The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, February 27, 1869, FIFTH EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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JTEW. Y0RK18Z18.
JM nur Ohm Oamtpondmi.
qoamls between landlord and lodger
r Interminable la this cUj. I bed rather dine
teoless on the crust of bread than enjoy the
rtklfe l ox with a bouBe foil of people who were
Mum y tnc 1 bd nihn lnhbU
of tboie pretty little two story brick .booses
which do ao abound in the suburb of Pbtladel.
... and be surrounded by a email but selling
family, than abide In the brownstone gloom of
a kand'ome mansion on Fourteenth street, with
!Li. ver fl of whom I dreaded aklg
for board money, and who kept aloof from th.
.otton otpa5i.,g me. One of these laud ord
a.d tenant c.-cs was settled, a day or two jlnce.
-ery SBtlslactorlly to the lntter party. It was an
e"e for the recovery of personal proper
belonging to the plaintiff and alleged to bs
-nengtallj detained by the defcodiut. It con
Isted of wearing appnrcl. trunks, burra. bed
Mead, bedding, etc., to the value of 2.0. The
defendant, a priva'.e boarding-houso keeper,
taimed that she Mi tucin as a lien for n on -wayment
of board. The plaintiff, a Mr. Mc
Cresdy, sent her husband to the boar Jlng boose
beeper, Mlas Pelleck, and be cup aged a room
ana board on hie own penonal responsibility.
Upon taking possesion, Mrs. McCreary brought
with ber this $250 worth or property to furnish
bcr room withal. No statement ot charges,
however, was posted, a the law directs, on the
premises let. but Mies 8cllck claims that the
law did not extend this regulation to the keepers
of private boarding-houses. The judge's con
alrnetlon of the case, however, determined
therwlse, and h!a decision was In favor of Mrs,
VoCrrady, and Miss Sellcck therefore remains
9260 shfcrt.
These ornaments to their sex, the editresses
f the JJeuo'ution. have come to the conclusion
that the velocipede is a big thing, and being
ao. that women ought to ride it. Now it is pos
aible for the velocipede to be ridden lndy
fashion, in the . same way as the genuine
"antunle." the bora?, is ridden; but this does
sot seem to suit the Amazonian breasts of Miss
Anthony and Mrs. Btanton. It the velocipede
to U be ridden by women at all. tbey arirue tout
It ought to be ridden In the mauly fashion,
Ihey would a' ride Pegasus before attempting to
twide him. In tact.Jit Is necessary for editresses,
erbaps more than for editors, to keep seusft
teon np, particularly when circulation la golnff
dowa. All their arteiiea draw their Ufetroni
tbe tale the cashiers' books tell; aad the
printers' ink is so much blood to them, which
they vast take all due measures to keep in a
heal tb fully excited condition.
This letter is to be alt about the lad:es, so that
I need no apology for making mentiou of some
facts about one of our most accomplished lady
puff-writers, Mr?. Sarah A.. Wright Mrs.
Wright, If my memory holds good, has written
several lales of more or less merit.
Is not impossible she may have Ague red in some
f tbeadvertlsenicr tsol Street & Smith's Weekly
Stat glorious and triumphant publication whose
proprietors spend no one knows how many
hundreds of thousands of dollars In extending
their fame. Brilliant as she Is as a story-writer,
Ik to 'as a puff-writer that Mrs. Wright is best
baown to the puff-reading world. She it la who
writes those original, witty, and picturesque
descriptions of fashion and fashionable goods
ha the columns of the New York 6unday
IHspateh the only New. York Sunday publica
Bom that is altogether weak and
trashy. Ske has lately been bringing a suit
against Mrs, Imogen Walton, whose husband,
the plaintiff s.ild, made an arrangement to pay
bar 925 for a certain article, or "puff," which
she was to prepare. Mr. Walton denies the
truth of this allegation. He made an arrange
Stent with Mrs. Wright and paid for It, but after
that came t3 the conclusion that paying for
"puffb" was not what it was cracked np to be,
aid refused to enter into an arrangement for
any mere. His wife agreod with him, and, to
se a bold but beautiful figure of speech, they
bath "shut down" on Mrs. Wright. The pnff
antboress, wonnded in her tenderest senslbilL
ilee, flew to the courts for redress; but Mr. and
Mrs. Walton both being sustained in their state
meats by a number of their employes, a deci
sion was given In favor of the defendant, and
Airs. Wright retired worsted from the combat.
The visitor to fashionable houses will occa
sionally be dismayed by the eccentricities of a
phenomenon whose use and subservience in the
economy of fashionable lile he will not at first
be able to understand. It Is one of the innova
tions made by belles who have nothing better
to think of. The phenomenon consists of a page
r ''buttons," of about fifteen or sixteen, whose
prlneipal duty appears to be to carry cards and
otss on salvers, and regard visitors generally
as invited to the house expressly to become
victims of his pleasantries. The "page" It fast
becoming an institution in every well-appointed
cet&blUhment. The retinue of servants is con
sidered Incomplete without a Ganymede, who,
a far from resembling Jove's substitute for
Hebe, Is generally distinguished for the two
qualities of bxazenness and ugliness one ot
those newsboy monstrosities, with split lungs
and a saw-edged throat, that run over you in
year peregrinations after newspapers arouud
City Mall Park. Aij Bab a.
Its Operations Darin.- 1868 The Usport
el sue Uausscrs.
The report of the Board of Managers ot the
above Institution has just been lued, and
from It we glean tbe following;
Toe Hospital was instituted In the month of
llaieb of llie year 1861. It was opened In Da
ember of Ibe following year, wun a complete
organisation of competent and willing officers;
and with a country mansion tne chili nood's
bom of its donors for hospital wards and
offices. Ibis manklun, although small la
dimensions for Ibe ultimate purpose, was at
first ample, and uuusnaily well adapted to ibe
uncertain liabilities and ibe limited demands
Involved in its naw and undeveloped life.
Tnere were no adeqnate means to depend
a pun, even lor the current expenses, bat tbere
was abundance of faith In tbe Almighty lluler
and inlsher of every good work.
Tee number of patients enjoying the benefit
Of treatment In Us wards baa gone on from 1 to
a daily average or 88. and to a many as 826 in
Ibe course of ibe year. In tbe dispensary, the
Bomber of out-patients baa gradually rlseu
from tbe small wit beginning to as many as an
average of 25 ntw cases In ibe day, and 7810 lu
ibe yar. Beginning without properly of any
hind. It now possesses, free Irom debt, twelve
teres of elevated ground well inclosed, laid out
axd cultivated.
In addition to the grounds and various far-K-Ubed
buildings, tbe Hospital la tbe owner of
an invrsttd endowment at present amounting
Ta Uoapltal now costs at least 131 000 in Its
asnul apensea. It is tberefore dependent
fur lie actual support each year upon sonrees
whlsh must a regarded as uncertain, bsoanse
tHoy bave always required an annual apr').
