for TIT1 Ml IrM VOL. XI No 60. PHILAD KL t' HI A, rJ IIUliBDAY, MARCH 11, 18G9. DOUBLU BIIBBT T llKF-fl 0RNT& FIKST EDITION THE PRESIDENT. YHiat Ho Thinks of the Tenure-of-OiUctt Act-llis lltlatlons To wards Gtn. Hancock Phillips AdpiaihU Ills Inaugural. Thro Tennre-of OUIce Act. flfTWrt tAt Washington Star. an lateresiinp oonveisa ton was beld ro-da Hi'h eneral irut bv a Bet ator oppo-cd o a rcotat or the Ovii Office K-u are a;:. Tu-i 6'Ua"or was I'.vitie the groundwork tor uu iry Pl I tfKiia for oibee, wbrn hi attention wts caltod t)T the Ocnertl to tbe dlvieon In the tamca! cnrly mi ths Ten ir ot UJW qie.tiou. "But, sir," raid lb General, "n not ihe mtic tfcwi opposed to our taeory of rovero neut f Tb JodirtB boll owe 'or He, but the Pre-I dent and nembeTs ot Congress are no)-on. t,o eci'staut change. No tt is proposed o invest all tubordnae officers with a lire rntetest la Ibe position tbey hold, trutees, lndtcd, tbarees art pre'erred agamot them, and a trial bad beto'e tbe Seua.e, th fame tr.bunal before which Juoee aratnej. This i certaiuiy agi-at stride toa'ds a revolu tion In our free svs'em, aui tt u.y ceq it another 10 mike there otlice bered tar.M The benate r made 110 effort to com rat tbe Genera's position, but qtiie ly tolalug seve-al oapers which he still beld tn bis re'urn d tbem to bis cnat pocket and retired. It it plnC'ng a similar q iHat on all Seoa.ors op- I pored to etriKing trom toe nanus cm mo xecu tlve the legislative manacles imposed by tbe Civil Office Tauure act. from the Syracuse Journal, Washihgton, Match 8. - On Saturday evening Bepresemanve George W. Jul au, of iuuiau.i, ntid General B. P Loan, 01 Missouri, called on General Grant, in pursuance ot a previo is en gagement, and had a loot; and Interesting int-r. Mew with biro. A itieni, to whom tbe cue: points in tue rouversat.on tbat ensued wre narrated, furnishes tue some points, whlca I give. Mr. Julian, after the nnal courtesies aclcd in eobstauce what Gct.eral Grid's noltcv would be as to lonal appointtnen's. Mr. Lincolu'o 1 ale was to refer all local appointment tor places, such a postmasters, collectors anfe8or, etc.. to tbe Representatives ot the district, aud accept hi judtrm-nt tntreou. it it was not incompatible with thn General's ideas of propr.ety, be Mr. Juliau) wou d glad to know what rule would bn adopfd by Uenew adm'n Btratioo, as he wan 111 recoipt ot many app:icaiOBs, and if expected to give bl views, would like to have time to examine laiily into each cb General Grant, replied at once tbat, except in a tew cases all over the country, wbere be m'gbt desire to appoint a personal or army friend, wboe ability, etc., be bad personal kntwtedee of, tbe rule Mr. Lincoln iolloed Wunld be bs. iipresentatives were directly responsible to tbe people aod they were the oroper persona to recomiue nd. Mr. Julian then remaikedt "General, the care i a little dttlerent no, lu Mr. L ncolr ' time we bad no Ten ure-oj-o lice act; now we Bball have 10 de'er to toe Sena'or; more." U'neTai tJraut teplfd, speaiting quite del;be ta'eh: ' Well, petiilfmou, on that matter I can only say, tuat 11 tbe law Is nut repealed I courtier my-elf b ond to entorce tt. tie had told Hiinators m conversation on tbe subject, tie was a cinz n and bound to obey the Uh, whicb be t-bnuld no. It tue law Is not tepoaled I stall remove no man from office except tor cause.' Tneu," rema ked Mr. Juliau, ' fie lact, General, that an office h dder is a Demo crat, and rta- been a Jobnfon man, will not tn I'.aul be a sufficient cause for reoioval " ' No," was the cuicb ic response. "I rball protect oilice-bolder wb do tbir duty, whatever may be their pol tics. If tue la remains, aiost both Executive nnd Senatorial ln'erereucv. I bave said tbis to S naort. and the justice of the view was acknowiedxed.'' Tuere wa a gr at deal of q ilet humor in tbe General's maouer wb n he sa'd that, and he evtceitlv seemed to tep thai he bat made a po ntwbtcb wo ld worry th an.ous po.Hi ciaus into repeating fie ine(tn!e8omrt law. A go d ileal whs faid in regird to the law, aul G nerai tirant expre-sed hin reiret at differing h some ot bis bet frlendi in the eenate n ent onitit; particulatlv Seuvor Howe, of Wis cceti. He teemed hUo qjito c ud lent thtt the la would be repealed by the Forty-Brit Cot gre.s. General Loem, who w 11 be remmbred a-t ore of the eironvcgt advocates ot liiipe-tcbuient, remarked duntcr toe cti veration on tbe 'lentiMMit-Ottice net. tbat ! did not vote for th" law; m policy was to turn J hufon o it." T tbi General ".runt HnWHrit, speaking Monly aod tboutrhttullv, "IVell.fa goon uaoy persons were airaid ot Impear-bmunt and ot the ettect of jt as a precedent; but," with enphasip, "if tley had knon Mr. Johosoo as wll as I t:d, ib-v wouli not on'y hive favorel ihe ImpeacLmeLt, but feen that it wu''i have ben jn t tbe ihmg tbat ought lo have been done and aiaae a precedent of." The- Iraldnt null Ilnneock. The Hartford Oourant ha the full iwlng con cern ing b personal reU ions of Grant aul baucock: Tb M w York Word blunders in 1U has'e t make a point agtinn Ueueral Gran.. It