THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1SC9. NEWS SUMMARY. " Clljr AirairM. Nortix-owu lUilro i'l, known hh tu.i Mourobeit I j t it Worn, wt're OfHtroAca by lire nbout tbrco ( o'elor jeetcMay Diormuj?. F -The riiocthlv (lupuiy r the Tlortlol'uril Pt ,Vn-"kJlvi.itt look il:ivt' la-tpvciitn Wti'ir buiidinrr, on bfmd stiect, uenr Locu-t. A" "''iP,y not us lnrpc u-uhI, owinir to the lateness of the siNiB'in. A tiua.b' r of pr-mous swore In attendance. At tin; close of tin-oxliibl-jtiou itio hiauaficrj hell thtlr usual business jlnctlWiL', i .rr-Tho annual election for Directom of tho j MoiCHiiiile Library Co'Uimn.v, to serve for thre-c j;8i. ti(ifc r'lacp eti rdav,' witli tho folio init "VJlt: Jo-rph 0. Orubh.'H. K. llurlnn, Climl.x Jn. Tjlor, E. K. 8 Pvonin, Mvvurd T;ivlor unl Jotiu ti. Wtlrer. Under tin' amend" I c'ltirtrr, I th6 remaining twelve member'' clio-nn last year - hold over, eix for one year moro, and aix for " tjyo yearn; ! i r Lat evening the n' nico'lnrr ot tho ilunul Association of the Central II irh. School V us held at the scu"ol buildms, llroud nnd Jtrenn streets, John Davit, Wii'som, Esq., iu t ti ? tunir. William McMicliuel, K-j., delivered tha opening tuidriM, In which he lOluded to the f Uftefuimts of the Hiiro School, hih! pmd ii U 'ah biiuuie iu our popular pysit in oi couth. ion. in wan llptened to throughout with marked iutna lion. and was frequently upplaud.;J. KJsvard It, Worrall, Eq., followed ut H U"t The CDggriound at Seventh iindVahlni? on etre.-ts yesterday moraine has bpen UlenUded. It wa9 lost in n very siiifiiil-r manner. A youu Woman , named Maitlit Suckuru, riMilin.; on ft'Sh'h street, below Diokirr.-ou, had placed a bandlo of washed clothes into a curt, and pet Into it to ride a few squares, ft ml In petting out tb.9 rlns on the flucerjwas cnuht ujiou come pr ijuctiou at the tad of thr curt nnd the finer to.'u entirely olTand left on the street, while die wastukento a neijib boring drug store aud thence lo the Ho-'pltul. -tJeorpe Biukley, Fsq.. brllrinper at the State House, wo9 pka-uutly surprised Hit evenine by a larcre coiiipniiy ol ladies and(:cu tlerr.en from the lower section of the city. The party were attired iu grotesque costume. Mr. B ckley bade them welcome, and threw wide open the doors of bis doiutcil, and spread the cloth And gave them a bau'!otue net-out. Then the music struck up, se'.s wer3 formed, and to its strains the merry pirty v bil led thchours away by tripping tho light fauta.stlc upon the atotie covered hallways'. This, we understand, was the 'flr-t party held in old Iudeppnderce Hall alnce 17!)i), when Hobert Morris delighted his Irlends with just such, au ctaertainment a that of laflt evenlnur, barr'.ng the C36tumes and music of those more ancient days. tin Fridiy nicht la?t trie fact ry of Caldwell & Campbell, ou Naudan citeet, was broken into and robbed of a number of balmoral kirts and other property, smc ot the skirts were obtained at the pawn otlico of John Uoney, ou South street, where they had been pledired by Mary Dumu. flic was arrested on the cbaree of receivlujr ttlen poods, and bad a hearirg before Alderman Kerr, wheu testimony was heard iu respect to the robbery, and to the pledging of the stolen sooJs; .also, tbnt they were leit with Mrs. Doran to be pledged by two yont.g men, named Hugh Green and llobert Maycrry. Ureeu was a few weeks ago bound over by Aldermoq Kerr, to answer theennrg0. of attempted robbery nt tho grocery fetore of Mr. John Stockdale. Mary Donin was held to bail yesterday lor ber appearance at court. Domestic AfTalr4 Gold closed jefeterJiiy at Via. rjlze-iighting b4 been prohibited la 5Iis uoorl, General Carl Schtiiz ha? arrived at Wash ington. baron JcroitanlTIou. Henry WiUon vijlte'l GeiiQrM Grant jrsterday. Samuel ticbotteld. nu Knglisliman. blew out tis brmns on Monday, at. Henderson, Kv. Dr. ficuoeppe has b " n arreted at Carlisle, charged with poteoulug Miss S einecke. J. B. Thompson baa been sentenced to twenty years' irapiisoument in the Cltutou (N. y.) Jail or murder. Hon. E. b. Wasliburne Is still un ible to resume bis seat in the Uouuc of KcprcccuUtivts on uocount ot'iiloesf. The steamBhio Wyomintr, Captain Jacob Teal, arrived jeoterday afiercoon front sa vannah, with pas'imeri nud a full freight. Colonel Bachelor ilebveied an ad tress laBt eveniEgln the hull of the H u-e of Represent i-. tives, at IUrribure, on the l.a tle ol Geit-ys bnrg. Governor Geary, in a br ef but elo'fyit introduction, prestniea tue tpeuKer to tne audience. inn mu !" f, New York, Feb. 10. The IL'ra'.fs special fromHavina Fcbruarj 1J, via Ki-y west tea-rnft.