X- managers are nollK-d to look lo njw
aioue, and never without anslnty, notwttn
landing their oonrMenex, hated upon asnoofw"
wblob has bveo hitherto sufllolenl tosave tuena
from embarraMmenf. , ..
Tbse sour arej-The Annual Wren
Thanksgiving Oolloeilon. tbe VfM-W A""JU:
ilea. Ibe board of pay pallenU. ntn
slonal contributions by gift or beq ""
ibe past year, however, tne fP"a"
cefdel tbe looome. as nearly b oMbj
aind, to tbe extent of about iweniy-nve baa.
TbedmaDagers say that tbey are Indebted also
to tbe liberality of John Brock, -i.. uu ml
std a previous year, for llfty tons of eojt; to
the Keystone CohI and Iron t'ornpiny fjr a
donation of tlfiy-Ave ton; to the Back Moun
tain Coal Company for a similar girt of sixteen
jnent an to fcgtit ln th (f aliiiportatton of tola
coal, to Several railroad companies. Fortberao
nowif (ismeniH are unmo iny i miaou?
tbrnogh Dr. H. fjenox llodue, for aeveniy-lwo
volumes or f renen meuicai woras; la ur.
F. Bolton for medical books; to a Manager
for midleal works and surgical Instruments:
to one of tbe attending pnyslcians for several
medical books; to several ladies, through one
of tbe attending anrgnnna, for a portable
hydrant or surglosl dressing ear; to Mr. Abra
ham linker for anolbtir aud more highly
finished aurgloal drcisslDg ear (Dr. Morton's
latest model); and to Mr. Obarlea Bantee for a
valuable present of bc spreads.
During tbe year. 926 ratlents have been ad-
raltlrd. At the dale of l ist report, 80 were in
tno Hospital. The whole number treated during
the venr ln thus Hhift. 7JI0J natlenta have been
treated at the Dispensary since the last report.
A l'art front o of lUn Jnry ronctralog
sue oulllln or tli I'lnteu
We bave received tbe following explanatory
note irora one of tbe jurymen in the Byrnes
tomicido ease, to wnicii we give piaoe:
a'o tne jiuor or t it jAttmna Teiearann:
iviy atiention uaa been urawn to me
artlelein jour paper of yesterday, under tbe
bead ol tbe Byrnes Homicide, aud bad it told
tbe wbo:e story 1 auonui not nave deemed win
renlv necessary. But ln.tnstioe to myself, and
ine rtst ot tne jurors in idih oaw, i wonm i-
snt cifullv otler to von some iurtner ilebt on
tbls sui'ieci. 'inepisioi given in eviaeuoH a
tbe one' taken from the person of Samuel Holt
wAF.nn von bave described, a tbree-barrelled
revomrxnd a sell-cocker, anil was no doubt
exHinlretl by the ofiicera of tJe law. as well
as by all legally entitled locio so. lioi nrst let us
see why tbis jury inspected the weapon s
closely. Upon nrst sight ine jury were enabled
to ace tfaat tbe tubes, upon whtoQ the per
cussion caps are placed, were, witb the excep
tion oi one. apparently useless, iue greater part
of them relnn spill on, and ta such a manner as
to almost rtnder It impossible for a cap so re
main on them unlesB Kepi lu their position by
tbe bBTnmer.wblub, it can be readily seen, could
only cover one, and keep in piaoe one. Tne ex
ceptional one mentioned above was also ln a
bad condition, it belnx spilt ln the centre.
Consequently this one barrel alone
considered effective. Tbe mutilation of these
tubes led the jury to a lurUier and more strict
examination, and tbe barrel not revolving
when the trigger was pulled, led tbem
to examine tbut poition of the pistol,
when tbe break ln the connecting rod
you speak of was found. Tne jury, not know
ing wbal was tbe cause of tiicir discovery, went
immediately to tbe court-room for Informa
tion. Not receiving any, tbey then surely had
only tbelr Judgment tY guide them, leaving,
according to their instructions, all reasonable
doubts for the benefit of tbe prisoner. This
pUtol might be handled by many, and all
minute particulars as to tubes not speolaliy
noticed; but by men eworn to give a Just ver
dict according to Ibe evidenoe rendered, a
very close scrutiny tbeu becomes a duty, and
la this case tbe jury-did ibeirs. As to a fresh
break, 1 tbinkany worker In Iron wll say ibata
break ln iron may be made, and if tbe parts are
not exposed to dampness, tbe break will look
fresh along time. Dt no cue experienced gun
smith take tbls pistol and lnRoect It. and Der-
baps be could throw some light ou tbe fact that
not only was the barrel or Its coanvctlons
broken, but two of tbe tubes were useless, and
not fresh breaks by appearanoe neither. Also,
let It be remembered tbere was evidenoe to
prove that one of these barrels was found
loaded. I only ask that you mav look at thin
ln Us right light, as I bave given you tbe plain
irutn oi me matter, aa
Ohk of tub Twsxvb.
Philadelphia. Febrnsry 27, 1889.
Forty-first Annual Commencement of
flie Homceopathle Medical College
Graduates, Etc.
At noon to-oay Bsnatcai una Hall was
crowded on tbe occasion of tbe Forty-first
Annual Commencement of tbe Homw.ipaihlo
Medical College of Pennsylvania. After tbe
Trustees, Faculty, and tbe graduating olass
bnd entered tne unworn, prayer was oI red.
This was lol lowed by tbe Valerilotorv Add rami
wblob was delivered by Professor I 'em ber ton
Dudley. The President of the College then
conferred tbe degree of Doctor of Medloine
upon tne joiiowing-namea gentlemen:
B. E, Allen, Philadelphia. A. P. Hol'ett.BoDora.V.Y.
A. A Bancroft, DeWllt, O T. Huebuer, Nazareth.
Michigan. Pa.
W. W. Bsiden. M. D., Waller . James Pblla.
Pe nn Ybd. N. Y. W. James, Upper Provl-
W.K. BerrldKe. M.B.B.8., deuce P.
LWerpo' l, Kog. K. Porter, Clinton. III.
T. J- Bradfoid. Francis-Wm. Ray, M. B.O.8.K..
town N. II. Load in. o.
P. II. Brown, Phllada. 'J. H. Jones, Bradford, Vt,
A. Kuwell,M. I.. i-owell, M. 6tavey, Portland. He.
Mais B. M. Bhaw, M. D., Dela
J. V. lrk. Goloonda. 111. van, III.
B Chapln, A. M., Mld.n,;K. W. Soath, Wilmington.
Mass. DM.
B. F Conaell, Oonaells- n. W. Htarkey, Plats. O.
vllle. Pa. H. K. Stewart. Phlla.
