The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, March 18, 1869, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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. n rl 1 1 m
TOL. XI-No 66.
English Conimrntu on Ills Inaugural
Ati rents.
JVin tht Daily iWtes, March ft.
Buch per lncluus efforts have bean
made on this Blue 10 roprtsniil Ainerlcau credit
to nay the least.. 8 mewlirtl uky,aiid bo
miii ii tiH bnu said ty InrltMcruttt or-ttors ou
their tile to glv "auction to the suspicion
tiiBt tbe eiuphutic declaration of ine new
l'MSldeut Is as timely as ll is sil -factory. NifF
ran llbn said et her ihiu Predui Uraot "dot.u
protest too much," or tbat til emplntlo decla
ration or laithfulueaa to me public credit
1 superfluous.
Ills argument for common bnaay Is the vry
old one, tbat It is tue bl. iMiiioy lor nmio is
fe for liiUlvu'oalu: and tbougn It inlitbl b?e
been btUer tbat uo curb argument aooPid ba
needful at all, it was rendered i. ov tu
fnopoeaia lopsy Ibe bond In cuirenoy whleh
he D. rnoeratlo pirty and eoiueaeoilousof ine
Itepubltoan pHriy put forward during tne
tlous. l'rt-Bluett UiuoI'h election was, boever,
tiiedtoslve victory of tne party of honesty
ovr trial' of repudiation aud be, tberef ire,
makes 11 distinctly onui-rslooa that l-tliuful
nmi to engagements, aud me lull umnbarate of
promises to ay, la the fuudarueuiHi basis on
which bla administration testa. Oa strictly
foreign topic Ibe address Is fr more reticent.
We naturally mm to Ibis part of It totuquire
as to tae relation In wbloh the new adiuiuls
trailou stands to tbe nusettled question oe
twetntbe Americans and onrseivrs. Oi tbls
r mint, buwev, r. President Grant gives na bur,
itile fallslacilou. Xne smtteuiious wisdom
wbloh baa scattered political aphorisms over
tbe previous paragraphs seems to forsake
blm here. Toe niurlinlion qnettlon,
v.blcb bes beeu Anally and aattafactorily set
tled, seems lo suggest I wo or three sentences,
while tbe Alabama claims suuaest but one. If
Indeed, they are referred to at all. A. vague
generality about dealing with nations "as
equitably as tne law reqnlresibat individuals
should deal wltb eaou otuer," and tbe hint that
If others depart from tbe rule of rebooting all
rights, ibey may be compelled lo follow the
pru-edeal. la all lbt really bears on foreign
affairs. We must terefore wall for aiiue
farther declaration ef opinion on tbe part of
Ibe new administration. li la entirely oler
tbat tbe new President la a man aoluteuaeiy
representative of tbe American people ol lta
etiength and weakness, l i hlgb principle and
ltr national prejudices thai any course wnloo
be laaes on foreign questions will be Beoure of
tbe national approval.
from the Morning Star, March.
With reard to foreign policy, Gene
ral Grant la very UeUulte lo bla euuuolnilou of
ound prluolplea, but komet!ni ainuUuous la
tbe aenteDce which appe-trs to aogfat tneao
plication of tbe la to our on case. He says he
woold deal with .nations as equitably aa the
lfw requires that Individuals t Viula -eal wit.h
each other. Tbls la to lay -own a maxim
which cannot be too blgn'v commended, and
wbloh present a au admirole coirat lo the
flllbuaierlng doctr ues oyUeueral Pierce and
Prealuenl Bucbauan, who looked upon Maxloo,
Cuba, and Uentrbl America aa belong
ing to the republic by tbe rijbt
of tbe strong to subdue trie weak. "I
won. d respect," be remarks, "the rights of ail
natlona. and demand equal respect fur our own.
If others depart from tms rule la deaUo wlia
us, we may be com pt lied to follow tbe prece
dent." This may be fairly Interpreted as an
Mutton to the Alabama imbroglio; but It In
volves no actual meuace, and we must be con
tent lo accept ibe rebuke, If we leel, as we must
do, tbat It la not wholly uudeserved. It Is cer
tain tbrl the President has not. In tola ad Iress,
given any countenance to the extraordinary
remarks wblob were recently attributed to
hlui by tbe quldnnncs ol the Amerloa i prens;
and all that we know f f lit cnaruoter and
anlecedenta justifies tne beilef that nls coun
sels, now thai, be ia elevated 10 Dower, will be
those of wisdom and moderation. Ills pro
gramme la aa eminently paoldo one. Tue
warlike spirit baa no place in it. It breatnes
the purpose of a man who will uphold the
greatDessof bis country by reunltlug a divided
people, by economls ng and wisely employing
the national r-aource, and by cultivating
peace abroad, and at home tue oivio virtues.
jBrotn the Morning J'ost, March 6.
It la unqueftUouaMy satisfactory to
Cud tbat tbe President, pasilu from, generali
ties declares It to be tils oonviollon taat tue
Btutehbould pay to the uucrmost Urthlngall
lis obligations. II will be gran ylug to tbe
creditors of i he Uulted State to flud that tbe
Chief Magistrate abd the Cougress are aa one
on tbla lmpoilatit point. It could scarcely be
expected tnai tbe President would refer, exoeot
In general terms, to tbe foreign policy wolon he
lu tends lo puisne. To nuititala tbe dignity of
tbe tiiute of which be Is ctilef, and to respect
tbat of others, la a very ooui inaudible seatl
xnent, and If acted upon will promote that bar
nioi.y wbloh at preseut subsists between tue
American republic aiid oth- r powers. Oue pis
sage In tue pioolamui Ion will, however, proba
bly arrest at'enilon: "If others depart
from this rule la dealing wltn us, we
may be compelled to follow the prece
dent." We are unwilling to believe tbat
this can have nny reference the
unfortunate dispute wuloh has arisen between
the Uulted States and Great Britain Idoi
neoiionwtth the depredations committed by
tbe Alabama and ber sister cruisers, and to
convey an intimation that, unless tbe olatm
advanced by the American Government are
satisfied, American lilted privateers will, la
tbe event of Greut Britain being engaged lu a
war with any Kampeau Stute, commit acts
which would he In tne nature of reprisals. Tbe
President must be well aware thU we have
done everything in our,poer to eifeot a satis
facory settlement of those claims, and have
rat ber gone beyoud tie lioe than otherwise lu
sabmlttlng tbe bona fides of our onduot to the
dtelslon or a mixed tribanaU We ray, tuere
lore, be permli tea to bone that. ere long the
adjustment of this unhappy ditftrence will be
efleoled on tbe basis of the recent Convention,
and that the nnklad and, we may add, unjust
feeling entertained toward ui by soma at
least of oar American kinsmen will totally
The Iostinnter-eneral.
from the Baltimore A merlcan, Mtrch 13.
