n "VfT EKG-MA CD' H H VOL. XI--No 41. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1869. DOUBLhJ SHEET Til K EE CENTS. 1 t FIRST EDITION I B AB !E Ij L V. She Addresses the Spanish Teople, and Asks the Restoration of Spain to Peace, For . tune, and Glory. A docuroeut called the manifesto of Que?n Isabella has appeared m Paiis, aud is to this eict: Kf anardi 1 8'nec my Infancy, and bocause'you cl sired it, 1 Lave been the national symbol Of your riehts and jour lib"rtt . M'ti whom I Lad loaded with binefits v.bon they appeared before me as jour friends and jour dclcoUcrs. all at once pretended, after having a hundred times sworn the contrary, that my dynasty was an lusnraouii'able obstacle to your happiness, to ti e glory of our country, to the extension of lis moral and material interests. Mv heart told hip that they lied; but I never would undeceive jou at the cost of civil war, I preferred leaving them tod spuse, without obstacle and without contini, of the power by which thny were to make jou more happy, n oro glorious, and richer, (iod Is my witness 'hat If they had ob tained ttat result I would have bl-ssed ttii-tn from my place of exile lu spite f thcr iuara'i Ude to myeel, happy to sacrifice my sou to j u, and to ren aiu to weep alone far lrom my country. Ftve mouths have now p iisrd a way. Are jou happier? Are you richer? Are you more glorious t Your best aud poorest blood has reddened tbe pavements of Cadiz aud Malaga. Your honor his been Hunt; at tbe feet of all princes, who put by with dltdaiu the erowr. to' which we added the new jewel ot Teiuan: and jour fortune is diminished by all the poll which is divided before your eyes. Our precious tnd dear Cuba Is on tbe point of being fiven up to tbe foreiuuers who have acquired t; and cur navy, whose guns thundered but jie'erday iu the Pacific, is become the humble guard o! your bre.hren crowded in tbe holds of our ships. The tolerance of which my soul has drawn ihe secret lrom yours was enlarging eradually betore m the horiz ns which faitn hat opened to us. Fanaticism has been roused bv tbe gratuitous insults oik-red to the servants of our God; and, us the tabernacles of our churches possess great value, they have laid their hands even on our chalicej in order to prepare their inventory aud their sale. Wbat are the political principles that have been promulgated ? Spain has lost in the Euro pean corcert the tank ot sixth great power which we together hud gained tor her. Let but tome great event occur now in tbe world and we shall be excluded irom a common action. Our noble country, towards which the eyes of tbe world once turned wben a question of Eouor wai to be settled, is low become the theatre ot tcaodalous ualtic. People suppose you are to be told beoafjpe some have sdd themselves; but 1 well know that you are fctill the ioheri:or9 of tbe chivalrous honor of tbe Cid. Commerce and industry are dead. Civil war, with its hor rors, is imminent, and, as there is no keystone to your social ediiioe, every one sees that it must Jail upon you. While embracing ray children I think of jours, and I knetl and pray to Heaven to raise np some one to fave you, even were he to bind on his brows tbe diadem which 1 hold from my ancestors. But, alas I the salvation oi nations can orly result from the application of defined principles; and when genius is wanting the ejmbol alone may be eliicacious; but it is not rouud u symbol that an unsettled uatiou can be reconstituted. That truth dic'ates to me my daty; it makes me neisist more than ever in the firm resolve to remain your sovereign. . Tne calamities which have fallen upon me on the throne mut be to you a sure guarantee that if I resolved not to decceud from It, it is only because I desire to fulul the duties which Cod has imorxed upon me, and because my whole lit should be devot d ta you. Let us conucrt together to restore to Spain peace, fortune, and glory. Let us put aside without anger the incapable men who have de luded you. I a-k ot you to pardon them as a proof of tbe good they hare done me in giving you an opportunity ot avo wing that it is not I who was an obstacle to your happiness. Tbe reaction will never be sangu'nary whero my heart can Intervene, where your will, expressed by unrestricted sutfrages, shall indicate the dls Intel ested men who are to assist me in healing the wounds of our country. Let us together resume, but henceforth enlightened as toper sons, the work of legeneraiion, of tolcranco, and, above all, of liberty, f which I am the symbol. Let us prepare an era of glory and prosperity for yjsur children, whom my AHoufo learns from me each day to cherish more and more. What has passed is but a dream. Let us awak from it without even remembering lhat Spnuish men have been found to solict from tbe loreigner the exercise of an influence which my ancestors accustomed you to exercise an over toe world, i speak to you at ouce as the heiress of Pelayo. of Isabella tbe Catholic, of Charles Y, and of Charles HI, but, above all. as the chosen ot your hearts as the woman whom you have habituated to suffer with your sufferings, to feel pride with your pride, 10 be strong with your strength, 1 aoi whV.ly yours, aud, with my bod in my arms. I come to restore what has beea taken frim you repose, fortune, power, and the