O. H. Kvans, Pbilsila. IK. O Bmlth. Polla.
O. Flooher, Anwklaad, p. o. Warded, Lawrence;
H. B. II all, Camden. V. 3.
V. P. Harlelgh, M. !..
M T. Wilson, Grlggsvilie;
Wll lam K. Boott, PtaUa.
evaoiAL oissKa
Ftllgs- Adolphns -....Philadelphia. Pa.
Bbv. Koah H. Bchbhck, D. D., of Brooklyn,
N. Y., will deliver his celebrated lecture. "An
Hour with tbe Modern Classics," on Monday
evening, March 1. ln tbe West Arch Street
Presbyterian Cbnrcb, Those who have had tbe
pleasure of bearing this divine represent him
as being among tbe moat popular orators of the
day, and bis subject as full of interest, lnstruo
Hon, atd amusement. The second entertain
ment on Thursday evening was even more sue
eesbfnl than the first. Tbe church was crowded
in every part; tbe mnsln was excellent, the lec
ture Interesting, and the audience delighted.
The programme for the Monday evening enter
tainment Is entirely different from tbe others,
aud cannot fall to prove quite as attractive.
We are Rind lo perceive that these West A rob.
entertainments are growing so deservedly
Ihtkbbhtiko Lectcrbs. lion. Israel 3.
DIebl, late United fetaiee Consul at Bntavla,
Java, will deliver two lectures lu this city on
tbe "Oriental and Bible Lands." Mr. Die hi
spent three years in the East, visiting all the
lands of Bible story, and bis graphlo descrip
tions of what be saw and beard cannot fall to
interest both old and young. Tbe luoturea will
be must rated by tbeukeof large maps and some
fllty diagrams, giving views of the eli tes, ruins
and palates. Tbe first will be delivered on
Tuesday evening next, ln tbe Bpring Garden
Presbyterian Cnurob, at Eleventh and Boring
Garden streets. Admission 20 cents.
RoBBKRiEg. The d welling of Mr. Davis, No.
416 Catharine afreet, was entered last night and
robbed of silverware.
Mr. Cnnnlrgbam, residing on Wharton
street, above Third, whose bouse was broken
into some two weeks since, was again vUtied
by tbleves last night, who effected an entrance
by forcing tbe padlock from tbe cellar door.
Tbey succeeded in carrying off a lot of sllvor
spoons and clothing.
Isbtiktxy Killed. Andrew Collins, aged
60 years, residing at Mo. 2024 Rilienhouse
frtreet, was knockt d down and run over by a
train of rars on the Pennsylvania Railroad,
near Haverfnrd, at 7 o'elock ibis morning. He
was instantly killed. Coroner Danlols held an
inquest. o the budy at the former residence
A Victim Kobhbd. James Slaughter last
night visited the vicinity of Bay street, and ac
cepted an Invitation extended by Annie Aus
li"L.1,0 eeompny ber to a neighboring bouse,
while tbere be lost, a pocket-book containing a
ISO check. Hbe was arrested and committed by
Alderman Carpenter. James MoUurk was also
held as an accomplice.
Fariwell Bbrvo. Her. T. Die Witt Tal
mage basconclnded to leave the city, and will
preach hie farewell sermon to his congregation
lo-morrew evening.
Continuation of ProeewMllnge tsi sha
Judicial t'vatril.
This nsorniog, at half past 9 o'clock, the lAi
glMallve Committee appointed to take evi
dence la the election eonieat bnlweeu Judges
Tbajerand Mreenbank, assembled again la
(Vwimon Council obamber and resumed pro
ceeding. wmou Rice aworn Voted at the October
election in the Hixtn dlvlsloaot the He yen-
At I tie point Mr, Simpson, of e-mnsel for the
contestant, objected to the offering of test!,
roony like that given by ibis witness, oa ibe
gronnd that it was not rebatllng evidence.
Mr. Decbert 8ld be desired to mil tboe who
voted for M dieenTmuk during the first hoar
lOnuuw luniui irgni vuvcb were vaat ior lum
Mr. Hlmpsou said that tbe enntestant had
attacked the IcgalPy of the election darlog tne
first hour, and not legality ot tne voier.
Hcnator Btir son', Oiiali man of the eoiumltte?,
said there was no doubt that the votes o.ti
were legal, aud that he did not consider tne
testimony offered snob aa would disprove that
tbe election during tbe first hour was illegally
oondnctf d.
There being no d!mentlng opinion ln the
committee, tula ruling of the Cuatrman was
accepted, and tbls witness, with 67 others,
reMted from the chamber.
Peter McOucken sworn Have lived over
eighteen years ln the Hixtb division of the
Seventeenth ward; votod tbere In tne OJtober
election; whs ni tbe polls all day; wtieu chal
lenges were made l hoy were regarded, aud
when sufficient proof was made the voles were
acoeptcd; no person named McUulre was
knocked down there; a German who wanted
to vouch for McGulro was struck, however; not
over five or six persons weie sworn tbere tnat
da;; tbere was one voucher sworn; there ware
not more than five or six challenges there du
ring tbe day.
Peier B. Jlrower affirmed Live in Tenth pre
cinct or Nineteenth ward; the election pall of
thai division Is at Amber and Ella streets; was
return Inspector at the polli-; went there ln the
mo u leg lo assume my d tries a little before
seven o'clock; went inside and was getting
things ln order; in a few minutes a orowd col
lected and ordered Mr. Hooper, the Ju Igo, out;
three or lour police officer' were lo Ibe oro vd;
Hoorer ssid be would not go out; they then
said that tbey would put him out, and tbev did
ao: afterwards they put me oa': the crowd filled
tbe room; then we came down to Inquire
of tbe Judge in Conn what we should
do; Judge Allison told ns to go bekaudde
mana our seats peaceaoiy; mat we were ine
rightful officers; we went back, and Mr. Hooper
knocked at tbe door; be was then attaoknd aud
beaten; I wasalxo beaten; afterwards Hooper
was arrested and locked np; then I came down
and reported to Judge Allison; he told me to get
oni a writ of babt-as corpus and have him libe
rated; the jadge alsoUaaed a warrant for the
arrest oi tne ponce omuers; mev were arrested
and brought down Just as the Omrt was about
adJouinlDp; I feared to go back votlie polls; and
remained away all day: Mr. Addis acted as
Judge after Mr, Hooper was driven away; the
persona wooiuroen u out were uiuoer naoKett
and two other officers, and about twenty or
thirty citizens; the room was filled; the bar
room was aiso iuii; tney punneu us into the
bar room; tbere were also some persons on the
pavement outside; tbey oime ln a body, seem
ingly as if headed by tbe officer; tbey came
from tbe direction of tbe station bouse; It was
before 7 o'clock In the morning; tbey nut ns
ontat once; tbe first thing they said was to
order Mr. Hooper out; Hooper said he wouldn't
go, when tney put mm aua put me out;
saw blackjacks; wnen i went away after
being pnt out, Mr. Hooper, the lodge, and
his clerk, my clerk, and Mr. Itafferty, the
window Inspector, aoootnnanied me.
