mmk f HUS1CAL AM) DHAeUTIC Maeh AJ Abont Nothing;" at the Are. Mrs. Drew' second 8b.ake8pearl-tn effort of the easoa attracted a large and fashionable audi ence at theAroh fetrect Theatre last evening. The taste and elegance with which, the plaj is put upon the stage, aud the very superior manner to whloh It Is acted throughout, entitle the performance to tho warmest praise, and to all the success which It Is likely to meet with during the neit two weeks. Muck Ado About Nothing Is acted more fiequently than any of Bhakespesre's comedies, and It Is consequently ell known to the plajftotu public As in many of Shakespeare's woiks, the characters around whom the greatest interest cen tres have but a slight connection With the plot, and the success of the play is therefore dependent entirely upon the manner in which the actors acquit themselves, and not upon the Interest of the story. The parts ot "Benedkk" and "Beatrice" arc favorites with actors who essay the higher walks of comely, but the number of those who have achieved reputation as tho representatives of these vola tile andlaughtcr-moving creations of the poet Is limited to a few names. The characters are drawn with such consummate skill, and their wit and merriment are so spontaneous, that it seems difficult at all times to reallzo them upon the stage with tbe requisite ease aDd grace Miss Joile Orton is one of the very few actresses who has of late years appeared to decided advantage as "Beatrice," aud her performance of the part has not been equalled, certainly upon tbe Philadelphia stage, for a long time. Miss Orton loses nothing in comparison with Mrs. Drev, excellent as is that lady's personation. Mrs. Drew's "Bet trlce,"tHke All her comedy, is a refined, elegant, and most enjoyable piece of acting. In the . early scenes of the play, especially, she realizes the bright, sparkling, and vivacious disposition of the witty herolue admirably. In the wed ding scene, and In the subsequent interview With "Benedick" her Indignation at the base accusation made against "Hero" has too much the appearance of being assumed, and when she urges "Benedick" to challenge "Claudlo" she seems to treat the affair in a rather joking spirit, and with less real earnestness than the occasion demands. Mrs. Brew, however, plays the part as few actresses of the day could play it, and her "Beatrice" is entitled to very hearty praise. Mr. Barton Hill is usually at his best In high comedy, and "benedick" is one of the best per son at ions he has ' given since he has been at tached to the Arch street company. The part Is In every way better suited to him than that of "Malvollo," and his acting is spirited and shows a thorough appreciation of the require , ments ot the character. Mr. Everly gives t refined and Intelligent representation of "Don - Pedro," and Mr. James makes an acceptable "Claudio," acting the part much better than he did that of "Orsino" in Twelfth. Night. Miss Price makes a graceful and pleasing "Hero, . and Mr. Charles E. Yoltz as "Leonato," Mr. "Wallis as "Antonio," and Mr. Creese as "Dou John," perform their parts creditably. We are somewhat snrprieed to find that Mr. Wallis was not cast for the part of "Leonato," as his ability and experience are more requisite to this part. The best thing in the play, however, is Mr. Mackay's ' Dogberry." This character could scarcely fall to be Infinitely amusing under any circumstances, but Mr. Mackay acts it super lativelv well, and he fully sustains tho reputa 4ion which he won in it a year or two ago at the Chesnut. No . less excellent is Mr. Craig's ' "Verges. " This antique personage has very little to say, but that little is said with effect, Mr. Craig's "make-up" is capital, and he is the Dersonttioation of antiquated imbecility, and throughout the scene in which he appears, although his more garrulous companion manages to monopolize most ot the converse tion. Mr. Craig's thorouihly artittlc acting makes this small part one of the first Importance. Even if Much