TEEg DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, HCS1CAL AUD DRAMATIC. The City AmniemfiiU, ti.iM TH" Walnut Mr. and Mrs. Barney wuiiaina will hay a benefit trim eveain. ZCJ1 A 11 Wat, Patience and Pertcvcranec, n w Iri,h TuUjr wl" " performed, ih. -?ndy next- Wa(iint.on'ii Blrtmjr, i ? X 11 an afternoon pdrfurmnnoe, waen John Brougbain's L-.ttery of Life will be pjr 2. Jd llM the Kraod aiie rlcal Ub'.em of H ahngton. The "Htar-SpRnKleJ Bauuor" will De timu by the ladles aud geutlemen of the Company. " Attiik Aiictt the cometllp of A Lensonin law ana The Honeymoon will bi performed tills evening. Tomorrow A Lestonii Love aud Luke tfie Laborer. On Monday Victim of Circumstances will be produced. At thr Chksnut mips Runn Gallon will nave a beuefU iiiu ovtnilinr, Bud will appor as J'Atnlnn," In Bolllnl'H opera of La Sonnum Quia. To-morrow there will tte a ni'iilaee, whon La Bate cicSt. Plcur and Lineten and friUehm Will be performed. To-iunrrow eveulng an chft(4w(i be given. Thi Bh.ntz Hahslek Okchkstra will per forin al MoNtoal Knoil Mail to morrow auur n on. Iieethoven'8 sympiio ly No. 1 will iio performed, and the youiulu: muHlclauH, Wililo and Jobaona Hfrh, will nppenr. At tub Ambkican the j'tpnnse will appear this evening. A nintine to-morrow. Hon. AlhxAndkh Mi-Clukk will lecture at Conoert Hall, this evening, on ttie nuiJact ol 'Iilfe In the Uooliy Mountains." Opkra IIoukke Our citizens oannot com talu that they have been mirfei ed with oprr i bovffe, or with opera of any kind, during me present seasou, and the well-known artUts comprising Mr. Fink's eompauy will be heartily weloomed when they appear at tueAuadeiiiy Of AliiBlo. on Monday, March 1. Tne company is under the dlreeiiou of Mr. AdolpU HlrgiHil, Who will produce La Pcrlehole, Lei Bavartts, Cliunson d- Wortunio, aud Orphee aux Jinere, for the fir (, time In this ci'y. Tne old favorites ha Belle JTelene, La (Jrawle Dttchctte, and Bitrbc Jiloue will also be Riven, wita Toittee, Irina, Ledae, At-jao, Lngrllloul, Benedick, and ollierx in the cunt. 'iTi:i tieasou will be limited to six nights and one matinee, and the sale of seom ed seals for the season will commence on Tues Uy morning next. The low prloe of Is flteJ lor subscription tickets for the eevou porfonn ano8. . - LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. SUrRKMP, COURT IX TJANC-Clilef .Tu.itlco Tbomp'in and Judges Kai. Kharswood, and Wil liam. Tula inornliiK tne Curl giva n it o tliaC nnxt Thursday there would be a fu'l honob fr tlie lieannir orsuebcasas ai were asaleuel tor argument bef'ure the JinigPH. N18I I'KIDS Jnrlge Annnw-Jerenilah 8. Blvik vs. tb. Qulcke liver Mining C'niia''y. An action to re cover Hie value ol Hioilt lu tne dHrendaut'a company. Before reported. On trla'. HamnelU. Thompson, ex Judge Hirorg. and William L. Hirst, Ksii.. for plalu tllls: George W. Bludle and William ii, Mead, Kkis.. fur dfnnnait. DISTRICT DOURT No, 1 Jlldn Hare. A. Pnrvfn A Bon vs. John V. Davis. An aullon :0 recove tor oodM bo11 nod delivered, ilvf ire rupo.-led. Vuidxt for plalntill.i.W)0. Husled v. Oardner. An a'.lon to recover tin) ptlre of busehold Roods allege to have beeu sold t defendant. On trial. COURT OK OVER AND TKRMTNKR Jupros Ludlow and BrewBler. "I'lie Court met In Is morning for tbe purpose of proceed lu w lib the bUHlneai ol tbe sfBslon. if posnlbln. The care of fcainuel Holt was, bowever, on acconntot the C'liitloued atn.'Cd 01 bis coiiDKel. continued mr the term, the Cnuri re serving to lli district Attorney the riKlil to call It for trial oa Tueidar next It le should sea 1U no to o, Ti'ecaaeef Joseph Flannlgan was next called. Tbls defendant In charged wui tbe murder of a lad tamed Henrv Par Kins, at Froi' and O'.terstre t-, on lakt elecilou day, A continuance wm moved for on tbe ground that no notice hud hten given that the ettewas to be tried tody, and the defense was, therefore not prepared The Court chijse to rofuna this application and direct that a Jury should l Cil'ed, resoivirg not to swear them, hut to dlsohurn them In rase the defendant's witnesses ehoull not ba brought In, Tbe empan-lliog of a Jury was In pro giesa when our repjit cl"ad. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Officii oy tuk jcvicnino Tklkobph.i Friday, Feb, 1U, im. J Money continues in demand. We quote c ill loans at 0(r7 per cent, on upproved collaterals. First c!ass merciiutiie paper iauus from aKJ per cent, per annum. 8ouie of the buuks are reported to be rather short, and flucl it dillicuit to accommodate their cutomc ri. TUe Stock niarnet op' ncd ra'.her dull tills rooming, but price? poner:tlly were tirmer. Govcrnuient securrios were in lulr demand lor jnvcfttineiit at full prices'. Tit y lonas wero un chftnaed; lUe new isue sold ut 101, and old do. at 97 Railroad tliares were the raot ae'.ive on the list. K.d':ng sold at 4J(i4iiK au arlvance ot i; reuDBjlvsnia Railroad at 6, a;i,?ut declioe; Camden and Aaiboy at 1233 12'lj, au advance of 4; Lelii(?U Valley at 05i, a shunt advance: l.Utle chuvlkill at 43i, an advance of 4, aud Philadelphia and Erie at 25i, an advance of S. City piifaHcner HailKity slmrei were dull. 71 was bid tor Tenth aud E'eventh; 10 for Thirteenth and Kiftemt'i; 63 tor West l'hila delphia; ll for Ilestonvllle; a8 lor Green aud Coates; and 274 'or UUard Collee. Bank ehareB were brmly held at full prlcsa. Commercial sold at 67, no chautre; and Mtclia nlcs' at 31jJ, no chnnse; 235 was bid for N irth America; 159 for Philadelphia; I23j ter Far niers' and Mechanics'; 107 lor Southwurk; 58 for Girard; and 73. for City. In Cuuul chares thore wai very little move ment. Morris Canal preferred sol 1 at GO. no chancre; 94 was bid for Schuylkill Nnvi;;aliou common; ID for pre'erre 1 do.: 2!) J for Lotiuh Navluatlon; 20 for Morris Canul; aud 12 i lor Susqnebaiiua Caual. FUILADELI'HIA 8TO0K KXCSAK6B SI LEI TU-O&I Reported by le Baveu A Bto., No. 0 H. TUrd street riRHT B 1ABD, KOOdlty 61. New 101 i0 0 Futta. 2ser.ls..ni,.luvV SI 000 Leu t Ol. a.. B4 j Bli C & Aui la .l'iH 't 4 do 71 sh Pinna K 1.. 6i: r0 do '56.V luo do Is. 2dO do... bbdwn. Wi'j I ji'O do b(iO. fiS 72 do fciU1 bl do 5', f 10 sh ln Val.. , Is. 5ft'4 It'll mo 1H) HO ion 10 100 1UU ii'O O0 lOu s 1011 100 10(1 do.... ..h.4K it! ilO-..biilut Hi:. do b.o. ii'j CO ..C4li 14 do. b.lO.. 46'3 do. lK..r,41 41 do I)1. 46m da 1)30.411 5' do.........blf) 4:;; do.bjwnJil. 4t iio... u. 41;', do S41. 4!i", do U3i. 4ii'. do.t.M.... 4i'3 ti-. bau. os doK 4li ', do..,. c. 4u', 11 do 1)5. 6b 9 sh Itfoi-rls CI Fr..., 60 loosu run & ic. .6nd. 1(0 do.........frnl.. 2S, le do too. :si Narr 4 Ladner, Slock E.vchatRO Broltera, No. 30 8. Third street, r-por; thu ra jminir's cold quotitions as follow: 1900 A. M. . 134 1 11 -02 A, 10T0 " . 133 ; Il-i3 11-01 " I33i '11-01 Mesar?. Jaf Coone & rnent securiileH, etc., as 1881. 113i6ail3. : 5-208 M. 133 133 133 S ttoverii' Kdiows- rj. S, ol of 18(12, 11 1 J W 1 1H ronstn, and Minnesota extra family; fS-aiO for Pennsylvania and Ohio do, do.; and 1050 Pdl2 .W or fnnry brands, a oeordlng to quality. Hye Kionr sells at 7ai7 2ii per barrel. N'ihin(r doing In Corn Meal. The mark, t is poorly supplied with prime Wheat, and for this description thereto a eond demand at full prlees. Hales of red at IWSdl-PO; amber at 1P0(31-Hi; and white at 12 1012. Kye sells at tl fcVal 5 per biiHhei for Western. Corn Is more active. Hales of 40i)l) bushels yel low at K70.Ri)c.,tli rate In store, and MOO hushe's new -white at 87e nts are unohaned. We qnote Wfstorn at 7f'7fla.; and 1'ennsvl vaula at TOcii'rto. Notlilng dolnt? In Barley or Malt. liark Is llrni.and conamnnds $.30 per ton for No, 1 Quercitron. HeedN Cloverseod Is In Rood demand, and 200 biiHlieln tsold at tl) 7")?4l(). Timothy ranges fro 'U $'1-75 to 81. the latter fate from seoDtnl nanU. Flnxseed Is token by the crushers at $2'Gi2 115. Whisky Is dull, and prices are.nomlnal at 07o. 81 per gal Ion. LATEST BHirriXH IXTfauUBENCBT" for additional Marine Atews tee Tnxide Pages. (PV AHruMle OifiM.) QneieNTiw-. Feb. ut Arrived, steamship Penn ayivaula, Irom Kew Yorc. FORT Of