On his cross-examination, the witness ex
plained that Mr. Addis had been eleoted Jadge
of the Tenth precise". Nineteenth ward: that.
when, previous to the election, the precinct
was uiviuea into two uy toe city uouaolls,
Addis was left in the new made Fourteentu
precinct; that he then lamed an appoiutmnnt
to Mr. Hooper to act in the Tenth product;
that Hooner went thereon the mornlns of th
election in pursuance of that appointment, and
mat auoib was i tieu mere, nuu ciatmeu autno
rltv to act a Judge, when the difficulty ensued.
Emanuel Hooper sworn I am the Mr. Hooper
xneniiouea uy xur. Drawer iiue preoeuing wit
ness): 1 got an appointment from Mr. Add la to
act as Judge after the precinct was divided; got
tbe appointment lu writing.
Tbewllntss then Metalled, aubtantlally aa
Mr. Brower bad done, tbe circumstances of the
difficulty at tbe perils.
Thomas T. Jones sworn was an officer of
election in the 'renin division, Mineteentn
ward, at tbe October election.
This witness also repeated the circumstances
Of tbe difficulty whion oooarred ai that place.
His Honor jnnge Allison sworn was hold
ing conrton last October election day; an aopli
eatlon was made to me early on the morning
of tfaat day by certain parties who complatued
that tbey had been ejected from a certain
voting bouse ln a certain precinct of a certain
ward somewhere up town; I really don't re
member the exact preoinoi or ward; af:er the
parlies bad made their oomplalnt, I told
tbem to go buck, if they were the
legal officers, and demand their place;
alierwards they came to court again
and told me tbat tbey bad still been refused
admittance to tbe polls and their stations by
the parlies who bad ejected tbem; I then
Usntd a warrant for the arrest of some of the
police officers who were charge! by the parlies
who made tbe complaint with Illegally inter
ferlng witb tbe election; I gave no oploion
upon tbe validity of the claim of tbe parties
who had been ejected to tbetr aeats as eleo Ion
John Wharton sworn Was an 1 nspector In
the Fourteenth district, Nineteenth ward, last
Ootober; knew a man named Bmlthers; be pre
sented bis vote in the morning and It was not
objected to, and plaoed ln the box; afterwards
It was said tbat be bad no right to vote there,
when Bmlthers said he bad a right to vote
somewhere; tbat be could not vote la the new
precinct Into wbloh he bad moved.
At tbls point tbe committee took a reoess
until half-past one o'clock to await the produc
tion of a number of election-boxes, called for
by the respondent.
Bbortly alter the expiration of this Interval,
the committee was again called to order, and
tbe boxes, wbloh bad been produced ln tha
meantime, were opened, as follows:
Third ward, rirsi uivisiod ine wiy list
cave Ureenbank 167, the hourly returns gave
him 167.
Fourth ward, Eighth division Boxes oalled
for but not acceosihle, as they were lu the cus
tody of the Examiners In the municipal
Blxth ward. First division Tbe tally list
gave Ureenbank 202 and Thayer tM: the hourly
returns gave Gtreenbnnk 202 aud Tnayer 9i.
Ninth ward, Eighth division Tbe hoti'ly re
turns gave Greenoank 43, and Thayer 2U-. tbe
tally Hat gave Greenbank 483, and Thayer 214.
Fourteenth ward. Third division The Judges
certificate, produced from I he box, gave Thayer
aV7, and Greenbank 181; tbe tally paper gave
Ureenbank 181. and Tnayer 857.
Fifteenth ward. First divl-don The Judge's
certificate gave Ureenbank 878, and Toaver 272:
the hourly returns gave Grteubns 878, aud
Thayer 272; tbe tally paper showed the same.
Tbe eommlttee Is still silling as we go to
Bitkgbry holds lis Thirteenth Annnal Com
mencement this evening, at the Mnslnal Fund
Hall. The degree of "Dooior of Deural Surgery" conferred npou the following gentle
men, iwenty-ionr in numner.
G. Vf . Adams.
Iyorenzo J. Martin.
Wm. N. Baomgartner,
H. D. Bennett.
A. L. Btanconrt,
Jacob E. Breoht,
li ClirneDSon,
J. P.Orowell,
John W. Crymes,
J. II. Downea,
R. K. Freeman,
H. Hlrsohfeld,
B H I.vnn.
Tbcmsa J. Mltonell,
T. M. Mo ridge,
J. W. Moore,
A. E. Peyrellade,
3 E Kg Ister,
W. H. Hoop,
U. Kohland,
B. I j. Taylor,
H. B. Tlzz trd,
K. R. Toomas.
D. Van Busklrk.
AlKO Upon IDC lour nuiuw Bvuiioiuvu, wuv
have been ln practice since 185 ':
Hubert Kusseil, 10- A. Haines,
A J Young- 111. Gerharu
burlng Uie past year seventy-nine students
have been connected with tbe O llege.
Tbb Bemairb of the late Captain Thomas N.
Cooksey formerly commander of tbe steam
ship B'ar of the Union, who died a few dys
ago will be removed to Baltimore, bis native
oiiy this afternoon, for Interment. Tbls morn
lraihe remains were vlalted byalarge nam
ber of bis lrlends, at his lale residence ln Pine
Pbomotbd fob Msritoriods SgHVtcBfl. Bre
vet Brlsadler-General Bt. Clair A. Mclholland,
Chief of folioe, baa received notification tnat
be has been promoted to tbe position of Major
General by brevet, for meritorious conduct on
tbe field of battle, ills commission will dale
fjom March 15, mi.
Tlllltl) EDITION
Proceedings la the Senate and
House of Representatives.
Conflagration in Fottstown
Wjsni T-n. Feb T Mr. Tfemanilaa nrtntnlal
the crcumtllaia ol Ilia Hun, 11, Uamllu, beoavor elect
in ui jn fttue,
Mr. tloaara called nn I .Int ramlntlnn mora
eBrcinalif iw lUhUra tua lauuiui ouuipiHiuu of tne
rmv nu r .inv-u wi'.onoitunB Moverniuaiit ujoii
mil certain conditio,, are oumMilwd wit.
Alt) r a brlul Hutnih.inn . Lt,arain.ui.,.iinii nl It
It was poKiiicned.
nr. rMtntn ufftred a reolntlon, rrqaostlng tne
PrMdil of tbe Hulled htatek lo itauMuit lortuwtiti
to aih el ibe Kxecui ve. or it lavcral -uaiea a oony
of tha (Old iiuttiiut.1 ameuOmtnt, bj as to secure us
ealy ratification.
mr. navai onjeewo. ana ine rrso n'lon went avs.