Ado About Nothing were per formed but indifferently well in other respects, it would be worth a visit to see these two broadly comic characters so humorously repre sented as they are by Messrs. Mackay and Craig. Mrs. Drew has placed Much Ado About Nothing on the stage in admirable stile. The scenery is very good, although the gar Jen scene in the seeond and third acts Is not improved by the clumsy cut trees which are scattered about the stage. The opening scene by Hawthorne, repre senting a terrace before "Lconato's" palace, overlooking tho Bay of Messina, and the ball room scene in tho second act, by Fetters, possess much merit. Tbe costumes are rich, eleajant, and in the best taste, and they add greatly to the effect of the perform ance. The play passed off with much spirit last evening, and it 'will doubtless Improve at each performance; Iwetfth Nigki was much better on tbe twelfth night than it was on the first. A few more watchmen in the street scene of the third set would not be amiss, and for the minions of "Don John" to be over powered by numbers would make their non-resistance more reasonable. As it is, however, there is very little to find lault with and much to praise, aud the appreciation of the perform ance, shown by the audience last evening, indi cates that srood plays only have to be put on the stage with care and Rood taste, and to be well acted, to prove as attractive as those which depend entirely upon the scenery and mechani cal effects for success. Vbe City Amassment. at tiik Akch Bnakespearee comedy of Much Ado About Nothing will be performed this ' at Walnut Mr. and Mr. Barney Wll 'at th CHRS!ct C. 1) Mess A Co Dnrlesqne AIW-'WSft original aJ- a miscellaneous enter- distributed to tne auaiw r - Saorrow 'wrS,n:ARe.wiii lve a reading MB.B. Kdwiw JStihinL rroskwM. at Couoeri from U Jh!S proceeds K&tt uflS Iu Widows' Asylum ,111 be oi.irnautnuon is new in Tblaexealientcu.ri- --- "- bop9 tDJkl aaivable manner. THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, PITY 1TBM8. Aw KwrnitrBrfttifO Hons. -Ths well-known and extensive publishing Arm or Bower, Barnes FotU - until very reoentiy located at Wo. 3T North Third street are now fixed and furnished la their new store, o. fl30 Market street. In this aew and com modlooa bnslneas piece, a bnildlnf extending all the waj beck lo Minor street, the Arm has pat every thing conducive to tbe oonvenienc of their cus tomers, Increased their facilities for the speedy and sittematlo transaction of business, and added one or two new branches to their Ireds. The vesicas stories In tbe piece are nicely and neatly famished. The books ere arranged In such order on the shelves that delay In finding any particular one la well nigh Im possible. One department Is devoted to fine sta" tlonery, and as a convenience to buyers from other pieces a department of wall - papers and window shades baa beea Introduced. Desks have been erected for tbe special nee of customers, and other admirable features added. Altogether, the store li one of tbe most comn'ete In the oily, and the facilities It affords for the exercise of the, energy and experience of the firm cannot fall to produce a large Increase of business One thing speolally noilob:e n tbe placets the array of standard school books. For the publication of these tbe firm has attained a widespread celebrity, and a deserved reputation. They have been on:lrlag In their efforts to do away with that disposition, too frequently evinced on the part of oar sohool authorities, to seek In other oltles school books which van Just as readily be obtained la oar own. They have at length succeeded, by the Istne ot some of their publications publica tions whloh, for sohool purpose, have leoelved the unqualified endorsement o' thousaadt of capable and disinterested teaohers bjth here and elsewhere In convincing those who contemplate the purchase of each books that no necessity exists to go to other places to get them. We have tbnm here In tbe store of Messrs. Bowers, Barnes