THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MARCH C, 1869. NEWSjWti.V Lornl Allalro Major Fox nd the foMjwlug polite up I'Ointments jtf rdmi tkrond bistiici i'Uoiias H. Harklns, James It. Roberts. Tm'ta District- Patrick rnrville", Jobn Keyspr, William Uanrp, Nicbolas rainier, Guorje Uuck, Did Hoover. Thirteenth District-Jurat Connie. KiehUmtli Disi.nct M. McUarty, Francis McDonousrh, Israel messing, Henry Strublo, l atrick ArniMronp. Delaware Hnibur rol'trc Ailolphtu Lex. There will be one hundred and eighteen ferrous odmltU-d to membership of the First IretbjUrlau Cbiirch, Ken In e ton, tomorrow a'teruoon. The Ucv. Dr. Hxalnls lhe pastor of tbis cutipreiFHt on. Tli;s la ttie largest hccchhIoo. to any church a', one tluie that lias ever taken p'ncelti PUtiiioclplilM. Mrs. Oulion, mother of Hiss Ruean fi'ilton, now performing at the Cuenut Street Theatre, lifTcd upon tbe pave iii'tH yostcrdiy afternoon at Ktpbtli and Chcsnnt streets, and in fulling t-truck tier bead aga'nst a step Willi such force as to render her insensible tor a short time. was moved into a store in the viclDity, and alter ttie hal partially recovered was taken to Lit home, IoinHtlo Ailalrx At a fire In CUicaco lnt evening four fire nyo were killed aud $75,000 .worm ol property destroyed. . . Illinois, Uicuiiran. and Wisconsin ratlfled the fl teentn amendment to the Cjostitution jesteniay. Kiahi hundred aud twenty-three thousand dollars in trem-ure were shipped from San Fran cisco to China and J.tpau jesterday. Among the last acts ot A. J. was the pur donmp of James D. Martin, tbe de IhuIM'K casnler of tbe flailonal Hide and Lea1 her Dark of Boston. Governor B.iker, of Indiana, has ordered a special election to nil vacancies caused by the resignation of Democratic members ot the pro sent legislature. Tbe last military order Issued by General Grant as General ot tbo Army Is dated Mirch. 3, and relates to an economical disposition of condemned Government property, as lollops: Inspecting officers, in iecon:mendiug tbe dis position to be made of condemned property, especially the Qjartermater's Departmuut, will bear in mind that there Is hardly auy spee'es of material, however worn, wblch cannot be pnt to some use; eld linen, cotton, woo), iron, etc.. can all be worked up in some new form, and wood can bs used as fuel. Hereafter no condemred articles will bejjiven away, unless there are special reasons lor the contrary, willed reasons must be slated In the reports. The following was issued yesterday: IlKADQUARTEKS OF THE ARMY, ADJUTANT- General's Office, Wabhinoton, March 6, 186!). By direction of the President of the United 8tates, so much of General Order No. 7, from this ottlre, dated February 23. 18G9, as retires Hriga'iier and Brevet Major General Ben jam in W. Brice, I'aj master-General, from active ser vice, is revoked, and he will be considered as having been continuously' on duty from Febru ary 22, 18ii!. By command of the General of lhe Army, E. D. Townsend, Afsiatant Adjutant-General. Jr'orrltfu Airuirs. San Fbascisco, March 6 Mazatlun advices to February 10, say two Mexican soldiers aud a local jnoge aiiacired an Amertcau, named Holdernes, seriously wounding him. The assault was unprovoked. There was great difli culty in piocuring the arrest of tbo parties con cerned in the outraae. aud there is no hope of their conviction. Heavy failures have occur red In Guadalajara, by which merchants In Mazatlan lose over 910,000. All is quiet at Teptc. Cauto, the assassin, and Gultlery, the bandit, aro In pribon iu Duraugo waiting trial. Tbe intelligence from the Inierior is anything but encouraging1. The troubles in the South are thickening. Escobedo desires to resign tbe cc mmand ot tbe lit Division. Socha is spoken of as bis suoce-sor. London, March 6, In tbe House of Commons this evening, Mr. llaltield asked if toe liovero ment Intended to take any steps in the direction ot an oceau penny postage. Marquis Hnrting ton, Postmaster General, tepiied th;it, for the preceut, contracts between the Post Office Do part ment and various Atlantic steamship com panies would interlete with the proposed modi fications in tbe rate of ocean postage. Madrid, March 6. In reply to the Inquiry of Castellur, in the Coites, yesterday, bauosia, Minister of the Interior, said the Government bad prepared, and intended to Iscuo, a procla mation of amnesty for all political o ileuses, but tbe promulgation was postponed on account of tbe reci'nt conspiracies. Havana, March 4. Tbe Treasury Department