t , ' . t . . V ? J . I 4 1 I V ' i THE DAILY EVENING. TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY MARCH 1, 1869. 1 b . : . ! . . i , i Mi ,.U . , i v i i ; . i . i ' Indefinite Hopefulness. A reflective pr-ioa who happ-tii tobestijlnjr m dull CMtnirv toD it apt 10 empoj sum part of hU nine is me ditaMuif ou too vie am aul asprattom and irrj'c'g Oi tin prou wlio nave to pa9s all tbeiraai in toe anil coamrr town. To anbOJT In ttic Jail smtisrof a career, rdJ l ot jet moia tbaa a certa n numoerot years old, there Is t-oineiuu.a Mofouuoly mar trllout iu the possibility of to nmur mtiooHl cultures living wlib some apieartnce. ol con Unlio a iilac wture uiouo'o dulups', nar rowDesc. nod everv oiLer coiiihdoa ot liama tion and littleness leipn supreme and trodis puled. Tbitr atlairsio tbe money making arkr are buny and diminutive; commercial enter prise la not known among them, lor tbe re tson that ever3bodv Into wLusc heart th8!pliit ot entcrpr.se ha toand a way tuuKej an opportunity forth aim iur carrying bi'ntli and Ins en erprl'-e plsewber. Ths r potlUcnl Interests a1 contracted and merely tradition!, tbe atnio ptaere ot ojh1i pl-tce be ng compici ously unfavorable to the excr2i?e of indepen dent jadRtnent, as writ as to nil other inuutic. tatious ot vigor. Their social Interests strike one who Is accustomed to a larger sphere as mean beyond, endurance, and ibeir focial plea sures s;riln him a painful beyond, description. How do they live?, ne asks himself.' Where do they find tbe salt necessary to keep so suvoli'sa n existence Irom opeu decomposition ? What dothey lock forward to? Where Is their eoal J Tbe livsof the women ot such a comoiuuty turu'so a special pjzzie. The mca itsuf rsie f tosses the eeuiblaLce of a career, and follow at east the shadows ot larger interests. The Wfiiehousc may be small an J tbo trading petty; till i hey demand a measure of euerey and a fravnieni ot originality. And tliouaii giving a xo'.e and professing to hold a political view may not be very august pioctsses, jet tbey may be allovcd to couut for something in stimulating little movement in the plow and ie?pectublo tool. Hut women are debarred from even these poor spurs to a quicker pice. It tbe inlcieits ot comiue'co ana puollc aitairs shed but a la ot Illumination on tbe mmd ot the man, that pule light becomes yet ptler by process ot reflection upon the mind of the wile, and paler still In the daughters and alsters, for the latter have only a very second hand coucera in money matters. and usually go concern at all in adaira of state. And yat, it cannot be denied, these dwellers In waste places seem to enjoy a tateof bomething; not titilike happiness. Life appeals tolerable to them, and tbey are every bit as reluctant to leave lias the most active and elevated persons ore supposed to be. The ezplabattoD is peiuai s not very difficult, aud It lies in the tact that even thet-e dullest of creatures to all outward seeming have in wardly a far-s(.ieading and brigbtlykilluminated ideal background. Ot course tome of tbem have given tip all bopesof any biug livelier or more colden than the humdrum round of Little Pedlington for tbieworld,aud reserve the ful filment cl all ideals tor tbe world to come. But in most people perhaps resignation do"i not go quite so far ub this; they wJl not, to long as tuey can help it, .surrender all hope of vague pood thiDPs even in this present world, and so they round off their lives with indednite pictures lor which they are Indebted to a san guine imagination. The o ltlines are not deter mined, and tbe colors shift and change, and the whole thing is very tkelchy. The young ladies tbink of the fairy prince who .will come aud take them away to London or Paris, and the gay world ot pleasure and activity; tbe mother. In turn, Rive her hopes to her children, and builds castles In ibe air tor them; the man often finds more than all tbe satisfaction be wants in the habitual reflection that with opportunity he had it in him to be Prime Minister, and that even as It is some miraculous turn of Fortune's wheel may one day bring him to that top, wherever it may be, for Which generous nature destined him. Berioasly, none of these expect in sober trath that their golden visions will ever trans form themselves irto realties; but tbey have learnt tbe wreat leeou that possibilities in human life a' e all but unbounded, and that for them too, as for others, possibilities may one day turn up trumps. The chance is enough tor them; on tbe chance they can go on living. They all attend to their duties and go through the day's work, endure their pains and survive their pleasures, on the strength of a hopeful ness which reason would by no meana warrant or justify. Perhaps by the time our reflective friend has thought all ibis out, and tae hour has come for his return to the more genial air of labor and ambition, be may have seen euough to make it worth his while to pursue tbe tram of thought a little way further, asking himself whether the dull souls who vegetate in country towns and little watering-plices are, after all, tbe only people who nourish themselves on indefinite and undeanable aspirations. It would perhaps be found upon due contemplation that this mat gin of the indefinable is just as necessary lor the peace of persons who are tar removed from stagnation as it is for thoe who are closely surrounded by it. Bow tar do we all feed upon indefinite aspirations after a future about which the only clearly recognizable feature is that it does not re?emDieine present? ao now many of ns would the course of the circumstances around us be endurable, it we finally realized tbe undoubted fact that it is of these and such as these that all the remainder of life is to be made up T This is a fact which substantially we accept, but mostly we try to tbink of it as little as we can. It is not an inviting