8 THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, MAitOH 15, 1869. Tit Splh Mission. Tba N. T. Ocmmtrcial Adver.iser of FftUrday p Ints Ibe folio wtkg- Mr. fSmalley, the correspondent or the Tri 9nt. wbo Totted Madrid with strong prepos itions In favor or Mr. Hale, aud who knew noikinc before that time of Mr. Perry, the ficcrvtary ot Legation, wiites a letter, tn which lie dt cidodly disapproves ol the further continu ance of Mr. Hale in the office be baa held ho any j ears. Mr. Hale Is in decav, and such yn paihies as he bus are not with the Spanish liberals. He has little influence with tbe pre rot, a id bad none with tbe late, government. Tbe fdt'or of the Evening Foil, who apeak sylslfedly, and from pergonal observation, refert in tbe htsbe-t terms to Mr. Perry's efficiency and knowledge, pronounces tbe chariies aaainst him calumnious, and urges tbe Senate not to ten Arm tbe new nomination for Secretary of Iyt ation without a careful consideration of the Mr. Hale has already written a letter to a Kew Dampfih ire member of Congress, in which he beys for a reappointment and attack Mr. Perry severely. He also aa8lls Mr. Be ward. These charges anaicst Mr. Perry bad already been commutlcated to the State Department, wrer they were considered and whre Mr. Perry's rtefenre was held to bo conclu"ive. If Mr. Hale's wanton and malicious attack on Mr. beward needed any reply or refutation, it has it in tbe fact that Mr. Bryant and Mr. Km alley alike condemn tbe Spanish Minister and iralt-e his secretary. Mr. H)ebas survive 1 his ufefulue.s, and is already showing the queralousnei-s of aire. Tbe public lnteroat re quires tbe substitution of a new man. CITY INTELLIGENCE. THE CITY FIMACES. Important Statistic from the Annual trport of tbe Controller for tbe Tear The complete report of Joseph R. Lyndall, Eq., the late Controller of tbe city, baa been printed in pamphlet form. Extrao's from it were published at tbe time it waa submitted to Councils, but ttey were incomplete and In many respects Incorreou We therefore present tbe following taMes, all of them of interest to ourcltiaens. Tbe Seventies of 186S and tbe Estimate! Bevenuee of 196 are set fortb In tbe following table: I imaitd Department.' Sevenuet in CoUerxni in I860. Highways, $37 160 17.000 700.000, 186.201 21 16,205 m 7H.H21-10 5,8(000 4,666 67 45 00 1,400 00 1,000 00 17,001) 00 21,856 87 21,110 07 85105 1.95JU0 41,627-76 67.183 12 61 483 22 14,72543 8,766 07 6 812 78 4.554 63 2inB 02 317,625-60 12,63778 098 87 4.560-00 City Railroad ... w a- tr......... ......... Fints and Penulties...... 4 noo 4,800 Pawnbrokera' Licensed Gunpowder Theatrical " Petroleum " Prison " Health 20.0110 19.000 W0OO 600 l.BtK) J2.0IM) Police...... SIKavItT City Boliolior. Mn.Watd 5i.000 62 772 JVAPkl WW .. Wharves and Landings 10 000 4 000 8 OK) 1.000 1.500 11J rivpnivjHHMi City lea Beat.... MlBoeLianeoaieeMeeeeM.-. InlereVtflb Dividends onStock.etc. Btate Appropriation to Poblio Schools Btate Tax advanced in iwe. Park Commission SB5.000 60,000 6,000 I 270 172 Sl.872.823 31 In tbe following table la given tbe entire reve nue of tbe oily for tbeyer 1888; Cash balanoe, Jan. 1, 1868. ......f 1,082 789 18 Receipts from Departments....... 1,872 828 84 Temporary Loans...... .. 835,00000 Bchool lioan.Np. 2 145 80 00 171,600 00 180.000 00 18.200 00 CUV iytaa, no, n.... $326.0110 Loan... ......... Culvert loan, No 2.. 720,000-00 Taxes of 1862.. 857 61 1.022 62 1.657-62 8.708 46 66 040 46 815 989-86 " JS08., lfi4WMM 1865 ........... 1888 1807 - 409 616 43 4,761 812 45 48 089 77 1868 ...... Btate and Militia Taxes i eeeee . Total ,9,220,296 17 MMIMNMMtMMM ! Outstanding- Warrants. Tbe statement of the payments by tbe Olty Treasurer during 1888 has already been correctly pnbliabed, bat the following-, showing tbe amount of outstanding warrants on the 1st of January, 1869, la additional: Department. Amount. City Controller............. $11, 6-! I 99 City CommlsBSloners.. 131.99193 Clerks of Councils. 22 137-81 City Ice Boat- 6 977 21 438 936 60 9 833 80 68 047 01 City nolloitor..., City Treasurer.. mre., Highwaj B............................................. 803 78 J 62 Health. I MMHIMHMMHMIHIIN . l s .ID 231 816-53 71,849-44 4W 489-74 19?.S57 66 79 9176 4.177 81 625 915 98 67 871-21 26,1(3130 200-00 15,81009 430.8 7 99 1,51708 43 917 03 28,010 27 1.517-14 Lighting Ihe city.. Maraeu.eto...., Police.............. POOF ee eeeeei Prisons ............ Olty Railroad. eeaeee Pnbllo School and Loans.., Street CleanHlng...........w... Surveys........... Commissioners of SinkiDg Funds., lie olver of Taxes................ water and Loans. Dtfense of t'lty..........- WTIIIUU Ul 1 HAnmNMHNH,l,M,NmHIMI Park tJommlnHlon - Wills' Hospital...-... 93,338 820-86 Warrants ontstandlng, 1881 lln iln 1Ull l,i7 81 1,016-53 2,551-84 4i.li8-25 20,1-81 78 2i 450-57 19,870-63 Do. do. 1882 1)0. Do. Do. Do. Do. do. do. do. do. do. 1883. 1H6I. 1C5. 