C '. T1IK -J-I - mm. . I NX V BKIKS A Die Ment-l Dyspeptlesj A Salad for Small Nalarleej, ; ? AWD I ; i A SALVE FOR BAD CUTS. The Whole carefully compounded sad pat np expressly for Family Use. BY OCR SEMES EDITOR. NUMBER CCXII. . HOB ORNlMBMTil. THAU . ITMfPUL. ' Franfc "Xou're surely not going out Nils ireailier?" Dear Little Wife "Wliy not, Frank? I've got mj beautiful new waterprool and urn. fcrella." Frank "Well, vou'll ruin 'cm, that's all!" "Peter, what are you doing to that boy P aid a icboo1mater. "He wanted to know it jou take ten from seventeen how many will remain, so I took ten of his apples to show him, nd now he wants I should give them back." ..Well, why don't you do it, then?" "Coz, sir, kt would then forget how many is left." OCR "STAR" PORTRAIT UALLERY. 1 M Anjac an "Barbe Blene." He is not called "Bnrbe Blcue" because he is generally "blue" In spirits; he bavin? seven Wives, of course has no time to be blue. Be Is not called "Barbe" because he patronizes the Barber; 'tis juet the opposite: he avoids the bar ber, and cultivates a flowing beard, butia called . "Barbe Bleno" because that's his name. 9-Hrsi Seolt-Slddons as "Rosalind." She is not called "Rosalind" because she is ny relation to Jenny Lind, or any other mom hti of the Llnd family. The reason for calling ler tats ii, because it is more apt to be "As You Like It." S Mrs. John Brew as "Viola." 8n la called "Viola," not because she plays a Villa in, but because it would be a Viola-tion of tbs text to call her anything else. t' ' 4-Hr. B. Craig-as "Powhatan." , Xli gentlemen is called PowbaTan on ac ouni of his complexion being so lan-nea, Powbs being bis Injun name. He was originally tailed Posha the Tanned, but eventually be and his name, bv intermixture with the white ;wce, became corrupted, by which he got a bad . ame. DAILY E O-Mr. Barton Hill an "Captain Jobn bin It ti." lie was both instrumental and vocal in set tling Virginia, and had it not been for Poca hontas, Powhatan wou'd have been instrumental in settling him. Ttie Smith family from that day have had up UUl work to milntaln their name in the community, particularly the "Johns," as the paes of any well-conducted city directory will show. Horrible Custom. We have been credibly informed tbat during the teasou a large number of persons have been observed picking up flesh at the sca-slde. Surely the authorities, Including the coroners, ought to make some inquiries about so horrifying a habit. A German wrote an obituary cn the death of his wife, of which the following is a copy : "If mine wile had lived until next Friday she would have been dead shust two weeks. Nothing Is possible with the Almighty. As de tree falls so must It stand." The following announcement lately ap peared in a paper: "Edward Eden, painter, la requested to communicate with his brother when he will hear of something to his advantage Lis wife is dead." The Marquis de F is the duellist of France. He Is so fond of fighting that, having dreamed the olber night that tbe Duke de had trod on his toes, he sent him a challenge tbe very next morning. "Is that maible?" inquired a gentleman, pointing to a bust of Kentucky's great states man, the other day, in a store. "No, sir, that's Clay," promptly replied the dealer. A witty saying was that of the French noble man who, oa beiug rallied by the king on growing old, and asked where he would like to be buried, answered, "At your feet, she." A locomotive on a Western railroad has becu adorned with the title "I still live.'' Tbat is more than many of the passengers can say at the end of the journey. Eaid a very old man: ' Some folks always complain about the weather, bat I am very thankful when I wake up in the morning to find any weather at all." Lord Chesterfield once remarked that even Adam, the first man, knew the value of polite ness, and allowed fcve to have the first bite of the apple. "Mamma," said a promising youth of four or five summers, "if all people are made of dust, ain't coloi ed men made of coal-dust ?" Bald headed men take a joke more easily, bo cause tbey are not at the trouble of "getting it through their hair." Why is the pen mightier