TUB DAILY- EVENING TELKGKAPH PHILADELPHlAy TUSSBAY,. MARCH 9, I860, 'i my. Vlty AdMim.. A PrkT caapntgn rln ai lat err-aing lorn ed in the Six'prutti ara, ' Frederick Arnol I, a--.i 21, hail his han 1 badly lufurcJ ji-air iday t the Union car shop Tpirtyttrn and fcarWrt Mrpt-w. He was taken to the INnnsjIVRt ii Ho-pitiil. : fiamupl J. M icMallen, tbf -Ute Cihtir of lbe Kourih Natlnu&l Hunk, hal a nearitiR before United States Comaii-sicnt-r Sinitn yetierday, and was bo and. orcr in $25,000 bl. Last evening, at tho merlins of 'he Finance Committee of Council, a ub-comtnUtee was appointed to cooler wi n tha ;eoiber of the Pbllotouhical Iutilutu In rcvHrd to tbo pir cbaee of the bmldinir In Irdepi'tidonce Square. The Republican City Exceptive Committee held a raft-in, jesicrday, and adopted a reao Intirn pro?ldim that tho del'-ife. to the Senatorial and ttepreen'Btlv Conveutious .to choose delegates to the htae Convention, shtll be elected on the 23d Instaut, IneteaJ of In June, as hereto Cm e. According to record kept by Mr. Graeff, Chief Bngiueer of the Water Di'partmDt, tho total rain fall for the past vtar was 5 7 33 10U Inches, while in 18G7 it was Cl Incur?. The average rain for thirty one years is srlveu at 45 71 100 Inches Tbe hleboHt water over the dam at Fair mount duilnp 18G8 was 47 inches. Ihe following appointments were made by tbe Slay or yesttrdav: In tbe becond district John M.ydtr, John AlcDevKt, and P. Hofuman. In the Fifth district James Cundeld and Fran cis P. Mh autre. In the Tenth district Stephen O'lKinnel!. Jo epn Reinboid, Patrick Donahue," John Mnguire, Kicha'd Vaudeven er and Frede rick Bedcker. In the Eighteenth dlstr ct Jaaic (iillwpie, K. McClosBD, and James Dougherty. Toe stated meeting of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania was held iat evenlne. Tbe President of the society, John William Wallace, Esq.. belnir absent at tho 8upreme Court m Wgpblnutjii, Dr. Oo.itcs wa' called to the chair. Fiom too report of the Librarian it appeared that there had ben contributed to the society during the pat month thirty-seven books, twenty-two hundred and twenty-one pamphlets, thirty-6 ve manuscripts, one package of Con tinental money, two poitraits, and ona article lor the muteum. The Philadelphia Conference of the East Pennsylvania Synod of tbe Lutheran Church commenced its session last evenine, in St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, New street, below Fourth. Alter tbe opening religious services, a sermon was preached by Rev. II. Joseph Barclay, of Baston, Pa., from tbe Mill chapter of John, sixth vene, the subject being, "Christ the way, the truth, and ilie u'e." The following delegates were reported: Rev. fci. W. U utter, D. D.; RfV. Theodore Stork. D. D.; Rev. T. W. ConraJ, Rev. J. K. Graeff. Rev. A. K. Aloert, Rev. 8. Seat man, Kev. J. H. Rarcliy, Kev. S. A. Holmaa, Rev. N. M. Price, Rev.'S. Hei.ry, Rev. J. Wat kins, Rev. W. P. Ritherdnff, Hev. M. II. Rich ards, Bev. T. HeiHg, Rev. J. R. Drum, Rev. H. Seifert, Rev. J. II. Heck, Rev. N. II. Cornell. The exercises were closed with vinglug and the benediction. .Iotnettc AMiUra Gold closed yesterday at I'UJ. The Senate of Georgia hai passed a general Education bill. Tbe meetings ot tbe Cabinet will be held at noon on Tuesdays aud Fridays. The Republican htate Convention of Vir ginia assembles at Petersburg to-day. The islands ol ht. Paul aud fat George, Alaska, have betn declared Government re servation. Secretary Borle arrived in Washington last nicht, and Judge Hour is expected this evening. ' Tbe applications for office under the Gov ernment received at the Wnite House are already overwhelming. Ihe President will receive official calls at the Executive Mansion every day from ten until twelve o'clock. William H. Chambers was arrested in New York yesterday, for swindhug tradeumeu by jncans of bogus checks. Governor Geary has signed tho death war rants of George S. Twitched and Gerald Katon. They are to be executed on Thursday, April 8. Foreign AU'nlrs. Rome, March 8. The repor.ed death of tbe Pope is fair-e. Madrid, March 8. An iuccndlary fire occurred yctterday in tbe Royal Barracus in this city. Havana. March 8. The Government has made public official despatches giving tbe detail of the advance of General beeca trom La GuaniU to Puerto PriDclpe. On this march tbe heaviest engagement since tbe beginning ot the rebel lion, was fought. Generoi.