Without pretending 10 speak by aay ppeclal
aathorry of Mr. Creswell's purpoe, we' can
sav, with a fall assurance of tuo correctness ot
our iBlormatioii, tfant tue new Potaiater
G.rf ral mtendj to be roaster of tbe po-uton so
far as the duties of hU olGcu are conceraed.
Tbat be will permit no "nnsi wl h'n rins(," or
"wheels witnto wbcH's," ni r auv form f reJ
Up Urn, no matter how voueralile or ofllcial,
by wbich eteulinq 14 ma le fern;-respectable and
tborouenly cafe. He w II aim to nuke the de
pHrtmi'Dt efficient reliaole, aud, as lar as pos
sible, Fell BupD' tbat it mav return to
the public tbesreatett hooount of accomoio li.
t on tor tbe least expend itara of ibe public
funds. To ibe accomplishment of tuts e
be will bting s Btrous, re-oluiK will, a baoitof
stffiov aud persistent tudnsiry. aoi a soind,
practical sense tbat Is af'er all, tbo retdien
spent lor wi rtlnii acceptable resut's In the al
oltl'tra ion ot a public olflee. We Rnow ho
intends, and we believe ill Le saccessful lu.
nlHCinir our po-tui svs'em on a bajts of
fb. rm gbi ess and elBcteucy which it has never
before reached.
Wliat Was the nttrT
Tbe Clnclatiati Commercial bas the follow
trar: "It was not the law tbn troubled tbe
ewarois of polttlt itns out Vnbtngton In Mr.
n aa in thus lritd -n nnr.liiiiif ahoot It!
but they lesrt d a diminution ' their own col
ifojierce. They want the revenue service to
amjonrt i arty crea'uren, and d not rare for its
sncce'riui aom loisir o-
tbe retenue as a matter ot b'tsineas, tbelr rao-t
a.. itnniinallon VAIll.l Yl aCITit. With
b e wsrt at tbe bead of th Treasury D-partoient
mpmers Of uonnreas o iuiu nt yw "i "
. uiid relative Into its tat
DliiCiiB. Tb'B was i bd secret ot their sen-itive.
ht is shout tbe soirit ot the ;"eT
were lu profound ie n"rarjc nu II Caleb Ouhing
Tod the New York World tol l toe-a of its ex.t-
Utenee reverence for tbe work of the lather of
tse Bepubllc as tut j Buujemy ut iuuu
So sue ExpreaslAnn or opinion by Oene
rat Mbcriunn.
To-day a blgb army officer called upon Gene
ral Bberreian toask, lor ibe detention of a miner
otllcer Id this oily for about a mouih pending
ti e aale af prtiper'y beiotu log to tueLitnodn
barracks. '1 oau't do ll,"aid Stietmta, "be
liuM go to Charleston iWbt away." "But I
Deed blm lo nsUl In rllsposi-g of t ie property
ni ibe tiai racks," atd tbe fn ier. "Usu'i help
It. an," Halo tMiermaii, "Weil, wbtt atu I to da
wlih tbe propert?" Intei rotated the ottiiifer,
"Burn It up.Hir; buru ltui ,lr;" resn n ded rfher
nin. "Ail rigui, Ueneral;Jiist pul trial lu writ
ing and 1 will commence l he nnrniaa to-morrow
morning." repil. d the otllcer. ' Uow mucti
pit perly Is there In re rrracks s i?" assed
Hneimau. "About .t)0 000 worlb," answers!
Iheotlicer. "burn 11 up, sli huru H uo, airl"
exc aliiiKl'Sherinati again. "Put It In wrtilu,
Geuerul "agalu reqtie'el titeuUlier. Snurmin
aaaln rt Iterated his Burn it up, Kir buru It
up, air," and Iben added. Tue fact Is. Gaiiero,
1 wani to get ail the oillrers I cm out of tlila
city of Warlilnglon, It is a bad place General.
Ills conunili.g tbelr morals, aud the so mer
llity are away irom here the b-iter." "Bui."
raid tbe otllcer a8alu,'tl yuu really wish me to
burn up the propn-iy?" "Well," answered
Hhermxn, "you ban bi-Uer sell it olf as so n po
aitile and gel rfd of it." Not long- xf er a
eerleln general called rjp u lierm .n to asa
about his aavlKument to a departinnot "What
department 7' asked nbei man, turning sharply
upon bla questioner. "1'be U'ptrtineui ol
Washington," said tbe astounded General.
"Thiil department was busted up yesterday.
There la no mob department, any louger,"
answered Huertuan lu his gruffast tone. The
General left beadquarier-i in I he nlg'iest dis
gust. Hberman's stralgbtforward way of doing
things is atsgusllng mauy of tbe army ortinars
here, who think tbey are not nei- g treated
right after having fought aud bte l for tueir
coon try. Pherman acts on tbe bypot besis trtat
all tbese otllcei a went to tight m tbe prlnoiple
of pure patrlo Ism, and tbal virtue Is lta own
rewaid. If tbe pollitclHns are aogwred wPb
Grant, tbe army omcer are still more incensed
with Hherman Herald' Washington correipou
dtnl of yetterday, (
Orant's Appointments.
Bays tbe N. Y. World's Washlngtoa writer of
lssi evening:
Kvety Congressman swears Inwardly to
night because It has come to pass tnat Presi
dent Grant bas made tre following rules to
govern sppolntnatnt: First. Mo appointments,
to speak ot. at all until the Ten ure-of-O dice
law be unconditionally repealed. 8-ooud. If
tbe law be not repealed, ibnn only n!tul va
cancies are lo be filled, and tbe contluuance of
the law will be construed a a bid for the 1ns
by Congress, wblrh tbe President will be
constrained to regard, putting tbe responsi
bility for ibeaarre upon the Congress. Third.
If tbe law continues Mr. Graut literally holds
it to be as applicable wnile tbe Senate is lu ses
sion as while it Is In recess. Therefore, be
will make no nominations to offices during tbe
session of the benale, except uuder exactly
fcuch circumstances as in a recess would con
airaln blm to make a suspension for "cause."
Fciurth. If the Teuure-of-Offlce law should be
repealed, then the recommendations of Con
gressmen f r their friends to be appoiuted to
office are to be favorably contldered only when
all tbe radloal deli gat Ion from a State are a
unit on the men recommended; where tnere is
a division tbe President will undertake to find
some personal fi lends of bis own whowl'l
exactly suit. These four points arejnsl as offi
cial aa if countersigned by General Dent. Tbey
are willingly communicated by aggrieved
Congrt fcsmen, and ate tbe common theme ot
the capital to-night.
BonNtful Chicago.
