The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, March 11, 1869, FIFTH EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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aBal 0pmifinfnlf th Woman1!
ft rd leal Cwll-Kf.
Tns Seventeenth Aonoal (JoiumoDoement or
tb Woman's Medioal College iru held al nooa
to-day in Oonoert Halt Tbe andleooe waa very
large and toe proceeding fall ot interest. An
tieellent band of tnniilo waa in attendanoe.
I'd lnirodaotory prayer waa delivered by toe
Be. A'beri Barnes His Honor Judge Pieroe
tnen made a very happy, pertinent, and inte
resting addreM, reviewing tbe pant history or
tbe Institution, sod touching npon Its future
prospects. He WM 'reqaently applauded.
Then came tbe eotifdrring of tbe degree, by
T. Morris Perot, Eq., Pre-ldent of tbe O jllege,
lon tba following graduates:
JuiUna T. worn, vuiu. aiuui.
Kndoiphia U umoliilu, New York,
The Clr-
eU.'.l.'n tturlnrr Maryland,
11.(1. L HOpllUH, W Mm. Alli KUWI'tB,
V H W. Martiourg.Pa O miaiugit It looinjea.
Kothanssia P. Mad, 'l iiitornl i. D n.
Kiiai V. Petri". New Yo k. D.aoeus .vtilitu.
MaVypiati. Ne Jersey. Tne strujture and
notion of tbe boman skin. .
Anu U Bey mnr. Canada E wt. Hygiene.
ljyi'ila Hmlth. Massachusetts. Mutual la
sence of mind aud boxly.
Mary H. Bi Inson. P. The Hslold Group.
Clara Bwaln, New York. Ujiloinelrlus.
fUrao Taylor. Nw Jersey. kry stpela.
M L, Towsiey, New York. Tuo bnrutu eye.
Klli Tuwnseud, Onto, Nature's curative
Tbe valedictory address was then delivered
by Dr. Benjaralu B. Wilson, Professor of
Sargery. Tbe following Is a synopsis of tbe
For more than one bund red years has tbe good
ally ot Philadelphia suslnlued for herself Cue
proud position ol tue int-tropoilsof utediolue of
vne United a1 ales, for more than one tiuudred
years, at eaon annual return of tbe eariy
BiiilnK lime, she has been seudlng fnrtb from
ber bollB ot learnlbg her doctors of medlclae.
wbom sue baa b led and prepared for tae grrat
Vtork it doing bottle agalasl disease and death.
And our sister on its arouuil ns have seeu
that It was well to follow In tbe footsteps of
those wbo a otntury ago created tue firs',
medical college on tbls side of tbe Allauito,
and to Imitate an example so fraught wlta
blessings to onr race. Many medical so boos
bave been founded and establlsuet upoa tae
elasslo mo -el ol oar time honored University;
and tbelr graduates, woiklng side by side and
sbonlder to sboulder with our own, vie wltb
tbein In skill, In industry. In energy and sac
cess In tbe succor and relief of suffering hu
manity. For suffering, disease, and death are theao
polnttd inheritances of the human raoe: our
lot Is to be boru to suffer aurt to die. From
every quarter there oomt 8 np to ns tbe cry of
palii', on every hand we seethe pale face and
wasted form, the llusned cheek and glowlug
eye ol ever. And uo condition or circumstance
ef life can exempt us from tbls common sen
tence proucunoed upon all muuklnd. From
tue lowly cottages of the poor and bumble, from
toe comfortable mansions of the prudent and
niuiunw." . . - ...... ...
tb.Sfiv. from we stateiy paiaces 01 lie
wealthy niuunu.,
comes alike
tbH aDDesl lor neip
the time of
a.v II. I In nhililn all urn Ih.
Inexorable decree which, given out 01 th,e
gates of Paradise, still sounds in oar hearts ..
ft did to tbe affrighted ears of our first parents:
I will greatly multiply tby soirow." Tbe
painful Intplration of our first drawn hr-.
nd th final aaony ;e ,RSl expiring sUb!
but sub end the worldly fcufierlng with which
tbe measure of our lives Is tilled.
And to contemplation these conditions of oar
eartblv existence, our tiinugbts turn at once to
the kiudcess, the bent-licence, the goodness of
Ood In piovlding rermdles for our physical
ailments. We caunot but adore that Uivloe
excellence wblon has permitted no png to
afflict our body without f arnlsulng a medicine
with whloh to Bssuflge our anguish, wbo has
per ml' ted no disease to work destruction upon
our earthly lraim-a without an auttdote to stay
Its destructive progress. Our Uod Is a loving
and pitying God, and we have but to turn to
tbe means whloh He has provided, to searjtt
na'uie for ber stores, and Hud there a balm tor
every wound, a cure for every 111.
The art of medicine has, tnerefore, always
been an Important art, and throughout tae his
tory of tbe world has cons' ant ly kept pace with
tbe aeneral progress ol Intel. eotunl improve
ment. How Is 11 possible to oouoelvo a more
amiable, a more nobler character than a faltb-
ful. earnest, nnd eonoleuttous practitioner of
meuioiniT ilia mina is eniare i du expanaeu
by discipline and oiiervalloti, by study aud at
tainments In science, and bis heart mellowed
by tbe habitual exercise of kindness and bene
volence towards the afflicted objeots of his care.
'Who, tben. soimporlaut to a community as be
who motec s. nreserves. aud restores tbe health
of tbe people, without whion no bleating would
be enjoyable and life itself of Uuie wortn, a
boon scaroely to be desired?
And now of late to our good people it baa
seemed well that, In this great work of charity,
ci mercy, oi numaniiy, woman, tue neip
mate and ally of tbe stronger aud sterner sex,
should be invited, instructed, aud ooiouiu-
Bloned to bear ber part. Pioneers now, tu the
middle of tbe nineteenth oentury, as pioneers
wm mvii In thn middle of tbe elltnth oeniurv.
a do not wait to inaulrewbat o.hers are
Anro In I lila nr that, srnod work. Weouly astC
If oar aims are right and proper, are tuey in
tbe interests of humanity and progress?
i ik.i .nun r,f tablimib activity lu tue cause
of progress, and tbe work ot doing good, wuiou
u.ntnrvaiio to tha establishment in tbls
piaoe of tbe first medical school or tbe country,
Wwsawtbat tbe interests ot tbe siok and of
'society was to be benefited by tbe education of
women for the profession of medicine-, and to
see, vm to be ready to ot; and so at ouoe was
inaugurated a movement, the slight initial
effect of which society has hardly yet began to
feel, but whloh at noverydls aut day is des
tn.i tn html a mnat nrofound influenoe npon
mnmm nf tba customs of enllgQtened couamaul-
li bm throoobout tbe oivllleed world. And it
Mom, indeed, eminently proper that bere this
Idea should bave its birth and this movement
lis inception.
Thn name of our cltv Is Identified with muoh
that is renowned In tbe history of Araerloaa
medicine. Here f nysios, me miner oi o.uiert
. luirimri' hers Uusb. tbe patriot, stalesinaa,
nLhnr u n ri n bvslcian: bere Dewees. for many
esra tbe aulhotiiatlve writer In his depart
ment both in tbe Old World aud tbe New,
lived, praolUed, and taught tbelr profession.
