THE DAILY EVENING'1 TELEGRlTIIrmLAbELPHIA, SATURDAY, rFBDR(AIiY 271869; f . oxjr religious oolumn. Death. A TlBitor, In carelessly- looking through lesumeut which be found lyin on my work wdi., came across a little record I had entered tbereot myself blrtu, baptism, and marrlag. ceeing him interested, I remarked, "fhere is room left for another entry, whiou I will not auks, but mast leave some o;her hand aojou know what it 1st" H looked at ma M M hesitating to answer. "It is 'died,' " I aid. "I was about to say that, bat did not like to," he replied. 8ad t, The sabjaot of death ig not a forbidden one in my family. 1 talk of It often to my children as an event whioh tenet be expeottd to take place at some time, and may take place soon. I think we cannot be too familiar with the aabjeot, and I know from experience thai, properly treated, it does not lead one to morbid gloom. I talk often of the time when I shall not be here, of the ne cessity of being prepared for death, and I hve been rewarded greatly in aeeing my little children composed and fearless, even when threatened with its seeming near approach when suffering from dangerous illness. I nave been greatly assisted by lat Corinthians xt, whioh I have, in my feeble way, endea vored to explain to the little ones. After all, If our lives have been spent in striving to do Clod's will, we will not be terrified at death, ocme wheu he may." The Poor liliiid Mm. There is a poor blind mau in London, who loves his riaviour very mnch, and he is very anxious to do all be can to win others to love Htm. Bo he gets out into some of the orowded byways and alleys of this great olty, and reids aloud from his Bible, with its raised letters. Many crowd around him to listen, and he always carries with him a supply of Bibles and Testaments for sale. In this way he goes from place to place, and has sold a large number of copies of God's blessed book. Last Good Friday he went into the country and began to read aloud. Some little girls came around him. One of them listened most attentively. Her companions urged her to come away; but she said, "No; I like this." They tried to persuade her to buy some oranges at a stall close by; but she said, "No; I like this reading much better than oranges." When the man had finished reading, she fought a little copy of one of the Gospels for nerself, and also one for each of her com panions. Now, why do you think I told you this f I think this little girl teaches us all a lesson. She said, "I like this better than oranges;" but she did not stop there. She proved that she really meant what she said by what she did. We may say we love Jesus; bat do we love him better than our own pleasures f If we do, let us prove it by thinking at onoe, "What can I do for him f What can I do to spread the knowledge of him and his na me ?" iivylish Magazine. CATHOLIC. F Archbishop McCloskey lately confirmed 130 ot tbe inmates t toe almshouse and hospitals of BlarkweU's Isiand, The only daughter of the Czar of Russia is to marry tbe King of Bavaria, and will leave tbe Catholic for tbe Greek Church. This will be the first Instance in the Russian Imperial family of such an exchange of faitb. Religious papers are giving currency to tho absurd story that tbe Society for the Propaga tion of the Roman Catholic Faitb, whose head quarters are in New York, received last year $1,000,000, of which $300,000 was from sub scriptions of one ceut per week. Indeoendent. The Catholics, under the direction of Bishop Subuls, bave recently commenced tbe erection vin our city of a charity hospital. It is to be one liiiflrAfl onft nfrnti..ftfrtit font Inner fhtrlcfnur feet wide and two stories nigh. The intention is to baye it completed in three months lrom this time, as it is no w very much needed. It is in hn situated next to the Catholic Driest's bouse. near the Ban Jedro. San Antonio (lexat) Herald. Tbe feast of St. Agnes was celebrated in Rome, on January 21, with great devotion. The crypt where sne was counnea, in me i ..or urn Agonale, bow Piazza Navona, was opened to the iaithtnl, and was filled from first vespers on January 20 by a crowd of the faithful. Tin two lambs destined to iurni.'h the Pope's table at Easter, and of whose wool are mado the Pallia given to the Legates, were blessed at high mass at the Basilica of rR. Aguese Puorl le Mure, where the young virgin martyr won her crown. On tbe 18th tbe horns were blessed at tbe Esquilite, being tbe feast of St. Anthony, the abbott oy the superior ot the convent bearing that name. On Sunday, February 14, in the Chapel of tbe Ursuline Convent, Brown county, Ohio, Mlts Catharine Murphy, in religion Sister M. Louisa, native of Ireland, and Miss Marie Portail, a native of Fiance, made their vows at Mass, and received the blur k veil. In tbe afternoon of the iam dav. the Bight Rev, Bishop of Louisville fave the white veil to Miss Libby M'Mabon of llinois, in religion, Bieter Raphael, and to Miss Lucie Boraess of Cincinnati, in religion tiieter Mary de Nice. The Rev. lid ward Purcoll nronr-hed. The ceremony, as usual at this in- I atltution. was conducted in the most graceful f atvle, and the music was exquisite. We have learned, with much gratification, that tbe Most Rev. Archbishop has succeeded in arrtiiiir out an arrangement bv which tbe liJatholics of Upper Mailboro', Prince George's tnntr rtenrivea tiiroutniue wauiui cierirvmen. The Rev. Dominican Fathers bave lor several years past attended this mission from Washing ton, with much zeal and tflicieucy, thereby jnei'iuiig tne grautuue auu icceiviun me maun of the many and respectable Catholics of tbis portion of the archdiocese, com prising the three cocgrezatioi s of 8t. Mary's, Upper Marlboro', the Most Holy Bosary, and St. Ignatius', near Alexandria. The venerable and Very Rev, N. D. You bc. O. 8. D., in particular, may be re garded as tbo second founder of this mission, he having devoted himself with so much zeal and energy to its development, and having suc ceeded in enlarging its boundaries and increas ing its relialous iacilities, by erecting or caus ing to be erected the newt'burchof the Most "oiy fiosary, hujuiiahih uitu vuuuiuk mi. f pastoral mldencc was designed uud coni ,,uc?ii. though it was not completed. Batti jnca e Mirror. , BAPTIST, . r Owing to a failure in