Intimates that Ha.Ltock is a-i.'g'ied 1 1 tbe partn ent ot Dnko a In a sum', o p.ty revenue, and evidently snppe that be U to liv m ltaatt. It phi.uld hve related the tact tbat atttrthe lamaianj Couveut.ou General Graut, Bga't Bt wboai no una nd wotrt or del aa ut Lancock iscba'aeil, met the latter in ttiestrets of VVusnii g'OD.acd in his uminloo I b Jn ir eate blm a word of greeting, w nien Uauc-oca parsed tiiiiiot ceil: tbat is. ho "cut" tbe Ueueral. Ihe lutol', if tondert-d wbUe they wie 00 dutv, ould have subjeced Geretal Hancock to a coun-!tarttl. Insreud of viewing tbe new asvpnuent ot Haucock as o aiic o is, tte ssr caslic leunnrn ot tbe World ibjt it U "mii TMntnions" in ll:er.illy true. The "Denartmet t ot tt iko a" embrHCs' U'nneoia, Oiko'a. aod Mouiatia, wi.b headquarters at tbe pieasaut pokt r.t n . Paul ite dfiHr mont trom wh ci ti' tcral Terry bus jut tieen rel eed. General Ilatici cit ban tieeu treate I wuh a courtedy ati t a cunst.iera ion tbt hU uuotlio al-like coo lact did Lot ini-rit. tBl4ll riiilllpw ExprrNseN III Isteat (lnln vt the Preatdeut ul Ail Its Hnuiirwl. from the Anti'S avery Standard. We btve telt and aid tbat the ce arse of General Grant wa open to ar,e cr.tictsm. But we have als jud(ei b to by nis ac ion-; Iwa' allowme tht he metnt nil tie said and would do an he promued. We prnrose the au t rule Hi tim to route. We. ibi) take b s Wf ros tor earned! uteuni; and we sh'! wait foraoii'n bciore we criticize am in bis tie office. Tbos far we have only tunnks to ?ive h m. For three tttuss in nig inaunral wt desire to give h'm credit. Wt'h lull hu-in and "nioi-t earntsiiy. we thank him for ms trok, ptomp, and h- sriy eudor-.enient ot theoouaii tuttonal r tnendaient. loc aotds in which be ierers to It shows that bis heart I in the right place, snd tht he cor rfifllU accepts the leRon of tbe war. It em aid pan on male L'noln the slave's Preat. lenMbese precious aod sta'esoianlike words make Grant the uenoa president Wa bail irita emiUT tceLrgi Ms e!iU';o tbat U I o1ic looks to the "citizenship ' of th In llan. 1 Le' bun toer ibe Indian wi.b his sbijl i and vive dim, or tbe nreneut, a; la-t, a 001 ar mint in the Cabinet wh ch shill watou bis rl'H-, ami I'm 1 lent G'ant will nave met these to r at problems ol rtce with a brave and wise ai well as just Mat, smut ship. The to rd 1 ledge of ht Inaugural we hli Is tlia' which pr mises a vig rous aod rigorous (Xcu'i u ol law We tniBt tbt be'e his "f Is ineau literally all 'I" T sav. and only wish ttiey had teen u.n;e d-ci.!ve at d uneiiuivfct. 'ur coir pi hi t o Urnot h'toer'o oa b en that be be 1 poaer without. nlo 11 .bat be has sat and seen Ui ! u meu tuurdere tiuaveutted. Sime if hi- r ei rt dCu-eil hiu 01. tbe around that Preui teu Juhusoo crippipd tbe tleneral. At la-! tte Ku Kiox hve lett the Wmte Hojsc Those niHtn gtit cowards need ouly half a d own fun airtrv cx c iti-tn in as many V.nt to dls apn'Hr i'te.-er. It e er- in tan 8-naw we o ild toct ru. nn man tor aiij oth e from any Sou-htru 8 hic, Keuti.tav lodu led ( ot even Hoi' ) until li-e ms sa'e tier" as tu Vermont., bbno' aud Lang flisi; no ntuaiu and cjujrn a t' r ar is. Vie fay amen, mi st hetrtilv, to all tbe inan ental co'dih na aboit public ct"dit aud payment ai ik l1. But tbev Is a neb, just as -tt-'r-d ai tbe bonds, the nib. we oe to the 80 ituern lo. alu-t, black aud while. This dub' is th r in n tn. a c an1 p.-rfect nto'ecnoo. If e iier cent is eti'l lel to p'ece leucc fuse utiei orstitt orilign lor. unl inpirtiince. Thi is to oe pi d In b'ood loi e bef re the other is paid in ootu. Tbe boM'hiilder on K taus by w-i t nir. For ihe-e otrer creditors eveiy hour of da'jger and seouj cut short is an in iescibabls gan Tae tiovernmn 's laith with tbe bond Holder has nevu ben broken. Townrd 'his other creditor tretJnvemmi ui babten perjured and taiihi3s trr lour bitter yent. ie bepe.'h Grant to seud meoSou h whure vi ry umiie shall mein vo Baice, de ji, terrible, and inns', effective ven geance. Put aside stiain Koverno's sod palter lutf ofiicial-. ai d give us the "peace" which Is sure to follow the d'awn sword iu tbe handB of a trom it and bone t man. Ibe bondjolder paid will eive us credit t morro in ca-e of another rebellion. Tbls oebt. promntly paid wiM teuoer aoother rebellion impossible. It will floi d tbe eouth with capital aud bra'ns, the two eneoiies against woicn she rebplled, aud which her mi'lnees and Johnson'a have been s riving to get aloog wttaout. ( 'on eress cannot reconstruct the South law ca. ba etvtormi'n and money will, such a man as Butler in New Orleans is worth so nnie tban a mule loal ol laws. UaLg twenty asnasslns in every 8oatb-ru capital sis hoars, a'ti.r ttey are arrested, and you will empty half the batik vaults of Christendom into the 8 mib; you will light up all Us forges, and cr-wd its exchanKCS w th business m-n. Tnts is tbe way, soldier of the WllJem'SS, to "bammtr" the R.'oelliou to Diec s, Blake your vengeance so swu sure, aud terrnle tnat the mere name of a union inanTnay oe asamDiepro'.ec 100 even on tbe Del Norte as that of a "Koinau citizen" was to