On motion of int. bbvuian, Ilia bill to streuKmsn
Ibe poblKi vrecit w tt eu up.
air. Aavia pro inaro a auoiiitaH, ana muvueatea it.
Ileune ol Repraseutatt v.
The Bpeaksr prnented the petition of Thomns
Allen, ol Atlanta. a-kiuK to b relieved from inimical
tilnbiltilHt lucitrrl by'.itti"D lutie Hen-I-
llon. Itrivir-a lo tua coiuuii'te oa itecoimtro ju m.
Air luiul DrMeuled the beiulou of Olieiier eauw
and oih rs. vi.Ikvds i kla-RachiiH.u praylmr fir ib
ren.ovBi or tutruciion at Jieii uate. KararreH to
Don miiim rn Curuiuercn
Also, cartaln resolutions orme Leginiatnre or Mav
s&cliunrtis lo btiau ol tne Braate bill lor le eat
blisbmrntot a 1U of Auirlcaa stoamsnlps. Haiiis
rirl rerce.
Mi. ftuntwell. from the Committee on Roeonstm
tlan, reported a oi l la addl Iuii to an act a IUhiI Aa
actio reie i oin political aiaiiiiiis neraiu par
sons canitd ihrrvln, ' approve! July 17, lsxs.
Mr, iiomwell expia'u.d mat ilia bill ws simoiy a
or rrfctliia of iud mlmaksg made la eug ossing the
act to wiiion mis wx auutiionab
Tbe bill wa paaicd. ....
a na Hijiiaa iMumrd the eooKlderatlon of tns Loul-
slaua ornusled election eaxnor Jouva vs. Utnu.oo
wblcli r. Upntin was coiltltid lo toe fl jor. 119
rgaea sgalDRt giving Mr. jonea too snat, on tua
giouodoi liitnotbavug rnot-Wed a iulUo eut una
ber ol votes. He said, at tbli late dale ol toe s-tsa loa,
h old not pi 0ios to lake up tbe Horn of tne Hoae
Ln nia. iiHKlnK lb anoBtlou: he wouM yield. boevtr.
to rnch gentlemen as wished to bs heard oa the
lie yielded first to Mr. Blackburn of Lv, who
favored giving tl,e seat to Mr. Jo ties on ibe guooral
principles ot right a'.d Justloe, HeSldoot Inmnit to
RBvanyihlngderi gatory of the maracier ot (Jolouel
Maa now itvpd. Uolonvl Maao wm bis frleud.
Ld h-wt'Uid ssy ao hoiiorab'e geutleman. He had
tieD elfcieo, nuwtver uy tun uieu whom uauoo were
rd with the blood or pairtotH, and ue (UtuD) arir
tlKhtlng tUeDeiul'S of hlio ua ry, bad afterwards
fraternized with tbem. Tne Cimmlttee on Klecuooi
had laid trai Mr. JoueH bad failed to mK out a
case. If tbe memoeis of that com nitieeuoderito.d
i ho nnnlltinn at alTalr at the Siulh they would ap
preciate tbe difficulties or waklug out a case la favor
0tJAT. lilaynard hopsd to be able. In the ten mtnates
allowed "how tbat all the prlucip'e oi limine
were ou the sine of giving Mr. Jooe lbs nra ha
claimed Theqiwu'on wm, whelner Mr. Jonra was
or wn not alfCted la April, 1867. M r. Jones ws op
niviiMi hen. hv Measra Uuutand Menard. The ven
l.rmen also opp ised eacti oinor. Iiw lo their la-
,.ii (h.t K' r. Innpl Rhnllld nnt hi . KAAt.
Mr Mayrara read lro.n tne tetilai-iay of one of
thee ectitin Jaflte to sbo that tbe wh la nurulrof
lAiaiMtiln tin Ne.ionS GouirrDsloaal dlaina'. rtf
I.onlKlara a' Ihe election lu ap'll, HW. wm I23l of
whlnr, Mr. Jnnea received CM and Mr. Ma ui 673,
leavlnc Mr. Joass a clear msijilty ot all to vol. s
fr Cook, a max b'r of the Oomnilt'es on Kt0'
llnna. aald that the ludai pf eiecilou to whom M-
M.,i.ilhid relarred. had M manef kno'loi
what tbe rnult wa at the diflVrem polling places at
the Heche says becouuieq iqa voias.
Destrnctlve Fire ln I'ottstowu.
Special Despatch to The Evening Velegrutyh.
Pottstown, Feb. 27. Last eyenlog ths new
building owced by George Rice was toUlly
destrojed by Oro, which it is supposed was not
tbe result of accident. Tbe loss will not fall
short of $40,000.
Tbls Afternwou's Quotations.
London. Fab. 27 H. M. Closin nrice! Con
sols. 9?t lor both money aul aocouut; Uaued
Mates 6 20s. 83. stocks qirev. Erie Raiir ad
254: Illinois Central, 96i; Atlantic und Great
Westero. 32.
Liverpool. Feb. 27 P. M. Closlne pr'ces:
Cotton qoipt; middltoe upland-", llJo; middling
lirieaos YL(. meraies have Dcen lu.uuu Dates
Lard, 71s. Tallow, 45s. 3d.
Lout on. Feb. 27 P. M. Cl03lnK prices
"pirlts Turpentine, 33.
11AVKS, ret), it. uotton nominal sua un
Poetland. Feb. 27. M H. lidi's clothing
store, on Federal street, was b'irued last nlaht.
Tbe stock Is a total loss. Toe Monitor nrlmtug
oilice, in the upper ttorr.was sligutlv dauaged.
nblp News.
New York. Feb. 27. Arrived. steamshiD
Samaria, from Liverpool.
IIoston, eh. 27. Arrived, steamer Java, trora
Beportot (be Iovestig-atlngf Committee
ot C'oug;re.
Tbe report of this ooinmlttee, which has been
pursuing Its investigation so far as poislole,
relative to the charges of bribery and corrup
tion In the Alaska purobase, slnoe the latter
was consummated, is just tuolished. Tne
The testimony of Mr. Spinner, Treasurer of
the United Stales, nnd or Mr. Iliggs, the
banker, agent of the Hoaalan Mtuiatr, lu
checking out and I receiving the purouase
toocey agreed upon for Alaska, concur in
estahilsbitig tbe following facts, dates, and
figures ptrtalntng to the first movements of
this money: Tbat the warrant on tbe
Treasurer payable to Baron Bioeokl, KatsUu
Minister, waa ou the 1st day of August, 18U8,
drawn for $7 200,600 in coin, and by eadorae
inenl'was assigned loUeorge W. Riggs, banker,
lie on Ibe said 1st day of August luug transfer
cheeks on the Hub-Treasury in Nw York for
S7,KOfOO. The rnilnlnt, f 100 000 being l-f"
sorxedaysln ibeTreanry, subject to Mr Iliggs'
chick, was not ail drawn out until about the
middle of September, Of Ihu further or other
desilnation of the purchase money, or any part
Ibei tof. the Tn anrer seemed to know not hlng.