advertUcs for proposals irorn slip owners to furnish transportation for three hundred and fifteen political prisoners, who are to be taken to tbe penal station at Fernando Po. There is a proloutd tieling of sorrow bruong tbe Iriends aud relatives of the r rUoners, many of whom belong to the first families of the island. But the measure is excusable, when it Is considered that their transportation will save them from dangers like those by wbich they were threat ened on Sunday last, when the volunteers demanded their death. General Dulce has or dered their removal In consequence of the intense pressure which Is broueht to bear upon him by ultra Spaniards. It is confidently expected, however, that the Home Goverment will authorize tbe release ot a majority of them oon after their arrival at Fernando Po. Tbe burvey steamer Jltbb, with Profe3sor Aga-slz, sailed to-day for Key West. Havana, March 4. The Diario has the fol lowing tews: In the Eastern Department the insurgents In considerable numbers htve eoucentraed at the town of Mayan. Troops have marched from Santiago do Cuba to disperse tbem. In tbe Central Department an engagement took p'.ace between the Government lorces and the insurgents, near Saute Eajieritu. Nineteen rebels were taken prisoners, twelve killed and rnaiiy wounded. The GoveiLcient loss is not given. A larire number of insurgents are reported in the vicinltv of Oicnfuegos and Patmlllos. The .H r blockaded and no siuar is coming in at Gtentuepo. All the loyal citizens In dagua rfutrirt have been comD'dled to abandon their bouses in consequence of tbe depredations of the Insurgents. nbi Your. March h. K despatch recelveJ here states mat on Thurd-iy of last week the rebel Brigadier-General Alvo3 was taken prl - soner and brought to Saizua, where he was shot . tnllnwtni? Hfl.tnrdv. A fight had occurred, between some co'orcd i. unri u hand of colored insurgents In the ne ghborhood of Santiago, in which seven teen of the latter are mn"uc micu. An overlooked httUute. n i r,ontii7 renorted this evening that Mr. ' K'ewart, of New York, is Ineligible to the ottice of Secretary of the Treasury, on account of an n d atatute.wlilcu is stU lu force, and which " . 4 i.o.o h.n tnt re v overlooKeu. lli caused cor.Blderable uneasiness, and at 11 c,.s.7. d m ,,., wa a consultation among Picsident Grant's Cabinet as to what Is to be done lu ibis matter. A proposition Is , being "t...i'!i n v,nn this a rcnealel. and a bill will be at once introduced iu the seuate to have . "",oH m allow Mr. teart to aeceut and held the Treasury Department. Th IU1B auv r iu n- . ,nt. Tlia act is as lollows. and was appi oveu biiikiuju i)cr urtmeutr As cif.zeu of the great metropo 2 17b9: , rt i iia nt I'otnsUvtin'a, we owe a debt of pra'iitide Actio to ?vty. wil'es forvnerforaied be a DepartmHiit of th Tn.asury, m which fchall be the following otli-er-. A Bwreury ot fhirreMUTT. to b.' deemed the head ot tin le- the Treasury, to P' " 'a naU enacted, etc. TLa'. no person . .w. . , nlll tiff .nrointed to T any ottice iomtnted by this act HbaM I ireollj r Indireclly, be concerned or i. vested lu carrying oi tho busiues f Uade SVcmlnJife. or b! olruer. m who e or n parr Siotb'f ?n lrt lor lu.o. auy public l.u.U or nni'hf. nroporty, or be coucerue 1 '11 H"; t,,t,eLP nr .l.loo' al or any public securities of C wVt". oPf VS VnU Mate,, or tuke rr nni, other than tb- which sbatl be anplied tij ln; and Ir any person sholl odend agamst any ol Ibe prohibitions of thli ar, he shnll tie deemed tuiltv ol high misdemeanor, and firfcit to the Unltid States three tlinusaod dollar', hii 1 sball, npo'i conviction, be removed from ottice, snd be rotevcr thereafter incapable ot holilng any office under the United Ktates, etc. etc. It Is not ut likely that Mr. Stewart will decline the ultice, as he cannot wind up his business in time to accept it In nccordince with this law. In 1he oath ol office now taken by lb". Treasury ollicials is a clause tlint they have uo interest, directly or indirectly, in any injD'irtatlons, eic, in accordance wr-h the provisions of this statUe; so that Mr. Stewart cannot take the onlh if this law is npp'l"d to biro. Chief Justice Chase has been aked for hi opinion upon this question. AFFAIRS IN QEOR (II A. Meeting of the Republican Convention Viinuimoii I'lidorsemriit of l'rekldcnt Cirnnt'M InniiKiiral, Klc. Atlanta, Msrch 6. The Uepublican Conven tion was held beie to-day. One hundred and lour counties were represented by two hun dred und thirty-eight delegates t o hundred