The Very atmosphere of the plsoe Is profes
sional, and points to all that U high aud noie
The question of the propr'e.y and the expe
diency ot educating women tu modiolus
n.inu ih nerioo of the exialeuoe of our col-
iea been freely debated both in and out of the
DrotVsMou. Webavenotnow tbe time, nor l
ft numulnn. tu entr uuon tbe consideration
- .urn has been or minbt be said upon tbe
aobleet. 1 would only advert to the laoltuat,
wltit strange inconsistency, the oppouents of
the measure bave, on the one nanu, aeoiarea
that the profession of medlciue wouid be
degraded. Towered in tbe esilmatton el the
?fio h i h admission of woman within
Itssacrtd portals; and, on the other hand, th it
woman herself would be degraded by contact
WBucbbargnmeenVsDr'efute themselves. If medl.
Ine iatbi noble pioi.sslou wnloa we be leve
r. 7 i .. o.. .nv nun min or woman be de-
UTed by pursuing li ? Nor will our oblvairou
resect for the leoiale cnaraoier permit us to
r?TPri .V.. M0,t d.rotfatorv to tue medio!
pTofesilon can come f om her assumption of
eWeollw duties aud prerogatives A ud now.
hen so msny avenues iui luuop iniou.o.u.
7." rt.nvnelna opened for the employ-
lTi. .iwanrementof woman, tne on y
emsstlous would seem to be, Are tbe study and
Sraetlce of medicine suited to our estimate of
Ler obsraoter ? is heailug the sick a womanly
work? Is the mills ei log U tbe wan w of tbe
TL'.J... . ...unlv i.eeuoation ? If it Is al-
Townd to be so. then In tbe name of humanity
Srmlt ber to make what she may. fcx
irWaee will prove ner ninees
fZJZZ nt tL .evt.i.teeritb graduating class,
to me bas been assigued tbe duty, in the name
it my colieesues aud myself, of blddtogyou
bve. aud glvii a you a God-speed lu tbe
sVoTttssion wbicu you have oboeen as tbe work
T' r. ii. Tal l not sav It Is a plea-
n.. f.,r nu meet here as teacher and pupil
for tae last time. Th" sever noeol relation so
tatlouaie as those i4 teacher and pupil inusl
klways be accompanied by saa reneououa.
a - -..n r hindi a a Darting grasp,
ik... I. ,nJn that mm on n l.l sav: muon the lm
jvort of wblob yon already gnee; muca whlon
you already know. 4 A. A. .
t Ml assay uea agam, (hat U great tratn tot
"l ' 'I f Haul h U rlni. o r..l
i sgoby. oi ;riv". w: .r ""
men. delical ku "".T"t: ""
' grarlnates Is that yon are lo be studnn's still -nay,
thai you muni always oe ma. lent, aiw v
be learners. Tula Is In fact comineuoeinen
day and oo mter for tu first tiuie tbe gieai
cnnoi of espeileace In whloh so luaob is ion
lewrDtd. Lei me uricm ly eotreat yoa tbeo
most asslduonsly to cultivate an 1 extend yjur
siure 01 pi uteMNioual k inwiedge oy oim 'ii
andoarela obtwrva Ion. renvoi lou, aud rnndln.
Let nnopporluul les eoat of studying for
oorelvts (be asie ct, pbenoiueni, and baolt
of olseae aud tlie ff-ols of remedies.
Place tlun, from tbe first, ail your hopes for
advancement upon tb ex'ent of you profes
sional abilities alon". Boould any of oa bave
iiticipatlotis of snvcesN from fitber ineana, Dn
dlsabDHd at once. Bueb expeotittloiis are a
delusion and a snaie, an g nt fatu i to lead you
Into illincumei and Unuliv ttots ruotlou
Vim will never, 1 m sure, oesso to lemem
btr tbesucied obnraoter of your mission t. le
cause of obailiy, o mercy, of linmiitly. Y)i
deole oorNel' heno f rto t tue nino'irlog ol
tbe slch, the comfort lug f tb sffliotd. AtI
In iliisytiu have made no mental rmervtlou ot
eva lob of wbat will of. en prove seif saoritloiug
duties You bave entered lulo a morl ou
tract wiin iboe who are to beoome your
paitentg, to piiileoi aud P'eserve for mem tne
inrKtlmxhlt. gifioof bealtn and llf by all the
m sns wbion the reseiobes of medio 1 suleuce
bave iieen able touevise,
l o not lorget the claims of tbe poor In parse
for tbe poor you have iwn)n win, u.
e ml lie 11 1 pb- sli'Un nocoin'.d 1 nt ine ooic" were
his best patients, for that God was their py..
muster. K
But His as women praotltloners of medicine
thai I havo for you a sped. 11 course tuis uy.
As a tace. as a oide, Aineri0ii- do notsuov
ibe iHirest type of heHu, aud Ik Is said or
AiueilOHii women m particular that though
beautiful in oniu tbey f tde early aud sulle.
more, especially from nervous d setses, iiu
any oiber oiviiiieed people In tuo wor.d. Tin
thei-e aie facts may, 1 iMufc , f ilrlv beoouoeded
And the explanation of these fnois Is to be
fnui d iu the iamebtablo waut ot koowlo.lge,
evi n among tbe more eouoaled and lutellignut
port 101, s 01 our conimuuliY.of lberiudmutHl
laws ol JlJHiene. Tue )aof our b-lug, ibe
circumsistces wbinb ennduoe to the preserva
tlon 01 our healtb and even 01 onr lives, are uol
made matters of study and o msideratiou as
tuey should be by our people, and especially by
Otir wouen.
Fiom tbe Intimate and coofl.lemui relation
ship which Is to exist betweeu yourself aud
the influential of your sex, we hope muo fr in
yoursi ni d precepis aud good example. Your
tact and judgment will obtain tor you whole
s' me results where one of tbe sterner oex
might labor In vsiu. Bhow your p.itieuts where
the Inexoiable exaotlons of fashion, of custom,
ofbablisare at variance wltb the dictates or
Judgment and piudenoe, and insist, wiin tbe
mi. d but firm authority wnion your proles-don
assigns to yon upon a return to reason, pro
priety, aud good sense.
As j cm caie lor tbe mothers of Amerloa, so
will you bave charge of the children ol oar
people Tue mothers of a oouutry fisniou
tbe people thereof. Tne mortality ol infant lire
is among us simply enormous, aud the best
tflo tsof physicians setm thus far to be in
adequate to stay tbe tide or death. Oue-hlt of
all children bora die before reaching loeir
seventh year, and many grow up witu foeole
aud wasted frames. Let it be your duty to
check this terrible saormoe of human lite, aud
save lives io theoommunltv b" a bigner exer
cise of x rofei-Rlouai Hcomen. To you I lot: ust
tbe problem in the faith tuat iu li you will find
congenial empioi mout for theexerolse of your
bigbetl talents, and lhtt they will not be ex
erted 1b vain.
Sheriff I.yle Vlsll- Twitrbell and Eaton
lu IDelr elin.
