THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, MARCH 8, ; 1869. 4 4 POILIIREI EIEIT AFTEII00I OnrvnArt axcmmsv at tb.m iivmma tblexjraph ibuiidino, JTO. A TSZHJO BTSMMT, FHXLAtELPHIA ' rM JfM Mtm eentt per copy (rfouo i?Mt); ar tigMetn etiU per we, payaWe to (A carrier b teAotn served. 7td iorpiort prioe oy maU fj jp-n Doltari per annum, or On Dollar and JXAV oenU or two fnoniAi, invceriaWj 4n advano for Vt time orOtred. MONDAY, MARCH 8, 18C9. The) New Beeonstraetlon Poller. Cbtaw pifiBigeB of the Inaugural, oomblnetl with Ue reinstatement of Sheridan, In the fmh bloom of his new honors as Lieutenant General, In the command of the Department of Louisiana, and the other reoent ohanges of commanding offloers of military districts, fore Bhadow the polio of Grant's administration In reference to the South. No trace of bitter ness resulting from the war will inoite the sew President to revengeful or oppressive measures. Ue has the magnanimity of the true soldier, and would rather serve than injure those who were onoe formidable foes. The sinoerlty of his wish that the rebellious States will soon emerge Into "greater pros perity than ever before" is indisputable, and we do not believe that be will oppose or Be" gleot any appropriate movement conducive to this end. His appeal to every citizen "to do his share towards oementing a happy Union," his re quest for "the prayers of the nation toAlmighty God in behalf of this consummation," and his deprecation of seotional pride and animosity, all Indicate an earnest wish to heal old wounds forever and to restore internal tranquillity. But while he earnestly desires the restora. tion of Southern prosperity, he avoids the fatal errors of Johnson's reconstruction polloy. He proposes to establish conoord on a true and just instead of a false and dishonorable basis, and to establish everywhere throughout the land "security of person and property and free religious and political opinions." The Democratic idea of peace was based on a surrender to the Rebellion and a reiinthrone nient of the leaders of the Southern Confede r -cy. It contemplated a oomplete restoration of Rebel rule everywhere south of Mason and )ixon's line, and a sufficient infusion of Rebel a fluenoe in the national oounolls to establish a pro-Rebel party of formidable proportions " his soheme has received a death-blow, and. i'8 mischievous authors will be forced to sub stitute a more patriotio and practioal pro gramme if they wish to continue a oontest for political supremacy. There Is deep significance in the order issued on the 5th of Maroh, assigning new commands to the generals who pandered to Johnson's policy or who faltered in their efforts to pro tect the Southern Unionists. The ex-President consigned the soldiers who refused to become his subservient instruments to distant frontier poets; but, under the new regime, General Banoock is entrusted with the task of watohing and fighting the savages of Daootah, and Sheridan Is recalled from his victorious pursuit of the Indians of the Plains to oonfront onoe more the murderous marauders of New Orleans. It will be remembered that at the Presiden tial election the Rebels inaugurated a reign of terror in portions of Louisiana, and that in the metropolis of that State men could only vote for General Grant at the risk of their lives. It is therefore eminently proper that Sheridan Bhould be restored to the scene of this reoent display of Rebel arroganoe, not only on ac count of his well-known capaoity to grapple with dangerous foes, but because his restora tion to that command conveys an impressive and important lesson to the entire South, and teaohes malcontents that beneath Grant's Velvet glove Ihere is an iron hand. The tree Interests of the South are involved in the protection of peaceful industry; the enoouragement of emigration; the establish ment of law, order, and civilization; and the cooperation of Northern industry and Northern capital la the development of Southern re sources. The sucoeBB of Grant's polioy will confer upon all honest oltizens