p ' 81 , i s . i ; : . M THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MARCH V 1869. i i BKAUWYAVES-A THEORY. To the Editor of the London 8ject it tr. Sif: A collection of autheulicAtel glxoit torit-g rlatiug to contemporary person and Yeats woald not only l ouriotn anl iute reatlbg, ImtnitgUt serve to throw light oa on of tbe darkest fluids of fsoleooe a Hold, in deed, hardly yet olaituml by floieuoe. The mere oollooatlon might bring out fsa tnwB suggestive of a lav. If to such a ool ltotlon were ad led so many of th 'mioiles tations" of meMneritsts, spiritualists, eleotro blologiots, and clairvoyant aa bare a olear residuum of faot (and after a sweeping de duction of professional contributions), the in dication of a common aotion of foroe through Item all might probably become still unre obvlons. Snch statements as the following, oonalng s they do within the scope of a single per son's obaetvation, may, doubtless, be taken to stand for very many similar ones. In giving them aa sample narratives, I do so Tilth two objects firstly, to oomnenoe in yonr pages, if you ae willing to open them for it, a veracious and authenticated catalogue of snch experiences; and seoondly, to venture on a omde hypothesis by way of explanation, which, of coarse, will be takeu merely for what it is worth, but which has appeared plausible to some. It may, perhaps, at any rate, itne as a temporary thread whereon to celled illustrative or contradictory instancies. Mr. Hubert Drowning, of whose keen sta ly Of the subjeot his poem of "Mr. Sludge, the Medium," would be alone sufficient proof, tella me that when he was in Fiorenoa, some years tdnce, an Italian noblemen (a Count Gicnasi, of Ravenna), visiting at Florenoe, was brought to his house, without previous introduction, by an intimate friend. The Count professed to have great mesmerio or clairvoyant faculties, and deolared, in reply to Mr. Browning's avowed skepticism, that ho would undertake to oonviuoe him somehow or other of bis powers. lie then asked Mr. Browning whether he had anything about him then and there which he oould hand to him, and which was in any way a relio or memento. This, Mr. Browning thought, was perhaps because he habitually wore no sort of trinket or ornament, not even a watch guard, and might, therefore, turn out to be a safe challenge. But it so happened that by a curious aooident he was then wearing under his coat-sleeves some gold wrist-studs to his shirt, which he had quite reoently taken into use, in the absenoe (by mistake of a seam stress) of his ordinary wrist-buttons. He had never before worn them in Florence or elsewhere, and had found them in some old drawer where they, had lain forgotten for years. One of tb.es gold studs he took and handed to the Count, who held it in his hand awhile, looking earnestly in Mr. Browning's faoe, and then said, as if mnoh impressed, "C'e, qualohe oosa ohe mi grida nell oreochio, Uooisione, ucoisione !' " ("There is some thing Here whion ones oat in my ear, 'Murder, muraerr") "And truly," says Mr. Browning, "those very studs were taken from the dead bodyof agreat- nn is 01 mine, wuo wasj violently Killed on his estate at tv.iviiis, nearly eighty years ago. Theao, w ti a gold watoli and otber personal objects et value, were produced In a court of justice at proof mat robbery had not been tbe Eurio e or a siaugnier wniou waa efieoted by la own slaves. They were theu transmitted 10 my granaraiter. wuo nad ttis initials en slaved on them, and wore them all bis life, They were taken out of tbe night-gown in wnlch be died, and given to me, not ray father. I may add that I tri d to get Cjunt Oineesl to use bis elalrvoyance on this termination of ownership also, and that he nearly hit upon BomethiDg line the lact, mentioning a bad in a room; but he failed in attempting to describe ine roomsit nation or me oea witn respect 10 windows and door. Toe occurrence of my great uncle's murder was known only to myself, of all men In Florenoe, as certainly was also my possession of the studs." Mr. Woolner, the sculptor, tells me the fol lowing story of two young men, one of them a rereonal friend of his own no waiving: These two men lived very long as great friends, but ultimately quarrelled, Bhortly before the de parture of one of them to New Zealand. The emigrant had been absent for many years, and his friend at home (Mr. Woolner's informant), never having kept np correspondence with him, had naturally almost lost the habit of thinking about him or his affairs. One day, however, as be sat in his rooms, in a street near Oxford street, the thought of his friend came suddenly upon him, accompanied by the most restless and undeflnable diaoomfort. He oould by no means account for it; but, finding the feeling grow more and more oppressive, tried to throw it off by change of occupation. Still the discomfort grew, till it amounted to a sort of strange horror. He thought he must be sickening for a bad illness, and at length, being. unable to do anything else, went out of doors and walked up and down the busiest streets, hoping by the sight and sound of multitudes of men and ordinary things to diPBipate his strange and mysterious misery. Not, however, till he had wandered to and fro in the most wretched state of feeling for nearly two hours, utterly unable to shake off an intolerable sort of vague consciousness of his friend, did the Impression leave him aud his usual frame of mind return. 60 greatly was he struck and puzzled by all this, that he wrote down preolaely the date of the day and hour of the occurrence, fully expecting to have news shortly of or from his old friend. And surely, when the next mail or the next but one arrived, there came the horrible news that at that very day and hour (allow ance being made for longitude) bis friend had been made prisoner by the natives of New Zealand, and put 'to a slow death with the . 