The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, March 20, 1869, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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M IN 1 1 ,N Tf " Tj
IL pa a1
VOL. XI-No 68.
Trom Dispensatory of the United Stales.
(Dioema CrenaU.)
t a I- ifTnatira A anm- 7
Their odor is strong, diffusive, and some-
what aromatio, their taste bitterish and analo
gous to mint.
Bnohu Leaves are generally stimulant, with
peculiar tendency to the Urinary organs.
They are given In complaints of the Urinary
organs, such as Gravel, Chronlo Catar'di of
toe Bladder, Morbid Irritation of the Bladder
and Urethra. The remedy has also been re
commended in Dyspepsia, Chronio Rheuma
tism, Cutaneous Affections, and Dropsy.
Is used by persons from the ages of 18 to 25,
nd from 35 to 55, or in the deellne or change
of life; after Confinement or Labor Pains.
In Affeotions Peculiar to Females, the Ex
tract Buchu is unequalled by any other
remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregu
larity, Ulcerated or Sohirrous state of the
Uterus, Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys,
Gravel, and Dropsical Swellings.
This medioine Increases the power of Diges
tioB, and excites the absorbents into healthy
action, by which the Watery or Caloareous
Depositions and all Unnatural Enlargements
are reduced, as well as Pain and Inflamma
Has cured every case of DIABETES in whioh
v it has been given.
Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder and
Inflammation of the Kidneys, Ulceration of
the Kidneys and Bladder, Retention of Urine,
Diseases of the Prostate Gland, Btone in the
Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Briok-dust Deposit,
and for Enfeebled and Delioate Constitutions
of both sexeB, attended with the following
aymptoms: Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of
Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breath
ing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror ef
Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision,
Pain in the Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of the
Body, Dryness of the Skin, Eruption on the
Face, Pallid Countenanoe, Universal Lassi
tude of the Muscular System, eto. eto
la Diuretio and BLOOD PURIFYING, and
cures all diseases arising from Habits of Dis
aipation, ExoesseB and Imprudenoe in Life,
Impurities of the Blood, eto.
From Morgan, teazel & Co.
Glasgow, Missouri Teh. 6, 1858. Mr. H.T.
Helmooid Dear Bin About two years ago I
was troubled wltU both lnflauamatiou of the
kidneys and gravel, when I reported several
remedies wltuout deriving auy benefit, what
rver and seeing your Kxiraet Buottu adver
tised 1 procurtd a few bottles and used tueua.
Vam result wti a complete cure in a anort lime.
I resarU your Extract, buonu decidedly tUe:beet
remedy extant lor any and all disease of iqe
kidneva and lam quite confident that it will
do all yn claim lor It. You may publish thU
If jou oeeire "y "
Youra reepeotfally.
Edwin M. Fkazel. 1
jr(tlnafoi'artnaei. Dispensatory United
HLates eio ; Vtut. Dewees' valuable works on
uZpr'aetlee of Physio; Knaar made Dy the
Uie cSebrVted Drf Puyslck. Pol adeipUta; Ke
maik made by Dr. Epnraim MoOoweil, a oeie
Cl?. . L,hyiun aud Member of the Koyal
Colleae of Burgeona, Ireland, and pubilsued In
ibe inBaeii.iia of tbe King aud Queen's
Journal- Mtdico-Chirurgieal Jtevlew, ppollsbed
by BSjamln Travers. fellow of Koyal UoileBe
" STi,i,ii: and moat of tne late blandard
Works on Medicine.
Drug and Chemical Warehouse,
And byDruggists everywhere.
Prioe, 11-23 per bottle, or six for 6-50.
- ' - '
Take no other. Beware of Counterfeits.
Hon are fnuin unless dona up in steel
wranoers. with fao-simU of my
CnamJcal Waiohousa, and signed
The Address ol tue Insurgents
t the
The following is a trtnelatioti from a procla
niKiiou addressed to tue tpuumrd' ri skiing in
Cuba, l-ued In behulf ol the revolutionary
4Lo ibe ripat.laids residing in Cuba: Your
ounasaclias our Intercls call tor a con cr
cnce and an understanding between u at u
Oiomt ul wlu-u the furiuup ot arm is s'ill pend
ing upon this country which to us pave Ditib,
sua lo jou u bopttablu r. cenu n. Tucsorvile
iLBirunicnt oi a tonupt Uuvcrnint nt, an 1 the
nunerous aieiltes interested in toe exiling
order ot thtuR cudtavor, as 1 1. c only means
of prolonging tyranny and continuing
d preuation, to bow iittred lud malice
In jour hearts aeamst tho -..icipieut ta k .
of our rcocu.ptU'D. Afraid thai you may
decern calmly aud sie clearly m.o the
dep'.h of tbe grave que:' ion that moves i9. they
bandaged jour cjes 10 prevent your feel ns,
aud aur up jour nii'UPiim to unsguido it.
Playing upot. the tender cborjs of jour patriot
inn, ttiey in-i'ire jou with the l;il-e uo tun th it
it Is boih a virtue and u duty to devote your
blood and fortunes to maintain a caute net vour
own nor ,hat ot spam, out wuku )b only bo-
lonf,ng t0 a .warai 0, xmmorii nJ pm,(lv otii-
cuun, who, mrotigu me length nua D.eaath
o. the land, weigh heavily uom
'.be people, whom they impoverish
and fleeee, and dram to the very dm: 9 of tha.r
putkriLuc Tbey make jou believe mat ih
warlsth war of faction; they tell you that
hatred j jou has inspired it ; aud thry will
pertuadc fou that jour (special Interests and
tbe bone of Sr. ain call upoi I vou to rilc thtir
lives anc kill your brethren 1 Tbev repeat con
tinually that the triunifd of the ir-volutlon
wounus the honor of the Spanish nation; that
it will deprive you of your properties, and exoel
you from a country overthrown ty destruction
and ruin.