18-W. 1867. Total., Meeeaeetl ..93,150,605 30 During tbe year 1888, outstanding warrants to he lollowlug amounts were paid: Tear. Amount I Tear. Amount. S18V10 1865 9112.016 95 167-43 1R88 79.46101 J Wia......-... ...... 1.498 88 1807......... I.OOj.OjO aS 1W 89,890-40' ToUl m..........9 1.848,708 18 WarranU of 1888 paid... 6,409,015 10 Grand total. ....... 97,707,753 28 Tbe Trust Fund. In tbe following table are given the reoelpts. ?iayments, and balances of the several trust nuda ol the city for the year 1888: 2- 1-. futFma. U$ jig Hi tlir.ro KnUta i-,7,)4f 40S sw 37M9 Ii6,19 T li Oiov.r.- T 86 J4 I;7 Wi It'Uoapll'i 101 8.111 7.S72 tie y.lli w J-.vcr Fand I 8,(B9 J,04 28 Yuri JT.uU dy. .... 176 J.077 J 083 170 JTa.l Finn iikill,.. 17 (2 178 (I Olr.rd Furl... 82 fee ids 49 Ci r.rd Bfju'.i lofcboolfc.... 197 Sti4 m ttn B KrPUu.-. 18D7 jw r.ul fcrk. . 11 . f Ixbtr Wir 971 M 81 Hpfirs-. K lei (7 tbvi sz- ;m j.Htxill ' o.. 16 6,71-1 sua ).heit WI... Sit i.17 $.t B MeU.U.O.. II V 4. IX J l""' I 32 7tl W. (Hrltl 7 4h H S A Tuomtsoa. li 14 lao IV H t-CMHUti'.- I ' tt )2 12 K f irmi n... 9 SOU - 1 T J.J W. Morrl VUt M.-,. as I IX. 1H Ol- 1)41 -..... kfe t A. Aram!...-, . 114 SK ........ i JhiKtudUiOt- ltW 4 Ski I.kU S8 .1)1 J,7u0 11,760 6,78) S3 0 .u 8 9ni H 1(17 81.44 1U.(I 7 8'it 1H M0 12,74 SO I 4.0 ' 1 2W 8,144 if) 1,0-MI W7 Ml U) .U0 Hala- csla a-Bdsof Traaure'...M.iit,7i7 Balaao af sscurltlet OB bfcad,.mH.-.M,Jjj,n4 The Sinking: Faude. In the foUowing table are glv-in tbe reoetp espendiinrts, ana balances 01 the several sink ing funds for tbe year I881: nit I? sr o 401 ii 1 r o i Is- O C7 Ol a I & si .-i(jc-eM'-p-jii 5? s v cc 5 a 00 g?r4? t? S 5 - to IO g 5. g g X i i!r a ai.oocooc .51 a, rf. c3 -oc o: -X! to 2 g o'9, 3. 5 2 a .80 3 21 i fefe1 o 13 Ml a- JO S I -! MtO M kj W K C J) C5 CC hS tf' Cl QO Jii i. J3 ssiKiliMllsJ g i s E 5 I 5 SSaSSi?.23 8 I &gSS3S!gSi3!agg3 it g a a 4 U 1 4Si4o4SSi i gggssggggggs Tbe City Loans, Tbe fallowing statement elves a summary of tbe amounts of the five and six per oent. loans of tbe city, with the date of their maturity: Sate qf Maturity, five per cent. Six fitment. Total im 95 100 919 25J 9101 852 1870.. lOf.lOO 185 2.55 283.009 180,625 863 192 149 017 98 191 443 712 2114,400 211.500 218,400 660,183 1,279.105 K9I.274 795.458 2,4V 700 1 157,100 2,078 200 1,152 819 141900 1681900 889 500 1.795 800 2.755 228 6CT7U 4.278 978 9,685 000 2.590.51 K) 1,700.000 18 2ii0 81818 2H4.3 15 427 6 9 285 925 458 793 197 617 110 691 455 712 208 400 234 500 a-J0,400 627 905 1,805 2ii5 291 974 798 458 2 458.SO0 1.160 950 2,078,200 1.152 810 H i WO 1.681 900 1,319.5'K) 1 705 800 2.755 226 87.711 4 278.978 6 6X5 000 2 596 500 1,700 000 18.200 84.818 1871 144.650 11-72-., 1873.. 85.800 93,600 1874 - 48.600 1875. 12,500 lt-76... 1H77... 1878... 179... 1 2.000 2,000 2,1 KM) 67,767 21,100 8,700 80)0 10,600 3.850 1880. 1 QUI JCOlHtlMIHIII 1882 2 1884. 1885 4S8B..eeeee4s os Asses It-88. 1W-9 , 189" 1892. .Meeseaeei 1898............ 1 Ht4,, 4 1895... ..ssMssesseesessseeseeees 1896. C97. .eeseeos e )M)8.. 1 ees4 ess a . vrt ......... ...... 1 Totals. t878.80T 935,824.878 936.608,740 In addition to tbe above loans, tbe following Bbows the amounts and dates of overdue loans atlll ontstandlng on the 1st of January, 1889: vote or maturity. Jtve pa-cent, Six percent. Totals. 1851 912110 94 20 2 (XX) 2246 l.0(X 3 000 13.987 18.11)0 8i.OI4 88,914 118 m 7.H00 48 109 3 413 21.4INI 10 2.8 11 847 85 02ft 1C68, 2,000 2 238 1000 1.21 K) 18 987 2,0 278 8 137 66 0i)0 2 000 4,200 17200 5 818 8 187 85.029 1 8S4 seaeeee. 18i5, llltNlMtMM 1856................... 91,8.0 1867...... sseeesssiestsssssssst 1868 - 13.6(10 )iT)9..... 84788 1860 83 777 181......... 82.528 1862 -.. 6 800 18- 8 1884 43900 8413 4.3 0 4,400 18.700 lHt5, li.AU eeese i 1K87 18U8 , Totals 2R(8 llfll 111 This gives tbe lollowlug Keneral'summary of ;bft,ul funded debt of tbe olty oa Jaumry 1, leo9; 138,503,740 Loans ovoidue atd yet ontstandlnfr... .1100,113 Deduct this amount paid in eicesH or amonnta re ported at Consolidation... 186.417 233 908 Total funded debt. 938.737,738 Smii in OrvicR. Collector Cake was still in potst-t-sion of tbe Cusfiin Home tbls morulng He has as yet teoelved no otUclal ooaiirmaioa llon from tbe department at Washington to turn over the l'U"l'iu Houae to lit. Mtk, n r bNs the last-uamtd gentleman presented him stlf. Ak Owner Wanted. An owner la wanted, at tbe station, Front and Noble streets, for a yawl-boat, which was picked up in Dela ware ray, Bhels 13 feet long, and is painted blues: ou' side and yellow luside. Oa her stern is the name "Io'uw." Rescued from Dbowkisq. Utinry Bradley, aged fourteen monttis, fell loto a tuo of water ou Haiurday at a lionae on Adams aireet, ItP, ,ord- His cries attraoted the attention or nia inoiber, who resetted lier darllug from U owning, k I i It i s U PPPPP?PP 00 rfp! i?lgiBg?.Bii 1 f hiiirstsiip p 1 I s t 9a: 2. Fjs ! ! cM i a-l 4 t 9 THE FALLEN HOUSE. roroner'n Tnnmin,n the Three Botllee