St. Paul at Jerusalem. Tbe Cabtnet eives no indica'lon of the Presi dent's plans. It rather shows that be haa none, for it means n itbira. Massachusetts furnishes all the dret rate brains it coutams. Ibomas Campbell made a eeleotlon from the Bucriisb poets, on tl e plan ol excluding every piece any other previous compiler had taken. Of course, they, tbe first c oners, had taken the best, and aocordinirly all Canopb 'I I'd pieces are i-econd ra'e. Grant's Cabinet follows this copy, He excludes every one that anybody ever thought o'. Of cqurse he takes tbe leavlogs. B it this only means that tbe people are, as bitberto, to do the work. Press tbe constitutional amendment. Push tbe Executive or a strong arm of resolute law throughout the South. If the South loves blood let her sop full of it, only let it be the blood of aasstns. pneam no swora uo'u nonem union men, black and white, na ive and foreign, a. one and in coni panics, on lonely prsirles and in cUy streets, sit each under his own vine and Qg tree ibe Stars and Stripes with none to molest or make them afraid. Wendbli, Phillips. FINANCE AND GOMMER OE. Offics o th r Ky kkins Tblkob ph. Taursday, Maron 11, Itm. J There is but little change to record in mone tary circes, aod the demaod fur money is very n.od' ra'e. The banks are discounting liberally, ai d tbe otJermes ot paper on tbe street a'o very rnouerate. We quote call loans oti Government colla erals at 66 per cent., and at 78 per cent, on n t.-celKn'-ou sec mines. Fir6tclasj paper rar gt s irom 7 to 9 per cent. Trade is dull aud nniatisiac'ory in m tt departments. Cot- too is veax. and lor D-eadstutla tue ten tenny is tor a loer ranse of ngures. The dry troods men complam tbat lemitiancus from the West c me in kiowly. Tbe Stoc k market was very dull to-dav. ani the "farcies, n v. li bout exception, took a down ward tuin ibere was moderate business in Government loans at our quotations. City loans ct tbe new 1-i-ue told at 101; ani tbe old at 98. In haiiroad share tbe transac tout were lie ht. Utaoint; Kmlroad closed at 49-69. ado. cine ot i; Peunsylvanii Railroad at 672, a de cline 01 1; auri Lidnign vaiiey ttanrood at 65j 56, an Huvance or 4; in was ma tr ctmaea and Amhny Kailroad; 64 j or Minehili Uadroad; 84 tor Nor'b Pem sv Ivania Kailroad: 331 for CBtal,fB Kailroad prelerred. Bank. Passenger, an t Caoal shares were In active, aud without essential change in pries. PBILADKLPHIA STUCK KICUAAUI aALKH TU-UAl ueporMMl by a vau A Bro No. o 8. Tntrd treat 1400 City 6s, Old bs s an Aead.s3wn.trr. 48 )7H do.Xsew.iK.lui Sib Pen i K.... . r7S 27 0o......i8. 67 H jssb Iieb Vi.,l. 6S S do... .in. M't 100 OO BI&.4 R9 iuu ao....m., 6tf sh Lnh N (it ... soji is so aior u JMS.M. bt BOARDS. 1 h Mloehlll........... fS 100 iinKrad K....oa...5 6 KO do......45-9 '00 00..UO. to BOARD. HSOO U 8 HMOs.rg.itS.IO!'' ISUHb Fult Joal....s&. i; BKTWBiCN I'irPOUltJ a tow...llll tTHO 1n- .ni no sb Leh a v. ........ iK lull O..t0 li, tSiOCltv Sm. New.....i,,i K40 ao.mauio.lut 1 Messrs. wiuinm Painter a vo., oanaara No. 30 South Third Street, report the folio wtu rau oi exchange to-oay at u o'clock: United Stales 6. 1881. miQURJ; 0.8. 6-2U6 Wl. H8j118; do., 1864, ll3jK5lU; do., 18J5. I16ralb; do. Juit, 1865, UijU2: do. July. lHti9,112ami!;do. lHtjH, 1124Ll2j; 5s. 1(40b, 11154. Compi-und Iii'irest Aotes, past due. 119-25 (iota. I31jjr2il31j. M'srr. JDe Haven ABro uttr, No. 40 Soatb Third street, report the toiiowtne rates of ex. change to-day at 1 P. M.:-0. 8. 6s ot 1881. 116 jll6; do. 118J3I1BIS do.. 18f4. 113! 1j 1141; do.,18(i6. 116f.jBll7; ac. UCI, new. 112K4 1121 ; do., new, U2i'45112i; do., 1868. 112i 0)112!; do., Ss, 10-40k, 105(21054; do. 3U-veat B per cent. Cy Hlli'air2; lue Comoound iBU-reBi Notes, 19; Gold, 131ai31;, 8il?er, 12612C Messrs. Jay Cooke tfc Co. qdote Govern ment set unwes, etc., aa foliowet U. 8. 6 oi ll. ll'.4flU6j; 6-J0 ot 1862, 11811181; -2l)S, 1864, 114'uill4f: 6 20,. N .v., 1864, ll'i;a 117: July, 186.'), Il2ircll2i; do.. 18C7 WU'ct H2it io 1R88. 112J4ill2ii 10-40-.. lo.ijraiOSj. Gold. 131J. Union Pactuc botda, 1024. nrkta by Telegrnph. lw roaa, March ll.-nuuks uadr. Hold, isiv Kxthaiitioi h- a-ioa. iobi. 'lb'a. ao, iwvi, llfJo, 117: oew, ll;,i 17. luu ilrv Vlrsluia (Ib.uiVi: Ulisuur 111, Birt'Rn u (Jouipaay.nuC Cou.olD) if t rr.a 7Vi frew York Oeutral Hu to-Kuiui. Hurtsiu Rive'. )i: Mica gu Omrni I 7)': Mlcti n rtouthHro, H7! inl.ol. a Butrnl, it t'l-Tfla 'd ai d Pltwburg, Si.'si niuveUud aud i'uUdn. ins,: thao aad UocM is laud, IWi; l.ut)u aod Kurt Wt lie II8S NkwYuhk, toa'Ch ll.