Tbe Chicaeo Poet proves, b? in on test able!", tbat in 1891 New Yors will have 3,013,
931iunHbttauti', and Ctncauo 10,026,540. It sas
the propresot Cblcaga is lat:era it a to all ibe
world. It declares that a beaoort is not tire
great city ol a country, thst tbe in'ernal trade
Is gnat or tban iho loreipn, ami tbat it seeks
tbe centre. Cbicaao is tbU centre. It then
adds thit Chiraeo surpasses all American clt e,
eroept New York, "in many important particu
lars, ana mat in a snort time it win s irpa-s
even Mew Xork in tunnel-, pirks, thpft'ies,
opsras, arts, and Bcience." Ibe Post then
adds :
"Prt press in li'.eratnre is a' wavs more dcl'be-
rate. The best seueal criterion thereol Is the
public journa', aud tbe Civ st p-oare s p s
sible Is fiiukiig hereiu modesty only torbi 's our
giving tbe proo nut tor wbich mode-ty we
should on bedit s ingly and t rlumpian'ly oomt
to ibe entaoiif nmeot aon tirtpaia.lcled buccess
ol the ChlfsRO heenirq Post."
The 1 osi need not be modest. It cm pro
perly lay claim t ail it bibts ut la the foregoing
extract. iV. Y. Commercial.
Washlfton Correspondents.
ConuresBriien po, ma'iily. to tbe country
through tbe press. Trie? ride to fame aud for
tune on the delicate nib i f pens held by the
lepeffn'atlves, in Washington, ot journals
throughout the country. Small wonder, then.
tbat the res rAbg is feared, if not loved cr
respected. JJow t correep indent or repo.ter ts
doipg well it lie gets seventy dollars a week
yet what is sucb piy to tbe lack? turn ol a vn e
on son e claim covering to ill ions In th.a 11 a-e
or Senate? A correspondent says ta the Hon.
JLvi ursus SaDdstoce. "That is a last cla m: 1
have carelu'ly investigated it. atd, moreover,
n y friend C. is a truly loyal nao and a g od
r How." Tue Hon. Lvcurpus mav nr ma? not
thmk so; but be kuos tbat a few tt-rse sen
tetces Irom tb pen of the correspondent will
Bive lilm a prominence beiore the couutr?, and
se-ure, prol'ablv, his renoaiinattou. 8o be
votes, und Scratch po pockets bis little lee tht
amouuts to ten times ibe pay ot bis journal.
Don Piatt.
The Cost ef Glory.
Says the N. Y. Posf;-Ttie gooti old Eualish
constitutional riurht of gruiuulini; is exer:lsed
Ktbls moment in Buulani to tbe tull'-st extent.
Pre-s, Parliameut, ao i people are grumbling,
and are likely to eruaible more. Tbe occasion
is the footing up of the "jt'oinltion totilu" of
tbe Abvhsinian expedition, wlncn scms to havo
cost 8.600.000. wi'b uiber liule b lis yet to
come in, which will probably swell the dgurc to
en mi'iu ns sterling, iuis is, indeed, a protiy
disL to set be ore the Q-teen. Kever was there
h moie But'cestul expedition than that agamst
Tbeodorus. It wasover oeloie anybody rbought
It bad tairl? W'gao. and jet it bas mad tbn
Cbance'lor of tbe Exclioqiier wince. What
aould the case hive been it General Nailer h'ii
not ma le such t-bort work oi Maird-tia, and all
tbiugs bad not conspired lo assist him?
IIowThey Do It.
Every dozen men from tbe same State, in
Wnbincrtt,n, coae together, call themselves a
delegation, and visit any Caotnut ottoer or
bead of bureau who Is to unfortunate as to
burl from the same locality. They lie around
In i. doors after dark, deafen his family with
noise, force bim to ma'ce a speech, aud th'-n
l Ley enter bis bouse and consume his inetitund
drink. The "JeloGa'-ion" con-.tBrs of otlioe
seeker, tr e head betfRur being chief ot the
"prucecgioo." li is time to put a stoo to tins
sortot tbit-g. It bas for years been tii'rlv ruu
iuto tbe ground; aud as it ssrves only the p ir
lio e of elevating nn all men into notice as
"sookesmen'' ol (Meentlonj, and nf disgus'.lng
tbe i ubliC, the sooner the pres and the people-,
ami tbe uutortuuato ocnpiuts of olli -e, no vu
npon it, the sooner will tbe absurd custom dis
appear. If. Y. Comviereiar.
Btoeb Quotations by Tclegrapu-l P. M.
Glendlnnlng, Uavla Co. reprjrt through their
New York house the !ol lowiug:
N. Y. Cent. U l6B;ii West. Union Tel.... 384
N. Y. aud Erie H... 84 Clev. aod Tol. It. IU07U
UK a. .A U UI Polurf,! At WtMlll.- 1171.1
Mlnh.hnntberu"!! HTU MII. ASt. Paul COin.
Clev. A Pltlsb'g tt 89 Mil. A Ht. Paul prf 70
Oht and N.W. coin 81 Adams Kcpress..., Wi
CM. and N.W. pret Dli Weils, Kargo Exp.. 81
Oht and K. h lt......l'ZH-I Called Hiates My,
Pltta.4 f . W......riu Tenn. 6a, new....... eviJJ
Pacific) Mall B. Co.- Wlttold...M......M, ...131
The Indians Recommencing Their
Depredations-General Cas
ter not Cnptured.
BTeihodism ia Delawire Pro
co dings of tho Pennsylva
nia btato Legislature.
sTluanolal mid Oommorolal
Vliose Bloody A trtu:lnei They Ite--oiiiiiieitce
Tbelr lerelnlloiK.
r ectal Oetptitcn to The Evening Telegraph.
Omaha, March 18. A telegram trotu Helena,
Mori tan a, reports tbat tbe Indians a'e agalu
troublesome. Two men, Frauk Leonard aud
John McDonald, had some of their cattle killed
by tbe Indians oenr tbe Yell w titone, aud th"lr
entire herds diiven off. Thirty soldiers were
pent Irom Fort Ellis to pursue them, and wero
attacked by abiut seventy-Bve Iodiaus. Tue
tight la to"! one hour, resuUin, lu the killlug ol
several Indians. The troops rcturnel to the
fort durmg tbe n'gbt. . Seven hundred soldiers
ncd citizens are expected to start out agiinst
the IndiauB, Reports Irom parties who recently
travelled over tbe railroad route of the Northern
Pacific are tbat do snows have fa:lea this
n inter which , would obstruct any klul of
travel through the pisses iu the highest ntnge.
Second nay's Neanlou I the Wllmlngtou
jouleruce wr tue M. K I'burch.
SptHal Despatch to The Evening Telegraph.
Wilmington, March 18. The Conference
aseeaibled at 9 o'clock. After the usual devo
tioual exercises, the roll was called, aud the
minutes read and approve'). Comjuunications
Irom toe West diver Classical Institute an I tbe
Weslejan Ferxalo Col'epe were referred to the
Committee on ducatiou. The Committee on
ItlDerancy ' reported Ttvortbly to tbe con
tiiiuarjce of tho Revs. J. Titlow aud A. 1. Scott
as supernumeraries. Concurred iu J. K.
llices was added to tbe committee fot securiug
tie lncorpora ion of the board of 8i.ewarJs.
