLATT, Vice President Matthias Makih, Beoretary, aij FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUblVELY TH1 JtKHHVi.VAjMA FlKa iNoUKAJSOlt Cola rAK V incorporated ltiU Ubaxtet ferpeiual Ko tlU WAIuxUT bueet, upi-onue louependuuce Buuare Tula Uompauy, favorably knowo 10 tba ouuiuiuulty for over tons yean, Couuuuea to tuaure gini low Of daouai by bra ou Pubilo jr Privaie Bulidinsa eltner periuauenuy or for a UmUed time. Aieo on iiumlture. Bwcas ot GKxida, and Merobaudlae cen. i-aliy, ou liberal tunus, , Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Puna la tnveaiea lu the nioet oarutuimauner, wuiota enable theta to offer to tbe Lai axed an on doubted seouhv li tkeoaaeolleea. d1m0toB.. Pantel Bmltb, Jr., 1 John Deverenx; Alexandei Benson, I Thomas ouiiib. Isaac uazUboxst, I Huiiry iwla, Xbotuas Sobina, I J, Ollllngbani TalQ i)nlel Baddoca.jr. DANli.1. bAIJTh. Ja-fstldenl, TM, . UKOWKAd. Beoretary. t.m gTRIOTLY MUTUAL. PROVIDENT UFiTaKD TRUST CO. Of j-HII,AlM.I.I-HLA. OlFICt, HO. Ill 8. t'OUUlH BTKT. uewben ol tbe -wot MOCIJDTY OW VRIBNSd, Bood risks oi any olaat aooepted. fonoles loaueu upuu approvaa piana, at Ike lowest r1' Prealdent, BAMUiL ii. bJalFLKT, yice-Presldent, WIJLam. O. Iajnust&TK. . Actuary, KOWl'JSD -AlUiT, The adran'.agee ottered by this Coiupaay ax xcelled, fj7 S;)H03ii IX 1NSTJBANCK COMPANY OF , Pni.LADJiXP.kli A. , SOWWAleVi I-'i-OllAIlTJER PJCKPUTOAL Kb. ili VV aEShT Bi.rett, oppuoite tbe iLiouauga. This OOttipany insures iroiu tone or damage by , ii'lKia, on liberal terms, on bonding, merchandise, lurnlturo etc, tor lLu.ued peicioois, and periuauently on build lugs by depuult of trt-uiiuui t. Ibe Ctmoauy bas been iu active operation for moru than blXTY V JCAHa, during wuioa aU losses hare been promptly adJUBied aud IilKkAiTOm. John L. Hodge, , Jjavid Lewis, M. a. Ufcht uy, Jobu T. i.ewi, Vr ililam U. brant, Bobert W. Learning, Benlaoiin till nr. Thou, a 11 . Powers, A. K. M Heury, kdu u. d Castlllon, bamuel Wlicoxt O. Ulark Wbaiioi., Iwrence Lewia, Lewis 0. Mi.rris. J John R. WDCfli-Uta, President, Bimuxx Wilcox, beoretary. THE ENTERPRISE INSUKANCS CO. OF PHjiiAD&L.r'Hl a. OUICS Bcutb west Cor. IrOUKTH aud WALNUT Bt. riHK lHllKAlkCJil JkXCi.UKlVfc.LY. P1B1K1UAL AND TKitM PoLiOIbo IrtWUED, (Jaeli (Jaulial AoiknJ'ui Cash AJibels January I, ltitU 17H.288 A V. Ratcbford Btarr, J. Livingston Eniuger, jauiea u. viiaguura, War. t Bouliou, Cbaries Wneeler, Tbos il atouiguuiery, Ji bu V. Atwuad. Bml. T. Tred ck. Cn me B biuarl, Ji bs il Jiiowu, I Janiea M. Aertoeu. Th a CounaD Insures nuiv amt-cims r'eka. taklns notpeoialiy basaidoua rinks whatever, such as facto ries, niilla. etc V. RTCHFORuTARR President. TB OB. B. UOMWM KKV, Vlcd-iresldent. Alkx. W. Wiai . Becretary. H iMrEKIAL F1KE INSURANCE CO, LONDON. E8TABUNH 1803. Pald-op Capital and Accumulated Funds, $6,000,000 IN OOLD. rKEVOST HERRI NO, Ageut. I Ho, 107 Boulh THIRD Street, Phliada. OHAB. X. PRBVOBT. OHA8. P. HRRRINQ DB. K1NKKLIN, APTEB A REHIDEBCB od nraotlue ot thirty years at tbe Nurttaweel oorner of Third and Dnlo" airaeta, hat Uwly re- JKKT and CHaMNDT, lila superiority In the prompt and pnrfeol our o4 all recent, nuronlo, kHial. nd eouatliatlonal aHeo P MMeeotbe skin, appearlnf la a hundred 41 foirDl forma totally erdlcudi rantJ and physical weak neaa, and ail nervons debilities eolenllaoali and soo-asully tztatea. 0fflos fcoars from I A. M tefp.ta INSURANCE. l&29."tI1 W-IIPETUAL. STaTSaBBBBl Frantlin Fire Insurance '"Compy, Or PIlIL.AHeLIIlIAt ' Office, Fob. 435 and 47 CHESNUT Street. Assets on Jan. 1, 1859, $2,677,37213 riFlTiL. Hi...