At balf.past ttiieeo'clockvesieiiliy after n-xin.
ptlt;lll Lyie, accompanied by bis Deputy,
ThoIuhS a. Bmitli, K&q , vi.ited Moyameualug
... . -v, r.uri'oso of teadiuit the dsitu
1 rison mr - . n flxins, tue 8ih oay of
warrants received by In- lu a ii and
April next, between the hours . v djjf
P.M.. as the lime for carrying ouiw. "yj
tent nee imposed uu'n Gtmigoo. lwltobell, 1
... . . L. Uill unrl OufO 111
lor tne muruer 01 aiia naoijr ia. u..,., -
Ka on, lor tbe muiuer 01 nmomj
Yesterday 's Tklkukaph reo oi deil tue reoelpt or
the d nib warrants by tne einenff. Mr. Peruana
leci lved Mr. L le aud his Di pu'y at tne prison,
end witu lr. wutoaer unci several 01 me jau
officers tbe party proceeded to Twltobell's oell.
There tbey louuu me oouueiuuau mau iu uou -
veisatlou witu ine lie v. ueorKe cringuurst,
bis lalthlul and utteniive spiritual advisor.
Ou the party entering tue ceil 1 wi oaeii roe,
aud was introduced 10 tne teuentr ov Mr.
Brli.ghuist. Twiiobeu snook toe nuerm ana
parly uy ine uuu ju m urmij uuiuouuiy
manner, aud alter a short, desultory con versa,
tlon, the Buenff told Twllchell became uowlll
Ingly to di-chargea paluful duly, wnioU was
IO reSU to mux vue wmithuii uo uhu roiwiven
from tbe Governor fixing tue day lor bis
(TwitcbellV) execution.
TWllcneil, bliguiiy Kuticiu. nmrai iut ug uhu
no tault to find with tne Hue. iff for bis aouon in
the n.atter, as he knew no wa nlmalyuis
cbargu g bis outy, but remarked, -'Tue d-iy will
come wnen every bouy tnat uasnad auytniug to
do with any conviction will be very sorry for it."
After a hi ler pause tsoeun Liyie prouucea tne
wairant, aud oommenoed reading it; but bis
leeliLgs oveicame blm, and n UMUUed tue
warrubt to uepuvy oueriu oiuiiu, wuo reaa it
through. During the readiug or the document
tbe entire party stood uuoovuied, aud a death
like stillness pervaded tue apart mout, making
the scene a solemn aud impres-tlve one.
The condemned mau tueu iuob. u nam, aiong-
ci.iu nt Mr. Brinaburst. sua remaraea. in a
slightly tremulous voice, that he bowed to tae
in motions tnat ids uuru mu pr'jpor to
place nton blm, and he hoped and believed
tnat tbe same strength that bad been vouch
safed h in so far in his trials would stand by
him to tue miter enu.
Tne Bherln tben lurorniea 1 witoneu tnat ne
would see tbathewa provided witu every tnina
that could contribute to bis Comfort.
After a short aud palutui luterval to tbose
present, daring whloh notnlng was a-ild, Twtt
cnell turned to tbe Kev. Mr. Briuguurst and
00m plained tbat be fell weak, and asked that
gentleman to join witu uiui iu prayer, iivn
obeli ottered up an extempore prayer after Mr.
Brlrjshnrst bad oonoiuueii one. uunug WQloQ
be prayed for faith in bis Releemar, forgve ail
persons who bad wropged tiim, sdjip'.lctd for
strenstb to carry blm tbrougu. ana oalied uoou
bis Maker to "wasa 11 is sout iu tue immaouiate
blood of Ubrist."
Tbe Bbenlt and party tben spoke together
for afew mluules, during wttlob UineTwii.oueil,
with his eyes oast upwai da. ooulluued praying,
and remained in tbat position until the visitors
departed, when ne baue ibem auleu.
Alter ine aepariure 01 ine ouenu, i wiioueu
aud Mr. Bring hurst eusaged in prayer aud
stnglDg for nearly an hour, wueu the wretoued
mau was left alone to his slient meditations
Tbe Hherill and party then proceeded to tne
cell of Gerald Eaton, where tue same forun
took plane tbat occurred lu fwitoaen's oel'. ou
there was not toe same impressive soeue. Ktloa
stood against the wail during the rdiug ol
tbe warrant, apparently nuoonoernel, an 1
after the document bul been goue through
with, he remsrked: " Well, you are giving ine
a lin ger time this time lhau you aid before,
uln'l ttn 90
Kuion, after a few words bad passed betweeu
blm and (be Uueriff, suook bauds wlttt tuoee
orestnt. and tbe Interview ended.
iutlou. since blsoou vlotiou. Las been at eoded
by tfce Kev. Mr. Mcllvulue, of the Protectant
h)r Iscomi Clin ch. It li reported that be b-t-t
expressed a ciesire lo bs n w alien leu Of a
(Jatbolloo ergyinHn, as be was brought lu
ine uatnono un uron.
Thb Mexican MoNrMEftT. The following
cmmuiiioaiiou has beeu sunt lo theOooiiuo.
loi ers of ibe Mexican Mouu neiit from toloax I
li. W. (J. Bsxter. iuiuidhiiUIuu the Pulla llouia
ire .uuaves, aunounoiUK their lot-oti iu
lobe pieteut ou the occasion or the dedio
Naval ufpice. Philadelphia. March 8
IK) 9 tr-Uul bave the honor to inform you tbal
the Philaoeipnia l ire Ziouavea have aoueit d
tour invitation 10 psrt.iciDto la tue ceremony
ol the 'iti h nf May, IHoU, aud ask lo be aslgued
a DOkltion in ine 11 ne.
lVpetikiuiijr, jriiu.'iiii ptirvaiik,
I). W. C. Baxi ku, O dooti Commanding
The Meobab'o Kugtue (Join pa ny and ibe
Murlrn Hose Company have also aoneoted
invliaiinns to participate la tue dedioa.ory
Dffabtvest of EorsBEna at tub Navt
Yakii-OiiIi au excitement was cietted at
Ibe Navy Yard this morning, by tnt- re'eip.ol
nrriora rUtiuinlra Chief Knuloeeis Ziler aud
iron aon and First ArS'siaul Knalueer Rsm
from doty in tbe yard. It 1 nnde stood ibtt.
tbls sx lion of Secretary Boris U preparatory to
oroerlog afuitner luvestisailoa Into tbe mat
... it ha nnrnnase Of tools Whloh has beeu
under consideration for some time patU Ton
detachment of the above-aamed olfloers leaves
1.1.1 ..i.unt Knelneer Alfred Adamsod la
cbatge of tue Uugiueer Department at the
Mavy Yard.
rail ef m UmnH- Woman, Two ChH.
firsai, anttis llsns Klllrt n trie; lit-1
Nasi llatU lulur-tl riia
Thlsniornitg, at hslf-psst 8 oVock. an aoi'.
deuk liappeneo wbicu bse m,l bad IU parallel
In tniHClty 10 many year.. The resld-n s I
;b tlPiDltyof Mroad and lilnpen st'eelj. J
lieeaily bojiratiove tnei tinned, wersaro txel
lllnheVs? P " h"Ty 0'"'1
A German named John Lo t, sn.paotiria that
some ain ldeiit had oocrrn.. sprit 11 4 from bis
b d, SLd en I'Miht. g Hi roo n hin tiedrisim wlti
1I..W saw that a sm UI two t.ry brick and slon 1 in the rerof Htilp(en and Lill sirens
had fslleu imd Uy In iu m on inn ground
lmudr-K Minself h silly, he n lynurneil
10 Ibe house l me ll.riiiiin Ktre K ilo ijom-l-Htiy,
Mid aroused tue members wuo were
slei i ll.g ib re
The party lelurned to th scone of the dlna
ter.sno ou their arrival w re uree'ed by tne
srai s sno i'i l b i f Minis one eueattt tne da
nils. Ti e e It ws Mirm. q.jniy asiwriaine I. firm Gai r'el lr:sti Uoorer, who
with his wlte and t wo cnildreu. the a jupuis
nl I lie I'i'lim, wereail hurled tu tne to.vmH nf
it a hi cs, siore, and lun.ti r of the hull ling.
