THE DAILY EVENING TEI.K(rRA PIT PhL ADELPIItA, WEDNESDAY, FEDUUAItY 17, 1609. 6 i I RUSICAL AND DRAMATIC the Irtali Anmii nt the Walnut. The Irish drama U a phenomenon outahle of U rales, and which cannot be measured by anjr known standard or twte; It In neither nalaranor art, but must be manned tonaort Of erittoal Umbo, to be Huspeuilttd. like Ma bomet'a ooflln, between lieavou and earth, but belonging to neither, lint, dowplta this anoma. lona position, tbe It lah drama is grot In the wstlmallon of a very large portion of the play Rolng public, and Utrncy Williams U its prophet. The recognized Interpreter of Its mysteries, he la a ruyatiry lilnisalf; for In the Ordinary aoceputloa of tho tmi lie certainly cannot bn onlled a good actor, and It Is even denied that he is an actor at nil. We are noaroely willing to no so far as that, bat It Is certain Hint tho Irishman M portrayed by Mr. V.'lllKuus Is a creature neither of the earl h nor too heavens above the earth; nor the waters under the carta, but he belongs exclusively and rn lrcly to the Irish drama Sometimes indroJ, there does arise an Rotor like the la'e John Prew, who, by n tnlngltng of passion, humor, and pathos, and a tonoh or two of (hat natnro that makei the whole world kin, almoHt beguiles us into tha belief that this style of entertainment mmt have its amlguablo placoiu tho world of art; bnt anoh exceptions are so exceedingly rare that they mast be accounted as mere eccentricities of Individual genius and as proon of the cor rectness of the rule which wo have stated. Ireland as it Was, the piece which forme I the staple of the entertainment la -tevenlu a', the Walnut, is a fair noiclmeu of the Irish drama. The colors are laid on too thlc fr in to give an entire assent to the assumed correal neai of the portraiture of IrUti peaBaut Ufa as It really la, and It ia dltiicult for any Impartial Judgment to accept the stue Irish man without Home reserve. Ia the piece now on the boards at tbe Walnut, however, the ln felioltles are so fellcttons that tho araruitlat may well be forgiven for having utterly ignored all extraneonsonslderallons in accomplishing his purpose of progressing onwards to the end I In view without stopolng for one moment lo Inquire, "Can such tbings be?" The second act of Ireland A It Wm is a perfect stucty of impossibilities. "Judy O'Trot" hides no hind a screen, and listens to a conference I between "Mr. Stone," the villainous ajeut. aud his accomplice. "Stone" takes out or the chest a pair of pistols and a bundle of papers, and plaoea them on the table, bis accomplice gazing steadily at "Judy's" bead peeping over the screen during the whole of the operation. Not withstanding this, the villains renew their conversation, and the lady coolly comes out from her biding place, teats herself on the edge of the chest in full view, and then walks leisurely across the room and obtains ... 1 l.lo isllhnnl. I possession oi iu .... . . molesiaiion. ue men wuhch im mcui the head with a ahlllelah, and when he very shrewdly guesses that there must be somebody behind the screen, she slips into the chest Without being seen. "Kagged i'at" Is then brought in bucked, and while he is con versing' with "Btone," "Judy" loosens his cords and hands him a pistol, whlou he presents to the astonished agent's breast. Shakosneare informs us that "the prosperity Of a Jest lies in the ear of him that hears It," but author aud aotors lu tbli scene are alike careful that there aball bs no misapprehension as to Vjhere the langh comes lu, and the eye andearthatoan full to, take in the points of this delightful situation must belong to one of dydney Hjalth's ideal SootcU men who requires to be trepanned bo. fore he oan be made to oom prebend a Joke. InthelrlBh drama there is always plenty of weening and walling and gnashing of