ful51lti; tbe offers nrt made, the FreewlOlst Tueoiosrir-al School ywill potptJwrnTrom New Himpton to Haver- Anew era is dawning upon the Btptiet interests of the thilviog city or Pittsburg, 1'u. Of the nine churches, four are large and effi cient bodies, and tbe others are matting fair progress. The Interest in the Fourth Church, Rev. Mr. feagc, Paster, is also on the increase, and is of a specially eucouraglng character. Tffj converts were baptized on tbe 12th instant, and seven more on tbe 21st. The Bev. A. E. Anderson was recently im mersed by a Buptist minister, and installed pastor of a Baptist church m Wilmington. Ohio. He had been eleven years a member and minister ol the Presbyterian Oburcb in Eug- a!i5rbe pastoral relation of the Rev. fleonrc C. Ixirtmer, D. !., with the First Baptist Churcb of Albany, New York, has been so greaMv blessed that more tbau one hundred aldlllonal members have been received. Most interesting meeting are ye iu progress. During the latter part of December dele- rates lrom fifty or more A'ican Baptist churches met in the First African Baptist Church of Montgomery, and organized the Ala Km n ft Convention of Colored Hantlat Cburcbes the first body of the kind ever exist .... in the State. Irpi. Dr. Henson. Pastor of the Memorial Church of this city, has the coustaut tokens of the Lord's ioooe. Tbe chapel Is fulT at every n't vice ou tbo Ktbisib, aud will oon r too fWHll for the incros-lng congrrgntton. Three wire t'spdzed lait .H-,bla'h mo-tung. - Tbe work i graco is quietly and steadily iroiie ing in several of ttin obarches of this ci'.v. Jn tb heoond Church, of which Mr. Cniiicart U ibe pauor, tbe lntereti riin?, and tho arrows of divine tiuth bive reacbi d the bt-orts of the King's eoerrjie, and tbe slain ot the Lord are many. Eigbt wore baptizai last Miblftb. - Trevor Hall, the dormitory building ot tho Kothestrr Theological Seuitnury, Ij one of the most elegant and coinmodioui bui'dlngs oi the krnd iu tbe coantry. It cont $15,0u, ot wbich John B. Trevor, of New Vork, gave $13 000 and .lames B. Cotsatr, $7000. Tbo building is 48 by K0 cet, and contaius 48 room to be furnistiert by individuals and associa tions at $400 ench. - In the Broad Street Church tbe good work still continues; live wore baptised on tbe even ing ot tbe 10th lostnnt, Rnd others are received for bantam, and several moro on tbo nth. Tai s of tmltuy li . Kov. I. F. S'.tdhan, Pastor, bap . tized threo persons last Sabbatb.' le.ntlt Church. U-7. J. 8. Kennard, Pastor, baptized three lat Sabbatb. A correspondent suds us an exlrsct of the last report ot Descon Thomas Webb, the colored Baptist brother who lias been so successful in Christian work in the Iose9t of the purlieus of uiixiDPBii. it says: 'Oo the 25th of July, 1807, I was called to attend tbe Mineral of a liltlo child, who died iu the Lord. After it wan over, I was followed out in the street by an old sister wh") is niuety yt-ars old. Seventy year of her life she has spent Iu tbe caufu of tbe Lord. We talked about tbe conversion of Plum street; and I said to bcr, when lcavlne:-'Mv slater, if vou will get a room for me I will come here and see what the Lord will have me to do.' And on tbe foliowiog J-abbith 1 commenced, which was the Slstday ot July. 18G7. From that time up to Hie prcseut 1 bave been laboring Iu that place, aud the result Is them have been 48 ga'h'-rel in since that time. row thtie was oal? oue besHes myself, and that was Sister tlurri, and she a poor widow. I think tbat Scripture Is ful ailed which says, 'Where two or three are assembled In my name, there will I bc also in tbe midst of trjem,''' The plar-e spokeu f above is commonly called "Hell's Hali-Acre," and the "old tavern" to which we referred two weeks ago, in mentioning iuis euorr, nas oeeu ren.ea oy Deacon weoo, and turned iDto a meeting-house. Services are held on Sunday, and twice during the week. Deacon Webb was born a slave In Virginia. came to Cincinnati early In Me, ami has been in tbe employ of tbe Etni insurance Company for iounern years. Alter dis nays wore is uuished. he labors in the locality named. Surely there is leason for encouragement and "lay effort," when one so humble can do so much good. inutpeitutrru. METHODIST. Bishop Simpson has appointed four colored men in Louisiana to the of presiding elderr. The presiding elders of New Eogland hold a conference in iioston this wetk. iStrangc to say, it is a new imug. The Memphis (Tenn.) Daily Post, of the 10th lust., confirms tbe rumor nrevinnsiv enr rent that the Rev. flT. H. Pearne, of the Tennes rce Conference, has accepted the appointment oi Dupeiinwnueni oi rouco.or that city. It is the African Methodists, and not the Methodists ot the South, the Rev. J. F. W. Ware, of Baltimore, thinks the Unitarians ought to aid. A reference to him three weeks ago has ncen muapprenenoca dj come, New Yoik Methodism has a home for its aged and poor members, with between seventy and eighty inmates at present, it has existed for seventeeu years, has now a fine and well- located building, ana casts about fifteen thou eand dollars a year to run it. A scheme it now ntloat to build in that city ai orphans' asvlum. for tbe benefit of orphans falling to the cate of tne Utiiirch. Bishop Slmpfon, on his return from the Texas Conference, preached in Dr. Newman's church in New Orleaus, on the 7th instant, to large coneregatiou, among whom was the Gov ernor of the State. On tbat occasion almost tne entire indebtedness of the cburch, amount lug to $5000, was paid off, and Dr. fcewman expects to lalee the rest in a few days. PBESBVTFBIAN. An effort is In progress to raise $50,000 to lotiiu a new paper ior tne new cuooi rtunoau na'.ton in Chicago, Illinois. A Presbyterian League for City Churcb Extension is aUo being matured in that enterpilsing city. The Rev. A. J. Leavenworth, of Petersburg, uiea on r riaay nigDi, ine lztn insi., ac nis rest dence in Petersburg, Va. For niauy years he was at the head of a female seminary, which ranked very high among the schools of the country. The Presbyteries of the New School Church are voting on tne Basis ot union. The follow lng votes are reported lately: The Presbytery oi ueneva nas approved tne joint committee Basis, but empowers the next Assembly to make any mouincation oi ine pian wnicn our commit tee may