The loei., relolori ed tiv f.eaii i.rrtva a lormo
news spr. ho last even at tha .eirly nour, worked
imigi ll.sliv, and wltn tue d. tormiua.iou to
save ille Ifpo-stoie.
At er hall an bournf Incessant labor the flrn
booy wsm r-aoiied; buttnecrie4 b tving ise I,
It wss frared tbat Ille w-w extlnot. When,
however, thn supposed yriw was removed t
a boi se n--ar by. it w 'o.ind to ho ine nu
I'aud auu father, Gabil I K il l yetauve taougn
daiigerously injuied A lun tier se rou exp wd
tie lifeless unity of bis sou, ruonts
Ktdd, a iad blneteeii jetrs of age. Ho
nd exlrlenly bten suffooated. From
tne n 'iguoors It ws Horn,aln d tnat
two more persons occupied the hia
wlih the I wo siren ly rescuml. and after anotoer
ba'f b'ur the bodies of tne wife of Mr Kit J 4114
bis dsukhler Margaret, a alrl or slxteeu vetrs,
wereurasged out. Io boi h of tbe Utter lire also
was extlnci, aud an lu the cut of the son, hot a
bit died mm suffocation.
Tbe 1 ysiauders then informed tbe workmen
tbrft in tbe a J-tcetilstable, wnloa was ormned
by tbe falling b.use, a horse was keol, but af er
the rerui val i f the rubalsn ihe a'niual wm
1 0 ti Ed ly log fiend, with one or Its limns broken.
'1 be leporter 01 Ths Tklkqkaph visited Mr.
Kldd at the Pennsylvania Uaipiiut and lou ict
bim in great, ago .y irom his lujui ies, aud quits
una'ile 10 give any tuoid explanation or toe
dlses'er. He stales I bat about 8 o'clock, as near
as 1 scan judge, be was awakened by a sound
resemblli.g tbe rumbling of a great number of
wheelbarrows, and Iben felt himself sinking
downwards. He became senseless, but soou
revived to find himself on hU bed pinned
t own by heavy Joists, and only able to move
bis head
He shouted for help as long as be was able,
ami then again became senseless until removed
bv the firemen aud ceigboors. He also states
that he knew tbe bouse 10 be In an nnsae con
dition, ano had directed his w'fe to request tue, a widow lady Darned O'Hagao, 10 bave
it repaired, but notwithstanding ber promises
to Ci muly, she hud neglected todo this.
Tbe bouse fronting on Loll street south of the
ruined bonding la seriously damaged, aud un
less torn down will soon full. t
The excitement iu the violnrty is very great,
a laige crowd still remaining around the soene
of the terrtbie disaster.
Mr. Kldd Is a man of fifty years of age; bis
wife was of tbe same age. and bis sou and
daughter were aged respectively nineteen and
sixteen years- An Inquest will be held to
morrow. P 0 I 8 0 N.
Coroner's Investigation Into the Eton
eubrwdt ;hm.
Tbls morning, at 11 o'clock, In tbe Seventh
dlsulci station house, Deputy Coroner Fieiouer
held an inquest upon tue body of lieiry Eton
eunrout, wuo came to hU death yesterday under
lather suspicious circumstances.
Tbe following testimouy was ellolted:
truest fplecser sworn Have knjwu Elotarm.
br di I'jvir yttttf. be pas worked f r me during
tbat time; be mqu.nny toiu me tuat ue wouia
kill btmseif; I dlsobaiged hint oa loatacoount
last Motioay bight.
tXiuiad uecaer sworn uave anowu tue ae
ceased abnui ibiee years; be ofleu told me that
he would kill himself nu acoountof a dlseise
tuai he had; the day before bis death he told
me that be could not live wiin nis wile: tnat lr
be ouuhI no. run away be would kill hl.melf.
Jacob Yi.nijtt sworu Haveknuwu theae et-ea
since lust Bepiemot r; about tue middle prtof
December be tola me tnat i:e wouia am nira
selt; that be bad a disease which bothered htm
111 bis minu; tnat was ma uiaiu rnaaou tur uia
klillbg hltuself; be also couldn't live happy
with his a lie; ou lastTuc-sdiy I whs witu bim;
he told me then that ne wouiu am uimsen; nu
hd a white paper with bim. but what was la
11. 1 don't kuow; wheu be saw I was looking at
it be put it away quick; be toid me tnat he uad
alrtU-uity with bis wifo.
William Uersou sworn ino ueoeaseu wi
member ol 1 he Turner Association; we pubilsu
a paper every year. (Paper exploited ooutaln-
lug poison.) Toat is our papei ; he bo Jgttt one.
Dr. KroUSO SWOi n w at imiicu uia niirj iu
attend lo bim; sue said be baa taken some,
thins; be was not quite dead when I saw htm
first; be died in ten minutes; I oniy bad one
square to go from my oitloe to bis house; sue
told tee 1 nat ue nnu taaea bouidi uiuk; wauv
from bis bouse to tne drug store; he wm living
then; but was dead wneo I got.oack; she told
me be bud takeu something white.
Mary Bolltuder sworu ivnowoi no aim juuy
between tbe deceased and bis wiff; wuen I
beard id tbe attair 1 weut wine piaoe; 1 met
ber on tbe steps; she said "my mau is dead ne
bas poisoned himself;" she said that he hid
taken pols-u In beer at Military HU on the
pi evli .us afieruoou that be had taken some
tbat murnlBg, Bomilblng white.
Mrs. Kit'beubrodt ( wile 01 the aecaseoi sworn
My busband and bis Mend bad been together
during tbe day driuklnc beet; af erwards be
aud 1 went lo Military Hall aud drank beer:
we drank four glasses or neer; ne putasmtu
quantity of something while in onr beer; he
said I will poi sugar in your beer;" as soon as
I bad drank It I felt sick, aud said we mast go
heme; wheu we got home 1 Went to be 1; we
remained in oeu unni uioruing;
wben tbe mortlhg eame he said
be wanted to get np and dress himself: I turned
my hark towards him: ne took sometniog ana
at once tell down; I saw bis eyes turning,
cbsnglpg; be got iuto a convulsion on the bed;
1 isu for my beignoors; ne saia notoing aner
lab ins ihestufl; he bed it in bis ooat pocke ; he
bit elf a piece 01 sometnlug white; he vomited;
be kind 01 cnoaea wueo ne uhib. it; as soou as
be U-ok ll I weut for tbe doctor.