Spaniards! do not listen to those dccoltful
words. Kemove liom your sight a pieiare
glowing with perfidious tint?; be not deceived
by thote vain and pompous declarations; be not
scared by those lugubrious and scuieless
prophecies. Tbe noble ambition, the heroic
attitude of a people which fulfils its destiny
and rises in arms to break tne chains that iet'.er
it tor tbiee centuries, its determination, its
sacrifices, the certainty of an curly and
undoubted triumph which will be. con
summated for its welfare, tn'a'.l neither
shame nor disgrace nor rpproa h
on the old colors that float over the cistlc aud
lorts of tbe island. The honor of nations de
pends not on the success ol battles, nor are their
colors glorified or dishonored by the chances of
war. It it were so, whicu of the nations of the
earth could show immuculate banneis? That
which affects, which impairs bouor, which
sta'.ns the flair, is the streamer that bides in its
folds despotism, oppression, and tyranny.
Spaniard? ! in speaking the language of truth
we have fulfilled our indispensable duty. Today
you may give jour aiu 10 despotism. Dut ao not,
to morrow, impute the consequent evils to
others; jouts will be the guilt, it you turd your
aims against mo country tuat eave oirtn to u-.
hospitality to you. it jou reject the friendiv
baud which is tendered to you, In the name of
all Cubans, by yours, .
The Western Department.
Arrival of tbe Mlulier Flenlpotentl,! j?
n a nrw inn,
Eavs tbe N. Y. Herald of this morning:
A(Lor.g the arrivals on the steamer u'eorz'a.
reaching this poit yesterday trom Havtt, was
lienerat Kveriste L,arocue. Minister rien p
tentlary trom the Ilayuen Government to tbe
United states, buoruy alter nis acoarKatl in.
ai'd, in tact, oetore seenine roons at a
botel. he pioceeded to the ottice of Mr
Ell wood Cooper, Hajtien Consul, accompanied
Dy uenerat A. frox, secretary ot ljnaa
tion. After a very pleasant Interview with
tbe . reciesentative of his Government in
this city, in which be was quite Darticular and
sedulous in nis ilq utiles regarding tne onai
lion and treatment ot the Haytieos here, he
went to the bi evens House to eneraee rooms.
General Laroche, h s Secretary of Legation, aud
tbe remainder 01 his retinue of attendants were
told that there was not room for them at the
botel. Kesumiie bag and biarzage. tbev
jumped into a carriage to find a bote! elsewhere
esspietoonc mine matter 01 guests, in wuicu.
it is 10 be presumed, iney were at lengtu sue
cessful. It is certain, however, tbey did not
patronize an v ot the leadiug Hotels, thouga in a
laige city like this it is not likely they had to
institute a very ptotracted search fvr the ac
coiiimorlatioi s tbey desired.
Ibe Bavtien ftliunter is a very pleaaut ceu-
t'eninn and prepossessingly polite in bis oe iring.
JNo etperieneea diplomat couia oe more gra
ciously amiable and conciliatory. He dresses
well, but plainly, and altogether bears his
he nois very modestly. No one would imaeiue
him to be a minister from a tore"iga govern
ment, and if told that be was, would hardly
imagine it to be from any other country thtu
Havti. His face, a dark, nchohve, ana features
somewhat antipodal to the Anglo Saxon, give
convincing token of his birtbpiacfl being be
tween tbe tropics of Capricorn and Cancer. His.
knowledge ot tbe I'miitn. language is quite
limited, but his Secretary ot Leua'iou converses
in our tongue with very toieraDiu ease ana
Geo rat jarocue announced to tiiespamsu
Consul bis intention of remaining here several
days nelore proceeding to Washington to lay his
credentials before this Ooverumcut.
Hon. Jauits r. Wilson.
From the Boston Advertiser, March 19.
We bave once cr twice referred to the reports
in circulation as to tbe otter ot a hib place 1
iq tbe Cabinet to Mr. Wilson, ot lows. We
now learn, upon authority wbich Is not to be
questioned, tbnt the President otlered to Mr.
WHfoo. nrtt tbe Siate Department, and fien
tbree otber places successively. To this almost
unexampled soliciiatios, wbich tbows s-)
eiroiislj tbe Presidtnt's desire to call to his
fide a gentleman whom the public was reniy
to welcome to tbe Cabinet, Mr. Wilson felt
blmsell compelled to return a final negative.
The I'lvil-Tenure Act.
Tbe repeal people seem confldent of success
Tbe; count 29 votes sure, with tbe probabilities
of two more which are doubtiul, and not com
mitted either way. Tbe other side musters 33
vote, and are sanguiue tBHt repeal will tail.
Tbe repeal people, however, depen 1 on securing
enough ot tboue committed against repeal to
dope tbe vote by abbentioR tuenuelves, and
thus allowing tbe repeal to be enectcd. Tbey
count as sure lor repeal Mewri. Cameron, Cor
bftt, Crweio, FeFsenden, Fenton, Oiloet,
Grimes, Hamlin, Kell ipst, Morton, Pooieroy,
Pratt, BoberUou, Foole, Ros, Suermau,
SLTagce. Tbayer. Wilson, Yates, Bajard, Ca.
erly. Davis, McCreerv, Norton, rttocltton,
Tburuian, Vickers. and Fowler. "Those counted
asppored to repeal arc Messrs. Abbott, Au
thonj, Brownlow, BuckiDfrham, Cittell, C.r
oenttr. Cole, Chandler, uoukliuyr, Drake, Ferry,
Kdmunds, tJarn. Ilarlan, Iloward, tiowe,
Morrill,-McDonald, Nje, Osborne, Pat'ersoo,
Itamtey, Uice, Sawjer, Spencer, htewart. Sum
ner, Seburse, Sco't, Trumbull, Tipiou, Wliley,
and Williams. Those conHidered as doubtful
are Mesrp. Warner and Boremsn. r 0 mem
bers will b absent Mesm. bsulsbury and
Hamilton. N. Y. Iribxune. . , , .
