MAftf i .THE DAILY EVENING TELEGKAril PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1869. NE WS SUMMAR P. City Attaint. Kicbard Tnlnifr. Thonfn drier, ami J -tin oid wero jceurdnv BrpomtLiI ou tlie i'oliua force. Edward 11pm, John Pcxton, and Sam lrl Smith wcro jpatrrday held to nuswcr the chare of roblirry b? Alilrrrutiti Kerr. lr. U. C. Paint hts rtocget plckt-d on Saturday of $80 lu n.oiir-y nnd Hipim valm?) at 500 Tfbllc going on the bout of the Wcit Jersey J em Company at Market rtipo.t. William Williams and Josr-ph Kr.vurr, b.)tb professional thleve, were uiroted tu a crowd at Sixth and Cbesnnt Mrr-e's yrstcrduy, and ere committed lor uincty Java by Alderrnau Kerr. William flopkip wiis kr.ocViid don jestrr day at Geraiiintowti road and (Mor street by a eoal car and injured, ibouyb n t very bully. He wbb taken to bin home at iNo. 1961 America, street. Jobu Walls, need twpn'y-fivp year?, re-iillng la Hpier D.irby, hal three tii.i;er cut off while cu'tiug fodder with a machine, 'f imotuy Keofe, aped twenty el(ht residing: at No. 2r6 N. fseeond btrect, had hU uriu fractured by ma chinery. In the case of Mark McKl ree, who died from beinjr crm-hrd between ttc irt aud s-hi.'d, by a jrain of coal ami lime cars running luto tho cart, at 'o. 101 S. Thir'y-oi rond oirtet, on fca turd ay last, the Coroner lury rendered a ver dict that n was tho remit ol uii:tvoidab'c acci dent, and exonerated t he conductor of the curs from blame. A alated meeting of the Board of Surveyors was held yesterday. The lollowim; peiitions lor ewers were agreed to:- One nu Nicholas street, between Twenty first and Tweniy second, and one on Mart hull s'reet, between Spring Gurdtsn and !reeu. The plan of the revision ol gride? on (Jrape, 1-everire, (iay, and Jackson streets, and Green laue in the T a erjty first ward, was approved. Ttic Doard reported asrutist any revit-ion of the jrradc fn Ludlow street, batweeu Thlrty-lonrth nnd Thirty sixth. A resjluiion providing for a sewer on Dai ien s'reet, between Girard avenue aud Tuouips.ui street, was udop'ed, Adjourned. The semi-annual rnceUnat of the, Ilieh School Alumni was held last evening, Jobu Davis Watson. Esq., President, In the chuir. The President on takiug the chair tecliaely an nounced the decease of the lato President, Charles fiaeknalter, Esq., and the la'e Secre tary, John T. McDevUt, una was followed in addresses by Mefsrs. Colosberry and Ashmead. A committee, consisting of RWsr3. AsbmeaJ, Colesberry, and Thomas V. Williams, was ap pointed to draft a suitable minute, for entry on the journal of the asmciation, recoeuizwef tlie services of the deceased otlicers. Alexander P. Colesberry was then elected Alumni speaker, aud the association adjourned. A meetinROf tho 'tisrcuiiva Committee of the Board of Trade wa held list evening, John Welsh, Eq., in the chair. After the reports of the committees had been submitted, Mr. Fraley submitted tho following: Resolved, That th Executive Council of the Philadelphia B nrd of Trade heanlly approve of tho bill of Mr. Conk ling, entitled "A bill to prohibit secret sales or purchases of gold or bonds on account of the United States aud for other purposes," Senate bill No. 281, aud do earnestly recommend its enactment as a law at tlie earlie.-t practicable time, as tending to induce fairness and com patibility in the transactions of the Tr-asury bcparluient.nnd to relieve the business interests of the couitry from the risks and fluctuations chaipeable to secret aud unforeseen dcaiiugg in the public funds. The resolution was adopted, after beinsc amended so as to provide for the appoint aieut ol a committee to memorialize Congress. Mr. Allen submitted the lollowmg, which was adopted: HeaOited, That the Philadelphia Board o' Trade earnestly rec'tJimnd to the Executive Council ot the National Board of Trade, soon to assemble in the city ot New iotk, that they take such action as shall aid the pas.-nne of the bill reported with amendmnnts to the S;nntr ot the United Stale from theCommittee on Financ, entitled "An act to recoia'e the appraisinieui and inspection ot impjiti in ceitain cases," aud for other purposes. Mr. lirubb offered a resolution providlr.g for memorializing the Leiitsiniare to aooliso, aM penal uoty. Aareed to. Mr. Allen presented a memorial from a nuii ber ot merchants in this city, ru l ug tUe atten tion ot the Unard to the subject of the ex'rt Out if s on pac(Ciiges, charsrs. and connnssions, tiov ei'deavored to bj enforced on goods whieh arrived at tli" port, of f'hdaiielnbnt between tne jeth of July and 10th o' Aiiim-', IStiG. Hcferrcd to tLe Committee of the Mont'a. Adjourned. DonirMlc AJlitlrs. Gold closed Jeter lav at $l.t)'i'J,008 in specie was imported last week. A