Dr. Bbaplelgn sworn -1 made an examina
tion of tbe body of the deceased yesterday
slteriK on; the face was pate and a tin-
posea; iu me room was a iwiu ouuutiu
ing a little silme and water, as if a
person bad vomited in it; tbe stomach was
empty, save a litue slime;-the blond wm
nu : 1 06 heart was o mge-oeu; tue moou moi
kscar ei, pnrpilsh coior quite different from
oro naiy i.Iih d: the smell 01 theobemloal 0 nld
le d scoveiea in any pari 01 tne uouy;uuaiu waa
produced by tbe potsi n oyanldenf o uasium
which acta in the same wav as prusslo aoid;
aveiy mall quuntlty prrduors deatn, gene
rally very rapidlv; 3 or i grains have been
kinnn in nroduce dea b: this obemloal. even
lu small doses, elves nut a very s rong sine 1, so
that It Is not very ofien uied by one person to
kill ai other; It Is often ued to commit snion. ;
it is easy to ne procured; atmostauy uruggw
hm II.
Tin, inrv rendered a verdict that the deceased
bad tome lo bis death by taking cyanide of
Mr H-imom. rtrnreter of the Oonrf. ren
lie red into English the testimony of the German
wl netses.
Counterfeit Mjret w Theib roBSBsatoN.
Mieooei. Hum Be d and James MOUey were
am Kit d at Klevept'iaod irederal streets ist ofMoers or Ine Bventeeuta oiMrnu,
fiu. .im,kiiiiiai,i Whn aearche 1 at the S'a
ion house twenty-inree dollars In 0 inn'errdlt
r;.nlkinu .mfAllflff Aft lllllllfl 1 U IUH U'WIW
Bi.m . t Hiinnaiii an. I nuM dollar and a half on
me i rknn nr Mimnav ti roiii uuun-'iw
rlth tbe prisoners. It ws delermlued to arrest.
John Boufleid. a br'thsr of 8'ephen, ani on
K. inn ,s,ri.h..tlk.lffiA.M fftnnrl Dl'ICKSO QOI-
lars In his pocket, or wnloh one dollsr ws in
niinnmrfeil. iw.nK.llsii nentno es. It is not
known whether sav attempt was made to p.
ha rnnnnv Th, nrlun I. art llf.rlOK OeiOre
Alrlermiin RnnBll. Tnev wire all bald for a
bearing before tbe Catted Stales Commissi nosr,
Tappsb a Tn.t..YHaUrlsT William Glover,
a resident of Pottsvllle. w t Into tbe store oi
Mil. H.n.uuli HVU N rAno-mini IW.
and robbed the drawer of 6 65. Tbe defendant
was arrested last nigbt, and. after a bearing be
fore Aldet man Paueoast. waa sou I below la de
fault ol f 600 baU,
i . -
Important to All Tax-ptyers The As
sessed Valae of Real Eaiate la the city
Whlcb Fsjl SS Tsx.
Three or lour weeks ago a revolution was
passed by both branches of Councils r.qiettug
tbe B'.srd ot Kevlslon lo submit a steuieot of
Ibe amount of properly la tbe different, wards
of Ibe rliy whloh Is exempt by law from tx-i-lioo.
Tt e statement bas Just been complete ,
and will be sent to Couuo'.ls this afternoou. It
Ward). Aur-M'4 Kn 1 ICordi, AntutA VW'mi
I kUiii Hut IU HUI.HK)
4 i74.;iw ir,
in 7isi
711 iV)
8.......... Ml UU 18
4..,. M UHtflKXl'lll
6... 8.6JifXiO'2U.
9 7tll lit 1
11 M75
6K4 40U
1.015 l.i
1 8U:i
li 4 id
.l.DHI V 0 Ul...
I,4N2.;(H H ...
2 aTli.MK) 21 ..
3 IA7.WiO 'it...
,1,UW ftitl
It ..
1 1.,
80 .aim ...
,. to 0 28.
.1 8 7 IN'Ol
4 188 500l
. seses i
Uunncd Vnln Wardt
Anttlti Val'ta
77 5K) 'M
287 SftO 26
283 8&U28
28 M
7 3 600
.t 1,130.300
lOth Ward.
City rate..... M :)9 2W 480 rales 1 1) ;ntl
Farm rales 5 m)
Grand total li),u;o.H8
Under the different rates of taxation, this
property would yield. If taxed, tue lolloviug
ami nnts of revenue to the ouy:
.'l 2k3 480 at. cltv tate, SI 80-.. ......$707,102 61
1 180 8i Uatsnbnrban ratet. It 20....... 13,53 80
6i mi al farm rales, 90 oeu.s 6.1S1U 40
Grand tcal m 75.H7i6
From this It will be seen tint tne property at
piesi nt eierupt from taxation taxes tbi year
out ol the city treasmy nearly three quarters of
a million Of Onllara 1
Thb Fobt Wardenh' Fees. At a meeting of
the Committee ou Law of Councils, held on
Tuesday afternoon In tbe Select Council oaam
ber, a committee of tbe Vessel Owners' aud
( 'apt s Ids' Association, composed of Ueurv It.
Edmunds, chairman, John W. Everman, D. 8.
bletson, Captain Jountnan May, Philip Fitz
patrlck. and K T. Halllwell. appeared to re
monstrate against ibe enforcement of the fees
claimed by the Port Wardens.
The committee argued agvlost the continue
ance of tbe law on the grounds tbat, to require
ve sels to enter and clear at tbe Port Wardens'
Office, paying each time a lee of two doliais,
would ailve the coal tride, on which it was
most burdensome, from Philadelphia to EHzt
bethport and other ports where no suoh regula
tions existed; that It was Indirectly a tax unon
the coai'prnduote of the mate, au, finally, thit
it was nnoons i n lonal.
The committee ol Councils held tbe matter
ODOer consideration. At a meeting of the ves
el owners yesterday, tbe Board of Directors
adoi ted a resolution requesting tbe masters f
vessila belonging to tbe association to pay no
more Harbor Master's or Port Wardens' fees at
tbe port ot Philadelphia.
Bold Robbery Jewelry to thb Valub op
2500 CAMKiao Off. Durlug the heavy raiu.
storm about seven o'clock last evenkig a then
was perpetrated at tbe Jewelry store of Thomas
Litggins, Jr., & Brother, at the U. W. corner of
Second aud Ueorge streets, ioonrrlng a loss to
the occupants ot about 82500. Toe thieves cut
a piece of glass ont of the window wltn a dia
mond, ana helped themselves to a tray of fond
gold rings, valued a. 51 200. four gold watouea,
two pair of gold speclscles, five gold mdal
Hons, gold neck cUain. a flqeset of Jewelry, and
a lady's gold wstcti. The place hud S-H been lit
up, ana toe occupants were at supper la the
rear part of tbe bouse. Tbey were mtde aware
of (be robbery by a lad, wbo rushed Into the
stole and said that two men were running out
George street with some property wbion bad
been taken from the window. A soaroh was
made lor tbe thieves, but they oouia not be
found. A robbery similar to this was perpe
trated tbe other evening at a store ou West
Muiaet street.