teeth- and what Is Intended for sentiment onnnot, by any stretch of good nature, be accounted any thing but maudlin. The thing Is popular, how. ever more so than the most startling sensa tions that managerial ingenuity can devise. Mr.and Mrs Williams aiereputedto bethe most attraotlve stars before the pnoiio. ana in inn oltT. at least, tbe theatre is crowded to its utmost capaoity every night whenever they play an engagement. Like the mysteries of the aiolo age, it cannot airogetaer ue u counted for by any known prlnolplea of sol- ence. philosophy, or art; but after science and nhilosopby have exbausteu tnetr resources, the hard facts of the Irish drama and the In comprehensible Irishman of Mr. Williams re main Just where we found them, as great puz zles as ever. Tbe City Amaseincnts. At thk arch tbe comedy of Tami C tlt will be repreaented this evening and to-morrow for the last limes, rnuy uo wmoajr ui v i 4 r.m'K will be ner formed. On Monday A Victim oj OircMvOance will be PrATUTHsi WAI.KT3T Mr. and Mrs. Barney ' umiioma will aooear this evening In Ireland A It Wat, The Sough JHamond, aud Z7! Irish ; John Brougham's drama of 27k Einera W Rim , l in nrAnnraLion. at thk tiHESNUT the Gallon Tronne will appear this evening in Offenbach's operetta of China-vnowutv. , At tbi American the Risley Japanese Troupe will appear tnta evening. Ih Okkmania ORCHKsrBA will give a pub- Ho rehearsal at uoriicuiinrat nan au alter- Mb. D Cordova will deliver his third and last humorous lecture at Concert Hall to morrow evening. Bub)eet. "Xne BpralU at iin AiuiKDiB 3. McCmtrr will deliver a lecture at Concert Hall on Friday evening on Ue eubjeotof "Life in the Kooay Mottntains." . Tbb MBNDBUtaoRN Bo( iKTV'rj second snb- . acriDticin oonoerti wm e unuurruw vu- j K. MoUowao, Mr. Rudolph Hennig, Mr. ioni nut. Mr. Jean Lou la. Miss Id Uumpert. Miss Faunle Kelm, MIsn Bessie Archer, Ma dame Henrietta Beureus.auu a iuu vuurun win annntr. tnHM Mitchel. Esq.. will lecture nt Concert BaH this evening. Tne subject will be, "Who are tne ueua T ' ana me procecuit win u lor lue honeflt of tne Celtic Library Foci. Rxv. Hfnkt Ward Beeches will lecture at the Academy of Muslo on Thursday eveutng, February 25, under the auspices of tbe Voting QbrlHtian Association. Uabject: "1U- tlonsl AmosementH." The sale of seats will bkln at Uouid'B. ixo. cutauui sireei.ou biaturday morning. CITY 1TEUS. raicis OaATiY ItKnncKn to elts4 out II t&nekof Men's, YouVm' uitd Soys' Clclhlnfi, Uuitmv between bkbtsett A Co,, f,IUtant: y Towci IiiU. 6ubU StretU. No. ftia ttAaahf . jlwm a, vov naoADWAY, Waw Yoaa. SOUVBT r KABCK'a FlSa CBAriKKH. TO TUB NHI Ml . Tba aupenor aaalli of PBareitV iir.rk.ri wViii.H mf madeof thft ftoc.t MkUtrliAtB lh.Ll.h. 'u.rk.i artorCa, have attained tur ueiu Die reputtnon ol avms ths axoaraioa cbackbb o ivuin AS an BTt'ole of 'ood llit-y are in'ilaenHaoie In every bou ehol . anaaiepanlcu ailyaa.ptedioibaluvalid . ,.ia t n him unoat i lie mom neiicaw" uai-. V, r aale by First-claua Urocert througimm ib. couniry. tiilK-fePBl0 Bpbino. How upaaiiK, Spring Overcoats, Kaw In style and ma'.eilal, At CllAaLKS tiTOKKS A Co.'.. Hali kt, Davis & Co.'a .''New Boale" Grand aad Square Pianos bava great body of tone, and ara as clear ant musical aa a bell. The Agency Is at No 9:; 'Ueaoul street. Every wublcian bwll have one. Tbi fKBi op Hicknms. Baroa Manohauaea lelliaatoryof apoalboy'a horn, which had a num ber of wicked tones blown Into It one liosty night, but made nortaponsn. Nevertheless, when It was buns before a hot lire, tbe tunes, which had been I'rorea la, thawed out, to tbe amai.eniant of all present. Just so the human ayatem, euhjected to Injurious lEilueaoes during the winter, eometlinea gives no token ol the eflrct they have produced upon It, until the moist aiincapheia ol tipilng develops the r