and ere whites and ib'rtj-sevcn colored. All tbe Counties In the While itclt were repie suited. Tbe Convention was called 1o order by Fos ter Kloduett, Cbanman of the Hiato committee. Judge Iiunuiutr, of Atlanta, wai electei ten tfiiarv chniru an, and Benjamin Conly, Presi dent of the State Senate, was chosen permanent President ol the Convention. Tue Convention was very harmonious. A preamble and resolutions were adopted setting forth the failure to comply wlib tlio Hecous'rurtion ucls-ln the organization of tue Lip Ma tu re, lequestiue Coneres to rcogan'ze theL gislature, leseaitho colored members, and cstablitb a lojal govrumcit. The convcntiou unanimouply endorsed the course of Governor Bullock and the inaugural address of President Giant, and h pointed a committee to proceed to Wnsbineiou. One resolution denounces the Legislature for the expulsion of thy colored members as a vio lation of the Constitution of the Btate and the principle of tbo Reconstruction laws; recom mends tbe reassmbling ot toe Constitutional Convention; propose the expulsion of certain parties engaged in the Rebellion, who, they claim, aie ineligible under- the fourteenth amendment, and supply their places with the rejected colored members; and also to provide for tbe entrsnchlsenieiit of tbe colored rac. A resolution denouncing General Meade's ad ministration was titbled. In tbe Senate, a bill requiring tbe agents of fore'gp insurance companies to procure licenses before doing business was tabled. The Conteat. The Examiners, Messrs. Messick and Batturs, resumed the examination of witnesses in the above case yesterday afternoon. The testimouy was directed to tbe Eighth division of the Fourth ward. Rev. Samuel Durborow, No. 605 S. Tenth street, testified th'it he voted the Republican ticket, as also did W. L. Gilroy, Nr. U20 8. Tenth street; his son John J. Gilroy voted the same ticket; Henry J. Bjckius, No. 703 3. Niuih street; Williaoi II. Brooks, No. 1014 bhippen 6treet; Jobn C. Geor;e, No. t21 Ninth street (voted for Fletcher); William Cunningham, N 701 S. Eleventh street; Taomas Nicholson, No. 617 Clifton street; EJward Wheeler, No. 714 Erie street, voted lor Furroan Bheppard; George W. Heikel, No. 727 Erie sireet; Roheit Gunsalus, No. 611 S. Eleventh stieet; Thomas V. Copelaud, No. 927 Siiippen street; Benjamin Faliceuberg, No. 611 South Ninth street; I'aac H. Hnbbs, No. 933 Shippen street ; George T. Hobb?, No. 933 Shippen street; David Thorn pf on, Carbon street; D. M. Matthieu, Jr., No. 1021 Phippen street: John Hutchinson, No. 1046 South street; Charles H. Russell, No. 625 South Mnth street; Joseph Dogherty, No. 902 Bhippen strept; John K. AlcFeiridge, No. 72 rie sircei; rsainaniei n. unges, iNO. viz Erie street: Robert J. Work, No. 709 Eriesireet: John L. Smith, No. 1014 Shippen street; Thomas W. Helmbold, No. 10J4 Shippen street; Hamnel Sharp, No. 705 Rusell street; Newton Nuttall, No. 719 South Eleventh street; Henry Weld ey, No. 724 rie street; Jacob Glanse, No. 709 Erie street. (His son, George Glause, voted the same ticket.) William litng was recalled, and testiflcd that on the list of voters there were 187 names that were not on tho list of taxaoles returucd by the election cflicers. Mrs. Catharine Qu'g'cy, No. 1020 South street. testified that Patrick Biady bad not lived there since about August last, (lie was assessed there and at No. 719 Baker streei, aud on the voters' li?t twice.) . Mrs. Anna lamb. No. 727 s. ninth street, tesiitied that her sou, James Lamb, hs been employed in Washington lor about lour years; be was in town on election day; his wi'e and family live iu lhe Twelfth ward. (Ho was assessed at the abovenumoer,andon the voters' list-) . . James i;rauy, wo. tu oum icmn s reet. test fled that Thomas Cabil I never lived there. (He was asessed there and on tbe voters' list.) Thomas Rabill lived there at this elec'.lou. George S. Mink testified that he was a police oflicer on duty at the clectloa polls of this divi sion. He saw a crowd of men wuo were sa'd to be New Yorkers there at ditferent times all day; could not say that they voted; a citizen told witness and otuer omcers man vnese men had voted at the polls lu Bhippen street, below seventh. William Fletcher testified that be was at these polls tor about three quarters ol au hour in tho morning; saw a iuuu vote twice; witucsa was special policeman. Jsmes M. Cooper, No. 820 8. Ninth street, testified that he voted tbe Republican ticket in the Peventh division ot mr Tumi warn, as aiso did Samuel