THE DAILY. . E - jr NG TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA; TUESDAY, MARCH 0, 1869. 6 MOONS HI VE. ' Bf IPCT tARCOH. gyom K4arlh tmtl Born, Tha baby gat in the moonshine, A allver iqaare on the floor, Shaped by tii open window, And iti halo dim he wore. II lamed his hair to ipnn silver, Bta robe into folds of pearl Yet it was bnt a linen night-gown, A tangla of flaxen carl. Be was there at play, white nestling, A moment bafore he slept; And he patted and kissed the moonbeams, And, cooing, across them crept. "Bring ns the moonshine, baby I" Quick sprang the little feet, f cooping it np by lapfnls, Harried the fiagers sweet, To bring ns invisible treasure: Be saw it, bright and plain; Never doubted the baby Oars was a real gain. Firmly we also believed it, For, after he was asleep, We bad his moonlit piotare Always oar own to keep. It has not grown old or faded, It will not, it never can; We shall have it still to look at When he is a bearded man. II then he should win great riches, Be cannot bestow a gift Bo rare as the one he brought as Oat of the moonshine's drift. May he never lose faith in moonshine, The one that glimmers and streams From the mountain-clefts of beauty, Afar in the world of dreams 1 Right royally may he soatter The wealth of the boundless skies ! The fine gold and sheeny silver from the mines of Paradise 1 LITERATUBE. REVIEW OP NEW BOOKS. Tub FiBiiBH Maiden; a Norwegian tale. By Bjornatjerne Bjornson. Translatedby M. E. Niles. Published by Leypoldt & Holt. Philadelphia agents: J. P. Lippinoott & Co. Messrs. Leypoldt & Holt have made for themselves an enviable reputation as pub lishers of good books that are permanent addi tions to our literatnre. They have shown exoellent judgment in catering to the tastes of the better class of readerB, and in introducing to the American public the new Norwegian prose-poet Bjornson they have rendered a genuine service, which, it is to be hoped, will be repaid by an extensive sale of the very attractive little volume before us. Bjornson has achieved the greatest popularity in his own country and in Germany, and one or two of his stories which were translated and pub lished in England some months ago were ; greeted with the warmest praise by the lead ing literary journals. The story of "Arne," which made the author's reputation in Eng land, is now in course of preparation by Messrs. Leypoldt & Holt, and will, be pub lished shortly. In the meantime they have issued, "The Fisher Maiden," we believe ia advance of its appearance in England, the translation having been made expressly for their house. Bjornson reminds us of no one unless it be Fouqne or Hans Andersen, and bis resem blance to those writers Ib more in the poetical air with which he surrounds his subject, and in his exquisite style, than in the form and substance of his work. "The Fisher Maiden" can be read through in an hour, bat there are few who read it once who will not be tempted to go through it again, and it will be found to improve on the second perusal. As to plot, there can soarcely be said any; but there is human experience described with genuine poetical insight; the characters, sketched with a few decided, artistic touches, are lifelike, and the fisher maiden and her mother may almost be said to rise to the rank of dramatic creations. Bjornson has the eye of an artist for scenery and incidents, and his word pictures are bright and sparkling. The oharaoter of the heroine is as much of a puzzle to the reader as it waB to her friends and ac quaintances, and the manner in which it is developed indicates genius of no mean order. The account of Petra's first visit to the theatre is a delightful bit of description, and the de fense of the drama and refined amusements generally which is elicited by Petra's deter mination to go upon the stage is one of the clearest, most impartial, and most conclusive that has ever come under our notice. "The Fisher Maiden," we are sure, will find a large irole ot appreciative readers, who will extend to this new story-teller as cordial a welcome as he has received in Karope. From Claxton, Remaen k Haffdlfinger, the Philadelphia agents, we have received the bound volumes of Harper's Magazine, liar, ptr't Weekly, and Harper's Bazar tot 18G8. Harper's Magazine hit had an uninterrupted career of prosperity from the issue of the firBt number in June, 18G0. It is, with one exoep tion, the oldest publication of its class in the United States; aud from the commencement it has been edited