- Lesca found the euemy, to tbe number ot tour thoaand8trongiy entrenched on tbe Sierra de Cabeta?. Artillery was hroncht ud. and commenced a vigorous tire upon the works. Covered by tho batteries, a column ot regular tioop, nueeu nuuurea strong, attacked tbe enemy's formications with thp hdvoiet. Both sides fouaht with determination, and the havoc was feariul. General Lsca reports his lots at 31 killed and 80 wounded. Tbe loss of the rebels is estimated at upwards of 1000 killed and wounded. Government accounts claim a victory for General Lesca, aud assert that the insurgents are much disheartened by tbiir defeat. v The detachment that left Puerto Principe for Santa Cruz, to obtain supplies brought to that port by the fleet, returned on the 2d Inst., with provisions and ammunition, having made the march both ways without serious interruotlon. The entire available . strength of the rebel forces now under Queaada is estimated at 7uuu men. Havana. March 8. The commanders of the . British gunboat and French steamer which Arrived htere to-dav. reDort that they passed. in the Bahama channel, tbe Peruvian monitors . in tow of two &teamers wiih a Spanish aiau of war loilawlug in their wake. General Paetlo has left the town of Santo Eepintu. He has divided lis command into three flrlns columns, to scour tbe countrr. Tbe Vtario reports that tho rebel leaders in the DTovtace ol Smto Ksplrltu have deserted ' their men In tbe Eusiern Department. Hands are roaming between riolsjula and Gibara, and committing great depredaioo3 and outrages. The carrv tuc rebel flae. but are disowned bv the insurgents themselves, and denounced as A steamer arrived bere to-day from Clenfue gos, with a number ot pricoucr, among them lour priests. Hitim. March 8 Tbe steamer from Vera rvn hrtiis the.followlni: nefct-General Ala torre, in commacd ot the na'.ional troops, came unsiththe rebels under Kegrete at Lascila, and, after a sharp fluht, routed them. General Malo was killed iu the action, and many rebels were taken prisoners. Negrete hinibell escaped with a few adherents, going in a southerly direction. Bocando'6 cavalry are iu close pur ir,oi PHeto. lmnlicted in Negrete's move meet, was caotured near Vera Cruz, and taten Almaloz also lolced Negrote, but ..nnnt re found. He aicuoipmieB him in his irht. Tbe Mexican Government Is sanguine of completely crushlug the revolt, lbe insurrecilon at Menda. Yuca'an, Is over. Tbe rlDriaaerB were cHugm, uuu wiv. vua GenerarRorecraus bas receu lyhal freq-jent nrlvate interviews with Pesident Juarez. It is suppoted that questions ol gr- at imporiance are , unoer considerutlon between tbem. nation in the capuai. Th oni.onitlon accube the President and his -ahwift of corruDt'on, which lhev declare is iicrea iog aily. Thty report tbat Ler lo de Telada is buying up extensive and vatuaoie f . I cir A properties, while eeLor itamtto is scuuiuu ittov zz..i ar.A u trvinir to have hlui dismissed Vv 1 r-o7,i;t .Tn,i that the influence of the "i Tsupreale with Juarez, but tbe other tiniaipr take the PartofUomero, General Palacto ba. published a letter on the .nif.ti of the country, which has given rise iZ mnr.h exciterneot. He considers the admin- Jsirat.on ol Juarez uuequal to the tas oi gov ernmeui. ... inoi TihlU1if1 at the .3,:. Aa.ejicBn interests p. with couraee and viiror to tbe and xeoi.ea. w . 4t.ra atte rnruc yj, js.r;:j; Beff re the Exmniners, Mers Meick au-l Buitur-, testtmouy wan continued yes'.erday aitrrnocn in toe couifMeo eiecnon ci. i IIurv NiiD K. N .. CU9 Hiuih lVn Ii tM't. testified that he voted the Republican tick-it. us ali'O did John McYIulieo, No. 77 sou'h tenth street; Jos"pb Moore, o. 710 Soutn reoto s'reft: Charles W. Qn c. No 723 houth Nnnti 'street? Stephen" B'. Sexton, southeast corner o Tenth and Shipreu sireeii; George W. Le!, Tio. 1015 Sbippeii-street; lr. Alired K. Ash'on, jvo. 73oxoutn renth Btreetj dt. kjh- ti Moore, Jr., No. 871) Filzwatcr sticei:' James1 Brown. No. 715 South Elevenih .-Teei : lhomaM McKec'T, No. 718 Erie siree : Tjos. G. Vali'tte. No. 713 H. F.leven'b et.: I aleh Jackson. 716Kric st. : 8. t THylor, No. 724 Krie. s reet (voted tor shep- pro:i Afoiobus M, A Mr on, No 7ao f . lentti treet: Charles h. BHib'-r, No ,737 Krie street; Kdwsrd Lnkens o. 622 Ninjh street; W. h. Manlove, No. 1004 Koutn street; Francis B !st, No. 711 Er e street;' Thorn as Brnwo, No. 7(18 S. Tenth stree'j Joepn R. M MiHer, No 617 S. Ten'b trei:Tliima8 Doruan. No. 701 Elo- ven h B'reet: Joseph Krau-s, No. 701 8. 'leveuth stieet; John Buck ins, ko. 707 s. aintn street; E. I). Brown, No. C12 tt. Tenth a reel; Wdliaui C. RicLard-on. N. 721 8. Tenth street: Robert Duddv. No. 629 8. Eleventh street (vo'ed lr Shepparrt); Robert Moore, No ! 