Clark, No. 709 Catharine street, and Howard C. Carney, No. 6U0 S Ninth sireet. The boxes of the First divMon of the Fifth ward, Seventh of Filteeuth, and Sixteenth of Twentieth, were then called for by contestants. At'journed until aionaay next. Contf atcd Ncata from Fn iisylvftuln. The U. S. House of Representatives has granted C. N. Taj lor sixty days to ta'e testi mony in nis cae oi confess lor a seat in tue riOllse Willi Ul. iliauiun, ui iur rinu xuiii- t, Mr. Reading opposed auy time being trramed, but Ins own party refused to sustain him, and the lloute refused to call the y ea and uavs. In the case ot lion. Leonard Myers, a Urge nnOJtt ot testimony was presented to the House by Hi n. ibarieg u'Aetn, and ordered to be minted. It establishes Mr. M vera' election by over five hundred msjonty. H will pro- bblv get his seal DPiore April i. inn House sent tue Covoue and Foster case tu the Eiec.lon Committee, to n port iiuu,edia'ely who should tavc lhe sear, upon the paper reierred to Covgte s by Governor Geary, which prove, by sworn testimony, tuat air. t;ovoac is elected oy at least six uuuureu iiiini it.v. Fx-Secreiury Welle. Messbs. Editokb: Ills frequently gratifying, and bouieilines ludiciously amusing, to see 60 niMiy I'hiiiiaeipuiaus ngunng in me news pactr", teuderlig to distiuuulsbcd literati, adors, and actresses, compliineuts iu various ways for brief seasous oi enjoyment, without substantial jrood, except, perhaps, to themselves. Can you tell why th-tse publ c-cpinted citi zens ere not willine, and indeed eaaor, to tem'er a deserved compliment to ex-?ecretary Wellos fcr his devotiou 10 lhe tu'ere1s of Ptuln- delDbia during ms Humiuisiranou in ine iavy mizp, h'nd New Londou would have won. He ikiPi.iiv ih advocate nnl trieuu ut 1'uilaJflphia. ami ncogi.izel and boldly pro ria mid that ?(r lnten -ts in this maitir wore tbctiuelutcmts cf tb conntry. If Councila temi. r this rftinns oillcial the ho-pitali- tics ot ibe fitj. raimot fonio oi our citizens uoWfV.ate tlie ffori ot tho S,craary 1.1 MPiirini,' to Thilaielpliia the Lea?tie Islaud bis duty iu the inca oi a uuucu uimiuuu m mu bl ownteetion. the Ea-tein S at. and fear lessly aud laithtully adt.erln' to L;ayue I-li.ud as tho grand t.atioual Navv Yard. llid he ni unv t.!mn. we would havo l ist the MARINE TELEGRAPH. For acUIUional Marin Iftt te Frtt Pag. AliHABAU If OB FHII.ADICLI'HIA THIS DAT. ttvn Bisks J7. Moon His s...... 2 si "WiSpw S7Hg Wnn - 9i CLKAKEI) TK8TKRDAT. eumshlp Wyoming, Hftrrnit, Hvnnb, Phlldel- inik and Houun rn Msll HtoHmsliip Co, Unique tdene, cnrluu, iJverpoul, F. Wright A M lis. Fclir Wsrren Blake, Uesserver, Mttimu, Warren A Orrjg. Pehr Kujoia I Porter. Bparks, Bkrbtd ot, Heory It will. Bihr Fswn. Wllny, Portland, r)ll Oonpsr. Hour Heli'ii M Wuodvaid, dmlin, Builou via New- rUie Ijel,, K tilKln A Hooi. Bt r II. I.. 4k. llt-r, Raiiimore, A. Orovm, Jr. bi t K. Willing, Cuodlff, Baliimore, A. Urovea, Jr. ABRIVtTD YKSTrRDAY. Bteamsblp BruucitM, Ilnwe, M tioars from New )o'k win mare, to John P. otii. Kebr bfi'Kn liwiiir d. vvnipi-r,' U days from St, Jubn, NB . Willi i u ni tier to W)iKuin A On. isi br Caroline linn, Vickers, ir.iiu Mew York, wttb It ife Ui t plain Bcur J.J. Hi r ell, Terry, i days from Norfolk, with Inn be? to rap'aln. bebr John WoKby. Henderson. 1 rty from Port Prnn. Del , wlih grain to Cbrm,lan A Oo. H earner Hen i y U ii aw. Her, lsiiuura from Balil Br oie, with mdsi. to A44rovps. Jr. Hinmer J.n Hhriver, Kikgans. 18 hoars from Balti more, wnu n-dse. to A. Urovta, Jr. t ..w WMOKAHriA. hlp Belle of the 8-a. Mpy.r. henca Via Boston 21th Juiy . at Plchelli foe Hay urevlont tu l.ub a t. Hbiu Lady Hliun. Puiien, lor Pbiladelpnia, entered Out al lndun 2utb uli. ettartiHbli8axoo. Hears, for Pbl'adelpbla, cleared i BfMoii lib lnu Barnue P eludes Holt, cleared at Matanzas 2ltb XX I for a i on north oi Hatieraa. Bsrque Lakeubs, Brown, bencs, at Antwerp U Ji nil niu. Ba.que Myra, Dtz, at Hamburg lHh alt. from Ui blie. Baiqae TJrda. BJerkao. from London for Phtladel pbiiv wssolt Diver MHIi nit. Brig U t. Van Horn, Uullll, at Antwerp lsth ult. for Bb-I' n. Brig Avon. Qarner. bence, at Trieste tsth nit Scbr Knillle Bicnards. sailed irom Maysguei 11th Ult.. lor Delaware Bivakwaier. Hehis M. U. Farr, A) amy. and J. J. Pharo, Boper, at Bew York llb Inst , Irom Baltimore, trr.r iavld Bighee. Bianee. at Havana 27th nit., for a r on hern port, with 2300 boxes sugar at (J 24. Boh rs Ben i' a bonder. Wnnaier: M. H. o ; and Mar Bsret Ann. Wne'pley, for Pauaaelpbla, cleared at tit