object of con templatlon, however happily a man may chance to be placed. Incapacity of being absolutely satisfied with such gifts as reality permits to him appears to be an inevitable condition of man's nature, and there Is a hope spring ing eternally in the human breast, of a much more equivocal kind than that which the poet meant. Take men who are unques tionably in those grooves which lead to worldly " success of tho best sort; men who are making large incomes as well as a reputation at the bar, who are treading the smooth path that leads to preferment and dignity in the Church, who are being talked about with much sym pathy and much tempestuous reprobation in tbe world of politic, who are names in scien tific circles, or wbo are recognized as doing good and welcome work tu fiction, history, philosophy, or any other part of literature. Yet who believes that any one of these is per- fectly contented with what his career is bringing him to? We do not in the least mean, what , some novelists would try to persuade us, that there are skeletons in all cupboards, aud secret consciousnesses in all hearts, and a sense of blight and mistake and reaiorse generally per Tasive through all the families and men who seem so delightfully bappy on the surface. This sort of thing is probably confined to the marionettes whom novelists fashion and move In their delusive puppet shows. In real life it is pretty safe to suppose that remorse is onjj occasional, and that the grounds lor u are toieraoiy inire quent. But remorse has noth'ng to do with that inarticulate dissatisfaction which is tbe element in life we are talking about, and which finds a remedy for itself in a corresponding view of inarticulate or indefinite bopclulnes. Even successful men constantly think that all , ' is vanity and vexation of spirit, and that suc cess is not by any means tke filling and sub stantial end-all aud be all which in the golden days of youth tbey had fondly supposed it to be. Sometimes they turn cynics, make their success a pleasant text lrpm which to preach npon tbe inanity and nothingness ot the world and its fortunes, and delight to impress on in- credulous and ambitious joatU the dreariness and hollowuess of the universe. At other times this dissatisfaction is mixed with vanity, and they deprecate their success as being indeed not much more nor better tban failure; a curious form ot morbid overestimate of self of which we bad a highly araueiLg instance two or three months back, when a well-known and popular gentleman wrote a pamphlet showing that the Christian religion must be true because it had civen him ample consolation nnder the afflict ing vexations of being a member of Parliament and the author ct one of the best books for little boys ever written. But either of these cases, either tbe cynic or the vain man, is a little abnormal, -lu a general way, the dissatisfaction is much too secret, too subtle, and, we may add, too paiural la a quiet way. for men to be fond of trotting it out cither for tbe reproof or the in miction of their neighbors. For the most part, thev would bide ltirorn themselves as much as thev oould. and the only countei-welght to it or perhapse would be better to sav the only lorn Tin which, if they are wUe, they. alio w them-elves to recognize it Is a certain vagje expi ciat on of ben thiups shall not be a tb.se daj are. Tbey only know that they are' Lot henrniv and profoundly content with the piereiit, because tbey ntd themselves tow and again peekin? an apparently uuoeces.-ary coos jia inn in th nklng ot a to;ally different kind pf future. Tbe bar rister in tbe miom of bl toil and moll vaguely hones tt at one dav he mar ake and discover that, by an admimble inetempj? cuos's, be 1 become a d eiier in the field aud woods, wl'h hones and crops and stock to tbink anout. The student bss private dreams of the time when tbe world shall have opened its etes to tbe merit of ln'eikc, aut the right of tbe thinker in a Boveruipn place in tbe public assembly. The poiutciHUi like Mr. Lowe tbe other day, deludes htmelf Into the idea that, auer all, hooks are the best irinnd. their compiuionship tbe sweetest and nooli si, and thtt it U a sorry ex Dance iroru them to tbe beat ana turmoil, ttie tusrufications and tne ntiienesse, of prac tical Doli' c-. But of couise there are a manv ideal-as there arc men. Tbe one condition of each ot them la tbat it should be different Irom tbe teal, no matter bo nr. With tbe c mm on ruu of men and women this is its one definite feature. There is a great deal of pathos in the reflection bow rainy people there are in the woild. or sav in London on! v. wbo do not know exactly what to hope, If only tne Dtai.k could be somenow oiled, up. uvea for tbose wbo sre best off, whose lives Oder most of variety and Interest, tbere would be a marked seDse ot cniu provided tney are not mere nip- punt creatures, the flies otasuiumer afternoon it thev could sen tor certain tbat whaT. thev are now they will remain, such as.itie cour.