THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27 1869. 4 fOILIIREI ElElf IFTEIIOII (bottoati vxonrreni, at THJ .KVJcamq nunsiiH buii Dvxa. ' JTO. TSOJO BTBMMT, fHILA I XLPHIA. JPM iYtoe U fAres oni per oop (& ht); mrtiahUtmoenii per aeek, payable to the carrier by irtom tewed. The lubeortption price by mail U trine DoOart per annum, or One DoUar and W ybr iwo mortfA', tavartooli i advance or (A. Kne ordered. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1869. The Meeting of tbe Two Soldiers. BBTT-Fca hochb' oonTereatioa with oar feUow-oUiiens of Philadelphia, and ft qalet night's rest, hare enabled as to Bee eren more Jearly than we could yesterday the true atti tuto ot Lieutenant Alexander K. MoClare's mission to Washington. With the withdrawal of the clouda whioh enTeloped the ambassador camel a more and more vivid ploture of unpa ralleled impertinenoe. Itoannotbe disputed, ren by the friends of that gentleman, that Captain MoClure, in going to Washington as the representative of Pennsylvania, committed at least a slight breach of common sense. If he Joes represent any one, we may ftek, who is it? What section does he hail from? Chambersbarg was, indeed, onoe the repository of his massive form and intellect, bat for reasons best known to himself and his late townsmen, he gathered bis little all together, transformed his residenoe into a seminary, and tamed carpet-bagger. He has come to Philadelphia Does he repre sent us? Not that we know of. Ills sole claim to represent oar olty is based on less than ft year's residence among as, and on that ground he tells General Grant that sot five thousand out of the sixty thou sand Republicans of Philadelphia know Mr. George H. Stuart. We would like to know how many of the sixty thousand know even the name of Major MoClure, except in oonneotlon with the tonnage tax discussion some six years ago; and does that endear him to their memory ? Does the loss to the State of some $700,000 justly due authorize one of the advocates of the loss to call himself a representative Pennsylvanian? Having thus shown that Lieutenant-Colonel MoClure, like Mahomet's coffin, is entitled to no location on terra Jirma, let as look at the persons he claimed to represent. They were three: Ex-Governor Cartin, Governor Geary, and Judge Williams. We yesterday expressed oar views frankly on the somewhat presump tions claim that these three, or any three, gentlemen could self-oonstitute themselves the organs of ft great State. So far time has elapsed only to hear from one. Governor Geary has spoken. Says Colonel MoClure "General Geary has sent a despatoh asking for the appointment of Governor Curtin, and has written a letter, whioh Is now en route." Says Governor Geary: F.XHomvE Ohambkr, Harbisbuko, Feb. 16, im.To General U. 13. Uian , fremde fu eled, Wae&ingtoa. P. O ait: By the tawi- Eapera of lo day X observe tbat. certain peraom a ve staled lo yoa that I bave written letter to Influence your Cabinet appointments, i nave never written or telegraphed to you or any other person one word In favor of or ugalujt. any one lor that position. yon have rcoeivcd any trusKtettert or telegram, they arc Jorge iet. "Truly yours, John W. Gbaby." Sot sot Brevet Brigadier-General MoClure, have you ever read Mrs. Opie's excellent work on white and blaok lies ? If yon have, under whioh head would you place your assertion of Governor Geary's position and your repre sentation of him f . Would the people not be justified in putting your assertions, so far as the Governor's attitude is concerned, among the ebony-colored utterances ? We are glad of the prompt denial on the part of Governor Geary, as he thus cancelled the invidious re flections whioh the whole community' were making on the course whioh he was alleged to have followed. Thus ene of the three oonstku ents of the ambassador departs. We next ex pect to hear that Judge Williams also has sever written a line, and, finally, that Gover or Cartin