.6 THIS MARCH MAO AZINKS. Harl.crV., Mcrr. T. n. JV.craon ft Broi Itcri "end ub Jinn' MiOnzine rT M ,rc51' ''Pho P ltcemen tf the 8ra" la bh tiiUriktintr. illustrated article on lighthouses, lightships, wreck ami wreck ers1 "fcouth Coast 3iiiiiUrinpaio England," tblrd pacr, a dcscrlplioa of ChriHtoIiiircb. tn Hampshire, and i?1vs fomo intrrostlnij: remlnis ceuots o1 fchcllev. Wiilium odiu, and Mary Wollftonccrolt, BiitfucHteil bj tho monument of Ibe poet; "Brlnerl'8 liock" U a poem, aud The l ands of the Barthtiunkc" Is Illustrated with a nomocr of crjcrnvino;s of cilebrited vol. toDOCf, etc. The other articles arc "A Child's Wimu;'' "My Knjm'j'n DiHiifht.T," by Justin McCanliy three counters; "Oar Presentation oACourt-'' "About Heat;" "MI-sIhk;" "LoHtaud Kd"',,The Woepii.R Willow." "SalnU and JI "Johnny lVpUt;" "About Cousin rs.ii"1 1 . ... ..UM....L l ,..ir.,a.M "T.nlimra UttUCiurio, m . .1 like i..,.nl ( rant:" ' a Hunt after Pevila;" 'Love on Crutches;' " "Au Outsider at an Otter Editor's Ensy Chair;" "Kdi- JUui;" "Eobin?;' .ia tnni rn'ule:" Monthly KccorJ of Current ,vi a ..' . ... ,.,. ll Hventp;" and "Editor i""- 'i,..ih pniitkd "Our Presentation at Coinf Is amusing as well as edifying: - From time to titno the Rieat clothes question karH''"y ajstutml the diplomatic world ot America. From the inner to the outer circle ha., ihi atlintion awakened the supposed subtle learned intelleot ot diploaiaey, to receive bo Mtistactory folution, and be ci-neted down ontv to break out afresh witu increased UL'fjra irHtion. The prave questiou ot clothes is this: -.Immemorial usaue has established as law at the courts of mope that at all social gatherings traced by royalty your diplomate hill appear in court cot-tume. And this means the dress the diplomate wears on like occasion, when in the presence ot his own froveretirti. Bat our American diplomate hai 110 sovereign other than 1he people, tind no court that calls forruoroiu the wy of dres than u whole coat graced by clean linen. If, thcu, our accredited agent of IheBtate Department, residing near the court of some Europeau sovereluu, complies with the social la concerning ores, he is forced to adopt the costume of some other court than hi owu. Now. is not this a grave and subtle question '! U it not worthy the profouudest Hudy and the most delicate handling f Unfor tunately it has 10 be considered, aud finally willed, by our sovereign, the people; aud our eovereiBu, the people, does not consider pro Joundly or handle tuch questions with much delicacy. 'Why," is uuninantly demanded, shall a proud repreen:ative of the grea. Kcpublic be lorced to put on this ao-surd drefH, that is utter all, a bate livery, marking an in'erior cias in au effete detpoUsii.? No, never!-' And so our gracious Bovi-rtign, on the stump aud through the press, settles the pre.it cloth': question. Such had txeuihecuiis'idprution, and such the settlement, when our worthy Minister, the Hon. John Y. Mahou, arrived in I'm is as the accredited diplo matic 2 nt ot the (Jovcrumeut of the United Butcs at the court of Cloud. Mr. Mason, in common with all our diplomates theu abroad, was sorely puzzled oy Mr. Marcy's instructions to appear, .u all oceaiioii, in the plain dresa of an American citizen. Mr. Bucbauan, with cue eye on the exigencies of the situa tion at St. James, and one on the orders of his 6UWior in Washington, sought to compromise by pulling his dignified person into a suit ot plain black, with a snowy vest and white choker, aud had in consequence been Mistaken for an upper tervant by one of the effete aristociacy at a court entertalument. and requested to make himself lively wiih an over coat and umbrella. P.erre Soule, on the other hand, not beiug blesed wall Mr. Buchauan'd peculiar powers ot vision that enabled him to look on boih sides at one time, gjt up a fancy dress of black silk velvet, that was something of a cross between Bun Franklin and the Prince of Denmark. Mr. S:mford, who preceded Mr. Mason at Paris as charge li'qtf'airts ad interim, aloue complied wiih the instructions, and appeared before