The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, February 16, 1869, FIFTH EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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from Our Own OorretvondenL
Hbw York, Peb. K, 1889.
The 160,000 Bailors who annnally make the
Vm of Water street, West street, and South
street their temporary homes, have very little
HWle attention bestowed upon them. Very
Millets read or them In the newspapers; still
ken la seeo of them la the street. The people
Vboae Merest might do tbt tu some trood are
et precisely of the clans to make discoveries in
West ud South uod Water streets. From ten to
three they are as busy u their bankers' and
fcrokers' oftlces as beaver, aud all day Sunday
hcy are equally as btnj In dostine In their pews
and dining In their palace. Wall street Is in
as much sjmpatbty with Water street as whisky
fc with water. Croton with Cnpnae, or a man
with his wife In the second month ot the honey.
oon. Jack Tur U V oked upon as n demoralize 1
variety of that pitch which we are fcrlpturally
Mfored no one can touch without becoming
skolcd. lit nee the phtiriecce of fortune keop
away from him, and this publican ot the seas Is
left to shift for himself. lo be sure, a number
f Home aDd Bcll.cls. floating or a-hor-, are
Ub.isbed alon North and East river?, but
Uey do not seem to do much good. They have
gathered but a spurs'! attendance Their inmates
and worshippers altogether probably do not
averaee more tbim one thousaud. Of course,
fee Institution kuoivn as "Ihe Sailors' Snuir
UUrbor" must be excepted from this calcula
tion, the recent alleged application of that
histltntlou for exemption from a tax of $10,000,
together with the ui!ijr'1ate striken', this port,
has done something toward brioc'tni; the sea
faring brotherhood into transient notice.
The ".Sailoro' Sutic? llatbor," situated on th!
western coat of Staten lhad, and established
at the brginuinK ot the present century by
Oaptalu liicbard Raudall, is one ot the two
extremes of the sailor's chore life at this port.
Iks ether sxtreme is found iuthoo numberless
sow trogsciicc, dance-housrs, and lodging,
houses with which such s'.rcets as Water, Weit,
aad South ure lined, and which might
bo likened to the ruaelstrooros, the waterspouts,
the typhoons thai beset his paths at sea.
The property With which, at the time of his
Aeatb, Captain Randall endo ed the institution
that he desired to have erected, is included be
tween Ninth and Twelfth ptreets and Broadtfay
and University place. Resides this valuable
tract, which yields ol course a largo annual
ground rent, the institution o vus more than 150
acre ol land on Staten IhlanJ. One-third of
these acres is leaded, and corrcs-p'mdiiigly adds
te the already large lucom, the aggregate of
which, however, is eahl to be not $90,000. This
seems hard to be believe.). It is not true, as
reported, that the trustees of Suup Harbor ap
plied for exemption from luxation ot any of
their property except what was actually in uc
I sr charitable pjrpo-e. This annutl taxation
mnonn's to JTOOH, and the object ot the trustee
In bepp-ing to be relieved trotn it was to provide
additional accommodu;use for a greater nuu
br of old, decrepit, and worn out eallori than
the 400 at present housed, ltd, and otherwise
provided tor. The Harbor has never received
nj other aid than that given it by its founder,
Cup'ain Randall.
The various 'snug hubor" (ts thny hive
been salircaliy called) of the three stree's ic ire
then otcc iercrred to, viz., West, Sou'.h, aud
Water, hate b' ea tctnvriij m ire than
ordinarily of late. Pufcl oil bas been discharg
ing filler lus llsles among. tbc t-to-uacbs of die
contented mates oui louetioremea, aod the
Aigus rjed and BriarouH-bandol JarrJibaiks
bav befu more than usually wicked and
relentleso. The (iermai dance-house for sailors
wetenevtr more profu-e iu their glare of brass
and glow of rsarole, and their mirrored reflec
tions of glittering decanteis behind the
bar. It must not te lmapinoU that
these (Jerman sailors.' dance nouses oi N'ow
Xprk are repulsive or filthv. Tl.e
bars at Hitb Avenue aud St. N.cholaiare cot
wre attract ne llian tbo:e of some of them.
The marble is white and polished, the mirror
e neither specked witti lit bin"? nor hung
with eobeb, a'id the bnu'.cs ure as shin'ug as
a row of pics. The women are attired lu as
flashy reminiscences of the fashion as any that
uphold Harry Uill's notorious daoce-ho ise, and
the music is cot worse tu-tn that produced by
a s'reet harpists, the fericholtS and Piqull-
resorts are among the sailor's l-inte suuut
haibors. He lancies Llnja't ia paradise when
tu into Unit "port 'lt is ouiv When hla
Bcy ia KOue lbat te Bin9 fr0m tbat
1H to the level where the Hnd.-h irks,
jnl and female, are waiting for him.
Perhaps the ma'o sharks of Gathim
are the worse, for the moat common evils
wrong11 klm J tne feBia'e9 are hoso of drink
and dance, while the males drug tue liquor to
wa ch beireats them, rifle his icket, cozeanna
Into the slpr.inj of sutfping arncles wbi'e he is
in a sta'O ot druukeu bewdt)r-iieut, and etiip
bim off beyond 8ind lhMt before be recovers
ais tenses, ailher Irom choice or nee ssi'y
cnpialns plav Into the bands ot torso d"viis. au l
too olten eiipape ihctr cies irom them. Some
tew, indted, ih"m. but ine resisUuce is so
fee' le an I sp-vmdic a to aajmiuiio wiile inrrt
Uio nothiusr kt ull. Owing t3 the vlem of
ulvani.-eJ waees. fa lor so to tea in deb-..
When they return thy are iustuutlf
ecnironted itu the lanlharkb, hos nane is
legion at this pott, and woo pr.'s-in theia wi ll
loitf cf re? fir liio hlch iliev swear we.iv
run op at sucb-and-MiBi laveins aud never
aeitled. Tue sudor sub nits io a lainlhur
tjrsnt'y emoiced witn the hideous pres'Uie m'
cuH'ooi and uaUt on. His auvaiu e . r"
paid into tun laua hirk'shants aul ho Is k'fi
reilllltB, unie- a writu r a Iv.m e. sure n tlie
end lo involve him jet more dteply. Is wad -.
Jkot ninny jears a-o a lew bem-vo'em
aiere' ants at Uns ooiut tor k roinseltoire Irer
bow tbev should wr.h-tand tho taudsha; k. Thy
made uo their mmds that Uiey would alio
tketr vcs-el;" to lie hi I e rat her t a an cmrago ce v
i Irani Mm. So completely whs J-ck Tir uuder
aks ihumb, however, that no, a sailor as io b i
ab aineii. ThiSBtateot thiun.s U-te I lor more
(ban lortnikht, slitps reiv lorail lung iole.