with rare taot, and is to-day the most popular magazine in the country Harper's Weekly was the first permanently successful illustrated papers issued ia the United States. It forms a complete illustrated history of the times; while its pages are made attractive by stories, novels, and sketches by the best writers of the day. Harper's Bazar lupplied a desideratum, and It was a brilliant success from the nrst numuer. as an mus tr&uA nhrouloler of the fashions it has no rival. The bound volumes of these publics tlons will form an attractive and useful addi tion to any library. From D. Ashmead we have received several of the publications of D. Appleton & Co. The second bound volume of their cheap edition of the Waverley Novels oontains "A Legend of Montrose," "The Talisman,' "The Antiquary," "Redgauntlet," and "St Bonan'fl Well." These novels are printed on good paper, are illustrated by wood and steel engravings, and are handsomely bound bt green cloth, at the very low prlco of fl'75 jr Winnie, : - - .-. The 'Tbantom Ship," by Captain Ma-' ryatt, is the tenth volume ol Appleton's fifty cent edition of Marvatt'a .works. In tuie story the author, gives a version of the famous legend of the "FJylog Dutchman, which to lovers of the marvellous will lose nothing of its interest from his manner of telling it. 'Five Weeks in a Balloon" is designed as a satire on Koglish works of Afrioan travel, bat while the mode oMooomotlon and the amusing adventures are of course imaginary, the descrip tions of the geography, scenery, inhabitants, animals, and features of the countries tra velled over are vouched for as being strictly accurate. The work is very entertaining, and many of its hits will be appreciated by those who have perused the tales of genuine tra vellers In the oentre of Africa.. From Turner Brothers & Co. we have re eeived "Planchette; or, The Despair of Sat noe,"the third issue of the "Handy Volume" series in course of publication by Roberts Brothers. The mysterious little toy that' created so much excitement in sooial circles some months ago Boaroely does more than give a name to this treatise, which is a full and comprehensive aooount of modern spirit ualism, its phenomena, and the various theo ries regarding it, with a survey of Frenoh spiritism. The author evidently has full faith in all that he sets forth, and his tone is rather querulous towards those whose bump of credulity is not as large as his own. The work is prepared with care, however, and it will be read with interest by those who have perplexed themselves over the why and wherefore of the so-called spiritual pheno mena. The volume is nicely printed, and very prettily bound in green cloth. From the same house we have received "The Study of Languages Brought Back to its True Principles; or, The Art of Thinking in a Foreign Language," by C. Maroel. Pub lished by D. Appleton & Co. This work Is not a text-book, but a manual showing the author's method of learning foreign languages. It is generally conceded now that the old fashioned method of teaching languages by the means of the grammar was a mistake, and that it is better to learn the language first and the science of it afterwards. The method of M. Marcel Eeems to be well adapted for the easy and thorough comprehension of foreign languages, both as printed and spoken, and we recommend the manual to those who are interested in the subjeot. Messrs. Turner Brothers & Co. also send as "Common Sense," the third issue of the library of select novels, and through them we have received the weekly numbers of Our Boys and Girls, Oliver Optic's magazine, from January 1, 18G9. Published by Lee & Shepard, Boston. This magazine Is filled with an at tractive variety of stories, sketches, games, and other matters of interest to boys and girls. It is well illustrated, aud is published at $2 50 per year. From T. B. Peterson & Bros, we have received "Anne of Geierstein" and "The Fair Maid of Perth," two numbers of their twenty-cent edition of the Waverley Novels. Literary and Art Items. Mr. Henry Huth has Just printed in Lon don, privately, fifty copies of a "Narrative of the Journey of an Irish Gentleman through England in the year 1752." It is a lively ac count of the Cork narrator's trip to London and back, sketching his companions in his coach rides, saying that the English women were handsome but not vivaoious, that the stage coaohes had no windows to look out of, that the roads were awful, Miss Bnrchell at Vauxhall inimitable, eto. The manuscript (says the