Napoleon I If, tho En press, and their brilliant court in the simple dress of a simple citizen. From this compliance with the iu eti octions of our Secretary ot State, oq the part f Mr. Pauford, came all our grief. The Hon. John Y. Mason, whose name, by tho-by, the court printer would persist in publishing as John y., aud the students of the Quartier L ttin innocently called old Johnny-caKe, had take'i the clothes question under careful considera tiou, and had, moreover, consulted one of the ablest diplomates we then had abroad. This eminent person was au American citizen ot Alrican descent, aud rejoiced in the plain name of John Digits. This colored diplomate Jiaa heen taken lront Philadelphia to i Europe as a servant by Mr, Hush, and left abroad by that Envoy Extraor dinary. John had turned his attention to a study of diplomacy; and acquiring a Knowledge Of languages the distinguished politicians sent broad by our (lOvernnunt seldom possess, and blessed wiih a common-sense our educated diplomatists are prone vo luck, he was eminently successtul. lie hud. above all, a practical knowledge of the intricate and delicate ceremo nies conueeted with court lite. These rare accomplishments carue In time to be known and appreciated; and the gentlemen of thiB treo laud of ours, w ho arc taken trom the politic! arena to make a part of the most cultivated, as wHl as the ablest, class connected with the govern ments of Europe, generally engaged John to meet thorn at Liverpool, that they might learn something of thi ir unuud aud much-dreaded duties. Among tha Americau diplomates thus dry nursed by the accjmpllhhed Diegs was my corpuleut and cood-uaturcd ch;ef, Mr. John Y. Mason. 01 cmrse on this delicate and ditiicult qmstion of clothes John was consulted, uud his opinion closed the ducu sion. 'I'll tell von what it is, ah," he said, with pleat uelibeiation, balancing his tail timire on one let', wt) ile the oilier peimiited his toe to lightly toueh Uie lloor, in a pose worthy a study, I'll ,., I....;. 4. V,... . I nil jui mini, ii n, xuu U'.pui'J uvi u"4 ue Minister, au' de Euapetor or Monsieur Drouyn d'l.huys 'II be elad to see you e you come in y'r bhirt sleevef. But when de Empress, or Madame Drouju d'Lhuys, invites you to Ue dinner or ue 1-t.ceptlou, aud puts on de card en umfurm, you can do oi:o thing or de udder; Jou tun put on de uni'oi rn an' iro, or vou can eep off de uulfomn an' stay at home. H won't do to go dub in y'r shirt tleeves au' tuv dat was Mr. Marey'B instructions. No, Sab. Xou can mind Mr. Marcy an' flay at hjine. An' my observations has taught me dat most of dis diplomacy is done at dese entertainmr nt." "I'll be hanged 1'' exclaimed his Excellency In the vulgar tongue of the Ola Dominion, ' if the nigger hnnn't nttcred more good sense on tbe subject than 1 have heard yet." Andioitwus dett indued to don the court orets In violation of ciders. I was somewhat surprise d to llnd that, after all this dclibeia'.ion and debate, as if the cohcIii-mou were held in abeyance that his Excellency John l.lnl been vosscBsed ot las court tuu Horn me nr .t. A grave dilliculty met tho Minister on the tliresuold. Of our diplomatic corps abroad, Mr. fnnlord a'.oue obeyed instructions In reference to elothep. It is true that he had not been ory successful in impressing upon the deeoruted tlespotisms of Europe tho charmiug simplicity of our republican tiovei ument. iieiije only a rSecretary of Lcfa'-ion. uctiug ad interim, as tharge d'affaires, the decorated despotisms re trarded tie move as an ill maunered act on the iiart of one bo insigiiiiieuot that it was beuearh serious attention. WhntJoliii Diggs had said was true enough. To obey Mr. Marcy was to decline Invitations to all court ceremonies and entertainments. For a secretary to ignore the nsages ol his clues and the wishes of his host or koctcss was simply an Imperuneuce, aud was treated with contempt. For a minister to do so would be considered a prune affront, and as euch would meet with quick reseutment. Mr. Kanfoid, however, had obeyed Injunc tions, and he now relused ponilively to accoiu jmuj Mr. Mapon to the first court ball of the faon, where quite a number of American e'.tiitens were to he presented. Of the ceremony ttLd)ng a presentation the American Miuistcr TI1E DAILY K hue w little. n 1 h'fl inlet aopo rtvl s rretar quite as ignoian', can d ie.