-e of their lives is now it win continue 10 no ctonto the end. It is to keep off this terrible chill that tbey spread out between themselves and the future this , veil of briebt colored smoke. The world would be ever so much the woi-e if the filmy curtain were lilted, for many of those who arc doing the best Do-Mble vt or k in tbe world mtbt be ready to faint by the way it tbey saw tbat the arauoasoeis or tne humdrum was to last to the end'of their lives. Duty, we know. Is duty. vbtever betide. yet not seldom It comes in tbe guise of a drag,. . which even good and dutiful men would, lain have gilded; and people who bave the gift of indebnlte hopetuluess cub. happily carry on this gliding process at discretion, verycoeaoiy ana nios t emcient iy. itnaon a ouuraay nev lew. INTERNAL REVENUE. T" E PRINCIPAL DEPOT JOB. THSJ BALE OF BBYBNUB STAMPS, ISO. 104 CHESNUI STREET. CENTRAL OFFICE3, No. 105 S. FIFTH ST. (Two doors below Oheauut street), AND No. 433 WALNUT STREET, (Penn Building, ESTABLISHED 18 62. Tne sale of Revenue Stamps la still continued at the Old-Established Agency. The stock comprises every denomination printed by the Government, and having at all times a large supply we are enabled to All and forward (by Mall or Express), all orders, Imme diately npon receipt, a matter of great Impor tance. United States Notes,' National Bank Notes, Drafts on Philadelphia, and Post Oflloe Orders received In payment. Any Information regarding the decisions of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue cheer fully and gratuitously furnished. Revenue Stamps printed npon Drafts, Oheoks Receipts, eto, The following rates of commission are allowed on Stamps and Stamped Paper: On $25 and upwards 2 per oent, 100 M............. ..8 - 800 " 1 '! Address all orders, eto., to STAMP AGENCY, No. 304 CHE8NUI STREET, PHILADELPHIA UNITED BTATE8 POSTAGE STAMPS Of all kinds, and STAMPED ENVELOPES oon- ttantly on hand. WALL PAPER. LOOK I LOOK!! LOOK HI-WALL PAPERS and Linen Window Shades mnnnfio tured, the cheapest in tne city, at JOHNdTON'S DtDOt. No. 1033 KPRINO OAKDKN Street. below Eieventn. Branch, No. 307 EEDEHAL Street, Camden, New Jersey. - 3 2 AHANDBOMK A880KTMENT OF WALL Papers and Window Hhades. B.'P. BAL--UUR810N & tiOH, NO. 03 SPRJNQ GARDEN Birtew - . iiaoSrn HATS AND CAPS. .mNicq trmplb rn JTABHIONABLK Ui.TJSa AU. U , .'.I' A AA KJKIVVv, First door above Chesuut street. 40 CWARBDETON'8 IMPROVED VENT I lated, and easy-fitting Dress Mats (patented),! a ail the Improved fashions of tha season, CH NUT Street, next door ta the Post Otriua. U t gu BOARDING. A' T NO. J121 GIBARD STREET MAY BE . obtained furnished and unfurnished rooms tor loiging. Board, also. 11 desired. HI U IMPROVEMENT IN TRUNKS. ALL TRUNKS NOW MADJB AT The "Great Central" Tronk Depot. Have Ptmotis' Patent Safety Hasp aod Bills, which securely lasieus the Trunk on both ends with heavy Bolts, and lu the centre wM the ordinary look, positively no extra charge. GRJCAT CENTBAI4TR.UNB: dpoti K. TV. Cor. SEYEJirU and CUESIVUt ijts. TRAVKLLBRS, NOTICE. Pnrehase your Trunks wlib Simons' Triple Fasten ins, heavy Bolu; no fear look breaking, AT TILE GREAT CENTRAL, 2itm Wo, 701 CUttSNCT Btieet, RAILROAD LINES. IEADfSa RAILROAD. -OltEAT TKUNK . V LINK FROM FHILADKLI'HU TO TUB IN 1EKIOKOF PBiVNYliVANI A..'1'UB HO 1UYL KILL. HBUL'KIUNNA, WuMBEU.L4.HD. AJND WlOJllKU VAL.UK Yf, . Til North, kojuthwest, asp the oanadas. WINTER ARRANGKMKNT OF PASSENGER TKAINH, OncfnibB- 14, IStS. !PSVlrff lhA ('.imrmnv'ji Ii-u..LMfc ihlrumnth and Cui'owhiil reeu, ruiJadeiubi, ( tne following Hour: VURNIKO ACCOMMODATION. At 780 A. M. fur Raiding ami all lnLrm1lltA SJimlous nd Alleniown. Jiriurninc, leaven K .Ulug at S5 i". M.; arrives In Philadelphia at P. M. MORNINtt KXPRKSH. At 8'15 A. W. fur K- artliiu. Lrliumn. TTrrIirtinrr. Poitavlll PluxOruve, I'aiiiaqua.Haiibury, WIHiAtus iiori, Klmlra. tioi-liesler. Mit Falls, Bullaio, V HfcnibMrre, Plluton, Voik.CrUle.Jt)auobrbburs, 11 siier own, eta 1 lie 7-WJ A, M, train connects at READING with East 1'huus Ivanla Railroad tralus lor Ailentown etc., ana ibe SIS A. M. train conueel wlib ih Lebanon Valley train ror Harm-tiii-, tc: at tMKT tLlislOM witb CftiawiHsa Railroad tram for Wit- MBiiiKDuri, l.oe Haven, Klmlra eic: at HARKI BUhG with Northern Central. Cnuiburlaiid Vallcr. and B:linyikill and Musqiiebaniia trains for Norlhat ........ . ..... U , ....HH.OVt , Vl V'" "I V 1 Puiegruve, etc 'ASTERNOON UXPR'83. leaves Fblladeiiihla ulai r. M. for Readlna. PotMvllie. Harrlsburx. eie.. com.ectlns wilh Keadins and Ooiumbla Rafiroad trains lor Columola, eto. POTT8TOWN AHOOMMODATrON. Leaves Potutowo at 6 46 A. M . a.unuiiia at Inter medlaifiBlatlons; arrives Id J'ulla(li'lililiw:.8 III A. M, .'Jseiurnlug. leaves r-biladelpUla at 1 P. MT, arrive la fottatowu at o i i jh. REAPING AOOOMMOftATIOjT, Leaves lit aOIng 17') a M.. siuuimiib at all way Station.; airlvea In rriliadetpnla at 10 2 'A, Returuluv, leaves PullaUelpnia at 4 46 P.M.; arrive In KeadiDK at 7 4n P. M trains lor PhllBOelph'a leave Hprurs at 8-10 A 11., and 1'oiuivl.le a. 8 46 A. M.. arr.Vj In l'ul.-.del- Dula ail F. tk. Aiutrnoen irairm imve JUTisiuri at (6 P. M.. and PoitsviUe at It 46 p, M., arriving at t-Miadelpbla at S'46 P. M. liairiKburt Avuouiui3uauon lfaves jKeaainKat7 A.M .and MarrlsburK at 1 10 P. M Counvulinc Hpadlnv with Alteruoon A' Ctrmniodatloa BoiiLueTlt H.i p. M. arriving In Pbiiade'DUia at 'in Alarsei irnin. wnn a iruuKr uar Biiumu, iv-vw Paliaaelpbia at 12 au noun, Ji r PutisVUM tad il way tailons; leaves PoiWvlUe at 7 tW A4tt.lor Pulladel' ba u" -arrwajr siaiioui, . Ai tbe above trains runr daily, BuDdays ex ceP'ed. , it i Vine at s A.M. and Phiiadelpnla ai8157-M tJLeaves Phlladelplua lor lleedlLI at 8 A. 41 . us irom Ateaaing at i xa P.M. . -fkJT . CHESTER VALLKY RAILROAD. Tunnmn for Dowuiugtown and luiermedlata Dolnta uka tbe 7 30 A. M 12 sa, and 4 P. M. trains at b i A. M li 46 and i 16 P. M. PERKIOMKN RAILROAD, -PaaaADBera lor bklwDack take 7-80 A. M. and 4 P. M. trains Irom Pblladelpbia.relurutuK from Kippclc at 8'iu A. W . and 12 45 P. U. Biaga lines lor tne various point In Perklomen Valley connect wlta, trains at Collegfcville and Bklppack. NEW YORK EXPRKS8 FOR PITTSBURG AND T.navea New York ut 9 A. M. and 5 and 8 P. M.. passing Reading at l 06 A. M aud I'M) and 10 10 P, tt., and connecting at UurriS' urg wua Pennsylvania and Nortnern Oentiai Railroad Express tralui for pnubuig, vnioago, wiuiamspori, juuiura, jiaiu- more, etc, Keturning juiir riu win narrisaarg on arrival of Pennsylvania Kxprtss Irom Pltuaurg at 8-60 and 6 60 A. M... and 10 60 P. M., passing Reading at 6 44 ana 7-81 m , auu u w r. m,, aua arriving at ew YorB at 11 A. M. aud iTiM and 8 P. T. aieeuiug car a. company tbtse trains through between Jersey City and Puisburg wlilioiii change. A Mall Train lor dew ork leaves Harrlaburir at 8-10 A. M. and 2 ( P. M. Mall train for iiarrisourg leaves New York at U M. IBCHUYLKILL VAJjLEY RAILROAD. Tralus leave potwvllie at 4S aud ti-ao a. M. , and 64 P. M.. relurniug uom xajuaqua at 8'Sfi A. M. aud 215 and 4.36 r. M. BCHDYLKILL AKD BU8QUBHAWJWA RAIL- Trains leave Auburn at 765 A. M. for Plnegrove nn vtrriHburtr. aud at lz'ln noon lor Plneirruvri nd Tremont. Ueiurnlug from Uarrisnurg at s so P. M,. and lium Tremont at ! 