Athena am) was well worth patting into print. We saspeot that it is by the same writer as the Additional Manuscript, 27,951, lately added to the British Museum collection, though this latter, consisting of four rough little note-books, is in the writer's own hand, while Mr. Uuth's seems to be in that of a copier. The Museum Manuscript is oalled The Journal of an Irian Clergyman on ma Visits to London in 1758-61-72;" and the first note-book in the packet begins with a visit to and description of Windsor and Eton. In London the writer met Sheridan and other persons of note. Mr. T. Duffus Uardr writes from the Rolls House to the London Alhtmtum, under date of February 3: 'During my official inspection, in me year 18(15, of the Archives at Venioe, made by the direction of the Master of the Rolls, my atten tion was called by Mr. Rawdon Brown, who is employed in compiling a calendar of Venetian papers relating to the history of this country. to a volume containing " uonj""""" w Miihiel, the Venetian ambassador at tne iuan of Queen Mary. These despatches appeared to me to be ot suoh an important oharaoter, so Jar as I was then able to juage ui that I ventured to can me B1UU Master of the Rolls specialty to iu u.UJ. in my report, published by order of the Treasury in the year 1H0G. 1 take the liberty of sending you an extract, nvm in question: . ... vr.-i I. " 'f reservea in tue rumvo v. a volume containing the despatches of Michiel, the Venetian ambassador at ,the Court of Ciueen Mary. Of these, about onwlKh part is written in a cipher mat n uuunw the skill of every one who has attempted to explain it. Several of these letters are only par tially written in these secret characters; the remaining portion is in tue orumnrj hmuuj of the period. The context shows that many of the eeoret passage evidently relate to the Wtleaee of the Karl of Devonshire from tne Tower, and of tua Prinoees Kizabetn irom Woodstock. I should reoommend that copies or photographs of these letters be sent to Kugland, in order that steps maybe instantly taken to decipher tbem, which will, in all probability, throw light on the events of the reign of Queen Mary. That they are matters of great secrecy may be inferred from the fact that the det-i atcLee in cipher of the Venetian ambassador irom Eugland are of rare occur rence.' "Lord Romllly adopted my suggestion. Pho tographs of the despatches, made by Ponti, of Venice, were sent to the Public Reoord Offije, and have been shown by me to various scholars, but without any successful result. 1 am happy to auuounce that I received this mornirg from Mr. Rawdon Brown a letter stating that, among discoveries lately made at Venice, part of tb missing correspondence of Giacomo Sorsuzo, ambassador in London in 1C53, has jnstbeen discovered. These letters are in cipher throughout, and they contain an incisure- of a contemporary decipher, de- rcribing Boranio'a introduction to Qnn Mary. In eonseonenoe ol the aid afforded by this decipher, fclguor Lulgt Pasinl, of the Library of the Frari, has been enabled to oom plle the long-eought-for key of the cipher des- 5 atones referred to in my report. Mr. Rw on Brown has commuaicaU-d to me a speci men of Paslni's labors, and I hope to be in a condition within a few days to submit to auoh of your readers as feel interested In these matters, Paslni's decipher of these important documents. I think Rngltsh readers have reason to be grateful to Siguor Pasinl for his skill, ingenuity, and patience in aooomplish ing this difficult taBk. "Your readers may possibly be aware that a German scholar, of the name of Friedmann, rofesses to have made a aimil ftp A mnrt to r w Ut he has not vet cnmmnnli.l ia k nn u - 4 J ' v UV AAV lio the results of his labors or the method br wnicn ne arrived at tnem so fully as oonld be desired. It ia dn. hnwavar tn m. mann, to say that an artiole appeared in Mac- muian i Magazine aoout tnree months ago, In which ha Ttrnmlaaa in nnl.llah hla A ciphers of the Michiel despatches. Should it 1 V it. .i if it t i . im buowd mat Mr. friedmann has suooeeded deciphering the whola nf thaaa il.uinmanta Withont the hln thna hunnil mff.rAA tn Kiir. nor Pasinl, he will deserve the greatest praise iur uia perseverance ana ingenuity; and it will be ourious to compare the results of two saoh able deoinbnrnrfl. varttlna hv umrita knrl In. m - q -v dependent methods." ine raris correspondent of the Daily Ttlearanh dItad thn fnllnorlntr nnmlnnl unn.innt of a succession of theatrioal mishaps: "On Friday