suggest. The Presbytery of Ontario authorizes tbe next Assembly to cousammate reunion on the basis of the committee's recent action, or on such terms as may be mutually satisfactory. A social visit was made lately bv the con gregation of Park Presbyterian church, Newark, j N. J., to their pastor, the Rev. Prentiss Da Veuve, at his resiaenoc, No. 26 Fultoa street, to which be has recently removed. The time was agreeably passed in conversation and social enjoyment. The people of this church have given Mr. De Veuve a substantial evidence of their esteem in furnishing carpets, and other- wire nttmg np his new nouse, ai an expanse ot several hundred dollars. CONGREGATIONAL. The American Congregational Union stands pkdLtd lor grants voted to between fifty and sixty churche?, .in addition to the long list to wnicn giams nave been already paid tne pre sent j ear. The trustees look confidently to tho pastors and churches that have not taken col lections stnee May to come promptly to their' aid with liberal contributions. Unless this is done, the good work now so happily advancing must be arrested and applications fur assistance denied. Are there not individual men and women who can appreciate the privilege aud honor of beiug the instrument of bull ling one Christian churcb, wbich shall bless tbe world long after they are dead? Several persons have given $u00 eacb, and bave so reared tor ibt-m-tlves enduring monument?.- A;c there not others who are ready to do the same? lnde- EPISCOPAL. The Rev. G. W. Brown has resigned the rectorship of bt. John's cburch, Norrlstowu, Pn., to take efiect in Match next. Ibe Kev. Francis Vinton has been elected Professor of Ecclesiastical 1'olitv and Law in the General Theological Seminary of New York cHv-. . . ' ine e-piscopai cnurcnes or Kew York city reported 24U0 baptism, 1335 conflrmatious, 14.502 communicants. ani contributions amount ing to $067,82814 for 1HG8. Lust year uev. jjr. T.yng's foctety (SU George's and chapels) contributed $230,133 for various purposes, while Trinity Churcb, St. Paul'i Chapel, end St. John's Chapel, also in Isew York, unitedly contributed but $108,238. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. Mt. Vernon Hotel, 81 Monument street, Baltimore. Elegantly Furnished, with unsurpassed Culsino. On the European rian, D. Pa MORGAN. "17 tODLANPS CEMETEKY COMPANY. VV '11 be-following Managers and 0 Ulcers have been elected lor the year is ELI U.. PRICE, President. Wm. H. Moore. ' ; Wm. W. KM. Ban. uel b. M oon, Ferdinand J. Dreer, Olil'ts Dallett, I (ieorge L. Bushy, Edwin Oreble, B A, Enlght. Secretary and Treasurer, JOBEPH B.TO w"N8END. Tbs Managers have panned a resolution requiring both Let-holders and visitors to present tickets at tne entrant ior admission to the Cemetery. Tickets may be bad at the OiUoeoftb Compauy, No. HIS ARC'U btreet, or t! any ol the Manager. 1 t'J RAILROAD LINES. "READING -IV MMS f RAILROAD. CUE AT TRUNK r piuim I'Nii.Aiiki.i'Mit 1'u run. IN lEklOKOP CKSN-VLVANI K. 1 H K 114U Y Ij- P: nUSUUK UiNnA. WUMBKiCL AHJJ WIOMINU VAL,LKVf, TH KORTH, NOaTHWEST. AND TTIE CAN ADAS. WINTER AURANOFIMICNT OP PASSKNOKR THAI.', lweuiler M, lsS. JjPAVlnff Ui Cimiiftliv'i ILnniMt 'l'hlpinth And pKiiuwluu s.reuu. PaUadeiuliia. t ut followlni hours: MORNING ACOOMMODATIOW. At T'lO A. M. tor KliiiK n1 ah intnrmrdlkt StBIKil.R and Allcniown. Jiruitiilng, Irtvra KmiliDg at S'Hb 1". M.j arrlven la l'blladmphl at '. P. M. MORNTNU KX PRESS. At S IB A. M. Inr H. Kiilnir. l.hKiinn. TTurrlntinr. Fotuvllle FlunUrova, l'ni(uiu,Buiihury. W'lll'nud pore, Klin Ira. Hcbentwr. NiHfAta Fun, Builaui, Nv iiksurie, Pliuioa, Kork, Carlisle. UUaiubvraburg, liBgors'nnD, etc Hie 1-M A.m. train connects at RKADIVU with KmI Pentisylvanla Railroad tralus lor Allentuwo ct and tbe Sift A. M. train conuecta wit t the lrfUanon Vallnv train lor Barrlnlmrs, hit.: at POUT L'LI10N with CatawiHga Rullruad trains for VV1I- ilHKisDon. Lock Hvcn. Klmlra etc: hi Harris. KL HO wlih Northern Central, Cumberland Vlly, and Hi.'huyllcill aud Husquebauna trains Tor North umherlaud, WhlianiBnort, York, CbaiubeMburg AFTERNOON KXPRTS8. Leaves Pl)llaleibla Ui P. M. for Ttendlnir Pi,tivllie, HHrrmburg, eio cont eclliig with Kedm and Columbia Kaliroud trains lor Columbia, elo. POTT8TOWN ACCOMMODATION. Iavea PulUtown at 6 46 A. M . s.oddidb at later. nieillateBlatlonR; arrlTPelu I'ulladelpbU ai lu M. KeturniuB. leaven r nuadelpbla at 4 P. U.: arrives la Potutown at 15 p. m. READINQ ACCOMMODATION, Ieavea lu-acllug at7'i) a M biopdiiik at all way Stallonii; arrives In Philadelphia ai 10 2i A. 94. iteiurnlng, leaves PnliaUolpbla at 4 46 P. M.; arrives In Heading at 7 4i P. M 1 rains lor rnnuaeipn-a leave uarrisniirg at s iu a M., and PotlBVllle at S 46 A, M., arriving In Pnl.adei uhlaatlP. M. Anernoin trains Irave UarrlsUure at 2 06 P. M.. and Poitavllle at i 46 P, M., arriving at fnuaueiiiuia at r. m llairinbiirg Acconimoaaiion iravea Heading at 7'1S A. M . and HarrUburg at 4 10 P. M Connecting at Reading with Afternoon Ai comiuodaiion soiitb at S itf P. M.. arriving in Philadelphia at S'26 P. M. M arket train, w lib a paiuenger car aitacbed, leaves Pbliadelpbla at 12 u noon, lur Potisvllle and a I way stations; leaves Potlnvllle at 7'iW A. At. for Pailadei- pbla and all way stations. All tbe above Main ton daily, Sundays ex cei'ted. , .,,. uuuaay irmua ivuwtiub h o a. in , nuu PhliadeiDbla at 816 P. M, Leaves Philadelphia Ur Reading at 8 A, M. Returulug iron Keadlug at 4'26 P. AL, CHESTER VAliLKT RAILROAD. PamenKeis lor Downingtowa and lniermedlata points ike the 7 80 A. M Vino, aud 4 p. M. trains t b-30 . M.. 12 46 and 6 15 P. M. PERKIOMKN RAILROAD. Passengers tor bklvpaok take 7-su A. M. and 4 P. M. tialus from Philadelphia, returning from ditippack at b'Ki A. U . aud 12 45 P. M. Singe lines for lie various polnu In Perklonien Valley connect wltn trains at Coilegevllle and BkJppack. NEW TORK EXPRESS FOR PITTSBURQ AND 'I UK WKtSl', Leaves New York ut 9 A, M. and S and 8 P. M.. panslng Reading at 1 06 A. M and 1M) and 10 is P, M., and connecting at Harris urg with Pennsylvania aud Northern Central Railroad Kxpreea trains for Pltlsbnig, Chicago, WlUlaumport, Jtlmlra, iialU nioie, etc, Keturntng Express train leaves Harrlabnrg on arrival of Pennsylvania Kxprtsa from PUtahurg at 8 60 and 6 60 A. AC... and 10 