40A.M. and bii P. M. TICKKTS. Through first-class tluaelaand emigrant tlckot to all the pilnolpal points In the JSoriu and West and cauadas. jLxcursion nusu uum ruoaueipuia 10 neaaing, ai.d iiuormedlale stations, good lor one dav ouiv. are sold by Morning Accommodation Market Train, beading ana i iwoiunu auuiiuuuiiuiuuu A rains, at lex"uUrsrionTlcket8 to Philadelphia, good for one dsv only. aie sold atKeadlug anu intermudime sta tioiia by Heading and Potuitona Aooommodatlon 'i raina at reauctd rales. 'l be following tlckeis are obtainable only at the Olice ot B. RidKrd, Treasnret JNe. W a. Pound sutet. Philadelphia, or 01 li. A. Nlouolls, General buperintenaeu. COMMUTATION TICKKTS. At. K nnr cent, discount, between any boluta da. slied, lor lamules and arms. MILKAGK TICKETS. Ocod for 20C0 ruiite, between all points, at Ki-so each ler laiuUiea and arms. 8EAB0N TICKETS. vnr thma. six. nine, or twelve months. for hnlw only , to all polma at reduced rates. CLERGYMEN TJonlillntr on the Hue of the road Will bs fnrnl.hn4 with earns entitling themselves and wives to tlukeui at half luie. EXCURSION TICKETS Vrnm Vhlladeinhla 10 prluulpai stations, toad a.. Saturday, Hunday. and Monday, st reduced lare. to be had only at the Ticket O dice, at Thirteenth d CaUowhlil suet i. FRkUGHT. annA at all desert miofls forwarded to all the ain points irom the Company's new freight depot, xoad Mid WUlow streeu. FREIGHT TRAINS Leave Philadelphia dally at 4 W A. M., 1280 noon 8 and 8 P. M., lor Reading, Leoauou, Hamsour! PovuivUle, Port vuiuon, auu au pouiuj oeyond. MAILS nnaaat the Philadelphia Post OlBce for all nlaoM on the read and lis branches at 6 a. M., and for the principal stations uwj mr jim BAGGAGE. Dnngan's Express win co.lect baggage tor all trains leaving Philadelphia Depot, Oiurs can be leu at No. 2x6 8 Pourtn street, or at the IHipot, Thirteenth aud callow hiu streets. .XTOKTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Xl i for BKTULJLxlJaal. LHV LUJa low a, MAUcH LiiONJl., JSAalOM, WILLI AiAaPOltr, WlLKKd. BARPtK, MAHaNuY Clpy, MO UaNT C Alt 1CL. P11TBTON. T UNK11ANNOCK, aNu SCRAN i'OJt! WlNTJUt AR RAJ.UJK. M. SIN Tel. Faaseoger Trains leave tne Depot, corner ot BKRKS aud AM s-iUClAN Streets, dally (Sundays excepted;, as follows; A17 46 A. it .(Kx press for Bethlehem, Allentown, M auch uuuiik, Hasieton, Williams port, W likesharre, Mahanoy City, Plitslou, and Tunkuauuock. 9-46 A. M. (kxpress) for Bethlehem, Jvaston, Allen town. Mauch Unank, Wllkesbarre, Plttston, and Beranton.. ... . At 146 a. v. luuroai iur seunenem, ASSOcn Cbuhk, WUkeabarre.Puuiion, and bcrauton. At 6'00 r. M. lor Bethlehem, JKUteton, Allentown and Mauch Chunk. For Doy lestowu at 8-46 A. M., 2 48 and 4-1S P. M. For Fort Washington at 10 46 A. AC and 11 SO p. M. For Lansdale at 62'i P. M. Filth and blxiu streets, Second and Third streets, and Union City Passenger Railways ruu to the new "trains ARRTVK IN PHILADJJXPHIA From Bethlehem at 9 10 A. M g-lo, 6 i6, aud 880 r From Doyleatown at 8-88 A. M., fU and 7 P. M, Vrum Lansdale at TM A. M. from Fori Washmgton atB A, M. and 810 P. M. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9 80 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2 P. M. Doyleatown for Philadelphia at 7 A. M. BeihlehtmforPhUadepulaal4P.M. I ii-kets sold and Baggage checked Uiroogh at Mann's North Pennsylvauia Baggage HJtpress ooice, M.. uta. imh sirsel. yf T1H CLAKK WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA KAlLKOAD.-WINl JCR ARRANGklMulal T: -on aud alter MONDAY, October t, 1666, Tralus will leave as follows: ,. Leave Philadelphia from tbe Depot, THIRTY FIRelT and CUKHNUT Streets, 7-46 A. Mm 11A.M., 80 P. M . 416 P. M., 4 60 P. M.. 816 and 11 SO P. M. i Leave West Chester for Philadelphia, from Deport on i ant Market street at 6 2s A. hi., 7 46 A. M., 8-00 A. M .. 10-46 A. M., 1 '66 P. M. . 4 -60 P. M.. and 8 66 P. M. Trains leave'Wst (. heater at 8 oO A. M.. aud leav ing Phlladelphlat4 60P. M., will stop at B. U Juno tlou and Media only. Passengers to or from station between West Chester and B. CV Juaottou, golug Kaet, will take train leaving West Chester at 7 46 A, M and going West wlU take the train leaving Philadelphia at 4 60 P. M., and txausler at B. 4J. Junction. The Depot la Philadelphia Is reached directly by the Chesnut and Walnut Streetcars, Those of tne Market Street line run wlihlu one square. Tbe cars of both, Hues connect with eauh train avon Its arrival ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at 8 so A. M, and t-00 P. M, Leave West Cheater at 7-66 A. M. and 4 00 P. M. Tralus leaving Philadelphia at 7 '46 A. M. aud 4-80 P. M., and leaving West Cuestr at 8 00 A. M. aud 460 p. M.. connect at a. j juiiuiiod with Trains on P. tk u,u a, xt. ujr vxuru Buu muumwi u poinia. tlOi , aXtaUY WOOD, (saner at Uut't, RAILROAD LINES. 1 RfiR FOB NEW YORK. TUB OAMDBN XkJ 0. AND AMUOY AN1 PHILADELPHIA AND.TRKNTON HA I LROAI:JOM PANI SH1 LIN K8 X,Jkil.k.tDKiUL TO NJsVf YORK, AMD tVAl PAjAUScS WALWTTT ITlnf WKABP. At S-30 A, M., vlaCamdwn and Amiwi A,5om...l7-M At 8 A. M., via Cauiuen and J ninny City Kx. Mall 8'0t At t P. M., via Camden and Aruhoy Krprefw. oo At P M ,, for A ruboy and Inarmed lat stations. At S'SO and S A. M., and 2 on p. M. for Freehold. -At 8 and 10 A. M., 2, t 80, and 4 SO P. M. for Trenton. At SO, 8, and 10 A. M., 1,2, 8 80,4 SO 8, and H SU P. Unoo' BoraeDUwu BdrUngtoB, Beverly, and 1- At V-anand 10. A. M L to, 4-80. . and 11-tw P. M, for Piorpnce, Kdgewatr. Riversiae, Rlverioa.Pal niyra, and flab House, and 2 P, for. Floreno and Rlverien. The 1 and 11-30 P. V. Lines leave from Market Street Ferry (npoerslde.) ISIIS KKNSIMSTOIV T1KPOT, At 11 A.M.. via Keualigion and Jersey City, We w York f x pitrss Line, pare fi. A t 7-ko ai d 11 a. il . 