himself did not authorize any such exhibition as that made by Brigadier-General McClure. In fact, the whole conversation on the part of the "representative Pennsyl yanian" rem mas us oi the man wno was accused of having stated that he had a Iro therewith one eye, living In California. When , examined, however, there were a few errors found. The man in question had no brother living in California, he had no brother with ' bat one eye, and, finally, he never had any brotnerwun one eye or two. We tremble when we think how much Brevet Major General wcuiure nas piagarlxed from the anecdote quoted. Bat oat of the bitter can come forth the . sweet, and there is a moral even in the mis sion to Washington. When a man stalks Into the Executive presence, proclaims himself representative, fails to produoe his creden tials, attempts to overawe by playing a game of Huff, swells and struts, and darkly threatens, do not be surprised if the Executive tarns sharply on him, eyes him calmly, and orders him oat. Saoh things have been done in the past, and let it be a warning to any future Major-General MoClure to be careful, irtt of his language, teeorui of his credentials, and thirdly'-begging pardon for oar Igno '" rauoe of his military career of his title. . Two More Denial. Johtaswego to press we are Authorized to state that neither Judge Williams nor Judge Agnew has written suoh letters as Colonel MoClare alleged in his interview with General Orant. Ther were applied to for tbelr ea dorsement of the scheme of Curtin, McClure A Co.. but positively refused to have any A An ith it. Thev do not assume to dictate to General Grant concerning the com position ol his Cabinet. of the Interior De partment, nas decided that certain articles (. - Ivixserlj belonging to George WLiigtoa-r. . Including pieoes of household furniture, art!, oles of clothing, dishes, and papers whlrfh were removed by the Government from Ar lington House, shall be returned to Robert K. Lee, who owned the property previous te tat war. Terhaps there is no way in whioh thU saorilege oan be prevented; but, if possible, these relics should certainly not be permitted to return to the possession of the leader of the Rebel armies. The Metropolitan Pol lee mil. It is to be hoped that Senator Ilemzey will now retire from the polios business, ani that of legislation in general, and return to his first loves, the camera and other photographie paraphernalia. By his downright stupidity, and reckless disregard of the tights and wishes of his constituents, he has brought the Metro politan Police project into such disrepute, that even the bill which reoeived the endorsement of the whole Philadelphia delegation on the so-called Republican side of the Legislature sustained yesterday an ignominious defeat in the Senate. The rote stood 20 nays to 11 yea?, the votes of six Republican Senators being included among the former. We have already analysed the defeated bill, and see no oause to regret its fate. Bat there is certainly cause for regret in the fact that the defeat of this bill will tend to render impossible during the present session of the Legislature the passage of a wise, praotioable, and nnpartlsan Metropolitan Polloe bill, whioh the necessities of this community so impera tively demand. As Mr. Henszey has mani festly reached the limit of hiaresoaroes in this direction, we trust that he will strain himself nomore, but withdraw from the business, in order that some man possessing an ordinary amount of common sense, and ft deoent regard for the wishes of the people if saoh mau is included on the rolls of either house may frame and present suoh a bill as will command the votes of ft majority of both houses, and give satisfaction to the people of Philadelphia when it shall become a law. Tbe Nil lira go Amendment. Boih houses of Congress have at last passed, by the requisite two-thirds' vote, a joint reso lution proposing an amendment to the Con. stitution, whioh simply declares