supremacy of your faith. RUSSIA. Vratlty to the lollth Revolutionist. From thecal Mall Gazette, FtO.H. Bronislaus Szwarck, one of the most able and popular of the leaders of the I'olish national movement oi 1801-02, disappeired mjsteriously a tew months alter the insurrection broke out. He has just found means to communicate with hlB friendH, who, after making every effort to find out wbat had become ol him. bal given him up tor lost. His s'ory, line tiiat of most of the Polish leaders, is a very sad oio. He was the con of a Poiisti refugee in France, and iu 1860 obla'ied the appointment of ecgineer to the St. Peter burn and Warsaw Railway, the greater ptrtof which was constructed under his superintendence. His pu'notic feelings, however, soon aroused ttie su-picions of tne authorities, and he Med to Warsaw, where he took au active purt, under an as sumed name, in the LaMonal organiza tion which was then fjrmiug." Ou Cbrlstu as eve in 1802 he was arrested by the police, and after a desperate resistance was overpowered and confined iu tbe citadel. A'ter a long inquiry, in the course of wVch it is said be tutTered torture, be was sent'-necri to death. TLe fcmprcs Eugenie having iuterlered in bis behallasa French subject, tb sentence was commuted to transportation, nnd ho wasordered to be tent to feiberu. Scarcely had he arrived at Moscow, however, when a second - order arrived ordering him to be forwa;ded to some other destination, but what this was hU friends have until a lew weeks ago strlveu in vain to discover. It now appears that for the la-it five years he has been cuaiucd to a wall in one of those fatal casemates, lying beluw the level of tbe river Neva at Crunstadt. where so many political prisoners have died a miserable death. Thote who have seen him there, and who knew bim at Warsaw, when he was a haudsome, spirited joung mnn. say that It is now quite impossible to recognize him. He is a ertppie, prematurely old, utterly broken dowu by dis-t-t-e aud suffering, aud without a spirit ot his old energy left. The Odd Fellows will celebrate their semi centennial anniversary by a national conven tion la Philadelphia on the 26th of April, at wbJcb U fj expeoWd 70,000 will be present. ENGLAND. Dcmli nttlon ot tbe Theatre Itoy.il, at Jlnll. The London Times of the 8th contains the following account of the buru'ng of the Hull theatre: Shortly after 12 o'clock on Friday night, the Theatre Royal, at Hull, was found to b on fire, flames hating been n ticed in the gallery. Information of tbe disaster was at once con veyed to the central police station, and tbe hose cart was got out with as little delay as possible. Although tbe police arrived on the spot wl'hln ten minutes, the flames were dart ing with great fury from all the upper win dows, and the wa'er thrown on the burning buildiDg did not for two hours appear to result in any diminution of the flames. In less thau an hour the roof fell in, and the scene became one of awful grandeur, myriads of spaiks rlyit g oil in all directions. Tnis caust-d trie polioo cotisldfrab e anxiety, as Young's Pamflin Company's store is situated next door but ore to the eaiward ot the thatre, and tbe wind being pretty fresh Iron the southwest It cntried both flames and sparks tonrds tbo paraffin store. Mr. Cook, tho chief constable, seeing that nothing could savo the theatre, withdrew two or three of tho hose, viliic h nc kept constantly olujing upon the parutlin store until all duuger of tho lire bi'tug communicated to it was pacd. Thousands of j ersons were gathered around the tbeutre, aud many, regardless of tho risk tbny ru, entered some of the lower rooms and commenced to throw out stiiiie dresses, furniture, and other articles, most of which were, as a matter of course, as surely destroyed as they would have been if they had fallen a prey to tne flamec. Thetheatre, which was built only a Utile more than three years a.'O, on the site of the old Theatre Uojal, which was de stroyed by fire on the 13'h of October. 15!), was u very ck pant structure and most luxuriously filled. It was in the lesseeship of Mr. Chatter ton, ot Drury lane, and Mr. B. Cliuton Hall was tbe manager. Mr. Hall states that after tbe performance of tbe pantomime of Jtobinso?i G?u sue the place was locked up and lctt apparently quite sale. About twelve o'clock, however, one of tbe actors saw a glare in the theatre, and raised the alarm. Au entrance was at once effected, but tbe fire 600U drove tho men back. A hose wns kept on the premise', but no one knew how to affix it, and so the flames spread. The theatre was entirely destroyed, nothing being lelt but the bare walls. It was built by a limited liability company, and tho first mana ger was Mr, William Brough. It next pissed to the leeseeshlp of Mr. jobn Coleman, and about eight or nine months ngo to Mr. Chatter ton. At the time or writing the damage ha I not been estimated, and no statement bal been made to the police as to the amount of insur ance. Tbe fire continued to burn till abiut noon on Saturday. A policemtu was injured ty fulling from a portico. Ihe Recent Kterms and manners. From the London Daily News, Feb. 9. On Saturday night and during the greater partot buuday, up to an early hour yesterday morninc, a severe gale lrom the south-southwest has swept over Liverpool, causing