2 an. i so, and 8 P. M. for Trenton and BrIMol. And at 10-16 A M tor BrlsloL At 7-so and 11 a. M. 2 80, and 6 P, M. for Morrlavllla and Till iy town, .... , At 7-80 and 10-15 A. M. and 2 80, and CP. M, for bchenck's aud i.ddlngion. At 7 8d and 10-16 a. M. 2 30, 4, 8, and t P. V.for Ooro well's, leireaaale, Holmeeburg, Tacony. Wlesloo. mlng, Brldmburg, and Prankioid, and at 4 P.M. for tiolniesiiurg and lULermudlMie Hlatlous, yiMtL WhMT t 111 LA bTklPHI A DErOT. Via Oouneetlug Railway. At t-48 A. M , i-a, 4, s ho. aud 12 P.W. New York Ex press LI tea, via Jersey City; Pare, (4 25. At 11 80 P. M. Kmlgrant Line; Pare, t& At s-46 A. M 1-io, 4 -6-so. and 12 P. M . for Trenton. ' At 9-46 A. M., t. 8-0 and 12 P. M ., tor brol. At 12 P.M. (Mgbi), lor Morrlavllle. Tullytown, Tacony, Wisslnomlng, Brldesburg, and frank- 6Tli'e 8'4B A. H., e-3fi and 12 P M, Lines will run dally. All oibem. isuudys excepted. .Jor Lines leaving Ktneingtou depot take the cars on IDird or PifiJi streeui, at Cteniu, so diIuiiIhs before depariore. 'ihHcars of MurketHtreetaKwu run direct to V est Philadelphia lie pot, cnosuut aua Walnut within one suuare. OuHuudH the Market Street cars will rnn ti. mn.nwr.t with the U'46 A.M. 6'80 and 12 P. M. Llanf. " itikiiVlUMCE. Xr LAWAKK RAILROAD LINES, rkOM KaSiSlSIWTOK VKfUT. SO A. lor INtaiuift Pulls, RuUalo, Pnnktrk, mlra, Ithaca, Uncno, Hochosler, rHinruumiou, Os- eno. t-yracime. Great Beod, Muniros -Ikesbatre. Bcrantuu, btroudsborg, Water Gap, bo y's Moun tain, etc At 7-80 A. M. aod 8 80 P. M. for Belvl... o, Easton, Lambertvlllo, Flemiugtou, eio, Tne 3u P M, Llus couneu'is direct with the Train leaving Kasiou lor Mauch CLuuk, Aileutown, UetuiHiieiu, etc. At 6 P. M. for Lambertvllle and mtermediate Sta tions, CAMDEN AND BUKUHOTUa UUUHTY AND fl!-J tituuLva sail uivmioiuna n&iii- ROMUMARKET STREET FERRY. (Upper Side.) At 7 and lu A , M.. 1-so, 8 80, aud 6-uu P. M., for Mer ohautsvllie, Moorestown, Hartford, Masonyille. Piainspurt, Uouut iloily, fluiilnvhle, k.wauavUle Vlnceutowa. Birmingham, aud Pembrton, A.t 7 A. M., l'SO aud 8-80 P. M tor Lewistow Wrlghtstown, Cooksiown, New Egypt, Hornerntown, Cream Bldge, Imlaysiown, uharou, and Hlghistown. Ui8 WILLIAM U. UATZMEii, Agent. pEMMBYLTAKIA CH.N1RAL RAILROAD "HP ALL TIME, TAKING JtlfFEOT NOV. 22, 1888. The trains of the Pennsylvania Central ivalirwad leave the Ltpot, at THiitl' Jf-iiKa'l' aua MAJiKarf HireeU, wiilcn la reached dlreoUy by. the Market street cars, the last car connecting with eauu traoi leaving front aud Market streets tulrty mluules bo fore lis aepaxtuie. The Chesuut and Walnut btreeuj mm run within one square ot toeJJepot. Bleeping Car Tickets can oe naa on application at 4he Ticket oince N. W. .corner Ninth, and Chesnut streeis. aun at the uepot, VJonu. ot tbe Union Transfer Company will call fur and deliver u&age at the - -"ot. yruers laf i at No. volUheenut ntieet, or No. 118 Market street, wlU receive aue yu. Mall Tralu........... 8-00 A, M, PaoU AocommodaJou, WS0 A. al., 1 10, aud MO p. M. 1 ast Line......-"""'"" f. U .iu li'.tnliHI u. .............U oU A.. M. HarrlsDurg AocouiuiOdA(.lou... 2-80 P. M. lAiiitiiv Ai-t'.ouimodatiOJi...M....MM.M.M.Jkw 4i;o P. M. Parsesburg Tralu.................".... 8'aO P, to. Cluclnhatl Express . M. i. .... m-h Miniuiu ju.uresit.... 10 4g P. M. pnilaaelphia iuxpreaa 12 00 Nlgnt. Erie MaU leaves dally, except feuuday, ruunlogcn Baturday eight to w llliamaport cniy . Ou Sund ay night uasaengers will leave Pniladelphla at 12 O'ciuok. Phliauelphla Express leave daily, All outer trains ??SUAfAimodation Tralr. runs dally, ex cDt eiunday. Por this t"ln tlukeia must be pro otfid ad bikiage delivered by bvo P. M.. at Mo? 118 """tSi ARRIVE AT DEPOT. V1Z.:- PaolsAclXmouaiion..- ,S bo A. M . 40aud 7 10 P. M. Erie Mail aud BuUalo express ltj-oo a. M. Parkwburg Train -V,,.,1. i- Pat Line..............- ....." w i A. lu, Laucasier Train o' ?i' Kile Express ...........-....-m.........4 to P. m- Day Expreb8.............."",,,,,"""",M ..! o jr, ii, Marrtsburg Acuouiuiodallon.......1..,....-4( p, n, For forth' Inionuatlon apply to vibh vANLEii.R, Jr. Ticket Agent, juiio tocmmjiijusiiUT Bireei. rKxHiriS i UJSK. Ticket Aceuk A u. J id naniiJi.1 street. bA Ml) EL H. WALLACE, V Ticket A vent at tha JJutxiC 1-ha Pennsylvania JUiThuiul Coninanv will nm u. Shine any risk lor Bft,a(jueicepi i.,r Wearing Ap- arel, and limit their responsibility to One Mundrel lollara In value. All iKaga eaceediug that amount In value will be at the risk of Bhe owner, unless taken by special contract, EDWARD HNWiLLXAMS, 42k General Buperlutendenrkiona, pa,-) TjUILADELPHlA, WlLUliVGTON, AND HaI.iImukh. HAlLHUail.-ilMU TAliLilL ixin-mencing AiONDAV, JNoVember its, ibSs. Trains wul leave lepot corner uroaa sueet auu nasuiug ton avenue, as follows; Way-Mall Tram at 8 80 A. M. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore, stopping at ail reuit.r aiailous. Con uecilug with Delaware Railroad at Wilmington lor CrisUoid and lutetmeulate statluus. impress .T rain at a i""jb Bal lmoioaud Washington, sioprmg at Wilmington, Pttrrivlile, and ilavre-te-urace, Connects at VVll mlngtu with train lor New Caatla B,PBnl tn. l.x press i ram av i u u a . jja. - r . ' . altimore and Washington, stopplui at Chester, Thuilow, Llnwood, Claymont, hiuwi, " puru btanton, Newark, Kikton, North-Jutst, Charles. .1.. c urtu n. Aberdeen. Perrv inau's.iUlgewood, Magnolia, Chase's. and titeuuuer's Buu . . r m iDallvl for Baltlmnra and WashlLgton, stopping at Chester. Tuurlovy. Llu toodV Claymont, Wlimiuglou, iSewark. Klklon. r';S, 'iSk 'FNtrSs. Monroe and Norlolk will Uke the li-UO M. train. TRAINS. Stopping at ail uiious between Philadelphia an WLetvePhhadelphlat ll'OOA. M., 2 80, 6. and 7 WF. M; Thet'OoP.M. Train counecu with Dela wtUe Kaiiroad ;or Marruigton and intermediate stations. ,.. ..qu .nd ..10 a. m.. 1-30. 