velocipede race from New VorK toChica;;o is Bertoutly spoken of. Inceroiiiri'M re attempting to destroy Bar cvim's Ho el, Biiliiuore. Three thonsaud one hundred an! seven Mormons arrived at New Yoik dm ins 1HGH. President-elect 'Irant b:i.s s ild his Wa-hlog-ton residence to LieuttnauHieueral rtaerman. General Oruut is still attending to tn duties ut army bea.lquartcrt, aud is oeiiesed oy visitoie. An unsuccessful a' tempi, to rob the Kirt National Bank of fiorfxlk, Vu , w;-s made on Saturday night. A preliminary meeting of the officers of the array and navy. Departmi tt of the (Jult, wii Ce held In New York on the 10th ot March. Preparations for the reception of the Re- vnblican Iovincibies, takl'ig pari iu the in auguration ceremonies, have been completed at wasiiing'on. An immense mass moating of citizens in favor of fre edom for lrelau l an I inc liberation of American c.tizeus iu British prisons, was held in New York lust evcuu.g. Forilicn AfTnlr. BiVANA, Peb. 15. The city ol Trinidad, In the Central Department, has been declared in a statu of sieeo. An engagement h is taken plu:c at Alancargua between the tr 'ops ai.d toe revol r ttoniste. Oflicial accounts claun a victory for the Oovcrumeut. No xepori ot lot6ee are given on eituer aiue. 8ogur continues hrm, aud operations are liniiied. LonooN. Feb. 16. Lle despatches from China report a co'li'lin as having takeupl ioe ut Swito oeiween if.e uuuiLMe inuaotauvs and the crew of the finu-li gunboat (JraHv hoi Der. This dghtwus ob-n.j:ite and blood r Ibe sailors fought ociieratelv, out were over whelmed bv the natives, wnwe numoer- con stanily increaed, a'dtuey weie c impelled lo retire to their soip wiro eleen mounded. Many fnir.Bmen w-r kilted Hud wno'l IBO. Lohpon Feb. 16. Nes bus been reeelved from jHDtin. via S'lanshae, tba'. toe Mikado had received tb Mm s'eri- ot tie Idicil'Q po vers nt YecHio with ereat cetemonv, and suoved aa irneKt Het-lre to maintain noaejful rela'ions. London. Feb. 15. La er novlo-8 from Uio d JaLelro fully coiianii 'lie provio is reports oi tlie evacinition of Aciiufllon oy vne Paraguavn Govi rnment aud amy, and the flight of Loptie into the lor-iit. London Feb. 15. Too folio vim.' official owi has lubt been received heie: AH tlii lu'itrgont . cbie a of Tr. ta Have submitte, to t'ie Turkisli t auih' rity, anl tti'i Island is n"v irnontit'. Gianoow, Feb. 15. Arrivd, steamsuip Bri . tannta. iroiu No Yolk. Quef.nhiown. Feb. 15. Arr.veJ, st'.'anship lliimei-o.a Iro'.n No Yor. Paris. Feb. 15.-M. I) t'.U'it'e. the prnent French Conul af. S;in Fruo : ), nas beeo up toloied t' suceeeii Bremer oe Montmoram), . t'onml at Sha"ab ie Th la"or Rinlomun bis beD appoui'Ol Uouul-iieneal a- Nav Y rk fcote A reeer,t t. b-emn Iro n Sin Franei-eo ant.our.ce8 1he death by stLHllpox of M. do L'azottei. Atuknh, Fi'b. 11. -The. tew MinWrv have issued insiruciioiis coametm iudiiig tue recent orders for warlike pepar-iou Madrid, Feb. 15. Arrest" ol Carlistg In tlis cltj and in oiutreut iiurts or tbe cjuniry cou AinllP. Itegimenta of the regular ervlee and la'ge .nmhrri of volunteers daily oiler their services to the tiovpmmeut for the suppression of the IIAWB, Feb I5.-Sesor Olozaia Las reslguefl his appointment as Ambnsador to France and his peat tu the Com-tmient Cortpf.. Kx Kirg Ferdinand, tmher or the re'cnlng King of Poriugnl. has accepted the candidature lor the throne of Spain. Contented Election Cak, The above mitler was resumed ycderla? belore the Exemimrs, Me.'srs. Mesick and liatturs, the testimony being still directed to the Seventh division of the Third ward. Mr. Catharine Cuddn, Nu. 911 ChrU-tWo stieet, testtutd that Patrick Co-grove, who Urmerly lived at No. !)05 Christian street, moved away from Philadelphia la July (He was asst scd there and on the listof voter.) Mrs. JInry A. Deeny. No. 707 Lebanon slreet. testified that her son, John Deeny, was tweuty years old in November last. John Dreny, son of prece.dina wltnes. toti fipj that be did not vote, and that thcie was no othrr one of the same name In the division. (He a asesbed and on thn list of voter.) ltobPit Hargreave, No. 728 Evangelist street, testiUed that he voted the licpublicaa ticket; no other perm of the sami name lived there. (He was a-sessed there, and on the voters' list the Diime appeart d twice.) Tho box of tnis division, w hicb could not be'oro be obtained, was pitduced aud opened, and the papers tat eu out. On the list of laxables takcu from the bos there were 8(IM nnmes m.irkeil as voted; hi nam -s are added by the election officers; there were 45 names that were not, on tne book; tho vote polird numbered 755, making 118 names marked as votid that did not vole. The boxec of the Seventh and Klghth divisions ol the Fourth ward