False Pbet esses. Yesterday a man
named Job Lane was airested at Broad and
Coaies street, by Policemen Hart, of the
Bevent h district, upon the charge or obtaining
goods under false pretenses. Tbe accused was
employed as drayman tor Mr. Cnny, and the
negation is mat ne went 10 a store oa uji
ware avenue and obtained a box ot oranges
on Mr. Curry's accouut. Tbe aooused was noli
to answer by Alderman m piano.
Sudden Death. Mr. Wm. W. Flaherty,
aged iorty-seven years, dropped dead at tue
northwest corner or Third and Vine streets
atx nt seven o'clock this morning. He was
taken into a neighboring drug store, and
warua reuioveu to nis late reaiuebce, ISO. zoo M.
Fifth street, where the Coroner was notified to
bold an inquest. Tbe cause of deutu is sap
posed lo beeu heart disease.
Caught in iiib Act. Last night James
ljeduy was taken Into custody while in tbe aot
ot rolling awsy a barrel of molasses from a
grocery store near fourth and (Jatuailue
streets. The prisoner bad a bearing before
Alderman Tlttermary,end was committed for
Coroner Notifies. Tbe Coroner was noti&ai
tbls momma to bold an inauesiuoon the bjdv
of an In fan tut the Almshouse.
Also, upon tbe body of a colored man named
Jobn Howard, wbo died suddenly at No. 521
booth Seventh street.
Thb TJkdbbsionbd acknowledges the receipt
of 8lu, pioieeusof a ittlr held ny some Itt .ie
gins on Hprlng Garden street. Edmund Wil
cox, Treasurer Union Benevolent AsooUliou.
Court of Quarter Sessions Judge Lad-
low. Jacob Mai tin, colored, was tried npon
the charge tf the larceny of a pair or shoes irom
bis uother-io-iaw. rue oiu iauy was tneoniy
witness against him, ana sue knew nothing or
boi own knowledge aoout tbe matter except
tbat ber shoes were stoieu, tbat "people w iat
doesn't work steals," that the prisoner did u't
woik. ano, therefore, ne must nave neon tne
tuler. Tbls may bave been a plausible argu
ment, but it aid not met line requirements oi
tne law as oonvloliug pioof. aud. Iberelore. tue
Jury reudered a verdict ot nut guilty.
xe UJULLi I U DIUUi IUU1UJ . tt Ui tue
larteuy of shoes from Let er Brown. Tue pri
soner stole tnem irom ine prosecutor's store,
in bis absence, auu pawned tnem, ny wuiou
latter act be betrayed himself, for the owner
recovered tbem Irom ibe pawnbroker, aud
iiaoed them lo ihe prisoner.
Michael Keily was acquitted of a charge of
tbe larceny ol a hawser.
Htjpksuk LocaT is Banc Chief Justice
rtiouipsou aud Judges Head, Aguew, aud
W lliisms Tne loliowlng Judgments were
alveu this momlng:
McGIH's appeal iu MoOtiU oh's estate. From
tbe Orpbaus' Cuurl or l'ulluileipula ouuty
Ueeree sfilimed. Opinion by Tuompson, O. J
MoCaDdless' appeal rri m the 0-pnaus' 0 mrt
of Pulladtlphla. Decree ailiimtd. Opinion by
WllMsms, J.
Estate of Lelltla A. Armstrong, deceisel.
Aipeal ot James Kuckmau. aimloistiatur,
horn hi Orphans' Oourtof Buck o muiy. De
cree athi n eJ. Opinion by Aguew, J.
Adam Kl ibs vs. Henry Kmus U inamlt ten.
Em r to ihe t'ommou llissor Buuas oiuuiy
Judnmeutsffi'iuei. Opiuiou by Aguew, J.
Frgusnn, Adinlnlstialor nf 8euat, vs. Wright,
Adruiuislrator ol He oat. Krror to ine Dlsirim
Court of Philadelphia Judgment reversed, and
v. t. d u. awarded. Optuiou by Aguew, J.
O ses fn m tbe o nutry were sigued.
Misi Pkius Ji dg HburswoiHi. Welnsbel
nier vs. The Lehigh Valley Kallroad Company.
Before repotted. The case was amicably set
lied tiv the par' ies and tne Jury dwohargej.
Mauln Dailmin aud J ihu Frick vs. Tbe
Oonueollng Kalnoad Company. An anllou iu
recover for wi rk and lat or done in remlng
obstruollons at the Ulrard Avenue tillage. Ou
Narr 4 1 arlner. 8'ock Exchauee B'okcs
No. 30 8. Tinrd sin-el, report tbis morniug'f
cold quotations as loiioast
10-00 ,
1100 A. M.
11-40 "
11-47 "
12 H. .
10 80
tU()f ftxwsan yoa Tn Oovktsvuitss or
Tbs Geno'-n m dark brown color, la edorts
strung ai d loatsbu aromallo, tbslas'e blilsrlsb
and analosnoslo mint, In accordance with tbepr ipur
lles tel fortb In its Dl-pensutury of tbe United
Btates. Tba vlrtosol ths leaves is extractsd by aid
lbs Ooaoterfelt Is ol vartoas colors, somettaiss
black as a' simple water coloisdwltb ink, with uo
lasts or odor.
luothsr cass l'ght, as thno gh water colored wltb
n.clsisas,sd ol slni 1 sr Ws'.s and cdor. And, again,
simple water with no coloring or udor. except tbat a
:ew drops or mini mar be sdJetl. Nous or tue oouu
tel frits eiintalu auy spl'lts.
Tji qae-tlnatly.tbs buuess has bean csrrlvloa
lor tomeiliue and to a o mtldsrsble extant, and ibe
sallli g bas bsea maosged by experts, who depend
ujjob tke external appeaiaace, wltkoat re gsrd to
quality .or eonteuts ol bjtt e
b great bas beD my confidence In the steel en.
I raved wrapper and labal executed by ths National
Bank Note Com p soy ot New York, at great e pejae,
tbat 1 have on sevoial occasions susploloneit and
seemed ibeiallintwlib removing the label from the
Ir-int oi Ike teuotne bottle, and soaiteratlng or a Hug
oilier bott es wltb soms liquid, tbertby sndssvonag
to pre oars an additional baiils free of expense.
My name and address not being blown on tae apa
rluus, J hi-ve never uc( any tuf u'Uu IMt prctu
tlwu I bave purcnased ad uiy bottles for taeUe
j ears hum tfeasii. Hacets A DutTy, Housing Ion Ola
Works, and eaou and every Oottle bas ths lOl'owlug
plslnly b own on three slJsi of ths bottle,- 11, T.
and In Ibe ge .ulns tbs lettering oau bs felt wltboat
removing tbs wrapper lu a majority orcates.