frulls. Many earing dleearea are the result ol winter Imprudence, and (crtatand especial care aliould be taken of the ayatrm In the cold aeaann, so that It may be In a sound arid vigorous corirtllion when tbe niiilnrloua torn ol March and April make their appearance. To thin end atrengthen the etomacri and th general or ganisation at this fioasoa with HoMTK.irf.KM Bittkhs. Tuke this ple.mant vigntable aiillriot In ail v nee ot the iiprlHlng ol the menliltlo mhts and vapors, which produce cUII'.s and fever, and other uilanumt c clUca-i s. Itcuiem'jer thnt It In ajiiYVMi'i'e miilirintM powerful to prottct a lo rr'furr. The Ktoanch In to be overtaxed at this time of lb t year. It la a period devoted to dinner nupper purlin, and luxurious II v I K generally, l'e.iillua ami late hours wtraken the dlpcsilve nrcans and (1U irilcr the liver. The t Ihct of ti e Hliters Is to Invigorate the one and regulate the other. Tliero Is no mouth In the twelve when a tonic and aUeratlve Is mure generally needed Ulan Ii this, aud there Is n i pre paration of that naturo bo thoroughly frxl'ilirlom, so bracing, and no entirely fr from undue exciting properties, as this relfhraiwl vegn:')le cordial. bo isfiu ioi h iirc tbe tlial approaches ol Cjniimp Hon that thousands remain unconscious of lia pre sence until It has brought them to the verge of tha grave. An Immediate resort to Dr. D. Javnk'k Ky l'Ki Tor.AST, upon the lirst appearance of tho Cough, l'aln, or Boreues cf the Throat or OheNt, would very generally preclude a latal result, or. In case the nyuptcnia Indicate the pretence of Latent Consump tion, would tend lo mihdne the violence of the Is- rase, aud thus inaicrl illy assist in prolonging the life ol the patient. Use the Kxpectoraut, therefore, when you take a Cold, and thus prevent the neceaiity for itsuteln more dimgrroua complaints. Sold every where. JiWKi.RT. Mr. William W". Cassldy, No. 12 Houth Second street, has the largeat and most attractive assortment of fluejeweiry and silverware la thecity Fnicbaaeracan rely upon ob'alning a real, pare arti cle furnished at a price which cannot be equalled. He also has a large stock of American Western watches In all varieties and at all prices. visit to bis store Is sore to result Id pleasure and profit. i'KOM Mr. A, Winch, of No. Bui Chesnut street, we have received tbe latst numbera of the Leudon Society, Tempi'' Bar, the Cornhl'l Magaslnn, and Rey nolds' MisctUany, Mr, Witch's collection of foreign and domestic periodical literature la nnrlvalled la variety and extent. X.l-l.n J-in.i x.uiv.a l.u uuu u uor ,ocommodaticn8 than a suite of rooms at the Am t- bican Boras, with bath-rooms, closets, at:. Uloas to principal places of bualueaa and amuseaent. &TAKDABD Wikk Bittkbs. Hpeer's Wliie, com- bnedwltb the meat tonio herbs and r ots. This Is tbe Bitters for tbe weak and dohCltatPd. bald by druggUls, yWK KKcnMMKstn Oi a Cmihinu, He jifcummnui wr i nxntnif, a He Jtecomntrtul Our Vl4hlu(t, H'e Xtcmtuntnd Our Vlot'tnui, M Me JUrumr.ieiul ihir Ctuthmg, 0- II 'e tHiP(nd Ci'f tlotht'ii. rur it unni! f.ituimt. UK tr lis Uooit (iimi'i.-a 1. for Its O xhI Quality -(ti it't. for Jit (ooif itit.'e.-a id, for Jts Hotxt Mnce - id for Jts Uood, Make.-n :t;l. fin" Jts I'ndoubttil Vlmatnust 'is .1', for lis VndovbUd ChtAtyict,-b M. fur It I'ndnuoM Chetiimrss ir Hi-Xfia. fKi. The close of a eaton is 'Pf'l tin to Out OvtrrofUs and Suits of tvery. 