were then opened, and tue papeis taken thrrcirom. In the former division the oath ot ihe iudge was miss ng, and on t ue list ot la.vables ol thp same division 252 names cre marked voted; 10 are added to the list; on the list of voters there are 450. Iu tha Inner dillon all the papers were loucd, and to the I'st of taxable one name was added by the election ollicers, and 6G6 marked voted. I'je-e were l!.'G names on the li?t of voters that were not on the list of taxables, miking a total of 7(2; whole number of voters in the dlvi-unn, aecord'iig to the list of tasables, 744 ehowinx that they bare marked 18 names tuat were not Voted. I hrlstian Lcitz testified lhat he moved from No. 816 Fitwater street iu September last, to Oirard avenue; did not vote in the Seventh division of theTuIrd waid. (He was asbCssed at that number aud on the voters' list.) Jan es tiropan, No. 726 Huobell stieet, testl fird that John Hidwav moved from thatnuai ber In September to Thompson s'reet, and theu left the city (Ridgay was assessed there and ou toe voters' list); witness had been in the coimtrv for live jeais last Jolv; is 34 year ol i: was naturalized iu October last, but had not previouslj oeclared his intentions. Ambrose Walker teetllied that at this election he lived at No. 823 Christian street; did not vote. (lie was on the list of voters aud as set sed.) Adolph Diamond testified that at this election be lived at No. 716 Christian street, and voieJ In this division, second lu themoruinu; uo other one of that name lives in bis house, nor in the division, that he kuew. (He was a-sefed, aud the name aopeatea twice on the voters' lis .) John Dolan testified that he obtained his namra'kation papers last tail trom a committee on CtPsnut street; bad never declared bis inten tions; had not been in the army; a man who worked witan'm vouched lor htm; came here from Ireland in 1853. ( tie was on ihe vo.erj' list and assessed, and marked voted.) Patrick Whi e, No. 716 Stewart street, testified that he did not vole. (He was on the voters' list, and assessed.) George Gogef, No. 700 Montcalm street, test! Oedtbathe did not vote. (He was asses-ed there and ou the veer's lift.) Jobu Fair. No. 730 3. Ninth street, trstiSed that Henrj Fair, who lives there, was abepat at the October election aud tiud beeu lor s x montb. (Henry Fa r was assessed there aud on the lift ot voters.) John M' ivenna re alien ma not u now Mr. West's nr.-1 name w bo moved Into the 8"couu wtird from No. 019 Christian street before tbe election. (John Wei: b was assessed there aud oo tie vo'ers' ii.-t. ) Jan es A. Nacoci . No. 755 H. Nlatu street, tes- t 8- d ttHi he voted tb Hepubiicieu ticket. Richard B ngbam. No. 9W pi zater street, temued ibat tne ba-k part of his bou-ie is No. 701 Siewart street ; Mr. Kc.1t live there, an 1 has lor ix mootus; diu not uno O'oree H. el- yell. (Stetzell wns nsso-sed ihere act en the libt oi oieis.) AdjotuiiPd until Weducsday. WASHINGTON. Tl'e follov'ns ln'.orma'ion from the tapUal jetterday w H be real with intetcot: lt-lii terinent of Ilnrold. Cn Saturday cfrnooc Rev. J.Vaugliun Lewis, ot St. JohuV Ep.Bcopal Ctjurch, made applica tion to President Johnson, on b?h.iit ci tue rnolber and 6iSiet ot Uavid li. Hurold, who was psi cuted wit n lire Suratt. Paine, ana Atze- loth, July, 1805, for Harold's remain-, and ihe O'oer was immediately given, ine order was placed in the hands of Mr. Josepu Gawler, un- ertaKer, wpo presuieu it to tue ccmtuaminm at the arsenal, Ccueral Ramsey, aud the dctad ot men mate, who soon dug to tue box cou1 am ins the remaiiis. lying between tho caeu con- lalnn g the bodies of Pajnp and Atzerutb, and ihev were delivered to Mr. Gawler, who at ouce U ok them lo bis establisnment. Tl e top ol the case was found to have decayed and I alien In. Tne body was removed from tbe pno case and p aced in a One walnut colliu, ornamented with silver bundle and screws, with n plaie on ihe breast inscribed "David t. Harold, aged 23 years." Ttio flesb ban entirl v dn-appeared, the skeleton only remaining, but tne dot nine appearea to ne in a lair state or preterva'ioL. The pniat coot ilnirga parenment slip, with the name of deceased, was found in be Dcx. and banoed to his mother. The comu ccntainlr.g the retains wa removed In aheure to-day from Mr. Gawler's to the Cougre.-sional i en eteiy, wt ere it was met oy tue moineramt five t-isters of the deceased, and Rev. Vauguun Lewis. It was Immed'Biciy removed to the crave pre- paicd toi it. which is in the old port-on ot ihe cemtierv, aoout thirty 'eet soutu ot tne monu ment of the Indian cmet, rusbmataua, and sdioining the grive of tne father ol" deceased. A crosi cf flowers was placed upon tbo cotlin by one of Hsto'd's sisters. and the funeral ser- i es i toe roiM opai unurcn were performed by uev. nr. licwis, aner wuicnioa coina was lowered a:ul the urave tilled up. The ceremony a as strictly private, and, besidsthe officiating e:erfiTtuau, tne outv persons rresent were llsroiits nminer and sisters, wm were very ti ueu auecteo. 