A Potts, In kind, character, and arrangement far superior to any whlih can be foucd in either New York or 11 w- ton. W e mention but one ot these publications and tbe mere mention will suffice to show the truth o what we have said. What books better tbaa Brooks Normal aeries cf Arithmetics conld be placed In tbe hands of both the teachers and the pupils In our Secondary and Grammar Bohools T The sanction they have received from the teachers wbe have tried them, not only here but all over the Union, carries I's own argument at to their superiority. By the publication of such works tbe firm has prospered, and will continue to prosper; Bpbino Ovkbcoats A fine atiortmmt, unr quitted by any in Philadelphia, in ttyle, makt.andll, at prices ranplng from 0 ujnvard t, Bill and exam int. HaU-vav betwtm -t Bkjswxtt a UO fWi and Towns Hall, 6Mh tfreeU.) No. Bis Makkkt St., Philadelphia, AH9 No. 604 BaoADWAT, Natw Yoaau ftlOOO REWARD FOB THE COUNTERFEITER tlOOO EKWARD FOB THE COUNTERS EI TIC ft lOOO REWARD FOB THE COUNTERFEITER 1000 REWARD FOR THE COUNTERFEITER OF HKLMBOLD'd FLUID EXTRACT BUOHC. HOW TO DETECT IT The genuine has tbe Dime blown In the bottles, whIW the counterfeit has nob And the ooatenta are not at all similar to ths gen uine, bat of lighter color. In fact, It Is a most misera ble Imitation In this respeot, and possesses no medl clnallqualltles whatever, but seems to be filled with some ilmple decoction. The oennterielt has been found In four different drag stores In this ctty within a week. I will appreciate tbe kindness of dealers If tbey will examine their stock at once and report. GREAT INJUSTICE may Be DONE TO PATIENTS OR SAT INJUSTICE may b DOS E to P ATI EN TS 6 REAT IN J U dl ICE may B DONE TO PATIEXTS GREAT INJUSTICE MAY lis DONE to PATIENTS) GREAT INJUS tlOE may bk DONE To PATI KNTd GREAT INJUSTICE MAY BI DONE TO PATIENTS GREAT INJUSTICE may b DONK to PATIENTS GREAT INJUSTICE if AY DONS TO PA.TIIC STS GREAT INJUSTICE MAY SB DONK TO PATIENTS GREAT INJUSTICE may iix DONE TO PATIENTS I look to druggists for protection. Patients that have been unlng tbe genuine readily detect tae spurious, and la three distinct cases they called at the store. Notwithstanding ths druggists la ea.h case having asanred them ot the genuineness of the article, tbey may have ap nea conscientiously, BEAR IN MIND TUB GENUINE BEAB IN MIND THE GENUISE BEAR IN MIND THE GENUINE BEAR IN MIND THE GENUINE BEAR IS MIND THE GENUINE has the following plainly blown in three sides of the bottle: H. T. HELxtBOLD'S GENUINE FLUID EX TRACTS, PHILADELPHIA. THE COUNTERFEIT HAS NOT. THE COUNTERFEIT HAS NOT. THE COUNTERFEIT HAS NOT. THE COUNTERFEIT HAS NOT, THE COUNTERFEIT HAS NOT. Notwithstanding I have spared no expense lu get ting op steel engraved wrappers aud labels for the protection ot my business, tbe connterteit or these are calculated to deceive. Information derired, leading to detection, will be rewarded with the amount of one thousand dollars, and at the same time thavkfttly received by H. T. H ELM SOLD, Drngglst, S 8 IMP Ko. 504 BRO AD WAY, New York. P. a einoe the Insertion of the above the follow lng Drngglsts have kindly reporVM and returned the apnrtona article, and been supplied with the gsnulne; W. H. Pl'e, No. 708 PassyuBk roao. James 8- Kverton, Fourth and Queen. A Cabd. We have resolved this season to offer to onr citizens at ti actions greater than ever before. Our stock wilt be found to be very full ana choice. In onr ready-made work we have made op pnly the very choicest of goods, and In the very height of the fashion. To onr many customers ws should state that they will find an unusual Una of tbe finest and most stylish Clothes In tbe country, and wouia re spectfully tender oar advice to call and secure pat terns, even though they should not desire their orders tilled Immediately. CHABI.KS Btokes A CO., Clolliiers, No. 24 Chesnut street, JawBLav.