-s. The. ,ii;n:pi J ol lirntlrmati bgerd le. late ditiloma p, of tn ) Mmple cliiKens' tire?, u the most i pffcnri and piteous msnocr. to nccjmpnny bt.u; b ittie austere irpre-enta.ive or republican Minpltc.ty poi-itivrly declined. . , It was a irying moment, and invo'ved muc i talk and heavy cons imption of t .bao.-o, to which last-named article the Minister resorte I with increased energy when his diplomatic brain was vexed bv some intricate question, as tho one now demanding solution. Hie Judge would assure uie th it "it quieted the nerve", cleared the brain, opeuid the pores;" and I can add mat with magical edi ct it gave to a Vir Emia geiilieiiiiiu nil the aplomb necessary lor the moi-t trtinir oeca-ions, nod if it did not Improve the mind or polish the manner, it at Ifiist lilted one a'ove the embarrassment ot leeling the detleiencic.'. antord was obsnnate, and Mr. Mason found that he would have to throw up the prssenta tion or undertake it without assistance. Tho gentleman wl;o had tided the (everal positions ol Judge, Congressman, and Attorney-tieneral was not to be daunted by "the fringe-work and flummery of a couit presentation;" aud he swore a great oath that ho would present Mug pins Co. or die. ' It requires tomethiig nioro, however, than the experience of American official lite, even when sustained by the best of whisky aud the purest tobnceo, to enable one to loon calmly through the gilding of a court such as that im pel ial tailor ai t! ui I. o'sterer, Louis Napoleoni has created. Mr. 51 a-on was not ot that class who can pierce the outer seeming to the real 8ubtaL,ce, urd retain a self possession tro:n au inner beiif c of superior merit. The rattling roar ol carriages, the glair of lights, the gorgejus (tairwny, made benutl nl by flowers and impos ing by the C'cnl Garde, up which swept a living fctieiim of beaat'.lul women and decorated men, stri'ck awe into the so il ot the Virginia diplo mat. How he found l.is way to the presenta tion room remains a mystery. When there hla troubles began. The room received for Americans was the one given ul.-o to tho Englt-U. Mr. Masou was im mediately surrounded by citizens of our free land, dote up in court costume that, either clirouah the awkwudness ot the wearers or from the fact that the lured dre.-ses did not tit them comfortably, made them resemble the armies on the stage in spectacular dramas, that stalk about conscious o! the jeers aud laughur of the audience. Crowding about their unhappy Minister, they begged t" kuow what they were to do, where place iheinselves and how to act? The appearance of the diplomatist was as ludi crous as bis position was pitiable. The back of his unbuttoned coat maJe a straight line from, collar to tail. Teat part ot his rotund person which the satiiical Ijcntou said was content ouly when tilled with ovsteis, seemed to round out to twice its otdiuaiy size, while his cocked hat was fixed firmly to the back of his good natured eld head. Firmly pratping bis dress. Buord, he rolled to and lro, usinj laneuage more remarkable for its foice. thau poli-h in reply to the troublcomc questions of the excited crowd. Strange to relate, an Kncli-h .7pi7ic canic to the relief of the pel plewd Minister. He begged paidon lor bis intrusion, and said that he saw the Miuitter and his udaches wore new to the business, and beeped leave to sucgest that if Mr. Mason would place his compatriots on oue side of the room, in a line, he, the Minister, could observe the manner the English Ambas. tador went through Hie ceremony. Itconsieted merely in walking backwards bVore the Em- Leror, and presenting each one by name, with is or her resideEce. The line was soon formed. A new trouble presented itselt. Tne people to be introducer, each by name, were sliaogers to Mr. Mason. He did not know their several