John, M, B 3d Insu Hcbr Carrie Douglass. Bailey, sailed from Matanzas 2Un nil., for a port nonb ol Hatteras. fcbrAnarms (three maniH). Taylor, lor Phlladel pb a. tailed from MeaHliikSi.b alt Brhr Ralph Bonder, Crosby, for New York, remained t Havana 27ib ult. , fcckrT. T. Taker, Allen, at New York 4th Inst, from Bavannab, bennd to Providence. Bobr Admiral, Su-elruan. for Philadelphia, tailed from Providence so lna. kicbr Louisa Frailer, Bteelman, at Savannah 1st Intl.. Irem Balilmure. ...... Brhra B. L. Hlmmnm, Gandy; Henrietta Simmons Ondirey; George H Bent. Hojitb: and CW. Locks, Hnntley.bence. at Boston 4ib Inst. ,... , f-cbr Huuler. Crane, from Dlghton for Philadel phia, psrsed Holmes' Hole A- M. 4tb lnt- Bobr Berry Hobart. Manaon, for Philadelphia, C'eared at Boston 4tb Inst. bchr Marion, Darrah. benee, at Boston 4th Inst. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Notice If beieby given that a green buoy, marked wlib 1 be word "Wreck," baa uen laid 15 fathoms 8 BE. of a brig (name nnknown). sunk near tue West Gnu Meet Buoy entrance to th Thauies. Tbe buoy lleeln 8 fathoms at low water spring tides with the following compaw bearings- West GuufJeet Buoy. HE. by a., distant 9-loths ""Be'ane Fnoy. 8.BK. 1".. distant I 8 loths mile. Byorder. ROBIN aLLKN, tiecrotaiy. Trinity Bouse. London. Peb. 10, istss. BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY. JAMBS B. SMITH & CO,, BLANK BOOH MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE. 'AND RETAIL. Wo. 27 South 8EVESTU Street, 13 16 fmwSic PHILADELPHIA, TLTI01SISSs CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ETC. JEAVERS, CHINCHILLAS, ETC. ETC JAMES & .LEEZ, MO. 11 KOBTB BECOHD HTBEET, Bian of the Golden Lamb. Are now receiving a large assortment of Dealers, Chinchilla, and other Overcoat. Ings. Also, a full line of 31 and 6-1 Ulack Doeskins, all of the best makes. Tbe attention of Merchant Tailors and Clothiers are specially lnylted 18 28 AT WtfOLEPALE:ANB BETAIL. COAL. ylLLIAM W. ALTER, LEHIGH GOAL, Also, Lorbcrry and Locust Mountain Depot, o. 957 orlh MNTH Street, Below Olrard Arenne. 1 80 tMU Office, Cor. SIX111 and SPKINO UAUDO. BOOTS AND SHOES. J FASHIONABLE BOOTS AND SHOES MADE TO OKDER, IN THE LATEST STYLES, OS THE WOsT REASONABLE TEBMa. OIVK US A CALL. fi. N. X.EE. J. U. CIIARLOH. 818 lm Vo. !8H bontu TKN1H rjtreet LEGAL NOTICES. .IPfeTAlE OF MARGARET TURXBCLL, DK- 1 J o.fraHd. Letieisol Administration, cim teatnuumto annexo, Uju tbe estate ol Al A1U4AKH, V '1 UUN BULL de cerned, navttiK been grauteil to the utnters'giied. all pei sous Indebitrd to sat I siatn will make payveut, ai d Hume having cl.liuu auulubt me same prtsoui tnem wii noui 1 eisy to THOMAS M. DRYSDALE, M. T.. Adm'r. 2 6 sfil Ho, l&il AHtlU Bireet, Plllaael.lila. QEORCE PLOWMAN. CARPENTER AND BUILDER, UOOYED TO Ko; 181 DOCK Street, PHILADELP A LARZELERC A DUCHEY, Custom House Brokers and Notaries rublic, No. 405 LIDRARY Street. All Custom House Duslncss transacted. PASSPORTS PROCURED PENNSYLVANIA HOSP1TAL.- Mm fuiiauict.iuiA, UeooiiioeriiK, isoo. The attending Al auaKfra are: Wlsiar Mnrrm.Ko.xt9H '1'lilrd street. H. UurrlR Whin lun i.m a i,..i.... .vAnnn. Atlt-ualDg HhTiilQlauJ. t liu I'luita. M. I).. No. l(Hi Hpruc Htrent, audi du g ureoiib William Hunt, M. P., No. 1K By m e bin tt. I bon as tiecrge Morton, M. D., No. H-l Cbesnul sin -t. Tlie Pliytrlsn and Burttenrn a.tea1 at the Hoenl. thl every dy imuuuk exoeyiedj to receive aiP''c" lliiue lor ailuilsHioD. Porc-,.ft piHf'H'M'v 1ntnid t- irMrit no oduiiitd U biuuu. ui Uis iioaplt! iu.iuou''1' bk(Ur.r. J "I FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFE CHAMPION SAFES! Philadelphia, January 18,1808, Messrs, FAKIIEL, HERRING ft CO., No. 629 Uheaant I tree U Gentlemen:-On tbe night of the 13th lnet.,at Is well known to the oltutens of Pdlladelphla our large and extensive tkrre and valnabU stock of merohandlue, No. Wi Cbesnnt street was bnrned. Tbe fire was one of the most extensive and destructive that baa visited oureltyfor many years, tbe beat being so intense that even the marble cornice was almost obliterated. We bad, as you are aware, two of your vain, able and well-known CHAMPION FIRE PROOF 8AFEH; and nobly have they vindi cated your well-known reputation as manufac turers of FIRE-PROOF SAFES, U anyfurthei proof bad been required. They were subjected 10 the most Intense heat, and it a fiords us much pleasure to inform yon that after recovering them from the ruins, w found upon examination that our books, papers and other valuables, were