6u P. M., passing Reading at 6 44 aud 7'U1 A. M., and 12-50 P. M., aud arrlvlug al w York at 11 A. M. and U A and 5 p. M. Sleeping cart acccmpauy tbeae trains through between Jersey City and Pittsburg without change. A MU Train lor New ork leaves Harrlsburg at 8 10 A. M.aLd 2 05 P. M. Hall train for Harrlsuurg leaves Hew TCotk. at 12 M. iBGHTJYLKiLL VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Potisvllle at o M and li o a. M , and C4 P. M.. returning from 'lamaqua at 8 So A, M., aud t'lband 4.iS5P. M.. , BCHXJYLKILL AND BU8QTJEHAKNA RAIL HO AiJ. Trains leave Auburn at 7-66 A M. for Plnegrove ana Barruburg, and al 12'16 noon for Plnegrove aud Tremout. Returning from Barrlsourg at 8 80 P. Al.. and lrom liemout at 3 40A.M. and bit P. M. TICKETS. Throng flrst-olasi tickets aud emigrant tickets to all tbe pilnulpal points la tbe JNorlb aud Went "KacurslouTTIckets from Philadelphia to Reading, and intermediate stations, good lor one day only, are sold by Mtunlng Accommodation Market Tralu, Reading and Pottbtown Aooonuuodution Trains, at 'Excumo'rf'TIckets to Philadelphia, good for one dsv only, are sold at Reading ana intermediate sta tions by Reading aud Pottstown Acooinrnodalloa Trail a at reductd rales. i ha following tickets sre obtainable only at the OUice Ot B. Bradlord, TreaHUrer. N. 227 8. Foiirm BcTtet. Philadelphia, or of U. A. lcious,Ueneral Bupennwnueuv, iteadtug. COMMUTATION TICKETS. At 26 per cent, discount, between auy points de Sited, tor lamules and Him. MILEAGK TICKETS. Gcod for 20(0 miies. between ah points, at S52-50 eacb far lamlliea "0 ni"S BEABON TICKETS, For three, six, nine, or twtlve mouths, for holders on ly , to alt points at reduced rates. CLERUYMEN Residing on tbe Hue of tne road will bs furnished with cures entitling themselves and wives to tickets at ball fare. EXCURSION TICKETS From Philadelphia to principal stations, good for Baturday, buuduy.and reduced J area, to be bad only at tbe Ticket Ollice, at Thirteenth aud OOlowhW street. FRKJOHT. Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above points irom ire company's new freight depot, Broad a&o All iw ? . FBKIG FIT TRAINS Leave Philadelphia daily at 4 86 A. M , 12-30 noon. 8 and 0 P. M., lor Reading, Leosuon, Harrisonr' Potisvllle, Purl CUuton, aud ail points beyond. MAILS Close at the Philadelphia rout Office for all place on tbe ruad and lu branches at 8 a. M., and lor lbs principal stations only at 2-16 P M. BAUUAQE. Dungan's Express win collect baggage tor all trains leaving Philadelphia Depot. can belettat No. 'lib H i'ourtn street, or at the Depot, i'nirteeuth aud cailowbill stxteig. "VTOUTU PENNSYLVANIA KAILKOAD. ilN Po WKTULAHikA. DOYLiLBTOWiM, MAUtH CiitN. itAVlOiN, WILlAMoPOtr, WILKKS. BAKKK MAHaNoY CliY. MOUNT CAJtMJtL. P1TTBTON, 1 UNU.UANNOCK. Ni BCRANTOjx! WIMiat AKRANUJtMliNlU Pascenser Tralus leave the Depot, corner ot BERKS and AM K1CAN buettta, dally (Bundays excpied, as follows: A17 46A. M. (Express for Bethlehem, Allentowu, Mancb cbuna, Haalelon, Wllliaiusport, Wllkesbarre, Mabanoy City, Plttslon, and Tunkuaauock. -46 A.M. (kxpress) lor Bethlehem, iutston, Allen-. t wu, Mauch Cnuiik, Wilkeoharre, pitkstou, and Bcrauton, At P46 P. H. (Expresn) for Bethlehem,- Mauch Chuhk, Wllkesbarre, Pittsioa, and Bcrauton. At 6'UO P. M. lor Bethiebew, J&astou, Allentown and Mauch Cnunk. Por Doylestown at 8'46 A. M., 2 48 and 4-18 p. M. Pur Port WabhUigton at lu 46 A. M. aud 11 top, M, For Lausdaie at b'2 i P. M, Filth and bixib streets, Heconrt and Third streets, and Union City Passenger Railways run to the new "TRAINS ARRIVH IN PHILADELPHIA From Bethlehem at tllu A, M tt'lo, 6'-6, and 8'30 'v?om Doylestown at 8-36 A. M., 4'5S and 7 P. M, From Lansdale at 7'0 A. M. From Fort Washington at 10 48 A. M. and S'ld P, IL. Od BUNDAYB. Philadelphia for Bethlehem nUMA.M, Philadelphia for Doylentowu at 2 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7 A. M, i, lh m fur PL I lade on la at 4 P. M. Tickets sold and Baggage checked through at I.'ann's North Pennsylvania Baggage Kxpress Oillce, Ml. FXJTIii street. TXT EST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA V V XUIlaJOVa TT J al 1 Din AAaVJllilillini. -on aud alter MONDAY, October 6, ltxxl, Trains will leave as follows: . Leave Philadelphia from tbe Depot, THIRTY FlKbT and CUEhN UT Blreets, 7 46 A. It.. 11 A. ML., i 80 P. Mj416 P. M., 4 60 P. M., 816 and 11 80 P. M. Leave West Chester lor Philadelphia, from Deport on East Market street at 6 26 A. M 7 46 A. M., 8 u0 A. M.. 10-46 A. M.. 1-66 P. M.. 460 P.M., and 866 P. M. Iralns leave West Chester al 8 oO A. M.. and leav it g Philadelphia at 4 60 P. M.. win stop at B. a Juno t on and Media only. Passengers to or from station between Vest Chester and B. U. Junction, going Kaet, will take train leaving West Obester at T i A. M and going West will take the train leaving Philadelphia at 4 60 P, M., aud transfer at B. 0. Junction. The Depot In Philadelphia Is reached directly by tbe Chesnut and Walnut Btreet cars. Those or the Market btreet Una run within one square. Tne cars of both line connect with eacb train npon Its arrival. ON BUNDAY8, . Leave Philadelphia at 8 8uA. M. andf-OOP. Mt. Leave West Cheaier at 7 -66 A, M. and 4 00 P. M. Trains leaving Phlladulpnla at 7 46 A. M. aud 480 P M., and leaving West Chester at 1 00 A. M. and 4-00 p M., connect at B. (J Jnnutloo with Trains on P. A B. O U.H., for Ox'tird and lniern-ndlaia pulnls. 410 UENHY WOOD, Mveral Hup'l, V V P 1 A IF Ufkl la 3 t -k.1 S. t A I L A Klf J la1 M ga' fclT RAILROAD LINES. 1 Rf?Q FOB NEW YORK. TUB CAMPBS A-U' JO, AND AM HOY AND FH1LABKLPH I 4 , ANDTRKNTON RSI LKOA D;COM PAN J MM' UN KS WAPLAlH.UKJLUiA 10 W VOKJK, AND ri WALjrrrT armmnr wsiir, 4: !'T) 4; v" Csmden and Amboy Acoom...l?-W Ai i S-7" vn,ueD and Jersey City Kx. MaU 8-00 Ai So S" y' in,,Jen and Amboy Express. 0U .1 5 i I,i ,0, A rubor and IntrniPdlate stations. At SSOand 8 A. M and inn P. M. for Freehold. A-. -12 A' -11 M' nd ' F. M. for Trenton. MJLfSi ,,nd ,ft A M- 1 " . nd IPSO P. Unro BordenU,wi BurUJigtoB, Beverly, nd De At 'ftO and 10 A. K 1, 1 10, 4 i. . and 1180 P. M. for Florence, Ittlgewater. Riverside. Rlvenon, Pal pivra, and Fish House, and! P. foi Florence and Jblverian. The i and 11-80 p. w. Lfnog leave from Market Street Ferry fnpoer side.) ..... JMO" .""MHINOTOl BPO. .1,'1:f ' KeiisitKion and Jersey City, New York Express Line, Fare ft. A17 W. aLd li a. 61. 