than the sword? Because it can draw money, while the other only draws blood. A child, wanting to describe a snake, said it was "a thing all tall nlear up to the head 1 ' Young men auxious to get rid of their wild oats will do well to get a sewing-machine, j Tenement that is not Occupied Half the Time The room for Improvement. The Sono an Escaped Convict would Sinq "The last link is broken." Motto FOB A FASBIONADLE Youno Lady "Never too late to bend." Ihe Mot Steadfast Follower of our Fortunes Our creditor?. What make8the sunrise ? Why, the East, of course, stoopid I Another New Heading. Man proposes, but woman accepts. An Unfortunate Attachment That of the Siamese Twins. Of what poet does the pleurisy remind jou? A k enact e. The Chief of thh Mist Authorities Lamb. What tune is a great favorite? Fortune. A Prevalent lam Rbeumutinm. Outward Bound Hooka. Low People D war Is. Urainutlc Iteiuai Mr. Howard Paul will shortly play "Lidy juncueiu" Hi uiury L,nno liifatre, aua will aoums me part witn "Hecate." ine nome nrenie, a new drama, In re heaisul at the 8urrey TDea're, i by the late Mr. J. Biining Cojne. This play, the only posthumous work of Mr. Cojne, was noiq me complete at tbe time of his death, and bis received lrom bis ecu, Mr, Denis Coyne, the necessary addiUcns. A correfpoAdeuce in tbe London Times concerning the originality of ixhool proves Mr. Bobcrtpon to have borrowed a small pcition oi his plot liom "Aschenbrodel." bv Benedix. a play mentioned iu the Aiheiiaum ao bearing ruwr intuiuniif to nir. Jioueiuon's comedy. Mil, uuuciitiuirH uKii'Oieonees 10 the Herman author Is not great, but such as it is it ouht to have been acknowledged, and rbonld not have uecn leu 10 db oetectea by tbe ingenuity of rrnici or the reGollec'lou ol those wbo bad seen tne earner work, wnence comis the raoderu oinniuTisi'e strange reluctance to be periectly candid concerning ihe sources from which his plot is drawn? All who read tbe Lord Chflmhirlilti'a tiicular to the managers ot theatres may not know whence his poer as licenser ol plays U obtained. By cui-tnm ihe Lord Chamberlain has tor a Iodk pi riod had the power ol prohibit ing plays "cn". naive lo publio morals or ob noxiou to public policy." But until J737 lit jurlfcdktion bad nper been declared or defined by pokttlve law. Ofi Friday, the 28th of May, 1737, a bill was brought into tbe Houne of Com n ons to explain aud amend to much pt an act made in the twelfth year of tbe lelgu of Queen Anne, entitled "Au act for reducing the laws relating to rogues, vagabond sturdy b.'ggars, and vagiants, into oneaeu t Pmlianei.t: and for the more eflectua Eunnbtug of uch rogues, vagabonds, sturdy (gear, and vacrrauLa. mil .pnrtmir thum J w-hr they cugbt to be sent, a relatea to NG TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27 commfD pUT f InfeiJudos.' Ta act, whi- h was tntLdd tn pro'ect Mr K. Waipole Iro a tbe i ft'tf e of Fip'dinif, though It ra t with gret oppns tiun, was burr ed ibruh both hous1, and reotved tns roal aapi.t on tbe 21-t qt June following. I.-rd CheKterfleld's speech In op option U one of his happiest eilor s. He sticmntlKed th meanre ait an aUact upon projieriy. "Wit," my lorJs, be ald, with erive and puluhi d ir n, "Is a snri, of property. It is the pron'-rtv of 'hose tbat have It, and too often tbe inly property tbey have to depend on. It is Indeed out a precirious dependence. Thank Ood, we, my lor), have a depend 3oca of aiotber kind I We have a mncn less precaMo is support, and thorrfore cannot feel the incon veniences of the but nw bM'ore n; but it Is our duty to encourage wir, whosoever' property it may b , . . I must own. I caunot easily agree io ine laying or a tax noon wit. but hv tb's bill it Is t) be heavily taxed-lttato be excised; lor if thus bill paRses, it cannot b5 retailed in a proper way without a Dermtt: aud the Lorn cuamberlatn is to bavo the honor of being chief saucer, supervletor, coTimlsslounr, ndae ana jury." yee "Life or Fielding." bv F. 1 awrence. and "Lord Chesterfield' Works." edited by Lord Mahon. Musical Items. Madame Lucca, whote death was vasuelv rumored ooje weeks ago. Is reoorted to be taet recovering. She