a good deal of damage to the shipping in the docks at the rorthend of the town, aud unrooing several small tenements near Bootle; but, fortunately, no serious personal iniuries are reported. From several parts of the coast the accounts of the storm are very distressing, aud vessels which have reached the Clyde suffered severely 1b working up the Channel, while nearly ail the ships reaching Liverpool are more or less damaged. The Pericles, which has arrived from Hew York, experienced very severe gales. On tbe 24th of January the ship was covered with water. A new suit of sails was blown to rib bons: two boats, the galley, caboose, all tbe water casks on deck, and a portion of the bul warks were carried away. A quantity of the cargo, consisting of grain aud rosin, was thrown overboard; aud when the vessel reached port she had eightfeet of water In her hold, atthough the crew bad been at the pumps lor forty tonsccu'lve hours. The master of the Eglantine, which has arrived in the Clyde from Old Calabar, reports that on the night of the 31st of January he was in company with a large ship bound up Channel; und although several tugs went out in searcn of the ship, up to Saturday night no information had been obtained ot the missing vessel. Tbe royal mail steamer Mandigo which has just arrived ut Madeira from Liver pool, alo came iu for her share of the storms. Prom leaving the Mersev until sno reached the Island, tbe sea and wind were dead in her " teeth," and her decks were constantly flooded wilh water. Intelliecnce received in Liverpool yesterday from Holyhead states that a headboard with tbe Home "Disraeli" cut on it and a quantity of deals had been washed ashore near the South Stall. There were small barnacles Attached to tbe headboard and tbe deal?. Tho James Duekett. bound from Lneros to Liverpool, with palm oil, put into Queenstown yesterday dis mantled; ns did alto tbe Sarah Earl, bound from Swansea to Gibraltar, with lossof sails. A large quantity of new limoer and wreckage is being washed ashore on the Wexford coast, near Arklow bank, and it is feared some lartre ship has gone to pieces. The ship Persian, bound Irom Savannah to Bremen, with a cargo of cotton, has been lost at sea. Tne news was ipppivcrl in Ltvprnonl vpsterdav afternoon, nnd merely announces the wreck of the ship and the satety ot tne crew. A VALUABLE CLERK. Developments of the Overciul, Quriiey V t:o. Case. London Correspondence Hew York Tim. Tbe examination into the aff iirs of Overeud, Ourney & Co., in London, has developed a pre cious scoundrel in the person of Edwards, the bookkeeper and confidential clerk ot tbe Urin. He is a geiitlemau of high character aud posi tion and holds a public office of the hlgbest trust that of Public Assignee lu Bankruptcy. From bis financial position and ability he was engaged by Overend, O uney & Cj. to give Item advice in regurd lo loans, at a salary of $25,000 a jesr. He fouud time, also, to become a director in companies. And to give his valuable assistance to persi ns to whom Overend, Uurney & Co. made heavy and disastrous loans, and irom them be received some $15,000 a year more, with occasional preseuts, sucti as a yacht or some such token of esteem. When, at the closp of tbe first year of Mr. fcd wards' valuable advice or more valuable silence, Edmund (iur ncy banded him his salary 5,000 he received it "with thanks," and expressed the hope that his connection with so respectable a house might not be considered as ended, to which that worthy replied, with a wi e slyuesu attributed to bis Quaker breeding: "Friend Eiwards, I don't ce how we can do without thee." Hero is a man receiving an income ot $50,000 or $00,000 a year, chiefly for bad advice, or tor holding his toneue, who appears by hisowu reluctant testimony, and by bis reticence and torgetf uluess, more ihan his admissions, to have been taking bribes on all sides and betraytnir all; trusted by Government, borrowers, aud lenders, con panles, and clieuts; paid by ail to protect one against the other; levying black mail all round. One would naturally infer tha. a man so proficient in duplicity and villainy must have studied several yean iu Wall street and gradu ated in the Washington lobby; but we ore not advised that Edwards ever attended cither ot those schools. ' Garibaldi on the Paraguayan War. A correspondent writing from Florence to the Etariodo Bio says: "A friend happening to talk with Garibaldi about America, the conversation turned on the Parsgoavan war, upon which tbe General said: 'Notwithstanding that I am not a friend of crowned heads, aud that my opinions are repub licao, 1 am bound to confers that in South America Brazil forms an exception, because it is governed by a monarch who ( honest, enlight ened, and a friend of liberty. The ambitious ideas of conquest attributed to him are 'also, and In tbe present war Brazil Is completely right. It knows the provok'ng turbulence of Its neighbors. In all Its wars BriiKil has always given solemn proofs of Us modera ion and disinterestedness, and It may be (aid that the neighboring republics owe their prosperity and the liberty they enjoy to Brazil. No better proof of this is Deeded than the Argcntino Republic, that his prospered so much slnco Kozas was expelled from the coun try, at tbe cost of such great