2 an, a SO, and 6 P. M. for Trenton and Brh lol. And at 10-16 A M for Bristol. At 7-80 and It a. M. 2 80, and 6 P. M. tor MorrlsvlUs and luliytown At 7 -80 and 10-1(1 1 A. M. and 1 80, and IP. M.ror Bcliencs's and it.ddlugton. At 7 Brand 10-16 a. M. 280, 4, 6, and S P, v.for Cora well's, lerreaaale. Holmesburg, Taconv. Wlssloo. mlng, Brldeaburg, and Prank lord, and at 8 P. M. for juoimesiurg sua tuiermeuiate outnous, Via Conneuiliig Railway. At t'46 A. M . 1-20. 4. ft-Mi. and 12 P.M. New York Kx press, via Jersey City; Pare, ts 26. a. jj so x. ai. jf. migrant Line: x are, s. At 46 A. M., i-2o, 4. e-80, and 12 p. M . for Trenton. Al 5 A. M., 8.6-H0nd 12 P. M.,for Br.Blol. At 10 u u 'iii. .... u .... ..Ilia TllllVtOWn. clieLck's.Kddlngion.Cornweli's.Torresdale.Hoimes- burg, Xacony, Wisslnomlng, Brldeaburg, and Prank foid. 1 he s-45 A, m ., t-M and is P M. Lines wm run dally. All 01 bers, (Sundays excepted. or Lines leaving Kensington depot on -Ibud or Fifth streets , at Cbeinut, su nnuuke. before depariore. 1 h car of Market Btreetnal' way run direct to west rmladelptita iM-pnv, tnnuu. Walnut a. ll hln nna annara lln HlindllVI theMSTKet Btreet cars will run to connect with the 8 46 A. M.. '8 and 12 P. M. Lines. . MttLlt V iDikUto Dx L A W A KK nuuujau xmxijvo, talis KhNSlSvTun ua.rtrr. At 7'80 A. M. lor Niagara Pulls, Uuttalo. Dunkirk, l . I l.t.. .... u..nk.uutuV lllllilll.llllflll i hL. r.iuiiia, .kiiaca, utnu, u .. . , .. u M ...... w wego, Byrncuse, Wreul Peud, Munt.-twe, wtllteshai re, bcianton.btroudsburg. Water Uap, Bcuooley s Mouu- ta I ff rGm At 7-80 A. M. aud 8-80 P. M. tor Belvldere, Easton, Lambertvllle, Fleoiiugton, eio, The 8 0 P M. Hue connects direct with the '.rslu leaving Easton lor Mauch Chunk, AUentown, bethleheot, etc. At 6 P.M. for Lambertvllle add Intermediate Sta tions, CAMDEN AND BURLINGTON COUNTY AND; AND HiUHlWOWW RAIL- jiuMMARKET PTREET FERRY. (Upper Bide.) At 7 and 10 A , M 1-80, 8 80, aud 6 so P. M., for Mer chantsvllie, Moutestown, Hanlurd, Masonville. Bains port, Ilouut Doily, omitnvlile. Ewausvllie VlncentowB, Blimlugbam, and Pembrrton. At 7 a. M., 1 80 and 8 8i P. M., lor Lewtotow Wrlchtstown, Cooksvowa, New Egypt, JJorneritown, Cream Ridge, Imiajsiown. Bharou, and Hlghustowu. 11 16 WILLIAM U. UATZMJR, Agent. DEUKSYLVAKIA CtKTKAL UA1LU0AD FALL TIME, TAKINU JlFFEOT NOV. 22, 1888. Tlie trains of tne Peuusytvaiua Ceuual Railroad leave the DPut,at'lHi-K'i'Y-sXJttT MAAKJtP Streets, which is readied directly by. the Mario btreet cars, toe last car connecting wltu eacn train leaving Jfront aud Market streets tnlrty minutes be fore Its departure, 'Ine Cnesnni and Walnut btreots cars run within one square ol the Depot. - Bleeping Car Tickets can oe had on application at the Ticket ollice N. W. .cornel Ninth and Choanal streets, and at the depot. Agents oi the Union Transfer Company will can for and deliver baggage at tne depot. Ordars leit at No. vol Uhesnut stteet, or No, 118 Market street, will renews ffiffifo DEPOT, VIZ:- Mall Train. ......" 8"O0 A, M, paoll Accommodation, i0 SO A. au, 1.0, aud vuo P. M. Past LlneM.M..MMMM..,,",",w",,M,,--I A. M. Erie Express,........,.....". ..................m......"Li'&o A. M, jHarrisourg AccomiHOdatlon.MMM...M..M.M..,,. 280 P. M. Lancaster Accommodation.,,,,,.....,,,......,,,..,. 4'.o P. M. f arkesburg TrainH.MM.M.M..........,,M..,.. 6-80 P, M. Cincinnati jCxprea .............. 8'OU P. M, Erie Mall and BuUalo Expres...................l0 46 P. m. Philadelphia Express J 00 NIgnt. Erie Midi leaves dally, except Bunday, running on Baiurday night to Wllllamsport only. On Sunday nigbl SasseDgers will leave Philadelphia at 12 o'clock. fhliaoelphla Express leaves daily, All other trains The' wSSmS Accommodation Train runs dally, .!-"?7.ri ti.ia train lionets must be Dro. cnfd aTd Kttage delivered by 6 00 P. M.. t No: 116 KTRA1N8 ARRIVK AT DEPOT. VIZ.:- fhiiadeiLhla Japress..M...Mw..!.............0 m a, IA.. pkoltAccommooailon,.- .0 a. al., s wauu iu jr. M f '.-TrvTrf nuUalo HJtpress........M...10tiO A. hi in 1-1 - a.ln . tlx Ftst Line .... 10 ihj a, m, Lancaster Train....-........ ....-. r, M Erie Express........"-",""!""'""?.f" M J)ijy JKx P T BW Slltt-" "' sssssssts sssssssssss s svU Jt I JXL( Harris bore Acw;ouiuiodai',w.MM,,,,"4() J? jror vANLEf'KTJr. Ticket Ageui, JOM v jxo.gmcHEBNDT Btreil, FRANCW FUNK, Ticket Agent, ' No. US M AKKKT htraat BAMUEL H. WALLACE, Tlnknt AttABtaLthA DminL Ths Pennsylvania Railroad Com cany will not as. sume auy risk for Batiguge, except for Wearing Ap- arel, and limit their rwpousibluty to One Hundred 'Oliaro lu value. All Baggage exceeding that amount Lu value will oe at tnermK 01 tne owner, unless tax en . . thlL'AUIlU u;il I I . MU 42i General Biiperlulendent Altoona, Pa,M OtllLADELPHIA, WILMINGTON, AND r K.l.i lMi.Kh. RAILRiitfD. TIME TABLE. Con-menctug jtONJJAV. November 28, lbtib. Trains will leave Depot corner Broad street auu washing' Way Mali Train at 8 80 A. M. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore, stopping at all regular suttloui. Coo nectlug with Delaware Railroad at Wilmington for Cr BUtia anu loieiuicuiare """" .... t,.,rn,.Trkin at 12 M- (Buudays excepted) for Bai.luiure aud Washington, stopnng at Wilmington, Pern vine, ana navre-t hhi uiuumm rr w .11 K (vain flt.r NhW Caatle. j Express Train at 4-oo P. M. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, i.uvmui riitmn.ont. WllminiUJU. Now- port, Bianton, utewaxit,, v.------, town Pei r) v ile. Havre deorace, Aoerdeen, Perry. ins, Idgewooi, Magnolia, Chase's, nd Btemmer'i Bun' . tr .t ii-i v M iDallvl for Baltimore JMgni TSt.7.L. Thnrlo. I. In. ud ? PJ?XCViMnrli.. Eikton, wuuii, ttl, ilavrA da (iraCP. take the WOO VTnTm trains. ' . WJl-aii"'-. anil Slopping at all btauoua a -v.r ,l'miui?i.,?:.rt.inhlaat 1100 A, M.. 1 8d, 8 09, and . fr"?. n , 7 i:... u M. Iralncoimccu With Dela 7 W r. ju. '""r'a7:, ;1:."-ui mtermediata ware itauroau u lations. ,.., - tHi .d s io A. M.. 1-80. 4-18, and . hi, s 10 A. M. 