is soon to reappear at the Birlin Opera. Kots, til's peit'f mesa, known bv tbe namo of tbe Count 1'illtt Will, at whose house It was fiist given, has been bought bv M. Htrakosch, wno intends to nave it xriormea situutta neously in the chief cities of Europe. We are at a loss to conceive what purpose is to b served by tbe carrying out of this original Idea. von Juan, one ot M. L arval no's restora tions, b as been revived by his successor at tbe Thra're Lyriquc; but Mozort's opera is now in- ainerenuy supportea. Biaa ue urgent nas ap peared in La Traxunta; but her nervousness was so great on tne nignt or ner aeout mat sue was unable to do herself justice. It Is said that the Pone has commissioned the Abbe Liszt to prepare a scheme lor rescuing sacred music from tbe state or degradation into which it has lallen in Italy. It teems tbat Pius the Ninth would like to be tho Pius tbe Fourth of the nineteenth century. We tear tbat Liszt will not prove to be its Palcstrina. A visit paid by Dr. Stern J ale Bennett to Sheffield, his native town, has been made the occasion for a grnceful aud appropriate compli ment. He was invited by au ama'eur society to a concert In which his own compositions, comprifiog 'The Woman of Samaria," the F minor Concerto, and tbe "Naiades" overture, ere alone performed. There Is a touch of (Jer- msn sentiment about this which was scarcely to be expected in tbe home ot naruware. ine deatn is aunounceu at t?i. reiersourg ot Alexander Dugomitsky, a native composer, known by the ooeras Russaika and Esmeralda. lie has aUo left an incomplete Don Juttn, founded, like Jttuxsalka. on a dramatic skeicti by Pushkin, the Hvsswn Byron- lie wa9 buried in the cemetery ot the Newsky Kloster, near the crave ol (ilinkar and at tho funeral service, celebrated in the bt. fiimeou Cburcb, the Im- Lerial 'choir sang impressive selections from oriniansky's work. r,vcu in Russia a com poser is lowered iuto tbe tomb to tne strains or national music. Voltaire's Deatlib.d. From the Tall Mall Gazette, A new dooument has just been published at Paris, bearing on one of the most contested subjects in literary history the death of Voltaire. In the Journal des Dtfbats of Satnr day last, M. II. Taine, the author of the llistoire de la Litteratare Anglaide," has given to the world a new and contemporary account of the death of the great Frenchman. This aoconnt was forwarded to M. Taine by Mr. cohnyler, the American Consul at Mos cow, who discovered it among tne Russian at chives. It was originally sent by Prlnoe Ivan Bariantinsky, the Russian ambassador at Paris at the time of Voltaire's death; to the Empress Catharine II. The Ambassador says, "Knowing that your Imperial Majesty takes a deep interest in all that concerns this great man, I have prepared for your Majesty the following acoonnt ol tne deatn or Voltaire, by one ot my friends who was well acquainted with all the details." The naratlve is not signed; from inteinal evidenoe M. Taine judges it to have been written by a dootor. "At all events," be says, "it is perfectly authentic and of great interest." The. whole aoconnt is a long one, and fills more than three columns of the Ddais, and we oan only give here a few extracts whioh appear to throw a new light on the circumstances attending Voltaire's death We omit the first part of the despatoh, in whioh the writer states what was already known, viz : that Voltaire hastened his death by an overdose of opium whioh he took to alleviate the violent pains brodght on by his abuBe of coffee. The most important part of the new acoonnt ia that of relating the list moments of Voltaire, and the difficulties with which his burial was attended. Voltaire, ai We know already, had, at the desire of hi) relative?, who were anxious that he should have a Christian burial, confessed himself and made a sort of recantation, said to have been in the following terms by the uassian des patch: "I, the undersigned, certify and pro test tbat 1 die in tbe Catholio, Koman, ami Apostolical Cbnrch. It has happened that have caused scandal, by my works, to tbe Churoh and to religion, I ask God'a pardon for it, hoping tbat in His goodness