of the South, without distinction of nativity, color, or opinion, a degree ol freedom and security they have never hitherto enjoyed; and in doine this he will do the best thing a government cau do to promote the genuine welfare of any section Be wtu war oniy against efforts to galvanize Rebel politios and Rebel politioianB, and he will strive to promote the well-being of good citizens of all parties. Two Excellent Message. Ir is seldom we can so warmly oommend any pnbllo documents as we can the two messages sent to Select and common councils on oaiur flay by Mayor Fox- The first was a veto of the aot to allow the Germantown Passenger Railway Company to salt its tracks. The veto was tent in on two grounds. One was that it waa Bpeolal legislation, and therefore should not bo passed; the other that It was detri mental to the comfort, if not to the health, of our oitlxeni to have the streets salted. We hope that the antagonism exhibited by Mayor Fox ' to speoial legislation will not die out, but will continue to grow ' m long as be is In office. It is the curse of our Btate the mother of all corruption the ' ' ' djibaoeher of public morals. There is no language too severe for this whole species of , private favoritism, of whi )h tne aot vetoed is a .: Adrtype. It Is unjust to me country, ub called for. and seonred, as a rule, through lm K . proper means. The other objeotion on the ' ' ground of health and comfort is also well founded. We have been free for two years C ' a from the fearful "slush" whioh Injured us . tereUfore, and the exemption of the German W'MfciOia tU lUtuU wbJch fortyd the salting of tracks Is but the first step of close and avaricious corporations towards again subjecting our citizens to the nuisance The other message, whioh call attention to the oondi tion of the streets, was also well timed. The Mayor desires Counolls to provide for the abolition of the contract to olean the streets, because of the incompetency of the contrac tors, and favors legal proceedings against their eeonrities. The tone of the message deserves commendation, but it is unnecessary. The Mayor should have deolared the oontraot broken, oommunioated the fact to Counolls, and had the City Solloltor proceed with the suits. On him should rest the responsibility. lie is given the power. Let him exerolse it, and all the people will sustain him. If the Mayor will continue in this oourse and adopt proper reforms in the police department not suoh as he has done heretofore in the Tenth district he will de serve thanks. The people are watohing him. He made many fair promises, and they are waiting for him to keep them. The oases of Policemen llill, Irons, and Uusaey look, how ever, as though his police administration would be a whited sepulchre. Let ns hope we may be mistaken. . titw Ilmnptthlre. The State and Congressional elections of New Hampshire take plaoe to-morrow. Prom re ports from that quarter, It appears that the Democrats are showing very little of their fighting qualities, regarding their chances of success as exceedingly slim. New Hampshire has been deoidedly Republioan since IS (JO, although the majorities have not always b-en so large as to warrant the dominant party in folding Its hands in confidence of suooess. The following table shows the vote of the State at eaoh election sinoe I860, the figures marked thus (f) including scattering votes, while in 1863 there were two Republioan candidates for Governor, and consequently no election by the people: Ytar, Drm. 38,614 28,434t 31.462 30,'fi5t 32 833 81,840 32 871 28,017 80.4KI 31,224 Mai. 4mu U085R 4U15K 1875K J8t0 Governor. ..38,037 . 37,519 ..36 467 ..82,160 ..29,i8 President...... J 8fl 1 182 188 Governor...... 1864 37,008 38,4. 0 31.14 5H6HR 3i24K 6127 It 4056 It 81 16 It 2518 tt 6907 R President..... ItHiS 85,i87 1KOT- 86 HI 9 1868 Grvernor...........89 778 -l,rBldent......38,19l The vote for members of Congress in 18G7 was as follows: ' DMriett. Rrp, 1343 ..........11,294 Don. 12.247 10,305 10,248 year 998 K 995K 10 18 It Stood as Joint Bit. Mi 141 62 The Legislature elected last follows: Smate. Hovia. 