all In perfect condi tion." Tours, very respectfully, J AS. E. CALDWELL A CO, THE ONLT SAFES EXPOSED TO TIIK FIRE IN CALDWELVH STORE WERE FAR REE, HERRING A CO. Philadelphia, Jan. 18, 1888. Messrs. FARREL, HEtiRlNQ b CO., No. 029 cuesnut street. Gentlemen: On tbe night of thel3th instant our large store, 8. W. corner of Ninth and Ches nut streets, was, together with our heavy stock of wall papers, entirely destroyed by fire. We bad one of your PATENT CHAMPION FIRE-PROOF SAFES, wblob contained onr principal books and papers, and although it was exposed to the most Intense heat for over 60 honrs, we are happy to say It proved itself worthy of our reoommendatlon. Our boos and papers were all preserved. We cheerfully lender our testimonial to the many already published, In giving the HERRING SAFE tht credit and confidence It Justly merits. Tours, very respectfully, HOWELL A BROTHERS. 8TILL ANOTHER. Philadelphia, Jan. 19, l&tftt. Messrs. FARREL, HERRING A CO., No. 629 Chesnut street. Gentlemen: I had one of your make of safes In the basement ol J. E. Caldwell & Ca's Btore at the time of the great fire on the night of tbe lSttt instant. It was removed from the ruins to-day. and on opening it found all my books, papers, green baoks, watches, and watoh materials, etc, all preserved. I feel glad that I had one of your truly valuable safes, and shall want another of your make when I get located. Tours, very respectfully, F. L. KIRKPATRICK, With, J. E. Caldwell A Co., No. 819 Chesnut street. FARREL, IIERRIAC & CO., CHAMPION SAFES, No. 629 CHESNUT Street, n u: PHILADELPHIA. 0. 1, . m a 1 a e n 'X') WANTTVAOTDREB 0 FIEK AND JBURULAR-PiiOOF SAFES, LOCXJaMITH, bell-hanger, and skaxkb JN BDLLDLNU HABDWAJUC. 5 NO. 434 BACTHI Hlreat LUMBER. RPRUCE JOIST BAML0CK4 HJkMLUCK. 1869 1869 -1 rnf BEABONEB CLEAR PINH, l QQ 18C9 BKAf0ii.I CLEAR FINK. IOOt7 CHUlOH. riiiim riJ! BPANitell CAR.ORTiERNS. nrt FLORIDA FLOORING, - QQ 1 8(9 f LOKiDA FLOORliNU. 10017 CJAKOLir. A JJliOOiviisiu. VIKOIiNlA FLOORLU. DkLAWAK F LOO RUM. ASH JfLOOKLNU. WALNUT JiLOOKlNO. ILOKIUA bXEP BOAiiDa. RAIL PLANK. in'Ci WALNUT BD8 AND PLANK. 1 QHQ IfititJ WALNUT blel. AiD PLAiiiL lOOJ ' " - III a I IV IT' U la lil M WALMJT BOaHUS. WAlUiriiABA. ,0in UNDERTAKERS LUMBER. IDQ KKU CUDAK. WALNUT AND VINR. tOf-t BEABONED POPLAR. lObti BEAbONED CHEiiitY. 1869 Ann, WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. HICKORY. 10cn CIGAR BOX MAKERS' 1 QftQ IoDU C'lUAK LOX WAKKKrf 1007 BP A Nib 11 CEDAR HOA tiUAMVti, JrOR HALK LOW. lOl O CAROLINA BOANTLINQ, T QHQ lObU CAROLINA M. T. bILLH, lOOt NoKWAY BCANTLING. 1 f p;(1 t'KUAK HHINOLfH, 1 ttO lOUy CYRWt-HINGLKS, 1O0J MAULE, BKUTH EH & UU 1 11 No. iblKI bOU I H BUOOI. JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, ETC. ESTABLISHED 1820. " WATCHES, Jir.WKI.BY, CLCCKU, B1LVERWARE. and FANCY WOODS, a. W. RUSSELL, It. 22 KOltlll S1X11I STUttT, trsi PHI LA DEUHIA, a DR. F. GIKARD, VETERINARY BUR -V"3 Vflk-ON, lri ail disvaah. of horav. aad ot' fr.,!l upt'o! ope rll'", with etllclpn ccoi' in Vailoni tor bono, at hla luttxaiajyr. o. . m . .VI . . a .1 .a aMA LA . 1 1 L m a a AMU5EMCNTS. nlllSHUTDrBUBl I II lli a 1 K ft. I ' ON MONDAY EVEN. NO. March 1. iudr 11 mauaK'inn't . Msni rrrs of Crosby's Opera tloiisf,, wl I be preifnltd j nr unr i i 11 1 1 i THE BTUIKI)OUH TrUUHPH! :. P. H fcb A to '8 unuaral'lrft imidJQiloa ot Brrugl ' IrlQ'liable Kxtrvnnr.. ilin n Kin ov thk morn ok gold. tli(lrn,d Hptctacul r Hiiro si ol ihfl rlar In i'ik Rosinu and Cnlnu. aud ltnnnlrrpa direct Mt fMlr from t!nb' ncra HriiKf. Willi lb4 BLI HHOIP RaT'U ANl 1)11 M ATI Oil C. MAUMFI r NT IDHI'UMIS JKWtUI, BAN NEKS. A II OK, E1U XTRORDINARAMKCr4L FKVTURK-. wlilci. ion lor I s uniduci'.oj In th latter c uy t is Psini of hur'rloilly civ r m y prewdlnn H:'init I 1 Amolca ana cuvd It 1 1 bo pronouueed Ak luirif.qiifl. iniaii'i)ii Assd Kxiravsnaaxt KttravsirvntlT Rich ! A a fpecls llf , Uuprpnrdpnlert ! An MuiImI Viob Almmt an Odpta I Willi t- EXTRAORDINARY INTRODUCTIONS BPECIA L ATTRACTIONS rrrlert airrsnd cnnibluatlnn ni the most an'.tc; f-a inr- oi silliest ciitt conceivable upe -le or 1 F Gil 1 MATH AND TABTH KtlL A Jl USE HEN l' ID on mtmniotii ntf rminnint. hKP. M NIlAV MURNIII) PlPKRq for full pnrllrulais of Cast and B -eclat Kenurpi. Hale of Ki-srrvf d Brais wl.l commerce at Trump, let's Mnsli Hor end at the B O'tlce on OW WFIINW'II.T MOKNiNG. M ircb 10. 