'A rain w til not stop between ? K: ?t,t pMuieiL,ulti. Tub 7 00 P. M. iValn from cuniei "----... all otber A Leave Bslttmore 7-va a7M. Way Man-, 80 A. M.. EX Express, 2 w P.M., i(.OM BALTIMORE. DVJ1 ' sal f. Bx, stuppiug aa m re oo-urace, rerry Xlkton. jMewark. noli v layiuuut, Lluwood, anu I'ntBier. Vieu to aU points West, Booth, and j u roiis" juiuna" ---- . nrocurea at ticaci uuice, o, ose ti)tou"' .and ntllUB lu Bieepmg cars can oe biate ft",, aay. Persons puichasluu tickets fcVr.ta.SU can have bassatiectKCked at lueir resl auihls cn u' Company, oence by the Luiou yuperintendent. AKD ERIE BAILKOAD. -TUKOUuti AND PiliiAOKtiPlltA, WlLLlAUsPOitP. t""'i, oil. UKUION UV fUNriVI. Ab,l lliJ urA w ' ; VAISIA. K1-ulnK cars on all NtRht Trains. . ttienau" "'-7- mmAY. .November is, the Sus'on Tie Phtladolphla and JLrle Katlroad WW tvalllB CD run as follows. viTWiti : ttj att leaves Philadelphia.. SiAlL.TBAIH l, vdlliamsport .....,.10'46 P, M. , O IJ A. OL, ! arrives at nv. x-, m, ... wvnirmM leaves Philadelphia 11 MA. M. ERIE PKEBtt iev WUJlfcuulU0rUi 8 bo P. 3 a arrives at Krle loo a. M, T vjt,; . MAIL leaves Philadelpliu 8U0 A. M, J5LMIRA( " wuiiantsport 80 P. m! : u arrives at Lockhavenun 7 P, M. ' XABTWAMD. MAIL TBAIN 1 aves P-rle.,. m........I0-S5 A. M, ""h . Wllllauiaport lil M A. M. " arrives at Philadelphia lu ou a. m. JEBIE EJCPBilbb leaves Krle. 86 P. ti , " WUllarnaport.... 7 ml A. M. ' h arrives at PhUadelphla... i-W p, M. Vail and Kxpress connect with Oil Creek and AUesbeny BlVWt fcailload. BAUUAOiJi CH W3KitB THKOL'UlL ALPKKO L. TYLJtK, IU General Buperlntendenl EST JBB8EY RAILROADS. TALL AMD WIM'KB AKHANU KM KNT. 'roin foot of MAkKKT btreet (Upper Perry). Oummenciug WiLJJIN t-MUAlf, Bepleiuoer la. 1868. w T KilN a LkAVK AS POLLOW8. For Cape May ana stations below MUlvUls, ttl P. M. tor Mtllvllle, Vineland, and La termed tal4 stations 1-16 A.M., 8-16 P.M. Por Brjdajettiat balein, and way station 6'15 A, K ror Woodbury at 6-16 A. M., 6-is, rso, and s-00 P. M Freight train leaves Oarudea dally at U o'oluoJi "freight received at second covered wnasfiala Walnut street, dally. Fielsb! JjeUvwed No. M Honth Delawares van WtLUAM J. 8KWKU, 8 Jt baptMlateudealj, .......... uuii imure at 7 a r;.P?.ryn,anAherueen.ilav vknn atlVLPllIA tf A KM1SBUKU, RAILROAD LINES. PHILADELPHIA, OKRMANTOWN, AND NCKhlaiOViN BAILBUAD. T1VE TADLK. FOR OKKMAMTOWTT. IavePrillsdeii bla at s, 7, 6.9 06, 10, II. It A. M., o o a. kiu' . a .1 r a o in 11 o k Leave l rmanUiwo at 6, T, 7S. S. 8 2ti. S. li. 11. 12 A. M., 1, 8 8 4.4, 6 tt',,7. 8,9, II) II P. M. Tbe 8 90 down train, and 3V and 6V no trains, will notslopon thetiermantown Branch, ON SUNDAYS. ; Leave Philadelphia at t 16 A. M., t. 7. and V. M. Leave Ueiuauiown at S-16 A. ML, 1, 6, and 4 P. M. CHE1TNUT II ILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia at 6, 8, lo. 12 A. M., t, i, b, 7, , mo 11 P, M. Leave Chestnut Hill at 7-10, 8 940, U'40 A. M., 140, 40, 6 40, s 40. 8-40, and 10 40 P. M, ON BUN DAYS, leave Philadelphia at 9 is A., 2 and 7 P. M. Leave Chtstuut Ulll at 7'60 A. M,, U'40, 6 40, add 9 2S FOR CONBHOHOCKEN AND NORRIfVIUWI?. Leave Philadelphia at 6, 7H. 9, and 11 05 A. M., .Ut, ,.b' tiW,.8(pft and lit, y,yi. Leave Norrlstown at 6 40. 7. 7-60.9. and 11 A. M.. IV. 8. 4 6H, and 8s P. M. ON BU.NDAYS. Leave Philadelphia al B AM.: V( and Vi P. KL Leave Norrlstown at 7 A. M.; t,'t and9 p. M. FORMANAYUNK. Leave Phttsdnlphla at 6. 7Ji. 9, and ll'OS A. M,i IS. s. ot. ti , s eo, anu lift r Al, Leave Manaynnk at 610, 7s, 6 20. ;, and 11X A. M. 2, 8 6, 6. ana 9 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leuve Philadelphia at 9 A. M ; and P. M, LeavP Manaynnk at 7, A. M.; 6 and Vi P. M. W. B. W1UHON, (iennral HuperlDtnnnent, Depot, Ninth and Ureen streets. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. f1 REAL ESTATE. THO M A3 & RONS' LI Sale. Very Valuable Ktislnexa maud. luiee etory Brlcir Mioreaud Dwelling;, known as Miller's Hotel, H. K. corner of Front and Harrison streetx, JNineteentli ward. Oa Taes ilBy, Mnrch 0. 181.0, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at tbe l'utludolptiia Kt chacRe, all tbat large and valuable three-story press duck Duiiuing, Known as Miner's Hotel, and lot f ground (composed ol three continuous lots), situate at tbe southeast comer of t rout and Harrison streets, Nineteenth ward; tbenoe extending eastward ly along Harrison street 88 feet V4 inches; thence further along the same, sonttieasl, 74 feet 3 lnohee; thence southwest 4o leet 1'if, incnes to a point; tneuoe soutueast a feet i inoh8 to a point; thenoe west 71 feet 6 Inches to Front street; thence along tne same 88 feet to the place of beginning. Tne other lot, situate on the east side of Front street, 83 feet south of Harrison street; 18 feet front, and in depth on the north line 71 leet 6 Inches, and AM Ihat aa11tra Una ii'l oht 1 ftZ Innh aas onrl I hat otber, situate on the southerly side of Harrison street. 117 feet vyt inoues west ot Pieio street; lit feet front, and lu depth ou the west line 45 feet 1 Inches, and on tbe east 60 feet 1(1 lnohoa to tne rear end of tbe Front street lots. Tbe house is well and substantially built of press brick: contains 86 rooms, and has all the modern eon ventences: sas. with nxinres. whioh are in cluded in the sale free of charge; bath, hot and cold water, furnace, cooking-ranse, large bar and fixtures, elo. Subject to a yearly ground- rent of 1342. Terms 15000 may remain on mortgage. Immediate possession. May be examined anv day previous to sale. -Tbe above Is an excellent business stand, di rectly opposite the New York Ksllroad Depot, Bee plan at tne auction rooms. M. THOMAS dt BOSS, Auctioneers, 2 23 27m0 Nos. 139 and 141 8, FOURTH 8t. ORPHANS' COURT BALE. Estate of Maria Lewis, deceased. Thomas A Sons. Auctioneers. Modern Three-story Brick Dwell ing, IV o. 1521 South Fifth street, north of Worth street, and below Dlckerson street. First ward. Pursuant to an order of the Orphnus' Oonrt for the olty and county or rnuaaeipnia, win oe sold at pnbllo sale, on Tuesday, Maroh 2, 1809, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Philadelphia Ex change, the following described property, late of Maria Lewis, deceased, viz : Alt mat lot 01 grounu, wim mo improve ments thereon, situate on the east side of Dela ware Fifth street, in the First ward of the city of Philadelphia, commencing at tbe dtstanoe of 48 reel nortnwara irom tne nortn siue 01 w orta street, and extending northward in fronton Fifth street 10 feet, and extending eastward In depth of that width 79 feet VA Inches. (Being the same premises which V tlllam Gray and wife, by Indenture dated the linn day of Onto h r. A. D. 1857. and reoorded in Deed Book It. D, W.. No. 144. pnse 225. eranled and conveyed nuto the said Maria Lewis, in fee.) Subject to the paj nient to Luke w. Dunei, nis heirs aia BEshrns. of a certain yearly ground rent or sum of J10, as therein expressed. Together with tbe free use, right, liberty, una privilege or an alley 8 leet iTA Inches wide and 32 last deep, ipudlDK into and from Enterprise Btreet. 