194 13 Republicans ; 9 Democrats 3 Republican tnj.,. 6 58 The candidates of the two parties to be voted for to-morrow are as follows, the Republioan Congressional candidates being all renomina ttons: Etpublicatif. Devwcratt. Governor ...Onslow Stearns, John Bedel. K. K. Com.B. D. Qua-leg, M. T. oonobue. Congress, I.Jaoob H. Ela K. A. Ulbbard. 11. A. r . nivenn, xu w. narriugwju. lll.Jacob lienlon, H. W. Parker. A Democratio contemporary Bays: "Last spring the Democrat of tbls State bad success within their grasp, bat by resorlins to a timid policy, and trusting too much to unfaithful managers. It was lost." It is to be hoped that the Republicans will not encounter a defeat to-morrow through mere lukewarmnsss and ooofidenoe in their impregnability. Governor Weary. 0e of the sayings attributed to General Grant is that, "as a rule, military men should not be appointed to civil offices." If this rule is appropriate anywhere, it is certainly appli cable to such a position as the Governorship of Pennsylvania. The State has no wars to fight, and for praotioal purposes the militia of the Commonwealth can be as well com manded by a civilian who never set a squad ron in the field as by the finest military genius. At the last Gubernatorial election Governor Geary was nominated by the Republioan party chiefly on account of his war record, and he was elected mainly because the Andy Johnaon blnnder of swinging round the circle in 18GG, and the obnoxious antecedents of the Demo cratic candidate (HeisterClymer), would have secured the triumph in that year of any nomi nee the Republicans could have chosen. It is eminently proper and just that soldiers Bhould be rewarded and honored, but it is cer tainly not less important to the people of this Commonwealth that the occupant of us ex ecutive ehair Bhould have an intelligent idea of the duties of that responsible position, and a sufficient stock of other mental and moral qualities to keep faithful watch and ward over the manifold interests of this great State It is scarcely probable that any human being would have seriously thought of making General Geary the Governor of the State in 1866 If he had not gained military laurels in the war; and the experience of the last three years has clearly demonstrated that in hts instance the presumption was unwarranted that martial skill in the tented field was ne oessarlly accompanied by political ability in a peaoeiui executive chamber. This comblna tion does sometimes exist, and-we verily hope ana neueve tnat General Grant is about to furnish another brilliant example to the oon- traoted list of those who deservedly gained double lame as soldiers and as statesmen. But surely it cannot be claimed that John W. Geary, votary of Mars though he be, is also entitled to a crown from the hands of Minerva. It Is true that in 1866 Geary's availability was Inor eased by complimentary accounts of his civil servioes as aloalde of San Franolsoo and aa Governor of Kansas. We do not ques tion his eminent fitness for suoh positions. Bat the semi-military talent whioh found an appropriate sphere in checking with a stern hand the greasers or the belligerent miners of CalifornU, and in exeroiflipg Ifuperlow iwsj over the emlgrant-ald eocietlei and border rnfflani of th turbultwit joung oommunlty beyond the Missouri, U net called Into useful requisition In the Gubernatorial ohalr of Penn sylvania, lofant communities are controlled by II fineness entirely different from those whioh exerolse potential sway in staid old Commonwealths, and at Ilarrlsburg tnusoular Intellectuality Is aa requisite as muscular Christianity was In the new Eldorado twenty years ago, or at Topeka when John Brown was enlisting his first oompany In an anti slavery crusade. Governor Geary has managed, during his cffiolal term, to dissatisfy both the politicians and the people, in a vain effort to appease both. He has proved a poor politician, and given not a tittle of evldenoe that he possesses a spark of statesmanship. Pennsylvania has little