Hwladler Arrested.
Cincinnati. March 20. ru ira,nrer of tbe
B'.. rani's German Kvangeliual lJroltut
Uburoo arrived hers laat ulijut nnuer arrest,
frouo Dlol ll ataonii on New Yer
day w 1 a veral UicasanU a lUi ef tLf
$ .uich'a mui.y
The Collectorfebip of Thiladelpliia
How the Appointment of the
lion, lien 17 D. Mdoro
"Was Received.
Reforms in tho Naval Depart
. partirent-Exodus of Di3-
app minted Politicians.
Xlio Civil Tcftiro A.ct.
Sfiedal Despatch to The Evening Telegraph,
Washington, Maroa 20.
The Reform Scrrtry Rode II a h Ac
comillNiiet. Secretary of tbe Navy Borle lett Just night for
Philadelphia, to spend a few days with his
family. Although Pecretary Borle, when be
took cbarge of the department, found It
greatly disorganized and many abuses pre
vailing, be baa in tbe abort time, that
be bas been Secretary succeeded, with
tbe aaslstance of Rear Admiral Porter, In or
ganising the chiet bureaus of tbe department,
end in laying down' rules for the government
of tbe officers and men which will greatly
promote tbe efficiency ot tbe navy.
Exodus of McC'Iare Co. from the
A number of Philadelphia politicians who
bave been bere for Some time looking out for"
places for themselves or their friends, have
gone borne disgusted with the delay of the Pre
sident In sending la nominations and his
refusal to make removals.
Among those who lett last night were A. K
McClure, W. H. Kemble, and others. It Is ud
derstood that neither fit. McClure nor Mr.
Kemble want anything for themselves. They
are only anxious to see tuat some of the deserv
ing men of the party are reasonably rewarded,
and that bas been tbelr business bere.
Tbe Collectorshlp or Philadelphia.
There seems to be no doubt that Hon. Henry
D, Moore will be confirmed by tbe Senate at an
early day, Tbe reference of bis name by the
Committee on Commerce to a sub-committee,
with Instructions to confer with
the Pennsylvania Senators, arose from
the fact that Mr. Moore's name
having been seat In by the President without
consultation with the Senators, tbey should
according to a Senatorial custom, first be con
ferred with. It is not believed, however, that
either Senator . Cameron or Senator Scott, has
any object;- u to Mr. Moore.
flow nr. Moore was Nominated
Tbe statement telegraphed bence and pub
lished in one of your afternoon contemporaries,
that tbe canons of the Republican delegation
in Congress from Pennsylvania seleoled Henry
D. Moore for Collector of the Fort of Phila
delphia, 1b Incorrect. I am informed by several
members of the delegation tbat Mr. Moore
was selected from half-a-dozen other names by
tbe four members from Philadelphia Messrs.
O'Neill, Myers, Kelley. and Taylor.
Mr. Moore's name was banded to Secretary
Borle, who gave It to President Grant. The
only "pushing" done was, that the Philadel
phia members called upon tbe President and
informed him tbat Mr. Moore, if appointed,
would be acceptable to tbe people of Philadel
phia. No other recommendations are called
for by the President.
The President rmvell.
President Grant Is quite indisposed to-day,
and no visitors are admitted to the White
House. TheinoeBsant labors since his inaugu.
ration bave been too much for him.
The Civil Tenure Repaal.
Senators Morton and Sherman are very con
fident tbat there Is a majority favorable to the
repeal of the Civil Tenure act. Tne vote, how
ever, will be very close, and It may be that the
Vice-President will be required to give tha
casting vote, whioh he will, If necessary, for It
repeal. ; . .
Xot In Session. " ' '
ThelHouse not being in session to-day mem
bers of Congress, with their friends, throng the
Our Foreign Relations.
Tbe French and English Ministers were In
conference with the Seoretary of State to-day.
Tbe new Spanish Minister Is in receipt of des
patches from the Spanish authorities in Cuba,
showing tbat the revolutionists are not
making much bead way.
Connection of Railroad Tracks The
Transfer of Merchandise Facilitated.
St. Louis, March 20 The City Councils have
granted the Iron Mountain, North Missouri,
and Paolflo Railroad Companies leave to con.
neot their tracks on tbe levee. This will enable
all goods to reaoh a large elevator on tbe river
bank, and give great Impetus to the grain trade
in bulk. Toe Councils also v ran ted the North
Missouri Railroad and Madison Kerry Con
pany leave to lay a track to tbe ferry landing
in me nortnern part 01 tne city, under mis
privilege tbe ferry company will transfer laden
cars across tbe river between tne N.rth Mis
souri and rtt. Louis and Chtotuo Kali rondo. an1
will enable the trelabt on ettber or these roads
to reach its destination either in Illinois or
Missouri without changing bulk.
The TMffieultlea In the Legislature,
Memphis. March 20. The Appeal's Little
Rock special despatch states tbat a resolution
was introduced yesterday in the Arkanaaa
House ot Representatives, seitlon fortu tUit
Mr. French, the new Speaker, was a noo real
dent of the State, and betnn therefore aUquali
fled, declared tbe office vaotut. Tbe resolution
wu referred 10 a arjeoial oommltlee.
A resolu'lou was also Introduced declaring
P. F. Wrluhl. Olerk of tne House, untliy of
malfeasance in office and tbtt the ottice was
vacant. Referred So tbe special committee.
Fire In Louisville.
Louisvii-lb. Marob 20. Jam s A,. Holt's hide
and leaiber store was destroyed by fire yeater
dav. Loss on stock and buildings probably
110.000; partially insula.