XI me cud ot that 'lie ihe love of inon y
prevailed over love ot the manner, aud a
ompromis ws (If et- d. m hieU the laod
tbar dll not oo-Leoff feoond best.
Ji.ll nee aud th" love oi cru aresopposed to
"be wmt ihe cbaiac erisfes of toe sa lor, but
-taey are character Ht cs in whtoti wnai I have
aco oi him in Sew Vork, as he reel ot a 8 m
4v aftrro-n in aud out t his favori'.e lesor.s
tl BE Water ftreef, enables me to disbelieve.
Tk-i'ftst Jolly par. ct hi" I'fo Is when hag ts
i mo.! prof, and be c rtainly never srets more
ar woel than be does her. I is euo ih to
kike suc h wtrp and hatan smd.-, to sew ho w
wrj poorly th various Bethels are attended.
t"fce nmjorliy of an audiuce. at anv oue of
lues, ia o inposei of the friends of stilors
atbrr Uo milors tuem-elve. The Enihsb.
at 4 Hi'Atoa ratio' are perhaps most numerously
pieenifd to tne-e boure of wo-stup. aud the
Hpi'oopal Jj)tai u the aeuomluation they most
And bow, before closing, let me eajafe
wonts on a subject that has not oocuoiot my
pen lor some months the fashion. On'T la
evening a lady whom 1 know, and who ore?r
in as rood taste as any In New Yorv, wrunii ner
bands before me In rretty deprecation or ni.r
own a)illiy. "Give me nnlimlied mean", sue
said, and I will drew as admirably as Bu""
hrrsel'. Tho dltlicnlty Is to dtee weil wtiuoJi
tl e mtans." Krom h- r 1 learn that next month
p aid wraps in l ght tarian will be wj'p.
Hrown mixed and silver erey Irish P?Pj";
will b much worn for borne ; drcs-es. ho w ill
blue cashmeres and drab silks. The slve for
break last dicsees is a short loose j,rket over a
pored fcklrt. A pntt.ra parttcularly neat and
irettv irtoue of bron aod woite p quelte.
Tbete mild days that we nave been en joy Ine
seem to have broiiKht me summer near, and
manvaludv is ntreadv thinking aoout begin
ning to niiike up her ardr be for tae waier ng
olMceo. raiienee; we ntve a dreary niontb to
trav I ihrouph ce Apr I is reached. The erit re
meteoroloeieiil jear nvtrht bs riai'ed April in
tbls mnnv-rtif poRitione.l climate, wh'Cb nevor
icems to snow its on ir ind trom dav to dav.
Am Bab a.
Heat lilt VVile-I.itrceny of n Pair or
Nh Ntcitliiiic K. liwrccny Cane
II-IU fur u klinriii-lt-lviiix Ntolc-n
Jessie Barker, residing at No. 300 N. Nlntli
a reel, bus Due ii liuld lu iU0 bail by Aldtirniau
Mum v io aiiawcr tut ciiaruo ol cruelly beAliujj
bis wife.
Hauiinli Wrtrdley n colored woman, went
Into a kuum Htoru at h veuiu and rioutu trejiH
ytslfiday. aim while tiruleuaiui? to uiuhh a
lurclie stereted of stioes utiner linr
sbuwl. Assutiwas loavlng the premises ahe
whh arretted and ttio property rucovered.
ilHimah whs ti Id for a iurltier hearlnit by
Aldti mun Kerr.
luibtri i aher, colored, stole a qaantltyof
rcpe from Ciliowhlll htrtet wunr' yi-merdny,
and wasarrtsted wrjile iu I h act of hhIIIuij the
Hi Hi e at Wattr auu Culluwhtll elieels. l'uo
priannt-r had a hearing botore Aldrniaa
i'olHDit and wps liciU to bull to anawer.
William Hoiitn strilt) a piece of satinet from
Mrt.Mf D'ZfriV xioic at. Thirty nlxih and Market
sii Is. yi slerday uferiiiiuu. Hoiv n Brrsted
by a citizen ami handed over to Odleer Kelly.
Aidermnu Maul cotnmtt'e I tlio neouNea.
U. MeA'e aud Ucoreo Dunuer were
arreted IhkI night lor the lurceny ol rlsh from
u vetsel at Itane streol whurl. Tlie acauMHd wns
beld lor n hearing at the Central Stattoa tbls
toward Parr will bIho have a hearing at the
Cenirhl station this a ternoon, chanted, witn
receiving stolen eon m
The New Hotel at Cape Island. The new
hottl huown us tue 'jjtoolit.iu House," lu
honor of the Inte Commodore Robert a. nioclt
Iod. w 111 be one of ibe moNtattractlveaod com
modloua In Ibe euuuiry. It is situated un
(iuemey and Rirnnd riioh'8, having au eulrauce
liont on Onvrmy siret f, lncludlni? porches of
tn hundred and nlf ely leet. lis deotb oil
tiutrney street to fiort of porca on Uawurd
sluet, tbrfe bondretl and ulnely-tour feel;
ocean wing, two I m ilred and forty feet. Tue
bandings are fifty feet wide, four glories iu
height. In the clour ihe storU-a are eleven, tea,
anu tine feet, Tne porticoes are fourteen hun
dred teet long, twenty feet wide, fifty fet. hlgii.
The oltice aud in im Kiairoose Uull Hie fif:y oy
oLe Lundrid feet; dlotDK-room, fifty by two
buiidri d and twenty f'ei; ludiea' receotton and
waiting room, elKhieen by tlity feet; prluoipat
parlor, fifty u forty-eight feet; puiall parl ir,
tnnly lhreby flily leet; Konlleineu'ssmoktng
roi'Ui. eluliieeii hy thli ty-blx, feel; restaurant,
forty by fifty ftet; por'uis' and bHgg-'Re r 10m,
ettil'te.'ii by twenty-rlbt feet; barbershop,
elgntecn by tweuty-eltiht, feel; corridors, teu
feet wide; main stalrcese double, eanh (llht,
e tibi leei; together with suitable otlices cjat
r im p, wtibh-ruonis, etc.
Tl e aie uiiee other Hlalrcasps arranged at
sui able polDls, att.r(lln the most perfoct cou
Vei:lenoe for inaress and egress. A beautliul
c '.o n de Bepuratea the mam ollioe iroia the
pi'iueuMl HiiiiieHise. iVil the win ia vs of the
ilit.l Moiy go down io tne ll or. and ure throwa
up Iii.oIioxfh, IbiiH giving Iree aer.tss to the
pon In h Mom eviiy purt. of the building. Tne
eiitlie oeeuu I lie is doUned lorlodKtn ronnu
en't private parlor, whllo tho threo np;er
stcrba are arranged for lodging rooms, the
u t rne Mze ot which are leu by seveateea fuet
lu ihe clear.