Taken Irwm Itx Knloa. TbU morning at eleven o'clock Deputy Coro ner Moiober Beld an invest igatlon into .tie clrcnmsiancea attemiing tbedeaib of Margaret Kydd and her two ohiuirn. Tbo nas 1 aud Ibernlnscf a fallen bouse n Wbite's oonrt. at Xheo. D Terry sw jrn Live back of No. 708 hnllding; heatd a m-n calling for helre wen for assikuinoe, and rescued tbe man. Mr. Kydd hnuV hl'elw three st-orles' In be.gb bnlll of roll. n rock aud nrlc; beard the eraiu about a quarter alter three u'uiiv k In tne m irn lng; in two seconds it bad f .lien down- tner la a water course, on three sides of li- on tu norin. south, and east atdsj bave berd tne old lady say ibat ibe bouse was danseroua and Ibatsbe wanted to set nut ot ,u"urou8, anu John l.u!z, No. 1414 S iippen street, tstl fled Heard tb- crai-b, and far Kydd nrylug ior help; went to tne llmmny e iglne Hoa-eaod got some firemen to nup tn extrljate tne burlei penpi j sot Mr Kr.1,1 nut alive Berjsmin F. Wrlfcht a worn A. a aba lllna inspeotor; have not bteu aula , examine int Je.Vt'ln.0' ,ue '"nt.oyrlDg to tha lct that 1 he rnbb sn baa not yet betn cleared aw -y: I will make an Inveatigi.inn. John Urahnm sworn Live Nr 708 Lolds'reet; neard tbecrafh; rushed totbesnn; mw Mr. Kydd with a rafter across UU Heart; tne bo of bis bead was wedert In with brloh; g-t Mr. ivydd out, endtben discovered tbe arm of hl4 son; bad beard Mrs Kvdd say ibat aoe tuoug it tbe bouae was dangerous; bad noticed that tie front wall of tbe hooge had bulged in; tie north wall wai four inches and the front wll nine Inches thick, JameiOi-r sworn: Live No. 1167 South T.ilr t'eiub street; I palottKl tbe housa before Mr. Kydd moved in and then didn't see aujtiian wn ntr. Inqnst continued nntll Thursday next at II A. M, CITY CtUAtipiAL CALENDAR. A Constable Interfered With Stealing Carpenters' Tools Prevented fruiu doing; Overboard-! h.ft of Iambr Fight In a Tavern -Disturbing- trttl aens A Coal Tbief-Fast Urtvlng- A Tlll-Tapper. -On Friday afternoon Constable William Myers, of the Tweifta ward, proceeded to Uermantown for tne purpose of sell lDg out the stock of a lavera oa Chtlton avenue, belonging to John Keenan. Anliclpat lng trouble, be called at the station ana bad two men detailed to aooomptny blcn. The sale was commenced, when tbe Irishmen inside attacked Joseph Aaford, tbe anotloneer. and beatbltn badly. Tne police interfered and arrested Patrick Baviland for com ml til tig me assauli on Mr. Ax lord, and John Keenan. lue proprietor, for a breach of tbe peace. Alder man Thomas committed them both for trial John Vance was arrested yesterday after, noon for tbe larceny of a lot of carpenters' tools from a row of new bni:dlngs on Ma n street. Uermantown. lie win bave a hearing this at 1 ernoon at the Ceutrai Station. John McVeigh and Captain Klobardson were intercepted during last night, while walking dowa the docks Into the Delaware river. John Delaney, residing in Pottstown, waa taken into custody on balurday for eiealiiiK a lot of lumber from a boute at FUteentn and Barclay streets. Alderman Faucoast held him In $300 ball for trial. At 1180 o'oloca on Saturday evening a fight occurred in the Union House, on Fiftn street, below Caliowblll. DurlDg tbe affray one Charlea Waterman waa severely cut in tbe arm. The perpetrator escaped. Waterman was removed to ms residence In tbe violulty. William Walker, aged seventeen years, wit b several other boys, engaged a carriage at Vanscivei's stables, on New Maiket street, below Laurel. They returned last nljht wlta the carriage broken and the horse in a very bad condition. As Walker had bit ud led toe reins he was esoorted befoie Aluermaa Toland, and bound ovt-r for malicious inisonief. James Ntff was intoxicated yesterday after noon in the neighborhood of ttt. Jojo anl Wood streets. He was raising a dis ntbance, and being remonstrated wltn, pltobed Into a citizen. A polioemun oanue up aud arrested Nell, who was held by Aldtrmaa Tolund for trial William Sayles Is tbe nameoran individual wbo waa arrested yesterday for stealing coal from cars on tbe Oermautown Kailroal. on Nluin street, near Columbia avenue. Alder man Hood sent him to prison. Patrick Farrell wasoverbaulednn Saturday, at Eleventh street and Glrard aveuue, wuiie attempting to steal a bundle of olotbes from a man named Hubbard. He was committed by Aide-man Hood. John G. Smith was driving rapidly yester day afternoon, on B-oad sir et, netr Master. He was slopped and taken bef.ire Alderman Hood, wbo imposed tbe ut-ual fine. John Gehott went Into a tavern yesterday, atCrtsson and Mechanio street, Manayana, and during tbe temporary abseuoe of tne pro prietor rellevi d the till of about 94. He ran out of the place, but was captured aud held to bail by Alderman ltamsdale to answer the charge at oonrt, Teb Gouldiko Woollen Patent. The re cent deolKlon of the Uuited Slates Supreme Coat t In amrmlug the validity of tbe Uoul jiua Wo'llen patent is a very Important one la Us