-Mr. William W. CassMy, No. 12 South Second street, has the largest and most attractive assortment of Oneiewelry and silverware la the city Purchasers can rely upon obtaining a real, pure arti cle rornlshed at a prloe which cannot be equalled. Ha also has a large stock of Americas Western watches In all varieties and at all prices. A visit to bis store la sore to reanlt In pleaanre and profit. eioTis BAXka'a Highest Fremitus hewing Its-chines. Ko. 78o Chesnut street. ThbTimk Has Comb For Spring Overcoats. We fcave them for $6-50. All prices up to 823. Wanamakkb A Uhown, TUX IiAHOXaT ULOTHINU HOC4E, Tbk Coh. ok Sixth amp Market Bts. MA.BBIED. mvrr.-PWWTN'-On the 29th of January, hy the wIS in llorcey. of Philadelphia, AN I HON Y H. JOYCK W " MitScK aV. Uttii;Ji..V. bo.B Ol Bristol. r'uwvllFAENWiUr.-On the 8d day of March. Bpsdn. new of PhUadelphla. DIED. TAlBGKlKVE.-Oa ths 6h ttstant. MARY, wUe Of i'A.n. i'SS "o'clock. ' Services at Jt. f)StUnS the funeral, from her husband's reatdenor, No. iunn Orchard street, Frenkford, on Frirtay eft noon, the 12th Inniant, at 2 o'clock. To proceed k Cedar Bill, MANNING. On lbs 7th Instant, Mrs. AN A M MANNING, wueof Joseph B. Manulog. In tbe 6th year of ber age, Tae relative and friends of the family, and Pawn Tent, No. IS t). I T., am fully tnrlld to at tend (be luneral, from tn rmtdenc nf ner husband In rear of No, Z8 Christian street, 011 Wednesday, in loth instant, at s o'clock. To proceed to bt. Paul's U K. Cbtrrcb. OLT WATER At Camden, on the 7th Instant. RICHARD A OUTWALK, lale euglneer steamboat Dl"n. Funeral from his 'ate residence. Nr. Wi Mtckle street, on Thursday, the IZih mnant atlo'olook. O'DAMEl. -on the Sth instant, O'DAN IKI H, wlie of John W. O' Daniels, aed 07 years. Tbe relatives and friends of the family are rmpenir fully Invited to attend the funeral, from the rest lent. Ot her husband. No. IHIO pla street (west ot Six teenth and b. low Catherine si roe') on Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock. To proceed to Mitchpelah Cemetery. PKN!OR.-On March 7 after a ahort Illness, THOMAH KKMOK, aged M yearr. The relatives and trimda 01 the tamlly. also, Wash ington Lodge, M, fid, A. Y, M.: Columbia Mark I-odse, No. VI, and II irroony H. R. A. C , No. 62, A. Y. M aieresitifnlly Invited to attend tbe funeral, from bis late resldeuce. No. 81 Strawberry street, on Wednesday alternoon, March 10, at 1 o'clock, without farther notice. WAGNER. On tbe 4th Instant. ANNA C'T RE RUNS, widow of the late William Waguer.ln the wih year 01 ber age. The relative and friends of the family, also the members of Lady Washington Benellclal Society, and Philadelphia Horlal Circle. No. I, U O. 11. and P., are rtsptci rally Invited to attend the tnneral, frnni her late resldenoe. No. 8IS Charlotte street, on Whines day afletnooD, the nub Instant, all o'clock. To pro ceed to Mount Morlab Oemeiery. WEBSTER. On the Sth Instant, after a lingering lllnene, JOEPHINiK..wireof Cliarles E, Weojter and daughter or George R. and Ann Castor, In the loth year of ber age. . Tbe relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend ber funeral, from br htfhauds reeliteno , No. 5131 Thomas strwH, W bite ha I. Twentythlri Ward on Thur.dav artnrnoon, the llth tnstaut, at! o'clock. To proceed to Ced r Hill Cemetery. ROYAL. ARCH CHAPTER, .1 r HARMONY ,v. n The otrce-s ana memoera 01 tne Chapter are re- nnnliul In attAlill at the MASON MASON IO HALL, on WEDNESDAY March 10, at S o'cloi k, to attend tbe funeral of our deceased Companion, TH lit AS BKNIOR. JOSKeUB. RILEY, AMERICAN L.IFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA, 8 K. Corner FOURTH and WALNUT Sts. SEE ITS RATES AND PLANS BEFORE INSUR ING ELSEWHERE. ALEX. WHILLDIN, President, JOHN B. WILSON. Beoretary. 8 10 AGENTS AND SOLICITORS FOB LIFE LNSUKAM'E, AND ALL PER8ON8 CONTEMPLATING INSUR ANCE, WILL DO WELL TO SEE Mr. 11, ti. WILSON, at the Office of the PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANV, No. 921 CHESNUT Street. 