829 Fuzwter street; Thomas Lanoon, No. 715 8. Eleventh r-tieet; James Brown, No. 715 d. Eleventh street; Jofepn 8. Randall. No. 624 S. Tenth s'reet: Win am bop, ma f. lenni streett Biicnaei Wood, No. 819 abippen ftreet; Jobn B. Harris, No. 725 Sou'h Tentn street; John Thomas, Nt. 707 South Eleventh street; Willinm Lees, No. 1015 thiDPen street: Charles U. White. No. 723 fcouth Tmth street; Jo eph Burr. No. C03 (tomb. Tenth street; Benjamin 8. Phillip, No. 823 ShiDien street; Charles Mejer, No. 703 Ene ureet; John 8 hill, No. 725 South Eleventh rtreet: John Sharl, No. 711 South Eleventh stieet; Oliver Smith, No. 728 South Tenth a'reet; Henry K. Cdmnnds, No. 619 houib lenth street (ttisbro her Frederick vo'ed the same ticket): W. It. West, No. 703 South Tenth street; Thomas D. ItnplUh. No. C24 South Tenth street; Dr. W.. S. Ernst. No. 701 South Tenth tdreet. Cbailes J. Price. No. 611 South Ninth street. tertifjed that be did not vote; no other C. J. Price lives there. (He was assessed there, and on me voters' us ). The boxes containing tbo papers ot the Six teenth division of tbe Twentieth ward. Seventh of tbe Fifteenth, First of tbe Fif Lh. and Eighth vf 41.A K4m 4 Vi mBKA nvn)nno Recorder Givin recalled The ooxes contain ing tbe ballots of tbe Sixteen h division of tbe Twentieth ward were all opened In order to find which contained those for tbe Judicliry; this was done iu tbe eresence ot Judges Allison and Pclrce and the District Attorney, lor tbe pur- tHes or the luatciai contest. Mr. Mann proposed to open mcDOxes con taining the ballots lor the offices in contest, and orJerina tbe ballots in evidence. Mr. Sellers objected, witbout a special order of tbe court there'or, and alter it shall be deter mined on the evidence already given that it Is necessary, et-prcially or. behalf of the Prothono- tarv ot tbe Common rieas there is no specifica tion in the petition contesting the return of tuat office which refers to tbu division. The boxes were then returned to tho vault to await the decision of tbe Court. Adjourned. EXIT BINCKLEY. Be Is to do no more Qovernmeut NollcUluff. The following is a copy of the corrcBpondenee whit h bai recently taken place: Tbeabtjby Department. Office of Internal Revenue, Washington. March 8. 1869. Sir: Mr. Jobn M. Binckley was appointed Solicitor in August last. On tbe 2d dav of tbe following month 1 requested bis removal upou the ground that he was a wilful perjurer, or so weak and credulous as to make hlui tho convenient tool of corrupt and malicious men. Not having charged mv opinion of him eiuce that time, I bave assigned birn no duty whatever, and tor the last five months I do not know that be has even Obtensibly done a single hour's labor lor the Governmeiit. I have repeatedly urged his removal, and he has repeatedly drawn his monthly salary at tbe rate ot $4uuu per annum, air. tnncaiey is noto riously unquaiioea lor cts piace. i uo not know tbat be even claims to be a lawyer. Ceitain it i, be never undertook to practice law, and the larcc ot his employment as solicitor of Internal Revenue I do not believe thuuld be continued ubder the pre-ent administration. Tbe acting Secretaiv ct the Treasury, unadvised oy sou, may hesitate, perhaps, to cbauge tbe officers of the department,, in anticipation oi tne eariy ap pointment ana quaiincauon oi its permanent fciecieuirv. and I respectfully recommend, there lore, tbat you request nini to uismus Mr. Binckley Immediately. i am, very retpeciiuiiy. E. A. Bollikb, Commissioner. To the President. IhDORSEMENT. Executive Mansion, March 8, 18G9.-Respcct- fullv releired to tbe Hon. tbe Secretary ot tbe Treasury. The fervices of Mr. Jobn M. Binck ley, Bolicitor ot intern! Revenue, win De no 1. . vAtnlvorl kn (ha flnnnrnniriTit By order oi tne rreaiueui. (Signed) Horace Porter, Brevet Brigadier-General. Secretary. Uoon this letter the following indorsement was made: Treasury department, warcn b, ihb'j. Joon M. Bitickley, Eiq.. Solicitorot Internal Revenue. Sir: I am reauesied bv lbe President to in form vou tbat our services as Solicitor of Inter nal neveuue are no longer requireu oy xue Government, xou are, therefore, nereoy re moved from tbe office, very respecttuiiy, (Signed) J. 1. UABTLET, Acting Secretary of the Treasury. Deatrnctlve Flres-lAa, $1,000,000. New York. March 8. This morning the build. inusMos. 85 Dey street and 121 aud 120 west kireet were burned. The loss is over $1,000,000. Tbe principal losers are Hymen dtscbeuck, nsb, and Conibs and Appletou, flour dealers; T.J. Pratt, provisions. Insurance not ascertained. GENT.'S FURNISHING GOODS. H. 8. K. G. Harris' Seamless Kid Gloves. ETEBT PAIB WABBAKTEO, SXQLU8IVS AUKST8 JOB GENTS' OLOVHa J. W. 8COTT A CO.. tzihp MO, 814 CUESKGT MTUKKT, ) A T EN T B II 0 U LDEB.SB AM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. PKRFKCT FITTING BHIKTS AND DKAWfilU made fiom measurement al very short nolle. All other article, ol Ha'.NTl.ii.Mif.N'M HRttRfi UUOLH la ran variety. WUNCllKaTEK & CO., 11 1 No. 7us CUIbN O f Street, LEGAL NOTICES. TETTERS TESTAMENTARY TO TUB KS. 1J TAl ki OF KL1 B. 11UKMTT. deneasd. tanv. Iu. been glinted to lbe onderblKntd, all persons hav- 1 g Cltt'P o bk.i Bi uv oaiaivviii ir"Bu mum Ittr s tliUiui. and all perrous ladeb.sa to the es.aie will ultaue iii.se raj ment to No. I14B. THlKDHtreet. HANNAH K. 11UUN liiTT, No. 3013CHJiaTNV1T Mlltet. Executors. (9u6l Phlladelphli TT'STATE OP JOHN R. PANCOAST. DR. JLU (jKAbKl. LeiteiB iesimeuiary upou tne all persons Ibdebled to be said esiute are requited to tiiaav paymeiib, aiiu uiub. uaviua tiuims agAinat iii. saiue Iu present tbem to Ui same u v WiLLlAM W. JUVENAL, LIUU4KY Ktrel, net w Kittb. Attornvy for TACY A. fANCOAor. 