itjllueLce upon woollen raauafacinrers, who will be compelled to meet their lule na.lne-s nnder it, and also on account of tbe amount lnvolvtd to tbe inieres s of the owners of the patent. The original Let lers-pi'eut were Issued to John Gonldlng In the year 1826. "tor an Im provement In tbe mode of manufacturing wo.d and other fibrous materials," and expired in 1840, at which time be wai eulliled to a renewal for tbe further term of 1 even years; but this ne failed to obtain in conseqnenoe of erroneous information communicated to blm by the then Commissioner of Patents in reference to tbe proper time at which his application for the fu eroded renewal should be made. In the year 862. twenty twoyearsafter.be finally suooee led in bavins a special act passed by Congress for bis relit f, which extended and renewed bis pa tent for seven years from theSOtn day of ugust tbatyesr, providing that tbe authority to col lect royally or damsgeB, nnder tbe extension and renewal, should be limited and confined within tbe term embraced la suoa extension, and should not apply to any mannlnery whloh waa In opera Ion previous to said 80. b day of An gus!, 1862. On 28ib of June, 1864, tne pa' eat was reissued Eben D. Jordan, of the well known firm of Messrs. Jordan, Mariti fc Co., as trustee i ned tbe Avawam Wi o leo.Compny for lafring ment, and after au obstlnata realslanoe by a Ixrge o uoblna ion of w ollea mAnufaotnrers,the case was elded in 1886 by granting an Injunc tion with an sooount. Imus settling lb rights ot the patentee, and enjoluiDg all machinery not protected by a license la tbe First district. From thin decision an appeal was taken, and carried before tne Supreme C urt at Washing ton, ai d tbe decision just rendered by thai tri bunal puts an end to all further controvert) as r garde ti e validity of the patent and the ques tion of manufacturers' liability nuder it. Toe pitent embraces tbe mode and operation of carding and spinning wool or o'ber noroni materials; and for a period of forty three years tbe principle bss not been improved, whtob 1 a remarkable faot in the history of patent We are informed thai, the avent and treasurer of tbe patent. Mr. Frederlok W. Tnaver and George D Clark, sre now in our city prrtpared to meet manufacturers wno are llaole under this pa' en t. Thb Board pf Scbveys The regular stated meet in g of tbe Board ol Surveys of tbe olty was bt Id II 1h rnr rnlng. A2feet6 inch sewer was ordered to b- con struct d on Callow bin street, between Twentv fourth and Twenty-flftb airoets; a 10 1 neb pipe on Fifth stnet, between Columbia avenue and Oxlord street; and a thie fee', sewer on Tnlrly tilrd street, between Poweltoa avenue and 11a nil) ton street. ..Tbt.0""if '"'D'-er presented the plan ot the Mm Crek sewer lor examination. .Jrh,!i,OHrd !."" w"nt la' n examination of tbertlfre ent forma le nswi in the country and In Ei roi e to Mi-o- rtain ibe caoaolly reqaUiu, tooHiry off Ibe rat a Nil nn ler t he various jjii. dltloi of tbe district to be drained ,uu"1'" Mat y letters ol imeieai In repiv to inquiries made f,v be CHI. f Kuglneer Mr Kneasa, upon tbe sobjeot of dralnag. , were red. showing tnai much rare and attention hd been bestowed npnn the qnesUoa of sewage for the otiy Ad. Jun-ned. Rodbebt. Oa Friday ulght last an nnooon pled bonse ou Fif evntb street, below Federal waa entered by thieves and robbed of all the! lead pipe that waa visible. I,n8 EDD1N0 INVITATIONS, ENOBAYED IN lixe cewftat and beat tuaauar. IMUiJi iiiUOIA, Mtailouer and Rnrraver, K,M!lIIUUluiJSUl birMt TllIliD EDITIOjN The Tenure-of-Ofilco Act-Its Pro bable Kpspf usIon-The Heuato' Cfllfers-A Caucus of the Pennpylrania Delegation. FROM WASHINGTON. Special IepeUeh to Th Evening Telegraph. alien at Che White Iloune. WAsaiNOTON, Hsrtb 15. As n-na', ihere was a laree number of cullers at the White Hojso this n orbinr, and also at tbe Deparlmeut. The Tniireor-OUIce Act. A nrember of the Judiciary CommlUpo lu formed the President this morn;n thut they bad sgieed to report In fnvor ot su-pndino- tne Tenure of Ufllie act, and he thought Ibe Senve would pass it. At this tbe President seemed much pleased. 'I he Senate Officers. The Repabl cans of tbe Senate beld a caucus this moruintf, for Ibe purpose of no ninatioir officers. Coinbinatioos were formed by which J. B. Finch, formerly member of tbe House from North Oirollna. was nonWed for Ber-peanf-at-Arms, In Ihe plnce of O.T. Brown; J. II. Morris or Boutb. Carolina, formerly of Connec ticut, was nominated for Executive Clerk, in tbe place of De WlttC. Claik; A. M.CUpp, ed'tor of tbo Buflalo Express, was nominated as pabltc I rluter, in tbe place of J. D. Defr- es. Ibe Committee on Election organized this moruinf and ptoceeded to tike up ' prima facie" canes, amonir them that of John Covode, from Pennsvlvama. They will meet da ly, so as to get throajth witi tbe leading cares befoie tbe close of tbe session. Tbe FennnylvaniM Uelegatioa Canens. Tbe Penn'-ylvania delegation did not meet in caucus tbls morning. Hi expected, owlui to the fact that Senators Scott and Cameron could not be present, beine in attend anrn at hn Sena'e caucus. The caucus will meet thia evcLiDg. Cancna Nominations. Detpateh to the Auociated I'reu. .uTbre,8ella," RpP''blican caucus has nominated the Mlowitg offlc. r6:-John k. Finch, to be Setsreautat-Arma; John M. Mjrrl., of Cou necticst, to be Executive Clerk; aud A T Clspp, of BuOslo, B. Y to be Publ.c Printer' These nominations are inteud.