-s Ki. savs: Caotatn-tieneral Dulce hfis l-sueJ a decrpe aboli-hicg I tie freedom ot tiie press au I re- pa nhliohiuir the ceusorshiD. iudiiary trials are aluo restored. General Dulce has threatened with 8vere punishment tuosss who continue in rebellion aner the liiuiency au 1 amnesty ex tended to tbem. Many iipaoiard. as well as the low clae of the people, are opposed to the nolicv aOOTVcdby Hule. The memOt rs oi the Cuban party are alarmed, and coutinno to fly from the island in lan-e nuniDers. uoiu is onotedat 8 ner cent, riomium. lho citizens are to raise 25,001), Out) tor tbo Governmeut. Five baitalloDs of volunteers are oraauiziug. Renretentations have ben s.nttoVasLi,ngtou in regard to lmpntoued Amtrieau citizens. D.ilce has refused to listen to a!'n:ai iu their hehtlf bv the Ami ricau Consul, becau-e tue latter Is considered to have no diplomatic character. The Hpanlards threaten to exterminate the dis loyalists who continue in revolt atter tue amnesty proclamation l;i this respect tho soldiers sympathize with the pauiards, and neither the volunteers i,or the Government will be able to protect the niewusr of the revolu tionary party from violence. The rebel forces In tne aisirict ot vin-i i;iav;i una cientuegos number over 60' 0. They are divided into three r.arties one near Cfutucvro?, another near CaniBViira. and a thirl MauceiSHOua. Ttiev Lave destroyed the rad abts and telegraph line;". Great confusion prevailed at Trluidad. Railroad and teleirrupnie eoiumunieation with that citv is cut ou. Grear nuinuersor ioulb men are leaving tho ti iei and buniug the lebfllion. Anengogem(Lt to W place at Sin Cristoval. The ribils were eomiriauded by Gnrci Presto, lue uovernn.i tii, troojis were defeated aud compelled lo ie rca. it is sup- nnhPd that the ofieel ot i'roslo is to si I th'r landing at 1'oif Mulallos ol an expedition under CUneros. ... An action toot pluca a. Gu mtscay. In which twenty Spaniard! wire woinded. rtiereboU ield the Iilo of between Bigua anl Villa Claia. Twelve or-sous ha.e been urresied t Cardenas, amotg tbem the Hntlt-h Consul. Alvieea from Santiuif.i ti the P b instant bavo beeu received. Heavy ra'm ). ' fal'eu and haJ produced much sifsness -unui); inn troop-, a-io aiiiili ar operations were su.'pendel incjme outnep. The arrival of trooii iroai the army iA Vnln:Redn had bnl.'d a Did', or lUe Creo'cB.'who intended lo toLc thu city by BurnrWe on the loloviu? S. ;n day. -Tue nugonlsm between the pif ioi irt thai tdi hi inereasiuff. unl au o:trt:uk w is iiumi' neat. Tba nolue lieinif un: ul'i. have uouil I ue.l tl eir duty. Thectiob ra rtiitrf with luerejs.'il vio'ence. A y rau.l parade of tli" voi'iuieem tl be held o i Sunduy we. k. Alcalde El ov an I itoii.e depiutuieiit nj'aM- ii h ive been arrested. The Bauco sutmcrihes 1 0,0()i) i.) equip and s tHin volunteer.'. lio n Nuevttas aro to the 11th iof. Aa enojuu'er in k pUcein ill vicinity, in wbicu the l'lSjr.-e.T.B lost tutrry kilted and wounded, lnelo''.li)g Dr. A'gilagi h. A portion oi i ue volunteer have arrived tit Oeoara rrooi Hotgulo, a'd ihu rebi U have d.s- anieared from ihat q imter. Havana. Feb. 10. The (i.veinmeut antbort tie refuse to lecojiiil.e ihe Un"cd states CojsuI eicrpt ft a cnuiuprcl d auent. Nutiraliz-d Ami rleanfarebeina t'niirnn-(i without having rbaraes oreierred ami utt tuem, or without a lor trial. Ibe Auieneau Consul will hi compelh d to lcav unless hei .uopor'ed by his Government. ThU Governmpiit piao.uir r triction in the way of Auitnuuia who wish to thu LownoN, Feb. 10. Th! formal opening of the new l'arliament. pQtupoucd l ist year iu con-e-uace of tle reiigiiiition of PisratU' wlnUtrj, o )X pluce thi alVrtoon. T ie niooibors ol the llou-e i Cjnimons were summoned ti a loid the bar ot the Clumber of I'eers t hfar th ro.VHl fpeecb. Tbo Vucm was not prenen', b i' her Majstj'4 ptcecn was eeliverrd byrjval oninil-Hion. and was rei l to the nssemnleil lionsi 8 by the Lord Cuancell'.-r. Tac speech in suhiance Is ns IoIIowk: "Tbo Q'ieen ft8lres the lords and Com mons that the lelnioi.s ot tiret Uritnu with nil lore'gn powers ar.s t pre tei.t ou an excellent looitng. The hos tillMis which threatmed to oreak out in the East, have been previ n.ed by a c onlerence oi the Lieut powers hi Pins. The hopa ts ex pressed that the legotutiiiis with the United Htn'es ill i luce on a hrm and durable bais the triendsht: which should ever i xld, be'.wecu Eniilatd and Ameheu. Tht d!'urtiniiee in New eiilai'O are 10 he lei'letled. bat the Qucs is mre that prudence and moJer lion ou the purr r.t Hie government will prevent a recur rei re of nich unhappy events. The esti irriies which will lie laid hch re. the Home of I' by the ministers ire tniied on the lus s of economy, coupled wi.h ofllelenoy. in the ndii'itils'railou ot th" service. The cou th lied Mippuvaion of the writ of htbca-i rcrpnslii Inland ii rci.'nrded as uiineees'" try. The ecclesiastic arrangemeuts for Ireland nro to he crinsiilcied by Pailiament." du thU suh ject ihe fjiicen coi eh des as to'l i'vs: "I am jieru:u'ed that a careful regard will be b i l to ihe interests involved, aud that, thiough the application of 1 1 inelplcH of t fU'il lustice lothe quesiion leh re tin in, Parliament will secure the undivided feeling of tne people ot Jr'atd. ou, the S;dc 0' loyally aud law, efface the ni'inory ot past eou'en lotl, and cheri.ih t'je avnii.hthid tit un Birprioriiite iieenle." " Loki'on, Feb. 10. Accounts ot the stile of affair In Para?iiuT have been received from both sldcP, und are, as usual, contradictory. The Rrzil ans claim ihat the war is ended, aud that their lorcts now permanently occjpy Asun cion, and tho inhnbi'ants who, on their ap proach, by an order of Lopez fled to the