A totrin the ceutioof the entrance trout
rlat h oiit hundred and twenty fet high from
tt c hufce. omitiueuled witn haioonles aud scroll
wo k. The style ol aioulteoi ure is Italian, and
when (ompltted v'H aoootumo Juto flfteon
Lun.'ied aiiRhitf.
This enterprise Is the work of a etook com
pa: y. and tho in in Ms dry funds ao raised In
Kliaren. Thirty-two of I hese shnres wire Issued
ai th e thousand dollsra eaoh. the holders Oelu
vuuiled lo a rooiri In itie hotel free wlltl tlie
pilvliege id lehhlng teem at Ihelr option. Tho
iBlliOhd coinpauy kImi gives a free tbtket to
e en Muoe.1 onier, wnltMi lr, gotd for itils yetr,
and in I rant-lei awe in o.) heUlsptisea of hla
mora. Tue balance ot Ibe fund required to
cnriiplele it la to he obtained ou lon. The
piliii ipHl i etillemeu cotiueoied with this great
uudei iaa ing aie MerHia. Uuillit A Fairthurue,
oi I hlladeli h1, ) rorietoiH of the (Juluiiibln
Iloni-e: Allien W. Markley, K q uud Oener il
wlllimn hewell, ol :eulen. ' The "Htooktm
lloube" Is to be conducted hy Mr (hhliiDr,
h i nieily of WlUard's Hotel, Washington. Tlie
whole ekli bliKhmeut, ll la estlinute l, will oost
ahoiit lioee huuttred thousand d liars, aid the
work on it rapidly aiiproohlu o ttupielioii.
it la lo ne uumimu uy ine ioiu oi j ane,
not have been selected by Hie West Arob. reel
Churih people lor their first euierlaluuueut
last evthiiiB ihan "Hutmhloe" Kvery oue lu
that ust budlt-nce, numbering nearly one
IhiiUSHLd leisoUM, extilblied ssji isfaelloa and
liapinntss el what they saw and beard. Tne
ai ifcUgemeutg tlowt d now admirably the eo'n
hriiue bad worked together for the gotdof the
MurileLce. Tne eloquent speaaer, Hv. Dr.
Wllliif, wbs in exct-Ueul voice, and thrt soene
teit re hliu had Ihe etiV-ut to thrill hlin with J iy
and huppinesH. The iniialcal leature was a da
eided Kueotse. and Mr. Koine, the dtrentor. had
ureat reason to he proud of his efTtrm. Tue
alto solo hy Mle Kllle Poole, the teuor solo by
Mr. A. W. Brltetie, KUd ine quartettes by Mrs.
Hbhl ti g, Mrs HliupHim, Mr. Briscoe, aud Mr.
W. H. Boner, were lendeied in a style which
pi ou need eiupliuile applause, aod marked eaou
as amateurs of Vf ly tn elded ability. Tne Ion
lure on "Hor shine, or tue lhllos)pby of a
H-pi y I.l'e," crea fd a seustttioo, ua must be
piodi cti ve of unit lleUl results. Tne mauuer
ol njbkii'g life a happy oue, Instead ot eln
out a rulfceiable exllcnoe, aa la too often inn
i-HKe, ai'd palng ainme with pleasure aud oun
lei'imeDt lriMn.u ol chronic complainings,
(IouijIh, and f aii'-tlmlli u wlthyour nelnb trx,
wh piehentnl with a force aud p'j-er rarely
et joMO. Throuahoiit, the lectnro wig inns
truleu hy iiicmeulHi i i fe ami auro.ioteN, whici
I mi icitieil the wmUi ful chariiceilatlos of Ur.
Willi's in blinking hr.nue to hla andltora tue
prscllcal uu'liaanu te ehlnga of the IJiote. The
krtui point lu iu; lecuie wh mat to he aipuv
we inU't make oUit iS hapoy, and If all the
enlerlMli iuHi'8 to be given In the West. Aroti
K'tet Clniieii ure as ueeei.sful wis the
' KntiKtiiue" of laNt evening, it will go fir lo
make that pioile ok even more lul'.ofiilly
and itelt rniluedly hi. ;they bxvetiuea doing lo
litiiiitjaie Ihe Ui Ul on 'hat tuitgnlfbtoot leiuiilo
deuii ated lo Ihe iivlnj (Ind, and m ike them
h.ippy io tho railZ'ti inn of tim faot. that they
rae petfiilioeil llietr duly. K-w. T. D.i Witt
T")iu'Ue deilveiH Itie ! t leenne.on Thurn
flay, Feb. Vt.on wblttii tuMHi-l'in anotner musl
cui liHl n av tie am ieipaled. Krom Ihe tinoa
irn atlnhs pei form i n ea ol laat eveDinir, we
inilikli.e tliitt Ibe pi jinlioeH nf rawy eople
aKHlntit kuoIi t hte r'air iunm will he overcome,
anil inat lietenfier i Iw y will become mo e fre
quent iu our chtirchek atuhonld he theoase.
TitsBtirv of a Mis iN(i Mam Fouxd. Jere
miah lun'iy, ti e o il gentleiosn woo diaap
t.eaitd erv t-ntl lenly oi tbn Tin of last
.mher. waa found in the 1) -la warn river at
VaKlilniton street wharf this inorali e. The
I'oroner will liol I no iniiii'4nt at hU otnon to
,,mrow moriilt ir. at 11 o'eloek. antl any pemon
I aving any hnow.l'il:i of hla whereabout thp.t
nit lit are rtgoento i t wwwhk
II of i-b Eouheuv. Between one an-i three
o'e't ek Ttstudav af'' noon Ihe d welliognf Mr,
J K J'ejktiiB, No. I Hi Kllsworth s.reet was
eiiteied by Ibe liont door and robbud of three
Firpiko of A Hosian PunoHit. This morning
nii ii'iirh found a human tinker at Heveetu
........ vtuahiinrioii avenue. Jlbadanlalu
.ni,i rinii nuou lt wltM the initial M. C. tt. to
Pali er Btocks akd Xbal Butatr. At
ooou to-day the following atocka an l real
eHtaie were sold by Maiisrs. M. Xiiomaa ik Hons.
t the Werobauts' Rxonannei-a 1
.fcMSf yyjtn Vkwlei auu t aiiadalphia Bali.
ree. iltl. ....... Mum i
.'tir Uul.iu Mutual li,arnoUo
i'RhrCiinnlilloa National Bau .
t0ht re.Hventh National Bo...M ,
UiHiarwt.rard Nail'tnal iUna
jBhhr- Unlun Pasen-r Ha lwav Oo. .......
Iji.fhKiwH ue. man owd !. Railway Co......
xi.har. Buek Munn aloO al Co .'.TT.UZ
IIIKO 8lulvuvile lid Indiana Vl t u,.n.