that "the right of the citizens of the United States te vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any State, on aooount of race, color, or previous condition of servi tude." This was the form assumed by the proposed amendment after it passed through the hands of the oommittee of conference, who took the liberty of striking oat all reference to the right to hold oifioe although there was originally no disagree ment npon that point between the two houses. Several Republican Senators denounced this aotlon of the conference oommittee, but they all, with the single exception of Mr. Fowler of Tennessee, voted for the proposition in its amended form, evidently through fear that nothing better could be gained before the two thirds' vote in the House of Representatives vanishes with the 4th of Maroh. The position of those npon whom will de. volve the task of seouring the ratification of three-fourths of the State Legislatures has certainly been weakened by the exclusion of the right to hold office from the proposed amendment. As it now stands, it is simply a half-way measure of justice, and half-way measures of all sorts are not calculated to seoure the hearty and zealous support of men who demand the full measure of right. Tbe Grand Jnry Present men t. YKhTEr.DAT the Grand Jury made a final pre sentment for the term, and called the atten tion of the Court to various.Bnbjeots that have come under their observation as being worthy of the earnest consideration of the authorities. The crowded condition of the County Prison, the Almshouse, and the Penitentiary are standing sources of complaint. The Grand Jury state that the condition and management of these institutions are worthy of all praise, eo far as the circumstances will allow. In the County Prison, however, the untried department contains 350 persons, who are huddled into 105 oells, while in the department of convicts 308 prisoners were confined in 106 oells. The most serious apprehensions are felt lest some epidemic should break out in the prison, and the very Imperfect ventilation of the cells is in the highest degree injurious to the health of the prisoners. The Grand Jury state that 400 new oells are absolutely necessary. In the Penitentiary there are also too few cells for tne number or prisoners, ana it is conse quently impossible to strictly enforce the dis cipline of the prison. With regard to the Almshouse, the Grand Jury suggest that the paupers might wkh advantage be organized into regular manu facturing forces, so as to benefit their health, and better prepare them for outdoor work and usefulness. The neoesslty for a House of Correction for the relief of the Almshouse ana tit County Prison is urged, as it has been repeatedly, and it is to be hoped that sufficient interest in this important subject will before long be aroused to give us such an institution. The Grand Jury complain of the freuuencv of frivolous proseoutions for the gratification of petty malice, and they think that some means should be devised te prevent the committing magistrates from sending all manner of petty casts to the Court. Attention is called to the condition of Bedford street and its vicinity, as well as tbe condition of the streets of the olty in general, which are spoken of as offensive1 to decency and law, and the report pertinently states that "it is an outrage that the health of the whole community should be thus endangered by the action of the elements upon the accumulation of filth in the high ways, merely because of the street cleaner's indolence, and that official should be allowed to go unpunished." . It 1 KQommendsd, sal w isp llie resoai- mendation will be eon ear red in, that the in spection of the oounty bridges, the large fac tories, railway crossing, and the otty streets be Inoluded ia the loops of the Grand Jary's duties, so that the safety and welfare of tra vellers, operatives, and the oilixens generally may be looked after in a proper manner. Th