Tbe Biaboo announced the transfer of th
Rev. J. Mann irom the East Baltimore Con
leretc. Tbe claf s of tbe third yeir wn extmlne I and
rontirueo, viz., R. B. Win e, Jiues Eogate, E.
B. ewman, Em ch Stubbs.
Tne class ot the fourth year examined an 1
eVctid to felder's ordeis the lollowiug: J.
Carioil floo . Burke.
L J. Tbomoson, P. is , represented favorably
pr. eress of the w rk in tbe Eastern district
Tbe character of effective elders was examined
and pass. d.
Wii.mikgton, March 18 Rev. V. Smith,
Irt-Hioiun Ktaer, reprenented that lu tbeduow
11 ill District re ujHrkfbie revival bave oneurred
durliiH tue year. Tue character or eir.oilve
eicers on tbe district was ex mined and
pHMd, It being ibe order of tue day for 11
i.'c o r , a call of the stewards was made. Uevs.
H. H Tboiupi-on and A T. 8cott were gran ed
Have ot a"tnctj to attend tbe funeral services
ol Ktv. Daniel George, iae member of the
Pbll'drlpbla CoDlereuee. Tne annual rep irt of
tbe Bo k ConimlttHO of New York was read
A communication from t he Phlladetpbla Con
ference, leleiriDK lo claimants residing bevond
Ibe tounds of tne territory of either Con fa
ience, hi Ids reed, It was re-olved to reoonizs
as memtiers of Wilmington Conference only
those naloing within the territory deslguated
by tbe Uentral Conf'-rence.
Tbe ltd owlug supernumeraries were exa
mined, and iben oUarucler passed: II. Sutton,
aiid J.T.Cooper.
He vs. W. M. Warner and W. TTrle were
chsnved to eUVctlve. Hev. J. A. Massey was
contii'Ued as superanuua'ed.
Tbe CoBBinliwe on Kreednien renorted a reso
lution recognizing tbe claims of the f eedmen,
nd ill leuumrui nd it to our people and secure
con'ribuilooa for lis support.
Afltr remarks by Bishop Simpson In roter
rnce to the work among tbe freodiaen, the Con
Itrtnce adjourned.
Deaib of an ex-Confederate Officer
Geuerul Custer Male.
Special Deepateh to The Evening Telegraph.
St. Lqui.s, March 18. Captain Staite, a well
known ex Conlederate offlcr, died suddenly at
the Planters' House in this city. He was a
member of the Virginia Legislature when tho
secession ordinance passed.
Tho Teported capture of General Custer by
tbe Indians is incorrect, as General Nichols
telegraphed yetterdy for Information concern
ing his safety, and found M right.
S Patrick In Bau t'runclHCO Explosion
San Fbancibco, March 17. Stint Patrick's
Day was celebrated by a civic and military pro
.ccfs'on. While flrli g a salute last night, on the
steamer Cnrysopolls, on tbe occasion of tbe
reception of the Emmet Guard from Sacramentot
a keg of powder exploded, woutdina eighteen
or twenty persons, and daruaglug the boat con
siderably. A. J. AT lor I'euiieotee.
Warbinoton, March 18.- Kx-Preeidt'tit John
sod, Mrs. Johnson, Judi;e Patterson and f-tm'.ty,
aud Colonel Uo bet t Johnson left this tnoruiug
for Greenville, Tenn. The ex-President lias
accepted an invitation of the citizens of Lynch
burg, Va., who have tendered blm the hospitali
ties of their city, anl will remain to-morro
Frbx.1 New Urunawlek,
Ht. John's, N. B., Maich 18. Tho dt b:ito Iu
reply to the address cloud last nkut. The
Oovernmeut was sustained by a majoi lty of 8.
Mr. Candless, of 8', Johu'a. moved aunexatlou
rerolutlons, but found uo oue to second them.
A Newfoundland despatch says tho Union
resolutions have pasted both houses of the
LegU-lature. ,
Prlnon llevolt.
Pouohkeepsik, Maich ,18. A revolt ocouirol
In the Slug Bina Prison last night. Two ot the
keepers were gapg d, sad Ave coovlcts cscijid.
Oue ot the keepers has since died.
From Connecticut.
IlimrroBD, March 18.-Guy Puelps, Pivsldunt
of tbe Connecticut Mutual Life Insurauce Coai
fan j, died to day, aged 67.
From JBulfttlo.
Buffalo, March 18. Georea H irp, a brake
man on tbe Uraud Trunk Hailway, not caught
between mo cars to day and was seriously lu-
HAhpishueo, March 18-Mr. Omnell pre
seuied a pel n ion to allow tbe Liomoard aud
Hoinh (tieel Itsllroad Company to usdlbe Ktllu
nbdBlitti tret)t tracks; also, one from viaill t
Htj 1 and others, asklon tbat certain uiles may
be ioi fl i nied.
Mr. lleuney offered one for the alwllshrnent
of capital pu ilsument ; also oue from Hie So
clelj f,.r Alleviating tne Miseries of Prisoners,
asking tbat five hundred d 11 irs may be appro
prlated to provide dlauuargec. prlsouers with
proper clothing,
Mr Linderinnn read a bill in plaoe luoorpo
ratlrg tbe Tylersfort aud Telford Turnpike
Koad Com ran y.
Ilonae of Repreentatlveu
An sol incorporating the Klooruond Oranlfe
Company WdS luiroluoed by Mr. Dtliy aud
relerreU to a committee. TUe HpHuaur pre-i-enitrd
a reruiins ranee from "luiiUiiiul
cilieens" of l'oitadelpnta against approprinllug
Ibe publ.o squares of PuliudelpUia to buitdlu
nirros. au sol providing for tbe inspection,
of I oners and rt quiring ceriHin low-water ludl
cutoisto be attached was opposed byitrOrVU
ol Ciati n, lierr, Piaford, and others.
Mr. ilong ueuounced tue mennre as ealou
laltd to lake money Irom ltgli liual tu-kauUo
lures to benefit speculators. Upponeuts of I ie
bill declared ttiHl many urijutl provist ns Wdie
coulhlned wlittin It Winlmbe design rnlgln
be a good one, tb t HVot pr-tctlcafty wn to In
jure tue manufauturtug Interests. Tue luspec.or
inlgbt go lo ibesame boiler tea times a inoatu,
and charge lour dollars for eaoa visit, Muy
other (dijt-ctlous were appsrent.
Mr. MuUii'lougb deieuded t ujeneral soooeof
tbe bill, fteolariug it to be fir lue luterejts of
ibe public and tbe proteelou of lite.
Mr. Divls preieu'ed h uiiiubsrof letters fromi
tLe leading manufacturers of bis own distriot,
and SHld tnat the uiil was unjust, uuaeoesiary,
and would onlv result lu eiuo-irrsninn i-ome
of tbe most worthy ludustrlal Interests of the
city and state.