Mr. Hlggs corroborated the slalement of Mr.
Spinner, with tbe additional statement that he
Immediately transmitted lo the agent of
Messrs. Baring Brothels & Co, of New York,
17.085.000, lets his oommik-lon of one twentieth
of one pr cent. Of this, iv direotion of the
HuKslan Ml tinier, he paid f C6 (SO in gold to Mr.
Bobert J. Walker, and tbe remainder was oald
by sundry checks to the Hnsslau MlnWter ln
person in tbe months or August aod Hepteiu
ber. Mr. Higgs dlsolulmtd any oiher know,
ledge of the oUuiDtUlon or use of said purchase
mouev or any part thereof.
Mr. Robert J. Walker testified tbat ln May,
1868, be was called noon by Baron Htoeokl aud
employed as counsel for the Bu-s!an Govern
ment to aid In tbe passage of the Alaska appro
priation. His original ratal ner was S20 0J0 ln
gold. Afier the passage of the appropriation
tbls amount seems to have ben increased to
about $'J6,U00 In coin, lie further tend fled that
outof or irom these sums of money so received
be psld Mr. F. 1'. Btanton, as associate counsel,
IdOUi In greenba.BH. lla lurther s'.aled that
some weeks after tbe passage of the
Alaska appropriation h suguetod to Utron
Stueckl tbat Ibe Daily Clironiae, publisheil'in
Wasbirgton, having rendered valuableservloes
by opening its columns to editorials aod com
munloatloBs in funiif ranee of the Alaska pur
obase and appropriation without o imoensv
lion or previous expectation thereof, ought to
be recognized nnd rewarded ln some shape,
whereupon tSOOO In guld was paid to Mr. 1). o.
Forney, of tbat paper, Colonel John W. Forney,
thepilnolpal proprietor, declining lo tecelve
Mr. F. 1 Btanton tes'lfled tbat be was em
ployed as aasooluie counsel, aa stated by Mr
Walker; that his buslnuss us suon was lo ex
plain and set forth the merits of the Alaska
puicbase to members of Congress; that ln so
doing he did not use or offer to use money to
Indue conviction or aollon, and di t not know
or believe money bad been nsed with meinhnr
or wuh the press other tban stated by Mr.
Walker; tbat ins own retainer of $,5000 ln green
backs came direct from Mr. Waikei: that he
never bad any Intercourse with the Raaaiaa
Minister or Legation on the subject of the
treaty or pu jhase of Alaska, or the anoronrla
lion forth yment thereof. Pi"op-
General (JrRnfs Conversations and
McClnro'a KtatcmcHts-The
Georgia Members-Hie
Southern Hepre
Special Despatch to Ths Kvtning TtUgrapX.
ine ueergia nrntDon,
WifliiiKorcN, Feo. 27.-The Ucconslruc'lm
Ccmaittee laded U ag-ee this moralng on the
resolutltu of Governor Bontwell to unseat the
Georsia meaibers In the pre.-ent Congress. It
Is vlolcutly opptscd by JaJo Binihatn and
Eome other members of the committee. Mr.
Boutwcil does not think he will be able to fret a
majority of the e jminitteo lo agree to it. If ho
docs not, he will probablj offer It in open Ilouse
on hie own responsibility.
Ueneral Jrint,
In conversing with Iteprescnta'.lve Dickey to-day,
denied the statement mide by MuClarr, that be
was elected by a party, bat did not propose to
be a party Pre. Itlent. Grant says he used no
such words, and he is astonished that McCiare
should make such a statement.
rickey made an effort to draw from Grant
the han.e of the com log man from PeunsyTvauia
bat be tailed to get the name.
Tbe Nickel Col u age.
Tbe SeDate Finance Co turn litre has con
sldered Kt lley's Nickel Copper Coinage bill
Tbry are divided upon it, and will report
without any recommendation for its passage.
Kelley Is bard at work among the Senators
aDd bores to get it tnroagn oeiore the cioee
of the session.
Southern Representation.
The representatives in Congress from Ala-
crma have proecnted a petition to the House
asking lor au increase of representation in
Con ere ps from that State on account of tbe
extension of the elective franchise to the era an
elpated slaves of tbat Similar petitions
will be pretcntcd irom other Southern Spates
United Stales Seuate.
Continued from tht Third Kdiliun.
Mr. IiavH moved to the bill to ihe Com
mi leu on ! luano. , I h intr notions to report a 'Ml
ailiate uiovioioa 111 lit vtiu Unvwnuieut oblliratl m, be (ala in colu ai Hi lr va ties lu gold anu silver
at toe time mi-y wtr i-bwu; ma. Mia luiareal uocn
tiixai sua i do rea'icea io miJi rcmi,; una mat h
exceis of lnteieat above ilia, rate already rlxed
wuicu snail have be?u pal iiytoc lstof July. Ibbii.
blia'i be applied ln sallsfaoiluu of a purl. ou of the
priucii ui.
Mr. xjuvis mane an arcameniio r.vor or ine sua
llonse of Itepresoutatlves.
C&nflntM(-bt the 3hir4 lidiiton.
Mr. J- awes, i:halrman ot the Cj Jimlitee on lec
tluua, piucted agaiuitt tne e.iati lauiugof a p.-eue-oetil
wh cit wi uio allow ine tisiiuiuuj oi one witness
lo shi ai Oo a man a elec.lou
Ait r furitin discos'-lun tbe sobultule offered h
Mr. B-acknora, rHcltlug ibat Mr. Jones is enl lei to
tne se, wa- rejecien, ann toe lesoiuuon rpjrled
frou. tholXimmiitee ou Klec lons,etilug form tnat
Mr. Jou.s Is not ealliUa to a Beat In the Houae
In m tnecMCuiia ais rici, oi uui.iua, waa aoi led,
Mr. A"kiey, uoui tbu Cocuoaitit.-e on Paul to .Lamia
r uoitad a tiili topartect Ibo tite of Franklin OiIvhi-
a soldier of tba war ot 18U, 10 curtain land which he
Las cuver ad bv il 111' ar warrant.
Mr. Ca objauied to Its couslde.-atlon.
Mr. Upsou called tba co'i'eiled alectlon otsa of
Jlm ard vs. Hunt, from the heoond district of
r, May rard asked onarjlmous consent that Vr,
J. Willis Menard, who la, boldiog tliecertlll
oUt or election, be awora in at thn allliug member
p dirR tbe vobalderalloo o' iheoasa.