evening the Emperor and Em press went to the opera to hear the Huguenots. The house was one blaze of diamonds and satins, the boxes being occupied by the fine fleur of Parisian society the Duohess of Istria, the Marquise de Cadore, M. Sohneider, Madame TrOY)lonir. Attl. In nna if Ilia BtaM Kavai aaf the young Duo de Iluescar, son of the Duo o i . .... u Aiue ana nepnew or tne Empress. A strange night it was. The Emperor had ex Dressed a wish to ViAr Murium Taaa and Fan re, but, being ooc fined by influenza, they were uuaDie to ouey me imperial command: lo Mad'lle Julia Hieson had to perform the part of 'Valentine,' and Caron that of 'Nevers,' as Murel, who had taken Faare's place for the last two nights, was suddenly laid np. Caron, in donning the doublet ot 'Nevers,' left his own oharaoter, that of the 'Seiffnenr da ThorA ta ha 'nnrfnrmail m it best might by the leader of the ohoxus. ibb cornea y oj errors was not yet oom- T)letA. Dnrinor thn Vartraaant at f nn A raff fpnm the side scenes suddenly set Messrs. Colin and varon sneezing ana cougmng. rms iresa mishap pat tbe manager, M. Perrin. at his Wit's end. What was ta 1 dnnnt First nf all, the ohief dresser was ordered to prepare anomer Bet oi costumes, ana nrgent messages Wnrn daRnatnrieil t.n riiflUrant nnirt.pi Thn tenor Morore, and Castlemary, the baritone, Kinaiy reBponuea to tne appeal, and soon ap peared equipped as 'Raoul' and 'Nevers ' The former hail hid trnnhla tnr nntViinrr tnr Colin managed somehow to oome forward'and pat thrnnvh bta rvnrt nritVinnf iniuilnx Vint r1 o - - - nuv.iKiigi vuw Caron, who was quite hors de combat, drove oil i . .1. . i . . . uouie as quiumy as ne oouia PAPER HANGINGS, ETC. PAPER HANGINGS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. NAGLE, COOKE & EWING, LATE WITH Howell & Brothers, No. 1333 CHE8NUT Stroot. Trade Supplied at Manufacturers' Prices. HOWELL & BRO Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In PAPER HANGINGS, REMOVED TO JSos. 3 ami 5 EECATIJll Street, BELOW, MARKET. 2 12 tf Between Blitb and Beventli street.. QEAN & WARD, TLAlJi AKD DECOBATIYE PAPER HANGINGS, So. 251 South TIIIKI Street, BETWEEN WAUJCt AND BFBCCB, PHILADELIHIA. COUNTRY WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO t OOK ! LOOK ! I LOOK ! I J WALL PAPK RB I J Linen Winuow HtiuUrH mauutno tuied. Ibe eneapetitlu theoity,it JOHN-sTUM'H Dtpoi, Mo. 10a isPRliSO QAKlJliN Ktreet, below K eveiilU. Branch, No. 807 JjEDKU L btrett, Camden, JNew Jtrney. aj4o$ A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF WALL Pai eis and Window BlmduH. h. If. BAb DfcRHlON & ISON, No. 802 ttl'lUNQ U AKUKN bireeu a 25 am TRUNKS., IMPROVEMENT IN TRUNKS. ALL TKUMtd KOW MADE AT Tue "Great Central" Trunk Depot, Have Union' Patent Halevv Bup and B auli.h nt-curelj lumen, ibe Tiuiia on bomtuds with he. vy Bolt", una In tbe cemre wiltt lb ordla.ry tucic. Positively io extra charge. GKKAT CENTKAL TRUNK DEPOT, K. TV. Cor. SVrit and CHfcSAUT Sts. TRAVKLLKRH NOTXCB. Furchae your Tin Lka wlib Hlnion.' Triple Fan tea UK, beavr -KolU; no fear luck breaking, AT THE OR HAT CUNIHAL, t l9 8m y,0, toi CHKdNCT Btreel. PROVISIONS, ETC. MICHAEL MEAG11EK & CO., Ko. 223 South SIX1TENTU Street, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN PBOVINIOHM, VlKlttaN, AND HAND ClAIW, r uk rAniLT cm. TEBBAPIIB I6 PEH D OZKN. l LARZELCRB & DUCHCY, Custom House Brokers and Notaries Fubllc, No. 405 LIBRARY Street. Ail Custom House Uuslness transacted. PA88PORT8 PROCURED' SHIPPING. rffft LOH.ILLARD'8 8TKAM3HIP LINK FOR NEW YORK. railing Todr. Tbur.daji, and Saturdara. BEDUCTION OIT BATEi Bprlna ratM, commencing Marob 15. Balling Tuaidara. Tbnndaya, an4 Saturdays. On and altar lttb of Marca frelgbt ty thl. Lint will b. taken at 13 canta per luo pouuda, centt tr root, or 1 mdh per gallon, ablp'a option Advanca charge cashed at office on 1'ler. Krelghl received at ail ilmta on coveted wbarl. 2 3S Pier 10 North Wbarvet. . B. Kxtra ratal on aniaH iacga. iron, metala, K, tftttfr. CHARLESTON, 8, C. The South aud Southwest FAST FREIGHT LINE, EVEBT IHIIUvDAT. The Bteamehlna PROM FrrHKl 8 Captain Graj,-J. w. aVanMAN,uuwia vauce, WILL FORM A BaUULAU WIEltLY LINE. Ta. ateamablp J. W. EVKRMAN wlU tall .on THUKdlJA V , Marob 1 1. 1 bron.b bllla or ladlug given In connection with B, C. B. B. to pulLta lu tue Booth and Southwest. lcnarance at lowest rata. Batea ol freight as low as by anj other touts. For freight apply to 2 2111 DOCK bTREET WHARF, 4T FOR LIVEKPOOL AND QUblliNS" S,1WIM TUWM.