-Cotton towet SM ba'n sold al K-J.C. our bull and ollied i aain or aon oarrwln Ptte. ft 41 7: Weauni. v.i2ft6'Ai) Vthea dull ard deo'lDios. Corn quiets ls.mio bu iho aula: mixed Weataru, 6. liata qui-t. Ua quint. Cora lrady, Laid Cull; steam, iVic WnUfey dmi ai a"o. Bal.tim'bw. Marnh 11 Cotton rtntl and nominally Sfca. Finor duil aud uosetiled. Wh at dul ; cuqicm PenDylvnla wblta 216. Oorudull: sala ot pr'uia wliii al BV t yaliow Sim;. Oata aod Ry nominal. Mat Po'k at 0". Btuin quiai: nb alda. lJi''8)l7o.t rl.atd ., I74l8c: ananld-jw . lMloi bama, Ju., Laa4 ClM U Ju s,?lk J ia- K&iio, SECOISD EDITION LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. Cabinet flevflopmpnts-Mr. Wash bump's llpsignation Accepted -lie will (lo as Minis ter to France. Legislation at nrrisburg Return of Brorkinridgo to Kentucky-Blair's Misfortunes. Ex-Prcwlrtoiit JohnMoik'H Ilcccp lion In llalilmorc. FROM WASHINGTON. Special Despatch to The Evening TelegrapK The Kerns Ht, the White Moose, W8niN0T0N,March 11 Tbe numb r of visitor i at tbe White House to-day exceeds that of aU former days sttce Grant bename Pretilent. Tbe ante-room, coiridor, and even tbe staircase! are so jammed as to be almost impassable. At 1 ast two-thirds of the members of the Houbc and one half of the members of the 8cnate bai Interviews with tbe President. Tbcy were generally admitted to the executive ofll:eat once, ana took their turn at taking Grant into the comer of the room to talk with him pri vately. The President seems in thi b38t of spiiits, and in the midst of all the crowd and contusion incident thereto kept on smoking with great equanimity. Most of tbe members of tbe Senate ani the House called upon him for the purpose of so liciting offices lor tbelr friends and supporters. The President Informed them that all applica tions must come to bin through the heads of departments, according to the ruU estaollahcd at first. 1 lie New Cabinet Officers Fixed Upon. He inlormed the members ot Congress that be bad finally fixed upon a Cabinet, b it did not give their names, intimating that they would soon sent to the Senate for conlrmatlon. Tbe Cabinet Meeting-. Foon after the President reached the White Hotife, ttis morning, he summoned the mem bers ot the Cabinet in council. All were pre sent except Secretary of the Interior Cox. It is understood that at tbe meeting tbe new members of the Cabinet were submitted and agreed upon, and also some of the more import ant lore gn missions. Waubborae's Itealgnatlen Accepted. The resignation ot Washburue, as Secretary of State, was accepted to-day, to taae effect aa soon as bis successor shall have been qualified. Wasbburne's name will be sent to the Senate amotg tbe first nominations as Minister to France. Boatvrell'a Prospects. Kotwi'.hstandlng the efforts of Stewart and other New Yorkers, tbe President "si ill adheres to appointing Bout well as Secretary of the Treasury. Despatch lo Associated Press. Far. Western Jllnlls, Washinoion, March 11. The Post Offlje Department has received information that the connection between the Union Pacific and Central Pacific Bailroads was renewed on Monday, after four weeks' suspension, and tbat twenty tons of malls which bal acca-nu la'ed on the way have been forwarded to the Pacific coast. A telegram from Oden, Utah, states ;tbat ten tons of California maihhid accumulated at tbe end of the track, and the contractors bad made arrangements to t ke it to tbe end of tbe Central PaclSc Roal. Tbe route agents were directed to coutlnue iu charge of the malls, going with mall train. FROM BALTIMORE. Around tbe Circle Again Oar exPre sldeut Is Received in tbe Bioaamentnl City A Characteristic Npeeeii i. peeled. Special Veepateh to The Evening Telegraph Baltimobb, March 11. The city la all astir tbls morning to receive Andrew Johnson, who arrived at toe Camden street depot In a special car. witn nis escort, a large cjneourse oi people congregated there, with various com mUteer, a military escort, including Mayor Banks, City Councils, city offlclaU, Custom House and Post Office officers, and many other. The procession moves and swing Andre round tbe monumental circle, showing him off to the btBt advantage, when ho balls at tbe rotunda of the 'Change, and receives bis friends, aud tbfn dines at Bain urn's. Flags are suspended on various public buildings, the streets are tbroi ged to see tbe procession, aud business is partia'ly suspended. It is understood Andrew will make one ot his cbarac.crlstic speeches. He looks haugarJ. FROM KENTUCKY. Oenernl Hrecklnrllx;'i Ketorn He Kelicesst ou ml Comical AUtalrs. Sptetat Vetpamh to The Bvtnittw 7M(rupi. Is Lexington, March 11. General Breckinridge tpent yesfrrday at the residence of his cousio Colonel William P. C. Breckinridge, reoolving tbe calls of personal and political friends. Tbe bont'e was fllled all day al h men and womet. from all ranks in Me, who came to weicome him borne aeain. He received them all, ex posing bis pleasure at being permtt'ed to return. He maintained s'riot reticence la regard to tUe political atftirs of tbe country tat in? tbat he comes back by perm salon ot tbe Federal authorities an I desires nothing except to be permitted to practice h's pro es stf n in peace. He bts not yet decided whether be will temaln here or go .to some other poin in tbe Bta'e to live, but feels inclined to s'av In Lexington, wbere so many ot h s family and friends reside, and to which he is bound by so mi.ny associations Obituary, Boston. March 11 William Rone", a well known merchant, died last night, aged eighty war j car;. HIE STATE LEGISLATURE. Senate nABRisnuRfl. March 11. Mr. Connell