'most frightful tortures. Of this same kind, though happily aitierent in result, is a Btory of his own experience, which Mr. Tennyson, the Poet Laureate, tella me. viz.. that some years ago he Was induoed to.trv (successfully) the curative efl'eot of mesmerism by passes of the hand upon a pa tient, who beoame so sensitive as to be aware on one occasion of his approach by railway two hours before he reaobed the house, and when his coming was entirely unannounced and unpremeditated. On another occasion tbe same patient positively asserted to a third Jfcaon that Mr. Tennyson had been there the j before, when Mr. Tennyson nimseii was Equally positive to the contrary, till he after wards remembered that ne naa come as lar as the grounds of tbe house, and then changed his mind and turned back. So far for authenticated sample narratives, to which, as I have said, many more mar probably be added with due care. - rr . . 1 i ! -i - x come now vo my cruue nypuiueaio 01 a Brain-Wave as explanatory of them and of junarea stories. 1 Let it be eranted that whensoever any aotion takes place in the brain, a chemioal change of its substance takes nlaoa also: or. In other l words, an atomic movement ocours; for all VI chemical change involves perhaps consists in y a change in the relative positions of the uuwnuvucuv ymuiB oi ine substance cnaneed. uv iv do ib granted mat there la, diffused throughout all known space, and the interspaces of all bodies, solid, fluid, or gaseous, a universal, impalpable, elastic muw, vi uwwimi uivuium oi sarpasaiDjr But if these two assumDtions t, ..ntAIi and the present oonditlon of discovery seems to warrant mem, saouia it not fol W ti,.t nn brain action oan take place without creating a wave or undulation (whether eleotrfo or other wise) in the eiberf for the movement of any solid partiole submerged in any such medium must create a wave. If to, we should have aa one result of brln action an undulation or wave in the circum ambient, all-embracing - ether we thould Lave what I call Braiu-Waves nroosedimr from every brain when in aotion. uach aotiug, thinking brain then would be come a centre of undulations transmitted from all directiona through space, tiuoh un dulations would vary ia character and in tensity in accordance with the varying nature aud foroe of braiu actions, e. g., the thought! of love or hate, of life or death, of murder or reEcne, ol consent or refusal, would each have its corresponding toue or intensity of brain action, and coost-quentlv of braia-wave dust aa each passion had its coi responding tone of voice). why miiit not such undulations, when meeting with aud falling upon duly sensitive fubtauces, as if upon the sensitized paper of the photographer, produce IropreasLins, dimpoitraits of thoughts, aa und&lationi of light produce portraits of objects r ihe cound-wave passes on through myriads of bodies, and among a million makes but ono tblDg bUake, or sound to it; a sympathy of ttructure makes it sensitive, and it alone. A voice or tone may pas3 unnoticed by ten thousand ears, but strike aud vibrate iuto a madness of recollection. In the same way the brain wave of Damon passing through space, produoing no per ceptible eflect, meets somewhere with the sensitized and sympathetic brain of Fythias, falls upon it, and thrills it with a familiar movement. The brain of Pythias is affected as by a tone, a perfume, a color, with whiob. he has been accustomed to assooiate hia friend; he Knew not now or wby, but uamou comes into his thoughts, and the things concerning him by association live again. If the last brain-waves of life be frequently intensest convulsive in their energy, as the lirelly' dying flash ia its brightest, and as oftentimes the "lightning before death" would seem to show we may perhaps seem to see how it is that apparitions at the hour of doath are far more numerous and clear than any other ghost stories. There eurely are brains so susceptible, and so ready to move to the slightest sympathetic touob, that Thought leaps out to wed with Thought. Ere Thought eould wed Itself with speech." Such exceptionally sensitive and suscepti ble brains open to the minutest Influences would be the ghOBt-seers, the "mediums", of all ages and countries. The wizards and magicians true or false the mesmerists and biologizers would be the men who have dia covered that their brains can and do (some times even without speech) predispose and compel the brains of these sensitive ones, so as to fill them with emotions or impressions more or less at will. It will be but a vague, dim way, at the best, of communicating thought, or the sense of human presence, and proportionally so as the receiving brain is less and less highly sensi tive, let, though it oan nev .ate tbe place of rudest articulation, l. may have its own place and office other than and beyond speech. It may convey sympathies of feeling beyond all words to tell eroanings of the spirit whioh cannot be uttered, visions of influences and impressions not elsewhere communioated, may carry one's living human presence to another by a more subtle and ex cellent way or sympathy. "Star to star vibrates Ugh': may soul to soul Strike thro' a finer element ol her own? Bo, from afar, touoh us at once ?" The application of such a theory to such narratives as I have given above is obvious. In Mr. Browning's case, his brain, full of the murder- thought, and overnowing with its cor respondent brain-wave, floods the sensitive brain of the Count, who feels it direotly. His attempt to read the second transfer of owner chip is almost as illustrative as his oloser success with the first. The death-bed thought, and Its correspondent brain-wave, were suiii ciently strong and striking in Mr. Browning's mind to have a charaoter of their own; the rest of the complicated picture was too minute and ordinary, did not burn itself into or out of his brain with enough distinctness. The prominent notoB of the musio were alone caught by the