SpRAKBHsniP. It is eald that Repre eentative Dawes, of Massachusetts, withdrew from the ooutest for the Speakership of the House because he could not oonsent to be a party to the bargninlog for influential posi tions on the committees whioh was demanded of him before he oould seoure the requisite support. If this be the motive whioh aotuated Mr. Dawes In withdrawing his name from the oontest, it does klm infinite oredit as a man and a legislator. The "bargain and corruption cry" whioh was raised against John Quinoy Adams when he rewarded Hanry Clay with a Cabinet position in return for the latter's support, is applloable to the disposi tion of almost every ofuoeby appointment in the publio service of the present day. Gene ral Grant promises to set his faoe against the system, and Mr. Dawes loses nothing in the estimation of the people by following his example. Tub New Yoik olty Demooraoy are seriously disturbed by the recent aotlon of Recorder Haokelt in meting out snoh exemplary justice to the gang of desperadoes convicted in the court over whioh he presides. The supre macy of Tammany Hall has been placed in jeopardy by this lack of consideration for the feelings of the rank and file of the party. Hence a formidable combination, said to em brace the leading men of the Demooraoy, has been formed, with the view of "crushing out" Recorder Hackett before he suoceels in ''imoliIrifT A.ifH ... .... .AM.nn..l.U -jf.. . "--'Q vw m IBI wuoiuoiauiu tJl null of the Demooratio pirty by distributing it among the different reformatory institutions of the State. John C. Bukckinridob Is said to have de clared to some of his Washington friends that he would regard his nomination by the Ken tucky Democrats for the Governorship of that State as "injudicious." Ia this respect Mr. Breckinridge agrees with a majority of the people of the United States. As the Kentucky Democracy has not yet been reconstructed, it is not to be supposed that they will take the same view of the subject. Doubtless they -would, to a man, be willing to part with an ear for the sake of voting for and eleoting the arch-traitor to the chief magistracy ef the State. If they are not permitted to do so, it will be beoause Breckinridge's common sense did not forsake him when his regard for a solemn oath ef allegiance did. RELIGIOUS NOTICES. OHIttNTAl. A.XO HI III. K L.IM1 Two eoiettaiuiuK auu luuiuotive uiurmaii LKUTlSKKa by the . HUN. lMKAMi F. IMl'.IU.. will bade!! vpr.d In the HWNt U UDEN PR ICS HY'll'KlAN tlHOKOH KLkVKM'rt lot ah m Hp'it'tt Oordfo ou Tuesday evenings, March it and 9. 'Aiif-te is 'furen are uriiinui ui u.ti'r.i w erery uioie reader, whlie me curluus rei:c wbl 'h tbi traveller txlilous and his Tlvld descriptions, caunoi tall to attract both old acd young. Ada isnrn 10 eaca J.eciure. zacean. I.eoiure bt-Eins t a quart r befj.e s o'cloov. llckitat raale a-, the HA Bit I'll hOttoOfj XH- POMl'M Of J. O. UAItRKiUfcH fc CO. No.tiOS AltCd M rtt-i; alao at the Church on the evening uf the lectures. &. K C T V U K UN IH1VSLI ORIENTAL AND BIBLE LANDS." BY HUM. lbllAKL . iMUUL, CENTRAL MK. CHURCH, VINJt BTRl'.Kf. ABUVS TWKLFTH. On MONDAY .fcVKNlNU, March 1, M Tickets 2t cants. To be had at the door on the evening of the lecture. jygcture to commenoe at 7.', O'Ciock, , - aOA NKBIlua IB TOCNti MEM, under the auspice! oi the YOL'NU MEK'S umRihTIaN ASSOCIATION. Prof. T, SANFORD DOULIITLK will preaon a ser. niou especially to you men To morrow (Haboatli) vening, at tbe THIRD BEt'OltMKIl CIlUROi, norlheaalcornerof T&Nili and jriLBfCUT btreeta, at 7H o'clock. beau reserved lor young mna. Medical students and strangers In tbe city are cor dially Invited to attend. BBj FKOit T. BAN FORD DOOLli ILK, of Rut rn Colltgs, will preach a Sermon especially to Young Men. under the auspices of the Young lien's 1'hrUUan AsxocUtion, To morrow (Habiatb) itve nlng. at tbe THIRD RrOK4diU (.liuttu a. corner ol 1KNTH and f ILB&RT biresis, at half pot 7 n'a-ilrw-Lr. Youogroen are particularly Invited to be present on tbia occamon. bK& the hue Mr. CLKaf TINiiLUk will be nrescea To-morrow (fcunuay) morning, at 7b i i t; .unit' I. .k. i ' r TVTnf STRKET CHUROH;anO In tha evening, at 7M, he will cwuuue bis Course. Subject "Power lo Forgive Bins " All persons inviieo. T1IK t'lKVT PHKHK1TKH IAN rut, HUH. WAHUINUTON SUDAKK.