cognomens, and walking up and dor. the line he demanded earnestly that they should "ting out their names." Butwtun iiHir names weresosuug out he found that he could not remember VVh'ile thus eniracel the Fmpcror aud suite entered, and the presentation of the English began. Mr. Mason ceased his demand for liames, and gazed earnestly at the process being gone through with, that he might learn something ol his duties. The Americans ceased talking, and settled in a fixed stare at the world-wide celebrity before them. I know of no shock more positively disagree able than one's first view of Louis Napoleon on foot, and near enough for accurate criticism. He sits tall, and in carriage or on horseback appears at bis best. But on loot his short, thin leas and long body make up an awkward tiaure, below the medium height; and oue looks in vain at the retreating lorehead, weak chin, narrow, drooping shoulders, and broad hips for auy of the well-known aud distinctive marks ot the Bonaparte lauiil.y. Oue gazed hopelessly into the dull, glazed eyes, that have an unplea sant resemblauce to those of a deceased macke rel, at his red bottle-no'?, and retreating chin, to find evidences of intellect and character. He ,, A,.ePti nn thin occasion in tinbt breeches, that showed to a disadvantage his short, slender legs while the close-htung coat was so clumsy that'll suggested concealed armor. He strove, evidently, to hide a slight limp, the origin ot which I uever heard explaiued. Thu English preseututiou came at last to au end, and Mr. Mason's tavs began. Itemerabeiing the name of his first victim he succeeded, without bluuder, in inaKing the American Mug gins and the Third Nanoluon acquainted with each other. Bat with the next our Minister came to a full stop, lie could not remember the uame, and the poor man tried in vam by a stage whimper to comuiunica'.e the magic word. The Emperor waited with that calm iudiiirr cuce which is tar moie aggravating than auy expression of impatience. He waited without result, anil ue niiuui naveso wiuiuu nu iuhl-uuiw; time, lor the wrctjlied man whoso introduction stopped the wav suddenly grew red in the tace, and lost all power ol ar'iculatiou. Judge Mason mw apoplexy beto;e him, when relief came in the shape of a happy io ja ihat ttruck hU diplo matic train. .Stepping back a lew paces he exclaimed: . "1 have the honor to introduce your Majesty to ail these good people. They aye all Ameit- ff!!.,, T'hi? mode of prescn-.ing, by platoon, was ncv to hi Maie-ty a-oic-an!; but. acceplicg the situ- a ion. he will.ilrc. w a t v puces, sx as to take m the entire line, and tin n btguu his usual speech on such oeciiHons: You have done, ins a great compliment, Indies ui.d gei tlcineo, iy coin urn so tar to visit my couit. You com" troiu a great country, I lemimiiev your conmry i was once mere myself" At this point a lull, awkward New Eng landir, lockmcrat ti." court thus relerred to through a pair of cold rimmed spectacles, thought it about ti'i e to say something to relieve the gei.eral sense ol restraint, aud so ctied out, in a vci insinuating, toothing, inou'iii ratner ivi'iii lo.ic ' And we were vevi j;iad to kave you among ns, jour jmiij' siv." A burly gentletijuv, geously decorated we astic tire conirunv l a nil of conceit, itnu nor h a medal tsouiu eutuust- lr.'scuted liiui, hiitinna'it tbtt auy other ttinii In usplt tlioula piesituio to speak, added, i;i a Ion 1 voice: "And we hops soo:i to see you there again, vour Maiestv." rue proposition, ma le so iiearuiy, 10 resume travels cu re n ore t h turn proven to mean una mis ruble, discouo t, micli au extent Unit h review, by putln-r'i t--1 oH'aln)0"t at a cur. it: r. ticU'd quietly t'l mii:!i, liciui; con'rollcil b tu t Ins Imperial Majesty to uhruiiilv terminated the ,) bis side-atins and going Tnls absurd scene was fLe disposition to laugh e politeness to teneral in tbe ioIbIiL'J ciiiMi I ot France, aud by the restrrtlut mcen-m to ilttbomte eiiiut'1 It only, failed to ji 1 A luiee ninn. in I fouml itltcriinls to ucccbsiu cstablifchintr the uf a new court. One, liis