listener. Jn Mr. wooiners oase, the death-oonval sion of the emigrant's brain, aud the oorres pondent brain-wave, flooded spaoe with the intensity and Bwiftness of a flash of aotual light or magnetism, and wheresoever it hap pened to find the sympathetic substanoe, the enbstanoe aooustomea to vibrate to it, ana not too violently preoooupied with other action to be insensible to such fine impres sion, shook it with the terrible vague subtle force of association described, me mterven ing space and matter need be no more aa ob stacle than the 3000 miles of Atlantio wire are to the galvanio current, or the oountless diS' tanoes of its travel to the light from Sirius. A similar explanation holds good for Mr. Tenny eon's story, in whioh the loss distances seem somehow less staggering at nrbt sight. In such a manner, too, the answers given by the so-called "spirit-rapping" (when not Imposture) seem explicable, inese are made by the spelling out of words letter by letter, the questioner alone knowing the reply, and the letter whioh would be right to help it The character of his thought, and consequent brain-wave, changes from denial to consent, when, letter alter letter being pointed to in vain, the right letter is reached at last. That change of thought-state is reneoted in a chance of brain-action and wave movement, which the Ben&Uive medium jms and at once acts upon. Many ghost and dream stories seem to yield also to some suoh mode of interpretation, and much might be added in illustration and ex panBion of it, as touching rumors, present! ments, panios, revivals, epidemio manias, and so forth; but i have said enough to put the suggestion before better minds, whether for correction or disproof. 1 am, sir, etc, J. T. K. WALL PAPER LOOK! LOOK ! I LOOK 1 1 1 WALL PAPER'S and Linen Window Shades mnnnfio. tuied, tee cheapest in inecity, at JOHNSTON'S ihiiot. No. 103S HPBINU GARDEN Ktreet. below Kfeveutd. Branch, No. 307 iKDKKAL btreet, Camden, New Jeraey. a a '4 A HANDSOME A88ORTMENT OF WALL PapeiS and Window Shades. 8. i. B Alj UEBSTON &EON, No. 903 BPBINO OAltDKN fetreet. a 23 8m IKIPEOVEMENT IN TRUNKS. ALL TRUNKS NOW MADE AT The 'Ureat Central" Trunk Dcpet, w live Unions' Patent Batety Hasp and Bilts, which sriurelj lasteus tbeTruua on bothendi i with heavy i!..iu and In the centre with the ordinary loc. Positively no extra charge. GREAT CENTRAL TRUNK DEPOT. y. W. Cor. SEVEN r 11 and CHES.NUT Sis. TRAVELLERS. NOTICE. Porcbwe your Tiunks wl'b Simons' Triple F.aaten. tng, heavy Dolu; no fear lock breaslog, AT THE QBKAT CENTRAL, mm Vo. 1tl CHKSNDT Street YTNITED STATES R EVEN UK STAMPS OP U all kind, can he bad at No. 105 8. KI PTH Btret (next door to OldOtttce), ?u at No, 43M WALNUT birtet, Pbd fiulldlng. RAILROAD LINES. TREADING RAILROAD. ( KB AT TRUMK J-V MjMK FRu.H PHILADELPHIA TO TUB INJEKJC'HOF I'BNNf Yi,VANIA.'l HJCM01UVL KILL,. hTJMUUKHANNA. fcuM BKRLAND. A AID VOMllKO VALLKVi-, TUB KUKTH, KORTHWEHT, ANI TITR CANADA. WINTER ARRANGEMENT OP PA3SKNQKR TRAINM, Lv.-f-mber 14, I. LPBVtnff thft !imiuMiv' D'UitLitL I'hlrLMfllh And Cniu.whul a roeta. i"ulJleliihi. at tbe following bourn: , MORMnn AtraMMfiniTrnx. At 7'flO A. M. fur Kdinir and ah liitarmtdUte Htfttloi and Allernown. Humming, leaves RHtllug l f ib f. M.: trlve In I'll Imdelptila at Vlu P. M. MORNINM KXPRKSS. At 8'1S A. M. lur Ui.ilnn. I.Hiurimi. ITarrlahiirs. I'oltuvllle i'ltin Grove, I'numqiiit.siuiibiiry, William unri, JMmlra. itocbeittnr. Ningura Fans, Butlaio, vvilkeftourre, 1'ltu.ton. York. Carlisle. (Jbamburnbura. ilegera'own, etc. 'Ilia 7-8U A.M. train connects at RRADIiu with Fast PenuBylvanla Kailrtiad trains lor Aiientuwu etc., and the 815 A. M. train connpeui wl'b thn Lebanon Vallt-y tram lor ilarrl--bu', f.i at PORT CLIjnIOM Witn Caiawifuta Knliruud train for Wll- ilnlufcuort. Lock imvtu, JOIuiIra etc: at HARKIS BUKU Willi Korlbprn Irniral, Cumberland ValUV. and H.ihuyikill aud BUBiiehnna trains for N'ortli- nmbi-riana, w niianjnj.orl, om, un&inbartuurg. Pinegrove, etc. , AFTERNOON iXPR'SS. LfRVPfl Philadelphia at 8 an p. M. for Knadlrja. Potiflvllie, HarrMbiirf , e'e, cum ectlng with Heading and Columbia Kfeliruud iraiuH lur Columbia, etc. POTT8TOWN ACUOHMODATION. Leaven Potutown at a A . M . a uim at Inter- medial RUtllonn; arrlVfa lu Pullhdelphla at t) lit A. M, liniurning. Imves i huaaeljibla at 4 P, M.; arrives la pottstowu at e is x . m. RKABINa ACCOM MOD ATION, Ipavet Itt-adloE l7'.i(i a M.. biokdiuk at all way station; arrive In fhlladelputa at 10 2m a. H. KMurnliiK, itaves PulladHlpula at 4 46 P. M.; arrlva in .Heading al 7 4i P. M 1 rams lor riiia'eipn a icrvb nnrriRoorg ai o iu x 11., and i'oilsvlUe n. 8 4d A. M., arriving in PuliaUel pbla at 1 P. M. Atierno m trains i.rvh UarriBDurg at 2 06 P. H., and Poilsvllle at S 45 P, M., arriving at fcliadelphla at 6'4o P. M. iiairlBburg Accouimauaiion leaves tpami at 7 10 A. M , aud tiarrluburg at 4 lO P, M CiuuuhuiIuk at Kcadlug witli Alteruonn A couaaiodatioa soutu at 6 8) P. W., arrlvins In pliiladeipliia at 8-26 P. M. Slaraet nam, wiin a as.engir car aiiacnea, iwm Pliliauelnhla at 12 w noop, lor Potisville and a I way stations: leaves Poiibvllle at 7 'So A.M. for Pulladsi- pbla and all way stations. Ail tba above trains run dally, Sundays ex cepted. ,.. int,.viiiA a a r anrl Pill liUHV iniua . .ui.wi.n - o n.ui Pbliaaeipbla at H15 P. M, Leaves Pulladelpbia tjr lu-Rdini at 8 A, M. iietuxulng irom iteadiag at 4'2o p. jh. CHESTER VALLKY RAILROAD. P8Rt?nireis for Uowniugiowu and lutermpdlate point ike tbe 7 30 A. M 12 mi, aud 4 P. M. lrl,is i rum Phlladlepbla. Keturnlng iroia Downlugioiva at tj'bO A. M. 12 46 and 6 16 P. M. PERKIOMKN RAILROAD. FaseereerB lor bklfpack take Tm A. M. and 4 P, M. tralnH Irom Pblladelpbia.returnlng from akippack aiS'lOA. W. and 12 45 P. M. aiage lines lor tbevarloua Soints In Perklomeu Valley connect with trains al oilegevllle and bklppack. NEW YORK EXPRKbS TOR PITTSBURG AND Leaves New York at A, M.'and 5 and 