8 8 tt THEAtRB COMIQUB, SeVENTU STHEEr, btlow Arrh. Cniuie"ce k to 8. MONDAY KVEM.V. MarcnS, l'ROF. MSLHY'rt ORIGINAL JAPAN ESS TROUPE WONDERFOTPTRFORMFRH Binnrrit Irom Japan, and sine exhibited In all the pr nopal ri l lfbtiK THE WOlt' U hn ard Brals at I'ru'nuirr'. No 030 Chpmi st., ard at the Box Ottice f the Tbeaire on Friday. 5 tf GRAND FAIR, IN AID OF ST. PAUL'9 M. K Mf-t-IdN. to be held at the S. K. corner of SKt OKD and PIK, Btienls, commencInK March 17, ltiuw, tor me ssie or Fanr y and Uaeiul Arilc'es. aii u Is' ton 10 cents. Beaaou Tickets, admlillDg for two a eek, K cents. 8 8 12t CABL 8ENTZ' AND MAKE HABSLER'S OR CHESTRA MATINEEH. EVERY SATURDAY at8K P.M., IN Mt'blCAL FUND HALL Bin (la Ad mission. 60 cents Package ol 4 tickets, U, at Boner' rno. imvi n iimni't mi., ennavrneimor inter GYMNASIUM, CORNER OP NINTH AND ARCH Mreeis, for Lkdiss. Gentlemen. and Obll- dren. Is DdW open DA and EVEN (. Lessons J liven In Bparrli'tard Fencing Call In person or send or circular. 3 4 stutbSmol PROF. L. LEWIS. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES Alum & Dry Plaster FIRE PROOF Are most desirable for quality, finish and price. MARVIN'S SPHERICAL BURGLAR Cannot be Sledged ! ' Cannot be Wedged ! Cannot be Drilled! BANK VAULTS, VAULT DOORS, EXPRESS BOXES, FAMILY PLATE SAFES, COMBINATION LOCKQ rieoso ecud for a catalogue to MAHVN & CO., 721 OHESNUT Street, (MAS0MC HALL), Fliiladelphla, 865 BBIODWAT, MEW TOBK, 108 BASE ST, CLtVEIAND, OHIO. tSEC0M-Ui-D SAFES or all makes Tor Sale lOW 2 It swam SAFES AM) MACHINERY MOVED. FERTILIZERS. JJOIt LAWKS, GARDENS, GRBKN HOUSES AND FARMS. B A U O H 1 8 RAW-BONE BUPKfi FIIO-rHAlE OK LIME wl'l be found p(iwilul MANUHK It Is prompt In It action; It cutalna ill? seeds o I no pestiferous wfa, and will prurliioM luxurlaut grotb o Grass, .fe'.overs, b.tawberilea, autl ail Ur dn VKlablus ana Flaais. Drali-istupiili.d by ilim-urgo. dlrrnt fri ui the wliarl Or i tan nianuiaotiTV on llbural tortus. Bend yo raUUres and procure tre?, "Jjumal ol the .Parol." BAUGH & SON3, 170. 20 South DKLAWABK Avenue. This Fertilizer can be had of all Aifrl ulmra E eslfis In city or.coniitiy. i tutimam OOCLANDS CEMETKRY COMPANr". TlieitoiiowiDK Mauagera aud Otlluera Uave uaeu elacuo loi the yeurlsnte . " M.LI it. 1" it ICE, PresMent. H. Moore. I wiu. W. Kren, hau.uel H. Moon, Ferdinand J Dreer, UliHt" Dai'"', HO win orui, . "....j m....n... rr.i nil u TiiiVKarvn X) A, & UIKIIIk i li lltnumi Uawi" piuwea a ihh1uiIoq rq4 i lu b ilb Lai-liolders and Vuliois to pi eieuilickai at lue aniraitfe mr adnilb-lno to the CVmettry. '1 icneu uiavrw'bkd at tiis omofi(. Uorr.pauy, No. 818 AHl'H MrMt. nr ol snriil His Msnxam 1 22 LKXANDBK G. CATTELL & CO 1-liOLlil . OOMMIHHION MKhl'H AMT9. HO. U WOitlH WHAJtViAJ AND HO. 17 Fnl"rrH V tfij STRUPT, rviLAiszuei. u uiiMMi, . uuArMcBAj AMUSEMENTS. QhcanuT 6TnccT niriic. CIIESUT STREET RINIC, CHESNUT STKEET RINK, Corner TWESIY-T1IIKD and cnESSUT, Tils Splrndid Knlldlng will be TfirotNI Open FOR SKATING FOR SKATING This (Satorday) Mght, March 6. This (Saturday) INIglit, March 0. Deck's Philadelphia Dand. A GRAND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT. A GRAND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT. Concert commences at 8 o'clock. L'oors open at 7 o'clock ADMISSION, 60 CEJiTS. " 1YILLIAM F. SINN. Manager. gPLENDID SKATING MAMMOTH RINK, TWENTY-UKvr AND HCK STREETS HNfT irK OF THK HKArUN. ALSO A EXHIBITION Oi-' VLUC'1P1B KIIl0 OPEN DAY AND KViNIVO. I. M. POST. ' Opoeral Agency lor a 1 styles of Veloolpedea. JJ21 O N C R R T H VKll K v ENIKU, ALL WEDKESDAY A1D hATURDAY Af TERSOO.t AT A o'l'Uli'K, a KA1UAN NIOHTR' OKM'I COMBiN TION KNTWrlTAINYtKNT AI5NOT7BOEMFNT EX I H 4URDIN A UY. f Tlie Munsgimmt bavr tbe pleasure of nauunntn. an ei Kagtmtnt mlih the beauillal and laienila vocal in t, MIBa JEWNIR WAOlt. Frcm Btelnwayand IrvliisriHaM, New York. implV, ION, The ur equalled IRISH COM KUI AN and VOCALTB l-o will appesr In hlaKreat Insb MpeolaiHe- lUKDUbUN DANCINU MAM1KK. WBIbTLINU THIEF. pat mcciann. Era Era. PEOFE80R M. U'KKaKDOS 1V Planlrtand Cvmpospr, lrt.m the I ammany Tbaatre Nw York, eiMted ibe hlhMt enoo. niluma of lhe prtsill introduce his r real Invention A THE TUMBLKKONIOON. piaylDg three diitlnor tunf satoneaod 'besametlma r BK4NOR CHAKLkM (UKMIO, The Great Comic Vocailn aud Caricaturist, from the Albambra, London, will appear In hla Great Char ac'erfoDgs: UP iB A BA I LOON, AN llAMin GUINEA pro BOT.. ROLLt' K1NU HtMj, jtro. ETC. Dorirv tbe Evening w'H he mMIiIim THE ARABIAN NIGKTS' TA BLEAHX, FK'y In Btiiubcr. being the very finest and most beauillnl paintings evtr nholied la thl voanuy, U.UbUnled by an nhle