1 16 Stuth tf PHILADELPHIA. MCOXXVIII epecttully Inform CDderla ere mat lu orn -r to meet me lacreatea ue mend for my patent RURIAL OASKETd, I have taken the large Factory at 1 a funnm avenub. With w tnlarued faoilltles, 1 am now prepared to "ff&'ff W lal0,'e", 7 K.C0.aBriUEY. FOR THE LADIES. R E M OF TITB TEMl'LE OF FASHION. Second Grand Opening of Spring Fashions, MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1669. For tbe better convenience of ber pa'.rons, MRS. M. A. BINDER lias Kemoyed her Dress Triiuinlnxs and Taper Fattern Store. To the N. W. Corner FLETENIU and CBESNUI Streets, Philadelphia. Whfre she will! be haopy to see her friends and customers. RRILLIaNT NOVELTIK4 of bIClAL INTKREBT Elegantly trluimod Paterae of latest, and most re'lable styles for Ladles' and tihl drens' Dresaea In endless variety, plain aud trim med, many styles of which are manufacture on lue premises, ana cannot oe ioudo eisewnere, single, sn In seta for dress makers and dealers wholesale and re tail. MRS. BINDER Uners herself that ber late novelties will not oe surpassed, oy any giving ner ueraoDal attention to ail nrancnea or ner aeoariuient. The acknowledged superiority bitn as regadi their reliability and nes'gns, and tbei patronage extended. to ner. renaer commeut nnaecvnsrr, -'A PtlHITIVK FACT." Mrs. Binder has the Hnnst assortment of Ladles' Dress and Cloak Trimmings in tbe city, l the lowest prices. Dreis and Closk Making; Dresses made to tit with ease and elegance. Orders executed at short notice. ntiibrolderles. Handkerchiefs, Laces, Rib bons, Rrldal Veils and Wreatns, Fine Jewelry, and Kancy Goods. Pinking said Goffering. Cutting and Fitting. A perfect system of re, Catting taut lit; nrtce. i-2 5(1. with otiart. Pattome seat by mall or ex- tielill narmnf Ilia ITnUin. Do not fOIKet our new location, N. W. cornet ELEVENTH aud CHrW- NUTfatreels s s siutui 1115. M T- HOPKINS' ins. LADIES' EMPORIUM, So. 1115 CHESS CT St. (Girard Kow), Largest assortment and Best and Cheapest Goods In tut city, In all the following Hue: Mauu'auturer of Heukins' Celebrated Champion Hoop bklrls, for Ladles. Misses, and coiidren. In over four hundred sivles. Shanes. lenvlDH. and sixes. Coull. 8atine. and Jans Corsots. in elibt dlllerenl styles. tDunufi:ture exprtssly tor our own sales, from 1 1 00 to e. 3a different styles of superior flttln? Frsnch wnvon Wh&Uhona LOkSETS from ai LO hf . H varieties of extra handsome Whalebone Cor- ftttla frnm nentjl tn hiv.ll. Hboulder Braces, Madam Foy's Corset Sclrt Cnp- JU's.'Moody'a Patent Belf-adjusllng Abdominal Corset, ulsbly recomiuenaea oy pnysKuaus, 11 fa., ... I I LL USES OF lll S7HDBBOAB B1KSITH. Rti nrt.m Ar Tanuim s K.Hillv Sewing Machines. helua BratultouBlv distributed to our. customers for thepiTDOse of getting them Introduced, 226 8m CIGARS. HAVANA CIGARS. Fresh lots imported by every steamer, vfa.t Partaaras: Cabanas; Cabargas; Comerciante; Marias; Upmun; Bamilleter; Bspanola; Fi garo, etc., comprising a splendid assortment of sizes, offered at low prices. Also, continue manufacturing the cigars so well and favorably known under our copy righted, standard brands of 'Mabiana Rita." "Fba Diavolo." "Flbcb b Lts." "Louis D'Ob." Great variety of aizes; good q.uahty at low cost. Call and examine or send for samples. 8. FUCUCT & 8OMS, IMPORTERS and MANUFACTURERS tt Wo. 223 S. Faont Siaaxr, API EXPLANATION! We are often asked why are not other reme dies la the market for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, and other Pulmonary affections equal to Dr. L. Q. C. WISHART'S PINK TREH TAR CORDIAL t We answer 1. It Cures not bj stopping oongh, but by loosening and assisting nature to throw off the unhealthy matter collected about the throat and bronchial tubes, causing irritation aud cough. 2. Most Throat and Long Remedies are compoeed of anodynes, whioh allay the oough for awhile, but by their constringent effects, the fibres become hardened, and the unhealthy fluids coagulate and are retained in the sys tem, causing disease beyond the control of our most eminent physioians. 