PII1LADKLFH t A. FKBilUAUY JO. STATS Of TUKOVOMl-TF, K AT TH S KVBMINH TBL8- (ltAPX 0FICB. f A. M. 98 11 A. M 411 P. M. 45 OtiKARRD THI4 KOItNINn. Brig Alntis. FMr!dn. London. L Westergaard A Co. tichr Wm, Currol, Megee, Fich noud, Meraliou A t lood, Bchr Annln Magna, Young. Oregon Mills, St. O., Nor- crocs 4 8hi eln. Bchr 1) K. Wolfe TMIe. Oregon TII'lls, N. O., rlo. bchr Old Chad. McOllntocK, ISe wbury port via New CuM.ie, Knight A S.lns. 6chrYBnke Doodle, Malmsbnry, Bridgeport, Ct Knight & bona. ARUIVKD THia MOSVITO, Trie Ida L. Ky, Uy, ) days from Ht. Martin's, Willi Halt to Lewis l.aiuhert, Kohr Mury K Lnnit, Hardv, from MaUmv) 8th Inn'.., with mnlasMfs to K ! K night A ('. Hteamer V. Franklin, 1'iemoii. I I hours from Balti more, will) tndse. to A. Oroves, Jr. Orrrronrlrnc of th P'nlodr'pMa Errhnnfl. I.kwkh, Del., Feb 17-8 F. M Barqies Sottish Krlde, for Htetiln: Mostrcnn. for !ClRlnor'; briirs Alice l,K. for I'.nrbarios; and Condova. for Malansas, ail trow Fulladb'lpblu. weut to sea to d v. JOdKFH LAFKTRA. Philadelphia, sailed from MEMORANDA. Hteamntatp Bninetie. Howe, for ciearea at Blum Yolk yesterday. BrlgHclo. Kmwu, for I'tilladelphla, vurueuna llin inst, Kchr James Ponder. Jr.. Hudson, for Philadelphia, sat ed frnm Cardenas 11th Inat. Hrhr Kilen Hnleata Ooldlnsr. from Pantego, N. O., for Fblladelpbla, at Hatteras Inlot 15tb Inst., walling fair wind. . Hchr A. ffnoper. Hooper, from Rlocnm's Creek, N O., for ew York, at Hatteras Inlet 10 lb last , waiting wind, Hchr Vrale. for Philadelphia, sailed from Charles ton yetrday. Bcbrs Joseph Hi y. Hatbaway: D. McPhee. Smith; and Americas Kagle. Hhaw. all for Philadelphia, cleared at New Yorl: yesterday. 6-20S. 1G1, 1103U1J: 5 20s, Nov., iio, ir.'4 1124: July. 1865. llOU.eiiOi; ao.."J.wt7, uu:;v 110 : do. 1868, 110JWI103 : 10-40-, 100fii)100i Knion Pacific bonds. 101; r 102. Gold. 1344. Mi f rs. De liaven &, Uio live, No. 40 sauth Third sttedt. reoort the loliowir.a rates of ex. rhatirfe to diV at 1 P. M.:-I7. S. 6s c! 1881. 113 113i:do. I.SG2. H4jltl4i: do.. 184, 110; f2 noi! do.. i8G5.1121.ai 122: do. ISG, new, lOft.1 ci . inii- ,ln.. 1M17. new. HH.TllOh do.. 1808, HOi fftAlin': do., fis. 10.40-. li)3(ilO!)i;clO. 30-ve'i " . r. - ml lIOII. n, u I'.iiiinnnn.l n oer ceui. t. v.. iu nu a , wuikjuum Interest Notts. li)j: Cold. 1J3Q133J; 3 lifer iiirai3i. MesMi. William Pu'.n'.cr A Co.. bankers No. 30 bouth Third siie.il. re.iort iho lolloiuj- rutpa of exehitiue to-d-iv at 12 o'clock : United Ptateg s. 1SS1. li:J : 'HSJ : V. 8. 6 20t mr, lUl-ailli!: do.. ISG4. HOJ'iolll: do., 18 im'aii2t do. Jo.lv. 1805. lnyj'liot; do. Jul, lS67,110aU0; do. lsK, U0.(.i'110;5s. lO-lO." 108ilOl. Compound interest o,.e3, pa due, llf-25. Cold, 132!113Z). Mock Qnotatlons by IVlegrapli-l I. M Kecoived by toltierapb from Uleniilnmni; Davu & Co.i BtoctL Kr'S ers, H H. Tlilra street: N, Y. Cent. K l uiveianiroieao.ii'o N Y. sua line it.tv. ni);4 phwu a. who on- Ph. and iia. K Ht. Paul K.o ti.'! Mien. H. and tl.LK. B-l.' Alil.&Ht. P. pref.... 78' Die. inn PitU H... Ctii. AN.W K.com. Bl I Vdams Express 01; KM' - Tauh. Ha. now Otil. Chi A N.W. K. wrf.. BIVA WelU. h'irKi i Co. 20 OuLnl H. 1. K U. H. Kxpreos Ua... 02 PlttB K.W.snd tlbl.liuy Ool.l 113, pat iOe Mall B.C.I...107 , Market llrtu. Wtt. Uuloa Tel... 87 - rhllaflelpHa Trade RpporU ....,.. fc'Ah in The Flour markotisdu .. i .ii'und oulv 810 harrels were reported I T . . V... mniuinntlnn at lii-) 'ii for miner fine' j'Tii 'i'j Ivr extras; 77'&0 for iQyr, Wl DAMAf. BndrteBly, on tTis morning ef the IMi In stant, ot heart disease, KDWAKU DAMAl. Ha., aged 67 years. Toe relatives and friends of the family are Invited to attend tbe luneral. tro-u hi lto rwldnnns. No. lit Brown street, to morrow (Saturday ) alterooon at 2 o'clock. KVANK OK the 18th Instant. SARAH B , wife or II. W. F.vai s, In her 4Jd year. 1 h relative and friendu are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from ber hu.tbaud'8 resldBiice, No. I tot Fawn street, on Monday afternoon at t u'clot k, To proceed to Odd Fellows' Cemetery. PCHMIDT. On tbe 18 h Inst., MICH EL WCII MIDI', Id the 461 b year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family. alo tie General Hteuben Lodge, No. 678. I. O. of O. V ; h null wark Conclave. No. , U. O. H W.i Kraos Hgol Bene fleial AKRoclatlon. No. 1; the Smuhwark Hoeial Bene elal Hoclety. No. 1: and the empl lyen of the Hcbonia ktr F'ano Factory are resper.tf'illy Invited to attend bw funeral, from bis late reeldence. No 7M 8. Fae yenlh atreet, on Hunday afternoon at I o'clock. LIFE INSURANCE. C 1 T Y IT E U. S. FRICTTS GBBATLY ItKDttCKD fO rfl! Ot( IKl'llfrr Sf'ic.