Mum. Wood aDd Kerr objected and Mr. Upson
nn.veu to suiend the rules lor ne purpota of aliow
I g aicn oi tbe contestants b fit en minutat toadaress
Ibe llouae In their own oeDa.t
Tbe iuii s were suBpenuea, and Mr. Ksnard uaJe
bis ai'pearance ab nttha ceutre of the Uepubucan
I da ui itt h oose.
air. Woodwaid angs-tstcd tbatMenard spaaK from
tbe Cleik'i aesk. I Laugutar aiuoug tbe Datnocrals
Mr. Vaaborn objected ti tbls.
Tbe Breaker snia tbe gentleman having no seat ot
h Ib wu o ths hour, coula speak. Iroin auy polul he
pleased. , .
Mr. Menard then addressed tbe Housa. referring
to the ltd tbalMr. Hunt bad not takan Ihetesli-
lu ny within tbe time prescrioea ay tui act.
lie raid ibat ir Br.r. lluun Id not know tne lawof
Conyreaa. he aas a very poor Buuject to be sent to
On grets, .
ti ne point wis deemed a good one, and caused
tome meirlrnni't amoug niembms.)
Haweut vu to aigue me de at.s of the qunatton la
an easy quiet, good humored aiyie, wblcu aitraoted
tbe aiteution and apparent Bt mptay of meaibra
Afiet tpesking lor boutan bur aed a q iarier. he
asked aud obtained leave to print lbs lainaioder ot
Jut i( marks lu ibe 6ri.
Ainr tin risuuieu nia seat, many memoers ap
proached and congrala ated. him in afrieadly man
ner. M. Maynard aurgeatedl that s tbe acting or the
H- ute lu tba caee of Mai n and Jones anowtd that
tbaie waa a vacancy In tbe dial riot, and as tbe
feiitleman who had lust addruued tae House
enaiii) held the corllflcaie and bad therefore a
prima acte rlkbt to tbe seat, he b sworn Inland
a ii wed lo bold the seat pending the litigation. Ua
a'-kid unanimous content to oiler a motion lo that
Mr. Urson declined to yield the floor for that pur
pnte. Mr. Chanler appealed to Mr. Upson to let Mr. May-Da-d
make ibai uillon.
Mr. Upton dec Ined to do so. adding that If he did,
the gentleman from Mew York would be found vot
ing against It.
Ur.l hauler peralatlDg In bis effort to bave tbs mo
tiro moa Hie Speaker remarked tat tbe gntloma
from Mlcblyau as entitled to tbe Moor, aud man be
piolevua in nistigom.
narkets by Telegrraphi.
Ni TOXJC, Feb. 37. Atocks very strong 'old,
181. Kxchauge, liMiM: s-a. ts2. lis ,; do. iKS4, 116:
da 18S6. llt4; new, 118'.,; IW7. 113?.: lo-. l.fl;','; Vir
ginia 6s, 61 Hi WlshOUM 6o, 87; (JanlOD foiupaiiy,
bci; 1-umbenand preferred. 87),; New YorkOeuiral
1(U), Beaolns. W; Uuriaxn Kiver. Us: Mionla-ao Cen
tral, lis; Michigan boutbern, 7; Illinois Oeniral.
Ho: Cltvelaud and fltuiburg, kt: OievnU-.U aud
Toledo; Kti1-,; Chicago aud Rook inland, li,1,'. PUtv
bug and Fort Way ue, yn.
Naw Ydkk, Feb. 17 Cotton firmer J00 bales sa'd at
9Hc. Flour dull and dro lnlug; 6600 barrels sold.
Wheat dull and bouiibbI. Uoro llrru, and Ic. fcl.ber:
,(mm burbela sold; mltd Western S'BOi'io Ut8
quirt. Heel quiet. Pork Arm; new luesi. Wi&llrVM,
Irrddulii Bteam ltt4(a)iua Wnlsky dull. .
Bltiob, Felt. 27. (Hiliuo quiet and -"dyat29.
Flour (airlr artlva and nuobauged. Wheat dull;
Vhy red, (2 iow IS Con dui: whi'e. st(iMo; vei
low fiin alWWe, Oa'B, 76c. ltye,tl'M)ul 10. f rk
liroi aH33 2 (iaj W) Bacon anlivs; rib eid-a. 17.o;
clear d , 184c; sueuUer. Uc I hams ioxjiilo Lard,
2o;-4 cmtr.
Mobtilrt of tiii CiTT. The number of
deaths in the city for the week ending at noun
to day was 272, being a decrease ol ol over toe
corresponding nerlo i of last year, or tuono IM
wer adalts, 110 minors; 2c0 were horn lu the
United Stales, 62 were foreign, 11 were un
known, 15 were people of oolor, and 11 from the
oountry. Of the number, 6 died of conges
tion of the brain. 21 of In flam mutton of thelnmrs;
7 of msiasinns; 1 of typhoid fever; 12 of debility,
at d 10 of old age.
Tne deaths were divided as follows among the
MordJ. wanU.
First S Flfteentn
Hecond.M 18 Hliteeulh
Third HHeveuteemn.1
Kllth M...10Nlueleeulu
esivin a rwiinuein
Hevnnth OlTwenlV-flrat 6
Eighth H I P w e n ty seoou d.. ........ 2
Nlutta lO.Tweuty thlrd.....
Tenlh . .....,- er ijf-ft iir. , 7
Eleventh..- U Tweuiy fU'h v
Twelfth - 7 Tweiiiy-aisio.. " H
Thirteenth m.. S,rf.hia h u
Fourteenth -Twent-elhta . -
raiLiSKirBU stock mchiwuksaim, feb.87
Reported by V Haves Bro., No, W B. Third street
troocitySB. Sew
fiHM ii
ii-oo W Jersey Sa.
la itmt
ln stiHoad.nR ...M 44
ISt do....bJtin. 4
5 do.
lessh Penna Uu, sr
6 do.... 7;,
ISshO A - to I.I2
ISO all Ueut Ff. bs. Ml
., so
Li on lb It n as op at
tauO Leu SB. sold L..M "S
t sh lh V Mmw, U)a
General Grant and Georgia-lie
Docs Not Want ller Mem.
bers UnseatedThe Case of
Menard -Ills Speech.
SptrtaJ Dttvatdh to TK Fixmfno 'Vf trap.
w8Hjf(oro-, Feb. iT. .
The I.onlalsniB Cntesf.s Kicetlon Case
came np today, sod 'Menard, the coined
clalmsnt, was allowed fifteen minutes to
addrcts tbe nao.Be on his own be
half. Mr. Wood ward. Pa . and o4hr nmA
crats, Insisted, m a jocular maoner that Msnard
suouid spe.a. jrotn the elevated position ot the.
Clerk's 'desk. Menard re ued to do so, but took
a position at Mr. Allison's seat, abost midway
on tbe Republican side, and made a clear and
succinct statement of his ca:e.