'I lie KemnliiH of Atgprntb, Th's m- rning the mother of Atz-.'rotb arrived here irom Bal'iu.orc, to be piesent at the rein terment, ot der nsii. Mr. Scliade. with tbe br tinr, John (', A y.eroth, cail"d at the Kxeci I iv .Mil siou this mortiin, un l on waiting on the President receited the ord-r Inilor-ied: "lie Secreturv ot War will ofter tho delivery o' thi tolv o' G orge A. Asrt)th to hts brother. jnun i.. Atzeroin. a. jousson, rre-ioeut." The brotUT, John ('. A'z. rotn, immetat) ly pn ceeitd to pio-ure tlie luiiher necessary cruer. Tbe ReinaliiN of ItooOi, The Enenina H ar says: Application bavius bet n made tor tn? boiiv ol tloo-.h, it h not ua likeli that it will be delivered up hor ly, us the mi'U ritip at (be Arsenal ate i.nxio is that all otili bodieshall be r -moved irom the wate- beuse, where n.ey were lotoirtii. It Is under mod that the rema ns or iin win oe taken iu c burnt- by an uulenaker of baltimoro, nnd eoiivcyd to that city. Th"y will probably ou iit'-uid In GrtumoiiTt CeiDu,ery, m-ar the liiavc id his lallirr, the. amouatrdgejuu, Junius Uiutu lioo' b. Caleb Cu(blmi' Treaty. The freaky madf by 'Jeneral Cnsh'nir with tho ficvtruuieu o: Coloabiatouceiieato tne unitea Stan th ex -I'vtve right to construct au inter- ocean c caual across tue lstrrmis or ntmeo at an oo ut which mat be seiect-a oy tue uanea betes. TheCilomoUo Government cedet sis miles o laud on each side ot tne cui, on bait for its own beuetit and tbe other tor tuat of ihe partv undertaking the on-iruct'oo of tha work iut- ColoiuO au ItovetU'litfut l W l'riv tcb per cent, of tee Let income )l tne tit A tea years, tnd after I he canal Is oald for, twenty -Ovp jirr cent, ol the net prottt. Tbelresiv i to ratified hy the United States witbin ten months: survey to be made within two j ear! a ter ratification; the cnnnl b eun within nve jer and tiutshed wl.hin Htteen years 'ipr ratification: otherwise, the charter fad. The charter runs for one Hundred tears. Tt canl Is io b on er the control of the United Rtates, and Congress can fix tbe ra'e of tells. The navigation is to be ooeDloall natioiis Id time of trace, but 6ioed to bellige rents who may seek to avail ttieme1ves of Its advantage. It is estimated that the canul will rout $100,000,000. Acniany was not loner ago organized ha New York, under n c'lartcr of that S' ate, with Peter Cooper as Prefiden'. It 13 said, on dis tinguished authoritv. that this comoaov has the capital and t ready to commence the work. Congre, however, is at liberty to g.lve the prelerciue to this or any O' her private cim puny, atid the United States can itself under take the construction of the canal. Miltnldlzlng Itnllrond. WAsntKOTOU, Feb. 15. Tlie fl nise by a large vote pasted the resolution allotting tbe Northern Pacific UaHroad to ls-u bauds for tbo con struction ot the road, the bonds to be a mortgage on tbe roud. The company have inked this action that they might eo on witu the roid. as they were satisfied that sub idics could not be oblaliiPd at the present Congress. I.eKnl-ren.ierv. It was given out that the legal tender decision was to he announced to day, b it on mqiiry It is ascertained that the judges have not yet agreed ion the di cihion. It is urdcrsiood that a great diversity of opinion exists relating to tho . constitutionality ol tbe act. Tho Darlen Cnnnl. Seward's treaty, negotiated hy Cileb Cashing, for the ship cuual across the l-ttimus of Darien, has not bien sent to the B"iiat.j to-dav. It is understood that it will meet with consiJerablo opposition, and will prouably not get throui;h at tnis Eeesion. Clold Confrnclsi The Supreme Court made an important deal siou to ctuy rela'ive to gold cjntr acts. The Court muintaius that com contracts made prior to the war must be paid In coin, and aUo that similar contracts made now must be pa d In coin, on the pround that the law tuasing coiu a legal tender has never been repealed. Hie lloune ha set apart all evening sessions after Wednes day lor iho consideration of tne appropriation b'lls. This is considered absolutely necessary in order to get the bills through. Informntlou from Admiral Hofl. Admiral Hoff, commanding the North Atlantic squadrou. rt ports irom Havana, on Feb. 0, tbe emt loymcnt ot the vessels of bis comnand as follows : Contoorook, flagship, in cxcolleat cohdition at Havana, waiting the termination of the present excitement to make a cruise around the inland of Cuba; Gettysburg, at