he will vouch safe to pardon my faults." Nothing could well be more vague; there is no word of belief. nor even a denial of his errors, and it is no wonder the priests were but half satisfied. Oa Saturday, the 30th of May, 1778, all hope ot his recovery being abandoned, Voltaire's nephew, the Abbe Mignot, sent for the raid of fciamt bnlpice (tne parish, in wnion Voltaire lay dying) and for the Able Gantier, to whom the aloiesaid confession had been made two months before. We continue in the words of the new account: Tbereiwo priests came to M. de Voltaire's boukt:bewa then in a slats of languor, ex naui lion, and stupor quite frtuniful. lie was too, extremely weak from pain and from tho want ol nonilsbmeni. tua btomacn being no lungei able to retain any food. When tue two Jirlthls eniertd M. 09 Voltaire' cuamber, tbey ouud luere M. and M. . both of ibooi friends of M. tie Voltaire. Tbs gentlemen asked tbe care if tbelr Drasence would he obiec- tli nablo (d tropt at ao sad a time. TUoejre replied no. Tuen the arrival of the cord was announced to M. de Voltaire. Toe nrat lima be aDneared not to have heard. On being told a secoud time, he replied, "Tell'blm I respect him," and he passed his trm round the cure, to mark bis MtlHOhueul. Then tne cure onine nearer lo ine bed, and, after having spoken of God, of death, and of thealck man's approach ing end. be asked In a pretty louJ voice dune xoix asez haute). "Monsieur, do yon rtcognlEe the utvinlty ot Jesu Christ?" Thereupon M. Us Voltalro seemed to collect all his atrenKtri, made au. eltorl to alt up. quilted brusquely the cure, wbom be bad beld almost In bis embrace aua using the same arm whion be bad thrown rnuiVZi the cuiVa Deck, he made . gsature or anger, and. appearing to .mpuUs tne Mms'dl. in P..O-," and at once arood hi. ' - - . . ... U(M-kini- marira i viiiiih. back on me cure. a u . "-r" .r.TI with a readlueas whion no oua preaeui. 7. -- wtioHa head was & sUMis"; V trouo.ed by .operation (, r.?,..n enn . na la not In bis riitbt mind ImMiln'ava atete) He Baked for pen au.l paper ana wrois s permUaloo to oarry the body fif M de Voltaire wherever it might be desired, and 'lu the same writing declared that bo "abandoned" it. (M. Taine explains In a note that be meant to deprive it of all right of Christian burial). The Abbe U antler, the onn feaaor of M do Voltaire, elgned a sort of certifi cate of coufeaslon, aud the two priests retired. Tbls look place between six and seven in the evening, boon after M. de Voltaire culled for one of ills old aervants, took blni by Ihe band, and wlkhed him good by, and added, In a very distinct voice, "Take oars of Maria;" (ha was socolomd to call Madame Deoys, his nleoe, by thhi name). Tbeae were ihe lust words hs 0"erl. H tMorl the Rftme nlglt at qurtir io t )vn o'O'Ouk, aiuloMi tne luara ni extreme regrets of all nit iriond. - g Ills body, after belDg embalmed, was narried to tbe abbey of Cellleres, ot which M. Mignot, Ma nenhew. was then abbot. The bjdy, when laid in the grave, was covered with two feet of Quicklime. ThU is narrated by tt-a Rus- aian desnatoh on tbe evidenoe of an eye-wit- ness. who happened to be at Cellleres at the time of the bniial. The writer of tbe despatch nne.lndfl bv saving. "Yon may rely on the of these facts: I have them from M an intimate friend of M. de Voltaire, who did not quit him for an instant through out his illnes. I owe also several particulars to mv friend M . who saw M. de Voltaire three or four times a day, and took care to have accurate information of all that hap pened during this sad time." GENT.'S FURNISHING GOODS. H. 8. K. G. Harris' Seamless Kid Gloves. ITEBT PAIS WiBBAITED, SXOLUBIVXI AOX-TH VOR 0KNT9 OLOVJD9 J. W. SCOTT A CO., irlrp HO. S14 CHESIDT STBCKT, )A1N1 B II 0 U LDBB-BB AM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORK PKRFKCTT FITTING HHIKT8 AND DR1WIBS made liom meaurement at very tbort noiloe. All oilier articles of OJLMT-JaVUUi'a D&BSS euoiMi in run variety. . WUNCHKSTKU CO., 11 1 Bo, 70S CmCHNOT Blreet. LEGAL NOTICES. TN THI COURT OP COMMON PLEAS KOtt X THK U1TY AND .OuUNTlf OH' P11ILA. llELPHIA. '1 mat naiate oi Mrs. CHiimi iiw