(1 Ott.OOOTKl 1 OS I 54S ft'llUl All Ki r "VrLlf. Losses paifl sines lBver $5,5 00,000 Perretnal ai d T rxp-'iary I'ollcl-son L'.beral Te'ma Tbe Cnnren tim msuw folsies on Rnt a't Bniliilbgs ol ah xiuos, Ort ona and Uuitgages Titm.orofB. Alfred O Baker. Aii'i'u rmer, " lum8 8i.rk, WtilWrn B. Urant. I hnuia b. Kim, U "Sl av US R lt..nlnn bamuel nrnt. ,.o n w, Bicbards, iHHau Lea. Otorge i ales. AtFTtKHu. BAKKX fr,irtnf. t.i-ohoK iiLfS, Vloe-fitsldeut. WM. liUKkM, ASi'latmit uecreiary. It M A La FAME FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY lias Kemovcd to New Office, No. 809 CHESNUT Street. W. I. BLANCH AUD. 8 16 12t 8S pKErABY". STOVES, RANGES, ETC. OTICB.-THE DNDE R.S IONun would call tue attention of tne punllo to his I MlW buLllW fcAULfc 10JKNAOK. This Is an euiireiy new beater. It is an . iti noted aa to atoucecoiumeudltaeli to general favor, being a oomblnattoD of wrougbt d cast Iron. It la ver sUuple In it construction, and Is perfectly sir. tight; aeir-cleanlng. bav'oo ilpea or drums to be taken out and rleaund. It '" arranged wltu nprlgbj hues as to produce a lorif t - mount of heat from tna same weight of coal loan any furnace now In use, Tbe hygiometlc condition ol tbe air aa nmdnoed by my new arrangement ol evaporation will at once de uioniirale that It Is ti e ouly Hot Air Furuaos that wl!l produce a perelUtiy bean by aimt'spbere. 1 none In wantot a complete HciUni Apparatng would do well to call and examlue the Wolilen luulu. CHaKLKS wilhamsT Bos. 1132 ana WS At ARK KT blreet. fhllaaelphls, A large aseortmentot nooklng Range, Iflre-board Stoves, Low Down bratea, Ventilator, eto,, always On band M. B. Jobbing of all kinds promptly dons. 6 101 MEDICAL. N 1. U B A. riGrJA. Warranted I'ermanently Cared. Warranted rermauently Cured. Wltnont Lynry to tbe Sjstenu W ithont Iodide, I'otassla, or Coichican. lij Using luTrardly Only DR. FITLER'S GEEAT RHEUMATIC BEMEDY, For Rheumatism and Neuralgia in all iu forme. ' The only standard, reliable, positive, laalllbl per tnanent core ever discovered. It is warranted to ooa tain nothing hurtful or Injurious to the system. WARRANTED TO OUHK OrtMOlSSY RBFDHDAD WA&RANTSDT'OUURJKOR liONKT RJCVONDU) Thoniands ot fhlladelphla reterencea of oores, I'M pared at Ko. 29 SOUTH FOUBTU STREET, lUltnthU ' BELOW MAJtKUT, piLLS UK UtaUKKHUIUAL All kinds perfectly and permanently cared, with, oat pain, danger, caustics, or Instruments, W. A. McCANDLASa 11. D No. 106 BPHINQ OABDN Btreet. We can refer you to over a thousand of the beat oltsens of Philadelphia oared. Reference given atourotMoe. t ZS lna PATENTS. PATENT OF F I C E 3, IV. W. Corner FOUJUTH and CHESKDT, (entrance on FOURTH Street), - FRANCIS D. PA8TORIU8, Solicitor r Patents Patents procured for loveotloos In the United Btate and Fure'guCooa rles, and alibiuUess relat ing to tbe aams promptly transacted. Oalt or send for circular on faienn. - gmth pATCNT OFFICE. Patents l'ro cured la tbe United States and Knrope; Inventor wishing to take rot Letters Patent for JSew lnvtulloi s are advisea tu cjubuh with O. it JtVAfte, JN. W. corker Ol itra. ad WALNUT B I.eis, PbliauaipbiM. wboae rauiiitie. lor pruaeouung cases beiLie the Paitni cilice are uusurpassod by aty otbar bgeiioy. circulars couk.luluK luu tutor en in u lb Inveuio.s can be uaa Ou apphualloa. DlodatS C. H. EVANS, anhMoj TS. W.lcrntrF PfTH and WALSIT, CI FILE fCIt fl UthiKG PATENT8, FUUltEST ULlLDIMiS, No. 110 Bontlt 1 OLKTI1 JSL, ruiladelplila, AM) MAKBLh. BUILDIW WH, No- BltVa-Jf-Tii B.ieet, oppouita O. 8. Patent Imice, Waabii glou D. O. H. UOWeciN. no loiior ol Patunuv Ci. auWbijJS, Attorney at Law. Oommnnlcntioiia.o be adOrnasbd to tue Prinoltal Ollice, j-uiiaueiptiiB. tliiu pATENTS fKOCUKED IN TUK UNITeB BTATE3 AND EUfiOPB. EDWARD DROWN, bOLlOITOR OF PATaxra, listuth?m No. 311 WALNUT Street. LARZCLEREX & DUCHEY, Custom llonse Brokers anil Notaries rubile. No. 403 LIDRARY Street, ill Custom llonbe UuBlneBS tranbacteds PA88PORTO PROCURBD-