1 12
til 71
. XPr "S'"vr:nrt. Mat and Noveuihei. 73 per e,
1 hr MeriantllH L,ihrr? Cj . ' ai
I Khars PblladHlphla LlOrarji u . .
nareti4irard Life I unurnD'. and I'ruatOo.
o "1 WVIe hcuuylkill Kayiga lou aud
RmiMM Ciih
limtihareg Delaware Mn.nai l'"'," rxi".".'.!l"!.r.
7i do t e wre tnti Kniau ami L'aoideu aud
n no .er c(HU.,HnnOll, la'S go': p o,
lime ltal"K RanriiRtl K ner.if in, Hjndt. luis
f VOtiv IS IS, l O'.t ISIS lion 18141 ,.
ntu Hlixrui Pniladripina N.n.uiai Uuk
3 hre National Hank nrNorih A'uurtua .
fli.har. Wcciern NaUnnsI nank
im ' t Vmiiinn Ul iNatinnal H't '
tO tih. Plilla, tiru aui'n unil Norrl t'n It. H...
VatiB'tB Clio.ft(' akrt aud Oil. vjnnfti Ou
WS) "tarts MliuoljnCi
.Vi 'liHr.ii W orrtcu Kami Oil In
uii'nha' H m and vtri. nm t : t '.'
. o f r Valuable: al r
w. r' ri.r Lurne auil Va'ti ihln L t .
r.0M,.S, .'.',OAl' Afg" tHIcUatBIA
..y".""1- w C 'rner-ValuaUM Sum.
MAlN.tlHKSNUT MIlo-Mton Keslilencs,
i iiu'li Hi ue anil Lirg Lot. ,
bhCOMJ b iiith;, o iia-sinre anil DwVli-
I mii
OAnkILl.. ll. 8 1 auu Sua FjuVtofy
lltica liwelliriK.
Cl it
7 rii
ft ino
I'fwnhylvama Traintro School pib Frkulb
MlMivii Ch iLDaKN Hlf teen yeitrs ao an
bnj lum for ihe reception and trainlua of nnb-)-clle
ir Mloti.i cblldten ws establlsnsd at
Mttlla. lelan'e coumy, in this HUte. Tue
nectnlty lor suoh an instdution was apparent
In in the faot that miny ohlldrea of woiK
inludH, who by Judicious Iralnlni? In youth
might ho brought lo agi with sound lir.iius
were lef; lo grow Into con firmed ldlois.
buitl g the t-lxietn years' onerAtiou of tutu
training tchool." fle hundred and one ehil
flien have beenhtaled; nonilynne half were
ori liana, some were mutes, others defective in
sight, ariteulation, or nam ing. For tho gov--iaroof
thee eeriain rules were established,
which nae rtsulted thus f ir very sucrjessiully.
Th ohl iUen conNlliute a family whtob. is
sirtclly overlooked by the ma'.roH ami the su
peiintenr'ent. Au appeal has laioly been made
to it e Igtslatare for aid in rendering the In
stitution Heif-paying.
The following, quoted from the annual report,
fuinishts a recuru of the operations of the past
Number of Inmates December Hi. 1H7. 175?
fidnil ted during 18B8 61: rennved during 1HIH,
3(1; on roll December 31, iliti8, 180. Of 3o retnnved
thereare: Drceaacd.S; discharged Improved, 21;
died. argt A uut improved, 5; removed, and in
rernui era lve employment, 4.
The 180 Inmates are from Hta'es as follow:
MannHchu.ietiB, 1; Connecticut. 1; New York:
1; New Jersey, 21; I'ennsy I vanta, lili; Dela
ware, fi; Maryland, 6; Virginia, 2; Alabama,
2; Missouri, 1; Ohio, 1; Indiana, 2; Illinois, 1;
Cuba. 1.
Nninberon R'afe Fund of Pennsylvania,);
New Jersey, 19; Delaware. 3; (Jlty Fund, Phila
delphia, 12; (Soldiers' Orphan Fuud, l'hlladol
ptiia, 6.
FuEsnET. The recent heavy rains have
rnuhed a freshet In the Bchnylklil. This mom
ing the! e were four feet five 1 nohes of water, jvar
ibe dam. and some of the wharves aloo the
bunks were ovettlowu. No damage as yet has
bitn done, but the water la cnniinually rising.
False Retprns. George Kreasler, obarged
with niaku g Irauduleut returns as a manuf A3
tnier, wa-thla morning before United HfAles
C'ommtNHloner Henry I'ullUps, Jr., and was
disibHrwed, there being no evidence sutMoleut
to bold bim.
Bmcooliso. This lnoming, before United
Plates Commissioner Henry Phillips, Jr.. the
tbrie sailors arrested day before yesterday on
the charge of smoBgllng woie discharged.
Babt Found. This morning the body of a
dent Infant was found io the cesspool of a
building iu the rear of No. 802 Willow sireot.
FoutiD Open. This morning early five stores
and d w llltigs In the Ninth police district were
found rpen.
P B IN 0 I F
D l? POT
B T A M t S,
No. 301 CHESNUr STKt.fcT'.
(Two doon? below Cbesnnt streeOs
No. 432 WALNUI eiRElT.
(Penn Building,
EBTABLlbfiHD lbb2.
The sale of Revenue B tamps is still oon tinned
at Ibe Old-Established Agency.
The stock comprises every denomination
printed by the Government, and having at all
times a large supply we are enabled to All and
forward (by Mall or Express), ail orders, imme
diately upon receipt, a matter of great Impor
United States Notes, National Eank Notes,
Drafts on Philadelphia, and Post Omce Orders
received lu payment.
Any Information regarding the dootulousof
the Commissioner of Internal Uevenuo cheer
lully auu gratuitously furnished.
Revenue Htamps printed upon Drafts, Ciiwlts
Kt:celpls, etc
The following rates of ooramisalonaro allowed
on tttaiups and Blamped Paper:
On and upwards 2 per cant.
100 ' 3 "
" 800 " 4 "
Address all orders, etc, lo
RU kluds, and HTAMTEU ENVELOPEd con
stantly ou baud.