ulkhuknnini. The Auditor annolu'.d by tlie Court to audit, aetiie. ana .alum tte second and rlnal acoount ol HUtiU HLkiuii, 'iruniee. a nit-u ny wuiiam ji.iiiott, His r'Xecuior, ana 01 toe p.ia w unam juuoi, jlz.cu lor ofjlunn Billot l. uwewfa T.unee, aua to r?uort dlstrlbuilou of the baUace la the hands of tbe accountant, will in pel tbe parlies loleremea, lor ine urpose or nm appointuienk on auuii, ron . lhtin. at S o'clock P. M .. at bis I'tllce. No. W.ln. bH.ViUN l.El oireei, in tne c iy oi rniiaaeipnia. zlSthstuSt Author TTtSTAlE OF MAIUJAKET TURXflDLL, DE- lLi Cf.fid. letters ol AdmlnlRtratloD, cum testrtmentn anru-xo. upon tbe estate ol MA1U4AK&T 1 UKNUULL de ceased, baving been aranled to the UDrtera gnel all pei sous Indebted to sal J esiale will make payment, ai d these bavin, clklms against tbe same present THOMAS M. DRTSDALK. M. D . Adm'r. 2 C st No, 15jl AKCH Bireet, Philadelphia. GOVERNMENT SALES. PUBLIC SALE OF CONDEMNED ORD- liaiita Diurea. larte quantity of Ondemned Ordnancn and rirri nance btort-a will o oflered tur .a e a.Pubiio Auo t'on, at BUCK INLAND AR1KNAL llllaols. on W KDIN -JJA 1 , APriI7,l(W, at 10 o'clock A. M. Tbe loliowlug com prises some ol the pilnelpal aril- Vie, .W u, ai iu, i. . 2-i Jron Cannon, various calibres, 11(10 Field Carrl.gr i aud .Moibers. 190 tet ot rllliery barness, 10 (00 pounds bhot and dbelu 45.100 sftt of iDlactry Aocoutreujenl. 22CO WcClellnn baddies. 5W) e, rltilerr Baddies. 2100 Halters. . 7ti0 saddle 11 lank eta. 60) 0 VaterlkE Bridles. MOO Cavalry Curb Bridles. oo,ui a . .11 1... 'I r i ' u ii ii HlfflM. Persons wishing caulogues ol ibe Stores to i be sold can obtain them Dy appiicauou u .uo "'m vi vra narce. at Washington, 1). C or Brevet Colonel a. fiLiiuTM nnitvd MLatM Armv. Puronaslns OlUnn corner of BOUBTON andQKh.KN birewus, New Vork city, or npon application at mo -'jj--' 4N Lleutonarit ( olunel Uru nance, Brevet Brigaoler-Oenerl U. . A., Commandms. Bock island Arsenal, January U, lssg. l no IA7 ENGINES, MACHINERY. ETC. PENS BTEAU KNOINB ANA BOILKR WOKKa.-NKAJf'lhi A f.fcvv AAUllCALANn THUIKIlTIUAL KmUINRICUB. MieUIKI lUlk III . 1 I 1. W 1 1 L. uu ti ... SUlTliCt, and FOUNDKiUl. bavlas lor many year, been In successful operation, and been exoluslvelj engaged ho building and repairing; Marine and Rivet iUiglne., high and low-pressure, Iron Boilers, Water iiuiwuen, eic, etc, m uountuiiy oner men services to ibe publlo as being fully prepared to oon- Btatiouary; Caving sets of " ur eugmea or au autea, Aiaruie, lover, and BUlf oattern. oi (unorent i u. atterna of different suwi are prepared to execute orders with quick despatoh Jvery doscrl 101 uon of pattern-making made at tut . filsh and LiOW-Dreunra Bin shortest notice. HI luuuuu wiu jyiinuer uoiiera, ui tuts ueni jreunsyiva nla cbarcoal Iron, Forging of all sizes and kind. Iron and Bfua ClkHilniA of all dannrlntlnna. a,.A Turulug, Burew CuitiDg.and all other work oonneotss W.-u uo MJUTVUU.UIKB. Ikl&Dlnvn a r1 u..w.i .x&tlnTlS fbV all Wn.fr the eatabUfttamenl free ol cliwrge, and work .caaraa- . 1 l..a kn. nan IIa In ........ . . ' 'I'h. InninrlllAMI h.V. SmDIB WQUIAflll nnm. . - .. .. . M ..4 . . k. .... M hlfW.ka lt- ... - J .UU MCi 1IU,IUVU mbll Bunw, -"' W VvO. SIS W .-Ty jIXob 0iNKAFl JOHN P. IiCVV. Ill BKACH snd PAUiiB Streets, ROCTHWABK 'foUnSbJ, FIFTH AHI wm Jl m nji ibbi yw mimi, rjKlVOINll.h.RH AMI M1IIU I WTRTH manufaemrs High and Low Pressure bteani SngbMl i uju marin. cjorvioe. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, etc. Castings Of all kinds, nlthnr lrn or hrul. Iron i rauie Hoots lor Uas Work. Workshops, ant Railroad HtatlOBS. blc Ketorts and tiaa Machinery, of tbs latest and most Improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, al Bo gar, Baw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, UU bteam xraina, Defecators, filter, romping, jas. rtna. mto. Bole Agents tor N. BUleuz's Patent Bngsr BolUng Apparatus, Neemyth's Patent Hteam Hammer, SI'S Aspiowau m woouevs niem uauuuugai duim Uraiulns Machines. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ETC. gEAVEUS, CHIN CII ILL A3, ETC. ErC JAMES & LEE, RO, U MOUTH sjECO- ITBEBT, Bian. of the Oolden "Lamb Are now recslvlBg a large assortment of leavers. Chinchillas and other Orercoat- Alsa. a full line of 34 and 0-4 Black Doeskins, all of the best makes. Tbe attention of Merchant Tailors and Clothiers ars aneclallv Invited l AT WHOtWAm-AWB RCTATIfc ROOFING. KADY ROOF1N O. Thi. ltywitlnir Is adapted lo all rulhttniri. i. oan ha annllea IO r m . r. w wn a-ams - , . fc fH. . mm m . toolN at one-half tbe expense of tin. Itu TB(iiiv nut on old Bhlngle lloofa witnoa1. re- m.mirii ids BUluiiles. th us avoiding inedaaaair- iDg ofcellioks and lurniiore wbile undergoing repairs, inojrsvw ubhu.j PBIIKaVn TOflB TIBf BOOH WltU WLMOM 'M a JLiS W a IfJ l'Al l. , Ism always prepared to Ilopatr and Paint Roots at short notice. Also, l'AIN r ro ftAl.E by tbe barrel or gallon, tbe best and cheapest in tne market. W. A. WELTOI. 2 178 No. 711 N. NINTH Kt , above tates. (jJALYAMZED CABLE FENCING. Tbe Cheapest end most Endnrln? Fence for Farmers, Hallway Companies, or Country (Seats. Bamplea seen at the office of 1 rillLIP 8. JUSTICE, ! NO. 1 Norlb riFrU Nlreet, 2IVS PHILADMIJ'iH 1869. INSURANCE. D ANCE COMfANY. Incorporated by US Legislatnre ol Pennsylvania, IBM. Offloa B. X. orser of THIRD and WALNOT ummi TNHTTUA NC.K (A Vessels, Cargo, snd Freight to all parta ol tSUSD IHHnRAW ncs On good, by river, canal, lake and land carriage lo all parts of lbs Union. FIRS 1NR0RANC1KS OnMercbandlsegeneraliy; on Hiores, DTrelUngs, iionaes, eto. ASSETS OF TH COMPART, Novemher 1. 1HU8. 200.000 United State, Five Per ' i.t,i ift.j lona Ui nn 120,000 Untied Bisies Bix Per ' Cent. Loan, 1881 136,80000 50.000 United Hlales Blx Per ' Cent. Loan (isr Paclflo K). 60,00000 200.000 Btate of Penneylvaula Blx Fer Cent. Loan 211.875 06 126.000 City of rolls. Blx rerueni. Loan (exempt from tax). 60.00 Btate of New Jersey Blx 1'er Cent. Loan 20.000 Penn. Hall. First Mortgage Blx Per Cent. Bon ds... ...... 25.000 Penn. K. Becond Mortgage Blx Per Cent. Bonds 26,000 Western Penn. K. MorU Blx Per Cent. Bonds, (P. K. K. gnarantee) 80,000 Btate of Tennessee Five Per Cent. Loan..... 7,000 Btate of Tennessee Blx Per Cent. Loan 15,000 Oermantown ttus Co., prin cipal and Interest guaran. 128,59100 6100 00 20,200 00 81,000 00 20,62500 21,000 00 6,03125 800 shares Block 15,000 00 10,000 Penn'a Kallroad Company. .lmim 800 snares Block U,dW 00 6,000 North Penn'a Railroad Co., 100 shares Btock 20,000 Pbils end Bontbern Mall Bt earn. Co.. 80 shares Btock 207,000 Loans on Bond and Mori sage, first liens on City Properties....... ...., ..... 8,50000 15.000 00 207.900-00 81,109,000 Par. Market value, ll,130,82o-a8 Ral Eatate 1 8.000 00 Bills receivable for lnburunce nittae e.toom Balances dne at agencies, premiums on marine policies, accrued inter- au, nr. .1 nl i... .I..t.la il nu lilO Oft Tt m uany m. m...... so.iio eo Btock and scrip of sundry corpora- Hons. 83166. .Eallnittled value x.oiow Cash in bank Illtt 160 08 Casb la drawer.... 413 66 116,583 73 11,817,367 -80 dibiicks. Thomas O. Hand. Kctmnnd A. Bonder, Uamuel K. Htokes, Henry Sloan, William U. Ludwlg, Ueorge O. Lelper, Henry C. Dalieit, Jr., John D. Taylor, vieorue W. Bernadon, William O. Bonlton, iaoob Kietiel, spencer Mcllvatne. Jobn C Davis, James O. Hand, Tbeonbllns Pauldlns. Joeepb 11. Heal, nngn cruiK, Jobn R. Penrose, Jacob P. Jones, James Traqualr, Kdward Darlington, H. Jonts Brooke, James B. McFarland, Kdward Lafouroade. L). T. Morfsan.Pitteburg lonn ii. tsompie, Joanna r. vre. v. a. cerger. THOMAS I HANI President. JOHN O. DAVIS. Vlce.Prealdent. EENRY 17YLBURN, Secretary. HENKY BALL. Assistant BeureUry. flO 6 lS2J-tllAETEU PEliPETUAL. Franklin Fire-insurance Co, OFFICB: Kcs. 435 and 433 CUJESKUT SHsiaLl AA8JETS ON JAHDAnT 1. I80S, M.OUa.74OO0. Capita t..,., asao.ass. accxujcd fiUDxc8M.............i,oiIoa'aB PUJiMlVMS....,,,..,,. ..1,184,M4S-S UHBOTTJuJ-O OLAXMBs iNUOMJi ifoit lgin B3a.6i8-aa sas,ooo-, MIWJBM rAID It IN CO isa OVH ISS 500,000. Perpetual and Temporary Policies oa IdberJ Turn, DIRECTORS. Charles N. Bsncker, Allied Fltlsr, Baiunel Qraut. Thomas Sparks, oeorgew Jucnaras, Isaac Ia. n uiiam d, urant, . 11... 'A IJ .. 