76 feet 1 Inches east from Fifth street, with the right IO jntroauco wsiur pipes uuuar sua ssiue, sun tcgeiner who an otnr appurtoaanoes, By the Oonrt, JOSEPH MEGARY. Clerk O. O. HEN RY E. LEWIS, Administrator. O. T.A. 24. B. The improvements are a modern three story brick dwelling, with two-story frame back building, in good repair; has gas, bath, hot, and cold water, cooking range, etc. M. THOMAS fc SONS. Auctioneers, 2 U 20 27 Nos. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH Btreet. .M REAL ESTATE. THOMAS & SONS' La Sale. On Tuesday, March 2, 1869, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public Bale, at tbe Philadelphia Exchange, tbe following described properties, viz. No. 1. Three-story Hrtok Dwelling, No. 922 Sartaln street, south of Oirard avenue, between Eleventh and Twelfth streets. All that three story brick messuage, with two-story back building and lot of gronnd, situate on the west Bide of Sartaln street, tiM feet 6 inches south of Oirard avenue. No. 922; containing in front on Sariain street 15 feet U inches (including half of a feet wide alley), and iu depth 47 feet. It has gss, bath, hot and cold water, range, etc. Terms SloOOmay remain on mortgage. No. 2. Three-story Brick Dwelling, No. 561 Lehigh avenue, Nineteenth ward. All that three story brlok messuage and lotof ground, situate on the south went side of Lehigh avenue, 82 feet 7 inches soot beast of Trentuu aveuue, Nineteenth ward; 16 feet front, 120 feet deep to a 4 feet wide alley. It has gas, range, etc. Terms 81200 may remain ou mortgage. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, 2 23 27 Noa. 139 and 1118. FOURTH St. rffS REAL V.WATE THOMAS & HOS-l' 1 Sale. Larue lot and two modern three-story btic k. dwellings, Nos. 1129 and lliil Catharine street, corner of Twelfth street. On Tuesday, Marcn v. iou, at iz o ciocs, noon, win De soiu at publlo sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all mat large uiiu vaiuaoie lotoi grouau, auu tne improvements thereon eroded, situate at the northeast corner of Twelfth nnd Catharine BtitetN; containing in fron ton Twelfth street 50 ret, ana extunuiLg in uepin aiong uamanne street 100 feet to Temple ptieet. Tne improve ments are two three-story blicK dwellings, with two-story buck bulldingx. fronting ou OUUii rine street, Nos. 1129 and 1131; they have ra.trble mantels, gas, bath, etc. Clear oi an incuruurancr. Terms 85000 may remain on. inor'gnge. M. THOMAS A HUN'S. A.iieuurs, 22327m 6 Nos. 139 and lit S. FOURTH St. f REAL ESTATE. THOMAS & HONS' jtiitSale. Very desirabln Brick Stable aud Coaoh House, No. 2025 Locust B'.reet, west of Twentieth street, 82 feet ft'out. On Tuesday, March , 18011, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be Bold at publlo sale, at the FhUadelpul Exo.itene. all thatvery desirable two-story brick stable and coach house, situate on the north side of Locust Ntreet, west of Twentiethsircet, No. 2tlo; the lot containing in front on Locust street S'i foet, and extending in depth (iO feet. It has the aoaora dations for six horses and four carriages; Gold man's room, harness room, huy and straw lol t, gas throughout, stone pavement floor in car riage room, hydrant, drainage to stalls, etc. Terms Caen. Immediate possession. Keys at No. 17 J) Spruce street. M. THOMAS & SON'S, Auctioneers, 223 27 me Nos. 139 and 141 S. FOURTH St. af PEREMPTORY SALE TUOMA8 & LllSONS. Auctioneers, Modern three-story buck Dwelling, No. loot) Reed street, west of Fifteenth street. On Tuesday, Maroh A, H'W, at 12 o'clock, neon, will be sold at publlo su e, without reserve, at tbe Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern three-story brick messuage, with two-story back building and lot of ground, ltnate on the north Bldeoi Reed Btreet, 72 feat west of Fifteenth street, No. looit, oontuining in fronton Reed street IK feet, and extending In depth b0 feel to a 6 feet wide alley, leadlug lot Fifteenth street. The house contains n rooms, baa gaa, bath, hot and cold water, cooking Tiirmk-iikoo ruav remain on mortgage. Sale absolute. M. THOMAS & SON.S Anotloneers, 3 23 27 mhO N. ISO and 111 S, FOURTH Ht, AUCTION SALES M. THOMAS HONS," NOS. 139 AND 14 1 B. fOUKTH BTRAJtt. . - 1 PTJBLlu HiLH. HOR8X8, COWs, WMIuN. bLKIQH, HAR- . NK18, JtTO. On !Mondr Aflernffon, March 1, at t ,'! nek. at ih farm ut Jmaa If nI. If.r'U I'liiirnh I. ma li..h. tt.l.i.... a.m.m.m I rerve, 1 1 superior iliicIi oiws, half br-ed Alder lay , f) , hull, (ravniarr, grain wagon s elgti, pl.iagta, ' double and Untie barnes,coJars, baiters, elo. oats a-unitive, xeru-s i am, ins PA I K OF PKAL PfeTATB AND STOCKS. V March 2 at VI o'clock noon, st tne Kxoban.e, ' ' hKVPNTKKNi it ANU V INIO. Nartouat surnav. . Ltver Ktahle. Owellins; and large lot, lis fast froat. 88 7 H rams AXveiiing. LAKCABIKK 1 UKNP1K K Frame Oweltlogs, FlfTH (Houili), No. j6.1 Morern Dwelling. FKONT. soiitb of Moorf Frauia Dwelling. , ., . FKANKL1N, No. 8i70 Brlok DweMng. t HHIr-'i lN. No. lHlf Krlc DvS'llng. H-JUNd OARnKN.No. 182.1 Modern KesldentM. WAKKKT, No. Hurlnes Bland. , FUUHTH (Nortn). fo,- Valuable Store. V A N HORN Large lait ' MAHKKT No. l Biistne-s atan. LOCUhT. No. 414 llrlok Fsolory Buildings. TWELFTH. No. 118 below Ouesnut Valnthla " Dwelling. , . MKl rll-SO, li'-nnB'B "welling, bA HT A IN, No. IJ Oenteel Dwelling. IP.IIIOll AVK I'K No 6i entei Dwelling. rll.N '1 weniy-thlrd Ward Brick Dweilint;. TaKKIR (Bouth site), east of Klgh h Valnabto Mill property ' pull particulars . , Kxeciitor'a Hals. 6780 V. 8. Five-twenties, coupons, January and Jaly. ' Por other Accounts. Mslmres National Bans ol the Keonbllc. It 00 id mnrtftare bonds Wen Chester and Phlladst- pnia ttHiirnau Lumpsnr, 1 share Plillsdelphla Library. 6 sharis Bank of No'th America. -r 76sbareHPiuisylvanla Wood Prtservlni Company:' par I5. 