Nuo vitas, having touched at Mataozas, tn route, and reported evcntblut! quiet there; Pcnoo-coc ar rived at Havana ou f b. 1 irom a cruise noon the Spanish Main: Ynutic cruising In tho Hay ton wafers: N'ps'c at Apinwall, having re lieved tbe Yantic at the Isthmus. The Aflvnrugnnn Treaty. Tbe President has sent to the Senate thotreatv recently tegoua'ed by Caleb Cunning for an interoceanic canal in Central America. Brfgbam Young editorially warns Lis followers not to have anything to do with ' Flanchette." Two little Mormon children were prostrated by some nervous exoitement while playing with it. MARINE TELEGRAPH. tfbr additional Marine Aeuit tt Fir it Page, AI.MANAO FOB PHtLADKLPHIA THIU DAT. 30K Ri8KH........... ss Moon h ,ts ...,....,10'3i) SON Skts ..5M,Hien Wathb SM FHILADKLPHIA BOARD Off TRAD1C, JAUKS DuUSHBBTr. 1 ft AULKH Wu.ltUH, J-MOMTKLT UOMMITTUO. W. C. KKNT, I UOVKMKKTS OF OCKAS 8TKAMKIIS. M atn 8oatlmujptou...r ew York Jan. U. Klimooiu uibhk.iw jnow Yora jn. Bnlioua. i.ouilun......Xsew Yora .Jan h i Da. r.lverpuol...JNew YorK MJu hfl .... n Li verjJool...N ew Y oi ji-.n Bieuien. ni,utbiiniinoii....New York tfeb Ait JJ Liveriiooi...New York Feo 1 Hy ol N. York.l.lvrpiM(i...New York Pen Druuiiirk... Liverioiil...New York ifrti N. American Liverpool... Ponlaud .iVb' CUIj l.lveriaoi...New York -...Feol Mii'Df sota. New Yorn... Liverpool Fb Cull Kew York...l.lverpoul -l-'ao' ADiOleti New York...JBreiuen..... Fb1 t . ol J. iork..L-w York...Llverpooj Kb 8i. Laureul -New York... Havre Frti" fctua.... New York...JJverpool Pa vl,ol AUiwerp...iNew York...laveruiMl .1?bD. & -T .on., iajjh o..- l ie., a, ij. Rising HlRr New York...AHplnwall -ti.rkt.uatstrlts PhliBdM.M.... Haii..... Ykioo 1' Nov Orloaua Sie.......New York...HavaD....M ,"U,K' WiiiuiiiKlou -Feb. 16 -Feb. 17 ..Feb. 17 .l'ea. IS -Keb, 18 8. America New York... Rio Janeiro ' ..Fn 2 j-uuiiiiK..,.M,.i'uiii,uM... avanimti.... AlutlB ie forwarded toy ver Rimuuer luiiiereirulur iluea. Ihe memoirs lor or from Liverpool call t Queenstown, except OiPCttiiadiaii line, whlob call ut Londonderry. Tbosunwurs for or from toeOontl oeritrwill t Hon thn-Dion tuowuuu GXEARKD TKHTFKDAY. Urift Condova, Kdciy Alaiangtu. Warren A Grese iSt'r H. L. Oaw. Her. BaiLiiuore. A Hroves lr Hi'r MlUvilla. Senear, Mill vine, Wnttall. Tatam&Co. ARRIVFD YKSTItliniv Mrbr Pedro A. Urau, Lake, is dava Irom HlnnrneirnR lib augar lo Madel-a UHbadi. wenroegos, .,r'a2 & A22!it'",1' a 'rom Zua. with t-cur mary UcKe, s-haro. 17 daya from TenSBCOlft. ' ' uwi-t iu ra. airisuu a VH1, ntnrj. v. weinuKi . r-noiv, ) i'ik. with barley to J P. Blia 3 days ffom New Pctr Tcoon. (imiier, 1 day irom Smyrna, Del., with (lain lo J kg, L. Bewly Jo. Hi earner llamond 8iie. Webb, 18 boars from Bhitliijore. with mdse. in A Orovea. Jr. Htt-atutr Mill vine. Kenear, 24 boors Iron New York, w ib a da to Whliall, ThIuiu & ikj. . Sieamer F. Franklin, Pieraou. IS boura from Baltl more, wlib ruUae. to A. Urovea, Jr. MlfMllD 1 If Tl 1 SrJ Margareiba, W'nieuoerg, bonce, at Hamburg rig JosieA. Deverenx. Clark, was up at New Or I ai all li lust, lor New York, lulu Waiy (iraoe. MorriNon. for Delaware Break. waier remuluea at at. Jobua. P. R 2tn ult,. to nail I ii ray. BrtK Lult nT., (or Fblladelpbla, was atMatarjBas 4lb Hist M-l.r U' swell, Copp. for Delaware Breakwater, waa i arluK albt. Joiilb. P K. iitu uli. Hi hr K. V Haien, i-reeman, aaliel 'rorn fit, Thomas Mai ult. for Porto Rico, lo load a put uonn of Hat- Hi l,r Andie iyers'n, Hoiikliton. at Bt. John, N. B 81 b 'I si . tri m Pasaaruaouodilv. t-i lir J. w, llaii. Puweii, lor Philadelphia, Ciared a jai'Mouvoie oin mill. hi l.ra Helen Mar. Miller: Panthna, Hill; and J. a eaM. Uveiur, all in n) Pruvldtuce lar Pnliadul I ih, at Mih k ork 14th lu t kui r &tary B Harrla. (Jrnwlev. alled from fit, 1 in n.k Sihi nu. tor Ponce, to load lor a port norm ol HMtierio . al 4IK5. Kn'ri. t-ilirT. li. Wimer. Heather, from Provld -i ce for I'l'liKi elM, s Hi d rrum Newcorr, 1t; mot. Milir J. I-'. Klucel, Hte loiau, tor Pi-lU 'elphla, ..lbicil i.t rvii 'nrk l.