triiir r. GRAND PRESENTATION ONE HTJNDRFTt VALUABLE GIFTS TO T8E ACDIWi'l-i Tlie Chlckarlng Grand and equa" Planus use! npon tills occasK.n are Irom Duttona Muslo btore, No. , fh(s ot street. THKKTi.; FIFTY CPNT9 RlEKVHD 8KATP ..EVENT Y-FIVE CENTH (C an be aetoied six uavs Inadvance .) Ticket Office opun rrom 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. MACfICK. GRAND ARABIAN NIGHTS' MATINEE, For tbe accommoda.lon of famllla and peraona at distance, SATURDAY AFTERNOON March 1 1869, Commencing at 2 o'clock-. TTCTr?TB.... FIFTY CFNT9 CHILDREN T WEN i Y-FIV 8 CENTS M liNIIAl.L A CO, Proprietors. GEORGE GO B DON, Director. . tilt A MER1CAN ACADEMY OP MUSIC XI I HE FRKNCH OPERA itMXI FIPK. Jr ...Pr ADuLIU B1RGFELD Wietor Mftuagec ...uueclor and I.ART NIGHT OF THE FRENCH OPERA. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, AT 6R.NUO l. A MATINEE. LA GRANDE DCOHEUi, OperA Bnufle. In four sot, by OlfeuOaoh. AlLLi. TOUTKK. M. AUJAC. - Mefsra. Leduo, Ltgrirloul, DucLeeun, Mils, DjoIos, etceic. BATTJRday KVKNIVG, March . GRAND FARHWKLL PEK FO -M ANOE. JJLLK. TOsTKK, Mi LB. I KM A. HONS. AVJAC. , tlOH. DECAEL First appearance In Pbllaitolphlstor MOMS. OHOUKLEORL rtera R"nffp, In one act. by l.eauey and OflTenhacb J) LI E. TOSTKK an X RN K5TI NE Incidental to Ihla roU H LLE. TOSTEK wl.l per? form GRAND CONCERTO FOR PI NO-FORTE, wllh Ori:hetra Accoa panlaient, oy 11. Hertz. Messrs. DucheniiH, Deere. Ldua etc etc To be lollowtd by ibe llrst actot LA i-EftlCHOLU. MLLE. IBM A. MON8, AUJACL To couclude wlib seronn sot of OBPHKK AUX ANFERB. BCAIE OF PRICES: ADMISSION ..........ONE DOLL 4. R No Extra Charge tor iieservrd Heais. FjidIIt tlrcle....... feeveuiy-flve Cents UAllty - ......Thirty Oeut IS6 StBAN G ALTON'S CHESNUT STREEP A aa na a SATURDAY AFTERNOON, t 1 o'clock. LAbi' BUBAN UALION MATANKal. ) A GHKAT BILL. SATURDAY EVENIKO, Last performance 01 the hCHAM UALION OPERA COMPANY, For the mrewell Bt-neht I Mrs PYNE G ALTON and MUlBLaNGHE GA LTOV LOAN OF A A.OVEH. And Offenbach's MARRIAGE BY T.ANTERNS, MONDAY, March 8, FOR ONE WEEK. -rjta BACHMAN8 A UaRDNKR'tt w" GREAT SENHA1 JON Al. DRAMATIC COMPANY MONDAY. March 16, C D. HEKS' BURLFUUK COMPANY, In the Fl LP OF THK CliTH Ob' GOLD. WAIiNUT ST. THEATRE. BEGINS AT THIS (Saturday) KVENIRG. Marnha. Mr. and Mrs BaRNKY W1LX.IAMH. BIX I'll MIGHT of the Romantic Irish lrma, written expressly tot Mr. atd Airs. W lUiams by John Brougham, Etui., en. titled THK EMERALD RING. Received on each leprtsfmauou by large and bfli llant audit nces. with EMTHUBIASTIO APPLAUSlt Mike Macariy. Mr. BARN itY WLLlAMf? Maggie Macartym Mrs. Ua bNE Y WILUaJJS PEBIORMACl!i KXTHA(slINA UY FIllfeT MAllNKHi. ' Tn Older to accaiinnate umMesaud those wha res'de In adjacaut iltles acd ws na, laaro will bea grand performance of THE KUFRALD RITQ ON SATURDAY- AFl'ESNOON. at 2 o'clock. Fac b lady ;inilliK ibl pw toruiaucB will oe Pr aeuteri with an Emerald Ring as a sonveuli. MES. JOHN DREW'S ARCH bTREET THE. ATRK. Begins al M to THIS (Haiudmy) liVKNTNG March f. THK 1 FOLLIES OF A NlUHr, Mrs. JOHN DKfcW as...... .H...TlK DUCHESS Duke de thai tre..M... -....Hartm Mm Pierre Palllot....... M Mr. R cTLiJ Dr Drurgt-Qdrll....u.... Mr. F. Mack&r MMI Duv.1 Mrs. T. A7Cie5 To coiiOiUUewitn me grrat j riui 1HE ( OBblCAN BROTHERS, J on'a Del Franchi, 1 . .. FabHnDel Frauchl, j "--"".......Birton Iillf Umllle De Lfsparre Miss L'kzIo Prloa MONDAY MUCH ADO A BOU V NO I'HINO. FOA'S AMERIGAN VAKIETY THEATRB engaghmknt of the japs lor limited Lumber 01 nlgbt. , The gitat JAl'd ard the rUlnal ALL-RIGHT EVERY EVENING aud HA1 URDAY AFTERNOOH ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. MADUON OBHKY'H I :Vt1VA h NTk R Ta t M MINT. i".ui'AVi.M,'cu "d every Night. fsi m,Bl,on; f""c' "li eira char.e for reserved seat at lrumplet'A Muslp Mtoro. N. m Chesi.ut street. VALEIi'S (LAI Hi MILLEE'S) WINTER blr(1llt,AKlJEN, Nob. 7S0, M4. TH, aud 7: VIMS THE GRAND ORcH FTItlDN, formerly the nro pe ty ol ll.e CUAMH liL'KKOK yADltN, puruhaaedl fcl Krta! fAKuse by J Ai .11 ALl; A, of mindly, lu C1.H1..11 .Btlou wilh KUUKK'SOKUHESTKA and Mlsl Nr J.iJl. AKliXHf.;'!. will uerrorm I" VKRV ArTKRNOOA- ai.d KVKNING a Cue uhove-aien-tlcufd pKie. Admlwlon Irte. 1 la u ' HOltTU C LlX'It A Ij 11 A I. L.-UE11MANI A AKR VVKUrLhDAY. at i P. M -In km. ol4 at lhel..iir.aud 1 all pr!ucil Mu.lo btorea. , Pct agea of live lor tl:alugle.!U Cents. JtupuKemenla cao be uiaut by addressing G. RAfVi T(.K1' No. MONTKriK Y Hlrvel: Wutlg's htusla L '' -" -i AUk . c 'tue. No. Hot Cuesnut gurtat. 1 f 4ui