-iuiiiau Line of Mail ct teamen air ...Luiuted to tall as lollow.: CATV OF DKOUHLUt, bauirday, Har.18, 1 P. M. Y UK BALI lM'OHK, baiumay, Mar.2u. 11 A. M, Mi l x uv;uiji.,Tiaiiaiir lueaaay. imr.i.i, i -.m. aud eacn aDOCHediua Baiuxdai aud alternaia Tuaaaav. Irom Pier 46. iNurtu tuvnr. UkAlJUl UJT riB04K BT THI ITIAHII aaiL,iN ivatv satukdat, Parable In Uold. Payable In Currency. riBH'i' CA ttlJS nraM..M.lflO ISTAiEHAUHi t?5 to London.m..,MH luo to Londou.n,,nnm 4a to Paris 115 to Paris...-. ....... 47 FaBsaoH bv tHi TuaaoAV btkamich via aTAUuraa, VIHHT OaBIM, BTlCHBAVl , Pat able In Uold. Payable In Uurrencv. LI verooU.nMMM..M.... 90 1 Liverpool... 1 10 Hallux- M I Hallux is bt. JoliU's, N. F..m...1 i. pt. John's, N. F........ i ... hv knih HtMikur I I IV Ur.nrh Ulnantu, I ou Passeogers also lor warded to Havre, Hamburg, Bxs men. etc.. at reduced rates. Ticaeta can be bought here at moderate rates by pcr.UD. .rlia'Vg lvr fcaeir uivuui, Per further Information apply at the Company's unices. JOHN O. DALE, Agent, Ho. 15 BROADWAY, N. T. Or to O'bOJSW EH A AULK. Agents, Ho. 411 CHEtoKUT Btrett, Philadelphia, ONLY DIRECT LINE TO FRANCE. 'Ha. oaiIBAL TRASBAl'LaNTIO COMPANY'S waijj c.iiABauiio nail nAjLfl naw iukk AMI HAVkU flALI.INll A'P U LJ U'-J'T' The splendid i.ew vessels ou this Uvorite route for the Uouilueut will taU Irom Pier iSo. 60 Worth river, bT. La t KliNT ..Brocande.....8atnrday. OcL V 1 Lilih. Vtu PAlvlb.m .buruioui.....Baiuruay , Uoi, 17 PEKjLlitEawMM.M....MM....Luciiijeue......oauxaay, OOt. 81 PRICK OF PAB3AOE In gold (IncludliiK wlue), 'AO ilREof OR HAVRE. First Cablll.............m..i4o eecoud Caliiu... 8S (Including railway tiuae.a, lurnlshed on board) nrsi caom.........j4t) Bi-cuud cubln..M..........t86 a iicnc iKMbBi. uu tut uarry .it9iage pasaeugers. iiedicl aiieudau.e fiee ol charge. American travellers golug to it returning from the cuiilliirnt of Europe, by taking the steuers of this line avoid uuntceasary rinKs Irom trausit oy Eu.ilbU railwajs auo crueeiug tue channel, besides aviug i.iuu, uuuuih, uu expense, Ue.uK.UE M.CEEMZIE, Agent, No. hs HkllA 1. W A Y. Naur Vn. Ir For passage in Phliaaetpnla, appiy at Adams' a'i VUiutauy, (J 11. Jj. AjTAJ) , 1 7 Ho. 20 CHK.SN U 1' tttreit. PHILADELl'lilA, BICHMOND lAAJtaUCiii JfxtJLiUilT Alii ItUAM TO TELA W A JO. Ailif AUK, A , KVKHV HATUKLIAT. At noon, from JiUttiT W ha its above ALARKJa Dtl a AAliOtUH BATES and THROUGH REOBIP-ps iO all polu tain JNoriii auu South Carolina, via uea ooard Air Llue Kaiiroad, oouuevilng al Portsiuouil, aud to Lyuuhburg, V a., Tennessee, aud the West, vis Virginia aud Teuuessee Air Llue ana Richmond and iiauvlile ballruad, irti.ui HAJSiiLKD BUT OHCE. and taken ai LOW hJJL RA'l'EM THAN AMY OTHER lASjS, The regularity, satety, aud cheapuesa of this root, commend It to the puolio as tue most desirable me dium tor carrying every description ol freight. ISo charge for commission, diayage, or any expenss Of tranuler. Htearuahlps Insured at lowest rates. FraliUt received daily. m nwau. 1U.IAM P. CLYDE OU,. Ho. 14 ftoith and bouih WMARVEa. W. r. PORTER, Ageut at Richmond and city Foiut. T.P. CRO WELL ACQ.. Agents at Horfolk. ll -rPft. NOIICE.-FOB NEW YORK, VIA ffltrtV-1 AIND RAR1TA.N da NAT,, avaPRBACI UlEAAlBOAT COMPANY. TlieCHKal'ctsT auu UUaCKESa water oommunl cation beiwetn puuadelpuia ana iNev Vora. ottan us leavedaliy irrnu Unit wharf below Market s reei. Philauelphla. and loot ol Wall street, Hew Yiia. uoudt forwarded by all the lines running outol Hew York. Horth, East, aud West, tree ol ooimuisalou Fralrht received ou aud aftor tne 8th Instant, an 1 furwaidi d on accooimodaliiig terms, WlUUM P. ui,iUa A CO., Agents. HO. 1 B. DELAWARE Aveuu, PhiUdwinhUi .Aiaviut HAND, Agent, Wo. 119 WALLBtreet.XSew Yoi. frfh. NEW XPKEB8 LINE TO ALEXi rTfi 1'aj a i r. Ueorgetown; aud Washington aj. v.., via (.Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, with con nections at Alexandria from the most direct roats tor Lynchburg, Rristi, E.noxvilie, Hashvule, Daltoa and the Uouthweat. Hteamers leave regularly every Saturday at nooa from the Urtt wharf imi't Market street. Irelghtraoelved daily. p Ho, 14 Horth and Uouth What vss. J. B. DAVIDBOH, Ageut at Ueorgetown. M. EI.DRIDUE Co., Agents at Alexandria, Vty. Ilnla. (i NOTICE. FOR NEW IOEK, via laawara and HitrliAn fu. b W1FT a U RK Ta AISarOR t'ATION DESPATCH AHD B (VIK'idDRE LINK,' Tbe busibeis by tbese Hues will be resumed on and alter the ih of w arch, For Freigh s, which will be taken eu accommodallug terms, appiy to W H. RAIRD. dt Co., 8 2 Ho. 13 A bouih Wharves. BRANDY, WHrSKY, WINE, ETC. QAR8TAIR8 & McOALL, HOB. 126 WILIS UT and 21 tJUAMTE St&a, DCPORTRS Ol Brandies, Wines, tiln, OUre Oil, Etc Els., WHOLKSALK DEALERS JiV PU11E RYE WHISKIES, IN BOND AND TAX PAID. 4 11 ILL I AM C ROVES, Ke. 838 gASSOM Street, "agkht POR YEA7MAN t ORAHAM'B 2 22 1m rUBE CIKCIKMATI CATAWBA WLNES. hotels and restaurants. Mt. Vernon Hotel, 8 1 Monument street. Baltimore. Elegantly Furnished, with unsurpassed Cuisine. On the European rian. P. P. MORGAN. TSJOKTII PENN UOTEL, NO. 445 N. THIRD X htret. 