-Rev ilKRBlUK JOHNSON, D. I)., Pastor, will preach nw-r.. ...riu at. iiu. a. M. and U before a P.M. Kvenlng bubject "Rational Amusements, or Ohrlj. wrtn. V AU II Bi silks' ruram- JPCiF TKRIAN CHURCH, corner KlSHlKEN I'M. Pre-rhlng by Dr. WILLlTa at HI i A. M ana 7) P. M. Monday, March 1, reading by Rev. NOAH H fcCHKNCK, i). ! Beotor of St, Ann's KpUcoal Church, Brooklyn, ri. Y . -i ioaet, w cents. H? BHVK.NTKK.NTH ana H rii v L IU isireets Rev. W. P. BttKKD, D. JJ will preanh theo'oslug dls- . . un,.it n V.iliu. T.i.timrr.,tf kr. 1 ft '. M. Aflernooa service at a.S P. M. Hi;V, . A. PKI.TZ W1U.PBB1CH Tn.mnrrnw Mnrninr and KveulOZ at the TABERNACLE BAPTIST CHURCH. CHKSNUT Street, west of tbikietnth. Kervices at W A. M, and 7 P. M. " , I M r tf II 1 1 n. i riii ... . . ... mkw w:. mm Awn CSLlJ nXHIHl) Streets-KV. NOAH M. PKlC'lfi Pastor. At 10JJ, Bev. PRKOIv RICK KKUMiu, oi tba Kvanjellcal M K. Oonfefence. T.'j. Rv. 8. BROWN, of the same fonferesce Pews fref. JEw TWJCNTlKin aud'CHlRRYStreet8.-Durin w.v a . n im a a n, am lent tbe Sunday after nom services mm uuulum fiervlcn To-morrow evenlug at7,'j o'clo:lt. CHVJBCU. SKVENTKKNTH and FILBi-Rr, b li"i and a 2. ASSsSStreot, iai i;n Bill, 1IIIKD huinw .-ain,it nivlua serviod I morrow at Id's A. M. and at ii P. M. grayer meet lng on HamrUay evening, t 'i tuu 'oiooa SKna. KIITTON WOOD KTBKDT -'"'"T 1 Kill A r cuu CRCH ctdnnona by Dr.Bd. JC P; BJ. A. H , "The S n Beaieri Js 11H.UO l o-iuorrow, to jr. ju.., -xmira utta THIM f V M. H. f'liriM ir.EIHTII Htreet. o.. 11. v. It. W. 11UM.- H Pastor, will preach at .. andT.. btrangers SPECIAL NOTICES. tr PHILADELPHU USIVER51TY. Vo.. Pr..trti. u.. i d'u? iviiy ting. Vice President; K MKT.aER' Secreiary; W, PAjaiC iieanrr. .oa B YRNK. hollcltor. ,.m,k A lull oonr.e of Lfulures, Including all depart- mentSLf nlW1lllln mr. u ,n.miflailDIOD tni li rat Monday lo Idatcb. aud ouiitinue outll tus first of JIllV. Fur taellrnlsrs annlv in v tatwW. Iff. T . Ta ?',.,?r..r',,t,lt?' WniVMity Buddinf. .SW j-uter stoic. a SPECIAL NOTICES. S)T57 COLD WEaTHER DIH8 NOT CflAP Sri'' .Hui.hminrnln after owns WRr?M'Tc r roughen esln after nmni ALCONA 1Kl)OIARIN rABLETOrrtOLI OIF1BD .i.vii. uiN. Iia dallv 0e makes the sain uu extol soft and beautiful. It la Delightfully frtgrsm, transparent, and Incomparable asa loilx H an nr EbyaUIiugglala. K AO. A WRIOHT. NOTICE.-I AM NO LONOEft 8X- Irsotlna Teeth without pain t r the O jlion Lni l..w.rilnii. Pninni wlnhloc teetb K traoied absoluiely wlibout yaln by Ireah Mltruiu Oxide Oas. will find ma at No. 10t7 WAL.UI btrt. Cbortes suit ali. I w m PR. P. R. THOMAS. COFFEES BOASTED OS A NEW TrlncUle, retaining all ths aroma and true Oavor, are the bfst. On aal by FAIRTHORNE A OX).. No. Oa M NINTH and 1 HOxtnthem Vo. 1030 MARKKT Blrt. KL OWNEBS' ATSD CAPTlfSS' At LboOClATION.OFJ-lCa.No 30tt rtTALNUf PHinnatPHr. Feb. 91. iw. Tha arnnsl meeting oi the Vessel Owners' and CsptnlrK' -srM In'lon will h beld at tbe CO Vt l Kll IIAL KXHANi.lO ROIMS, ou WK 11N Ki lltV, MKrt h s. itm a. I u'rloek P. M , when aneieccoa will be beld lor a Board or Tlreorrs "r n ensuing ye r. CHABLKS II. STKKI.MAN, tV7St Heuretary. tC55T- THIRD MUSICAL AND L1TS- BAKY KVTKKTAINMKNT In the WHKT ARCH 8THKKT P-NlBY I'KRIAN ( HVkCH, corner JlIUHTXKN tkL, AlONUAV, Warn I bi'.m, UfSdlllR tiV Hr. IN OA II H, BOtKSUlt, V. IN. OI Bro klyn NiwYork. 1'lckeis. 6u oeuiw, i: It WEST JERsEY R41LKOAD COMPANY. CaUDtn, Fet. S7, Inat f NOTICB TO FONDHOLDh.R-4. The Interest. War- ranis or coupons of the Bonds uf iheLoaa of $4II." failing due starch I, 86D. will be paid on and alter that date, at tba OUloe or the tiompaoy inotmdeu, XM. J ny ununuK j, tviittjmn 9 27 Ht Tre.suree W.J. R. H,). 