1 bave been In coosoltat'on with Messrs. 8hets fe
Duffy In regard lo tbe matter, and they ass rt tber
bave never mads any bottles for any one, or ths pt
trn of tbs ipuilous sines tbey bays been sugaged la
Tbe coaiplalnts recently In regard to tbe medicine
bave been quits numerous; some patients would bave
a spurious bottle wltb gsuoine label, and others
would bave genuine outside wrapper and no bottle,
and not until witbln a row d)s old aoy preceut tbe
spurious bottles done op with genuine wiappers aud
Tbs tint case of this kind occurred ten days sinoe,
and was brought to my notice by Mr Ueorge U. Porter,
DruglBl, No.tiU Broadway, N. Y., wbo retained a
ba foossn sinrlous bottles. I tnen eame to tbe con
dnfloa tbat tbe wr spiers were stolen, or a transfer
of tbs orlcinsl plates taken by a dishonest engraver
Tte Intelligence was startllug. I 1 jumeilauiy pro
ceeded to ont toe perpetrator, I bsvs eviry
c nfloence In my success. Patients need bave no
cneaslneBShtieafter. Druggists, as a claa, are honor
able. All bays been noticed or tbs existence ef thj
spurloui. Patient and d:Ui gts can leadily detect by
the ex pianai Ion ret onb lu to Is ar.lcle.
Anktber very Important thing to Jrngcrlta, tbat
quite a quantity of tbe spni.a bas already fer
mented, and such atblng has never occurred to tba
tannine. T nam nt loiuliij what lmnrl.m .... J
alHIotsd bave formed ot me wbo have been so unfor
tunate as to have parcnaavd tbs spurloui, or tbs lu
Jnr done my name and business. But my filendly
rslalloLsand fx tensive acqaalntsnoe In ths trade,
aas tbs prectutloDS 1 bave taken, wlU prevent lis re
currence, i will greatly appreciate It If tbe druggists
will examine tbelr stock at ones and report to me,
and I will protect, soon from io.
Any Information derived leading to detection will
be rewarded wltb flow, and at tbe ssmo .lane thank
fully rtceived.
No 104 Booth Tenth st- eet, Pblladelpbla, aud
No 501 Broadway, New York.
P. 8 Since tne insertion ol tba above lbs follow
Ing lirogslots bave kindly reported and returned the
si nrlous artloie, and been supplied wli tbe genuine:
J. 1 Hboemsker. Bixth snd Olrard avenue,
Goi ge Evans, t ixtb and Po;lar streets,
TbomasOoiden, Klsvontbaud Mast r straels.
Cbsrlcs Bonder, Thirteenth snd JelTerssa streets.
It. Clsi k, Olrsra avenue near Twelilb,
B. A. einel t Co., Eighteenth and Coates.
O. L. & D. Boru, Second and Benver.
Dr. J. A. Cantrell, Second and Carpenter
D. Jame-on, Third and Oatbsrtna,
J A. Milliao, Tentn and Soippen.
'W. H. Pi e, Passyung road and Catbarlas,
Jsmes S. S-venon, Fourth and Queen.
T. Marshall, Thirteenth snd Market.
Tbi Pcbusbiko Tbadb has taken tbe public by
surpilse of Ute. Old arms bave bten succeeded by
newonts, but' tbe greatest charge tbat has taken
p ace Is Ust at No. 608 Cbesnaiistiset. for years
known to Pnllscelpbla aid tbs country as tbs
Cheapest Hook store in the United Sates. It Is now
known, under tbe prtprle.orship of Turner Brotberi
& ni ., astbe cheapest, best aud l.velieit PuoiUblog,
B okselling.aLd P.clure-dealltg House tae city ol
PhliaHili hla can boast ol. In lets iban Ihiee months
tbey bave torown oa lbs market elkUt good biMks.
"Msosme de Obsmblay," by Dumai, was the first'
followtd in tucb quick sacccstiion by tbs other seven,
that we cannot enumerate Ibem, Tbey now announos
at In press, "Only Fe lore," by Trollops. "Baaitrul
Snow" and other poems, by Wateoo, and anew novel
by tbs popular auiborets, sxrs. Newby. We under
stsnd that tbey bave alio a number of other original
works by the beat Aa-ericau, English, German, and
Frmcb wr ier U'derwy. Turner Brothers fcO,
will yet be to Philadelphia wbat the Harpers ars to
New York, U eneiiy osn do IU
A Piste VAt-Tbs tendeocf of the Chesnnt street
Jsaeliy usie Is manifestly towsrds tne locality
(mbrsclsg three or fuor squares below Urosd. lo- j
li g Us past year isversi or tbe largest sstsbllth
meats In ths illy bsvs removed to tbls part of ths
street, snd others srs preparing rapldiv io follow.
Tus nil t recent removal of tbe kind is tbat of Mr
A. B. Waid'D, who has been located al lbs soutnsaat
owner of Flftb and Uhescut scssts for tbe
psal ihuty-three years. Yesterday mora'
lug this snterprlnliig geollemea opened
his dsw store at No. 1020 Cbes ut street. Tbe store
is very elegantly lilted up, the oases aloug lbwl s
for tbs display of goods oeing constructed of bltck
wa'nul, elaborately ornamented and presenting a
very a'trscilvs api.esraoce. large addition to the
su,ck n moved fmm the oldtstabilsbmeui have bean
msde, and It now embraces a obolos and variel a
surtment of watches, Cualoe, olamonds, sliver and
pla ed wsre, marble, gllt and bronze ciookf, and all
I .either paraphernalia comljg wltnla ths scops ol
tbs trade.
Balb ( f Fja a Paimtinob. Thomss Birch 8on-
111 sell t ibilr Art Gallery, No. J!431 Chwnot
street thlaevmlng snd ti-mtrrow, commencing a
I'i o'clock, Ibe prtvate collsoilon ol high dais ol
and wster color psibtlDgs, engrsvtngs. etc., belong
login B. II. Orats. Ksq , who Is about to vlsll Europe
m t b the eincallon of ismalolug several years
Tbe col'ecllsn oootslus a largs numbsr of ckulo.
works by sncb well-known Amtr.caa and Buropea i
artlis s Lnara, F. tieemaos. Lamsrlo, Me
'IbOKSa Bully. J B Lainbdin. James Hamlitoo, Paul
a eber. ki mers, Ben lug, it sortet a Rouoer, Laurent
Pe Boel, O. La'kert, Von Heben. M nan. 0rl t Dolol
Meyerbelm. Boutsg, U B. Boekknes, ZloimernaaV
Btotell. Dsnby, Le nay. Cstwrnote, J. Hidy, T'
Nasi. Bembrsadt Pste, Hogoet. aud a oornDfi ot
o'b-it. Alter tba ial ol ths pslntlags a number oi
rami d engravings, also, porl'ol'osol ensrvlog sad
l b lonspiis, belonging to ths same oulleoilowll bs
Tblasa'sls posltivolv without reserve, snd svsry
ploiDio a 111 be Stop wed of to tbe hlgheai blddjr.
How may nsroasnts tbsrs srela Pbliade'ph s
aba W yeirssgo were rob an l proepe'ou but mi
sow r e i lies I Bad ibey only had lbs fores gbt, tu
tbelr better days, to Insurs tbelr lives on some sn.
dowmnlir 'paid up' plan. tby might rowbstr -omnbsptover
all their rsv.raes Instead of snllraly
...ntt4 bv tbem. Xvery man Is sxoosad to soeb
basses ol foriuoe, and esly bs Is ss urs wbo has
ai meiblsa la lie insursaos la some gosd eompasy
like (be "Jaaerlcaa Life iBsaiaaos Oompsny et
f rsiFO OvaarosTS A ns tutortment, nemi
ly . ny fn Ffufdelphin in ityl. moss, end jM, of prljei
run f ing from Qvpward$ Call and esomfns.
iVVt onA t Tnwis Haut,'
HtmiH SSreeU. j No. gin Maas mr a.;
Asm No. aoe BaoASWsy. Claw Yoasu
Jswslsv. Mr. wmiam w. Oasstdy, No. n bowUj
Becond street, baa tbs largest and most attraotlva
assortment of floe Jewelry and silverware la ths olty
Purchasers can rely npon ob alnlng a real, pars artt
els furnished at a price whloh cannot be eqnaUed.