8 P. M.. pausing Reading at l 06 A. M aud l'oO and 10 l P. M., and coiinfctiiig at Harris urg with Pennsylvania and Northern Central Railroad Express train fur Pittsburg, cuioago, w luiauisport, jurnira, JUaltl- mpie.eic, MelUtUing ju)ios. m.iu xinrrisuurg OQ arrival of Pennsylvania Kxprtts irom Pittsburg at mi &nd 6 60 A. At... and 10 60 P. M., passlue Kedinir at 6 44 and 7'81 A. M., ana 12-60 p. M,, and arrlvlug at New York am m. " " ' o r. w. oieeplng can aicotnpany Hubs tram through between Jersey (.it, unri viimiiursr wliliout oliauue. A Mall Train lor New York leave Harrlsburg at 810 A.M. am zuojt. m. juau iraiu ior xiarriauurg leaves newi iBrTrrnri.TTIIiL VALLEY RAILRO ATI- Trains let.ve Potwvilie at 4s aud ii-jo A. M . and 6-4 P. M.. returning uoiu xaiaitua at s att a. hi., and -i6and 4.86 P.m.. BCHTJYLKILL AND BUHQTJEHANNA RAIL- qv.iia lpave Auburn at 7'6S A. M. for Plnesrovn ano BarrlBburg, and at 12-15 noon lor Pluegruve and TpumnliL KflluIUiUK 1UU1 aaii JUiK M a flu Mr. itl aua irom Tieoiont at J 40 A.M. aud o'8i P. M. TICK UTS. Tbroocfe first-olass tlukels and emigrant tickets to all llie piluulpal point In tne Norm and west "kxcurslon Ticket from Philadelphia to Reading, .nd tniHrmeuiHw DiMiuuD. kwu iui uu uay uniy. are Bold by Morning Accommodation Market Tialii, Reading and Potiatowu Acconuuudation Trains, at reduced rates. T.v,no,v,ia - JULCUrSlOn 1 -w u.iauo: fu.M, uuu lUf VH0 dsv only , are huiu . .'.whui iuRiuuuinia hhi tioiui by lteaaiug aud Potutlown Acoomiuodation rr . . .uaiw .d rules. oiice ol I S. Lradtord, Treusurer, N. 227 8. Fourtn Strt. Philadelphia, rr 01 . A. Nicuolla.Oenwal Buperlntondent. tteadlng. COMMUTATION TICKETS, it OK nAr c.miiL. dlHcuunt, between auy point da. iixed, lor laniides and flrnib. MILEAOK TICKETS, or.nd for 20C0 miits, between all points, at 1.52-50 each 1 inDjliie auo ninjs. SEASON TICKETS. vnr tv.r six. nine, or twelve month. for hnltlor. only , to ail point at reduced rate. CLEKUYMEN ToMlr,cr nn the Huh ill tbe road Will be fnrnlahAA with caru entitling themselves and wives to ticket at liait lare. EXCURSION TICKETS Vmm PhlladnnhU 10 principal station. Bond Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, t reduced iares to be bad only at me xicaet luiweuia and CallownUl streisia. FREIGHT. annria nf all dMcrlDLlous lor warded to all tha ih points 110m tbe Company' new ireigiu depot, ilrod ana wiiiuwwi FREIGHT TRAINS Leave Phlladelpbla daily at 4 86 A. M., 12-80 noon. 8 and 6 P. M., lor Kenning, Leoanon, ilarr.suurir. PoltsvUle, Pull Clinton, uu au pouits oeyoud. MAILS rirtse at tbe Phlladelpbla rout Office for all Dlaoea on tbe road and lis brancbes at 6 a. M., and for tiie principal stations oniy at i io r in. BAGGAGE. Dungan's Express win co.lect baggage tor all train ltaving PbiladelpLla Depot, uru, m can be leit at No. 226 S Pourtb street, or at tbe Depot, Xblrteeutn and callowblll sueis. NORTH PENNSYLVANIA KAILB9AD. lor IlETHLJtHJliM, DWYLJLSTOWi, MAUlH (.UllHK, Ea-jION, WlLLIAMoPORT, WXLKEd- Pi'lTb'PON . '1 UN KliANNOCK, aNii ttCRA-NTOisI. FaweDKer Trains leave tbe Depot, corner ol BERKS and AMERICAN Streets, dally (Sunday excepted), as follows: At 740 A. B tjspreo lur nviuieueiu, Aiiencown, Alauch uliuna, Haxleton, Wllliauisport, Wllkesbarre. Mabauoy City, Pulsion, and Tuuknaunocii. V'46 A. M. (Hzpresa) lor Bethlehem, iaslon, Allen- town. Mauch (Jntuik. Wlikesbarre, Plttaton, and Bcrautou. , .. . At X 40 Jr. m. iai)rwi ior jauuiienem, jaaaca Chubk, Wllkesbarre.Plllaton, and Mcrantou. At 0 mi jr. w.. iws oatiuviiaui, ahmu, Aiieuiuwn and Mauch Chunk. ior JDoy ItslowU at 8-45 A. M., 2 46 and 4-15 P. M. For Fort Washluglon at lo 46 A. M. and 11 80 P. M, For Lansdale at s-2 1 P. M. Filth and blxih Btreets, Second and Third itreeu, and Union Olty Passenger Railway run to the new 'TRAINS ARRIVE IN PHILADELPHIA From ttetblehem at 9 10 A. M it io, 6 26, and 8-30 P'Froni Doylestown at 8-86 A. M., 4'6J and 7 P.M. From Lansdale at J-0 A M. . From iYort Washington at M 1 46 A, M. and tno P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia tor Bethlehem at 9 SO A. M, Philadelphia ior Doyleaiown at 2 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7 A. M, Bet hleh.ro for Phllatle phia at 4 P. M. . uiiit mini itiuryaira checked tnronirn at Mann's North Pennsylvania Baggage Express OUlce, Ne. Ma. FIFTH .trees. CJRK WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD, WIN i'KR ARRANOEMKSTj -on and alter MONDAY, October 5, Itxxi, Train will leave as follows: ., Leave Philadelphia from the Depot, THIRTY F1RHT and CHEnNUTSUteel. 7-46 A. M., 11A.M., 2 it) P. M . 416 P, M.,4 60 P. M 616 and il 80 P. M. Leave West Chester for Philadelphia, from Deport on Fast Market street at 6 2a A. M 7 46 A, M., 8 00 A. M ., 10 46 A. M 1-65 P. M.. 4-60 P. If., and 6 66 P. M. . Tralii leave W ml Chester at 8 00 A, M.. and leav h g Philadelphia. al 4 60 P. M., will stop at B. U June tlou and Media only. Passengers to or from station between West Chester and U. U. Junction, going Fat, will Uk train leaving Went Chester at 7 4 A. M.. and going West wUl take the train leaving Philadelphia al 4'60 P. M., and transfer at B. C. Jun,Llnn. The Depot In Philadelphia 1 reached Ulrectly by the Chesnut and Walnut Street cars. Those of th Varkat Slrevt Una run Wllhla nn a sanare. Tbe cars of both line oonueot with eauh train npon It arrival. ON HVVJ)kYtL . Iav Phlladelpbla at 8 ai A. M. and 100 P. M. iiva Wnl Chester at 7-66 A. M. and 4 00 P. M. 1-ri.lns leavln Phlladelpbla at 1-46 A. M. aud 4'M P. M., and leaving Went Cheater at 8 00 A. M. and 4-60 l M. .connect at vi uumiuu witu xraius uu jr. a. M. C R. R.. for Oxford and intermedial points. 410 UmiiX WOOD, Utmwat BUP'W RAILROAD LINES. 1 WflM fUB NEW YORK. THE OaMDKN f-.ViJ0, ANt' AMUOY AND PHILADELPHIA, AN D.TRKNTON R A 1 1. HO A D.COM PAN 1 MS' LIN KS iP3lJ!il!.D,UJ?ai YORK, AMD WAY JrliAUrH, .1 mmn . FROM WAI.mnT BTRBrT WBAlf, ! 5'? 