intense sutintaction. very av court drei8, be the Master of Horse, that extended from car lnduluid in u prm to tar the luoiit'iit the Emperor's bnek wub turneu aud the Master of lloi-e fuvctl huiiKeif li't'O horBe-luuch by punchiPL' violent!' his companion as they inarcbeii awny. ... . Tlit? line of pieti nlcil Americana Immediately broke ranks, and xunounulug the two unfortu nates who had thus utcrpetteilly terminated the imperial Interview no dear to the American heart, poured out their iudiuatlon In la t trance nioie pointed than polite, The elunEatea nui- KG "TELEGRArn rillLADELrniA, MONDAY, FEBllXJAHY 22 liG0L anrc Irom New Enelftnd, wbo r,a opened tbi conversation with the Third Napoleon to relieve his enibarrasnieut, seized on a very flch woman, and began waltzing to the first no.es of mnsic that smote upon his car is it was in violation of court etiquette for any one to waltz before the imperial quadrille had ended, antiul cer of flunkies started in pursuit of the wrong doer?. This created some confusion, and In th? midst ot it came the cry of "Make way," "Onen a pafsage. will vou f" and above the crowd was seen a tail yellow feather, violently agitated as the pennant ol a ship in a head-sea. D.rectly the Minister and family were 'discovered being conducted to the diplomatic benches, where 6eats had been reserved. On reaching the phicc designated, Mr. Mason found that the etoit gentleman irom ew York witn the tire com pany's dicoration. and bravelv flanked bv SPVPll oaueniers, nau Deen mistaken for ttie American Minister, and.was in quiet possession ot honors at. (i com tori. "We I " rxela med Mr. Minn. "Til ho ' But words failed to do the subject justice. Thus ended our Pre sentatiou at Court. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOFSAFES CHAMPION SAFES! Pnii.ADEi.rHiA, J an nary 18,1S(J9. Messrs. FARIUX, UERUING A CO., No. 629 Cliesnnt street. Gentlemen:-On the night of the 13th Inst., aa la well known to the citizens of Philadelphia, onr large and extensive store and valuable stock of merchandise, No. 902 Chesnut street was burned. The fire was one of the most extensive and destrnctlvethat has visited onr city for many years, the heat being so Intense that even the marble cornice was almost obliterated. We had, as yon are a ware, two of your valu able and well-known CHAMPION FIRE PROOF SAFES; and nobly have tbey vindi cated yonr well-known reputation as maanfao- tnrersof FIRE-PROOF SAFES, If anyfurther proof had been required. They were subjected to the most Intense heat, and It affords ns muob pleas are to Inform yon that after recovering them from the ruins, we found npon examination that our books, papers, and other valuables, were all In perfect condi tion. Yours, very respectfully, JAS. E. CALDWELL, A CO. THE OSLT SATES EXPOSED TO TKE I1KE IS CALWWI.LL-.N SIORK WERE FARKEL, HEURI.VU A CO. Philadelphia, Jan. 18, lSi9. Messrs. FARREL, HERRING & CO., No. 629 Criesnnt street. Gentlemen: On the night of Ibe 13th Instant our large store, S. W. corner.of Ninth and Cnoa nnt strtets, was, together with our neavy stock of wall papers, entirely destroyed by fire. We had one of your PATENT CHAMPION FIRE-PROOF SAFES, which contained our principal books and papers, and although It was exposed to the most Intense heat for over 60 hours, we are happy to say It proved Itself worthy of our reoommendatlon. Our book.8 and papers were all preserved. We cheerful ty tender our testimonial to the many already published, In giving the HERRING SAFE Ue credit and confidence It justly merits. Yours, very respectfully, HOWELL A BROTHERS, STILL ANOTHER. Philadelphia, Jan. 19, Messrs. FARREL, HERRING & CO., No. 629 Chesnut street. Gentlemen: I had one of your make of safes ill the basement ot J. E. Caldwell & Co.'s store at the time of the great fire on the night of the 13th Instant. It was removed from the rnlns to-day, and on opening - it I found all my books, papers, green backs, watches, and watch materials, etc, all preserved. I feel glad that I had one of your truly valuable safes, and shall want another of your make when I get