- of Iten'f, loiitw' ml Jloyt' Clothing. HctlMcaV brtwfn " BlCWHBTT fc CO., iWi and '. Towku JUU, ttUlh ttrrctl.) No. 51 H Makicio': ST., FllIIAUEI PH1A, And No. 003 Bboadway, Nmw Yosk. Thb lEtN ok Sicknrs". Baron Munchausen tells a story of a post boy's horn, which hat a num ber of wicked tunes blown Into It one fronty night, but made no response, Nevertheless, wbeu It was hung before a bot lire, the tunes, which bad beeu frozen In, thawed out, to the amazement of all present. Just so tbe human system, subjected to Injurious Influences during the winter, sometimes glvts no token ol the effect tbey have produced upon It, until tbe moist atmosphere of spring develops their fruits. Many spring diseases are the result ot winter Impradencas and great aud especial care should be takeu of the system In the cold season, B) that It may be In a sound and vigorous condition when the malarious fogs of March and April make their rppearanco. To this end. strengthen the stomach and the general or ganization at th's season with Hostkttkr e Bittkrs. Take this pleaiaut vegetable antidote In advance ot tbe uprising ot the tuephltlc mists and vapors, which produce chills and fever, and other miasmatic diseases. Item ember that It la preventive nifttciiea pjwertul to protcrt as to restore. The stomach Is apt vo be overtaxed at this time of ths year. It Is a period devo'.cd to dinner aud supper partus, and luxurious living generally. Feasting aud late hours weaken the dlgcailve organs and disorder the liver. The elKct of tlio Hitters ;s to Invigorate the one and regulate the other. There Is no month In the twelve when a tonic and alterative la more generally needed than In this, and there Is no pre paration of that nature so thoroughly salubrious, so braclpg, and so entirely free from undue exciting i ropertles, as this celebrated vegetable cordial. Dbebs Is one of Die various Ingredients that con tributes to the art cf pleasing, aud, therefore, Ueiorv ing careful at'.eutlon, for we cannot help forming some opinion of amvi'a sense aod character from his dress. A man should dress well. Let your dress te comfortable and suitable to your condition, aud becoming to your ligure. Ort'at care should be exer- cidcdln the selection of color aud Bty!e of the mate rial composing your Cress, so that, when departing from plain into what are called "Xuhhy" slyms, you may nnt look foppluh, but well dreved, according to tbe style of the day. Much depends upou your tailor, to properly arrange the difl'erant parts of yoar dretB to harmonize, aud the color au character of the material, especially ai plaids end laucyco'ors are now the leading style for tbe coning seaion. Above all, have your clothes to fit. and to be well male, so that they wH not look as It you had borrowed them from a friend or hired them for the occasion. Ia this connection we would suggest a vl. it to Charlks tJTOkxs Co., No. t'4 1 C'iiesnut street, who, with nil doubt, are tbe leading r.islitoaeri of this city. Houket Fkauck's FinvCkackkbs. TO Till! ON'M'II J.UH. The superior quality of Fearce'a Crackers, wlilci are inauo ct the Cat ht Tilaterlalb that, the Market alVoulti, have attained lor tlieui the reputation of being Till KXCKTlOR CKACKKR OF AMKXICA. As an aMicie of 'oou they t re iuis:veiisao. In everv household, and ate par-.lcularly a'ljpled lu '.he luvalul anu uinvaicacniu, diiik uumy nutritious and a.eo- ftlile to the Diott ri"iu:ai. pmu'e l . r sale by i Irrit-tlr.'