-llli InftL. sriii w, 8 H'lli " Biir&e&. was i p at New Orleans llli. Ir, si , lor New York . Mel r i. H, Miner V niiiley, for Pblladdph'a, cleared a. I lui bai ncliln Ah trill hchr ttci,iien Hoioiik is Hoflgdon,, at B!om lliih li BI.. via llomon. , Adi lnn Hugel. Robinson, henoe, was dl ... . . . j. T. ...7.. O II Qfl l llll.. unniH UK M1 "-I-. Jl iiui, , - .... . , hn r J. b V J'ueUi F' fciur. lot jfhlUdeTphla, was bI tjl.lxuaa k IiilI M.rUHvK Lou'ir. Handy, for Philadelphia, at Malm th 4'h ii sU ,,,,,.,, , , n-br IJMHubnra-. Cornon. from W Hull Dg ton, N. ( ... t " aA h 1IHL. srir H-pi.ard Vh.ix. Wuluier. aalled from Batra )2ih IlH. itr W ooa'B lio e. to load lor Uttaieaioo kl lM li l I.ANV. Frig Caroline F. Kelly wan condemned and sold at Bt. Jciina. P R .Jaii VH. for 7o7. Pufubaaed by Lpt. . i.i.Ii biih til Adolpli Hoael. Hohr r. L. Purler, Irom, whtoh arrived at KewOrltana till Inat., bad been ashore no Orange Key. and threw overboard tOu bbla. ut potatoes. NnTlrm Tn v. A T TM ITUM Wlib retereiino to Notice to Mariners No. at. dated HepteiLber 8, lfcug ire inner beacon, erected neareitto tbe wiilie liiibl at Poll, ltlver Minn. BiackH-a. will pot be i-aiuied whlie, bni red, aud will ha Hgbied at D'griDjarea miit. Tbe onier beacon will be paiutea bJ.' V"d Hghieo at night by a wbl'e llrfbt. (Tba bearlig la uaKuatla Vaxl.iUoa 17 degrees W'Merly In Ub ) Ey ordtr W. Ti. STITJBBiUK, ctbalruiau. TreMury Ie;ar1meDI,omo LUuUiooe lKi-d,V aab- IbCUrA, D, C., rD. 1, Uu, rji n TlilNCJPAL DBIPOT FOB Tnr BALV OF RBVSNDF 8 T A M P 8 No,0 UHEHNUT fSTHlCEl. (JIflNTRAJL. OFFIC L'b. No. 100 H Flfrru 81, iTwo doorB below Cuesnot HtroeU AND NO. 43 WALNUI' UTREl'M'. (Peur, BaUdlojj), FBTABLJBDE DieeSL Tbe sate of Revenue (3 utmps is suil oontlnaeO at the Old-Established Agency, The Btook eons prises every denomination printed by the Government, and having at ah times a large supply we are enabled to fill and forward (by Mall or Express), all orders, lmme dtately upon receipt, a matter of great lmpor anoe. United States Notes, National Bans: Notes Drafts on Philadelphia, and Poat Office Orders, reeelved In payment. Any Information regarding the decisions oi the Commissioner of Internal Revenue cheer fully and gratuitously furnished. Revenue Stamps printed upon Drafts, Cheops, Receipts, etc, Tbe following rates ot commission are allowed on Stamps and Stamped Paper: On J 25 and upwards 2 per cent 100 M , 3 800 " t - Address all orders, etc, to STAMP AGENCY, NO. 804 CHESNTJT BTREE1.PHILADELPH1A. UNITED STATES POSTAGE STAMPS Of aU kinds, and STAMPED ENVELOPES, son tantly on hand. MEDICAL. N E U R A L G I A. TFarranted Ferniancutlj Cared Warruuted Fermancntlj Cared Witnoat Injury to tlie System. Wltlioat Iodide, Fotassla, or Colchicam l)j UsiLg liinardlj Oulj DR. FITLER'8 GREAT IlIIEUMATIC BE2IEDY, For Rheumaliitn and Neuralgia in all ii form. Tbe only itandard, reliable, poalBve, lDfalllbl pr rnaneut core ever (Uncovered, It la warranted to con tain nothing hurtful or Injurious to the ayatem. WARBANTKD10CDRKORMONEY RKFDDTL.D WAiUiANTKDTOCCBltOK MONKY BKFUNDltl; Thonaanda ol Philadelphia ceferanees of cure. Prt pared at NO. 29 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, etzitmhti BELOW MARKET. CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHS. jp ICIOKES FOB PRESENTS. A. S. li o n I N S O N , No. 910 CHESNUT Street, lias just received exquisite specimens ox ART, SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS, FINE DRESDEN ENAMELS" ON PORCE LAIN, IN GREAT VARIETY. SPLENDID PAINTED PHOTOGRAPHS, Including a Number of Choice Gems. A SUPERB LINE OF CUHOMOd. A large atsortrueut of NEW ENGRAVING8, ETC AlfiO, RICH STYLES FRAME'S, ol elegant new patterns; 3 l&j JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, ETC. ESTABLISHED 1823. HOLIDAY fBKNKNTS, WATCHKH, Jh WKLRY, CLOCUrJ, B.iViHWiRK, and FANCY GOOU. G. W. RUSSELLy Hts. 2 A0KT1I SLXTII HTIUJCT, 10,1 PU1LAIJXPUUl. D. KINKf.LIN, AFTE A RKSIDENC1 aud urMiioe ol tnlriy years at tbe Nurumwi uorner of TLird aud Lukn eireeie, baa laieiy re a.oVHl loelwitu F.LKVJBN'IU Hueet, beiween kLAH hvH,'i'ndtiLE;-lNllT. iilBaui-erloriiy In tbe rtumrt and perhxit onre if all rtcrni, ouronlo, looaJ ud oouaittaUoual ailet Hen ol anpoolal nature, I proverbial. Uiaeaaei of the akin, appearing in a hundred dif ferent forma, totally eradicated; mental and puyBtciO w-tknena, and all nervous debilities aoiantirlotl.'y and aeceaaro.Ur tresui. Offloa boor from I A. M lot P. Mi Df AFSF-B8.-BVl.RY INSTRDMBST TUAI soleoo and aklU have Invented to aaalai in P SIZES CASHED IN ROYAL ITAVANA, KKNTX'I K Y. and MIHHOUH1 LOTI'KKIKrt. iilrculax eut an lmomvlt.u iltfw juoaifti riA IS. WtOAAlWAI, Bw Yftrt. . (XUwfe"4i , Mia bearing in p-1" r,v . ' auao, aieapira lorn; also, Crandall a Patent Ornu:heaLanerlor ( anv otbera In oie, at p. MADJalRA'B. Dio. U ifcajTH - H-ln. Iikaaank. mmt FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFE EPS ftlum & Dry Plaster FIRE PROOF Are ni08t desirable for quality, Crjish and price. MARVIN'S SPHERICAL BURGLAR Cannot be Sledged ! " Cannot be Wedged ! Cannot be Drilled! BANK VAULTS, VAUUT DOORS, EXPRESS BOXES, FAMILY PLATE SAFES, COMBINATION LOCKS rit'ftsu etnd for a catalogue to Iil3&VIH & CO., 721 OHESNUT. Street, (MAS0MC II ALL), riiiladclphia; J93 BBOAOWAT,MBW YOBH; GH BANK BT., CLEVELAND, OHIO, srcOSD-lIAND SAFES or all makes for SalC lOW. 213w3m SAFES AISD MACHINERY MOYED. TROM THE GREAT FIE3Z IN MARKET STKEK.T. HEIIKIXO'S PATOX SAFES A Rain the Cluauiplon! 