1 hlladelptiia, is Nuwv OPEN, on tue nropran plan, A IB I a. I HON, tnperinif udeat. Konnis lo rent, with or wUhout board; boarding, lib or without room.. i 6 1 m ATV DR. GIKARD. VKTEKINAHY SUB JOYOfcON, treats all diseases ol bonus and cat tie, and all surgical operations, with eulolenl accmu modatlons tur horses at bis ludrmary Ho. uu MARtiH AI LbWest, abuvs Poplax. iut ' - " INSURANCE. .TAti7ARK! MUTUAL BAFETY INHTJR" P ANCK COMPAN Incorporated by Vtt Legislature ot Pennsylvania, VU&. Oflloe B. B. comer of THIRD and WALNUT SUWWi UliMvifNiai lain. THHTTBAMrltfl On Vessel, Cargo, and H-elght to all part of Ul. Will IU, T1.I.AHD rHHTTRAKOm On gooda by river, canal, lake and land Carriage waupsruioi tne union. riBB 1HBUBAHC1W DnMerohandlsegeneraiiy; onHtores.DTrelUngs, . xtouses, eio. AaeiTfi or tri oompaht, Nonmh.. 1. HHSL 1200,000 United BUtes Five Per Cent. Lohd, 10-40s 120,000 United H tales Blx Per Oent. Loan, 1881 60.000 United Bute Hlx Per Cent. Loan (for Paclflo K). 900.000 Blate of Pennsylvania Blx Per (jnnt. Loan 136,000 City of Pblla. Blx Percent. Loan (exempt Irom tax). 60.00 Btate of New Jersey Blx Per Cent. Loan 90,000 Penn. Kali. First Mortgage Blx Per Cent. Bonds. ....... 25,000 Penn. H. Beoond Mortgage Blx Per Cent, Bonds......... 26,000 Western Penn. K. MorU Blx Per CenU Bonds, (P. xi. K. goarantee) . 80,000 Btate ofTeDnessee Five Per Cent. Loan.....M 7,000 Btate of Tennessee Blx Per Cent. Loan 16,000 Qermantown Oaa Co., prin cipal and Interest punrnn teed by City of Phllad'a, 800 sbares Stock. .............. 10,000 Penn'a Hallroad Company, 300 sbares Htock 6,000 Nortb Penn'a Railroad Co., 100 shares Btock 20,000 Pblla and Boutnern Mall Bteam.Co..80shares Btock 207,000 Loans on Bond and Mort gage, first liens on City Properties........ , X8,SO0,00 138,800 DO 60,000-00 311,37506 138,59100 61,500 00 30,200 00 34,000 00 30,62500 31,000 00 5,03125 15,000 00 li;,W0 00 8,50000 15.000 00 307,900-00 11,109,900 Far. Market value, tl,130,325-25 Real Estate !....' 86.000 00 Bills receivable for Insurance made 822,480-94 Dalaoces uue at agencies, premiums on marine policies, accrued Inter- ant a n rl nl har ri.hia Hna Lha nom pany 40,178'88 Rtnpb .nil aorln nt aiiTirtrv rnrnfirA tlons. J3156. Estimated value 1.813 00 Casn In bank.....ra ?llo 150 08 Cash la drawer., 413b5 116,563 78 11,647,367 -80 nT-BKCTOBS. Tbomaa C Hand. Kdmand A. Bonder. Yhn t lknnln Bamuel E. Htokes, James O. Hand, Tbeopblloa Paulding, Joseph U. Ideal, Hugh Craig, Jobn R. Penrose, Jacob P. Jones, James Traqualr, Edward Darlington, U. Jones Brooke, James B. McFarland, Edward Lafourcade, AAOlliy C1UHU. William O. Ludwlg, UeorgeG. Lelper, Henry O. Daliett, Jr., John D. Taylor, George W. Bernadou, William U. BoDlton, Jacob Klcgel, Spencer Mcllvalne. D. T. Morgan, PUUOnrg lonn n. sempie, V. B. Bercer. Josboa f. Eyre, 1 HOMA8L . HAND. President. JOHN O. UAV1H. Vlca.Presldent. HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. HENRY BALL. Assistant HeoreUry. flO 6 Iggy-CIUBTEU PEliPETUAL. Friuililln Fire-insurance Co OFFICE? Nob. 435 aud 437 ULLSUT 8TItl ASSETS OJf JAMVABT 1. ISO. tl rrwi 1. CAj aa aaaaaaaaaaaa . "J!Ar;ilf...M....mM.M......wttS4,l,att.:-a UM8ETTAJO CLaUMU. JJNOOaLE i'UJi lsm aa.ega-as ase,ooo.. tMUmtat iaid siacB lsitv uvKis 000,000. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on LiberM Tsrm, DIRJBXTTORB. Charles N. Bancs: ex, Alfred FlUer, Bamuel braut, iThomas Sparks, George W Richards, hfti lillaui b. Oraut. Isaac Lea. Alfred a. Baker, George ales, Thomas e. Jtlllal UHARLK9 IS. RAUNUivJiR, President, UKORuJal PALKb, Vice-President. JA8. W. MoAJULlBl'JblR, Becretary pro tern, xceptatLexlngtuu,Kentuoky, this Company i no Agencies West ot Pittsburg. nj OFFICE OF THE INttURANCE COMPANY OF OKlH AMERICA, Ho. 232 W AXaN UX bireet, Pbiiaueipbla. Incorporateu 17U4. Charter PerpetaaL capiial, 850o,ooo. "' Assets $2,330,000 MAR1IS E, IN LAIN 1, AN I) FIRE LNbJ RANCE. OYER J2O.OOO.O0O LOeSES PAID SINCE lib ORGANIZATION. SIRKCTOBS. Arthur