.s Urocers throughout the cuuu.ry. Jewelry. Mr. William V. C'a:.s!dy, No. 12 South tsecoud street, baa the lnrcfst and most attractive aaaortmett of llue Jcwe,ry aud eilvarwjsre l.i the city Furchasers can rety npon obtaining a real, pure arti cle furnished at a j rlue which cannot be equalled. B.e also has a large stock of American Western watches In all varieties and at all prices. A visit to his store Is sureto result In pleasure end protlt. To the PnnLic, Of all thetc!cs kunwii and of fered to tbe public, none so lully iue- ts the wants of sufl'erUg buuiauity as tin a j ol Su et's ''standard Wine Kltteis," for all who are sn rjv rlr g from debility or functocal deraugemout. It Is a positively pare aLd life rcue.vlug article. Just try them, sola by frcgglsts. Thk Time IIah I'lism For. FJr.....'. 1 or 1 ur For For For ...Soring Overcn-ts. ...sprliia Overcoats. ...fpring Overoats, ...--iirinn Overcoats. ...sprinrf overt.oala. ...S)ili,g Overcoats. ...Siiniii Overcoats. AGENTS WAKTED IS rhiladcliilila BY TUB AMEHICAN LIIE 1NSURA.NCK CO. Of XmindeliUia, S. K. Corner Fonrtli and Witlnat Streets t-etter terms NOWHERE fered. of- Ad tres or pall at OlUce, 1 to F. M. Company's CALVIN It. McLEAN. 10 Manager of City Acency CLOTfllNG. JONAS' ONE-riUCE CLOTHINU HOUSE, No. C04 MARKET Street. Koue hnt Well-made Garments areolicrcil Dut One 1'riee is Asked. Katisfuctiou gaarautced erery Pin t liaser. JONES' 0'rHIC CLOTUIMU HUUhi.', No. 604 2 17 wfm tf MARKET Strost, A BO VK HIXTII, RAILROAD LINES. JOTICE TO SMlPPCmai LARGE REDUCTIONS Ui-VIKO BEEN MADiS FIOM XliW YORK WEST-BOUND TRADE, THK lEi"lS YL VAIV I A KAIM10AD Ci). Tom'etthe same, have made COKRFSPONDIS& B1DTJCTIOS8 TO PROTECT THE TRADE OF I'lIlLADlil.PUIA, aud will at all times continue th.s l olicy, For 'ew Eates and other luloniialiou APFLY" TO AQEST3 OF Fcnusylranla Railroad CJompany, IllIIlTEENTil and 3IARKET Streets. S. B. KlfiGSTOrc, GENERAL FREIGHT AGENT. CARPETINGS. GREAT REDUCTION. $50,000 WORTH OF OUR STOCK OF CARPETINGS Have been reduced In price to close out earl j aud make room lor NEW SPRING CGOD3. lillEYE L. C H E S M U I i'j Imwlnirp KNIGHT & SON, 1222 T STREET, PIULAHULPUIA. Wa Imlu IlitfUl lor fcti'.VI. We lia'e tlit-m lor t'f.t. We have tht-iu tor ftl'.Mt. We 1 uve tin m for atw. We have tiiPin f.ir fcii'."0. We have il.t iti lor IMImO. We have them lor Mi pr!c,s up t0 .n All price up to -4."i, AU (.rices up to hir,. All irlf(-s up U All rlcet uplo H i . All prices up to 'i,t, Wanavtakku b iiiiowa, TUK LaHUKST C'LdTHlNa llOl'SK, Oak IUi i,, The Cob. ok Wixtw and MahkbT Btbhkts. MA.BEIED. PKf DUD NOIUOT. On the 12'l tnstur.t. vy Alder n,tn Tl.wrmiry. Mr. FUUh-NK FKCviUl W Mis AUA-l-lMi JiOIBJT both of ihU city. CABROL On the 18th loslant, MARY, wife ol Anthony t arrol, aa i year. , , The r'lHv nuit friends arr rp'Mitftilly Invltea to atieoit the fuueial. from the reslileuoe ot her t;uluo. No 2 Java place (Viue streel, lietw n MulU aoJ 'IuVU tnets)t ou Bunuay afieruuou at I w vIikW. FAPCR HANGINGS, ETC. ggEAH & WAR l'LALN AM) DIX'OUATIVL D, PAPER HANGINGS, Xo. 251 South TII1KD Street, rtiwEE.s wALsrr asd etrucr. l'UILAD:LyiIIA. COUIKY WOHK PKOJII'TLV ATl'KNUKD TO. 2 1M PROVISIONS, ETC. Q A M E . GAME. Constantly on hand ail kinds of choice Wl!d Game, Poultry,-Bait Water Terrapin, Oymeiu, etc. l'rlvate families, hotel-keepers, etc., supplied tl lowtbt niHrbet rales, at MAHTIJS'H GAMEDF.BOT. No. 1115 MAHlvET HTllEET. N. B.-We are receiving Uiilly one Ivimf.red t air Mve Quails. J t) i-ii rp JPCIIAEL MEAOIIEIl & CO., Ko. 223 South SIXTEENTH Street WHOLESALE AND IlKTAIL CUALEB9 IN fBOVISIOMN, UISII.UII, ASI HAND 'MMI, IOU rAHILV VNF TeitArisc i vku, vx:n. s SCHERiC K'S TULM0MC SYRUP SEAWEED TONIC, and MAN DK AXE TILLS WILL OUIW-J COriGUf.lPTIOM, LIVER COMPLAINT. AZiO bYfiPSPGIA, If tnkfti wroriMug to the dlrectlous. 