Tbe bill was postponed Indefinitely by a vo!e
of 51 ay en to 33 noes. Tills mav be regarded as
its defeat. Tbe Pbtladelpblans vot.lug agalnit
tbe bill were Messrs. Davis. Foy, Hervev, Hol
es te, Houg, MoUiinls, blobes, Bubers, and
Clatk, speaker. Tuose voting against the
postponement but not necessarily- in favor ot
the bill, were Messrs. Adaire, Bunn, Diley,
Mullen, Rogers, and Myers. Not voting or
ah ent. Kleukner, Cloud, and Josephs.
Tbe following IX iuse bill w-ts coasldered:
That ail spirits distilled or recti fled wl'.ula tde
United states bean t the Mmn are hereby de
dared to be doraeit lo distilled spirits and sub
ject to all the inspection Uws ol inls Common
wealth. Mr. MoGlnnls oflorcd the following amend
ment: "Provided tbat in all eases tne addi
tional inspection shall bi made only uott re
quest, either of ibe buyer or seller, and tue
nartv making suuti request shall he liable for
the fees of the said inspection. " Tula amend
ment was defeated.
Mr. Sirang olTerodsn amendment rquirlnj
the Inspector lo pay five p r cent, of his fes
Into ibe Htate Treasury, which was agreed to.
The bill then passed.
Ey Atlantic Cable.
Tbla Morning's Quotations).
London, March 18 A. M. Consols opened
at 03 ur mom y, and 93 tor account. Untied
States 5 20k quiet and steady at 83J. Railways
stendy; LrV, 24 j; Illinois Central. 87.
Paris, Mircb. 18 A. M. Toe Bourse Is
steady. ReutcB, 70f. 60c, ex-coupons.
Liverpool. Macn 18 a. M. Cotton ooetied
dull; uplands, 12(?12jd.: Orleans. 1212jd.
Tbe t-ali-8 of to-rtav are estimated at 600o ba'es.
London, March 18 A M. turpentine, 32. (1J.
Vnls Afternoon's Qnotutlousta
London, Marcb 18 P. M. Unite 1 StftesB 203,
83?. Ka lwavs sietdj; Krie, 25; llltuois Central,
97: Atlantic and Great Western. 31$.
Liverpool, March 18 P. M. Co-.ton dull and
UDctianeert. l.ard. 75".; Tillow, 45s. 9-1. Cotton
at Havre opened flat aud nncbaLged.
Markets by Telegraph.
BAN Francisco, Mucli 17 Flour qnUt at tii'CJ'-dd
5 BU. Wliool. n 77?u.
MKW iuu, Marcb 18. hiocks iinnt'ttle''. iol1,
do, 1HJ- Exebause. Ins),: isa?. tr, do. 1884, 116
do.lfrta 118: new, I13a; itT7 ll:r4; 10-iOc, li S'ti; Virtlum
h, !; jUlHsoari s. B Caittqa Vo .,; Oaaoer
Ibnd proterrwl. Ss. Now York (lnntrl list'j Keatiac.
91 S: Hudson Klvar. 13; Ml iblgan tntrl, 118:
MirhlKHU HontherD, 9,V, OI've!"l and eittshnra,
ts1;; r;ievt.fid and Toludo l'H;4- t'.htongo aad Hock
Island, 2Ki- flitihit B mid Pjrt Wvnn 120.
N VuBK, M rch 18. Uottoa dull at 280.
F our flriuer: snOO rrol S'i'd; Stat, ti B5''0"; Onto.
19 !! 7 i: W, HA'rq.l: Soulliera. ti 4tf cjl 175.
v lie : tlrrn CO'DHull; Bl uuO ouihel" suld t 07 5i8.;.
Oats dull; 12 Oiri bui-bws sold at 7'K;7 c, Boel quiet,
Pork dull birao. Litrd dull at ig tP;-,'"-
Saltis uk. m irnli 18. 'Jotton Ou 1 aud nomlna'ly
28c. Flour llrm for lo erades, and duil for othr-i.
win at very dill fur low grades and unaisble; pr me
Vi)ey rd tz-rS'oii'lB. Corn foil and beav: irlma
wnii" H0(iij-tc.: yo.lo, 83(10840. Oais dull and nnml
ns'. By ouil anil nomiuJi nali B at tl 4S Mess ForK
tt in st (13 Bacon active anJ firm; rih sldus. 17c;
clesrdo. 18or shou'ders 18a Uama, ftxaiilc. Laid
firm at 20c Whisky dull at 960. .
Passage of Words Between Bntler,
Scbenck, and Hoinisa,
TbeNewYort Iltrald'e Washington corres
pondence of yesterday ontalns tbe following:
The greater portion of the session of the
House to day was taken up with a debute,
somewhat acrimonious la Its oharaoter, upon
a Joint resolution reported from the Commit
tee on Appropriations, correcting what is sup
posed to be a clerical error in one of the apuro
prlailon bills passed at the last sesslou. Tne
tilt a principally between Hohenctr. and Itut
ler. with aislight lnleirup.lon by Uoiunin, of
Indiana. Tne phrases "false statement,"
"false," and "what is not true," were handled
about with a recklessness wulch seemed to
amuse and interest the House. Butler lull
mated rather broadly tbat tue error iu engross
lug the bill was committed intentionally, and
he distributed tne biamo between tte enrolling
cleras of the liou,o and the Committee ou
Enrolled 1111 s. Trie 4rst part of tms cnarije
brought out HohenuB-, woo ts a warm personal
friend of the chief enrolling clerk, and tne
second started Mr. liolmm to his feet, he
bavloE been a member of the noiutnttlee lu
quest lou during ibe last session. Tuls coiniult-'
teelsrt-spotisibie for tbe correot enroiluieut of
bills, ano whetnertbe blunder was Intentional,
or not, ibe blame ultimately rests wltn tin ooiu
inlitre. and not with the enrolling clerks
wliose work they suporvlso. On this accouut
Mr. Uo! in ail's reply to Mr. Uutler was not ouly
fchnrp, bnt his manner was earnest and even
bitter. When he spoke of throwlug back the
cbarge In Hutlor's tputti, aud almost in terms
accusfd blm of falsenood, there was asilgut
sensation, but . noltuer Butler uor
aay ot his friends called Holma
to order for unparliamentary lanutgd. Tue
tluht between Mcdcuok and Butler wis more
Droiraeied. and developed a coal Jera'ile
degree of personal ill-feeling and rivalry. It Is
well Uonwu that neltlier of these eentlHuien Is
particularly loud of the otuer. When Hcieuuk
discovered that Bluioe'j original "ant of tne
cmiimitites bad Butler second on tun lUt nf tde
VV'Hxsaud Meaus, h lusiiiied tnat besooiiid
not 'only not be put there, but tbat Katler
s'iculil cooirtlie Committee entirely, whiou ne
did. Tue debate to-day shows td wiiethtr
Butler la on the Committee of Ways au 1
Means or not, ho proposes to watch lis chair
man. .
Ilevoktd Pfrdnas.
Tbe Washington ooirespjudeul of the Ualtl
moie iiu sayN: . .
Jt win oe reoollected that President Grant.