ce- senied a neiiuon to bave tna northwest corner of Peon square given, to the Academy of ainrai ei-utea. Mr. Jietme y one for lb creation of a street cleaning coiDinlxalon. Mr. I'cnoell, one of similar import. Mr. HliUHon. one from ine AerlouWaral ao- eieiy for laws to prevent eallie Irouirunn nt ai .arge in ineMtate. M'sars. Gnnnell and MoOandless presented petilloDs asalDgt the park bill. Meakrs, Uoonell ana HaiiKeey eff-red a peti tion for tbe abolishment of oapltal aiuilau- noeot. Mr. Oonnell. one from tbe Park Oornmlasion, W llllam D. Kelley. and others, for th removal of tbe nulHauoe known as tbe Drove Yard. A lame nnmb-r of remonalrai os against the ratlUeailon oi tbe fifteenth amendment were presented. Tbe Moose bill giving street cleaning powers to Ihe Board of Health was reported favorably from tue Commit lee, and It will come up f jr noai aciion next wees. Tbe House bill tooDen Leblen avenne from Broad street to Frauaford road was reported favorably. nsr. uonnen rraa a out lnoirpnraiiou um Wrx A Pavement lmpny, with Miirtou Mo- Mlonael, liwury u. uarey, a. morns vr.iu, n.. J. Hiriwr. km others, as lncorooiators. wltQ a capital ot I IOtt.lM'0, HQ i wltti the mjoot, of pre- pwriua materi'.i lor tne eonatrnoving ana ro paving oi pavemems. Also, one aninoi laiDaan auoiiiuon njumo for the nisfrlot Court of Pntladelonla. Tue opinion of the bar on this hill la requested. ICO lioui-e Dill ior ine lnnoeniiiiu ui iwmu boliers was considered. It provides tbat wltntn thirty days tbe Governor shall appoint one suitable person to serve for three yearn in eaoo Congresstonal rtlsttlot as Inspector. Tuey shall examine all except looomouve ana tow pr sure boilers, and shall keep a lock: uo safety- VHlve on etiali boiler. Toe owners savi nave their boilers ready for inspection wnen noti fied, and shall pay fonr dollars for Inspection, and shall atlacb a low water Indicator Aiteniion was oalled by Mr. (Jornunan to tbe fsot tbat there are about three buudred thou sand boilers in ibe8tate,andtbatibelaapeoior who ordered the low-water indicators would have tbe distribution of an immense patronage. Tbe price of tbe indicators was variously slued at from nrty to one nunarea ana sixiy-t.wo dollars eaon. Ilonse of Representatives. Mr. Roeers offered a bill wbloh Is evidently Intended 10 force tbeUamden and Am boy and Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Rill- roaa tympanies to carry passengers to ana from Philadelphia on tbelr fast through trains. Tbese trains, however, do not stop at regular stations in Philadelphia, bnt only bait to change locomotives. Tne bill is as follows: That irom and after tne passage or this aot it shall not be lawful for any railroad company whose road runs to or through any part of tbe city of Philadelphia, to refuse to sell to any pas Benger a ticket for bis conveyanoe on any tram nomortothe said city at a price or rale pro portionate to tbe cbarge made to and from other points on said road, or to refuse to pass Irom or to said city any passenger woo shall bave previously purchased Bild ticket. Tbat It snail be unUwfnl for suoti oompany to enter into -or carry oat any cod li aot with a connecting railroad company ror tne aeniai oi tne privilege or passengers to purchase or use such tickets aforesaid, an Jer penalty of 11000 for eaob offense, to be recov ered in an notion of debt, assumosl'.or tresoass. j ne oiu was reierreu to ine Kiuroaa uora raittee. " Toe House refussd to allow tbe Fide lity Insurance. Trust, and Safe Deposit Com- puny to receive trusts without giving tbe eanae security aa is reqalred of Individuals. Toe Senate gave tbe privilege. Tbe matter must dow be adjusted by a committee of oonferenoe of tbe two hou-es. Letters were read rrom N. B. Browne, and Messrs. McCullnuak and Nicholson. who yester- tay opposed the grant, now withdrew their opnosiuon. Tbe Senate bill providing for the punishment of oiueliy to animals In Philadelphia waa amended so as to make It apply to tne whole State, and was tbea passed. The Senate will unaouuveaiy concur in ine amendment, ana tne Din win oecome a law. speemes were made in lis favor by Messrs. Herr. Beans. Webo. and Othei b. Mr. Coleman, one lna'ruotlnK tbe Fish Com- n li-Moner to inquire into tbe practicability of rrocurlne concurrent leaialatlon wlih tne ad- Jolnlrg tbat tbe passu ge of flsb up tbe veiaware ana BUBqaenauua rivers may De pro moit a. Mr. Btlllngfelt. one to prevent the spread of me cri i if u iBL'anB. Mr. Burnett, one to authorize corporations to increase tbelr bonded obllitai ions and capital. the latter not to exceed nrty percent, of tne smnnnt previously authorized. Mr. Kanaau. one incorporating ins n, no pi re Mutoal Lite Insurance and Truat Company of fenusx lvania. Mr. MtUandiess one inoorporauns tne Mer- esntlle Llieraryand Buotal Club, for mental and social culture by loot ares em : also, one giving tbe Lombard and South Streets Railway company permission to ewnneot Its t ranks at these streets aud from tue Intersection of Pas- avnnk Road at Fifth street, tbenoa along Fifth to Minor, Nortb, or Cherry street, tbenoe