4(rl("lri'lf', w )ricta mat are considerably tWua Itm ore itkily to be soon apnin. iM. -AKAHAKKK OS MOWN, WiNiatKKE A llaowN. Wamamakkb & Known, Lafoevt Aaaobtubnt ANO BUBHT KTABLI8H- VkNTIN rU TLADBBrHIA. Thk Coa. Sixth and Mabkbt Btrbhth. LIFE INSURANCE. THE NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF THI United States ot America, WASU1S0T0N, 1). C Cbartcrcd bj Special Act of Congress, Approved July 25, 1868. CASH CAPITAL, 81.000,000 BRANCH OKFICK: k'US&T XATI05AL IIAK UU1L1)L, PHJ LA DEL PHI A, Where the business ot the Company Is trans acted, and to which ail general correapondeuce saonld be addressed. DIREOTOK8. CLARE9CX II. CXa.HK. LK A. ltoI.LIN8. JaYtXioKK, HemhtUCooki, John W. Kixis, Wm. K. Chasdlks. w. u. JUOOKMEAD, Oecrmk F. Tvi.tK, J, HuiiuiurY Cuk, JOUN V. liEKBIU, Edward Donua, H. C t'AJlMCSroUK. GFFIOKRS. CLAHKVCW K. CI.ABK. PhlladrtDhla. Frel.tni w vws-r vuiuiiuwi I limuwg aiilt .XeCUttVa B fnbt 1). Cooke, Waato ingtoii, Vice-President, tsj&r.iiBoi w . rr-Ki, rniiaueipuia, Secretary E. b. ITBNEHwaahlnirton. Assistants ecy r KANCI8 ti. 8M1IH, M. U.. MeUlcal Diieclor. J. Kwinq MiAKis il. I)., Ahiiolaut iibtilcai AJirecior. MEDICAL ADVISOIIY liUAKU. J. K. Baenkb, KtUKeon-Otnerai U. S. A., Wash t J. UoKwrr. Chlel Medical DtnRrtraen U.B. N.. Wuhluklm. l W. Buss, M. v., Wan blue to a. SOLICITOUS AND ATTOKNEV8. Hon. WM. l:. Chakdlkk. WatrftlUL'tsn. Ii. f- bi-oitt. Uxauina, i'liUautlpUa, I'a. THE ADVANTAGES OfiereU by this Company are: It ia a National Company, chartered bv bra. JTSa ItVV VI VUllglVi1 it tiaa a paid-up capital or vi.ouu.uou. It oU'eialow rata of promluiu. It furnbjheti larger inauranca than other com- panifca lor tuo taiuo oxouey. It la dot)nU and certain in Hs ternaa. It ia a home company in every locality, Ita policies are exempt from attachment. There are no unneceanury teairicUoaa la the policies, fcverv Dollar is Eon -forfeitable. I'olioUa may bo taken wntou pay to the In tared their lull uiuouat and rot in u all the pre miums, no that uie lusuraure coata oniy tue m- I u iest on the annual paymmw. nilnlt-a mav be taken that Will pay to the - ----- injured, alter a certain number oi y eat a, during life an annual Income ol one-leu tu the amount ti am Ait In tha imlt.w. No extra rate la charged for rhk opon the Uvea of females. Is8 warp It lnaarn not lo pay dividends, but at ao low COfct mat UlVlUt aUa Will DC luinroiura tpiTR ' KIRT-CI.A'S KKirAUftaKT AND JL JilUlDR fklllOII, MO. 1 Hiilltn IUU in "". will lie r-oinu?l by illiani It. !iirlifiber, of itoHina, and avrly H May. law ( milr at J. W, Wica'a ourth aud theuut, on W ltaM!.--'l v.! ttt)iuary7, w MAiiniBD. D&Via-pKPPRR Jannarv 14. at he Tttrw Mh.Ufnrip'iM, K Uhnrch. Np, 824 New mreH, t. he Rev. M. I). Kuril! , Mr. JOHN L. DAVIS to UPsh K ANNIR PBPPJI K.hotb of this olty. W K'IINI T.I.FB-McjCONNKLL. On tha 7th In etam, at. the Hmhel M. V. Oliuroh Parsonaae, No. If? onerc.s s'rret, b' te Kev. Oenrife W. wecla'iirhilo, air MAKTIN SOU a K 1 to Bliss K4TK M( COiNBKlX, both ot Pit' serove, N. J. DIKD. BCTHAM -On the 14th lntant,Mrs. fiATIf a RINK BI-'.IIAM, wile .l Juiiu It'Uiaui. and uai gliler ot J ii tin and Margaret Horn, seed ' year. 'I lie relative and frlenna ot tbe lamiiy are respect fiilJjr Invited in attend the innerivl, trout tl' residence ot tier liu.liand ltroKit atrent, aiiove la(f i Island, in tj ur.dny artprnonn at It o'clock. To proceed lo IV llatitbrniloOaetery. ntJitiKK. On the In h Instant, MAlt'JAItKT, wit Of the lete John Ilulaer, aireil Tl rear. 'i re relativr and rr'eniiK or me tamlly are renpeel fnlly luvltxd to attend the funeral, from her late re -d' nee. Clifton. Unnrr Durliv. Hflmn'e conutv. on Frtilfy niomlrif at a': o'cIikV. Funeral service at. H-. tiiarli'x' Church Kt llyvllle laterateul in c: tie dial Cemetery. f-FOAN. On Monday evenlns, February ir,, Mr. JiMN (IK1AN, Jh. )Mk nile;lvea and frlendi are Invited to attend hts fnneral, from bla lam rw i Ii nre, JJ". KIJ ". m t n'ret-t. on Friday niornliif, tne lutn Initaul a' S'i o'n'.o-lr. irAPMAlt. On MT'rtay mnmlnii, Fctiruary t"., t'll A KI.hN II a KM Alt. In the i'M year Of hlK av.r. 