8ALEM RAILROAD BONDS. Olrriua of TllMUsas W.J. EL R. Co., i e AMURN. rtt. '19, lW. NOTICB TO BONPHOLDKhm The Interest Wf rauis kt the B'.nos or tne uaiem Kaitroad or ihe I an f HM000 railing due March 1. 1M4, will be pala at lire Olllce of tbe West Jersey Railro.d Cnnipsny, Camdeu, M.J., by GKOKOK J. BOBBINS. rSZT- NOTICE. OFFICE OF THE COU zxr lb t tor op in tkrnal revknok for THE BhCOND DISTRICT OP PENNSYLVANIA. Mr. JOB" LYON having resigned the post. loo of rrDrnirr i iissv. Beuutv Collector of t Is dlsl) lo, baa no longer any amhml.T lo xt In that caoacitv. KE PUBLICAN INVINC1BLE8 EX- cniBion to Washington Mrcb 3. . u.lHtio, to attend tbe Inauguration of the Preeiueui of tne United males. persons at sirons oi participating wt!h toe uinoare requeue 1 to present their name immkiiutiilv. 'litA&IQ run 1DP, HUUDJJ,S'4U. Dresk Dark clothes, white gloves, and blue cloth regulation cub cap. I cutis ana ca, reaay ior aenvery. r nriurmer iniormatli.n apply to R.. LUKKNH, bicreiary anu Treasurer vt waiuing.oa oora mlttee " ' No. Ill 8. FOURTH Street, 9 24 41 (K'ltraoce on Harmony). OLD OAKS CEMETEUY COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, NO. 618 WALNUT 8TRKKT. Tbe Company la now prepared to dispose of lota oa REASONABLE TERMS. Tbe advaatasea offered by tbia Cemetery are well known to be equal If not superior to those possessed by any other Cemetery. We lcvlie all who desire to purchase burial lota to call at the office, where plana can be seen and all particulars will be given. Deeds lor lota sold are ready for delivery. RICH ABB VAUX, PrexIdenU PHTKR A K EY'8 ttK, Vice-President. MARTIN LANDRNBERmER.Treai.nrnr. t ic-HAKi. Nisbbt. (Secretary 1116m JMSf" OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA UAIL ROAD COMPANY. Philadelphia. Feb. 17, 1869. NOTICE TO STOCK HOLDERS. Tbe Annual Election for Dlreotors of this Company will be beld oa MONDAY, the first day of March, 1869. at tbe offloe of the company, No. 288 South THIRD Street. The polls will be open from 10 o'clock. A. M. until 8 o'clock P. M. No share or shares tranbforred within sixty days i receding the eleotlon will entitle the bolder or holders thereof to vote. 21710s EDMUND 8MITH, Secretary. pr3r THE HOOftE OF KEFOUK. APPLI--Sy callous fr tbesliuatlou of Assistant Huoenn tendent or the White Drparlment of the House of Beluge will b received by the nnderHlgaed until the uiua a ay oi Aiarcu next. . . Chairman, etc.. 2 2.1tutbs8t No. 3 ATHENJ'.OU BOILDINO- ffCST BTEAM BOILER EXPLOSIONS. Iteamshto. and Kn- w- a bUCROPT'B Railway, Bteamshtp. and Kn supdIv (Store. No. 133 fl.KOUlUH 8tret glneer'a but supply btore. No. 14 fl.KOUlUH Btret. Bteam and Water Gauges, Improved Safety Valve, and Low water Indicators tor preventing steam boiler rxploatona, and every variety of Engineers supplies. &)6t4p "A PENNY SAVED ly EQUAL TO twa Famed. " TK time to save money ts wben yon earn it and tne way to save It I by duposl. ting a portion Of It weekly In the old RANKLIN BAVINU FUND. Bo, 130 8. FOURTH Btret-t, below Cbesnut Money in large or small amounts re ceived, ana live per cent, in rat est anoweu. up-n daliy iroiu 9 to S, and on Monday evenings from i to go ciocx. viAUB, 1 10 irowarer, rs- THI3 SPRING STRENGTHEN AND w-3 Impart iron to the blood by the ate of ELLIo' 1BON BITTKR"; toolo and paia able. For sale by eruiawia eveiywntre. z t tnims UlL aiUMblir 31LSIU Or THE MISERABLE CATS. Oh ! horrible cats, tbat pcream and squall. Upon my neiguDors earaen wan i That bowl, and bite, and quarrel, and figbt, About tbe middle of the night I . Yonr midnight music's In shocking taste; And If you don't stop, with all possible baHle, I'll eaose you to scatter, double-quick. By heaving among yon thin ball of a brick. You monstrous cat, with back like an arch, I wish you'd specially hurry and march; , Better move oil, sir, or. you may depend, t This brick will give you a "Urevian BemW And you, old