Stock Quotations toy Telegraph 1 P. H
Glendlnnlnir, Davis A Go. report through their
New York bouse tne iohowidb:
N. V. CenU H........l!8i WeeU Union Tel.... 87J
N V. &nd Krle It.- tH
Uler. and Tol. R.H.106
foledo fk Wbati. 67
fb. and
Mloh.KootbeVa.... 8o'I
Mil. A Ht, Paul oom ft9
Olev. 4 Pitbtb'g R b"!U
nhl and N.W. oom Mi
Mil. Jk. Ht. nrf 7U
' A Hami V.mrtuui . SMI.
Chi. and N.W. prat
Welitt, Kariio Hip
tiUL ana H. i iwra
Flttn.A V. W.. .120
u a ilea tstaies.
Tenu. tts, new.
pM.lfl Mall a Co,H
Omcitor ths Kvbnino Tt.aaaPR,
baiurdaj. Maroa M. lw.
The Stock market was Inactive this morninp,'
and prices generally were UDBettied. Government
-cunties were a ir icuon lower. Vt&i wa Md
for 10-40; 116 icr G ot 1881; H lorHJ2 6 20s;
for 'W 620e; 116J for 't5 6 20s; 113 for
JU,J-8 113J ior -07 6-2o; and 1134
for '68 5 20-. City loans we:ae nucbauued; the
Lew iHMie old at luoj 0 lol, Hnd old do. at !8.
hail road shares were 1 he most active on the
list. Cumdeti and Ambv oW at 123. no
cbnnse; Peunsjlvani'i Railroad at 67j, no
chaupe; North IVnutjlvama at 34fJ3li, no
tbaose; Philadelphia and Erin at 25 au ad
vance of i; u nd UcaainK at 45, a slight de
cline. 43 wai bid lor Little Schuvlkilt; 10 for
Catawie-a comrnoo; 334 tor Catawissa sreterred;
and 48 lor Nonbem Ceairal.
City t-a-ecnter Railway snare were flroily held.
(Ireen and Cortes boio at 38 110 chinee. 40 was
bid for Second and Thin; 71 for Tenth and
Meveuth; 17 lor Thirteenth and Fifteenth; 26
for Spruce and Pine; nno 12 for tlestonvtlle.
Bank share continue in good demand for In
vestment at lull puces. o jim'-roial sold at 67,
no change. 231 was b;d for Nurm America: 160
lor Philadelphia; 124 f..r Farmers' and Mecna-dic-';
68 for Peun Townsntp; 78 for Western,
and 68 (or Corn Kxchane.
Reported uitUtfeuA Bro., No. 40 a. TMr street
1200 City fti.01d.kan. iw
fiiKHi ft h uj w. .ne. i).,1-:
f lime Leh V It n oscp 93
I'MICllV m. Wew:B.'o
do ....0.11 1
iouO Phil & bun 7s ... 92
I ui ben s.(old I..... 9V
thV A Am ....m4
inn Kb Phil & R ...bOu. 2s
loom Head RK. ir,
1 UO .............. 67?i
100 do ....Hbttu. I). .
1 do.. nhw 1. 67?),
no do....-ri. 6 S
100 Bh X ruuuu...ilfiO. Hi
l"0 do bit n. 1
100 T, ,d0 "-
10ish Fulton Uoal i
60 Bh Or & Coates. b5 8
101 sh Peuna RR.HO. S7
2'8 do ..BJn S7s
oinhRead K.2o. tb7i
1"8 do.. b3 4Ji
l"0 h Hestonvllle... la
lousncata Pf. aatf
i0il0 Peniia Uimei, 97 t
tit 00 do., 7,
I OooPaftn, rla.....i7
llOBli N PennaK 84
Sali Uom' I UK........ 1 T
SOBh Wnm K ni. Km
l' ah Head R,
100 do...
fououicyes. JNev,....iui
fuOOPa, u, 2 kit I(i6'i
24(KI0 U!H 6,'Hl..cp...c.ll6;i
2110 bU MRulre Oil. Id t?'t
SI BhC'ornKxB SO
-bio.. f
20 0 81
an 00 .ia- 4
10J Bh Phil & K. c. iifi
1 eta W. Jme It... 60
Messrs. Jay Cooke & Co. qnote Govern
ment securities, etc., as follows: U. 8. 6s oi
181, 1164$U6: 6-26 Of I8G2, 1181'dmo;
6-20s, 1864, 114115; 6.20s, Nov., 1865, 116jr
uyj; July. 186&, ii3i'iitJ4; ao., 1W7, 113K
113: 00. 1868. 11321 113J: 10-40s. 165i((al05.V.
Gold. 131. Union Pa'Mtlc bonds, 103i dlOl.
Messrs. De Haven & Brother. Ho. 40 fcouth
Third street, report the followinK rates of es-
chance to-day at 1 P. M.: D. 8. 6s of 1881. 1162
ifiiii: do. 1862. ll8jflll8J: do.. 1864. 1141a
114!; do., 1865. 1108117; do. 1868, new, 113;!
113j; do., 18G7. new, 113481134; do., Ih68, 1134
31134; do., 6s, 10-40s, 105idlU5S; do. 30-year
6 per cent. Cv 103 103; Due Com pound
Interest Notes, 194; Gold, 130201311; 811ver.
Hurt ft 1 adner. Stock Excbanee Brokers.
No. 30 S. Third street, report this mormne's
nio quoiniions as ioiiowj:
10-00 A,
11 20 A. M.
11- 25
11'50 "
12- 00 M.
10- 25
11- 15
Philadelphia Trade Report.
Saturday, March 20. Seeds There la con-
slaerable Inquiry for O.O 'erseed, and sales of
2(100 bushels were reported at 1010 50, the
latter rate from seoond hands. Timothy is
qnlet at t3-853 02; and Flaxseed at 12-65
Bark In the absence of sales we auote No.