iuterior, are now n turning to their homes. It U posi tively afnt-d that Lonez has ubiudoned the country and gone to IMivia. Ou the other bond, accounts from Paraguayan r-ources represent that Lopez's army, niter tho battles at Villeta and Argostnra, retired la compara tively pood order, and is s'lll cap ible of making a forhiidiible leHUtencc. ThP Paraguayans ba;e their hopes of preserving their independence and retrieving their losses on the violent dis sensions which they Buy havo biokca out among ibe generals of the allied troops. Makrw, Feb. 16. popular demonstrations have again been made lu this city In favor of the ireedoni of religious worshio aud also for the abolition of capital punlshmout. The people have gathered in the streets of Vaila oolid and protefted ngiinr, the military con scription. Active preparations are going on for the immediate embarkation of six thousand more trcops for Cuba. Don E calau'o will go on with reinlorcemi n's, and with Instructions from the Provisional Government. Florence, Feb. 16. Complete diplomatic relations between Italy and tbo Republic ol Mexico w ill soon be restored. FROM WASHINGTON. FJnnueinl A Hairs. Washington, Feb. 16. The Senate Finance Committee have asreod to a bdl refunding to the Illinois Iron nnd Bolt Company the sum ob tained against them lor ulleged violation ot the Intf rnal Itnveon law, not to exceed seven hundred dollars. Tho bill which passed the House on Saturday E revolting banks from making loaus on green acks ns collaterals, has just passed the Senate without material amendment. liiaoMnl of Bills. Tbe bill lor the removal, of political dis.i- biliiies parsed tbe House . bX a vo'c ot 130 to 48. Mr. Cclf.ix voDgln the aUirmative. Mirrner made a strong eitorr. to get tne uiii graiiiing Mis. Jjineom a pens on or allowance passed, but It wcat over auor oemg discussed two hours.' The bi II allowing the Northern 'Pacific Kull- road lo mortgage their rond, so aj to raise fuu Js, pataed the Senate lo-;lay. The Civil Tcunro mil. Mr; Morton has lust announced to the Renate bis detorminatlon to pr ss ibe Civil Tenure bill, pu i that unless the bill was parsed as it came from tro House It wou'd certainly be vetoed. Morton lramed the bill as it came irooi the IlOUiC ' . fTvvlpg . to the We h iur of continuing tli" setsiori "of li e House la?t nigh, fie Committees id Wnf 'iiiid Means, fost Otliee, and other comuiuees, h'. ld no mepliugs this morning, "''" 'ihe Tobrteco lux. Thf' ie'pri setafivei of tha tobacco dealers iive still here. cndiMVonng to pro mre modimia tlons of the internal revenue law, particularly ntohtamps, and securing the Fubsti(utlnu;of those that will be'ter pro'ect that Interest us well m Fecuro the Government against fraud. Callers on Cleuernl tlraul "r Among tbe callers on General Grant 18 3ay were toe uhd, lieury vuou, or sia-sacmi'eus, nnd linrn (icrolt, the Mulateroi the North German Uuioo. ' Carl fcchurz, Senator ciecl from Musourl, U cu the floor of the henate to day. BOO Til. Disiiilermeiit of llie AsmiissIu'k Rcmalas. Yesterdav President Johnson directed an order to issued from tbe Wur Department, to deliver the rename or .ichn vviikes liootn, in terred at the arsenal, to tho undertaker irom Ballimi re, nnd the Secretary of War having issued such an order, the undertaker immedi d intel v proceeded to ihe arenal, wheu tieueral Kamsey pave the necessary directions, and the rt mams a'cre exaumed and piactd iu a wagon, and ttaued to o. iii t streer. Mr. Weaver came hero on Friday l ist with a let'er irom iJdwm liootn to the fresiieur. making a request for tho remains. Preeidnt Johnson, alter rcnuiug it, requefcled him to call yesterday, wheu he would give an answer. Tae leiter was a very sbort one, and sta'ed that be (Mr. lioo b) liud every coiiddence In Mr Weaver, w ho would place the body In his privae vault untl the remains could t o iransleired to the City Cenie' cry uear Ualiinior, and placed bi side U ose of tber fn'her. lie al-o requeoted. n bi t a t or his alllieted mother, the return of me trunk oi nis uroi in r. iTeierday. according to nroniise. Mr. Weaver. wi h Mr. llarver, waued ou the Presiden' and a proper order lor thd hod was giveu, and, as oe or? naTta. iney proepeoed 10 tne afenat wnrre the houy was taneu ui and delivered t tueni about 6 o'clock, Ou aiming at the aisenul it wjb found, uoivo hstandinp every prtcaut ou hud been taken to keep ibe removal stcre', tha' a uunib-r oi i ersons who surmisel ihat something wag going u, bad gathered anou'. tiieuo r, aud lo avoid thu crowd, thu ren uius wne t.ikeu to the s of tbe firm, it bt ing the v ry fame iu wuina roth- kept bis horse, alio Iron', ng on 'he a'loy fioui whence lie made ms escape aiier ilia murder ot th ! PresiOeut, Here a loidinu deal, uupainted c ll:n was D'ouuut loun, am me ieiuaita we e plaod in u lo be takeu to D ilMmore. ine uox in wn'cu tue rem i'u were origlna lv Imened mas inueh oeeayi d. rd on Us lap wu feuu i a puiiiteu no ir i l n uootu s mine, aud on latiiugoil the lid thr mains were found to be wrapped iu to or ihree giey bl iket, and iu a tine state ol peservai ou. Tn c ai and v Bt were in a good coudit also tbe pan taloens. execpf iha' a portion of one lej apinral to have b"en cuti tr. The cava r b ot on LL Kft ie.