cause for pride or congratulation as she looks back on the long line of her Governors. If a few good and brilliant men are stricken from the list, there is little left to raise it up above the level of mediocrity; and Geary has done nothing, as Governor, to distinguish himself over the mass of his predecessors. Meanwhile, although corruption reeks at Har risburg, and the interests of the State are most shamefully negleoted and betrayed, hts voice has never been heard protesting in the clarion tones that some men might have made ring throughout the Commonwealth against this carnival of folly and fraud. Thb County Peisok. In our looal columns will be found copious extraots from the annual report of the Inspectors of the County Prison, showing the operations of that institution during the y?ar 1868, and embodying the suggestions of its offioers. The management of the prison under the present board of in spectors will challenge comparison with any similar establishment in the country in all desirable features, and we trust that the proper authorities will give due weight to the demand for an inorease of room, in order that all the present defects may be speedily reme died. A Bovine Blunder. The Chioago papers announce that President Grant's Secretary of the Navy is "a retired Philadelphia merohant by the name of Adolh E. Bovlet" Suoh is fame. But we imagine that, before the lapse of many months, the country will learn to spell the Secretary's name oorreotly, especially the hungry horde of official cormorants, who will encounter in him a man deoidedly the oontrary of one after their own heart. Paris Newspapers. The Epoque, a Pails newspaper, started in 1865 by M. Feydean, and purchased In 1867 by M. Dusautoy, has ceased Its dally Issue and sunk Into a weekly. It has coet Its owners, first and last, $200,000, nearly the whole of which may bo considered lost. Other papers In Pails are said to be on the brink of ruin, owing to the great number of competitors bioagat Into the field by the new preoa laws. ThkBchools of Huodk Island. The report of the School CoiuinUtioner ot Rhode Island shows the number of teachers employed to be six hundred and eighty, three; tbe number of pupils to be twenty-eight thousand; the num ber of children In the State under fifteen, to be ovr nfty seven thousand; and the entire amount of money expended for educational purpotes to be a little over saou.ww. SPECIAL NOTICES. jgjgr- GIKARD MARK LODGE, NO. 214, A. Y. M. (IRANI) VISITATION of the Urand Chapter Olltccts. on 'IL"l'i)AY Evenlrg, Uarcb 9 at 6 o'clock. Tb meobn'i are particularly requested to be previa. Byordrror . J. Whuh. Bacreiary. g 6 at COLD WEATHER DOES NOT CHAP errongheu the stela after using WRIOS Pa AXCONA I EUULYAKIN rABtTOraOLIDiyiKO uijVi:i.RIN. lis dailv one makes tbe skin deli cately soil and beautiful. It Is delightfully fragrant, transparent, and I ncoiu parable an a 1 oilet Soap. If or sale by all Druggist, K 4 O. A WRIGHT, . . etixA nil Linvnm u .a EST, NOTICE. -I AM NO LONG EH EX- tracilns Teeth without pain fur the Ojlton Cental Atsoclatloo. Persons wishing teeth ex- traniMi i,flntei v without oatn by fresh Nitrous Oxide Gas. will Hud we at No. 1027 WALNUT bUeet. Charges suit all. NOTICE. AN OPPORTUNITY IS nfr red to urot ure aiKmt .ony ao e of desira ble Land, contiguous 10 tbe pavements, dlraoily north ol the built-up portions of the city, at a very uw price. rerDona wiooirg to join in forming ao AnrrUtlin lor the purchase of It. and thus aoaulr homestead lo s M nrsc ctst aim on easy terms wiu met at the AMBI"AN MKCilANtW UALL, FOURTH aud ukiikuh Ktr.eis, upper saioous. on WON HAY fiVIM'O Maroh 8 at 8 o'clock. e 2t jam sh p. Davis, surveyor. APPRENTICES' LIBRARY COMPANY. The annual meetlrK ot this Company will be held at tbe Library, a. V. o ruer or A S(!u and 1 1111 streets, on THIRD DAY (Tuesday) JCJiiN 1NU ME XT tbe th Instant. at8 o'clock. Tne Annual Report will be read and an election for managers be be d. A seneral attendance Is requested to see the new arrasgea ants made. etc.. wblch are now Vary hand seme and convenient. Afj mDQWAr 8eoleUry Sd month (March) Ishs. avna- ANNDaL. COMMENCEMENT OF THE 3S WOMAN S MKUIOAL COLI.KUB will be h-ldatCOiUCURT HALL, "U THURSDAY NKXi', u.r it. m.i vi o'clock. Valedictory by Or. u. a. WILSON. Prote s ir ol burgery. Tne Publlo ' ' spect ully Invited. stf CITY TREASURER'S OFF1U1S. Philadelphia, March 1, 1869. Cltv Warrant registering to 12,000 paid on presentation. JOSEPH N. PEIRSOL, 3 86t City Treasurer. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD ih& OtllCS UKNtUL FKHHUl AGlXt.) Mo. 130'4 MARK SIT utreet. V 1'HII.ADKLPHIA March 4, 1869. wn. i-iiiiT- The rates ror the transponation of Goal, to take fleet &l arc 1 16. 1869. cau 0e obtained upon applica tion at Ibiseulte, fc R KINGSTON, 8 59 General Fralgbt Agent. trZW THE PENNSYLVANIA URE INSXJ BANCK COMPANY) ..., 1M The Directors have bts day deo'ared a dividend or tSEVKN DOLL A its AND JTirt It Uf" V on the Block or tbe Company lor tne im wbkb win oe paid to tbe Stockholders or their leai teprtneutatWe alter the 11th mutant. 8Sll)t WM. O. OROWKLL Secretary. rrg- "A PENNY BAVEO IS ryuau w two Karned."-The time to save niuoey U - . nAtTt f ff( when yon earn it and the way to i save -in "VklTn i'iV? 'i' ,VA ' rw a tfrtnRTH fctreet. belo rZZ.'" '"'11 I'""- r .,iu amounts re- xr."'---r-..i.:rt .nowed. op oaliy lrni s to S. and en Monday evenings from i to V o wock, C k BUb UUW!.- KSf" BATCH ELOR'S HAIR Wp-rJjg VXf BDlnndm h.i. t,.. i. tna best in tbe world; lustau tan eona; tints; remedies tEnfXJttSWm invlsorau- svua ieavstbe Hair aafrd hMdllful. tIMCh Or orw. L i. . ,u" sun ana i nrmmrly J"jm IrntUU and trtumere! and properlg mum fo viui rnMPORT. AND ,oiw.a?r:.,i: ,s VJi'' I "ore ,Ti w J SPECIAL NOTICES. Ktfr- P08TP0NKM ENT. IN CDSS1 a"- qnno f the sadden Hlneta of JAMES f. MUTtrOiH, thi RBAII! annotincM far th". evenlns bas basts UNAVOIDABLY POSTPONED for a lew Says. lt rj3r WEST 8PRUCR STREET CHUBOH, BiVKNTKKNTH Jand SPRUCB Streets There will lie Sp'clal Services In the Lecture, room everv evenirr tli week, rermon this eveilnir by Bev.'T. M. CUNNING HAM. I. P. All are Invited. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK OF PHI- IADELPHIA, Ko. 73 A.RCII Blreet f niLanarupitia, March S, . The DIrrctors Of the FOURTH NATIONAL BANK, with the sanction of CS ARE. ClLLEN DKB the Special Ateut or the Comptroller of the turn nry, hereby give notice that the Dullness of the Bank will be resumed on WBDNEDAY the 10th day of March, wlih a new ospltsl ol l00,0i 0, paid In. 1 6 a L. M. RAB KR, Canliler. OLD OAK8 CEMETERY-(JOMPASY Of PB 1L ADKLPHIA, OFFICE, NO. SIS WALSUT STREET. The Company Is new prepared to dispose of Iota on REASONABLE TERMS. The advantages offered by this Cemetery ae well known to be equal If not superior to those possessed by any other Cemetery. We Invlie all who desire to purchase burial lota to call at the office, where plans can be seen and all particulars will be given. Deeds for lots sold are ready for delivery. RICH ABB VAUX, Preeldent. PKTKR A KEYBHR. Vice-President. MARTIN LANDKNBEHdBB. Treasurer. Micham.1. Nihbkt. Secretary 1 11 Sro A. VOICE FUOU IHL l'UUl'LU. The Merchant, tbe Lawyer, Tbe Hutciier, the Baker, The Kindling-wood dawyer, Tbe UnntHestlok-inaker, The Woollen Roods Weaver, Tbeeloquem Preacher, The sturdy Coal beaver, Tbe diligent Teacher, The learned Protestor Ttieakl'fdl Pnyalclan, The lightning represser. xue nimoie ainsioiau. The popular Editor, Tbe wise Politician, The Debtor, the Creditor, In every condition; These reople, and others, l oo numerous to mentiou. Men, fathers, and brothers. ueciare tneir luteuuou Of speedily koIdr To GREAT BROWN HALL,, To purobase SPRING (jLOTHING, ror gentlemen au. The BprlDg Overcoats, ine spring raniaiMua, The Boring Vest, The Spring Business Saok, thing in clothing that ever was sprung upon l uk) fiuuiii, uui, oiieapor, vunfc, tn tut vau AT f ROCKHILL A V7IL80M'8 GREAT BROWN HALL, Nos. 603 and 605 CHESNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. FLOUR. WM. B.THOMAS & OO., TDIRTEENTU and WIH0W Sts., MANUFAOTURER8 or "PASTRY," PREMIUM," "RED STONE. AKD UNEQUALLED XXX BAKERS' FLOUR, ALL S 17 lm Warranted to Giro Satisfaction. JMrORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Flour Dealers and tirocers, Take Notices LANCLEY'S CELEBItATED FAMILY FLOUR Again In the Market. EuraI, Langlej." Tbe above brands of FLOUR are now arriving from the mills, and will be constantly on hand, and lor sale In lota to suit to purchasers, by BROOKE, C0LKET & CO., TlAtVR AMD OBAIN DEALERS, 1727, 1729, 1731 and 1733 MARKET St., 1 16 lmrp PHILADELPHIA. QHOICB FAMILY FLOUR, For the Trade or at Retail. ETEBT BABBEIi WARRANT ED. KE18TUNE FLOUR MILLS, KOS. II ABD 1 SJIRAKD ATENDK, t IS .mrp Bast ol Front street. BOOTS AND SHOES. BARTLETT, Ko. 33 SOUTH S1XTII STREET, Begs to Announce Ma Neiv Styles of Qcnta Boot and Shoes, for Spring Wear, and is now ready to receive and fulfil all orders which the public may favor him with, is imwi J FASHIONABLE BOOTS AND SHOES MADH TO OKDER, IN THB LATEST STYLUS, ON THJE MOST REASONABLE TEAfJS, . OIVK 08 A CALL. a, n, ijbe. J. b. cnABLo. 1 18 lm Wo. 21X Booth TKNIH btreet. DODGEBfc' AHD WOSTEKHOLM'3 POCKET XV M.JS lVa, Pearl and iHtac Handles, of beauUfol finish. JtOtHifcHt' and WAXS A BU'KlHltH'H HA. fjOHA, and the aelenrated , UCOOULTIUI JaAZOK i..r. Knives, bclaaors.-ajid Table ana?""". r. MAPaUto4'. AU Cntlarv Oronnd ftaUt fcTAMTAI SEWINQ MACHINES. WHEELER Ol WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES Are the Beet, and are Sold on the Easiest Terms. PETERSON A CARPENTER, ORNKBAL AQENT4, No. 014 CHE8NUT 8troot, 'n wl PH 1L DELPHI A. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. R A L. SOWER, BABOTS & POTTS, BOOKSELLERS AJil) STATIONERY, DEALERS IN CU ft TAIN & LL PAPERS HAVB REMOVED FROBf No. 37 501ITH THIRD STREKT TO No. 530 MARKET Street AND No. 523 MINOR Street, PHILADELPHIA. SOWER, BARNES & POTTS, BOORS' LLER3, AND PUBLISHERS OP RrottbD Normal Series of Arithmetics. IauVm )ellers Fensmita'A Urammars. rettrou'8 Familiar Science. Rcuvler's Astronomj. Hillside's tieologrj. Sheppard's Constitution. Fairbanks' Book-keeping. I'eltou's Outline Maps. Fayson, BunUn & Scrlhner's Copy Books, Etc Teachers and Principals or Private Diinlnaries are Invited to an examination of our large list of fee boo I Publications. Favorab terms flren for first Is (truc tion. Itwfmistrp MEDICAL. $1000 Beiari for the Counterfeiter $1000 REWARD FOR THE COUNTERFEITER lOOO REWARD FOR THE COUNTERP KITKR f lOOO REWARD FOR THB COUNTERFEITER 91000 BIWARD FOR THE COUNTERFEITER OF HELM 110LD'i FLUID EXTRACT BUCUf. HOW TO DETECT IT The genuine has the name blown la tbe bottles, while tbe counterfeit has not. Atdtheconteoisarenot at all similar to th gen uine, bat of lighter color. In fan. It Is a most mlsera b'e Imitation In this respeos and possesses no medi cinal. qnalltles whatever bat seems to be filled with tomeilmple decoction. Tbe counterfeit has been found In tour different drrg stores In this city within a week. I will appreciate tbe kindness of dealers If they will examine their stock at once and report. OBEAT INJUSTICE may ns DONE To PATIENTS ORVAT INJUSTICE MAY BE DOAK TO PATISNra GREAT IN JUdl ICS may Ma DON K to PATIB VTS OREAT INJUSTICE MAT bbj DONE To PATIENTS Q BEAT LNJUSITUE MAT BS DONE TO PATIENTS OBEAT INJUSTICE MAT B DONE TO PATIENTS OBEAT INJUSTICE may be DONE to PATIENTS OREAT INJUSTICE mat b a DONE to PaTIKNTS QBKAT INJUSTICE may bb DONE TO PATIENTS OREAT INJUSTICE may bm DONE to PATIENTS I It ok to druggists for prottotlon. Patients tha. have been using the genuine readily deteot tne spuilcos, and In three dlst nct caies they called at the store. Notwithstanding tit 4 druggists in esjn case having aasnred them ot the genulueness of the article, they may have sp kes conscientiously, BEAR IN MIND THE GENUINE BEAR IN MIND THE OBNUIXE BEAR 1 MIND TAB OENUINK BEAR IN MIND THE GENUINE BEAR IS MIND THE GENUINE has the following plainly blown In three sidas of the bottle: H. T. HELMBOLD'3 GENUINE FLUID EX. TRACTS, PHILADELPHIA. THB COUNTERFEIT HAS NOT. TUB COUNTERFEIT HAS NOT. THB COUNTERFEIT HAS NOT. THE