Quercitron at 850 cer ton. -
xne f lour naaraet la lens active, butnrlcea are
quoiauiy uncnatigea inure is no aemana
except irom tne uome consumers, who pur
chased 800 barrels at $5 25(3550 for suoarflue;
S6(g6 60 for extrao; $0 5U(gtf-76 lor Iowa, Wisooa-
bih sua Diione"oia exira lamuy, ine latter
rate for choice; 879 25 for common and aood
fennsyivaulaand Utilodo. do.; and 5U 50 12 for
fancy brands, according to qdallty; 100 barrels
Liangley's choice sold on Keoret terms. Rye
Flour 1b firm, with snle i of 200 barrels at 87 5ord
8. 600 barrels Brandy wine Corn Meal sold on
private terms.
There is more firmness in the Wheat market,
and more Inquiry for prime lots, but inferior
Boris are negUeted; sales of 2000 bushels red
at i-ttUi uo. ana 4uuu nusneis lair ueuessee
wblte at 1 75. Kve is unchanged; 40)0 bushels
Western so.d at H 55. Corn is qnlet at f jrmer
rates; sales of 2(100 bushels yellow at 8rto ; and
1000 bushels mixed Western at 88a. tuts are
selling at 7375c. for Western; and 60tiSo. for
Pennsylvania. 1000 bushels Barley sold on
private terms.
WhUky is nominal at 9395o. V 'gallon, tax
latest BimrmH OllXLlUOCt:.
For additional Marine Mew tee Inside Pages.
rT ni.aeBAFa.1
Nob folk Marcn 13 f ui lu, Bieitnshlo Din, bom
New York lor tU'tm: pro,eilr dtsuied.
iBy AOanlie (XttAe.)
Qubbnstowm, Ia rcti 2u. Axn ved, steamship Java,
from isew ork.
Nkw York, March 20, Arrived, steamship
Columbia, from Glasgow.
MitMHtMtUAROH 140.
ta&AFH ojryio.
Bteamsblp Volunteer, Jones, New 1 ork, J. F.Ohl.
bcor Jaa. Bradley, .Bradiey, JNew Haven, lay. Hud
dell A Go.
Bcbr More Light. Bradford, Boston. D Cooper,
Bcnr LtKKle Bennett, MoUevltt, Mew London. BootL
Walter Uo.
Bcbr tsunan McDevItt, McDevltt. New London, do,
Bchr Kans s, duiltb, eea'ord. JUel., na
Bcbr Ballle C. Morton, Morton, MUlvllle, N, J do.
Br. ablp Island Home. Llawell. Irom Orlmaby Oct.
18. via Berujuaa (baviag put In in distress, as be 'ore
reported), wltn old railroad iron to Warren t Ureut
Br. barque Laboraujus, Cann. 67 daya from Dubiiii.
wlch old iron, e o. to K. A. Bmder COaai '
Br. brig Thermatls, Johnson, 46 daya Rom Uesstna
With fruit, etc.. to laaac Jeanea A Oo.
Br brig Cairo. Carroll, a daya irom New York, in
ballast to C. C. Van Horn. 1 "
Br. scbr ffagie Wing. Mao ley. from Pernambno
16th a it-, wltn sugar to Albert V, Damon. Left Oris
Tltania, for Mew York next (lay.
hour A. Hammond. Paine 6 days fiom Boston, with
Ice 10 Knickerbocker Ice Oo. '
Bcnro Cooper, Mckerson 4 days trom Harwich,
wlib nodsa. to crow. 11 & Collins. '
ScbrAdehe. Holder, 12 days from Bt, John. N. B..
vlib lumber to J. H. Atwooa '
Bcbr K. . Wlllard. Parsons. 7 days from Portland
vlili mdse. to Crowell A Collins. '
Bchr Hiawatha. Lee. A days frarn Kewburyoort.
With nartse. to Kolgbt A Bna
Bciir Sea Nyojph O niey, irom Providence.
Hchr J. Bradley Bradiev. trflw Deroy, Conn,
B learner W. O. Plerrepont. Hnroiwnlre. i hours from
New York, with mdHe, to W. M. Balrd A Co.
Steamer J. 8. Borlver, Risgans. 18 huora irom Balti
more, with oidse, to wroves, Jr.
Correspondence of tM Philadelphia Xxehanoe.
Law us Del., March 18 f. M Shin island Hoane,
from Oflmsby via Beruuila; hrlgs t OMan, Irom Liver
Kiol: and iag a Wing, from Peruambuo 1. all lor ful
delpbla, arrived at tbe (Janes this atlernoon.
Brig Komalne, before reported . remalat la g"Ofl
CODdKlon, and should tbe we-.' her prove favraeia
for a lew days, will behove off alter taking out oart
of bet cargo. JOHJEPH LAJTKTBA.
Bteamsblp Fanlta, i'reeuiau, benoe, at New York
Brig Liny Oorrla, hence lor O rk. before reported
at 8t, '1 bomaa In distress was condemned and sold
19i b on., together with bet masts, auch jra.andoaaina.
Brig Minnie Miliar. Anderson-, for Philadelphia.
0ared at Matauasa 11th Insi.
PoUr Hutb H. Baker, Loilng, kenca, at MetaDSaa
"Schra Jos. Rogers, May, from New Haven, and a fc
jr. Brooks. Brooks, iroro Greenporl, 001b lor fnUa
delKbia at New York mo Inst,
rcbr Abigail Haley. Haley, oleared atQeorgetOwa,
B J.. Mih lost., for New York. '
BohisT. b. French. Danghtr, and Helen, Oartr.
hence at Norlo'k I7tb lest. ' vm"'
bcnr Wake Oandy, igr Philadelphia, Skllsd from
Bcbr Jaooo Mjrugig, sxoit, seace, ai r.evidenoe
171 n mat.
tKbr . W. Godfrsy, Oarweod, at Havana 13th Inst.
for Slaw Orieaua. 1
-a aam, ava taj
Taciflc Railroad-Legislation
by Congress.