sacrifice of blood and money on the part of Brazil. l-opnz, I feel cerlain, is even worse than Rotas, and Paraguay also will owe to Brazil its civilization and liberty." - Sol. Smith's Wlll-IMkpositlon of III Property. From the Bt. Louit Republican, Feb. 20. The will or tha late Sol. Smith was yesterday admitted to probate. We present toe docament in tbe language of tbe testator, with a tew un important omissions; Be it remembered that, being about to leave home for an Indefinite time, and considering the dangers ot travel, especially for a man of my advanced age, I desire to make such a disposi tion of my worldly goods, in case of my decease during my absence or beforo making other dis position of tho same: therelore 1, .Sol. Smith, ot the city ol St. Louis, aud State of Missouri, for good and sutlicient consideration, do hereby give and convey unto my son, Thaddeus Sanford Brr.Ub, of the same city and S ate, all ray real and personal estate of whatever kind, condstmg of lots of proiind, bonds, shares of stock in banks and other incorporated compauies, notes of band, money on deposit household furni ture, horse, and nil other effects in trust lor distribution to my wife, sons (himself in cluded), and other?, as I Bhall hereinafter direct: 1. The minMon houe iu which we reside, aud have resided for twenty yenrs, shall re main iu full possession ot ray wiie, Kli.ab Hh uilth, and ou her death be divided aiuoug my seven sons, or us many of them ns my be living, to be disposed of as they may deem Bt. 2. All bonds, notes of deposit, certldcates of deposit and shares of stock which I own are to be divided Into two eq ual parts -one part to be divided equally among my four son, Lemuel, Marcus, Solomon, and Franklin; the other part to my wife and sous, Thaddeus tianlord, bar gent Ptcntiss, aud As.i Wilus. :i. In making a distribution of those bonds. ccrtificat s, etc., those marked "eood'' are to be distributed as specified; tho-?e marked 4 bd" or "doubtlul" In tho same way, It ever col lected. 4. The twenty-six acres of laud I own in Madvou, Wis,, my trustees may sell for c i3h, with ihe consent of my wife and sous, or the suivivors ot tbem, to be distributed among my wife and sons in equal portions. TtVO lotp, N'os. 10 and 11, on Collins street, to bo distributed in the same way. 5. In my inventory of Leavenworth county boud ot $1000, my trustee is directed to give to the Trustees ot tho Ft male. Industrial School tle interest only to be used till the boud can. be sold at par value. G. One thousaud dollars deposited iu the Eeal Fs'ate Savinss Institution, with its accumula tions, to be divided equally among my eons. 1 nnd 8. I hereby authorize my trustee to cause transfers and sales of stock or lauds, and make distribution of them as directed. 9. I request that no one will we tr mourning for me, as I expect logo immediately iato a world of happiness, at which my friends should rejoice. It is my special wish that my body may not oe dressed up in a sutt as it auve, out that It be drt sscd up In an old-'ashioned shroud, the head resting on a small piBow, It conveni ently at hand. Then follow directions for the erection of a gravestone. The New Map of Europe. The International of London and Pari, of the 3d inst., publishes a plan ot Count Bismark's geographical views respecting the future of Europe. The most striking feature is the solid and square proportions given to the Prussian empire, tbe irontierf ot which are indicated as follows: To tbe noith along the Baltic from the Vistula to the frontiers ot Holland, in cluding Denmark; to the southeast it avoids Ciacow and Vienna, but iucludes Bohemia, Bavaria, and Wurtemburg on to tbe right shore of the Huiue, the lett beine ceded to Fraucc. Switzerland and Holland are left, as it were, In doubt, tbe frontier line not being in either case carried past the present bouud.iriei ot those countries. Berlin is indicated as the imperial capital, while Hanover, Posen, Dres c'ren, Prague, Stuttgard, and Munich are cla-sl fled as the seats ot Viceroyalties, Austria and the Principalities are entitled to the Danubiau Empire. Tbo Russian limits start from the north at the mouth of the Vistula and strike oil eastward ut the city of Cracow, which city is ir eluded In the Danubian empire. The line of tbe French empire follows the left shore of the Rhine from tho frontiers of Hollaud to the lrontleis of Switzerland. Urant Tbe New York Tribune's Washington special. speaking of' the General's conversation jcaier- cav, says: Those with whom Grant had his conversation said that, from General Grant's intimations. they were sure that their coming man was a Pliiladelphiaii. Every one acquainted with the prominent men of Philadelphia Is puzzling himself to guess tho person. Jay Cooke, B -nja-mlu II. Brewster, George H. Mtuurt, Horace Biuuey, Aubrey Smith, Judge Allison, and many others are mentioned. General Grant's remark about appointing only civilians to tbe Cabinet has silenced the surmises about Porter for the Navy Department. New York members seem to think that John A. Griswold or Maishall O. Roberts will be given the Navy Department. Pierreponl's friends seem sanguine of his appointment as Attorney General, while those of Morgan say their favor ite will be made Secretary of the Treasury. General Grant's remarks to-day