't he male relatives and rrlenda ot the trmi y nre luvlud to attend the Iu.htrI, irnin tin r-nl leuoe f Ins fullirr, nenr OrayN Ferry, oi Thursday niorul'W, February is, at 11 o'clor puiirtutily. KLKIT. On the ISfh I'ismut, Mrs. M-ATtY K tiK VT, In thrTMh yeivr Of her Bi.e, Tbe relative and Mends of the family are re4oect fnliy Invited to attend Hie (nneral, I mm the resM"nce ol hereon In-law, Mr. Vllllaiu BAchnan. N". s rtt. .Idlm Kirpct, on Friday at 1 o'clock. To proceod to i.eurel Hill. TBOM PrtON On Monday. February lfi. CAKRIK. daiibier of Harriet x. aud the late Kewcnnit) H. Tlmmrsnn. need 1 yearf. 'i be iplritlvea and irlomin of the fstnfty are Invited toattrnd the funeral, on Tliuridnv t r 'In, i h. '.ritta Inataiit. at It o'clock, from lier mulher'j reil'lonce. I'lHtilerstrecf, (mrminiwn. Ci rlugoa leave tto. ." Aicb street, at lo o'clock. LIFE INSURANCE. BY THE AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. Ot railadeliUia, 8. E Corner Fonrtli aud Walnut Streets. heller terms NOWHEKK of fered. I 4.I.... a. Mil a rinnin.iiu1. AGENTS WANTED riillAdelpiua otuce. 1 to s e. m. CALVIN B. MoLKAN, 10 Haaacer ot City Agency CLOTHING. JONES' ONH-riUCE CLOTHING HOUSE, No. C04 MARKET Street. Xouc but Well-made tiariucnts arcotVcrcd. Bat One Price is A?kcd. Satisfaction guaranteed ercrj riueliascr. JONES' 0MMT.ICE CLOTIUKtt UOUSi:, No. 604 MARKET Street, ABOVK SIXTH. S 17 tf WORKS OF ART. LAST DAYS OF TSK EXHIBITION OF CHURCH'S NEW "NIACAR A' AX CARLES' GALLERIES, No. 816 CHE8NUT Street, UaithstatmSp rHILADRLFHIA. GAS FIXTURES, ETC. CORNELIUS & BAKER. MANUFACTURERS OF CAS FIXTURES, LAMPS, GROMZCS, LANTERNS, Etc. STORK, Xo. 710 CIIESXVT !r't. MA N U FACTO 11 Y, Ko. 821 CJIi:i:ilY Street, t M'swulm PHILADKLPHIA. FOR SALE. i'UK HALE A1EUCII NTVI LLK, N. J.i vuy dt:rnble uw Frame Heu, V) rooms, uckki atyle, balb, hot aud cold watvr, and all lb molrn lruprtTCineiits, with a lart liimt jatd and rc;u: eay bt acctus per C. & E. Cd. K. It.; frsrpieiit trains lave via Wa-ket Street rry. I ujulre ul iu . CATTtlX. Ke. ;40 M. WHA KV-6, or a: Mc-rcliaat- Vill. S 12 61 KtK isALC AN tLLUANT ttl'.JSTlM at, 8 aurM lari nisiisiuj; 6 iv)t em by Itahr.aa or ib.r-. CARPKN.TMC Xc. a i' CHEjN L" l' etrset. tula lt TO RENT. maki-;t ij-ruKKr stohk t L'iT, 1lliir f..i ..I.. ru HMirAhl lAfHtlun. 0 lu 4. biw lbs liiughain Home. Ap!y on Uie pr TO LKT A LAKCJE M0D8.RV-HUILT TKNINT NdCCKinii Air. Ol (tl'u in't. UuTeu. with wa'ka aud gUeo, In KHM AN" IWN, ifu ui'iiLiiii wsiii iruui iiur i i.n cut' uii. a m t j, AitMarmxo. rpO ftKXT AN 01 riCE SUITABLE I'OR A k ,,iJ'.",'1.'n I lawyer, with or without biaru. BOARDING. A FURNISH KD BEfOXD-STOUY ROOM TO r JL,u,J'1h?,'"l.;,I1t''ranoe raiialred. Aoniy Ku. MH N. Ki.KVl:N ril Htrawt. tl lt "is A T NO. 1121 GlUAltl KTitinr MAY IU iibtaliibd liiriilli d i,a iiniuralshvd ruuuia tnr Jivard, also, II dtictiU, mil FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES CHAMPION SAFES! p'i.AnM.PHiA. January Mesaw. rARlifX HKKKINU 4 tX).. No. 629 t'hoannt street. tienttmen:-Ot tha ' D,Bht of the 13th lust, as iawoll known to the a. 'Wanna of Philadelphia, our large and extenvlrv tnr "T'd valuable tockof marchandlss, Hfo. m Cheaunt aUeel waa bnrned. The Are was one of th wtv ,l stei:siv"and deatrnctlvethat hRa vlslleU on.cltror many years, the lieat being ao Inlensa thl evtn lu marble cornice was alinoal oOiJtenv'1- We had, a you are aware, twa of "onr va'o able and well-known UKAMPIOR f'litK PROOK 8AFK8; and nobly have tny vlndl cated your well-known reptUatlon aa waikaiao tnrersof KIRE-PKOOK 8AKK8. if auyfura.'ter proof bad been required. Thy were aubjecledto the roollntetie hoat, and It atlords us much pleutmre to tnlnria yon tbat after recovering them Iroin the ruins, we found upon examination Hint iui IxmiIih, paporfl, and other valuahlea were ail lu perlect rondi Uou. ToutK, very rvspecUuiiy, J.Vtt. fa.. CALUWWih Ji CO. Till". 