4? vlaCanidHn and Ambny Accora.....U J)l At 8 A A.M., via Caman and Jemey City Kx. Mall 8-.W fn.. Im ( niDrlun .ml . ........ 1.'. . . a.iu, Al A; r M..lor Aruboy anil Intermediate station. At 6-80 and 8 A. M , and Km p. M. for Freehold. Atnd 10 A. M.,8,S'80. and 1 80 P. M, for Trenton, At 6 ML 8, and 10 A. M . 1. S. 8 80, 4 80 8, and 11-80 P. M. for Bordentown, Boriingloa, Beverly, and De- . i-suana iu.a. n., I, 810,4 80. 6, and 1180 P. U.for Florence, kdgt-watpr. Rlvereice, River. on, Pal ruvra, and Flh House, and l P. 101 Florenoe and Mverten. Tha 1 and 11-30 P. M. I.lnaa In a. a from Market Street Ferry (upoersMe.) . aHiN-roM depot. At 11 A. M.. Via k Hl.hll 1 (J.n . nrt Ja.uawOlfw TtfAW Yora Kxpr.ss LlneT Fare fa: Al7-H0BLd 11 A. M. X 811. X Ml and P M tnr Trontnn andBrhto), And at 10-16 A M tor Bristol. At 7-80 and it a. M. 8 So, and ( P. M. for Morriavllle and Tuliytuwn At 7-80 and 10-16 A. M. and 8 80, anf. BP, M, for Bchenck's and jMidli.giou. At 7 stand 10-16 a. m 2-30, 4, 6, and 6 P. v. for Corn well', lrnaale, Uolruraburg, 'lacony. Wlonlno ming, Brldraniirg, and lirankiord, and at 8 P. M. for jaoinifsourg i.a id eruieuinie rjwviuui, FROM W iit-ti l llJl.Aljivl.rma jLit.ru l, Via CoiiiiPuiHig Ruliway. At 9 46 A. M . i-2u. 4. 6-8ii. and 12 P. to. New York Ex press Lli f s, via Jeisey cum Fan, 88 26. t u no v. m. emigrant Line: i-are, Al 8-45 A. M I'm 4 -80. and 1 P. W . lor Trenton. AlU-48 A. M 8, 6-80 and 12 P. M., lor Bristol. At. lO l U .Klll.i I.. K. n. i. nil III TllllVtOWn. SoheLck'a", Eddliigion.Cornweli's.l'orrt-sdRlfii'rtolmes-burg, 1'acoi.y, WuxsluomlDg, Brldosourg, and rang ford. ,,, 1 be 8-48 A, ai., cj tua K r m. Lines wm iuu daily. All oibern, bundays excepted, or Lines leaving jteuHinxton iiwpo. -' on 'Ibird or Flfih stiwis, at Cbe.nut, 80 lulnme before Oepariure. '1 hi cars of M arket btieot e.ai way rnn direct to vest Pbtlwiplpuia iepoi, ihusuui nnu w.innt wiihinnn. .nnkr.. on Aiimiavs th3 Market Street cars will run to connect with the 8'46 A. M. 6'8 and 12 P.M. Lines. . . . JxbLYiDJtkiJ D.LAWArvn jnailavjajj juxxtrus, FJOM lHHUAHlun wjfcrvi-. At 7-80 A. M. lor N atura Falls, Bullalo, Dunkirk, El mil a, Ithaca, OwegOi Kochesier, Biugnaui.uu, Os i.i(ii. M rui'imu. f4ren.i Rend. Montrose. W UK oBrtai re. Bcrautou, btroudsburg, Water Map, bchooley' Moun tain, t-ic. , Diia ir.. At I'w A. ai auu o ou jr, ju, iur ,7 , ' """"'i Lamhtrtvllle, Fleuiington, eio. Tue8'3uP M. Line couueciB direct with me .rain leavlug tustou ior Mauoh Chunk, Aiteuiown, uetniei ooi, At b P, M. tor Lauibertville aud lutermediate Bta tlou. CA1UDFJ AND BURLINGTON COUNTY IAND ' FKMBEitTON AND UlUJblTfsroVVN RAlL- FROMMABKET 6TREET FERRY, (Upper Side.) At 7 and 10 A.M.. 1-80, 8 M), and 6'8u P, M., tor Mer chantsvllie. Mooteslown, Martford, Masonville. lialDBport, Houut Uoily, emitnvlile. Kwausvlile viiireuiowB. Birmltikbam, and Pemberton. At 7 a. M., 1 0 aud 8 80 p. M., lor Lewlstow Wrlehtstown, Cooksiown, New Egypt, Horiier.town, Cream Llilite, Imlajstown, Bharou, ami II igutstown. 11 W WILLIAM H, OATilMErt, Agent. DENKbTLVAjSlA CtIIUL UAILU0AD FALL TIME, TAK1NU JtiFFUWT NOV. 22, 1888, ine trains of U,e Jreuusyunum Ceuuat lialuiad rave the Dtput, at THjKTY-lJViT auu Ma.15.K11r Street, wnlon is readied direotly by. the Marxei Street cars, me last car conueullug witu eacn train Raving Front aud Juaraet streets tnlr.y miuutos be fore Its oepariure, Tne Chesunt and Walnnt btreet cars run wlihm one square ol the Depot. bleeping Car Tickets oan o nau ou application at tbe l'icket olllce N. W. .corner NUnb and Chesnnt trcis, and at the depot, Aeeni of ine Uuioa Transfer Company wiil can for aud deliver baggage at the depot, Oruors lelt at No. vol Cbesuul sweet, or No. lit Market sweet, will receive jjvb DEPOT. VI&- mall Train 8 M0 a, M, Paoli Accoiuiuodadon, 10 80 A. uju. 1 .0, aud y uo p. AL. i ast UneM,,'M"'" A. M. Erie JLipress...............,""." li'?0- M- ilarruiourg Accomnuuiicti.lon......M.....,M...M... a'.o p, a, Lancaster Acoonjmodavlon.......,............. 4 (H) P. M. Parkeshurg Traln...M...." 6-80 P , M. Clucluuail Express...... . 8 00 P. M. Erie Mail ana Bu Halo ju.pres.............10 46 P. M. pnllauelpbia ExpreM 12 UO Nignt, jvrie MaU leaves dolly, except Bunoay, running on Baiurd.y bight to W UllnuiBportonly. Ou buudy nlgbt Dassxngers will leave Puiladelphia at 12 o'clock. pniiaueiphia Express le aves fluuly. All oicer trains WinAcmmodatlon liaia runs dally, ex neT.t Bunoay. For this train tickets must fan pro cured aud Sailae delivered by 8 00 P. M., at No! 118 WMkTRAlNb ARRIVE AT DUPO-f. VIZ.: Clnclni.ai.1 Expreoa..... .J'W A. 41. pSoUAccomratt E?fe Mad and BuUalo express..... lo w A. M. Parkesburg Train W A. M. Fust Llue ru uu a. m, Lancaster Tralu... 80 P. M- Kile Express .4 20 p. M- l v t juredo 20 1", M, Harrlsbnrg Accommodation................. 8 40 P. jVC, ITor fojtthe imoiinaiion l'"y , . jior uivul VAKLEER, Jr. Ticket Agent, NO. 9ul CHEWft OT btreet. FfLANClCt FUNK, Tloaet Agent, No. lit MARKET ttreet, -SAMUEL H. WALLACE, Ticket Airent at tue Depot. The Feunalvanla Rallread Company will not as niu any rluk lor Br-tigatie, except for Wearing Ap parel, aud limit theU reapouHibiiity to One Hundred Dollars in value, All Baggage exceeding tbat muouut In value wlllt-e a' the nek of thfc owuer, uuiess taken by fipicifal COUtract. EDWARD H. W1LL1AMU. 42 Oeueral Superintendent Altoona.Pa.ri FBlLADELPiilA, WlLauauTOtf, AND BaLiimore railroad. time pablk. Coitmencing mOjNLAi'. November 28, 1688. 1'rain will leave Depot cori-er Broad street aud Washing tou avenue, as foiiows.-- Way Ittoil Tram at 8 80 A. M. (Sundays excepted), a. uiiiniiim auii,iiluir at all resUlnr bUUIOui, Cju- ntcilug with Delauie Railroad at WUminglon fur Cr'shcid and Intermediate stations. jUx press tirain at i Bal lmoreand Wabhlngton, Biopr ing at Wilmington, Pern vine, and Havre-i e-urace, couuecta at Wil mington with train lor New Mnan,Bd. fnr Baltimore and Washington, siopp".