Q. Collin. Unnnei L. Harrlann tlun.nul IA 1 ,,r. V o . MMiu iiv, v. . w vuea, J 01m A. Brown, Charles Taylor, -Ambrose White, Richard I). Wood, William Welsh, B. Moirls WaUu. Francis K. Uodb. Eawaxd H. Trotter, Edward 8. Clarke, X. Cbariton Henry, Alfred 1). Jessup. Jobn P. Whit. Louis O. Maueira, John MaaOiiT Charles W. Cushman. AKTnUlt a. COFFIN. President. . CHARLES PLATT, Vice Prealdent. MATTHIAS Makib, Becretary. . - 21j FIRE INSURANCE E2CLUSIVELYTFB PA Y incorporated mo-Ohaiter Perpeiual-jS flu WALAUT bureet, opposite Independence Hauara Xbls Company, favorably known to the oommuuit. tor over lorty years, continues to Insure agaJiut loS M damage ly lire on Public or Private iiuhdiniV either permaueutly or tor a limited time. Alio on yurulture. Buxiks ol Goods, and Merc baa dlsTYeu rally, on liberal terms, ' BU Their Capital, together With a large Burplns Vani Is Invested In the most eareiul nianuer, Which enaMi tliem to offer to the Insured ait undoubted securlti i (he case ol loaa. 7JJI , BiaKTOM, Daniel Brulth, Jr., 1 J' hn Devereax, Alexander Rensoni I Thomas omllh, Iwaao naslehursti I Henry iewls, Ihomas Robius, J.tiiJuighajaJFell, liaulel Baddock, Jr. DA1S1KL OM1TH. J..P SSldent, WHi 8. CBOWKLL. becretary. Ittoj QTRIOTUY MUTUAL. PROVIDENT LIFITaKD TRUST CO. OJT PilllAAUJULPHlA. OFFICE, flu. Ill H. roiIUTU MTRJEKl', uisauiaun tu pruiuwta aaUia, aaXolhaXSUIS amoni' members ot the aoCIHiTY OP FRIJENIM, Good risks or any olass acceputu. Poliulua Issued upou appruveu piaus, at las Iowa.: ''' President, BAMVRL R. biliPLET, Yioe-President, William O. LoNUrtTRHrrn Actuary, ROW l,AlSI PARRY, The advantages oflered by this Uompany are xoelled, r7 Pllffi&lX 1KSUBAKUK COM PA NIT OF PHILADELPHIA. UMOOKPUtvAi HO lhlH CHARTER PKRPETOAL. No. m WALK lT bireet, opposite the sUchange. This Company Insures irom loss or damage by . FIR a,, on liberal terms, on buildings, merchandise, tuinltnre, etc., lor llulted periods, and permaubntly on build, u ks by deposit of premium t. Tbe C'i mi. any has been in active operation for mors tban blXTY V KAKtt, during which all losses have oeen prompuy aujubiea a ',r-'-., UlRk-CTOl". Jobn L. Hodge, David Lewis, Benjamin Rulnf. Thomas R . Powers. A. R. McHeury, js.du.ui d C'astlllon, M. R. Alahuuy, John T. Lewis, WllHam B. Orant, Robert W. Learning, U. ciark wnanoD V. WUai'UU, CAMW TT 11..., Lawrence Lewis. Jr., lwi O. Nnrris. JOHN B.vrjCRJtRKlt, President, etamuei wnoox, Bampil WrLQox. Hwcreiary. IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. LONDON.. ESTABLISHED 1S03. Pald-np Capital and Accumulated Funds, $8,000,000 IN GOLD. PHEVOST alERRIKG, Agent, I No. 101 Boutb THIRD Street, Phllada. 0HA8. H. PKiyObT. ' CHA. P. HERRIAa INSURANCE. OUlce roniDwrai uor. ruuKl H ana WAUVTJT iZ HHK I18UKAMC'1C tvXCLUHI VElVv 1 tM" riKriTUAii axnjj i KO.M. ruLiciife iaiTD Cash Capital ........... ...... n- ...I'lin no-Mi r . l. - k..a F k n . . . 1 ... CI Vbu ai.vw ..hv.ii . 1 ' lilJUVlVnn. r. Ratcbford Btarr, i- Livingston Krrlornr 1 ISalbro Fracler, J. ma. jj. Oiagboa. Jobn V. Atwoed. Wm. U. Boirtton, BenJ. T. Tredtok, Charla. Wheeler, Ueorge H. btuart, Tboa. II MoDHromery. Jobn 1L Brown. James M. Asruisn, O'hia Homnanv Insnres Onlv flrst-laa. ri.b. ,win. no specially baaatdous risks whatever, such a facto ries, mills, eto. J , naivnroniranrt aT rv I OffTl I, AA? TBOrJ. H. MONTC40M KHY, Vloa.prelden.," A tit 1. W. Wiwteb. Becretary. s ENGINES, MACHINERY, ETO, rW"t FEJJ1 BTEAM KNQLNU lLSa ..&L, 42 BOJLKH WORR.-NKAFlB 4, Lkvv PRaUiICAL A1SD THJtORKTICAL aUlN tVnl. AiiiiiflmiB BOlKR-MAlik HMITHb, and FOUNDKHH. bavin Been in sucowsrui eperauon, an engaged In building and repairing Marine and TJi? icnglnes high and low-pressure. Iron Boiler. w.ul -lanas, rropellers. etc, etc, respectfully offer thE fr.'2f 10 lh? Pub" M bln luMr Prepared to ooa tract ror engine of all slsea, Marine. R! Yn Btationaryj having sets of patterns cf dlire-enl' sh22 a'?.'",!?;.!.'''?. -no Oespilos t - 'PWU VI lVhUI liaU.ILIf: HI 11.