-d 'o suor-cp.le recnectivelv (ieorc-A t. Rmo., nmi.. ,i Clarlr, and John Uelrees. Clup, in place of intiti, a cuiwi vi mo Duuaio express, F0KTI.F1EST COS HR ESN -First Session. Senate. Washington, March 15 -Mr. Warner called nptbebiiiio ienew ceruia grauts of laud to Alabama, which was passed. .l,M.r'.je?flSr?tl f,,nt "-solution deoluiug that the act of July. 1808, requiring our O jnsuls abroad to make ret urn of their fees did not, ao iutp effect until tbe 1st of January. 1867. Pase" . Mr. Ciagin introduced a bill to give deputy collectors and assessors tbe pay of oolleotors aud ssxet-Bors when iheyperlorm thedutlesrf the latter. Referred 10 tbe Uomuiiitee on Commerce). Wr. Corbett introdnced a bill to faMII'ate teiegrapbiocomtnnnioatlun between ibe Kis -em and Western continents. Referred to tbe Ui mwitue on O injiiierc. Mr. WilKy lntroduo-d a bill to provide lor the formation aud regulation of corporations In tbe District of txilnmuia. Inferred to tbe Uoia- u.. irr u lUCUIHinUbUI VOlUfOOia. J to Mr. Ramsey Introduced a ulll granting lands sld In tne const ruotloa of a railroad from Lake Superior to Vermilion Lake. Referred iu iii.vuuiujiueBon ftimwt i ,.t.ii. Also a resolution to set apart a portion of Fort Snelling military reservation for a perm, nent military poat. and for the settlementof all turyffSfrs810' Rererred lo Committee oa Mill Mr. Kello'g" inlroduced a bill to guarantee the pajmetilut oenaiu bonds Issued uuoerthe autboiity of tbe governments of Lonlsiaua. Arkansas, and Mississippi lor ttie purpose of repairing the levees in said States. Referred to Commliite on Commerce. itju .u Also, a bill to incorporate the Hint.hern v.r. piefa Company. Referred to Committee on on Al-o tbe following, which were tbe Committee on Fubiio fmiv- referred to Biil granting Ibe right .f way to the Paolflo Centiai and Transit Railroad from New Or ear s to some point on ibe Rio Grande, in tbe dlreotlon ot Mazatlan. - Joint resolution for tbe disposal of public lands in Alabama, Mlssls.ippl. Arkansas, and r lor id a, ' Mr. Ftnton introduced a bill relating to tele graphic communication between tbe United Htatea and foreign countries. Referred to the Committee on Commerce, Also a bill for tbe relief of Mrs. Jane Nor throp. Referred lo the Committee oa Military Affairs. Mr. Cole Introduced a bill granting lands to aid in Ihe consiruoilon oia oanal for Irrigating purposes. Referred to the Committee on Pub lic Lands. Mr. Trombull. from tbe Judiciary Committee, reported, wli bout amendment, a Joint resilu tl n providing Ibat Ibe removals from civil office In tbe provisional government of Vir ginia, provided for in tbe joint resolution relating to tbe governments of Virginia and Texas, passed at ibe third session of tbe Fortieth Cong less, snail not be made nntll thirty days from tbe passage of tbe present resolution. Abo, favorably, with amendments, the bill lo reorganize tbejudlolary system. Tbe amendments provide ibat more tban one Circuit Couri may be held at the same time la the M-me dlsttlcl by direction of the presiding Judge, wbo shall deslguate the business lobe done In esch. Also, Ibat Ihe Circuit Courts may be beld by the Justice of tbe Hupreme Court aud Circuit Judge sitting together. AWT), with amendments, the House hill to repeal an act reaulating the tenure of civil oltice. Tbe amendment makes the bill read: "Be It ent.cud. That an act paxsed March 2. 1807. entitled au act regulating ibe torture of certain civil i fflces br, aud tbe same U hereby sus pended un 11 the next sehhlon of Congress " AI1-0. wllb umenrlmentg, tbe bill to enforce tbe fourleentb article of amendment to tbe Constitution. A amended. It, provides for tbe protection of persons hohtii.g office In viola tion 01 said article, bjr the United a ates attor ney, by writs of quo warranto to lake prece dence f all other cases on the dockets of the United Btaies courts; and on oouvlo'loa sa -h perst nN shall be Imprisoned not more 1 ban one year, etd fined not exoeedlng SiOuO. and be for ever rit-qoaiified from holding any Stale or Fideial office. Mr. Wi sou offered a joint resolution pro viding that a nit Jorliy of any Hta'e Legislature i-hall be stiflleten 1 to ratify sny amendment to tne C 1 a itulion of Ibe United Mines proposed t.y Uongiei-s, and that Ibe reignilon, or wlib drtwsl iroro, or tempoiery refusal to aot, of ibe m ro rltv sio.ll no'. afT t ibi validity of such ratlOoatlon by the intjriiy. Air, Davis