I'nlon Pnclflc Kntlrond I.eifUl ttlm.
SpecuH Ltvfjmtfilx to The Kventng Teiegrapit.
Wash i.n oroN, March 20. Xne Seoale I'aollia
Hallroad Committee to-day, after a proiraolod
dlscusBiou, culhorlzed Uenator Howard to
make an adveise report on tbe House resolu
tlon allowing tbe Union PaclQo Hallroad Com
pany to remove tbelr headquarters to thU otty
or elsewhere. They also discussed the quotlloa
of locating thejnncllon of the rod at Odea,
but no decision was arrived at. it Is evideut
tbat a sharp contest will be made over tnl
F0K1 Y.F1RST CONHKKSS First Session.
Washington. March 20. Mr. Cttll Draienlad tha
mtuii ilai ol tbe Mayor and lonimiio Uuunull of A1.
luuilo O iy, N. J., relative to tu U.uKeroiu ooaUUlon
01 tbe llkht-houte at that place, italerraa to (Jjm-
mliit-e on LtnimrncBi
Nr. l orry Dretomed BomeDetltlonB t rtheramaTal
of political aiaabilllleB, to. Af the Uoase as not
imeiy, id nit cipiiiiou. locuncurin itm prop .al lun or
ilia bnle 10 appoint a Jolut oomml tee tucooalaer
petiiluDBon tbia Bubject be niovad 10 tefor ihem 10
tba (ooiu.Utee uu ilie Judiuiary. Tun warn an r.
ft rred.
jar. 11 ami in, irom the Oimmltlee on tba Dtatrlot
04 Columbia, reporvtd abulia addition to tbeautto
incorporate toe waliington and Alexandria Btearu
Facktt Cumpany.1 v, .
Mr. Wllaou luiroduced a Joint resolutlin donating
ibe X.lDcoln H' Bpl.alto Hie Lylnx-lu Aiyiuui. K
lerred to Committee on Military Allalrp.
Mr. Fenton Inuoducetl a bl 1 to prohibit secret
alts 01 aoid. Befrrrd to theCommniee on iflntncF.
Mr. Abbott Iron Ibe t"oaimiite on Millta-y
Affairs, repor'ed aud asked toe Immediate conside
ration ol a bli) to dee are and 111 ibeatatusof iudica
aovocaes ol Ibe army. mtH .at
Mr Urimes move its Indtflnlte psatponement. bv
ca"ne U proposed too large a number of Jude advo
cates, ajgj
Alter ome discuBBlon the motion to postpone wm
agreed to,
Mr. K.niBy Introduced a Joint rraolntlon amxnd
awry 01 ibe act ol March a, itiii. Kcautlnv lands to
aid tbe State ol MluiifBOia In ihe conatruo ton of
rertaln railroads. Ketened to tbe Committee on
Fuoilc Lands.
Mr. Kobnison tailed on hts reiolntlon, ofTred
tcme daya alnue, directiuK tbe President or ibe
Penale to appoint a Be'eci commlitee ot nine to coo
alder appllcalloua for tbe removal of political dua
, blltilfr.
1 Mr. 'rmmbnlt was In favor of the appointment of
nueb a crmmluee, in orUer 10 relieve the Oumuilitee
on tbe Judlnlury.
Tbe retulution was modified, maklue the mpmbara
of ibe commlitee aevcu luatead of line, aud then.
Mr, Bu inner offered a Jnlnt resolntion to rndnes
oc. an puataae to tbe rate or postage on lu - d, wnlcb,
on motion Ol Mr. Kamsay, was relerred to lbs Cjia
mil tee on Post Offices and Fost Koads.
Mr. Stockion lutroaced ajolot reanlution relating
to Ibe Improvement of the navigation ot iha Osia
ware river, between Whitehall and Trentoa. Re
ferred to GjmmU'ee on Appropriations.
At tbe expiration 01 'he morning 11 our, ths bill ta
repeal tbe Tenure-of-Oflice act came op as unfinished
Mr. Vlckeis made an argument in favor oi the bill
Proceeding; ot tlieWlluiinK'(on Coufo
rauee of tu M. K Cuurcli.
Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph.
Wilmington, March 20 The Conference
asseiu bled al 9 o'clock. A ten Jer of a free pas
sage to Pnlladelphia for the members of tne
Conference waa extended by the proprietors of
tbe steamboat i'ellou, and accepted with
Ten o'clock Monday mornlne was set natria
for bearing tbe annual missionary sermon hv
Kev. George A. Fnoebua.
Tbe renorl or tne stewards was mmlA tha
order of tne day on Monday, immediately after
tbe missionary sermon.
Tne following yonng men were duly recom
mended and received on trial: Tuonas U
Hnnter, J. E. Kidney. W. 1). DavU, J. A, D.
Wilson. Lilian a., miner, UdVll dlraaghn.
John Bnillmg. Pnilllp U. Rawlins, Kdward
Tne following local ministers were elentpri tn
Deacons' oritois: vv. K. Tubus, James Lewis,
H . La son, . JMlcholsoo, James Keaney.
Tbe loilowlna local ministers haviu been
recommended, were duly elected lo Elders'
orders: George WV Bbeck, Rev. Thoms O.
Murpny. xney were men introduced bv the
PiiBldent, and each made addresses expressing
ibe warmest sympathy and love tne members
of tneir conference.
- Rev. Henry Ooloiazer, In chaste and feeling
remarks responded.
. Rev. J. H. Ltgbioonrn announced the hymn,
commencing "Blest be the tie that binds."
After singing, Revs. J. D: Curtis and T. 0.
Mnrpby leu in prayer.
Ti e committee on preparing an act of lnoor
poratlon for tbe Board of Conference Stewards
repoited a draft of such an act; and J. V, Wil
liamson, J. K. Hlnes. and R. H. Thompson
were appointed a oommlttee to secure Its pas
sage. Dr. Hokllck, of the American Bible Soolaty,
then addressed the body, presenting the claltni
of the society.