1. . onorsa jraiaa. Thomas S. Ulllal ujiAJtuj&a n i , ua.isva.1im, Presldsat. Uh-OHiiK FALLS. Vlcn-Prt-lrtant. JA8. W. UoAulIBTIlR, becretary pro tern, Sxcept at LexlngUu, Kentuoay, this Company! i BO Agencies West of Pittsourg. lia OFFICE OF THE lJSaURAJScE COMPANY OF 1MOU1H AMERICA, Ho. 262 W A1S UI bireel, Pbliaueipbla. Incorporuteu 17U4. Charter Per petnaL Capiutl, 850O,V0O. Assets 82,390,000 M AR1 E, 1 JUAJN D, AND FIRE llStiU RAW UK OVER 20,000,000 LOSSES PAID SINCE hb URUAMZA1UON. DLBE.CTOK8. Arthur G. Coffin, Otorge L. Harrison. Humnel W. Jones, John A. Brown, Charles Taylor, Ambrose While, Ricbara D. Wood, William Welsh, S. Morris Wain, John Mafeon, ARTHUR Q. Francis R. cone. Edward H. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke, X, Chariton Henry, Allreo D. Jessnp, John P. White, Loots O. Madeira, Charles W. Cushman. COFF1JM, President. CHARLES PLATT. Vloe President MATTHIAB Makib, Beoretary. 3IJ JrURE 1WSLKAACE EiCLUblVELY TH 1 IJUtAHKLVAAU FLU. l.OUBANCiC OUM A K incurporaied ItsZfr Cliarter PerpetualNo 10 WA1UT bueet, opv-onlie Independence Bquare This comuany, favorably known to theoummuulty for over lorty years, Ountinne. to Insure against Ion or damage oy ttre on Publlo or Private Buildings, either permanently or for s limited time. Also oa jfumHure Htocks of Ooods, snd KerohandUs sens rally, ou liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Bnrplns Fund la invested in tne most carelui manner, wnich enables them to offer io tbs Insured an undoubted security hi tue case ox lo Paniel Bmitn, Jr., i John reverenx, Alexander Benson, 1 Thomas Bmllk, Ixaao Masleburst, ?D.r7. ewhH , Xhomas Bobina, I J. UliLngtuun eln Muiwav nanlel Baddock, Jr. BANlkl, bMIIh. jB.JPIasldent, WM. 8. CBOWJaUJi. Becretary. IM gTRIOTLY MUTUAL. PROVIDENT LIFeInD TRUST CO. Of PRliDklLrHIA. or r ice, ao. in h. loiiiuu stkekt. UHMjisedlO WVUuMt XtLMM. AAoUitAUlC aioosg sae-her. ol TiTy 0, ,riknm. eood risks of any ohu. acoepted. Ponoies UsueU upou approvea pians, at tbs lowsat rU President, BAMTJJOj K. oRIPLKT, Vice-President, wiIaabi O. LuMUHTBJCTS. A ciuary , hOWLAND PAKKT, The advantages oflered by tbls txunpaiiy are expelled, mi Plio?.MX STJUAKCJi COUI'ANi", OF PillI.ADEl.Pill a. LNCJOKi-Uiuvi klJ o CHARTER PKRPKTOAJ. o. Xii WaLMtT Bireel, opuiwiie lbs kxoliauss. This Company Insures iroui low or damage by . iltt, on liberal terms, on buildings, merchandise, furniture, etc, lor limned periods, and permanently oa build liigs by deposit of pr.mlum I, The t mpany baa been in active operation for mors ihanblXTY YEA Kb, during w hiuk all losses Aavs been promptly sojusted ''SjpgJJj Jobn L. Bodge, liavid Lewis, HoiJuiln Kiting. Tnowaa it .Powsrs, A. K. McUeury, k.dn und Casllllon. si. o, aiaucny, iobu T. Lewis, William B. Urant, hobert W. Learning, D. Clark Wharton, bamuel Wlioox, Lawrence Lewis, jr. j'uaf R. VvucRKJtUtK. President, Irf-wli u. ronrris. Bamcsl Wiloox. bforeiary. Ut IlirEllIAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1803. Pald-np Capital and Accumulated Funds, 98,000,000 IN GOLD PRETOST 1IEIIRING, Agrents, I No, 107 South THIRD Btreet, Fhllads. 4-CHAJB, K. PEJCYOBT. CRA1. P. BXIUURQ INSURANCE. STA'i EMJGlsT OF THE CONDITION or rns PROVIDCNCC Washington Insurance Co, RHODE ISLAND, ' (Is First Jsunary, 18 FIR9T. ' Cspltsl Stock - IMO.OOODO Amount of assessmentsor Instalments , on Block paiu in owu. ..M.M.n.- uu,vouuu SECOND. Tbe vain as nearly as may be of the Real restate aeiu uy wo vjmpnujr ...... iioapuruij Cat hop hand Caen in Banks - ai,60 a5 Cnh in nauas oi ageuis ia oouraa oi transmiaaion Amount of Loans secured by llonds 8,308 01 and Mortgages, ronsiiiaucg tne first lien on Real Etale, on whion less than one year's Interest due and OWlm...IHM. WII.I.WIHMIM I Amonutol Loan ou wtiion interest bas not been paid within cne year... Amount of stocks owued by the Com pany, specifying ine nnmoer oi shares and their pur and market value. Bank Block: Par MrkH Widie. K.i die. 150 5o 38,600-00 none 2.89000 Interest on Investments dne and un paid - Accrued Interest uol yet due Olber available moeiianeons ani-om, specifying tbelr character and valu: ReLte.... - - $2.2 Water lUnts and fnriuiure.....nM l.uOt) Glly of Provloenco Bones 100,000 v. U. H. Konoe, bu.wu oi o Missouri BomlH-........... 