are construed as ruling out Evaris and all men of that stripe ot politics. Boutwell. Holt, and W lson of Iowa, are all looked upon as most probable of selec tion. . A Mermaid. The Washington i-tar sais: ' B. W. heed & Sod6 have on exhibition at their store on F street, near Twelfth, a curi osity which attracts much attention, it being a mtrmaid, sent here from Japan one ot the ouly three in the country. His about sixteen inches in length, the body bearing acloere. semblance to the yellow perch, excepting that a row ol bones appear down the back. At the point where tbe gills of the fish should appear two arms grow out, about two and a-hall' or three inches in length, at ihe end of which are well cleaned baud', with long talons. The 'critter' has a hea 1 about the size of a walnut, very similar lo the human bead, and attached to the body by an exceedingly small neck. Tbe mermaid has been visited by huudreda of persons." Mexican IIoimIm. A ministerial order, Issued on 8aturdiy, tbe Cth, in Paris, by M. Magne, the Minister ol Finance, announces that all holders of Menican bonds will receive an instalment of five francs eighty-two centimes in rentes, and three francs flliy centimes in cah upoa each bond, sod a'S'S on .each debenture Issued by tne Mexican Gov ernment and bearing six per cent, interest, an iustaimcnt of three francs eighty-eight centimes in rentes, and two francs forty centimes iu cash. Tbe exact date when, and the amounts which will be paid for the deflnitlve settlement of tbe claims will be fixed subsequently. Those j ersons entitled to participate will receive a ipecial warrant Issued to bearer, and discount able in the market. Tbe total loss by fire In this country thirteen yean li placed at (389,605000. for SECOND EDITION LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. Important AdTices from Cuba Spanish Troops MoTing Into the Interlor-Tronblos Between Soldiers and Citizens. ievs rOM china. Financial and Commercial FROM CUBA. NpanlMti Troop to Start for tho Interior More Plantation Iliirneil -Ait i:xpe till Ion Irom Nnevltan Increase iu Port Dtillcn. Jiy Cuba Cable. Havana, Feb. 23. The city is noiv quiet, aud hopes are entertained that there will be uo further demonstrationsby the volunteers. Three thousand Spanish troops leave here to-morrow for the interior, but their precise destination is not jet known. All the raoers published here nrge the volunteers to preserve good discipline, and place reliance upon the assurances of th'1 authorities that vigorous measures will be pursued towards the rebels. When the salutes iu honor of Washington's birthday were being fired yesterday the in habitants of the suburbs became terribly frightened, supposing thit a struggle bad commenced in the city. Reports from Villa Clara state that another estate has been burnt near that phice. At Jaguey the insurgents have fired thirty-six cane fields. They have also burnt tho plantation Australia, belonging t Benor Mara, a Cubnu. The steamihip B tvaria for New Oilcans will carry 2500 (?) passengers. Intelligence from Nuevitas to the 18th Inst, represent that Governor Lesca, at the head of au expedition of 2500 men, including a force of cavalry, with several howitzers, a large number of horses, provisions to last for some days, aud 110 rounds of ammunition for each man, has gone to eeu. It is not stated where this force is destined for, but GuD"ja Is supposed to be the objective point. From theucc they can march to Puerto Principe, a distance of thirty-six miles, through au open road, avo'.dlng the rebel fortifications. Guanaja being in possession of the insurgents, however, and fortified with several pieces of artillery, the troops will pro bably have to carry the place by assault betore moving ou Puerto Principe, as they cannot make a flank movement without leaving their rear exposed to the iusurgents. The road also runs through the Cullta Mountain, which is now in possession of the Insurgents. The schooner Kate IUnger has been pro hibited loadingg a cargo which came through tbe rebel lines, and has gone to Mutauzas. The steamer Hemtramis has sailed for Hayti, paving the claim upon her unsettled. By a decree of the Captain-General the export duty from the first ot March next will be as follows: On sugar, fifty cents per box aud one dollar and twenty-five ceuts per hogshead; on tobacco, one dollar per bale, and cigars fifty cents per thousand. On all imports five per cent, addi tional tax will be levied. Twenty-five per cent, of the receipts will be paid to the Banco weekly for the advance of $8,000,000. Celebration of Washington's Birthday. Havana, Feb. 22. Washington's birthday has been celebrated here by the United States steamer Contoocook, the flagshsp ot Admiral noff, firljg tho usual national salutes. The Spanish and French flagships in the harbor courteously replied, hoisting meanwhile the stars and stripes at the main. D.tring tho d;iy the French Admiral paid an official visit to Ad miral Hoff. Intelligence has beu received from Key West to-day of the arrival of two iron-clad sblpi there, which has caused great excitement and much speculation as to whether they are the two Spanish iron-clads, Fernando el C.i'ohco aud her consort, whose coming has bceu an nounced irom SpalH. FROM CHINA. financial IVewe-Nnlllof? or Vete!