located. Yours, very respectfully, F. L. KIRKPATRICK, with J. E. Caldwell & Co., No. t!9 Chesnut street. FAKREL, IIERRLG & CHAMriON SAFES, Ko. 629 CHESNUT Qtroot, i si u: PHILADELPHIA, gKOM THE GREAT FlilK IN MAltKKT STKI'IKT. Atiu (lie Cbumpioii! lUKOKLV BAPE THAT PREBKRVK J J 13 CON TLNTb UNCMAltltKD. LETTER FBOM T MOHHI8 PF.KOT & OO. 1'iiii.AbKLPHiA, Twelfth Montn (Uh.lbM. Mesnrs. i-'ariul. llerrlug & Co., So. 6:!l Chtsunul :reci HfLis: it Is wuh great plemuie thai aca onr lektiuiouy to Ihe vaiue of your Patent cnauiplou huU, At tne dt-btruetive lire oj Murketnlieei, on Hie evening of the ad luM.,;our store was me cetitru ot tlie contluKratlon, and, being tlliea Willi a large stock: ol drugs, ol's, turpentine, paluta, varuish, a.colitil, etc , niaue a severe uud trying USU Your bate stood la a exposed situation, and tell with tne burning Hours Into the cellar among a quantity ot comottsuole ma U ilalu. W e opened It next day and iouuj our tiouka, papers, banK utiles bills receivable, aLduUre coutems ail sure, it is eapeciallv gratlfylnt; to us tual ytitir haln cium out all right as we bad entrusted our mtiht valuaiile book, to It, We snail wuut another ol Jldcnce bW Uuj,S M ihKi LtkVe our ulje cu" Yours, respectfully, T. MoARia PEROT & OO. HKiuuNtra patf.nt champion bakes, the victors in more than btiO accidental fires. Awarded the PrU Mtdtii at ine World's Pair, Loudon; Pariia i"kl1' Wew orki aud Apollloo Culvsrseuu, Manufactured and for isle by FAltKEL, 1IEURING & CO.. No, eiitt CUESNCT STREET, It 9 wfm3mrp PHILADELPHIA. 0. L. M A I S K ii FIRK AND HUIiULAR-PliOOP SAFES, LOCKSMITH, BKLL-HANOEK, AND SKALKB 1M HCLLLIJSU ilAKJJWAJUC. Id Uo, ut AACX eueel FINANCIAL. I UrillOFJ PACIFIC EAILUOAD FIKST MORTGAGE 30 YEAK8 SIX PER CENT. cold botjds, FOB SALE AT PAR f0 ACCRUSD INTEREST. DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT EECURITIES, QQLV, ETC., No. 40 South THIRD Street, 21 It PHILADELPHIA. lOOO K0Y COHfLJITLU OF THE Union Pacific Railroad. Tte Company will hare the entire line finished through to California) and rcodj for this summer's travel. WE AEE K0W SELlLNa The First Mortgage Gold In terest Eonds AT PAR AiD! INTEREST, CMIL FURTHER JiOTICE. Government Securities taken In exchange at full market rates. WH. PAINTER & CO., 2UAKEIIS A5D DEALERS LN tiOVEKK HEAT SECTHITIES, ffo. 33 South TStIRD Strsot. 219 PHILADELPHIA. I N C II O U S K - ayCoq Acs. 112 and 111 South TIIUiD Street, PHILADELPHIA. I?eaIerB la all rOTerimient Socurltie'5 Old 6-20s Wanted la Exchange for Ne A Liberal Difference allowed. Compound Interest Xotes WantcJ. Intcmt Allowed oa Kcposits. OOLLECTION8 MADE. BTOCKS boi;tht and soil on OommlMlon. Bpeclal hMlnees accoir.naodations reserved fox ladles. We will receive applications for Policies of Lira Insurance in the National tire Insnxanee Company of tn CnUed Btates. FuU Information given at our office. lisrn GLEEBIHIKG, BAYIS & CO., No. 48 fioulh TIIIICD Street, PHILADELPHIA, GLEMM1E, DAVIS &AI0BY, Xo. NASSAU St., New York, BAMLEKS AND BK0K12W. Direct UlegrapWc communication witli tbe Kew York Stock Hoarda trom the l'hllnddpbia Office KE&(p. FINANCIAL. Have lit moved ttcir LAW AKD COLLECTION OFFICE T) tlo. 19 South THIRD Street, FHILADflXriUA, And will continue to plve careful attention to collective and tecurlug CL.A.TMS througHout the United Btatod, BiitlBti Provlucts, and Ku rope. Bight Drafts and Maturing Paper collected at Bankers'. 128 8m BKJAMISftf&,C0. 8CCCKSH0B8 TO 1 KELLY & CO., BANKEKd AND DKALKHS IN Gi, Silver, anil Govennnent Bonds, At Closest Slarkct Kates. K. TV. Corner THIRD and CHESSUT Sts. ereclftl alietiUon given to CXIMMISION ORDERS In New York aud tic. Philadelphia Blocks Boards, etc. 211 8m Dealers in United Stales Ronds, and Mem bers of Stock nml OoM Exchange, Kcceiie Accounts of Unnks and Hankers on Liberal lerms, ISSUE BILLS OF EXCHASUK ON n t ti auuda , enw I flMUHM J f AA XI -Ml AJlAVy Mr UVili VA1VVH B. METZLER, S. SOHN & CO., FRANKFORT JAMES W. TUCKER & CO.. PARIS. And Other Principal Cities, and Letters of If edit Available Throughout Europe. FHILADA. m REABffiG RR 6s, FREE rilOHl A EE TAXES. A Ismail amount for Bale low I'j DREXEL & CO., No. 34 South THIRD Street, 212 2w Philadelphia. P S. PTRSON & CO., m m Stock and Exchange Brokers, No. 39 South THIRD Street, Kembers of the Jiew York and ThiladeW phia Stock and Hold Boards. STOCKS, E0ND3, Etc, bought and sold on commission only at either city. 1 202 INSURANCE. T HE ENTERPRISE INSURAXCS CO. OF PHILADKLFUlA. t,Uice Bonthwest Cor. i'OUKTM and WALNUT Sts. PFBfJiTUAL AND TKKM IVLICIiis ISSUED. fash t'tipllal - INW-tO Catih A-tseia Jttuuory l, l9... 