objecttd, aud the tesolution went over. The joint resolution to provide for a Joint oomminee to reorganize the departments was passed. Tbe bill to reorganize the navy was taken np and considered uuili tbe expiration of tne morning hour, when the Mil lo strengthen the pnhilo creM was taken np, and Mr. Hprague addressed the Senate in opposition to it. House of Iteprcseutatlvex, Messrs. Stevens. Bla, and Brnton. of New tn. labile and Morgan, of Oulo, appeared and took tbe oath. bt-urr ibe oll or States bills were Introduced and referred, aa lol.owsv By Mr. Poland, for a. free system of national banking. Also, extending tbe time for revising and consolidating tbe e'aiuUa of tne Uulted btaies Also, to trijend tbe JudloU syste n. A , all' wing the defendant la criminal onset to lesiify. By Mr. Jley (N, Y.), to authorize the build ing of a military and postal rails-ay from WaKbirgton loMew York, Ky Mr, Henton, to repeal the set or 4th of July, U6I, lestrluting the Jnrldioiloo of toe Court ofuiaima, aDdtoec'eud the statute of limita tion In certain eases By Mr. Lawrence, to regulate the method of eouvettlnii oid into onrrenoy, being ths act introdneed by Mr. Hnulwcil at last session and psssert by Ibe House. By Mr. Ortrfle d, to provide for the safety of the live! -f pwnent-ers at sea. By Mr, Julian, to prevent the further sales of jinn lo lauds except ander the pre-emption laws. AIo, lo rllsoonrage pnlvganay la Utah, by giamlrg suffrage to ihewoiDoo. Alt-o a xrg Lumber of other bills. By Mr. Gobmn.to auueud the national cur rency act. By Mr. Terry, making appropriations for barbora in Michigan. By Mr Knl ler ( Mass ), concerning vaoancles in the A(ijirant-Gf nerhl'ii Depnr'uient. By Mr. Hank, a bill ait.horizlog tne New York, Newrnnndland and L indon Tolexrapi O.mipuDy to land Its snomarlue oabie ou tne suoies of ft e Unit- d Htxies. Alo. tnrreate tne oftlrio of Chief Veterinary Snrgeon of Ibe United Stales. B Mr. Werd. 10 repeal the section of the aet of I8Y7 whlrh provides that all ord -r, etc., re lating lo military orders made by the President shell be lamed ininnnh 1 be General of the arm v. By Mr, Mnrrell (V) lo modify the existing J lawn relative in trie wnrenotininf system. By Mr. O'Neill, lo encourage and facilitate teiesrapbia rominnnlea1 loa between tbe Essie rn end Western continents. By Mr. Stone, making appropriations to re move the obstructions to the navigation of Britton bav, Maryland. By Mr. Kelley, to establish an assay offlae at Helena, Montana Territory. By Mr, Hoheuok, relative tn gold contracts. AUo. a bill to prohibit the farther lnoret.se of tbe pnblio debt. Bv Mr. Mur Ren, Instructing the Snoretary of Pt-te to Inquire Into tbe alleged arret and lm rrlsnnment of General J rues B. Stead man. Bv Mr. 1'atne, a bin to provide for tne orgnl raiirn 0f a provisional government in MUsls s'ppl. in Mr. Hopkins, for the better protection ot immigrant pessei gersat. sea. A l-o, by varlona members, a large number of bll's, most of which have be-n before tbe com mit i es at tbe last session. They numbered in all 145. A Defaulting; Treasurer. Lowell. Mae., March 16. McAlviu, the new City Tieasurer, has been sworn into otflce, and made a deo aud on the late Treasurer, banish, tor the moneys, hooks, account, etc. Garrlsh passed oyer the acco'int, kej?, notes, etc., but as to money, be replied: "I am unable to give you monej; I haven't it; it Is ponp." lie was arreted and lodged in Jail. The deficit thus lar is $32,929 Rnlclue Fire. Tbot, March 15. Marcus Hdrldge, a promi nent citizen, committed suicide last evnin?, by cutting bis throat with a razor, during a tit of mental deranueruent. He was fifty-eight years of ave. The residence of Daniel E. Paris was partially destroyed by fire ibis m rmng. LorS ou build mg and tutniture about $8000. Falling; of a Church. Lkwibton, Me , March 16. HVavy snow on tbe root of the Coiieretrnnooal Church at Wil ton caused is to civ way this morning, en- ti'eiy levelling tb buildup, and destroyiue the organ ard furiiiiure. Tbo library alone was uuoistui oea. Obltnary. New York. March 16.-8epbpn D. Clark, formerly connec ed with tbe Ne York Express, ii . n ii ol f!.,,na rial. nal.Kla. UItU UtUVU) a.m..,, J I. hi iUUJ, Latest Markets) by Telegraph. Baltihobh, U4rli is. Uo.too quiet at2SX. Flour cuii auu inactive; we quoie Howard s:iel aapsrUaa ai 7 7f.8 5-.: do. extr at Id 7o: di. latuily at 9 v ovig. w v: m iiib nueru"i9 a, f-,ortl,o &i ao, ex tra att7ft9 50r do. faoillv St S 79Calll. Wtub.rn n.r. fine at -tx (g,-: do. extra at 6 oH"l6; no. fatntl. at tvte-itJ. w a-a. uuii; saifrB ut primern at f Corn 1 un: 1 rime wultn. s:p5e : ye low, wmssn. uats dull .tM(o,5o. Byednll ai l-40Ta)l 46. PorS Arm attu&il (ui.t.H. itHonn .etive, srttn an advaooiuK teodHoor: no idea i.?a(si7. clear a .. i7ijiBa; suoul lni, lV(a UOI bui 8O(021i-, L,rrt 11 aj 110 Whisky flmj. se es at US".: s ine are h Idlng oft? for an advanoe Maw Yhbk, Mrcn 16 Uoiiou