-Af-lalrs at lloug-lionu;. Sbanguae, Jn. 20 Via San Francisco, Feb. 2. Kxchange on London, bank, six moiubs, 5h. llja.; on Palis, six months, 717 Jf.; on Bm buy, three days, 29H4 taels; ou Calcutta, the same; Hong Kong, 25per cent. Bulbou Gol 1 bars, Pi kin. 17,260 taels; silver, 111-70 per 100 taels. Cauton weight; Mexlc in dollars, 75125; Caiolus dollars, 7710; American bills, litilo de mand at i;)0115 per pical; sales ot'2000 pieces. 8beetioMs nominal at 4 tiels per piece. Jeans, some demand air 375(3380; stock 400 pieces i,cins, 6120 pieces sheetings. British cotton goods declined and dull until lately. Grey coinings, 2s.2-i. 10 1, for quarter pounds. Cloths in modera' e demand at lt30(j) 180 lor seven pounds. Woollen goods prices low. Coals declined and more demand; sales of 1581 tons at 1160 per ton from ships. Exports Black teis meet with a fair Inquiry and prices are malm a ned; 8000 chests sold since January 17: reshlpnient 2000 chests; stock, 6ti00 chests. There is littie coming forward. Green teas Settlements aad reshipaients, (S2 800 chests, a lallinj oif. Fine teas in small supply, and value maintained; quotations, (Ha4 for tine to tineet; holders of medium are deposed to realize: stocks on offer 70.000J chests. The following cargoes sailed for tbe United B'ales: December 12. ship Veiocltv tor Boston, with 188 617 pound; Sir William Wal lace, for New York. 186,0m pounds, sme date; Pacific MaU Hieamship Line, for New York, 6620, December 7. hi Ik Moderate business for tho month for commou and reeled, the latter belntr at a de cline, and the former ma'n'atnlng last quota tions, and both classes hdd for extreme prieos. Settlements to da'e, 1'i 0( 0 bah-s of China. He shipment of Japan. 18,000 bales. The flaghlp of Admiral Kowan was at Hong Ko'ig Jan. 1, en route to doan. Business was geuerally qu et, and there were no political movements, except In Japan, where, at the North, the ex-Tycoon has got Into power. The regular installation of tbe Mikado confirmed his recognition. Fire at Rochester. Bochestib, Fb. 21. G. W. Crouch It Co.'s saw mill on the Island between the river and canal, on Soutb Paul street, was destroyed by fire last night. The loss Is estimated at 1 2 5, 000, FROM WASHINGTON. Delation or the United States to Mexico Despatch to th Atsoeiattd Preti. Washington, Feb. 24. Official publication is made to-day of the ratified convention between the United States aud Mexico, providing for the adjustment of claims of citizens of cither conn try against the other. The claims are to bo referred to two commissioners, one to be ap pointed by the President ot tbe United States, by and wilh the advice aud consent of the Senate; and the other by the President of Mexico. They are to meet at Washington, aud may choose an umpire in c9e of dlsagreemcut. No claim ariMng out of a transaction of a date prior to February 2, 184, will be admissible nndtr this convention. Flaht IWmrnt Soldier and Citizen. Garrison's Landing, N. Y Feb. 24. A defrerate fight occurred at Highlands Falls, Saturday night, between some soldiers from West Point, and citizens of the first meutlonad place. One man was bdly beaten. Four soldiers pased to day to Newburg uud'T arrest. Fire at Worcester, Mns. Wohcester, Feb. 21. The resl leuce of l. U, Buck minster, in Keene, N. U., was bidly damaged by fire Sunday noon, caused by a de fective chimney. Loss on house and furniture, $3000, which is fully covered by insurance. THE EUROPEAN MARKETS. By Atlantic CabU. Thla Morning's Quotation. London, Feb. 24 A. M Consols 93 for both money and account. United States 6 'ids, 7t. Stocks steadv; Erin Ktilroad, Ufa Illi nois Central, OCi; Great Westrru, 35. Liverpool, Feb. 21 A. M. Cotton quiet; noddling upland, 1212Jd.;Orlcans, 12jai2Jd. Sales to-day estimated at IO.OL'0 bales. London, Feb. 21 A. M. Common Rosin, 6x. 6d. Thin Afternoon' ((notation. LrvERrooL, Feb. 21 1230 P. M. Breadstuff unchanged. Havre, Feb. 21 Cotton opens easier, Doth on the spot and afloat; low middlings afloat, 1124f. London, F.'b. 21 P. M. Consols for money, 93; lor account, 9393J; United States 5 -'JS quiet at 78J. Stocks quiet; Erie, 21 j ; Atlantic and Grea- Western, 35J. Liverpool, Feb. 21 P. M. Cotton flat; m'.doliug uplands, 121.; Orleans, 12fl.; the sales will not exceed 7000 bales. Old Corn, 3 is. 6d. Lard, 75s London, Feb. 21 P. M. Sugu dull on the spot, and quiet afloat. La-d declioiag. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. Court of Oyer and Tebminer Judge? Ludlow aad Biewster. The trial of Btmuel Holt for the murder of Edward Byrnea is still before Hie Court. Divtrict Court, No. 1 Jndge Hare. O'Bently ve. Rrist.. An action to recover for goods sold and delivered. Toe defense setup mat the goods were purchased by tbe defen dant's step-danguter for a relative lu Ob.lo, of wbicti plain tilT was cognizant at the time he sold. Verdict for plaluiitt, 8206. Anthony Myers vs. James B. England, trus tee, and Christopher Snyder. An aotlou of re plevin to recover goods levied upon for arrears of rent. Verdict for the defendant; real la ar rears. S415; value of goods, f 4ti0. Wesley & Bon vs. Chrlstopner Gentner. An aotlon to recover for flour sold and delivered. On trial. District Court No. 2. Judge Stroud Wal dm, Koptn & Co. vs. Margaret Elliott, adaaia ls rati lx. Au a. Ion on a