26 sb res Camden anrl Atlantic Ra'Irnad Co (o'd.1 fshars Kl-l iimnrt (iranl'eCompany; par$luO. 210 shares American Buttonhole Machine Co. 71 shares Pbinnln Insurance Co. Hilt lOsba-ea Locust Gap Improvement Co. CHOICJC ENGLISH AND AMKHI0AN BOOKS. On -roeday Arternoon, . . . Varrh t. at 4 n'nlnnk. Included are Madden' Jewish Coinage: Prlohsrd's Natural Hist ry or Man, ; colorfd pi aim; Russell's Naval Architecture, 8 vols., folio; Humphrey's Art of Priming, 4U.; Owen Janes' -Urmmsr ol Ornament: Shakespeare, fao-slmlie ot 1IU8 fo'lo; Westwood's Mln'atnrrs and Orasmantsof Anslo-Caxon and Irish Jtaannsorlpts. ioiio; rogia-s Glossary ol Kcrlef last leal Ornament and Cesiums, . 4io.i iiiumes jrione javie, 4 vois-, ciur pi, Biuma's Mosenm Bolanlcom. 2 vots.i Brlilah Poets. 180 vols., half calf; Waverley Novels, 12 vols. Abbot. ford edition, fine copy, ato. SWSl .' BUNTING, uuuiioauw uu auutiohi EKBB, Noa. 182 and 284 MARKET Street, conn , Of Bank s trees, suuwa-wi. duuu a. Arers si waa LARQK SALK OF FBF.Nt II AND OTHER KQRO- Un Monday Morning, March 1, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit. 214 tt BALE OF 00O CABBtf BOOTS, BHOBS, TRA- V AA,l'li S4US, S1U ' On Tuesday Morning, -March 2. at lOo'clock.oo four months' credit. IMS! ( LARGE BALK OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DAVY UUtllAS. On Thursday Morning. ; At 10 o'clock, on four months' credit, 1 28 M LARGE BALE OT OA It PETINQ9. OIL-CLOTHS, KIO. ' On Friday Morning Maroh 8. at 11 o'clock, on four months' crsdlt, about 2M j.hcesof Ingrain. Veuetlan, list, bsmp, cotte, . aiu rag carpetiiiKS, noor oil-ciotus, vw. ta a, ww m CLARK A EVANS, .AUCTIONEERS, KO. 6N -OHJCHNDT Btreet- Will sell THIS DAT, Morning and Evenitur, . A large Invoice of BlankeW, Bed Bpreads, Dry Goods! Cloths, Casslmeres, Hosiery, Stationery, Table MS 1 ' Pocket Cutlery, Notions, eu. . : ..! Olty and country mercliauta will find bargaiOB. Terms cash. -'5 tioods paoked free of chars s I . J OD. McCLEES & GO., AUC1I0NEEES, H . 608 M AttK-KT BtretU ., , Mj(j BALE OF 1000 CABE BOOTS. BHOE3, BROGIAJNB,' , , ETO. ETO. ... On Monday Morning, ' --: - H March 1, at 10 o'clock. Also, a large Una city mad goods. . ' I N. I! Sales Mondays and Thursdays ol every ;(i; HlWi mm mm TaTARTIN BROTHERS. AUCTIONEERS,- XVi. (Lately Salesmen for M. Thomas A Bons.) No. 828 (JlfkBlNrjT Bt. rear entrance from si morj THOMAS BTRCH ft BON, AUCTIONEEBI AND COMMISSION MEROHANT8, No. 1U OBKbhuT Hureet: rear entranoe no, hut Hansom r t T I T XI i i'l'rp ov m, r VI 1 TlPTtAVVCVfl JJ ASHHPBWT BUILDIN. No. 40 MAKKJCT Wj KEENAN, t?ON & CO., No. 112 8. FRONT Btreet. auctioneers: REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. ' . . : t.1 PUBL1U HAlihJ. TUUMAS SUJNS. Auctioneers. Valurtble Mill Property. ' ' south Bide of Tasker street, east of ElghtliM Btreet. On Tuesday, March 2, 1863, at 12 o'olook, , .. noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Phtia-' "- delpa.a Jixcufug"! tWW-wry orivK uui. property and lot Of ground, situate on the son tH ., Bide of Tasker s treat-, east of Eighth street; tbe lot containing in front on Tasker street 60 feet ' 1 9 inches, and extending in depth on one line v i 106 feet, and on the other line 156 feet. Tbe . main building of mill Is two stories high, well lighted and substantially ouutor nnok w oy 7U i feet, with two-story addition In rear 17 by 23 - . . feet; containing in first floor engine-room witbi a fall 12-horse-power engine aud two 12-horo-. i nower boners (omit Dy Morgan urrj, nearly, ,- i new, steam gnage, etc., all in excellent order; on second floor a dry-room, with racks, also racks for drying yarn, etc. The lot la enclosed :- with hign ana ciose roaraience. nnDjeottost yearly ground rent of 8100. t - XflSf USeiHUlluouuuiu 11 Luiuuuua, . M.THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, . 222 27 ;Nos. 138 and 1418. FOURTH Street. Q ADMINISTRATOR'S PEREMPTORY Sale. Under the Will of Israelis. Elliott. Oeceased. Thomas A Sons, Auctioneers. Brlok d weiring, Penn street, Frank ford. Twenty-third ward, on Tuesday, aiarcu t, ioo, at, as o diuos, noon, will be sold at public sale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all tbat brick messuage ana lot or grounu, situate oa the north west side of Penn street, Frankford, , Twenty-third ward; containing in front oa Penn street a ieet, ana extenutng in uepiu i feet, more or less, lo t he rear ends of Lelper street lots. Clear of all inenmbranoe. Terms, cash. Kale absolute. 1 100 to be paid at time ot sale. JOHN McCORMIlC, Administrator. . M- THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers, 218 27 Noh. 13" and 141 S. FOURTH Street, REAL ESTATE. THOMAS & S0N3 Halo. Very Valuable Business Stand.' iuree-story Rriek Store, No. 030 Market street, . evstof Tenth street. 20 feet front, 120 feet deep. On Tuesday, March 2, 1800, at 12 o'clock, noon, will, be sold at publlo sale, at the PhUadelphla Exoliange.all that valuable three-story brick, store and lot of ground, sltnato on tbe south, side of Market street, east of Tenth Btreet, Now 98'i; containing in front on Market Btreet 20 feet, and extending in depth 120 feet to a street. Subject to an Irredeemable gronnd rentof jswfc. Terms fjoOOO may remain on mortgage. Pos- Ht SSIOU April a.1. M. THOMAS & BON8, Auctioneers, . 2 18 20 27 Nos. 130 ana mi t - CHROrVlO-LITHOGRAPHS. ICTURES FOR PRE9EKX8.; A. B. BOBINS ON. yt No. 010 CHESNUT Btreet, " , , Hasjnst reoelved exqnlslte epeclmeniof ' , ART, 8U IT ABLE FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS,'' fl ' FINE DRESDEN f'ENAMELS" ON TOROB; ' LAIN, IN GREAT VARIETY. (SPLENDID PAINTED PHOTOGRAPHS, Including a Number of Choloe Gems. A &UPERB LINE OF CHROM03. A large assortment of NEW ENGRAVINGS. ETC, A.o, RICH STYLES FRAMES, of elegant 816 new patterns; .-.7,n u IRRIAD E. '- ' PH I L O 8 O F x - Veuves at the . ' Kw1 V?u'nf,niBw"iiy, etobracing tha Kern Vork Mus.iim oi AJ wt( JjW tutfi' BubJots:-How to j'JJ, A , Manbood Generally "H V outh, Maiurliy. and otilllioui j- ialuleuce aud V w l(vleweu: 'Tccouuled For; Maniags Futle- f N,rvous Plseww lo fcl(J Pockwl voluuies os-, sopbica lyiUou e; b) lotWarded. poaupald. , u,,,,u5i.?i7rittilsy addresslnaW. A, LKAUT, ,' on louuut 'FIFTH and VVAXiSUT btreeVa! 11 i'UiiadelP1'1" .;iJ r m f-.i or 3 .'a' Lit ! H - I'