0LY HhVt.H KXI'OSt ll TO Tilt. fliti: is tAinwiLL's hioia; ki;ki; tAiiiiiii iikkki.w a '. PHiJutoai,PHiA, Jan. IK, isx. Messra. FAP.KKI., IlKRItlNO A COn No. 6J9 (Jtieanut street. Gentlemen: On the night of the Kith inn tan! our large store, 8. W. eorneriof Ninth and Uhes- nnt atreeU, was, together with our heavy stock of wall papers, entirely destroyed by fire. We had one of yonr PATKNT OHAMPIOjS FI RK-PROOF BAKES, which contained onr principal books and papers, and although ltwaa exposed to tbe most lutense heat for over 60 hours, we are happy to say It proved Itself worthy of our recommendation. Our booiu and papers were all preserved. We cheerfully tender our testimonial to the many already published, lu giving the HEUUINU SAFE the credit and confluence It Justly merits. Yours, very reapeotlully, liOWKLL dk BUOl'HKK 8T1I.I. ANOTIf Kit. I'HIi.adkm'HTA. Jan. H, 139, Messra. FAKRKI., HERRING A CO., No. 629 Chesnut street. Oentlemeu: I had one of your make of safes In the basement ot J. K. Caldwell & Co. 'a store at the time of the great are on the night of the 13th Instant. It waa removed from the ruins to-day, and on opening it found all ray books, papers, green backs, watches, aud watch materials, etc., all preserved. I feel glad that I had one of your truly valuable safes, aud shall want another of your make when I get located. Yours, very respectfully, V. L. KIRK PAT HICK, with J. E. Caldwell A Co., No. SIH Chesnut street. FAKKKI, 1IEKRIMI & CO., CHAMPION SAFES, No. 620 CHESNUT Street, i i tt PHILADELPHIA, CIGARS. -O CIGAR SMOKERS. " MARIANA RITA" Cigars, In twenty varieties of size and price, are pure all Havana Touacco; pronounced equal to Imported Cigars, yet tunch cheaper ! Tkt Them. 11 FRA DIAVOLO" Cigars, in five varieties, are pnr Havana Fiixkh, mill cheaper, aud unsurpassed at their prlou t Tkv Them- Theso Branda, Copyrighted, are manufac tured exclusively by B. FUUUKT & SONS, No. 22i Soath FRONT Btreet, Rpcrr.AR Ikpobtek-i, always, of Fisk Havana Cioabb. 1 1 nmo HATS AND CAPS. 8 JOKES, TCMi'LB CO., ' A 8 U 1 O N A 1 Ii I UATTlRIi No. ts B. NINTH BtreaL First door above Chesnut street. tH v7liiUKT0N'3 IMPROVED VENTI tiled, and easy-atti dc Dress Hata (patented) in all lh improved raahlooa ol the aeaaon. Cfft NC butet. pxt door U tha f oat Odea. U Uip INSTRUCTION. H. P. G R K (J O U Y, A. M. ILAICAL, AND KVOLI8H HCHOuL, N p. llpS MA BKKT btreeU 1 M lm PROVISIONS, ETC. Q A M E . CAME. constantly on hand ail kinds of choice Wild Game, Voullry, Bait Water Terrapin. Oysters, etc I-'iivate families, hotel-Heipers, etc, supplied ai lowest marknt rales, at . , No. HIS MAKKlii' BTUbftiT. . K. n We are rcctiivlng dully ono hundred pair Live quails. iUitrp JUICHAEL MEAUUEU & CO., c m SSoutU S1X1 tLMli Street, WH0LK8ALK AND UCTAIL DKALKlVi I suoviok UISIi:US, AMD N.4KU I tlMS, toil rtllILT UStl. TJKKUArlK l J'KU DO It., H SCHEiHC K'S rtUIOMC 8Y1U1P. 8FAWKEJ) I0MC, ami MAMM'AKM PILLS WILL CUIUS COrsSUMPTlOW, LIVER COMPLAINT, ATiV JYfiPEPGlA, If Men im'CiHo' it k U !!io illreclions. l'by are ali thrse to bo toJtt.n at tto asme time. Tticy cW.anBO the Ptcroncli, 1 i.v t lie livt r, aud put it to woik rhcn the apiM'tno ly-ronics cood; thf food fl!cstg anJ makri u n bl',oil; the pit Mint begins to prow iu il l : the rtiir,iac-1 ma'tt-r ripen in tho luntss, ati I tfiopationt otttt-roa-s the dl.-?ti!.t' aud prta vi I-. 