'fh"y are all Ihire to be tnktn at tbe fxtuie time. Tticy cleHnse tbe stomach, rt lax the liver, and put U to work; thtn the appetite becomes cood; the food digests end makes pood blood; the patient bepiii9 to prow in flesh; the dUettseJ matter ripens in the lunps, and the patient outgrows the dieae mid gets well. This i the only w7 to cure Consumption. To these three incdicinos Dr. J. 11. SCUENTK of rhiladelj hin, oweskis UNRIVALLED SUCCEG3 Intlie ttt'iitnieiit of ruluionary CoiiHUuiptiou. The ruiniouic Sjrup rlptus the ruoibtd nia.ter in the lungs, nature throws it off by an easy expectoration, for when the phlepm or matter is ripe, a slight couph will throw it off, and the patient has rest, and the limps begin to heat. To do Ihio, the Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills must be freely used to cleanse the stomach and liver, so that the Pulmonic Syrup nud food will make good blood. SCHEfiCK'3 MANDRAKE PILLS Aft upon tin liver, removing till ob-tructiotisj relax the duots of the trull bladder, the bile ptarts freely, aud the liver w soon rdicved; the btools will show what the pills can do; nothing has ever beeu invented except calotud (a deadly FOistn, which is very ditrjgpron to ue unless with great care) that will unlock the pall blad der and ?t ait the secretion of the liver like SchuickN Mandrake Pills Liver Complaint is ono of the most I'mmi lit nt Causes of Cousuiiiuliou. SCHICK'S SEAWEED TONIC Is a gentle stlmu.aut and alterative, and the alkali in the seaweed, which this preparation is made of, ast-ists the htomach to throw out the gastric juice to iMiKolve the food with the Pul monic Syrup, mid it is ninde into good blood without fermentation or sourlDg the stomach. THE GREAT REASON Why physicians do ttjt cure Consumption is they try to do too much: they give medicines tu stop the cough, to stop chills, to stop ni;;ht sweat?, hectic lever, and by so doing they derange the whole digpstlve powers, locking up the secietious, and eventually the patient biuks and dies. Dr. fcCIIENCK, iu h'a treatment, does not try to stop a cough, night sweats, chills, or fever. Remove the cause, aud they will all stop of their own accord. Xo one can he cured ot Consumo tlon, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Catarrh, Cau kcr, Ulcerated Throat, unless the liver and stomach are made healthy. If a person has consumption, of course the lungs tire iu some way diaea-ed, either tuber cles, abce"se9, broucUcal initaiion, plueral adhesion, or the lungs are a mass of inflamma tion and fast decaying. In such cases what must be done? It Is noi only the lungs that are abt!ug, but it Is the wholo body. The Btomaeh aud liver have lost their power to make blood out of food. Nov the only chance is to take Dr. SCIIENCK'S three medicines, which will bring up a touj to the stomach, the patient will want food, It will digest eally and make good blood; then the pitieut begins to pain in lle.'b, and a soon as the bady b:gins to gtow, the lungs commence to he il up, aud the patieut gets llohy and well. TuU is the only way to cure Consumption. when mr.iL is no lux; uislmsc, And only Lirir Complaint and Dypp4a, Scltatrk's Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake nih ore snjlicunt, without the Pid viuitic Sijrup. Juke the Man drake Fills freely in all biliou cants, as they are PERFECTLY HARMLESS. Dr. SCIltNCK, who hai eiijoyed uuiuter rnpted health, was waited away to a mere tkele'.oi m the very I as-1 stage of Pitlniouary CourtiinpUon, his physicians havlug pronounced his ca.-e hopeless, and abaudoued him io his iate. He was cured by the aioresuld medicines, and since his recovery many thousands fdnii Iprly alllWted have used Dr. Schenck's prepara tlohs lih the iauie remurkable success. Full directions accompany each, making it not abso lutely neceteary to personally see Dr. Schenck, unless patleuU wish their lungs examined, and for this purpose he is pioiesfttonally at his Prtn cipul Otlice, nilLiUELrillA, EVEKV SAIURU1Y, Where all letters for ol vice must be addressed. He is also professionally at Wo. 32 Bond street, New York, every other Tuesday; and at No. 35 Hacover street, Boston, every other Wednesday. He gives advice free, but for a thorough exami nation with Ma Resplromcter the price Is f3. Office hours at each city from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M Prlco of the Pulmonic Syrup and SeaweeJi Tonic, each $1-50 per bottle, or f 7 a half dozen Maudruke nils, 25 cents a box. A full eupply of Dr. SCIIENCK'S MEDICINE3 for sale at nil times at Lis room, Alo, for sale , 1J PiursI.U DeuUn. a jwjuiri FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOf 3AFE8 CHAMPION SAFES! PHfLADn i-HfA. Jaunary 18, Itiff?. ftlMM. FA Hit EL, UKHRINU 4 CO., No. 629 Cliesnnt utreet. Oeutlemen.