The ordination papers of Rev. George Weist,
of United Brethren Charon, were presented
with a recommendat ion to recognize him .as a
local elder in our cbnrch. Ooucurredln.
Tbe Oommlttee on tbe Bible Cause presented
their report, whioh was adopted.
Revs, W. Kenney, J. J. Quit-ley, J. H. Ltght
bonrr, A. Cookman, and 11. OolcUzer were ap
pointed to convey fraternal grcstlnga to the
l'bllade'pbla Conference.
Th first anniversary of tbe Churoh Etten
s'ou Society was heidjast evening in the Union
Ohnrcb, where able and eloquent addrjsea
were mace by Dr. Kynett. Dr. Dtabiel (Presi
dent Dickinson College), lie vs. DC. MutUcK.
J. A. Willis. At tbe oiose. President J. a. Wil
liamson, Eq., proposed to be one of ten to each
give fifty dollars for cbnrch extension, tbe
nine others lo be fro on tne congregation pre
sent In tbe city daring Conference session, or
within the bounds of Confereuee during the
Bisbop Simpson will preaoh In Asbury
Cbnrch to-morrow morning, and oroaln toose
wbo bave been elected to Deacons' orders,
Tne oriiluatlon or Elders will lake plaoe In
Union Cbnroh 10-morrsw evening, Herman bv
1U)V. Dr. Holdrloh.
Mutineer! Ira Custody Ilnll Times -The
Collecturalilp Decided.
Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph.
Baltimobb, March 20. Three men of the
crew of the ship Taber, wbich sailed from Bal
timore for Yokohama, who mutinied when the
ship was off Annapolis Roads, were brought to
Baltimore yesterday, and are now in prison.
Two of them are badly wounded by being shot
by the male when in revolt.
It is observable that more mechanics and
laborers are now idle bere than for many years
past at this same season. Spring trade la terri
bly backward.
It la now conceded that tbe Hon. John L.
Thomas will be Collector of the Port.
Alleged Swindler Arrested.
Hamilton, Ontario, March so. Henry M..
Brags', of Haverhill, near Boston, allege 1 to be,,
cne of the most notorious swindlers
Vsltea States, was arrested here last nlgnt , e
tba charge of forgery, referred by PeteeUva
Officer Hat', of Boston. ' ..,,.,
Alexander Harvey, of Kenett'ea, was shot In
it heaul bv hi son daring so altercation yea
Commercial License Re pert led.
Cikuibnati, March 20 Ala meeting of the
Council, yesterday afternoon, the ordinance '
compelling commercial travellers 10 pay line rise
for selhng goods by sample or otherwise was
unconditionally repealed.
European Coiumerclnl News
Bu Atlantic Cable.
Lowno, March 20 A. M. Consols, for
money nnd U.l'-i tor aooouul. United HMtes
5-a0. 83. American Hu,n turet; Erie Rail
road. 2ik; IiilnoH ntiai, M.
Liverpool, March 211-A. M Cotton market
quiet; nplnud nildtlliog-, lad.; Orleans mld
ollngs. liWd. The salts to-day are estimated
at mt) bales.
London, Marcn 2)-P.M. Closing Prices.
Consols lor money 93',.; f.rHCoount.ui. United
states 6 2i. tfSJi Scoots. quiet. Erie, 2i4; Illi
nois Central, v).
LiVKurooL. March 20-P, M. Closing Prices.
Cotton firmer but no' quotabiy higher. Mid
dllcg uplands, 12d ; middling Orleans,
The sales have been lO.OtO bales. Dnrd. 15s. 6d.
Tallow, 45s. CO..
ilAVMK, Mrch 20. Cotton opened dull, both
on the spot ana afloat.
Markets by 'I elegmpli.
New Tobk, Marcb W). hiocss s'eady. Hold,
do, liO'i. ExoliaugM. 1118.: -na twi.lls',: do.lttfl4.lH V;
do. 1M6, 117; new,u;: iV, ll?i lo-iOa, H,i Viriluia
,.; Miasoiiri as, 88: Cauton Co., 89; Cnmoer
land pralerred. 8-i7,: New York Clenlral lhn7i; tteadlnc,
tJ,; Hudson Uiver. 18,'bI Mi iblftan Ceniral, 117;
Michigan HouthHTn, litanls Central, 140: Cleve
land and Pittsburg, 87',; Hevnlaud and Toledo, IAS
(Jbloago and Boc'lc ialaod, Itm fUtabarg and Fort
Wavne VMM.
Naw York, March Cotton steady: turn balsa
sold at 2m,o. FiOur steady and nocnanred; Bales
of (SROO barrels. V, beat dull and nurk't lavorn
buyers; sales ot 7B00 busbets, no. i. t'4Z. Corn dull:
raies ot iJ8 M bu"bela mlzei Was ern at Sflsno. '
Uau qnlet; sales or i:(0 bubeis at 1(n1ik, Beet
quiet. Porlc bavv: new m-ss, (81 b7J,3a laud
heavy: steam, Is'jWldo Whisky dull.
Bai.timokb. 'March 2". ton. n quiet but firm at
28. Floor firmly active, lower gradt without decided,
change. Wheat dull and lower receipts small;
Va'ley red l'lKi(d)7'0 Corn dml: priane whi'e StKSlo ,
yellnw 8?iie. Oata du I at 6oftf68.' Kjadiill at l'40
(ui 48 Pork firm at faO. B-con flroi, rlbbtd sides
17c; clear do lxc: shoulders I6i.; batus 2Ka)lc Lard
llrm120c. Wlilssy lnacilve at 9l(tj.9'-.