qule. ; Suu bales sold at iHaB.o. Rlimr d ni. aa t prlc. r.vor bnyris, bui are wl'buut deoldd obai.ga. Wbe.t tlroirr. bul qnle'; bbI ol 7 0 busbels No. 2 at (1-43 Corn heavv; sales ol 27 000 bu.lieis mixed Wentera at (WCa.UOHc 0's duil B-wt dull; new Ueis S(U67W extra moss till S Pork b-a-y; new aaass til. Lard Arm; steam IdSUc. WblBky quiet. FORREST. lie Has Rome Extraordinary Views Re- speclluif tbe Airs; rue a. Cor. of the LouitviUe Courier-Journal. NAmviiLE, Mach 9. A fewdavs ago General Forrest ana Major Min -i Merhwetber, engineer if ibelevetson tne llissifaipoi, were my com -panious part ot tbe way Irooi New Orleans. As we passed throuph beautt:ul tracts of country lying wate, I a-ked (Jeneral Forrest hojyit could ever be repopulsted. With Eeftroet," rvasbis reply; "they are the best laborers we bave ever bad in the Uouth. Those anion? ns behaved duriuar tbe war in such a manner ibat I etml alwas re-pect tbem lor it, and I wouli Lot bave one of mlue back, nor bave them enslaved, if I could. My boue ser vants" continued he, "ar9 witti me jet in Mem phis, and never would leave me." "But," said 1, "jou have bad the name of beine hard on that 'peculiai' " "it is t ot true. faid be, with euerfjy; ' I bave alwajs lelt kindly towards tbem, an J always treated tbem kmdly. Kven the 'Fort Piiluw Kacfacre' was inves.igated, and the Federal pfficcis, to a nan, Btated that I was not to blame. Ihe fort never hnled down the flier; I cnt it down with my own binds, and did all I could to stop tbe firing." "But how, General," continued I. "are you to repooulate with negroes?" "Get tbem from Africa" was his Btaitlii.fr reply ; '-they'll improve a'ter coulee here are tbe moBt imitative creatures in the world; and if jou put them in squads of ten, with one experienced leader in each squad, they will toon revive our country. I want Nor bmen to come In here, and would protect sny n any ho comei to build np tbe country with my lite; but they won't come; Europeans won't come; then, I say, lei's get Atricitis. By pursoinE a liberal policy to tbem we can bneit them aud tbey us. The prUouers taken la war ovt r there ran all be turned over to us, and emipiate and b freedaen bere. ' I bad ao imerest," continued he "in the VS'anderer, and we bought over 400; only sis per cent. died, fbey were very fond of grasshoppers and bues, but I taught toi-ui to eat cooked mat, aLd tbey were as pood nieeersas any I ever ban. When prejudice irets oyer, our Goy erna en, will io-tr this scheme; there is no need of a war of race. I waiit to tee the wboie country prosper. It's my country, and I don't intend to give it up hs long at I ran do any tblLsr to build it up. Ism an imer can, and from the day I surrendered nave beeu for the United Slates." PHILADEtPUU STOCK K10HAN6K SALES, M 1K0H 13 aeporied by De Haven A Bro., No. 40 8. Tblrd street BS71'W1KH BOARDS. IB00U Bfs.'s ,Jy 1.6 4 HO aa Head., iWa. it Ssli iS It 'l low do M.t iwu. 40 idO HO do .08 Id l-l lui) HO do 46 10 100 do.M 2rt 4 t ill l"0 BJEUUNO BOARD. do.....s-46 I 16 dn.M......blO. 49V. do ... wo. 4 it do.. it 18 ao..........it I u Iireo citv e WBw.la.iui fliuu N P KG. 84 2ih0 PI II A Krie S ... 875. f . to Pa t W L.cu.Hil sonu N Central. ....... I8t I MX sou all Nlavara Ol .... li 0 U Peuua ii....2J. ENVELOPES. A I arge Assortment at llie YERY LOWEST TltlCES. Fnve lopes Trluted for ? 100 1'er Thousand. It. 1I0SKINS ft CO., M 4 K UF ACT a RE rta, No. 013 ARCH StrceL ws8m AMERICAN CONEUVATORF OH" MUSIC, a K. vo.uer TE VI 11 and WAI NUT mr-u t-urlug Quarter will hegtu MONliAV, Msrob it Aiaiufes 01 ssw puiiila should Its eutertd this wsaa. si FOURTH EDITION FE0II THE CAPITAL. The House Cnmmlttees-Thelr An nouncement To-flny Nomina Hons by the President. FROM WASHING TON. Special Detpateh to The Evening Telegraph, The Ntnndlnfr Commit teen. WiBHtNOTOM. Morch 15.-8peaker Blaine bay just announced tbe standing committees of the Ilouse. There are a large tumber of chanRes. Frhcrjck remains at the head of tbe Ways and Means. Dawes Is chairman of tbo Appropria tion Committee. Garfield chairman of the Bank ins and Currency Committee. General Butler Is chairman of the Rec n-triiclon Committee Wahburu (Mae.) is chairman of the Claims Committee. Dixon Is cbatrnan of the Com meroe Committee. General Farnsworth is chalr man of the Postal Committee. Banks Is chair, man of the Foreign Affairs Committee; Bing ham of the Judiciary Committee; and 8cofleld of tbe Naval Affairs Committee, Ditiiatih to the Associated Pret. lreRtoutlal .omlntlon. The Presidtnt sent to the Senate to-day a . number of Domination., which by a recent rula of that body cinnot be opened by any oue before goiuR iato Executive session. This rule waa adopted to prevent confusion during the legis lative pioceedingD. F0U1 Y .FIRST COX WKESS-Flrst Session Iloase of Representatives. Cnt Huedfrom Third EdUion. foTiowf8:-akera,i0auoed tDe "ommlttees a. Am"JB ?.nd Mean?