2 Itud'. KtMcuirix, LETTEPS OF ADMINISTRATION TO TflB j,tmecit Mrs LYUIA It. UAILUY, decayed. hylS liteu yrauled lo ine undersigned, all persons ludebled to auld estate will make pay uieut, aud all r,av us claims unalnsl tbasauia will praaeut Ibsiu lo v ( iu EilL4lY. AJui'-ii-tra'.rU. a 2 tuflt ISO. i0,FlJFa trwl,PttUaaipUia. MARINE CflLtfaHAPJl. For addUtoncU Marvn ivVtui Kr Pag - llMlNAO FOB eUUJAIKi.FUIA-THll OA 61 Moon His - IWiHWg . .. no PH1UADELFBIA BOAKD OT TRACK Jon. C. G-tTB, ) K. A ttUOOKH. I br. h. Uvr.nr. f kob N. Ali.n,J OOUMITTCB OrtHl MOKIK. MOVKMKJRTSt OK OO KAH ITKAMEHI Cell.............. Lo'eloii ,Nw ) or.... ...Fen. ... t'eo ..FhD, ..-Keo. ...Ken , Ko ..Fb. ...,F0O. ...,Fli. ,....Frb. ,.FeO. Inwk uui(iiw,riew rori. Nw Yll,,.,luiiBUiiMin..iw inn.... Til. ll...............l'lP,K'l'', Yor... mi.l iin......LIflrpool...Nw York U. 1 1 HictAIJD.LlvriO(il...Nn York ;rlD ....m M.AiverMiui...iKw inn iKPiovlau l,lveriniul...eorlliid iHii'Uln l.lveri)OOl...Jew ork ... lrnre Hresi iew roru... Clu.brl .Hvt New York.... Ui ol Cork.....Llveri.ool...New York.., run nunuriv Hntmtl New Yirk...riBnihnm .Mar 9 ,..Mr. C otMimcunltrNew Y(irk Liverpool..... Jhv ..ISew York...LlvrixMii.. Mr. to rank Jw York... 1,1 verrMiel., wpr New York...Breineu ,Mr. 10 Mar. II Mr. IS Mar. 2o .Mar. 2ii Mac 21 O. BruokilD New Yark...Llvnrmol.. i. of hHiilniure New Ynrk...l.lvruuol. Kmotii ..... New Y ork ... H v r... U ol Uurk New York...Llverpiil , OUASTWiSK. UUMKHTIU, KTV. Colonbl New York...Hvn....M..w..Mkr. 9 ftirin(i8iripe fhli(i.....Hi.vDk .......Mr. lo tin pir ,.Nw York...VerJru, 6 0. Mr. Iu j. w. i'.veriuuh'i)iiRa ....i:iirluoii.... ......... Mr. I. f le......New York.lln... Mar. 11 AUk .....Mm York...Apinwll.........JIr. Toniiil.......Plillil.....i-mvniiQ.....-....Mr. la Flini...........Phll1a WIlnilnnlnB Mr in MlnslRHlppI New York. ..Rio Janeiro............ Mr, 24 Mails Torwarded by every nieaoier Inibercwular line. Tbe steamnr for or from Liverpool call al Uaeemtowo, ejirwpt tha Canadian Una, which call at Londonderry. Tbe tutamera for or from tbeUoDU oent call at SontbaniptOD- OLKARXD VKHTmniv Br Jobn Ph, Nickerioo. Zaza. D. H Htniuin A rv. Hcbr . A. Hodman, Hoftaiau, Mav.RUea. do. 8cbr Ii A. Walton, Wataon, Trluldad de tluba Hen. u Camnn A V . Bt'r F. Franklin, fleraon, Baltlmcre, A. Oroveo, Jr. ARRIVVn vtr.vrvanAV Pchr F R. K.lrd. lrelan. is tvn irnm ri.nhi.l.n. ltti 8UKr and 7 HiTOen to Madeira A Uahada. Hcbr Marr D. Ireland, Ireland. 8 da?s from Pjrt land, at. wm beadlnfand mdne. to Tooa. Watiaon soul . Vesl to Latbrinry. Wlrkersbam A (Vv. Bcbr Alex. Young. Voting days from Georgetown, nth lumber to Latbbury. Wlokeraham A V. BCbr Klla F OrOWell. Hom t from Vimlnna. town, wlib mdsr. to Calvin S. rowel I A (Jo, r. ,1k ,X Dlnr," wtcka, from Wilmington, N. BCIir Jobn II. PerrT.Knllv. from TCaw Ttc.Atr.rA viik oil to Shober A Co. ' Bcbr Louie Beard, Perry, from New Bedford, In bal last lo captain. VtVlID A MT Brig Llrile Troon K.ir from TrlDload is oayg ,ince. --" " HCbr III Sie &1CNII mltt.A f.nm A 25lb nit,, lor ewan imana. ""iiDgtoa, enow, nence ror Boston, at ew York 7th Inst, ' Bcbr Ann Cartel. Wmtoolt. from Ttnatnn tnr PKIi.. drlpbla at New York 7tb Inst. Bcnra Maine Baker, Orowell, and J. B. Myers. Bay mond, from Providence for Philadelphia, at Ne Yom 71 lost trbr John B'nsman. Weavar. at. NavVnrk Tih in., fiom WilmlBgiou. O. nenr joun jonnann, Mcurioe. rrom Boston for Ha vara sailed liom Newport 6ib Insl. Bcbr JS. A. Conklln. Roeart. from Orient for Phil.. delpbia ai New York fto mat. r-cbr k. A L. Marts, Maria, at Baltimore 6th Inst, from Savannah, Bcbr WMtaotra. Lawrence, at Jacksonville 25th nit. from Bavannan. Bcbr o. u. Morris. Artis. at Jacksonville latinnt . In m I'barleslen. Hcbr Racbcl Vannaroan, vannamaa, at Jackson ville 2d IdbU, Irom New York. Bcbr R. L Tay. Baker, from Bonton for Phlladel pi la. at Holmes' Hote&lb Ins-., aod sailed an-1 a. bear B. P. M. Tasker. Allen, wi np at New Orleans 80 lost , lor Providence. Bcbr Mary K. Homers, xoung, oiearea at Boston nth lost., lor Mobile, M ' , Hrbr Bonny B vat.Kelley, for Philadelphia, cleared t Beaton Sib lnt Bcbr Grace Glrdler, Smith, cleared at Boston 6th lr n Uanannah. fohr Anna D. Hays, Love, bence, at Richmond 6th nrtaot. . . .. . BcbrBaran urnen, ri.iifi, nritmington. . . ..k tn.t echrElla jmaden. Bmlth, for Philadelphia, was loadlc g ai Havanoau NOTIOB TO MARINERS. Notice Is beieby given tbat two green Ouots. tnarbo with l he word "Wreck." bave been laid tn sunken vessels (names unknown). In Goldmer's Gait, p&nt rnaRt nl Knr and. Tbe Outer Buoy lies In 4 fathoms at low water sprtrg tinea J ft rainoms bjv. ui ids wrote, with tne 1h inning niaraa ana compass oearioKs- 1 be