LEWIS LAD0MUS A CO., Jewellorc,
II t MOt o cneiN vr street.
i, . .. . ' "i
Proceedings in the House of Repre-gcntatlTes-Introduction
an Important Measure.
ilABRiHiicso F,b. 11-i'ne Mnsate Is not in ties
stun, la tue House. Mr. Hung IntriMlauej as aul. as
irat Ihe Board of Helil of PnlHrtetnhla Hhill
ha e all in powers now veitfd In Cunnel's. and In
i lie W nj or u'l lluKrU of Couhmiib lomiiy, ana in tbu
llli away lf pkiHui-iii reUl'iig t ll.u meant ol
streets, luaricelit, and piuilw hnctiwavs, anil he
mufti of bh n, gi lke. rMliiin. itnil d"d aiihi)it
Irom i he name: Him b naid Huard ,if Health fniaM
liavo power to raako or enter Itin oontracui fur
I'ltanli'K n IU iuh m anil the rvmnval Ihnrn
frnui nf Rneenlbn, manares SHhrs, g&rhn.
onat. pnil rehifrt. pml thali auvertltn lu not leia 1.110
two rally paper of Pluiml. Ipioa for ten dyt o im
n. rurioc w 1 Inn twenty iUj s af ei trie enmia, e or tlni
Hi I, for jirnooals fur a limn nt ezceeoint Hired
yerii. The cintraeMr shall Rlvn seonrhy. Tns
W aier Deimri men' shall rai.t I ret" Ul nl tliff water,
and the Mayor, t;iu ells, aud Tteasurer ar reipilrei
unil vemmauiled to provide for the eippuni I mm red
b,. this ant
1 n bin referred to ttie Commliiae on M oa!cl
pal Ct rporslluLi.
From Nf. iAtnlm.
Pi. Louis, Feb. It). A report is io circulation
in velliuformed circles here that two leading
Kaiitern rail siay companies, ono said to bo the
Hew York and rie, have eoucl'idod to take the
remaining stock of the fit. Louis and Illinois
Bridge Compauy, that the work may bo pushed
lor ward with renewed visror.
Heavy Krnleiice.
TllOV, N. Y., Feb !. Joel Thompson waa
yeMeiduy seutenced by Jude Uukodooiu in
twenty years ant' three oiointi.V Imprlsoniuont
in l ilutos Jill al bard labor fr the murder of
1 bourns 11. litlley. A bill of exceptions in the
case bas been filed.
Moctt Uiiotntloua by kcIeKrapIs 2 P. SI.
Ulendinmng, Davis A Uo, report turougti their
New York house the f linwlha:
N. Y. Oeuu K. 102, Western Union T.. 'mi
N. Y. and Krie It... :i 'Cleveland and ToLlui'i
Will, and Rea. H. ... H2 rol. s Wabash R... vts'K
Mien. 8.and N.I. R. IM VI II. A St. F. com. 6rt
Cle. and Jeitt, R 90' Mil. & est. P. pref... W.
Uhl. and N. W. com. 8.t; i' Adaiu Ksprens Oo 61'i
Ohio and N. W. prf. 01 B vVells, Fargo Exp... 2P
Pts.F. W.andOhl
Pa. M. .Steam. Co.,
.117- Oold...,
.1121 Market steady.
Tlie DempNcy llowiieUle.
Court or Ovh anu Tkuminrk Judges
I.udiow and HreWNtcr. The trhtl of Johspu I.
DiHiHhue, lor lue murder of Jumes Ddiupsoy on
the 15th of January, was resumed this morn
ing. I.ttbt eveulDg Jjc;ors H-iaplolah aud
Jiooaer aescrihud tue wound la the throat of
ine uccetseu, wnion caused uealh, nutl elatod
.bat they I'ulu blond on the floor of U.iuauuo's
rocm wuere tue oouy lay, ou ine wall, and ou
me w iuuuw buuui ; uihuudq ua ine noor near
tue ooor leauiuu io tne paisaee-wav or on the
landing cf tho econd 11 or. This m irniut? the
eAHiinnitiiuii oi wn iiffjtjt'H tor tuo Lumiuoa
weaiih was resumed.
Hobert Liemrsey swnin-I am near fourteen rears
old: 1 nm a nun of the deceied; 1 saw tue doe or
Uikkelbe exumlnailon oi my laiher next inora'ag:
i hue were six ohlldieuof us hut ouiy two now llvm:
Joneiih Iloiifthne llvei od toe keroud Hour ol our
u( line; our lamuy cccu pita ine r ioia on the ibird
Mory and altto lue room no the 11 rat ll ior; b it Uona
hue liae toe kilcbea ou Umi floor; et me Hani
toe niuruvr wan ooiuninieu j was lying
aione ou the tlior do-n atalm; my littiyr
bad bi en out that evei Inn; lie came la nhaut
lo o'clock, tooa a candle and went un-uialra two or
tuien iei: lie mvn c.nie town nifni j inn iaiii ih
cuiKlle en the uhlr: bo went ni'-ttairi ualn; heiii'ut
Id Ue ihlr i sun j; my njiilhtr vi.u on. ilii?.-. : ( heaid
hlin i all Doiiattuo ninie uauihji. umiuh "Viih iu.v
Jub Donal ue, y..u ;" D'-iiahie stJ.
Tiiui Bin. I Jlru U inpney." and then I hn-ird hl.u
u mo as II kfitlim o?i or h d nMICi wa on ihwimd
lluur JiihI over my htsd; 1 auppnfie uiy r.thur wai
about i-o Ibe laiitllng of the roldillu fl'ior wiea
he nnrde th n im.aiii; wlmu hit wpiil
tips aha he leu lh donrafttr Inai npn; l heard a
klLd t f tutsle io tne lauiliOK-ity; I ran towardi the
ii oin iu or, w lien Mrs. i.nn.hiir u .il eome djw i. hi,,i
told n e io go lor a p lh-ein m, whl.-h Itinl,olug to
the F fuenln and l.icuurn rweis atailoa-hiiu I t-oi
Cllli er Kofg and weut l urk with th m. ami m, n.,.
Btaimj bf lure going uiista'rs I Haw U'inatina com j out
or me Hiirnen on inmirs: u r; lie -eiu to the oiHcer.
Heie la the knllo I llm Oin l wii.n ...i
tlim be took It out aud laid it oa the
lane: we ent ntpitnlri', and Inuud usy
lailier Ijh g nn t h floor w'tt his ici at rlie d mr
acd lila Aron the wall; the do r ieadina In n
l oLaiiiie'a rni tu wai ouau: '.bo ronr mmn m-n h.
rt'.i'in; ihere wan noixidy lu tlie roon who, tuy liu,.r
1 ei l to Wa'i,iit niiei-t or niv nuitiier; whet 1 Kt
bteM mvfaiber watt ttilfe: previouily to tliK 1 no
lievti acoutleo' n imi bifo.e. uii nt wr n .,i h.,i
tenie woraa whh DiHiabUf.
trofi -i-xiiniiiieil M y nmther noeunto t iha
tlietblid Uu(ir,bUil alts DonuhUMOocjpled invatuoud
jte exemiufa-At t ne time or the dinioultv Mrs
Uiini hue mude au m er y .