- . wuw, Thuilow,. Unwooa, Ciaymoui, . r ""V"',1,?r rjorl. btuuton, ntwioii, jcji.ui., . : ' Lovvn iVein v lie, Havre He Orce, Aberdeeu, Perry ii?; , Kdgewooa; rMagnolla, Ohe', and btemmer'. Hun. , ...jm -t xr iDallvl for Baltimore and Washington, topp(ug at Cuesir. Tuurio. Llu tood Uaymobt, Wilmington, Newark. iSlkton. WOOOi 7t."J 1 1 1 o .rt uvrii iih Urace. &nVs lor iotVr. Monroe and Norlolil will ke the WOO M-.'otoN TRAINS. , Btopplng at U btatlona between Philadelphia and iePhiiadelpbia at li-eoA. M., 180, 6 oe, and iifp M The 6!wP. 'IlMa cuu"t y,lltx f1" waie"&hroad ior Harrmgton aud intermediate tation. roo ftd 810 A. M., 1-80. 4-15. and Leave -""-- : ,....., ..,.,1 nntunn tu.m,u.n juu r. J"-... Lrtt.i,..hia. 'i ne 7 uOP. . 'ir . I Ih.H UA. All 1IWM ni..-..r-v.-..w. t rain Irom VviVmluaiou ruL. oaii; ail other Aocouuuodatioa Trait- Jifi" fj ibliaaelphla.-Leav Haltlmore irfw K f A. St. Kxpress. 2 If. M., EiP'SVir'.lV 'vKiTto J! ROM BALTIMORK. Leave Raltimpre oti 5.iiim.,ra M lib V. M.. atopplug at mag tvt Baltimore '" H. ulunu-H. Pnrrv- nolia. Ferry man a. """'"'::. a-.iku.n. Nwarir. uui', - Korth Jtast, JilJllou, ueTiu, audCbtster., , -,i rvoiniB West, Booth, and t brousn "-"L" nrocured al tiokoi onice, iio. 8J8 f,.uiarrifunarContinenial Motol, whrs also Ohesuut street u"u ubt m Bieepiug cars cau be Hiate Rooni a" ruson puicuasiug tickets ecurto qui u - VB-haKuaiie oui.ckea at luelr rosl- at this ou;" ' "T" .,.7, Transler Company. deuce by the tij i' jiKjslSE. Superintendent. tilili k HA tlXVJ OAJ U iva, vv luuiAuiorvAli ai i "j u 0111 JUUiow OA' rmasniiYi VAf IA. sleeping Oar on all Night Train. i itsant Bieepiniij November H 18H8, the trainmen Se"rielilU and Jille Baiiroad WUl run as follows-. w brtwabd. tt tb aim leave Fhiladeipbla 10'45P,M, .. arrive at Urie 60 F. M. TI Trvp-RTChH leaves j-hllaaolphla 11-50 A. M. KRIB EXFBlBlS wlilllullJ,u0ri. 8 WF.M. arrives at run iu- nj.u, .,T . uiit. leaves l'blladelphia, 8-00 A. M. juuju.jj"'-- " willlamsport.... u arrive at Lociulaven, XAHTWAlUti MAIL TRAIN 1 ave Krle...-................ . 7 0 P. M. 10-58 A. M. .Vi M A, M, JU-OU A. At, " UIIWlUnHl.il.M, " arrive at Fhlladelphla. ERIE EXPRSbti leave Erie. -26 P. At. WUllanJutuort. 7'6u A. M. I at Philadelphia... 4') P. M. i. arrlva Vail and Ezpres connect with Oil Ureek and Allegheny RlVtK Railroad, . BAUUAOE OHEOKJU) 1H Heneral Huperlntendenfc EST JERSEY RAILROADS. FALL AND W1WTER ARRANOKMENT. 'mm (mil nf MARKET btreet (Uuner Furrvk. OO&linencing WEDJS ElsOAY, Bepiemoer IS, 1868, TBi I IS B LEAVE A9 EOLLOWa 'or Cava May and statloiui below MUlvlUt, rii VVol MlUvllle, Vlneland, and Intermedial station PorBHd'.jeioa.'balem, and way station -1DA,M "vnt wndbnrv at 818 A. M., t'lB. 880. and 8-00 P. M Frulghl train leave Oaiuden daily at U o'olooK boon. Freight received at second covered waaafitlQ Walnut alreel, dally, Eielabt lativwtea KO, ttSSonth Delawaresvea WILLI AM J. Hk.WK.Ld M liAarlutudJi rlllLADELPHIA ASD ElilE RAILROAD. PUi '$i Tt Tr TIMiii TARLK-TilROUuH AMD RAILROAD LINES. PHILADELPHIA, 0 ERMANTOWN, AND NOMRU10VN RAILROAD. TlfR 1ABLR. FOR OERMAMOWN. Leave Phlladelpbla ai , 7, 8, 08, 10. II. It A, M., 1, 2, 8 16. XV 64 fill, 7. 8 8 10, II, l' P M, Leave OtrmantowD at 6. 7, 7't, 8, 8 2n, 8, lu, It, 12 A, M 1.8 8. 4.4J4 8 8, 8, 10 II p. M, The 8 20 down rln, and and b up trains, will not slop on Ihe tiermaniowo Branch. ON UU N DA YH. Leave Philadelphia at 8 18 A. M.J 7. and M P. M. Leave Ueimaniown ai 8-16 A. M 1, 6, and v P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. I ItiVn 'oelpbla at 6. 8, lo. 12 a. M 2, M. t, 7, Leave Chestnut Hill at 7-10, 8 8 40, U'40 A. M., 1'40, 8'40, 6'40, 8 40, 8'40, and IS 411 P. M. , i ON BUMiAYS. eave Philadelphia at 16 A , 2 and 7 P. M. cave CbiaiLiut UUi at 7 60 A. M., li'lO, 6 40, and -26 P . M. FOR CONSHOnOCKEN AND NORUI9TOWN. Leave pnilidipiiia at 6. 7.S. 8, aud 11 06 A. M., :1J. 8 H. (';. H'4 8 116 SliO 114, , M. Leavn Norrmtowu at 6 40, 7, 7t0, , and 11 A. M., W, 8, 4.S., Mi, and 8 P. M. ON tU.NDA Y8. Leave Pbllaflelpbla at 8 4. M.: Vi an! P. M. Leave Norristown at 7 A. M.; by, and 9 P. M. FOR MANAVtlNK. Lrave Philadelphia at e. 7'. 8, and 1109 A. M,; 8.4H.6X 6 '4 , 8 16, and IIH P M. Leave Manayunk ate-lo. 7, 8 20. !i, and 11 u.' A, 2, 8, 5, 6i. anu 8 P. M. IS, M. ON PUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia at a. m -, 2S and 7". p. M. Leave Manayunk ai 7)i A. U.i 6 ami Vi P. M, W. B. WILSON, UeiiRral t-uperluteaient. Drpot, Ninth and Ureen irmiA PROPOSALS. JpROFOSALS FOK SUBSlSfENCE STOKES, Headquarters Lmhtkict of the Indian Tkkhitouy, office f Chief Commishaky of c.uBsiHrEN(-ic, , Kokt UmaoN, U. N., Jan. 21, 1(09. J Bealfd PropriRa s, in diipllOHte, will be re ceived at the office of I tie undersigned, at Fort OHihoi). U. N., until 12 o'clock M., MONDAY, Maicb 15, 18(j, for tbe Uollvery of Sabslstonoe Hi.oree, a loliowt-: AX FOH1 OlbaON, CHEKOKEE NATION, I. T. 550,000 poonds ol Flour. 76,0i0 pounds of Bttcon. 25,000 pounds Of Halt, 6,10 t-allolm of Vinegar. 400 barrels of Pork. And Corn A"-alln such guautltlea aa may be requited. 1 be Flour to bo equal In qnaliiy to the best XXX brands of tbe Hi. Loulj market, and put up us follower 125X00 nouDds to be nnt no In buirels full benu lined, aud 425 000 pounds to be I ut up ia douuie Backs, ol gunny saoitlng and cotton nbeetltifr. Tbe bacoD to be of first quality, and put np as lollows: 20,(:00 pounds lu tierces or casks, and 65,000 pounds in gunny sacks of about 12a pounus eacn. Tbe Bull to be of good quality, and put up as follows; 10,100 pounds in barrels aud 15,000 pounds in double sucks of gunny sacking and colt u Faceting. Tbe Vinepar lo be of best quality, and made of Vfblbky ol lull strength, aud to be put upas follow1-: 1000 gallons in barrels of good quality, securely hooped, and 4iU0 gallons lo oe put up in (cutkucomalnicg not more tban 23 gallons eacb, the canks to be of best quality, painted, and to have four iron and elgbt hickory hoops on eacb. Tbe Pork