promissory note. No defense. Verdlot for plaint I IF, 871.3 W2 John O. Hurst vs. Charles Z tuder. An action of f Jpotment to try tbe right to real properly in tbe Tweuty elgntu ward. Ou trial. Couktof Common Pleas Allison, P. J. The miscellaneous argument list was before tne Court to day. United States District Court Judge Cad walader. The bankruptcy list engaged the bttenilon of tbe Court this morning, a Jury briDg In attendance to proceed with the reve nue cases when tne business before the Judge thould be concluded. LOPEZ. Ill Will In Favor or H tUauie LyucUaua Letter to the UulteU NtateM Sllulster. The following are the will of Lipez and his letters to General McMahon, alluded to as hav ing fallen into the hands ot the allies on the flight of Lopez irom Angostura: The sab cnber. Marshal President of the Republic of Paraguay, by the present document, tnalKy aud solemnly declares that, in grateful acknowledgment of the services of Madame Eliza A. Lynch, he gives to her absolutely all his property, rights and claims; aud it is my wish that tbis disposition shall bo faithfully aad legally cairied out. Sipued, in the presence of witnesses, at the headquarters of Pikysyry, ou the 23d day of December, 1808. Francisco S. LorEZ. To Major-General McMahon, Minister of tho United States ot America. Pikysyry, Dec. 23. Honorable Sir: As tho representative of a fneudy nation, aud ai a measure of precaution In view of whatra iy happen, permit me to coudde to your care ihe accompanying document by which 1 tramsfer to Eliza Ljnch all my piivate interests ot what ever kiud. You will have the kln.luess to keen tbis document iu your possession untiljyou can deliver it with safety to that lady, or in o we events should happen rendering that unneces sary, can return it to me. Allow me, at tho same t uie, to beg ot you th tt vo.i wU do all iu your power to give effect to the disp union mudeiuthe same document, aud aicept vaj best thanks, In anticipation lor what you raiy do in cairjing out my w shes. IVKANCItjJO a. LiUTKZ To the same. Honorable Pir: As you b'iv had tho kind ness lo take chnrt'0 of my ctilldreu, I now pre sume t3 commend them to your entire protec tor, tu case anything should happen to me, giviug jou authority to take whatever steps you may cont luer necessary lor the future wel fare of these poor creatures, especially for Leopold, who-e tender years give me the erealest concern respecting him. Your com pliance with this request will entitle you to ray heartfelt gratitude, Bince tbe thought of these chl'dren is all that troabies my mind at ttiis trying m uncut, when I am called upoa by dny to df dicaie myself, at every risk, to my conn'rv's cause. Francisco 8. Lopez. The person known as .Madame Lvuch is the mitms oi l.opez. She is Irish by birth, and is tbe wife of a French surgeon, whom she left about ssventeeu years ago for Lopez. She is described as a woman ot fine personal ap pearance, still bearing tho marks of tho beauty by which Lopez was first captiv ited, and exer cises great influence over the Paracuayan President. Bhe hs borne him seveial children, Lopez has never married. Oregon begs two hundred aa4 fifty ser vant girls to ooiae and do iu houaework. Georgia proposes a canal across the State. 590 miles long. It ean bo built for $5,000,000. The English are Just learning to drink lager. -Only one per cent, of the emigrants to this country are Frenchmen. It la laid that Santa Anna's agents are trying to indnoe the Count Giigenti to set no forltopworof Kuloo, FINANCE AND COMMEROE. Orricaor thh hvisnims Tklwobafh.i WatJoanday. Keb. 24. 18 J The Stock market wasd'ill tbis morning, but prices generally were ra.hcr firjier. Government securities continue in steady demand lor Investment at full prices. City loans were unchanged; the n-v issue sold at 101. Kallroad shares were the most active on the list. Heading sold at 40), an sdvanco of ; Pennsylvania Bailroa I at 6GJ(ji57J. an advance of i; Little 8chu)lkill a. 13, n j change; Lehigh Valley at 66 j, no chance. In City Passenger Hail way shares there was very little movemeuU West Philadelphia sold at 64, no barge. Bank shares were (Irmly hM. Farmers' and Mechanics' sold at 121, no chxng. Canal shares were dull feed uylkill Naviga tion preferred sold at 19, no change. PlilLAHKlPHIA STOCA KlCUAJfUB BALKS TO-DAI Reported by le Haven a Bro., No. 4u 8. Tnixd surest VI umt a u an iwwuur m, jnow.ih ml s.m ixtis. sold 1..... t 'iv f km, srlea 18 n Fee uK. ........... fj SO lo. 11 '3 .-Is- B7 H dc.......... sit', 27 . . . (Jo (jflij 2" o sh Bead RH....1. ti IllO 10NHlilU. 4H', 77 oil LcH V A ? 2i '10..........&5. MX 10 do..- 66 U inh Phil K 4 too sh Hoh N Pt.-.. 19 S nil W Phila It... 64 loo sb HeBtouvllJe...... u WlBch R 484 Nlirr A T iLitm.r Rlm-lr IT d,.l. 1 1 fiird stp.et, report this morning's l"UO A. M. 132 10-57 A. M. . 132J 132 11 (IT twi 10-01 ln.ll ii ,7,7. .. ' " 1 1015 . 13'2A' voIo":vl,!lR,m Winter & Co., bankera. No. 36 South Third Street, report the following aL fXCUinn to-day at 12 o'clock: United States 6s, 1881. 1131aU3i: D. S. R.una. lHBa. llljSfilUj; do., 1864, lluillU; do 186 112il)2i; do. July,865,lo'rili)V do. Joly. S d0' lMt,.H 114 HI ; 5s. lflklOs, 10-J4l)9i. Compound lin.rest Kotes, past due, 11925. Gold, t32iai32J. ' v Messrs. De Haven Aliromer, No. 40 South Third street, report the following rates of ex. chanea to-day at 1 P. M. : D. 8. 