ronnd tree on tbe Nase Bnd. Just open to the eastward or tbe wae -tower, a n. ; w. v esi Rocks Booy. is . TDahIil..! nnnfliiftt Hiinv. B 4fe K. ThiL nuRiiM Ilea In fallioma at low Water i in. mnix in fnihnn a HrA Ot tbe wreck, with 1 be rouna ire. on tne ihuu, juov vjigu vveib ui tbe Nse Tower. N w. Noribf-astunnneet Booy,ns. j Biore Banks Buoy, N. by W. )4 W. By order. ROBIN aLLEN, Secretary, Trinity House. Ixmdon, Jsb. 10, 186a FERTILIZERS. Jj OR LAWNS, GARDENS, GREEN HOUSES AINU D Alilia. B A U G H'S BAY? -BONK 6UPJT.R PHO-PHATE OF LIME will oe touna a powetrut ma u un it Is prompt In It action: It cjntaloa tbe seeds ot no p surer ous weeas, ana win proauoe luxuriant grow lb Urass, i .owers, .rwoerrles, ana ail Uar rien Vnsetablea and Planla. Dealers mppiud by ib cargo, direct from the wharf or tbe manufactory, on liberal terms. Bend yo-raduress an a procure free, "Journal of the farm." . . J3A.U tjrti tX SUIN o, NO. 20 Booth DILAWARK Avenue. This Fertilizer can be had of all Atricalmra Dealers in city or conutiy. s s lutnsdm COAL. WILLIAM W. ALTER, LEIIIQII GOAL, Also, Lorbcrrj and Locust Mountains Depot, lie 957 Norlb KINTII Street, Below Olrard Avenue. 1801MU 0 Clce, Cor. SLXHI and SPRING GUIDES. BEBICK & 8 O N a BuumwAHS ruuHuar, Ne. 430 WASHINGTON AVENUE, Philadelphia, WLLLIAM WRIGHTS PAT1CNT VARIA-BL OUT OF BTEAM-KNGINB, BecQlated by tbe Goyernor. MKHIUCK'b tdAFXTY HOIHTING MACHINM Patented June, IMS. DAVID JOY'S PATENT VALVELKdS STEAK HAMMlPil, D. M. WKBTON'H PATENT BfCLP -CENTERING, KLF-BALANCiai UEJXTKIFUGAL bCGAK-DKAININU MAOliUNii AMD HYDRO EXTHAOTOR, Per Cotton or Woollen Jsanulaoturea. 1 lumw WIRE GUARDS, FOR BT0RE FRONTS, ASYLUMS, FACTO RIES, 1TU. Patent Wire Railing, Iron Bedsteads. Orna mental Wire Work, Taper makers' Wires, and every variety of Wire Work, manufactured by M. WALKER & SONS, aafmwl Wo. UN. SIXTH BUeeU TAR. KINKELIN. AFTER A RESIDENCl XJ and practice ol thirty years at V1".W,'ir,ljfwJ!L corner 01 'intra ana union S. 6 nn.ved toBunth iclkvenTH btrset. iMtweea MA KET and CHKtiNUT. . ,.0i in... . .. 1 . . ii,. MfiMint ana nerfeet onre ot .if S-TaV?nff 1 oonstliutlonal affec "U!"1 ?? "lnJreii,P!?.v'.rb.'5,V hnndreddli- frent forma, totally eradicated! medial and pnyaiow weakness, and all nervous deblltllea aolentlrloally and suoneaariiUv Oflloa AHUM IlOm S u'snasemai ui (.rin sain. BUUMCMa : . toir.sn HIL080PHY OP M ARK I AG A new Course of Lectures, as dellve-eo at i" York MuHsum ol Aiaiouiy. euioraciua j" st ejects:-Huw to Live aud Wnst to Llva rorj ..,... r,,.A.' ...v...,".' LMnlillunilk kDd lYrVIBWVU, IUSVWD.UJ ItlUIKI'.llUlli i . - Nervmis Dlseuses accoaoted For; MarrisKe fbllo sopblrailr CoiiBlderen, eic. eio. Pocket volumes m lalulug these Lectures will be torwsrded, poMl-pald, on roeltrf hy ili1rmi'i W A LrK" Jk.,fc. kw uotuetw JilFiAaudWAAiNUTtiUeotC fkliaaUpUlas FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFt CHAMPION SAFES! Philadelphia, Janniur 18, 1808. Ueear. FARIIEU, HKRRIN A CO., No. 64) ChaanatatreeV Uentlemen:-On the night of the 13th Inst, a fa well known to the citizen of Philadelphia, onr large and extensive (tore and valnabU stock of merchandise, No. Wi Choanal street was burned. The fire waaone of the moat extensive and destructive that'haa visited our city for many years, the heat being so intense that even th marble corn loo waa almost obliterated. We bad, as you are aware, two of yonr valu able and well-known CHAMPION FIRE PROOF SAFES; and nobly have they vindi cated yonr well-known reputation as manofao tnrers of FIRE-PROOF SAFES, If anyforther proof had been required. ' They were subjected to the most intense heat, and it aflords oa mnoh pleasure to Inform yon that after recovering them from the rains, w found upon examination that oar books, papers, and other valuables were all In perfect condi tion. Tours, very respectfully, JAB, E. CALDWELL, A CO. THE ONLY SAFES EXPOSED TO TIfJB FIRE IN CALDWELL'S STORE WERE FAKKEL, UERRIDS A VO. Philadelphia, Jan. 18, 188B. Messrs. FARREL, HERRING A CO., No. 629 Chesnut street. Gentlemen: On the night of thelStb Instant onr large store, B. W. corner of Ninth and Ches nut streets, was, together with oar heavy stock of wall papers, entirely destroyed by fire. We had one of yonr PATENT CHAMPION FIRE-PROOF SAFES, which contained our principal books and papers, and although it was exposed to the most Intense heat for over 60 hours, we Are happy to say It proved Itself worthy of our reoommendatlon. Our books and papers were all preserved. - We cheerfully tender our testimonial to the many already published, In giving the HERRINQ SAFE the oreditand confidence it Justly merits. 