3. The rite Tree Tar Cordial, with It Assistants, are preferable, because they re move the oaobk of irritation of the muoous membrane and bronohial tubes, assist the lungs to act and throw off the unhealthy se cretions, and purify the blood, thus scientifically mating the cure perfect. The truth of which we hare living witnesses who were once given up to die. Read the certificates subjoined, and call at Dr. WISHART'S GREAT FAMILY MEDI CINE STORE, and examine our file, and go and consult living testimonies, which are more satisfactory ttian reading or hearing of tiie wonaenui cureB of Dr. L. Q. U. WWU- AKT 3 MEDICINES: Rbadino, Pa Da. Wishabt Dear Sir! I have been oured, as I believe, of Consumption, vj tite ubb 01 your rine iree rar Cordial, and I was so very low, and had been siok so lonir when I commenced to use it. that I had tint little confidence in anything. I had tried many of the advertised medioines, as well as the prescriptions of several eminent physi cians. My symptoms were a dry. haokin oontrh. wbioh I had had for several years, with night sweats and frequent severe bleeding of the lungs. I was so very weak that I could attend to no business, and had vain almost constantly through my breast and shoulders. About four years ago my brother, who resides in Philadelphia, told me he believed your medicine would oure me, and I oommenoed its use. 1 was aware tnat my disease had ona so far that I could not expeot to be cured in a few days; but in a short time I felt muoh tetter so muou so tnat I was abla to attend to my business; and, after continuing its use for several months. . I recovered mr health and strength perfectly. 1 am convinced tnat this is not a mere transient relief, but a complete and permanent oure, as I have been gradually growing stronger ever since, and I attribute it solely to your Pine Tree Tar Cordial, for I know that I must have gone to my grave years ago, if I had not used your great medicine. I would say to those who are similarly afflicted, especially in casts iiae mine, wnere tne disease nas run lor a long time, that although one bottle wil relieve, it will not effect a cure; but by perse vering in its use, I believe it will restore you to health, if you are not beyond the powerof medlolne. aius. L. a. ballads. No. 658 Penn street, Reading, Pa. DYSPEPSIA I DYSl'KPSU ! Pb. Wishabt: I have been a oonatant Buflerer with dyspepsia for the last eighteen years, during whioh time I cannot say I ever enjoyed a perteotly well day. There were times when the symptoms were more aggra vated tnan at others, and then it seemed it would be a great relief to die. I had at all times an unpleasant feeling ia my head, but latterly my Bufferings bo much increased that 1 became almost unfit lor business of anv kind: my mind was continually filled with gloomy tnongnts and forebodings, and 11 1 attempted to ohange their current by reading, at once a sensation of ioy coldness, in oonneotion with a dead weight, aa it were, rested upon my brain; also a. feeling 01 sicanesB would ocour at tne stomach, and great pain in my eyes, accom panied with which was the continual fear of losing my reason. I also experienced great lassitude, debility, and nervousness, whioh made it difficult to walk by day or Bleep by night. I became averse to society, ana dis posed only to seclusion, and Having tried the skill of a number of eminent physioians of various schools, finally came to the conclusion that for tbe disease at my present age (forty five years) there was no cure in existence. UuX. tnrougb tne interference 01 invine rrovl- denoe, to wnom I devoutly oflfer my thanks, I at last found a sovereign remedy in your Dys pepsia Pills and Tar Cordial, which seem to Lave effectually removed almost the last trace of my long its'. 