cat with the squealy voice, You can't conceive how I would rejoice To get a good shot, and to knock you Hat, You horrible, bowling old feminine cat I Well, cats, yowl on. and I'll seek repose; And I'll think about Kockhlll dt WU son's clothes. And merry will be tbe song I'll sing. Of their elegant bulla for the opening spring. Let tbe cats sing on! We can stand It, if thev can I And we will put our whole ruiuds on the clothes at the GREAT BROWN HALL. The Heavy Goods are falling 1 Falling! Fall. Ins! Because It Is sprlag 1 The lighter goods, of most exquisite workmanship, durable mate rial, and incomparable fit, are ready lor you, fellowclllBens. Come and see for yourselves, at ROCKI1ILL & WILSON'S GEEAT BE0WN HALL, Kob. 603 and 605 CHESXCT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. PIANOS. BTEIMWAY A BON8' GRAND sonars and upright Pianos, at BLA8IU8 i. lotie CHF.SNUT HtreeU 8 1 If CHIOKBKIMO Grand, Bauare and Upright jPIAMOB. DTJTTON'8, KO. SUCHJIUNUTrRreetk Dttf KTECK A COV3 A HAINES linos'. "( n PIANO FORTK8, AN 1) MABON A HAMLIN 8 CABINET AND METROPOLITAN ORUANti, with the new ana heauiitui VOX HUMANA. Every Inducement ofl'tued to uurohasen. , J, BS. GOULD, U tntbs fan No. 92S CHKriN UT uireek fk TO LEt SECOND AND UPPER Ma It If FT Bi;eef. UL flcvri ul JSgr, ISO sua 4s IHOKHON KRIK. FOR THE LADIES. PAPER PATTERNS ' OP . Lor don, PrlB, and New York Fashions; J. G. MAXWELL, IM POBTPB AND MANUFACTURER OP LADHS' DRESS T1UUMKGS, No. 1032, Be E. Corner of Eleventh and Chcsnut fits , PHILADELPHIA, Begs leave o Inform the ladles that be hasedied a PATTERN DEPAUIMKNT To bis eswbllsbment, where a complete assortment of tbe Latest Novelties la PAPKIt PATTER N8 Can at all times be found. As tbe latest styles from London and Paris will not be rtcelvad In tbia country nntll altar tba first of Alaiob, tbe stylts In vogue tbls spring will be opened M 03 DAY, March 8, 1809. Additions will constsn'ly bs made on the arrival of every slesmer from Kurope. Patterns for MI.SSEi and ' CHILDREN will be made a SPECIALTY, and ladles may rely on getting plain patterns accurately cut to measure of any style reqnlrt d, at a few momenta' notice. Hels for Merchants and Dressmakers at LOWEST TERMS, and promptly expressed to ail parts of the United Ptatet. An easy and a perfect system o I Draw Cutting taught. Bmsll fancy orders and Pinking and Goffering exe cnltd at a it-w hcurs' notice. It JEMOVAL OP TUB TEMPLE OF FASHION. Grand Opening or Spring Fashions MONDAY, March 1 lMfiV. For tbe better cunveuleuo. of her pai rots, MtfM. M. A. TIIIF.H has removed her lireaa Trliumluga and Paper Pattern t lure to tbe norihwekt corner ot ELKVfcNTU and OHfisNUT Itlreeia, Philadelphia, iwnrre abeuwlllbe happy to see her friends and customers. Briiilaut novelties of special Interest. Elegantly trimmed pat tfrcs of latest, and most reliable style, fur Ladies' and Cblldiens' Dreia.bleevts. emits. Waists Panlers, and Cbl.drena' Garments, Capes Coats, and Mautles, In endleea variety, plain and trimmed, many si les of which are nianulactnred on tbe premises, and can LOi be louna elsewheie, single, and In sets for dress makers and dealers, wholesale and retail Dre.s and Ciok Making; Dresses made to fit with ease and ale Ranee. Tbe fiueat assonment ot Lad lea' Drees and Cloak lr.mmlrgs In tbe city, at tk. lowest prices. Orders executed at short uotloe. Embrolderlt-s, Handkercblels. Laces. Ribbons. Bridal Veils ana WreatLS.PIne Jewelry, and I'ancy Goods. Pinking and Goffering. Cutting and Fifing. A nerfeot system of Dices Cutting tautht; price, (2 50, with chart. Pat terns et-nt oy manor express to all parts ot the Union do noi toiget our new location, N. W. corner rn.ii.vtivnt ana CHKsiytir t.irreia lt7tr 1115. WM T- HOPKINS' 1H5 LADIES' EMPORIUM. So. 1115 CUESSUT St. (Glrard Bow). Largest assortment and Bast and Cheapest Goods In II olty, In all the following linen: Manu'acturer or Hopkins' Celebrated Champion Hooo Balrts, for Ladles, Misses, and Cnlidren. In over four hundred styles, shapes, lengths, and, Satin, and Jam s Crst, In eight different st Ira. manufactured expnssly lor our own sales, from IV60 to p. 33 uihVrtnt styles of snperlor fitting Frsnch woven Wbal-bone CORSETS from l to ST. H varieties ot extra handsome Whaleoone Cor sets, from 75 cents to 4iH. frhouidfr tracts, Maaatu Foy's Corset Bglrt f up per te,s, etc. Mrs. Moody's Patent Seir-adjustlng Abdominal Corst-t. highly recommended by physicians, from :iteft7. 