- was in extr poo I conJinoo, ir.nk rnr lo he neari; ne. ana cue snoe on the light foot, a eo ntnon orojan, which he irocureu hi fliuoo's noufe, iii ni tui down tbe lronr, but wa o.herwise lu a good ccndi'lou. . M. It consequence of the want ortlmtcere was but litil ex iinltiMtion of the remaius mudo Ht the stable, but it ws observed that the bed was not conuicted wl h l he bodv, aud ih-it one or two of the vtr enire as also tbe fiiali bon-a of tbe leg, were miain. I ftl4 observed ii,t tho liulr ni tn deceased Wis In a gO 4 siafe of orciertatlou. the loi g curly lock took, lug tt if tbey hud been subjected to the barbcr'a bands. Mr. Weaver left wlb the remain lo the bait-past ifven o'clock train lag', evening, and took them immediately to ma eeiDUD nrent on W. Fayette street, and to-day will plarr tt m In oiigft bis patent caskets, covered with do h and filter mounted, ar.d place tbem In his tauU. k. Oreeumount, to aait the arrival of his relatives. mtdrcr's IfofA. t'trrfiwlrnce. ' Tnr, PpRATTfl at Sabatooa "Mr. Do Cor dova r lined in his on In'mltab'e way th Pits'. tal history ol the tjpratt family, or that portion ol It which reltred to their visit to alHt07a Sprtres and his own imbroglio la tbe mrtter, at. the Gper llou-e, last evening, before ago d sized audience. It is really one of the very best of Air. I)e Cordova's literary edorts, and as a satire on the liishtonable follies of tbe day. It may uiibesuntniuly i set lon as a crltnbie coup d e'a'. The sppaket'n manner of delivery has improved since we last hail the phasureof seeing him or else be let himself ou' In a mot unusual n.anmr la-t eveniuc and h's claims a a tirst-cu-s comedian cannot be queilonid. Hig Ulustra'ionsof that modern epidemic, the 'Grecian I3piid," and his account of tbe voices of the niirht wh eh came through the sluts of bis blind-door at "i he Cuion." lairly conviibed the house with laughter. Ou Cor dova's success as a lecturer is ranldly on the increase, hanlrg now more invl'a'loru pouring lu iiiion him than he can possibly fill, and h is rlchlv deiervtug of it. So far as Instruction goes, he will conipsrn favorably with nine feiths of the penpau tics of the day, while a& a promoter ot uproarious mirth and pood diges tion, ho 1s wllhniit a rival Aewtirlt Adrerinter. MARINA TELEGRAPH. For ad'lUUmal Marin Neioi $ee Firxt Pa(i. A Xj MAN AO JTUB fHILAUKLPHlA-TUIS DAT. ......8 6: MitOM H its,...w,.....U 2S .....6 7iHiht Watbb beM Hihim. dOIC HBTH.., PHII.ADKLPHIA BOAKJJ Off TRADJE. JAUBS DuUOHKBTr, I cs WjmicLica, Monthly Committko, W. u. Kknt, J UOVKHKHT8 OF OCKAJI STKAUKllS. iOR AUEKU1A. Hellona. London. ....New York ....Ja. MrVBda... .......l,lvrpool...Nw York AIM'I'O Llverpool...Now York .Ft, 8U 2 2 3 S iiniuark... 1,1 vptiooi...ibw York Vlruiiila. LlveriHX)I...New York Voh IUi lliudie belli b am pioD... Hitlllmore. Feb! 4 4 0 i. a lueiicuu J.iveri)ooi...roriiiiu IdoIk Wiasgow,,...iNew York..,,, ,..iVl). Fro. ret. AilsmaDDta. Hatru New York.... Tan ta.. ......l,lvenool...New York .b. I una Llverpool...New York..... F'bd. Mam Southampton... New York..........Feh. FOU KUROPK. Minnesota. New Yorn... Liverpool -Poh Chliia ...Muw York... Liverpool 1 n. America..... New York...Bremen....M Feh. li. ol N. V ork.New YorkM.JJverpool..........Keb. Ki giaDd.. New York. ..Liverpool Kan U.K icKdonj New Y'ork...uliuiiiiw irh oi. Lauiei.l New York... Havre ...Feh. Km a. New York...l.lvrmiol Col Anlerp.,.New York...Llveriiool i'eb' (WAlSTWISJK. lXlMKsriM. vivi Waran18trlpcPhllaJB .Havana..' Feb. l koo i-onaaa..;r.New Orlean. Feb. llBKle......, New York... Havana L'.. Piou,er.........Phtlada....WIImljuKton Pa. Wyoailn........PhllRi1a... Havar.nnh Pok 8. Amnrlca Npw Vnrlr Kin T -" Alalia ata ftirwardpd hv nv..v iaarv.n'V VL'U - llnea. The sleamers for or from Liverpool call at Qoepnntown.ejtcppuheOanadlau line, whloU call at Londonderry. ThestPamerg for or from IheOonU neutoallatBoatbauiptoii. (TLEAKKD VESTirBniv "","sboluPl,o'n8llatilrlPe8, il0lms' Havana, Thos Br baiquHBrolber's Frlde, Sjailth, Matanzas r n Van Jiorn. ' ' , Briirjaiutg Baker, Phelan, Cardenas, Warren a Gtesv. Beur Maine raifre. waiey, rort Bpaln (Trlnldail 8cbr C. K. lmer, corson, Kingston, Ja,, D. N. Wetz )ar A C'o. Bt'r if. irauEiin, riernon, isaiumare, A. Groves, Jr. ARRIVED YE3TERDAY. Steamship Wyoming, Teal, 70 hours from Sevan., wlib cotton, etc.. to Philadelphia and Wouthin Mai! (Steamship Co. PasstmKTS-J. L, MoaauTv sou. B. V. Biddia. Airs Mania and son, Khv J Hanoid. Mia. Caesiday, James Murtha, a. fiorcbert' fiatgliH Liuda, Wicks. 