6s of 1881. 113 V 113j; do. 13C2, llliaillj: do.. 1864, 111i3 llli; do., 18G5,112331123 ; do.. 136J, new. 1101 llOgjdo., 18C7. new. UOi'aill; do., 1S68,110 (tflll; do., 5s, 10-fOs, 109ial09; do. 30-year 6 per cent. Cy., in lj (ft Mi;!; One Compound Interest Notes, 19 i; Gold, i32,'132J ; Sliver, 127(3128$. Messrs. Jay Cooke & Co. quote Govern ment securities, etc., as follows; U. 8,6s ol 1H81, mi(ail3J: 5-20s of 1862, lHSWlHf ; 6-20s, 1861, instil; 5 20s Nov., 1865, 1123 a 1125; Julv. 1865. HOllOJ; do., 18C7. UOd 111; do 1S68. HOjaUlJ; IMOs, 1093(721091. Union Pacific boi.ds, lOljaiOU. Gold. 132$. (Stock Qnotations by Toleg-rapti 1 P. M; Glendlnnlng, Davis & Co. report inrouga their New York house the J.ilowlu N. Y. Cent. K. 161 1 Western Union T 57 N. Y. and Krie It... 35 Cleveland and ToLHW'2 Phil, and liea, K.... UVt Tol. A Wabash K... 65'2 Mich. B.and N. I. R W Mil. & ht. P. cora a5l tie. and Pitt. K SK Mil. & St. p. pref... 7rt Chi. and N.W. com. 82: Adam Express Co Ohio and N. W. prt 91 Wells, Kargo Co. si 'l i.ui. nu'in. i-n Pis. P. W.ndChLJ'-'4 Unfed Stales Kxd. 47 "M m 182 Pa. M. Bteaio. Co... 97t Market steady, Philadelphia Trade Report. Wednesday, Feb 21.-Tne Flour Market Is dnll and depressed, and only a few hundred burrelH were taken In lota by the home eon. Burners at f55 25 for superfine; $5 756'25 for extras; S7750 for Iowa, Wisconsin, and Min nesota extra family; 810 00 for Pennsylvania and Ohio do. do.; and 510 2o12 60 for fanoy brands, according to quality. Kye Floor sells at!77-25. Nothing doing In Corn Meal. Tbe Wheat Market presents no new feature, the demand being mostly for prime lota, which are In small supply ; sales of 1000 bushels good and strictly choice red at$l 801 05; some amber at tl-65; COO bushels No. 1 spring at S1-70-, and a lot of white at $220. Kyels steady, with sales of 800 bushels Western at Sl-55. Corn Is In good demand at fall prloer; sales of 7500 bushels yel low, afloat and in the cars, at 80vt9to. Oats are qnlet at former rates sales of Western at 71a 7 fx : and Pennsylvania at 70&73o. Barley and Malt remain as last quoted. Beeds Cloverseeri is steady, with sales of 75 ruiRhelsatfJ9'75. Timothy may be quoted at ii 85(33-40. Flaxseed is tafceu by tbe or us Hera at U 65. Whisky Is nominal at97o.$l per gallon, tax paid. markets by releg-rapU. Hew Tobz. Feb. 24 Mocks very strong. 'old. 182. Kxi-btDR, HX:-iKi8. IMS. 1143ft do. im. Vis; do. IsOj. lUH: new, lioy 1887. ll(; lotus vtS VirVlnla 8s, 61; Miutiourl tt. 87?-,'; Canton tympany,?,; (jam. bf r'nd preferrtd. 87; New York Central, 164?,; Head. InK.Ui'ii Hudson River. lo; Mloblgtn Central, il7X MicbiKn Bouthern, V7: Illinois Ceoiral 142: Cleve land nod PllUburg.Ol V Cleveland and Toledo; t 5 Chicago and Koca Island. 127X; nuaburs and fort Vnyue, I'.:''-,,- " LATEST SimTLNbt LNTELUQEXcisr For additional Marine News tee Zntlde Page. fBT TKLBOBAPB. Nbw Tok. Feb 24 -Arrived, steamship City or Antwerp, lioiu Liverpool. " w m By AtiatUie Cubit.) Qumnstoww. Feb. U. Arrived yesterday, steam, sbip City ol Baltimore, from New ork. " I,oniow. Feb. 24. - Arrived, steamship Hlbst ntau. Horn Fuillaud. POBT OF PHILADELPHIA FEBRUARY 34. TAT OF THEBMOMHT.B AT TBI BVBSfrNO Vara. UHAPrf OJfVKJB. ww I A. M 2811 A. M. 40,1 P. U ,.... OLKARKD THIS MOKNINQ. zImw ' miih' Bu"ton' Kellar A ARRIVED IHH MOHNTINn Steamship JmiiaU. lloxle, from New Orleans Vi Uavnua lHib lt . Willi colton in.!. Philadelphia and Kouih;ruXlYm"g.pVj.!topJS Cuild U. I Flanagan. Miss Ida Hot! p?., J. atollen M.Neboii Mrs Uatwia four niTTP a. .. servant: P. Furudllas Mr J Paaada u2 h?I!l cblldreu; MttsC. Faiada Mint Pad f t ihr. bunt 111 MIB. J. 1.1 fcmBHrV. a.Xa?l'i&5i;i dra A. de Arnen; a. OaTlrt : H PofV. r i t ? . Laferiej J. OonVaiv y. ropplngSr wlla tlhlS Joe. Poey; J. V. Brlio; MsJ.wV i r Cll,.,di and wiie; MImi RoJruue.; Mis. H ii?T Mter MS? iueou.Biiatwoclilldren; J B Paiadai Jm H' b. m; J M. ParriBB; J. K ParrW?- a V?. a.ta' Mis. Coo-r; J. iur and wn MKrt.twvretUi Waller ieer: P. l orrelu! M 3 tSif.tSL'i41 XouoK M. a. Montyoj Jos. ilnriiny- j il u"v u'1 children. "unmj, j. caron, wife. Bod two tit. onir i-db kox 21 dav Trnta OlenniMn. .ik Butar and nj(iln, tort 4 W vu-Mlah " ' w'" tcbr Daniel Mo Pea S'uttb. 4 dav. from N. v.w Wllb barley to KMgbt A .,u.. ' WaW 0"' Bchr Maty O., Hippie. I day irom Mflford Tj1 with grain lo James Karra't " uiiiiora. un WHO Huhr J a Wiillaum. Woodruff 1 day from Brldzs t05 ""n train to Jo. K Palmer. rla ?.rlM".T", 'ollne. Fowler. 2 days from lip Slo, Del., with grain lo Jem. K. Palmer. tZtl w2Ju,8:ul.?U),tn from Boston. 81 earner F. Franklin, Piernon. 18 houmlroui iU mora, with nuluu I. . a - a. uiuvrs, jr. AMWttimJiM. y t k T.i .... Lbwbs, Del., Feb 22 K M -The barn A'r? N. Franklin, from Meoxlna for Philadelphia. ia B'e.kwaler this morning. k.r: Ihe hillowlng vw-,a ,ematn at the BrJj, -rt, Bchis Wlillam Carroll, fr..ro Pbiude'li" ,,,r Vlr- aTnaa 1V-U w'diiidtAFA. t . VKUOUfot Philadelphia Bchr A. R. Welu i r., Cleared at New York IT'SIni'mn H9,,,"M-, Bchr. Anna My, lo i"TfSJwwa lot Phllndalphl i"or;.r.M. from Bo.lon lo, PhMa- Bobr Abbl. ""',r1 rid I'""- lUiatan tnr Phil.. eebr'HrK. ro'' Ponos Sth Inat. JKloal 'or Port nonh of Halleraa. fr. "'SrrR?r Di.ra Break walr, was loaklag 1