He also baa a large stock of American wsstsra
watches In all varieties and at all prloea. a visit to
his store Is snrs to reanlt in plaaanra and profit,
Eramo Goods mow orsM.
Ciblks Stoves a Go
No. Ohesnut street,
Qaovaa A Birn i Bigbsst Premium Hewlni
Ksobiass. No. Tae Ohssnnt street.
Thk Tims Has Come
Spring Overcoat.
We bave them for 9600.
All prices np to 92S.
Wanamakkr & nnowN.
The liAKussr uloihinu Uousb,
Oak hall,
Tnk Cob. of Hixru and MakketSt3.
Stock (tuutallous by TclegrapU 1 s, sj
blendibmng, iivi Uo. report tnrongh their
New York house tbe fliowloa:
N. Y. Oeul B..... . 16BJS Western Union T. mi
ci. i. ana j-.rie i
8;4!Olevelnd aud ToLIOift
Mich.&and N.I.R. VnU
Ule. and Pitt. K. 8U
Chi. and Hfi
Ohlo and N. W. prt 9oJ,
Ohl. and K. I. R... 12SU
PU. r. w.ndOhi.lihW
Pa. M. Hteam. Oo. wj
Market atestly.
lol. Wabash K. W
Mil. Ml u Uu
Mil. & Ht. p, prer... 78
Adam Express Co 62
Wells, Fargo Oo. 8t'4
United Kxn. Mi'i
Tennessoe os, new b5U
rtalladelpbla Trade Report.
Thubsday, Maroh 11. The Plonr market
present no new feature, the demand being
confined to tbe Immediate wants of the home
consumers, wbo purchased a few hundred bar.
rels at $5 355 60 forsuperflne; fflgfl 50 for extras;
I8 757 25 for Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota
extra latully; 7 6(Xv60 lor Pennsylvania and
Ohio do. do; ana til 73a 12 for fancy brands,
according to quality. Kye Fiour sells at 17 3J
7'C0 per barrel. No blng doing in c'orn Meal,
Tbe market is well supplied with Whsatof
all description, bnt the loqulry In quite
limited baits of 2i,00 bnshela led at $1 6Vl'7l
2400 bushels amber lodUna at 1 1-751 80- aud
cOi) bushels white at (1 90' I fl5. Keisstesdy
with sales or Western at $163 Corn Is rather
qniet; 2000 bushels yellow sold at 112c. Oau are
witbout special chsnse; sales of Wesiern at 74a
75c: and Pennsylvania at 62t8o. Nothing doing
in Barley or Malt.
Seeds Cloverseed is in Steady request, with,
salesat J97a101'.!; Timothy la worm S386t
a-oo 200 bushels Flaxseed sold at ii 75.
Wblxky is dull and onunot bs quoted over 93
98o. per gallon, lax paid. . .
COOK BfLLTARD. At NIctown. Pebrusry 17,
by Kev. O P. Ksctiee, Mr NATHANIEL. VOUiZ ti
Allsa MAOUllSillLLlABD all Ol tbls Olty.
MA t'HKWn KKEbY. At the residence of the
bride's parents, March 4. U6 by tne Kev. William MV
AVhiieLeaO. Mr. kLWUuil It. MATHERS to Mtas
sMA J. KKS.LY.oniy dauirhter of Pre erlckOsly
sq., a I of New Britain. Bucke county, fa.
A DA EF.-On tbe Bth Insiaat, BOBEBT ADAR
In the 4.h yearoi bis age.
Uis relaiivea anu irieuds are respectfully Invited to
altei'd bis ruuerBl, fr.iru bis late residence. Mo. 171S
(Jauibrldge street, on Bunday afieruoou at 2 o'clock.
BBUOKB. Ou tbe morning of tns 9 b uuuuit.
JObEHl bKooKa, in uih nl.t yar ol bis age.
The reiauves ana IrlenriB axr ret.peut.iuuy melted to
aitend bis luuerai. f i'iu tbe renidence ot uis brother-in-law,
entries Lents, fo. 4 8 Ureea s'.'ftet, went
Fbllsrielpbla, u riniuiday tnnrnuno. tu IH'.b instant.
Si 2 o'llock. To proceed to Mount Morlah Omntery.
G1ENN On tbeSih lDsiui, SDDIE1, wireof Hen
JbUilo Glenn In th Hid year ot bwr age.
lie relatives anil ixleinia ot ibe lauiliy are Invited
toatitnd tbe muerai.hom her htmoaiid's resldenoe.
No. 4238 Orohaid street, Kransli rd, on Friday arwr
nonn, if a 12th instant, at 2 o'clock. Tu proceed to
0 FAKKFLL-On the b instant, at ths pastoral
nsicem.e, Piiosulx.iiie. kev. PHILIP O'PAhKJfihL,
In tbe istu year oi bis av.
Ibe itevereid C erny and friends are respectfully
Invited to attend bis funeral, ou Friday morning a 10
O cu es , at Pbconlxvilin.
BA LLEK MAf LY C. SADLSR. aged S3 years, at
the Biugbcni H use, on Wednesday eveuiuir.
Tbe body a III be taken lor burial lo Woodlswa
Cemetery, New York. I
1 HIBSTJLT. Oo me fithltstaot, FRANCIS TH I
BAULT aged 68 years.
Ibe reian v.s ana male friends, also tbe members or
tbe kieuib Benvol"it e-ocietr are rtsutn.iuily la
vlied to aitend bin luneral, rrum bis late residence.
No 167 VtalDUtsireet. miFrlda,, tne 12 b
2 o'clock. Funeral services at tbe (Jatbearal.
8. . Corner FOURTH and WALNUT Sts
ALEX. WHILLDIN, President.
JOHN 8. WILON Beeretary. IS
Mr. H. . YlLS0a, at the OQce or tbe
No. 021 CllESWr Street,
Mccxxvin . sp-ottuli mrorux
Li renar i soai. iu old -i io uive.-. iub luureased 1
insno tor mi pa'eut oUrUAL OAiaTkia, X bave
taktn the U,g; ..-
With Dry iumicii laciiitle 1 am now prapursd to
supply pr. mpily all oroeis tu city or owsrr.
a (ihsmi a. w. jSAitui.
Have now op n tbelr New and E.egaut
la the Hpscloas Mtibe Batldlog,
No. 022 CHE8NUT Strootp,
"WUh aa entirely new and e'egant stock of
Every Book will be sold RETAIL At
tbe newest ana beat uiaauiu.
U(.' 1 DJtKAi.tatliiuer and Rnsrevef.
Wa. IU(JH SiN 11 T Btraat
(k1 K nnn tkuht funds to iNVEsr
VPXUJJJ la a arsfoiasa tu ru( ' oisf
bropert, b. KIHHTOS Mo I AY,
1 11 US
No.aW WALNUT awset.