11 dnys from feieua. wlih suiiar ano moiascs l tt. A W. Welsh. ' wlln B ur Marina an. uavis. huoiiisod, i day rrom Ml', ford. Crl . wilb cralu lo Jas Harralt. Hchr Wm. Townsend. MeNlii 1 day from Frederlca 1 e'.. wlib train m Jas. L. Hewlvy A Co. ' Hcbr uuv la. Fox. l day irom Odessa, Del,, with grain to Jas L. Bewie A Co. Hiranjpr a nuie, Sihaw, from Baltimore, with salt t ) . . MEMOKAMDA. HlfenmhimonawauJa. Jeuulngi, hence, at teavan nab 5 eaierday. bt.aniHhlp Notmao, Crowell, hence, atBostsn yes. tuoay. bif BUislilp Juniata, Hoxte. cletred at New Orleans lllb Ilia', lor Puhadelphia vl Uavaua. Passnnirer W C. Child, lor Piilimielehla. Crgo bal4 rnt. Icid, ltd ribis clay. 617 bides, 25 bales moss, and 14 liarQuettchkm)i, euow, hence, at Mariellles 2fia lilllniii. Brig Union T , Tufts, tor Philadelphia, oleared at ill Win V nmn mu iiiDb' Bng Aliavela Thompson, was loading at Matanzas h li al. lor "Falrniount." a Brig Ciaia P. CIiuoj. l'vrkcr, uric, remained at Ma t. n,.H hi n mar UHK Ida Ij . Ky. rrom "t Martins ror Philadelphia. Kft, fiDORStl lltb lo leal, en evnwicK inland Hnoais. bi lir Ibebier. Kenneny. frnni Halifax lilth luat. lor PnUadulpula, balled s-ch'a !4 sieiu au. Adams, and Genrgln Deorlng, Wnlsro, inc re rua'ni-d at Malarias ttih lnst. ecbr L. M, Retd, bvteiiuau, heuue, at Boston 15th Sjcbr r. J. Miller, Dnnham. frorn Bt. John, N. B., lor PbPaileipblx, at Balem Htb lost. Hcbr Warren B uku. juees-rvey. for Philadelphia, a- in null from ttava"nah loth leal. stehr L'azie Bntcbtuder JUngilsh, was loading at Sa vannah lllb BBt. for N VKIB. s chr L a. M ay. Bakrr. sailed from Providence 13. h in.i . t, r TS aw (!mri Ih. Del. tsciir Kllra B. Emery. Young, for Philadelphia, salltd iioia rroviuence isto iduw NOT1CIC TiTm ARINKRS. - The French Government has given notice that from ttie lie b nay ol January. IbiiD. iwoPgbts will be ex hiblid at ibe eutiauce ot the port ol Ceite, sooth coaal ol Frauee. 1. A nxed ted light from a tower on the northeast bead oi the Break water, elevated 4e leet above high waier. 2 A fixed rd tight from a tower on tbe extremity of FtoMignan Jel.y. aud N W. by N. 262 yards rrom tbe Breakwater light. Ills elevaud 44 leei above iils'h water. Bom lights In clear weather should be aeen from a diMaiire uf seven mile The Branwatrr lower In 55 feet high, and that ot lie Jti) ?.siei; they are buhl ol sheet iron aud are I aieita wnite, The peaitii n ofihe Breakwater light Is In lat. 41 deg. ?8 mlo. Hec. N., long. 8Ceg. 4i miu. Usee. J. from l.reria leh. Also, tnat from Ihflsome date tbe two lights on Bier ellen Cladel will be oiaeoniionea tioniuir w. H. Mil UUltlcK. Chairman. Treasury rJepartnient.Ollloe Lighthouse Board, Wash ington. J-. I... CU. 1. 1W, A STI-WINDOW RATTLEll. For welling, Cam, Nteuuiboati Etc. Prevents Rattling and Shaking of the Win dxwsby tho wind or other causes, tig litmus the sasu. pieveuis me wiudauunuHUroiu enteriug, easily uttuelivd, and requires but a aln"le ginnee to jutfpe or its merits. Call on the General Agent, O. P. ROSE No. 727 JUNE htreet, Betweeu Market aud Cbeacut, Vi 11 rnawSin Philadelphia. LARICLERC & DUCHEY, Cubtom House Urokers and Notaries Public, Flo. 406 LIBRARY Stroot. All Custom Houxe Business transacted PASSPORTS PROCURED rvB. rClNKELIN, AFTEB A RKSIDEHCl x-f aud jiai:tiu ot nilrvy years at IbeMortawaai oornai ulTuiid aud Uulun aueeia, has lately re S'"?'1 ?','"h K.I.H.VEKTH burwil, tMiweeji MAJi- Hlaauutrlurllw In tha rwnmnt and Mrfect rmre ol all rct-ni, curoulo, looal. kud oonaUlnUunal alt " " p-cil iiaiore, is urovarblaL . Diaeaava of th akin. aouarln In a hundred it lrui forma, totally eratfloaud; mental and phyaloa) w.aknma. and all nervona deblltila aclentldoallf and tnoreaaliaiy areata. Omog kooig liom la.ll 'M ts r a A I.EaAKDER G. C ATT ELL CO dtA. rwivv-a WMM SSION M K ROHAN TS, No. U NuiiTU WaAitViUi NO. JO WQHTH WATER STRICT. ril I L.A rik l.fliri - flt YUrXAatC V1 CATaVLa. MUUM OaTTJUA FBlUCiriL DH'OI ri'h THI bA Lt u E 1 V 1 n C B tl 7 A M F B Wo, 04i tHHiVl r?T KEHlT. cewthal ofkicew. ho. ia h. ririum. Two door ; below Chennnt elrei A1D HO, 432 WALNVJ fcTUEKr, (Feuc rnlidifig). J 6 I A I L 1 6 B R D 1663. The sale of Revenue B tamps la tUJ conUnned at tbe Old-iiaUblliihed Agency. Tbe stock comprises every denomination printed by tbe Government, and having at all times a large supply we are enabled to fill and forward (by Mall or Express), all orders, lmme diately upon receipt, a matter of great lmpor ance. United BUtes Notes, National Bank Notes Drafts on Philadelphia, and Post Olnce Orders, received in payment. Any Information regarding the decisions oi tbe Commissioner of Internal lie venue cheer, rally and gratuitously furnished. Revenue 8 tamps printed upon Drafts, Checks, Receipts, etc. Tbe following rates ot commission are allowed on Stamps and Stamped Paper: On 125 and upwards - a per cent. 100 . . ..,..M......MM,.....M....8 800 " .4 " Address all orders, etc to STAMP AGENCY, NO, 301 CHE&NTJT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. UNITED STATES POSTAGE STAMPS ol all kinds, and STAMPED ENVELOPES, OOQ taatly on uand. MEDICAL. IHIEUMATISHI, E U n A L G I A Warranted Permanently Cored Warranted Permanently Cored Wltlioot Iiijory to the System Without Iodide. 1'otassla, or Golcbicom Uj Ubiitg lunardly Uuly DR. FITLER'S GREAT K1IEU1IATIC BE3IEDT, For Rheumatism and Neuralgia in all its forms Tbe only standard, reliable, positive, mraiiibi per manent core ever discovered. It Is warranted to con tain nothing hurtful or lnjnrlong to the system. WARRANTED TO CURE OR MONEY RBFURDBJ) WAliRANTKD TO CURSOR MONKY BJaVUNllJ Thotuandg ot Philadelphia referenoeg of cure. Pn pared at Ko. 29 S0CTU F0CKTU STKEET, lUstnthU BELOW MAEKKT. DRUGS, PAINTS, ETC. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., N.E. Corner of rOUKTU and BACK fits., fHIT.iPKI.PHlA. WHOLESALE DRUCCI&TQ. IM PORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS Oi VI iiitc Lead and Colored Faints, Fcttj YarnJBlics, (c AGENTS lOB THE CELEBBATKA FItEKCU ZLC PALM'S. DJEALER8 AND CON8UMKB8 BUPPLIEJB Al LOWEST rBICEn JTUit (JAMIL 12IJ W Tne following Managers aud Oflluer have been gucua ioi iOtLrfuiCB. Preside.!, Wm. H. Moot I wm, yv. amn, haUiOel Avoa, I tVrdluaud J Jirefrr, Ot,l'g Dalle.t, I t'la! 1 Bushy, j: ..i. ijp.h . t 11 A. Knitftii. f.7Ji..r and Tr asorer, JOKr-U B.'lXiWNSKND. n h. Mtiin era bave paniea a itaoluiloo rqunlng bnlh LOk-bOlaera auu v uiiur w ii wnn, nvew m iiih eUirPUIV llltlnu nf tliA llimnanr Mn 111. Koinuinru hi . ii o . rr-uirin. v . i iu. he. ma n nau a KfH Blreet. or oiauvoi ine aianagera. 1 )U Tl KNHillhtania H U 3 I 1 1 A ! vwavv k v I xt w w rr a w t puiLauaM.Puia, Uuvgmlser !W, IcM. ,ijiH. u.ii.u.iM i.rf. Wiaiar korria. Ho. n SJ Third street. h Morris Wain. o. mti. Deiasiare avenne. Atfttoiiig Ph.lolan-J. M. Da Costa, M. D., N- 'urdiTg'HaTg'ioBs-WlUUm Hunt. M. D.. No. law 'IfSS ( owrgg Morton. M.D..NO. Hit Cheaoui litre tit. . .A TTa,..I w. . .M Ann Mnrirfiniia itiruu ai kiivj iiwiiii- Ul every day iHuudayggxoepiett) to receive ainiUca- loiuied lately gdmlitad U uroug". ""-" l w hereaiier. DR. F. GIUARD. VETERINABY 8UR- GEO N. .treat ' ?'. ' h""f?.'"i, matmag torsi. a bla Inilruutry, to. witn atncleot aeoom- FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFE pROM THE GREAT FIRI IN MAHKKT 8TKHKT. HijtitiAO'.s iiTi;:vT hvj:s AkhIu the Cbanipioii ! r K5LY BAFK THAT PltKHRRVKi IT'S CON TUNia VNUJIAKl'.KO, UtTTFlt FROM T MOllUIH PKHOT CO. Phiiai)Ri.piiia,'I welflh Montn Hth.lud. Me.ara. I.riiu. Kerrln A Co.. No. l Chr-annt Itret'i benla: it la with ar-at iliuniiie that nid onr tetiiiuony to the value of yi ur Patent Chariploq r-Mie. at the Uiniiui-iive ore on miirteisttept, on u e evening ol Ihe 3d lnBi.,ioiir at'ro was the centre ot the cubfUgratiou, and, being III et) wlin a large aiotk ol driga, oh, lorieniine, palnia, vara nh, a coiiol, etc , niaoe a aevere and trying U-dU Your Halo aloud In ail exijorrd Rlina'ioii. aiid I el I wlih tne burning Iloort uiio ibe tnliar among a quantity oi coaiouai.ioi m tfilala. We opened It unit day nnd found our books, ehl'HH, baLk ni'te hills receivable. ahd.t'uUre' eooienia ail nafp. It la especially gratlf Ing lo tin tu.-t ji ur aaie cm uui an rigot as we naa enirumeu our mi st valiinhle hcioka to I', We ahull waul another of yi nr Hale Id a few days, as tbey have onr entire con tidenie. Yours, reepeciinuy, X. MOitRTH PKROT A CO. nrnniNi'n patrnt eiiiMpmw savkm. ti' vlelora iii more loan bi0 aci Ideiitai lirps. Awardi d the Prmo Mt utls at the Worlds Fair. Lond'ju: Worm's JTair, Mew York; aud lubosiilou CusvcrkCile, larla Maourautnrd aud for sale by FAltltEL, llEltRING & CO., Mo. b2 t'lli:iSMT STKKt T, lSDwrmilmrp PHILADELrillA, n . i. . it a i n k n - , . fIRfc AND UUKO LAlt-rKUOF SAFES, LOCKeMlXH, BKLIHANOKR. AND DEALEJl UH lil l l.niNU iiAKJJWAKlE, lft No. 434 BACK Street BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY. JAS. H. DRYSON & SON, o. U North MXTli Street, Stationers and Printers. Blank Hooks, Ledgers, Day Hooks, Cash Hooks, Ltc. Ltc, Made to order at tbe shortest notice, at tbe lowest market rates. LETTER PAPER, per ream 2'50 FoOlbt'AP PAPER, per ream 8 00 NOTE PAPER per icaui... .. 1-25 A fll assortment of Imported and staple STA TIONERY, always on hand; INKS, PENCXLU, PEN- SOLDERS. Etc., In great variety. EM Vi LOPES, buff, letter size ft TO per 1000 wnue, ... loo A great variety of styUs and grades always on band, at the lowest rates. PBINTED BLANKS, CARDS, PAMPIILET3, Etc executed In tbe most approved styles l91m JAMBS D. SMITH ft CO., BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, WHOLKtSALE AND HKTAIL.. Ro. 27 houth SLVEMli Street, 11 it fmwtim PHILADELPHIA, SXATIOfcfltoHa,v REAL ES tAlFAT' AU CTI 0 N. BK.AI, iaTA'f l'lfi.vlA9 BON3' iiiiie. Well-HecureU gfhoti-y4at Sl.V)a year, p.i, J7G0O. Ou Tuesday. I'e0ruui y 21, 18GJ. ut 12 o'rloi k, Doon, will be sold at public salo, at tbe Philadelphia Kxchane, alt that well secured rtoeeujutilegtouDd-reutof ?l jO a year, clear of tax8, payable April and Ootober, seoureU by all that valuable lot oi grouud, wtih the exten di ve 1 in pro v rut ills known as tbe ''Victoria Oil Works," thereou erected. gat a point on the east aide of Penrose avenue or Hute Island road, 214 feet 8 inches south of Pollock glret, containing over 4 acres of Und. . Tbe lmprovenients on tue above are nearly new, so d cost 140 (X'O. . Ji. plan mav be seen At the auction roorrW , M. '11IOMAH & SONS. Anciloneern, ' 213172031 No. i:i and 141 S. FOURTH St. TltUBTEE'S HALE THOMAS A SONS, AUCTIONEERS. LioU. Oregon. On Xues uuy, February 'li, lsflO, at i o'oluck. noon, will be gold at pnbilo Bale, at tbe Philadelphia Ex cbacge, all the title and Interest of L. E. Burry, IruBtce of Michael llerr, In the-.follotving pro- P1i8,rotgoif7"-onBd, 23x100 feet, "'tfa?' City (a cltv In prospective). In WainineUiii1iwrUory. Also, 110 of tne undivided part ofJgd Paclilo Also, 4 lots In Syracuse, Oregon, each 13x100 feel. Auo, 24 lota In Canemah, Oregon, each 23x100 feet. Also, 3 lots In Syraouse, Oregon, each 23x100 feet. Also, 1 lot In Bctevllle, Oregon, li of V3 acres. AIho. 1 lot In JUutevlllo. Orexon.itaxlOO teet. Also, a land claim to 640 acres, near Oregon City, Oregon. Tenon Cash. By order of I. K. Barry. Trustee, M. THOMAS 4 HONS. Auctioneers, 1 30sw7t Nos. 13 and 141 8. FOURTH. Htreet. LEGAL NOTICES. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED J- bl A l Its, sou 111JC EA&lElt HloTRlUT Uk' rtKNSV LVANIA. JOHM 1. LKM of Philadelphia, bankrupt, hav- itiK pvuiiooea lor in. uinciiarge a mteiiog oi cr.dl luis will te te.O on the iweru-jlxtli day ot Februarr. lv at 3 o'cli fk P, Mm beiore ttie Ite.i.ter, WIL LIAM McMlCHAKL Esq., at rWO V A ! DT Stfeet. li) l(iCliy of PliUaoeiph a, that tbe examinatlou oi Ue .ben Urn pi may be Uoihhed, aud auv buslnesHol iiieelli.ys ittiulrtd ly seullous 27 and 201 tbeaotof CoDcisrs iiauaactsd. '1 be Register will certify whether the Bankrupt has to Ids duty. A met II uk will a. so Oe held on WEDNESDAY, tbe tenth dav ol March. IKo'J, Oeiore the Court at 1'hlU deli bla at 10 o'clock A. N ., whon partus Interested may tltow cause at a nat ibe dlHcbarcn, , - Wlmeas ibe Uouorablo John Oidwalader, j seal I Judge ot the said Uimilct Court, .nd seal Ibeieof, at Pliiladeipula, tbe rlrat day of 1'tbruaiy, A. J. Ib-g . K. FOX ClefK. AlltSt WILLI Ail AlClIUHAKU Meg Inter. itat TN THE COtRT OE COHMON I'LEitS FOR L HIK CUY AiJJ COUJVAX' OF 1Hii.A KSLP11IA, Truat Eaiaie of LETITIA O BACKUS, formerly LE . TITIAC. lOorHK. Tbe Auditor gpialtued by the C'Mirtlo audit, set tle, ar-0 adjuntilie acuuill ol M.A K ISOS BAI I I'll aiid J Mk BAYARD, Trustee and r luaen-ureol UieiUliul Wuy. 184(1. betweeu LKfi 1 1 A O cOOc-Klt ilu l uneaio aili u of be- marriage witn Ihe Kev. JUUNu liA'KUBI aud S.AMUK1. F.ISU1T1I aud WILLI A at W HMITI1. in tbeaooouut ama been ouly subailiutud, and to report dla ml ullon ol tbe balaoce in iiie nanda or tne Account ant, will meet tbo far i In loierra e l. Ir the puritn. ol hla ai'io iilioeuf.. ou TU K-411A Y, KHOruary 2H A l. llo'cltx'g A M .athiaoitlue. N0.4UD WALNUT Hir.ei. in ih.Cliy f'f I'bl artelphla. gTmw o" WILLIAM 1. RAKKB, Andltor. tm THE DISTRICT COURT OF TUB UNITS!) J KI ATI-H Full TUK AAHlH-ltN Ulrtlitlt'l Of PW-,VLVAYNA.BAN,KRupTcy At Philadelphia Decrnior 2.1 A. U IMS, '1 aa onuiN:gn-4 hereby give, nut Ice ol bis appoint, nieui Aaaiguee of HA.bhRH'K KINO, of fhllv tleluMa ai.d s ate of Peuusyivauu, wliblu said dia triot who bat ijn atudg.d a baukruot ou ula owu oeiltluu by the Dialrlet C-iurt ol sal-l Dlsirlvt V ' JOHN KOUfcUTtl. AtaigDge, No. U Hnmh HlXl'li ctieet, To tbeC'reditors of said Haultrupt i lu wi u R0DOEB8' AND WOSTENHOLM'9 POCKE1 MM Vtil, Pearl aud Blag Handle, of beaulirul flnl.b. ROLiokRM' aud WALK A BUTCHER a KA. X.OHB, and tha aelebrated LKOOUL'lliil JLAZOA BClSiHORH of lb lineal quality. Kaaors, Kulvea, BclMor.. aud Table Cutlery Oman! gnd Pii.Uhed, a P. M A DalllaA'H. Ma Ug XJtWl'll tot.lMlw MtganaA, AMUSEMENTS. w r.NUT HT. THKATH K BEOTNHAT 71. ... . . I ill..... . b ITITdTkill IT- ininirun'i.;i ...t. wu, . Ulnfli Klulil oi trie wi.r'd-reiiowiied CHrnoa ans. Mr. aid Mrs. Ha UN KV Will IAM1, n 1. K i 1. L' I II . MJk lit1 lfc:w lliuui unn ..A' J ..... V .... ..v a V ... a. . UQ. The pathetta Irliri Ilra-ua emit el IHKI.ANU Am I I WAS. Hr-ifgrrl Paf.wltn Hni)S...ivr. B A KN B V WILT.I A Mr. Jml O'l.r t Mia-BAItxhir WILLIAMS Aller which Hie li aii Hul couieny or THrt HOU Ml UIAMMND. Mnre'rr Mr.. Bj -NKY WILLIAMS To conclude wnli li e -ourlur roru-dielta of Tlllli Hal I'VMiN rrrldvMHrpliy Mr. BAHvfY WT.Lt AM Pi(lay-H nr lit ol Mrw B A K M Ml Y W t L.M A viH. TIIS. JOHN DKEW'yAIlCJd ISTKBhT IUE. il AIl'K llegliis at J''. LAST MOMT BU I O.N K, OP 'TAME I 'A 7 6." XHIH (Weduesdav) KVK.N1NO. I'eb 17. TAllKUAlH, Mrs. JIAIRY IiAMlLKV f-H. JOHN DREW lot cluUUig wi h Cr aid's 1 erversljii tf Bakrr iaia i. I'lli'iiy. by purl Icilar fienir . A LJ--H N IN LOVE. 7n rehearsal, A VI'TIf OK I m 'UifsjrANCBi. ami Ml I'll ADO AROUr NoriilNlt, MI'S 81'SAX (.ALTON'S CI1ESNUI STflEET 1J1KATRK '1 HTH F VKNINO. t 1I1NO-1 JIOvv.jHf. TMUtvhliAi KVUMNG, Iwo rf OITr-filim h's ('null! 0er-. LA ROsKl libT. KLXIJK n-id LIKSt'UKS AND Fit l'l I'll K.V, FRIDAY F.VKMNd, ti 19. BRNFFlTOF Ml-M s-Crt ,N U ALTON. LA HONNA M Ul I A. fMiirday F.veniDg. Ilr renormancg of the Cn-nlfl Ol-era eutMed FAM11K1TK. 1 15 tf TTOA'S AMERicAN VAKIKTY THEATRE. A' U..OS M 1-.NT OF TrdK JAl'd for a limited Lumber oi nlcht-, Tbe grtal J Aid ard ill- - rllLat ALI -RIflH KVF RY I'.VKNIKO aivl BA fURDtYA FTERNOOWJ CI U N C K It T II A L I.-L KOTUUE. J JMKV. ALFXAM'H.K K. MK LURK. Fill OA Y KVKNIJiO, Feb. I't. IIWH. Ptibjfct --LIFK IN THU J Oi K Y MOUNT4.TN9, IK'keis, tuceuia. Ren rvert Seats at Trumplr'g Mini c More, No 026 riienuut filSM Doom rpen at 7 o'clock. Lecture at 8 o'clock. VALER'8 (LATE MILLER'S) WINTER OARLKN, Nos. 720, m. 724, and ns VLtXIC 8'reet, THE GRAND OPCHKSTRTOIV. rormerly the pro pe1 ty ol tbe URAND LLKK of BADaN, purchased at great expeuse by J At lH VALKrt, of ih la city, In roumlDBllou with FLAMKR'H OKOI1ESJTRA. and . Mass NFLlIF, ANDJtHse N. will perform AVERY AFTr.BNOON and JtVF-MNQ at Uie above-men. tloned place. Admission Iree. 1 Wll H0RT1CULTURA L HAL L.