Court of Oyer and Tkbminxr Judges
Ludlow and Brewster In tne case of the Com
monweallh vs. Jueph Flanolgsn, who was
convicted of raanslaaKbter, in shooting tbe
boy Henry Peralus, hi liicotnoud, on the 13th
of Ootober last, the Court overruled tbe motion
foranew 1 rial, h nil sentenced the prisoner to the
County Prison for two veins, nd requiring; him
to give security lu I20UO to keep the peace for
five years. , ,
Couktof QnARTKR Sessions Jndge Lud
low. Tbe habeas corpus list was before the
Court to day. Onootse beard was of a pecu
liar chatacler. being an accusation of theft
made by Matliu OieftK agalost his daughter
Catharine, a young lady ot nineteen, lie com-
plained that she left bis bouse to be married,
and took with her a bbawl tbat her deceased
mother bad left, and also two balls of carpet
rags. She had habitually worn the shawl at.
home and abroad, and be bad seen it upon
her after she bad gone away. The young lady
answered that the shawl was a bequest from
ber mother, and the other artiolea she did not
Xhe Judge told the proseoutor that be had
made a grave mts'ake in attempting to prove
bis own daughter a felon; and tbat the Court
would do blm the greatest kindest it was capa
ble of by removing the stigma from ber, and
declaring tbat sbe was no felon; for by his own .
statement her conduct lu this behalf waa pare ,
-and honest. Therefore she was discharged. . .
msmm-m m
Tbe Improvement Beiosr Made at th,
Executive naualvn. , : . '-
A Washington correspondent says: Tha .
President's family is no at iluall; installed in the 7, -..i
Executive munslon. Ibe imenor of the building . ,. i
has been very handsomely re tilted, repaired, t "'
and relurnished. and Is about to be adorned and ' V'
embellibhcd with statuary and other works of .
art, in which it has been greatly deficient.
Among the prominent works of art are full;
sized Indian . figures in bronze, which are
intended to . be pUofd in the hall
In ihe rear of the ma n entrance; beau,
tnui statuettes oi vta3Dinnton ana his
hatchet; franklin and bis wbixtle; uilliara,
Tell and his son: Napoloon at confirmation:
Lincoln, and cue representing . treed men, by-' -Bosetil.
All will be placed in appropriate J v-'. t
places in tue ea-t rcom and the leception 1'.
rtoms. Atijoining. the otue rcom is to have 3i r
a Bplcndld Louis KVI doc, with Ko man lamp
in trmolu aud gilt. The red room will have a .
Teal Sevres vase with handsome gilt nnish.'' "i
Oilier portions of the mansion wnl be decorated 'n '
in 11 Ke mat.ner. a silver service 01 pi ate, to be .i-'x
used at state dinners, has also been purchased jwu
to lepluce the stivice purchased in France by
Consul Lee in Jiobrot's aoaiiniaraiion. . i .
lire. Giaut bas f. iven ber perconal supervision , ', .
to the reiurnichiua: of the White House. Whe' d :
was warmly attached to tbe re9idenoe which ! '1
she has just lelt; and she remarked a few days
mice thatfehe sboula go to the Wnite House wuh
reluctance. 8he proceeded to remark: "I In- 1 .
tend to mete Mr. Grant comlortable there, and
bball no doubt soon ltd at home. I am told , 't
tbat it has bt en cu.itoaiar to have the Com-,
niustonerof Public Baildmgs superintend the" '
household to a cuusiderahie extent, but I don't ---.T
desire to bave anj genileman do that for me. I '
shall also engage the s'eward aud servants, and
as the etewaru's salary is paid Irom tbe Trea- .
sury, Ihallexeicise great cate in selecting! hint .,
asunder tbe Tenure-ot-Otiice act I shall not .
be able to get nd ol him." . .
Our Financial Condltlou.
Tbe firianclal condition of tbe Treasury at the
close of the present hscal year will undoubtedly
bu much mure lavoiable than was anticipated.
This can be stated on emi-omcil authority.
The teceipu from cusioms no v promise to be . ,
the largest of any one ear in the history of the ,
Oovernment. Tbey aill reach, without doubt, :
$iro,000,000, or $20,000,000 In excess of the es- '.
tiaiates, and it is not im possible tbat they may '
even reach the high figure ol $200,000,000. The
iLternal revenue receipts to the piesent time -
are in excess ot $100,000,000. Ine remaining r
three and a half. monies ill cover the greater
portion ot the income tax, aud the special taxes ,
which fall due Mav 1, aud whioh will aagment ......
the recctpiB to $10. 000.000, and possibly to
$160,000,000. The will bo fully up to Commls
sioner Wellb' estinate tor ibe internal revenue,
and if the latter figure i react ed it will be con
siderably exceeded. N. Y, Times.
TUe Inauguration Ball . v
The Inauguration b.ll hns left a lawsuit in , 4.
progress. The committee h iving chartre of the J
atJair, it teems, agreed to give Mr. Grey, the ..
ca'erer, one hall the proceeds for supplying the,
supper. Now. however, the coumlttee, Ouding;
the profits so sierp reiue, it I said, to stand to
the bond, aud wan the cau-ier to receive less ,, ,
than he barained l r. Tae ftter ' util' r
in tbe smel.Eht,anahssA,..1am8 -Hantlog
top, ireusureroi iue m;i y-t i,tU
Tbo ca erer, in cotiseq-ic nc. tnrea-.-ns to stl
tute a lawsuittoestablUh hi rlshte.-r-A. r.
Corn Is knee-blgh In Florida.
Chicago wants an outside harbor.
-Kansas Is going Into grape culture. . ,
Wisconsin is building a wooden railroad.
A man la Waterburj, Conn., caa mitJier
smell por taste. .'" " '"" J
Tha atmosphere of Macon is sall V
destrnotlve at" obesity, - "
, Work on the louodstlons of the Albauj
Btata House will begin next month, , ' . ,v ,
.' The Cttloago street railwy are to adsji
don the present cars lot ostvLortt article.
. t-
j 3