-On the ulsm of the 18th lnat, at lawell known to the rltlsiena of Phlladelpula, our large and oitennive store and valuable fltock of merohandlae, No. 90VI Cheannt street was bornetL The fire was one of tne modi extensive and deHlrueUvelhat haa vlHited our city for maay ytfnt, the beat being no lntenae that even the marble cornice was aimuMt obliterated. We bad, as you are KW -tre, two of your valu able and well-known CHAMPION FlttS PROOF (SAFES; and uoltly uBve they vlndi cateu yonr well-known remtatlou aa manafao turers of FIRE-PROOF ttAFhy. If anyfurvher proof had been rtqulra. Tbey were mibjeclod o the most ln-ene hqat, and it allorda us muoii tilcnnro to Inform you thft after recovering tli-n frotoHhe rulna, we fonnd npon examinatio t that our books, papors. aud other valuables v ere all in perfect ooudl Hon. Vouts, very reapr -i ; uiiy. :'. t'AI.lV KLL CO. Tin: nai-j h i:ximsl;i to the t'U'K IS CAl.ii WKLL'N NlOItE M KKi: t'AKKl'.U If I.KKINO A CO. PHiw.UKi.PMrA, Jan. IS, l.a. Messis. FAURKLt, IIl .KiiNU & CO., No. 629 C'iiesnut street. Gentlemen: On the niyht of the 13th Instant our .'fit go store, 8. W. uti uor.of Ninth aud Ciieu nut streets, was, togettjar with onr heavy stock of wall papers, entirely destroyed by Are. We had ono of your PaTKNT CHAMPION FIKE-PROOF SAFh, which couUlned out principal bnokn and p.'j'.irs, and although it was expo&ed to the most ht'i'iiHa heat for over honrp, we are happy to nay it proved 'itself worthy of our recommendation. Onr booit and papers were all preserved. We clteerfully tender our testimouinl t j tlirt mauy already pnbllfdiod, lu gtvlns: tie HEUUINU SAFE the credit and confidence It justly merits, ours, very )"';; ft. lly, HOvVEMj Ji UUOTUKltS. DRY GOODS. HTILL ANOTHER, Pan. nr.j.i'iii.v, Jan. 19, lbjtf. Messrs. FA Hit EL, H EKKIKO A CO., No. 020 Chesnat street. Gent lemen: I had one of your make of sates in the basement ol J. K. Caldwell & Co.'s store at the time of the &rcut tire on the night cf the 13th Instant. It was removed from the mlna to-day, and on opening It I found all my books, papers, green backs, watches, and watch materluls, etc., all preserved. I feel ghid that I had one of your trnly valuable safes, ciud hlnill want another of your make when I got lncated. Yours, very respectfully, F. L. K I RK PATRICK, Willi J. K. Caldwell 4 Co., No. Sly Chesuut street. FAKBEI., UEJUUM CD., CHAMPION SAFES, fio. 629 CHESWUT Stroot, 1 21 tf rillLAOKLPHIA. WANTS. A (JEN W ANTED T S run a POPULAR C02IEEXTARY. EY ALFRED NEVIN, D. D. This Commentary, which Is iralnly of a Devo tional and Practical CUaraattr, Is tne first of a series to be issued on tt.e Hooks of the Old uud Kew Teeiameuts by t)t Kiae author. CONTKNT8. I. The Text, with parallel ravages. II. AcleRrand coniinciieti'ive exposition of the Gospel, but-d on ib Interpretation received byaJI F.v;it le.il Christians. III. A division of tJ-i: a !!.; l lut;t Lesso.frf r.f proper length, vi ii ;,,.. ioprlato tue tlons added U. f:tii. IV. A Harmony ofl:- Gosp' If. V. A Chronological Thd.c, iving the leading events in ihet?uvir ur'- :to. VI. An Appendix, i;ii a tnoie minute er planation of f1'' "'us', i acs, aud things referred to In . l. spel tuaa Would be proper ln'.ti.e i -, It will be perceive i tij:it. : iiit Commentary will possess the recu!:."i- nnil i:uporlant advan- iHe oi a practical - .n'u..im or tour vol S t' 3 ftT i if. Ul 'I'JIK - iu tiU hand, tbe i Concordance, a i'-nnry. IMtF.SH. i :s one of the very nvc ever been. PIUUi- : 1j t -'.t l volume the i't j-.itit Vl'i item. times in one. Wit u I ". 