-OERMANIA OhCBFbTKA P DBLIU RHHKAR8ALSJ F.VKRY WKDNKbDAY. at 8X P. M. Tickets sold at the door, and all principal Mualo Stores. Pack ages of live lor 1; single. 2b cent. F ngfiKfrnenbi can be mane by addremlng O. BAB. TJAia.No. rm MONTKKay Street; Wlttlg's Mualo . Rtore. No. lcci CiiesDut street; Andre's Muslo Btora, No. 1104 t'hewnut street. 1 II 8m : CAB I, 6ENTZ' AND MARK HA8SLER13 ORi CBEfsTBA MATINF.KS. U-VFOIY SATURDAY . at :iH P.M.. IN MUStlCAL FUND HALL. Single Ad. mlsalon. 66 certs package of 4 tickets, SI, at Boner'fJ No. 1102 ( CHFXNUT Ht.. and at i ho poor. 1U tl . PATENTS. OFFICE FOR FEOCURlN'G PATENTS, F0KKEST liUlLDlKGS, No. 11 South FOURTH SL, Philadelphia, AND MABBLK BU1LUIJNOH, No, 46 o BF.VENTH B.reet, opposite TJ. B. Patent oiuce, wasnii ginu. u. u. 11. HOWsON. Ho loitor of Patents. C. UuWbU.v, Attorney at La. CommnnlcatlODS 0 be addrcoatd to the PrlDCtp Onicw. Philadelphia. 1 l lm UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. Wahiiinstov, D. O.. Jan. it, m9. : On the petition ot LYIJl A W. LI ICUFtKLD. ad mlnlhtratrtx ot Ibe .state of 1 aroy Lltohlleld, of Hi. uib Bridge. Mansat huaeits, pray ng lor the exten sion ol a pnient granted blm on tue I't oay of May, loot, for au Improvement In etiuulea lor Looms: It Is ordered ihat said petition be heard at this cilice on the 12.h day or April next. Any person may ot pose this extension. Obctlon, depositions, and otner papers should be tiled lu tals olnce . twenty days before the day ot bearing. HXlallA FOOTS, ,' 210 2w Commiasloner ot Pateata. " UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. Washington, Ii C . Jan. 24, 1809. on the petition or ruLuKUN K R iLLK-, of Bo cbsnier, MastachUiiwtt, prayiuir lur the exteiisloii of a patent granted him on tne lnu day of April. 1H66, fur an luitirovemtut lu Muchlue lur Balslog aud Tran'ponluR Hioues: It la ordered tliat said pell. ion b beard at this otllceiD the 7tb day ol April next. AnTpjra.nmay oppose Ibis exienmon, OiJdcnous. depoaitlonj, aud oiber uperH stu.uld )a Ule l lu lliu oulce ttveuty day. telore the day ot ""ELTaHA VWE 310 21V Commi-sioner of Paieuta. TTNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, XJ w inn imiTon, D. t, Jap, 2J, On the pe'lllnn of l.tMr-Ol KL't-SKuL. or atas slllou. riarg couuiy, tliiM, t raying fur tlia exteLSi'in ' oi a prtltiit giauteu him on me lt day of M ay, 1st 5, relai ued w uy 16. irk2, lur an Improvement In double- gesred Xt.ise Fown.-: It U ordered tnat the sa'd petition be beard at this cilice ou llie liu ov of April text.- Any iicrauu may oppose this Batentdou. Oujectious depositions, and oibrr I apiri suuuld '. flieu la tula oUloe tw.uiy da. btfore the day of --.jrIjI8II - FOOT 2102W Cimml-iaiouerof Patonts. ' U N1TED STATES PATENT OFFICE. tin thanetltlon or M.. HAtvltY 6U11H. of Beruen. . New Jeney, preying for tue exteaslon of pa ent grunied him ou tue lUli day or April, IttjS, fog au lot- It la ordfrtd that said r.e luon be beard at thle r cilice ou the 2iilb ra of March nut. Any persoa n ay rpnoBe this exieni.lon otiledllou. de. ottionsk- nil oiler P"l ers iil.culu be Uied iu this oiuce twenty oaj. oeioie su. , rooTa I10 2W Commksloueiol Palenta. TT SITED STATES PATENT OFFICE- wm tt .iiiti"."-'. v.. i a,, jir, ibq on the pe'ltlou or Wii.'1'Kl a. FoHbCbH. of Eutrio.N. Y., ar)mlulsirtor of ib tsiale of B. B. Soibu.h. Deceased, praying for lfa exlerhaiOB of a patent grsnied the sail u. It. Foibush, on the I 'Hi day ol April, 1U55. r-labueo ihe iu day of April, ; ihf, aud again relBBiied lu lio diTlalooa nuisiiered resrroiively Hl7. ltnin. l!H mil an i ii7l, the td day oiMay.lfj'S, ioran luiprovciueulloOraiu aadtyrag Barvf Biers: It Is order'd that said petition be heard at this olboe on ibe K'JIIl dav of Mrcli next, Auy person n ay rni ose this extenslou. Ouieo'lons, depositions, and ruber parersnliouiil b Mud In this olllue twenty days before the day ul healing. 1 in in Cniuniia-iloner of fatuuli. FOR RENT.i B PJ T. rSEMISES, Fo. 808 CHESJCUT SW 1 VOH STORS OB OFHCB. ALBO, OtFlCFS AND LARUE BOONS golUbl Comm.uollCQllKAg&l.ii RKptJBIJOl GROCERIES, ETC. FRUIT IN CANS.1 VEAOIES. PINEAPPL'B. ETC., ' GRIlKN CoKS. TOMATOES. FBEKCH PEAS, MUSU1(X)M. f , ASP A BAG CS. ETC. a iLBKUT C. ROUCRTg, . . Dealer lu Fine Grocer lea, ' il 7rp for. KLKVKNTM aud VIMH Streelav QALVAMZED CABLE FENCING. Tlic ChcapfBl and aiost Entlnrinff FeDce for Farmer, Jtallrtuy Companion, or tountiy Seals. Ha 10 pit g seen at the office of I'll I LI l 8. JUSTICE, li Kvrtb t'IFl II Nlreet, Urn PHILADELPHIA. PUIL080PUI OF M A It R I A O B. A otw Course ot Imciuiss. as delivered at the New 1 oik Mu.tiim ol Ai atomy, embraclii( (he subject:-II. lo Llva ai.d Wb to Live fun Youib, Maiurliy. and Old Age M an hoot Generally K viewed; IbeCauaeol Ii dige.lloo; Fiaiuieoce and Neryuua Diseases Acceuuled For; Marriage Pnllo sor h leal ly Couslderee, eio. eio Pocket volumes eon Ululng these Lrolures will be forwarded, prist paid. Sn receiptor tA oeuis, by addrewnna W. A. Lltlk l-LjlideluhSi1 M4 WAiiicxJ