Immediately ppon bis taklug ottloe as frol
tlem. dlieotPd that cuituln ptrdons 1-sieJ 07
li esldwrit Johnson should On revoatd, or with
held from tho peisons1 Intended to be pardoned,
Id certain eases, In New York, Massaeliusetts,
and einewhere Aitorney-Ueueral iloir bis
bd tblusnijrot under oonslnerallon, and It 14
undeis'ondhe decides tliut Hie revocation of the
freatdeut will not s'aod in law; tha'. tne aot ol
the Executive was onmpiele wnen lbs warrunt
of pordou wasplaued iu tbe bauds of ilia Unite I
ifiii.trs Msrsbal or other officer; nod thatlf tho
persona Intended to be rardooed snail not ts
leleuauu. tbat upon habeas corpus, tbe courts
would lelease them."
The windows of the old Town House at
Rockingham, Vermont, bf oearlr two tUoa
4Mt ( W, ...
the Philadelphia tonferenee-Elfchty-arcoiid
Annual Session Second lnj'
Proceed Ins; at.
CoDferecce opened at nine o'olocfc, Rev.
Bishop Ttiorapsou in tbe etialr. Uvolloual
t--rco-es were ooudueted ry Hev. J. K. Merrill.
I be atisnlees of yeslcrda, were called, a num
ber of whom responded. The Committee on
Lay Del nation, ordered yesterday, was an
bounced by tbe chair aa follows: H. E. (Jllroy,
G. 1). Oarrow,. Jaoob Uicsiuson, Peter J. Cox,
and WllilHin M.Hidaeway.
A lDg communication was read from the
Chuicn Exitosloo (Society. The total receipts
Irom tbeeunrcbesof the O inferenne np to me
t lot.e ot tbe last session wre f 17,i0u 78. Tae d s
hntrftneiita witbin te Conference bounds for
the tame period was f j.WI.
! or it e ear cioslrg wit't the present session
ttie amount anked for Is (7000; of wlilon. there
tins lit-en rtct-lvd, up to 0a , f2,sOH S3.
The paper was referred lo the octutnlttee on
that tut'Ji-ct.
Tue i una preachers who have been on trial
uuoer the dirtoUon of tbe Contereuoa for at
least two years, were called before the bar of
the CoDfrreuce and tbn Bishop propounded to
them the usual questlous u ratted by Mr.
Wesley. Tbe Bishop oalied their attention lo
s me points In regard to wlilou they may dis
miss all anxiety: I. In referenje ti tletr
placis of labor. Tun Chntcu Imposts on her
insnops the imperative duty ol providing a
place for every pieaolier. Tbey ueed not give
ihemselvts any anxiety about this in a lie ;
tbey can make themselves eisy. If ny any
means lt)-y happeu lo get below tbelr level one
yrarthey will gel above It tue next. Take
yrur apnelntmeuts willingly, aud tne blessing
ol God go with you. 2. All oouoern about com
pensation may be dlsmtSMed, if they no forth
and do their duty, tne Cuurch In the Philadel
phia Conference will sustain them. From tne
statistics gatbered by a gentleman ia Cinoin
natl. It la ascertained thtt tne doctors of Onto
icoeive an average of 4000, the la wyeis about
he same, but the ministry have a higher
aver sue.
3. Tbey may dismiss all concern about their
t eputation. Tbey must take oare of llietr char
ictersHd their reputation will take of itself.
Pure gold eaunot be tarnished by aqua fortls
or any other test; so, a minister wiin a pure
character seed not fear Dy of the vinegar of
society or tbe aqua fortls tbat his enemies may
pour upon him, tney will only carry away any
litt le spots aod make tne gold brlguter.
4. Give jonrstlf no concern about your tc
ctu. A faithful hi Id 1st er will bavesnocess. Let
him attend to tbe sowing of tne Need. He is
not responsible for tbe character of tbe soli.
Ills obligation ends wben his work ts faltnfully
performed. Be concerned in regard to your
religious experience. A minister without deep
rtllglous feeling is like a watoh wlta tne malu,
spring broken, or like a loo.imottve without
any fire under It. Take oare tbat yon
have constant, sweet communions
with God. Have your call dear aud
bi iillant, so that yon can always bring it to the
hre aud read it. Be o.inoerned about your doo
trlnes Hold fast to the trutb; study it, pray
over it; study bow best to commuulcale It.
Write, read, pray, speak. He wbo would spoak
well should write much. Write your sermons,
so tbat yon may preaoh well, as to thu reading
of sermons he had nothing to say; bnt, as a
general rule, no man ought to read until be his
loi med at tna&t the habit of good extempora
neous speaking. Be careful tbat you attend to
all tbe work of the pasivr; nor. only study to
preach, but study to be a good pastor aud a
good admlnls'rator. Reoolieot tbat a chain is
no stronger tban its weakest link. Don't be
fraotional ministers,
Be careful of your spirit. Cultivate tbe spirit
of Christ meekness, love, humility, wisdom.
This spirit confers power upon the ministry,
and will always secure him anooess In his
vtok of faith and labor of love.
Pending this business, at the close of the
Blsuop's address, the call of tle stewards was
Tne monies raised by the ohurobesfor the
worn-out preachers, widows, and orphan chil
dren wet e reported and p . Id over. Tue amount
estimated last Conference as necessary to meot
all tbe claims at this session was I085 and we
presume it bas Jpeen about realized, wkloU re
ault la highly creditable to all concerned.
Tbe paper offered yeslerday by K-?v. Dr. Car,
row was taken up. It reads as follows:
"Rtsolved, Tbal tbe Presldlua Bishop be and
isbeieby repeotfully requested not to divide
tbe Conference Iuto more than four Presiding
Elders' districts."
Tne resolution was nd vocated atfsotne length
by Its mover. He gave reasons for the mea
Hue proposed.
Rev. w. h Gray made a reply.
Hev. Joseph Mason moved tho previous
qut-stlon, I be call for which was sustained.
The resolution was therefore put to a direct
vo't, and was carried.
Tbe following young ministers were elected
to Deacons' orders and luemoersblp ia tbe
Conference: W. J. Mills, S. G. Grove, J mil T.
Swindells, J. J. Tlmanus, G. 8. Broadoent;
and T. C. Pearson, aud Joan L. King, aud
Joseph B. Ayars were discontinued.
Tbe Bishop stated tbat by aud with the crra
s nt of Bishop (Simpson. Revs J. CunalOjfdiano,
John EdwarJs and William Bishop are recog
nized as members of this Coufereuos.
It was ordered that a oommUsion of three
mil' lsrs and three laymen be appoiuted to
meeta aunllaroommisslon to be appointed by
tbe MTIbailngton Cor. ferenoe, who tnatl ddrlag
the coming year, adjnst tue Haunoiat and ojr
porate matters pertaining., to tbe two bodies,
and report at the next session of tuts body.
A committee of five was ordered to bear to
tbe Wilmington Couference the fraternal greet
ings of this body.