17U,iS3 a I.1KH- ilARL LADtEJ A L-LUni T C A. X . F. lutchford etarr, J. Lavlrjftnton Entnger, Juoiea L. Ulagtioin, Wm. U. Boultou, Ctianea Wheeler, Tbo. II MoDigomery, r-aiDro xiviivr, Jthn M. Alwot'd. BfDj. T. Tredlck, bcortie II. bluarl, John J 1. .Brown. James M, Aeriseu. Tuis Coniany IneurPB only first-class rluka, taking do t peel ally hazardous risks whatever, auolt as fauto rieb, nJlH,1vJ,CHF0RD eTAKn President. TflwH. H. HO roOMKlty, Vice-President. A Lux, W. Wisaaa, btcreiary. Si 8 2 LUMBER. 18G9 fcPKUCE JOIST bPttLUK juisr, lli.MUJCK, Hh-MLOVJi.. 1869 l o'n SEASONED CLKAR PIN E, lCbU bAAvJjM!.l ILiAK nzikl 1869 oPANItoR trlAK, KoK PATAKIUsa. k&D tiUAil. LCO( FLORIDA FLOOllIJSa, T Q(( CU J pljOKi DA Pi.UOiU.Nli. 1CUU PLuOKlftU. V I KU IMA F JLOUKLfc . UaAWAHK Pi.lHJKiJU. Abll 1'i.OOiUNU. WALM.'T FlAHJrtlNO. PLOttiDA l-IEP HOAitDO. KAIL fUMt, ILl'U W.LUT PDB AND PLA.Nff. IQ'iQ lOUt WALMT tlls,A.U Hiillt lOUt WiLM'T BOaKKU. W -Ai.fr UT PLAAK. ICVU CSiltk.lil AKLKh1 LL'iiliKx;. IOUJ KKb CkDAlt. WALfrLT AND PINE. It ,.n EKAPOKKD POPLAR. ICtll fclAfiOMr-D Cxti-tUtY. I860 AMI, WBITL OAK PLAfrK AKS D0AED8. IIItikOUY. 101 O CIGAR HOX MAKERS' 1 Cl( bPAMbli Cxi DAK BOX BOARDS, iOH hAI.K LOW. 16G9 CABOI.1KA PCANTLIJSO, CAivOLIfrA li . T. feliXfi, M l'. A AY BCANTUiU. 1869 1809 in CED Alt MIISOLFa. CYPPbf miMiLm. lOOJ liAULK, BKOT1IFK A CO., fr o. bUU i'ii fcuoet. GAS FIXTURES, ETC. MAfr-fPACTCF.EK9 OF CAS FIXTUnE3, LAMPS, DnOWZCC, LANTERNS, Etc. No. 710 CIIESNCT Street. MANUFACTORY, jio. 821 CIIEHUY Street, 1 30imwli pTTTT.ATiTrr pma, INSURANCE. lFI AWAKE mutual, bafkty inhur iwKiiliMl'ANV Incorporated bv lh ITglslaiure of Pennsylvania, ltwi OfUce B. E. corner of THIRD and WALNTJI HAH1MK INSUBAKUKS On Vessels, Cargo, and Kreignt to il parUi ol 1.1. 0 -TV.. 1NLAM) 1NBORANCTC8 On coodB by river, canai.lake arid land carriage to all raris of trie Union, FIR It INHUKAni'Kfl On Merchandise generally; on stores, DTelllugs, ASSETS OF THE OOMPAHT, November 1. 18. 200 000 United Slates Five Per ' CeBt. lKan, 10 40h . f2O8.6O0.0O 120.000 United Stales Hix rer Cent. Loan, 1881 136,800'CX) 60.000 United Slates Six Per Cent. Loan (tor Pacific K). tjO.OtrOQ 200.000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent. Loan 211,57508 125.000 City of Plif la. BIX Per (Jen I. Loan (exempt Irom tax). 128,59100 Stale of New Jersey Six Per Cent. Loan . 5100 00 20.000 Penn. Rail. First Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds...... 20,200 00 25.000 Fenu. R. Second Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds 24,060 00 25.000 Western Peuu. R. Mort, Six Per Cent Bonds, (P. R. R. guarantee) 20,625 00 80,000 State of Xinnessee Five Per Cent. Loan 21,00000 7,000 State of Tennessee Six Per Cen U L .an 6,03123 15,000 Oernianlowu Uus Co., prin cipal and Interest gaunt n- teed by City of Piillad'a, ,r SOOsbarcsHlock 15,000 00 10,000 Penn'a Railroad Company. 2W)stmrcsHtnclt....; 11,300 00 5,000 Kortb Peno a Railroad Co., . M 100 shares Block 3,0001)0 20,000 Pblla. aud Sou t Hern Mall ,cnnnnn Bleain.Co..HOKhnresHto-k 15,000 00 207,900 Loans on Bond and Mort gage, first liens on City Properties 207,900-OQ Jl.109,000 Par. Market value, l,l),325-25 Real Estate 86,00000 Kills receivable lor insurance maae BZ,lbU W Balances due at agencies, premiums on marine policies, accruea inter est , and olber debts due Ibe com pany 40,17888 Stock and scrip of sundry corpora- Hons. SlUf.O. Estimated value fnRhin bank 8116 160 08 Cash In drawer 413 65 116,563 73 81.W7.367-80 Thomas C. Hand, Edmund A. Bonder. JOUU JJHV1M, James