to be prince mess pork, to be put up securely in good barrels containing 2o0 pounds eBCb. Tbe Corn Meal to be or best quality, and put up lu bariels or sacks, like tbo Hour, as may be rauirtd. Tbe person or persons to wuoru my uwaid Is made muet b prepared lo execute conirecis and give tbe required bonds at ouce, and re In read mens to commence the delivery of storts ou the 20th day or April, 1809, and to continue tbe earne In suoh quantities as may be it-quired until tbe 1st day of December, 1869, ai which lime tbe whole amount of tbe article or articles contracted for must be supplied. Hun) pits of articles (except meats) must ao compeny tbe propoeals, in boxeB or bottles, and noi in paper parcels. Kch bid must be accompanied by a good and souiclurii guarantee irom two or more persons whose loyalty and solvency are cerliftud by a clerk of a court of record), setilng firih that tbi-y will, in tbe event of its acceptance, give ample bonds and security for the faithful per foi malice or tbe same. The name and place of residence of enoh. bid. di r end t mely inunt bo given. No proiiosui will be enierlalned, unlesn satis 1h loi ily repreeented, that does not fully comply w ith the terms of this adverilHemont. I'roposals may be for the whole or any part of It- e st ores rc quired. Any contract a warded under this advertise, ment will be made nuhject to the approval of tbe Ccmmist-ary-GeLeral of Subsistence, U. 8. Army, and the right is reserved to reject any or ail bids. All etorea delivered will be subject to a rigid inspection. l'ayini nts upon the contracts awarded will be made monthly in current funds, or as soon as tbe same ahull have been received. Bidders are Invited lo be present at tbe open ing of proposals, which will take place oa the day and hour above epccldod. -Blanks for pro posals f nd bonds will be furnished oa applica tion to this olllce. Proposals must be plainly Indorsed, "Pro posalslor Subsistence Stores," and addressed to tbe Chltf Commissary ot Rubslsieuoe, Dis trict Indian Territory, Fort Gibson, O. N. fcy order of 2 6 5w Brevet Major-Gen. B. H. GRIERSON. A. F. ROCKWELL, Bvt. Lleut.-Ooloneland A. Q,. M. U. . A., i;. u. p. Diet, inaian xerritory. B. ORDNANCE AGENCY, Corner Houston and Grkknk Streets, (inuance uu ureeDt; r. 'j. riii stt,) JJaw York, FeD. 18. lsti9. Sealed Proposals, In duplicate, will be re ceived at this office until BATUUDAY. March 27, 1869, at 12 M., lor pure-fusing, lu quantities, toe ii.uov.mg Binuaoi uivn. ainuh; csiuttm, now on hand at tue different arsenate in tne United yiales: CARTRIDGES ForHpencot's carbine. ..Cul. 60 and 521 For Pvliard'a do, ForHeniy'e do. 1 Metallio primed. Linen. For KeiningtOil'Bdo. For Warner's do. For bbaip'tj 1.'.mi Clorr'u il o. do. ... 521 A Ul WVHI U. B rnosket cartridges, & can TJ. 8 mnsket -artrldgee, K ball..... Ill fie rnnsket cartrldgts, 51 68 (i'J and 71 69 69 41 41 V Paper. E bail U. B. loubketcsirlrlUueH, ' round TJ. h.uiubketcartiiaBen. buek aud ball Coli'H plBtol cartridges.. coil's piBtoi canriugcB.. broiin'e carbine car tridges, xuDoer ana metal Bornside'a ctirblne car- 36 Tar?it'urii HnichkikS Dmlecllles ior all call rlflono mnrn bits of cannon: round Bhot.suello, cumster aud tpbtrical cute, for Bll calibres. Also, fixed urn- UIUD1IIU11 lur tus rnuin Mutket percUBSlon cupa nvm .'iuacu-u am- munlilnu. Tbe Ordnance Department reserves tbe rigbt to reject all bid not deemed sail, fotory. Prior to tbe acceptance of asy bid it will navo to be approved by the War DeparUneut. day of sale, and tha remainder when tbe pro perly is delivered. Twenty days will be al lowed for tbe removal ol stores. Didders will aiate explicitly tbe point or points wbere they will accept storae. Delive ries will only be made at the arsenals. Samples oan be seen at this office, or at any Of tbeanenals in tbo United State. Proposals will be addresstd to the nndar signed, and endorsed "Proposals for piirchas ok Ordnance Stores." For farther Information apply to tbe undersigned. g CRISPIN, Brevet Colonel U, B. A., 3 j Major of Ordnano3. S-iHILOSOPlIY OP MABRIAG E. A new Course of Lectures, a delivered at tti w-vorn Mussum Ot Anatomy, embracing th srbctB--Ilow to Live and Whst to Live tat; TfoutS, MaTurlty. and Old Age; Maubood Ueuerally .""."'.i.Ti..!'.,.,,!! rmiiirestlou: llatulenos and Nervou bl teases Accounted Eor; Marriage Follo sotibloally Considered, eto.,lo. Pocket volume eou ?h!! .. nfo rntnres will be forwarded, pnnt-nald. nn receipt of 26 Cnls. by addressliiK W. A.LEA R V, i, jj, B. corner ol Mia ia. auu njuwui Btreewa lhlWeliula. A LiEAANUBl U. liiimiJiJ lU 7 -. n i . ft k m m u t t .. -. PJtODCCK COM MISSION MERCHANTS, JSO. M NORTH WHARVHis AND HO. 17 NORTH WATER STREET, PUILAUELP1IIA. ti AijrxAkWWMOanuto HUIABOAisjuJ AUCTION SALES M THOMAS A HONS, NOB. 139 AND 111 B, FOURTH 8TRKET. . tl at the Auction Room, Noj. 1.19 anl 141 S. h nn rib dlrrpt, I? ANDCOMJ? noUHhll'M.li FURITURK, PIAIVOH. hlhhOhf. HsNDSOMK VKLVHf,- UhUfcbtLB, AM) OTHrntt OAttPSTi, KTJL On Thurpdav Mornluic, Wtichl al 8 o'o'uck, at tbe ano ion roims, br rata- t It iip, a la pc SRMnrlinont ol superior hoiissBoli furol-' In if, conpilblng handaome wslniil parlor llbrsrrt srd dining room fuml'me. coversd witn o uili, reiis M il htlr uloth: olied walnut cuambwr suits, 2 smmrlor ro(0(d plaur-fori. mniti by Hmioroacksr AO. nd V ki A Vo : Ann Krernh plate mirrors b inihn ni wsrciobi , bookonffi.slilf hird, '"eiislon and 0n tre Isblts, ch na and g aswa'e, beds and b iMl i. (Inn hair inaiirsaea. olllre furniture, yns-o iosumli.s; nd nioni, g Riovrs flue fnt-r"lngs, baudsum vet-vi-t, llruuels.and mher rarom a. CIUMIKI.IKRH. A'eo t'a gebronse and gilt eight-light ohs-id-lltis. sul able lor a publlo ball. 8 2 21 BTNTINO, DCKBOBOW A CO.. AnCTIOJI K I IiH, IV oe. 882 and SK4 MAUKKT HtKet,0Oni Of Bnk utreet. Bucrwora lo Jobu b. Mints & n, LAI1UB SALE OF FOKKIUN AND DOMK3TIO DRV UiKH) 1 OnThi rsday Mrralng. At 10 o'clrck, on lour months' credit. 