4-1S. and iJtfv M. 'Ibe 8 lu A. M. Train will not stop between 4 tterand Philadelphia. The7 00P. M. Trrain ilrom "nVlugion runs hilly! all other Accommodation TVCUiX?SwPP 7-2 AMW Mall. 9 S6 A. M., Jixpress. 2 26 P. M., ".".,' iV tkaaJN FROM . BA LTIMORE. T avr Baltimore at 7 it, P. M.. stopping at Mag- ij. . ..'Tu. ti'i aberUeeu.AAavre ufruitB,Acn- Dona, ' ' ' ' " Nunu Kl Jtlkton, Kiewark, aud Chester. . h 0 an poinia nwti bouvu. auu Ihruukh tick"" , .i,.k,aL ma Mo uji Jdouil, vTtere also Chesnut street, uu Lu tiiepiug cars can be biaie ,"'.'.I.Tueday. Persons purchasing tickets secured ourlug iu" ecUtcked u at this ouic jT f-UBrBr uompany. deuce by the Luion "Jtii;t,fi,ltIBuperjIltfln(leatt VAMA. o.-.-.oars on all Night Trains. ' On aud auer jua Kaairoad will "rr--sl-ujsi)AY. IMovemoer za, iis, trains on tne ran as follows: wb,tcwad. t-dat-w leaves Phuaoeiphla......10-l5P. M. M AIL TRALH i. lliiamsport....... 6T6A.M, i. arrives at xCris 60 P, M, vphtuhh leaves fhilaaeiphla.........ll-6o a. M. KRIK lLXPBJrJISe" S-60P.M arrives at trie ,1U0 A. M. T MIB . MAIL leaves Philadelphia .... 8tM) A. M. BXMIBA( MA-ta. w" WUUanisport ao P. M. arrives at Luckhaven.,,, 716 P. M. .HrurAlAIA. MAIL TB AUU 1 aves iarle.........-"W'' A. M. i -yy uiiamsport. n..lli'66 A. M, " arrives at Phliadelphla......lo-oo a. m, KBIX EXPBJEUU leaves i. M. i. - wuiiamsport...Hn ou a. u., I . U . 1 1 .. . 1 .. 1 . l 1 1 1 u A.Jil U Mall and Express connect with. OU Creek and Allesh.ny River JUllroad, . BAUUAUitv"e.14aJ thro ll u BV ALranai i- i iiiiut, beueral Boperlnteudenl. EST JERSEY RAILROADS. PALL AND WIHTia ARKANUICMaCH t. rom fuul of MAKkitr bireet t upper rvrrj. OommenciLg "f,'-"-' f. Bvpteuiner M, .'li i INU T.IlaVK AH 1ULLUWS. Por Cave May and stations below MillvlUs, rii Por MUlvUle, Vineland, and Intermediate tatlooa VorBri'd'oji.'baleia.Jmtlway station 818 A. K i-oi woodbary at 18 A. M.. . ryp, and 8-00 P. M Jreiglltrain leaves Camden dally at U o'clock "y'r'elght reoelvpd at aeoonA cover 4 whAsfiilOi WPr'eliutlLIvert0. lBonth Delawareavjn . m tsajwrUttanaiMili f .lllLADELPHlA AM EKIK BA1LROAD. ' irkKTlifii. TaBLJH,.-THROUoa1 AD , ROUTK UWrJ PUllAAiAtLPlU-., aViiliKK HAURlBBtRU. WlLLlAMBPOUi', RAILROAD LINES. PHILADLLFUIA, GK1UIANT0WN, AND NCRRDJiOWN RAILROAD. TIWRTABLK. FOR GERMAN 10WTT. Leave Phllsdeinbla at . 7. 8. 8 OA. 10. 11. It A. M.. I, 2, 8 16, l.4 6. l. S-HI, 7. 8.9.10, II, UP. M. Leave ut rmaniuwn at o, , is, s, n hi. v, io, ii, u a. W., I, 2 8. 4, 4 V 6 S'-ii 8, 8, lu II p, M, Tha 8 20 down train, ana iv and 6V uD trains, will rot slop on the Germantown Branch. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Pblladelpbla at 18 A. M., 1. 7. and tnv p. M. Leave Germanium at 8-16 A. M.. 1, S, and F. M. CHESTNUT BILL RAILROAD. Loavn Piiiiaiiuii.hia ax a a lu. n M a 2V. SV. f. , ud 11 P.M. JV(.!htnnt H 111 at 710. 8 940. 11 '40 A.. Si.. 1-40. 8-40, 6-411, to, 8-40, aud 10 40 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. I-eave Philadelphia at 9 16 A., 2 and 7 P. M. lMVflllStfti..nt ui.i i a kl lvAii k Ail an1Q-91 FOR CON8H0BO0KKN AND NORRI8TOWN. Leave PMladelubia at . 7W a. ami litis A.M. iu. 8. 4),6 t;4 Biw auuiisi-.W. Leave Norrtsiown attio, 7, 7 60, , and 11 A. ., K, , 4H, 6S. ana 8 P. M. ' ON KUNDAY8. I.eavaJ'Mladelphla at 9 A. M,: 2!. and 7V( P. M. LealtaiVioirlstuwn at 7 A. M.j 6;, aud P. M. FOR MAN A YUNR.. Leave Phlladulphln at 6, 7,. 9, aud 11-00 A. M,; V-i, 8, 4H. fi. B'4,86, aud ll P. M. i t-ave manayunK aio io, vv., s r4.ana lis A.M. I. 8H. 6, and 9 P. M. ON 6UNDAYH. Leave Plitlndetphla at 9 A. M ; 2 and 7S P. M. Leave Mauayuuk at 71, A. M.i 6 nnrl 9'- p. M W. tt. WILSON, Gpneral Hnperlnteu.iont. Depot, Ninth and Green n-.reeti. PROPOSALS. DROPOSAL8 FOR SUBSiaiENCE STORES. Headquarters District of thk Indian Tkrkitory, office f Chief Commihuary ok bciihisi-knck, 2" Pokt OinsoN, U. N Jan. 21. 1869. J Pealed Proposal. In duplicate, will be re ceived at the ollice of tbe undttraigned, at Fort U1UBUI1. C. IN., UOUl Vi O'CIOCK Al., UUMUAX, Match 15. 1861). for the delivery ot Subsistence Btora, rh follow?: AT Oi;X tilBSON, CUEUOKEE NATION, 1. T. 650,000 pon n d s of Fiou r. 7f,000 pounds of Baoon. 25,1100 poonds of Halt, 5,000 gallons of Vinegar. 400 barrels of Pork. And Corn Meal In buoH Quantities aa may be requited. Tbe Flonr to be equal In quality to the best XXX brands of tbe Ut. Lonia market, and put up as follows: 12.1, CGO pounds to be put up In barrels full bead lined, and 425 000 pounds to be r ut op In double sacks, ol gunny uaoklug and cotton BbeellDK. Tbe baconto be of first quality, and pnt np as follows: 20,000 pounds in tierces or casks, and 55,000 pounds in gunny sacks of about lij ponndB eacb. Tbe Sblt to be of good quality, and put up as follows; 10,100 pounds In barrels aud lo.OOO pounda in double sacks of gunny sacking and coltsn sheeting. Tbe Vinegar to be of best quality, and made of whisky of lull streuKtb, and tobe put np as follow1; 1000 gallons In barrel of good quality, eeenrely boopetl, and 4i.H0 gallons to do put up In ;cafska containing not more tban 23 gallons eacb, the casks to bo of bent quality, patnted, and to have four iron and elgbt hickory hoops on eacb. The Pork to be prime mess pork, to be pnt np securely In good barrels containing 2o0 pounds encb. - Tbe Corn Meal to be of bant quality, and pat np in barrels or sacks. Ilka the Hour, as may be rtquired. Tbe pertain or persona to wnom any award 1b made must be prepared to execute contracts and give tbe required bonds at once, and fce In readiness to commence ta delivery of etortB on the 20lh day of April, 18U9, and to continue tbe same lu aucb quantities as may be rt'Quired until tbe 1st dav of December. 