-Mp"ri-SohenoB:,'Hooner D ckey. Nlblaclt, and Beck. "'"ue oa'fsnt. Banking end Currency Messrs. Garfield Lynch. Judd, Oiburn, amltn (Vt), pioair LasU.Cox. and Jones (Ky ) x r"ow Kesoiutions Mesrs. Buller (Mass.). Parna. wortb, Beaman. Fslue. Ward, Julian, Poland Whltiemoro, Beck. Wood, Woodward, Morgan. Ou the Reorganization of the Civil Service Messrs. Uotohkiss, Jenokes, Armstrong, May. nard.and Kerr. J On tne Ninth Census Messrs. Btokns Oar. field, Banks, Allison. Laflio, Culiom, Wiikln. mwt wtuvuiaUtUU auuuuiHUKOr. On the Pacido Kali road Messrs. Wheeler Loaan, Morrill(Pa,). Van Horn (Mo ). Hopkins BuiHnton, Lynch. Palmer, Roots, Van Trunin Voorbees, Axtell, aud vviimou (Minn). ' On Olaimf Messrs. Wasuhuru ( Mass.), Hoteta klss, Hoiman, Coho, Stokts, E t, Dookerr Moore, and miles. jr. On Commerce Messrs. Dixon, O'Neill, Ineer soli, Sawyer, Finkeinburg, Bennett, Oonser Hoiman, and Potter. ' ' " On Pnbllo Lands Messrs. Julian, Ketoham. Townsend, Fitoh, Uawley, Wlntns, .SmytS (lows). Wilson (Minn 1, and McCormicft. Post Otflce Messrs. Farnsworth, Ferry Hill Twltchell, Boyd, 'liver, Fitoh, bmith and' Adams. Manufactures Messrs. Morrell (P.). Ames. Sawyer, Smith (VU). Sealoru. Upson. Morriil (Me.). Cleveland nd Rloe. .... ' Agriculture Messrs. Wilson (Mass.), Lough- ridge, Fisher. Smith, Dyer, Benton, Cress. Ax tell, and Reeves. Forela-n Affulrs Messrs. Clark, Vanhorn. Shanks, Talfe, Bailey, Deweese, Armstrong! Munuen, and Trlmb e. . Military Affairs Messrs. Logan, Cobb. Near ley, Paoaard, Stouguton, Arober, Asner. Mor gan, and Slocum. On Mliltla Mes..-s. Shanks,' (Ind.), Clark Smyth (Iowa).. Boles. Donley, Moore (Ohio) Disttlctof Columbia iitgars. Cook. Walker Williams (ind.). UilOliao, Boles, Hanaton, Cowles.Utone. and Knott. Judiciary Messrs. Rlnsham, Dawes. Butler (Mass.), Cook, Peteis, Merour, Lougurldae. Eld rioee.und Kerr. " Revolottouary Claims Messrs. Boyd. Am bier. Prosser, Sooughton. Wuner, Jones ji. O ) Ngley, Morrlsey.and McNelly. r Public Expend It urea -Messrs. Coburn. Saw. yer, Wilson (Onto) Hawkins, Knapo. Don. elley, Jones (N. C ). Geia. and Hamlll. Private Land Claims Messrs. Blair, O'Neill Dlxen, Welker, Maynard, Wasnbnra (Wis.) Swann, Knott, and Potter. ' Naval AQ'alrs Messrs. Scofleld, Ferry, Ste vens. Ketoham, McCrary, Hale, Archer, and Haigbt. Foreign A fTalrs Messrs. Banks, Judd. Blair. Wilkinson, Sheldon, WUlard, Ambler, Wood! andtswatn. Terri' orles Messrs. Cnll-m, Ward. Taffe. Dyer, Pomeroy, Moore (Oalo), Duval, Hamble ton, and Cleveland.; Revolutionary Pensions Messrs, Deweees, Williams, Knapp, Glia Un. Wlnans, Batter (Tenn.),Rlce, H gers. and Smith (Oregon). Invalid Pensions Messrs. BeDj.mln, Benton. Wilson (Ohio). Hay, Puelps, Bowen, Btrick- . land, Bird, and Sweeney. Roads and Canals Messrs. Iniersoll, Ames, C bb(N O.), Smith (Ohio), Prosser, MoGrewV Weils, and Wlnonester. Mines and Mining Messrs. Ferris, Bargent. Hawkins, Sirloklaml, Pomeroy, Duval, Roots, Dlckerson, and Brlggs. FROM MAINE. - The City Goveriittiniat of Antraata. AtroiTSTi. March IS. Toe new eit irn. ment was inaugurated to dav. Mavnr Titnnmhv aidress shows tbe city debt to be $366,000, of which amount $250,000 is a contribution of fh city to the development of tbe water oower lm. 1'iuitujtui, uu wuiua eaiisiaciory progress bat wu lunut, auv ...n.vi luuuiac, fcUG UrUUlUKOry liquor law. anl nrneg the enforcement of all Fatal Accident. Bochebtsb. March 15.-Allison Smith, of Spenceri ort, was almost ius'antly killed yeter- oay aiirruoou, wuue euierinf tne congrega tional church iu that viliace, at the bead ot a funeral procession. Tne trto door of the belfrv of tbe church was taken trm i's fasteulnes bv the wind and burled uo in bis bead. . THE F,UROPMANMARKETS. Tnia EventuK's JHarUeta. By Atlantio Cable London, March 15 Evening. Consols for money, 822, and fr scooout, 9 J. 6-20sq'i1et aud steady at 83J. Uaiiwavs tea.iy; Erie, 26J; Iliiuols Cenuul, 07; Atlunuo and Great West, ere, 82. ba.-ikp3bt, March 15.-6-20s. 87. Liverpool, alaicn 16 fcveoiug. Ciiton cbeed quiet and eieadr. Uplands, 121'24d.; Orleans, 12i2id. Sal-i to-dav, 10,000 bales, bpuiis ot Peiroleara, 7d; reined d,, dull. London. March 15 Equine. it-Oued Petro leum, 1. SJU. Linseed oil, ih Calcutta Lia seed, 60s. Amtaebp, March 15. Petroleum easier at 66(3) 66A f. Glasgow, Mirch 15. Arriyed, steamship Inula iron New Yot. Stock Qnotations by Telegraph 315 P W QleDdlnnlng, Davis On. report through their New York house the lollowlm,! . N. y. Cent. K.. ......... it 1, Wrsu Union Tel.... 88 N. Y. and Erie R Ph. aud Hea. R... 1 L 7A U li 111... ...a in. 1 i-a Uihv. uud Tol. lt.ll.liK l9i 1'olt'd'xfe WabHsn.. MIL A SL. Pi.nl mim i niQU,nuutuHru v"j dev. A Plllsb'g H. nhl. and N W rm UAi Mil. A hi.. Paul nrf ' nhl.and M W . r.rt till J Wella. Krto Exp.. 82Ji United H uie., bi Tenn. tta, Btw.,.. Uold...Mm. .Zl Out. and R. I. R...12U Pltts.A . W.M....)2u Panian Mall S, Co.. 09 Market steady. The police of an Oalo town offir to wake up oltlzenB, If they wUh. at any time in th tight.