entire r Jauien hos sworn At a Utile hait in n',0 irk
on ihe I Uht nf till orriirreneo 1 went with Kuoert
j'nupiy 'o me uoune in amioii avenn; aira iiaoo
hut who there rj ir g ai d noldiriK a haOy in her anus;
A aHHtu UM nm inarkVi-r aiiM wuu r.uaii IOIUIDUQ
Ckine ni or the Kiiutieu, navinc on puns
and niirierrbiri; both or bli bantu were
aa If ihey bad been washed with blood; hetta'd, ' Ui'
eer I Blve mveell up; I d'tt l ie deed;" theahepnl a
krl e down upon t. In tie table; 1 then took the candle
art) went up team and taw a man lylni? nn tbn
t eri'Ud boi llooi; he wai Bttll hr. atoln verynaid.
and there wan a great deal of Mlool aO'ut Ihe roam; I
tint down then lor Jloe.tor Honker; I remalne i in
the hocread uicht aud next day uutll tae Coroaer
oree, Uutrtfl,
litnTEti States District CouBT-jiidD-e Cad-
walsUer. Tbis R.orulug Kraoois E Olcaerson
pleaded guilty to a charge or forging a key
adapted lo too mll receptacles of the I'ost
Offlct.snd CharleM P. Cnarlton pleaded guilty
lo bsvirg tuiiti key in h is possession. In biL
ovses stuunce was deferred.
lu eoiiHenuence oi serious liiueas in the
Judge's family the Ct nrt was adjourned until
1-rldny next.
Nisi Piiivs -Judge Rear. Uoedervs. Ueudnr.
An fcctlou if lerlevlu. H.-fore reported. On
trlsl Teiry and Heluou for plaiutiit; lljuiuat
and Well lor di teiidi.ut.
DifciKicTCoiRT No. 1 Judge II tro. Samuel
D. Ruher vs. t'a'n Hacker An Helton
lorecovt r damages for the loss of a canal i.or,,
platiilltl slleglt'g that the uelendiuis hired
Hit bwi.l to convey evil to New York, tnd thore
faait ned lt on lue south side of pier No. 47
Ni rib river, where It waa patently f but
ihey ordered it to be removed to the north
hide of Ihe pier, tn l there lue lue closed rouud
It mi d cruMhed i'. I'tie defeuae alleged lhat tlin
boat vat. under plalDllil'sontrol, uud he took
to rreanireH to nrot.eo' lt. Oj trial .
DisTiiitrr Court, No. 2 Judge Stroud
8telnint-lz vs. Orwlg. Au action lo recover for
nn tt lug a marbje doorwnv i.ito defendant's
Louse. Veidlel f r plalntlll', UO.
James Vlt gel vs. Johu Ujos. An uctlou lo
recover damagt n lor Injury sustained hy pUln
liti' in having apolltd me. sold hlin by
rtefr nttant lubUUtl of uood. Verdict for piatu
till', 30.
Jiiaiab Bhlstler vs Thorass UuU. An actlou
to recover damagea for Injuries 8iist:lued hy
p'alntlfr in coiiaeiiueiiee ot ilefendanl's cittle
gelling npou bis meadow and eauurf down bla
hnv. Vt nt let tor iilatulltl. 450
JoHiali Wi odward vs. Kit Kveijtt. Auautlon
of eji'itnieut, lo trf the liilo lo rol proj'Uily.
Veiulello" piitlotiff.
OetineW. l'lnwraan vn. IXivis Elveron.
An ao'ltin ou a book account to tocovor i'or
(iocds sold and delivered. On I rial.
rUILAUKLPUlA StoiK Kit U A Mi K IK 15. 1(1
Ueported by De Haven t Hro., No. 40 8. Third street
l.lAAtuh TIR llH .. S
It'll an Head nK....Jrl..
liiHiU Ixh a. fold 1.... wU
imULeuV R... n
ia do la "n.. in?
vo d Bwn-f'5o
7 Bhiath 15ll !i
8o.i a lih Nav...o'i- 8
h o oo bin- .
tl IU Peon a W 5. -i
mi do. "' a
SI 0
"tt. l
... 2t. 4H-,
...bJO. Hi
. 4s
rtit .....
.tlNKlllU, 1D
du.......bui 4ii .il
do. .'S.4D 41
(V T eh V ecu bj,... Hi
ki'OHh Plill & K. tf u
'i.'llhh Fulton C Il 6
2(nl h I'n i a I'l......b60.. U3
ill Mb )& Adi im
1H4Bh Penna RH...U.. 6l4
200 lliNYA U i:i
I Sliah KeBtllns 4'
21 4f4
tot) ao.M
luo an I M. '.
. do bSti. 4H
io ah Morci rt. an
the newest and beat manner.
1AJUU) XliiAJCAitMlouerand Kr.rTaver,
VaV tOMVJULlUiNC'T btis.
The Congressional Election Frands
Objections to llemoTinf; tho
rolitical Disabilities
of Unrepentant
Special DttjHflcfi to The Kvrning Ttlrorajih,
Tli ew York Kiccilon I'mniU,
WAsniNoTiN, I'eb. 16 The Belect ConiaiittPe
on the New York ejection Irands will hind
In their report n Thurdav or Friday. Tho
report Is now completed, aud has bocn scni to
the printer.
INilttlral Blxnbllltlea
A bill for the lemoval ol pohticnl dl ibUit'.es
from some three hundred ex-riebels wns re
ported from the Rcc iijstrujtion Conimittce,
and is exciting a great djil ot debate
and couiderable Keling in the Uou-c. AnelTort
will be made to luv the bl lon the tuble, btr, it
Is believed Ihiit a conib'nation of Democrats and
Uepnblicans ha been made which will bo
strong euongh to pa-s the bill. The great ob
jection to it 1 the iia-his of ccr.aiu panics Iroui
Kentucky, who arc said to be unrepentant
Rebels, by general cousent each of the mcm-
licrs of lue sstatea which have been in rebellion,
and are no represented in Cjngics., are to
have ten luinut -s to speak on the b.ll.
1 UHUhlll t OX B K ESS I'll IKUiS lS 10A
Waub iNdtoN. rb in. Mr. Howe moved to take
up Hi bin KraullDK lanin to aid in tm o lustriui.ion
oill.aOieeu ilay aud laKe Mlonlaa Itallroad.wuicli
was lukeo up ai.d pkBatd,
On mulioD ot Mr. iio vtrd. the bill to antnort.-.n tha
trauner ol Ikuub from toe Unloi 1'aiHlio KMIro .u
eBietn ll vlniirn lu m Ivuvnr fucino llHraa and
Tfcisrapa Couipaoy, wi v.lceu up and paaitd.
Mr Vait-B ollereu a lemilB.lon i,r me appol iimeut
olacoinuil it, oi turn), ia mtke airaug. uK.u w lor
In inangurai kn o the frtmetoat eieot. Adi.ed
Mr. SUtrtimn liciin the Cuiumhl-o iu Kr,a re rV
I ri uibelltiUBe bul in pryvo. loaning, muuey on
United htaU'tt no which waa Ibervupn p.sjed.