1869. at which time tbe whole amount of tbe article or articles contracted for must be supplied. Samples of articles (escdpt meats) must ac company the propofiulB, In boxes or uolUes, and Doi in pnrer parcels. Koch bid must be accompanied by a good and sofflcteni guarantee Irom two or more persons wboe loyalty und solvency are certified by a clerk ol n court of reoord;, setting form that tbey win, in tne event or its acceptance, give uinpio uuuuh anu security ior tne laitniui per fo) iii h uce of tbe same. Toe name and place of residence of each bid d r una luietv must be given. No proposal will be entertained, nnless satis- f' torlly represented, tbat does not fully comply with the leiins ol tills advertisement. Proposals may be for the whole or any part of ixe sioi ts requireu. Ai;y contract awarded under this advertise ment will be made subject to the approval of tbe C(uti)iKary-Gt'U(.-ral of SuUrlsteuoe, U. H. Army, and tbe rlcht is reserved to rolect any or all bitJN. All stores delivered will be subject to a rigid Inspection. . Payments npon the contracts awarded will be made monthly in current funds, or as Boon as tbe same shall have been received. Bidders are invited to be present at tne open inn of Drorosals. which will take place on tbe day and hour above specified. Blanks for pro posals f n u rjoniis wm De lurnisnea on applica tion to ibis office. Proposals must be plainly Indorsed, 'Pro posals for Hnbslstence Stores," and addressed to tbe Chief Commissary ot Subsistence, Dis trict Indlun Territory, Fort Ulbaon, 0. N. Uy order oi uoow Brevet Metor-Oen. B. H. ORIERSON. A. F. ROCKWELL, Bvt. Lieut. Lionel and A. Q,. M. u. H. A., u. u. o. Disi. inoian Territory. u. B. ORDNANCE AQKNOY, Corner Houston and Gkbknk Htreeta, IIiUUSUVDVU Oiwucj A . J, DJI Btl,) New YORK, Feb. 18. 18U9. Sealed Proposals. In dunlloate. will be re ceived at this office nntil SATURDAY. March 27, 169, at 12 M., for purchasing. In qnantlttes, ineionowing aiuusoi uituxs AiNua Biurtni-i, now on baud at the dillerent arsenals la the United biates: CARTRIDGES For Hpencer's carbine... Cal. 50 and 521 For Pallard's do. For Henry's do. For Kewinyton'sdo. For Warner's do. 1 Y Metal llo H j primed. For (sharp's tlo. ... For Blari'a do. ... U. B musketcartridges, ball 52 I Linen. TJ. B. nansket cartridges, i; ban Ri tie musket cartridges, K ball TJ. B. musket cartridges, round.. TJ. b. musket cartridges, buck and bail Coil's pistol cartridges.. C9 and 71 f PaPer 69 41 41 Coil's pihtoi cartriiigcs., Bnoiin'a carbine car tridges, ruDuer anu metal Bnrneide'a oarblue car- fl'liifPH mfttfil 86 irrtt, ami Hotuhkbs proliotiles lor all call h. nf i-unnnn- rnuuil Blint.si.ellf. cauister and f pberlcal rase, for all calibres. Also, 11 ltd am- UlOUlliUBiui lunrnuin, Musket percussion caps from broken up am munition. At Tbe Ordnance Department reserves the right to reject all bids not deemed sail, factory. Prior to tbe acceptance of any bid It will have to be approved by the War Departtueut. jt . i rwi. . ....... MAi.Klu nv lh. Terms castl. Itu jicr y .aiw day of sale, and the remainder when tbe pro perty is delivered. Twenty days will be al lowed for the removal ol atores. Bidders will state explicitly too pan r points where they wlllaocept storse. Delive ries will only be made at the arsena's. Samples can be seen at tola office, or at any Of the arsenals in the United States. Proposals will be addressed to the nader signed, and endorsed "Proposals tor purchasing Ordnance Stores." For further Information apply to tbe undersigned. g cnispiNt Brevet Colonel U. B. A., 3 i Major of Ordnanos. TJEN NSY LVANI A H08PITAT PaiLAUKLPaiA, December 2Hi 1666. The attending ManaKers ar Wlsiar Morris. No. lu B Tnlrd street. h. tinrri. Wain. No. us S. Dulaware avenae. . Attending Physician J. M. Da CosU, M. P., No. tfUJI Unriliwt htrMt.i Attending Hurgeons-Wllllam Hunt, M. D., No. 1309 B m swan Ml mat. Thomas George Morton, M. D., No. 1421 Cbeannt ,lThe' Physician and Burgeons attend at tha Hospi tal every day tHundays excepted) lo receive applica- lliin. Iitr aflmlhHlon. Persons seriously Injured by accident are always admitted 11 brought to the Hospital licmedlaiely heieaue. t AUCTION SALES w m vvusu KTS A A A, a, fAI R OF PFAL bTATB! AND BTOnKM. ' , " Marrb 2 at 12 o'clock noon, at tne Koi YnJL t"J t hKVKNTJlh.W'1 H ANU ViNN. N.irti mi o 54e-. MAKKH.T. No. St 7 Prams liwallinit. LANUAHi Kit TURN Fl K K Frame Dwetllnaa. fl iTH (Houlh), No. 1611-Mo Sield Ji?1 I- KONT south of Moon Frauia Owfillnv FHAKKLIN. No. gi;o-llriok DweMng. '" I H HIK'l'l A N. Mo. IBIV-Brie I) ivli,,i bPRINO UARliKN.No. IS2i-M.deru ResldsaOA. IIAHKKi, Na (ISO Bii-lne.s Hiana. "m PulHH (Norin. o, H Valuable Store. ? VAN HO HIS Large la.t , MAltKKT No. 9ti RuslntStaai4. " ' ,' I.nC l'hT No. 414 Brick Factory niilldlrgn. . TWKLITU, No. 116 below Onesnut Valnabte Dwelling. MHT1R No, 1R4 Modern Tlwaping, , . .--BA RT IN. No, ieiilel Pwelllng ' II 111(111 AVsM'E No Ml .nu i Pwolllng. i., PWN Tweniy-tblrd Ward Brs Dweillog. Ti.t'KtR (south Ke). east of High h Valoahle ' Mlllproperiv . Pull particulars In cntalncne. ' Kxecuiors Hale. 8760 TJ. B, Five-twenties, coupons. January and July. , l-'or oilier Arcnunn. M sharrs Nstlcnal Bn of rrie R-pnbllc. tS 00 2d mortiiHre b..nds W(Mi Chester and Philadel phia liHllronn Oonipanv, . i I slisre riillndflphln Library, tshsns Kark of Nolh Am''ca. Ti shares Pennsylvania rVood l'rcservlnr Company) par f'K1. Zgstitrrs Camden and Atlartto Ra'lroad Co (T'd wiliars Kiel nir.nn uraiu e;oni.any; iar f ibe. iro shares A nierl"an Hultm.hole Maculue Co. 71 sliarts Pbinnls Insnranes Co. Lt 10 sba es Locust Uap improvement Co. CHOICE ENOLIStl AND AMKRI0AW BOOKS. On Tue'tiay Arwrnooo, iarch f, at 4 o cluck, jncliiilfd aie Martian's Ji wish Colnsgp; PrlchHrd's Natural Hl-t ryof M-n, colorrd plan h; Russell's Naval ArcMieotoie. 