01 aliments and bad feelings, and in their place health, pleasure, and oon tentiient are my every-day companions. JAMBS Al. EACNDBR8, Watchmaker and Jeweller, No. 453 North Second street, Philada. Formerly of Woodbury, N. J. Our Physician, who will be found in attend ance Tuesday, Wednesday ana xnursaay of each week, between 9 A. M. and 0 P. M., will give professional aid and counsel FBEB OF CHARGE. OFFICE AUD STORE No. 232 North SECOND St. rniLADELPIIIA, PA. Patients at a distance can receive advioe by mail free of charge. Write directions plainly, and state symp toma of disease fully. MARCH 9, 1869. OLD FE-AH KLIN HALL CLOTHING-. ERfiPORIUrsl. PAINTEE, READ & ELDREDGE, No. 321 CHESNUT STREET. HAVE IIEOPE.NED, SINCE THE RECENT L''IttE An Entire New and Fresh Stock : OF FINE READY-R1ADE CLOTHING, Which they are Selling at very REDUCED PRICES. OftlER, COLL Nos. 1412 and 1414 ABOVE DESIRE TO CALL ATTENTION TO COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF B L AC K COMPRISING ALL THE BEST LYONS MANUFACTURES OK ORGS C RAINS, TAFFETAB PERSA1M, 8ATIN DE LYONS, POULT DE SOISS, ETC. II. C. k CO. also desire to reiterate their MARKET PRICES, lid have marked their LITEKAEY NlSrOTJlSrOElVIKISrT. PORTER & COATES, : "WILL CFEN TUJ.IR NLW AND ELK G ANT ISOOKSTOKK,"'- IK THE SPACIOUS MARBLE UUILDIKa, No. 822 CHESNUT STREET, ADJOINING THE CONTINENTAL HOTEL ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, WITH AN ENTIRELY NEW AND ELEGANT STOCK OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN BOOKS. As everv book will be sold at retail at WHOLESALE PRICES, book bavers will have an opportunity to buy NEW GOODS AS CHEAP as tne wnoie biook has jvbi nr.r.iN ruutuAsuu tAau. at ine very lowest prioea, m i .u .i cm tt itiw.vrvo aUd Will W AV A XT T AAWAU. WILLIS P. HAZARD will be happy to see new establishment. HOMER, COLLADAY CO.'S HOSIKEY DEPABTMENT 18 NOW REPLETE BEST MAKES INCLUDING Drettle's Celebrated English Real Balbrlggan's Hosiery. German Iron Frame Hose, Extra Quality. Merino Vests and Drawers, Evry Size These Goods have all ben Selected aud Manufactured expressly for us, and will be soli a the MOST MODERATE ADVANCE. Nos. 1412 and 1414 ABOVE BEDS, MATTRESSES, ETC. pg- 0 V E B'S PATENT Combination Sofa Ded Is decidedly the best Sofa Bed ever Invented. It can be extended from a Bora luto a handsome Fiauoa Bedstead, with hair spring mattress, lu leu seconds of time. It requires uo unsnruwlua or detaching-, has no separation between buck ftud seat, no curd to break aud no hinged toot attached to the top ot tLs back to support It wheu duwu, which la unsate and liable to get out of repair. It has tue conveniences of a bureau fur holding clothing, la cattily managed, aud it Is luipotBlbie for It to get out olrder. rrloe about ths same as an ordinary sofa, II. F. 1I0YEK. Owner and Sole Manufacturer, 1 M tnthssm Mo. 1 30 Sh B KOON D Btrewt. EEAFNESB.-KYERY INSTRUMBNT THlf aolenos and skill have In Ten led to assist the rloa la every degree of deafneas; also, Ueaplira. suras soao, urantuui a xnaMuu vrnuuin, suiwriur m anT oiTots UDM,er, MAlaUiMt'a, Bio. us S) 5 A DAY & CO CHESNUT Street, IJROAI), THEIR AND UNtHUALLY SILK determination to Bell their goods at the LOWEST BLACK SILKS in pursuance of this principle: (formerly occupied by J. E. Cildsrel! & !- AS OLD STOCK CAN BK OPFRREO AT. all his friends said foruxsr customers at the sen WITH ALL THE OF HOSIERY, Hosiery. CHESNUT Street, BROAD. IS St M ESMtS. CURlSlOrUKK ft MAT iltel iej.ctn;iy ltform tbe pub'lo that they kav oi ened their Restaurant & Dining Rooms, At 3o. 15 Sou'h FOURTH Street, BELOW UiBKIT, Kr.f 'U II T HT kh Is a well and favorably known BOSTON CA I JtKK R. and l' will imq apprtciate luu. Or Mr.MlYilt la only n.oasary to say that for years ha Das been the oollglug and tentleniaoiy Clash let of Mr. Price's well known esta blishment It will be the cons'aut aim of the pro prlemrs to keep T11K BKBT TUX UaRKKTU A.V V illl). and lo seita the. 1 patrons at tAX.SFAO TOHY PUICIiB uAMK in hicAPON. uybtkiw and in fast every- thli g apptrtalnlug putaUilug to a nnt-claas astahlltbment. t!ll RlKi()lH ktt Jk M IV. 19 (It No 15 Houtb FOURTH tt reeU IV YOD WANT A DEUUUTFUIj BPBINQ BED, neat, healthy, and comfortable, nasi Ute UeU-faatenin Bed Spring. 1 5 per doav. BaUiiXacUou guaianleod. iv 8. d bLU 1 las,