(1 A. tkt lka sbortest notice. High and Low-pressare ln Tubular and Cytlnderltollers, 01 tba bt PnTli-i nla charcoal Iron. For.lnga of ail slus and kind!" Iron, and Bass tasilugs of all dascr.ptlo t. SJTl Ta,1j;. Screw tfottiiig, aud allethsr workoonriSa with the above business. j"wat Drawings and specluoat'ons for all work dona u UieesublUhment (t-e nf charge, and work sniaraZ: teed, The snbscrlbers baa ample j, pie wharf-dock room nv L-y can lie in perfect sa,W ars, blocks, tails, etc, J2 weights. JA(X)B O.BRATIm, ilium p I B nv repairs 01 Doals, where liiey c and are tirnvlilail with shears for raising ttavy or light welg,ht. BKACIB and PA Lid K it Bt'reeO. JT, VAOfcH MlUtaiCKi at. SOCTHWAhK FOLK buy. FIFTH AKT WAbHJaSUTOW Btresia, 'ri Afli, in.. rMIUADLlFHIA, ,w-.,?,KKKlt!K BOWV lMW01Nl!.liRB AND MAOHllVlrT-J, mannfacinre High and Iw prensure Steam Enaissa lor Land, RlT.r. and Marine Bervtor, "a.a-1 Bollera, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, eto. Castings of all kinds, either Iron or brass. IJ0rnoaVbta!lc.,:SuSIO Wora, Workshops, aat Every description of PlanUtlon Machinery, slM Bugar, Baw, and unit Mills, Vacuum Pans, ou Bteam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping, Xs, glnea, eto. Bole Agents for If. BUleox's Patest Bnrar BoUlns Apparatus, Nesmytb's Patent Bteam- Hammer, ani Asplnwall Woolseya Fateat OantrUngal BngH Draining Machines. PATENTS. PATENT OFFICES. IS, W. Comer F0UKT1I and CHESaNCT, (Entrance on FOURTH Street). FRANCIS D. PA8TORIU8, Solicitor of Patents. Patents procured for Inventions In the United Btstes and Foreign Conn'rles.and allbnsliets relat ing to the same promptly transacted. Call or send for circular on Patents. 3 S smth pATENT OFFICE. 1'atents Procured la tbe United (States and Europe; Inventors wishing to lake mt Letter. Patent for Hf-w lnventlui'S are ud vised to coubuu with O. H i.V AISP, N. W. toner POURTR and WALNUT B reeis, Pbllaaeipnia, whose faolimes lor prosecuting cases beioie tbe Patrnt olllce are unsurpassed by any other agency. Circulars couislulng fuU Informa nt n to Inventoia can be nad ou application. Models mads secretly. C. H. EVANS, 8thslo N. W. Corner FOL'BTH and WALNUT. OFFICE FOR PFCCUIMG PATENTS, FOlUiDST UUILDLNUS, No. 119 South FOURTU St., Philadelphia. AND MARBLK BUILDI1SOS, Ho. BEVKIi'lH Btreet, opposite TJ. 6. Patent Office, Washington, D. O. Ii. HOW pON. boiloltor of Patents. U. HOWBOIM, Attorney at Law. ' Communications 10 be addressed to toe Prlnclrsj Ofllce, Philadelphia. 1 1 lm PATENT S.-WIEOKKSIIEIM. & CO.. fcOLlCITORH UV PATK1STS. 400CHFbMJ l blKKKT, PUlLADltLPHIA. 408 1 1U bTRT, W AbHlOTON. D.U i 18 lot DRUGS, FAINTS, ETC. ROBERT SHOEMAKER fe CO., N.E. Corner of F0UBTH and RICK Sts., PHXLADJtLPHIA. WHOLESALE ORUCCI8T8; IKPORTBS AND MA-NUFACTCREKa OF WhlU Lead and Colored Paints, Putt Tarnishes, Etc. ASaGRTS FOB THJB OXLEBRAIaQ) ' FREKCH ZIAC Pa. JTS. DaLAIaERS AHD OX)W8TJMKR8 6CPPLLED Al Lowest pricks for oajsh. i,u STOVES, RANGES, ETC. KOT1CE. THE DNDER81QNED would call the attention of thepubllo to his AjfcTV uuuvau aautia s fan Aug, Thl. la an entirely new haabxr. It ia an m. structed as te at once commeud lUell to general favor, being a cvmblnatlou of wrought ad cast Iron. It Is very simple In lis construction, and Is perfectly air. tight; self-cleaning, havlngmo 1 lpes or drums to be token out aud cleaned. It U so arraugtd with upright Hues as to produce a larger amount of beat from the same weight of ctal than any furnace now In use. Tbe bygi emetic nonunion of the air as produced by my new arrangement ot evaporation will at once de monitrate that It Is ti e ouly Hot Air Furnaoe that WlU produce a perefutly healthy atmosphere. Tiioseln want 01 a complete Heating Apparatus would do well to call and examine the Uolden Kagla, CHARLKei WlLLlAfttBT Bos. U82 ana ltft MARKKT Btreet, . . w. Philadelphia. A large assortment ot Cooking Ranges, fc"l re-board Btoves, Low Down Orates, Ventilators, eto.. always on band N. R, Jobbing of all kinds promptly done. I log THOMPSON'a LONDON KITCHEN EH or AtUKUFii.AW RalSuli:, fur families, hotels, or public lu.tltulloiis. In TWaVJSI'Y DIFFaCR. R1ST BiZRU. Aiao, Philadelphia Ransea. Hot-Air Furuace., Poitable Heaters, Low-down Orates, Flreboard Bioves, Ba'h Boilers, Btew-hole Plates, Boilers, looking stoves, eto,, wholesale an4 retail, by the mauuiaciorers ' bHARPX A THOMPSON, llt5wrmm Ko. am N. BKCOJiD bUeea, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ETC. QOATINCS I COATINGS I JAMES A L C E , HO. 11 MVUTal MKCOaVD MTHfeUKT. S'n 0 the Golden Lamb, ABE MOW HEt EIVlMtt HEW attTLKa Of FALL AND WINTER C01TLNGS, TO WHICU TUKT INVITO TUB ATTE9 TIOM Or 1IIB THADf! ill) orUBBI, at wiioitmm auu uurti iszm OOBB AXOBA BAQ MAUOFACTORr. a J OH N T. R A 1 LB Y. M, X. corner ot MARKkT aud waT lit Htnstai PhliadHiphia. DKAIJCUB IN bAin AND BaotilNS . Of every description, fur rain, Floor, Bait, fcuper.f'ho.phate of tdme. 0B4 Iiust, Hie. Larte and small OVJS h 1 Bauh eniutaniiy an3aa kSAii Also, WOOL avMHsta. "RH. B i. A OK. tint maav