128 St LARGK BALK OP CARfKriNOS. OILOLOTH,, kit), On Friday Mornlnit March S. at II o'clock nn Four n.unthV crpdlt, about .ut I'l.ifrtin ingrain, vdnciiao, nsr, v imp, nott, ai d rag carpeting.?, Hour oil cloths, fcta 2 27 t LARGK PAIK O FRENCH AND OTHrwH EURO FK AH I RY OODfia, jsfO , On Monday Mornlni, ft5t 1 March 8, at lu o'clock, on four mouths' oredp. , LAROU SPECIAL bTTr OF READYMADB . CLOTHING. On Wednisdjr MurninK. Msrch in, . ,. il o'clock, on fnur month' croriu, embraolng full lines ol fashionable spring styles ol tbs weu ki.ownand fav jrlte niaaulao.ure of Metsrs, Davlin & t o.. 'l New York, Fari-nlHrB hwrpaittr. fllTt ' THOMAS BIRCH A BON, ACCTIONERB1 AND COMM1PBION WKROHANTH, No. 1111 OaEUNTJT Blnel: rear entrance No. HOT Bancn Ml IMPORTANT PEHEttfTORT 84LB ' Eion CLASS OIL PAINTINGS, IhH private Ool erlion ol B. U. OR AT., K a. Mr. GRATZ, be pg abiuit to visit Europe, bu In. -Rtruciv-d ns lo ell ai publlo Bale his entire oilie HI on of I Igh c'ans faiutings, by dloUogulshed Eiropsaa ' acd American art'ets. , .. ." The tals will laka place on . Thursday Evening, March 11, at 7 o'c'ock, at ' i No. 1331 CHESNUT Street. Ca'alrgue will dh ready, and the Fainting open -lor exhibition, on Mnnnay. tne 8th Inst. Mr. ORAIZ'8 RF8IDKNCK No 120Walnul street. Also elegant t'OUMRY RES1LENOE. atChtst- 1 rut Hill, together with tbe elegant Furniture, will also be sold; of which due notice will b given, it I at ' SALE OF BTJPFRIOR ENOLTSH 8ILVF.R-PLATK0 " WAKE AND JARLE CUTLKHY, Jutt rerflvtd i er elesmer C-ity nl New York, direct Irom JOriEPH l'KAKIN fc BONd. maculaolurer by roal authority. Bbeilield, England. On WeanfBdny Morning, at 10 o'clock, and On Wednesday Evening. At7li o'clock, at the auction store, No. 1110 Chas- -nut Btieet, will be sold, a large amorimut ul lu boe elegant ware, aomprlalng lease's, with urns to match, or new deilius; large travs, from IS toM' lnci es; wine and pickle stands; cake and fruit bas keie: dinner and breaklaflt castors In great varleiy; sporn gobie b; Ice pl,chers; molasses Jugs; sit . -, a:endF; driukli g cups; lets-a tele seta; flower vaias; butterdishes, eto. '- TABLE COTLERT. . Also, a full orincent of pearl and Ivory band cutlery, with carvers lo rtch. .; . ..'' Also, spoon fnrks, and ladles of varloui kind. Ooods now open for examination. alt -fARTIJl BROTHERS, AUCTION EER3, 1 XVA. (Ltiteiy Frtlenuen tor M. 1 be mas A bons 1 No. 82S CliAbNUT bl.. rear entraaoa from Mutori :.,i Psle No, 5'4t chesnnt street. HANTFOMK WALMJ1' HOUSEHOLD FTJRWI TORE. 3 ELFOANT ROSKWOOD PlASir iOKTEB. IiAllUk AND tUPERlOR OKU AN. , BAKDSOKE HOOKCASK HANDsOMlW VKL, "VET.RRUfHElB, AND OTT1KR UARPETS. ElO. ' On WeOuesdsy Morning, 8d Inst., at luo'clork.at the auction room. No. 599 Ciusnut street, by catalogue, very excellent and u- , liable furuliure, including: HlUJill UriK llftiidiome walnut parlor, library, . . ai d dmlng-rcom luruliure; suits handsome walnut chamber furniture; callage chamber suits; handsome Lo kesse, etc. ; llANO AND ORGANS Three elegant rosewnod " rlano fottes, ni.de by f.anguth A Bio., Btelnmsl. ' -New Yoik, and Union Aianulacturing Oompaay; la' ge ard very superior cabinet orgsn In ollea wal- ' hum use. ; MIRRORS Fine French piate rnsntel, pier, and nvsln.lrrora in gill framep; tine feather bds a.nd ' bedding; ipilng and balr ioitrean; carriage hr- , neasj Cblna and glassware; stoves, etc 8 121 ' L1PP1NCOTT, BON A CO.. AUCTIONEERS -AbBXITJBUT BU1LDINQ, No, 210 MAREJET Bti LARGE POSITIVE f ALU OF ABOUT 800 PACK- .j jtllln AM) l.OIB oF FOREIGN AND DOMKi 110 DRY UOODs. NOTIONS. V A RPH.TS, ErO. ' On Wednesday Morning. March 8, I860, by catalogue, on tour months' credit. roDslsilPg In part or line of linen good; wblla ., lioodb: hOhleiy: eloves; hoop-skirts: corsets: balmoral eklrth; fi sno 3W prlnted-border, plain, hemmed, and hematltched lloen cambric handkerchiefs; rulUlng; .,, auiea' linen ana cotton unuer-garments: irause bins; primed aprons: clothing; patent thread: apool - cniion: travelling bags; Batcheis; comb': brusben cutlery; aud notions generally. In great variety, o im. prisit'g tue UBuai assortment, ana wortny tua atteu- , Hon ot tbe Jobbing aud retail trade. Alto, bales pnuiii twin ana vene-isn carpets lis Aleo, invoice three ply Ingrain and hemp orpets. KEEN AN, SON & CO., No. lis . 1RONT etreet. auctioneers; i Liai Will tell, s f Wet'" 4y Morning, March S, atllr , 200 esse Imported Cham- .lima , r.A Alan Q. 11 li.rrul. At hisky, consisting ol tine recllHel, raw, corn, aud mi )8e. : likewise 60 oo;s. aico 101, ana on uois or Jertey Vinegar; lou demijohn 01 tine Liquor. ; o. ere. 1 1 z ' G LARK & EVANS, AUCTIONEERS, NO. 6S0 CBESN UT Street. "Will sell THIS DAY, Morning and Evening, " A lane Invoice of BlankeU, Bed Spreads, Dry UoOWj ' Cloth. Can I meres. Hosiery, Stationery, Table aaa focaet cutlery, notions, eiw. . City and country meronant will find bargains. Term cash. foods packed free of charg 1 ! ' CD. McCLEES & CO., AUCTIONEERS, Bo , to MAjjKET Btreit. SALE OF 1000 CAPE BOOTS, SHOES BBOQAND B l I.MORA LS, ETO. On Thurtday Morning, March 4. t in o'clock. Also, a large a sort i eat ot clt-mad good. N. li. sales every Monday ana xnorsaay. una BRANDY, WHISKY, WINE, ETC. QAR8TAIR8 & KlcOALL,' Nea. 126 WALNUT and 21 tlRAJSITE St9t IMPORTERS O BrmidleB, Hlnes, UIu, OUre Oil, Etc. Et WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PU11E RYE WHISKIES, JN BONP AND TAX PAID. ' 411 yptf I LLI AM GROVES; ; So. 838 SANS0M Street, " AGENT FOR , , , . YEA1 MAN ds GBAHAM'B 2 22 In PUKE CINCINSATI CATAWBA WINES, HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. Mt. Vernon Hotel, ".! 8i Monument street, Baltimore. , '!( It I KUantly Furnished, with unsurpasBcd CuUlue. , On the European Iani , V i , D. P. , MORGAN" r . ... . . ... .. - ...i1 ;. i BOARDING. 1 . . T NO. 1121 GIBARD BTRF.ET MAY BB . obtained lurnlshed aud unfurnished room tor A1 ioiglug. Hoard, also, U deuireo. tlU ' I V