along that, street to Hlxlh street, tbenoe al?n sasra to Paasynnk Road, tbe eompany to use tbe track of any other oompany oa tbe route, pay. Ine therefor fair compensation. Mr. Beck one. exempting from State, oounty. or municipal taxes the municipal bonds of Wllltamsport. Senate bill. No 803. allowing directors of rail roods tn increase tbelr number and looale nice, passed Anally. FR 0M ST. L0 UI8. Sbcrldan en Ills Way East Bad for Blair A Novelty. Speeial Despatch to The Evening Telegraph. St Louis, March 11. General Sheridan left here yesterday for Washington via Ciuoinnatl. Among the corvre.empt of the day is a notice that Frank Blair is to respond to the toast of thePtesident of the United B ates at theoele brstion of Patrick's day. Since the invita tlon was given and accepted, Grant has dis missed Blmr from office as Commissioner ot tbe Pacific Bail ways. The latest novelty here Is a proposition to mount the telegraph despatch boys on vcloci pedes. FROM TROY. Dlsasireua Fire-Lous, $75,000. Trot, K. Y., March 11. Ibis morning, about 7 o'clock, a fire broke out in Ctnnon 0 ace, in troying the two nppr stories aud cr atly damaging the remainder of the b rl Lng, Tbe ccui ants were Moce A Morris, books-l ien-: Clew & Neber. wholesale millinery goods; Havg & Frear, dry gtOd-; H. Biliibg, lace poods; t II. Ktsing wbulesalo miHinerv goo Is; and A. W. tienbuer, job ptiu er Tbe tare onsi na'ed tn Sen bier's ei v Be room, on the lourth nor. lo al lo-s, 976,i00 10 f 100,000 on bJitdmg and siock. AH the suu-nTa are well intnred. TEE EUROPEAN MARKETS. Bv AUantia Cable. This Morning's Quotations, London. March 11 A. U Consols for m..,.. tv)t uiirl nr account. 92. IJnita i riintn. 6 20 quiet and sicsJy at 82j. Uilajs qjiot; iff, 20: in noi" ruuw, di. LrvtHrooL, Marco 11 A. M. Cotton opn qntei; uji'tolirg ntlanri, 12ll2d. Orleans. 12 (4,12d. Tne sal: s io dav are e-uma'ed at 7.100 bale. Brcaditutfi uncDaned. Coitjn at Havre . nn ijtii orm. un iue wi Knna,.B O.uotMllona Tbls twain.. London, March ll-P. M. Con-oU. 92j for moiey and 93 tor account; United Htatea 6 !, 824 clock s eadji Idr e lUiir tad, 251; Illinois Centra. 86f ; Great Western. 32. LrvaapooL, March 11 P. M.Cotton dull, BreadstutTs jutet. Ber, 96s. Tallow, 45s d. Havm. March 11. Cotton opens quiet, both n the spot and afloat, Til I UD EDITION W J ISXillV GTON. Tho President's New Appointments. Boutwell Secretary of the Trei- sury Fish. Secretary of State Rawlins, Sec tary of War. Wiishburnc, Minister to France FROM WASIIINGTON. The New Cabinet and IHplomatio Ap point inenls by tbe President. Despatch to the Associated Press. WiBHiNoiON, March 11. The President to dy nominated to tbe euate: George S. Boutwell, Mass., Secretary of tho Treasury. Hamilton Fish, New York. Secretary ot State. General John A. Riwlin. S-cretary of War. E. B. Washburue, HI., Minister to France. Frank Moore, Assistant Secretary of Legation to France. A. L. Smart, Marshal for the District of Co lumbia. A rrport prevails that Major-General Scho- field will be assigned to tbe command of the Pacific coast, vice General H alloc It. Visitors at tbe executive Houston. Washington, March 11. The crowd of visi tors at the Executive Maubion to dy was greater than at any day since the Presidut entt red upon his duties. There wbs a perfect avalanche of cards showered upou General Dent lor presentation to the President. Private Interviews . were granted to a great many of the callers. including among them Senators Col?, Cra a, Kelltfig, SuniLcr. Drake, K hurz. William, bawjer, tte wart, ex-tienator Foler. ot .Tennes see, liovernor mea, ot i-toaoa, ana many Representatives, amons them Banks, Ha ley, Paine, Uariing. and o ners. Besides tnese, a vast number wera admitted to the President's olfice beiore 12 o'clock M., the hour ot close? tbe door to visitor. Secretary Cox received a large number of visitors at the Interior Department this morning. Army Orders. Bv direction of the President. Brevet Brlea- dier General George P. Ibrie, Paymaster, is relieved Irom duty in tbe pay district ot Sew xork, ana assigned to tue pay oist ct oi nan Franclt-co. and ordered to reoort with ut deliy to Deputy Pa v master General Uoracu Leonard, - in cbaree ot tbat district. Executive Session of the Senate. The ten ate, at ten minutes pat 1 o'clock, went Into executive section on a message fron the President, supposed to refer to Cabinet appointments. ' TEE CABINET. Tbo New Members). By despatches published elsewhere, It will be seen that Mr. Washburue retires from the State Department, in which be Is succee.lel by Hauilltou Flab. The new Secretary of Bta'e wai bora In Nov York city in 1809, and was educated at 0 1 la bia College. After grains1 ine; with b ga Dotors De enterea upon me stony or ine tat, aod was admitted to the bar iu 1810. As a lawyer he voon attained a blgh reu'ailon, and in 1837 he was eieete i a me n bur of tbe Bta'e Legislature. In 1813 he was elected to Corgrese, and served oue term in tbe H ase of Rcpret-etjlatives. In 1840 he was elected overnor of New York, aud to 1851 ho was chosen United Sta'es