1'bis is tlio only wty lo cureCotivunipUoD. To tlitbP three nn-dlt s ir. J. U. HtHKXfK of Philiidolphlit, owe! h - UNRIVALLED 8UCCCQ3 In tin- trcatnietit of J i lmonary Counumptton. Hie Pulmonic Sjrup i mi m-the raotbid ma'.tr in the lungs, nature tlirows it off by an easy expectoration, for when thr phlegm or mattur is ripe, a slight couf-b will throw it off, aud the patient has rest, and tin: luti(rn bepin to heal. To do this, the Seaweed Tonic aud Mandrake Pills must bo freely used to cleunse the Btouiicti and liver, so tbat the l'ulnionic Sjiiip aud food will ntaKegood blood. SCHEHCK'8 MANDRAKE PILL3 Act upon the liver, rcii ut ine nil oltructtons; relax the duels of the in.ll bludder, tho bllo starts fr?cly, and the liver is noon relieved; the stoola will show what the pills can do; nothing has ever been invented xn-pt calomel (a deadly roiscD, which Is very innaeioti to u?e unless with fjtcat cate) that ill unlock the trail blad der aud start the secn lioti ol tho liver like Scbtnck'a Mandrake P.i'-. Liver Coinplalnt is tint or the must rronit. ucut Causes tF C'uiisiiiuptiutt. 8CHENCKf8 SEAWEED TONIO Is a peiitle ?n l aUerative. and the alkflli in the beawced, inch this preparation Is made of, asf-iits the s-UrnKteh to throw out the gastric juice to dieFolu the fond with the Pul monic Syrup, and it i mudo into good blood without kruoeultttion tn toitriiist tho stomach. THE GREAT REASON Why physiciaus do u t cute Consumption i", they try to do loo tuuc'i: they (jive medicines to etopthe couf-'b, to stii chill?, to stop night sweat., hectic lever, mil by so doing they derange the whole dit -c.-iivc powers, lockiiitr up the Bccretious, and eventually the piUiunt sinks and dies. Dr. SCHF.NCK, in It's treatment, .Iocs not try to stop a cough, niaht ? wea 'a, chilis, or lever. Remove tbecuutc, aud tliey will all stop o their own accord. No oue c tn be cured ot Consump tion, Liver Complaint, D.spep-i;., Catarrh, Can ker, Ulcerated Thron'. uiik-ns the liver and stomach are made hea'tiiv. If a person has cosi-um p l n. of course the lungs are in some wn.v disca el. cither tuber cles, abscesses, brouchcul iriita.ion, plaernl adhesion, or the lung? are a nias of iurianm i tlon and fast dccayii c. In audi caos wlitit must bo done? It In no- on'v the luu?s that are wasting, but it i the ahoV; body. The stomach and liver hive lo -t their power to make blood out of fix.U. Nov the only chauco la to take Dr. SCHKNCK'S iliive medicines, which will bring up a tan 5 the stomach, the patient Will want (ood, it v. ill digest easily aud make pood blood; utull.j pitieut to gain lu iie-li, and tn -u u- the bjdy to gtow, the lungs' co -i -it nee to lis it urt, aud the patient gets fleshy in; i !J. Tnij u the only way to cure Conputmiti' ti. THERE IS SO U N JISHASl And only Liter Coirfihit ,., ';'), S hiuk,s Seatceed I'un c unit iLnulm!;r. I'ilU are stifftc!n', v'it',.it. the Pul monic Syrup, 'tul; i'in Man drake Pills fi; ' i'i ' liHioun CUJtH, tl thtij fir PERFECTLY HAI7MLES8. Dr. fcCHRNCK, wh; njujert utiinter ropted bealtb, was w i-'-' i n.vny to a mere bkelelon, in the very l.-t m" tl Pulmonary Cvuriumpllon, liii phyb" ;i.e- i ,tv iig prouourt?id his cate hopele. unu :i .innl niei iiltn io bU fat. He was cured by Ui- w -iiid nie li.-lnes nod since bin recovc. y u m tLou-aiiJi si ti lorly afilicted have use.! i i. s. i tin h'o prepara tions Jwlih the tame retei i i. u.i'e nuecefs Fall directions nccouifany i..el., ri i k ir. ? it notabMi luttly necestary to per- euliv e Dr. Suhunck, unltrJa piUleiita with then- htp.'-i exatiiliic J, and for thiri purpose he ia j iereioMilly at Ma l"riu cipal Otlicc, rUlL&DHLrUIA, LVLKY S11UKWAY, Where all letters for alvii-e inu-t be addressed. He Is aleo professionally u1. Ko. ;'3 Boud street, New York, every other Tuesd tj ; and nt No. 35 Hanover street, llostou. every other Wednesday. Ho gives advlco free, b .it i ;r u thorough exami nation with Lis Rosplioint-ter the price is f 0. OUice hours at each city iVotn & K, M. to 3 P, M Trlco of tho Puluionlo rup uud benwoci Tonic, each $1-50 per boMle, or 7 a htilf dojtn Mundmke Pills, 25 cents a box. A full tupply of Dr. PC'HENCK'S MKDfCTSKS for side nt nil times at his foomij.' Also, for sate bjf DiWSsUa pud nculci, lS9iw.uup RYQOODS. S,L81 8ILK81 6ILK9 1 STRAWBFIDGE & CLOTHIER'S BILK DKTABXMEn U