A O immlttee was appointed to colleot tue
poit-onlce address of luoi preachers.
Notices were given and the Conferenee ad
journed, with tbedoxology and benedlotlon by
Rev. W. MoCombs.
Supreme Court in Banc Chief Justice
Thompsou and Judges Read, Aguew. Buurs
wood.aud W llllams. The following Judgments
were given to-day:
Appeal from the decree of tbe Court of Com
roou Pieas of lieuigh county In the matter of
ine auditor's report of tue Township of Ha co
ver. Appeal quashed. Opinion by Thomp
son, C. J.
Mengle's Appeal from the Orphans' Court of
Betas county. Decree affirmed. Opinion by
Thompson, C. J.
C'ooo's Executor vs. Barns and Wife. Error
tolheCommou Pleas ol Luaerne county. Judg
mentreversed. Oplnlun by Aguew, J.
admissions fkom NBiannoRiNO states.
Several days ago, Howard Geudell, Eq., of
our bar, moved for tne admission of Cuauucey
11. Bruab, Eq , upon a certldoal of admUsloa
into the courts of Wisuonsla. Tue Culef Jus
tice theu said tbat he had no knowledge of any
requirements in Wisconsin lor admission to
practise ibal were reolprooal with those of our
courts, and therefore reterred tne matter to
Colonel Suowdeu, the Pro hoootary, for exa
mination. That geulleman this moraluu re
ported that, according to the Revised statutes
of Wisconsin, tbe applicant for Hdruisstou was
required to show In court only that bunas m
lesideet of ibe rjt&te and of good moral
character, anl npon tnat ruUlit be
admitted to praotlse lu the Superior Courts,
wliuout having studied an hour. Tula does
not accord wlili tue regulations iu our Ooiu
iticnenlt b, which require thu uume of ti.e
student to be rnWiereil wltn tne ProtUouotary
of ibe Com mou Pleas of ibe eouaty.anJ that
hosball bave studied turoe yeats, If us uti;in
uuder the age of tweuty, and two years. If he
negen afterwards. Thtiefore, there being simi
larity between tue two t-ystems, Colonel riaow
den lepoiied adversely to the motion; other
wise, a membi-r of the Wisconsin Bar, us was
stud, wbo bad not prepared himself by nny
study whatever, liiunt claim admission into
i he highest court of this Common wealtn merely
by tbe produolluu of a ot-rtiUouie l'roin that
htste. .
The Court alllrmed this report and refused
the admission.
CouKTcr Qijautks Bkscions Judge Pelrce.
Tbe uutire oi iruuiB sessiou. was taken up with
the tilal of liebry Kelul, npoa trie otiara of
keeping a disorderly house at No. 1217 Pearl
street, whiou was complained ot as tue resort
of abauiloried and lewd men and womea. wbose
revels and brawls were to the scandal and an
noy anc of the good persons of tbe nelglib irhiod.
At tbe olote of our report th case Ud uoi been
Tke "Deep Bottom" tribe of Indians In'
Massachusetts ia so far redaoed la aatabare
cfcij wo fvmftle to kft.
Omci er lira KvaMrxe TrLvaatra.ii''
Xbursday, M. CO 18. ISSS, ,
Tte Morey market pr-eeD s uo new le.sturs.
Coiitiniied cloMpei-s prevails, the suoply of
available lunds s:eadi' laittn? off, white the
derxand ) rather ttcreas n, the daily applica
tions at tbe hanks, ad led to tho-e which hive
laid over from time to tin. making quite a
lorm'dable srrat, cohri.i-iinii tbe limited re
ronrces of the bai kj. T ie banks are, however,
doirif a'l ibey can to h"lp htir depositors along;,
Bnd, by a juotcio ia nlvis on it ib funds atthelr
dispopsl. are prneralW able to meet reasonable
expectation., alibouirb many ol tb r outoners
bave to submit to a re im t onot the arnonnla
h( plied icr. bono-rs s a rule rind money
more acre-'rlble cutpde iban at ibe bank, and
private ruoituiisis are now doing a good bust
lie nt hiprb ta.ea.
Thi re was but tlfle change In s'.eclrs f o day.
and tie butlness was light-. Ooi rument and
State loacs ere vry stead v. Citv lo n o' tbe
new lrstie sold at 101. AH d STlOtkoilS of Uair
luad boLds ere st.sdvi Reading Hallroad
closed at abotit th rame as yesterday
FccnMlvama Ua Irotd sol I at 67 j. an advance
ot; North Feuoslvsn s Batlroad at 34, no
charge; snd L-b'Bb Valley Uadroad at 66.
Bunk rbare wi-re u.o-e so isbt af'er: sales of
Jlpchapic' at 81: Ol.-s.rd st CO: and Commer
cial st 67. Bank and lWeoeer Railway shares
ere beglected, and prices nostly nominal.
Reported by is Bnnu Bro., No. M 8. Third street
ffiitfi rttTSs, New ioi
t 'OSI Ht Irfiuts Ool LlftS
yluist Mor Cl I m t5. sX
Ivan Mmio Rit.., a 1)2
II sli Olrard Bk..M. s
120 a bii
(Hh H.aa K,Oiu. 4jJ
seh N t'Titrat...... 4tJ
1 USD N Penna... 19S S3.i
li N Pa 6i btU H4
UUU I'll It & huu 7s ... U2
it" 0 All o 6s. ...... c. HH
SltKS do... nn
Iti'UUlchSs.suld ji . s S
6i.u0 do hi..
t2uus do uJt
Narr 4 I adner. S ock Exchange Brokers.
Vo. ,30 8. Tbird str et, report Ibis morning's
gold quotations as follow s:
10-00 a. IU UU 10 60 A. M.
10-30 . 131J 10 56
iu-ai , 131 '1 ell "
10-35 " . 131jl2 1SP.M.
IU 10 " . 131
Messrs. Jay Coose & Co. quota Govern
ment securltn-s, etc., as follows? U. S. 6s ol
1881, 11610117; 6-JOa of 18G2, 119J-ai90:
6-20sr1864, HSjraiU53: A 20. Nov.. 16S, 1171SB
118; July, 1806, 113Keall3j; do.. 18C7. 113tfca
113i;dO. 1868. 113ail3: 10-40. I03jfai05i.'
Gold. 131J. Union Pat-too boLds. 103g(dio4.
Messrs. Wliiiam Pamter ft Co., oauxers.
No. 36 Bouth Tbird Stteet, report tbe tollowlni
rates of exchange to-dst at 12 o'clock:
United States 6s. 1881. llCjaW: O. S. 5-20ev
1862, 1194120; do., 1964, 115'dJll5J; do., 1866.
lmcmi; do. July, 1865, 113'113r do- July.
1867, 113rill3i; do. IH6H, U3Jll3; As. ltMOs.