'Soars, very respectfully, HOWELL A BROTHERS. BTILL ANOTHER. Philadelphia, Jan. 19, ltKM. Messrs. FARREL, HERRINQ A CO., No. 629 Ohesnat street. Gentlemen: I had one of your make of safe In the basement of J. E. Caldwell A Oa's store at the time of . the great fire on the night of the 13th Instant. It was removed from the ruins to-day, and on opening It I - found all my books, papers, green backs, watches, and watch materials, etc, all preserved. I feel glad that I had one of yonr truly valuable safes, and shall want another 0 your make when I get located. Yours, very respectfully, F. U KIRK PATRICK, With J. E. Caldwell A Co., No. 819 Chesnut street FARREL, HERRKG & CO., CHAMPION SAFES, No. 629 CHESNUT Street, n u PHILADELPHIA. . L. M A I 8 E B MAinrvAOTrnicB o AND BUROLAK-PBOOP SAFES, riii si FIRE TXUTOwMITH. BELL-HANGER, AND DEAJLEB MVV- nTIl UT A U IW A H 0 stiA f"lf I ll " H " srmjiassa 161 No, 484 BACH Street LUMBER. SPRUCE JOIST tO-ttUCE JOIST, HEMLOCK, HEMLOCK. 1869 1869 iorn SEASONED FUNK. 1 Rut) BEAWONED CLEAR PINK. J.JJV 7,.,,,, i,. WAT-I h.KN PINK. 1869 BPANibil CEDARORATfiLRNa. inin FLORIDA FLOORINQ. 1 QQ 1869 FLORIDA FLOORING, LOO) At'U' CAROLINA FLOORING. VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELA WARE FLOORXNO. ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. RAIL PLANK. , nf.Ci WALNUT BD8 AND PLANK. 1 OLQ 1869 WALNUT BDH. AixD PLaNJL. lOOU AOWV "VV ALMJ'f ROARDH. WALNUT PLANK. ,Ofifi UNDERTAKERS LUMBER. IOCQ 1869 BNDJaiTAKERrV LUMilJUi. lOOy WALNUT AND PINK. ICOCi BEABONED POPLAR. 1 QCQ lOOt REASONED CHERRY. lOOl WHITS OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. HICKORY. 1 OCO CIGAB BOX MAKERS' 1 QAQ lODt CIGAR ROX MAKE US' 100(7 faPANiblt CEDAR BOX ROAHDB, tOR BALK LOW. infcO CAROLINA BCANTLING, 1 QtiQ louo carolina h.t. bills, 100(7 Norway bcantling. inQ CEDAR KHINOLES. 1 QfQ lOOy 0YPRE8riBHINGLEB, lOOt JlAULE, RKUTH S.K UU 1 II No. t00 BOUTAl Huceel, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, ETC. ESTABLISHED 1020. j HOLIDAY JPftESEHTOs WATCHES, JEWELRY, CiA)0E8, ULLVERWARE. and FANCY GOO Dti, a. W. BUS SELL, K0. 22 AURIU SIXTH 8TKLET, g9 I-UILADELPOIA. ALEXANDER 0. CATTELL A CO PRODUCE OOMMIHHION MERCHANTS, NO. U NORTH WIlARVEd Wp. I WORTH WATWW MTRCBT, I PMllADwUtitJA- a 4LXAaUU CAX1AMU . CUIAit !, AMU3EMCNTS. PHILADELPHIA I'HIUUHMOMC SO net). IheTHIKD UHA.' I) CiN"CET ef 111. poreiy will tske pac a', lbe M'AJKMY ' MITr.C rssAlURDAY lVKNISUinl U It Inn , atto'c'ork. KOlO ikWTIRT, Hi S B MH I the eminent Plaiiistoi New York, wno will perform tbe si-lei-llons below nmd. PROGRAMME. rT risnr. I. Pastorale Pymphonie Beeih iven. 1. A Metro M a No" l'ruppi. a. Andante on Motto. a Aiiearn, Ther-tnrni. AlUfr-to Of AN ft ORt UK8rRA, t riKT asfuN n. .... I. OOUC'F.RTO FOR PIANO IN ft MINOR (')p II.) 1 bopln. (Slin Orchestral Accompaniment.) I. ll"ini. a. nondo Vtyare. MK.H.B MILLS. I'. Cbnras fr Male VolfiM dttilKN." A. M Mooh. YOUMG Si.VtVKKilMOR BOoIKI'Y (under lbe d reollon or Mr. WKHaut Bariuitil, ... wl'b aco mpaninirnls by four Kreoch horns. III. K)I.()-PIa.NU. "HUNGARIAN UlPSY fti K- LODIKS." J.nsts. ,,r MR. H. B. MILLS. IV, Overture '-Meentll e.'' Mendelssohn. M . ORANAi UBCBK.1THA. Cocf no'or.. ..Mr. w, G. DIKTRU'II 1 irkeis $1 & For sale at the ofllce o' tbe Siielniy. No. Itfl4 UUEbisur bireet, and at the principal MUllo fell MS. THE LAST GRAND PUBLIC REHEARSAL, Prtvluus to tte ("onr-rt, wll he given at IIUItl ltULTtlHAb HALL, ON PUtUAY AKTKRMION, ijtb Inst., Tlckits, Mccata. O. B. DODWORTII, President. J. A. UitT7.it, Hecretary. a 9 lutlis 8t MEDICAL. R1IISUMATIHM, IN 12 U 11 A. L O 1 A. Warranted Fennancntlj Cored. Warranted Fermanentlj Cored. Without Injury to toe System. Without Iodide. Fotassla. or Colchlcum By Using Inwardly Only DR. FITLER'8 GREAT K11EUMATIC BEMEDI. For Rheumatism and Neuralgia in all itt form. The only standard, reliable, positive, lnfalllbl per maneDt core ever discovered. It la warranted to ooo tain nothing hnrtfol or injurious to tbe system. WARRANTED TO CURB OR MONEY REFUNDED WARRANTED TO CURE OR MONET REFUNDS? Thotuauds ot Philadelphia rererenoes of oores. Pr pared at No, 29 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, 8t2statbU BELOW MARKET. pILES OR UEM0BUU0IDAL 1UM0ISS. All kinds perfectly and permanently eared, with out pain, , danger, caustics, or Instruments, by W. A. McCAN DLESS M. DM No. 1U SPRING GARDEN Btreet. We can refer you to over a thousand of the best oltzens of Pulladelphla oured. Reference given at our oOlce. s 23 lm GOVERNMENT SALES. ST. LOUIS ARSENAL, BT. LOUIS, MO.. FEBRUARY. M 18tiU. ' ' PUbLIU BALE OF CONDEMNED ORD NANCE AND OHDNANCE BlOKEA Will be tillered for sale, al puollo auction, at the Bu Loo Is Arsenal, 8t. Loots, Ma, oommenniriK oa MONDAY, tbe 121b, day of April, mi), at 10 o'olock A. M a large amount of conueianed Ordnance and Ordnance Stores, etc. consisting I . A .(.a f ,A I I -1 11 1 . IBJSIIUI luiiuuuniutsiiiuiini, 1S.; oi cast irou nem guns, wita carriazea and implements. 199 cast Iron guns, various, total weight about 680 ions. 480 tons cannon balls, 6 to 42 pounds. 80 artillery carriages, various. 