C. Hand, Ttieopbllus Paulding, Joseph H. Seal, SHinuel E. Stokes, neuijr oiuhu, William O. Ludwlg, Ueorge G. Lelper, Henry O. Duliett, Jr., John I), Taylor, George W. Bemadoo, William G. Boulton, Jacob. Rlegel. ipencer Molivalne, li. T. Morgan, Pittsburg; John B. Seruple, " iiugn uraig, John R. Penrose, Jacob P. Jones, James Traqnalr, i.dwara jjuruugion, 11. Jones Broose, James B. McFarland, Edward Lafourcaae, Joshua P. Eyre. A. B. Berser. HOMA8U . HAND. Prenldont. " JOHN O. DAVIS. Vloe.Prehident HENRY LYLHURN, Secretary. HEKRY BALL. Assistant Beoretary. flO 6 29-CIUETEB PERPETUAL, Franblin Fire-insurance Co OFFICE: Ko8. 435 Baci 43j CUESNUT SIKEEI.. ASSETS OR JAHVABY 1, ISO!, CA.PITA l...M...o.....w......t..M...,M..w.w-10,Oftft ACCRUED HVJLPLUH ,.L,eittta-( u u ... fJiJCailUMti, HlmillMIHHHlMIHMKHIHllliaO'liSill JlW CKBAII'LKD (JLAXMb. LNOOMJi fuS 1S07 88.69889 356rOOOC4( t?5 OOU.OOO. Perpetual and Tempoiarr Pollotes on LibrM Ttrnu DIBiiXJTOTta. Cbaileo N. Bancker, Alfred Fitter, Bamuel Urant, I'i'homaa Sparks, Heorge w Jaionaras, wiuiwua, urvn, la&a Lfc. lAUred U. Blrnr, George falM, iThouias s. KUtol OHARI.B9 N, ilAJSOKJILH, Presktaal, U&UJKUB FA.Lh.ei, Vloe-PreslUeuk JA8. W. UoAXiLlBIKK, Uecretary pro lum, zcepl at Leiluictou, Kenmoky, Ulls Coajpnyi no Agencies Wt of Puwnurg. ii2j FFICE OF THE INbURANtE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, No. VVALNUI ftirp.et.FliilauelDbla. Incorporated 17 4. Charter Perpetual. Capital, 8500,000. Assets 92,330,000 MARIN E, IN LAN I), AND FI RE IN a OR AN Cli OVER 820,000,000 LOSSES PAID SINCE ll'tt ORGANIZATION. SIItKCTORS. Arthur G. Coffin, litoige L. Harrison, Bamuel W. Jones, John A. Brown, Chnrles Taylor, Ambrose Wblte, KicharU I. Wood, William Welsh, Francis IL Cope. i.awarti II. Trotter, Edward. H. Ciar&e, X. Charlton Homy, All red O. Jessup, John P. Wniu. a. jkioiris wain, Louis O. Mauelra, John Mason, Charles W. Ousnman. AKTxIUK U. COKFIIV, President. CUAHLEa PLATT, Vioe President Matthias Makib, Beoretary. 2ij TT1KL lUisUKANCE EXCLUfclYELY THH X iENfrtiiLVAisiA FlKul ifrt.UKANOS COM x- A N incorporated Ib'ib Charter Perpetual No (10 WAIn O'f btreet, op oelte independeuoe ttquars This company, favorably known to the oouiia unity for over lor ty years, oootlnoes to Insure against loss or damage by fire on Public or Private Buildings, eliter permanently or for a limited time. Also oa furniture, blocks of Hoods, and IterohantlUa gena. rally. u liberal terms, Phtlr Capital, together with a large Burping Fund. Is investeu In the most carelul manner, which enables ttu:W to offer to the lxutursa an undoubiaU scarltjr Id U.ecasoollrws. u. Daniel Bmlth, Jr., John DeverncvJ Alexander Benson, L-afcii jo-azKhurat, r k. ifr,t,ms. Thouiaa bmltii, Henry J,ewla, J.OldlnghamJreiU UHUIi'l UAUUl'U, jr. . . . & . . . . ill'-- w . S ,-. an.' WM, e. CROW J i i.LL, beoretary. I.8H QTR lOTLY MUTUAL. u7 FECV'iEEKT LIFE AND TRUST CO. oiric:, Ko. in h. rwiiKTU wraEET. Oranlaed l. proiaole 1A.U AtjUll.iJ(CAI! a.ouB rtU&OxJfirY LJ FUIitNDa. tkiod tlbk, ol any daiu accflptoo. Poltclea lotted npou appruveU piaua. a. in, lowsl Take, pr'esidenl, uAuiib r. u. kiiIIPLFT. The advantage, ouertd by ihU company ar excelled, : !ti HHIKMi lbUiAJNCJS CUJJI'AJiX OF (iofll WAU JT wreet, Opposite the Jiuohaug. Uliia coatpauy l"aule'J'i Io!t or 1uge by nn liberal terms, on bnHdingsmerchandlse, rnrnltnre, rtr lor limned penodn, UiU periuaneutly oa build, ii, ks by deposit ol premium I. ibeO mpauy bus beta in aotlveoperatlon forraor llmo btX'i'YF.AiW. during whiou all los., ceen proP. itViS joYia L. Hodge, David Lewis. 1. a. Alahony, joliu 1'. Lewis, William b. Grant, Kobert W. Leamlu, 1). Clark V, barton. Jlerijamln Kiting, Tbomas H . Powors. A. tt. fdclleory, ' Ibduiuiid CastlAon. DUUUDI VTlltXlZ, T ..... I- Jjtwreiice iaiwib, jr. JOHN It. WIK'U k'DITU U.M.nt: Bamqkl Wli-cox, Meoretary. lMrEBIAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1803. Pald-np Capital and Accumulated Funds, 8,000,000 IN OOLDJ lKETOST A HEItltlNG, Agenta, 3 4 Ko. 107 Bouth THIRD Btreet, Phllada. CHAD, M, FKEVOfiT. CHA1. P. HltPJJH