Henator. After serving a term of six years in the rieutt- ht re'lie i irom public life, and lor some time traveled in Europe. Mr. Fish has a reputa'ion as a statesman second to noue of the punlic men of thediy; Curing tue war be whs a warm advocnte of tbe Union caue, and nuee theu be nas given a cordial support to tbe meas ire ot't0eUJpnO't can party. U-i will uodoub'edly mine an ante Secretary, and his appointment will give sirens b to Grant's Cabiuitt aud prave in every way satisfactory to tbe country. Ueorge t. Boutwell, who Is at last appointed to the heal of the Treasury department, acoordiug to the decla ration of the President, announced in oar specinl despatches several d tys ago, has already bad his life sketched In these' colums. Oeneral John A. Rawlins, who becomes Secretary of War. is well known to the country as the Chief of 8 atf ani right batid military man of the President, a portion which he has long held. FR OM NEW YORK. Railroad IllulculUes Aa;alu. Khw Yobx. March 11. Mesarj. Dirant. Ames, Dillon, Busbnell, Alley, Crane, aud Tracy appeared beiore Julge Btroard thli n omlng, and gave bail to answer in the pro ceedings against them for con .emptin viola1 intf the in)oncton prohibiting ihe holding of an electii n lor directors of the Union Pacific R. R., pending a determiua'lon of the rights as to acer ta n decision asked by James Fisk, Jr. Fre. Nrw Yobx . March 11. A fire occurred this morning at the Everett House, origloitlng in ihe basement, aod caused by the explosion of a barrel ot alcohol. One of the employes was slightly burned. Loss, $5(00. Hepoited Fire. Kkw York, March 11 A icp .rt Is la circula tion that toe tvtieu llou-e is ou die. ludlau Dpredwifnt-A. New Branch Ittliriiad. St. Louis, March 11. A St. Georre's, Utah, despatch tats a large bo 'y ol Avao. on the outh side of Colorado river, raid to be aided by white renegiles, aud ell supplied with arms aud ammunition, htve whipped several small bands in Soith Colorado, aud uow threaten the settlement of Southern Utah. Acampany has beeu orgsntzeJ here prop jsing an immehate survy tor tbe l 'cal m ot a branch from Rah Lake ti Orden. connecting with the Union Pacllo Uailroad. Tbe folHflug ofllcera have been ch iset: Brgham Y.iung, Pr sidett; William Jennlng, Vioe Pre-ident; Joeph A. Young, G-neral duoerlnteadent; and J. W. Fox, Cbiel Engineer. A Murderer Reprieved. Special Despatch to The MSnnma Telegraph- CoLVMBua, O., March 11. Andrew Pnce. sen tenced to be buna at Iionton, Obio. March 11, has been repiieved by Governor Hayes nntil p rl) 2. BINCKLEY. Ifo becomes Relllcoso flo Atlaeko Rollins and norland and cense off more than lonqnsrar, , Bpemai Uetptiuih tn The Umtng Telegraph. WAsnmoroN, Mtrch 11. As Dputy Commis sioner of Internal R v uun I arlaud was on bis way to bis ofh- e to day, be was met by John II. Bmcktey, who, alter n- ne some opprobrious eplttets towards bun, struck htm a heavy blow In tbe face, ko'icklrg btndovu. Biuculey fol lowed np the assaji b? kicking Har'aud several times in the head, lelig two or three ngly wonnds. ftln'klcy Is ou the page, aod parpisn trrvii g Comtnl-sion-r Rollins lu the saaae way aa soon as be meets lim. A Fuller Version. Despatch to thf Aimmiuerl Hren. This morning, about 8 o'clock, Mr. John M. B ncitlev, ex t-oli' 1 or ot In erusl Revenue, aid Mr. Uolllus, ex-i omuii' siooer o' lov-rnal t-eteuue, met a', tbe rorti'-rwt Faud Fourteen h , streets, t ppon e W.I ar t's Ho el. iiiucc ey ibre away M. cloak and care and attemp ed t strike Mr. Uiillius w l h Ms list. Mr UnUins u t cam a to cue go n a clMs'on, ran along F street ant uo Ft't-eii'b s'reet, to vards tbe revenue office. Mr. Bmckley pursued him until VI r. bolt ns bat nearly reached the reve. nue olDi e, aud tben ou bis wav hime met Dri'tity Commisouer H.riaod on Ne York avenue and accosted bm w b tbe inqury wfe.ber he would (1i?iit. Mr. norland rcspouded aflirtnativclv. Wbero'inoti Blufklev k'lochtid ' L m down, and Mr. lia-lan 1 was severely beaten , when a rrowd intr' red and separated the purtleB. Thete me tings were casual. This vers on if the affair nomas from Hinckley's friends. . Tbe Pi en ale On Or motion. ' The Senate unanimously coolnied Secre taries l-ub, Hawluu, and Boutwell, and Minis ter Washburue. t'oinmlsaloaer Delano is completely ove-run wPh vitliors thls morn lrg. It is almost in po-t-.ble to reach him for, tne mass oi iritors to bis otlioe, - Clerk or the Navy department. Holmes F. Hoffley was to dav lormaltv ap pointed Chief CI' rlt ot the Navy Department. FOBTT'FIKST COAU KKJ.S -First Session. Senate. Washington, Marou 11 Vtrlons netltlons. n truoiibiH, etc., were piekenieu aud referred, among them tne following: isy- Mr. Huuiuer, iroiu olllsena or- Texas. against ibe organla-tiloa of tbat State nnder tue I'onstiintlou rtcr ui ly lormed. Atelerred to the Judiciary Cotnuitiion. Various bills weie reported bank from eom mlttees, among them ine fo'lowma: - . , By nr. kos, Horn tne coiuiuiuee en inaian Atlalre, f r tne rtUtf of settlers oh Indian lands in Kansap. ... By Mr. Urimes. from the Oommltteeoa Naval Atlalrs, a bill lor