1UI.L 1,1 NES OF I.I1IE' VHSBBUAB HENTM. 5a Bartram A Fanlom s Fsnitly Bewlng Machines, belug gratuitously distributed to our ouatomers for tLe purpose of getting them Introdnoad. ga tax FLOUR. WM, B. THOMAS & CO., THIRTEENTH and WILLOW Sts., MANUFACTURERS or ,PASTRY.,, lPREMIUIVIfM it RED S TO NET. si UNEQUALLED XXX BAKERS' FLOUil, ILL rtKba Warranted to Giro Satisfaction. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Flour Dealers and Urocerg, Take Notice. LANG LE Y'S CELEBRATED FAMILY FLOUR Again In the Market. "Ivory Sbeaf; Weds" Rural, "Langlej." The above biands of FLOTJR are now arriving from tbe mills, and will be constantly oa hand, and for sal. In iota to salt to purchasers, by BROOKE, C0LKET & CO., FLOVB AMD eBAIN DEILKBS, 1727, 1729, 1731 and 1733 MARKET St., 8 16 lmrp PHILADFLPHIA. Q AN NCR MILLS FLOUR OF SAINT L O.U I 8. We are the exclusive Agents in tbia city tor tbeee celebrated FLOURS, wblcb we are soiling to the trade at manufacturers' prices. FOUR DIFFERENT GRADES. CHICK & CHISHOLM, No. 218 N0BT1I UKOAU gTUEET, 11 tbstnlmrp PHILADELPHIA QHOICB FAMILY FLOUR, For the Trade or at Retail. ETJEBT BABBJSJU WABBAHIBD. KEYSTONE FLO CB MILLS, KOI.1IAND ill HAJ AJEJflllB, SISimrp Kast of Front street, OSr-THIS MOBNINO, IN CHESNUT baiweau Kloih and Tenth a long r.lilli k ukKlMl. A liberal r.wura will h. pa d If 1 fi ai th. Is. W. oo a t m v--w j a btr.rU. It w 1IXIAM B. GUKEN, BKICKLAYER, NO. liAV B III J rurwii im JWfi a i A ft T L A K D, DKDKKIiKKK t-i tk. m LT T r1mu HI lti a. . K Skta a 'g ' ' 4OUU4Y i.AJLA AalVMAXaV WW ', 41 M asf AS HM CAD'S COLUMN. A RARE OPPORTUNITY. GRAND CLOSING OUT SALE or DOOKG. STATIONERY, CflROMOS A3VD FRAMES, ar No. 721 CIIESXUT STltEET, rreparatorj to Making Alterallons tad InproTement. . A LARGE STOCK OP STANDARD BOOKS English and American Editions, In rials er Extra Bindings. BIBLES. Moet Superb Copies of the BIBLB, Oxford, Cambridge and London Editions. PRAYER BOOKS. A Great Variety bound in Irorj, Velret and Turkey Moroooo, EXPRESSLY FOR MY TRADE. H Y M N B O O K S Of Every Denomination. American and English JnTenlles and TOY BOOKS, an Endless Yarletj. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. A very large collection, embracing worki la HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, THEOLOGY, SCIENCE, TRAVELS, and POETRY. SUPERBLY ILLUSTRATED WORKS. THE WORKS OF GUSTAVE DORS. FINE ART BOOKS WITH PHOTOGRAPHIC ILLUSTRATIONS. THE MASTERPIECES OF ITALIAN ART. THE GREAT WORKS OF .SIR DAYID WILKIE. THE AITCESTRAL HOMES OF BRITAIN. THE MASTERPIECES OF MULREADY. THE CHOICEST 07 REMBRANDT'S ETCHINGS. THE RUINS OF POMPEII. RUINED ABBEYS AND CASTLES OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. OUR ENGLISH LAKES, MOUNTAINS, AND WATERFALLS. THE LADY OF THE LAKE, MARMI0N, and numerous others. Fine French, English and Ameri can Stationery. : A full asewtment of Papers from LAR0CHE, JOUBERT, DUMERGUB, LA CROIX & CO., Angonleme,' France. CHROMO LITHOGRAPHS A splendid assortment of the FINEST AMERI CAN AND FOREIGN CHROM03. Frames in Walnut and Gold. - f Writing Desks, Pocket Books, ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. Without Reservation MY ENTIRE STOCK IS OFFERED FOR SALE AT A REIUCTION 25 to (0 PEB CO J . BELOW THE litUU LAB rmcEs. Any Books not on hand ORDERED and SUPPLIED at 25 PLR CENT, less than Pub Ushers' Prices. : EUFFJELD ASHmEAD, rnbllsbcr, Bookseller, Stationer, aad Dealer lu CbromoLIthograpus, No. 724 CHE8NUT Street, .'Indian:; v:,tzxua)rus