600 Beta artillery wheel harness, for two horses. 4.800 SDortirjs rlflea and shot enna vsrUn. 10,233 carblnea and riUes, various. 14,411 aabrea and swords, various, 123 000 cartridge boxes, various. 15.000 cavalry saddles, various. 8,000 artillery saddles, various. 23,190 curb bridles, various. 10 000 watering bridles, various. 15,000 halters, various. 14.480 leather traces, various. 401,985 pounda of cannon powder. 828 450 pounda of mortar powder. 777,680 pounds of musket powder. ' J8 200 pounda of rifle powder. 160.840 pounda of damaeed powder. 90,884,000 muhket and pistol perousBion caps. w r ougnt ana oast iron scrap, etc. eio. Persons deslrlne catalogues of the stores to be sold can obtain tbem by application to the Oblef ol Ordnance, at Washington, D. U,; of Brevet Colonel 8. Crispin, U. 8. A., parohaslng agent, corner of Houston and Greene streets, jew ioiKi or upon application at r ots arsenal, F. D. OALLENDKU, Lleot.-Col. of Ord. and Bu Brlg.-Uen. U. 8. A., uommanaing. y x O V K B N M E NT SALE. Will be sold at Publlo Auction, bv H. R BM 1THBON, A uolloneer. at Allegheny Arsenal, Pititiburg, Pa., commenolng at lO.o'cloolr. A. M., w eoiicBusf, waiou a, ioo, tue louowing arti cles, viz.: 16,894 Bolld Shot (round). 2,829 Btanda of Grape and Caroasaes. 8.827 Carblnea, new, repaired, ruNty, etc. 8,127 U. 8. Rifles, OaL 54 and 58, repaired, rusty, etc. 4,877 Enileld Muskets, repaired. 4.819 Foreign Muskets and Rifles, maty, etc 8.1.10 U. 8. Muskets, Cal. 09, rusty, etc. 2,279 Pistols and Revolvers, new, repaired, and rusty. 4,000 Bets of Infantry Accoutrements (old). 83,182 Pounds of Cannon, Musket, and Rifle Powder. 190,000 Pistol Cartridges (Lefaucheux A Wes son's). 1,800,000 Maynard's and Sharp's Primers. 6,282 Musket Bay oneta. 130,000 Pounds of Borap Iron, Caat and Wrought. A lot of A ppendages and parts of Muskets. A lot of Tools for Blacksmiths, Carpenters, etc. eta A lot of Packing Boxes, eto. Catalogues of the above can be obtained on application to tbe undersigned. Purchasers will be required to remove the property within ten days alter the sale. Ter ms Cash. R. H. K. WIIITE.LEY. 322mw6t Bvt. Brlg.-Uen. U. 8. A. PUBLIC SALE OF CONDEMNED ORD uauce Stores. A lare quantity of Condemned Ordnance and Ord nance btores will De ottered lor sa e at Public Auo tlon, at BOCK IHLAND ARSENAL, Illinois, oa W EDNE8DA Y, April 7, 18A9, at 10 o'clook A. M. The following comprises some ot the principal arti cles to be at Id, via I t Iron Cannon, varlons calibres, lioo Field Carrlagr aod Limbers. 100 sett ol rtlliery baroasa, 10,(00 ponuds Hbot and febell. 4ft.i)0ostsol Iu tau try Aooouwemeuu. tMO McClellnn baddies. TOO a rtiilery Meddles, KHI0 Halters, 7u0addle Blankets. 601 S Waterli.g Atrtdlea. 4im (tavairr va" " lerr i visblni ""ru WaThlnKtonVD Tc. or Brevet. Oolonoi a. . . . . . , . .... i t III piuivphvh " " - - - vaA' T, hitj-ri mum Arrov. PurcuaslDB OiUr-SP cmnerof BOTlriTON and OR KEN Btreeta.New York cuy, or opoa apphoatloa at th.. '--'k-N Lleotenant CoIoumI Orunance, . Brevet Brlgauler-Uuner.l U. b. A., Coumauding, Jtock island Arsenal, January U. 18a, IWIA7 BOARDING. A T NO. 1121 GlttARD BTREET MY BE fS L v-..t. iu.tiauvll taUU UhUU.M.WtA . UU lu Ml itu gt Jrvasu; auru, u auurvu. IU AMUSEMENTS. A M ERICAS ACADEMY OP MDSfC. 8XRHAN DRAMA. FOR felX NfH m. FANNY JtNt L'MUH itK, QTJKEN OF THE OKKslAN sriOC a i Irlt d by a oon.pay or tirst oiaas Artlsu, engaged ty I er In Eun-pe n ive bUL BSPRax EN CATIONS osrman'drama, (mm'D'lrg W'HOAY KVRNIKd, Maroh IB, MARIA 8TCAHT. TCrDAY Evm.siNO, March 1, CATHAMINK TUB KKCOitD. WEDNESDAY RVNNINU, Marcli 1'. MAHIANNA. AHHIFVION. . ZZ, .ONB D3LLAK Eatra Charge lor noser r-d e ramllv;lmle ,, , p ny (lenM T enir-n e OenW 1 " sale of Ktsrrv.d -eats will .mnienne oa '"'"'r morrtit r.;Mr-h ii, at Kwltiig'a Mono hSNUr Btvet. atid at tbe Acs- dtniy. - st fJtJKCEKT H ALL TO-NIOHT. GO AND W ee Ca RLTON In bis great Irlab Character. Pat. McCanp. wgt CONCERT HALL TO-NIUHT.-BOX OFFICE ien daily, iron. 9 A. M. to t P, M., lor tbe sale Ot reserved swaia. Price 75 eenti. st OKCEBT HALL TO-NIOHT.' Grand Presentation or Valuable Gifts to tbe Abdleuce. l i e goods given away at this Exhibition are nrst clais. ! isst C"tONCRT HALL Tl NK5H T.-OO AND SEE J Ihehesutllul oRABIaN N1G1IT4 TABLR A UX, tlflT In ncn.her. The must attractive series of Paint Inns In the country. 8 8 St pONCEKT HALL TO-NIOHT .TUB EtFaNTs ment.A 1UHTd O0"1 Tickets 60ci ts. lit served Peal. 78 cents. Children, 6ceni. gt C-JONCERT HALL TONIOHT.-OO AND SEE J OHAKLE1 OAhMIO sin In bis great (Jtiarav ter Bonus. Major Wellli gton de Hoots. Op In a Hal loon. Fash'on.ble Fred. R I'IcIp Rovers eto. S8 6t CONCERT HALL TONIGHT. GO AND sea lb greatest eolertaluaaeut ever la Phlladel P1'' I8t CONCERT HALL TO-NIQHT. GO AND hear Miss JENiE WADE slug her beautiful Ballade. is St ONCERT HALL .TO-NIGQI.ALI BABA LAHIHN. AND THE FOKTY THIRVEi tlt CONCERT HALL TO-NIGHT. -GO AND bear tbe great CARLETON slog tbe ,aWblsillnK Tblet."iwltb variations. j g ONOERT HALL TO-NIGHT.