Mr. bi.niut i, Hutu ihu Coiuiullioe ou Foremn lie
laili nb, itpiirn a una rccouiBianuea tho pai.mce of
the iiuUBc ull( Inr ihe rt.'iirl ul Leonard 1'ie-cu Jr of
Maiiie. rt lui. til i if ni m (ll, mo, monev exuoiidud 'by
li ui while Consul al Va'.auiuras, Moxluo. lu aidlnu
Uuiou re egftr.
b r. buniarr said the a ppculiarly drserr
Ing oue, Mr. 1'h ic having ej pendud bin oivo private
uitkim lor ibe relltv .l thime uettltuie Uuljul-li and
bi ing now poor and Mdlurlnx hliuself.
Mr, Howe waa iiui'ila ;u bt.o wn the Uol ed ates
Buvi iniueiit Biiouio reiuibune I'ulo dam' innney ol
Bhiulillie.' lua iii,u ,M, by Kebcl-, wniie're
liiBiLR lo pay olhtr Cnlonla for uruuur.y taken hv
lln n ii agents. '
Mr Hiiumer fluiil tbat when the quet!on rulsed by
the c-knaiur Irom Wlso csln Bhotiiu come uo prac
tical, lit- wou C be reparud lo uiei-t h, but the g.ies.
t on in iht. c6e wns ulruply whinner onr Unt.od
(States C'onsU', who huti vo.uninrlly expunoeil lus own
nioLev It r the relief oi uoetly Uuiou .sis, tttiuold be
Mr, Howe Inqutrsd upon what general principle
the proposed rtsinuburafuieut wst lo he uiadr? ,
Mr. suuiutr Baid I'pou no geoeial pri cinlo. It
w.B a u.autr oi coarity.
Mr Auibt ny took meatie vlow a? Mr. Hows
Tne bill was men pa' eel.
m r. Simmer, from lav same committee, reported
infl ic iii.iueoded Ihe pusiait or a n-nninilnu iu re
fund lo Maine auu MasaaouiinHits miercst ou ad
vanota nuou by ttieui ioiub United rt'.aira for tae
detebBH ot Ibe Nwnhenst ru rrouilt-r.
M r. l a tnHi n, ol Nn llami Hiiiro. I itro.luijHd a
bli I I. r ine Improvement of me Potom e rlvur, uu l
lliehaibirB ol VhIiIikIiiu and tieorijulowu. Ke
Jeiied lo Uomiijliief on tue ClHtrlci ol C himbii.
Ou ii. 1 1 ou ni Mr, Wllilniiis, tr.o bhl to i-mU'jI li au
i 88 ny Oltlee In idnbn wuh t iKen up and pa h u.
as r. Valet oll'ortd a retolutlwn. wilen wm ad ip'ed.
dirt ind h ibe i.'oauuit en nn li.e IHni lot nr U-jinmnU
lo inr,u le at d re purt wl.ellii-r the Wivthlu',ou His
litl t Couipauy have liicisod their cipUil btooic
from I .to uu to fl.uouoo, audit at, wheiber ih.y
iiv n.p.oyed me hurplut uapltl lu ei tmiins the
(tas u ania inn uku tbb oi y or have dm ilhuud it
a uot k ti e e'-arol'O. c'.erj lu violation ot inn law.
m r. t-awyer ollered Join ronoiutlon ri-bU'itiinc the
OD.niei.ieoienl tf aolioi.8 lu llm Ueurl of v 111 an.
Kn.riid to th Couiuilltt-e on I he J ud entry
Mr. DiaSe i reeii"-t t lie r.'dtuuau o Carl Souur.,
bet amr eitm Irtm Mis our i.
It r. Kumner moved in lake up the j lirt resolution
gruullDK a pension to Mt. L.tnci.1:.. wiilou w:ie ngreed
t , ai.u I e tiiua moved to Ull Iha ijUulc wkj the
WI'M'S .rittu."
: r. ConkHns asked fo r tl;e reading nf the report
Of Ihe omul ll lee ou 1'ei hIoim and the rioluil m.
M rs. L'lcjIu'b hill wun laUl na.'l-, ai d nn vVaihin
tna Market bill wn ti.kt u up but tfli mui,id
ai tu- and a iiuiitnn io tuke Ui tbe IVnura-oi Uilica
a tw Hfllsilissed I'hout reun uulil ii 1j i'. ai wuan
the Hi'tiaie wetit into executive Betsatun.
Ilonae ttf IveftrvsviitHt I vcs.
Mr. Ha li.lroduc d a bul to provide lor the pnb l
ca' ion ol the ''lXii.gra4ioual Itucord." itoierred tu
tae tjoiinumeu on rrmllux.
The olh providon turn troua and the 4th of
Marcb m-xi H e L'oi.gieiiu.iUhl Priotur nliall taune
Ihe proceeding aud dt bntea ot eae.h houio to be re
p. Mid a' d priuifl dul y a vbey ocou', aod two
Cupl.s thcreol to be furuibhwl tu tacn Hi'na nr and
member, one lo bt depunlied lu the inn Ullioe la
Bea"Oii to bf olntrlbulKu wiib the morning rull, aud
Ibe oilitr io be plaied oo tile with tne iMoraeeper.
'lhetei'Oiid Bt-ct ou pruvidoa luat in aodition mere
IbBll be pi lined in otiariu lorui 6 00 coplinol lua
picctfnlDK" and detune, to be called tao "C lunrej
tlonai K' cuid," lo b kubskoutialiy boil din vouiiu-ts
ol I'lPtv-uietitiiite. .acu v.Iut e la lo he i aud and
indexed Brpnra ely, aim to b. Ulsirihuied, l.itfo copluM
tu the ISrua'e knd 46to unpl'i to the House, lor the
use oi tt.elr respeflilve uiemham.
Tlie third Beo lou atluwa cjples of the Dally Ba.
tor.s tobe purci.aiud by any uvraou deitthur to od
ti 4u theiu, ai d Hit loiulh seetlou auth lUm Kmex-len-lnii
by the Uovt ruuieot printer of lua faoiil'.lsi
Ol tut GuverLtueut pr iiltns ulliee, s.i an to unaul
h in lo can J out noOilit'T ihu prjvlsloua or tha 1 nv.
sud allows hlui au rtirHlnnal salary (UbUxed) add
an adctiional clerk of ibe fourth claat.
Mr. t biiirblll. l.y nnat-inoua cuueeos, inirodjred
a J. Ia itBolnllnu au'h'rtiuB me Keoretary r.f War
toallnw lo ibe New oik and Oiwego tall.
r' d I ouipsuy a ritt.t ! y across a portion ot tbn
pulilic gniiinuB ai tort tin o'lo, Ujaego, N. Y., for purpiiBfB. Henri time tluics aud passed.