1 r'ndent will need - i tiuufetion Dock, or a J: OPINIONS ' Vt'e heartily cominr- ,ii Viest Commentaries vt ilelphia Bulletin. It Is a thoroughly work cf a master. Ph i It is the mcst thoroi a. i t of Us cUsh ever prodnctd In this coaii i r:-PiiiliuHelphiu Pnu, To do all that can b tl -t f to make perleetly clear the text has been iM-e.tduni almoi Lue lettrned aud lndustrii i oairneutator. Pliila dtlphia Inquirer, Bend lor circulars aud tt. ms, glvlug full de scription. WILLIAM FLINT, 0. 20 SOUTH SEVENTH STltEET, 21mwflit FHILADKLPUrA. QQnnO-A FAUM wasted op this tJ J)JJ J. whif, lu oxcli.n ,a tor a mauuUotnr lug bOHlnfs (liurdware., In operation la tins oily. Address. K a. Wilson, i 1 8t No. IXO N. FIFftt Btreet. WANTED-LOCAL AND TBAVKLLING Agent In every city mid town la the Unimd Hmtes. Oreitt luduoemi ols oll-reil to aotlve luun. Cull or addrwts. with sUiud. WOOD fc CO..R oin Id No, 400 CRFJsNUT Mtreet, l lila. 18601 0DGER8' AND WOSTENHOLM'8 IUCKE1 K.N1VKM. Pwurl and biag HndiL of beQitftii BOKrJ, and IU eelslirated LKOuULljii 1 Jilioil bClfcHOKHOf Uinnelqum. AXiJt Kor, Knives, ticiwora, aud Tabls Cntlery Groan QILK8I 8ILK8I 0ILK8 1 STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER'S SILK DEPARTMEM !a noff Unnflually Attractlre. The aaaortment ia large and prises readtfnb!. RICH BLACK SILKS. RICH FANCY 6ILK3, RICH PLAIN SILKS, RICH EVENING 8ILK8, FINK SILKS, WIUTK SILKS, CORN-COLORKD SILF34 SCARLliT SILKS; BLUR SILKS. TLMN DRKSS FILKS at 2 00. ALL SIIADKS DRE3S SILKS at $2 00. RICH CORDED SILKS at $2 75. VERY WIDE HEAVY SILKS at 3-50. GOOD BLACK SILKS at S2 00. HEAVY BLACK GROS GRAINS at $2 iO. Just received, per late steamer, fall assortment of SILK and LINEN POPLINS la PLAIDS, PLAIN, and BROCADE FIGURES. S'tRAWBRlDSE & CLUJHIER,. t:EMKAL mm tJOOHS huusx, Corner U6HTH and MARKET,.. PHILADELPHIA. 1869f:03lPET1TIOM tkices n UP TOWN LIGHT EXPENSES II DDK ILS103IEKS JHK UAI.MHJi I! (jor.i' dcllvorel In all part of the c'ty carfuUf ml free ot charge. SPECIALTIES JUST Ol'ILD. Hull Uhu-k Silks," Siiperb Silk IVitIins, Sprijjf? Ifclrtiiios aud Calicoes, t'ussiiiit'l-fs, Tabic Liiieus apkin3Lt- Ladtes can rlda to cur dour frm any part f tb city, asd we aosnre lUeui It, will more than compen sate th..ni In one via.t and urcnase. JOSEPH H. THCEIKLEY, 1- Cor. ElUHTHuud M'lilXJ (JAKDEIf, 2 1 PHILADELPHIA. QPENK1) THIS WEEKNEW' I COOrtll Si C0NAKD, S. E. Coiuer ol MM 11 oud MARKET.. 15LACK SILKS Asai.rtmp'it now nnipleti, ULAIK ALPAC!a!S-FOiit 37 ! to 61-'i". BLACK FOPLINH-Kroil '.IT.i to ft 17 5. 8PHINU fUlN Td-LIgM and aillum. FANCY blUKTINd ril'NT;-tO t5t)cut. WH1TK OOOlti-ltegt displRV wo ever mrt?. NAPKIN3-HttrtitiuB, hi 5t, 12 OO, h i etc LINKJ DIAPKK8 tl-75 rfgulnrly un FLANKELSAi tractive lu kind -nrt price, 8BIKT FBONT Best made ;i'l 10,50 OO.au J TO. LIKEN DK1LLS lieiKcialiy lor Hoys. LIKKN DCCK- Lrgf s oclt Iresb at 1-. KPING CASISlKBKb For 73,7, ai OO, etc. BLACK OLOTUB Slock compleio. BLACK EOKSKlNtS-Flnedt qualities -UOyB' CLOT11IA"U-For parly bprioK. : 1 1 Tfeltt WATER l'ROOF CLO Ka-Alwty all Bhapwj. bKIBTIKOW Blaclt. WMio. and Prey ntrlped. SPlilifdC LINEN GOODS AT v m PJo C20 ARCH STREET. BEST IRISH SHIRTING LINENS, LINEN3 FOR LADIES' USB NEW LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. SAMPLE CABDS OF NEW STYLES LINEN CAMBRIC DRESSES. An ImmeEEO stock of LINEN GOODS of erar description. Retailing At Importers' Prices. BOOTS AND SHOTS. NEW STYLE S II .V T.I N G BOOTS. BARTLETT, THE BOOT MAKER, .NO. Z'i SOTU SIXTH STREET. New Sf jk8 for the Promenade. New Stylos for the Tarlor. New Styles for llearj Weather His larso ttoct enables hlui to furnlsn good lit at all times. iQiafnaw J FASHIONABLE BOOTS AND SHOES MALE TO O&PKK, IN THE LAVKri ON THK MOST BKAONABtA liBM 2 18 im Ko. 1 tu Hontn TEt" COAL. fP7nrKTV5 ALTER, LEHIGH GOAL. Also, Lorlerrj aud Locust Mountain. iicvot.1 Ko. 9il North NINTH Street, Below Gtrara Avenue. IMtMU Office, Cor. SlXlUaud Sl'lIINW UAUDE3. 4