now nwlMlj Attractlrea The assortment ia large and prioee reasonable, RICH BLACK SILKS. RICH FANCY SILKS, RICH PLAIN BILKS, PINK SILKS, RICH TH1TR BILKS, CORN-COI.ORED 8ILKS fcCAULIir SILKS,' BLUK BILKS. PLAIN DRraa SILKS at $2 00. ALL SHADES DRK3U SILKS at J2 00 RICH CORDKD OILKS at fi 75. Vl'RY WIDK HKAVY SILKS at $3 W. GOOD BLACK SILKS at $2 00. HEAVY BLACK QROS CHAINS at $2 C0, Jnat received, per late etBatner, fall as!wrtmnU of BILK and LINEN POPLINS in PLAlDtf, PLAIN, and BHOCADK FI0STRF8, STRAW8KIDSE 61 CL01HIER, UK.MKAL lHY IIOUJiE, Corner EIGHTH and MARKET, PHILA DELPHI A. 186t-rETiTi0NPaicis8ii LT TOWN LIGHT EXPENSES If OUK tl'STO.MKHS THE AWEESn tioofa dcllverea ta all paxta of tha city camrallf and free ol charge. SriXULTIllS JUST OPEREIH. lUch Blat k Silks Superb Silk 1'oplius, I)IIny Delaines uud Calicoes, Cassimercs, Table Lliicnn, Mapklngt Ete Ladiea can ride to our door tram any part of thi city, and we aisnre Uieni ti will more thancompsa ante them In one visit and 1 urchaa. JOSEPH H. THORNLEY, N. L. Cor. EKJIiTll midSl'HlMl UABDEN, 2 It - PHILADELPHIA.. SPRUNG LINEN GOODS AT LINEN STORE, no. 828 ARCH STREET. BEST IRISH SHIRTING LINE.V3, LINENS FOR LALISS UiK, NEW LINEN UANDKERCHIE?3. SAMTLK CABDS OF NEW STYLES LINfcN CAMBRIC Aa immense etoek of LINEN GOODS or every description Retailing At Importers' Prices. PRICE & WOOD, N.W. COB. V.M HTM AND FILBCBT, Wave Juat received fiom Near York India Twilled Long Clotba. 'A.V 31 :ilHt iryart. Katla Plaid Naiuaooa Moalloa, :45, 31, 31, AO. 4r, and .Rl Haila tin lye Mualln, 83, 31, 33, 31;;, ll, and SO. rialn and Plaid Orzanttea, cheao Wbite ttrlllian'a ;ti, and HTKr.i very chaao Hair Curd Plaid ana Hirijia Muiilu. Wnite Plquei, 3 31, 31.'. 40, 4, 0' and tUfm 'r"cli Corded Phinea, 31, 3T.,;, SO, Ois;, J.. and Wc Hoit-lluiah Cambrte. Jacane'.a, Kalnaoiki, StrUa iionlloB, Victoria Laivna Vi: I'nblraolieU Powpr-loom Tahla Llpana. O-l, 9 -4, and 4 Bleached Table Line n. WMu and ArniBlroiit labia Lloena. Barnaley 'l'aOie Lin". Linen Napklim, MJl'M 3, u? to M5 per dcoeii. Linen Doyliea, T3r-. ft, 91". $t'o np t3 pr dozen. l!"Ht make a Bhlrtina LlneDa Linen Blrdeyo, lor aprons, vary cheap. Scotch Lilaixr. by tln ule.-e, cheap LMitnLawu. 'J-'V. ana, yar'I. Ka'ga'ua In l.aoleA' and Menu' Lluea HdVfd. Hambn-B F,"siniii and lpnerMnK. , , Dimity Kauds yveniry Kuilliuts. MaslcBulUI WacdriDgbaii' Biilttlnga. Kealeured Kuiliim. a new artlcl: a larje lot very cheap. Baiealna In Lad In' and Genta" Boilery. Ladlea' Ku)l Ilegnli'.r-oiiide Hiwe. 33' Ueiiia' Super Hloul Hnl'-bofe 31 tyents' iiB. Koeiiib surer aoui ST.'i. IK1CK & WOOD, W. W. COR. i:tHTII A.VO riLBEUT, 2 ti tw t PUlIiADKLPHIA. MAXWELL'S PBEPARED GYPSUHT, For Mbltenfii? anil Coloring Walls A BBATJTIFOI DUHlBLli Jt CHEAP AUT1U Ji Tbt glvea Ibe wli a Oi'illlaiitirlow.wlll uot rnb off, and U tiioref 'i-e more durable. It eauily in xeil, and rntia no nioie than liie roniinon Lime, and IN aaultary qnaiiliea ar exculleui: It U irtrerorela evtry r'ape:C Duauriiaaied by auylhing ol tue fclud ever offered to tbe public bailniied that ail win tea' It will never ag-ala Lime, the Inventor would auk 5" n to aiudy your in terest by Kh lnii tbe Uyiiunt atilat, Urdera reeeiv. d (or aup ylng tho (lyrnra. Partlou ar aitenllou paid to Parlor aud Kiom oiilnL'". jihn m Axwt.r.r. Ko l-i.W S. FIPTU bitvtt Polladelubl. Fold by tiiux'n aenailv. 2 ia QIC FEIK8TEN MEUBEL AiiANGinur in Di;a JcrAUB. FERTIO ZL'R ANSICUT, TEPI'ICU UNO GAltTlKNKN ENBKUKIrl''KN. GEORGE J. HENKEL3, MIX'llEI, KABKICKANT, THIRTKKSTH AND CHESNUT, ISUurp PHILADKLPHIA. DEAFNK9S.-EFFBT INSTUDMKNT THAI eelenot and akllJ bava luvuuiwd to aaalst ua heart uc la every dii-ee of deaniena; aiao, Jtaipi tores' abo, Itraudall'a Patent (irutahea, (un.rlur ta auv olnf-a In oa, at P. MAUJtua'i, hi), it ttUH LU. OMT. MOW (rUMBOi, iitvl s