105 J(Jt 1U5. Conopcund Interest holes, past
due, H9-5. Gold. '81rai31. . - . ,
Messrs. De Haven A Bro. nor. No. 40 South
Third street, report the following rates of ex
change to-duy at 1 P. M. -n. 8. 6s ot 1881, 116ft '
U7; do. 1862, H9j011!)J; do.. 1864, 11613
115i; do.,1865. 117i i2U71:do. lS6l,new. 113J
113j; do., 1867. new, 113 113 J; do.. 1868. 113
(JH3j; do., 6s, 10-.0-, 1051054; do. 30-year '
6 percent. Cy 103ir35: iue Compound
Interest Notes, 19t; Gold, L401314; 8llyer,
12612C1. . '
Fhlladelphla Trade Report, ,
iTnuitsDAY, March 18. Tbe Flour market con
tm ues dull, and only a few hundred barrels
were taken by tbe borne oonsumera. In lote, at
t5-255'50 for superfine; I6(gS 50 for extras; I8 60
Stl for Iowa, Wltcousm, and Minnesota extra
family; $79 25 for Penufylvania and Ohlodov
do.; I9ii012 for fancy brauds, according to
quality. Rye Flour, sales at 87 253775 per
barrel. Nothing doing In Corn Meal. .
There is no improvement to notloe in the
Wheat market, and prices are weak. Sales of
1000 bushels red at Si 60; amber at R-65l'08;r
white at SI 851 93. Rye sells at SI 5i$l-57 per '
bushel for Wtsum. Crn Is u:l at ibedeo ine
quoted yesterriny. Sales of 3 60 bushels yellow
at 88o ; and 3010 hm-hels high Wesr-ra mixed
In tbe Elevator at 0). Oats are bmiIIuki at 780
75" for Western; and flug8t. for Pennsylvania.'
1000 bushels Barley Malt a dd at 12 2J .
Seeds Cioveise d i lu sotlve d mandates
advance. Hales oi 550 hnshH at $10310 50.
Timothy rangea from ti 35 in 1J 62 -the latter
rate from accen t hands. Flaxseed Bella to the:
cinsberBat2-62 70. '
Bark tain good dumand, with sales of 50hhdfl.
Mo. 1 Quercitron at Jfi6. i
There are in San Franotaoo 178 elgar fae
toriea a hnndred managed by Clilnamen
making 50,000,000 cigars yearly. . . . i i
For additional Marine Hew tee Imide Paget.
Fobtbvbs Hon aoi. Maiou is Arrived, brl
Beioiuie. fioui Puiiadeipuia tor 8k Mr "a. snort of
water. 4as heo put Uuayi.; luak waier casks, aad
bad inalniopsah hlown may. '
jnbw vun, Marco in. Arrived, steamship Oolora-
bla, fium iivDa.
1 A. Km
..27U A. M m)J p, M .. ...u.
Bteamsblp BruuHUH. Hmt, Nv Y .r, John T. Ohl '
"saw" ?'; V"L oraBr-' L' Wester-
BcprW.L. Vankirk, Walker, Paalego, N. a.
J I D Ofts wf
flctar U. O. Wells. Wei s. Grcenimrt llanlcksoB A rin
Hour Kli uroweil Rowe-, wmfl,H.i.
ticbr J. Bo r ey, Wilnaaia Proviuoatoivn. ' do. ' -Uourl
Kepv,s Timntiv, buleuj. . rtT
Hrbr Hesama RK. No, it hods. Uystle. rta .'
Bohr B. K. Mico, White. Wnniiogtou, d 1.
nf. eHKlp wy'U'"i'. 'reu,70 rrom Bavan
nan, with couou, no. etc. u PblladeluliuT miwt
southern Mail Bteaiuhip bo, H.mX.-mSs
Hmith and ailsr. J. u. Mnnlinrr Phu. win Ti5r??
N. ran.B. U. Maron J w . u'oklusoD M aJkS,
tlbarlea McUali
off Winter Qui
. sVafalll
off wmr (rj.t. . a:,-.
9lt0 Mnmitn a a s .n. .
sivamsblu Iaiu sa More; 1 P.
. . . " - i u Diiain.i w Wltn
Brown. ... Vr.T. ..."A ","ur ?
t o .all ychoo.,' "b'r(.-'.T d' obt
British brls with
aod abaai 12 sclioonera, all
be Odd up.
Mtoanisnlp ErnrjPttft, ITnwn, H
K erk, wilii nuiB. to jiihu ft. (ini.
hoars from New
tscbr Rill. Woi'lnrl, ntyn from James River. -
Sc5,'MoL'.y",k,',, wr Morlrterlvr. - i
Bi brH. B. wtieer Mavrt. irom Wilruliiutoo. DtU. I
Btpsiner ilaruond Suite. Wwbr,. is boors Horn .
Bsltlmms with rndse to A Dm,i Jr.
8 earner Bemy U u flir IS doors from Baltl. '
more, with uudne, to A. Urovoa, fg, t. ,.'
Fchr Charlnttn. Rtrnoban, arrived on Tuesday from '
Malaya. leiiortsJil days' vaosagu, lanlSBd ot M days,
as bsiore. ,i .
1st Inst.. 1st ' i. Inn 3t Iii.' brl Vlncansn, from '
Faieime lor New Yuik, by barque Isaac B. Oavla, ai
this orl ' s !
Corrttwutcm of th PhtuiZilphia Bxehanoe. .. :
Lvra, Del., March Itl-s p. M -B' que uiara. from
itoiaiakm lnr r-lnlo. idOib, Id bow oumlnii la lb
V'I!".Wf,''.A''"- !'"m Mlose for funnel-.
ih: ict rs H..l..iii, frnm Hv..,Dh f..r Nw Yora, ,
vL.r.0J:,"ht;,,,om HJ? ,,,r -st.n: n.!U A.'
".T'i"' Uum nM a ' H.vsa. are
ai the Breakwater, lu coiupanv wli b tbe tWt iwlora ,
reported. JOaEl-11 JjA1KTBA,
MKMDka"UA. ' ' "
y?'$!9 Volutiee,. juueM, ns-ics, at New York '
lnianrt,U,"r7 AUD' Ttfm- benc. Bsvaona'b Wtt
bcbr AriBla Oliltas Ml'oholl, for PhUadelphla.
Clfsred at Hvartnn ye.ida. . v
12?bLS!k'VlD' ,,"rl',1"ldPbla. at Bt. jbhnrN.B.t'
:br..vtnl t,am R'ohmond for Pbtladel-
pbla at nrtraaa Mnnrnn nit, iitnt -
Bohr of ii. Keiiry, tor j-blladelpbla, sallsd Irom
jpewpnrt H h lost
BobraTaHser, Henloy, from ' Portland.' aod H!a-'
vratba Greeu. from Newhnrvnort. bum for fUUaUal. i
pbia sailed from Newnort ibih lssi,
Hohr Patoa, Noyw beuoe for Bastpori, 'at '
Bo'm' Holr lih lul. . c . - . i
Hrbr M. It. KubJ. lijumnn. hanrA. e.1 Km lUdlrwA .
i Z