COUNTERFEIT HAS NOT, THE COUNTERFEIT HAS NOT. Notwithstanding I have spared no expense In get ting op steel engraved wrappers and labels for tbe protection of my business, the counterfeit of these are calculated to deceive. Information derived, leading to detection, will be rewarded with the amount of one thousand dollars, and at the same time tbarkfnUy received by H. T. HELMBOLD, Srncglst, t S tt 4p No. 89-t- BROADWAY, New York. WATCHES. JEWELRY, ETC. C & A. PEQUIGNOT, MANUFACTURERS OF WATCH CASES. And Healers In American and Foreign WATCHES. No. 13 South SIXTH Street, MANUFACTORY, No. X4 8 FIFTH Street. As WM. O. WARNS & CO., -fV Wholesale Dealers In ' WATUllfcS AND JEWELRY, b. K. corner MKVKISTii and CHKMMUT 8treets, S 'ii Kvcond flour, and late ef No. 33 S. TB1HD at. ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING RINGS. LARGE ASSORTMENT OP COIN AND U KARAT ALWAYS ON HAND, LEWIS LA DOM IS A CO., Jewellers, rp MO. SS) CHESNJT HTKEKT, rAPITAL $l,O00,00O.-UNHED SECURITY L1FK INM'KlM'K ANt T U8T COal'ANY OF PKNNiSYLVANIA. OlOllla U. BlUAHT. Prestdpnt: THOMAS W. KV ANf : Vice-President; V. V 11 KITH, B"crelary. Otllce. sontbeast corner ot FIFTH ai d CU KisNL'T bt'.,Phlla. Agents and solici tors can make liberal terms with tb s company. 8S4t WILLIAM G BITTY, Manager. ROOFING.-LITTLE A CO., "THE LIVE ROOFKRS" No. 138 VABKKT Surest, livery deacrlp lis of Old and Lteky Boors made tlst't and warranted fr Ave years. Old lm Boo is msde tquaito new. A trial only required to lusare satlf laction Orders pi ore ft y attended to. SSSm THILADELPHUKASfBEaBV.JUCUNDA, AirrlculturUt. and otuer Btrawberry, Lawton tTi,kbPrr Planui Hart lord, uonoord. ana outer Orape Vines. Ifw- A a FLKTCHER. IStf Delanoo. N J. MPIBK SLATE MANTSL WOBK9.-J. B. KlMlM.No. SKSCUESNCtrtitraei. 1 Uwlm w 1LT.IAH B. GREEN, BKICKLAYBK, NO. BUABILAND. CNDEBTAKER, i St lUi4XTU tirast, UMIse LIFE INSURANCE. 8TA1E2LEST0FTUE CONDITIOX Of mi , Connecticut ticneral Lift Insurance Ct Or HARTFOBD, CONNKCTIOOT, Jannary 1. 1859. FIRST. Capital stock t wSO JLaJOI With Auiouot of staaeeamen.s or instal- vvw "BlXNll100 Pla U Ca,b 51,000f Tb valne as nearly as rosy be of the Hial Estate held by tbe Oompany None, Cash on band... 6 7oi-a tHnhin Banka.apeciry lug the Banks: FlratNat. Btnk of Hartford, Corn.. 9l4i-i Mercbante' JCxohaDge B'k, N. Y.olly S.rtOfti remlum oo follolea lo bands of anerjls In course of transmission.... 20lO0 6i Amount of loans secured by bonds ' and morteaeea, cnnsi liming tbe first Hen on Real Estate, on whlob. thtire Is less than one year's Interest doe and ow1db...... M s Ojo-oo Anaount ot Loans on whioh Interest bas not been paid within one year... None. Amount of Blocks owned by tbeOon. racy, specifying tbe no ruber of shares and their par and market value: U. H. Bonds, S-Sfs, Ret 1st ered... 11118,009 U.H. Bonds, 6 Coupons..... iH,2i Oonneotlcut Mialo Bonds.. MMM, lli,mn Ol io Htata Uonds...... eseaaeea Cook County liuds-....,.... 4, KM Hartford City Uouils...M... lOtHKI OljlOHKoCtly Moods i.0 Toledo City Homle . o gi)o lUOsbarea American Maiiocal Bark. Hartford 0 100 60 sb. Fourth Nttlooal Bk.N.Y. 6.100 ' 60 sbarea Hhoe and Leatber Bank, New York 5,600 60 sbarea Merctmnts' Excbttoge BHbk, New York 2,RiX) CO sbares Com menial U',N. Y. 6,. 10 ' Cincinnati nni iLdlannpolts Rallrotwl Kmids 6,830 THIRD. KU0W Amount of Htocka held by the Company . oollaleral seiuii:.y for Call L aoa, with ihia ani'tuat loai.ed uueactt kind of stook at l' lar and mark tt value: 1 u ' T7 sli. City Fire IsurMnoeStock..11,br0 126sb.EtDa Klre lusorance Hloclt lOOsn. Pfcoenu Fire Ins; Stock... 20 wo 147 8b. Travelers' Life In. Stock: 19. (R5 10 sbarea Hartlord Life and An nuity Insurance Hiock 654 10 fbares Couiircliout General Life Insurance Htock 5IH) 80 sh. American Pub. Co. Stock.. . 2,ty 30 ebaies New York and New Haven Rati roud Co. Stook 1950 COO shares Weed Sewing- Ma- 1.80O 45 shares Adams RrproNS Stook. 16,07 ii United Slates ra Bonus..... 