1HB ONLY SAFE THAT PItIC8HnVK3 IT CON 1KNTB CMUHAKBEO. LKTTKR FROM T ilOKRtfl PETIOT A OO, Peii.DHLPiiiA,Twt-mh Montn stta.lsiu. Wenfra. t urret, n en lug & Uc, JNo. 62H Cnusnul irtei ueuia: it la Willi great )ltauie iat w add our teiuuiuuy to Ibe value ut your Faient Cliutnplou bale. At tne dcauucllve tire ou Markmstieet, ou tha evening ol Hie Ud lutl.,iOur store was tue couire or tlie ixtinKrallon. and. Dwui HI ed Willi a lurtte Block ot eruga, oila, tnrpeniiDn, painw, Varu.nh. a.coliol, etc , uiaue a atvere and iry.n i iU Vojr baru auod la an ezpoaed aliuanou, aiid leil wlib tue burning floors luio ihe collar among a quantity ot coruDuailuin iua-U-ilblB. W e opend It uexi aay and touu-1 our books, pHpera, bai.u oi,lea bills rccelvabio, and. vntire colt-uia an aale. It la especially gratifying to uaiuat t ur Hale cauie out all rignt an we bad eutruaiedour meat valoHiile book tn It., We shall want another ol yi ur bale In a lew days, aa luey bave oar enure cou lidence. Yoara, reapeotfnlly. t. moKRia rsaoT a oo. HBRIlIKG'8 FATKNT OnAMPION 8AFE8, the victor in more In an aiiO acclduulal lires. Awarded the Prize Mtdal at the World' i'clr, Loudon; World a JCaur, Mew York;' and iUuoHliion Uulvcraetie, farla itannfactnred and for gale by FAKREL, IIERRIXG & CO., No. U29 ClIt!M"r NTKEE'l', 12 8wfmamrp PHILADELPHIA. 0. L. M A I 8 E R FlBh AND BUftGLAH-PKOOP SAFES, LOCKbMITH, SKLL-HANUEB, AND DKALK IM No. tn BACK Street BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY. JA8. H. BRYSON & 80?J, 5o. 8 orUi SIXT1I Street, Stationers anil Printers. Blank Uocke, Ledgers, Books, Cash Books, Etc. Etc., Made to order at tbe ahortrat notice, at the lowest market ratea. I.ETTTB PAPER, per ream ft so V.01bt Al FAftfK per rtiaui ... goo NOlH. PAl-Kll perieaoo-... 15 A loll assortment ot Imported and staple HTA.. TIOKKRY. alwaya on band; INKS, 1'JtNCIlfl, P1N BOIDLK8. Kto.. In great variety, EJS Vt 1.0Prj, bnO. letter alue (pro per 1000 wnite, I W A great variety of atylts and gtadca alwaya on band, at tbe low eat ralra, PRlfcTEU BLANKS, CARDS, PAMPHLSTH, Eic.eiecuied In 1 be moat approved tyle 1 lm JAMES D. 8 WITH & CO., UX-AlNli BOOK MANCJrACrCaKiM, WHOLKHALK AND llKTAIL. o. 87 fivvth 8EVEMI1 Street, JS It tiuwkauj PHILADKLPILIA, feXAXIONXialia S. 'i - ..if T1'' " 'I IMaaiaj "ejMwi. mi jn au 11 jiiiii AMUSEMENTS. WALNUT BT. THEATRE. FEOIN8aT7. TMIH (TDaday KVJCNIHO, Feb. Id. Eighth Mgul 01 tbe wor'rt renownt-d (lomedlan Mr. and Mra. BAIINKY W1M IAMHI. ' KMlhK C'IIAOK OF PKOKM ANCtt. The pathetic lrlwb DraoaaDiltlel 1HKI.ANU AS IT WAN, Rarcort Pat Wltn Hong.Mr. BARNR7 WIT LTAM-4 JiKly O'Trot M Mr. HA It N K Y WILUA M Alter which Hie bvairtrnl coaiwiy or TUB BOU Ml UIAMDND, Mrgry Mr. B SKY WILLIAMS To conclude wlih tb orln nonivdietta of tiik nirv MN Body MwrphT Mr BARwWY WTLI.I4MB MBS. JOUN DBKW'H ARCH STBBEr THE. ATKK Begins al '. LAST MOHT 1)U 1 I Wo OF "TAME f: AT8." THIS (lntadai KVK.MINO. Feb. IV. TAMhIUATH, Mf. HARRY LAfcOLiKY Mrs. JOHN DRKV? lorciuaiug wiin wrnm -itvptkijii or BARKB HLEUtt. Fridnj. by prilo-ir, A LE-.poK IN LOVF. ib irnr-sraai. a. viltix ur n "1'uanrARLIEn. ami MH.'H AbO ABOlll' NoTHINfl. M ISHSUfiAN (SALTOA'S CHESNUT ijlTlEBr Til AM n K 1HM BP8AN WALTOS'8 COfcIC OI'KKA ttlMPANY KVEIt KVENIMO IN THK (IWKA1 I-UOCK33, (IKFKN H ACH'1 fHIKIH HO -Hf. xRl IA Y KVENINO, BKNFFIT OF M1B8 BLB'tN OALTON. be aec ired six Ua,a Id Mo. Did Cbeauut street, Pea's can advance, at aud at the 21jtf Trrnipter't, j nt ai tp. TJUi'S A.MEKICAN VARIETY THKATRE.- 1' KAUiOI-MKNT HP TUJC JAl'6 lor a limned Mimberoi night. ine great J A I'd ard ih- rlelnal a r.i .urn 11 t KVKIiYEVENINO aud BA fURD AY A FTERNOON OO N C E It T 11 A L L-L B C T V li E. 1IO.V. AI.EXNHRK K. McCLURIfi. FR1IAY KVENIMO, FPb.IH.lW9. Fi.bjpct--LIFIC IN THK tOiUvY MOUNT AIN8. llckpls, r0c-urn. Re rved Beats at Trunapler'e Mimic I-tore, No U2a C'nenuut stri-et. (2 It M Doom open at 7 o'olnck. lecture at A o'clock. VALER'S (LATE MILLER'S) WINTER UAlOlKK, Moa. 710, m, 724, and 726 VLSB BtrePl, IHE GRAND orchestrion, Ibrmerly tbe pro le ty ot Hie URAftO DUKE OF BADH.N. ourcbaaed at great ezpenae by JAi (H VALF.ft, of ihlsolty, In roni'-luatlon Willi FI.AMKH'H OROHHMTRA. and Mas NFLL,IK ANDKRf.-N, will perrorm H.VKHY Ail EB1SOON and KVKN1NQ at tbe above-men. tinned place. AdmlaMnn Ire. Illl HORTICCLTL'RA L II A L L. OERlf ANIA OKl'HKhTKA-P DBLIO KttllKARSALH KVKHY WEUHMiDAY. at 8H P. M. Tickets sold at tbe door, and all principal Mualo Stores, FacA ages of five lor 1: single. 26 cents. .ngaKPmenia can Deuiaue oy aaonwainir . da ct- T I; l.ri MA lO'JI UflHTlfUkV LJ t . M nal. Store. No. 1021 Cbesnnt street; Andxo'a Maslo Store, no. inn cneaunt street. 