'1 be HniiNe tut u rnunit.a inn ciiiiiiifraiiiiu or tns
liliiB reporied Irom in- Heciinsiruo lon (tumujlttee t
remote. Ilia lrial nd p. Ul cal dhtahhlih-B irno a
Itrt e I urn ber nr peraon lo ihe tioiji hern States, tho
mithliou belDg ou Mr. McKee'4 ameuiliueni lo s rlke
out the uauiea ol Kirby iuUb, Pbilin L ;J. K.
llnrr I'uvlil V. iltrlt), uud James wiKuii, all of
St.. Mi-Ken argnoi' to nhow that bis anionl naal
fctw uld he Bdnpii d. and Air KeoK lo.irt tun o ip.) lto
hide of I he ipie I Inn, and'iii'U tnat tne uuion.luinn t
i. in. n id be rejKisltd. and Ibe peniona rcltove i of ihttlr
Mr Wui'ar'x fcaieiidir nt to takeout tne nam of
Joh- V. wnirtii rberllt of KicBUioud, Va., wan ie-
Jfoied-yaaa t,: ujs
B 11 e Dl I a Ho nil ii iiataou. ,rn, nwr--.
Ihe rouauai : 4 1 1 M r mim-'O i he ctiilileritiloa of
ii hlli le. i'r eit n Hdturday laat, aiipplenmniary lu
ihe NfttltiHul Biuk't.a bl i.
Mi, ParntB adurpoed the Houpse tu ell liatt. n of
Ibe o jec ol ine mil.
A fonutaio on tbe grounds of 8Ah B.
Ilnut, at Beniabjgton, Vnrmout, ia the highest
but one in tbewoild. lt is drawn from tbe
hills through a six int h pipe, throwing a
ftram 1C8 feet high. It appears at a Bhort like a tiugle silver bar.
A man was Uuder thf -aslic;ht-ed oa tho
St. Joseph and Connoll Ulntl's IUilroad, near
Hamburg, lows, a few days Bgo. Hi waa
waylaid by two men, robbed, aud bound to
ihe railroad trauk. lie managed to eitrioate
himielf belore a tra'n passed.
Two wives of a Mormon Bishop lately (rot
into tronble about their children. Wife No.
1 pnnifhed the children of wi'e No. 2. Wife
No. 2 becRme ludiguant and held wih No. 1,
while her angry oLilairen returned tue wnip
jilug which tbey had received.
A oold climate eeeina to he favorable to
long life. According to a Basslau journal,
thedeathB daring 1603 at Irkutsk, Hiberta,
inolndtd ri persons over 110 years of age.
Two had reached their 12tiiu year, and one
died at the tge of 131. Three others were
more than a century old.
Tbe rruesian Government proposes to
abolish the patent system. The system has
sot been productive of good results in Ger
many, neither Blimniaiing invention nor
proving advantageous to the public. 4
Enfranchisement of Rebels-BIllg
Tending in the Senate
Advices from Havana.
Special De$pateh to The Evening Telegraph.
Financial f fairs.
WAsniNOTON, Feb. 10. Tbe Senate Finance
Comrtiittee have agreed to a b.ll refunding to the
Illinois Iron and Bolt Company the sum ob
tained apalnst them lor alleged violation ol the
Internal Revenue law, not to exceed twenty,
seven hundred dollar.".
The bill which passed tbe House on Saturday
preventing banks Irom making loans oa green
backs as collatTal, has just panscd tbe Senate
without material amendment.
IMniHinnl of Itllli.
Tbe bill lor the removal of poli'.lcal disa
bilities parsed the House by a voteol 130 to
48, Ir. Ctlf.ix voting In the affirmative.
frnOiiier made a strong effort to get tbe bill
granting Mrs. Lincoln a pen on or allowance
patsed, but it weut over after being discussed
two hours.
The bill nJlowinn the Northern Pacific Rail
road to mortgage their road, so to lo raise fundi,
putsed tho Seoate to day.
The Civil Tennro Hill.
Jfr. Morton bas just announced to the Senate
his determination to press the Civil Tenure bill,
and that unless the bill wai passed as It came
from tte House It would certainly bo vetoed.
Mcrton framed Ihe bill as it came from tbe
Detfucch to the Associated Preti.
fio Meetlufrfl.
Owing to the late hour of cotitinuinc; tbe
setsion of the House last night, fie Committees
of Ways and Mean, Post Oilice, and other
committees, held no meetings this morning.
The .Tubnt'co Tux.-
The representatives of tho tobacco dealers are
still here, endeavoring to procure modifica
tions of the internal revenue l tw, particularly
bs to stamps, and securing the substitution of
those that will beiter protect that Interest as
well ai secure the Government auainst fraud.
I'allern on General Urnnt.
Among tbe callers on General Grant to day
wire the Hon, Henry Wilson, of Maieachnsetts,
and Baron Uerolt, the ilijisterof the North,
German Uuioo.
Carl Scharz, Senator e'ecl from Missouri, Is
cu the ft oor of. the Senate to daj.
liy Cuba (Mble. "
Uavan4, Feb. 16. The (ioverunicat authort.
ties refuse to jecoenize tbe United Suites Consul
eicept ai a comaierclHl aqen. JNaturalired
Ara ricans. are beinq irnprisoned without having
charges preferred aqainst ttiem, or without a
cb-ince for trial. Tne American Consul will be
compelled to leave unrvss he Is supported by his
Government. TU's Government is plac'.ufir re
strict'oas in the way of Americans who wish to
leave tbe i luml.
A mounment to Lord Byron Is to he built
in Mieeoloutbl, ou the spot where the poet
bieathtd Lis last. One-half of the oost of the
monument in tobe defrayed by the munici
pality, and the other half to be obtained by
public subscription.
The largest man ou record in modem
times was Miles Darden, a native of North
CtToliua, boru in 17'JS. He was seven feet
and fix iccbea high. At bis death, ia 1857,
he weighed a little over 1000 pound;).
Professor Alouzo Jaokman, of the Nor
wich University, Vermon:, claims that he
originated tho idea of au ocean telegraph. Ia
pioof of this he republishes au artiule from
his pen published iu the Vermont Mercury ia
II arc been reduced in price to close oat
ruriy unit make room for
1 29 iniwluirp
SIurjuEitturers and Importers,
lio. 13 Couth SIXTH Stroot.
1 t,niw(n htanufoftory. No. 22 fi FIFTH St.
8lan of the Oolden. Lamb,
nave now on band a very Urg aad choice assorK
mt utol all tbe new tijlesof
Fall aud A Inter Fancy Cassluierea
To whlob they lu vlu the attention of the trade aa
otiierB. l2Sw