tue reorganisation of tbe . Navy, with amend meats. Ordered to be . printed. ,J Bills on leave were lutrodneed and refeared as follows. ,.!.. By Mr. Wilson Granting 2,000.000 acres of, public landa for the bent bl of puolio sonools In ' Ice District of Columbia. Referred to tbe Com mitteeon Public Lauds. Also, for tbe rem vi of nolltloal dlsaMlitlea from varloua peraoua. Relerred to tne Jadlol. ary Uommltteu, i Alto, lor tbe sale of th Cbatlanooga Iron mills. . - , . By Mr. Howard Authorising the Southern Mluhlgan Kalliotd GomuHiiy io oonneot Its lines wlib ibe Nrtbern PclUo Railroad Oim- - Iiany. Referred to tne Uommtltee on Public .auds. By v. Foot A bill lo dlspeoee with the lest oath In the (-oat olh. e aervlca itslerrei tu lbs Fjsl utile Conimiiiee. ... By Mr. lomeroy A bill for the Improvement of tbe Kaoiaa rir and fur vhn ra lef of auiaal satllers ou ludiau land- lo lianoas - By Mr. Ooibe t t'o exttVisb a doptrtmeat of la flan afl'atrs. Belenad to Uia Oouimlttee oa Indian Allul'B. Al.o, to aid la the constrncloa of - tbe Orecoa braDth of tue Paoitlu Kllrusd. BefdHad to uia, By sir. Joie. to rao d'M aod racllttate lets, graphic comniunloaiiou. B (erred to tba Fust Onto Uioim'ttee. B Mr. Sumner, relating te'egranhfa eotnainnl raileu between ihe Uoltmt Hiatrfa aud luralgn noun tries, ieierikd to the coutiu.t'ee ou VorelKO Bla- B Mr. Terry, to snforoe the fo irteentu srttol of lha a- ei dn eiMa K ton Uoua.liuuu. Ka erred ta iaa Jo .Iciary Con niHtee. -ww , On motion ot Air. Harlan, the Hou Joint reaola tiou lo snuply . omisMion In lha m,r lmni or ike k iliai eni.s a ppr.'prU'lou bill, by ineriloc as ltrm of l0 Kir A. B. ttheppard. th ainoaal of a check lor Indian auppllt-a. which obeok was tost, by lilui. taken op aud easied On motlou, the irealdant wa rvqueat.d to Inform tb franate arheiher the Oovernmeu. of Venuauala bad paid tba Ural tna'almi-iit due to Aiuerluoa cHIzpii" by the award ot m m' zed enmm's-tuni Ibe He'iate then, at 1 u clock, took up tho Mil to strt-uktlien tba pohllo creoU and rala loa to ooo- tiacta ior payment et coin. - Mr. Buuiuer moved to amend tbe bill by striking our. tbe second s otto a. whlob leaallses contrac.a to be hereafter m-tda speeinoilly payable in coin. He said be had ueen In favor ' of ibe pi lnol pie of tbe section, and had voted for it at tne last aeasion. but tnat "too tb re cent decision of the Supreme Conrt on the question be bad been led seriously to doubt tbe policy of passing it now according to that da oslon. Contracts in gold were legal. What more wag r quired? Another deolatout No. An aot of Ctmgraas. WbyT He saw no reason wny Oon. grens should Intervene la order to give any ad. ditlonsl sano'i'.ii toe mtraois In gold. Oa tne contrary, be saw ulfnonittea In tbe way. It would opeu em harraaalng questions whlob bad not been reached nnuer the decision of the 8u preme Court. LATK8T SUUTLMj LNTIOJLJttEKciir" For additional Manne Mewt ice Inside Pages, sv staLaoaapR.) Boston. March 1 1. -Arrived, attainable Tilpall. from laverpuvl. PORT Ot PHILAD gJ-lm A MA BOH 11, rrarn or THaaaumrraa a ran avxunve ma eaaPK orncs. 7 A. M -11,11 A. H .......A2, 1 P. M.m. m OlKAKED TMia HOHNINO. Bteamsblp Vuiuuteer, Juues, New lora.J P.Ohl. itaique An. ells Uuerlu. Banla. atansas. Her- Chant A Co. Bcbr W. tt, Kt-ppller, Ulllar. Qaorcelowo. D. O, Oald- well. Unioou A (Jo , Bohr M. K kaukiu. Ball, Weymouth, Mats., J. Boat- mel. Jr. A ar. . Scbr Z. A. PalfM. Noyes, Jtaato rl do, t-ibr Mary H. Htad BViiaou. Near Bod lord, do. Hoar (Jarulibe UalL Vickera na em, Oo, tscbr Ixitile B-ard eetry Boaiidi, do. honrM. K tloyue Fo.'Uiir,Hha08ter1 oo. taohrIauatiuuie, Fury. rUstou. do. AHttlVKlt lAia MOHSItva. Bcbr Voni-rey. tliluioii. Sdajairum Norfolk, with ' louiber lo T. f i vl A Hci.r loa I RurKua a d.ya tiom B iaUio, bteamer P. Prauailu, V vtmuu. IS tiuursixom Balti more, who nidt,e, u A. um. Jr. Lomsiivulmtc of tn fiiltuteip'M Aechanoe. LswiS, Dal., alercn - r Sr4 ei'rlobetta, from h.ii riuii, t: 11 Uus. I) Hi lar Bavaouaa, ' b"ib nr fmiadeipo a, uaa-imi iu lu-day. The lollowinii verm wn si lot ureakwalarlBW riorums' Owta.n.d i.y head wliida. via,: blp Ad mlial bow ttfm-u. wlib uruera iur Bl loiu' aoera Xiore Liant. iruui (Jalaia lor fni aanipnia; TO tuiaa riuiorn irom K-ll Kivt-r .rto: Harriet eyao. Iruui U-w Vork l-r do.; oouiim.nar tt ua eullaitaiella tut . Haleuj: J. Vataant Iruui R .lilcuora tor Uoia; V. M. Lurlnf. irnm frovid'nua er Mir' Johm Cninns Iroai JerHt-y Ony lor Vi'iat Bits lo, Iruui . ltnrkpori lor ri'cUniODrti W M Auctrunad. 'roiu NaW Yorfe tor do j Kauny J Praaa.ain i w. Vaugaaj J, 1 D Oiaoaier: Fore. I Honio; su4 Ono'M Hrr, all irom New York I r Viran.iai edtie Ml Haluaa, do. , for Haneraa Inlii autf rrtiuo.lo.rl cf arroaed cargo BfSMOBAtfDA. Bteanablp Braneua. iiua, beaee, at Raw York 'naiQiV'Oarl Jobana Nnrdea, for PhUadtlpala, S lied irom Mverpooi totb nlk Barque O'alr a tbol Baynaa, from eiOOOSStet 01 PbliaealeS'a. at Newport. Kdb., S'at oil. Y,.V- Klena. HwaaiL Sue Paliadalnhta. aallaA rrou 1 roon sad ult. Brls Nellie Muwe, Mernrsiaa. ff nilaalaltV tartdfiooiBjds.L fr. tWtUW f