8 vols., li Itn; Iliunplirey's Art of Primlrg. 4t4 Owen J eues1 Hn-uinisr ol (irnaninnt: Wiskespaar, fao-slmiie of Vifi lo in; Wostwnnd s Mln'aturis and ornsmants of . Aniio-Paxon ani Irlh saanunrrlpis folio; Puln's HlosfHty ol Kcrlelasttcal Ornament and Cystoma, 4io.: Blune's Florio Javra. 4 vols.. olorPd pla'eaj IMime's Mrpeuui iolauli-um. V vols.; Brrin l-.ils. ISO vols., half rair. Waverley Novels, l'i vols. Abbita f rd t ttllli ii. fine copy, ato. SS7 21 UNT1NG, DUUBOROW & CO.. AUCTrOHs KKKB. Nos. Z32and Wi4 MiHKKT Street, comtw of Bank street. Successors to John B. My eis tk vo. BAIE OF BOOO CAPKB BOOTH BH0JE8, TBA. Vb.aj1.ii. xyr jn, naj, On Tuesday Morning. Marrb 2. at 10 o'clock. on four mouths' credit. ftMfe LABOR SALE OF FORKION AND DOUB8TI0 DRY OODDl On Thursday Moralng. At 10 o'clock, on four months' credit. Ii M M LARGE BALE 07 CA R PETING 9. OIL-CLOTHS. , KlC. On Friday Morning March 5, at 11 o'clock on four mouths' cr'dlt, about 201 pltces of (Dgraln. Venetian, list, hemp, ootiaira, . aid rag carpetlngs, floor oil-cloths, eto. 127 61 TARTIN BROTHERS, AUCIIONEEBS. JjX. (Lately Balesmen for M Thomas A Bons.l No. t&CHJfcBNGT BU. rear entrance (Tom SlUllMl ' " SALE OF MICELLANKOU8 BOOKS. ' This Uvenli g, March 1, at 7 o'clock, at tbe auction rooms, No. ' ChtRBUi street, by caialugue, valuable law, meoto-l, iheoleglcal, aud niiscellaueuus works, ttosa irlvat llbiailea. . Ll ., Pale No. 5'J Cbeannt street. ' a' HANDPOMK WALNUl' HOUSEHOLD FTJRWIw I . TURK. 3 ELKUANT ROSKyK)OD PIANO. . FOB'lES, LABOkl AND rUeEKlOR OROAK.' WANHSOfE BOOKCASE HANOaOMHJ VElI ' VET, BRCtlsKLH, AND OTHER CARPETS. SPU. On Weouesday Mornlug, sd InsU. at lo o'clork, at ihe auction rooms. No. 5w -Cb.suut street, by catalogue, very excellent and de-". ' alrable furniture, including: FURNITURE Hand. oiue walnut parlor, library, cd dining-room furniture: 6 suits handsome walnut chamber lurnlture; cottage chamber suits; handsome -bo krase. etc. PIANO AND ORGANS Three elegant rosewood ' rlauo fortes, made by Lauguih A Rro tttelnmeta. New oik, and Union Manufacturing Company; laigeand very superior cabinet organ la oiled wal nut esse. M1RROR8 Fine French plate mantel, pier, and oval mirrors In gilt frames; fine feather b.ds and bedding; spring and hair mattresses; carnage har ness; China aud glassware; sioves.etc s 1 St LIPPINCOIT, BON & CO., AUCTIONEERS ABUBlUBbT BUILDING. No, 840 MARKET Mtg LAEGE POSITIVE SALE OF ABOUT SOO LOTS WHITE WOOLS. LINEN GOOD, HOUlnKT. HOOPrKlKTS, COtihKi'a, NOlTuNo. BHIRTa AND DRAWERS, KTC! COMPRlftlt THE USUAL VARIETY. On Weantsday Mornlug, (lit ' March 3, by r alHiogue ou four months' credit, ' KEENAN, r-ON & CO., No. 11 a N. 1RONT Ftreek AUCII0NE EK9 J . ii , Will sell, Wednesday Morning, 1 Varch s, at 11 o'clock, ami cases imrorted Chsm rrsue Wine, asroited brands. Also. SiO barreia Whisky, couslsitng ot Une reel I tied, ra, corn, anil mi Issee-i llkewisA 50 rb s. Alcohol, and 60 hbls of Jertey Vinegar; luo demijohns Oi fine Liquors, e o. eic. Slit CLABK & EVAKB, AUCTIONEERS, K0. CSQ CH.EBN OT Blreet. . ; . Will tell THIS DAY. Morning and Evenfna-. 1 A large Invoice of Blankets. Bed Bpreads. Drv boo4l Cloths, Casslmeres, Hosiery, titatlonery, Table tit Pocket uutiery. Notions, etc. uuy ana country merchants win nna oargsjns. Terms cash. " boods packed free of charge 1st y OD. McCLEEa it CO., AUCTIOKELBS, Ka 606 M A1.KET Btret U t , BALE OF 1000 OASES BOOTS, BHOES, RROGAN a i i.iiuna i-s, ii-iu. ',,4, On Thursday Morning, . March 4. at lo o'clock. Also, a large assoitment Of '' cliT-made goods. , - N. P. Bales every Monaay ana innrsaay. s i siga , mHOMAS BIRCH & BON, AUCTIONEJSB1 BIRCH MMI8HI .JL AND OOMMIBBIOM MERCHANTS, No, 111! 0 HKBN TIT Btreet: rear entrance No. HOT Bananas asi CHR0M0-LITH0GRAPHS. P1 CTURES FOR PRESENTS. A. S. ROBINSON.. i No. 910 CHESNUX Btreet, Has Just received exquisite specimens of ART, SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS, ' FINE DRESDEN 'ENAMELS" ON PORCH LAIN, IN GREAT VARIETY. 1 BPLENDID PAINTED PHOTOGRAPHS,. Including a Number of Choice Genu, A SUPERB LINE OF CHKOM03. A large assortment of ' NEW ENG RAVINGS. ETO. : i Airo, RICH STYLES new patterns. FRAMES, or elegant , ' 8151 l-i HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS: Mt. . Vernon Hotel,: 8 1 Monument street, Baltimore. ' -Elegantly Furnished, with unsurpassed Cuisine. On the European Plan, t 1 - D. P. MORGAir. WC0DLAND3- CEMETERY COMPANY.-t 1 (" Thtoilowlng Managers aud OlUoershave oeea elect o Kir the year 18o: . . .. .r . IL! it. PRICE, President. , , , Wm. H.Moore, wm. W. Kesa, ' 1 ' ' Kan nel H. Moon, I Ferdinand J. Drear, 'S t " i Ulil e Dalleit,. . Ueorge L, Butby, . s ,:i ' l0ln Urebln, B A, Knight riietiry and Treasnrer, JOdKPH IB. TO WNSKNIV " . De Managers bave passed a resolution requiring both Il liolders and Visitors to present tiokew at the eutrsiice ior admission to the Cemetery, T'lukMa 4 mav tox bad at the Oince of the Company, No. SU ' A b( II Btreet, or ot any ot the Manager. 1 'i TPHIL080PHY OF MARRIAGE.-. JL A new Course of Lectures, as delivered at tn, kr New ork Mubsuiu ot Aoatumy, euiiira.lug the ... soliJcis: How to Live and What li Live' for; Veuih, Maturity, and Old Aget Manboot Generally Reviewed; The Cause ot Indigestion; I'latmenos and ,. Nervous Diseases Accounted For; Marrltge Phho- n , soi liU ally Considered, eio. eio. Pocket volumes , rf talulug these Lectures will be forwarded, pusupa'd, on receiptor t6 eeuis, by addressing W. A. LKARY, Ja..b. K. corner Of 1"1U and WAAUt.ftUsvWs, ij Philadelphia. LEXANDKR O. CATTELL CO PRODI' K OOMMIBHION M KKOHANTH, No. U NORTH WHARVfcd AND Ho, aT WORTH VATltK STBJUBT. f H II.A Ilhl.P H I A. It ttnuwuotnaah) . avuiaX 0nsi4 i-.i i .1 s-