-GO AND see ibe great CARLE ION fa his celebrated character, ''The Dub. la D-noIng Master," pro nounced the greatest Irish burlesque ef tbe day. a lei CONCERT HALL TO-NIGHT. GO AND vv nee rror. m. u'kuihuum, the great Pianist and Com poer. perform on his sreat invention, the Tumbleronlcon, the wonder of the mns'cal age, it at rl ONCERT HALL TO NIGHT. fcilverwfti e. Jew Irj, etc , 10 bo glva 10 IH ntil- a v o CHESNUT STREET TIIEATRP ON TDE-DAY EVEN i NO' March 10. C. D. HE-tt A OJ.. onnaralleled production ef firongh's Inimitable Vr. travagarza, the j-.. FIELD OF IDE CLOTH OF GOLD ' J FIB I.D OP THE CLOTU OF GOLD 1 the Grand KpcctacuWr Success ot the day Irans. lerred dlrsct and entire from Crosby's Opera'fionsT Chlctgo. wlih the btPERR OPERATTO AND DR AM ATID OAST MAGMFD ENT COKTUMkB. JEWELS BANNERS. ARMOR, ETO,, ; ' ' AND HXTRAORDINARV SPECIAL FEATTJRTCB THE UREaT OAST1 embraces Mrs. J. A. Gates, MUa Panny Stock-ton xi v ilia Put nam. M Ih tmmi Wilmm uiS' ela Telbln, J. Johnston. Flsk, CA.McManns. u v eanle. C. Richards. TUB LEON HKOTllEtUJ, unrivalled k the great Nlatara Leap. BRKBAN't OWIfb BELr. KINOEtm. HFKNANDEZ'S COv BITLL RINUER4 ' OIRARD'H ORNITHOLOGICAL AND ZOOLOnr CAL IMITATIONS ULOGI- HERNANDKH GUITAR 80L03. JAPANESE TRtDPE EXTKaOKDI Ni RYI Music bv the clebrated KOPPITZ. Hale of Rtservrd Seals will commerce at Tmmn ler'S Mnli More and at the B n Ofhre ou ,ruBIP- WEDNESDa Y MORNiNG. March 10. fsgge M1 x BfEA,TRE?ALTN'S CHESNDr STREET ON THIS EVENING. ,8 IX NIMHTH ONLY. MEtBFe. BACHMANH A GaRDNER'R GREAT DRAMATIC COMPANY, sill .nn.k.ln Vi ua n -n v. w cjrrrTrw. nM. world-xenownad Ledger romance, nui'weu iiv HIDDEN HAND. First appearance In PhlladeiDilaof the j. PARTINGTON 8IHTER8, lupported by a Irsi-clssn Oompsn. commenclus at 2 o'clock. ' juii particulars see puis or tee pay. WALNUT STREET THEATRE, N. B. COR rer of NINTH and W LN (J C 8 rente. THIS (Tuesday! EVEN Ida. March MR, and MRU BARN KY Wlr.i.iiuH SNIN I'H TIME, or the Bomantlo Irish Drama, written for Mr and Mrs. Williams by John Brousham. Esq.. entitled THE EMERALD RING. u"uea received on each representation by large and hrii. Haul audlsnces. with " ENTHUSIASTIC APPLATTSW MlkeMacarty Mr.BARMCY WTIXIAMS Mavgle Macany Mrs. ha NEY WILLIAMS THE EMK.HALD RING "aua ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON. AT O'CLOCK. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET THE. A THE. Begins at H to 8 BKCOMD 8HAKE8PABIAN REVIVAL. MONDAY AND TILL FURTHER NOTIOE. Bhakespeare'r great Comedy of MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING, vtltb New boenery, New Oatumee. . . New Appointments, . . Characteristic Music. and (Ine Cast. Including Mrs. JOHN IiKkW a -....BEATRICE beats secured six dys in advance. tf THEATRE COMIQUE, SEVENTH STREET, bi low arch. Commences 8 o'clock, lO-NI'HT and during the week. Last Appearance. rare well Engagement. T . , . PROF. RI8LEY'4 IMP! ItIA IandOKIuiNaLJ aPANESE TROUPE. with tbe original LITTLE "ALL RIGBT ' and full Company. . . , , Matin Est, Saturday. f.Ji 8l,on 6A.76' an oauta. beats secured at Trnmplet's and Ollloe, t tf FOX'S AMERICAN VARIETY THEATRE. KGGEMENT OF THE JAPS lor a limned iiumberoi night. The grtai J AP8 and the . rltnal ' EVERT EVE W I NO and SATURDAY A FTERNOOW VArLF5,Scx,(LATE MILLER'S) WINTER Street. ' ' ' TU' m a"ld 724 VIA THE GRAND ORCHE8TRION, formerly the pro-pe-ty of the GRAMDDUKKOF BADEN, purchaaed at great expense by JAt tB VALKcl, of this city, In comolnatlon with FLAMKR'8 OROll E8TRA. and Mss NELLIE ANDERj-e N. will perforin EVERY" AFTERNOON and EVENING at toe ttaoytmei. tloned place. Admission tree. iu" OKTlcCLTLIiAL HAL L. GERMANIA ORCHKb'l'Ra P DBLIO REHKARHaLa EVERY WEDNESDAY, at 84 P. M.-Tlck. told at the door, and ait principal luslo btores. Pack, ages of Uve lor II: single. 26 cents. - . Euengements cau beniaue by addressing G. BA8 TERT. N0.1M1 1 MONTERaY Blreet-i W lufg'a lAuslo Store. No. 1021 Chesnut strvnt; Andre's Mualo biorav No. 1104 CbeHiiut Hire-t. 1 II Un GRAND FAIR, IN AID OP ST. PAUL'S M. c . MI-blON, t be he d at the N. K. onrner of 8KCOKDa"d PINfl htie5is. com(uenclg Marcb 17. lb, lor ibe sale of Pan. y und Uauiul Arilo.ea. Vd alBflOB i 10 cents, boa-en likHii.aumltliBB ror two aeelts. ii ceuts. . " gj2t C1ABL BENTZ' AND MARK HARSLRIfS 0R- CD Ka'PRA MATIN EKjs, B.VERY SATURDAY at W K U IN MIMICAL r dND HALL. HlcKl, Ad mission. Mi ceiis Package of 4 llckeu.Sl, at Bo nor 'j No. Ilia CB Eta NUT 8t.. and at the Door. LU i GYMNASIUM, CORNER OV NINTH AND ARCH IMroe s, tor Ladies, Oeutlemtn, and Coil dren, is now open DAY end EVKNOG. Xessoua Blveu In ttparrl; gand F-nclng. Call in person or seul Jor circular Uhtutb8mr PROF. I LEWD QCORCC PLOWMAN, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, I'U D'vCK Rtrett, rillLAL'tU'liLi,