1 11 am CXABL BENTZ' AND MARK HASBLEB'B OR i CHEfeTRA MATINKKJ3. JSVERY BATURDAY at 8W V. M IN UCB1CAL FUND HALL. Blngle AV mlDSlon, f rf-r ta tacfeage ol 4 tickets, 1, at Boner'" No. liuZ CHKHNDT BU. and at tha Door. Uitl PATENTS. OFFICE FOR PROCURING PATENTS, FOKKLST ItULLDISGS, . , lio, 119 South FOU11TH St, rblladelphla, AND MARBLK BUtLDINQS, No. o BltVEMH Bireet, opposite U. 8. Fatnl Olllce. Wasbli gtnu. D. UL XL HOWi-un, Bo.loitor of Patents. C. Ho WHOM, Attorney at Law. Oommnnlcatlons 10 be addressed io tbe Prlncrj) OUloe. Pnlladelphta. 1 t lm UNITED STATES .PATENT OFFICE, Wabhinqtow, D. O. Jan. 23, IS99. On the petition of LYDIA W. LITCHFIELD, ad. mlulbtrairlx or Ihe estate of Laroy Lltcbneld, of tt-mtb Uridge. Massachusetts, pray ng for the exien Blon of a paient granted biinon toe l.toay of May, 18SC,for an Improvement In Bbuttles lor Ijooms: It Isoidered that said petition be beard at this cilice on the !2,b day of April next. Any parson may oppose this exic nelon. Objections, depositions, and otner papers abould be filed lu this olllce twenty days before the day ol bearing;. KLIttA TOOTE, alOiw ' Commiaaloner ot Patents. TTNlTtD STATE1) PATENT OFFICE. KJ WaHUiNQTON, I. U , Jan. 3d, 1s". On the petition of i-uLOJiuN K BULLES,.of Ko cbisier, Waiv-athiisett. praying lor lb extension of a patent granted hi m on tne luib day of April. 1865. lor an Inmrovemtbt lu Machine lor Raising aud Transporting Btonea: it Is uroned that said petLlon be beard at this olllce cn the 7th day of April next. Any person may oppose ibis extension, onlwuious. depoaitloua, and other papers should ba filed lu this olllce tweuty days beloie the day ol bearing. E LIS HA PilOTE, 2 10 2w Commb-slouer ot Patents. T7 SITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. VJ v AbbiKOTON, D V Jan. 2i, lh9. on tbe peMtlon of LhMniM kUsbklL, of Mas sillou. Mara couuiy, Ouio, graying fir tbe exteosloo or a patent granted hto on the 1st day of May, IMS, relumed May 16, 1M62, fur an Improvement la doabler ee.rea Home rowerr: It 1 ordered trial the said petltlan be heard at this rlllce on the I2ib duv of April next. Any person muy rppose this eitennluu. Oojnctions depositions, and oilier papr sii,,nld oe flmu lo tnis olllce twenty days btfore the day of hearing. Btnn . , ELI31TA FOOTB, 210 2W Oommlsaioueror PaieutA. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WuiNuti)t, i) U.Jaa. 8. 1HS9 on the petition 01 E. HAhKY 8MITU, of Bergen, New Jer.ey, praying for tbe extxaslon of a pa'eut granied b-ru on the lTtli day of April, l&i5,fof an lot' pruvt meut In Bewlug Mchiuea: It Is ordered that said petition be beard at this oOiceouthe 2m b iay of Marob next. Any person n.ay opoose ibis extortion otijecilunn, dsLosltlons, nd other paters hbould be flied iu this omoe twenty days betoto the day 01 hearag. LrsnA FOOTE, 210 2W Coiwml.B'oaerof Patente, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, WaHHiNuioN. D. M Jau. lis. moy. on the petition or WAiTKi a, FuRbUBK, ot Bullolo, N. admiiitsirtor of th mate vt H. B. obuh deceaked, praying for lb extension of a patent granied tne said KB. Foibaab, on Ibe 1tb day of April, 1S66. r lunvd tbe otu day of April, lno'j. and aain relaaued In Bv divlxlons numbered reMeouvely 1W lotis. 19 I WO. an I 1971, the 2d day 01 May, 18-5, lor an Improvement In Grain and,0ras llarvesten-; It is order' d that said petltljn be beard at thai titlice on the 2ath day of March next. Auy person nay opt ose this extension. Objectlona, depositions, ana oiber paperashoulri be filed la this olllce twenty days before the day 01 hearing. ELISHA FOOTE, Z 10 2w Commissioner of Pateuts. FOR RENT. R R B N T. I'KEMLSF, No. 809 CI I LS MIT SU, VOH STORE OR OFFICE. AlJrtO, OFFICES AND LARGE KOON8 SUltatK ftr a t ouimexclal College. Apply at MLf KaNK OF THE REPUBLIC, (jJALYANIZED CABLE FENCING. Tbe ChfapcBt and most Enduring Fence lor Faruicrn, Hmlwaj Comyauie or t'ouuiiy Heats. Sample a seen at Ibe offloe of F11ILIPS. JUSTICE, AO. li Korib t'IFril Street, lm f HUADKLf HIA PniLosopiiy of mabbiaoe. A new Couibe ol L. mures, aa delive-ed at the New ) ork Mubeiiiii ot Aralomy, embracing tue otibjecisi-a -w to Live and Wlit 10 LI v '. You h, Ma nrliy ai d Old ag.i MaohooJ Oeuerally K. viewed: 1 be Cause 01 U dme-tloui Eiatuiejioe and erv.u b setwes Ace ui.led For; 1 2, ,i n- eoi Ulcally Coiind.reu. eio e.o. I'ucke v'"""1?,Vt3 lloliig ibee l..ciun will be lor w.rd.d. Pf pa. on receiptor v e,m'.tor Jit.. H. K. coruwr of bit IU and WA ltUI ttreaus PliHdelihla. QEOKCE PLOWMAN. CARPBNTKB AND BUILDER, BEHOVED TO No. J DOCK Street, , THIIiADELP A "OOIX'EHH' AHV nu01r.wQu1.1u3 I Kn VllfH and n Pniruipw-" WVV1I11 irSoiS I of tto nl quality. 'ftbV at P. MA DJaLHA'tt. Ha). ' I