11,235 98,767 05 Interest on Investments due and on- P&l(ieseeee t ( tw None. Accruea interest not yet uue Premium nolea ou Policies still la force. ... One burglar-proof Safe (steel) and fur. nlture and Hainpf............. . J.2U0 32 589-I 1,000 00 Block notes approved by Directors aDd endorsed aeeeaaeaaaaaeaeeaaaaaeaaaeeeeas) aeeeea 219.000-00 ruuui'n. Amount of cash premiums received- 108.93071 Premium notes actually received aa part of premium..... Amount of premiums earned (see 23.99379 above) 137,921-63 Interest reoeived from investments... 26V8t-82 interest on premium notes........M FIFTH. 3.1C U Amount of losses paid during the sear 25.250-00 Amount puiu ior reinauranoo pie mlums Amount of return premiums paid or lapsed, surrendered or purchased DOllCfCfl. mshh i.i.w e ssasaa 6,001-24 1.112 0 Amount of dividends deolared during: tha year? Stockholders ....$ 16 liftO 00 Mutual policy holders... 744 08 16,99408 Amounts of dividends pald.umM.Mam.M 16.9V1 C8 Amount of expenses paid during the year, la- eluding commissions and fees paid-to ag: at and officers of tbe Company: Com missions ..........f 18,909 OS Halarles 9.U0C0 27.909 05 Amount of losses due and unpaid....... Non. Amount of taxes paid by the Company- 1,978 68 All omer current expenaev....sii,oo-uu Medical examlnaUot.8...... l.sw 4 ' 13.658 i j Amount of promissory notes orlcd- rally form Id g tha upital ot the Company ............ 219,000 00 Amount of said notes held by the Company aa part of tne whole of the capital thereof...... M........MM . 219.C00 00 Par and market value of the Com pany's stock per share... 100 Ct 8ABIN E fc ALLEN, AnU, 3Smws3t N.K cor. FIFTH and WALNUTsta, A8BURY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NKW YORK. Statement of the condition of tbe Company, Decem ber tU I80&. Capl'al Stock Canltai Htock paid lu cash. AHMB1N. ....... IIM003-M ...... iso.ourw Market Value. Cash on band and in bank, tlS-4 Caab In bauds o ag -uu in course 01 tru. in las Ion tJ. H. Uov't boiirts, i-tim. '67, par ia),DOU.. 14.10 S( )&U.U7-a0 ltW-50 4.4IS-28 S 181 IS 1W03IH SVKSUS , 134. S4I7-S4 accruea tnterrst, uii jet aue, Kil s r-ceivaoir... Loans on security o' pollol IVferred premiums lor tbe year......... Value of lease Value of re nsttr nos po lcifs.... rtntooal prope ty a'. Uowe and BcauoU Ofllots tSU.287 7 tl tnlLITIE. Amount reiutr-d to sfe'y relasu e all eut- ns risk M $56,591 H7 Aaosnt of all ibs c alius a-lntt the Co.... H Zi vt 813 0 IIS,47-i II Ui 74 l.l2-9 S 7( 6 iAVO ti,M 47 INCOME. Amount Of cah nremlunai resjived . Loans on secuiltf of puliolps Amount ot pr mtum earned, luiiudlus delerrca in n.n 1. 01 aceu . Intrefct reovlvvtt ir m Investtnauta. inouote from all o.her souroe. . KXPCXDITDBBsi. Amount of loan, paid during tb yer, ... Amount paid and uwlug lor rwu.uranoa policies- - . Amount ef expenses paid during toar-ar, iDCitidlng cunim'skUina and foes paid to .frnta and olllcra of tha Gauiuiat. tl,400 U6'50 16 (17-Sft Amouni ! tase paid by tbe Company...... t.UMi Aaiount ol ail oilier expensta auo expen ditures . ............ W-'ent l,-m-6s Value ef Company's st'ck, ptrtioo: market va'. n. Tbls Compau comuienn d ba.tiiess in April, isss, and baealrea" lnu-d 1)4 Oi iOLlClK4, cjverluu e ver a4HO.OI)0 of lusurance. Uaicn s JSW. JAIWB8 M. LONCACRE, Manager for reimylraula, OFFICE, Ko. 302 WALAUT STBEET, t Wfmst TB. I L A DS LPHI A. PIANOS. RTKIN WAY sV KHVfll noiun wa.a unani SQDr and nprlchi PLantJi.. m rt.a Ainu iTa HaibSI VUafllffT tj a . " " ' i f , w. awv 'xssu-ii.i j a narvflk sa BRADBURY'S AN II OTH tfu uriKna ufcB-au.sj4lAame.w.rOa " v '"tlVJ '1 If (flu, UBIV L W I J.. I. FiaCH EK'B. No. 1011 4KCH Mt. I S lm ffrFil CHIOKRRIMn If GUrand, Square and Upright PIANOS. DTJTTOWB, 10. t14 OB KMNTJT BtreaA nni rtSSI ALBEKCUT, ITTl 1 1 BlkUKH dt HC11MIDT, FIRST-CLAbM PlANU-roRTBS. Full guarantee and moderate prices. .2 WAJUtKOOMB, No. OlO ABPH jtreefc , THE ADAMS EXPBKS COM PAN Y, OTFICE No, 3'40 (IHHSNUT Mtreet. forwards Parcels, Pa ck axes, Menniandlse, Bank Notes, and bpeuie. eilber by its own Hues or lu connection with MUer Kxpres Compauivs. to all tba principal towaa aad cttlaa la the Guited biata. JOHN BIWQHAM. opecluMiuileat.