He was lis'.ecel to with tho closest a'.tentlon
bv both tho IiepublicaLs and Democrats as
also by tbe R8ller!c, which happened to be
well filled at the time. Alluding to the fact that
tteotber contestant (Hunt), who is a whits
nian, bad Dot taken testimony within the time
prescribed by law, he said if Hunt knew so
little about the laws of Congress as that, he was
Lardly a fit man to come here as a member
Tbis point was so well Uken that It elicited
much laughter and tokens of approval from the
Hepnblicau side of the Ilouse.
Wben Menard bad coucladed, Hnnt wat
asked to go on with his de'ense; bnt ltf.K?rr,
of Ind afia, replied that Mr. HulI 414 not de'
sire to make any remarks. At a proper time
others would speak for him. The fact tbat the
white man could not or did not speak for
himself as well as a negro elicited much com
ment, and Menard stock went np, while tha
other went down.
Menard is lu possession of the c rtlflcate of
election, ilfftied by Governor Warmouth, and
the Republicans contend that as this is prima
fdcfeevidence of hi ejection.he should be sworn
la. A resolution will bo offered to this effect,
aud probably be adopted. -
General Orsnt
was on the floor of the House this P. If. He
went into one of t-e tloas rooms, aud liabtlnit
a clear, sent lor Governor Boutwcll. A repot t
is in clrcula ioD ihnt he d.d so f.r tbe purpose
of offering Mr. Boutwell a place in tbe Cabi
net, but the rial bonnes was to converse with
him upon the subject of (Jt-orgia, Mississippi.
Virginia, aod Texas. Grant is Pa d to be op
posed to the proposition bciore tbe Reconstruc
tion Committee, to uoeat tbe Georgia dele
gation in the pre ent House. He promised
one ot tbe (Jeorglii members, Mr. P.
M. B. Youn?, yesterday that he
would see Bomeil to-day about it and en
deavor to dissuade him from oU'eritig his reso
lution. Tbis visit to the CdDi ol to-diy it is
nndcrstood was for the purpose ot r deeming
this promise. Atter his in erview with Gov
ernor Boutwell be bad a Ion? couversaiiod witb
Keresentatie Oruwold ot filow i'ork, and also
with Jndge Bingham. A lree number of mem
bers took occasion to pay tner re.-pects to the
Ucneral, and lor aout half an hour he held
a levee in tbs cloak -room.. ..,
lie Inaugural Ceremonies ad Preptva
rntlous. ,
The Sergeant-at-Arujs. Browp, of the Senate,
was closeted to-day with General Badean, of
Grant's staff, Mator Richards, Chief of Police,
and General Webb, Chiet of tbe Coaimlttee of
ArrRDsemenls lor pcrtectlng the Droeramme
for tbe inaugural ceremonies.
Tbe arrangements are' not vet entirely com
pleted. Tbe Senate wine ol the Capitol will be
closed on the a'.h of March to all except ticket
Six tickets will be Issued to eanh Senator,
aed two to each Member of the Hous. Mem- '
bers of the Diplomatic Corps and Judiciary
will be admitted to seavs on the floor. The
Senate arrangements for tbe platform outside,
where the President will be inaugurated, are
not fixed upon.
General Sberinan was with General Grant
all tbe morning, becominer acqotluted with
tbe various duties of tbe General io-chief, to
which place he Is soon to be elevate I.
Giant expressed himself to Sherman as belug
in lavor of a Heavy reduoiion In the Indian
appropriations. Ue thinks too much money Is
expended upon Jndisns.
General Butler bad-a very pleasant interview
with Geneial Grant to dav, relative to Indian
appropriation bills, but nothing was said about .
Cabinet matters. -
Bv Atlantic CtaNs. ' 1 '
Tlie Constituent Cortes Serrano's Ad
, dreaa.
Madrid, Feb. 27. during the session of the
Constituent (juries lat evening, Prims Minis
ter Marshal Serrano said that notwithstanding
tbe retirement of tbe late Provisional Uoveru
noent, tbeinembeia wbohadcompr sed It would
Hill retain seats In the Uorus. He ulsr said
tbat the policy of the Government, won Id be to
follow the programme which the revolution. ,,
bad e tabllsbeii.
An early effort would be mads to dlstrm tbe
attacks of the Keiiublloans by reducing the
expenditures In all quarters, and pursuing a
liberal policy generally. He regretted that the '
liberal reforms wbloh had been ooulem plated
for Cnha had been necessarily delayed by rea
son ol Ibe insurrection,
Greece and Turkey Friendly Agistor.
Athens, Feb. 27 The Greiau Oiveroment
oflioliilly annonuces tne re-esi&blishmaut of
friendly relations with Tarkoy. t
Figbts vtlik tbe Indlnn. .
8t. Locih. Feb. 27. Advices front Arlsona
report nuuueroua lights with tbe Indians, both - .
by tbe troops and eiil.DS. Tue ludiana killed'
a soldier near Fori Whipple, and attacked a
train near Vulture Mine, killing ooe Mexican I
and rapturing anolner. Ttie leamsiers f iuai
desoerately, and reeaptnred Ihir aloes:, A
sqnuw, plch6d np ntar Camp Uraot, said shea'
una sent by the chiefs of several bands of
Apuches to sue for ptuue. as ihey were starvinit
aud desired neace, .
After an examination she provMUo be one of
flooil win's frlcudlies. who e'mrntlt--W.an3r
dtpretlations in (Southern Oreaou luat tall, aiTA
a troop of cavalry wna ordered In pursuit, who
fireit upon them, klillngl seven men and one
squaw, and capuulnfj a fov more. Ou the 8th
Inst, a baud or a nudum attacked and killed
thrteof a party ol Mexloans going toTucnon.
An American nanieii Hoolt whs uIho killed ner
Patres. Advices from Southern Uuli lurjitlioa
troufle with the Nvnjoe, whr raided the
180 Utes, and drove oft tiielr stock.
Advices from tbe plains state thnt Little
Raven, with Boo Arranahoes, has surrendered
lo the military authorities.
Know on the Pnelfle Railroad.
Washington. Fn. Iff A. II. Barney, Presi
dent of Wells, F -rgo A Co , telsKiapba to the
Post Office Dejiiirliiient, dated February iiUth.
tbat the Union Pacltlo Rillroad track will not
be opened fur a week, and that there have benn
no through trains either way einoe the lith
Too department has no present means
of facilitating the accumulated mall mailer,
and will therefore bave to a wall the UisaDoear
aueeof Ihe snow obstruction.
Pickpockets i:n Route To Wamhln.toK.
Baltimoh-. Feb. 27 A lar.e nnraner of
pink pockets are reported pasalng through Bal
timore nu their way la Washington, to be
present at the inaugural ion, aud to clean
harvest from the pock els of the orowds of atran
Bwl". Several arres's nave- beeu made at lh
Ueinden station In mis elly.
. i