9.200 167,79000 THIRD. Amount ot losses during the year, ad justed bnt not dne . Amount of losses reported to the Com pany, but not acted upon Amount of loRea resisted by I he (Jo..., Amonnt of dividends dne aud unnuld. etmn 13.44978 2,810 00 Amount of do. declared and not due.. 12.500 00 Amonntof all other claims ag-sinel tbe Com'y contested or otherwise about 1,000-00 Amount required to safely reinsure all outstanding rlsks.......... .. 73,607-80 FOURTH. Amonntof Cash Frenulums received 155.319 M Amount of Premiums not paid In oau during the 5 ear, stating tbe obaraoter of such premiums... Amonnt of Premiums earned ........ ..173 20572, luterest received from investments... 13,031 Income from an otner souroes,speouy log vf hat Bourcas Rents. . FIFTH. Amonnt of Losses paid dnrlng the year Amount paid and owing for Reinsu rance Premiums Amount of Return i'retiAums.wuelher tald or unpaid Amount of dividends declared during year... ...... ...... ... ....... Amount of dtvlceuds paid Amonntof expenses paid during the 10,600 00 r 80.127 08 11,103-19 18.7.rj0-00 11,99300 year, inciuuing commissions ana fees paid to Agents and Officers of 1 tbe Company 23,176-83 Amount of Looses due and uupaij...... none Amonntof taxes paid by Company 12, 103 H Amonnt of ail other expenses and ex- pendltures 6,37102 Parard market valne'of the Com- . pany's stock per share Far VaJue. JUarktl Value, ' 133 $13 JOHN KINGSBURY, President. WARREN S. GREENE, Secretary. , SABINE & ALLEN. AGENTS. N.PL rnrnPrFTPTTriiTifl WAT.VfTT 23tutbi6t PHILADSLPHIA-" 1 THE ENTERPRISE INSCRANC3 CO. OP PUlLADRLPUla.. OUlcefenthwest c.r. FuUUTH and WALWUT Bta. FlhE ilISBU HAlSCa; aXCLUttlVkLY. PHR1-KTDAL AND TEUM PuLICIEa IrtHDED. CaBh Capital m..3u0 0UUM0 Cash Assets January l. ltt9 .... 47K.2S3 F. Ratcbford Starr, lialbro Frazler. John V. Alwoed. BenJ. T. Tredlck, Ueorge B. Bluart, J. Livingston ErrlngeM James L. Uiaghom, Wm. U. Boultou, Cbarie. Wneeler, Tbos. H Montgomery, junii i. Brown, This Comnanv insures Onlv nmt-nli.i rinks, taklna no specially hazardous risks whatever, such as facto ries, mills, etc . , F. RATOHFORDBTARR President.' TB OH. H. MONTGOMERY, Vioe-Presldent. Alex. W. Wieisa, Secretary. - - g PAPER HANGINGS, ETC. HOWELL & E3R08,, Mannractnrers and Wholesale Dealers In PAPER HANGINGS, KKMOVED TO ZVoh. 3 aud 5 KECATUIt Street BELOW MABKET, 1 12 It Bstween Blxth sod Seventh streets. B E A N & WAR D; M-A1N AUD DLC0BATIYE ' PAPER HANGINGS, Xo. S51 South THIRD Street, . BXTWBEH WALKVT ABO BPBUCB, ' PniLADKLPHlA, j COUNTRY WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED I TO. S 18J : STOVES, RANGES, ETC. " KOT1CE. THE UNDERSIGNED woold cail tue ati.uilon of the publlo t his This Is an entirely new b valor. It ia so onu. ; suooied as ia at once commend ll.uli togeuural tavor, being a oumbluatlon of wrought and cant Iron. Ills' very sliuple In its construction, aud la prlotly air tight; aell-cieantng. havlugino Hp., or drum, to be laken out and clt auvd. It 1- so arraugvd with aprliihl hue. as to produce a larger amount of beat from uml sums weight of coal ibau any (urn to. now In dm , Tbe hgiomellc O'Udition oi Ui. air a. produowd by ' uy new airangemeut oi evaporation will at onoe da- j monttrale tbat It la ti e ouly ilot Air Puruaos that ' will produce a perehaly baauhy atmnaiiUera, j li t lu wantol a complete Heeling Apparatus would do well to call and ei amine Ihevjulduo Kasl I ...OHAKLll1 WlLLIAMtlT J Kos. HtU and UA MARK KT i A large assortment ol Cooking Raiigii'lv?rior4 0Bhaii'd XH,W UraM' Veuthaiors, elo always N. B. Jobbing of all kinds promptly dons. 1 14 . THOMloN'b LONDON KITCFIKNKB or h.U KOPkAN KaNufc., fwr famillos. hotels, i or udiic lusiiiunous. lu I VVkarY UlrrlL Jt- ) H.NT BiZkU. Also, Pblladuluhla Kan. 1 Uot-Alr Puiuai'ttM. Portable Bvaiora, Low-down j Grets, Flreboard biovrt, Ua'k bolifrs. bi.w-hois i Plates, boilers, looking Cloves, euiH wboleaals sad I mI.1I hLKini.i.i.luriii,.M 1 kit A It PR A THOMPSON, 11 Mw ftp Kin No. av N. UiAXNO Bureet QCORGC PLOWMAN. CAEPKNTKB AND BUILDER, REMOVED TO No; 184 DOCK Street FlilLAPLLP A , ...... j .. .i J. 1